HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900104_20190701_EI_Cmb-EI-File REGIONAL QAPP Audit Form: Point Source EI CY 2018 * 4-0 — Facility Name Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number: 09006T06 Assigned to: Matt Mahler Confidential Copy mitted? Region: RRO El YES NO Initial Review/Data Entry -�nter date received into ED. eceipt of EI properly documented F(d If submitted through AERO,Receipt of Certification form entered in ED Qo'l as EI received by June 30 deadline. If not,was the failure to meet the deadline documented? td' Data entry complete date entered_07/30/2019 Date Approval Due:_10/31/2019 Date Approved:_08/26/2019 Comments: PM10 and PM2.5 emissions decreased due to the revised emission factors of dryers and kilns material throughput within operating scenario OS-35.Toluene emissions increased due to the increased use of adhesion promoters in the Coolers. These material usages increased due to the hours of operation increasing by 5%. Inventory Audit (verify that the checks below at a minimum have been investigated and document Er-All forms appear to be complete. certification form was signed by appropriate official. Emissions reported for all sources(permitted, insignificant,and unpermitted)or marked as not operated or NRTR. rYSupporting calculations,control and/or capture efficiencies and emission factor documentation included and appears correct. E�All known OSs,control devices and release points reported for each emission source. e`All emissions above de minimus levels have been reported for all emission sources. 6 emission Factors are best available/most current. Calculations and facility totals add up correctly. Q`_All QA/QC issues addressed. La"Obvious outlier data(>10%difference)have been investigated and explained in writing. 4P,� changes/corrections were made to the inventory and documented either on paper or DataEntryMain page. La" Comments entered on DataEntryMain page(if any)are adequate for communication(comments make sense). Auditor signature Date: 71C / Comments: Corrective action recommended to Reviewer: N Reviewer signature /'` ( 66,_ — Q Date: 2 (Q ZG 1 2018 Emissions Inventory Review / Data Tracking Form Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro - Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Facility Assigned to: Data Entry: Chatham County Classification: M y Rose Foritana Confidential Copy Submitted'? Title Aila+tkew 713 12Q�9 OYES No Initial Review/Data Entry nter date received into ED. Date Received: �o Z& Z(l! Assigned to appropriate individual. Date Assigned: Date Due: p Paper copy submitted: One copy received with supporting documentation,certification form signed by responsible official,and appears generally complete;OR EKElectronic copy submitted: All supporting documentation and certification form(with time/date stamp)signed by responsible official has been received. Comments: _ f0 ° ck&^-Ja. evni`ssioKS eVAIua+/,or. r1w+ed j, nMQ 1'I�e_r 10, C own me.., ''S Inventory Review D"'All forms and supporting documentation appear to be complete if paper submission(check ED OS data if electronic). a Contact,address,phone number changes entered into I-Beam/Facilities if necessary. 0" All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each emission source(permitted, insignificant,and unpermitted)or note that the emission source was not operated or not required to report. C3� Check if SCC codes for each OS are accurate and update if needed. Evaluate"U"sources for significance and address according to policy. Calculations/forms appear to add up correctly. All compliance issues are being addressed(e.g.Toxics limits,above TV thresholds,large emissions increase/decrease,installation without a permit). All volatile HAPs/TAPs were included in the VOC total. 0"Calculations and control efficiencies appear correct. Emission factors are the best available and most current factors appropriate for the reporting facility(e.g. stack testing,AP-42,etc.). 0"Review facility comments and address any issues. Q�Update ED(Data Entry Main)if additional information is required(corrections due date and date received). D"Check all ED QA/QC reports. P�Comparison with previous emission inventory must be made and outliers(> 10%)must be investigated and explained. Vput inventory review comments and summarize any changes in ED-Data Entry Main"DAQ internal comments". Print and attach the facility total report. Date Info Requested: Date Info Received: Total Days on Hold: 7 Date Review Complete: �o/,Z o/ Signature: Date Submitted to EI Coordinator: /fib bzo / q Date Approved: Initials: 01N=D1 Comments from AERO Submitter 1900104: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products 2018 Inventory Year Archived Comments Control Device Comments 6/26/19 CD : Control Devices:CDB 16,CDB 17;CDB 18,CDB 19 have not been installed. r ``pCocilify-Total CY 2018 Emission Summary Recorded in Ell Facility ID#: 19UUIU4 J Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Permit#(s): 09006106 Green House Gases Pollutants(GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr Pollutant CAS CY 2018 CY 2017 Demini- Change from ED from Fees mus Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 124389 27,847.78 27,595.92 5,000.0 0•9% Methane(CH4) 74-82-8 0.529900 0.527700 10.0 0.4% " Nitrous Oxide(N20) 10024972 0.510500 0.506400 1.0 0.8% CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emission 25,417.17 metric tons times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential(GWP), converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2018 CY 2017 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO CO 19.23 19.07 0.5 0.8% NOx NOx 22.99 22.78 0.5 0.9% PM(TSP) TSP 101.45 97.06 0.5 4.5% PM10 PM10 60.92 74.72 0.5 -18.5% PM2.5 PM2,5 58.47 72.43 0.5 -19.3% S02 SO2 0.140000 0.140000 0.5 0.0% VOC VOC 11.41 10.76 0.5 6.0% Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPS) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2018 CY 2017 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Arsenic& Compounds(total mass of elemental AS, arsine and 0.095580 0.004630 0.01 1.0% all inorganic compounds) Arsenic Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound ASC-Other 0.095580 0.094630 0.01 1.0% (Component of ASC) Beryllium& compounds(Total mass) 0.005830 0.005760 1.0 1.2% Beryllium Metal(unreacted) (Component of BEC) 7440-41-7 0.005830 0.005760 1.0 1.2% Cadmium& compounds(total mass includes elemental metal) 0.520760 0.515260 0.1 1.1% nQi��nn,� Page 1 of Facility'Total CY 2013 Emission Summary recorded in Lill Facility ID#: 190U 104 t t � 1 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Permit#(s): 09006T06 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2018 CY 2017 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Cadmium Metal,elemental,unreacted(Component of 7440-43-9 0.520760 0.515260 0.1 1.1% CDC) Chromium-All/Total(includes Chromium(VI) categories, 3.95 3.90 0,1 I 1.3% metal and others) Chromic acid(VI)(Component of So1CR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 0.649940 0.644.050 0.01 0.9% Chromium Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound CRC-Other 3.30 3.25 0.1 1.4% (Component of CRC) Chromium(VI)Soluble Chromate Compounds(Component of 0.649940 0.644050 0.01 I 0.9% CRC) Chromic acid(VI)(Component of So1CR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 0.649940 0.644050 0.01 0.9% Cobalt& compounds 0.039760 A039360 1.0 1.0% Cobalt Unlisted Compounds- Specify Compound COC-Other 0.039760 0.039360 1.0 1.0% (Component of COC) Lead& compounds 0.236740 0.234480 1.0 1.0% Lead Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound PBC-Other 0.236740 0.234480 10.0 1.0% (Component of PBC) Manganese& compounds 0.697890 0.691200 10.0 I 1.0% Manganese Unlisted Compounds- Specify Compound MNC-Other 0.697890 0.691200 10.0 1.0% (Component of MNC) Mercury& Compounds-all total mass includes Hg Vapor 0.121020 0.119910 0.001 0.9% Mercury,vapor(Component of HGC) 7439-97-6 0.121020 0.119910 0.001 0.9% Nickel& Compounds,sum total mass includes elemental 0.976770 0.967830 1.0 I 0.9% Nickel metal(Component of NIC) 7440-02-0 0.976770 0.967830 1.0 0.9% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Specific Compounds from OAQPS 0.287780 0.285200 1.0 0.9% or Tip Naphthalene(Component of 83329/POMTV) 91-20-3 0.28.7780 0.285200 1.0 0.9% Benzene 71-43-2 1.03 1.02 1.070.9% Dichlorobenzene(p), 1,4- 106-46-7 0.556920 0.551910 1.0 0.9% Formaldehyde 50-00-0 37.13 36.40 10.0 2.0% norn�i�n�n Page 2 of 3 Y `cilitiy;Total U Y 2018 Emission Summary Recorded in Pall Facility 11)#: 19UU 104 Y Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Permit#(s): 09006T06 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2018 CY 2017 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Hexane,n- 110-54-3 835.43 827.86 100.0 0.9% Methanol(methyl alcohol) 67-56-1 10,543.00 9,825.00 1,000.0 7.3% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH,dioxins, etc.NC POM 0.040930 0.040570 1.0 0.9% &AP 42 historic) Selenium Compounds SEC 0.000820 0.000820 10.0 N/A Toluene 108-88-3 1,310.60 1,090.59 100.0 20.2% Xylene(mixed isomers) 1330-20-7 0.015600 0.015600 100.0 0.0% Largest Individual HAP Methanol(methyl alcohol) 10,543.00 lbs Total HAP Emissions 12,734.74 lbs Largest Individual CAP PM10 60.92 tons Total CAP Emissions 114.69 tons Total TAP Emissions. 2,187.74 lbs Total Aggregate 114.69 tons Emissions DAO's Comments Regarding Inventory PM 10 and PM2.5 emissions decreased due to the revised emission factors of dryers and kilns material throughput within operating scenario OS-35.Toluene emissions increased due to the increased use of adhesion promoters in the Coolers. These material usages increased due to the hours of operation increasing by 5%. The following corrections were made and were copied to the'Comments to Facility"for inventory preparer for CY2019 inventory. OS-34 PM,PMIO,PM2.5 emissions corrected to match calculation sheets submitted. OS-35 PM process emissions corrected to 26.88 tpy to exclude combustion emissions. For CY2019 Emission Inventory submittal,preparer should correct calculation sheet 20 of 26 to reference the current year's inventory rather than 2016. Please correct page 5 of 26 to read 7.6 lb/MMscf rather than 7.6 lb/hr. The correct units are used on page 16 of 26(Group G-158). Please add tons of production to the calculation sheet of OS-34 so that the activity rate can be derived. Note for OS-35,process dryer PM EF from 2002 stack test based on process and combustion emissions;activity rate is for process emissions only. nQi11i�nin Pave I of 3 j� Facility Emissions - Operating Scenarios Per Pollutant 3M Pittsboro - Industrial Mineral Products 2018Inventory ' Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID. Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound(Component of ASC) OS-7 0.000200 Pounds 0.000200 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP101.2C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.0023 10 Pounds 0.002220 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPL I-280B ESCPL I-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL 1-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8. OS-13 .0.031630 Pounds 0.031290 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 7/9/2019 Page I of 28 . i Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products . Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Numbe0s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate.(Prev)-2017 OS-26 0.059820 Pounds 0.059370 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ,ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.001400 Pounds 0.0�1330 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000220 Pounds O.Q 0220 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:.0.10 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.09 Pounds Benzene OS-13 0.332160 Pounds 0.328500 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.628110 Pounds 0.623360 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.014400 Pounds 0.T970 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.05 1100 Pounds 0.051100 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:1.03 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventlry: 1.02 Pounds Beryllium Metal(unreacted) (Component of BEC) OS-7 0.000010 Pounds 0.0 0010 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 E8CPPFC2 IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A 7/9/2019 Page 2 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID. Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prey)-2017 IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.000070 Pounds 0.000070 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-2803 ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP I IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.001900 Pounds 0.001880 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.003590 Pounds 0.003560 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI 'ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.000100 Pounds 0.000080 Pounds ESCPMI - ESCPMI ESCPM2 = ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000160 Pounds 0.000 160 Pounds IS-I:P IS-FP TOTAL.in Current Inventory:0.01 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.01 Pounds Cadmium Metal,elemental,unreacted(Component of CDC) OS-7 0.000820 Pounds 0.000770 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C 7/9/2019 Page 3 of 28 C Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF16B IS-ESCPVF16B OS-11 0.009280 Pounds 0.008420.Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP f IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2- IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.173990 Pounds 0.172070 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.329010 Pounds 0.326520 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.007500 Pounds 0.007320 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPM 1 ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000160 Pounds 0.000160 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0:52 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.52 Pounds 7/9/2019 Page 4 of 28 1 r � Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 1 Pollutant OS ID Emission Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate Prey Source ID (Prey) Carbon Dioxide(CO2) OS-13 9,490.49 Tons 9,386.06 Tons ES 1415 ES 1415 OS-26 17,945.97 Tons 17,810.67 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32' 411.32 Tons 399.19 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:27,847.78 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 27,595.92 Tons . Chromic acid(VI)(Component of SolCR6&CRC) OS-13 0.221440 Pounds 0.219000 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.418740 Pounds 0.415580 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.009600 Pounds 0.009310 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000160 Pounds 0.000160 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.65 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.64 Pounds Chromium Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound(Component of CRC) OS-7 0.267000 Pounds 0.272000 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A 7/9/2019 Page 5 of 28 t. . ' S Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017. IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCP VF 16A IS-ESCPVF16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 3.03 Pounds 2.98 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPL 1-280B ESCPL I-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPL I-600 tSCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL 1-8 IS-ESCPL 1-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 TOTAL in Current Inventory:3.30 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 3.25 Pounds CO OS-13 6.64 Tons 6.57 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 12.56 Tons 12.47 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-36 0.030000 Tons 0.030000 Tons IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:19.23 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 19.07 Tons Cobalt Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound(Component of COC) OS-7 0.000060 Pounds 0.000060 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B 7/9/2019 Page 6 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit,Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.000690 Pounds 0.000670 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP l IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.013290 Pounds 0.013140 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.025120 Pounds 0.024930 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.000600 Pounds 0.000560 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPM I ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.64 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.04 Pounds Dichlorobenzene(p),1,4-. 7/9/2019 Page 7 of 28 4 l Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID 'Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 OS-13 0.189800 Pounds 0.187720 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.358920 Pounds 0.356210 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.008200 Pounds 0.007980 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.56 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.55 Pounds Formaldehyde OS-13 11.86 Pounds 11.73 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS46 22.43 Pounds 22.26 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-31 2.26 Pounds 1.84 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-32 0.514500 Pounds 0.498750 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.064700 Pounds 0.064700 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:37.13 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 36.40 Pounds Hexane,n- OS-13 284.71 Pounds 281.57 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 538.38 Pounds 534.31 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 7/9/2019 Page 8 of 28 , sr Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 12.35 Pounds 11.97 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:835.43 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 827.86 Pounds Lead Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound(Component of PBC) OS-7 0.000340 Pounds 0.000340 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVF16A IS-ESCPVF16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.003880 Pounds 0.003690 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP1 IS-ESCP1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 , OS-13 0.079080 Pounds 0.078210 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 7/9/2019 Page 9 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 OS-26 0.149550 Pounds 0.148420 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.003400 Pounds 0.003330 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000490 Pounds 0.000490 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.24 Pounds. TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.23 Pounds Manganese Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound(Component of MNC) OS-7 0.042200 Pounds 0.043100 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPVF16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.479000 Pounds 0.473000 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPL 1-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 7/9/2019 Page 10 of 28 1 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: . 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI=8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.060100 Pounds 0.059440 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.113 660 Pounds 0.112800 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.002600 Pounds 0.002530 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000330 Pounds 0.000330 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.70 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.69 Pounds Mercury,vapor(Component of HGQ OS-7 0.000010 Pounds 0.000010 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF16B IS-ESCPVF16B OS-11 0.000160 Pounds 0.000160 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPL 1-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 7/9/2019 Page 11 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESOP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 , IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.041120 Pounds 0.040670 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.077770 Pounds 0.077180 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.001800 Pounds 0.00 173 0 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000 160 Pounds 0.000160 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.12 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.12 Pounds Methane(CH4) OS-13 0.182000 Tons 0.180000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.340000 Tons 0.340000 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.007900 Tons 0.007700 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.53 Tons TOTAL in Previous.Inventory: 0.53 Tons Methanol(methyl alcohol) OS-10 10,543.00 Pounds • 9,825.00 Pounds 7/9/2019 Page 12 of 28 1 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:10,543.00 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 9,825.00 Pounds Naphthalene(Component of 83329/POMTV) OS-13 0.096480 Pounds 0.095420 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.182450 Pounds 0.181070 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.004200 Pounds 0.004060 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.004650 Pounds 0.004650 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.29 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.29 Pounds Nickel metal(Component of NIC) OS-7 0.000160 Pounds 0.000150 Pounds ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCPI5A IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVFI6A IS-ESCPVF16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-11 0.001780 Pounds 0.001690 Pounds ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A 7/9/2019 Page 13 of 28 r � % Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06' Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C i ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.332160 Pounds 0.328500 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.628110 Pounds 0.623360 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.014400 Pounds 0.013970 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.000160 Pounds 0.000160 Pounds IS-FP, IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.98 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.97 Pounds Nitrous Oxide(N20) OS-13 0.174000 Tons 0.172 100 Tons ES1415 ES1415 I OS-26 0.329000 Tons 0.327000 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.007500 Tons 0.007300 Tons ESCPM 1 -ESCPM 1 ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.51 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.51 Tons 7/9/2019 Page 14 of 28 I i Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products" Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-'2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 NOx OS-13 7.91 Tons 7.82 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 14.96 Tons 14.84 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-36 0.120000 Tons 0.120000 Tons IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:22.99 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 22.78 Tons PM(TSP) OS-7 5.99 Tons 5.73 Tons ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP15B IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-9 6.78 Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPM 1 ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-10 27.76 Tons 26.95 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-I 1 7.18 Tons 6.86 Tons ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A 7/9/2019 Page 15 of 28 r Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600. ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.600000 Tons 0.590000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-19 0.340000 Tons 0.340000 Tons ES123 ES123 ES2327A ES2327A ES2426.1 ES2426.1 ES2426.2 E92426.2 ES3031 ES3031 ES32.1 ES32.1 ES3941 ES3941 ES412 ES412 ES4347.1 ES4347.1 ES4347.2 ES4347.2 ES607.1 ES607.1 ES607.2 ES607.2 ESC23A.2 ESC23A.2 ESC3 ESC3 OS-21 1.03 Tons 1.02 Tons ES16-A ES16-A ES1721A ES1721A ES1721B ES1721B ES1721C ES1721C ES1721D ES1721D ES1721E ES1721E ES32.2 ES32.2 ES32A ES32A ES32B ES32B ES340-A ES340-A ES3537A ES3537A ES3537B ES3537B ES3537C ES3537C 7/9/2019 Page 16 of 28 . �t Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID:. 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)'-2017 ES3537D ES3537D ES3537E ES3537E ES3537F ES3537F ES8913A ES8913A ES8913B ES8913B ES8913C ES8913C ES8913D ES8913D ES8913E ES8913E ES8913F ES8913F OS-22 0.320000 Tons 0.300000 Tons ES63A ES63A ES63B ES63B ES6466 ES6466 ES6466SC ES6466SC ES68A ES68A ES68B ES68B ES6970 ES6970 OS-23 0.830000 Tons 0.830000 Tons ES 16-B ES 16-B ES1822A ES1822A ES1822B ES1822B ES1822C ES1822C ES1822D ES1822D ES33A ES33A ES33B ES33B ES340-B ES340-B ES3537G ES3537G ES3537H ES3537H ES3537I ES3537I ES3537J ES3537J ES3537K ES3537K ES3537L ES3537L. OS-25 3.28 Tons 1.80 Tons FCP44A FCP44A FCP44B FCP44B IS-ESCPBHWC IS-ESCPBHWC IS-F 123 IS-F 123 IS-F56A IS-F56A IS-F56B IS-F56B IS-FCP34 IS-FCP34 IS-FCP35 IS-FCP35 IS-FCP363940 IS-F CP363940 7/9/2019 Page 17 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 OS-26 1.14 Tons 1.13 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-28 0.780000 Tons 0.770000 Tons ES16-C ES16-C ES2327 ES2327 ES2327B ES2327B ES2729.1 ES2729.1 ES2729.2 ES2729.2 ES38 ES38 ES39 ES39 ES4042 ES4042 ES4043 ES4043 ES4044 ES404.4 ES4448.1 ES4448.1 ES4448.2 ES4448.2 OS-29 1.40 Tons 1.27 Tons ES23C ES23C ES49A ES49A ES49B ES49B ES50 ES50 ES5155A ES5155A ES5155B ES5155B ES5155C ES5155C ES57 ES57 ES58 ES58 ES59 ES59 OS-31 6.78 Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI , ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-'32 0.030000 Tons 0.030000 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-34 10.81 Tons 9.55 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-35 27.76 Tons 26.82 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI 7/9/2019 Page 18 of 28 R Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-37 0.120000 Tons 0.110000 Tons ESC23A.1 ESC23A.1 ESC23C ESC23C P61 F61 F6771 F6771 F72 F72 TOTAL in Current Inventory:102.93 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 97.06 Tons PM10 OS-7 5.99 Tons 5.73 Tons ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC1 ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCP 15B IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-9 6.78 Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-10 10.28 Tons 9.97 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-11 7.18 Tons 6.86 Tons ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPL 1-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPL I-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPL 1-280C ESCPLI-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-600 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP1 IS-ESCP1 I 7/9/2019 Page 19 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL I-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.600000 Tons 0.590000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-19 0.340000 Tons 0.340000 Tons ES 123 ES 123 ES2327A ES2327A ES2426.1 ES2426.1 ES2426.2 ES2426.2 ES3031 ES3031 ES32.1 ES32.1 ES3941 ES3941 ES412 ES412 ES4347.1 ES4347.1 ES4347.2 ES4347.2 ES607.1 ES607.1 ES607.2 ES607.2 ESC23A.2 ESC23A.2 ESC3 ESC3 OS-21 1.03 Tons 1.02 Tons ES16-A ES16-A ES1721A ES1721A ES1721B ES1721B ES1721C ES1721C ES1721D ES1721D ES1721E ES1721E ES32.2 ES32.2 ES32A ES32A ES32B ES32B ES340-A ES340-A ES3537A ES3537A ES3537B E93537B ES3537C ES3537C ES3537D ES3537D ES3537E ES3537E ES3537F ES3537F ES8913A ES8913A ES8913B ES8913B 7/9/2019 Page 20 of 28 e , Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104, Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ES8913C ES8913C ES8913D ES8913D ES8913E ES8913E ES8913F ES8913F OS-22 0.320000 Tons 0.300000 Tons ES63A ES63A ES63B ES63B ES6466 ES6466 ES6466SC ES6466SC ES68A ES68A ES68B ES68B ES6970 ES6970 OS-23 0.830000 Tons 0.830000 Tons ES 16-B ES 16-B ES1822A ES1822A ES1822B ES1822B ES1822C ES1822C ES1822D ES1822D ES33A ES33A ES33B ES33B ES340-B ES340-B ES3537G ES3537G ES3537H ES3537H ES3537I ES3537I ES3537J ES3537J ES3537K ES3537K ES3537L ES3537L OS-25 1.55 Tons 0.850000 Tons FCP44A FCP44A FCP44B FCP44B IS-ESCPBHWC IS-ESCPBHWC IS-F123 IS-F123 IS-F56A IS-F56A IS-F56B IS-F56B IS-FCP34 IS-FCP34 IS-FCP35 IS-FCP35 IS-FCP363940 IS-FCP363940 OS-26 1.14 Tons 1.13 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI 7/9/2019 Page 21 of 28 - Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-28 0.780000 Tons 0.770000 Tons ES16-C ES16-C ES2327 ES2327 ES2327B ES2327B ES2729.1 ES2729.1 ES2729.2 ES2729.2 ES38 ES38 70 w ES39 ES39 ES4042 ES4042 ES4043 ES4043 ES4044 ES4044 ES4448.1 CS �� ES4448.1 Z r '7 ES4448.2 ES4448.2 OS-29 1.40 Tons � 1.27 Tons ES23C ES23C ES49A cD 13 ES49A 2 ES49B S r PC( �,� ES49B l�M �• l ES50 ES50 ES5155A �o ES5155A �o ES5155B ES5155B ES5155C ES5155C ES57 ES57 ES58 ES58 ES59 ES59 OS-31 xr,.7p.Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-32 0.030000 Tons 0.030000 Tons ES MI ESCPMI CPM2 ESCPM2 OS-34 6.16 Tons 5.20 Tons /ES 1415 ES1415 1 — OS-35 10.28 Tons 26.82 Tons ESCPCI t,� ESCPCI ESCPC2 �Q$� �� tom" ESCPC2 5 `f OS-37 0.050000 Tons 0.050000 Tons ESC23A.I ESC23A.1 ESC23C ESC23C 7/9/2019 Page 22 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 F61 F61 F6771 F6771 F72 F72 TOTAL in Current Inventory:61.52 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 74.72 Tons PM2.5 OS-7 5.99 Tons 5.73 Tons ESCP1012A ESCP1012A ESCP1012B ESCP1012B ESCP1012C ESCP1012C ESCP1012D ESCP1012D ESCPPFCI ESCPPFCI ESCPPFC2 ESCPPFC2 IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCP 15A IS-ESCPI5B IS-ESCPI5B. IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16A IS-ESCPVF 16B IS-ESCPVF 16B OS-9 6.78 Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-10 10.28 Tons 9.97 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-11 7.18 Tons 6.86 Tons ESCP900 ESCP900 ESCPCC ESCPCC ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280A ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280B ESCPLI-280C ESCPL1-280C ESCPLI-600 ESCPLI-606 ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280A ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280B ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-280C ESCPL2-600 ESCPL2-600 ESCPL3-600 ESCPL3-600 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP 1 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP2 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP3 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCP4 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPC-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 IS-ESCPLI-8 7/9/2019 Page 23 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro—Industrial Industrial Mineral Products Facility.ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 IS-ESCPL2-8 IS-ESCPL2-8 OS-13 0.600000 Tons 0.590000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-19 0.340000 Tons 0.340000 Tons ES123 ES123 ES2327A ES2327A ES2426.1 ES2426.1 ES2426.2 ES2426.2 ES3031 ES3031 ES32.1 ES32.1 ES3941 ES3941 ES412 ES412 ES4347.1 ES4347.1 ES4347.2 ES4347.2 ES607.1 ES607.1 ES607.2 ES607.2 ESC23A.2 ESC23A.2 ESC3 ESC3 OS-21 1.03 Tons 1.02 Tons ES16-A ES16-A ES1721A ES1721A ES1721B ES1721B ES1721C ES1721C ES1721D ES1721D ES1721E ES1721E ES32.2 ES32.2 ES32A ES32A ES32B ES32B ES340-A ES340-A ES3537A ES3537A ES3537B ES3537B ES3537C ES3537C ES3537D ES3537D ES3537E ES3537E ES3537F ES3537F ES8913A ES8913A ES8913B ES8913B ES8913C , ES8913C ES8913D ES8913D ES8913E ES8913E ES8913F ES8913F 7/9/2019 Page 24 of 28 i •Y Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 OS-22 0.320000 Tons 0.300000 Tons ES63A ES63A ES63B ES63B ES6466 ES6466 ES6466SC ES6466SC ES68A ES68A ES68B ES68B ES6970 ES6970 OS-23 0.830000 Tons 0.830000 Tons ES16-B ES16-B ES1822A ES1822A ES1822B ES1822B ES1822C ES1822C ES1922D ES1822D ES33A ES33A ES33B ES33B ES340-B ES340-B ES3537G ES3537G ES3537H ES3537H ES3537I ES3537I ES3537J ES3537J ES3537K ES3537K ES3537L ES3537L OS-25 1.55 Tons 0.850000 Tons FCP44A FCP44A FCP44B FCP44B IS-ESCPBHWC IS-ESCPBHWC IS-F123 IS-F123 IS-F56A IS-F56A IS-F56B IS-F56B IS-FCP34 IS-FCP34 IS-FCP35 ' IS-FCP35 IS-FCP363940- IS-FCP363940 OS-26 1.14 Tons 1.13 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-28 0.780000 Tons 0.770000 Tons ES16-C ES16-C ES2327 ES2327 7/9/2019 Page 25 of 28 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ES2327B ES2327B ES2729.1 ES2729.1 ES2729.2 ES2729.2 ES38 ES38 ES39 ES39 ES4042 ES4042 ES4043 ES4043 ES4044 ES4044 ES4448.1 ES4448.1 ES4448.2 ES4448.2 OS-29 1.40 Tons 1.27 Tons ES23C ES23C ES49A ES49A ES49B ES49B ES50 ES50 ES5155A ES5155A ES5155B ES5155B ES5155C ES5155C ES57 ES57 ES58 ES58 ES59 ES59 OS-31 6.78 Tons 6.48 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-32 0.030000 Tons' 0.030000 Tons ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-34 3.76 Tons 2.96 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-35 10.28 Tons 26.82 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:59.07 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 72.43 Tons Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH,dioxins,etc.NC&AP 42 historic) OS-13 0.013950 Pounds 0.013800 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.026380 Pounds 0.026180 Pounds 7/9/2019 Page 26 of 28 i Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID; 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPKI ESCPKI . ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.000600 Pounds 0.000590 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI ESCPM2 ESCPM2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.04 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.04 Pounds Selenium Compounds OS-36 0.000820 Pounds 0.000820 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.00 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.00 Pounds S02 OS-13 0.050000 Tons 0.050000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.090000 Tons 0.090000 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.14 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: ,0.14 Tons Toluene OS-10 1,309.00 Pounds 1,089.00 Pounds ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-13 0.537780 Pounds 0.531860 Pounds ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 1.02 Pounds 1.01 Pounds ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 OS-32 0.023300 Pounds 0.022610 Pounds ESCPMI ESCPMI 7/9/2019 Page 27 of 28 t } t 1 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID: 1900104 Permit Number(s): 09006T06 Pollutant OS ID Emission Source ID Emission Rate-2018 Emission Rate(Prev)-2017 ESCPM2 ESCPM2 OS-36 0.022400 Pounds 0.022400 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:1,310.60 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 1,090.59 Pounds VOC OS-10 10.16 Tons 9.51 Tons ESCPCI ESCPCI ESCPC2 ESCPC2 OS-13 0.430000 Tons 0.430000 Tons ES1415 ES1415 OS-26 0.820000 Tons 0.820000 Tons ESCPKI ESCPKI ESCPK2 ESCPK2 ESCPPHI ESCPPHI ESCPPH2 ESCPPH2 TOTAL in Current Inventory:11.41 Tons TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 10.76 Tons Xylene(mixed isomers) OS-36 0.015600 Pounds 0.015600 Pounds IS-FP IS-FP TOTAL in Current Inventory:0.02 Pounds TOTAL in Previous Inventory: 0.02 Pounds 7/9/2019 Page 28 of 28 3 3M Industrial Minerals Product Division 3M 4191 Highway 87 South Moncure, NC. 27559 June 26, 2019 C a D Air Emissions Inventory ' o Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive < Raleigh, NC 27609 ;' Subject: 2018 Air Emissions Inventory Forms O y 3M Pittsboro — Industrial Mineral Products o Air Quality Permit No. 09006T06 CD w Facility ID: 1900104 Via Certified Mail: 7017 0530 0001 1037 8506 The 2018 Emissions Inventory was submitted electronically today, 6/26/2019, and this is the supporting documentation. This packet includes the following: - Certification form signed by the responsible official - Supporting documents for emission calculations for the year of 2018 If you have any questions about the report or back-up data I can be reached at 919-642-4009. Best Regards, Stanley . Carter Environmental Engineer cc: James A. Zielgmeier, EHS and Manuf. Services Mngr. Blake Arnett: 3M Pittsboro Plant Manager Tina Mumm: 3M Corp. P (919)642-4000 F (919)642-4017 ' , f COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 6/26/2019 13:50:01 Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro- Industrial Mineral Products Facility ID : 1900104 4191 Highway 87 South Permit : 09006 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2018 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Blake Arnett This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition.40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1. For a corporation: a president,secretary,treasurer,or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i. the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars);or ii. the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2. For partnership or sole proprietorship;a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.,a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: Qmportant: Legally Responsible Official,read and sign after all submissions are final.) I certify that I am the responsible official for this facility,as described above,and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report, including attached calculations and documentation, is true, accurate and complete. (Subject to legal penalties of up to$25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S. § 143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Signature Below (use blue ink): Date Signed: Printed Name: /Blake Arnett Signature: This form applies to Title V facilities. If this facility is not classified asTitle V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory Contact at once for proper forms. com n�iron�`enta,Q�alitiy Email address of Responsible Official: BlArnett@mmm. �C,0ept of F Information on this Form cannot be held confidential `LT11 o�al 0ffice COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 6/26/2019 13:50:01 Ralc 1 3M,Incorporated-Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations for 2018 Crushing and Screening Plant Hours of Operation= 5,548.80 hrs Emission Emission Stack Test Annual Emissions Inventory Point Baghouse(BH)Identification Emission Rate Rate Group Designation PM PM PM-10 Designation Identifier Description (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) FIG 1 EPS1 CD 131 Crusher Baghouse#1 0.123 682.50 0.34 682.50 0.34 EIG 2 EPS2 CD B2 Screen Baghouse#1 0.37 2,053.06 1.03 2,053.06 1.03 EIG 3 EPS3 CD B3 Dryer&Cyclone Baghouse See Note 17,903.92 8.95 10,300.86 8.95 EIG 4 EPS4 CD B4 Screen Baghouse#2 0.3 1,664.64 0.83 1,664.64 0.83 EIG 5 EPS5 CD B5 Crusher Baghouse#2 0.28 1,553.66 0.78 1,553.66 0.78 FIG 6 EPS6 CD B6 11 Grade Silo Baghouse 0.46 2,552.45 1.28 2,552.45 1.28 EIG 7 EPS7 CD B7 I Waste Handling Baghouse 0.104 577.08 0.29 577.08 0.29 Stack Testing of Baghouses performed in August of 2002. NOTE:BH has not been tested,using AP-42 Table 11.19.2-4 Emissions Factors Coloring Plant Hours of Operation= 6,081.40 hrs Emission Emission Baghouse Stack Test Annual Emissions Inventory Point Baghouse(BH)Identification Specification Emission Rate Rate Group Designation PM PM PM PM-10 Designation Identifier Description (lb/hr) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) FIG 8 EPS8 CD B8 Raw Granule Baghouse(RGBH) 1.97 11,989.05 5.99 11,989.05 5.99 part of EIG , , EPS9 CDB9 Dryer#1 Baghouse 1 0.15 1,223.34 0.61 1,223.34 0.61 art of EIG '9 EPS 10 CDB l0 Dryer 42 Baghouse 0.115 911.06 0.46 911.06 0.46 art of EIG 10 EPS I 1 CD$11 Mixer Baghouse#1 2.23 8,096.10 4.05 8,096.10 4.05 part of EIG 10 EPS 12 CD B 12 Mixer Baghouse#2 2.23 5,508.87 2.75 5,508.87 2.75 art of EIG 9 EPS13 CDB13, Kiln#1 Baghouse 8.5 31,912.28 15.96 31,912.28 15.96 art of EIG 9 EPS14 CDB14 Kiln#2BaghouseZ 8.57 21,714.20 10.86 21,714.20 10.86 EIG 1 EPS17 C13B15 Finished Granule Baghouse(FGBH 2.36 14,334.73 7.17 14,334.73 7.17 Stack Testing of Baghouses performed in August of 2002. Remaining non-NSPS baghouses emissions were estimated with the 0.01 grains PM/scf of baghouse flowrate assumption. (1)Dryer emissions rate for natural gas PM emissions is 7.6 Ib/hr (2)Kiln Baghouse has not been tested. Emissions calcuated using grain loading and baghouse flowrates.Kiln emissions rate for natural gas PM is 7.6 Ib/hr 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 5 of 26 Sheet:Baghouses 7 t 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 3M Group ID EIG 1 �1 C2 1 DAQ Group ID G-151 (� I Description Crusher Baghouse#1 Sources Hours of Operation = 5548.8 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Rate Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 0.123 682.50 0.34 682.50 0.34 Sample Calculation 0.123 Ib/hr * 5548.8 = 682.5 lb/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8, 2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs - CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 6 of 26 Sheet:EIG 1 (G-151) Crusher#1 BH 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 5�1 3M Group ID EIG 2 DAQ Group ID G-152 Description Screen Baghouse#1 Sources Hours of Operation= 5548.8 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Rate' Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) I (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 0.37 12,053.061 1.03 2,053.06 1.03 Sample Calculation(PM) 0.37 lb/hr* 5548.8 =2053.06 lb/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8, 2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs -CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 7 of 26 Sheet:EIG 2 (G-152) Screen#1 BH ' s 1 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 3M Group ID EIG 4 (, 2 DAQ Group ID G-153 U Description Screen Baghouse#2 Sources Hours of Operation= 5,548.8 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Rate' Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 0.3 1 1,664.641 0.83 1,664.641 0.83 Sample Calculation(PM) 0.3 Ib/hr*5548.8 = 1664.64 Ib/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8,2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 10 of 26 Sheet:EIG 4(G-153)Screen#2 BH i � i 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 3M Group ID EIG 5 ���� DAQ Group ID G-154 Description Crusher Baghouse#2 Sources Hours of Operation= 5548.8 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Rate' Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) I (tpy) 0.28 1,553.66T 0.78 1,553.661 0.78 Sample Calculation(PM) 0.28 lb/hr* 5548.8 = 1553.66 lb/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8, 2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs -CY 2018a.x1sx Moncure,NC Page 11 of 26 Sheet:EIG 5 (G-154)Crusher#2 BH 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 3M Group ID EIG 6 C U ) DAQ Group ID G-155 Description 11 Grade Silo Baghouse Sources Hours of Operation= 6081.4 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Ratel Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) I (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 0.46 1 2,797.441 1.40 2,797.441 1.40 Sample Calculation (PM) 0.46 lb/hr * 6081.4 =2797.44 lb/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8, 2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs - CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 12 of 26 Sheet:EIG 6 (G-155) 11 Grade Silo BH 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant 3M Group ID EIG 7 DAQ Group ID G-156 Description Waste Handling Baghouse Sources Hours of Operation= 6081.4 hrs Stack Test Annual Emissions Emission Rate' Rate PM PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 0.104 632.47 0.32 632.47 0.32 Sample Calculation(PM) 0.104 lb/hr* 6081.4 =632.47 lb/yr Emission rate data from stack tests performed on the emission point for this group on August 5-8,2002 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 13 of 26 Sheet:EIG 7 (G-156)Waste Hnding BH 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant 3M Group ID EIG 8 b�l DAQ Group ID G-157 Description Raw Granule Baghouse Sources Hours of Operation = 6081.4 hrs Hourly Emissions Annual Emissions Rater Rate PM PM-10 PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 1.97 1.97 11,989.05 5.99 11,989.05 5.99 5,4 Sample Calculation 0.01 * 1/7000 lb/gr* 23000 * 60 min/hr= 1.97 lb/hr 1.97 lb/hr* 6081.4 = 11989.05 lb/yr Hourly emission rates calculated using grain loading and baghouse flowrate 2 Annual emission rates calculated based upon the coloring plant operating hours Metals Emissions from Additives (Refer to page 22,23 for additonal details) CAS No. Species Annual Pollutant Emissions (lb/yr) (tons/year) 7440-38-2 arsenic 2.04E-04 1.02E-07 7440-41-7 beryllium 5.82E-06 2.91E-09 7440-43-9 cadmium 8.17E-04 4.09E-07 7440-47-3 chromium 2.67E-01 1.33E-04 7440-48-4 cobalt 6.06E-05 3.03E-08 7439-92-1 lead 3.42E-04 1.71 E-07 7439-96-5 manganese 4.22E-02 2.11E-05 7439-97-6 mercury 1.43E-05 7.14E-09 7440-02-0 nickel 1.57E-04 7.84E-08 Total Annual Metals Emissions: 3.11E-01 1.55E-04 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 14 of 26 Sheet:EIG 8(G-157)Raw Granule BH 3M,Incorporated-Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant 3M Group ID EIG 9 DAQ Group ID G-158 Description Coloring Plant Combustion Units Coloring Plant Combustion Units(EIG-9) �` �� Natural Gas Usage 309,568.00 decatherms/yr U J 309,568.00 MMBtu/yr 299.10 MMscf/yr Hours of Operation 6,081.40 hrs p +� M42 Combustion Emissions Pollutant Emission Emissions Factor Units (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (My PM ✓ 7.6 Ib/MMscf 0.37 2,273.16 1.14 E S C p fG I PM-10 ✓ 7.6 lb/N*Mcf 0.37 2,273.16 1.14 PM 2.5 / 7.6 lb/NUAscf 0.37 2,273.16 1.14 Z Pollutant Emission Total Emissions Criteria Factor Units lb/hr) (lb/ r) (tpy) SO2 0.6 1b/MNlscf 0.03 179.46 0.09 NOx ✓ 100 Ib/NIlvlscf 4.92 29,910.00 14.96 CO 84 lb/MMscf 4.13 25,124.40 12.56 VOC ✓5.5 1 lb/MMscf 0.27 1,645.05 0.82 GHG N2O 1.06E-06 ton/MMBtu 1 0.1081 658.021 0.329 CO2 5.80E-021 towNMtu 1 5,901.921 35,891,942.031 17,945.97 CH4 1.11E-06 ton/NlrvMtu 0,111 687.931 0.34 Processine PM Emissions-Dryers Pollutant Stack Test Total Criteria Emission Emissions Rate Units (lb/hr) Ib! r Dryer#1 0.15 lb/hr 0.15 912.21 0.46 Dryer#2 0.115 lb/hr 0.115 699.36 0.35 Total(Assumes Includes Combustion)= 0.27 1,611.57 0.81 1-Dryer#1 and#2 tested at the 3M NC facility on August 5-8,2002. Processing PM Emissions-kilns Hourly Emissions Annual Emissions Rater RatC2 PM PM-10 PM PM-10 b/hr lb/hr) Ib/ r (t (Ib/ r t 8.57 1 8.57 52,126.29 26.06 52,126.29 26.06 Sample Calculation 0.01 *1/7000 lb/gr* 100000 *60 min/hr=8.57 lb/hr 8.57 lb/hr*6081.4 hrs=52126.291b/yr ' Hourly emission rates calculated using grain loading and baghouse flowrate 2 Annual emission rates calculated based upon the coloring plant operating hours 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 16 of 26 Sheet:EIG 9(G-158)Color Pit Cmbstn r . Total PM Sources PM PM-10 PM2.5 (lb/yr) (ib/yr) (lb/yr) Combustion 2,273 2,273 2,273 Dryers 1,612 1,612 1,612 Kilns 52,126 52,126 52,126 TOTAL(lb/yr) 56,011 56,011 56,011 TOTAL(tpy) 28.01 28.01 28.01 Heavy Metals Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion CAS No. Species Emission Factor Annual Pollutant Emissions b/million set) (Ib r) tons/year 7440-38-2 arsenic 2.00E-04 0.0598 2.99E-05 7440-38-3 barium 4.40E-03 1.3160 6.58E-04 7440-41-7 beryllium 1.20E-05 0.0036 1.79E-06 7440-43-9 cadmium 1.10E-03 0.3290 1.65E-04 7440-47-3 chromium 1.40E-03 0.4187 2.09E-04 7440-48-4 cobalt 8.40E-05 0.0251 1.26E-05 7440-50-8 copper 8.50E-04 0.2542 1.27E-04 7439-96-5 manganese 3.80E-04 0.1137 5.68E-05 7439-97-6 mercury 2.60E-04 0.0778 3.89E-05 7439-98-7 molybdenum 1.10E-03 0.3290 1.65E-04 7440-02-0 nickel 2.10E-03 0.6281 3.14E-04 7782-49-2 selenium 2.40E-05 0.0072 3.59E-06 7440-62-2 vanadium 2.30E-03 0.6879 3.44E-04 7440-66-6 zinc 2.90E-02 8.6739 4.34E-03 - Total Annual Metals Emissions: IZ9241 0.0065 Additional Regulated Compound Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion-,Onl CAS No. Species Emission Factor Annual PollutanrEroissions (lb/million scf --(lb5r) (Ions/year a , 71-43-2 benzene 2.10E-03 0.6281 3.14E-04 25321-22-6 Oitgombenzze 1.20E-03 0.3589 1.79E-04 V 50-00-0 aldeh de 7.50E-02 22.4325 1.12E-02 1 110-54-3 hexane 1.8 538.3800 2.69E-01 lead 5.00E-04 0.1496 7.48E-05 91-20-3 na thalene 6.10E-04 0,1825 9.12E-05 various POM 8.82E-05 0.0264 1.32E-05 108-88-3 toluene 3.40E-03 1.0169 5.08E-04 Total Annual: 563 0.28 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xisx Moncure,NC Page 16 of 26 Sheet:EIG 9(G-158)Color Plt Cmbstn v 3M,Incorporated-Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant C I I I 3M Group ID EIG 10 O ) I DAQ Group ID G-159 / Description Mixer Baghouses Hours of Operation= 6081.4 hrs Mixer#1 BH Flowrate= 13,000 acfm Mixer#2 BH Flowrate= 13,000 acfm Total Baghouse Flowrate= 26,000 acfm Grain Loading= 0.01 gr/ft3 Hourly Emissions Annual Emissions Rater Rate' PM PM-10 PTW I PM-103 Ib/hr (lb/hr) b/ r t y) Ib r) I (t ) 2.23 2.23 13,552.83 1 6.78 1 13,552.831 6.78 Sample Calculation 0.01 gr/ft3'1/7000 Ib/gr*26000 acfm.60 min/hr=2.23 lb/hr 2.23 lb/hr"6081.4 hrs=13552.831b/yr 1 Hourly emission rates calculated using grain loading and baghouse flowrate 2 Annual emission rates calculated based upon the coloring plant operating hours 3 Reported in OS31 in AERO submission. There are small burners on each mixer and the flue gas/exhaust goes through the Mixer Baghouses Natural Gas Usage 7,095.20 decatherms/yr 7,095.20 MMBtu/yr 6.86 MMscf/yr Hours of Operation 6,081.40 hrs Combustion Emissf ns Total Emission Emissions Pollutant Factor Units lb/hr Ib/ r Criteria PM 7.6 Ib/MMscf 0.01 52.14 0.026 PM-10 7.6 Ib/NlMscf 0.01 52.14 0.026 PM2.5 7.6 1 Ib/MMscf 1 0.01 52.14 0.026 TOTAL PM Emissions Total Pollutant Emissions Criteria lb/hr lb/ r (t PM 2.24 13,604.97 6.80 PM-10 2.24 13,604.97 6.80 PM2.5 2.24 13,604.97 6.80 Other Combustion Emissions Pollutant Emission Emissions Factor Units (lb/hr) (lb/ r) t S02 0.6 lb/MNlscf 0.00 4.12 0.0021 NOx 100 lb/MMscf 0.11 686.00 0.34 CO 84 Ib/N%bcf 0.09 576.24 0.29 VOC 5.5 Ib/MMscf 0.01 37.73 0.019 GHG N20 1.06E-06 ton/MMBtu 1 0.0021 15.0821 0.007541 CO2 1 5.80E-02 ton/MN1Btu 1 135.271 822,631.881 411.32 CH4 1 1.11E-06 ton/MNIBtu 1 0.00261 15.771 0.00788 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 18 of 26 Sheet:EIG 10(G-159)Mixer BHs Heavy Metals Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion CAS No. Species Emission FactorlAnnual Pollutant Emissioas b/million scfi I qblyr) I ton ear 7440-38-2 arsenic 0.0002 0.0014 6.86E-07 7440-38-3 barium 0.0044 0.0302 1.51E-05 7440-41-7 beryllium 1.20E-05 0.0001 4.12E-08 7440-43-9 cadmium 1.10E-03 0.0075 3.77E-06 7440-47-3 chromium 1.40E-03 0.0096 4.80E-06 7440-484 cobalt 8.40E-05 0.0006 2.88E-07 7440-50-8 copper 8.50E-04 0.0058 2.92E-06 7439-96-5 manganese 3.80E-04 0.0026 1.30E-06 7439-97-6 mercury 2.60E-04 0.0018 8.92E-07 7439-98-7 molybdenum 1.10E-03 0.0075 3.77E-06 7440-02-0 nickel 2.10E-03 0.0144 7.20E-06 7782-49-2 selenium 2.40E-05 0.0002 8.23E-08 7440-62-2 vanadium 2.30E-03 0.0158 7.89E-06 7440-66-6 zinc 2.90E-02 0.1989 9.95E 05 Total Amoral Metals Emissions:1 0.2964 1.48E-04 Additional Regulated Compound Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion(Only) CAS No. Speci Emission Factor nnual Pollutant Emissions (lb/million sc b/rI tons/ear 7143-2 benzene 2.10E-03 0.0144 7.20E-06 25321-22-6 dichlorobenzene 1.20E-03 0.0082 4.12E-06 50-00-0 formaldehyde 7.50E-02 0.5145 2.57E-04 110-54-3 hexane 1.80E+00 12,3480 6.17E-03 lead 5.00E-04 0.0034 1.72E-06 91-20-3 na thalene 6.10E-04 0.0042 2.09E-06 various POM 1 8.82E-05 1 0.0006 1 3.03E-07 108-88-3 toluene 3.40E-03 0.0233 1.17E-05 Total Annual: 12.9 6.46E-03 Reported in OS32 in AERO. Additive AE(VOC/Formaldehyde) 2018 Usage Rate of Additive AE= 4,514 lb/yr VOC concentration in Additive AE= 0.05% HAP(Formaldehyde)concentration in Additive AE= 0.05% VOC and HAP contents from the MSDS. Additive Formaldehyde/VOC Calculations Pollutant Emission Rate Ib/ r t Formaldehyde 2.26 0.00 VOC 2.26 0.00 Sample Calculation VOC(lb/yr)= (4514 lb/yr'0.0005) = 2.26 lb/yr Total Formaldehyde/VOCs(Natural Gas and Additive) Pollutant Emission Rate' b/ r t Formaldehyde 2.77 0.00 VOC 39.99 0.02 Reported in OS31 in AFRO. 31A Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 18 of 26 Sheet:EIG 10(G-159)Mixer BHs t A 3M,Incorporated- Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant 3M Group ID EIG 11 DAQ Group ID G-160 Description Coolers Hours of Operation= 6081.4 hrs Pollutant EF Emission Rate Criteria Ib/hr) (lb/yr) (t PM 9.13 55,527 27.76 PM-10 3.38 20,566 10.28 PM2.5 3.38 20,566 10.28 Emission Factors from AP42 Table 11.20-Clinker Cooler with settling chamber PM filterable+PM condensable and actual production rate. The cooler applies water and dust suppressant to the materials in the cooler,therefore 70%control of PM due to wet suppression is included in the emission calculations. Dust Suppressant and Adhesion Promoter added in the cooler V u L 2016 Usage Rate of Dust Suppressant A= 1,657,591 lb/yr 51 ' F 2016 Usage Rate of Dust Suppressant B= 654,301 lb/yr 4 Ce 4 2016 Usage Rate of Adhesion Promoter= 74,664 lb/yr VOC concentration in Dust Suppressant A= 0.31% VOC concentration in Dust Suppressant B= 0.71% VOC(Methanol)concentration in Adhesion Promoter= 14.12% HAP concentration in Dust Suppressant A= 0.00% HAP(Toluene)concentration in Dust Suppressant B= 0.20% HAP(Methanol)concentration in Adhesion Promotrer= 14.12% % Dust Suppressant A VOC contents from the MSDS. I Dust Suppressant B VOC and HAP contents from the MSDS. VOC Calcualtions for Dust Suppressants Pollutant Emission Rate (lb/yr) t Dust Suppressant A 5,138.53 2.57 Dust Suppressant B 4,645.54 2.32 Sample Calculation VOC(lb/yr)_ (1657590.5 lb/yr*0.0031) = 5,138.53 lb/yr Dust Suppressant A contains no HAPs per MSDS. Dust Suppressant B HAP(Toluene)contents from the MSDS(using Maximum Concentration Amount) HAP Calcualtions for Dust Suppressants Pollutant Emission Rate (lb/yr) t ) Dust Suppressant A 0.00 0.00 Dust Suppressant B 1,308.60 0.65 Sample Calculation HAP(lb/yr)_ (654301 lb/yr*0.002) = 1308.60 lb/yr 3M Emission Calculations Fi1e:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 20 of 26 Sheet:EIG 11(G-160)Coolers e Adhesion Promoter emission factor from 3M(Wausau)stack testing performed in Oct,2011. The adhesive promoter contains methanol,which is a HAP and a VOC. Adhesion Promoter Pollutant Emission Rate (lb/ r) (t ) Methanol(&VOC) 10542.56 5.27 Sample Calculation Methanol(lb/yr)_ (74664 lb/yr*0.1412) = 10542.56 lb/yr Total Pollutant Emission Rate (lb/yr) (tpy) VOC 20,327 10.16 Toluene 1,309 0.65 Methanol 10,543 5.27 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 20 of 26 Sheet:EIG 11(G-160)Coolers 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant 3M Group ID EIG 12 DAQ Group ID G-161 Description Finished Granule Baghouse Sources Hours of Operation= 6081.4 hrs Hourly Emissions Annual Emissions Rate Rate PM PM-10 PM PM-10 (lb/hr) (lb/hr) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) 2.36 2.36 14,334.73 7.17 14,334.73 7.17 Sample Calculation 0.01 * 1/7000 lb/gr * 27500 * 60 min/hr=2.36 lb/hr 2.36 lb/hr * 6081.4 = 14334.73 lb/yr Hourly emission rates calculated using grain loading and baghouse flowrate 2 Annual emission rates calculated based upon the coloring plant operating hours Metals Emissions from Additives CAS No. Species Annual Pollutant Emissions (lb/yr) (tons/year) 7440-38-2 arsenic 2.31E-03 1.16E-06 7440-41-7 beryllium 6.61 E-05 3.31 E-08 7440-43-9 cadmium 9.28E-03 4.64E-06 7440-47-3 chromium 3.03E+00 1.52E-03 7440-48-4 cobalt 6.89E-04 3.44E-07 7439-92-1 lead 3.88E-03 1.94E-06 7439-96-5 manganese 4.79E-01 2.40E-04 7439-97-6 mercury 1.62E-04 8.11 E-08 7440-02-0 nickel 1.78E-03 8.91 E-07 Total Annual Metals Emissions: 3.53E+00 1.76E-03 (Refer to page 22,23 for additonal details) 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 21 of 26 Sheet:EIG 12 (G-161) Finished Gran BH 3K Incorporated-Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Coloring Plant Storage Tanks 3M Group m N/A DAQ Group ID G-162 Description Liquid Storage Tanks(Insignificant Sources) Emissions Tanks Pollutant Emitted (tpy) (lb/yr) Al,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7, A9,A10,All,A13,A15,A16, N'A N'A N/A A17 AS,Al2 PM 0.0002 0.4808 Tank Throughput 9.41 lb per min Emission Factor 0.00014 lb/ton throughput AP-42,Table 11.19.2-2 Hours of Operation 6,081.40 Ins Location Emission Material Storage Information Emitted Maximum Annual Emissions Determination Unit Material Temperature Pressure Pollutant Uncontrolled Recovery Device Hourly Annual Emissions Designation Stored (deg.F) (psig) Classification Emission Factor Device Description Effectiveness Emissions (Criteria or HAP as noted a/o (Ib/hr (lb! ) Coloring Plant Tank Farm AS Hold Tank ambient ambient PM 0.00014 hood w/fabric filter 90 0.00000 0.02403 0.00001 Al2 Hold Tank ambient ambient PM 0.00014 hood w/fabric filter 90 0.00000 0.02403 0.00001 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Cates-CY 2018axlsx Moncure,NC Page 24 of 26 Sheet:lnsig(G-162)Storage Tanks • V 3M, Incorporated - Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations 3M Group ID N/A DAQ Group ID G-163 Description Truck Loading and Loadout (Fugitive) Truck Loading throughput= 3.29 loads/hr Control Efficiency2 = 90.00% Hours of Operation = 8,568 hrs AP-42 Annual Emissions Emission Factor' Rate PM PM-10 PM PM-10 (lb/load) (lb/load) (lb/yr) (tpy) (lb/yr) (tpy) Truck Loadout 2.325 1.1 6,553.88 3.28 3,100.76 1.55 Total 6,553.88 3.28 3,100.76 1.55 Sample Calculation 3.29 loads/hr * 2.325 lb/load * 8568 hrs * (1-0.9)= 6553.88 lb/yr 1 Emission factors from AP-42, Eqn. 1 of 13.2.4-3 in lb/ton of materials. Converted to lb/load. 2 Control Efficiency from AP-42, 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs - CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure, NC Page 25 of 26 Sheet:Fug (G-163) Truck Load&Loadout yr ss�g kM 3M,Incorporated-Pittsboro Plant Emission Calculations Crushing and Screening Plant <'.. .1• -- 1 y r �O ^S 3M Group ID EIG 3 DAQ Group ID ES 1415 h✓ Description Dryer with Cyclone and Baghouse control system �L ke,,.L C.w-11 7 1 A �� � s nvrd✓✓ C&S Dryer(EIG 3) 76`4I (v +e ! e.(- Natural Gas Usage 163,711.00 decatherms/yr 5 163,711.00 MMBtu/yr Lf u /V r s �0 - 158.17_M�f/yr S�F Sc F Hours of Operation 5,548.80 hrs Pollutant EF' Emissions Criteria (lb/ton) Ib/hr) Ib/ r) (t )`, PM 0.0268 3.68 20,410.18 10.21 2: t I°I 22 4i, ; PM-10 0.0146 2.00 11,118.98 5.56 N v 1 7 PM2.5 0.0083 1.14 6,321.06 3.16 1-Emission Factors from AP-42 Table 11.19-2-4-Flash dryer with fabric filter control an2ictu production rate Using Combustion Emission Factors Pollutant Emission Emissions Factor Units (lb/hr) (lb/ r) (t PM 7.6 Ib/MMscf 0.22 1,202.13 0.60 PM-10 7.6 Ib/MMscf 0.22 1,202,13 0.60 PM 2.5 7.6 Ib/MMscf 0.22 1,202.13 0.60 TOTAL PM Pollutant Emissions lb/hr) (lb! r) (t PM 3.89 21,612.31 10.81 PM-10 2.22 12,321.11 6.16 PM 2.5 1.36 7,523.19 3.76 Using Combustion Emission Factors Pollutant Emission Emissions Factor Units (lb/hr) (lb/ r) t ) SO2 0.6 Ib/MMscf 0.02 94.90 0.047 NOx 100 lb/MMscf 2.85 15,817.49 7.91 CO 84 Ib/MMscf 2.39 13,286.69 6.64 VOC 5.5 Ib/MMscf 0.16 869.96 0.43 GHG N2O 1.06E-06 I ton/MMBtu 1 0.06271 347.98 0.1740 CO2 5.80E-02 ton/MMBtu 3,420.741 18,980,985.511 9,490.49 CH4 1.11E-06 ton/MMBtu 0.0661 363.801 0.182 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Calcs-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 9 of 26 Sheet:EIG 3(ES 1415)C&S Dryer + n + Heavy Metals Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion CAS No. Species Emission Factor Annual Pollutant Emissions Ib/million sc ably,) (tons/year) 7440-38-2 arsenic 0.0002 0,0316 1.58E-05 7440-38-3 barium 0.0044 0.6960 3.48E-04 744041-7 beryllium 1.20E-05 0.0019 9.49E-07 7440-43-9 cadmium 1.10E-03 0.1740 8.70E-05 7440-47-3 chromium 1.40E-03 0.2214 1.11E-04 7440-48-4 cobalt 8.40E-05 0.0133 6.64E-06 7440-50-8 copper 8.50E-04 0.1344 6.72E-05 7439-96-5 manganese 3.80E-04 0.0601 3.01E-05 7439-97-6 mercury 2.60E-04 0.0411 2.06E-05 7439-98-7 molybdenum 1.10E-03 0.1740 8.70E-05 7440-02-0 nickel 2.10E-03 0.3322 1.66E-04 7782-49-2 selenium 2.40E-05 0.0038 1.90E-06 7440-62-2 vanadium 2.30E-03 0.3638 1.82E-04 7440-66-6 zinc 2.90E-02 4.5871 2.29E-03 Total Annual Metals Emissions: 6.8347 0.0034 Additional Regulated oml iound Emissions from Total Annual Natural Gas Combustion(Only) CAS No. Species Emission Factor lAnnual Pollutant Emissions b/million sc b/r) tons/ear 71-43-2 benzene •0.0021 0.3322 1.66E-04 25321-22-6 dichlorobenzene 1.20E-03 0.1898 9.49E-05 50-00-0 formaldehyde 7.50E-02 11.8631 5.93E-03 110-54-3 hexane 1.8 284.7148 1.42E-01 lead 0.0005 0.0791 3.95E-05 91-20-3 napthalene 6.10E-04 0.0965 4.82E-05 various POM 8.82E-05 0.0140 6.98E-06 108-88-3 toluene 3.40E-03 0.5378 2.69E-04 Total Annual: i 298 i 0.15 3M Emission Calculations File:3M AEI Cates-CY 2018a.xlsx Moncure,NC Page 9 of 26 Sheet:EIG 3(ES 1415)C&S Dryer A. &DIESELAL COMBUSTION ENGINESEMISSIONS AL ULA R REVISION S 6/2212 16-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tablscreen. The air emission results and summary of Input data are 10Ta.A viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tablscreen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. NCDENR This spreadsheet Is subject to continual revision and updating. it Is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR Is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. COMPANY. 3M PlttSbOTO FACILITY ID NO.. 1900104 PERMIT NUMBER: 09006T06 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 290 HP POWER OUTPUT DIESEL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FACILITY CITY: Moncure EMISSION S UR ID NO.: I - P FACILITY COUNTY: Chatham SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: SC POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. ACTUAL THROUGHPUT 261 HRSOFOPERATION FU L H A IN VALUE: 140000 BTU/GAL PM 0 REQUESTED ANNUAL LIMITATION 28,000 GALS COMBUSTED CALCULATIONS: 0 1381 mm BTU/GAL PM10 0 SULFUR CONTENT OF DIESEL FUEL % 01 PM2.5 0 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1 DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF S02 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS k C/al: CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN NOX 0 CO 0 VOC 0 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS 1-) (BEFORE CONTROLShMtlTS) (AFTER CONTROLS rLMrS) Ib/hp-hr AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED b r tons yr I r tonstyr Iblhr tons/yr uncontrolled PARTICULATE MATTER PM 0.64 0.01 0.64 2.79 0.64 0,62 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PMto) 0.64 0.01 0.64 2.79 0.64 0.62 2.20E-03 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 0.64 0.01 0.64 2.79 0.64 0.62 2.20E-03 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 0.35 0.00 0.35 1.54 0.35 0.34 1.21E-03 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 8.99 61,2 8.99 39.38 8.99 8.68 3.10E-02 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 1.94 0.03 1.94 8.48 1.114 1.87 6.66E-03 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC 0.73 0.01 0.73 3.19 0.73 0.70 2.51E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR A (AFTER CONTROLS r LMTS) (EEFORECONTROLS-TS) (PETER CONTROLS-S) Ib/hp-hr TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER b/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/r I/hr Ib/r uncontrolled Acetaldehyde H,T) 75070 1.56E-03 4.05E-02 1.56E-03 1.36E+01 1.56E-03 3.01E+00 Acrolein( ,T) 107028 1.88E-04 4.88E-03 1.88E-04 1.64E+00 1.88E-04 3.63E-01 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted compounds H,T) ASC-Other 8.12E-06 2.11E-04 8.12E-06 7.11E-02 8.12E-06 1.57E-02 2.80E-08 Benzene H,T) 71432 1.89E-03 4.92E-02 1.89E-03 1.66E+01 1.89E-03 3.66E+00 6.53E-06 Benzo a yrene(H,T 50328 3.82E-07 9.92E-06 3.82E-07 3.34E-03 3.82E-07 7.37E-04 1.32E-09 e Ilium metal(unreacted)(H,T) 7440417 1 6.09E-06 1.58E-04 6.09E-06 5.33E-02 6.09E-06 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 1,3-Butadiene H,T) 106990 7.94E-05 2.06E-03 7.94E-05 6.95E-01 7.94E-05 I 1.53E-01 2.74E-07 Cadmium metal(elemental unreacted)(H,T) 7440439 6.09E-06 1.58E-04 6.09E-06 5.33E-02 6.09E-06 I 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Chromic Add(VI) H,T) 7738945 6.09E-06 1.58E-04 6.09E-06 5.33E-02 6.09E-06 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde(H,T) 50000 2.40E-03 6.23E-02 2.40E-03 2.10E+01 2.40E-03 4.63E+00 8.26E-06 Lead unlisted Compounds(H) PBC-Other 1.83E-05 4.75E-04 1.83E-05 1.60E-01 1.83E-05 3.53E-02 6.30E-08 Manganese unlisted compounds(H,T) MNC-Other 1.22E-05 3.17E-04 1.22E-05 1.07E-01 1.22E-05 2.35E-02 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor H,T) 7439976 6.09E-06 1.58E-04 6.09E-06 5.33E-02 6.09E-06 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Na thalene(H) 91203 1.72E-04 4.48E-03 1.72E-04 1.51E+00 1.72E-04 3.32E-01 5.94E-07 Nickel metal(H, 7440020 1 6.09E-06 I 1.58E-04 6.09E-06 5.33E-02 6.09E-06 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Selenium compounds(H) [SEC 3.05E-05 7.92E-04 3.05E-05 2.67E-01 3.05E-05 5.88E-02 1.05E07 Toluene H, 108883 8.30E-04 2.16E-02 8.30E-04 7.27E+00 8.30E-04 1.60E+00 2.86E-06 X lane H,T) 1330207 5,79E-04 1.50E-02 5.79E-04 5.07E+00 5.79E-04 1.12E+00 2.00E-06 Highest HAP(Formaldehyde) 50000 2.40E-03 6.23E-02 2.40E-03 2.10E+01 2.40E-03 4.63E+00 8.26E-06 Total HAPs 1 1 7,79E-03 2.03E-01 7.79E-03 I 6.83E+01 7.79E-03 1.51E+01 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR Ib/hphr TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num, Ib/hr lb/day Ib r uncontrolled Acetaldehyde H,T 75070 1.56E-03 3.74E-02 3.01E+00 5.37E-06 Acrolein H,T) 107028 1.88E-04 4.51 -03 3.63E-01 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted com ounds H,T) ASC-Other 8.12E-06 1.95E-04 1.57E-02 2.80E-08 Benzene(H,T) 71432 1.89E-03 4.55E-02 3.66E+00 6.53E-06 Benzo(a)p rene(H,T) 60328 3.82E-07 9.16E-06 7.37E-04 1.32E-09 Beryllium metal(unreacted)(H,T 7440417 6.09E-06 1.46E-04 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 1,3-Butadiene(H,T) 106990 7.94E-05 1.90E-03 1.53E-01 2.74 07 Cadmium metal elemental unreacted (H,T) 7440439 6.09E-06 1.46E-04 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 soluble chromate compounds,as chromium(VI)equivalent SOLCR6 6.09E-06 1.46E-04 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde(H,T) 50000 2.40E-03 5.75E-02 4.63E+00 8.26E-06 Manganese unlisted compounds(H,T) MNC-Other 1.22E-05 2.92E-04 2. 5E-02 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor(H,T) 7439976 6.09E-06 1.46E-04 1.18 2 2.10E-08 Nickel metal H,T 7440020 6.09E-06 1.46E-04 1.18E-02 2.10E-08 Toluene(H,T) 108883 8.30E-04 1.99E-02 1.60E+00 286E-06 X lene(H,T) 1330207 5.79E-04 1.39E-02 1.12E+00 2.00E-06 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR EMISSIONS INVENTORYPURPOSES)-CONSISTENT WITH EPA GHG-POTENTIAL TO EMIT MANDATORY REPORTING RULE(MRR)METHOD NOT BASED ON EPA MRR METHOD DISTILLATE#2 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heat input POTENTIAL EMISSIONS it capacity or horsepower and EPA MRR Emission Requested Emission Limitation-utilize Factors requested fuel limit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS EMITTED WILL NOT USE EPA MRR METHOD IF ONLY HOURS OF OPERATION ARE GIVEN Emission Factors metric tonstyr metric tons/r,CO2e short tonstyr short tonstyr short tons/r,CO2e short tonstyr I short tonstyr,CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 1,449.78 1,449.78 319.59 319.59 METHANE(CH4) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 5.88E-02 1.47E+00 1.28E-02 3.19E-01 NITROUS OXIDE(N20) no EPA method no EPA method no EPA method 1.18E-02 3.50E+00 2.56E-03 7.62E-01 TOTAL I no EPA method TOTAL 1,454.76 320.67 NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent. NOTE: The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons be reported. The EPA MRR requires metric tons be reported. NOTE: Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD(Prevention of Significant Deterioration)purposes. Pittsboro's Operating Time for 2018 C&S C&S 'Coloring Coloring Operating Operating Operating Operating Days Per Hours per Days Per Hours per C&S Hrs by month month month month Quarter Hrs % by Qrt'r Jan 29 467.6 25 511.95 Dec,Jan, Feb 1352.1 24.37 Feb 24 483.1 22 547.32 Mar 27 476.5 23 568.92 Mar,Apr, May 1526 27.50 Apr 26 497.2 22 567.16 May 27 552.3 23 625.11 Jun,Jul,Aug 1426.7 25.71 Jun 23 496 21 555.88 Jul 22 442.2 23 515.18 Sep, Oct, Nov 1244 22.42 Aug 25 488.5 22 507.48 Sep 20 362.5 17 374.13 5548.8 Oct 25 505.5 23 524.24 Nov 22 376 20 415.17 Dec 21 401.4 20 368.85 Totals: 5,548.8 hrs/yr 6,081.4 hrs/yr L1 L2 Coloring Coloring Coloring Hrs Hrs Hrs by Quarter Hrs % by Qrt'r Jan 194.49 317.46 511.95 Dec,Jan, Feb 1428.12 23.48 Feb 341.73 205.59 547.32 Mar 336.23 232.69 568.92 Mar,Apr, May 1761.19 28.96 Apr 403 164.16 567.16 May 358.65 266.46 625.11 Jun,Jul,Aug 1578.54 25.96 Jun 319.11 236.77 555.88 Jul 285.78 229.4 515.18 Sep,Oct, Nov 1313.54 21.60 Aug 329.08 178.4 507.48 Sep 267.25 106.88 374.13 6081.39 Oct 313.47 210.77 524.24 Nov 322.93 92.24 415.17 Dec 147.22 221.63 368.85 Line totals 3618.94 2462.45 Yr total 6081.39