HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_3900112_20210322_CMPL_NODROY COOPER Go'iernor DIONNE DELU-GATTl Secretary MICHAEL ABRACZINSKAS NORTH CAROL!f'i.~ Environmental Quality Direcror CERTIFIED l\1AIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Bobby Johnson, Director of Physical Plant Central Region Psychiatric Hospital 300 Veazey Road Butner, NC 27509 March 22, 2021 SUBJECT: Notice of Deficiency -Annual and Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements Central Region Psychiatric Hospital Butner, Granville Count), North Carolina Air Petmit No. 09678RO--I-; Fee Class: S1 nthetic Minor Facility ID No.: 3900112 -Dear Mr. Johnson: The Raleigh Regional Office received )OUr annual and second-half semi-annual report for calendar year 2020 on February 5, 2021 during an annual facilit) compliance inspection at your facility in Butner, North Carolina by JeffBouchelle of this office. Central Region Ps1chiatric Hospital is required by Air Permit No. 09678R04 to submit a repoti by January 30 of each calendar year regardless of emissions for the annual report and a semi-annual report regardless of emissions\.\ ithin 30 days after each six- month period of the calendar year (January 30 and July 30). The intent of this letter is to remind )OU of the specific reporting requirements of 40 CFR 60, Subpart De for ··Small Industrial-Commercial- Institutional Steam Generating Units" and 15A NCAC 20 .0524 .. Ne\\ Source Performance Standards," \.Vhich is referenced in Section A. Stipulation 6.a.i. of) our Air Quality Penn it. Specifically: a. 0/SPS Reporting Requirements -In addition to any other notification requirements to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Permittee is required to 1VOTIFY the Regional Supervisor, DAQ, in WRITLVG, of the foll01ving: i. The sulfur content of the distillate oil combusted in cm affected source shall not exceed 0.5 percent by weight. Within 30 da_vs after each six-month period of the calendar year (b_v January 30 for the previous six-month period between Ju(r and December ·and by July 30 for the pre-vious six-month period between January and June), the Pernzittee must submit in writing to the Regional Supervisor, DAQ, the sulfur content of the distillate oil combusted in an affected source. If fuel supplier certification is used to demonstrate compliance, fuel supplier certification shall include the follmving information: 'lort, Ca,-olin::i Deoartment of [nv•ronmentJI Qu;:ihty Division of i\1r Quality Raleig~ Regionul Ofrce Jd0O Barrett Dri,e RJ!eigh, 'lorth Carolina 27b0CJ qlq 7q1 -!-200 T qlq 8cil 2~61 F Central Region Psychiatr1c Hospital March 22, 2021 ------~age2 A. The name of the oil supplier,· B. A statementfi-·om the oil supplier that the oil complies ·with the specification under the definition of distillate oz! zn -f.0 CFR 60.f i rc),· and C. A certijzed statement signedo_v t71e oHner or operator of an affected source that the record,;; ofjitel supplier certijzcation submitted represent all of the fuel combusted during the reporting period. Additionally, the specific reporting requirements .of 15A NCAC 2Q .0315 "Synthetic Minor Facilities," to avoid the applicability of 15..-\. NCAC 20 .OSOL \\hich is referenced in Section A. Stipulation 11.c. i. of your Air Quality Permit. are the follovv ing: c. Reporting Requirements -Within 30 du_vs ufrer euch culenclur _war, regardless of the uctual emissions, ·the Permittee shall sulmzit the follcra·ing: i. emissions and or operutionul dutu listed below. The data should include month(v and 12-month totals jcJ1· the previou'i I ]-month.period. A. the arnount of'So. ~ jztel oil combusted in the boilers and the generators,· and B. the fucility-\i id!! sul/zu· tlioxide, nitrogen oxide. and carbon monoxide enzissions. Please submit a written response to this office by April 9, 2021, describing actions taken b) your company to ensure future compliance vrith your air permit reporting requirements. This office also recommends that 1ou or a designated company representative revie\\ ) our air permit to ensure that you understand all the specifi-:: and general pem1it conditions. Please note th~ rnonitoring. record keeping, and repo11ing requirements. and make the necessary prov is ions to ensure these requirements are met within the specified time frames. Any future late submittal of a permit-required report b1 the subject facilitj: may be considered a violation of your air permit. An) violation of air quality regulations is subject to the assessment of civil penalties as per North Carolina General Statute 1--1-.i-.!. l:,. L [-lA. Your cooperation is this matter is appreciated. If) ou haw an) questions, please do not hesitate to call Jeffrey L. Bouchelle, Environmental Senior Specialist or \Vilt Wike, Compliance Supervisor. at (919) 791-4200. cc: RRO Files Sincerely. I I • i I :-) I ' i • Ta) lor Hartsfield. EIT, CPM Raleigh Regional Supen isor Division of Air Quality, NC DEQ