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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900009_20221114_ST_StkTstRpt_PPA The Chemours Company Fayetteville Works 11C Chemours- 22828 NC Highway 87 W Fayetteville,NC 28306 Sent Via email and USPS Certified Mail 70171450 0002 3902 4409 Certified Mail 7017 1450 0002 3902 4416 Certified Mail 70171450 0002 3902 4423 November 11, 2022 n 1' @ 110 W/ R D Michael Abraczinskas Iona( NOV 14 2022 Director, Division of Air Quality AIR QUALITY 1641 Mail Service Center STATIONARY SOURCE COMPLIANCE Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 RECEIVED Re: Quarterly Carbon Unit Testing VEN Annual Carbon Unit Testing VES and PPA N�� 1 4 2022 Chemours Company—Fayetteville Works Bladen County `ty pvisiou of�ti* Facility ID 0900009, Title V Permit No. 03757T48 Dear Mr. Abraczinskas, Enclosed are the carbon unit quarterly testing results for the Vinyl Ethers North (VEN) operating area and the annual carbon unit testing results for Vinyl Ethers—South and Polymer Processing Aid operating areas conducted the week of September 26, 2022. The test reports were prepared by Alliance Source Testing and are enclosed. The testing is being conducted pursuant to Section 2.2 D. b and c. In addition, the VEN testing completes the testing required under the April 2022 Settlement Agreement. Two copies of the reports are enclosed. If there are any questions regarding these reports, please contact Christel Compton at Christel e comptonna Kind Regards, La 4- j �z Christel Compton Environmental Program Manager CC via email, Heather Carter,NCDAQ P Alfiarx e TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report The Chemours Company, FC, LLC NOV 14 2022 Fayetteville Works AIR QUALITY 22828 Highway 87W STATIONARY SOURCE COMPLIANCE Fayetteville, NC 28306 Source Tested: Polymer Process Aid (PPA) Carbon Bed Test Date: September 27, 2022 Project No. AST-2022-3359 Prepared By Alliance Technical Group, LLC 6515A Basile Rowe East Syracuse,NY 1305 r� All anoe Sou RepoH TECHNICAL GROUP Test Program SnRepay Regulatory Information Permit No. North Carolina Department of Air Quality(NCDAQ)Title V Air Permit No.03735T48 Source Information Source Name Target Parameter PPA Carbon Bed(Inlet/Outlet) HFPO-DA Contact Information Test Location Test Company Analytical Laboratory The Chemours Company,FC,LLC Alliance Technical Group,LLC Eurofins TestAmerica Fayetteville Works 6515A Basile Rowe 5815 Middlebrook Pike 22828 Highway 87W East Syracuse,MY 13057 Knoxville,TN 37921 Fayetteville,North Carolina Courtney Adkins Project Manager/Field Team Leader Facility Contact Patrick Grady Christel Compton (716)713-9238 QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk (812)452-4785 Report Coordinator Emily Diaz (812)452-4785 AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page i 2 of 142 Affia Source Test Report TECHNICAL GROUP n Certification Statement Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) has completed the source testing as described in this report. Results apply only to the source(s)tested and operating condition(s)for the specific test date(s)and time(s)identified within this report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety,and Alliance is not responsible for use of less than the complete test report without written consent. This report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without written approval from the customer. To the best of my knowledge and abilities, all information, facts and test data are correct. Data presented in this report has been checked for completeness and is accurate, error-free and legible. Onsite testing was conducted in accordance with approved internal Standard Operating Procedures. Any deviations or problems are detailed in the relevant sections in the test report. This report is only considered valid once an authorized representative of Alliance has signed in the space provided below; any other version is considered draft. This document was prepared in portable document format(.pdf) and contains pages as identified in the bottom footer of this document. November 4, 2022 Patrick Grady,QSTI Date Project Manager Alliance Technical Group,LLC AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page ii 3of142 Affia TECHNICAL GROUP source Test Report Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Source and Control System Descriptions................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Project Team............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 2.0 Summary of Results.....................................................................................................................................2-1 3.0 Testing Methodology....................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 U.S.EPA Reference Test Methods 1 and 2—Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate.....3-1 3.2 U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 4—Moisture Content.........................................................................3-1 3.3 Modified Method 0010—Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid......................................................3-1 3.4 BFPO-DA Sample Train and Equipment Preparation.............................................................................3-2 3.5 BFPO-DA Sample Train Recovery..........................................................................................................3-2 LIST OF TABLES Table1-1: Project Team........................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Table2-1: Summary of Results................................................................................................................................2-1 Table 3-1: Source Testing Methodology..................................................................................................................3-1 APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Calculations Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data Appendix E Process Operating/Control System Data AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page iii 4of142 Introduction 5 of 142 Al l iance Source Test Report TECHNICAL GROUP Introduction 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by The Chemours Company (Chemours) to conduct compliance testing at the Fayetteville Works facility in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The facility operates under North Carolina Department of Air Quality (NCDAQ) Title V Air Permit No. 03735T48. Source emissions testing were conducted at the inlet and outlet of the Polymer Process Aid (PPA) carbon bed. The testing was conducted to evaluate emissions of hexafluoro-propylene oxide-dimer acid (B PO-DA). BFPO-DA, hexafluoro-propylene oxide dimer acid fluoride (BFPO-DAF) and hexafluoro-propylene oxide dimer acid ammonium salt are captured and reported together as BFPO-DA. 1.1 Source and Control System Descriptions The PPA facility produces surfactants used to produce fluoropolymer products,such as Teflon®at other Chemours facilities, as well as sales to outside producers of fluoropolymers. Process streams are vented to a caustic wet scrubber(ACD-Al),a carbon bed and exhausted through a process stack(AEP-Al).The,process inside the building is under negative pressure and the building air is vented to the carbon bed and the process stack(AEP-Al). 1.2 Project Team Personnel involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table 1-1: Project Team Patrick Grady Antonio Andersen Alliance Personnel Jacob Cavallo Brian Goodhile Jeff Sheldon AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 1-1 6 of 142 Summary of Results 7 of 142 Affia TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Summary of Resulls 2.0 Summary of Results Alliance conducted compliance testing at the Fayetteville Works Facility in Fayetteville, NC on September 27, 2022. Testing consisted of determining the emission rates of HFPO-DA at the inlet and outlet of the PPA carbon bed. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the emission testing results. Any difference between the summary results listed in the following tables and the detailed results contained in appendices is due to rounding for presentation. Table 2-1: Summary of Results Run Number Run 1' Run 2 ° Run'3 Avera e g. Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 HFPO-DA Data Outlet Emission Rate,lb/hr 3.3E-05 1.9E-05 4.7E-05 3.3E-05 Inlet Emission Rate,lb/hr 3.5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 Reduction Efficiency,% 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 2-1 8of142 Testing Methodology 9of142 Alliance TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Testing Methodology 3.0 Testing Methodology The emission testing program was conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Method descriptions are provided below while quality assurance/quality control data is provided in Appendix D. Table 3-1: Source Testing Methodology U S EkA Reference Parameter _ Nbtes/Reinarks Test.Methods 1 Volumetric Flow Rate 1 &2 Full Velocity Traverses Moisture Content 4 Gravimetric Analysis Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid Modified Method 0010 Isokinetic Sampling 3.1 U.S.EPA Reference Test Methods 1 and 2—Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric-Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points were selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 1. To determine the minimum number of traverse points, the upstream and downstream distances were equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure 1-1 in U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 1. Full velocity traverses were conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocity pressure, static pressure and temperature. The velocity and static pressure measurement system consisted of a pitot tube and inclined manometer. The stack gas temperature was measured with a K-type thermocouple and pyrometer. 3.2 U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 4—Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas conditioning train consisted of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing,each impinger was filled with a known quantity of water or silica gel. Each impinger was analyzed gravimetrically before and after each test run on the same balance to determine the amount of moisture condensed. 3.3 Modified Method 0010—Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid BFPO-DA emissions were evaluated in accordance with Modified Method 0010.Testing followed the submitted protocol in the execution of our onsite sampling and analysis activities.Modified Method 0010 procedure was followed as outlined in the protocol submitted to NC Division of Air Quality.Modified Method 0010 sampling and analysis procedures performed for this project are-consistent with_01M45,which was released by-EPA in January 2021,subsequent to Chemours submittal of plans to DAQ. The sample train consisted of a borosilicate glass nozzle attached directly to a heated borosilicate glass-lined probe. The probe was connected directly to a heated borosilicate glass filter holder containing a solvent-extracted glass fiber filter.In order to minimize possible thermal degradation of the HFPO-DA,the probe and particulate filter were heated to just above stack temperature to minimize water vapor condensation before the filter. The filter holder exit was connected to a water-cooled coil condenser followed by a water-cooled sorbent module containing approximately 40 grams of XAD-2 resin. The XAD-2 inlet temperature was monitored to ensure that the module is maintained at a temperature below 20°C. AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 3-1 10 of 142 �s Afflarme TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Testing Methodology The XAD-2 resin trap was followed by a condensate knockout impinger and a series of three impingers each containing 100-ml of high purity deionized water. The water impingers were followed by another condensate knockout impinger equipped with a second XAD-2 resin trap to account for any sample breakthrough. The final impinger contained approximately 250 grams of dry pre-weighed silica gel. The water impingers and condensate impingers were submerged in an ice bath through the duration of the testing.The water in the ice bath was also used to circulate around the coil condenser and the XAD-2 resin traps. Exhaust gases were extracted from the sample locations isokinetically using a metering console equipped with a vacuum pump,a calibrated orifice,oil manometer and probe/filter heat controllers. 3.4 HFPO-DA Sample Train and Equipment Preparation Prior to conducting the field work the following procedures were conducted to prepare the field sampling glassware and sample recovery tools. 1. Wash all glassware,brushes,and ancillary tools with low residue soap and hot water. 2. Rinse all glassware,brushes,and ancillary tools three(3)times with D.I.H2O. 3. Bake glassware (with the exception of probe liners) at 450°C for approximately 2 hours, (XAD-2 resin tube glassware is cleaned by Eurofins/TestAmerica by this same procedure). 4. Solvent rinse three(3)times all glassware, brushes, and ancillary tools with the following sequence of solvents: acetone,methylene chloride,hexane,and methanol. 5. Clean glassware and tools will be sealed in plastic bags or aluminum foil for transport to the sampling site. 6. Squirt bottles will be new dedicated bottles of known history and dedicated to the D.I. Water and methanol/ammonium hydroxide (Me0H/5%NH40H)solvent contents. Squirt bottles will be labelled with the solvent content it contains. 3.5 HFPO-DA Sample Train Recovery Following completion of each test run,the sample probe,nozzle and front-half of the filter holder were brushed and rinsed three times each with the McOH/ 5% NH40H solution (Container#1). The glass fiber filter was removed from its housing and transferred to a polyethylene bottle (Container #2). Any particulate matter and filter fibers which adhered to the filter holder and gasket were also placed in Container#2. The XAD-2 resin trap was sealed, labelled and placed in an iced sample cooler. The back-half of the filter holder, coil condenser condensate trap and connecting glassware were rinsed with the same McOH/5%NH40H solution and placed in Container#3. The volume of water collected in all impingers was measured for moisture determinations and then placed in Container 44. All impingers and connecting glassware were then rinsed with the McOH/5%NH40H solution and placed in Container #5. The second (breakthrough) XAD-2 resin trap was sealed, labelled and placed in an iced sample cooler. The contents of the fifth impinger were placed in its original container and weighed for moisture determinations. Containers were sealed and labeled with the appropriate sample information. Samples remained chilled until analysis.HFPO-DA analysis was conducted using liquid chromatography/dual mass spectrometry(LC/MS/MS). AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 3-2 11 of 142 12 of 142 Appendix A aflal'Icle Example Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: HFPO-DA Meter Pressure(Pm),in.Hg A where, Pm = Pb + 1. 6 Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure,in.Hg OH 0.681 =pressure differential of orifice,in H2O Pm 29.99 =in.H.- Absolute Stack Gas Pressure(Ps),in.Hg Pg where, Ps = Pb + 1.1_6 Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure;in.Hg Pg -1.30 =static pressure,in.H2O Ps 29.84 =in.Hg Standard Meter Volume(Vmstd),dscf 17.636 x Y x Vm x Pm Vmstd = where, TM Y 1.032 =meter correction factor Vm 42.281 =meter volume,cf Pm 29.99 =absolute meter pressure,in.Hg Tm 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,°R Vmstd 43.816 =dscf Standard Wet Volume(Vwstd),scf Vwstd = 0.04716 x Vlc where, Me 33.5 =volume ofHZO collected,ml Vwstd 1.580 =scf Moisture Fraction(BWSsat),dimensionless(theoretical at saturated conditions) 6.37—(( 21827 ll 10 \Ts+ 665/ BWSsat = PS where, Ts 69.1 =stack temperature,°F Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg BWSsat 0.024 =dimensionless Moisture Fraction(BWS),dimensionless(measured) Vwstd BWS = where, (Vwstd + Vmstd) Vwstd 1.580 =standard wet volume,scf Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf BWS 0.035 =dimensionless Moisture Fraction(BWS),dimensionless BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat< BWSmsd where, BWSsat 0.024 =moisture fraction(theoretical at saturated conditions) BWSmsd 0.035 =moisture fraction(measured) BWS 0.024 13 of 142 � Appendix A AMI�1'1Ce Example Calculations source reSTINCq Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: HFPO-DA Molecular Weight(DRY)(Md),lb/lb-mole Md = (0.44 x %CO2) + (0.32 x %02) + (0.28 (100— %CO2 — %02)) where, co, 0.1 =carbon dioxide concentration,% 02 20.9 =oxygen concentration,% Md 28.85 =lb/lb mol Molecular Weight(WET)(Ms),ib/ib-mole Ms = Md (1 — BWS) + 18.015 (BWS) where, Md 28.85 =molecular weight(DRY),lb/lb mol BWS 0.024 =moisture fraction,dimensionless Ms 28.59 =lb/lb mol Average Velocity(Vs),ft/sec Vs = 85.49 x Cp x (A P 1/2)avg x Ts where, , Ps x Ms Cp 0.840 =pitot tube coefficient A P12 0.417 =velocity head of stack gas,(in.H2O)12 Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,OR Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Ms 28.59 =molecular weight of stack gas,lb/lb mol Vs 23.6 =ft/sec Average Stack Gas Flow at Stack Conditions(Qa),acfm Qa = 60 x Vs x As where, Vs 23.6 =stack gas velocity,ft/sec As 6.31 =cross-sectional area of stack,ft2 Qa 8,928 =acfm Average Stack Gas Flow at Standard Conditions(Qs),dscfm Ps Qs = 17.636 x Qa x (1 — BWS) x — where, Qa 8,928 =average stack gas flow at stack conditions,acfm BWS 0.024 =moisture fraction,dimensionless Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,OR Qs 8,675 =dscfm Dry Gas Meter Calibration Check(Yqa),dimensionless Y— 0.0319 x Tm x 29 AH av . (VO- gm �H@ x (Pb + �13a6g') x Md Yqa = x 100 where, Y 1.032 =meter correction factor,dimensionless O 96 =run time,min. Vm 42.281 =total meter volume,dcf TM 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,OR AH@ 1.699 =orifice meter calibration coefficient,in.H2O Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure,in.Hg AH avg 0.681 =average pressure differential of orifice,in H2O Md 28.85 =molecular weight(DRY),lb/lb mol (A H)12 0.812 =average squareroot pressure differential of orifice,(in.1­120)12 Yqa -2.9 =dimensionless 14 of 142 Appendix A Ql1ME3r1e Example Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: HYPO-DA Volume of Nozzle(Vn),ft' Vn = p� (0.002669 x Vlc +Vm T m x Y where, Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,°R Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Vic 33.5 =volume of H2O collected,ml Vm 42.281 =meter volume,cf Pm 29.99 =absolute meter pressure,in.Hg Y 1.032 =meter correction factor,unitless TM 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,°R Vn 45.605 =volume of nozzle,ft' Isokinetic Sampling Rate(I),% Vn 1 Bx60xAnxVs x100 where, Vn 45.605 =nozzle volume,ft3 0 96.0 =run time,minutes An 0.00034 =area of nozzle,ft2 Vs 23.6 =average velocity,ft/sec I 97.3 =% HFPO-DA Concentration(C),ng/dscm _ M x 35.313 C Vmstd where, M 1,345,260 =HFPO-DA mass,ng Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf C"' 1.1E+06 =ng/dscm HFPO-DA Emission Rate(ER),lb/hr MxQsx60 ER = Vartctd x 4.54F. + 11 where, M 1,345,260 =HFPO-DA mass,ng Qs 8,675 =average stack gas flow at standard conditions,dscfm Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf ER 3.5E-02 =lb/hr 15 of 142 Appendix j 16 of 142 5E- A IIEEr Emission Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No.2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min (0) 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 INPUT DATA Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Meter Correction Factor (Y) 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.001 Orifice Calibration Value (AH @) 1.841 1.841 1.841 1.841 Meter Volume,113 (Vm) 62.691 64.113 62.504 63.103 Meter Temperature,°F (Tm) 69.1 78.1 84.8 77.3 Meter Temperature,°R (Tm) 528.8 537.8 544.4 537.0 Meter Orifice Pressure,in.WC (AH) 1.298 1.346 1.286 1.310 Volume H2O Collected,mL (Vlc) 30.3 28.2 27.1 28.5 Nozzle Diameter,in (Dn) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 Area of Nozzle,ft2 (An) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 FH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 991.0 479.0 1,450.0 973.3 BH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 578.0 475.0 972.0 675.0 Imp HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) -- -- -- -- Breakthrough HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 143.0 13.9 12.8 56.57 Total HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,712.0 967.9 2,434.8 1,704.9 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume,ft3 (Vmstd) 62.862 63.224 60.874 62.320 Standard Water Volume,ft3 (Vwstd) 1.429 1.330 1.278 1.346 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.028 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Meter Pressure,in Hg (Pm) 30.04 30.04 30.03 30.04 Volume at Nozzle,ft3 (Vn) 64.580 65.002 62.647 64.08 Isokinetic Sampling Rate,(%) (I) 103.6 103.1 103.0 103.2 DGM Calibration Check Value,(+/-5%) (Y'J 3.7 3.2 2.8 3.2 EMISSION CALCULATIONS HFPO-DA Concentration,ng/dscm C(IPODA) 9.6E+02 5.4E+02 1.4E+03 9.7E+02 HFPO-DA Emission Rate,Ib/hr ER(HFPODA) 3.3E-05 1.9E-05 4.7E-05 3.3E-05 REDUCTION CALCULATIONS Inlet HFPO-DA Emission Rate,lb/hr RE(HFPODA) 3.5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 HFPO-DA Reduction Efficiency,% RE(HFPODA) 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 Underlined values are non-detect and reported as the reporting limit. 17 of 142 Alliance Volumetric Flow Rate Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Tolymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 VELOCITY HEAD,in.WC Point 1 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.33 Point 2 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 3 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 4 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 5 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 6 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 7 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.35 Point 8 0.34 0.34 0.35 _ 0.34 Point 9 0.34 0.30 0.23 0.29 Point 10 0.33 0.30 0.23 0.29 Point 11 0.33 0.29 0.22 0.28 Point 12 0.33 0.29 0.22 0.28 Point 13 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 14 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 15 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.33 Point 16 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 17 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 18 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 19 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.34 Point 20 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.34 Point 21 0.34 0.30 0.35 0.33 Point 22 0.21 0.30 0.19 0.23 Point 23 0.21 0.30 0.19 0.23 Point 24 0.21 0.25 0.19 0.22 CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP,(in.WC) (AP) 0.562 0.568 0.547 0.559 Pitot Tube Coefficient (Cp) 0.840 0.840 0.840 0.840 Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Static Pressure,in.WC (Pg) 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Stack Pressure,in.Hg (Ps) 30.05 30.05 30.05 30.05 Stack Cross-sectional Area,ft` (As) 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 Temperature,°F _(Ts) __ 72.7 . _ _-74...0 74.5 73.8 Temperature,°R (Ts) 532.4 533.7 534.2 533.420 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.028 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 02 Concentration,% (02) 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 CO2 Concentration,% (CO2) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(dry) (Md) 28.85 28.85 28.85 28.85 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(wet) (Ms) 28.61 28.63 28.63 28.62 Velocity,ft/sec (Vs) 31.8 32.1 31.0 31.6 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE At Stack Conditions,acfm (Qa) 9,355 9,459 9,121 9,312 At Standard Conditions,dscfm (Qs) 9,106 9,200 8,862 9,056 18 of 142 AID anCNG Method 1 Data SOURCE TESTING Location Cheenuurs Company-Fayetteville Worls Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outict Project No.2022-3359 Date: 09/26/22 Stack Parameters Duct Orientation: Vertical D.5 t.o 1.5 2.0 Duct Design: Circular eHigher Number Is f Distance from Far Wall to Outside of Port: 46.00 in Rectangular Stacks a Duets Nipple Length: 16.00 in LL-Z "MDepth ofDuct: 30.00 in Cross Sectional Area of Duct: 4.91 ftr No.ofTest Pon dnts s: 2 za or 2s eace Distance A: 32.0 ft 20"his Distance A Duct Diameters: 4.8 (must be>0.5) to o0i Suck 0umeler>o.ot m(za m.) Distance B: 12.0 fteo�,ota,v'rsvoa �a odors Distance B Duct Diameters: 4.8 (must be>2) w.,vm (esna,e a ors"prints Minimum Number of Traverse Points: 24 wnwcuon.ok:.) Actual Number of Traverse Points: 24 Suck aomour°0.30 w 0.61 m(12-2a o,.) Number of Readings per Point: I Measurer(Initial and Date):BAG-92622 2 3 a is 6 7 a g Revimver(Initial and Date): IS-92622 CIRCULAR DUCT LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Distance Distance Traverse %of from Number ojtraverse points on a diameter from inside Paint Diameter arall outside of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 II 12port 1 14.6 - 6.7 - 4.4 - 3.2 - 2.6 - 2.1 1 2.1 1.00 17.00 2 85.4 - 25.0 - 14.6 - 10.5 - 8.2 - 6.7 2 6.7 2.01 18.01 3 - - 75.0 - 29.6 -- 19.4 - 14.6 - 11.8 3 11.8 3.54 19.54 4 - - 93.3 - 70.4 - 32.3 - 22.6 - 17.7 4 17.7 5.31 21.31 5 - - - - 85.4 - 67.7 - 34.2 - 25.0 5 25.0 7.50 23.50 6 - - - - 95.6 - 80.6 - 65.8 - 35.6 6 35.6 10.68 26.68 7 - - - - - - 89.5 - 77.4 - 64.4 7 64.4 19.32 35.32 8 - -• - - - - 96.8 - 85.4 - 75.0 8 75.0 22.50 38.50 9 - - - - - - - - 91.8 - 82.3 9 82.3 24.69 40.69 10 - - - - - - - - 97.4 - 88.2 10 88.2 26.46 42.46 11 - -- - - -- - - -- - - 93.3 11 93.3 27.99 43.99 12 97.9 12 1 97.9 29.00 43.00 'Percent ofstack diameterfrom inside call to traverse point. Stack Diagram A=32 ft. B=12 ft. Depth of Duct=30 in. Cross Sectional Area Downstream Disturbance • • • • • • B Upstream Disturbance 19 of 142 Alliance SOURCE 7'ES TING Cyclonic Flow Check Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Date 09/27/22 Sample Point Angle(AP=O) 1 6 2 8 3 8 4 6 5 8 6 4 7 10 8 10 - 9 12 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 8 15 8 16 4 17 4 18 4 19 6 20 10 21 10 22 12 23 13 24 12 Average 8 20 of 142 0-- Alliance Method 4 Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Analysis Gravimetric Run 1 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 302.6 498.6 743.8 760.6 736.5 499.8 342.7 842.3 4726.9 Final Mass,g 314.6 499.5 743.6 757.0 738.1 498.3 354.9 851.2 4757.2 Gain 12.0 1 0.9 1 -0.2 1 -3.6 1.6 1 -1.5 12.2 8.9 1 30.3 Run 2 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 303.9 483.7 734.3 752.0 761.3 476.6 308.8 867.6 4688.2 Final Mass,g 313.5 484.3 733.4 751.8 761.9 478.0 314.9 878.6 4716.4 Gain 9.6 0.6 -0.9 -0.2 0.6 1.4 6.1 11.0 1 28.2 Run 3 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica - Initial Mass,g 307.7 499.6 733.5 771.3 736.6 498.3 317.2 839.8 4704.0 Final Mass,g 317.9 499.9 732.3 773.0 737.8 499.2 324.6 846.4 4731.1 Gain 10.2 0.3 -1.2 1.7 1.2 1 0.9 7.4 6.6 27.1 21 of 142 9-5 A fiarKM SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 8:05 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9127l22 Run 1 IVALID End Time: 9:53 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Boa ID:MB 7 Est.Tm: 75 °F Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(MI) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 83 °F Pg: 1.50 in.WC 30.3 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.35 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-51) Est.Dn: 0.271 in. CO': 0.1 % 4.096 COt: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm I Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.000 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL•3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - - 10 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole 1 Nozzle Du(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - Pass Mid-Paint Leak Check Vol(co: - Pitot Gas Tempera ores°F Orifice Press. Gas Terneratures °F y Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH Pump Probe Filter Im Exit Aux Vs o. (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) Ate. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) G° (fta) (in WC) (in.Hg) (JD Qy Begin End 60 60 Ideal Actual 60 60 60 60 I 0.00 4.00 509.281 0.33 60 57 1.38 1.40 I 80 86 51 45 105.7 31.91 2 4.00 8.00 512.000 0.33 62 73 1.35 1.35 1 81 84 51 44 109.3 32.40 3 8.00 12.00 514.780 0.33 63 73 1.35 1.31 1 81 80 49 43 103.2 32.40 4 12.00 16.00 517.410 0.33 65 73 1.35 1.30 1 81 80 48 41 102.8 32.40 5 16.00 20.00 520.040 0.33 66 73 1.36 1.30 1 81 81 48 39 103.4 32.40 6 20.00 24.00 522.690 0.33 66 73 1.36 1.30 1 80 80 47 38 103.4 32.40 7 24.00 28.00 525.340 0.34 67 73 1.40 1.40 1 81 82 47 38 I03.6 32.88 8 28.00 32.00 528.040 0.34 68 73 1.40 1.40 1 - 81 - 80 - --48 38- 103.8 32.88 - J - 9 32.00 36.00 530.750 0.34 68 73 1.40 1.40 I 81 81 48 38 103.4 32.88 10 36.00 40.00 533.450 0.33 68 74 1.36 1.35 1 81 80 47 37 105.8 32.43 11 40.00 44.00 536.170 0.33 69 73 1.36 1.35 1 81 81 47 37 103.9 32.40 12 44.00 48.00 538.850 0.33 70 73 1.37 1.35 1 81 _81 47 38 102.0 32.40 1 48.00 52.00 541.486 0.33 71 73 1.37 1.35 1 80 80 52 43 102.9 32.40 2 52.00 56.00 544.150 0.33 68 73 1.36 1.35 1 81 81 51 42 103.8 32.40 3 56.00 60.00 546.820 0.33 71 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 1 81 49 41 103.7 32.43 4 60.00 64.00 549.500 0.33 71 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 80 49 40 103.7 32.43 5 64.00 68.00 552.180 0.33 72 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 81 50 41 101.9 32.43 6 68.00 72.00 554.820 0.33 73 74 1.37 1.35 I 81 81 51 41 101.3 32.43 7 72.00 76.00 557.450 0.34 74 74 1.41 1.40 1 81 81 50 42 102.7 32.91 8 76.00 80.00 560.160 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 1 80 81 50 40 103.3 32.91 9 1 80.00 1 84.00 562.880 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 1 81 80 49 41 103.3 32.91 10 84.00 88.00 565.600 0.21 73 74 0.87 0.88 1 81 81 51 42 108.1 25.87 11 88.00 92.00 567.840 0.21 74 73 0.88 0.88 I 1 81 80 51 42 98.6 25.84 12 92.00 96.00 569.890 0.21 74 73 0.88 0.88 1 I 1 81 81 52 41 100.2 1 25.84 Final DGM: 571.972 Max a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Vac AH %ISO BWS Yy. r`1• to WC� 96.0 min 62.691 ft3 0.32 in.WC 69.1 °F 72.7 °F 1 1.298 in.WC 103.E 0.022 3.7 22 of 142 All�ar� S O.U R C E TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Faye tteville Works Facili ,N( Start Time: 10:30 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9/Z7/22 Run 2 VALID End Time: 1Z:18 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 7 Est.Tm: 69 OF Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Me(ml) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 73 OF Pg: 1.50 in.WC 28.2 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.32 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-5D Est.Dm 0.278 in. CO2: 0.1 % 4.13 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pilot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid I(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Noule ID:GL-3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - 10 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole 1 Nozzle But(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(co: - Pitot Gas Temperatures(°F) Orifice Press. Gas Tem eratures(°F y Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH P°mp Probe Filter Imp Exit Aux P. (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO Vs (fta) AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) (in.Hg) Amu. Amu. Amb. Amb. (fps) Begin End (in WC) Ideal Actual 1 0.00 4.00 572.250 0.33 72 74 1.37 1.35 2 80 80 58 48 105.0 32.43 2 4.00 8.00 574.970 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 2 81 81 48 48 101.7 32.91 3 8.00 12.00 577.650 0.34 74 74 1.41 1.40 2 81 81 49 50 102.7 32.91 4 12.00 16.00 580.360 0.34 75 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 80 49 1 49 101.0 32.91 5 16.00 20.00 583.030 0.34 76 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 82 49 50 102.3 32.91 6 20.00 24.00 585.740 0.34 76 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 81 50 50 101.2 32.91 7 24.00 28.00 588.420 0.35 77 74 1.46 1.45 2 81 81 50 50 103.6 33.40 8 28.00 32.00 591.210 0.34 77 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 1 81 51 54 102.9 32.91 9 32.00 36.00 593.940 0.30 77 74 1.26 1.25 2 81 81 52 53 105.1 30.92 10 36.00 40.00 596.560 0.30 78 74 1.26 1.25 2 81 81 51 52 102.9 30.92 11 40.00 44.00 599.130 0.29 78 74 1.22 1.20 2 81 81 51 A 102.6 30.40 12 44.00 48.00 601.650 0.29 78 74 1.22 1.20 2 81 82 51 102.6 30.40 1 48.00 52.00 604.171 0.34 77 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 80 55 101.7 32.91 2 52.00 56.00 606.870 0.34 78 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 81 50 101.6 32.91 3 56.00 60.00 609.570 0.33 78 74 1.38 1.40 2 81 81 47 103.5 32.43 4 60.00 64.00 612.280 0.34 78 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 80 48 102.7 32.91 5 64.00 68.00 615.010 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 So 101.0 32.91 6 68.00 72.00 617.700 0.34 80 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 50 50 104.9 32.91 7 72.00 76.00 620.500 0.33 82 74 1.39 1.40 2 81 81 51 46 106.1 32.43 8 76.00 80.00 623.300 0.34 83 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 81 51 47 108.1 32.91 9 80.00 84.00 626.200 0.30 83 74 1.27 1.30 2 80 80 51 46 100.7 30.92 10 84.00 88.00 628.740 0.30 83 74 1.27 1.30 2 81 82 51 46 101.5 30.92 11 88.00 92.00 631.300 0.30 81 74 1.27 1.30 2 81 81 51 47 105.5 30.92 12 92.00 96.00 633.950 0.25 81 74 1.05 1.05 2 81 80 52 46 105.2 28.22 Final DGM: 636.363 Max aLRunTine Vm AP Tm Ts Vac AH %ISO BWS Yy° rA min 64.113 fta 0.32 in.WC 78.1 OF 74.0 OF 2 1.346 in.WC 103.1 0.021 3.2 04 23 of 142 AJ11CnrKM s O.u R C E T E'S't I N G Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works.Facility,N( Start Time: 12:50 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9/27/22 Run 3 VALID End Time: 14:38 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 7 Est.Tm: 78 OF Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 74 OF Pg: 1.50 in.WC 27.1 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH C(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.32 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-51) Est.Dn: 0.275 in. CO,,: 0.1 % 4.189 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Past Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.000 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL-3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - 10 Mid 3(cf) Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Du(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(cf): - Pitot Gas Tempera ures(OF) Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures(OF) y Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH Pump Probe Filter Im Aux vs Exit Au a (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO (fta) AP Amb. Amu. (in.WC) (fps) (, g) Amb. AmL. Amb. Amb• m.H to P.i Begin End (in WC) Ideal Actual - - - - 1 0.00 1 4.00 636.575 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 85 59 46 101.9 32.91 2 4.00 8.00 639.290 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 80 83 53 50 103.2 32.91 3 8.00 12.00 642.040 0.34 80 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 51 47 103.0 32.91 4 12.00 16.00 644.790 0.34 82 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 81 50 49 102.3 32.91 5 16.00 20.00 647.530 0.34 83 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 82 50 47 102.5 32.91 6 20.00 24.00 650.280 0.34 84 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 81 50 50 102.3 32.91 7 24.00 28.00 653.030 0.35 84 74 1.48 1.50 2 81 82 50 47 102.7 33.40 -8 28.00 32.00 655.830 0.35 85 74 1.49 1.50 2 81 - 83 49 49 103.2 33.40 9 32.00 36.00 658.650 0.23 85 74 0.98 0.98 2 81 82 50 49 106.4 27.07 10 36.00 40.00 661.010 0.23 86 74 0.98 0.98 2 81 81 51 49 102.2 27.07 11 40.00 44.00 663.280 0.22 86 74 0.94 0.94 2 81 80 52 51 104.0 26.48 12 44.00 48.00 665.540 0.22 86 74 0.94 0.94 2 81 80 52 48 105.0 26.48 1 48.00 52.00 667.821 0.33 83 74 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 61 52 101.3 32.43 2 52.00 56.00 670.500 0.33 84 74 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 52 52 100.8 32.43 3 1 56.00 60.00 673.170 0.34 85 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 83 53 49 101.4 32.91 4 60.00 64.00 675.900 0.33 85 75 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 52 56 103.0 32.46 5 64.00 68.00 678.630 0.34 86 75 1.44 1.45 2 81 84 54 56 103.1 32.95 6 68.00 72.00 681.410 0.34 87 75 1.45 1.45 2 81 85 55 56 103.3 32.95 7 72.00 76.00 684.200 0.35 87 75 1.49 1.50 2 81 86 56 57 103.3 1 33.43 8 76.00 80.00 687.030 0.35 87 75 1.49 1.50 2 82 87 57 56 103.3 1 33.43 9 80.00 84.00 689.860 0.35 87 76 1.49 1.50 2 83 88 57 59 103.8 33.46 10 84.00 88.00 692.700 0.19 88 76 0.81 0.81 2 83 89 59 56 108.7 24.65 11 88.00 92.00 694.900 0.19 88 76 0.81 0.81 2 85 90 60 58 103.8 24.65 12 92.00 96.00 697.000 0.19 88 76 0.81 0.81 2 87 90 60 56 102.7 24.65 Final DGM: 699.079 aRun Time Via AP Tin Ts Max AH %ISO BWS Yy, 96.0 min 62.504 ft, 0.30 in.WC 84.8 OF 74.5 OF 2 1.286 in.WC 103.0 0.021 2.8 24 of 142 .- A11 anae Emission Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min (9) 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 INPUT DATA Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Meter Correction Factor (Y) 1.032 1.032 1.032 1.032 Orifice Calibration Value (AH @) 1.699 1.699 1.699 1.699 Meter Volume,ft3 (Vm) 42.281 43.445 45.074 43.600 Meter Temperature,°F (Tm) 67.0 75.3 78.8 73.7 Meter Temperature,°R (Tm) 526.7 535.0 538.5 533.4 Meter Orifice Pressure,in.WC (AH) 0.681 0.717 0.734 0.711 Volume HZO Collected,mL (Vlc) 33.5 32.6 26.2 30.8 Nozzle Diameter,in (Dn) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 Area of Nozzle,ftZ (An) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 FH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 934,000.0 909,000.0 797,000.0 880,000.0 BH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 387,000.0 9,320,000.0 8,600,000.0 6,102,333.3 Imp HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 23,100.0 -- 31.4 11,565.7 Breakthrough HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,160.0 27.1 37.1 408.07 Total HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,345,260.0 10,229,027.1 9,397,068.5 6,990,451.9 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume,ft3 (Vmstd) 43.816 44.332 45.693 44.613 Standard Water Volume,ft3 (Vwstd) 1.580 1.537 1.235 1.451 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.035 0.034 0.026 0.032 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.027 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.024 0.027 0.026 0.026 Meter Pressure,in Hg (Pm) 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 Volume at Nozzle,ft3 (Vn) 45.605 46.375 47.699 46.56 Isokinetic Sampling Rate,(%) (I) 97.3 97.7 99.5 98.1 DGM Calibration Check Value,(+/-5%) (Y') -2.9 -3.1 -1.2 -2.4 EMISSION CALCULATIONS HFPO-DA Concentration,ng/dscm C(HFPODA) 1.IE+06 8.1E+06 7.3E+06 5.5E+06 HFPO-DA Emission Rate,lb/hr EK(HFPODA) 3.5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 Underlined values are non-detect and reported as the reportmg limit. 25 of 142 Alliance Volumetric Flow Rate Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 VELOCITY HEAD,in.WC Point 1 0.27 0.25 0.29 0.27 Point 2 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.27 Point 3 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.26 Point 4 0.24 0.23 0.25 0.24 Point 5 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.23 Point 6 0.18 0.22 0.22 0.21 Point 7 0.14 0.19 0.16 0.16 Point 8 0.12 0.18_ 0.11 0.14 Point 9 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.13 Point 10 0.08 0.18 0.08 0.11 Point 11 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.11 Point 12 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.10 Point 13 0.25 0.30 0.26 0.27 Point 14 0.23 0.28 0.26 0.26 Point 15 0.23 0.28 0.25 0.25 Point 16 0.22 0.24 0.23 0.23 Point 17 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 Point 18 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.19 Point 19 0.20 0.11 0.18 0.16 Point 20 0.16 0.11 0.16 0.14 Point 21 0.15 0.09 0.16 0.13 Point 22 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.13 Point 23 0.14 0.08 0.15 0.12 Point 24 0.14 0.07 0.14 0.12 CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP,(in.WC) (AP) 0.417 0.423 0.429 0.423 Pitot Tube Coefficient (Cp) 0.840 0.840 0.840 0.840 Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Static Pressure,in.WC (Pg) -1.30 -1.40 -1.30 -1.33 Stack Pressure,in.Hg (Ps) 29.84 29.84 29.84 29.84 Stack Cross-sectional Area,ft` (As) 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 Temperature,°F __(Ts) __ _69.1___ _ 72.4_ _ _ 75.3 _72.3 Temperature,°R (Ts) 528.8 532.0 535.0 531.948 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.035 0.034 0.026 0.032 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.027 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.024 0.027 0.026 0.026 Oz Concentration,% (OZ) 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 CO,Concentration,% (COZ) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(dry) (Md) 28.85 28.85 28.85 28.85 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(wet) (Ms) 28.59 28.56 28.57 28.58 Velocity,ft/sec (Vs) 23.6 24.0 24.4 24.0 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE At Stack Conditions,acfm (Qa) 8,928 9,084 9,237 9,083 lAt Standard Conditions,dscfin (Qs) 8,675 8,746 8,848 8,757 26 of 142 Alliance Method 1 Data SOUHC'E TE$TING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Pol),mcr Process Aid Inlet Project No.2022-3359 Date: 09126122 Stack Parameters Duct Orientation: Vertical os lin is 2.D Duct Design: Circular aHigher Number Is for p rmuee Distance from Far Wall to Outside of Port: 47.50 in Rectangular Stacks or Duets ` y Nipple Length: 1350 in I(- Depth of Duct: 34.00 in Cross Sectional Area of Duct: 6.31 ft2 - No.ofTestPorts: 2 24or25epo;ats Distance A: 3.5 ft 20 points Distance A Duct Diameters: 4.9 (must be>0.5) to pofma sraas Dtammor>o.nt m(2a m.> Distance B: 5.0 ft 12 pw.ts Distance B Duct Diameters: 1.8 (must be 2)m a or s a po;ata Minimum Number of Traverse Points: 24 Co1inc1ipj"`'r Actual Number of Traverse Points: 24 stock Dmmmer.o.30 ro 0.61 m(12-241�,.) Number of Readings per Point: 1 Measurer(Initial and Date):BAG-92622 2 3 a 5 8 7 8 9 Revimvcr(Initial and Date): IS-9/2622 CIRCULAR DUCT LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Distance Distance Number 0f traverse Traverse %of points an a diameter from inside from Point Diameter wall outside of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 port 1 14.6 - 6.7 - 4.4 - 3.2 - 2.6 - 2.1 1 2.1 1.00 14.50 2 85.4 - 25.0 - 14.6 - 10.5 - 8.2 - 6.7 2 6.7 2.28 15.78 3 -- - 75.0 - 29.6 - 19.4 - 14.6 - 11.8 3 11.8 4.01 17.51 4 - - 93.3 - 70.4 - 32.3 - 22.6 - 17.7 4 17.7 6.02 19.52 5 - - - - 85.4 - 67.7 - 34.2 - 23.0 5 25.0 8.50 22.00 6 - - - - 95.6 - 80.6 - 65.8 - 35.6 6 35.6 12.10 25.60 7 - -- - - -- -- 89.5 - 77.4 - 64.4 7 64.4 21.90 35.40 8 - - - - - - 96.8 - 85.4 - 75.0 8 75.0 25.50 39.00 9 - - - - - - - - 91.8 - 82.3 9 82.3 27.98 41.48 10 - -- - - -- - - - 97.4 - 88.2 10 88.2 29.99 43.49 11 - -- - - - - -- - - - 93.3 11 93.3 31.72 45.22 12 97.9 12 97.9 33.00 46.30 'Parcenl of slack diameter from inside rva11 to traverse point. Stack Diagram A=3.5 ft. B=5ft. Depth of Duct=34 in. Cross Sectional Area Downstream Disturbance • • • • A . . . . . . . . . . . . B Upstream Disturbance 27 of 142 Alliance SOURCE TESTING Cyclonic Flow Check Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Date 09/27/22 Sample Point Angle(eP=0) 1 10 2 12 3 10 4 10 5 12 6 10 7 12 8 10 9 8 10 10 11 10 12 8 13 12 14 12 15 10 16 10 17 10 18 10 19 8 20 10 21 10 22 10 23 12 24 14 Average 10 28 of 142 All ance Method 4 Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Analysis Gravimetric Run 1 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 308.8 466.4 712.2 744.7 732.4 489.9 387.1 841.9 4683.4 Final Mass,g 322.8 469.6 712.1 745.1 733.6 490.8 394.0 848.9 4716.9 Gain 14.0 1 3.2 1 -0.1 1 0.4 1.2 0.9 6.9 7.0 33.5 Run 2 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 299.2 467.5 759.1 755.6 735.6 477.3 299.3 824.6 4618.2 Final Mass,g 312.4 467.9 759.2 756.0 736.8 478.3 307.9 832.3 4650.8 Gain 13.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.0 8.6 7.7 32.6 Run 3 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 300.3 467.2 704.5 756.0 733.1 490.8 326.0 848.3 4626.2 Final Mass,g 306.5 467.4 704.0 757.1 734.5 491.6 337.0 854.3 4652.4 Gainj 6.2 0.2 -0.5 1.1 1.4 0.8 11.0 6.0 26.2 29 of 142 Alliance S O U R C E TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Cbemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 8:05 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9/27/22 Run 1 VALID End Time: 9:53 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est.Too: 70 °F Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est Ts: 81 °F Pg: -1.30 in.WC 33.5 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.22 in.WC O=: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-7D Est.Dn: 0.306 in. COs: 0.1 % 3.730 CO=: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. O=: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-I LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(co - Ns/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.005 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(co - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Noule ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in 11g): 30 - 7 Mid 3(cf) Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Dn(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(co: - Pitot Gas Temperatores °F Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures °F ^: Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH Pump as Filter Im Exit Aux Vs a (minutes) Reading Tube Vac -%ISO (fit") AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) ( g) Amb. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) m.H W Begin End P"W� 67 68 Ideal Actual 68 69 69 68 A-1 0.00 4.00 901.915 0.27 66 68 1.03 1.00 4 72 70 51 36 101.0 29.29 2 4.00 8.00 904.190 0.27 66 68 1.03 1.00 4 75 77 43 36 98.1 29.29 3 8.00 12.00 906.400 0.25 65 68 0.95 0.94 3 78 80 40 35 99.3 28.18 4 12.00 16.00 908.550 0.24 65 68 0.91 0.91 3 77 79 41 35 96.7 27.61 5 16.00 20.00 910.600 0.22 65 68 0.83 0.83 3 82 80 41 35 96.0 26.44 6 20.00 24.00 912.550 0.18 64 68 0.68 0.68 3 77 78 41 36 95.4 23.91 7 1 24.00 28.00 914.300 0.14 64 68 0.53 0.53 3 82 80 41 36 100.1 21.09 8 28.00 1 32.00 915.920 0.12 -64 68 0.45 0.45 2 81 79 42 37 102.1 19.52 9 32.00 36.00 917.450 0.11 65 69 0.42 0.42 2 82 79 43 37 96.8 18.71 10 36.00 40.00 918.840 0.08 65 69 0.30 0.30 2 79 79 43 37 93.9 15.96 11 40.00 44.00 919.990 0.08 66 69 0.30 0.30 2 80 80 44 40 96.1 15.96 12 44.00 48.00 921.170 0.07 66 69 0.27 0.27 2 81 79 45 38 98.4 14.93 B-1 48.00 52.00 922.300 0.25 67 69 0.95 0.95 3 80 79 53 39 101.4 28.21 2 52.00 56.00 924.500 0.23 68 70 0.87 0.87 3 80 80 44 37 91.2 27.08 3 56.00 60.00 926.400 0.23 68 70 0.87 0.87 3 84 79 45 37 96.0 27.08 4 60.00 64.00 928.400 0.22 68 70 0.84 0.84 4 83 79 47 38 94.2 26.49 5 64.00 68.00 930.320 0.21 69 70 0.80 0.80 4 78 80 47 38 97.2 25.88 6 68.00 72.00 932.260 0.21 69 70 0.80 0.80 4 80 79 47 38 97.2 25.88 7 72.00 76.00 934.200 0.20 69 70 0.76 0.76 4 87 80 46 38 102.7 25.25 8 76.00 80.00 936.200 0.16 69 70 0.61 0.61 4 88 80 46 39 93.0 22.59 9 80.00 84.00 937.820 0.15 70 70 0.57 0.57 4 87 80 47 38 98.2 21.87 10 84.00 88.00 939.480 0.15 70 70 0.57 0.57 4 83 79 48 39 92.9 21.87 11 88.00 92.00 941.050 0.14 70 70 0.53 0.53 3 79 79 48 40 96.1 21.13 12 92.00 96.00 942.620 0.14 71 70 0.54 0.54 3 80 79 48 40 96.3 21.13 Final DGM: 944.196 E. PRune Vm AP Tm Ts VacAH %ISO BWS Yq,min 42.281 ftl 0.18 in.WC 67.0 °F 69.1 °F 4 0.681 in.WC 97.3 0.024 -2.9 30 of 142 Alliance SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Coro any-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 10:30 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9/27122 Run 2 IVALID End Time: 12:18 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est.Tm: 67 °F Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est.Ts: 69 °F Pg: -1.40 in.WC 32.6 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH a1(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.18 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-7D Est.Dn: 0.321 in. CO2: 0.1 % 3.79 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-1 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.002 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 8 9 Mid 3(cf) Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Du(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Paint Leak Check Vol(cf): - Pitot Gas Tempera ures of Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures(oF) 9: Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH Pump �PrfoberFilter Im Exit Aux Vs (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO aAP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) in.H mb. Amb. Amb. (fps) to Pr Begin End (ft) (i^WTI Ideal Actual ( g) A-1 0.00 4.00 944.368 0.25 73 71 0.96 0.96 4 87 86 63 47 101.9 28.26 2 4.00 8.00 946.600 0.26 73 71 1.00 1.00 4 88 86 55 46 94.9 28.82 3 8.00 12.00 948.720 0.25 74 71 0.96 0.96 4 85 82 52 42 99.3 28.26 4 12.00 16.00 950.900 0.23 74 72 0.88 0.88 4 80 80 51 43 94.1 27.13 5 16.00 20.00 952.880 0.22 74 72 0.84 0.84 4 78 79 50 42 94.8 26.54 6 20.00 24.00 954.830 0.22 75 72 0.84 0.84 4 82 79 50 43 95.5 26.54 7 24.00 28.00 956.800 0.19 75 72 0.73 0.73 3 87 79 49 43 95.5 24.66 8 28.00 32.00 958.630 0.18 75 72 0.69 0.69 3 1 82 79 49 42 100.2 24.00 9 32.00 36.00 960.500 0.17 75 71 0.65 0.65 3 79 79 50 42 96.4 23.30 10 36.00 40.00 962.250 0.18 76 72 0.69 0.69 4 78 79 51 43 96.3 24.00 11 40.00 44.00 964.050 0.16 76 73 0.61 0.61 3 84 80 1 50 42 96.5 22.65 12 44.00 48.00 965.750 0.15 75 72 0.58 0.58 3 87 79 51 45 96.3 21.91 B-1 48.00 52.00 967.390 0.30 76 73 1.15 1.15 4 82 79 61 45 95.9 31.02 2 52.00 56.00 969.700 0.28 76 73 1.07 1.10 4 88 79 51 42 98.9 29.96 3 56.00 60.00 972.000 0.28 76 73 1.07 1.10 4 85 79 52 42 95.0 29.96 4 60.00 64.00 974.210 0.24 76 73 0.92 0.92 4 82 79 52 41 95.6 27.74 5 64.00 68.00 976.270 0.22 76 73 0.84 0.84 4 79 79 51 42 98.4 26.56 6 68.00 72.00 978.300 0.15 76 73 0.58 0.58 3 79 79 51 43 95.0 21.93 7 72.00 76.00 979.920 0.11 76 73 0.42 0.42 2 83 80 51 44 94.5 18.78 8 76.00 80.00 981.300 0.11 76 73 0.42 0.42 2 84 79 51 42 99.3 18.78 9 80.00 84.00 982.750 0.09 76 73 0.35 0.35 2 82 79 52 43 98.4 16.99 10 84.00 88.00 984.050 0.08 76 73 0.31 0.31 2 79 80 53 42 100.3 16.02 11 88.00 92.00 985.300 0.08 76 73 0.31 0.31 2 79 79 53 42 103.5 16.02 12 92.00 96.00 986.590 0.07 76 73 0.27 1 0.27 2 84 80 53 43 104.9 14.98 Final DGM: 987.813 Max aLRune Vm AP Tm Ts VacAH %ISO BWS Ys, min 43.445 It, 0.19 in.WC 75.3 of 72.4 of 4 0.717 in.WC 97.7 0.027 -3.1 31 of 142 ,All aMe SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 12:50 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9/27/22 Run 3 VALID End Time: 14:38 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est Tm: 75 °F Pb: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est.Ts: 72 °F Pg: -1.30 in.WC 26.2 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH Q(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.19 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-7D ESL Do: 0.316 in. C%: 0.1 % 3.829 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm I Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. %: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-1 LEAK CHECK Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid I(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.003 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Noule ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - 9 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nom le Do(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(cO: - Pitot Gas Tempera ures(°F) Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures(°F) Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH rump Probe Filter Im Exit Aux Vs a (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO (ft') AP Amb. Amb. (in.W 2C) (,n.H g) Al. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) rn p.i Begin End (inWQ Ideal Actual - - - - A-1 0.00 4.00 98T915 0.29 77 74 1.11 1.10 4 77 88 66 43 96.4 30.52 2 4.00 8.00 990.200 0.29 77 74 1.11 1.10 4 88 90 51 40 100.8 30.52 3 8.00 12.00 992.590 0.28 77 74 1.07 1.10 4 90 88 50 40 99.2 29.99 4 12.00 16.00 994.900 0.25 77 74 0.96 0.96 3 90 84 50 40 99.9 28.34 5 16.00 20.00 997.100 0.24 78 75 0.92 0.92 3 87 83 1 50 40 97.3 27.79 6 20.00 24.00 999.200 0.22 78 75 0.84 0.85 3 85 82 50 42 99.2 26.61 7 1 24.00 1 28.00 1001.250 0.16 78 75 0.61 0.62 3 81 80 51 39 97.5 22.69 8 28.00 32.00 1002.970 0.11 78 75 0.42 0.42 2 80 80 51 40 96.3 18.82 9 32.00 36.00 1004.380 0.11 79 75 0.42 0.42 2 80 79 51 40 100.9 18.82 10 36.00 40.00 1005.860 0.08 79 75 0.31 0.31 2 82 79 52 42 99.1 16.05 11 40.00 44.00 1007.100 0.08 79 75 0.31 0.31 2 82 79 54 42 98.3 16.05 12 44.00 48.00 1008.330 0.08 79 75 0.31 0.31 2 80 79 54 42 97.5 16.05 B-1 48.00 52.00 1009.550 0.26 79 76 1.00 1.00 4 81 79 59 43 97.8 28.96 2 52.00 56.00 1011.750 0.26 79 76 1.00 1.00 4 81 79 49 38 97.8 28.96 3 56.00 60.00 1013.950 0.25 79 76 0.96 0.96 4 81 79 46 39 98.4 28.39 4 60.00 64.00 1016.120 0.23 79 76 0.88 0.88 3 80 79 46 43 99.7 27.23 5 64.00 68.00 1018.230 0.22 80 76 0.85 0.85 3 80 79 48 43 100.8 26.64 6 68.00 72.00 1020.320 0.21 80 76 0.81 0.81 3 81 79 50 43 96.3 26.02 7 72.00 76.00 1022.270 0.18 so 76 0.69 0.69 3 82 79 So 43 97.5 24.09 8 76.00 80.00 1024.100 0.16 80 76 0.62 0.62 3 81 79 50 42 101.7 22.71 9 80.00 84.00 1025.900 0.16 80 76 0.62 0.62 2 80 79 48 40 I03.4 22.71 10 84.00 88.00 1027.730 0.17 80 76 0.65 0.65 2 79 79 48 41 IO2.6 23.41 11 88.00 92.00 1029.600 0.15 80 76 0.58 0.58 2 81 79 48 41 101.6 21.99 12 92.00 96.00 1031.340 0.14 80 76 0.54 0.54 2 83 79 48 43 99.6 21.25 Final DGM: 1032.989 Max a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Vac AH %ISO BWS Y, rA WCC 96.0 min 45.074 fta 0.19 in.WC 78.8 °F 75.3 °F 4 0.734 in.WC 99.5 0.026 -1.2 32 of 142 �r fiarnoe TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report NOV 14 2022 AIR QUALITY STATIONARY SOURCE COMPLIANCE The Chemours Company, FC, LLC Fayetteville Works 22828 Highway 87W Fayetteville, NC 28306 Source Tested: Polymer Process Aid (PPA) Carbon Bed Test Date: September 27, 2022 Project No. AST-2022-3359 Prepared By Alliance Technical Group, LLC 6515A Basile Rowe East Syracuse, NY 1305 All anoe Source TECHNICAL GROUP Report Tes!Programm S Summary Regulatory Information Permit No. North Carolina Department of Air Quality(NCDAQ)Title V Air Permit No.03735T48 Source Information Source Name Target Parameter PPA Carbon Bed(inlet/Outlet) HFPO-DA Contact Information Test Location Test Company Analytical Laboratory The Chemours Company,FC,LLC Alliance Technical Group,LLC Eurofins TestAmerica Fayetteville Works 6515A Basile Rowe 5815 Middlebrook Pike 22828 Highway 87W East Syracuse,NY 13057 Knoxville,TN 37921 Fayetteville,North Carolina Courtney Adkins Project Manager/Field Team Leader Facility Contact Patrick Grady Christel Compton (716)713-9238 QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk (812)452-4785 Report Coordinator Emily Diaz (812)452-4785 AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page i 2 of 142 Allia TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Certification Statement Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) has completed the source testing as described in this report. Results apply only to the source(s)tested and operating condition(s)for the specific test date(s)and time(s)identified within this report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Alliance is not responsible for use of less than the complete test report without written consent. This report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without written approval from the customer. To the best of my knowledge and abilities, all information, facts and test data are correct. Data presented in this report has been checked for completeness and is accurate, error-free and legible. Onsite testing was conducted in accordance with approved internal Standard Operating Procedures. Any deviations or problems are detailed in the relevant sections in the test report. This report is only considered valid once an authorized representative of Alliance has signed in the space provided below; any other version is considered draft. This document was prepared in portable document format(.pdf) and contains pages as identified in the bottom footer of this document. D November 4, 2022 Patrick Grady,QSTI Date Project Manager Alliance Technical Group,LLC AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page ii 3of142 Alliance TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Source and Control System Descriptions................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 Project Team............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 2.0 Summary of Results.....................................................................................................................................2-1 3.0 Testing Methodology....................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 U.S.EPA Reference Test Methods 1 and 2—Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate.....3-1 3.2 U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 4—Moisture Content.........................................................................3-1 3.3 Modified Method 0010—Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid......................................................3-1 3.4 HFPO-DA Sample Train and Equipment Preparation.............................................................................3-2 3.5 HFPO-DA Sample Train Recovery..........................................................................................................3-2 LIST OF TABLES Table1-1: Project Team........................................................................................................................................... 1-1 Table2-1: Summary of Results................................................................................................................................2-1 Table3-1: Source Testing Methodology..................................................................................................................3-1 APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Calculations Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data Appendix E Process Operating/Control System Data AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page iii 4of142 ffntroduction 5 of 142 Allia Source Test Report TECHNICAL GROUP Introduction 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by The Chemours Company (Chemours) to conduct compliance testing at the Fayetteville Works facility in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The facility operates under North Carolina Department of Air Quality (NCDAQ) Title V Air Permit No. 03735T48. Source emissions testing were conducted at the inlet and outlet of the Polymer Process Aid(PPA) carbon bed. The testing was conducted to evaluate emissions of hexafluoro-propylene oxide-dimer acid (BFPO-DA). BFPO-DA, hexafluoro-propylene oxide dimer acid fluoride (BFPO-DAF) and hexafluoro-propylene oxide dimer acid ammonium salt are captured and reported together as BFPO-DA. 1.1 Source and Control System Descriptions The PPA facility produces surfactants used to produce fluoropolymer products,such as Teflon®at other Chemours facilities, as well as sales to outside producers of fluoropolymers. Process streams are vented to a caustic wet scrubber(ACD-Al),a carbon bed and exhausted through a process stack(AEP-A1).The process inside the building is under negative pressure and the building air is vented to the carbon bed and the process stack(AEP-A1). 1.2 Project Team Personnel involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table 1-1: Project Team Patrick Grady Antonio Andersen Alliance Personnel Jacob Cavallo Brian Goodhile Jeff Sheldon AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 1-1 6of142 7of142 Affia Source Test Report TECHNICAL GROUP Summary of Results 2.0 Summary of Results Alliance conducted compliance testing at the Fayetteville Works Facility in Fayetteville, NC on September 27, 2022. Testing consisted of determining the emission rates of BFPO-DA at the inlet and outlet of the PPA carbon bed. Table 2-1 provides a summary of the emission testing results. Any difference between the summary results listed in the following tables and the detailed results contained in appendices is due to rounding for presentation. Table 2-1: Summary of Results un Number, Run 1 Run 2, ; Run 3';' Average, Date .. `, y 9/27/22. 9/27/22, 9/27/22, HFPO-DA Data Outlet Emission Rate,lb/hr 3.3E-05 1.9E-05 4.7E-05 3.3E-05 Inlet Emission Rate,lb/hr 3.5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 Reduction Efficiency,% 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 2-1 8of142 Testing Methodology 9 of 142 Alliance TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report' Testing Methodology 3.0 Testing Methodology The emission testing program was conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Method descriptions are provided below while quality assurance/quality control data is provided in Appendix D. Table 3-1: Source Testing Methodology Parameter Notes/Remarks,- Test Methods Volumetric Flow Rate 1 &2 Full Velocity Traverses Moisture Content 4 Gravimetric Analysis Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid Modified Method 0010 Isokinetic Sampling 3.1 U.S.EPA Reference Test Methods 1 and 2—Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points were selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 1. To determine the minimum number of traverse points, the upstream and downstream distances were equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure 1-1 in U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 1. Full velocity traverses were conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocity pressure, static pressure and temperature. The velocity and static pressure measurement system consisted of a pitot tube and inclined manometer. The stack gas temperature was measured with a K-type thermocouple and pyrometer. 3.2 U.S.EPA Reference Test Method 4—Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas conditioning train consisted of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing,each impinger was filled with a known quantity of water or silica gel. Each impinger was analyzed gravimetrically before and after each test run on the same balance to determine the amount of moisture condensed. 3.3 Modified Method 0010—Hexafluoro-Propylene Oxide-Dimer Acid BFPO-DA emissions were evaluated in accordance with Modified Method 0010.Testing followed the submitted protocol in the execution of our onsite sampling and analysis activities.Modified Method 0010 procedure was followed as outlined in the protocol submitted to NC Division of Air Quality.Modified Method 0010 sampling and analysis procedures performed for this project-are-consistent with_0TM-45,-which was released by EPA in January 2021,subsequent to Chemours submittal of plans to DAQ. The sample train consisted of a borosilicate glass nozzle attached directly to a heated borosilicate glass-lined probe. The probe was connected directly to a heated borosilicate glass filter holder containing a solvent-extracted glass fiber filter.In order to minimize possible thermal degradation of the BFPO-DA,the probe and particulate filter were heated to just above stack temperature to minimize water vapor condensation before the filter. The filter holder exit was connected to a water-cooled coil condenser followed by a water-cooled sorbent module containing approximately 40 grams of XAD-2 resin. The XAD-2 inlet temperature was monitored to ensure that the module is maintained at a temperature below 20°C. AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 3-1 10 of 142 Affia TECHNICAL GROUP Source Test Report Testing Methodology The XAD-2 resin trap was followed by a condensate knockout impinger and a series of three impingers each containing 100-ml of high purity deionized water. The water impingers were followed by another condensate knockout impinger equipped with a second XAD-2 resin trap to account for any sample breakthrough. The final impinger contained approximately 250 grams of dry pre-weighed silica gel. The water impingers and condensate impingers were submerged in an ice bath through the duration of the testing.The water in the ice bath was also used to circulate around the coil condenser and the XAD-2 resin traps. Exhaust gases were extracted from the sample locations isokinetically using a metering console equipped with a vacuum pump,a calibrated orifice,oil manometer and probe/filter heat controllers. 3.4 HFPO-DA Sample Train and Equipment Preparation Prior to conducting the field work the following procedures were conducted to prepare the field sampling glassware and sample recovery tools. 1. Wash all glassware,brushes,and ancillary tools with low residue soap and hot water. 2. Rinse all glassware,brushes,and ancillary tools three(3)times with D.I.H2O. 3. Bake glassware (with the exception of probe liners) at 450°C for approximately 2 hours, (XAD-2 resin tube glassware is cleaned by Eurofins/TestAmerica by this same procedure). 4. Solvent rinse three(3)times all glassware,brushes,and ancillary tools with the following sequence of solvents: acetone,methylene chloride,hexane,and methanol. 5. Clean glassware and tools will be sealed in plastic bags or aluminum foil for transport to the sampling site. 6. Squirt bottles will be new dedicated bottles of known history and dedicated to the D.I. Water and methanol/ammonium hydroxide(MeOH/5%NH40H)solvent contents. Squirt bottles will be labelled with the solvent content it contains. 3.5 HFPO-DA Sample Train Recovery Following completion of each test run,the sample probe,nozzle and front-half of the filter holder were brushed and rinsed three times each with the McOH/ 5%NH40H solution (Container#1). The glass fiber filter was removed from its housing and transferred to a polyethylene bottle (Container #2). Any particulate matter and filter fibers which adhered to the filter holder and gasket were also placed in Container#2. The XAD-2 resin trap was sealed, labelled and placed in an iced sample cooler. The back-half of the filter holder, coil condenser condensate trap and connecting glassware were rinsed with the same McOH/5%NH40H solution and placed in Container#3. The volume of water collected in all impingers was measured for moisture determinations and then placed in Container#4. All impingers and connecting glassware were then rinsed with the McOH/5%NH40H solution and placed in Container #5. The second (breakthrough) XAD-2 resin trap was sealed, labelled and placed in an iced sample cooler. The contents of the fifth impinger were placed in its original container and weighed for moisture determinations. Containers were sealed and labeled with the appropriate sample information. Samples remained chilled until analysis.HFPO-DA analysis was conducted using liquid chromatography/dual mass spectrometry(LC/MS/MS). AST-2022-3359 Chemours—Fayetteville,NC Page 3-2 11 of 142 Appendix `', 12 of 142 r Appendix A a�af7m Example Calculations sounoE rE$T.MO Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: BFPO-DA Meter Pressure(Pm),in.Hg A Pm = Pb + 1�.h where, Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure,in.Hg AH 0.681 =pressure differential of orifice,in H2O Pm 29.99 =in.H.- Absolute Stack Gas Pressure(Ps),in.Hg Pg where, Ps = Pb + 1.6 Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure,in.Hg Pg -1.30 =static pressure,in.H2O Ps 29.84 =in.Hg Standard Meter Volume(Vmstd),dscf 17.636 x Y x Vm x Pm Vwstd = where, Tm Y 1.032 =meter correction factor Vm 42.281 =meter volume,cf Pm 29.99 =absolute meter pressure,in.Hg Tin 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,OR Vmstd 43.816 =dscf Standard Wet Volume(Vwstd),scf Vwstd = 0.04716 x Vlc where, Vlc 33.5 =volume of H2O collected,ml Vwstd 1.580 =scf Moisture Fraction(BWSsat),dimensionless(theoretical at saturated conditions) 6.37—(f 21827 11 10 lTs+365/ BWSsat = PS where, Ts 69.1 =stack temperature,OF Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg BWSsat 0.024 =dimensionless Moisture Fraction(BWS),dimensionless(measured) Vwstd BWS = where, (Vwstd + Vmstd) Vwstd 1.580 =standard wet volume,scf Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf BWS 0.035 =dimensionless Moisture Fraction(BWS),dimensionless BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat< BWSmsd where, BWSsat 0.024 =moisture fraction(theoretical at saturated conditions) BWSmsd 0.035 =moisture fraction(measured) BWS 0.024 13 of 142 G Appendix A AI�laf'ICe Example Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: BFPO-DA Molecular Weight(DRY)(Md),Ib/lb-mole Md = (0.44 x %CO2) + (0.32 x %02) + (0.28 (100— %CO2 — %02)) where, CO2 0.1 =carbon dioxide concentration,% 02 20.9 =oxygen concentration,% Md 28.85 =lb/lb mol Molecular Weight(WET)(Ms),lb/lb-mole Ms = Md (1 — BWS) + 18.015 (BWS) where, Md 28.85 =molecular weight(DRY),lb/lb mol BWS 0.024 =moisture fraction,dimensionless MS 28.59 =lb/lb mol Average Velocity(Vs),ft/sec Vs = 85.49 x Cp x (0 P 1/2) avg x T where, ,F-xsms Cp 0.840 =pitot tube coefficient A P'^ 0.417 =velocity head of stack gas,(in.H,0)12 Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,°R Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Ms 28.59 =molecular weight of stack gas,lb/lb mol Vs 23.6 =ft/sec Average Stack Gas Flow at Stack Conditions(Qa),acfm Qa = 60 x Vs x As where, Vs 23.6 =stack gas velocity,ft/sec As 6.31 =cross-sectional area of stack,ft2 Qa 8,928 =acfm Average Stack Gas Flow at Standard Conditions(Qs),dscfm Ps Qs = 17.636 x Qa x (1 — BWS) x — where, Ts Qa 8,928 =average stack gas flow at stack conditions,acfm BWS 0.024 =moisture fraction,dimensionless Ps 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,°R Qs 8,675 =dscfm Dry Gas Meter Calibration Check(Yqa),dimensionless Y— 0 0.0319 x Tm x 29 pH av . g Vm AH@ x (Pb + A 13avg.) x Md Yqa = x 100 where, Y 1.032 =meter correction factor,dimensionless O 96 =run time,min. Vm 42.281 =total meter volume,dcf TM 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,°R AH@ 1.699 =orifice meter calibration coefficient,in.H2O Pb 29.94 =barometric pressure,in.Hg AH avg 0.681 =average pressure differential of orifice,in H2O Md 28.85 =molecular weight(DRY),lb/lb mol (A H)12 0.812 =average squareroot pressure differential of orifice,(in.H20)""- Yqa -2.9 =dimensionless 14 of 142 Appendix A Example Calculations souscE TESTING Location: Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source: Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.: 2022-3359 Run No.: 1 Parameter: BFPO-DA Volume of Nozzle(Vn),fO Ts Vn =pc (0.002669 x Vlc+Vm Pam x Y 1 where, J Ts 528.8 =absolute stack temperature,°R PS 29.84 =absolute stack gas pressure,in.Hg Vlc 33.5 =volume of H2O collected,ml Vm 42.281 =meter volume,cf Pm 29.99 =absolute meter pressure,in.Hg Y 1.032 =meter correction factor,unitless TM 526.7 =absolute meter temperature,°R Vn 45.605 =volume of nozzle,W Isokinetic Sampling Rate(10,% ( Vn 1 1 8x60xAnxVs x100 where, Vn 45.605 =nozzle volume,ft3 0 96.0 =run time,minutes An 0.00034 =area of nozzle,ft2 Vs 23.6 =average velocity,ft/sec I 97.3 =% HFPO-DA Concentration(C),ng/dscm _ M x 35.313 C Vmstd where, M 1,345,260 =HFPO-DA mass,ng Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf CNm 1.1E+06 =ng/dscm HFPO-DA Emission Rate(ER),lb/hr MxQsx60 ER = Vrn_ctd. x 4_54F. + 11 where, M 1,345,260 =HFPO-DA mass,ng Qs 8,675 =average stack gas flow at standard conditions,dscfm Vmstd 43.816 =standard meter volume,dscf ER 3.5E-02 =lb/hr 15 of 142 16 of 142 Afflatice Emission Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location Chcmours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No.2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 - Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 - Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min (6) 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 INPUT DATA Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Meter Correction Factor (Y) 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.001 Orifice Calibration Value (AH @) 1.841 1.841 1.841 1.841 Meter Volume,ft3 (Vm) 62.691 64.113 62.504 63.103 Meter Temperature,°F (Tm) 69.1 78.1 84.8 77.3 Meter Temperature,°R (Tm) 528.8 537.8 544.4 537.0 Meter Orifice Pressure,in.WC (AH) 1.298 1.346 1.286 1.310 Volume HZO Collected,mL (VIC) 30.3 28.2 27.1 28.5 Nozzle Diameter,in (Dn) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 Area of Nozzle,ftZ (An) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 FH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(H"oDA) 991.0 479.0 1,450.0 973.3 BH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 578.0 475.0 972.0 675.0 Imp HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) -- -- -- -- Breakthrough HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 143.0 13.9 12.8 56.57 Total HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,712.0 967.9 2,434.8 1,704.9 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume,ft3 (Vmstd) 62.862 63.224 60.874 62.320 Standard Water Volume,ft3 (Vwstd) 1.429 1.330 1.278 1.346 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.028 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Meter Pressure,in Hg (Pm) 30.04 30.04 30.03 30.04 Volume at Nozzle,ft3 (Vn) 64.580 65.002 62.647 64.08 Isokinetic Sampling Rate,(%) (I) 103.6 103.1 103.0 103.2 DGM Calibration Check Value,(+/-5%) (Y') 3.7 3.2 2.8 3.2 EMISSION CALCULATIONS HFPO-DA Concentration,ng/dscm CWPODA) 9.6E+02 5.4E+02 1.4E+03 9.7E+02 HFPO-DA Emission Rate,lb/hr ER(HFPODA) 3.3E-05 1.9E-05 4.7E-05 3.3E-05 REDUCTION CALCULATIONS Inlet HFPO-DA Emission Rate,lb/hr RE(H"oDA) 3.5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 HFPO-DA Reduction Efficiency,% RE(HFPODA) 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 Underlined values are non-detect and reported as the reporting unit. 17 of 142 Alliance Volumetric Flow Rate Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Tolymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 VELOCITY HEAD,in.WC Point 1 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.33 Point 2 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 3 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 4 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 5 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 6 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 7 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.35 Point 8 0.34 0.34 0.35 _ _ _ 0.34 Point 9 0.34 0.30 0.23 0.29 Point 10 0.33 0.30 0.23 0.29 Point 11 0.33 0.29 0.22 0.28 Point 12 0.33 0.29 0.22 0.28 Point 13 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 14 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 15 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.33 Point 16 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.33 Point 17 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 18 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 Point 19 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.34 Point 20 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.34 Point 21 0.34 0.30 0.35 0.33 Point 22 0.21 0.30 0.19 0.23 Point 23 0.21 0.30 0.19 0.23 Point 24 0.21 0.25 0.19 0.22 CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP,(in.WC) (AP) 0.562 0.568 0.547 0.559 Pitot Tube Coefficient (Cp) 0.840 0.840 0.840 0.840 Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Static Pressure,in.WC (Pg) 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Stack Pressure,in.Hg (Ps) 30.05 30.05 30.05 30.05 Stack Cross-sectional Area,ft` (As) 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 Temperature,°F _(Ts)____ 72.7 _ 74.0 74.5 73.8 Temperature,°R (Ts) 532.4 533.7 534.2 533.420 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.028 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.021 Oz Concentration,% (OZ) 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 CO,Concentration,% (CO2) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(dry) (Md) 28.85 28.85 28.85 28.85 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(wet) (Ms) 28.61 28.63 28.63 28.62 Velocity,ft/sec (Vs) 31.8 32.1 31.0 31.6 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE At Stack Conditions,acfin (Qa) 9,355 9,459 9,121 9,312 At Standard Conditions,dscfin (Qs) 9,106 9,200 8,862 9,056 18 of 142 Altar Method 1 Data SOUF40E 'rE$TlNG Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Pol3mer Process Aid Outlet Project No.2022-3359 Date: 09/26122 Stack Parameters Duct Orientation: Vertical O5 .0 its 2.0 Duct Design: Circular aHigher Number Is f ruum.,ce Distance from Far Wall to Outside of Port: 46.00 in Rectangular St..k o Ducts renutrsastrnr - Nipple Length: 16.00 in �re Depth of Duct: 30.00 in Cross Sectional Area of Duct: 4.91 fts _ No.ofTestPons: 2 24 or 25°nouns / e�s+++�•acn Distance A: 32.0 ft 20 points Distance A Duct Diameters: 4.8 (must be>0.5) 16 points sma,Dmmetor>0.61 m(24 to.) Distance B: 12.0 h +Fran voms otnevTtysw 12 points Distance B Duct Diameters: 4.8 (must be>2)„os(e°m.a:wm+". 8-9'points Minimum Number of Traverse Points: 24 Actual Number of Traverse Points: 24 smu, m m"a-241n.) Number of Readings per Point: 1 Measurer(Initial and Date):BAG-92622 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g Reviewer(Initial and Date): IS-9/2622 CIRCULAR DUCT LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Distance Distance Number oftraversepoinis on a diameter Traverse %of from inside from Point Diameter wall outside of 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 port 1 14.6 - 6.7 - 4.4 - 3.2 - 16 - 2.1 1 2.1 1.00 17.00 2 85.4 - 25.0 - 14.6 - 10.5 - 9.2 - 6.7 2 6.7 2.01 18.01 3 -- - 75.0 - 29.6 - 19.4 - 14.6 - 11.8 3 11.8 3.54 19.54 4 - - 93.3 - 70.4 - 32.3 - 22.6 - 17.7 4 17.7 5.31 21.31 5 - - - - 85.4 - 67.7 -- 34.2 - 25.0 5 25.0 7.50 23.50 6 -- - - - 95.6 -- 80.6 - 65.8 - 35.6 6 35.6 10.68 26.68 7 - -- - - - - 89.5 - 77A - 64.4 7 64.4 19.32 35.32 8 - - - - - - 96.8 - 85.4 - 75.0 8 75.0 22.50 38.30 9 - - - - - - - - 91.8 - 82.3 9 82.3 24.69 40.69 10 - - - - - -- - - 97.4 - 38.2 10 88.2 26.46 42.46 11 - - - - - - -- - - - 93.3 11 93.3 27.99 43.99 12 97.9 12 97.9 29.00 45.00 •Percent ofslack diameter from inside ivall to traverse point. Stack Diagram A=32 ft. B=12ft. Depth of Duct=30 in. Cross Sectional Arco Downstream Disturbance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B Upstream Disturbance 19 of 142 Alliance SOURCE TESTING Cyclonic Flow Check Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Date 09/27/22 Sample Point Angle(eP=O) 1 6 2 8 3 8 4 6 5 8 6 4 7 10 8 10 9 12 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 8 15 8 16 4 17 4 18 4 19 6 20 10 21 10 22 12 23 13 24 12 Average 8 20 of 142 Alllame Method 4 Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Outlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Analysis Gravimetric Run 1 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 302.6 498.6 743.8 760.6 736.5 499.8 342.7 842.3 4726.9 Final Mass,g 314.6 499.5 743.6 757.0 738.1 498.3 354.9 851.2 4757.2 Gain 12.0 0.9 1 -0.2 -3.6 1.6 -1.5 12.2 8.9 30.3 Run 2 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica - Initial Mass,g 303.9 483.7 734.3 752.0 761.3 476.6 308.8 867.6 4688.2 Final Mass,g 313.5 484.3 733.4 751.8 761.9 478.0 314.9 878.6 4716.4 Gain 9.6 0.6 -0.9 1 -0.2 1 0.6 1.4 6.1 11.0 28.2 Run 3 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica - Initial Mass,g 307.7 499.6 733.5 771.3 736.6 498.3 317.2 839.8 4704.0 Final Mass,g 317.9 499.9 732.3 773.0 737.8 499.2 324.6 846.4 4731.1 1-7 Gain 10.2 0.3 -1.2 1.7 1.2 0.9 7.4 6.6 27.1 21 of 142 Allibffice SOURCE T E,S T I N G Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com an -Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 8:05 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9/27/22 Run I VALID End Time: 9:53 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFP0.DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 7 Est.Tm: 75 of Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Me(ml) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 83 °F Pg: 1.50 in.WC 30.3 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.35 in.WC 0t: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-51) Est.Dn: 0.271 in. CO,: 0.1 % 4.096 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK Pre Mid I Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pilot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.000 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID.GI-3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 30 10 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Dn(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(co: - Pitot Gas Tem eratores °F Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures °F ,u Sample Time Dry Gas Meter Pump _ Tube DGMAverage Stack AH Probe Filter Im Exit Aux Vs (minutes) Reading Vac %ISO y fta AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) Amh. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) m.Hg tia W� 60 60 Ideal Actual 60 60 60 60 to a Begin End ( ) 1 0.00 4.00 509.281 0.33 60 57 1.38 1.40 1 80 86 51 45 105.7 31.91 2 4.00 8.00 512.000 0.33 62 73 1.35 1.35 1 81 84 51 44 109.3 32.40 3 8.00 12.00 514.780 0.33 63 73 1.35 1.30 1 81 80 49 43 103.2 32.40 4 12.00 16.00 517.410 0.33 65 73 1.35 1.30 1 81 80 48 41 102.8 32AO 5 16.00 20.00 520.040 0.33 66 73 1.36 1.30 1 81 81 48 39 103.4 32.40 6 20.00 24.00 522.690 0.33 66 73 1.36 1.30 1 80 80 47 38 103.4 32.40 7 24.00 28.00 525.340 0.34 67 73 1.40 1.40 1 81 82 47 38 103.6 32.88 8 28.00 32.00 528.040 0.34 68 73 1.40 1.40 1- 81 80'- - 48 - 38- 103.8 32.88 9 32.00 36.00 530.750 0.34 68 73 1.40 1.40 1 81 81 48 38 103.4 32.88 10 36.00 40.00 533.450 0.33 68 74 1.36 1.35 1 81 80 47 37 105.8 32.43 11 40.00 44.00 536.170 0.33 69 73 1.36 1.35 1 81 81 47 37 103.9 32.40 12 44.00 48.00 538.850 0.33 70 73 1.37 1.35 1 81 81 47 38 102.0 32.40 1 48.00 52.00 541.486 0.33 71 73 1.37 1.35 1 80 80 52 43 102.9 32.40 2 52.00 56.00 544.150 0.33 68 73 1.36 1.35 1 81 81 51 42 103.8 32.40 3 56.00 60.00 546.820 0.33 71 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 81 49 41 103.7 32.43 4 60.00 64.00 549.500 0.33 71 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 80 49 40 103.7 32.43 5 64.00 68.00 552.180 0.33 72 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 81 50 41 101.9 32.43 6 68.00 72.00 554.820 0.33 73 74 1.37 1.35 1 81 81 51 41 101.3 32.43 7 72.00 76.00 557.450 0.34 74 74 1.41 1.40 1 81 81 50 42 102.7 32.91 8 76.00 80.00 560.160 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 I 80 81 50 40 103.3 32.91 9 80.00 84.00 562.880 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 1 81 80 49 41 103.3 32.91 10 84.00 88.00 565.600 0.21 73 74 0.87 0.88 1 81 81 51 42 108.1 25.87 11 88.00 92.00 567.840 0.21 74 73 0.88 0.88 1 81 80 51 42 98.6 25.84 12 92.00 96.00 569.890 0.21 74 73 0.88 0.88 1 81 81 52 41 100.2 25.84 Final DGM: 571.972 a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Max AH %ISO BWS Ys, W� a 16.0 min 62.691 ft� 0.32 in.WC 69.1 °F 72.7 °F 1 1.298 in.WC 103.6 0.022 3.7 22 of 142 Alliance SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Fa etteville Works Facili ,N( Start Time: 10:30 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9127122 Run 2 VALID End Time: 12:18 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:ME 7 Est.Tan 69 °F Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 73 °F Pg: 1.50 in.WC 28.2 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.32 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-5D Est.Dn: 0.278 in. CO=: 0.1 % 4.13 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 sefm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. Os: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid I(co - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp(Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL-3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 10 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 23.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Do,(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(co: - Sample Time Dry Gas Meter Pitot Gas Tempera ures(OF) Orifice Press. as Temperatures(°F) S (minutes) Reading Tube DGMAvera a Stack AH ramp Probe Filter Imp Exit Aux Vs AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) in. c Amb. Amb. Amb. Amb. %ISO (fps) p+ Begin End (ft) (in WC) Ideal Actual ( � I 0.00 4.00 572.250 0.33 72 74 1.37 1.35 2 80 80 58 48 105.0 32.43 2 4.00 8.00 574.970 0.34 73 74 1.41 1.40 2 81 81 48 48 101.7 32.91 3 8.00 12.00 577.650 0.34 74 74 1.41 1.40 2 81 81 49 50 102.7 32.91 4 12.00 16.00 580.360 0.34 75 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 80 49 49 101.0 32.91 5 16.00 20.00 583.030 0.34 76 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 82 49 50 102.3 32.91 6 20.00 24.00 585.740 0.34 76 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 81 50 50 101.2 32.91 7 24.00 28.00 588.420 0.35 77 74 1.46 1.45 2 81 81 50 50 103.6 33.40 8 28.00 32.00 591.210 0.34 77 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 81 51 54 102.9 32.91 9 32.00 36.00 593.940 0.30 77 74 1.26 1.25 2 81 81 52 53 105.1 30.92 10 36.00 40.00 596.560 0.30 78 74 1.26 1.25 2 81 81 51 52 102.9 30.92 11 40.00 44.00 599.130 0.29 78 74 1.22 1.20 2 81 81 51 51 102.6 30.40 12 44.00 48.00 601.650 0.29 78 74 1.22 1.20 2 81 82 51 50 102.6 30.40 1 48.00 52.00 604.171 0.34 77 74 1.42 1.40 2 81 80 55 46 101.7 32.91 2 52.00 56.00 606.870 0.34 78 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 81 50 43 101.6 32.91 3 56.00 60.00 609.570 0.33 78 74 1.38 1.40 2 81 81 47 44 103.5 32.43 4 60.00 64.00 612.280 0.34 78 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 80 48 45 102.7 32.91 5 64.00 68.00 615.010 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 50 46 101.0 32.91 6 68.00 72.00 617.700 0.34 80 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 50 50 104.9 32.91 7 72.00 76.00 620.500 0.33 82 74 139 1.40 2 81 81 51 46 106.1 32.43 8 76.00 80.00 623.300 0.34 83 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 81 51 47 108.1 32.91 9 80.00 84.00 626.200 0.30 83 74 1.27 1.30 2 80 80 51 46 100.7 30.92 10 84.00 88.00 628.740 0.30 83 74 1.27 1.30 2 81 82 51 46 I01.5 30.92 11 88.00 92.00 631.300 0.30 81 74 1.27 1.30 2 81 81 51 47 105.5 30.92 12 92.00 96.00 633.950 0.25 81 1 74 1.05 1.05 2 81 80 52 46 105.2 28.12 Final DGM: 636.363 a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Max AH %ISO BWS Ys, .`W� a 96.0 min 64.113 f? 0.32 in.WC 78.1 °F 74.0 °F 2 1.346 in.WC 103.1 0.021 3.2 23 of 142 A111arMe 5 O.U R C E TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 12:50 Source:Polymer Process Aid Outlet Date: 9/27/22 Run 3 IVALID End Time: 14:38 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 7 Est.Tm: 78 IF Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.03 in.Hg Y:1.001 Est.Ts: 74 IF Pg: 1.50 in.WC 27.1 Static Press: 1.80 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.841 Est.AP: 0.32 in.WC 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 30.16 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-51) Est.Dn: 0.275 in. CO2: 0.1 % 4.189 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-2 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.000 - - - 0.000 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GIr3 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - 10 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole 1 Nozzle Do(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(co: - Pitot Gas Tempera ures °F Orifice Press. Gas Terneratures(IF) Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGMAvera a Stack AH P°mp Probe Filter Imp Exit Aux (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO Vs AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC)End Amb. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) H W Begin (0 (in Ideal Actual (m. g) - - - - 1 0.00 4.00 636.575 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 85 59 46 101.9 32.91 2 4.00 8.00 639.290 0.34 79 74 1.43 1.40 2 80 83 53 5o 103.2 32.91 3 8.00 12.00 642.040 0.34 80 74 1.43 1.40 2 81 82 51 47 103.0 32.91 4 12.00 16.00 644.790 0.34 82 74 1.44 1.45 1 2 81 1 81 50 49 102.3 32.91 5 16.00 20.00 647.530 0.34 83 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 82 50 47 102.5 32.91 6 20.00 24.00 650.280 0.34 84 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 81 50 50 102.3 32.91 7 24.00 28.00 653.030 0.35 84 74 1.48 1.50 2 81 82 50 47 102.7 33.40 8 28.00 32.00 655.830 0.35 85 74 1-.49 1.50 2 81 - 83 "49--- 49 103.2 33.40 9 32.00 36.00 658.650 0.23 85 74 0.98 0.98 2 81 82 50 49 106.4 27.07 10 36.00 40.00 661.010 0.23 86 74 0.98 0.98 2 81 81 51 49 102.2 27.07 11 40.00 44.00 663.280 0.22 86 74 0.94 0.94 2 81 80 52 51 104.0 26.48 12 44.00 48.00 665.540 0.22 86 74 0.94 0.94 2 81 80 52 48 105.0 26.48 1 48.00 52.00 667.821 0.33 83 74 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 61 1 52 101.3 32.43 2 52.00 56.00 670.500 0.33 84 74 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 52 52 100.8 32.43 3 56.00 60.00 673.170 0.34 85 74 1.44 1.45 2 81 83 53 49 101.4 32.91 4 60.00 64.00 675.900 0.33 85 75 1.40 1.40 2 81 83 52 56 103.0 32.46 5 64.00 68.00 678.630 0.34 86 75 1.44 1.45 2 81 84 54 56 103.1 32.95 6 68.00 72.00 681.410 0.34 87 75 1.45 1.45 2 81 85 55 56 103.3 32.95 7 72.00 76.00 684.200 0.35 87 75 1.49 1.50 2 81 86 56 57 103.3 33.43 8 76.00 80.00 687.030 0.35 87 75 1.49 1.50 2 82 87 57 56 103.3 33.43 9 80.00 84.00 689.860 0.35 87 76 1.49 1.50 2 83 88 57 59 103.8 33.46 10 84.00 88.00 692.700 0.19 88 76 0.81 Ul 2 83 89 59 56 108.7 24.65 11 88.00 92.00 694.900 0.19 88 76 0.81 0.81 2 85 90 60 58 103.8 24.65 12 92.00 96.00 697.000 0.19 88 76 0.81 0.81 2 87 90 60 56 102.7 24.65 Final DGM: 699.079 W Run Time Van AP Tm Ts Vae AH %ISO BWS Ys, C4 96.0 min 62.504 ft2 0.30 in.WC 84.8 IF 74.5 OF 2 1.286 in.WC 103.0 0.021 2.8 24 of 142 A!1 arm Emission Calculations SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No.2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min (6) 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 INPUT DATA Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Meter Correction Factor (Y) 1.032 1.032 1.032 1.032 Orifice Calibration Value (OH @) 1.699 1.699 1.699 1.699 Meter Volume,ft3 (Vm) 42.281 43.445 45.074 43.600 Meter Temperature,°F (Tm) 67.0 75.3 78.8 73.7 Meter Temperature,°R (Tm) 526.7 535.0 538.5 533.4 Meter Orifice Pressure,in.WC (AH) 0.681 0.717 0.734 0.711 Volume HZO Collected,mL (Vlc) 33.5 32.6 26.2 30.8 Nozzle Diameter,in (Dn) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 Area of Nozzle,ftZ (An) 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 FH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 934,000.0 909,000.0 797,000.0 880,000.0 BH HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 387,000.0 9,320,000.0 8,600,000.0 6,102,333.3 Imp HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HHODA) 23,100.0 -- 31.4 11,565.7 Breakthrough HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,160.0 27.1 37.1 408.07 Total HFPO-DA Mass,ng M(HFPODA) 1,345,260.0 10,229,027.1 9,397,068.5 6,990,451.9 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume,ft3 (Vmstd) 43.816 44.332 45.693 44.613 Standard Water Volume,ft3 (Vwstd) 1.580 1.537 1.235 1.451 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.035 0.034 0.026 0.032 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.027 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.024 0.027 0.026 0.026 Meter Pressure,in Hg (Pm) 29.99 29.99 29.99 29.99 Volume at Nozzle,ft3 (Vn) 45.605 46.375 47.699 46.56 Isokinetic Sampling Rate,(%) (1) 97.3 97.7 99.5 98.1 DGM Calibration Check Value,(+/-5%) (Y') -2.9 -3.1 -1.2 -2.4 EMISSION CALCULATIONS HFPO-DA Concentration,ng/dscm C(HFPODA) 1.1E+06 8.1E+06 7.3E+06 5.5E+06 HFPO-DA Emission Rate,lb/hr ER(HFPODA) 3,5E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-01 1.8E-01 Underlined values are non-detect and reported as the reporting limit. 25 of 142 All al'1CG Volumetric Flow Rate Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Run Number Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Date 9/27/22 9/27/22 9/27/22 -- Start Time 8:05 10:30 12:50 -- Stop Time 9:53 12:18 14:38 -- Run Time,min 96.0 96.0 96.0 96.0 VELOCITY HEAD,in.WC Point 1 0.27 0.25 0.29 0.27 Point 2 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.27 Point 3 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.26 Point 4 0.24 0.23 0.25 0.24 Point 5 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.23 Point 6 0.18 0.22 0.22 0.21 Point 7 0.14 0.19 0.16 0.16 Point 8 0.12 0.18 0.11 0.14 Point 9 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.13 Point 10 0.08 0.18 0.08 0.11 Point 11 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.11 Point 12 0.07 0.15 0.08 0.10 Point 13 0.25 0.30 0.26 0.27 Point 14 0.23 0.28 0.26 0.26 Point 15 0.23 0.28 0.25 0.25 Point 16 0.22 0.24 0.23 0.23 Point 17 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 Point 18 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.19 Point 19 0.20 0.11 0.18 0.16 Point 20 0.16 0.11 0.16 0.14 Point 21 0.15 0.09 0.16 0.13 Point 22 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.13 Point 23 0.14 0.08 0.15 0.12 Point 24 0.14 0.07 0.14 0.12 CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP,(in.WC) (AP) 0.417 0.423 0.429 0.423 Pitot Tube Coefficient (Cp) 0.840 0.840 0.840 0.840 Barometric Pressure,in.Hg (Pb) 29.94 29.94 29.94 29.94 Static Pressure,in.WC (Pg) -1.30 -1.40 -1.30 -1.33 Stack Pressure,in.Hg (Ps) 29.84 29.84 29.84 29.84 Stack Cross-sectional Area,W (As) 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 Temperature,°F (Ts)__ 69.1 72.4 75.3 72.3 Temperature,°R (Ts) 528.8 532.0 535.0 531.948 Moisture Fraction Measured (BWSmsd) 0.035 0.034 0.026 0.032 Moisture Fraction @ Saturation (BWSsat) 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.027 Moisture Fraction (BWS) 0.024 0.027 0.026 0.026 02 Concentration,% (Oz) 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 COZ Concentration,% (COZ) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(dry) (Md) 28.85 28.85 28.85 28.85 Molecular Weight,lb/lb-mole(wet) (Ms) 28.59 28.56 28.57 28.58 Velocity,ft/sec NO 23.6 24.0 24.4 24.0 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE At Stack Conditions,acfin (Qa) 8,928 9,084 9,237 9,083 At Standard Conditions,dscfm (Qs) 8,675 8,746 8,848 8,757 26 of 142 All�at1�� Method 1 Data SOUR OE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Proms Aid Inlet Project No.2022-3359 Date: 0926122 Stack Parameters Duct Orientation: Vertical O 5 1.0 7.5 2.0 Duct Design: Circular -Higher Number Is for .una.nca Distance from Far Wall to Outside of Port: 47.50 in Rest-ngular Stacks or Duets uusueca¢xr - Nipple Length: 13.50 in Depth of Duct: 34.00 in Cross Sectional Area of Duct: 6.31 @' - No.ofTestPorts: 2 uorzs-color- 1 as.ur+-..ucc Distance A: 3.5 R 20-oists Distance A Duct Diameters: 4.9 (must be>0.5) is roima sma,wam<ror>o.os m(za i-.> Distance B: 5.0 k sz Distance B Duct Diameters: 1.8 must be 'F,om vmm oraiyryoa or r,wma ( ) omn,rnanco Be,m.Finan&o-, a a a°points Minimum Number of Traverse Paints: 24 co„wwoo em.t Actual Number of Traverse Points: 24 smvr ommoter-o.30 to oss m 112-za m.l Number of Readings per Point: 1 Measurer(Initial and Date):BAG-926/22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Revimver(Initial and Date): JS-92622 CIRCULAR DUCT LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS F14.50 Distance Traverse %of Number oJhaverse paints on a diameter from inside Point Diameter wall 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 1 14.6 - 6.7 - 4.4 - 3.2 - 2.6 - 2.1 1 2.1 1.002 85.4 - 25.0 - 14.6 - 10.5 - 8.2 - 6.7 2 6.7 2.283 - - 75.0 - 29.6 - 19.4 - 14.6 - 11.8 3 11.8 4.014 - - 93.3 - 70.4 - 32.3 - 22.6 - 17.7 4 17.7 6.02 5 - - - - 85.4 -- 67.7 - 34.2 - 25.0 5 25.0 8.50 22.00 6 - - - - 95.6 - 80.6 - 65.8 - 35.6 6 35.6 12.10 25.60 7 - - - - - - 89.5 - 77.4 - 64.4 7 64.4 21.90 35.40 8 -- - - - - - 96.8 - 85.4 - 75.0 8 75.0 25.50 39.00 9 - - - - - - - - 91.8 - 82.3 9 82.3 27.98 41.48 10 - - - - - - - - 97.4 - 88.2 10 88.2 29.99 43.49 11 - - - - - - - - - - 93.3 11 93.3 31.72 45.22 12 97.9 12 97.9 33.00 46.50 'Percent of stack diameter from inside wall to traverse point. Stack Diagram A=3.5 ft. B=5fl. Depth of Duct=34 in. Cross Sectional Area Downstream Disturbance • • • • • A . . . . . . . . . . . . B Upstream Disturbance 27 of 142 Alliance SOURCE TESTING Cyclonic Flow Check SOUR Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Date 09/27/22 Sample Point Angle(AP=O) 1 10 2 12 3 10 4 10 5 12 6 10 7 12 8 10 9 8 10 10 11 10 12 8 13 12 14 12 15 10 16 10 17 10 18 10 19 8 20 10 21 10 22 10 23 12 24 14 Average 10 28 of 142 Alliance Method 4 Data SOURCE TESTING Location Chemours Company-Fayetteville Works Facility,NC Source Polymer Process Aid Inlet Project No. 2022-3359 Parameter HFPO-DA Analysis Gravimetric Run 1 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica - Initial Mass,g 308.8 466.4 712.2 744.7 732.4 489.9 387.1 841.9 4683.4 Final Mass,g 322.8 469.6 712.1 745.1 733.6 490.8 394.0 848.9 4716.9 Gain 14.0 3.2 -0.1 10.4 1.2 10.9 6.9 7.0 33.5 Run 2 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica -- Initial Mass,g 299.2 467.5 759.1 755.6 735.6 477.3 299.3 824.6 4618.2 Final Mass,g 312.4 467.9 759.2 756.0 736.8 478.3 307.9 832.3 4650.8 Gain 13.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 1.2 1.0 8.6 7.7 32.6 Run 3 Date: 9/27/22 Impinger No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Contents XAD Trap Empty H2O H2O H2O Empty XAD Trap Silica - Initial Mass,g 300.3 467.2 704.5 756.0 733.1 490.8 326.0 848.3 4626.2 Final Mass,g 306.5 467.4 704.0 757.1 734.5 491.6 337.0 854.3 4652.4 Gainj 6.2 0.2 -0.5 1.1 1.4 0.8 11.0 6.0 26.2 29 of 142 A��1�1'1GG SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com any-Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 8:05 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9117122 Run 1 VALID End Time: 9:53 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est.Tm: 70 °F Ph: 29.94 in.Hg V1c(ml) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est.Ts: 81 °F Pg: -1.30 in.WC 33.5 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.22 in.WC. 02: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-71) Est.Do: 0.306 in. Co': 0.1 % 3.730 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. O2: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-1 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pilot Cp/Type:0.840 S type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.005 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(cf) - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 7 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Noule Dn(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(cf): - Pitot Gas Tempera ures of Orifice Press. Gas Temperatures(°F y Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGM Average Stack AH Pump Probe Filter Im Exit Aux ^ (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO Vs ft2 AP Amb. A Amb. mb. (in.WC) m.H Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) rn 0. Begin End ( ) (��' ) 67 68 Ideal Actual ( g) 68 69 69 68 A-1 0.00 4.00 901.915 0.27 66 68 1.03 1.00 4 72 70 51 36 101.0 29.29 2 4.00 8.00 904.190 0.27 66 68 1.03 1.00 4 75 77 43 36 98.1 29.29 3 8.00 12.00 906.400 0.25 65 68 0.95 0.94 3 78 80 40 35 99.3 28.18 4 12.00 16.00 908.550 0.24 65 68 0.91 0.91 3 77 79 41 1 35 96.7 27.61 5 16.00 20.00 910.600 0.22 65 68 0.83 0.83 3 82 80 41 35 96.0 26.44 6 20.00 24.00 912.550 0.18 64 68 0.68 0.68 3 77 78 41 36 95.4 23.91 7 24.00 28.00 914.300 0.14 64 68 0.53 0.53 3 82 80 41 36 100.1 21.09 8 28.00 32.00 915.920 0.12 64 68 0.45 0.45 2-- - 81-- 79--- =42--- - 37'-- 102.1 19.52 9 32.00 36.00 917.450 0.11 65 69 0.42 0.42 2 82 79 43 37 96.8 18.71 10 36.00 40.00 918.840 0.08 65 69 0.30 0.30 2 79 79 43 37 93.9 15.96 11 40.00 44.00 919.990 0.08 66 69 0.30 0.30 2 80 80 44 40 96.1 15.96 12 44.00 48.00 921.170 0.07 66 69 0.27 0.27 2 81 79 45 38 98.4 14.93 B-1 48.00 52.00 922.300 0.25 67 69 0.95 0.95 3 80 79 53 39 101.4 28.21 2 52.00 56.00 924.500 0.23 68 70 0.87 0.87 3 80 80 44 37 91.2 27.08 3 56.00 60.00 926.400 0.23 68 70 0.87 0.87 3 84 79 45 37 96.0 27.08 4 60.00 64.00 928.400 0.22 68 70 0.84 0.84 4 83 79 47 38 94.2 26.49 5 64.00 68.00 930.320 0.21 69 70 0.80 0.80 4 78 80 47 38 97.2 25.88 6 68.00 72.00 932.260 0.21 69 70 0.80 0.80 4 80 79 47 38 97.2 25.88 7 72.00 76.00 934.200 0.20 69 70 0.76 0.76 4 87 80 46 38 102.7 25.25 8 76.00 80.00 936.200 0.16 69 70 0.61 0.61 4 88 80 46 39 93.0 22.59 9 80.00 84.00 937.820 0.15 70 70 0.57 0.57 4 87 80 47 38 98.2 21.87 10 84.00 88.00 939.480 0.15 70 70 0.57 0.57 4 83 79 48 39 92.9 21.87 11 88.00 92.00 941.050 0.14 70 70 0.53 0.53 3 79 79 48 40 96.1 21.13 12 92.00 40 96.00 942.620 0.14 71 70 0.54 0.54 3 80 79 48 96.3 31.13 Final DGM: 944.196 a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Max AH %ISO BWS Ys, a96.0 min 42.281 ft2 0.18 in.WC 67.0 °F 69.1 °F 4 0.681 in.WC 97.3 0.024 -2.9 30 of 142 J AIIIQA SOURCE TESTING. I$okinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com an -Fayetteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 10:30 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9/27/21. Run 2 VALH) End Time: 12:18 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est.Tm: 67 OF Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(MI) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est.Ts: 69 OF Pg: -1.40 in.WC 32.6 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH Q(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.18 in.WC O=: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-7D Est.Dn: 0.321 in. CO2: 0.1 % 3.79 CO,: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. Or: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-1 LEAK CHECK Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cl) - Nt/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S type Leak Rate(cim): 0.002 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(co - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nozzle ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 8 9 Mid 3(co - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole I Nozzle Dn(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(cf): - Pitot Gas Tempera ures(OF) Orifice Press. Gas Tenteratures(°F) a: Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGMAvera a Stack AH Pump Probe Filter Imp Exit Aux Vs a (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO s AP Amb. Amb. (in.WC) (m.H Amb. Amb. Amb. Amb. (fps) ri Ay Begin End (ft) (in WC) Ideal Actual g) A-1 0.00 1 4.00 944.368 0.25 73 71 0.96 0.96 4 87 86 63 47 101.9 28.26 2 4.00 8.00 946.600 0.26 73 71 1.00 1.00 4 88 86 55 46 94.9 28.82 3 8.00 12.00 948.720 0.25 74 71 0.96 0.96 4 85 82 52 42 99.3 28.26 4 12.00 16.00 950.900 0.23 74 72 0.88 0.88 4 80 80 51 43 94.1 27.13 5 16.00 20.00 952.880 0.22 74 72 0.84 0.84 4 78 79 50 42 94.8 26.54 6 20.00 24.00 954.830 0.22 75 72 0.84 0.84 4 82 79 So 43 95.5 26.54 7 24.00 28.00 956.800 0.19 75 72 0.73 0.73 3 87 79 49 43 95.5 24.66 8 28.00 32.00 958.630 0.18 75 72 0.69 0.69 3 82 79 49 42 I00.2 24.00 9 32.00 36.00 960.500 0.17 75 71 0.65 0.65 3 79 79 50 42 96.4 23.30 10 36.00 40.00 962.250 0.18 76 72 0.69 0.69 4 78 79 51 43 96.3 24.00 11 40.00 44.00 964.050 0.16 76 73 0.61 0.61 3 84 80 50 42 96.5 22.65 12 44.00 48.00 965.750 0.15 75 72 0.58 0.58 3 87 79 51 45 96.3 21.91 B-1 48.00 52.00 967.390 0.30 76 73 1.15 1.15 4 82 79 61 45 95.9 31.02 2 52.00 56.00 969.700 0.28 76 73 1.07 1.I0 4 88 79 51 42 98.9 29.96 3 56.00 60.00 972.000 0.28 76 73 1.07 1.10 4 85 79 52 42 95.0 29.96 4 60.00 64.00 974.2I0 0.24 76 73 0.92 0.92 4 82 79 52 41 95.6 27.74 5 64.00 68.00 976.270 0.22 76 73 0.84 0.84 4 79 79 51 42 98.4 26.56 6 68.00 72.00 978.300 0.15 76 73 0.58 0.58 3 79 79 51 43 95.0 21.93 7 72.00 76.00 979.920 0.11 76 73 0.42 0.42 2 83 80 51 44 94.5 18.78 8 76.00 80.00 981.300 0.11 76 73 0.42 0.42 2 84 79 51 42 99.3 18.78 9 80.00 84.00 982.750 0.09 76 73 0.35 0.35 2 82 79 52 43 98.4 16.99 10 84.00 88.00 984.050 0.08 76 73 0.31 0.31 2 79 80 53 42 100.3 16.02 11 88.00 92.00 985.300 0.08 76 73 0.31 0.31 2 79 79 53 42 103.5 16.02 12 92.00 96.00 986.590 0.07 76 73 0.27 0.27 2 84 80 53 43 1 104.9 14.98 Final DGM: 987.813 Max a Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Vac AH %ISO BWS Yq, W� ai 96.0 min 43.445 ft3 0.19 in.WC 75.3 OF 72.4 OF 4 0.717 in.WC 97.7 0.027 -3.1 31 of 142 f i �' SOURCE TESTING Isokinetic Field Data Location: Chemours Com an -Fa etteville Works Facility,N( Start Time: 12:50 Source:Polymer Process Aid Inlet Date: 9127/22 Run 3 VALID End Time: 14:38 Project No.:2022-3359 Parameter: HFPO-DA STACK DATA(EST) EQUIPMENT STACK DATA(EST) FILTER NO. STACK DATA(FINAL) MOIST.DATA Moisture: 2.0 %est. Meter Box ID:MB 15 Est.Tm: 75 OF Ph: 29.94 in.Hg Vlc(ml) Barometric: 30.02 in.Hg Y:1.032 Est.Ts: 72 OF Pg: -1.30 in.WC 26.2 Static Press: -1.43 in.WC AH @(in.WC):1.699 Est.AP: 0.19 in.WC Oz: 20.9 % K-FACTOR Stack Press: 29.91 in.Hg Probe ID:TC-7D Est.Dn: 0.316 in. CO2: 0.1 % 3.829 CO2: 0.1 % Liner Material:glass Target Rate: 0.78 scfm Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. 02: 20.9 % Pitot ID:P4-1 LEAK CHECK: Pre Mid 1 Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid 1(cf) - N2/CO: 79.0 % Pitot Cp/Type:0.840 S-type Leak Rate(cfm): 0.003 - - - 0.002 Mid 2(co - Md: 28.85 lb/lb-mole Nonle ID:GL-4 glass Vacuum(in Hg): 10 - - 9 Mid 3(cf) - Ms: 28.63 lb/lb-mole Nozzle Dn(in.):0.250 Pitot Tube: Pass - - - Pass Mid-Point Leak Check Vol(cf): - Pitot Gas Tempera ores°F Orifice Press. Gas Tenteratures(OF) Sample Time Dry Gas Meter DGMAvera a Stack AH Pump Probe Filter 1m Exit Aux Vs G (minutes) Reading Tube Vac %ISO AP AmU. AmU. (in.WC) AmU. AmU. A.U. AmU. (Cps) l m.H to Oi Begin End (ff) 0n WC) - - Ideal Actual ( g) - - - - A-1 0.00 4.00 987.915 0.29 77 74 1.11 1.10 4 77 88 66 43 96.4 30.52 2 4.00 8.00 990.200 0.29 77 74 1.11 1.10 4 88 90 51 40 100.8 30.52 3 8.00 12.00 992.590 0.28 77 74 I.07 1.10 4 90 88 50 40 99.2 29.99 4 12.00 16.00 994.900 0.25 77 74 0.96 0.96 3 90 84 50 40 99.9 28.34 5 16.00 20.00 997.100 0.24 78 75 0.92 0.92 3 87 83 50 40 97.3 27.79 6 20.00 24.00 999.200 0.22 78 75 0.84 0.85 3 85 82 50 42 99.2 26.61 7 24.00 28.00 1001.250 0.16 78 75 0.61 0.62 3 81 80 51 39 97.5 22.69 8 28.00 32.00 1002.970 0.11 78 75 0.42 0.42 2 80 80 51 40 96.3 18.82 9 32.00 36.00 1004.380 0.11 79 75 0.42 0.42 2 80 79 51 40 100.9 18.82 10 36.00 40.00 1005.860 0.08 79 75 0.31 031 2 82 79 52 42 99.1 I6.05 11 40.00 44.00 1007.100 0.08 79 75 0.31 0.31 2 82 79 54 42 98.3 16.05 12 44.00 48.00 1008.330 0.08 79 75 0.31 0.31 2 80 79 54 42 97.5 16.05 B-1 48.00 52.00 1009.550 0.26 79 76 I.00 1.00 4 81 79 59 43 97.8 28.96 2 52.00 56.00 1011.750 0.26 79 76 I.00 I.00 4 81 79 49 38 97.8 28.96 3 56.00 60.00 1013.950 0.25 79 76 0.96 0.96 4 81 79 46 39 98.4 28.39 4 60.00 64.00 1016.120 0.23 79 76 0.88 0.88 3 80 79 46 43 99.7 27.23 5 64.00 68.00 1018.230 0.22 80 76 0.85 0.85 3 80 79 48 43 100.8 26.64 6 68.00 72.00 1020.320 0.21 80 76 0.81 0.81 3 81 79 50 43 96.3 26.02 7 72.00 76.00 1022.270 0.18 80 76 0.69 0.69 3 82 79 50 43 97.5 24.09 8 76.00 80.00 1024.100 0.16 80 76 0.62 1 0.62 3 81 79 50 42 101.7 22.71 9 80.00 84.00 1025.900 0.16 80 76 0.62 1 0.62 2 80 79 48 40 103.4 22.71 10 84.00 88.00 1027.730 0.17 80 76 0.65 0.65 2 79 79 48 41 102.6 23.41 II 88.00 92.00 1029.600 0.15 80 76 0.58 0.58 2 81 79 48 41 101.6 21.99 12 92.00 1 96.00 1031.340 0.14 80 76 0.54 1 0.54 2 83 79 48 43 1 99.6 21.25 Final DGM: 1032.989 aRun Time Vm AP Tot Ts Val AH %ISO BWS Yqa rW7 a 96.0 min 45.074 f? 0.19 in.WC 78.8 OF 75.3 OF 4 0.734 in.WC 99.5 0.026 -1.2 32 of 142