HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900104_20220301_CMPL_CompRpt (3) 3M Industrial Minerals Product Division 4191 Hwy 87 South Moncure, NC 27559 February 24, 2022 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality Raleigh Regional Office Ms.Taylor Hartsfield,Raleigh Regional Office Supervisor 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh,NC 27609 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7020 3160 0001 3479 3040 Re: 3M Company—Pittsboro,NC Air Quality Permit Number: 09006T07 Facility ID: 1900104 3M Industrial Mineral Products,Moncure,NC Annual Title V Compliance Certification Report January 1,2021 to December 31,2021 Dear Ms. Taylor Hartsfield, Enclosed please find two copies of the completed Title V Annual Compliance Certification Report for 3M Pittsboro facility reporting year of 2021. Please feel free to contact me by phone at(919)642-4010 or via email dhasan2(jjmmm.com with any questions or comments. Sincerely, Della Z. Hardy 3M Pittsboro EHS Engineer Enclosures NC Dept of Environmental Quality cc: EPA—Region 4 Andrew Miller,3M Pittsboro EHS Supervisor If z 2t'22 Blake Arnett, 3M Pittsboro Plant Director Conner Doede,3M IMPD EHS Engineer Raleigh Regional offCe North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Title V Annual Compliance Certification Forms 1 Facility Name: 3M Pittsboro-Industrial Mineral Products Facility Location: _4191 Highway 87 South Moncure,NC 27559 Facility ID Number: 1900104 (Refer to first page of Title V Permit) Title V Permit Number: 09006T07 (Refer to first page of Title V Permit) Start of Reporting Period: January 1,2021 (Month,Day,Year) End of Reporting Period: December 31,2021 (Month,Day,Year) Compliance Statement (Check only one of the following options) During the reporting period specified above,this facility was in compliance with all terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit. As such,there were no deviations2,excess emissions events,or other reportable incidents including those attributable to equipment malfunctions, breakdown,or upset conditions(please fill out the Compliance Summary Report). X During the reporting period specified above,this facility was in compliance with ALL terms and conditions identified in the above referenced Title V Operating Permit,EXCEPT for the deviations2 identified in the Deviation Summary Report(please fill out both the Compliance Summary and Deviation Summary Reports). Does the above compliance statement differ from what is indicated on your most recent Title V Report(i.e. last Semi- Annual Monitoring Report,Annual Emissions Inventory,etc)? Yes No ❑X Are you submitting this Annual Compliance Certification form to also fulfill a Title V Semi-Annual Monitoring reporting requirement?If so,this certification must be submitted by January 30. Yes No RI Certification By Responsible Official Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry,the undersigned certifies under penalty of law (federal rule 40 CFR 70.5(d))that all information and statements provided in this form(including any attachments)are true,accurate,and complete. z zz (SignalIture o Res nsi le Official) (Date) Name: (Type or Print) Number of Attached Pages(not including Instructions Page) 31 1 An annual compliance certification(ACC)is required pursuant to federal rule 40 CFR 70.6(c),state rules 15A NCAC Sections 2Q.0508(t)and 2Q.0508(bb),and Section 3-General Condition P of the Title V Operating Permit. A copy of your ACC is to be submitted to both the North Carolina DAQ and the U.S.EPA(Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch,EPA,Region 4,61 Forsyth Street,Atlanta,GA 30303). The submittal date for the ACC is specified in Section 3-General Condition P of your Title V permit. z For the purposes of this form,the term "deviation"means any action or circumstance not in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Title V Operating Permit including those attributable to equipment malfunction,breakdown,or upset conditions and/or excess emissions events. The acknowledgement of deviations from specific permit requirements is not necessarily an acknowledgement of a violation. However,failure to report any and all deviations may constitute a violation of the Title V Operating Permit and the underlying emission standard. For more information about deviations,please refer to the DAQ memorandum outlining the definition of deviation for Title V reporting on the DAQ web site(http://d`eq.nc.govlaboutldivisionslair-quality/air-quality enforcement/excess-emissions-deviations-malfunction-determinations). Revision 3.0 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 1 of 29 Terms IN Conditions Source or Was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Crushing and Screening Plant Review of monitoring, Particulates from Comply with 15A recordkeeping and sand,gravel,or NA 2.1.A.l.d NCAC 02D.0510 No Yes No reporting requirements See comments below. crushed stone per permit conditions operations Method 22(visual records No visible fugitive performed monthly on one Crushing and emissions greater page summary(normal Screening Plant than 10% expected emissions=no All the required monitoring, Building HVAC discharged from visible emissions).Each record keeping,and reporting NA No Yes No requirements are in and other 2.1.A.2.0.(A) any building visual is on a 6-minute openings,except (15A NCAC 2D timeframe.If visual applicable emissions compliance with withstand the he a a baghouse stacks] .0524&40 CFR emissions are observed, 60.672) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Visible emissions Method 22(visual records from any vent, performed monthly on one Crushing and stack,etc.shall page summary(normal Screening Plant not exceed 7% expected emissions=no Building"Vents" NA 2.1.A.2.c.ii Opacity No Yes No visible emissions).Each (i.e.baghouse [15NCAC visual is on a 6-minute stacks] 02D.0524&40 timeframe.If visual CFR 60,Subpart emissions are observed, 00] then Method 9 shall be repeated in same day. Methods 5&9,initial test Crushing and All the required monitoring, Screening Plant 0.05 g/dscm PM completed 8/5/2002 thru record keeping,and reporting [15A NCAC 2D 8/8/2002.Method 5 and Building"Vents" NA No Yes No requirements are in 2.1.A.2.c.iii(A) .0524&40 CFR 9,initial testing for ta baghouse 60.672] ES5155C conducted on compliance with the applicable stacks] 9/26/2007. emissions standard(s). Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 2 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Particulate emissions from any vent of any building Method 22(visual records Crushing and constructed after performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Screening Plant 2.1.A.2.c.iii.(B April 22,2008, page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Building"Vents' NA shall not be more No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in [i.e.baghouse ) than 0.032 grams visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable stacks] per dry standard visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). cubic meter. timeframe. [15A NCAC 2D 0.524&40 CFR fin 6791 Conduct initial Crushing and Methods 5&9,initial test Screening Plant completed 8/5/2002 thru compliance or any All the required monitoring, required record keeping,and reporting Performance NA initial testing for New Source NA 2.1.A.2.b subsequent No Yes No 8/8/2002.Method 5 and requirements are in C conducted on additional testing 9/26/2 compliance with the applicable Standards [15A NCAC 02Q emissions standard(s). (Testing) .0508(f)] /26/2007. Crushing and Method 22(visual records Screening Plant Observe each performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, New Source building for visible page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Performance NA 2.1.A.2.d.i.(A) emissions. No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in Standards [15A NCAC visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Monitoring) 02Q.0508(f)] visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). timeframe. After corrective action taken, Crushing and Method 9 opacity Screening Plant for stacks or All the required monitoring, New Source Method 22 for Method 9 or 22 records record keeping,and reporting No Yes No Performance NA 2.1.A.2.c.i.(B) buildings to available. requirements are in Standards demonstrate compliance with the applicable (Monitoring) compliance with emissions standard(s). 40 CFR 60.672(a) and e. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 3 of 29 Terns&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Yaaenta.ned� wmpHance Determining Comments Numbers Number ( es/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status ( ) (Yes/No) Crushing and Method 22(visual records Screening Plant Maintenance of performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, New Source Monitoring Log- page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Performance NA 2.1.A.2.e.i Results No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in Standards 15A NCAC visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) 2Q.0508(f) visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). timeframe. Crushing and Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Screening Plant Monitoring Log- performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, New Source Visible Emissions page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting NA 2.1.A.2.e.ii No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in Performance Present(yes/no)2Q.0508(f) visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) 2Q. Standards NCAC visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). timeframe. Crushing and Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Screening Plant Monitoring Log-If performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, New Source emissions present, page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Performance NA 2.1.A.2.e.iii corrective actions No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in Standards taken. visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) 15A NCAC visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). 2Q.0508(f) timeframe. Maintenance of Crushing and Monitoring Log-If Method 22(visual records Screening Plant emissions present, performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, New Source follow up page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting NA 2.1.A.2.e.iv No Yes No expected emissions=no requirements are in Performance observation Standards reports. visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) 15A NCAC visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). 2Q.0508(f) timeframe. Crushing and Reporting of any Screening Plant changes.At the To our knowledge,all requests New Source request of the Monitor communications or inquiries from the NCDEQ Performance NA 2.1.A.2.g.i Administrator No Yes No from the NCDEQ DAQ for DAQ Administrator have been Standards [15A NCAC 2Q requests of change report. fulfilled in time and upon (Reporting) .0508(f)] request. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 4 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Permit -- was Deviation - - - Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Records a non- Method(s)of Descri tion Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments p Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Number(s) (Yes/No) Compliance Status Crushing and Submit Screening Plant Semiannual All the required monitoring, New Source Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring record keeping,and reporting Performance NA 2.1.A.2.g.rr due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or requirements are in Standards 7/30 15A NCAC before 1/30 and 7/30 compliance with the applicable (Reporting) .508(f) emissions standard(s). is determined to exist by Method 9 or 22,submit Crushing and report identifying Screening Plant the exceedance, All the required monitoring, New Source 1A2lli cause and Results of Method 9 and record keeping,and reporting Performance N/A 2. . . .g. corrective action No Yes No 22 checks and reports on requirements are in Standards taken,due:55 same. compliance with the applicable (Reporting) bus.days of non- emissions standard(s). compliant observation [15A NCAC Crushing and 2.3 lb S02/MM Btu Based on AP-42 emissions No monitoring,recordkeeping, ES1415 heat input factors and fuel usage, or reporting is required at this Screening Plant (Dryer) [15A NCAC 02D No Yes No rate calc'd well under time per 2.1.B.I.c of our Dryer .05161 this limit. permit. Crushing and ES 1415, Meet NSPS UUU Screening Plant CDC1,& 2.1.B.2.a [40 CFR Part 60 No Yes No detailed in next two rows Dryer,Cyclone,& CDB3 sub UUU,including below Ba house sub A Crushing and ES 1415, 0.057 gm/dscm Screening Plant CDC1,& 2.1.B.2.b PM 15A NCAC 2D No Yes No Methods 5&9,initial test Dryer,Cyclone,& CDB3 .0524&40 CFR completed 8/6/2002 Ba house 160.732 Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 5 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) All the required monitoring, record keeping,and reporting 10%opacity(6 requirements are in Crushing and E51415, minute average) compliance with the applicable Screening Plant 5 Continuous Opacity emissions standard(s). There CDB3 Dryer,Cyclone,& CDC I,& 2.1.B.2.c .02 40 CFR NCAC 2D No Yes No Monitoring System were no deviations from the Baghouse 60.732] monitoring requirements of 40 CFR 60 sub UUU and the relevant Subpart A"General Provisions." Conduct Initial Crushing and NSPS UUU Test All the required monitoring, Screening Plant ES1415, record keeping,nt a e in reporting g [PM and visible Methods 5&9,initial test CDCi,& No Yes No requirements are in Dryer,Cyclone,& CDB3 emissions] completed 8/6/2002 compliance with the applicable Baghouse 15A NCAC 2D 0.2601 emissions standard(s). Install,calibrate, All the required monitoring, Crushing and maintain,and Continuous Opacity CDC1ES1415, , No Yes No record keeping,and reporting Screening Plant and operate a COMS Monitoring System. & Dryer,Cyclone,& ii 15A NCAC 2Q Preventative maintenance requirements are in compliance with the applicable Baghouse CDB3 .0508(f)&40 CFR procedures. 60.734,.735 emissions standard(s). Crushing and inspect for leaks All the required monitoring, ES1415, 1/yr. [ record keeping,and reporting Screening Plant CDC1,& 2.1.B.2.e.ii.(A) 15A NCAC 2Q No Yes No Preventive maintenance requirements are in Dryer,Cyclone,& CD63 .0508(f)&40 CFR procedures. compliance with the applicable Baghouse 60.734,.7351 emissions standard(s). Inspect baghouse Crushing and for structural All the required monitoring, ES1415, record keeping,and reporting Dryer,Cyclone,& 15A NCAC 2Q Screening Plant CDC3,& 2.1.B.2.e.ii.(B) integrity 1/ r.Q procedures.No Yes No Preventive maintenance requirements are in CDB3 Baghouse .0508(f)&40 CFR compliance with the applicable 60.734,.735 emissions standard(s). Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 6 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? co ce Determining Comments Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Inspect cyclone for All the required monitoring, Crushing and structural integrity 1/yr. preventive maintenance Screening Plant ES1415, record keeping,and reporting Dryer,Cyclone,& CDC1,& 2.1.B.2.e.ii.(C) 5A NCAC 2Q No Yes No requirements are in 0 Baghouse 508(f)&40 CFR CDB3 . procedures compliance with the applicable 60,734,.735] emissions standard(s). Any work orders on baghouses and cyclones were reported into a For each instance maintenance data tracking of maintenance, system called CMMS.This record date,time, system tracks all work results performed and any Crushing and If any variance variances from All the required monitoring,ES1415, from manuf.'s manufacturers record keeping,and reporting Screening Plant CDC1,& 2.1.B.2.e.iii maintenance No Yes No maintenance procedures. requirements are in Dryer,Cyclone,& CD63 recommend.,then CMMS builds the proper compliance with the applicable Baghouse record corrections maintenance history emissions standard(s). made required for such an 15A NCAC 2Q emissions handling .0508(f)&40 CFR system.Quarterly PM 60.734,.735 records and other work conducted by a third party are maintained electronically or hard copies of work performed. Submit Crushing and Semiannual All the required monitoring, Screening Plant Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring record keeping,and reporting Dryer Baghouse& NA due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or requirements are in Cyclone 7/30 15A NCAC before 1/30 and 7/30 compliance with the applicable .508(f) emissions standard(s). Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location lD#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 7 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Emission Source Control Permit Condition Deviations? Records anon- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments Number (Yes/No/NA) (Yes/No) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) Coloring Plant. Review of monitoring, All the required monitoring, Particulates from record keeping,and reporting Comply with 15A recordkeeping and sand,gravel,or N/A 2.1.C.l.d NCAC 02D.0510 No Yes No reporting requirements requirements are In crushed stone compliance with the applicable operations per permit conditions emissions standard(s). Visible Emissions not to exceed 20% Method 22(visual records when averaged performed monthly on one over a six minute page summary(normal period,and may expected emissions=no not occur more visible emissions).Each Coloring Plant. then once in any visual is on a 6-minute No visible emissions exceeding Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.a one hour period No Yes No timeframe.If visual 20%were observed or Emissions and not more then emissions are observed, recorded. four times per in then Method 22 must be 24 hour period.No repeated in same day. event may exceed Continuous opacity 87%opacity. monitoring for Coloring [15A NCAC 02D Dryers. .0521] Establish"normal" Coloring Plant level of visible All the required monitoring, control of Visible emissions Completed-records on record keeping,and reporting N/A 2.1.C.2.b No Yes No Method 22 checklist sheet requirements are in emissions DUE:2/14/2005 (Testing) [permit effective established normal as zero compliance with the applicable date+30d] emissions standard(s). Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one page summary(normal Observe visible All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant expected emissions=no emissions once record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.c per month for No Yes No visible emissions).Each requirements are in Emissions visual is on a 6-minute above"normal" compliance with the applicable (Monitoring) timeframe.If visual and record. emissions standard(s). emissions are observed, then Method 22 must be re eated in same day. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 8 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Permit Was a non- Description (yes Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Device ID Condition Summary (yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments Number /No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) If visible emissions from a source are observed to be Coloring Plant above normal, All the required monitoring, Control of Visible take appropriate Results of Method 9 and record keeping,and reporting Emissions N/A 2.1.C.2.c.i action to correct No Yes No 22 checks and reports. requirements are in (Monitoring) the issue and compliance with the applicable record the action emissions standard(s). taken. [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f)] If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal,and after corrective action is taken, Coloring Plant demonstrate that All the required monitoring, the%opacity is Results of Method 9 and record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible N/A 2.1.C.2.c.ii below the 20% No Yes No requirements are in Emissions 22 checks and reports. (Monitoring) limit and at or compliance with the applicable below the emissions standard(s). "normal" emissions for a period of 12 minutes. [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] Method 22 (visual records performed monthly on one Maintenance of page summary(normal All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant expected emissions=no Monitoring Log- record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.d.i Date and Time No Yes No visible emissions). Each requirements are in Emissions [15Avisual is on a 6-minute (Recordkeeping) 2Q.0 NCAC508(f)] timeframe.If visual compliance with the applicable Q.0 emissions standard(s). emissions are observed, then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 9 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation — —Emission Source Control - Permit Condition Deviations? Records a non- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained ? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log- performed monthly on one page summary(normal Results,Visible All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant expected emissions=no Emissions Present record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.d.ii visible emissions).Each (yes/no), No Yes No requirements are in Emissions visual is on a 6-minute (Recordkeeping) Corrective Actions timeframe.If visual compliance with the applicable Taken emissions standard(s). 15A NCAC emissions are observed, 02Q.0508(f) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log-If performed monthly on one page summary(normal emissions were All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant expected emissions=no present,corrective record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.d.iii actions taken and No Yes No visible emissions).Each requirements are in Emissions visual is on a 6-minute (Recordkeeping) results of action timeframe.If visual compliance with the applicable taken. emissions are observed, emissions standard(s). 15A then Method 22 must be 02Q.05080508(f) repeated in same day. Submit All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Semiannual Semiannual Monitoring record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible NA 2.1.C.2.e Monitoring Report, No Yes No Reports submitted on or requirements are In Emissions due on 1/30 and before 1/30 and 7/30 compliance with the applicable (Reporting) 7/30 15A NCAC .508(f) emissions standard(s). 2.3 lb S02/MM Btu No monitoring,recordkeeping, Coloring Plant ESCPPHI heat input Based on AP-42 emissions or reporting is required at this Dryers ESCPPH2 2.1.D.l.a 15A NCAC 02D No Yes No factors and fuel usage, time per 2.1.D.1.c of our .0516 rate calc'd under limit permit.(ESCPPH3 referenced in the permit not yet installed) ESCPPHI Meet NSPS UUU Coloring Plant ESCPPH2 [40 CFR Part 60 detailed in next two rows (ESCPPH3/CBD18 referenced Dryers& 2.1.D.2.a No Yes No s CBD9, sub UUU,including below in the permit not yet installed) Baghouse CBD10 sub A Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 10 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Emission Source Control Permit Condition Deviations? Records a non- Method(s)of Description Device ID edition Summary (yes/No) Maintalnea? compliance Determining Comments P Number (yes/No/NA) (Yes/No) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) 0.057 gm/dscm Methods 5&9,initial test ESCPPHI completed 8/8/2002 and Coloring Plant PM ESCPPH2 8/7/2002 for ESCPPHI/ (ESCPPH3/CBD18 referenced Dryers& CBD9, 2.1.D.2.b [15A NCAC 2D No Yes No CBD9 and ESCPPH2/ in the permit not yet installed) Baghouses CBD10 .0524&40 CFR CBD10.(ESCPPH3/ 60.732] CBD18 not yet installed) All the required monitoring, record keeping,and reporting requirements are in 10%opacity(6 compliance with the applicable Coloring Plant ESCPPHI minute average) emissions standard(s). There ESCPPH2 Continuous Opacity were no deviations from the Dryers& CBD9 2.1.D.2.c .05 4&4 C No Yes No Monitoring System monitoring requirements of 40 Baghouses CBD10 .0.73&40 CFR CFR 60 sub UUU and the 60.732 relevant Subpart A"General Provisions." (ESCPPH3/ CBD18 referenced in the r)ermqt not met installed) Conduct Initial Methods 5&9,initial test All the required monitoring, ESCPPHI NSPS UUU Test completed 8/8/2002 and record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant requirements are In ESCPPH2 [PM and visible 8/7/2002 for ESCPPHI/ Dryers& 2.1.D.2.d No Yes No compliance with the applicable Baghouses CBD9, emissions] CBD9 and ESCPPH2/ emissions standard(s). 0.2 CBD10 2D CBD10.(ESCPPH3/ (ESCPPH3/CBD18 referenced 0.2601 01 CBD18 not yet installed) in the permit not yet installed) install,calibrate, Coloring Plant All the required monitoring, ESCPPHI maintain,and Continuous Opacity Dryers& record keeping,and reporting ESCPPH2 operate a COMS Monitoring System. Baghouses 2.1.D.2.e.i No Yes No rn requirents are in compliance CBD9, 15A NCAC 2Q Preventative maintenance (Monitoring and with applicable emissions CBD10 .0508(f)&40 CFR procedures. Recordkeeping) 60.734 .735 standard(s). All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPPHI Inspect for leaks record keeping,and reporting Dryers& Preventive maintenance 1/yr. 15A requirements are in Baghouses ESCPPH2 2.1.D.2.e.ii.(A)NCAC 2Q.0508(f) No Yes No compliance with the applicable (Monitoring and CBD9, &40 CFR 60.734, procedures emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) CBD10 .735 (ESCPPH3/CBD18 referenced -10 L'UOia t�i� L in the permit not yet installed) Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location 10*1900104 �Itjpno (EjU,1WI10JIAUa30)daQ DN North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 11 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Emission Source Control Permit Condition Deviations? Records anon- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained compliance Determining Comments Number(s) Number ( es/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status (Yes/No) Inspect for All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPPHI structural integrity record keeping,and reporting Dryers& requirements are in ESCPPH2 1/yr. Preventive maintenance Baghouses CBD9, 2.1.D.2.e.li.(B) 15A NCAC 2Q No Yes No procedures. compliance with the applicable (Monitoring and CBD10 .0508(f)&40 CFR emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) 60.734,.735 (ESCPPH3/CBD18 referenced in the permit not yet installed) Any work orders on baghouses are reported into a maintenance data For each instance tracking system called of maintenance, CMMS.This system tracks record date,time, all work performed and results any variances from All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPPHI If any variance manufacturers record keeping,and reporting Dryers& from manuf.'s maintenance procedures. requirements are in Baghouses ESCPPH2 2.1.D.2.e.iii maintenance No Yes No CMMS builds the proper compliance with the applicable (Monitoring and CBD9, recommend.,then maintenance history emissions standard(s). Recordkeepin CBD10 record corrections required for such an g) q (ESCPPH3/CBD18referenced made emissions handling in the permit not yet Installed) 15A NCAC 2Q system.Quarterly PM .0508(f)&40 CFR records and other work 60.734,.735 conducted by a third party are maintained electronically or hard copies of work performed. Submit All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Semiannual Semiannual Monitoring record keeping,and reporting Dryers& N/A 2.1.D.2.f Monitoring Report, No Yes No Reports submitted on or requirements are in Baghouses due on i/30 and(Reporting) 7/30 15A NCAC before 1/30 and 7/30 compliance with the applicable .508(f) emissions standard(s). Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report CujPn0 j13)uau1110.11Aug j0 JdaQ DM Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 12 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation — - Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Yaintained7 compliance Determining Comments Number ( es/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Particulate Emissions E=4.10 All the required monitoring, 0 67 Per NCAC 2D.0515 record keeping,and reporting ColoringPlant ESCPK2 x(P) for ESCPK2 P<=30tph process weight rule Title V requirements are in Kilns&Baghouses CDB13, 2.1.E.l.a E=55.0 x(P)o.0 No Yes No calculation,we are in compliance with the applicable (Particulates) compliance with this emissions standard(s). CDB14 40 for P>=30 tph [i5A NCAC 02D requirement. (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced .05 in the permit not yet installed) If emissions testing is required, ESCPKI Perform testing per 15A No emissions testing is Coloring Plant testing shall be ESCPK2 NCAC 02D.2600 and currently required.(ESCPK3/ Kilns&Baghouses 2.1.E.l.b performed in No Yes No CD813, General Condition JJ found CBD20 referenced in the (Testing) CDB14 accordance with in Section 3 of the General Condition permit. permit not yet installed) JJ. All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPKI Inspect for leaks record keeping,and reporting 1/yr. 15A requirements are in Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 Preventive maintenance (Monitoring and CDB13, 2.1.E.l.c.i NCAC 2Q.0508(f) No Yes No compliance with the applicable ( g procedures &40 CFR 60.734, emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) CDB14 .735 (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced in the permit not yet installed) Inspect for All the required monitoring, i Coloring Plant ESCPKI structural integrity record keeping,and reporting Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 1/yr. Preventive maintenance requirements are in (Monitoring and CDB13, 2.1.E.1.c.ii 15A NCAC 2Q No Yes No procedures. compliance with the applicable Recordkeeping) CD814 .0508(f)&40 CFR emissions standard(s). 60.734,.735 (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced In the permit not yet installed) Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 13 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number ry Ores/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (ves/No) Any work orders on For each instance baghouses and were of maintenance, reported into a record date,time, maintenance data tracking results system called CMMS.This All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPK1 If any variance system tracks all work record keeping,and reporting performed and any requirements are in Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 from manuf.'s 2.1.E.l.d No Yes No variances from compliance with the applicable (Monitoring and CDB13, maintenance manufacturers emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) CDB14 recommend.,then maintenance procedures. (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced record corrections made CMMS builds the proper in the permit not yet installed) 15A NCAC 02Q maintenance history .0508(f) required for such an emissions handling system. any maintenance All the required monitoring, ESCPK3 performed on the record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant Preventive maintenance requirements are in Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 2.1.E.l.e bagfilters within No Yes No g procedures and compliance with the applicable (Reporting) CDB13, 30 day of a recordkeeping emissions standard(s). CDB14 request by DAQ [15A NCAC 02Q. (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced in the permit not yet installed) Submit All the required monitoring, ESCPK1 Semiannual record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring requirements are in Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 CDB13, 2.1.E.1.f due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or compliance with the applicable (Reporting) CDB14 7/30 before 1/30 and 7/30 emissions standard(s). [15A NCAC 02Q. (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced 0508(f)] in the permit not yet installed) No monitoring,recordkeeping, Coloring Plant ESCPK1 2.3 lb S02/MM Btu Based on AP-42 emissions or reporting is required at this Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 heat input time per 2.1.E.2.c of our (Sulfur Dioxide CDB13, 2.1.E.2 [15A NCAC No Yes No factors and fuel usage, permit.(ESCPK3/CBD20 Emissions) CDB14 02D.0516] rate calc'd under limit referenced in the permit not yet installed) Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 14 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation - Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Descri tion Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments p Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Visible Emissions not to exceed 20% Method 22(visual records when averaged over a six minute performed monthly on one period,and may page summary.Shall not not occur more be more than 20 opacity No visible emissions exceeding Coloring Plant ESCPK2 when averaged over a six then once in any 20%were observed or Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 minute period.However, 2.1.E.3.a one hour period No Yes No recorded.(ESCPK3/CBD20 and not more then (Control of Visible CD613, six minute averaging Emissions) CDB14 periods may exceed 20% referenced in the permit not four times per in yet installed) 24 hour period. No not more than once in any event may exceed hour and not more than 4 87%opacity. times in any 24-hour 15A NCAC 02D period. .0521 If emissions testing is required, ESCPKi Perform testing per 15A No emissions testing Is Coloring Plant testing shall be ESCPK2 NCAC 2D.2601 and currently required.(ESCPK3/ Kilns&Baghouses 2.1.E.3.b performed in No Yes No CD613, General Condition]J found CBD20 referenced in the (Testing) accordance with CDB14' 15A NCAC 2D in Section 3 of the permit. permit not yet installed) .2601 Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, page summary(normal Observe visible record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 emissions once expected emissions a no requirements are in ESCPK2 visible emissions).Each Control of Visible CD613 2.1.E.3.c per month for No Yes No visual is on a 6-minute compliance with the applicable , Emissions above"normal" emissions standard(s). CDB14 timeframe.If visual (Monitoring) and record. emissions are observed, (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced then Method 22 must be inthe permit not yet installed) repeated in same day. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report LocationlD# 1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 15 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records anon- Method(s)Of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (yes/No) Yes/Noaintan NA rnmpiiance Determining Comments Number(s) Number ( es/No/NA) issuer Compliance Status (Yes/No) If visible emissions from a source are observed to be All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPK1 above normal, record keeping,and reporting Kilns&Baghouses Results of Method 9 and take appropriate requirements are in Control of Visible ESCPK2 2.1.E.3.c.i action to correct No Yes No compliance with the applicable Emissions CDB13, the issue and 22 checks and reports. emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) CDB14 record the action( g) (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced taken. in the permit not yet installed) [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)3 If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal,and after corrective action is taken, All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPK1 demonstrate that record keeping,and reporting Kilns&Baghouses Results of Method 9 and the%opacity is requirements are in Control of Visible ESCPK2 2.1.E.3.c.ii below the 20% No Yes No compliance with the applicable Emissions CDB13, limit and at or 22 checks and reports. emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) CDB14 below the (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced "normal" in the permit not yet installed) emissions for a period of 12 minutes. [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)3 Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, page summary(normal Coloring Plant Maintenance of record keeping,and reporting ESCPK2 visible emissions).Each ESCPK1 expected emissions=no Kilns&Baghouses Monitoring Log- requirements are in Control of Visible CDB13, 2.1.E.3.d.i Date and Time No Yes No visual is on a 6-minute compliance with the applicable Emissions 15A NCAC emissions standard(s). CDB14 timeframe.If visual (Recordkeeping) 2Q.0508(f) emissions are observed, (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced then Method 22 must be in the permit not yet installed) repeated in same day. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 16 of 29 Terms&Conditions I Source or Was Deviation Emission Source Control Permit Condition Deviations? Records a non- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary (yes/No) Maintained ? c npttance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/HA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (yes/No) Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log- performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, page summary(normal Results,Visible record keeping,and reporting ESCPK3 expected emissions=no Coloring Plant Emissions Present requirements are in ESCPK2 visible emissions).Each Kilns&Baghouses 2.1.E.3.d.ii (yes/no), No Yes No compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) CDB13, Corrective Actions visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). CDB14 Taken timeframe.If visual (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced 15A NCAC emissions are observed, in the permit not yet installed) 2Q.0508(f) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log-If performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant emissions were page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting ESCPKS expected emissions=no Kilns&Baghouses present,corrective requirements are in ESCPK2 visible emissions).Each Control of Visible 2.1.E.3.d.iii actions taken and No Yes No compliance with the applicable Emissions CDB13, results of action visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). (Recordkeeping) CDB14 taken. timeframe.If visual (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced 15A NCAC emissions are observed, in the permit not yet installed) 2Q.0508(f) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Submit All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Semiannual record keeping,and reporting Kilns&Baghouses ESCPK2 Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring requirements are in Control of Visible ESCPK2 CDB13, 2.1.E.3.e due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or compliance with the applicable Emissiosns 7/30 before 1/30 and 7/30 emissions standard(s). (Reporting) CD614 [15A NCAC 02Q (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced .0508(f)) In the permit not yet installed) Particulate Emissions E=4.10 All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPM1 .I .vJ��tp1'UOI 3 �{ > Per NCAC 2D.0515 record keeping,and reporting P<=30tph process weight rule Title V requirements are in Mixers& ESCPM2 Baghouses CDB11, 2.1.F.1.a P< 30 x(P)°"- No Yes No calculation,we are in compliance with the applicable compliance with this emissions standard(s). (Particulates) CDB12 40 for P>=30 tph requirement. (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced [15A NCAC 02D in the permit not yet installed) 1.05151 Reporting Year 2021 '11(P.Il t) i P.1 11;)LU U t)J 1 A LI', [O 1 CI a(i .)I Permit X:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID# 1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 17 of 29 Terns&Conditions Source or Permit was Deviation Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Records a non- Methods)of Descri tion Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? comPfiance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) If emissions testing is required, Perform testing,if Coloring Plant ESCPMI No emissions testing is testing shall be required,per 15A NCAC Mixers& ESCPM2 2 1.F.l.b performed in No Yes No 02D.2600 and General currently required.(ESCPM3/ Baghouses CDBS1, CBD19 referenced in the (Testing) CDB12 accordance with Condition 13 found in permit not yet installed) 15A NCAC 2D Section 3 of the permit. .2601 All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPMS inspect for leaks record keeping,and reporting Mixers& requirements are in ESCPM2 1/yr, Preventive maintenance Baghouses 2.1.F.S.c.i No Yes No compliance with the applicable CDBll, [SSA NCAC 2Q procedures (Monitoring/ CDB12 .0508(f)] emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced in the permit not yet installed) inspect for All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPMI structural integrity record keeping,and reporting Mixers& requirements are in CDB11, ESCPM2 1/yr. Preventive maintenance Baghouses 2.1.F.l.c.ii No Yes No compliance with the applicable 05 NCAC 2Q procedures. (Monitoring/ . emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) CDB12 0508(f)&40 CFR (ESCPK3/CBD20 referenced p g) 60.734,.735 in the permit not yet installed) Any work orders on For each instance baghouses and were reported into a of maintenance, record date,time, maintenance data tracking results system called CMMS.This All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant system tracks all work record keeping,and reporting Mixers& ESCPMI If any variance performed and any requirements are in Baghouses ESCPM2 2.1.F.l.d from manuf.'s No Yes No variances from compliance with the applicable (Monitoring/ CDB11, maintenance CDB12 recommend.,then manufacturers emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) record corrections maintenance procedures. (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced e CMMS builds the proper in the permit not yet installed) made NCAC 02Q maintenance history .0508(f)NC] required for such an emissions handling system. Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 18 of 29 Terns&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Naintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Submit results of All the required monitoring, any maintenance record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant ESCPMI performed on the & ESCPM2 bagfilters within Preventive maintenance requirements are in Mixers Mixers Baghouses CDBS1. 2.1.F.l.e 30 day of a No Yes No procedures and compliance with the applicable (Reporting) CDB12 request by DAQ recordkeeping emissions standard(s). SA NCAC (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced [S 0 5A NCAC in the permit not yet installed) Submit All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPMI Semiannual record keeping,and reporting Mixers& ESCPM2 Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring requirements are in Baghouses CDB11, 2.1.F.l.f due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or compliance with the applicable (Reporting) CDB12 7/30 before 1/30 and 7/30 emissions standard(s). [15A NCAC (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced 02Q.0508(f)] in the permit not yet installed) Visible Emissions not to exceed 20% Method 22(visual records when averaged overa six minute performed monthly on one period,and may page summary.Shall not be more than Coloring Plant not occur more over No visible emissions exceeding ESCPMI when averagedd opacity over a six However, v , Mixers& ESCPM2 then once in any minute period. 20%were observed or CDBll, six minute averaging Baghouses 2.1.F.2.a one hour period No Yes No recorded.(ESCPM3/CBD19 (Control of Visible CDB12 and not more then periods may exceed 20% referenced in the permit not Emissions) four times per in yet installed) 24 hour period.No not more than once in any event may exceed hour and not more than 4 times in any 24-hour 87%opacity. period. [15A NCAC 2D .0521] Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 19 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Emission Source Control Permit Condition Deviations? itecords anon- Method(s)of Descri tion Device ID Condition Summa (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number ry (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Coloring Plant If emissions Control of Visible ESCPMI testing is required, Perform testing 0 per 15A currently emissions testing is Emissions ESCPM2 testing shall be 2.1.F.2.b performed in No Yes No NCAC 02D.260 and currently required.(ESCPM3/ Mixers& CDB11, General Condition JJ found CBD19 referenced in the permit. Baghouses CDB12 accordance with in Section 3 of the g 15A NCAC 2D p permit not yet installed) (Testing) .2601 Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant page summary(normal Observe visible record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPMI emissions once expected emissions=no requirements are in Emissions ESCPM2 visible emissions).Each 2.1.F.2.c per month for No Yes No 1f visual minute compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB12 timeframe.I Mixers& CDB11, above"normal" visual is on 6 emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) and record. emissions are observed, (ESCPM3/ referenced then Method 22 must be in the permit t not ot yet installed) repeated in same day. If visible emissions from a source are Coloring Plant observed to be All the required monitoring, Control of Visible ESCPMI above normal, record keeping,and reporting take appropriate Results of Method 9 and requirements are in Mixers& CDB31, 22 checks and reports. Emissions ESCPM2 2 1.F.2.c.i action to correct No Yes No compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB12 the issue and emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) record the action (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced taken. in the permit not yet installed) (15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] �� 30 tuaoi� �� q�t0l�� Reporting Year2021 Cltjen0 jLjU;) UO1tAug3o;daQ ON Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 20 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Emission Source Control Pert Condition Deviations? records a non- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number rY (yes/Ho) (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal,and after corrective action is taken, All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant ESCPMI demonstrate that record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPM2 Results of Method 9 and the%opacity is requirements are in Emissions 2.1.F.2.c.ii below the 20% No Yes No compliance with the applicable CD612 Kilns&Baghouses CDB11, limit and at or 22 checks and reports. emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) below the (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced "normal" in the permit not yet installed) emissions for a period of 12 minutes. 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f) Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant page summary(normal Maintenance of record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPMI Monitoring Log- expected emissions=no requirements are in Emissions ESCPM2 visible emissions) Each. 2.1.F.2.d.i Date and Time No Yes No compliance with the applicable Mixers& CDB11, [15A NCAC visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). Baghouses CDB12 timeframe.If visual (Recordkeeping) 2Q.0508(f)] emissions are observed, (ESCPM3/ referenced then Method 22 must be in the permit t not ot yet installed) repeated in same day. Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log- performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Results,Visible page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant ESCPMI expected emissions=no Emissions Present requirements are in Mixers& ESCPM2 visible emissions).Each 2.1.F.2.d.ii (yes/no), No Yes No compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB31, visual is on a 6-minute (Recordkeeping) CDB12 Corrective Actions timeframe.If visual emissions standard(s). Taken (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced [15A NCAC emissions are observed, in the permit not yet installed) then Method 22 must be 2Q.0508(f)] repeated in same day. Reporting Year 2021 Permit af:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID*.1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 21 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source Or -- --- was Deviation ---------�---- — Permit Records anon- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Descri tion Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) (issue? Compliance Status Number(s) Maintenance of Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one Plant Monitoring Log-If All the required monitoring, Coloring page summary(normal emissions were record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPM3 expected emissions=no present,corrective requirements are in Emissions ESCPM2 visible emissions).Each Mixers& CDB11, 2.1.F.2.d.iii actions taken and No Yes No visual is on a 6-minute compliance with the applicable results of action emissions standard(s). Baghouses CDB12 timeframe.If visual (Recordkeeping) taken. (ESCPM3/ referenced (15A NCAC emissions are observed, in the permitit not not yet installed) 2Q.0508(f)] then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Coloring Plant Submit All the required monitoring, Control of Visible ESCPM1 Semiannual record keeping,and reporting Emissions ESCPM2 Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring requirements are in Mixers& CDB11, 2.1.F.2.e due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB12 7/30 before 1/30 and 7/30 emissions standard(s). (Reporting) [15A NCAC 02Q (ESCPM3/CBD19 referenced .0508(f)] in the permit not yet installed) Particulate Emissions E=4.10 Methods 5&9,initial test All the required monitoring, x(P)' for 0 6� completed 8/5/2002 thru record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant ESCPCI P<=30tph 8/8/2002. Per NCAC 2D requirements are in Coolers ESCPC2 E=55.0 x(P)2.1.G.l.a o 11 No Yes No .0515 process weight rule compliance with the applicable (Particulates) q0 for P>=30 tph Title V calculation,we are emissions standard(s). [i5A NCAC 0 in compliance with this (ESCPC3 referenced in the .05 requirement. permit not yet installed) If emissions Perform testing,if testing is required, required,per 15A NCAC testing shall be 02D.2600 and General No additional emissions Coloring Plant ESCPCI 2.S.G.l.b performed in No Yes o Condition 11 found in testing is currently required. Coolers(Testing) ESCPC2 accordaR jo ILu0I�3 Lj'BT3jL Section 3 of the permit. (ESCPC3 referenced in the 15A NCAC 02D Methods 5&9,initial test permit not yet installed) 2600 completed 8/5/2002 thru 8/8/2002 Reporting Year2021 'plena jpjuaWU0JIAug30 jdaQ 3M Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report LocationlD#1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 22 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (yes/No) Maintained? com'fiance Determining Comments Number(s) Number (yes/No/NA) (Yes issssu/N?o) Compliance Status Maintain records sufficient to All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant record keeping,and reporting demonstrate Coolers Methods 5&9,initial test requirements are in (Monitoring/ ESCPC1 2.1.G.l.c compliance and No Yes No completed 8/5/2002 thru compliance with the applicable ESCPC2 make these Recordkeeping/ 8/8/2002 emissions standard(s). Reporting) records available (ESCPC3 referenced in the to DAQ upon permit not yet installed) Visible Emissions not to exceed 20% when averaged Method 22(visual records over a six minute performed monthly on one period,and may page summary.Shall not not occur more be more than 20%opacity Coloring Plant then once in any when averaged over a six No visible emissions exceeding ESCPCi minute period.However, 20%were observed or Coolers(Control of ESCPC2 2.1.G.2.a one hour period No Yes No six minute averaging recorded.(ESCPC3 referenced Visible Emissions) and not more then periods may exceed 20% in the permit not yet installed) four times per in 24 hour period.No not more than once in any event may exceed hour and not more than 4 times in any 24-hour 87%opacity. period. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)] If emissions Coloring Plant testing is required, No additional emissions Control of Visible ESCPCI testing shall be Methods 5&9,initial test testing is currently required. Emissions 2.1.G.2.b performed in No Yes No completed 8/5/2002 thru Coolers ESCPC2 accordance with 8/8/2002 (ESCPC3 referenced in the permit not yet installed) (Testing) 15A NCAC 2D .2601 33!ijo JBIJ00a1d u�itojuld Reporting Year 2021 Cll�enU IrluawuoltnugJo;daQ 09 Permit*:09006T07 Jan-Dec,Report Location ID*:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 23 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Deviations?Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary comp (yes/No) Maintained? liance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) (Yes/No) issue? Compliance Status Number(s)s) Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Observe visible page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible emissions once expected emissions=norequirements are in Each ESCPCl Emissions 2.1.G.2.c per month for No Yes No visible emissions). compliance with the applicable Coolers ESCPC2 above"normal' visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) and record. timeframe.If visual (ESCPC3 referenced in the emissions are observed, then Method 22 must be permit not yet installed) repeated in same day. If visible emissions from a source are observed to be All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant above normal, record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPCl Results of Method 9 and take appropriate requirements are in Emissions ESCPC2 22 checks and reports.2.1.G.2.c.i action to correct No Yes No compliance with the applicable Coolers the issue and emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) record the action (ESCPC3 referenced in the taken. permit not yet installed) [15A NCAC 2Q .0508 If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal,and after corrective action is taken, All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant demonstrate that record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPC3 Results of Method 9 and the%opacity is requirements are in Emissions 2.1.G.2.c.ii below the 20% No Yes No compliance with the applicable Coolers ESCPC2 limit and at or 22 checks and reports. emissions standard(s). (Monitoring) below the (ESCPC3 referenced in the "normal' permit not yet installed) emissions for a period of 12 minutes. [15A NCAC 2Q 33!JJp jvuotoa 11�?1311? .0508(f)] Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID*:1900104 Caljr na j rluDWU01lAu3 JO I&CI DN North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 24 of 29 Terns&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Method 22(visual records performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Maintenance of page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible Monitoring Log- expected emissions=norequirements are in Emissions ESCPCI 2.1.G.2.d.i Date and Time No Yes No visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable Coolers ESCPC2 [15A NCAC visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). (Recordkeeping) 2Q.0508(f)) timeframe.If visualemissions are observed, (ESCPC3 referenced in the then Method 22 must be Permit not yet installed) repeated in same day. Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log- performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Results,Visible page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting expected emissions=no Control of Visible Emissions Present requirements are in ESCPCI visible emissions).Each Emissions ESCPC2 2.1.G.2.d.ii (yes/no), No Yes No visual is on a 6-minute compliance with the applicable Coolers Corrective Actions emissions standard(s). (Recordkeeping) Taken timeframe.If visual (ESCPC3 referenced in the 15A NCAC emissions are observed, permit not yet installed) 2Q.0508(f) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. Maintenance of Method 22(visual records Monitoring Log-If performed monthly on one All the required monitoring, emissions were page summary(normal record keeping,and reporting Coloring Plant present,corrective expected emissions=norequirements are in Coolers ESCPCI 2.1.G.2.d.iii actions taken and No Yes No visible emissions).Each compliance with the applicable (Recordkeeping) ESCPC2 results of action visual is on a 6-minute emissions standard(s). taken. timeframe.If visual (ESCPC3 referenced in the [15A NCAC emissions are observed, permit not yet installed) 2Q.0508(f)) then Method 22 must be repeated in same day. 03WO PuOPO-d 40101B-d Reporting Year2021 /(jjjrna IUjU;)WU0llnug301daQ DN Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:19DO104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 25 of 29 Terms&Conditions - - - --— ------ Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summa (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments P Number rY (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) Submit All the required monitoring, Coloring Plant Semiannual record keeping,and reporting Control of Visible ESCPC Monitoring Report, Semiannual Monitoring requirements are in ESCPC Emissions 2 2.1.G.2.e due on 1/30 and No Yes No Reports submitted on or compliance with the applicable Coolers 7/30 before 1/30 and 7/30 emissions standard(s). (Reporting) [15A NCAC (ESCPC3 referenced in the 02Q.0508(f)) permit not yet installed) Multiple process dust emissions:do not Emission No monitoring,recordkeeping, cause or No Records of substantive Source(s) or reporting is required at this NA contribute to substantive NA No complaints on fugitive Non-process 2.2.A.l.b "substantive complaints emissions,if any. time per 2.2.A.1.h of our Fugitive Dust permit. Emission Sources complaints" 15A NCAC 02D Within 30 days of notice from Director of second Multiple substantive Emission complaint in 12- No monitoring,recordkeeping, No Records of substantive ug[3v Source(s) month period, or reporting is required at this Non-process `l NA 2.2.A.l.c.i substantive NA No complaints on fugitive submit description complaints emissions,if any. time per 2.2.A.1.h of our 31t j (� Fugitive Dust of what has/will be permit. t7 o Emission Sources done to reduce the emissions [15A NCAC 02D.05401 o;daa Within 60 days of ��tnU�� notice from Multiple Director of second substantive Emission No monitoring,recordkeeping, complaint in 12- No Records of substantive Source(s) NA 2.2.A.1.c.ii month period, substantive NA No complaints on fugitive or reporting is required at this Non-process submit to the complaints emissions,if any. time per 2.2.A.1.h of our Fugitive Dust permit. Emission Sources Director a Control Plan [15A NCAC 02D.0540] Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 26 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Permit Records a non- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments s Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number( ) (Yes/No) Run-pro M within days Fugitive Dust after the Director Emission No monitoring,recordkeeping, Sources approves the plan, No Records of substantive or reporting is required at this NA 2.1.A.l.c.iii be in compliance substantive NA No complaints on fugitive Particulates from with the plan complaints emissions,if any. time per 2.2.A.1.h of our fugitive non (15A NCAC permit. Process dust 02D.05401 This requirement was added in Facility-wide ESCPPHI Monthly affected ESCPPH2 monitoring of total 3 with our new permit emission sources ESCPK1 HAP emissions anndd 010 the facility began meeting Dryers,Kilns& ESCPK2 from facility wide Mass balance method the new requirements Mixers&Coolers ESCPM1 2.2.B.2.d sources of HAP No Yes No utilized for monitoring of immediately after the permit (HAP Emissions- ESCPM2 emissions. HAP emissions. was issued. (ESCPPd E Monitoring& ESCPC1 Maintain records Eferenc d in the,and it not Recordkeeping) ESCPC2 for 5 years on site. referenced in the permit not et installed Facility-wide Submit affected Semiannual All the required monitoring, emission sources Semiannual Monitoring record keeping,and reporting Dryers,Kilns& NA 2.2.B.2.e Monitoring Report,due 1/30 and 7/30 No Yes No Reports submitted on requirements are in Mixers&Coolers 1/30 and 7/30 compliance with the applicable 050 (HAP Emissions- 02Q. emissions standard(s). Reporting) 508(f)3)] ESCPPHI Facility-wide ESCPPH2 Permit limits not affected ESCPK1 to be exceeded: All the required monitoring, emission sources ESCPK2 Arsenic&Compds Mass balance method record keeping,and reporting 2.2.B.3.a No Yes No utilized for monitoring of requirements are in Dryers,Kilns& ESCPMI 0.69 Ib/yr, TAP emissions. compliance with the applicable Mixers&Coolers ESCPM2 Cadmium Metal (HAP Emissions) ESCPCI 3.79 Ib/yr emissions standard(s). ESCPC2 Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location lD#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 27 of 29 Terns&Conditions Source or Permit Was Deviation Emission Source Control Condition Deviations? Records a non- Method(s)of Description Device ID Condition Summary (Yes/No) Maintained? compliance Determining Comments s Number (Yes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number( ) (Yes/No) ESCPPHI Facility-wide ESCPPH2 affected ESCPKI 15A NCAC 2Q All the required monitoring, emission sources ESCPK2 .0711: Emissions Mass balance method record keeping,and reporting No Yes No utilized for monitoring of requirements are in Dryers,Kilns& ESCPMI Rates Requiring a TAP emissions. compliance with the applicable Mixers&Coolers ESCPM2 Permit ( emissions standard(s). TAP Emissions) ESCPC3 ESCPC2 Compliance ESCPMI Assurance ESCPM2 Pressure drop All the required monitoring, Monitoring ESCPKI A continuous data monitored record keeping,and reporting Affected Sources ESCPK2 acquisition database 2.2.C.S.c.i. continuously and No Yes No requirements are in Kilns&Mixers& CDB11 daily averages monitors pressure drop on compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB12 our baghouses. (Monitoring and CDB13 recorded daily emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) CDB14 Compliance ESCPMI Assurance ESCPM2 All the required monitoring, Monitoring ESCPKI 2>=P-drop A continuous data record keeping,and reporting Affected Sources ESCPK2 across the acquisition database 2.2.C.l.c.i.(B) No Yes No requirements are in Kilns&Mixers& CDBS1 bagfilter<=6 in monitors pressure drop on compliance with the applicable Baghouses CDB12 H2O our baghouses. (Monitoring and CDB13 emissions standard(s). Recordkeeping) JCDB14 Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 28 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or was Deviation Emission Source Control Pert Condition Deviations? Reveres a non- method(s)of Condition (Yaw awn compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Number Summary (ves/No) Tres/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (Yes/No) TnMe—event of an excursion Permittee shall take appropriate action to correct as soon as Compliance ESCPMI possible. If a Monitor differential All the required monitoring, Assurance ESCPM2 source or bagfilter record keeping,and reporting Monitoring ESCPK1 operates with pressure and operating requirements are in conditions on a minimum Affected Sources ESCPK2 2 2 C.l.c.ii more than ten No Yes No of a semi-annual basis to compliance with the applicable Kilns&Mixers& CD811 excursions in a determine if Quality standard(s).(ESCPM3/ Baghouses CDB12 semiannual CBD19 and ESCPK3/CBD20 (Monitoring and CDB13 reporting period, Improvement Plan is referenced in the permit not Recordkee in CDB14 then the rmittee required. p' g) pe yet installed) shall develop a Quality Improvement Plan(QIP)in accordance with Preventative maintenance procedures.Date and time of reached recorded Compliance ESCPMI Results of action,results of All the required monitoring, Assurance ESCPM2 monitoring differential pressure and record keeping,and reporting Monitoring ESCPK1 inspections, emissions monitoring. requirements are in Affected Sources ESCPK2 2 2 C.I.c.iii maintenance, No Yes No Results of any inspections compliance with the applicable Kilns&Mixers& CDBI1 calibrations and or maintenance performed standard(s).(ESCPM3/ Baghouses CDB12 corrections as on baghouse or CBD19 and ESCPK3/CBD20 (Monitoring and CDB13 pursuant to differential pressure drop referenced in the permit not recordkeeping) CDB14 sections above. gauges.Any variance from yet installed) manufacturer's recommendations,if any corrections made. 33!j30 puolr23, u$13[LZ[ Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report E1710 lE)uawuo ,Aug o i&G DR Location ID# 1900104 ,Cli► � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2021 Page 29 of 29 Terms&Conditions Source or Was Deviation Permit Records anon- Method(s)of Emission Source Control Condition Condition Deviations? Maintained? compliance Determining Comments Description Device ID Number Summary (Yes/No) tyes/No/NA) issue? Compliance Status Number(s) (res/No) Compliance ESCPMI All the required monitoring, Assurance ESCPM2 record keeping,and reporting ESCPKI Submit requirements are in Monitoring Semiannual Monitoring ESCPK2 Semiannual compliance with the applicable Affected Sources 2.2.C.l.d No Yes No Reports submitted by 1/30 CDB11 Monitoring Report, emissions standard(s). Kilns&Mixers& CDB12 due 1/30 and 7/30 and 7/30 Baghouses CDB13 /CBD20 referenced r CPK3 in he (Reporting) CDB14 permit not yet installed) Reporting Year 2021 Permit#:09006T07 Jan-Dec Report Location ID#:1900104 1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality COMPLIANCE SUMMARY REPORT FOR GENERAL CONDITIONS For Calendar Year 2021 Page_1_of_1_ Terms and Conditions Deviation? Was Deviation a noe- RceodsMaaaieed?rompllanee issue, Method(s)of Determislog Compliance Status Commenti Permit Condition Condition Semmarr (Yes/No) (VeaNl.1NA) No) Number Yes Yes Yes Duemork to M Screens seeded odfiom process wpreveNpmductcomanimtim.Fugitive anissions Goon source is contained in the building.Voluntary Disclosure letter submitted to NCDEQ 1111 9/202 1 by Certified mail.See Review on a regular basis all charges made to the process thin may d-mitiou summery report. i.A General pmvisiore idled permit—'buon. Oil processed through L I Pre-heenn(ESCPPII I)mkasing VOC emission.Under normal mnclucts IMe are m VOC emission lunits or sanderds appliabk to ais emission sauce. No Yes No 3.13 Pernia.-deble.,11aay pemit available at fxdity No Yes No Submisvioru of reports to regional office reports mbmind n regional office 3.1) Y. NA Yes Ll a rk to M S.—sedd of from process to prevent producl conam.-Fugitive anirloru Gam soucc is mrnaind in the budding.Voluntary Dixlosue letter submitted to NCDEQ 1 I/18/2021 by Certified mail-See Cua®v bon Review on a regular basis h-g-made to fh proceas that may deviation smrmary report. affect permit ordi.— 3.F Yes Yes No Failure to submit r uur mati6catim pemut prior to the nana bon of bogfifers.NOV iwud August 12.2021.S. devtaim sunmary report Permit m.difiontions and ppli..— records nainlamed Operating Portable Backup conveyor IS-32(f erly DA5)and Weser sacker.Convevor No.25A without prior iwkuim in,ai gtalily Nmit NOV i—,ed Augad 12,2021.See deviation summary report. 3.G No Yes No Cl to es t requiting mi pert modifications records moussoned 3.H ro Reporting regnirwmna for e—mnissaos and pemtit No Yes No rd.noo-rood 3.LA,3 1.B dtion m'e s 3.K Pemui renewal every five year No Y. No record mainaurd 3.M Duy to submit any infbrints—mq ad by due sor No Yes No ..pies nio navred and filed 3 N Duty to supplemrnt No Yes No Review of all reports and data submitted for aauracv. 3.0 Rurnion of rends No Yes No mainaind in doamuadaton room 3T Around c.mplimce certif non No Yes N. fitig of awnl covmlinre catJceion 3.Q Certification by respamble offi i.1 No Yes No pmpar signature and records certifiention 3 T 1w lim6cant activiies records available at facility No Yes No ma,rds in donunenation roam 3.V Insp.—and entry No Yes No N/A 3.W Around f paymem No Yes No receipt on file 3 X Annual emisatm inventory requu-11 No Yes No -ent—in file 3.Y Confidential d—t.— No Yes No Nothing subnueed Yes Yes No Portable Backup—yer IS-32((edy IA5),Failure W submit an application for a minor permit modfication in cordnce wdh f 5A NCAC 02Q,0515 Waste muck.,Cooveyor No.25A',Previ uWy urp—tied emission sconce subject to 40 CFR Pat 60,Subpart Constnsxim and op—t-pemiia Dwnuia m fik 000(NSPS 000) Pugmill Syskm,violation ol'NoM Carolina General Strohm 143-215.108,as well as 40CFR 60.8,and 40CFR 60.675,for the installation,of an additional pugmin system.NOV issued 121112020.See deviation smrionnry report. 3,Z 3.AA Sadand applwaum form and required inlbrratim No Yes No —dis maintained 3 CC Refrigerant regwern— No Yes No re—iii and .win do.mnent roan No Yes No The acdity does not exceed the deeslnld ofaubsWr c,n dot would 3.1)0 I'rvvn bon of...d nW reeases-Section I I2(r) trigger filing a Section 1124D pan I re,--ofa.cid eases entd rel "G-1 Duty Ch—c'- No Yes No 1 I Paciity ekes steps n manage any hveNon subswcex .EL Section I l i r 3.0 Ambient an quol¢y swAwds No Yes No NA 3.11 Emisswn testing and r.ponig requin i.- No Yes No tNvg resda are m f le in d/kuncnatiun rump 31.1. R W ing requhemens fin—,V—r.9 equipmea No Yes No ..orals on fil. No No 3 MM Fugitive Dust Control Requuernem Record of subsuntwe canplaims or fugitive doss emission,dan) . 3.NN Mdificationofa TV pemut No Yes No record-file 300 Thud Party Participation and F.PA Review No Yes No Filing ofpermit renewal Revision 3.0 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality DEVIATION SUMMARY REPORT For Calendar Year 2021 Page I of 1 Emission Source Source or Control Device ID pollutant Deviation Description Deviation Date(s) Deviation Duration Suspected Cause of Deviation Corrective Action Taken Description ptiom Numbers) Ductwork passthrough a process bin(ES340A&ES340-B), Holes created in ductwork by abrasive material causing material from process bin to Initial disclosure included in semi-annual deviation abrasive material from bin has caused holes in ductwor], contaminate product downstream.Ductwork was disconnected from M Screens and report submitted 7/3021 for 1-1-21 thin 6/3021. Ductwork blinded off from exabusting to CDB2&CD64. November 2017- Approx blanked off to prevent product contamination. Voluntary Disclosure letter submitted to NCDEQ M screen No.1,3,4,5,E CDB2&CDB4 PM Fugitive emissions from source is contained in the building_ 12/29/2021 4 vear 1 month 11/182021 by Certified mail.Control re-established 12282021. Oil processed through LI Pre-heater(ESCPPHI)releasing Piping union associated with C Crusher 1 was loosened and approx.125 gallons gear Piping unit repaired by maintenance. ESCPPHI ESCPPHI VOC VOC emissions.Under normal conditions there are no VOC 6/252021 6vtin. oil to leak and mix within granule product later processed through Ll preheater 1 emission limits or standards applicable to this emission sauce. (ESCPPHI). Failure to submit an application for inclusion in an quality, In 2003,Title V apploca6on,IS-32 was submitted as IH5 and was identified as an NOV issued August 12,2021.Minor permit permit in accordance with NCGS 143-215,108.In addition- insignificant unit not subject to any federal regulations and subject to ISA NCAC modification submitted July 13,2021 to NCDAQ, failure to conduct an intial performance test within 180 days of 2Q.0102[b][2][E][i]and 0503(7). regional supervisor and Chief permitting Section. initial startup. Performance testing conducted 6/22021 and Portable Backup conveyor IS-32(formerly IA5) PM 2003-July 112021 appmx.18 years submitted to NCDEQ. Failure to submit an application for inclusion in air quality Unknown NOV issued August 12,2021.Minor permit permit in accordance with NCGS 143-215.108.In addition, modification submitted July 13,2021 to NCDAQ, Waste stacker,Conveyce failure to conduct an intial performance test within t 80 days of regional supervisor and Chief permitting Section No.25A TBD PM initial starmp. 2002-July 13,2021 approx.19 years P� on nnancctcstingcductcd 11/112021 and 12/I/2021 and submitted toNCDEQ. Failure to submit minor modification permit prim to the Change in manufacturer for baghouse bagfilter from previous manufactuer.A minor NOV issued August 12,2021.Permit Modification transition of bagfiltas modification permit was not submitted prior to the change. (1900104.21C)submitted to agency December 14, Dryer Baghonse CDB3 PM April 2021 approx.7 yems 2021. Violation of North Carolina General Styamte 143-215.109.as 3M's interpretation that 3M pittsboro complied with the state permitting regulations in NOV issued 12/11/2020.Submission of NSPS 000 well as 40CFR 60.8.NSPS Performance Tests and 40CFR accordance to 15A NCAC 02Q.0102(h)(5),and additionally was not in violation of 40 "after the fact"notification of construction and startup 60.675,NSPS Subpart 000,Test Methods and Procedures CFR Part 60,Subpart 000-Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral for newly added pugmill.Imial performance test on Pugmill system F6772 PM for the installation of an additional u ll system. 12/112020 l2/1/2021 Process Plants because u mills are not subject to the regulations. new u P 8au P 9 JP grill unit conducted 11/I l/2021 and 12/12021 and submitted to NCDEQ. Revision 3.0 '10wo 110U000aua CulEnO 1¢3u3Wu0JlAu33°1&a ON