HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800081_20180717_EI_Cmb-EI-File 2017 Emissions Inventory Review / Data Tracking Form Facility Name: Valley Proteins - Lewiston Division Facility ID: 0800081 Facility Assigned to: Data Entry: Bertie County Classification: Betsy Huddleston ETH Confidential Copy Submitted? Title V YES �( Initial Review/Data Entry u Enter date received into ED. Date Received: 513014118 EY' Assigned to appropriate individual. Date Assigned: 513ol Zo l j Date Due: 71-w of if Paper copy submitted: One copy received with supporting documentation,certification form signed by responsible official,and —/appears generally complete;(9f Gtn'?d IG Electronic copy submitted: All supporting documentation and certification form(with time/date stamp)signed by responsible official has been received. Comments: Inventory Review All forms and supporting documentation appear to be complete if paper submission(check ED OS data if electronic). Contact,address,phone number changes entered into I-Beam/Facilities if necessary. E� All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each emission source(permitted, ,( insignificant,and unpermitted)or note that the emission source was not operated or not required to report. u Check if SCC codes for each OS are accurate and update if needed. Evaluate"U"sources for significance and address according to policy. MIA E'f Calculations/forms appear to add up correctly. All compliance issues are being addressed(e.g.Toxics limits,above TV thresholds, large emissions increase/decrease, installation without a permit). All volatile HAPs/TAPs were included in the VOC total. [2( Calculations and control efficiencies appear correct. Emission factors are the best available and most current factors appropriate for the reporting facility(e.g. stack testing,AP42,etc.). EJ Review facility comments and address any issues. Update ED(Data Entry Main)if additional information is required(corrections due date and date received). d Check all ED QA/QC reports. Comparison with previous emission inventory must be made and outliers(> 10%)must be investigated and explained. Put inventory review comments and summarize any changes in ED-Data Entry Main"DAQ internal comments". Print and attach the facility total report. Date Info Requested: Date Info Received: — Total Days on Hold: Date Review Complete: :74/Vio Signature: ,j�✓1„JlQ Date Submitted to EI Coordinator: 7//7/10"3 Date Approved: 7i/7/-2 Initials: r CY2017 Emission Inventory Notes 1) There are no changes to any emission factors from the CY2016 to the CY2017 inventory. 2) No changes or additions were made to any equipment at the facility in CY2017. 3) Overall natural gas combusted in the boilers decreased by 4.61%compared to CY2016. Overall fuel oil combustion in the boilers increased by 72%compared to CY2016. These changes in fuel use are reflected in the large SO2 emissions increase(fuel oil,rounding error also adds to that percentage)and similar decrease in CO and NOx emissions mainly associated with the decrease in natural gas. 5) The decreases in PM and PM10 are due to the 10.73%decrease in blood drying and 11.53% decrease in meal production in CY2017. 6) The decrease in CY2017 VOC emissions is mostly due to a 14.06%decrease in raw materials through the cookers. The only other source of VOC is the boilers. 7) The decrease in hydrogen sulfide emissions is directly due to the decrease in blood drying. The decrease in ammonia is a combination of the reduced blood drying and reduced natural gas combustion. 8) PM/PM I O/PM2.5 and SO2 criteria totals are below the reportable threshold. 9) I added nickel metal to the Boiler#9 fuel oil emissions in ED because Valley Proteins added it to fuel oil combustion emissions for Boiler#8. Nickel was emitted below the reportable threshold. I suspect that Van Jones added it to AERO b/c it's the largest amount of any metal emitted in CY2017. 10) 1-12S,ammonia and n-hexane are emitted above reportable quantities;however, none of the other combustion HAPs/TAPs were emitted above threshold for CY2017. Valley reported formaldehyde, benzene,and toluene anyway(they are the largest quantities emitted to the tenth decimal). -The 20% increase in benzene is due to rounding error in the calculations. -The formaldehyde, hexane and toluene decrease is due to the natural gas decrease. (g:\AQ\Shared\Berti08\00081\CY2017 Inventory Review Notes.doc) i Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID M 0800081 Facility Name: Valley Proteins-Lewiston Division Permit#(s): 03085T32 Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr % Pollutant CAS Demini- Change mus Not Not N/A Reported Reported -F CO2 equivalent (sum of individual GHG pollutant emissiot No GHGs times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), Reported converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) PolloNot CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO CO 4.18 4.37 0.5 -4.3% NOx Npx 5.04 5.22 0.5 -3.4% PM(TSP) TSP 0.340000 0.380000 0.5 -10.5% PM10 PM10 0.300000 0.340000 0.5 -11.8% PM2.5 PM2.5 0.030000 0.020000 0.5 50.0% SO2 S02 0.160000 0.070000 0.5 128.6% VOC VOC 20.22 23.49 0.5 -13.9% Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Nickel& Compounds, sum total mass includes elemental 0.208790 Not 1.0 N/A Reported Nickel metal (Component of MC) 7440-02-0 0.208790 Not 1.0 N/A Reported Total Reduced Sulfur(TRS as total mass) 26.97 30.36 -11.2% Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 26.97 30.36 1.0 -11.2% Ammonia(as NH3) 7664-41-7 520.34 559.35 100.0 -7.0% Benzene 71-43-2 0.205780 0.171040 1.0 20.3% Formaldehyde 50-00-0 7.45 7.80 10.0 -4.4% Hexane, n- 110-54-3 178.90 187.15 100.0 07/19/2018 Page 1 of 3 f Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800081 Facility Name: Valley Proteins -Lewiston Division Permit#(s): 03085T32 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Toluene 108-88-3 0.333170 0.353500 100.0 -5.8% Largest Individual HAP Hexane,n- 178.90 lbs Total HAP Emissions 187.10 lbs Largest Individual CAP VOC 20.22 tons Total CAP Emissions 29.90 tons Total TAP Emissions 734.41 lbs Total Aggregate 30.17 tons Emissions 07/19/2018 Page 2 of 3 DAO's Comments Reeardine Inventory 1)There are no changes to any emission factors from the CY2016 to the CY2017 inventory. 2)No changes or additions were made to any equipment at the facility in CY2017. 3)Overall natural gas combusted in the boilers decreased by4.61%compared to CY2016. Overall fuel oil combustion in the boiler. increased by 72%compared to CY2016. These changes in fuel use are reflected in the large S02 emissions increase(fuel oil, rounding error also adds to that percentage)and similar decrease in CO and NOx emissions mainly associated with the decrease in natural gas. 5)The decreases in PM and PM10 are due to the 10.73%decrease in blood drying and 11.53%decrease in meal production in CY2017. 6)The decrease in CY2017 VOC emissions is mostly due to a 14.06%decrease in raw materials through the cookers. The only oth, source of VOC is the boilers. 7)The decrease in hydrogen sulfide emissions is directly due to the decrease in blood drying The decrease in ammonia is a combination of the reduced blood drying and reduced natural gas combustion 8)PM/PM10/PM2.5 and S02 criteria totals are below the reportable threshold 9)I added nickel metal to the Boiler#9 fuel oil emissions in ED because Valley Proteins added it to fuel oil combustion emissions 1 Boiler#8. Nickel was emitted below the reportable threshold I suspect that Van Jones added it to AERO b/c its the largest amour of any metal emitted in CY2017. 10)H2S,ammonia and n-hexane are emitted above reportable quantities;however,none of the other combustion HAPJTAPs were emitted above threshold for CY2017. Valley reported formaldehyde,benzene,and toluene anyway(they are the largest quantities emitted to the tenth decimal). -The 20%increase in benzene is due to rounding error in the calculations -The formaldehyde,hexane and toluene decrease is due to the natural gas decrease 07/19/2018 Page 3 of 3 V=1 VALLEY PROTEINS, INC. May 30, 2018 Mr. Robert Fisher, Regional Supervisor NC Division of Air Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Subject: Annual Emissions Inventory Valley Proteins, Lewiston Division Facility ID 0800081, Permit No. 3085 Bertie County, NC Dear Mr. Fisher, Enclosed please find the subject report for 2017 reporting year. These forms were also submitted electronically as required. Should there be any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, c� Admen Mike Anderson General Manager Enclosures - --i D r 1 zoos i _J 222 Griffins Quarter Road Lewiston,NC 27849 O 540.V7.2590 ® 252.348.2389 Making a Sustainable Difference. Truck shop • 800.853.3386 val leyproteins.com COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is C.Anderson This person or one that meets the definition below must sin this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition. 40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1.For a corporation: a president, secretary,treasurer,or vice—president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i.the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars); or ii.the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2.For partnership or sole propietorship;a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. for a muncipality,state,federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g.,a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT7 I certify that I am the responsible official for this facility, as described above, and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report, including attached calculations and documentation, is true,accurate and complete. (Subject to legal penalities of up to$25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Signature Below use blue ink): Date Signed: Printed Name: C. Anderson Signature: 1� This form applies to Title V facilities. If this facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. Email address of Responsible Official: MAnderson@valleyproteins.com Fnu N - 1 2018 Information on this Form cannot be held confide tial DAQ ARO COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 1 Huddleston, Betsy From: DENR.DAQ.Emission_Inventory_UG@lists.ncmail.net Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 7:48 AM Subject: Inventory submission confirmation --0800081 Dear Van Jones Your submittal of the 2017 emission inventory for Valley Proteins-Lewiston Division,0800081, has been received by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality(DAQ)on May 30,2018 at 07:47:34.You have until the due date of the emission inventory or two weeks from this submittal to review and repudiate the data submitted. Please remember to: -print the Certification Form (see AERO Closeout page), -have the Responsible Official sign it in blue ink, -include copies of spreadsheets or calculations used in creating this inventory,and - mail (postmark) it to NCDAQ, 943 Washington Square Mall,Washington, NC 27889 by the required due date in order for this submittal to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Betsy Huddleston, in the Washington Regional Office, at252-946-6481. The Division of Air Quality thanks you for using AERO,the on line emissions inventory program. Sincerely DAQ 1 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION G 1116/2012- OUTPUT SCREEN &WAA t•MnWft la: EIdaT eathesion sellree I taeMy da s on the'IM rlr UT'tadeemn. The air emission s a and summary of Input data ara Vie ved f printed on the"'OUTPUT'tablacreen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. NCDENR -AGIMIFIFAVU111 VSER INPUT SOW COMPANY: Valley Protein, MAX HEAT INPUT: e: n MMBTUMR FACILITY ID NO SOON I FUEL HEAT VALUE 1W,WO BTU/GAL _ MT31 HHV for GHG CALCULATIONS 0130 mm BTU/GAL FACILITY CITY LS Mtlan ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE Iasi GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: sores MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE 4 sore rrr GAL1YR USER NAME Jonas MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTE T EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION w LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE ID NO E" MAX FUEL USAGE GAUYR MAX SULFUR CONTENT CONTROL F N:IN,p:I It,F' I PM I 0 �r.F rr,I •a• I S02 I 0 I NO. I0 ME TROD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS 'ILO' 7N•i !L T HIGH tih7,I VAl JF CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS Ikg CI el C4RBOt.CONTENT NOT USED FOR GCWFK ncTOAL EMISSIONS P0IENIIAL EMSSION9 EMISSION FACTOR .n rwAf V fa n- ,,. Ioan 1sa AIR POLLUTANT MITTED lbmr_ r tNhr r oft onm aMr redlad 11sd TOTAL PAR TICULATE MATTER +CPM 630 001 1 830 2758 8.30 27,58 112E-01 112E+01 FILTERfid3ls PM FPM 5.46 001 546 2390 546 23.90 874E+00 874E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPMI 084 ODD 084 366 084 3.88 150E-00 150E+00 FILTERABLE PMOO MICRONS(PM.) 468 0.01 468 20,49 460 20.49 835E+00 8.35E-00 FILTERABLE Pi 5 MICRONS(P%.) 3.D5 0.01 305 13.35 305 1335 544E-00 544E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE ) 6242 0.10 6242 27341 17584 770.18 111E-02 111E-02 NITROGEN OXIDES(NI30.80 0.06 3080 134.90 3060 13490 5.60E+01 550E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE(001 2.80 D,OO 280 1226 280 11128 6.00E+00 500E-00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC 0.16 000 Die 0.59 015 069 280E-01 280E-01 LEAD I 00D 0.00 0,00 1 0.00 1 0.00 OOD 11.51E.03 1SIE-03 ACTUALENUMNS POTS LMMMO" EMISSION FACTOR Ga xxr.}.(u.- 1.1-i.. wing sah TOx1C/HA2AR0006 AW roLLUT NLAiEIs Wh, Sze, ulbhr-;- w�,. Ord "AtAssaa "IMP Umamr..-Px SeCOme, 2.9E-03 98E.03 2. -03 2.8E+01 2.9E-03 26E-01 5.25 -03 5.25E-03 Arn«U«ded C.m u.as TN ASCOIM, 7.4E.04 2.6E-03 74 .04 8.5E+00 74E-04 8.5E-00 132E-03 1.32E.03 Its ee. TH 714U 1 2E-04 4.0E-04 12E-04 7.0E+00 1 2E 04 1.0E+00 214E-04 21dE.p4 Nun u.rssnee TH 744010 1,6E-05 5. -0 . -05 1 412-01 1 6E 05 144111 2.7 -05 7$E-05 Praelw TN 74ANN 2.2E-04 75E-0/ -04 20E+OO 22E.04 MCIE4 3.98 -04 398E-04 Cnr,wc ApO w TH 7n11we 4.7E-04 18E-03 4.7E-04 4.t E+00 117E-04 0 845E-04 845E-04 caws u.rrdc nand. cocouar 3.4E-03 11E-t>2 34E-03 3.OE+07 34E-03 1 002E-03 802E-03 Er 16er¢nr 1owM 38 -05 7.2E-04 3 -06 31 - 1 38E-05 838E-06 836E-05 re,.a«.w.awns r leaeaM 21E-02 7.0E-02 21E-02 1.0E+02 1E472 2 373E-02 3.73E-02 .raan de sodao 2.4E-02 8. -02 24E-02 2.1E-02 24E 02 2 425E-02 425E-02 Lead Umned C.m u.d. PSo-cone, 8.5E-04 2BE-03 85E-04 7.4E+00 0SE-04 0 1.57E-03 1.57E-03 Men.A...unrrdc rtls TH MNCQAP 1.7E-03 6SE-03 1.7E-03 .5E+01 1.7E-03 1 300E-03 300E-03 TM 743s76 63E•05 21 -IM 6.3E-05 55E-01 6.3E-05 1 113E-01 113E-04 14 71M 1.3E-04 44E 1.3E.04 1.2 -00 1. -04 0 .38E 4 2. -042120 63E-04 2.1E-03 63E.04 5.5E+0O 8.3E-04 0 173E-03 113E-03 Nr.e MNe 1r1 7udme 47E-02 1.8E-01 4.7E-02 41E-02 A7E-02 2 845E-02 845E-02 Pros twos Men r.mwcar Wide 7723140 53E-03 1. 6.3E-03 4.8E+01 5.3 -03 4,8E-Ot 9.48E-03 948E-03 POM We+u.r-.,n,•,Ilea N P014 6.7E-04 23E-03 6.7E-04 59E-00 0.7E-04 5. -OO 12DE-03 120E-03 H SEC 3.0E-04 7.3E-03 38E-04 3.4E-00 38E-04 34E+DO 883E-04 6.83E-04 Taxes, 1 I .6E 1.2E-02 35E-03 3DE+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 820E-03 020E-03 x 1330207 81E-05 2.1E-04 8.1E-05 53E-01 BAE-05 53E-01 109E-04 709E-04 TarI IMP 112E-03 31E-01 a2F02 111E-02 92EM 8IE-02 16E41 16E-01 MAP N 4 7 M 1 S11E01 4 73E-W 416E-0 4 nE 4 16EN2 545E-07 1146E W EXPECTED ACTUAL EMIUMS AMR CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR btor TOXICAarPOLWTANT CASH. Fcr.enu4,a«M uwscanm.NrPmWnm un.mnsw T wer .Wde . encaM. ord AN4M uM.r co a rn Asc-Sie 7. 94 177E-02 8.48E+ 1.32EE-0-0l7-0 Bunten. TH 71432 2.SSE-03 1.05 too 214E-04 14 -04 -0wn Ma1M .HHHUN N 7440117 18 374E-04 13BE-01 2.78E-05 278E-05 Tn 144043a 223 -0 535E-03 193E-00 398E-04 398 sowst domar nrPMm TN e :RII 473E-0 114E-02 4.15E+00 845E-04 845E-044 08 T 1MM 0 507E-W 373E42 373E-02 T E0 Fe da 571E-01 .002 425E-02 425E-02 Me e«."Rn C. de T11 M -0 . -0 403E42 1.47E+01 300E-03 300E-03 M TH 143"" -0 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 713E-D4 Mein Okenfmn [THI 7160 7.32E-04 317E-03 118E+00 2.38 -04 238E-04 Haar Mew TH iM 4.73E-02 1.14E+00 4,T +02 8.45E-02 845E-02 rnu... rtH loeee3 347E-03 033E-4Y1 304E.01 8.20E-03 62DE-03 9,1.- nHi 1 11aMl 610E 05 146E-03 535E-01 1 109E-04 109E-04 GREENHOUSE OAS EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR EMISSIONS INVENTORYPURPOSES)- ONO•POTLMFIAI.TO EMIT CONSISTENT WT7H EPA MANDA TORY REPORTING RULEONRM METHOD AWBAEBDONEPAEIRR METHOD Leaeaale Fuel Oil No.2 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heat POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With --- Input capacity and EPA MAR Emission Rauested Emission Limitation- Factore utIII3e requested fuel limit and EPA GREENHOUSE OAS EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 MRR Emission Factors POLLUTAM soon tondyr, short tons/yr, metric toed r metric tonal r CO2o short Lonsl r short tons/r CO2o short tonal r CO2o CARBON DIOXIDE(CO3) 1920 4020 2116 68,990.72 59,990.72 59,98072 29,990.72 METHANE(CH.) 779E-04 1.64E-02 858E-04 243E+00 5.11E.01 243E+00 511E+01 OUS I ( ) 136E-04 4.83E-02 172E-04 497E-01 1.51E+02 487E-01 151E+02 T TOTAL NOTES:1)CO2s means CO2 equivalent 2)The DAG Air Emissions Reporerlp Online(AERO)system requires short Ions and the EPA MRR requires metric tons COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION G 111612012- BEEN AT In.U.,10ns:Eaw.ewe.re sourcel/aelMy t.ta on Br. INPUT hWaeraen. TMalrwnlwlonresudsendsummeryollnoutdata an v10.4/printed on the"OUTPUT'tabl9creen. The dlRerenl fa ere on the bottom of This Seen. NCDENR COMPANY. V81te Proteins MAX HEAT INPUT. MMBTUIHR FACILITY ID NO: 600 1 FUEL HEAT VALUE. BTUIGAL PERMIT NUMBER: 3id5T31 HHV for GHG CALCULATIONS: mm BTU/GAL F Lewmlon ACTUALANNUAL FUEL USAGE. _ - - - GALrYR FACILITY COUNTY: Benle MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: _ GALNR USER NAME: Jones MAXIMUMSULFUR CONTENT EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION,t Oil R PERMIT LIMITATIONS F-MISS,ON SOURCE ID NO E 41 MAX FUEL USAGE I GALJYR MAX SULFUR CONTENT POLLUTANT i CONTROL EFF.1 NONEIOTHER PM _ NUNDUITHER 502 I _ NONF,nTHFR NOx METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUALGHGEMISSIONS - CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS Jvg CI 61 I 1A AIR ACTUALEMI3910Na POTENTIAL EMSa1OMe EMISSION FACTOR 41@.. .11.1. nnO .11"..o yrp y,'rpflLMn NW .1 AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib611 1 lbft r IbM uoo a 9enbax4 TOT PARTICULA MATTER PM FPM+ PM 6.30 0.00 8.30 275E 6-30 27.58 1.12E-01 1.12E-01 FILTERABLE PM 5AS 000 548 2390 5.46 2390 974E+00 974E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 084 000 O84 3,58 064 3-68 130E.00 1.50E-00 FILTERABLEPW10 MICRONS(PM,c) 4.68 OOD 458 2049 468 2049 8.35E.00 835E+00 FILTERABLE PW25 MICRONS(PI45) 305 000 305 1335 305 1335 544E+00 544E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO7) 6242 003 52.42 27341 176.84 770.18 1.11E+02 1.11E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES(NCT) 30.80 002 30.80 134.90 3090 134.90 550E+01 5.60E+0t CARBON MONOXIDE(COj 2.80 0.00 280 12.25 250 12.20 6. -Q0510M.00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOCI018 1 tLOO Ole 069 016 .89 2.80E-01 2.60E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 1 GOO 1 0.00 1 0.00 .00 1.61E-03 1.51E-03 ACTUAL lMIASION9 POTENIIAL FMMIONS lMMSION PACTOII CAB i1,M.., PIt@rb114fi 1,M1• YIDS iCxIC/Iwl.3MOW AO POILIIT NUMBER •49�NaMn MAa UvV, e.1,I u.mM,91x4 .9Mrolw A.e,.m,..,U-4Md C. ands M 69C-0Mo 29E-03 31E-03 2.8E-03 2 +01 2.9E-03 2SE-01 526E-03 525E-03 An.Nc uAlmwc vw• TH Asc- w 14E-04 7.8E-04 74E-04 5.5E+ 74E-04 .5 +00 1.32 .03 132E-0 B."s TN T1432 i. •4 1.3E-04 1.2E-04 1 OE+DO 12E-04 1 OE+00 214E-04 214E-04 B rum Mxx um...M4 T 744a417 16E-05 18E-05 1. -05 14E-01 16E-05 14E-01 2.7BE-05 278E-05 CadlunMmll•Mm•nMl um•.dea TN 74 so 22E-04 2.3E-04 2.2E-04 2OE+00 22E-04 2,0E+00 3.9SE-04 398E-04 C�..P9.ac4 vI TN 773aM 47E-04 5DE-04 4.7E-04 4-1E400 4.7E-04 4.1 +00 8.0 -04 64 E-04 twee wA.Iw ea M Cocoon« 34E.C3 3,6E-03 34E-03 3OE+01 34E-03 3OE.01 602E-03 602E-03 Eln ibev.ro t9w1. 36E-05 3.8E-06 36E-05 31E•01 38E-05 31E-01 8.35E-05 838E-05 rL,11Hn.um avMd. T 1e9u4e6 21E-02 2. E-02 2.1E-0t 16E402 21E 2 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 373E-02 iArmae.n TN A0000 24E-02 25E-02 24E-02 2.1E 24E-02 2.1E-02 4.25E-02I2 few RMMlw Cam. M 158 O 01 8.5E-04 8.9E-04 85E-04 74E-00 85E-04 4E-00 151E-033 Mm•n•w unu.Iw c9 Una mwC .r 17E.03 1.8E-03 17E-W 1 5E+01 1 7E-03 1.5E+01 3.00E-0303ix T43a976 63E-05 6.7 6. -0 5.5E-01 8.3E-05 5.5E-01 113E-04 -04Man Ie9nro,,ne TN 71M 13E-04 14E-04 1.3E-04 12E+00 1.3E-04 1, E 2.36E-044M M a17a3 63E-04 5.7E-04 03E-04 65E+OD 8.3E-04 6.5E-00 113E-03 714 7440020 47E-02 5. E-02 4.7E-02 41E+02 4TE-02 4.1E 8.45E -02Y.4 .x H 77x314D 53E-03 AE-03 L 46E+01 5.3E-03 4GE-01 9.46E-0303 N POM 67E-04 7.1E-04 5,9E+00 5 04 9-00 1.20E 03 +039E0 3.8E-04 4OE04 34E+00 3. -04 A . .B3 -04TN 10"M 35E-03 3.7E03 3OE-01 35E-03 3OE-01 0.20E-03 -03z M TM 1ss92o7 B.1E-05 5.4 416 5.3E.01 6IE-05 53E-07 1.09E-04 -04 TNBINAP M QM-U 97E-02 a1E40 9. AAE-02 1K41 1BE 01 MAP 4 a2NIIIIIIII 409E-07 410E-09 41)E e0 41K-W 114e12-02 946E-417 EAPECTEO ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CDWMLB I l3MITATx)Na EMISSION FACTOR tevro' 0%ICAIRPO.LUTAW M )mM r Wd• m. d 9mne9w An•neunlsMa Com duMS its Mr1.77 -02 848E+00 Ye132E-031 T14 -04 268E-03 10 + 214E-04 214E-04 8M mMwl...•d TMIT -05 374E-04 136E-01 2.78E 6 2.78E-05 .w.Mm.19Y vo..ew TN -04 535E-03 1 95 -00 3 9SEM 3.98E-04tl9Pm•1.4wn M1•4 H9DmNm I ixs -04 114E-02 415E+00 8A 414 846E-wFwuru...umeuad• i 8e -02 6 fE-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 373E-02 enn•w • TM -02 6.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 426E-02ns Wftudc ,d4 N e., -03 403E-02 147E+01 300E-W 3ODE-03 M r ix7a -05 152E 654 -0i 1.1 113E 04 TNe -0I 3.17E 3 1 1 +00 238E-04 Metal 19 -02 1.14E+00 1 415E+02 545E-02 a d8E-02 row... aH 19aea3 3 47E-03 8 33E-02 3 04E+01 6 20E-03 6 20E-33 x hn. ITHI 1330007 610E-05 1.46E-G3 535E-01 1 09E4ul 109E-Oa GREENHOUSE GAS EMf5510NS MYF+d6MA7IQN(FOR EMSSIONS INVENTORYPURPOSES)- OHO•POTENTIAL TO EMIT CONSISTENT WITH EPA MANDATORYREPORTINO RULE(M M METHOD NOT BASED ON EPA MRR METHOD D,Sbkete Fwl Od No.2 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-uIllize max heat POTENTIAL LM15SIONS WIth -- Input upaclty and EPA MRR Emission Rgaueeled Em19slon LIMINJI • Faetom Wilts requested fuel limit and EPA GREEWOUBE"S EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 MRR Emisalon Factors POLLUT"T short tonWVr, short lonaryr, metric tonal r metric tonal r CO2e short tonal r short tonal CO2a shoo tons r CO20 CARBON DIOXIDE(M) 002 6.02 6.64 69,99072 69,990.72 59,990.72 59,9E-072 METHANE(CH4) 244E-04 5.13E-03 2.69E-04 2.43E-00 511E-01 2.43E+00 5.11E-01 NI S XIDE( ) 489E-05 1.51E-02 5.39E-05 4.87E-01 151E-02 467E-01 151E-02 TOTAL WLW4 TTT-AL W'1Vz.W TOTALI NOTES:1)CO26 memo CO2 equivalent 2)The DAD Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons and the EPA MRR requires memo lone NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION EMNIiIONS CALCULATOR REVISION N 01101112017-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source I facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are vlewed I printed on the"OUTPUT tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen, This spreadsheet is for your use only and 51muld he used vain autl0n NC.CEO dr,"s not glraramee the ace uacy of the hifonnallml LWILIlned. -11 sprearlahect Is suhJeel to conhn ual revr5l'n and apd,t,r, I!1<yo.r it.peas=Ihdt!y In 1w nware or the nmsl nufewa iulnnnnlinn availatile NC DLL ne Quality Iwt responslhlr for eno. COMPANY. Valley Proteins,INC FACILITY ID NO. %111�-' EMISSIONSOURCEDE MPTION. T 1dIR NAT'RAi(-A -Flit R F ILITY M I S RCE ID NO. - FACILI Y COUN Y' q/a71CONTROL DEVICE. NOCONIRI�I. LLU T (///✓�SPREADSHEET PR PARED Y NOX ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUP d0 10 SCFNR FUELHEATVALUE 1020 81'UISCFPOTENTIAL FUEL THRCUGHPUT' 10°SCFlYR BOILERTYPE. '.!' L r.' t v L REQUESTED MAX FUEL THRPT 21 41 10'SCF/YR HOURS OF OPERATIONS SNPORMIM ACTUAL EM136IONS ►OTENTUL EomS W EMMNON FACTOR m+rgr.. Onnl°we•W CM11e111' AIR POLLUTANT 61MITTED IbMw tomityr Alfhr Elf loiter 00aN4 mskow PARTICULATE MATTER 7 004 0.00 0.04 .04 01 1 0 DOI PARTICULATE MATTER FlRarable Off-000 002 002 007 0.000 0.060 PARTICULATE MATTER 003 000 003 0.03 012 0.000 0.000 PM25 OW 0.04 000 004 He Ole 0.000 DODO PM 2.5 Filterable 001 0.00 001 0.01 0.04 0.000 OADO SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO2) 0.05 000 0.06 0.05 0,22 0.001 0001 NITROGEN OXIDES 8.24 '0.07 824 $24 36.07 0.095 0.098 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 892 - 0.06 892 692 3030 0052 0052 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC ON 000 045 045 1Us 0005 0005 ACTUAL EMI MMS PDTENRALEMMONS ENISSIMFACTOR CAS tall}ge:.'ca W LgA¢)e NMOWMRar a1 bftwn TOXICIINIARDOINAIRPOLLUTANT NUMBER Bar r left 4M I loans, emonnowell saipMM Acetald da H 75070 1 25E-06 2 1 E.06 1.26E-0B 1 10E-02 1 25E-06 1 10E-02 1.49E M 1 49E4$ Acroleln TH 107028 1 48&06 2.51E 5 1.48E-0B 1.30 -02 1.48E-06 1.30E.02 I.7aE-0a I ME-01 Ammonia 7564417 264E-01 447E-00 264E-01 231E-03 2.64E-01 231E+03 3.14E-03 314E-03 Arsenic unlisted con H ASCo9wr 0.00E+0O 0.00E+00 O-OOE+ 0.00E+00 000E+00 0-DOE-00 ONE-00 ONE400 Benzene TM 71432 173E-14 2 93F.m 1 73E-00 151E+00 173E-04 I51E+00 203E410 208E-0a Benzoa rene(THI 50328 9.88E-08 1.68E 988E-08 8.88E-04 988E-O8 8.68E-04 IIBE-09 IIeE-os Beryllium metal unreaIXed H 7440417 0 +00 OOOE-00 000E+00 0 ODE+00 000E+DO 0 000E+0o ow,00 Cadmium mole) elemental unreacled TN 7440439 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.ODE-00 000E+00 0. +00 ow-oa 000E+00 Chromic ado VI H 7738945 000E+00 OVO +00 000E+00 O.00E-00 0.00E+00 0.00E-00 aOoF+oft oftoe+lift Cobalt unlisted Oft undo H COC-oBwr 6.92 -06 1 17E-04 6.92E-0t1 6.00E-02 --6,92EM B- E-0 824E-M 824E-0 ormelde de TH 50000 61 -03 1 05E.01 818E-03 5.41E+D1 8,18E-03 5.41E+01 73W-00 13SE45 exams n-TM 110543 148E-01 2.51E-00 146E-01 1.30E+03 I L48E-01 1.30E+03 1TOEa2 176E43 Load unlisted compounds PBColrlsr 412E-05 ,99E-04 412E-05 3.81E-01 4.12E-05 3.61E-01 4.W.(r? AWi Manganese unlisted compounds TH MNCoOwr 000E+OD 0. E+00 0.00E+00 O.DOE+DO 000E+00 0.00E+00 oo*+oft o.o0E400 Mercury TH 7439978 0.00E+00 .00E+00 000E+00 000E-00 O. +OO 000E-00 000E+00 000E+00 Ne malare H 91203 6.02E-0.5 8.52E-04 502E45 4.40E.01 6.02E 4.40E-01 5IME4f 5ME-07 NKkel metal H 7a40o20 000E+00 0.00E-00 0.00E+0D 000E+00 0.00E*00 0.00E+00 00aE.a0 0a0ewo Selenium= a H SEC 1.96E-06 335E-03 1.98E-05 1.73E-02 1. E-05 1.73 -02 235E-m 2.35E-0e Toluene TM 108883 1 260E-04 475E 03 2BOE-04 24BE-00 2.80E-04 245E+00 333E-06 333E-08 Total RAPS 1. -0 2 1.65 -01 1 1 3GE-03 . 5E-01 I 13SE-03 I ME43 I uE43 Highest HAP HeXaM 148E-Ot 251E+00 148E-01 1 130E+03 I 148E01 1 130E+03 11aCO3 1.7aeo] EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAIS Num toalr W r uocontuoled connotes Ace aldeh de TH 75070 1.26E-08 3.00E-05 2.12E-06 140E-01 149E-98 AVOlsin TH - 107028 1.48E-08 3.58E-05 2.51E I7GE4N 176E-05 Ammonia T _ 7664417 264E.01 6 E-00 4.47E+00 318Ea1 314E-03 Arsenic unlisted compounds ASCoftr 000E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 000E-00 00E+011 Benzene TH 71432 173E-04 4.15E-03 2.91 2OWN 208E-08 Bwzoia Ale H 50328 688E.06 237E-16 IBet IHIE-09 1ISE-09 Beryllium maul uruwctad TH 7440417 0. 0.00E+00 000E+00 0MEro0 0(CE+0e Cadmium metal elenwnr lunreactad H 7440439 000E+00 000E-00 0.00E+00 000E+00 0DIE+U0 Soluble chromate compounds,as otromlum uivalent SoICRO 0.00E+00 000E+00 000E+00 0.00E-00 000E-00 Fomwiden de H 50000 6ABE-03 148E-01 1.05E-01 735E-ob 731E-05 Flnxane.n- TN 1101i43 148E-01 3W.00 251E-00 170E-03 178E-03 Tits,l oanese,unlisted a H MNCdher 000E+00 000E+00 0. +00 000E+00 O.00e-00 IAe::ul ,e r(THI 17439975 1 000E+00 1 0.00E+00 I000E+00 000E+00 000E+00 n�=+e'meta: rTr!1 17440020 1 OGOE+00 10OOE-00 1 000E+00 000E+011 000E+00 7 owene l I ll 110M03 1 260E-04 1 672E-03 1 475E-03 333E-0e 333E-06 GREENHOUSE OAS EMMONS INPORMATION(FOR EMeSfONSRIVENTORI(PURPOSES)-CONS7SnwrW EPA MANDATORYREPORTMO RULE ONO-POTENTIAL TO EMfr (MRRI)METHOD NOT BASED ON EPA MRR METHOD GREENHOUSE OAS POLLUTANT ACTUAL EMISSIONS EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD.TIER 1 POTENTIAL EMISSIONS metric townslyr metdc tonslyr,CO2e 1ah011 lonslyr Ishort lonsyr,CO2o CARBON D40XIDE(Coil 7614 7614 6393 43,006.76 1 4300578 METhIANE(CH) 144E-03 3.59E-02 158E-03 8.71E-01 1 203E+01 NITROUS OXIDE(NO) 144E44 42SE-02 158E-04 811E-02 2.42E+01 TOTAL CO2e 76.22 TOTAL CO2a 43.0511M metrc tone NOTE:CO2e means CO2 equivalent NOTE: The DAO AU Emissions Reporting Online IAEROI system requires short tons be reported.The EPA MRR requires metric tans he reported. NOTE: Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD(Preventlon of Significant Daterloration)purposM. D I _ JUN - 1 2018 NATURAL OAS COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISIO IN 0110S120 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions. Enter purEmission source t fSCThe di ere on the"INPUT'bottom of. The 4 r results and summary of Input data are viewed I printed on the"OUTPUT hOtscreen The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen fc spr 1sh^nil ♦for yowv uu o ly a, l III I" red"th I uu n NCpl,1)dos I I quart nit Inn An,.nl11 ,u Mi tlul nsl n r d,hr l W."..111 r...nLu,l sn¢ „ul pJ.I lq 11.E �UmIFIbilltyl I. ♦Ilnl In�Vt,WI. 11 Ilnu n O","i W Di 1) Ali QuulllyI' SOURCE/ A COMPANY In,, Inc PAGILIIY IUIaU PERMIT NUMBER EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION E.i MM I vnH NAP RA 'a• ILI V TY :awtapn E I I N SOURCE ID NO cS 4 A IU UNTY ftft CONTROL DEVICE: F Ii: -Ch"HCL LLU SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY Jones NOX CALCD AS 0% ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT +,cp 1V SCFnYR FUEL HEAT VALUE'. BTUISCF POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT 10 SCFIYR BOILER TYPE SMALL.I- - REOUESTED MAX FUEL THRPT T.1.I 104 SCFNR HOURS OF OPERATIONS ACTUAL EWSa g POTENTIAL EMSMONB EMISSION FACTOR smemu,.ots,trn mnsa.11 oenwa4iuimi bhI am AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED r wwr sonsfir, Irs4IlYsss4 eels.ssd PARTICULATE MATTER dal 0.04 003 0.04 0.19 004 0.19 0001 0001 PARTICULATE MATTER FlYreble 002 001 902 0.07 0.02 0.07 0000 0.000 PARTICULATE MATTER Condensable 0,03 002 0.03 0,12 003 012 0000 0000 PM251TOW1 F 0.04 0.02 004 OAS 0.04 0.16 0000 0000 PM 2.5 Filterable OA1 001 001 0.04 0,01 004 0000 0000 SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO2j 0.D5 0.03 O05 0.22 0.06 022 0001 0.001 NITROGEN OXIDES NOX 824 4.90 824 3607 824 3607 0098 0Dge CARBON MONOXIDE CO 692 412 692 30.30 692 3030 0082 0.082 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC 045 027 045 198 045 198 0005 0OD5 ACTUAL EMISSIOM POTENTIAL mmome EMISSION FACTOR "a n<oA.«,rlrla svatEou I.Co wn."rgFtl as•una bJrn,tlBer T071ICIIIA2ARDOUSAMPOLLUTANT 1,11.141 Aemr, Ghr WSW WAN, son w axNe r. 0aed Acetaldeh de H 75070 125E-06 149E.03 125E-06 1 IOE-02 125E-0B 1 10E-02 149E-0e 149E-0s Acrolaln H 107028 1 48E-06 1 76E-03 143E-08 1 30E-02 1 48E-06 1 30E-02 176E-0e 1 ME 0e Ammonia 7664417 2.64E-01 3.14E-02 .64E-01 231E-03 2.84E-01 231E+03 3.14E-03N49WEZ7 03 .Arsersc unlisted ASC-odler 000E+00 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 000E+00 000E+00 0 -00 000E-0000 Benzene(TH 71432 173E-04 2OBE-01 1.73E-04 151E+0O 1.73E-04 1.51E+00 2.DIE-0EM Benz a rani! TH) 50328 988E-08 11SE-04 9.88E-0B 066E 04 9.OBE-08 8. -04 tMIF-a9e Be Thum metal un Ied TH 744 17 000E.00 0.00E-00 +00 000E+00 000E-00 0 +00 o0M-wo Cadmium metal elemental unreactetl TH 7440439 0.00E+00 0.00E-00 000E-00 000E-00 0DOE+00 O.ODE+ UME.w00 ChrOmk AC4d TH 7738M 0.00E+00 0. +00 ODE-00 00 .00 0OO -00 0-OOE+00 Da +M0o Cobalt unlisted com rids H COC-Omer 692E-06 8.23E-03 692E-06 6.OBE-02 692E-05 608E-02 624E-0es Form~di, THI 618E-03 7.35E+00 6.18E-03 541E+01 6.18E-03 641 +01 735E-055 Hexane ry H 110543 1 4SE-01 1.76E-02 1.48E-01 1-3DE-03 /48E-01 1 +03 1 70E-033 Lead Unlisted Compounds H PBC.dhV 412E-05 4 @ 4.1 -05 301E-01 4.12E-05 3.61E-01 4.90E-077 Man enese unlisted Compounds(TH) MNC-M f 000E-00 0.00E-0g 0.00E+OD 0.00E-110 000E+00 DOGE-00 oME+w 0ow-o0 Mremury vi or(TH) 7439975 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 0 -00 000E+00 000E-00 0.00E+00 001 0WE+011 Ne Ihalene H 91203 5.02E.06 698E-02 802E-05 440E-0/ 5. 2E 4.40E-01 5NE47 5SeEZ Nickel maul TH 7440= 0.00E+00 O.DOE-00 0.00E-00 000E+00 0DOE-00 000E+00 000E-oo 000E+0o Selenium co ds(111 SEC 19aE.06 2 35E-03 I 111 173E-02 1.98E-0B 173E-02 235E-0e 236E-0a Toluene TH loom 2.60E-04 333E�01 2.80E-04 24SE-00 280E-04 2.43E-00 333E-0e 333E-05 Tote)HAP! I i 55E-01 1 1. -02 1 15 -01 1 1 36 +03 1 1 1 11 36E-031 1.mE-03 1 s4E-o3 Highest HAP IHe 148E-01 1 1.76E+02 1 1.48E 01 1 1 30E.03 I 1 48E 01 1 1.30E-031 1.ME V3 1 1 ME 03 TV=AM!PINAWAW11MISSIONS INFORMATION"I c==2=P_vjE5j EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR a,rmmer TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num Ibmr lb/day, ohr wcaoVeII.d tm9Mlod Cetaldeh a TH 75070 126E-06 3 ODE-06 1 49E-03 1 49E-00 1 wE48 Ao,DWn(THI 107028 1 48E-06 3.68E-05 1 76E-03 I W-oll I ME-011 Ammonia 7664,117 2.64E-01 8. + 3 14E-02 110,03 314E-03 Arsenic unlisted Compounds H ASCcrosr 000E-00 000E+0O 000E+00 0ooe.w ow.w Benzene H 71432 773E.04 415E-03 2.06E-01 2M.N 206E05 Ban2o a ren, TM 5=8 988E.OB 237E-06 1.18E-04 I la-M 11$E4S Beryllium metal furneresi(TH) 744D417 Oo0E+00 000E+00 000E+00 000E+w 000E-00 Cadmium metal Lelemental unne TN 744D439 0.00E.00 0.00E+0O 0.00E+00 0ooE+w aaoE.00 Soluble chromate compotindis,as Chromium VIequivalent Sol RO 0.00E-00 0.DDE+00 0.90E,00 000E-00 0WE•00 FormMMh de TH 500001 818E-03 1 1ME•01 I 7.35E+00 73!WOS 735E-05 Hexane n- 110543 1 4BE-01 356E+00 17 +02 I ToE-w 17eE-03 Manganese unibmtl Compounds TM MNC-081er 000E+00 OOOE.00 OOOE•OD "10,1MEtl Merw ve or H 7439976 000E+00 000E.00 000E-00 0.0 Mckelmelai TH) 74020 0 00_ _r 000E+00 OOOE1o:uere% ti 2 001-g4 1333E 333E GREENHOUSE OAS EMTSSIONB NSOIg11110NtFOR EASSSIONS INVENT'ORYPURPOSES)-CONSISTENT NTTH EPA MANDATORY REPORTING RULE GNU-POTENTIAL TO EMIT (MRR)METHOD NOT aASEO ON EPA MAN METHOD GREENHOUSE OAS POLLUTANT ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 mable tonshr Imlift mrMlyr,CO2s short tonslyr sw Lon r Short tonsyr,0029 CARBON DIOXIDE(COL) 5341 12 6,341.12 6,88757 43.005 78 43DO5.78 METHANE(CH.( 1 01 E�01 252E+00 1,11E-01 8 11 E-01 2 03E-01 NITROUS OXIDE(NO) 101E-02 3.00E-00 1.11E-02 8.11E-02 242E+01 TOTAL CO20 6,3E-6.N TOefT qAL a I I ons on 1 43.060.23 o NOTE:CO2e marts CO2 equivalent 7ne1dC 1011 NOTE:The OA0 Air Emissions Reporting Online(AFRO)system requires short tons be MPoMd.TM EPA MRR mqulns Ri MO t4 bo reported. NOTE:Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for P8D(Prevention of SIgNReant DalMkrad")purposes. Lewiston CALCULATIONS FOR YEAR 2017 VOCS PER KEITH OVERCASH'S LETTER OF 8/12/00 THE FOLLOWING EMISSION RATES APPLY MEAT PROCESSED AT AN AVERAGE OF 52,295 LBS/HR YIELDS THE FOLLOWING VOC EMISSIONS ROOM AIR SCRUBBER 0.0917 LBS/TON PACKED BED SCRUBBER 0.0994 LBSlfON Assumption made that all raw material processing yields same VOC factors as meat processing CD-10D Cross Flow Scrubber for Meat Plant Room Air Treatment CD-10F Packed Tower Scrubber for Back-up Non-Condensible Treatment" PLANT PROCESSED IN TONS OF MATERIAL THROUGH COOKERS ES 10A.1,10A.2, 108, 10E 208760 CD-10D CROSS FLOW SCRUBBER (Plant Room Air) 0.0917 X 208,760 TONS 19,143.29 LBS 9.57 TONS VOC CD-10F PACKED BED SCRUBBER" 0.0994 X 208,760 TONS 0,750.74 LBS 10.38 TONS VOC Page 1 2017 CALCULATIONS Lewiston Blood Drying Process Raw Blood Processed 56,180,640 Ibs 28,090 Tons Blood Meal Yield 8% Blood Meal Produced 4,494,451 Ibs 2,247.23 Tons Emission Factors Ibs/ton PM 0.460 PM10 0.460 H2S 0.080 Ammonia 0.600 Control Device Efficiency PM, PM10 1-12S,Ammonia 50% 85% Emissions ES-10A.2 Ibs Tons PM '516.86 0.2584309" PM10 /516.86 0.258430944 1-12S 26.97 0.013483364 Ammonia /202.25 /0.101125152 2017 CALCULATIONS Lewiston Meal Loadout Raw Material Processed Blood 28,090 Tons Meat 99,767 Tons Feather 52,430 Tons Evaporator 28,473 Total 208,760 Tons Meal Produced Blood/Feather 16,294 Tons Meat/Evap 18,773 Tons Total 35,067 Tons Meal Loadout ES-19 _y p 2 Ibs/ton � 2� Emission Factors PM10 J 0.0008 11 fQe�,4 5b,plol NI-31 L3 `%• PM / 0.003 J f ljoys S ed1On ,1, , foci yy, Emissions ` Ibs Tons PM10 28.05 ✓0.014 PM 105.20 /0.053 Facility Total CY 2017 Emissions Summary COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bettie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 Record Facility—Wide Totals From all Permitted and Non—Permitted Air Pollutant Emission Sources Green House Gases Pollutants(GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2017 2016 % Change Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2017 2016 % Change CO CO 4.18 4.37 /-4.3478274% NOx NOx 5.04 5.22 —3.4482727% PM TSP TSP 0.34 .38 10.526314% PM10 PM10 0.3 .34 —11.764703% PM2.5 PM2.5 0.03 .02 50.0% S02 S02 0.16 .07 128.57143% VOC VOC 20.22 23.49 —13.92082% Hazardous Air Pollutants HAPS and/or Toxic Air Pollutants TAPS Actual Emissions Pounds/Year Pollutant I CAS 1 2017 1 2016 %Change Pollutant Grou :Nickel Compounds, sum total mass inc elemental Group Sum:.15894 Nickel metal(Component of Qc hn noJ� NIC 7440-02-0 .15894 N reported7 N/A Pollutant Grou :Total Reduced Sulfur TRS as total mass Group Sum:26.97179 Hydrogen sulfide '7783-06-4 . 26.97179 30.36488 —11.174387% Ammonia as NH3 7664-41-7 ✓520.3364 559.34742 - —6.9743752% Benzene 71-43-2 /0.20578 .17104 20.311039% Formaldehyde 50-00-0 / 7.45425 7.79775 —4.4051185% Hexane n— 110-54-3 178.902 187.14599 —4.405119% Toluene 108-88-3 / 0.33317 .3535 —5.751064% 24 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region :WARO Comments From Facility: 25 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit : 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO Listing of Emission Sources and Control Devices on Permit. See instructions DES ID on *ES Description GCS ID GCS Description CD ID's Air Permit One venturi wet scrubber(voluntary for odor control state—only requirement), One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 One poultry by—product cooker gallon per minute normal operating range) ES-10A.1 and one dual—use feather/poultry CS-23 utilizing water, air, and filter media to CD-10E, CD-10F reduce PM and S02 emissions in the by—product cooker boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment One venturi wet scrubber(voluntary for odor control state—only requirement), One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range) ES-10A.2 One feather dryer and one CS-23 utilizing water, air, and filter media to CD-10E,CD—lOF hydrolyzer reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment One venturi wet scrubber(voluntary for odor control state—only requirement), One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range) ES—lOB Poultry by—product presses and CS-23 utilizing water, air, and filter media to CD-10E, CD-1017 preheater reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment ES-10D Process room air collection ES-10E Two liquid/fat evaporators CS-23 One venturi wet scrubber(voluntary for CD-10E,CD—lOF odor control state—only requirement), One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range) utilizing water, air, and filter media to reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for 2 additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment One natural gas—fired temporary, ES-23 back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) One natural gas—fired temporary, ES-24 back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 One natural gas/saleable animal gallon per minute normal operating range) fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 utilizing water, air, and filter media to ES-8 million Btu per hour maximum CS-16 reduce PM and SO2 emissions in the CD-10F heat input capacity) [GACT, boilers and also used conditionally for Subpart JJJJJJ] additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment, One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 One natural gas/saleable animal gallon per minute normal operating range) fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 utilizing water,air, and filter media to ES-9 million Btu per hour maximum CS-16 reduce PM and SO2 emissions in the CD-10F heat input capacity) [GACT, boilers and also used conditionally for Subpart JJJJJJ] additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processingequipment, 1—WCCS Wastewater collection and conveyance system IES-11 One meal storage silo IES-12 One meal storage silo IES-13 One meal storage silo IES-14 One meal storage silo IES-15 One meal storage silo IES-16 One meal storage silo IES-19 Meal loadout area(54 tons per hour capacity) IES17 IPoultry meal conveyance system it 3 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO Emission Source & Operating Scenario List— See Instructions *ES Group ID DES ID *OS ID SOS Description cookers 10A.1 and 10A.2, press and G-31 ES , ES-10 43 preheater 10B,evaporators 10E(using ES-10—IOB, ES—l0E Perdue 2012 total tons) IES-11,IES-12, G-39 IES-13, IES-14,IES-15, NONE NONE IES-16 G-45 IES-19,IES17 46 Poultry meal conveyance and loadout ES-101) 31 process room air collection One natural gas—fired temporary, ES-23 40 back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) SPS, Subpart Dc One natural gas—fired temporary, ES-24 41 back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat ES-8 22 natural gas emissions 23 No. 6 oil combustion emissions ES-9 24 No. 6 oil combustion emissions 25 natural gas emissions I—WCCS NONE NONE 4 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bettie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-31 consisting of ES-10A.1,ES-10A.2, ES-1 OB, ES-10E Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: cookers IOA.1, 10A.2,presses and preheater,evaporators 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—43/cookers l OA.I and IOA.2,press and preheater IOB, evaporators IOE (using Perdue 2012 total tons) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30203803/Animal/Poultry Rendering; Cooking 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 208760 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—H) CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-23 CD-10E One venturi wet scrubber(voluntary for odor control state—only requirement) 2 CS-23 CD—lOF One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range)utilizing water, air, and filter media to reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processing equipment 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-9 VERTICAL STACK 50 2.167 490 216.91 48000 packed bed scrubber 5 Operating Scenario: OS—43 Emission Source/Group ID: G-31 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 19 ) Days per Week ( 5 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start & End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 250�o arch—May 250�o —Aug.une 250�o ept.—Nov. 25"�0 �017 to 17 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 0.25 10 50 0.0024 AFTER PMIO PM10 0.25 10 50 0.0024 AFTER PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 10.38 04 10 0.0994 AFTER Emission Control HAP/TAP Emissions CAS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS y EF Control Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See instructions controls) 2017 Ammonia as NH3 7664-41-7 202.28844 10 85 0.000969 AFTER Hydro en sulfide 7783-06-4 26.97179 10 85 0.0001292 AFTER 7 I COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bettie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-45 consisting of IES-19, IES17 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Poultry meal loadout and conveyance 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—46/Poultry meal conveyance and loadout 4. SCC Number/Description: 30203804/Animal/Poultry Rendering; Storage 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 35067 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur % Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point I ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) FUGITIVE(NO three sided EP-19 STACK) 1 60 Area= 1 enclosure—meal loadout 8 Operating Scenario: OS—46 Emission Source/Group ID: G-45 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25% 25% une—Aug. 25% ept.—Nov. 25% 017 �arch—May 17 �017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants CAS Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) enc y Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 0.0 08 0.003 PM10 PM10 0.01 08 0.0008 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Emission Pollutants (In (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code Efficiency FactorEF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 9 I COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County: Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES-10D Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Process room air collection 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—31/process room air collection 4. SCC Number/Description: 30203805/Animal/Poultry Rendering; Material Handling 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 208760 TON/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point RP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-10 VERTICAL STACK 62.5 5 93 100.33 118200 cross flow wet scrubber 10 Operating Scenario: OS—31 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-10D 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throngh ut: �an—Feb +Dec 25% arch—May 25% une—Aug. ° ept.—Nov. 017 017 �017 ° �017 5 �' 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission EfControl Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Gf Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOa NOz 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 9.57 04 0.0917 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS EstiEons) on Emission Pollutants (1n HAP/TAPS Efficiency F.F Control Alphabetical Order (see instructions) (pounds/Year) Methode Factor P ) See InMet after all controls) 2017 11 l COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bettie DAQ Region : WARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ED(from permit)or ES-23 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas—fired temporary,back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—40/One natural gas—fired temporary, back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) (NSPS, Subpart Dc] 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200602/Natu.tral Gas ; 10-100 Million Btu/hr 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x Vie in 0.1 feet) ES23 IVERTICAL STACK 15 2.4 490 6.5 1764.31 temporary boiler 12 AA Operating Scenario: OS—40 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-23 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start & End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 25% arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% ept.—Nov. 25% �017 017 �017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants ("loos/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP EmissionsLEstimation ission Control CAS Emission Pollutants (In ( HAP/TAPS od Code Efficiency Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order] see instructions (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) structions 2017 13 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County:Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES-24 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas—fired temporary, back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—41/One natural gas—fired temporary, back—up boiler(less than 90 million Btu per hour maximum heat 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200602/Natural Gas ; 10-100 Million Btu/hr 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur Ash Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) ES24 VERTICAL STACK 15 2.4 490 17.16 4658.9 temporary boiler _ 14 Operating Scenario: OS— 41 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-24 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start & End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: �an—Feb + Dec 25% March—May o une—Aug. o ept.—Nov. 25% 017 017 25/� �017 25/� �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (Ions/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS LEstimation Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Efficiency EF Control Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code Factor p ) (Pounds Year) See Instructions (Net after all controls) 2017 15 J COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County: Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit) or ES-8 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas/saleable animal fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) [GACT, Subpart JJJJJJ] 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—22/natural gas emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200602/Natural Gas ; 10-100 Million Btu/hr 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 97.99 E6FT3/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 1020 Btu/CF Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-8 VERTICAL STACK 50 3.9 490 6.5 4658.9 stack 16 Operating Scenario: OS—22 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-8 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 19 ) Days per Week ( 5 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb + Dec 250�o arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% ept.—Nov. 25% 017 017 �017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 4.12 09 84 NOx NOx 4.9 09 100 TSP TSP 0.03 09 0.52 PM10 PM10 0.03 09 0.52 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.02 09 0.43 S02 S02 0.03 09 0.6 VOC VOC 0.27 09 5.5 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS EF Control (sec instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Ammonia as NH3 7664-41-7 313.56799 09 3.2 Benzene 71-43-2 0.20578 09 0.0021 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 7.34925 09 0.075 Hexane n— 110-54-3 176.382 09 1.8 Toluene 108-88-3 0.33317 09 0.0034 17 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ES-8 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas/saleable animal fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) [GACT, Subpart JJJJJJ] 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—23/No. 6 oil combustion emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200401/Residual Oil(No. 6);Grade 6 Oil 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1.881 E3GAL/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.7 ro Ash Heat Content 150000 Btu/gallon Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) I CS-16 CD—lOF One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range)utilizing water, air, and filter media to reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processing equipment 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-9 VERTICAL STACK 50 2.167 490 216.91 48000 packed bed scrubber 18 Operating Scenario: OS— 23 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-8 P g P 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 19 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughout: an—Feb + Dec 77% March—May 0% une—Aug. 15% ept.—Nov. g% 017 017 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 0 09 0 5 NOx NOx 0.05 09 0 55 TSP TSP 0.01 09 0 11.2 PM10 PM10 0.01 09 0 8.35 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.01 09 0 5.44 SO2 SO2 0.1 09 10 111 AFTER VOC VOC 0 09 0 0.28 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants can (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Nickel metal (Component of 7440-02-0 0.15894 09 0 0.0845 NIC 19 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory— Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or ES-9 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas/saleable animal fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) [GACT, Subpart JJJJJJ] 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—24/No. 6 oil combustion emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 1020040 1/Residual Oil(No. 6);Grade 6 Oil 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 0.59 E3GAUyr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.7 /o Ash Heat Content 150000 Btu/gallon Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-16 CD-1 OF One packed bed scrubber(288 to 575 gallon per minute normal operating range)utilizing water, air,and filter media to reduce PM and S02 emissions in the boilers and also used conditionally for additional control of noncondensibles depending on fuel fired in the boilers for the poultry processing equipment 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-9 VERTICAL STACK 50 2.167 490 216.91 48000 packed bed scrubber 20 Operating Scenario: OS—24 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-9 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 19 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( .52 ) 11. Typical Start & End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: �an—Feb + Dec 100./ IMarch—May o une—Aug. o ept.—Nov. o 017 17 0/O �017 0/0 017 0/o 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor fons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 0 09 0 5 NOx NOx 0.02 09 55 TSP TSP 0 09 0 11.2 PM10 PM10 0 09 0 8.35 PM2.5 PM2.5 0 09 0 5.44 S02 S02 0.03 09 10 111 AFTER VOC VOC 0 09 0 0.28 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Alphabetical Order (see instructions) (Pounds/Year Method Code Factor p ) ) (Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 21 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 5/30/2018 07:47:34 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Valley Proteins—Lewiston Division Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston—Woodville,NC 27849-9241 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES-9 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: One natural gas/saleable animal fat/No.6 oil—fired boiler(84 million Btu per hour maximum heat input capacity) [GACT, Subpart JJJJJJ] 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—25/natural gas emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200602/Natural Gas ; 10-100 Million Btu/hr 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 1.4 E6FT3/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 1020 Btu/CF Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-8 VERTICAL STACK 50 3.9 490 6.5 4658.9 stack 22 Operating Scenario: OS—25 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-9 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 19 ) Days per Week ( 5 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughout: an—Feb +Dec 100% arch—May ° �017 une—Aug. ° ept.—Nov. 0% �017 017 0�° 0�° �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Ef Control Code Pollutants Method Code Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 0.06 09 84 NOx NOx 0.07 09 100 TSP TSP 0 09 0.52 PM10 PM10 0 09 0.52 PM2.5 PM2.5 0 09 0.43 S02 S02 0 09 0.6 VOC VOC 0 09 5.5 Emission Control HAP/TAP Emissions Emission CAS Estimation Efficiency Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS EF Control Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ammonia as NH3 7664-41-7 4.48 09 3.2 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.105 09 0.075 Hexane, n— 110-54-3 2.52 09 1.8 23