HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900039_20130626_EI_Cmb-EI-File 0 ,CY2012 Emission Inventory Review/Data Tracking Form �L Check boxes that apply. Facility Name: OK CKVe I ��rd� Facility ID: /q d0® 3 q Assigned To: Confidential Request: Yes ❑ No 1 'P(AMVA If yes, notify El coordinator and treat as confidential. Su ssion type: AERO Paper❑ If Paper, initials of person entering emissions data into ED Inventory Review/IBEAM Data Entry Y N* All forms appear complete and signed by the appropriate official. Supporting calculations,control efficiencies,and documentation of emission factors,if not using AP-42,are included and appear correct. Pertinent compliance and permitting limits checked and.facility is at or below limits(If facility has exceeded limit, check calculation and explain). All permitted and known insignificant sources are included and source and control device IN are the same as the Ids used in the Air Permit. All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each source. For any pollutant,all emissions have been reported for all permitted and insignificant sources that contribute to the facility total (above de minimus reporting limits)of that pollutant to the best of IJ reviewers knowledge. All volatile HAPS/TAPS included in VOC total. (See pollutant list on DAQ external web page) r Significant changes(>105/o)from previous inventories have been investigated and found acceptable (verified by running QAQC report and Facility Total report in ED-Entry). Print Facility total report and attach. Reviewer has checked for facility comments and addressed any issues in the facility comments. Reviewer has checked for SCC/source type accuracy and corrected errors when found. (please note errors corrected in summary below). Summary of all changes/additions to inventory: C��'e��► WOOd �4 of 5-t-;%X5? s;II o (05-1� ) were kePdVfe , eider C--,s it wh se_h -i� no j6ng-er vu peiw3rt 'J& ?tki I-A4 z O_# WA-5 t orrepte d -to 1 e3-CTwS to be uks`steut with 1- Pew` l� -7tu,ff wcKea5e TN VOcIPMP / TaiP)/PP5,- due to -fie pltivaod bus wert — 7. 1- fro, fk rzvlw-� eft• ;[T lased d` reAt C-T- I No, explain corrects a ac Ion to en In the summa section o his for QAQC and Facility Total Reports verified correct? ❑ Has the Data Entry Complete da been entered in IBEAM? ❑ (do so only when totally finished) Signature of Reviewer: Date reviewed:! (This signature certifies that this ew was completed to the best of my ability within the time constraints allowed.) Facility Total CY 2012 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 1900039 Facility Name: Moncure Plvwood Permit#(s): 03424T22 Green House Gases Pollutants(GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr Pollutant CAS Demini- Change mus Not Not N/A Reported Reported CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emission No GHGs times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), Reported converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2012 CY 2011 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO CO 27.29 25.78 0.5 5.9% NOx NOx 38.94 41.08 0.5 -5.2% PM(TSP) TSP 57.64 49.68 0.5 16.0% PM10 PM10 57.64 49.01 0.5 1,17.6% PM2.5 PM2.5 52.93 46.90 0.5 12.9%, S02 S02 3.55 3.74 0.5 -5.1% VOC VOC 51.77 43.05 0.5 20.37 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2012 CY 2011 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Antimony & Compounds (total mass, inc elemental SB) Z24 2.36 10.0 I -5.1% Antimony Unlisted Compounds-Speck Compound SBC-Other 2.24 2.36 10.0 -4.9% (Component of SBC) Arsenic & Compounds(total mass of elemental AS, arsine and 0.210160 1 0.221010 0.01 -4.9% all inorganic compounds) Arsenic Unlisted Compounds-Specify-Compound ASC-Other 0.210160 0.221010 0.01 -4.9% (Component of ASC) Beryllium & compounds (Total mass) 0.312390 0.328530 1.0 -4.9% Beryllium Metal (unreacted) (Component of BEC) 7440-41-7 0.312390 0.328530 1.0 -4.9% Cadmium & compounds (total mass includes elemental metal) 7.52 9.53 0.1 -21.1 10/14/2013 Page 1 of 4 Facility Total CY 2012 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 1900039 Facility Name: Moncure Plywood Permit#(s): 03424T22 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2012 CY 2011 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Cadmium Metal, elemental, unreacted(Component 7440-43-9 7.52 9.53 0.1 -21.2% of CDC) Chromium-A1UTotal(includes Chromium (VI) categories, 5.96 6.01 0.1 -0.8% metal and others) Chromic acid(VI) (Component of SolCR6& CRC) 7738-94-5 0.993980 0.788160 0.01 126.1% Chromium Unlisted Compounds-Specify CRC-other 4.97 5.23 0.1 -4.9% Compound(Component of CRC) Chromium (VI)Soluble Chromate Compounds(Component of 0,993980 0.788160 0.01 126.1% CRC) Chromic acid(VI) (Component of SolCR6& CRC) 7738-94-5 0.993980 0.788160 0.01 12-6.1% Cobalt& compounds 1.85 1.94 1.0 -4.6% Cobalt Unlisted Compounds-Specify Compound COC-Other 1.85 1.94 1.0 -4.9% (Component of COC) Lead& compounds 13.63 14.34 1.0 -5.0% Lead Unlisted Compounds-Speck Compound PBC-Other 13.63 14.34 10.0 -4.9% (Component of PBC) Manganese & compounds 454.39 477.86 10.0 I -4.9% Manganese Unlisted Compounds-Specify MNC-Other 454.39 477.86 10.0 -4.9% Compound(Component of MNC) Mercury & Compounds-all total mass includes Hg Vapor 0.993980 1.05 0.001 I -5.3% Mercury, vapor (Component of HGC) 7439-97-6 0.993980 1.05 0.001 -4.9% Nickel& Compounds,sum total mass includes elemental 9.37 9.86 1.0 -5.0% Nickel metal (Component of NIC) 7440-02-0 9.37 9.86 1.0 -4.9% Polycyclic Organic Matter(7 PAH Compounds for NIF) 0.738400 0.776530 1.0 I -4.9% Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 833291POMTV& 50-32-8 0.738400 0.776530 1.0 -4.9% 5655317PAH) Polycyclic Organic Matter(Specific Compounds from OAQPS 28.29 29.75 1.0 I -4.9 or.TP) 10/14/2013 Page 2 of 4 Facility Total CY 2012 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 1900039 Facility Name: Moncure Plvwood Permit#(s): 03424T22 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPS) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2012 CY 2011 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 833291POMTV& 50-32-8 0.738400 0.776530 1.0 -4.9% 56553/7PAH) Naphthalene (Component of 83329/POMTV) 91-20-3 27.55 28.97 1.0 -4.9% Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 5,051.54 3,652.78 10.0 138.3% Acrolein 107-02-8 371.04 282.78 10.0 131.2% Benzene 71-43-2 216.53 168.95 1.0 28.2% Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 12.78 13.44 1.0 -4.9% CFC-11 (Trichlorofluoromethane)' 75-69-4 11.64 12.25 100.0 -4.9% Chlorine 7782-50-5 224.36 235.94 100.0 . -4.9% Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 9.37 9.86 10.0 -4.9% Chloroform 67-66-3 7.95 8.36 100.0 -4.9% Cumene 98-82-8 2,09T.91 2,274.51 100.0 -7.8% DEHP (Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate) 117-81-7 - 0.013350 0.014030 10.0 -4.8% Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 51-28-5 0.051120 0.053750 0.1 -4.9% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 8.80 9.26 100.0 -4.9% Ethyl chloride (chloroethane) 75-00-3 55.39 59.85 10.0 -7.5% Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane) 107-06-2 86.02 92.76 1.0 -7.3% Formaldehyde 50-00-0 2,280.33 2,100.20 10.0 8.6% Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) 7647-01-0 159.04 5,674.56 100.0 1-97.2. % MEK(methyl ethyl ketone, 2-butanone) 78-93-3 318.78 307.90 100.0 3.5% Methanol (methyl alcohol) 67-56-1 11,960.94 9,786.39 1,000.0 122.2% Methyl bromide (bromomethane) 74-83-9 83.70 91.29 1.0 -8.3% Methyl chloride (chloromethane) 74-87-3 6.53 6.87 1.0 -4.9% Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 8.80 9.26 100.0 -4.9% Methylene chloride 75-09-2 74.73 81.11 1.0 -7.9% MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone) 108-10-1 645.57 766.65 10.0 1-15.8% Nitrophenol, 4- 100-02-7 0.031240 1 0.032850 10.0 1 -4.9% 10/14/2013 Page 3 of 4 Facility Total CY 2012 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility.ID#: 1900039 Facility Name: Moncure Plywood Permit#(s): 03424T22 Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2012 CY 2011 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 0.014480 0.015230 1.0 -4.9% Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene) 127-18-4 10.79 11.35 100.0 -4.9% Phenol. 108-95-2 1,476.73 1,599.60 100.0 -7.7% Phosphorus Metal, Yellow or White 7723-14-0 7.67 8.06 1.0 -4.9% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH, dioxins, etc.NCPOM 35.50 , 37.34 1.0 -4.9% &AP 42 historic) Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 232.93 242.15 10.0 -3.8% Propylene dichloride (1,2-dichloropropane) 78-87-5 9.37 • 9.86 10.0 -4.9% Selenium Compounds SEC 0.795190 0.836250 10.0 -4.9% Styrene 100-42-5 152.06 136.96 100.0 11.0% TCE(trichloroethylene) 79-01-6 8.52 8.96 1,000.0 -4.9% Toluene 108-88-3 320.83 239.68 100.0 133.9% Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 120-82-1 160.28 173.58 100.0 -7.7% Trichlorophenol,2,4,6- 88-06-2 0.006250 0.006570 1.0 -4.9% Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 8.19 8.71 100.0 -6.0% Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 54.69 59.41 0.1 -7.9% Xylene (mixed isomers) 1330-20-7 338.85 295.98 100.0 14.5% Largest Individual HAP Methanol (methyl alcohol) 11,960.94 lbs Total HAP Emissions 6,703.44 lbs DAO's Comments Regarding Inventory 10/14/2013 Page 4 of 4 306 Corimh Rd Weyerhaeuser P.O.Box 230 Moncure,NC 27559559 The future is growing" (919)-542-2311 FAX(919)-542-6646 Certified Mail 7000 0600 0021 7089 8480 February 14, 2003 Donald R. van der Vaart, Ph. D., PE NCDENR—Air Permits Section Major Source Permits Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Weyerhaeuser Company—Moncure Plywood Title V Permit: 03424T.15 Facility ID 05119100039 Reference Request for Toxic Air Pollutants Modeling Study for the Moncure Area Per your letter dated January 16, 2002, the Moncure Plywood facility submits emission rates for Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Fluoride and Lead for our Facility for future modeling efforts to be conducted by NCDENR. In addition, enclosed you will find: a) a Plot Plan for the Moncure facility with the UTM coordinates, b) Excel spreadsheets that contains specific UTM coordinates of the property lines and for the main Plywood building, and c) Stack parameters. If you have any questions or need any additional information,please contact me at(919) 542-231 1. Sincerely, Mike Swanson Environmental Supervisor, Moncure Enclosure: Plot Plan UTM Coordinate Stack Parameters Emissions Spreadsheet Cc: Perry Anglin— Weyerhaeuser - Moncure Walter Wagner- Weyerhaeuser - Moncure Chuck Vaught— Weyerhaeuser- New Bern Weyerhaeuser Moncure Plywood Source Specific Emissions Summary Table Maximum Allowable Emissions Summary Table INPUT PARAMETERS: Total Pine Production - sf Total Hardwood Production 170.000,000 sf PINE HARDWOOD Total Emissions Permit Grou Sources) Pollutant Process Rate Emission Factor Units Emissions Process Rate Emission Factor Units Emissions Units ES01 FBB and 2 Dryers Formaldehyde' 0 2.516E-05 Ib/sf 01 170000000 9.833E-06 Ib/sf 0.00010 Ib/hr ES09&10 Direct heated Hydrogen Chloride= 0 lb/ton 0 80 5.60E-04 Ib/tnmBtu 0.0448 Ib/hr CD-02 Multicyclone Hydrogen Flouride N/A Lead ol lb/ton 0.0001 4.761:-OS Ib/mmBtu 0.004 Ib/hr 0.306 lb/month ES-12 Drywaste System- Formaldehyde' N/A Hydrogen Chloride= N/A H dro en Flouride N/A CD-21 Dry Waste Storage Silo Lead' N/A ES-04 Sander System Formaldehyde' N/A H dro en Chloride 2 Hydrogen Flouride N/AN/A Lead N/A ES-03 Dry Waste Transfer System Formaldehyde N/A CD-06 Hydrogen Chloride 2 N/A H dro en Flouride N/A Lead' N/A ES-I I Hog Fuel Storage Silos Formaldehyde' N/A Hydrogen Chloride' N/A Hydrogen Flouride N/A LEdro d' N/A ES-17 yde' N/A Chloride Z N/A US-I8 Rechipper System Flouride N/A ES-14 N/A ES-I3 Glue Operations and Pressing Formaldehyde' 01 5.815E-06 Ib/sf 01 170000000 1.221 E-06 Ib/sf 0.00001 Ib/hr Hydrogen Chloride N/A Hydrogen Flouride N/A Lead' N/A The Formaldehyde hourly rate was calculated by dividing by the maximum.8760 hours Hydrogen Chloride is based using an emission factor of 5.6E-04. Based on emission tests conducted on several Weyerhaeuser's Boilers. Information is found in NCASI database Lead is based using 4.76E-05 from APA2 Table 1.6-0/A 02/14/2003 Moncure Plywood Y� ``. MonCUre Plywood Plant Moncure Plywood LLC 306 Corinth Rd P.O.Box 230 Moncure,NC 27559 (919)-542-2311 FAX(919)-542-6646 Certified Mail/Return Receipt Request 70121010 0003 3594 5654 June 25, 2013 Patrick Butler TIN; ? 6 9013 Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1628 Per General Conditions 3.X of Title V Permit 03424T22,Moncure Plywood LLC submits our annual Air Emissions Inventory for 2012. If you have any questions or need additional information,please contact Brian Van Gelder, Project Manager, at(803) 581-9261 or cell at(803) 374-3564. S' erely Y Brian Van Gelder Project&Environmental Manager Enclosures: (2)2012 North Carolina Air Emissions Inventories Cc: Brian Van Gelder—Moncure Plywood LLC TABLE 1. EMISSION FACTOR (EF) COMPARISON POLLUTANT "OLD" EF "NEW" EF CHANGE IN EF 2) (LB/FT2) (LB/FT (LB/1000 FTz) HARDWOOD Formaldehyde 9.14 E-05 9.83 E-06 -0.0816 VOC 6.51 E-04 2.41 E-04 -0.410 PM 1.17 E-03 1.64 E-03 +0.470 NOx 2.70 E-04 5.45 E-04 +0.275 CO 3.92 E-05 3.76 E-04 +0.337 PINE Formaldehyde 1.14 E-03 2.52 E-05 -1.11 VOC 3.75 E-03 1.07 E-03 -2.68 PM 9.55 E-04 1.21 E-03 +0.255 NOx 5.29 E-04 5.45 E-04 +0.016 CO 4.69 E-04 6.10 E-04 +0.141 NOTE: The "old" emission factors were calculated based on testing performed in 1994/1995. The "new" emission factors were calculated based on testing performed in April 1996 at the Moncure facility. Also note that NOx was not retested in 1996; however, per NCDEHNR guidance, the "old" NOx emission factors were revised to reflect worst-case NOx emissions. As discussed in the permit modification application submitted in October 1995, Willamette had previously taken a production limit of 134MM ft2 to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting. The emissions which corresponded to this production rate were based on AP-42 emission factors. The extensive testing that Willamette has completed at the Moncure facility has shown that all criteria pollutant emission levels are below the 250 tons per year PSD threshold at a production rate of 170MM ft' per year. 3 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY May 26,2010 MEMORANDUM To: Patrick Butler,Raleigh Regional Office From: Betty Gatano, Stationary Source Compliance Branch(SSCB) Subject: Moncure Plywood,LLC Moncure, Chatham County,North Carolina Air Permit No. 03424T21 Facility ID 05/19/00039 Particulate Emission Testing Performed February 12,2010 on Veneer Dryer M72(Source ES 10) By Environmental Source Samplers, Inc. Tracking No. 2010-022ST The subject test report has been reviewed. The emission sources are fluidized bed wood burner ID No. ESO1-A with blending chamber and dedicated overfire air fans, direct wood-fired veneer dryer M62 (ID No. ES09)and direct wood-fired veneer dryer M72 (ID No. ES10). Burner ESO1-A supplies direct heat to the two veneer dryers. The permitted maximum heat input rate to the burner is 80.0 million Btu per hour. Particulate matter(PM)emissions from the wood burner are controlled with a multicyclone(ID No. CD02), and PM emissions from the veneer dryers are uncontrolled. Testing was conducted only on veneer dryer M72, which is representative of worst case(on mass emission rate in pounds per hour basis)total PM emissions. The test demonstrates that the sources were operating in compliance with the PM emissions standards during the testing period. 15A NCAC 2D .0515 Particulates From Miscellaneous Industrial Processes applies to the entire process, from the wood burner to the two veneer dryers and limits the total PM from all emission points in the process. The entire process has eleven emission points. The multicyclone outlet on the wood burner has one emission point, and each dryer has five emissions points. As a worst case estimate of emissions,the PM emission rate from the entire process is calculated as twice the total mass emission rate from the five M72 emission points. The test results are given in the table below. Test Results(lb/hi) Pollutant e . Standard. Emission _. _ Compliance° Limit(1bli) M72 a,M72 �' M72 �" M72° ` M72 " ' Total for all` `Process 'Indicated Stack 1 Stackr2 Stack 3 Stack 4' Stack 5 M72 Stacks Total Filterable PM 0.418 0.418 0.385 1.380 0.606 N/A 3.208 6.416 Condensible 15A NCAC 24.610* 0.101 0.019 0.031 0.248 0.560 N/A PM 2D.0515 0.959 1.919 Total PM 0.520 6.437 0.416 1.628 1.167 Yes 4.167 8.334 *The allowable emission rate for PM is calculated as E=4.10(P)°67 for process rates less than or equal to 30 tons per hour(tph)and as E_ 55.0(P)°"-40 for process rates greater than 30 tph. Emissions testing was conducted at an average production rate of 13,558 square feet per hour(ft2/hr)on veneer dryer M72, which is 91% of the maximum normal operating process rate of 14,859 feller. Veneer dryer M62 operated at an average production rate of 8,528-fz/hr during testing. The production rate from both dryers was 22,086 ftz/hr or 14.51 tons per hour during test.l t The facility provided a conversion factor of 0.657 tons/thousand ftZ. Patrick Butler,Raleigh Regional Office Chatham County May 26,2010 Page 2(Moncure Plywood,LLC,PM Emissions,February 12,2010 Test) Under Condition 2.LA.5 under Air Permit No. 03424T2,the facility was required to monitor the static pressure drop and excursion values across the multicyclone ID No. CD02 used to control emissions from the fluidized bed wood burner ID No. ESO1. The facility reported a range of static pressure drop during testing of 2 to 3 inches of water. No excursions occurred during testing. In conclusion,the results of the emission test conducted on Veneer Dryer M72(Source ES 10)are accepted and demonstrate compliance with the PM standards for the subject emission sources. If you have any questions,please contact me at(919)733-1478. cc: Central Files, Chatham County IBEAM Documents— 1900039 2012 NORTH CAROLINA AIR EMISSIONS INVENTORY Prepared for: Moncure Plywood, LLC. 306 Corinth Road Moncure, North Carolina 27559 Prepared by: UM URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive I Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 461-1100 URS Project No. 31828920 June 2013 L � .. 'TABLEOF CONTENTS Inventory Certification_Letter A Emission Source & Operating Scenario List B List of Emission Sources & Control Devices. C (� Facility Summary Emission Source Operating Scenario Forms E Supporting Data F � i d. r� 1- L y 1 � P:IIOBS420IMMONCURE PLYWOOD-013 AEATOC.DOCX Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : Raleigh North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Jeffrey Matuszak This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition.40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1. For a corporation: a president,secretary, treasurer,or vice—president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i. the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars); or ii. the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2.For partnership or sole propietorship; a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. for a muncipality,state,federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.,a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: (Important: Legally Resl2omible Official. read and sign after all sublai.5sionse finau I certify that I am the responsible official for this facility, as described above, and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report, including attached calculations and documentation,is true,accurate and complete. (Subject to legal penalties of up to$25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Signature Below use blue ink): Date Si ned: Printed Name: Jeffrey Matuszak -Signature: XL This form pl` rtle V facilities. If s facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. Email address of Responsible Official: A ri Gi+ us -, (?- ri Information on this Form cannot be held confidential 133 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit : 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO Listing of Emission Sources and Control Devices on Permit. See instructions *ES ID on *ES Description *CS ID *CS Description * CD ID's Air Permit ES—1 1 Green wood fuel storage silo ES-13-25HP 25 panel hot press ES-13-40HP 40 panel hot press ES-13—CC Curtain coater ES-13—PO Paper overlay operation ES-13—PS Plywood spreader Fluidized bed wood burner with blending chamber and ESO1—A dedicated overfire air fan(80.0 CS-1 multicyclone CD02 million Btu/hr heat input capacity) Boiler(29.79 million Btu/hr ESO1—B heat input capacity,based on CS-1 multicyclone CD02 slipstream gas from 1D No. ES-01—A)(NSPS Subpart Dc) ES03—CC Core composer with saw ES03—CS Core saw (green or dry veneer) ES03—PSS Panel sawing system ES03—SMS-1 String machine including saws CS-3 bagfilter(7,095 square feet of filter CD03—WWTC,CD06 area), dry waste transfer cyclone ES03—SMS-2 String machine including saws ES03—SS Strip saw Bagfilter(6,200 square feet of filter ES04 Wood sander CS-10 area),Woodwaste transfer cyclone(154 CD05,CD03—WWTC, inches in diameter),Bagfilter(7,095 CD06 square feet of filter area), ES09 M62 t wood—fired veneer dryer CS-1 multicyclone CD02 ES 10 M�2 t wood—fired veneer dryer CS-1 multicyclone CD02 ES 12 Dry wood residual storage silo CS-5 cartridge filter(1,800 square feet of CD21 filter area) Glue mixing operations ES 13—GMO consisting of two resin storage tanks and four mixed glue tanks 1 Cyclone(60 inches in f ES14 Rechip blow hog(green wood CS-12 diameter),Woodwaste transfer cyclone CD18,.CD03—WWTC,. only) (154 inches in diameter),Bagfilter CD06 (7,095 square feet of filter area); . . ES 15 tongue and groove operations bagfilter(7,095 square feet of filter Plywood waste hog g ES 16 P1 CS-3 CD.03—WWTC, CD06 . area), dry waste.transfer cyclone Cyclone(60 inches in Green wood sizing operations diameter),Woodwaste transfer cyclone CD1.8,CD03—WWTC, ES17 including sizing screens and CS-12 (154 inches in diaineter),Bagfilter CD06 bins (7,095.sq4are feet of filter area); ES20 Vat.operations ES21 End.sealer spray booth Tongue and:groove saw bagfilter(7,095 square feet of filter ES22 CS-7 CD06 (plywood.finishing) area). I-1 Bark_ hogging operations with - two saws -j I-10 green wood veneer stacker No. 2: I-11 hammer hog truck dump . I-12 dry-waste truck dump. I-2 Core chipping and handling I-3 ... .. Green veneer Bogging . . . I-4 Logo.painting and ink marking I-5. Logo painting and ink marking I-6 _. Plywood surface patching I-7. Maintenance parts washers . I=8 Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone green wood veneer stacker No. I-9 n. 1: Diesel—fired.water pump(250 IES 19 Horsepower maximum power output)for emergency,purposes i only LJ �I 2 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO Emission Source & Operating Scenario List — See Instructions *ES Group ID *ES ED *OS ID *OS Description GR2 I-10,I-9 32 Green Veneer Stackers 26 Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner)lbs/SF,(Softwood) 27 Veneer dryers and heat source(wood G-24 ESO1-A,ES burner)HAPS lb/mmBtu,(Softwood) ES09,ES 10 Veneer dryers and heat source(wood 30 burner)Ibs/SF, (Hardwood) 31 Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner)HAPS lb/mmBtu,(Hardwood) G-25 I-4,1-5 5 Ink and painting operations G-27 ES14,ES17 20 Woodwaste Transfer(Rechipper) system ES-11 16 Green wood fuel storage silo ES-13-25HP NONE NONE ES-13-40HP NONE NONE ES-13-CC NONE NONE ES-13-PO NONE NONE ES-13-PS NONE NONE ES03-CC NONE NONE ES03-CS NONE NONE ES03-PSS NONE NONE ES03-SMS-1 21 Dry Waste transfer system ES03-SMS-2 NONE NONE ES03-SS NONE NONE ESO4 12 wood sander ES 12 17 dry wood residual storage silo 10 glue mixing,application and hot ES 13-GMO presses operations(Hardwood) 28 glue mixing,application and hot presses operations,(softwood) ES15 19 tongue and groove operations ES 16 9 plywood hog ES20 18 Vat Operations:Heating of Blocks ES21 33 End Sealer Spray Booth ES22 34 ITongue and Groove Saw 3 I-1 2 Bark Bogging operations_:. . 1711 25 Hammer hog truck dump-no controls . — 24 Dry Waste truck dump I-2. 3 Core chipping and handling operations I-3 4 Green veneer hogging in operations I-6 6 Plywood.surface patching ... .. ! 1-7. 7 Maintenance parts washer . I-8 8 Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone IES.19 11 250 horsepower diesel—.fired water pump: I _ _ L. i r f .. - 4 Facility Total CY 2012 Emissions Summary As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure, NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 Record Facility—Wide Totals From all Permitted and Non—Permitted Air Pollutant Emission Sources Green House Gases Pollutants(GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 1 2012 1 2011 % Difference Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2012 2011 %Difference CO CO 27.29 25.78 5.8572545% NOx NOx 38.94 41.08 —5.2093554% PM TSP TSP 57.64 49.68 16.022541% PM 10 PM 10 57.64 49.01 17.608654% PM2.5 PM2.5 52.93 46.9 12.85714% S02 S02 3.55 3.74 —5.0802155% �7�VOC VOC 1 51.77 43.05 1 20.25552% Hazardous Air Pollutants HAPS and/or Toxic Air Pollutants TAPS Actual Emissions Pounds/Year Pollutant I CAS 1 2012 1 2011 % Difference Pollutant Grou :Antimon Compounds total mass, inc elemental SB Gr up Sum:2.24355 Antimony Unlisted Compounds(Specify SBC—Other 2.24355 2.35942 —4.9109526% Component of SBC Pollutant Grou :Arsenic Compounds total mass of elemental AS, arsine and all inor anic compounds) Group Sum:.21016 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds (Specify ASC—Other 0.21016 .22101 —4.9092793% Component of ASC Pollutant Group:Beryllium compounds Total mass Group Sum:.31239 Beryllium Compound,Unlisted(Specify BEC—Other 0.0 Not reported N/A Component of BEC Beryllium metal (unreacted)(Component of 7440-41-7 0.31239 .32853 —4.9127975% BEC Pollutant Grou :Cadmium compounds total mass inc elemental metal Group Sum:7.51694 Cadmium Metal(elemental unreacted, 7440-43-9 7.51694 9.53399 —21.156408% Component of CDC Cadmium Unlisted Compounds (Specify CDC—Other 0.0 Not reported N/A Component of CDC Vollutant Grou :Cobalt compounds Group Sum:1.84596 68 Cobalt Unlisted Compound(Specify COC-Other ..... 6 1:9413 -4:911143% { Component of COC) .... Pollutant Grou :Lead and Lead compounds Group Sum:13.63171 Lead Unlisted Compounds(Specify and �i Com onentofPBC PBC-Other i3:63171 14,33573 =4:910943% ` Pollutant Grou :Man anese compounds:G'r oup Sum:454.3904 Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify MNC-Other 454:3904 477:8576 -4.9.109173% Component of MNC ollutant'Grou :Mercu Compounds-all total mass 'inc H .Va or Group Sum:.993.98 Mercury Unlisted Compounds(Specify HGC-Other 0.0. Not yeported N/A Component of-HGC Mercury,vapor(Component of HGC 7439-97-6... .. 0.99398 1.04531 . .-4.910508% ollutant Grou :Nickel Compounds,,:suni total mass,inaeleriiental Group Sum:9.3718 � Nickel Unlisted Compounds,(Specify Component of NIC) NIC-Other 0.0 Not reported N/A Nickel metal :Coin onent of NIC. ::. :: 7440-02-.0 ::. .. 9.3718 ... ::: : 9.85582 ... .:- .: -4.911% Pollutant Grou :Chromium .VI Soluble Chromate Compounds Component of CRC Group Sum:.99398 Chromic acid(VI)(Component of So1CR6 7738-94-5 0.99398 .78816 26.113983% :CRC . ollutant Grou cChlorinated Dioxin Cornounds of interest as ..HAP or TAP Group Sum:0.0 Hexacl?lorodibenzo-p-dioxin 1:,2,3,6,7,8 5 7653-$5-7 0.0 Not reported N/A (component of CLDC ... .. ... Pollutant Grou :Chromium-All/Total Inc Chromium VI categories,metal and Others Group Sum:5.96387 Chromic.acid(VI)(Component:of SoICR6 7738-94-5 0:99398 78816 26413983% CRC :Chromium Unlisted Compounds(Specify CRC-Other 4.96989 5.22657 -4.9110603% .Com,onent of.CRC)... . ? ollutant Grou :Pol c clic Or anic Matter S ecif c Compounds from:O A PS for TV GroupSum:28.28819' . . .... . . .... L! :Benzo(a)pyrene(Component of POMTV. 50-32-8: 0.7384 77653 4.9103117%: .POM7) LNaphthalene(Component.of POMTV 9:1-20=3 27.54979 ...28 97313 -4;9126205% ... Pollutant Grou :Pol .c clic Organic Matter 7 PAH Compounds for NIF Group:Sum:.7384 " enzo(a)pyrene:(ComponentofPOMTV PO1V17 50-32-8 0.7384 .776.53 =4.91.03-117% ...,Acetaldehyde ...: 75. 07. 0 5051.538 3652.77631 38.29311% .:Acrolein 107-02-8. 371.037:.. 282.77879::. 31.211046%:: Benzene 71-43-2 216.52573 168.95021 '28.1:5949% Butadiene, 1,3= 106-99-0 0.0 . Notre ported :N/A CFC-11 Triehlorotluoromethane - ::_ . 75-69-4.,. :-: .: 11.64376... ::. 12.2451 ... ... .. 4.910865%- 1 Carbon tetrachloride.. 56-.23-5 12.77973 13.43975 4.9109535% Chlorine ::: 7782-50-5 224.35526 235.9421.9 -49.109187% Chlorolienzene :::.. 108-90=7 .:::.. 9.3718: 9.85582 :,. : : :. -4.911% Chloroform 67-66-3- 7.95183 8.3..625.1 4.9109635% Cumene.::. : ..:98-82-8 2097.913 2274.51 -7;764174% Di 2=eth lhex :1 hthalate EHP :. . 117-81-7 . : : 0.01335. .01403 4.8467603% Dinitro henol,2,4- 51-28-5 : 0.05112 _: 05375 4.893021%'' Ethyl benzene :.. :: ...100=41-4 8 80382 9.25849 -4:910844% Ethyl chloride chloroethane 75-00=3 :: . : 55.38615 59.8505 77.4591656% Eth lene dichloride 1,27dichloroethane 107-06-2 86.01755 . . 92.7635 7.2722015% - Fluorides sum of all fluoride:compounds) 16984-48-8 :0;0. Notre :orted ...N/A: i 69'. i Formaldeh .de::. :: ... 50-00-0 ...2280.333 210:0.20631 8.576936%0 ... :. H dro en chloride. h drochlorieacid . .. 7647-01-0-.. .. 159.03664 .:. . 5674.559 -97.19737% .... . _..... ::Methanol 67-56-1: 11960.943 9786.388 22.220207% -, Methyl bromide:::: .74-83-9 833033 9:1.2935 -8.3.14067%. Methyl chloride. . .... 74-877-3 6.53.186 6.86921 -4:91.10436% Methyl chloroform' 71-55-6.: : 8.80382::. . 9.25849:..: : 4.910844%:. . . . . .Meth 1 eth 1 ketone . 78-93-3 318.78476 307.8965 3.5363326% Methyl isobutyl ketone .1.08-10-1 645.569 766.6485 -15:793357% Methylene chloride 75-09-2. ::: .: - 74.7271... ::: . 81.1065 ... ::. :: .-7.8654633% { Nitro henol,4-.. .. 1.007702-7 0.03124 .03285 4.90107% Pentachloro henol :: 87=86-5 0:01448 .01523 -4.924489% . . .... . . ...: Perchloroeth lerie: .fetrachloroeth lens: 127-18=4.::.:: 10.79177 .: 11.34912 4.910955% . Phenol 108-9.5-2 . . 1476.73 1599.6025 -7.681443% Phos horus Metal,Yellow or White :.772344-0 7:66784 ::.8;06384 -4.9108105% Polycyclic Organic Matter-(Inc PAR . . r . :. . dioxins, etc.NC AP 42 historic amorphous POW: 35.50395 37.33861 4:9135823%. lob .. . Pro ionaldeh'de . 123-38-6 232.9338 242.1.51 3.8063827% .. Pro o. ldne dichloride 78-87-5.. : 9.3718:::. : 9.85582 ::: : 4.911% Selenium Coin ounds --SEC 0.79519 .83625 4.9100184% Styrene 100-42-5 152.0647 136.959 11:029358%o ..Toluene .. 108-88-3. :.- 320.83435. : . 239.68256 33.858032 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-. 120=82-1 1.60.2818 173.576 7:6590104% Trichloroethane 1,2 79-00-5 0'.0' N6t re orted N/A Trichloioeth lene .. 79-01-6 .::.:: 8.51982 8.95983 :... : : :. -4.91091976/o.. 00657 -4.8 Trichloro henol,2,4,6- 88-06-2 0,00625 7,0626% Vinyl acetate': 108=05-4 8.19 871 -5:.9701543% i� Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 54:69188 .::.:: 59.4095 7.9408526% . X lens 1330-20-7 338.85114: 295.97815 _.:14.4851870/( { X lene, o 95747=6 0:0 Not re'orted1/A ' L_ .. .. .. ..: .: .. :... . .... .... . .... . .. .. .. .. T 1 ..., .. j . .. ... .. ... ... . ..:: ... -. .. .. .. .. 70 Moncure.Plywood LLC Facility-Wide Summary of Actual Emissions 2012 Air Emissions Inventory i URS Project No.31828920 j Compound Emissions.: Emissions^I lb/ r tons/.r. 1. 54;573r 27,29., b - -- NOx .t.w a' t :r, t - 1• "�77'886 38E94r is 11'4;739' Sr7,d37 �• f PM10r 1`05;342._ G 5267s : .'• _, m, i. 1'03.072; q 7r108t Emissions Emissions DeMinimus Compound Ned to ` Report in lb/yr ton/yr (lb/yr.)„ :AEI?., . ACeta7deh°de,(TH)1t c. e t 5;051�54' �� ;2-53Et00,' :fi >,�lOfl r v Yesr:: Aceto henone(H) 9.09E-04..: 4.54E-07 100 No ACrOlein:+.' i..-7 is .G E T _ f�''a,i i _ d3i7? 04� r r A ' 41 ;�k '+' l01 p.i 44r '{ � SL::n 1 .u:,�.�� _186E�01: _..-w.LO ._1' Antimon &Compounds (H) 2.24 1.12E-03 10 No Atsetuc4&,,Com oinds,.(91I)fi " " ^_ r °„+d Q:211. .,,.°:3 .1 OSE�04! S i©10Y� `,", , Vii`5-J Benzene-' ,;7fY6__ r� r ;108E013 ii 1�� ".5Yes4n?1 m., Benzo(a) eue:(T) -. :. . 0.74 .... ,3.69E-04 . . .... 1 :: . : No Beryllium Qom ourids(T/H) 0.31 1.56E-04 1 No I ladminm'.Com-QUI1dSr i ,i-+ , � ,«. � r rg � w i r Y, r •x r a 1 r`=���+ ,y ,.. .� a �/H).a...; :..,,:•.;�:i!xa,_�._�.iT16`,k.,;"�.�p ,es'. Canbon,tetractiloi le,;(.1 <.y»,.,sY.»:,: it».2> :�_ :.�1�2.7$n :»_..lt., r 'IV Yesi" �(i GhloiRnet'1 Hi1 ai m.,r - -n r r » r r. k,.u:�FNa !.�;:12E.01�.�'a, v.`r.f100A�•'k r ! .1'<CS�'•,•�a Chlorobenzene(TH) '9.37 4.69E-03 10 No Chloroform-(TH) 7.95 I I 3.98E-03 100 . . ...: No Chr omium`-0tliez com�8si i L+' '_��` �C � K4!9 _,_ Glicomiiuxi'`?ICom" und's"CPS_ h _ 1, =099 Yes:_'J Cobalt com oundsl ) iR .1:$5. r _r9'.23E.04. lr Yesi CumarielU5E+0(25'r ,t z -:. -t,.: « 00 .v: .�Ysess, Dinitro henol;2,4(H) "' 0.05 2.56E-05 :: . : 0.1 No;: . Di(2=eth lhex 1) hthalate:(DEHP)(TH) :::O:Ol 6.67E-06 " 10 No Ethyl benzene(l):. 8:80 ' 4..40E-03 100... . No EIIt llchloride+(chlorbethane t'(H' s ki 55.39't y 2}77E Eth lene'di'ehlonde�'c z.,,.,' .�,.: t•- ' ",�„ll+86i02x„,..,, a �, ,,.,4.30E-02._:.., x. --- ormalde)i.',de;G'Ii .r n ,. ;... 2,28p33, 00': . 7a10; :;;_x,,. ;1�14E+ , t - Hexachlorodibenzo- dioxin 1,2,34,7,8(T) 1.18E 07 1.39E 10 0.00001 No H.d o en'chlonideE.(TH)i 15- } 0041 7 95Er02` ' 100 i_ Yes ` •[' ,- I3.632 6:82&03;� _..._ „ 2:7,E,01: IVlerc Com oiiiid:r rIH)l,. „ [ 3:99; I r 4"97E;;04;" Qt001„ Xes 1 Methanol`(d-I' .:h .. .�. ^; A.1�i11960T9'4+ ..,W `1000T d i„ '89tr7U! `"; 419E 02', - _- ;__i eth lilrotm e, �'. 11 Yies`,`. Mbtfi D chlondei H+1 !. y: ;,_6:53;__.• i i" » _31.17E,03_ a. i T',es; !-- _ -__. _ _._ � Meth:l chloroform(TH :::I . . ...8:80:: 4.40E=03. :;': 100 No etli 1(et6 7;ketonel; ),-- a . (•-__ 3,1%78!s- F 159E 0,1�. _,t i_ ,1,00-_ _Yes , - 161et1i`IPlsobu 1 I{etone _� „,H� � ,:,�u t,;.•,� 645�5,7,;. `:;� 323E'01° �,1+, ,'ti101.�. ��. _Xes '� Meth lntielchlon`de;(rTH) 7„4+73 +,� '`.r,. _,, 3�:74E`_'02 Yes;', " y N27sS5t, F; 9 LL 1:3,8Er02 ; , ti,�;t.li-':�'?3 Yes.;�1 � F K + �,x° 3 Niek6FQ,b n ounds;(rT _ ,•_; 9?3�If- ,�:_ 469�,.Q __til Y,es a Nitro heriol,4-.(H) 0.03 1;56E-05 . .' 10 :: . No Pentachloro heriol(TH) ::: 0.01 : : : 7.24E-66 -:I: = No Perchloroeth left(TH): 10.7.9-. 5.40E703 ... 100 • ' No ... {i�'i-"' -iJ s F" `xc,rs rs r trG" vsg . Plienoi;rTl1 �nk ,.,u �a g_.a t!ta .: . G 738EO..l�i :i� .. � 100 Xes, 1476 73 + .n - Ptios horus:MetalEl'ellow�o`r�Whre_ j , Y1'es Pol chlorinatedbi hen"ls (TH 2.31E-03 : 1;16E=06 10': : : No Pol c cic;Or anicIlTatter t(f3) .t; �tr !'1L F1 35=SU1, 1�7f7E 02 _,,.� ;'.li m •� w-±-;'Yv - �15"+'t ,• i --. 6 a.l rKl.4 j y w+-.0 e ;ro ionaldih.dei(I �S, ` �n � ,s h f t ?2 2:9. L + ti t1 1 16E�Q1�.?�,Leg Yes Propylene dichloride(H)' 937 4.69E-03; ' 10 No Selenium com ounds(H) : 0.80 3:98E-04 10 ::'. No { ... .. . . . Moncure Plywood LLC 'Facility-Wide Summary of.Actual Emissions 2012 Air Emissions Inventory j URS Project No.31828920 Nee dt )� Compound Emissions Emissions DeMinimus, Report in Ib/yr ton/yr (Ib/yr) L_ AEI? a "K.:h 'arm a c — r > •LF:, x s.S. 1 x r ;rr ene,,TH) ,.�� ,. :,..,b , :a •b :�,�;�,•�_,1.>52 04S .. r �.-,�ai0E,Q2;?°;''' :' 1 Q0: Yesi�'-, etrachlorodibenzo dioxin.2 3 7 8 (TH) 244E 06 1 22E 09 _ 0.00001 No 1:- :.plume -Hi L 3 - a ._ F�� 3219 831 a _..t.E z 1.60E Ol.- 1 1'00' ',j 3 Yesi4 �4 nchliir''oben�zene,r7 2;4.a 1I �_° " �:1602$L_ G� r$'.0 Ea02i fii. a;1b.0;,,LI'2�LI YesiZ richloroeth Iene(TI4) 8.52 :. 4.26E-03 :: 1000 No r-- richlorofluoromethane(CFC 111)M 11."64' 5.82E-03 100 No Trichlorophenol,2,4,6 (H) 0.01 3.12E-06 - 1 - No - Vin'I acetate(H :;:.'i 8.19 :: : : 4.10E-03 100: No { ,:F ,, '.;_54469 _`_;P` ,: 2;73EL02,_.. �"`i a`013 ��E1�Xes�__.i win•IieliloridR e,.i d. E�.1�_ f.. �__ 4G �� F JX�ffirk TH)fh_i LL = _Il'bI a _4L 3$85,?a „ 169E 01� ..6 _� 1.00t Yes�i " _j As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit) or Group G-24 consisting of ES01—A, ES01-13, ES09, ES10 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —26/Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner) lbs/SF, (Softwood) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700740/Plywood Operations ; Direct Wood—Fired Dryer: Non—specified Pine Species Veneer 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 46285000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur %Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 CD02 Multic clone 720 six—inch diameter tubes 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) 09A VERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 155 7304.2 Veneer drver ery 09B VERTICAL STACK 66 1 370 100 4712.38 Veneer dryer erp 09C VERTICAL STACK 66 l 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer er 09cool VERTICAL STACK 46 4 107 35 26389.37 Veneer dryer erp 10A VERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 155 7304.2 Veneer dryer er I OB VERTICAL STACK 66 ] 1 370 ]00 4712.38 Veneer dryer er l OC VERTICAL STACK 66 1 1 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer erp I Ocool VERTICAL STACK 46 4 105 35 26389.37 Veneer dryer er 7 Operating Scenario: OS = ..2...6::: . Emission.Source/Group ID .G-24 ... .... 10.;Operating Schedule; (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) Hours per.Da 24 . Days per Week 7 Weeks er Year..Yearj 52 11:.Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359... . . .... 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut. an4eb .+Dec o arch—May o : une—Aug. o �Sept.7��ov. o 012 25% 012 25/0 25/o . 012 25/o 0:12. 13::Actual Emissions p er Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used: Emissions= Emission Control GHG CAS ::GHG Estimation Efficiency. : Emission . Pollutants Pollutants Method Code: (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year .:: :.See Instructions all controls 2012 Criteria Emissions- mission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency. : Emission (NQS) Ef Control Pollutants Code Method Code. (Net after, Factor Pollutants .. " (Tons/Ye :: (See Instructions) all controls) .2012 CO. CO 4. 13.89 04 0 0.0006 : AFTER NOz. :.. : NOg .: 08 :: ;:0 TSP `. . _..: . TSP. . ...: 08... .. 65 . PM10. PM10 08 65 .. PM2.5::: : PM2 5.: 08 65. :77- S02 S02. . ... .: D8 0..: VOC VOC 24.76 04 0 0.00107 : AFTER HAP/TAP . Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (IriAlphabetical CAS HAP/TAPS n Estimation Efficiency Emissio EF Control (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions): controls) 2012 i Acetaldehyde ..:: 75-07=0 3934.225 08 0..: 0.000085 • AFTER P Acrolein -107-02-8 ::. '29.6.224 :.08:::': 0 0:0000064 -AFTER Benzene: . : 71-43-2: 1 66.626 08 0.0000036 AFTER 1 ` Cumene 98 82 . .. ' 08 . 0..: 0.000013 .:. AFTER ... .. 8 ._ 601.705 . ::Ethyl;chloride chloroethane. 75-00-3 16.19975 08 0 3.5E-7 AFTER Ethylene dichloride 107=06-2 ... 25.45675 08 . 0..: _ 5 5E 7 AFTER '` i,2-dichloroethane • :15704: 050-00-0 0:Formaldeh de 1 000025 AFTER Metha,nal :; .: 67-56=1 : 1666.26.:: ; : .: 08 :0 .: 0.0:00036 AFTER Meth 1 bromide 74-83=9, 2:3.1425 08:: . : 0'' : . : .5E-7 AFTER Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 :::111.084 08 0 0:0000024 AFTER Meth l isobu.. l ketone 108-10-1: 46.285 .. 08 :::0 0.000Q0 L: . AFTER... . :: Methylene chloride 75-09 72 AFTER ... — .. 2.1.2911 ...: .08... .. . 0 �' . 4.6E=7 Phenol ... : : 108-95-2 ... 361.023 08:: : 0 : ::0.:0000078 AFTER Pro ionaldeh .de. 123-38-6 83.313. A. 0.000001.8 . AFTER styrene::,: a 100=42=5 87.9415.: 08 0 0.0000019 AFTER :..Toluene 108-88-3 263.8245 08:.:. 0 0.0000057 AFTER Trichlarobenzene, 1,2,4 120-82-1 46.28:5 08. . ...: 0 .0.000001 `AFTER Vinyl chloride .: 75=01-4" .: 15.50548:: : 08 0.: 3.35:E-7 AFTER::. + X .lene 1330-20-7 210.59675 08:; . : 0 :0.00000455 AFTER mam a .. . . I ' 10 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure, NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-24 consisting of ESO1—A, ESO1—B, ES09, ES10 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —27/Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner)HAPS lb/mmBtu, (Softwood) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700740/Plywood Operations ; Direct Wood—Fired Dryer: Non—specified Pine Species Veneer 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 111838 E6BTU/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) % Sulfur %Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 CD02 Multic clone 720 six—inch diameter tubes 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) 09A VERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 155 7304.2 Veneer dryer erp 09B VERTICAL STACK 66 1 370 100 4712.38 Veneer dryer erp 09C VERTICAL STACK 66 1 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer erp 09cool VERTICAL STACK 46 4 107 35 26389.37 Veneer dryer ery 10A IVERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 1 155 1 7304.2 Veneer dryer erp 1013 VERTICAL STACK 66 1 370 100 4712.38 Veneer dryer er 1 OC IVERTICAL STACK 66 1 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer er 11 d Operating Scenario: OS—27; Emission S:ouree/Group M G-24 10. Operating Schedule; Source/O .eratin Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 201.2 Hoursper.. Day* 2 .. Pays er Week. . 7 Weeks per Year 52 .. ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359' 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut:: an—Fe ti +Dec o o ' une=Aug. o Sept. Nov. o 25/o tich—May. . 25/o . 25./0 01225/o0122. : 012 .... . .11. -Actual Emissions.per Pollutant Listed Attach.calculations and documentation of emission:factor's or other estimation,methods used.: Emission. Emissions-: .Estimation Control . GHG CAS GHG Method fri iency Emission: f Co E Pollutants : Pollutants ' Code::: (Net after Control.. :... actor :(Tons/Year) all controls) 1_.�. . (See:. . _.. Instructions . 2012 Emission Emissions Estimation Control :Criteria : NAA S Pollutant Criteria Method. :Efficiency Emission ( Q ) Ef.Control. . .. Code Pollutants :: Code -(Net:at'ter Factor Pollutants (Tons/Year) . . (See all controls): --. . ... .. Instructions . . .2012 CO .:!CO, 08 0. .. NOz NOg :15.31 08.:: 0 TSP.: TSP 13J4 08 . . ... 65 AFTER PM10 PM-10 13.74::: .:08 :.::65 : :'AFTER PM2.5 PM2.5... :: .13.46 08 65 .AFTER :S02 : S02 1.4 0& 0 0.02.5: AFTER VOC: :08 ... .mission.. ' ' Emissions Estimation Control I h HAP/TAP CAS. Emission Method '''Efficiency Efficiency E n E�.__.. HAP/TAPS: :: .. E:Control . :Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (seeanstructions) Code (Net after all Factor : Wounds/Year). . contro ls) See.::.:. ... .. Instructions) 2012: Antimony Unlisted Compounds.(.Specify SBC—Other 10.88352 08 .::;: _ 0 0.0000079 AFTER .: Component of SBC Arsenic.Unlisted Compounds (Specify ASC Other 0.08276.. ::: :: :02 0::: 7.4E-7 ... :AFTER Com onent of ASC Benzo a rene(Component of POMTV: OPY : P .:50-32-8 029078 08. 0 0:0000026 AFTER:: : f. _. .. `:POM Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440: 41-7 0.12302: : 08 0 0.0000011 :' :AFTER (Component of BEG CFC-11 Trichlorofluoromethane �- :75-69-4 :4.58536 08: : 0 0.000041 AFTER 7440. 43-9 0.45854 .: ::: 08 0; 0.0000041: .. AFTER ; i 13. :. Cadmium Metal(elemental:unreacted, Component of CDC Carbon:tefrachloride 56-23-5 5:03271 08 : 0 0 000045 AFTER: Chlorine 7782-50-5 �88.35202:: . : 08 Q. : 0:00079 :AFTER Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 3.69065` : 08 -f Chloroform ::::: 67-66-3 3:13146 08.::: 0 00.0.0028 AFTER. . = ..Chromic acid'(VI).(.Component of- 7738-94-5 0.39143 ,:: :: 08 .:0::. 0.0000035 AFTER So1CR6 CRC :: :. Chromium Unlisted Compounds CRC-Other... :::1:95716 08 : 0 0:00001.75 AFTER. : (Specify Component of CRC :: i Cobalt:Unlisted Compound:(Specify Com onent of COC COC=Other 0.72695 08 :0 0.0000065: AFTER Di 2-eth lbez 1 hthalate EIR: 117-81-7 :: : : 0:00526 08 : 0 :::4.7E-8 AFTER Dinitro henol 2,4 51-28-5. 0.02013 :: . : . 08 0. : L8E-7 ::AFTER Eth 1 benzene: 100:-41-4: 3.46699: 08 0 0.0.00031 AFTER ir' r H dro en chloride: h .drochloric acid : 7647-01-0 . . :62:62928 10 ::. :: 0 0:0005.6 AFTER: Lead Unlisted Compounds.(Specify and Other 5.36822 08 0.000048 TERPBGCom onentofPBC F Manganese Unlisted Compounds . S eci Come onent of MNC MNC-Other. : 178.9408 08. 0 :::0:0616. AFTER. Mercu: va or Com on6f of HGC 7434 9:7-6 0.39143. : :: -. 08 .- 0: -: 0.0000035. RAFTER ..Methyl chloride , 74=87-3. . ..2.57227' 08 ... .. 0 0.000023 AFTER Meth 1 chloroform . 71-55-6 ':J3:46698 Q8 : 0 :0.00003:1 AFTER Naphthalene Com onent.of:POMT 91-2:0-3 10.84829.:: :: 08 0::: 0.000097: AFTER t .. Nickel metal Com onent of.NIC 7440=02-0 3.69065 08 0 0.000.033 AFTER .. Nitro henol 4- 7 :100-02-7 :: : -a.0123 08: 0 1::1 E-7 AFTERS ;: . Pentachloro`henol.:: 87786-5 . 0.0057 : . : .08 0 . 5:1E-8 AFTER I Perchloroeth lene tetrachloroeth lene 127=184- 4.24984: 08 0 0.600038 ;AFTER Phosphorus Metal-Yellow or White:: : 7723-14-0 . . ::3.01963 08. ::: :: 0 0:000027 AFTER:: Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc,PAH; Aiozins,.etc.NC AP:42 historic ;POM 13.97975 08 0 0.000125 : AFTER amor .hous lob Propylene dichloride - .78-87-5 3.69065 08: : 0 0.000033 AFTER ::;Selenium Compounds: SEC: 0.31315.. :: :: 08 0: :: 0.0000028: : 'AFTER u Trichloroeth lene 79=01-6-: . .3.35514 `08 ... .. 0 0.00003 AFTER .... Trichloro henol,2 4 6- -:88-06-2 :0.00246 08 0 : 22E=8: AFTER. p. :-:.. _. _.. ms 1:4 As entered in AFRO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-24 consisting ofES01—A, ES01—B, ES09, ES10 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —30/Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner) lbs/SF, (Hardwood) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700734/Plywood Operations ; Hardwood Plywood, Veneer Dryer Direct Wood—fired, Heated Zones 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 71248000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) 1 CS-1 CD02 Multic clone 720 six—inch diameter tubes i 1 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) 09A VERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 155 7304.2 Veneer dryer erp 09B VERTICAL STACK 66 1 370 100 4712.38 Veneer dryer erp 09C VERTICAL STACK 66 l 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer er 09cool VERTICAL STACK 46 4 107 35 26389.37 Veneer dryer erp 10A IVERTICAL STACK 66 1 350 155 7304.2 Veneer dryer er 1013 VERTICAL STACK 66 1 370 100 4712.38 Veneer d er er IOC VERTICAL STACK 66 1 340 150 7068.58 Veneer dryer er I Ocool VERTICAL STACK 46 4 105 1 35 26389.37 Veneer dr er er 15 Operating,Scenario: OS —30: Emission.Source/Group ID: G=24; .. . 10..Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) Hours per.Day '( 24 )- Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks'per Year ::( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent:Annual Throu h ut: . an=Feb .+.Dec o arch—May o . une—Aug.. o Sept..—Nov. o . 25/0 25/0 012 25/0 012 25/o 012 4� 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed { Attach zdkulations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used-. Emissions-: Emission Control GHG CAS :GHG Estimation Efficiency. Emission Pollutants f Control Pollutants Method=Code: (Net after Factor Tons/Year .See Instructions all controls 2012 .. . Criteria Emissions- Emission Control .. .. . AA S Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency. Emission (N Q ) .. Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code: .(Net after Factor :(Tons/Year),. (See,Instructions), al:controls) 2012. CO CO 13.39 04. 0 0.000376 AFTER NOx. : NOx:: :: 08_ . . 0 . TSP. : ...: TSP . .08... ... . 6.5.. _ 1 PM10 PM10 .08: . .. 65 .. . . PM2.5::::. 08 65 SW S02. . ... 08. 0 VOC VOC 5.59: :04 0 0:000241 AFTER I HAP/TAP:. Emissions, Emission Control CAS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In Al habetic. HAP/TAPS ctor PEF.Control (see instructions)' Method:Code (Net after all -:: :: Fa Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions): controls) 2012 . .. Acetaldeh de -.-- 75-07-0 370.4896 08... .. 0 ..0.0000052 AFTER Acrolein 107-02-8 74:8104 08:: 0 0.00000105 AFTER Benzene: _ 71-43 2:: 49.87M 08 0 7E77... Cumene. 98-82 .8 1496.209 08 0... 0.000621 LJ Ethyl chloride 75-00-3 .39.186:4 08 0 5.5E-7 chloroethane) . ...... . .. ... Ethylene dichloride 107=06-2 60.5608 08 0 8.5E-7 12-dichloroetliane . : Formaldeh de 50-00-0 700.367.84 04 . . - 0 . . 0..00000983 AFTER Methanol:':. 67=$6-1 676.856.::: 08 0 .: 0.0000095 AFTER:::: Methyl.bro 11mde 74783-9 60.5.608 08:.-.-: 0 8.5E-7 ... ... .. Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 A 67.4328 08 0 0.00000235 } Methyl isobu.. .i:ketone 1 108-1.0:=1:. 160.308 ... : .. 08 . .0 0.00000225 Meth Jene chloride . 75-09=2 53.43.E .08... 0 7.5E=7 ... .. . 17: r-, 10600l: IVERTICAL S'TACKI 46 4 105.. ::: 35 26389.37 Veneer dryer erp j-. Operating Scenario: OS—31::: Emission Source/Group ID .G-24 10.:0 Operating Sc4edule: Source/O ,eratin ;Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012 P g . ( P g Hours per.Pay' 24 Days per Week 7 Weeksper Year . 52 . ..... 11..Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut; ... —Aug. Se t.-Nov.an=Feb +IIec une25/ 25/ 25% 25%. 012 012. 02 c .13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed-:- . Attach:calculations and docutrientation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used - Emission Emissions=: :Estimation Control GHG CAS GHG Method fficiency. Emission: Ef Pollutants Code:: : (1`I Pollutants et after Factor Control s/Y Tonear ( . .. . ) (See . . - :all controls) 0 Instructions 2012 mission Criteria Emissions— Estimation Control Pollutant Criteria Method. . .:Efficiency Emission . (NAAQS) Ef.Control Code Pollutants::: Code (Net:after.: Factor Pollutants:'' _(Tons/Year) ..-:(See-.. all controls) . ... .. Instructions 2012 CO 08 ,0: .. NOx : :23.57 08. ::: :. 0 TSP.: . TSP. 21.15 08 65 .. AFTER '. . .. PM10 P1Vt10 : 21.15::: : 08 65 AFTER . PM2.5 PM2.5 :,::20.73 08. 65 AFTER :S02. S02 .2,.15 08 . . ...: 0 0.025.:. AFTER- ...... VOC VOC .: 08 ::: 0:,: Emission E Emissions Estimati on n Control HAP/TAP CAS: Emission fficienc :Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (see:instructions) HAP/TAPS Coded (Net after all: Factor : EF C . ro . (Pounds/Year). . .. o contr ]s .....' (See.::: : ) .. .. _.. Instructions . ...... 2012... :: Antimony Unlisted.Compounds(Specify SBC Other: 1.36003 08 0 0.000:0079 AFTER.. Com .omnt of.SBC Arsenic Unlisted Compounds;(Specify . . Component of ASC ASC=Other 0.1274:, : : : 02 0 7.4E-7 ::: AFTER ::Benzo(a)pyrene,(Component of POMTV: ^! 50-32-8 : 0.44761 68: 0 0:0000026 AFTER : TOM7. .:.Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440:' 41-7 0.18937' = , ..08 Q 0.0000011 'AFTER I Component of BEC CFC-11 richlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 7.0584 08: 0 0.000041 AFTER 7440::43:-4 7.0584... : : :: 08 0:: :: 0.000041 .. :AFTER Cadmium Metal(elemental:unreacted, Component of CDC)... Carbon:tetrachloride .. 56-23-5 .::: : 7:74702 08 ; 0 :0:000045 AFTER: Chlorine 7782-50-5 136:00324:: . : 08 :0. : 0:00079 AFTER .. :. Chlorobenzene 108=90-7. 5.68115 : 08 0 0.000033: : ' AFTER Chloroform 67-66-3 4.82037 08 ::: :: 0 0:000028 AFTER Chromic acid(VI)(Component of 773811194=5 0.60255. :: ::: 08 :4 0.0000035. ::AFTER . So1CR6 CRC : Chromium Unlisted Compounds ::::, CRC-Other.. : : 3:01.273, 08 : 0 0.00001.75 AFTER ... .. (Specify Component of CRC Cobalt Unlisted Compound:(Specify COC-Other 1.11901 08 0 0.0000065 . AFTER Component of COC Di 2-eth llie 1 hthalate(DER : 117-81-7 0:00809 08 0 .:4:7E-8 AFTER - UP)henol 2,4-_: 51-28=5 0.03099 .:: :: 08 .0.:: 1.8E-7 : .::AFTER ..Eth l benzene:. _ ._.: 100=41-4. 5.33684 08 0. ...: 0.000031 AFTER ::H dro en chloride h .drochloric:acid: : 7647-01-0.: 9640.736 10 0 000056 AFTER. Lead Unlisted Compounds.(Specify and PBC Other 8.26349. :: :: : 08 . . :.6 0.000048. . AFTER Component of PBC Manganese Unlisted Compounds.:: :: MNC-Other.; _ :275.4496 08 : 0 0.0016 AFTER: (Specify Component of MNC Mercury,vapor Com :onent of HGC 7439-9776 0.60255: ; 08 0 0.0000035: : AFTER Methyl.chloride 74-87 3 ::3:95959 08 :: . : 0 0.000023 AFTER Meth* l chloroform 71-55-6 5.33684 08 0 0.000031 AFTER: Na hthalene Com onent of POMT 91.=20:=3: 16.69913 : :: . 08 0: :. 0.000097. . ::AFTER Nickel metal Com orient of NIC 5,68.115 08 .-. .. 0 0.000033 AFTER .. 7440.-02-0. _ Nitro`henol 4- :100-02-7 : : : 001894 08 : 0 LIE-7 AFTER - Pentachloro' henol; . 87-86=5 0.60978 .:: :: 08 0:.:: 5.1E-8 : .::AFTER Perchloroeth lene tetrachloroeth lene 127=18-.4: 6.54193 08 0 . ...: 0.000038" :.AFTER Phos horus:Metal,Yellow or White=:: 7723-14-0 :: : �4.64821 08: 0 :0.00002:7 AFTER: Polycyelic Organic Matter:(fnc.PAR; diozins;:etc.NC AP 42:historic POM 21.5195 08 :: 0 0.000125 :AFTER _. .. amor hous. lob Pro Tone dichloride 78-87-5 5..6.8.115 08 . . ...: 0 0.0000.33 AFTER Selenium Com pounds .: ::SEC 0.48204: 08 0 0.0000028: : :AFTER Trichloroeth lene .79-01-6 .:5.16468 08 :: . : 6 0:00003 AFTER . Trichloro henol,2,4,6- .88-06-2 0.00379 08: : 0 2.2E-8 AFTER: as a i :: Moncure Plywood LLC Emission Source(s): Fluidized Bed Wood Boiler and Two Direct Heated Dryers Source ID Number(s): ES-01,ES-09,ES-10,CD-02 Emission Point(s): EP-09a-d,EP-10a-d 2012 Actual Process Throughput: §Boiler operating hours/yr 27,381 ton wood/yr 283,995 MMBtu/yr 227,389 MMBtu/yr Green Wood 56,606 MMBtu/yr Dry Wood 71,248,000 sf/yr Hardwood J6,Z85,000 sf/yr Softwood 117,533,000 sf/yr Total Plywood Production 172,156 MMBtu/yr Hardwood 111,838 MMBtu/yr Softwood ✓ Actual Emissions Summary: Hardwood Softwood Total Compound Emissions* Emissions* Emissions P Emission Factor Units Ref. Emission Factor Units Ref. ton/ r ton/ r ton/yr CO 3.76E-04 lb/sf 1 13.39 6.00E-04 Ib/sf 1 13.89 / 27.3 NOx(dry wood) 4.90E-01 lb/MMBtu 2 8.41 4.90E-01 lb/MMBtu 2 5.46 13.9 ! NOx(green wood) 2.20E-01 lb/MMBtu 2 15.16 2.20E-01 lb/MMBtu 2 9.85 25.0 Total NOx 23.57 --- --- --- 15.31 38.9 PM 8.308 lb/hr 3 21.15 9.308 lb/hr 3 13.74 34.9 PM10 8.308✓ lb/hr 3 21.15 / 8.308 lb/hr 3 13.74 ✓ 34.9 PM2.5 8.14 lb/hr 3 20.73 8.14 lb/hr 3 13.46 34.2 VOC(as acetic acid-hardwood and inene-softwood) 2.41E-04 lb/sf 1 8.60 1.07E-03 lb/sf 1 24.76 33.4 SO2 2.50E-02 lb/MMBtu 2 2.15 2.50E-02 lb/MMBtu 2 1.40 3.5 Lead 4.80E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 1 0.0041 4.80E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 0.0027 j 0.0068 Emissions* Emissions Ib/ r Emissions* Compound Emission Factor Units Ref. Emission Factor Units Ref. Ib/ r Ib/yr Acetaldehyde(TH) 5.20E-06 lb/sf 5 370.49 8.50E-05 lb/sf 5 3934.23 4304.71 Aceto henone(H) 3.20E-09 lb/MMBtu 2 0.00 3.20E-09 lb/MMBtu 2 0.00 0.00 Acrolein(TH) 1.05E-06 lb/sf 5 74.81 6.40E-06 Ib/sf 5 296.22 371.03 Antimony&Compounds (H) 7.90E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 1.36 7.90E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.88 - 2.24 Arsenic&Compounds (TH) 7.40E-07 lb/MMBtu 6 0.13 7.40E-07 lb/MMBtu 6 M53 0.21 Benzene(TH) 7.00E-07 lb/sf 5 49.87 3.60E-06 lb/sf 5 216.5 Benzo(a) ene (T) 2.60E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.45 2.60E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.74 Beryllium metal(T/H) 1.10E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.19 1.10E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.31 Cadmium Metal(T/H) 4.10E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 0.71 4.10E-06 lb/MMBtu 2 1.16 Carbon tetrachloride(TH) 4.50E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 7.75 4.50E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 12.78 Chlorine(TH) 7.90E-04 lb/MMBtu 2 136.00 7.90E-04 lb/MMBtu 2 88.35 224.36 Chlorobenzene(TH) 3.30E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 5.68 3.30E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 3.69 9.37 _ 4� J r r p. Moncure Plywood.LLC Emission'Source(s): Fluidized Bed Wood'Boiler and Two Direct Heated Dryers Source ID Number(s):ES-01,ES-09,ES-10,CD-02 Emission"Point(s):"EP-09a-d,'EP-10a-dq. " 2012 Actual.Process Throughput: 8,399 Boiler operating hours/yr 27,381 ton wood/A 283,995 MMBtu/yr :.. ::227,389'MMBtu/yr ...:Green Wood... :: .. . 56,606 MMBtu/yr Dry.Wood 71,248,000 sf/yr. Hardwoodp. 46,285,000 sf/yr .:." Softwood wr 117,533,000 sf/yr........ TotaT:Plywood Production 171,:B6 MMBtu/y. Hardwood 111,838 MMBtu/yf Softwood Actual Emissions Summary: Hardwood Softwood , .. Total Emissions* Emissions* Emissions* Compound" Emission Factor Units Ref. Emission Factor Units Ref: Chloroform(TH) :. :. "_ 2.80E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 -4 82 2:80E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 3 13 �7.95 Ili / Chromium-Other.com ds(H) 1.75E-05: lb/MMBw 2:: 3.01 1.75E-05 : lb/MMBtu:: 2 1.96 4.97 Chromic acid(VI.(T/H) ....:.. 3.50E-06:.. - lb/MMBtu 2 0:60::: 3.50E-06.^ :i: lb/MMBtu" .: 2 0.39 0:99 Cobalt compounds(H) 6.50E-06: lb/MMBtu: 2 .: 1,12: . 6.50E-06 lb/MMBtu : 2 0.73 -1:85 Cumene(H) 2.10E-05 1b/sf :5. 1496,21. 1.30E-05 lb/sf: 5 601.71: 2097.9.1 Dinitro henol,2;4-"(H) . ." 1.80E-07 lb/MMBtu . . . 2 . .0.03 1.80E-07 lb/MMBtu 2 0.02 0.051 Di(2-ethylhexyl) hthalate:(DEHP)(TH) : 4.70E-08 Ib/MM]3tu•-: 2 0.01 4.70E-08 lb/MMBtu 2, 0.01 0.013 Ethyl benzene(H) : 3 10E-05 'ali/MMBtu` : 2 5.34 3.10E-05 lb/MMBtu 2: : 3.47 8.80 Ethyl chloride.(chloroeihane):(H) 5-SOE-07 Ib/sf 5 39.19 3,50E=07 lb/sf 5'-: 16.20 55.39 Ethylene dichloride(1,2-dichloroethane):(TH) ; 7 8.50E-07 lb/sf :. . . 5 .60.56 5.50E-07 ]b/sf,, 5 . 25.46 86.02 Foxntaldehyde(TH)" 9.83E-06 lb/sf, 1:• 700.37 " _ 2.50E-05 lb/sf 1 1157,13 1857:49 Hexachlorodibenzo= -dioxin 1,2,3;6,7,8(T) 9.80E-13:.. lb/MMBtu 6 0:00::. :9.80E-13..:::..lb/MMBtu ::.. 6 0.00 2.78E=07 Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid)(TH) : 5.60E-04 ]b/MNIBm 7 96.41: : :5.60E-04 lb/MMBtu :: 7 62.63 159:04 Manganese&compounds(TH) 1.60E-03 lb/MMBtu :2 ' ' 275.45"" 1.60E-03: lb/MMBtu 2 178.94 454.39 Mercury,va or(include in Mercury&Corn ds)(T/H) 3.50E-06 lb/MMBtu 2­ 0.60 3.50E706 lb/MMBtu' 2. 0.39 . ' 0.99 Methanol(H) 9.50E-06 lb/sf 5 676.86 3.60E-05 lb/sf . 5 1666.26 2343.12 " Methylbromide(H)(bromoinethane) "".:;: : : 8.50E-07 :: lb/sf 5 60.56 5.00E=07 lb/sf 5" 23.14: 83.70 " Methyl chloride(H)(chloromethane)" 2.30E-05 b/MMBtu 2 : ::3.96 2.30E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 .: 2.57 6.53 Methyl chloroform(TH)(l,l,l trichloioethane) 3.10E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 5.34 3.40E-05 Ib/Mq.MBtu 2_ :3.47. 8.80 : Methyl ethyl ketone(TH) .2.35E-06. Ib/sf 5.:. 167.43 2.40E-. .: lb/sf 5 111.08 278.80 52 Methyl isobutyl ketone(TH) 2.25E 06-. lb/sf. 5 160.31 1.00E-06 lb/sf 5 46.29 206;59 Methylene chlonde:(TH)(dichioromethane) 7.50E•07•: lb/sf:: _ 5 :: 53.44: 4.60E-07: lb/sf" 5 21.29 74:73 Naphthalene (H) 9.70E OS ' lb/MMBtu .2 16.70 9.70E-05" lb/MMBtu 2 10.85 27.55 Nickel Metal(Component of Nickel&Compounds)"(T/H) :. : 3.30E-05. lb/MMBtu 2 5:68 3.30E-05 lb/MMBtu. 2 3.69 9.37 Nitrophenol,4-(H) 1:30E-07 ::Ib/MMBtu 2 0.02 1.10E 07 ]b/MNIBtu 2 0.01 0.031 Pentachloro henol(TH) .5..i:0E-08 lb/MMBtu 2 0.01 S.1OE-0$ lb/MMBtu 2,:.: 0.01:: 0.014 " Perchloroethylene(tetrachloroethylene)(TH) :••" 3.80E-05 lb/MMBtu" 2 6.54 3.80E-.05 lb/MMBtu 2 -. 4.25 10.79 Phenol(TH) 3.75E-06 Ib/sf. 5 267.18 7.80E-06 lb/sf 5 361.02. 628.20 1 } oncure Plywood I;LC ....... ... ....:.. ....... .. Emission Source(s): Fluidized Bed Wood Boiler and T*o Direct Heated Dryers Source ED Number(s):'ES-01,:ES-09,ES-10;CD-02 Emission Point(s):'EP-09a-d,'EP-l0a-d 2012 Actual:Process Throughput: 8,399 Boiler operating hours/yr .. .. . 27,381 ton wooil/yr 283,995 MMBtu/yr :. 227,389.MMBtu/yr "...Green Wood. 56,606 MMBtu/yr Dry Wood " 71,248,000 sf/yr Hardwood 46,285,000 sf/yr ... Softwood " 117,533,000 sf/yr ....... Total.Plywood Production .172.;156 MMBtu/yr.' Hardwood " 11 T,838 MMBtulyf" Softwood Actual Emissions'Summary." Hardwood :Softwood Total Emissions* Emissions* . Emissions ---. . .... Compound- Emission Factor Units Ref. Emission,Factor Units Ref: lb/yr 1b/yr Iti/yr Phosphorus Metal,Yellow.or'White(H):• 2.70E-05 lb/MMBtu:" 2 4.65 2.70E-05 lb/MMBtu 2 3.02 7.67 Polychlorinated bi"Iienyls (TH)::: 8.15E-09 lb/MMBtu 2 i: 0.00 8.15E-09 _:: lb/MMBtu 2 0.00 0.002 ....:.. Polycyclic Organic Matter (H)....:.. 1.25E-04:.: lb/MMBtu 2 21:52::: 1.25E 04," ;::ab/MMBtu ::. 2 ::.: 13.98 . 35:50 Pro ionaldehyde(H) 2.10E-06.:". lb/sf". 5 .: . 149.62". 1.80E-06 lb/sf, : 5 83.31 '232:93 Propylene dichloride(H)(1,2 dichloro ro ane) 3.30E-05 lb/MMBtu .2. 5.68 3.30E-05 lb/MMBm. 2 3.69 9.37 Selenium com.ounds(H). . 2.80t-'05 lb/MMBtu . . ."2 .0.48 2.80E-06 lb/MMBtu 2. 0.31 0.80 Styrene(TA) 9.00E-07 _ lb/sf 5 64.12 1.90E706 Ib/sf 5, 87.94 152.06 Tetrachlotodibinzo- diozin;:2,3,7,8 (TH) 8.60E-12 lb/MMBtu•" : 2 0.00 8.60E;12 lb/MMBtu 2: 0.00 2.44E-06 " Toluene(TH).: 8.00E-07 Ib/sf 5 57.00 5.70E=06 lb/sf 5 263:82 320.82 Trichlorobenzene,1,2,47(H). 1.60E-06 lb/sf 5 .114.00 1.00E-06 Ib/sf 5 46:29 160.28 Trichloroethylene.(TH) 3.00E-05. lb/MMBtu 2 5.16 3.00E-OS 7b/MMBtu 2 3.36 8:52 Trichlorofluoromethane(CFC 111)_(T) :.::; 4.10E;05::." lb/MMBtu 2...... 7:06... 4.10E-05,...;..lb/MMBtu. :.. 2 4.59 11:64 TrichIoro henol,2,4;6-(H) .. . 2.20E-08 lb/MMBu .2 - Too- 2.20E-08 lb/MMBtu :". 2 0.00 0;006 Vinyl chloride(chloroethene)(TH) 5.50E-07 lb/sf 5 39.19 3.35E-07. lb/sf: 5 15.51 54.69 Xylene(TH) 1.80E-06" lb/sf - 5 128.25 4.55E-06 lb/sf 5 210.60" 338.84 `Note: All emissions include emissions from.wood combustion and wood drying.:: References:::.. 1- Stack Testing Data,1996 2-AP-42,Section:l:6 Wood Residue Combustion in Boilers .:. " .. ... 3<Based on Feb:"12,2010 stack test. PM 10 assumed to be equal.to PM. PM2.5 assumed to be 99% 4:-Interim VOC Me8itrement:Protocol for the Wood Products Industry-luly2007 5-AP 42,Section 10.5,Table.10.5-3,and related"information. ' 6-NCASI Handbook,of Chemical Specific Information for SARA 313 Form R Reporting;2007"Reporting Year. 7-EF referenced in facility letter to DAQ:dated February 14,2003.(Subject:Reference request for Toxic Air Pollutants Modeling Study for the;Moncure Area) As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ES03—SMS—I Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Woodworking operations consisting of three string machine saws,a core saw,a strip saw,a panel sawing system and a core composer,saw,sander baghouse (1D No. CD-05) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —21/Dry Waste transfer system 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700710/Plywood Operations ; Sawing 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 117533000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (1f fuel is used) ro Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-3 CD03—WWTC Woodwaste transfer cyclone 154 inches in diameter 2 CS-3 CD06 Ba ilter(7,095 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) erp for dry waste erp-08 VERTICAL STACK 51 3.5 80 55 31749.72 transfer cyclone and ba filter 29 Operating Scenario: ... . . Emission'Source/Group ID: OS-:21. .. .: i ES03—SMS-1 .. w. 10::Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012) Hours per Day 24 ::Da s per Week 7 Weeks per Year:'( 52 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: : : Start: 0 End: 2359 _i 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu z h ut: - an—Feb +Dec ° arch=May,: ° une—Aug. o Sept.—Nov: ° 012 25% : 25/o ° .:. 012 ...: 25 ° 012 . ... .. . . 4012 . 13. Actual Emissions per-Pollutant Listedq. .Attach calculations:and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. ra :. Emissions ::= Emission- : : : Control GHG GHG Estimation Efficiency EmissionCAS Ef Control Pollutants ....Pollutants Method:Code (Net after Factor.::: : (Tons/Year) See Instructions all controls) 2012:::: ), is :�� .. ... .. ... .... .... .. .. .. .... . Emissions Emission .. : : :: :Control Criteria Pollutant ...: Criteria Estimation cien Emission. Effi ' cy. (NAAQS) Ef Control Pollutants Code : Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) ... . (See Instructions) . . .. all controls) . i 2012 CO CO 08 ow, NOz NOg 0. . .... - TSP- .: TSP: 15.68:::: : 04 85 :AFTER PM10-- PM10. . .... :: 15.68 q4. 85:::: AFTER . P1%12.5 PM2.5 15.68 04. ; - 0AFTER . . .... sot_ sO2 08 . :. 0 - . voc voc 08 0 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission CAS.::::: Estimation : : Control Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS: Efficient 'Control (see mstrucfions) Method Code : Y Factor Alphabetical Order) ... .. (Pounds/Year)' (Net after all controls) . .....• See Instructions 2012 i . pw i ; l { to- Moncure Plywood LLC ,Emission Source.: Dr Waste Transfer System Y Y . . : :Source ID Number:: ES-03,CD-06 Emission.Point: EP-Q6 2012 Actual Process Throughput: i Hardwood Pl ywood Production 71,248;000 sf/yr Softwood Plywood Production . 46,285,000 sf/yr Emissions Summary: Softwood Hardwood Pollutant Emission Factor Ref. ;: :" Emission Factor 'Ref. Emissions .6.60E-04 MAU .15E-05 Ib/sf 1 15.68 t y PM_'10: 6.60E-04lb/sf 1 1.15E=051b%sf 1 15.68 y _ PM-2.5 6:60E-04:lb/sf 1 1.15E-05 lb/sf : A: 1. 15.68 t y 16 References: a.. - 1. Emission factor from original-Title V Permit Application i i :.: L ! r As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ESO4 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: wood sander 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS — 12/wood sander 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700702/Plywood Operations ; Sanding Operations 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 45326000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-10 CD05 Ba filter 6,200 square feet of filter area 2 CS-10 CD03—WWTC Woodwaste transfer cyclone 154 inches in diameter 3 CS-10 CD06 Ba filter 7,095 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Description Rectangle(L x in 0.1 feet) EP—WS DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 10 1 72 1 47.12 ERP for wood sander 31 sw Operating:Scenario: OS 11 aEmission Source/Group ID: ESO4 10..Operating Schedule (Source/Op.erating:Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) Hours per.Da 24 Pays per Week .7 Weeks'per Year,: 52. -1 11:Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu -h utc an-Feb +_D.ec o arch-May o : une-Aug. o Sept...Nov. o ..: 25/0 25/0 25/0 25/0 012 012... ::: :: 412: . . : . 012 •13. Actual.Emissions per Pollutant Listed; Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimafion methods used. �Eimissions- Emission Control GHG GHG: Estimation . Efficiency Emission Ef Control - CAS.. Pollutants; Pollutants Method Code ;(Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all.controls . .... 2012 Criteria 'Emissions- Emission Control...: ' NAA S Pollutant::, Criteria.. ::: : Estimation... : : :: Efficiency Emission ( Q ): Ef Control Pollutants Code . . Pollutants Method_Code (Net after Factor . (Tons/Year) (See:Ipstructions) all:contcols) .: 2012 CO: 08 0 NOz NOz 08: : a _ TSP... .:TSP. ... .. 0.26 . -04 95 AFTER PM10 PM10 5. 0.26 : 04 95 AFTER PM2. . . AFTER :.0:26 .:04• � : 95:... •. S02 .S02 OS 0. . ...: :::: 0 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control s Pollutants (In ` HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission Efficiency � EF Control'' (see instructions) Method Code Y Factor f Alphabetical: " ' Pounds/Year p _ ) ( .-.,). : ;(Net after all controls) - See Instructions . 2012 r 'I sw , y :.:. 3Z: :. Moncure Plywood LLC:.: .:. Emission'Source:::: : Sander.System Source ID Number: ES-04; CD.-05 missionPoint: EP-05 ' I 2012 Actual Process Throughput: i Sander.Operation Production 45;326,00.0.sf/yr Emissions Summary: Pollutant: Eiriisgion:Factor :Reference ::Emissions M.: 1.15E-05 lb/sf .. .. .: �El 0.26 y M-10 1.15E=051b/sf ::: 0:2fi::::: y M-2.5 : I:15E-05 lb/sf I 026 References: 1. Stack Testing Data, 1995 . .. + . a d _. .. _... . As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit : 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ES-11 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Green wood fuel storage silo 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS — 16/Green wood fuel storage silo 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ; Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 20625 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 17 Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) i i i 1 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) (in 0.1 feet) e 11.1 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 70 1.25 72 0.45 33.13 silo vent e ] 1.2 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 70 1.25 72 0.45 33.13 silo vent ep 11.3 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 70 1.25 72 0.45 33.13 silo vent e ] 1.4 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 70 1.25 72 0.45 33.13 silo vent 27 Operating;Scenario: OS-,16 ..: Emissiop.Source/Group IDs.ES=11 • 10,Operating Schedule' (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012). Hours per:Da 24 Days per Week 7 Weeks' er Year .- 52 .Y ( ) Y P. ( ): . : P ( ) .. .11:.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasona[Periods Percent:Annual Throu kh ut:: ::..: an=Feb +Dec arch—Ma une—Aug. ° Sept.-Nov: ° .. sm 25% y. 25% .... : 012. 25/° 012 25/° 012 012 ... :: :- h .13: Actual Emissions P er Pollutant Listed Attac. :ca cu ations and documentation of emission':factors or other estimation.methods used. r Ein E C.. t 1GHG .. ... . issions— mission on ro Pollutants: CAS GHG: Estimation .. Efficiency Emission Pollutants . . Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls . 2012 Criteria. Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant :: Criteria.. ::: : Estimation... Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) ... Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all:controls) . ...... . ...... 2012- CO CO: 08 iNOx NOz :08: TSP.. TSP ... .. 0.02 . _. . 08 .. . 0.00167 i n P•M10 PM:10 0.02 08 : 4.00167 PM2.5.... ::::: PM2.5 0.02 :08 0.00167::::. S02 0$ ...: VOC VOC::: :. 08 Emission ..: ...: HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Control ::. Estimation : Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Efficiency." EF Control (see mstruchons) is I Method Code . Factor Alphabetical:Order) (Pounds/Year) :: :. (Net after all controls) ; See Instructions :2012 i 11 � `a - Moncure Plywood LLC . . : :.' Emission Soutee: : Hog Fuel Storage Silo h Source ID Number: IES-GWS (ES-11) Emission point: EP-11 �l _. a 2012.Actual Process Throughput: r Hog Fuel 20,625 ton/yr missions:Summary: Compound Emission Factor Reference :: = Emissions C M : 1.67E=03 lb/ton 1 0:017 ton/yr M10: 1.67E-03 lb/ton .. ::::' 1 0.017 ton/yr... ::: 1VI2.5 . 1,,67E-03 lb/ton _ . 1 ..:0.017 ton/yr References: 1. U.S.EPA;'OAQPS, Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors,AP-42;:Volume I: Stationary Point-and Area Sources,Fifth Edition,Section 13.2.4,January.1995: Average _l "wind:speed estimated.using average annual wind'speed for Raleigh,North Carolina listed in Table 7:1-9.of AP-42'. M Emission Factor,(ib PM/ton)=k*(0.0032):*(U/5)�'3/(M/2)14 k particle size.multiplier= .1.00 1 U=mean:wi speed= 7.8 mph ...: . M=moisture content= 4.8 % b ... . . _p .. . .. . . As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES12 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: dry wood residual storage silo that receives material from the dry wood residual system cyclone ES03 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS— 17/dry wood residual storage silo 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 117533000 FT2/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) % Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-5 CD21 Cartridge filter(1,800 square feet of filter area 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) e —12 1VERTICAL STACK 60 0.7 72 0.45 13.57 silo erp 33 Operating:Scenario: OS=.1.7 Emission.Source/Group IDi ES 12- 10.,Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) .. Hours per.Da 24 Pays per Week 7 Weeksper Year:, 52. L_r .: .11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0' End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent:Annual Throu "h utc Y 2 � Spt.. Nov.auFeb -+Dec 7 arch—May une—Au 25/ 25/ g. 25o1 F . 012 012. .. ... . : 012 ' 13: Actual Emissions per Pollutant lasted Attach calculations and documentation of emission.factors or other estimation methods used: w. Emissions— Emission Control.. .. . GHG GHG 'Estimation Efficiency .:::Emission CAS::: :. :: :.. . . .. .: Ef Control Pollutants: Pollutants (Net after Method Code Factor Tons/Year See Instructions), all controls 2012 !_ Emissions— Emission Control Criteria Pollutant: : Criteria - : Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) .:, 1 . .... : Ef Control =h Code:. . Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor ,, . Pollutants G. (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all:coritrols) 2012 G ... . CO CO: 08 _ : .: 0 . .: NOx 08: x 0::. :: TSP.. TSP ... .. .0.55 . 10 ...: , 09:9 PM10 PM10::: . 0.55 10 99.9 Asa PM2.5 PM2.5. . .0.55 ::10 99:9:: S02 . NO . .: VOC ::":. 08 0 RAP/TAP .. - CAS Emissions Emission n .. l Pollutants (In'' HAP/TAPS Estimation E Emission Contro Efficiency EF Control (see instructions) Method Code Y Factor Alphabetical:Order) :. (Pounds/Year) : : (Net after all controls) ; ;(See Instructions) nstructiotiS ... ::201.2 w as I : :.. .. ... . 34 1 Moncure Plywood LLC; Emission Source::: . : Dry Waste System Dry Waste Storage:Silo; :Source ID Number: ES-12, CD-21 Emission Point: EP-06,EP-12 i 2012.Actual Process Throughput: Plywood Production 117,533,000 sf/yr missions:Summary- Pollutant Emission Factor Reference Emissions PM 9.29E-06 Ib7sf: q ::0 55 y MV 10 9.29E-06Ib/sf77- 1 :.::: 0.55 t y. .::.:. M-2.5 : : 929E-061b/sf 1 : : 0.55 tpy r References:. 1. Emission factor from original.Title V Permit Application as . _ � As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ESl3—GMO Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: glue mixing, application and hot press operations, including curtain coater, plywood spreader,25 press and 40 press and paper overlay operation 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS— 10/glue mixing,application and hot presses operations(Hardwood) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700780/Plywood Operations ;Plywood Press: Phenol—formaldehyde Resin 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 71248000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) FUGITIVE('NO erp for gluing and erp-13 STACK 3.05 l 25 Area= press operations 35 y Operating:Scenario: OS= 1 Emission Source/Group ID .ES 13=CrM0 +- 10;,Operating Sphedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) Hours per Day 24 Pays per Week 7 Weeks per Year:: 52 _) .11.Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario: :. .Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h :utc . an-:-Feb +Dec o each—May o une-Aug., a Sept.-Nov. o. .: 2S/o 25/0 25/0. 25/0 012...'::: :: - - 012. 012 12 ... . 1�( -13: Actual Emissions-per Pollutant Listed': . 1 . Attach:calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used: Emissions— Emission Control' GHG CAS GHG Estimation.I.: 'Efficiency : Emission I. Ef Control 'Pollutants Pollutants - . Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls ..2012 k Emissions— Emission Control.. Criteria .. Pollutant Criteria .. Estimation::: Efficiency mission Ef Control Pollutants Code..: Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor :=: :(Tgps/Year) (See Instructions) all controls): .2012... .. : O ' CO, .: Og . : ��.. . . NOz �::.�. NOg TSP - . . ...: TSP. 1,84... .. 08 ...0.0000517. . . PM10 PMIO 1 84: 08 0.0000517 .::. : PM2:5 . PM2.5 0.96 ::08 0.000027..: S02 S02 '08: a 'VOC: HOC .: 6.:82 08 0:0001915 HAP/TAP . : : : CAS ::-::Emissions Emission Control Estimation Efficient Emission :Pollutants (In -. . - . HAP/TAPS �' '(see instructions) Method Code:: (Net.after all Factor EF Control Alphabetical'Order) ,: (Pounds/Year) ) See Instructions controls 2012 Formaldehyde:: . .:.: 50-00-0 334.8656 08: - 0.0000047 Methanol 67-56-1: 2279;936 08 -::: 0.000032 Methyl isobutyl:::- 108-10-1 ::: : 406.1136 08: 0.000:0057 ketone — ' Phenol 108-95:-2. 783328 :: 08 :: ... ::::0.000011 ... .. . . . f 3: As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ES 13—GMO Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: glue mixing,application and hot press operations,including curtain coater, plywood spreader,25 press and 40 press and paper overlay operation 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—28/glue mixing,application and hot presses operations,(softwood) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 46285000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): S. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F( ) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x Vie in 0.1 feet) FUGITIVE(NO 2_ Terp for gluing and erp-13 STACK 3.05 1_� Area= press operations 37 Operating Scenario: OS=28. . Emission Source/Group ID:.ES1:3' GMO 10:.0 eratin Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes.Calendar Year 2012. P g ) : :: ... ... . .... . .... . Hours per,Da 24- Days per Week- 7 Weeks'per Year... 52. mor ... . 11.,Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 : .End: 2359 - 12. Seasonal-Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: ... : ... : . �012 e t.. Yov.25% une—Au . 25/ 1 2512 012 ::: 012.anFeb +Dec ach—May 0 °d % (� 13..:Actual Emissions-per PollutantUited;: . Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation.methods used: Emissions— Emission Control h t GHG GHG .; Estimation :.. 'Efficiency : Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor r' Tons/Year) (See:Instructions all controls 2012 am Criteria Emissions— Emission Control:: Estimation:::: : Efficiency Emission Pollutant Criteria:�: ' :(NAAQS) EfControl Code., Pollutants - Method Code (Net after Factor Pollutants (Tons/Year) .(See;Instructions) all controls) . 2012. CO .: CO 08 NOg NOz ..: .. ::.'08 TSP TSP ..:1.2 . . 08: 0,0000517. ... .. ::::,JM10: ;P1YI10 .- L2: 08 0:0000517 PM2:5. PM2:5..: 0.62 . . ... :. . 08 0.00002T- S02 S02 08: VOC. VOC 5:62::: :,` 08 0.000243 HAP/TAP CAS .::::Emissions Emission Control ns Emission " Estimation Efficienc Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Y 1 (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) Wounds/Year) .' See Instructions controls) 2012 ...Acetaldehyde . . ...: 75-07-0 " 1.94.397 08: 0.0000042. . . = Formaldehyde 50.-00-0.: 87.9415: 08 :; : 0:0000019 Methanol 67-56=1 ::-::6479.9 :: . 08 0.'00014: : Meth 1 ethyl ketone :78-93-3 40.26795 08: 8.7E 7 Met lsobutyl _. 108-10=4 32.86235 08 '7.1E-7 etone . Phenol 408-95-2 :_ 64.799 ::: : 08 0.0000014 L k . I Moncure Ply ,wood LLC Emission Source(s): Glue Operations and Pressing Source ID Number(s)r ::ES-13 Emission Point: EP-13 2012 Actual Process Throughput: `? Tom'IHardwood_Production 71,248,000.sf%yr, I Total Softwood Production 46,285;000:sf/yr Hardwood::`i ::: ': Softwood Total 't Compound. Emission f Emissions . Emission Emissions Emissions Units. Ref. Units::::.Ref. p t :Factor ton/. Factor ton/ :::ton/ yr PM..: 5.17E-05 Ib/sf 1 ... .. .1:84 25.17E-05 Ib/sf 1: ...1.20 3:04 PM 10 : ': 5:17E=05.: lb/sf :::1 :' .1.84 5.17E=05 .ab/sf 1 A: : :1:.20: 3.04 =; � A � M2.5 . . . 2.70E-05 = . lb%sf.. 1 1 '. 0.96.., . .2.70E-05 - lb/sf... 1. 0.62 1.59 OC: 1.92E-04 .::lb/sf I 1 1 6:82': j 2.43E-04 lb/sf: 1: 5.62 12.44 Emission Emissions Erriission Emissions Total Compound. Units., Ref. Units Ref. Emissions Factor Factor : .:. .... . lb/ lb/ yr r`} Acetaldehyde.. --... .. 2.... .. 4.20E-06 lb/sf 2 - 194.40 194.40 Formaldehyde:, .. 4.70E-06 .: lb/sf `::2: 334.87 1:90E=06 -ab/sf 2 87:94: 422.81 Methanol 3.20E 05 Ib/sf.. 2 2279.94. 1.40E=04 lb/sf,. 2 6,479:90 8,759:84 edi I Eth 1 Ketone::'::: -- 2 .8.70E-07 Ili/sf' 2: 40.27• 40.27 k Meth`1.Isobu 1 Ketone � 5.70E-06 . lb/sf 2 7.10E"07 lb/sf 2 32:86 . 438.98 Phenol::::': 110)r05 .: .lb/sf 2 783.73 1:401r06 ,:lb/sf 2 64:80: 848.53::: ( References: 1. AP-42,.Section..10.5 Plywood Manufacturing,Detailed Data Tables,-January 2002;test data for Unit 1P176;press.most similar to Mb cure Plywood.The AP-42 factor is based on:2 tests on two very different'presses.The test selected is the press .that has throughput,.flow rate,,and product most similar to Moncure Plywood:;The other test was on:a,press with'Iow production: gate,low flow rate,making thick board. PM10 rs assumed to equal PM,and PM2.5 is assumed to equal condensable PM: LJ VOC factor is higher test value for THC:as.Carbon,converted-to propane,adding formaldehyde and half of methanol.. 2. AP-42,Section 10:5,Table 10.5-6;Jan 2002. signifies:below test method detection limit: i As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-27 consisting of ES 14,ES 17 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Woodwaste Transfer system 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS -20/Woodwaste Transfer(Rechipper)system 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 35600 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) % Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS-ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-12 CD18 Cyclone 60 inches in diameter 2 CS-12 CD03-WWTC Woodwaste transfer cyclone 154 inches in diameter 3 CS-12 C1306 Ba filter 7,095 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) erp for dry waste erp-08 VERTICAL STACK 51 3.5 80 55 31749.72 transfer cyclone and ba filter 25 Operating Scenario: OS-20... Emission Source/Group IDs.G-27 10..0 eratin Schedule: Source/O eratin Scenario that best characterizes-Calendar Year 2012)P g .... . .. P. : g: Hours per.Day 24 Days per Week 7 Weeks'per Year.. 52- P . Y � ) Y. P � ) . . P � . ) 11, Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359' 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h u:tC ::... :... 25/ . 25%. Se t.-Nov. 012... : 25%-Feb +Dec a ch—May June—Au' 25/an 012 . 12012 13:_Actual Emissions er Pollutant Listed: Attach:oalculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used: r� Emissions— Emission Control GHG GHG Estimation .: ::: Efficiency Emission CAS:: EfControl Pollutants: Pollutants: Method Code : (Net after Factor ....:: hs/Yeaz See Instructions all controls 2012 Criteria . missions— Emission Control . . .... Pollutant:: Criteria.. : Estimation. . : : :: Efficiency :Emission (NAAQS): .... . .. Ef:Control Code:. Pollutants Method Code et after Factor .Pollutants � � Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2012. r CO. CO 08 0 NOx NOx 0$ 0. TSP TSP 0.47 02 99:7 AFTER PM10 .: PM1:0: 0.47 02 99.7 AFTER PM2.5 PM2.5 .0.47 02: 99,7:. AFTER S02 S02 : :08 VOC. VOC::: :: 08 .: 0 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission . • Control I. Estimation Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Efficiency EF Control' i (see instructions) Method Code .: Factor p ) ( ) (Net after all controls) ca:Order) ::: : Pounds/Year : :L a eti See Instructions 2012 .. .. i Moncure Plywood LLC: . Emission Source:: 'Green Chip Sizing,.Rechip,-:Transfer ' Source ID Number: .... ES-17,ES-18,ES-14 Emission Point: EP-14 2011Actual Process Throu h ut: -t .g.P . • Tons Green Chips 35,600, ton/year: Emissions.Summary: w. " Pollutant Emission Factor Reference Emissions W 530E-02 lb%DT 1 : 0.47 t y ::... P1V1'10 5.30E-OZ. lb/DT 1 0.4.7:: 'y ' PM-2.5 : : 5.30E=02 1b/DT 1 0.47. . r y..: r . References:. 1. Weyerhaeuser Test Data,Title:V Bulletin#19 _. pw w. f�} ... ...... ,... .... .. L.J ...: ...: .... .... b. __ .... .. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES16 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Plywood waste hog 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—9/plywood hog 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700710/Plywood Operations ; Sawing 5. Throughputtunits in 2012: 3640 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content (Btu/units) 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-3 CD03—WWTC Woodwaste transfer cyclone 154 inches in diameter 2 CS-3 CD06 Ba filter(7,095 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) erp for dry waste erp-08 VERTICAL STACK 51 3.5 80 55 31749.72 transfer cyclone and ba filter 41 Operating;Scenario: OS 9:: :. Emission>ource/Group IDc ES16, 10..0 eratin Schedule: Source/O erathi Scenario that best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012 p g .... . ( P. : g: ) Hours er_Da 24._ Da s er Week 7 W.eeks' er Year.. 52 :. . Y ) y: p (. �: . : p (. . ) i . .. . .. _ . .. 11.Typical ical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal.Periods Percent Annual Throu h put:: an=Fb +D;ec o/ t:rch—Ma... :y une=Au , t.=Nov 0 250 25/ g. ?5/ 25/ .: 12 2 ! < : 012.. 012 -13.. Actual Emissions.per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used.: Emissions— Emission Control GHG GHG. 'Estimation Efficiency Emission' Pollutants: CAS:: :Ef Control Pollutants : 'Method Code : (Net after Factor :Tons/Year See Instructions all:contiols LJ. ... .. .... 2012 Emissions— Emission Criteria . Cont. . .... (NAAQS): Pollutant: Criteria.. ::: : Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Pollutants Code:'''. Pollutants . . ..Method Code (Net after Factor Control : (Tons/Year) e.Iiistructions) all contiofs) 2012. CO. .. .. :: 08 0 NOx NOz w. :08 0::::: wr TSP TSP 0..1: 02 -..: 59:9 0.053 AFTER PM10 .: PM10: 0.1 02 99.9 0.053 :AFTER PM2:5.... : . :PM2.5. . ::-.0.1 :02: 0::::: 0.053 .::::: AFTER,: S02 S02 08 or w I VOC: VOC 08 0 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions E ...... n Control Pollutants (In IIAP/TAPS Estimation Emission Efficient .- EF Control j (see instructions) Method Code y Factor Alphabet calbrder) (Pounds/Year)::: ;(Net after all controls) See Instructions .:::2012 L, • I .. . 4 Moncure Plywood LLC:. :Emission,Source::: . Plywood Waste Hog' : :Source ID Number.: ES-16 mission omt: EP-16 2011 Actual Process Throu g. P h ut _. . Tons Dry Wood 3,640 ton/year Emissions Summary: _ . . -F-. Pollutant: Emission Factor Reference :Emissions : . .. .: M.: 530E-02 lb%DT. .. 1 .. .. .: 0.10 a y PM-10 5.30E=02 lb/DT 1 O.10 a M-2.5 : 5.30E=02 Ib/DT 1 0:10 _ Y References: 1. Weyerhaeuser Test Data,Title V Bulletin#19 L J .. .. . . . ... ... .. L . . .. w. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or IES19 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Diesel—fired water pump(250 Horsepower maximum power output)for emergency purposes only 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS — 11/250 horsepower diesel—fired water pump 4. SCC Number/Description: 20200407/Diesel ;Exhaust 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 28 E6BTU/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.002 /o Ash Heat Content 133332 Btu/gallon Btu/units) 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) gate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) erp—wp VERTICAL STACK 8 0.42 72 1 8.31 erp for diesel—fired water pump 65 Operating Scenario: OS- I I r Emission Source/Group ID:.IES 19 0.0perating Seltedule: (Source/Oper:ating:Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012) Hours per;Day ( 1 ) Days per Week ( 1 ) Weeks per Year (.44 ) .. .11.Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h :utc an-Feb +Dec arch—Ma une—Au . Se t.-Nov. 25% Y . 25% g )5% p 25% 012 012 .. : 012 2 13, Actual.Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used: w Emissions- Emission Control GHG q GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions :all controls 2012 . . Criteria Emissions- Emission Control Pollutant . . :: Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission fNAAQS)Pollutants Ef Control Code Pollutants ., Method Code .(Net after Factor (Tons/I'.eat) (See Instructions) all controls) " 2012 CO w CO 0101 68 0.95 NOX:: :: ...NOx 0.06. ::. :: 08 TSP : TSP. .: .0 .08.. 0.31 j PM10 PM10 .:0 :"08 0.31 PM2;5:: P.M2:5 0. 08 0.3:1: 2... 0 08 0:29. ....: VOC VOC :. ::. :: .,0 08:: 0.35 Emissions: ; Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS HAP Estimation Efficient Emission Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order);: .(see instructions) Method:Code (Net after all. : Factor of HAP/TAP :.: :. {Pounds/Year . . . . .:. EF Control Se bstructions controls) Acetaldehyde . _ 75­07-0 , .., 0.02148 08.. ". , 0.000767 ... .. Acrolein 107-02-8 :: 0.00259 08 0.0000925 Benzene,: :71.-43-2 0.0261 Z:,::: 08 0:00.0933 Benzo(a)pyrene(Com f ponent o .. 50 32=8 0.00001 O8 : .1.88E-7 POMTV POM7 : .: ... : Formaldeh .de. .50-00-0. 0:03304... .. 08 i Naphthalene(Component of POMT 91=20 3 0.00237 08. 0.0000848 . - Polycyclic Organic Matter-(Inc PAH,dioxins,etc:NC.AP 42 P.01VI 0.0047::. :: 08 0:000168 .: historic,amor hous glob),. . . ...... Toluene 108-88-3 0.01145 08 0.000409 X Ilene::: 1330-20-7 0.00798::::: 08 0-'000285 :66 . i ,i— Moncure Plywood LLC: Emission.Source•::.. : 250 HP Diesel-Mred'Water Pump Source ID Number: ..:: ES-19 yy 2012 Ae' fiW Process:Throughput: :-Hours ours o peration 44:Hr/yr No:2 Fuel:Oil Usage205. . .... . .. . g aU Yr .. Heat Ii pui(250 hp) 28:0 MMBtu/yr:: j Compound, Emission Factor Units,_ Reference ssions.: ton/yr C.O.. 9..50E-01 lb/T&MRu . ... ..1 0.0.13. Ox .: ,4.41E+00 lb/M1VIBtuO:0617 M - 3.10E-01 -Ib/M1VIBtu. 1... 0.004 ., PM10 3a0E=01 lb/NIIVIBfu 1 0.004 _.. ;M2.5 3.10E-01 lb/NBMtu 1 0.004 S02 2.90E-01 lb/1VINIBtu 1 4:06E-03 : OC 3,50E-01 lb/M1YIBtu ',. 1 .4.90E-03 Compound Emission Factor: : Units Reference Errussions. lb/ . I Acetaldehyde(TIT) -7:67E-04 lb/1VIlv1Btu 1 . 0.0215 crolein(TH) 9.25E-05 lb/ZvMtu 1 0 0026 enzene(TH) 9..33E-04 lb/MMBtu 1 01026 --, enzo(a) yrene. (T) 1.89E-07'. lb/M1VIBtu 1 :: 0.000005 ormaldel yde.(TH). 1..18E-03.: lb71V11VIBtu.: 1 ,..; 0:033' . - Naphthalene (H) 8.48E-05 lb/N MBtu Toluene(TH): .: .4.09E-04. lb/MNIBtu 1..: . 0.0,11 ylene(TH) 2..85E=04.: lb/MNIBtu 1 0.008 rr OM 1.68E 04' lb/NIl��Btd... 1 . 0.005: . References: ::... 1 -AP-4 ,Section 3.3,Table 3.3-1 i .ti. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES20 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: vat Operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS— 18/Vat Operations: Heating of Blocks 4. SCC Number/Description: 39999997/Miscellaneous Industrial Processes ; Other Not Classified 5. Throughputtunits in 2012: 117533000 FT2/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 17 Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) LRP_20 FUGITIVE(NO 1 100 Area= 1 Vats STACK 43 l :. Operating Scenario: OS - 18 : Emission Spgrce/Group ID ES20. 10.':Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012) : Hours per:Day ( 24- ) . Days per Week (.7 ) . .Weeks per Year, {.52. ) L_J :: .11. Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h :ut: an=Feb +Dec arch-Ma une-Au' .. S,e t.-Nov. 2S% 6 . Y 25% . g 25% p 25% 012 012... ::: :: 012. 012 :.:. 13. Actual Emissions er Pollutant Listed s . Attach:calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used: Emissions- Pmission, Cont :.l missions � . Control GHG GHG ::.:: Estimation Efficiency .::'Emission t I CAS :: Ef Con ro Pollutants Pollutants. . Method Code:'. ... (Net after Factor ::Mns/Year) (See:Instructions all controls 2612 Emissions- Emission Control. ... .. Pollutant Criteria :: :: Estimation. ::: :: Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Ef:Control Code. Pollutants Method Code. . . Pollutants (Net after Fac tor... , (Tons/Year) (See;Inkiuctions) all:controls).: 2012 ... .. CO CO.. 08 NOx NOa _,. ::08 TSP TSP :. 08..: ! :::PMI0.: PM10 08 _. .. 08 _.. S02 S02 08...: VOC VOC 2.15 08 HAP/TAP , Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Effic enc Emission "" .Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Y. l P .. (see instructions) . _ Method Code.'. . (Net after all' Factor Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/I'ear): .. EF.Contro See Instructions controls) 2012 ,Acetaldeh de .75-07-0 .552..4051 08- m = 0,0000047 -' Methanol 67-56-1 857.9909 08 00006073 .- .. . .. . . : 44::.. J. Moncure Plywood LLC::: .: Emission Sources : : Vat Operations s Source ID Nurriber(s):: ES 20. Emission=Point: EP-20 2012 Actual Process Throughput: Total ar :wooProduction 71,248,000 sf/yr �. ... . ,..... Total Softwood Production 46,285,000 sf/yr :: Emissions Compound Emission'Factor Units Reference .ton/ r.. .. �i VOC-Hardwood 1.20E-05 Ib/sf 1 0.43 VOC-'Softwood 7.44E-05 lb/sf 2. 1.72 Totai VOC 2.15 `- Emissions ...: Compound Emission Factor Units: Reference :. :. lb/yr Acetaldehyde. . ...: 4.70E-06 'Ib/sf 3. 552.41.. .. ,. ... .. IMethin6l 7.30E-06.:: ::: :: lb/sf :::, 3 857.:99.. References:: . : . L.'AP-42 Section 10.5,Table 10.5-7,Softwood plywood log vat,.Sum:of:VOC compounds excludin menes. 2. AP-42 Section 10.5;Table 10.5-7;-So#twQad 1 wood to vat,Sum of VOC com ourids. i . p Y. .. g p .. . including pinenes. _.. . 3. AP-42 Section.10.5,Table 10.5-7 S 1 h .. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES21 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: End sealer spray booth 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—33/End Sealer Spray Booth 4. SCC Number/Description: 40202108/Flatwood Products Coating; Sealer 5. Throughputlunits in 2012: 3300 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Aefm) Rectangle(L x Vie in 0.1 feet) EP-21 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 70 10 471.23 End Sealer Spray Booth 45 { Operating cenarro: OS-33 Emission.Source/Group ID:.ES21 10..Operatin2 Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that.hest characterizes:Calendar Year 2012). Hours per..Day (-24 ') Days per Week - ( :7 ) . .Weeks per Year (.52.) w. - la.,Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut ' .. .. v une-Aug. 25/ Sept.:Nov.25/ 25/012an=Feb +Dec 2o rch-May 012 / 012 !' 13: Actual Emissions er Pollutant Listed p p _. Attach calculations and documentation of emissiori:factors or other estirriat on methods used. - - Emission Control Emissions " GHG . .. GHG .:::.:� Estimation .::'. . Efficiency .:::Emission CAS :: .: Ef:Control Pollutants Pollutants (Net after Factor Method Code. .::. Tons/Year See:Instructions all controls It 2012 : :' Emissions- =Emission Control... Criteria, Pollutant Criteria: : ' Estimation. ::: :: Efficiency Emission Co } (N AQS) Ef:Control Pollutants de. Pollutants Method Code. (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls)., 2012 . .. CO' .: CO.. .. 08 . .' NOx NOx TSP. .. 0109 03 TSP `. • .. ::PM10 .. PM 0.09 03 ; PM2.5 : ::. PM2.5 . .. " 48 .. S02 .: S02 VOC .: VOC :: .: 0.05:: 03 Emission Control HAP/TAP ....: Emissions . ... CAS Estimation Efficient Emission " Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS ..... Y: I see instructions EF Control . ... .. h Alphabetical Order) ::: -. (Pounds/Year) Method Code:::.:: (Net after all Factor See Instructions): controls) 2012 Yin l acetate 1.08-05-4 8.19 03 q. -- q as y k r 46 Moncure Plywood LLC: Emission Source(s): End Sealer Spray Booth Source ID Number.(s): ES-21: Emission Point: EP-21 C _ 2012 Actual Process_Throughput: -. .. - End Seal Material Usage 3,300 gal/yr S ra Booth Filter Efficiency.. 97.5% Emissions Compound Emission Factor Jnifs Ref t r.on/ .. . .. 1VI 90% : %wt :.. ..1 . 0:09.. .. 3' M10 90% %wt 1... 0.09. . VOC:: 0.4% °lo wt 2 0.05 Compound Emission Factor Units Ref Emissions Ab/vr myl acetate..: 0.031% %wt.,.: 1 2,3 8.19_ .. References:..: .. . . .. . - . 1. Conservatively assume 90%solids in material.Assume 30%overspray into:filter. 2:.Compound speciationfrom MSDS,April 2010. .Specific gravity is:0:96. 3. Compound speciaiion from WVCO letter,April 26,2012. 1 -_j As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES22 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Tongue and groove saw(plywood finishing) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS -34/Tongue and Groove Saw 4. SCC Number/Description: Not required by facility,will be completed by DAQ 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 53000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS-ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-7 CD06 Ba filter(7,095 square feet of filter area) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) erp-06 VERTICAL STACK 30 2.8 72 50 18472.56 erp for woodwaste system 47 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit : 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or I-1 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Bark hogging operations with two saws 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —2/Bark hogging operations 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ; Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 20625 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (lffuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) i i i 1 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x V) in 0.1 feet) FEP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 49 P g. OS -2; Emission Source/Group ID: I.1: 10..Operating Schedule: (Source/O.perating:Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012-) _ Hours per:Day ( 24 ) Days per Week (.7 ) . .Weeks per Year (.52 ) Ias q 1.1.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 YP P... g 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: o Y o g o P So/. : an-Peb +.Dec arch—Ma une-Au . Se t.—Nov. 25/0 25/0 25/o 0 012 2 012... ::: :. 0:12. 012 13: Actual Emissions er PollutantListed Attach:calculations and documentation of emission;factors or other estimation methods used: emissions— Em ission Control � : GHG CAS:: :. GHG Estimation Efficiency :::Emission Pollutants Ef Control Pollutants ,Method Code (Net after Factor r } -.Tons/Year See Instructions all controls ' 2012 Emissions— Emission Control Criteria Pollutant:: Criteria Estimation .. : : : Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Ef Control 1 Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Pollutants Tons/Year See Instructions) all,controls 2012 q. CO. CO. .. . 08 NOx NOx TSP. TSP ... .. . . 0:03 . 08 . . .0.0.027 I F PMI0 PM10: 0.03 08 0.0027 PM2.5 PM2.5 :0.03 S02 S02 J ) ::VOC .: VOC :: .: 08 or HAP/TAP .. CAS ..Emissions Emission Estimation Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS EF Control ontrol i: .� (see instructions) Method Code.: Efficiency Factor J Alphabetical:Order) : : :- (Pounds/Year) .: - . . (Net after all controls) . See Instructions .... _. .::'2012 _. . w. ps I i 50. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or I-2 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Core chipping and handling 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —3/Core chipping and handling operations 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ; Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 976 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) i i i 1 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description ('in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 55 `, . . . Operating Scenario: OS 3 Emission Source/Group ID: I-2. to..:Operating Schedule; (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes.Calendar Year 2012) Hours per,D.ay '(24- Pays perWeekj.7 Weeks er-Year. 52 - 11.Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 :: 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h utf 9- an-Feb +.Dec arch-May o : une-Aug.. o Sept.-Nov. 50/ : . :25%0 25/o 012. 25/0 012012 0 . 13. Actu.l.Emissions per Pollutant Listed l - Attach calculations and documentation of.emission:factors or other estimation methods used: Emissions- Emission Control GHG ::..: Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants: CAS • Pollutants . - Ef Control Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls Lj 2012 f Criteria Emissions- Emission Control...: Pollutant:: Criteria Estimation...,: Efficiency Emission _t (NQS): Ef Control E ' Pollutants Code'- . Pollutants Method'Cod6 (Net after Factor... .. (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all:controls) .. 2012 ' CO CO: ..08 NOz .. �: NOz ..,. :08: :. .. TSP. ...TSP.... ._ 0 08 r PM10. PM10 . .. 0 08 PM2.5 . PM2.5 S02 ..S02 0.8 ...: VOC : VOC 08 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emissio'n Control j Pollutants (In'` HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission P Efficiency EF Control i (see mstruct.ions) Method Code.. Y Factor Al habetical:Order Pounds/Year : 1 P ) ( )' See Instructions ; (Net after all controls) .::'2012 i r . .. an a lam` . . .. ... . . ...... . . .. . . . .. ::56 I Moncure Plywood LLC::: Emission Source::: . : Core Chipping Source ID Number: IS-IN-2 Emission Point: IS=IN-2 .::: . 2012.Actual Process Throu h ut Cores Chipped 976 ton/year r • :.: :.. Emissions:Summary: Pollutant Emission Factor Reference :Emissions M 2.70E-03 11blton 1 . 0.001 y , M40 I 2.70E-03 lb/ton 1 O.00:I:. ..: References::. : ..1:. AR-42 Section.13.2.4 JJ l._ r _ c �`. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit) or I-3 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Green veneer hogging 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—4/Green veneer hogging operations 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 34624 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur % Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) [EP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 57 Operating:Scenario: OS -4: Emission.Source/Group ID: I-3 O..Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that'6est characterizes;Calendar Year 2012) Hours er.Da 24 Week 7 P.. Y Da.,s.per( ) Y P. ( ): . Weeks per Year ::(..52 ) .U..Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent:Annual Throu h ut:: {- an-Feb +.D.ec o o une-Aug. o Sept..Nov. 2 u/ 012 : . .25 ' 25/0 25_/0 5 0 �arch-.May . 12:::: :: :: 11 Actual-Emissions per.Pollutant Listed.: - Attach:calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods ethods used.: sm Emissions- Emission Control GIiG aGHG-. . Estimation.,. : Efficiency Emission Pollutants; CAS : Ef Control Pollutants . . Method Code :(Net after Factor ... ..ons/Year See Instructions all controls 2012. .... J. . ..Criteria . -Emissions- Emission Control. .: Pollutant :: Criteria:; Estimation... : : :: Efficiency . :::Emission (NAAQS): Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method:Code (Net after Factor .. .. ... .. .... (Tons/Year) {See:Iristructions) all:contcols) 2012 CO CO: 08 :. NOx :: :: NOx TSP.. TSP ... .. 0.05 . 08 0.0027 PM10 PM10: 0.0.5 :: 08 :: 0.0027 - PM2.5 :; PM2.5 .. :.05 08 ...... 0.0027 r- .... S02 S02 08 ::VOC r VOC.;. . 08 HAP/TAP ....Emissions Emission CAS Estimation Emission Control Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS., see instructions Efficiency EF Control ... ( ) Method Code .: Factor Alphabet cal Order) (Pounds/Year): ': ... (Net after all controls) See Instructions . :::2012 .. . 4. :. 58 rr I� Moncure Plywood LLC Emission Source.,,:,:: Green.Veneer Hogging Operations _ .. Source ID Number: ...: IS IN-3 Emission'Point: IS -IN-3 2012 Actual, .Process Throughput: Green Veneer Hogged. 34,624 ton/year. missions: _ummary: Pollutant: Eriisson Factor Reference : Emissions PM.: 270E=03 lb%ton 1 0.05 t y:: M-10 2.70E-03: lb/ton ;::1 0:05 toy . :. PM-2.S : 2.70E-03 .. lb/ton 1..; 0,05 . . f References: 1. AP-42:Section 1:3.2.4 ii or w . . ... . . .... As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-25 consisting of I-4, I-5 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Ink and painting operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —5/lnk and painting operations 4. SCC Number/Description: 40500597/Printing—General ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 1161 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS-1D CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point EIR Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area = 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 23 I ' - Operating Scenario: OS-.5:: Emission Source/Group ID: G-25 _ ti • 10.:Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating:Scenario that best characterizes,Calendar Year 2012) Hours per:Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ): Weeks per Year .( 52 ) 11. Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 :: End: 2359 12. Seasonal'Periods Percent:Annual Throu h ut an-Feb .+Dec o arch-May o une-Aug.- o Sept.-Nov. o 25/o : 25/o Z5./o 25/o 012 :. : 012:::: :;: :. .: 012: 012 13. Actual.Emissions per Pollutant Listed - Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used.' b. i Emissions- Emission Control GHG GHG- : : Estimation. Efficiency :Emission CAS: ... . .. . . Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See.Instructions all controls 2012. ... . .. Emissions- Emission Control. Criteria Pollutant::: Criteria:: : Estimation_ Efficiency Emission (N_ QS): Ef Control Pollutants Code- Pollutants Method-Code (Net after Factor. (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2012 :CO CO q 08 NOx NOx P. P ... .. 08 -, . ...... PMIO PM10: 08 PM2.5 :: PM2.5 .::08 ... .. . S02 S02 08 . :.VOC .. VOC:= 0.42::; . ."" 03 .. HAP/TAP .: Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Emission i Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS... . Efficiency EF.Control (see instructions) Method Code Factor Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year): (Net after all controls) .See Instructions . 2012 t . 24 Moncure Plywood LLC:::. � Emission Source:_:: ;:: Ink and O erations.. g p Source ID Number: .. IS-IN-4,IS-IN-5 Emission Point: I84N-4 IS-IN-5; 2012 Actual Process Throughput: Lo o aint usa e: 866 g .g gal/Yr P Inkusage Ink density 295 :gaUyr. .... . .. 8.21 Ib/gal lJmissions Summaryt Pollutant Emission Factor- Reference: Emissions VOC=logo •aint 4.00E=01 lb VOC/ al g g 1 0,17 — Y VOC.-ink ' 2.00E-01 1b VOC/lb:. 1 ... : 0.24 Total VOC .. :. . 0.42 t References:.. .. . 1:'Material Safety Data Sheets ... .. .. . ' .. .. .. i As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or 1-6 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Plywood surface patching 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —6/Plywood surface patching 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ; Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 18810 GAL/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur %Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) �--1 i i 1 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) (in 0.1 feet) FEP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— I ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 59 Operating Scenario: OS -.6: Emission Source/Group ID: I=6 10.:0 eratin Schedule: Source/O: eratin :Scenario that best characterizes.Calendar Year 2012 Hours per;Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ). :::Weeks per Year, ( :52 ) L :-.11.Typical Start_&:End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 q. 12'. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h uti - an—Feb +.Dec o h—May o une—Aug.. orept.—Nov._ o 25/0 25% _ 25,/ 77 0 25012 rarc. 12:::: 012: 12rw 13.'Actual.Emissions per Pollutant Listedw. Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used: :'Emissions— Emission Control : GHG GHG.. : : Estimation... : Efficiency Emission CAS :EfControl Pollutants Pollutants . . .. Method Code . . .. (Net after Factor w. . ... .. Tons/Year See,Instructions all.controls .2012. Emissions— Emission Control Criteria . Pollutant:: Criteria..::::: Estimation. . : : Efficiency Emission (NAAQS): Ef Control C Pollutants' M e et after Fa As Pollutants . Code: oll.utan Method.Cod (N Factor:: . (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) . 2012 CO, CO 08 h ... .. . NOx NOx 08: TSP. TSP.-. :. 08 k .PM10 PM10;. :. 08 `I PM2.5 PM2.5 ::0.8 SO2 _SO2 .08.. . ..VOG VOC 2.97: 03 .. 0:316 :. HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Emission ! Pollutants .(In I�AP./TAPS.. Efficiency ' EF Control' 1 . (see instructions) Method Code.: Factor �b Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year): (Net after all controls) See Instructions:)':. 2012 L. ... .. ... .. . ::60 Moncure:Plywood LLC Emission Source:::.., Plywood Surface Patching: Source ID Number: . IS-IN-6 Emission Point: :: IS-IN-6 2012 Actual Process Throughput: . . Gallons:Used 18,810 gaVyr Emissions:Summary: :Pollutant: Emission Factor :Reference Emissions VOC 3;16E-01 lbi al 1 2.97 g y References: 1 Material Safety Data Sheet qps w. L ' L �: As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or 1-7 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Maintenance parts washers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —7/Maintenance parts washer 4. SCC Number/Description: 40202105/Flatwood Products Coating;Equipment Cleanup 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 110 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (1f fuel is used) /o Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): & Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description (as listed in ermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) [EP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 61 Operating:Scenario: OS-7 :: :. Emission.Source/Group ID: 7: : 10...0 Operating Schedule: Source/O eratin Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 201.2 P g ( p g; .) ... Hours perDay 24, Da s per Week 7 Weeks per Year:: 52 I Typical Start&:End Times For Operating Scenario: .::.Start: 0 End: 2359 Ii Seasonal:Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: +. .. — — —an—Feb Dec 0 arch May o une Aug. 0 �012 ept. Nov... .. 0 .. :25/0 25/o 25%0 25/o 01:2 012.:.. :: 012: 13. Actual-Emissions per Pollutant Listed': - Attach calculations and documeritation of emission'factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG GHG .. Estimation Efficiency Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor : ons/Yeaz) (See Instructions all controls 2012: A Criteria Emissions— Emission Control.. Pollutant:: Criteria : ` Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS)` El Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method.Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See:Instructions) all:controls) . : .. 2012 CO` 08 NOz• NOx 08:' T.SP. TSP,.,. .: 08 P1VI10 PM10. .. 0.8_ PM2.5 ... PM2.5 ....... 08..', . ... S02 S02 08 VOC: 0.39 03 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS. . . Est�mahon Emission` (see instructions) Method Code , .: Efficiency Factor l Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year): (Net after all controls) EF.Contro See Instructions). . :2012 k1 LJ we q ,_,: " oncure Plywood LLC::- Emission Source::: :i Maintenance Parts Washer Source ID Number: IS-IN=7 Emission Point: IS-IN-7 2012 Actual Process Throughput: `1 Gallons:Used: 110 gaUyr . Emissions:Summary: Eolliitant Emission Factor Reference Emissions VOC ."I 7:GOE40 lb/gal 11 0.39 r _ . References: w Material Safety Data:Sheetqj . . . . . . a . . .. F. - t b ' . As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or I-8 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—8/Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 185015 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—FUG FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 ERP for Fugitive STACK) sources 63 17 ... Operating:Scenario: OS-8 :: : Emission_Source/Group ID: 1-8 10., Operating Schedule: (Source/O:perating:Scenario that Best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) Hours er:Da 24' Days per Week"Weekj 7 Weeks " er Year.:: 52 J.-L Typical Start&:End Times For Operating Scenario.: . ::Start: 0 .::::End: 235§ j 12. Seasonal Periods Percent:Annual Throw h itt:: an—Feb .+.Dec o arch-May. o une—Aug. o Sept:—Nov., o 012 25/0 012 25/o . 25./0 25/o :. : 012: . .. 012 11 Actual-Emissions p er Pollutant Listed Attach cdlculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimat ion methods used.: 4 : Emissions— Emission Control GI3G: GAG .. :: Estimation. Efficiency Emission : CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Pollutants' . n • ... :T ns/Year) (See.Instnictions all controls) J ... .. 2012. �. �Em.issions—_., . Emission Control -- Criteria: . : .. Pollutant-:. Criteria:: : Estimation::: Efficiency Emission (NAAQS): Ef Control Pollutants Code" Pollutants Method.C.ode" '(Net after Factor .. . (Tons/Year) (See:Iiistructions) all.controls) .: 2012 CO. CO .: .. 08 NOx NOx 09 _ .. TSP.. TSP ..: .. 2.45 02 .. PM10 = PM10:: :. 2.45 02 4 PM2.5 : PM2:5 08 S02 S02..:.. .. 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emisston ' Control _ CAS Estimation Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS. : Efficiency EF Control (see instructions) Method Code Factor Alphahettcal Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) •See Instructions - :.2012 Moncure Plywood LLC... Emission Source:,: Veneer D verter Exhaust Cyclone Source ID Number: IS-IN-8 Emission Point: ::•IS=IN-8 -� 2012 Actual Process Throughput: . . 1 Wet wood. 185,015 'ton/y. Emissions'Summary: ummary: Pollutant Emission Factor Reference Emissions I 5.30E-02 lb/DT: : 1 2.45't y:`. } M-10 ,:' . 5.30E-02 lb%DT :::: 1 2'.45 YReferences: 4 ' 1. Weyerhaeuser Test Data,Title V.Bulletin#1'9 .:: sw sm 1 _ . . As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID: 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group GR2 consisting of I-10, I-9 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Green Veneer Stackers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —32/Green Veneer Stackers 4. SCC Number/Description: 30700799/Plywood Operations ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 117533000 FT2/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) (in 0.1 feet) EP—Fu 4 FUGITIVE(NO 72 Area= 1 Stackers g STACK 5 Operating:Scenario: OS 32: Emission 10.;Operating Schedule: (Source/O:perating Scenario that'Best characterizes:Calendar Year 2012) r Hours per-Day 24• Days per Week 7 Weeks per Year :: : 52 P... Y � ) Y p � : ):::: P �.. ) 11.Typical Start.&::End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu jhput: an—Feb .+.Dec 1:- % a"rph..-MaY: o une—Aug. 20/ ept: Nov,, ., o2525/0 : 5 0" 25/0 012 012 012: 012 ( 11 Actual Emissions.per Pollutant Listed : . : : Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used: Emissions— Emission Control GHG . GHG... ::. Estimation,.. : : :: Efficiency Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants . . ..Method Code (Net after Factor ... .. Tons/Yeaz See.InstrUctions all controls 2012. Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant:: Criteria Estimation:: Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method.Code (Net after Factor ... . _ . . . :.... {Tons/Year) (See Instructions) alf controls) . 2012 r� CO CO ...... 08 NOz, NOz .08. TSP., ..TSP...: 0:01 . 08.; PM10 PM10 0.01. :: 08 PM2.5 :: :. PM2.5 08: :.08 " F VOC VOC 08 .HAP/TAP Emissions mission E Control Estimation Emission Pollutants (In CAS HAP/TAPS . Efficiency EF.Control (see instructions) Method Code :.Factor Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) . . See Instructions)*• 2012 ss 6 . �. .'' ::... Moncure PlY wood LLC Emission Source:. Green Veneer'Stackers 'Source Source ID Number: IS-IN-9,IS-IN-10 Emission:Point. ISJN-99 IS-1N—40 2012 Actual Process Throughput.- Total Plywood Production 117,533,000 sf/yr -missions.Summary: Pollutant Emission Factor ]::Reference Stackei.No:. 1 Stacker No:2 Emissions Emissions .. M:_ :: ;.1.89E-07 lb/sf: .: 1 5.55E-03 tpy 5:55E-03 tpy M=10 -1.89E-07.. lb/sf' 1 . 5:55E-03.tpy 5.55E-03..tpy References:, 1:. Engineering Judgment ..... -ti Lj pq p:r so y ti .... . As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County: Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or I-11 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: hammer hog truck dump 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS-25/Hammer hog truck dump-no controls 4. SCC Number/Description: 30704004/Wood Bulk Handling and Storage- Wood/Bark;Loading 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 4744 TON/vr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) % Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS-ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) F P-Fug3 FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= I Hammer Hog Truck STACK) Dump 51 Operating:Scenario: OS -.25: Emission.Source/Group ID:FI 11 10.:Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012) r ' Hours er:Da 24 Da' s er Week 7 Weeks er Year 52 perm Day ay p (: ):.:: p (. ) 11:Typical Start.&::End Times For Operating Scenario: .:::Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal:Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut an—Feb .+.:Dec ° arch-May, o une—Aug. °/ . Sept=Nov... .. ° 25/0 25/0 . rp 012 012::.: : 012: 25 °.: 012 25/o j ? 13. Actual-Emissions-per Pollutant Listed .. . . .. . . —' Attach calculations and documentation of emission:factors or other estimation methods used. Emission Control -::Emissions— GHG GHG.. Estimation... : : :. Efficiency ::Emission Pollutants CAS � : Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants . . .. ...':Tons/Year See.Instructions all controls 2012. _. Emissions— Emission Control Criteria: ... . . . Pollutanti : Criteria:: : Estimation.: Efficiency :Emission (NAAQS) � Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method.Code " (Net after Factor .. ' :::(Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all.controls) .: 2012 r CO CO: : 08 NOX.. z 08 TSP, ..TSP ... .. 0 08 7 . ...... , . ...... . PM10 PM10: 0 08 P .:08:M2.5 PM2.5 S02 ..S02 .08 .. - s YOC' .. VOC :: :. 08 Em ission HAP/TAP :: Emissions Control .: CAS Estimation Emission h Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS... . Efficiency EF.Control (see instructions) Method Code Factor Alphabetical Order) :'' '' (Pounds/Year) � .:: : (Net after all controls) .See Instructions . :2012 � :. mw o- .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. . ... .. 52 Moncure Plywood LLC... r Emission Source:.::::.: Hammer:Hog Truck Dump '! Source ID Number: IS-IN-11. .. Emission Point: IS-IN-11 is 2012 Actual Process Throughput: Dry:waste 4,744 ton/yr : Emissions:Summary: 1 Pollutant: Emis§ion Factor =Reference � Emissions PM 1164E-05 IlbApn 1 3.89E-05 tpy M-10 1 1.64&05: lb/ton , I 1 :3.89E-05 References::.:. :. .. : L AP-42.Section 13.2.4 �y .. .. .. .. .. As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood, LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2012 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or I-12 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: dry waste truck dump 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —24/Dry Waste truck dump 4. SCC Number/Description: 30704004/Wood Bulk Handling and Storage— Wood/Bark ; Loading 5. Throughput/units in 2012: 91 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content (Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpen-nit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) F P—Fug2 FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area— 1 Dry Waste Truck STACK) Dum 53 .. .. Operating Scenario: OS-24 . Emission Sour ' Group ID'.1'11 t :. 10..;Operating Schedule; (Source/Operating;Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2012) . . Hours per.D4y (24 ) Days perWeek (.7 Weeks er Year:, 52 L � U.:Typical Start&.End Times For Operating Scenario:. �.Start: 0� � � �.End: 23�59- P:..: g .. 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual.Throu h :ut: an Feb +Dec o arch—May ° une=Aug.. ., °� Sept..-Nov. ° 012 :. :. ° 012.:. :.: :: ° 012, 25 °: 25/o 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Lasted Attach calculations and,documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used: : :Emissions— Emission Control GHQ GHG: Estimation Efficiency Emission CAS: Ef Control Pollutants: Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor r' .TofiYYear See Instructions all-controls 2012 Criteria ':Emissions— Emission Control. Pollutant::' Criteria Estimation. Efficiency ::Emission (NAAQS) . Ef Control .: :Pollutants Code Pollutants:. Method Code (Net after Factor (Toris/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) . .. . .. CO CO 08, i NOz NOg :'08 TSP TSP; 0 08 -. PM'0 PM10 0 08 PM25 PM2.5' 08: S02, 902 I I VOC VOC 08 .`: IAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Eshmation. Emission Pollutants;(In HAP/TAPS Efficiency EF Control, (see instructions) Method Code Factor Alphabetical:Order) (Pounds/Year). S (Net after all controls) '— •ee Instructions .: :2012 ti .. :: ; . . .. .. i . Moncur 'Plywood LLC...: Emission Source: Dry Waste Truck'Dum Source ID Number:. IS-IN-12 ' Emission:Point: ::: TS-IN-12 Z_ 2012 Actual Process Throughput: Dry waste: . 91 ton/yr. Emissions:Summary: Poilutant.: Emrission Factor :Reference- .:.Eriiissions LJ. . IVI 164E-05 ]b/t6n 1 :7.46E-07 Y : M-10 :,: 1.64E-:05: Ib/ton 1 7.46E707= - , References::: L AP42 Section 13.2.4. . .. .. �i 1q. _. . ,. or .. a ... ... .. ... ... .. .. L I As entered in AERO Facility Name: Moncure Plywood,LLC Facility ID : 1900039 306 Corinth Road Permit: 03424 Moncure,NC 27559 County : Chatham DAQ Region : RRO Comments From Facility: 5/14/2013 —Operating Scenario Comments OS OS24 : PM and PM-10 emissions are too small to show in AERO. See attached calcs. 5/14/2013 —Operating Scenario Comments OS OS25 : PM and PM-10 emissions are too small to show in AERO. See attached calcs. 5/14/2013 —Operating Scenario Comments OS OS 11 : Some criteria compound emissions are too small to show in AERO. See attached calcs. 5/14/2013 —Operating Scenario Comments OS OS34 : PM and PM-10 emissions are too small to show in AERO. See attached calcs. 5/14/2013 —Operating Scenario Comments OS OS3 : PM and PM-10 emissions are too small to show in AFRO. See attached calcs. 71 Division of Air Home Emissions Flow Facility Totals ES-CD List User Manual Logoff Operating Scenario Summary AERO r IN/, Ne Vl Emission Sources Emission Groups Control Devices Emission Release Points Operating Scenario Summary Closeout PAGE INSTRUCTIONS Facility Id : 1900039 Data Year:2012 < Back Continue > Find.OperatingScenario OS Not Id Description Status Operated GR2 Green Veneer Stackers OS32 Green Veneer Stackers Add New Operating Scenario G-24 Veneer dryers and heat source (wood burner) Q OS26 Veneer dryers and heat source (wood burner)Ibs/SF, (Softwood) OS27 Veneer dryers and heat source (wood burner) HAPS Ib/mmBtu, (Softwood) OS30 Veneer dryers and heat source(wood burner)Ibs/SF,(Hardwood) OS31 Veneer dryers and heat source (wood burner)HAPS Ib/mmBtu, 4 (Hardwood) Add New Operating Scenario G-25 Ink and painting operations Q OS5 Ink and painting operations Add New Operating Scenario G-27 Woodwaste Transfer system Q OS20 Woodwaste Transfer(Rechipper)system 4 Add New Operating Scenario ES-11 Green wood fuel storage silo Q OS16 Green wood fuel storage silo Add New Operating Scenario ES-13-25HP 25 panel hot press Q Add New Operating Scenario ES-13-40HP 40 panel hot press Q Add New Operating Scenario ES-1 3-CC Curtain coater Add New Operating Scenario ES-1 3-PO Paper overlay operation Q Add New Operating Scenario ES-1 3-PS Plywood spreader Add New Operating Scenario ES03-CC Core composer with saw Q Add New Operating Scenario ES03-CS Core saw(green or dry veneer) Q Add New Operating Scenario ES03-PSS Panel sawing system Q Add New Operating Scenario ES03-SMS-1 String machine including saws Q OS21 Dry Waste transfer system a Add New Operating Scenario ES03-SMS-2 String machine including saws Q Add New Operating Scenario ES03-SS Strip saw Q Add New Operating Scenario ESO4 Wood sander Q OS12 wood sander Add New Operating Scenario ES12 Dry wood residual storage silo Q OS17 drywood residual storage silo Add New Operating Scenario ES13-GMO Glue mixing operations consisting of two resin storage tanks and four mixe OS10 glue mi)ong,application and hot presses operations (Hardwood) OS28 glue mixing,application and hot presses operations, (softwood) Add New Operating Scenario ES15 tongue and groove operations Q OS19 tongue and groove operations Add New Operating Scenario ES16 Plywood waste hog Q OS9 plywood hog Add New Operating Scenario ES20 Vat operations Q OS18 Vat Operations: Heating of Blocks Add New Operating Scenario ES21 End sealer spray booth Q OS33 End Sealer Spray Booth O Add New Operating Scenario ES22 Tongue and groove saw (plywood finishing) Q OS34 Tongue and Groove Saw Add New Operating Scenario 1-1 Bark hogging operations with two saws Q OS2 Bark hogging operations Add New Operating Scenario I-11 hammer hog truck dump Q OS25 Hammer hog truck dump-no controls Add New Operating Scenario 1-12 dry waste truck dump Q OS24 Dry Waste truck dump Add New Operating Scenario 1-2 Core chipping and handling OS3 Core chipping and handling operations Add New Operating Scenario 1-3 Green veneer hogging Q OS4 Green veneer hogging operations Add New Operating Scenario 1-6 Plywood surface patching Q OS6 Plywood surface patching Add New Operating Scenario 1-7 Maintenance parts washers Q OS7 Maintenance parts washer Add New Operating Scenario 1-8 Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone Q OS8 Veneer diverter exhaust cyclone 4 Add New Operating Scenario IES19 Diesel-fired water pump(250 Horsepower maximum power Q output)for emergenc OS11 250 horsepower diesel-fired water pump Add New Operating Scenario < Back Continue> ' A Feedback Top of Page i 17 Moncure:Plywood LLC .. Permit Limit Check 2012=Air.Emissions Inventory URS ProjectNo.31828920 y Source T22 Permit Limit 2012 Actual Emissions.. In Compliance? PM _:: 15.3 8 lb/hr 905 lb/hr YES -- Facility-wide PM 250 ton/yr : : 57.37 ton/yr: ... . YES Facility-wide VOC I : 250 ton/yr I YES 11 FBB SO2 2.3 1 lb/M[rvMtu . . .. 0.025 lb/MMBtu .. I YES' Acrolein 2.4 lb/hr 0.26 lb/hr YES. :Arsenic 1.48 lb/yra a 0.11 lb/yr:: YES'.. rl Benzene : . : 772.92 lb/yr. : 108.25 lb/ YES 16 YSBeryllium: 26.41 lb/"r 1 yr .. Cadmium :::35,21b/yr 0.58lb/yr .::::: YES: Chlorine :101.13lb/day 0.32lb/day: : YES'' ES09 Chlorine 27.02 lb/hr_ OOL 1b/hr 7 7 7YES Formaldeh'de:. 3.77 lb/hr. .. 0.'11 lb/hr YES Hydro en Chloride ::21.02 lb/hr 0.01 lb/hr... Manganese ... .. 83.6 lb/day. 0.65.lb/day' " YES Nickel(metal): ' 16.19 lb/day :::0:01 lb/day . Phenol 6.74lb/hr' 0.041b/hr . YES Vinyl Chloride 38; yr 27.3 b yr:: YES' Acrolein: : : 2.4 lbnir :0:26 lb/hr YES :Arsenic :::: 1.48 lb/yr :::_= :: 0.11 lb/yr... : : :: - . Benzene .772.92 lb/yr 108.25 lb/ YES 0.-1.6 lb/ r Beryllium.. ::: :: 26.41 lb/yT :: y Cadmium 35.2 lli/yr 0:58 lb/yr YES. .:::'Chlorine :::: :101.13 lb/day :::: . 0.32 lb/day:':`: YES:::. ES 10 Chlorine 27.02 lb/hr.. : 0.01 _lb/hr ..YES Formaldeh :de:' 3.77 lb/hf 0.11 lb/hr ::= : YES I Hydrogen Chloride ::2.1.02 lb/hi' 0.01 lb/hr YES. -::Manganese 83:6 lb/day = : : 0.65 Ib/day: : YES Nickel(metal): : : 16.19 lb/day: 001 lb/day YES i Phenol 6.74 lb/hr. .. 0.04 lb/hr YES V.in'1'Chloride 3:8;656 lb/ r ... ::: :: 27.35 lb/ YES- 7 = Formaldehyde: 2.33 :Ib/hr' :: ::0061b/hr YES ES 13 28.62 Ib%lir 0.12 lb/hr YES Phenol I :.: Moncure PlywoodLLC ... . Annual Activity acid Usage Information 2012 Air Emissions Inventory URS Project No.31828920 Activity and Usage 2012 Annual Amount Description::.:. . L-1 Plywood Production Hardwood Plywood Production 71,248,000 fe:(3/8") 1 Softwood Pl ood Production 46,285,000 fe(3/8") Plywood ood Press Hours of eration:: :6,954 hours Sander Production 45.1326,000 ftz(3/8")' T&G Saw Production 53,000 fe:(3/9") T&G Saw Hours of.Operation 30 hours Lo Throu h ut Pine Los 62,771.tons �. . Gum Los 114,383:tons Poplar.Logs 20,536 tons Piaet wide Fuel Combustion': Boiler Hours of Operation 8,399:hours, Total Dry Wood Combusted' 3,640 ton(as fired) Dr y: Heat Content : . : .• . 7,776 Btu/Ib Total Dry Wood Combusted: 56,606 MMBtu/yr Green Chi s-Combusted 3,116 tons chips Green Chips Heat Content z 4,541:Btu/lb Total Green Chips Combusted.:: .: :28,300 MMBtu'—. Total Hog Fuel Combusted : . : 20,625 ton as fired ,5703 Poplar Bark Heat ContentZ Btu/lb Gum Bark Heat Content 4,952 Btu/]b Pine:Bark Heat Content :: :: : :: 4,018 Btu/lb :: Total Hog Fuel Combusted 199,089 MMBtu :MMBtu Total Green Fuel:Combusted 22T,389 �. . . Total of all fuel combusted 283,995 MMBtu Boiler Efficiency86.0% 250 HP Diesel Fired Water Pump .205. al/ . . .: rom 44:hr/yr . Miscellaneous Veneer Diuerter :: 185,015 ton/ r Hammer Hog Truck Dump 4344:ton! r. Dry Waste Trick Durnp 91:ton/ � I Core Chipping and Handling :: . : 976 tonlyr Green Veneer Hogging Operations 34,624 ton/yr Maintenance Parts Washer :110: al/ : End Seal Paint: ; = : : 3-,300:gal/yr Paint Usage(Logo painting) .::::: ::::: 866 al/ r Ink Usage . 295 al/ r Plywood Surface:Patch' 18'810:gall : Cores Sold in 2012 680'800:cores . . . Ash:.:. :. .. . . Total Wood Ash 586 tons l ...... Total Wood Ash.sent offsite 586 tons PF Resin Usa a . . .. " PF Resin Application Rate'. 27 Tons/MMSF OF Resin Usage 4,813 tons 1. Bark fired is:calcolated based on log usage:aad"peicentage of a log that is bark:(assumes 80%of::" bark originally on log is combusted). Dry fuel is estimated to.be 15%of total fuel'usage.based on data:froin Chester Plywood(sisterpfant). 2. Heat Content is Chester Plywood fuel analysis data.