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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900063_20220614_PRMT_PmtRvw NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Region: Fayetteville Regional Office
AIR QUALITY County: Bladen
Application Review NC Facility ID: 0900063
Inspector's Name: Stephen Allen
Date of Last Inspection: 02/17/2022
Issue Date: 06/14/2022 Compliance Code: 3 /Compliance- inspection
Facility Data Permit Applicability(this application only)
Applicant(Facility's Name): Peanut Processors Inc.-Plant 1 SIP:
Facility Address: NES1 AP:
Peanut Processors Inc. -Plant 1 PSD:
7329 Albert Street PSD Avoidance:
Dublin,NC 28332 NC Toxics:
SIC:2099/Food Preparations Nec Other:
NAICS: 311911 /Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing
Facility Classification: Before: Small After: Small
Fee Classification: Before: Small After: Small
Contact Data Application Da7_22A
Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact
Application Number: 0900063
Les Hill Les Hill Les Hill Date Received: 03/31/2022
Regulatory Manager Regulatory Manager Regulatory Manager Application Type: Renewal
(910)862-2136 (910)862-2136 (910)862-2136 Application Schedule: State
P.O.Box 160 P.O.Box 160 P.O. Box 160 Existing Permit
Dublin,NC 28332 Dublin,NC 28332 Dublin,NC 28332 Existing Permit Number: 08005/R09
Existing Permit Issue Date: 07/22/2014
Existing Permit Ex iration Date: 06/30/2022
Review Engineer: Jeffrey D. Cole Comments/Recommendations:
Issue 08005/R10
Review Engineer's Signature: Date: Permit Issue Date: 06/14/2022
/f / Permit Expiration Date: 05/31/2030
Peanut Processors Inc. -Plant#1 is an existing facility that process peanuts, blanch,and oil roasting
submitted an application for permit renewal without modifications.
facility. The company has submi pp
The facility is classified as small.
The facility is not subject to any NESHAP or NSPS regulations.
There are no pink-sheet notes to address in this permit.
This application does not contain confidential information.
The facility contact for this renewal application is Les Hill, Regulatory Manager,(910) 862-2136.
1. Facility Description
Peanut Processors Inc.—Plant#1 is a peanut roasting facility that takes whole peanuts pre-roasts,
blanches and then final roasts and then packages them for sale.
Blanching Process
Shelled peanuts are loaded from a hopper onto a conveyor and passed through the natural gas fired
pre-heater at—180 degrees F in hot chambers and later finished with cooling chambers that drop the
temperature down to—155 F. The purpose of this pre-heater is simply to warm the peanuts up. The
peanuts are then blanched with dry heat at—190 degrees F in 5 electric dry blanching units. The
blanching process swells the nut, cracks the skin, and allows for easy removal of the skin. After
blanching,the peanuts are roasted by submerging in peanut oil at—355 degrees F. The product is
then stored for packaging.
Peanut Oil Roasting Process
Peanut oil in the oil roaster is circulated out to a heat exchanger tank at—330 degrees F. The oil
leaving the heat exchanger feeds into a filtering machine that removes any particles and debris
before the oil is recycled back to the roaster. The recycling process helps maintain a consistent
roasting temperature in the oil roaster. The peanuts reabsorb some of this recycled oil. There is no
fan used in the process. About 60 gallons of new oil are added from the roasting peanuts to this
recycling system each day. About 4 to 5 gallons of oil each day are lost during filtering.
Air Emissions Description and Controls
Particulate emissions from the pre-heater are controlled by a cyclone. The two smog hogs that used
to operate in series with the cyclone are no longer in use. The exhaust from the cyclone simply
passes through the smog hog ductwork to the atmosphere. Peanut skin particles from the 5 blanchers
are vacuumed into another outside cyclone and the air is circulated back inside the building with no
release to the outside. Emissions from the oil roaster are uncontrolled and are released through two
cool zone stacks outside of the building. One of these stacks sits on top of the building near the
cyclones and the other is toward the ground at the middle of the building. The peanut oil heat
exchanger tank vapors vent uncontrolled through a stack outside of the building.
2. Zoning
A Zoning Consistency Determination is not required for this application.
3. Application Chronology
12/06/21 The Air Permit Renewal and Emission Inventory Due Notification was sent to the
02/17/22 Stephen Allen inspected the facility and found the facility to be in apparent
compliance. Mr. Allen offered assistance to Mr. Les Hill, Regulatory Manager, with
the calculation of emissions from the facility and with submittal of the emission
inventory via HERO. Mr. Hill accepted the offer of assistance and Mr. Allen showed
them how to log into AERO and how to complete his data entry. The emissions data
were not submitted on that day as they chose to work on their emissions equations and
enter their facility's emission data on a later date.
03/11/22 Mr. Hill called Mr. Allen and requested more assistance with the entry of the data into
HERO. Mr. Hill provided the calculation sheets and production data and Mr. Allen
assisted Mr. Hill with entering the data into AERO.
h permit renewal application. All required forms were submitted
03/31/22 FRO received the p pp q ,
including the signed emission inventory certification sheet and supporting calculations
for the emission inventory. No fees were required for the renewal application. The
application appeared to be complete for processing.
04/11/22 The approved emission inventory was forwarded to the permit engineer.
05/04/22 Mr.Allen called Mr.Hill and informed him that the calculations that had been done
using incorrect factors and assumptions and that the emissions results would have to be
05/11/22 A conference call was held with Stephen Allen Les Hill and Heather Carter to request
throughput information.
06/06/22 Mr.Allen sent the new emissions calculations to Les Hill which he entered into
.06/07/22 The facility resubmitted their updated EI in AERO. FRO is still waiting on new
certification signed copy to be delivered.
06/14/22 The approved emission inventory was forwarded to the permit engineer.
4. Changes in Equipment,Emissions and Regulations and PE Review Requirements
• Peanut Processors Inc. -Plant#1 is requesting a renewal of the permit without modifications.
• There are no facility file"Pink Sheet" items to be addressed during this permit action.
• The latest updated permit condition for 02D .0521 "Visible Emissions Control Requirement"
has been incorporated into the permit.
• Added the 02D .1806"Control and Prohibition of Odorous Emissions"to the permit.
• No PE Seal is required for a permit renewal without modification.
The facility Emission Sources and Controls are as follows:
Emission Emission Source Control Control System
Source ID Description System ID Description
Blanching and RoastingPlant
ES I Natural gas fired peanut roaster(2.8 mm Btu per hour heat CD 13 Cyclone
input rate and 4,500 lb.per hour peanut process rate) (96 inches in dia.)
Natural Gas Fired Heat Exchanger and Oil Roaster(2 mm
ES7 Btu per hour heat input and 5,500 lb.per hour peanut
processing rate) N/A N/A
ES8 Five Blanchers(6,000 lbs.per hour)
The facility does not have any Insignificant/Exempt activities.
5. NSPS,NESHAP,PSD, 112 (r)&Attainment Status
• NESHAP—The facility is not subject to any NESHAP regulations.
• NSPS—The facility is not subject to any NSPS regulations.
• PSD—The facility potential emissions are below PSD permitting thresholds.
• 112(r)-The facility does not store any of the listed chemicals at or above the 112(r)thresholds
and is not required to maintain a written Risk Management Plan.
• Attainment status—Bladen County is in attainment.
6. Facility Emissions Review
CY 2021 Actual Potential Before Potential After
Pollutant Emissions Controls/Limitations Controls/Limitations
tons tons/yr tons/yr
PM(TSP) '—3.0 1 26.9
_ PMIo 3.0 f-- 31.1 26.9
PM2.5 2.4 ._-- 21.8 20.8
SOS 0 �� 0.01 0.01
NOx ��0.13 2.06 , 2.06
Co 0.11 1.73 1.73
-VOC 0.36 2.96 �— 2.96�
* Less than 0.002 tons/yr.
The CY2021 actual emissions are taken from this renewal permit application. The CY2021 actual
S02,NOx and CO emissions from combustion in the roaster and dryers were calculated using the
NCDENR"Natural Gas Combustion Emissions Calculator Revision N 01/05/2017." The CY2021
actual PM,PMIo,PM2.5 and VOC emissions from process and combustion in the roaster and dryers
are calculated based on emissions factors developed from source testing at Peanut Processors,Inc.
Plant [0900086] on 11/15/2012. Based on stack testing data,condensable particulate(PM2.5) is more
than double the PMIo filterable particulate. Therefore,we are assuming 30 percent control for PM
and PM,o and 10 percent control for PM2.5 for control efficiency by the cyclones. No control assumed
for VOC emissions. Note also that the Five Blanchers (6,000 lbs. per hour) (ES8) are a closed loop
system and do not emit to the atmosphere. The CY2021 actual combustion and process emissions of
PM(TSP), PMIo, PM2.5 and VOC were estimated as follows:
Roaster and Dryers Emissions(using an emission factor of 1.42 lb/ton for PM(TSP) and PMIo,
0.99 lb/ton for PM2.5 and 0.135 lb/ton for VOC (calculated before control assuming 95% control
efficiency for PM, PM,o and PM2.5 and 50% control efficiency for VOC; these before control
emission factors derived from the emissions factors noted in the source testing at Peanut Processors,
Inc. Plant [0900086] on 1 1/15/2012.
Natural gas fired peanut roaster(2.8 mm Btu per hour heat input rate and 4,500 lb. per hour
peanut process rate) (ES-1) controlled by CD-13 Cyclone(96 inches in dia.) (calculated using
2,616 tons of peanuts processed in 2021):
• (2,616 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) * 0.7 (30% control)
= 1.30 tons of PM(TSP)
• (2,616 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) *0.7 (30% control)
= 1.30 tons of PMI0
• (2,616 tons processed in 2021) * (0.99 lb of PM-.5/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) * 0.9 (10% control)_
1.20 tons of PM2.5
• (2,616 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)= 0.18 tons of VOC
Natural Gas Fired Heat Exchanger and Oil Roaster(2 mm Btu per hour heat input and 5,500
lb. per hour peanut processing rate) (ES-7)with no control device (calculated using 2,456 tons
of peanuts processed in 2021):
• (2,456 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.74 tons of
• (2,456 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.74 tons of PMjo
• (2,456 tons processed in 2021) * (0.99 lb of PM2.5/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)= 1.22 tons of PM2.5
• (2,456 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) = 0.17 tons of VOC
Potential S02 NOx and CO emissions from combustion in the roaster and dryers were calculated
using the NCDENR"Natural Gas Combustion Emissions Calculator Revision N 01/05/2017." The
potential PM, PM,o, PM2.5 and VOC emissions from process and combustion in the roaster and dryers
were calculated by multiplying the maximum potential peanut throughput(by source)times the
before control emission factors derived from the emissions factors noted in the source testing at
Peanut Processors, Inc. Plant [0900086] on 11/15/2012. The potential combustion and process
emissions of PM(TSP), PM10, PM2.5 and VOC were before controls/limitations were estimated as
Natural gas fired peanut roaster(2.8 mm Btu per hour heat input rate and 4,500 lb. per hour
peanut process rate) (ES-1)with no control device (calculated using 19,710 tons of peanuts
processed per year(4,500 lbs/hr at 8,760 hours/yr)):
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)= 14.0 tons of
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=14.0 tons of PM,o
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021) * (0.99 lb of PM2.5/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=9.76 tons of PM2.5
• 19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.33 tons of VOC
Natural Gas Fired Heat Exchanger and Oil Roaster(2 mm Btu per hour heat input and 5,500
lb. per hour peanut processing rate) (ES-7)with no control device (calculated using 24,090 tons
of peanuts processed per year(5,500 lbs/hr at 8,760 hours/yr)):
• 24 * =
( ,090 tons processed m 2021) (1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) 17.1 tons of i
(24,090 tons processed in 2021)* =(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) 17.1 tons of PMjo i
• 24 090 tons processed in 2021 * _( p ) (0.991b of PM2.s/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) 12.0 tons of PM2.5 �
• (24,090 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.63 tons of VOC
The potential combustion and process emissions of PM(TSP), PMIo, PM2.5 and VOC were after
controls/limitations were estimated as follows:
Natural gas fired peanut roaster(2.8 mm Btu per hour heat input rate and 4,500 lb. per hour
peanut process rate) (ES-1)with no control device(calculated using 19,710 tons of peanuts
processed per year(4,500 lbs/hr at 8,760 hours/yr)):
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) *0.7 (30% control)
=9.8 tons of PM(TSP)
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) *0.7(30% control)
=9.8 tons of PM10
• (19,710 tons processed in 2021) * (0.99 lb of PM2.5/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) * 0.9 (10%control)_
=8.8 tons OfPM2.s
0 19,710 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.33 tons of VOC
Natural Gas Fired Heat Exchanger and Oil Roaster(2 mm Btu per hour heat input and 5,500
lb. per hour peanut processing rate) (ES-7)with no control device(calculated using 24,090 tons
of peanuts processed per year(5,500 lbs/hr at 8,760 hours/yr)):
0 (24,090 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=17.1 tons of
• (24,090 tons processed in 2021)*(1.42 lb of PM[TSP]/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=17.1 tons of PMIo
• (24,090 tons processed in 2021) * (0.99 lb of PM2.5/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton) = 12.0 tons of PM2.5
• (24,090 tons processed in 2021)*(0.135 lb of VOC/ton)/(2,000 lb/ton)=1.63 tons of VOC
7. Air Toxics
The facility's process emission sources emit PM only. Additionally,the toxic emissions generated come
from combustion only. These sources are dated prior to July 10, 2010, and therefore are exempt.
Therefore,this permit does not contain either a 02D .1100 or a 02Q .0711 condition.
8. Stipulation Review
Regulation Affected Sources Emission Limits
or Requirements
15A NCAC 02D .0202 Facility Wide Permit Renewal& Emissions Inventory Submittal
15A NCAC 02D .0503 ES7 Emission Limit of 0.91 lbs of PM/million Btu
_..____-____...__-_- ____.
E=4.10 * (P)0.67 for P<=30 tons/hr, or
15A NCAC 02D .0515 Facility-wide E— 55 (P)'-"* - 40 for P>30 tons/hr
15A NCAC 02D .0516 All Combustion S02<2.3 lb/mmBtu
15A NCAC 02D .0521 Facility-wide VE<20%
15A NCAC 02D .0535 Facility-wide Notification requirement
15A NCAC 02D .0540 Facility-wide Control fugitive dust emissions
15A NCAC 02D .0611 Cyclones
Y Annual inspections, Recordkeeping
15A NCAC 02D .1806 Facility-Wide Control of Odorous Emissions
9. Compliance History
02/17/22 The latest compliance inspection was conducted by Stephen Allen. The
facility was found to be in apparent compliance.
08/12/20 The facility was inspected 5 times by Jeff Nelson, Mike Thomas, Stephen
through Allen and Pam Vivian. The facility was found to be in apparent compliance
04/09/15 during each of these inspections.
04/11/14 NOV issued for operating unpermitted equipment.
04/02/14 The latest compliance inspection was conducted by Neil Joyner. The facility
was found to be in apparent violation for operating unpermitted equipment.
10/25/12 The facility was inspected 5 times by Pam Vivian. The facility was found to
through be in apparent compliance during each of these inspections.
10. Conclusions, Comments,and Recommendations:
I recommend that permit no. 08005R10 be issued to Peanut Processors Inc.—Plant#1.
Modifications to the Permit Writer output:
• Adjusted column widths,merged cells, bolded and highlighted throughout to
improve appearance and enhance readability.
• Added and deleted spaces as needed throughout the document
• Merged cells adjusted column width,highlighted headers and modified borders for
improved appearance and clarity
Review Engineer: Date: /-QJ zz
Permit Coordinator: Date: 06 1 =•o Z Z
DAQ Supervisor: _G Date: ( / 2 z
Facility Total CY 2021 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 0900063
Facility Name: Peanut Processors Inc. - Plant 1 Permit#(s): 08005R09
Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions %
Pollutant CAS
Demini- Change
Not Not N/A
Reported Reported
CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emissioi No GHGs
times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), Reported
converted to metric tons)
Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions
Pollutant CAS CY 2021 CY 2013 Demini- %
from ED from Fees mus Change
CO CO 0.110000 0.400000 0.5 1 -72.5%
NOx NOx 0.130000 0.500000 0.5 1 -74.0%
PM(TSP) TSP 3.04 2.17 0.5 39.8%
PM10 PM10 3.04 2.17 0.5 39.8%
PM2.5 PM2.5 2.42 1.72 0.5 40.8%
VOC VOC 0.360000 0.190000 0.5 89.5%
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions
and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year)
Pollutant CAS CY 2021 CY 2013 Demini- %
from ED from Fees mus Change
Ammonia (as NH3) 7664-41-7 8.27 30.00 100.0 1 -72.4%
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.190000 0.720000 10.0 1 -73.6%
Hexane, n- 110-54-3 4.65 18.00 100.0 1 -74.2% 1
06/15/2022 Page 1 of 2
Largest Individual HAP Hexane, n_ lbs
Total HAP Emissions 4.84 lbs
Largest Individual CAP PM10 3.04 tons
Total CAP Emissions 3.64 tons
Total TAP Emissions 13.11 lbs
Total Aggregate 3.64 tons
DAO's Comments Regarding Inventory
Decreases in CO and NOx can be attributed to a 76 percent decrease in natural gas usage from 2013
to 2021.Decreases in PM(TSP),PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions can be attributed to ES-2 being
inactivated in 2014 resulting in a significant decrease in all PM emissions.
06/15/2022 Page 2 of 2
IREVISFD 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate R 3 U 2022 1 A
Local Zoning Consistency Determination
❑ (new or modification only) ❑ Appropriate Number of Copies of Application Application Fee(please check one option below)
❑ Responsible Official/Authorized Contact Signature ❑ P.E.Seal(if required) ❑ tJot Required U ePayment L_j Check Enclosed
Legal Corporate/Owner Name:
Site Name: Peanut Processors of Elizabethtown-Plant 1
Site Address(911 Address)Line 1: 7329 Albert Street
Site Address Line 2:
City: Dublin State: North Carolina
Zip Code: 28332 County: Bladen County
Responsible Official/Authorized Contact: Invoice Contact:
Name/Title: Les Hill,Jr. Name/Title: tmeares(d,)
Mailing Address Line 1: 7329 Albert Street Mailing Address Line 1: 7329 Albert Street
Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2:
City: Dublin State: NC 28332 City: Dublin State: NC Zip Code: 28332
Primary Phone No.: 910-862-2136 Fax No.: Primary Phone No.: 910-862-2136 Fax No.:
Secondary Phone No.: 910-874-6141 Secondary Phone No.:
Email Address: I hill ir(ab pea Email Address: tmearesCa)
Facility/Inspection Contact: Permit/Technical Contact:
Name/Title: Les Hill,Jr. Name/Title: Steve Allen
Mailing Address Line 1: 7329 Albert Street Mailing Address Line 1:
Mailing Address Line 2: Mailing Address Line 2:
City: Dublin State: NC Zip Code: 28332 City: State: Zip Code:
Primary Phone No.: 910-862-2136 Fax No.: 910-862-8076 Primary Phone No.: Fax No.:
Secondary Phone No.: Secondary Phone No.:
Email Address: I hill 4r(ai)peanut Email Address:
Ll New Non-permitted Facility/Greenfield F7 Modification of Facility(permitted) Renewal Title V [_] Renewal Non-Title V
Name Change ❑ Ownership Change ❑ Administrative Amendment ❑ Renewal with Modification
General Ld Small Ll Prohibitory Small Synthetic Minor Title V
Describe nature of(plant site)operation(s): The plant is not currently in operation. Production ended in February 2022. Proposals are being discussed with regard to future plans for this facility.
Facility ID No. 0900063
Primary SIC/NAICS Code: Current/Previous Air Permit No.08005 Expiration Date: 6/30/2022
Facility Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude:
Does this application contain ***If yes,please contact the DAQ Regional Office prior to submitting this
confidential data? ❑ YES E NO application.*** (See Instructions)
Person Name: Les Hill,Jr. Firm Name: Peanut Processors of Elizabethtown-Plant 1
Mailing Address Line 1: 7329 Albert Street Mailing Address Line 2:7329 Albert Street
City:Dublin State:NC Zip Code:28332 County: Bladen
Phone No.: 910-862-2136 Fax No.: Email Address:
Name(typed): Les Hill,Jr. Title: Food Safety Manager
X Signature(Blue Ink): Date:3/29/22
Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Page 1 of 2
FORM A (continued, page 2 of 2)
REVISED 09/22/16 NCDEQ/Division of Air Quality-Application for Air Permit to Construct/Operate A
Peanut Processors of Elizabethtown-Plant 1 (Company Name)hereby formally requests renewal of Air Permit No. 8005
There have been no modifications to the originally permitted facility or the operations therein that would require an air permit since the last permit was issued.
Is your facility subject to 40 CFR Part 68"Prevnetion of Accidental Releases"-Section 112(r)of the Clean Air Act? ❑ YES 0 NO
If yes,have you already submitted a Risk Manage Plan(RMP)to EPA? ❑ YES NO Date Submitted:
Did you attach a current emissions inventory? 0 YES ❑ NO
If no,did you submit the inventory via AERO or by mail? ❑ Via AERO ❑ Mailed Date Mailed:
In accordance with the provisions of Title 15A 2Q.0513,the responsible official of Peanut Processors of Elizabethtown-Plant 1 (Company Name)
hereby formally requests renewal of Air Permit No. 8005 (Air Permit No.)and further certifies that:
(1) The current air quality permit identifies and describes all emissions units at the above subject facility,except where such units are exempted under the
North Carolina Title V regulations at 15A NCAC 2Q.0500:
(2) The current air quality permit cits all applicable requirements and provides the method or methods for determing compliance with the applicable
(3) The facility is currently in compliance,and shall continue to comply,with all applicable requiremetns. (Note: As provided under 15A NCAC 2Q.0512
compliance with the conditions of the permit shall be deemed compliance with the applicable requirements specifically identified in the permit);
(4) For applicable requirements that become effective during the term of the renewed permit that the facility shall comply on a timely basis;
(5) The facility shall fulfill applicable enhanced monitoring requirements and submit a compliance certification as required by 40 CFR Part 64.
The responsible official(signature on page 1)certifies under the penalty of law that all information and statements provided above,based on information and belief
formed after reasonable inquiry,are true,accurate,and complete.
New Facility Name:
Former Facility Name:
An official facility name change is requested as described above for the air permit mentioned on page 1 of this form. Complete the other sections if there have been
modifications to the originally premitted facility that would requie an air quality permit since the last permit was issued and if ther has been an ownership change
associated with this name change.
By this application we hereby request transfer of Air Quality Permit No. from the former owner to the new owner as described below.
The transfer of permit responsibility,coverage and liability shall be effective (immediately or insert date.) The legal ownership of the
facility described on page 1 of this form has been or will be transferred on (date). There have been no modifications to the originally
permitted facility that would require an air quality permit since the last permit was issued.
Signature of New(Buyer)Responsible Official/Authorized Contact(as typed on page 1):
X Signature(Blue Ink):
New Facility Name:
Former Facility Name:
Signature of Former(Seller)Responsible Official/Authorized Contact:
Name(typed or print):
X Signature(Blue Ink):
Former Legal Corporate/Owner Name:
In lieu of the seller's signature on this form,a letter may be submitted with the seller's signature indicating the ownership change
Describe the requested administrative amendment here(attach additional documents as necessary):
Attach Additional Sheets As Necessary Page 2 of 2