HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800044_20180920_EI_Cmb-EI-File 017 Emissions Inventory Review / Data Tracking Form Facility Name: Avoca LLC Facility ID: 0800044 Facility Assigned to: Data Entry: Bertie County Classification: Betsy Huddleston ETH Confidential Copy Submitted? Title V 11 Nki NO YES Initial Review/Data Entry Enter date received into ED. Date Received: '//2,4 /8 21 Assigned to appropriate individual. Date Assigned: S ////$ Date Due: 9 3° LGY B El Parer copy submitted: One copy received with supporting documentation,certification form signed by responsible official,and appears generally complete;idh 4 n d Electronic copy submitted: All supporting documentation and certification form(with time/date stamp)signed by responsible official has been received. Comments: Inventory Review 4� All forms and supporting documentation appear to be complete if paper submission(check ED OS data if electronic). CND Contact,address,phone number changes entered into I-Beam/Facilities if necessary. C2r All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each emission source(permitted, / insignificant,and unpermitted)or note that the emission source was not operated or not required to report. �j Check if SCC codes for each OS are accurate and update if needed. Evaluate"U"sources for significance and address according to policy. Calculations/forms appear to add up correctly. All compliance issues are being addressed(e.g.Toxics limits,above TV thresholds,large emissions increase/decrease, installation without a permit). �7 All volatile HAPs/TAPs were included in the VOC total. 13 Calculations and control efficiencies appear correct. Emission factors are the best available and most current factors appropriate for the reporting facility(e.g.stack testing,AP42,etc.). Review facility comments and address any issues. d Update ED(Data Entry Main)if additional information is required(corrections due date and date received). d Check all ED QA/QC reports. d Comparison with previous emission inventory must be made and outliers(> 10%)must be investigated and explained. �f Put inventory review comments and summarize any changes in ED-Data Entry Main"DAQ internal comments". u Print and attach the facility total report. Date Info Requested: Date Info Received: — Total Days on Hold: Date Review Complete: 9/zo/20/t? Signature: � �11u./A;Z�� Date Submitted to El Coordinator: 9�Zo/zoid' Date Approved: 9ZLo/Zoi 8 Initials: �-71V Pr Avoca Emissions Inventory Review Notes CY2017 • An electronic copy of Avoca's spreadsheets used to record/calculate emissions may be accessed at https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deg/dM waro/Shared%20Documents/ Facilities/Berti e08/00044/CY2017%20E1 ectronic%20Copy%20of%20Em ission s%20Inventor • I reviewed all SCC and Unit types. • There are hand-written review notes made within the hard copy of the inventory. • I reviewed all calculations. With the exception of newer stack test data,there were no changes to Avoca's emissions factors and calculation methods. • On the Source screen in ED I changed the following sources to `not operated' status; I- Briquette,IES-PV, MHZ-1002, and IECS. These sources have not operated in years. I- Biomass-PKG is also changed to `not operated' because it is a new source that did not exist in 2017. • I changed WWTP-AT1 to `required to report' in the Source screen. WWTP emissions are accounted from this source. All other WWTP sources are tagged as ,not required to report.' Emereency Eneines • CY2017 fuel use in the generators was 81.7%(in gals)of usage in CY2016. • The fire pump is grouped with the generators, but Avoca did not add up their emissions for the OS. I summed the five engines' emissions and entered them into OS42. Some emissions are not listed due to their emissions being negligible and not affecting the facility totals. • The fire pump engine stack is not included in the OS. Emissions are small enough to where I did not see the need to add it to this year's data. • PkGEN fuel use increased 21.7%from usage in CY2016. I added chromic acid, lead manganese, mercury and nickel emissions to ED. Boilers • Fuel oil usage decreased on Boilers H101-103 (85.2%of fuel used in CY2016). • I corrected the SO2 emissions from H101-103 for low sulfur fuel oil. Combined emissions are 0.06 tpy. • Wood combustion in the BB 1 and BB2 boilers increased 21.44%by weight of wood fired in CY2016. I added several toxics to ED using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion. If a combustion HAP in the spreadsheet was not listed in ED, it is because the facility-wide emissions are below reportable threshold,or the emission is negligible and won't affect the facility total. A 99%control efficiency was applied to the metal HAPs. • I calculated HCL and Hg emissions using 2016 emissions testing results on the wood boilers. Process HAP Emissions • The process area operating scenario throughputs are in-feed weights of raw material to the processes(i.e.tons sage, SFG raw lbs sclareol, SDE raw infeed,etc.). • The OS numbers changed with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respective plant area. I have noted the OS number changes in the hard copy spreadsheets of the inventory. I will ask Brian to update the OS numbers on his spreadsheets. • An explanation for the heptane and ethyl acetate emissions splits between point and fugitive for SFG was provided for the CY2015 inventory,and applies again to the CY2016 and CY2017 inventories: Avoca assumes that the bulk of Heptane emissions from SFG are fugitive. Based on old hexane values and using MON batch calculations to back into it,approximately 80%of SFG heptane emissions are fugitive and 20%are out the stacks. • An explanation for the hexane emission split between point and fugitive for SDE-1 was provided for the CY2015 inventory,and applies again to the CY2016 and CY2017 inventories: As with SFG Avoca assumes that the bulk of Hexane emissions from SDE are fugitive. The split is based on hexane values and using MON batch calculations to back into it. In the past they've determined about 17.6%of SDE-1 hexane emissions are out the stack. This year they've estimated 10.9%goes out the stack. • The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data do not add up to the spreadsheet totals,so I have adjusted the emissions in ED,applying the 10.9% split for stack emissions. • 1 also changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to mass balance rather than engineering judgment. • The SDE-1 control device(M-34)no longer exists. I have end-dated the control system and device in ED, and removed it from the OS. SDE-1 sources have a number of condensers,but none of them have been entered into the Source module and are treated in the permit item list more as sources than control devices. Therefore,no control system is replacing the M-34 system in the OS. • I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to mass balance. They are reporting their emissions based on inventory. Fugitive and point emission splits from SDE-2 were not estimated. • I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-S)to the SDE-2 OS. • The fugitive and point splits for hexanes from Rotocel and Recovery are briefly explained below(see calcs in the hard copy): Accountable emissions are those Avoca can verify along with the emissions coming out the final stack; hexane going to wastewater, hazardous waste,or in the spent sage material. Using test data, Avoca calculates the average hexane per day exiting the MO Scrubber was 158.76 lbs. Then multiply 158.76 times the number of days run (324 days)out the stack. The average n-hexane content of the solvent is used to calculate the split of hexane isomers and n-hexane. Fugitive hexane is calculated by subtracting the accountable hexane from the total hexane used. • I changed the calculation method to mass balance for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. • I added the scrubber control system to the PNE OS. See the attached 9/19/2018 email. • Reminder: More than a third of the methanol"lost"from the Rotocel&Recovery operation goes to WWTP. Of that,98-99% is consumed by the biological activity in the WWTP,while emitting the remainder. The WWTP emission is calculated through the Water 9 program. The other two thirds of methanol"lost"from Rotocel &Recovery is"fugitive" Brian has noted that some of the"fugitive"losses are also actually going out the stack of the Mineral Oil Scrubber as well,but most of it would be in the lines and from the tanks located in recovery • I end-dated the following control systems because they do not apply to any of the current OS scenarios; CS-1,CS-8, CS-9,CS-12,CS-14,CS-18. • With the next permit revision RCO Permits needs to go through the source and control device lists in Source Module and improve the data. • I will email Brian Conner the changes that I made to the inventory data. I will also ask that for CY2018,they review their stack EP data and control systems, and edit or end-date accordingly. Facility-wide Combustion Criteria and HAPs • CO,NOx, and SO2 facility-wide increases are due to increased wood combustion in CY2017. • The PM decrease was due to decreased operation on boilers 1­1101-103. PM10 emissions appear to not have changed much due to rounding of emissions in the calculations. The PM2.5 increase is due to rounding of calculated emissions. • With the exception of hexanes,ethyl acetate,chloroform and methanol,all other HAPs emitted at Avoca are generated from fuel combustion. The decreases in arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromic acid, lead, mercury,nickel, and fluorides are due to decreased fuel oil combustion in 1­1101-103. The HCI and mercury decreases are due to application of 2016 stack tests results(change in factors). All other combustion HAPs increased in emissions due to increase in wood combustion. • Process VOC emissions are comprised of chloroform, ethanol,hexanes,heptane, methanol,and ethyl acetate. All of Avoca's process emissions are determined through mass balance. Avoca uses purchasing records,daily formulation and batch records,daily tank level measurements,waste shipment records,process design calculations,and MACT MON formulas(fugitive and point source splits). (...\Facilities\Bertie08\00044\CY2017 Avoca Inventory Review Notes) Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 5:37 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] Re:CY2017 Inventory Review Comments and Changes External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Senda All this looks good. Thanks Betsy! Get Outlook for iOS From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Thursday,September 20, 2018 2:10 PM To: Brian Conner Subject:CY2017 Inventory Review Comments and Changes ""This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.'" Brian, I've approved the inventory for DAQ to electronically submit to EPA in December. I did make some minor changes to the data. If you have any issue with these changes,just let me know and we can revisit. • On the Source data screen I changed the following sources to `not operated' status; I-Briquette,IES-PV, MHZ-1002,and IECS. I-Biomass-PKG is also changed to `not operated' because it is anew source that did not exist in 2017. • I changed WWTP-AT1 to `required to report' in the Source screen. • The fire pump is grouped with the other generator engies,but it was not included in the summation totals for the generators in the AERO data. I added the fire pump emissions to the total in OS42. • The fire pump engine stack is not included in the stack emission point list for the operating scenario. It's not a terribly important since the emission totals are so small,but you may want to • I added chromic acid,lead manganese,mercury and nickel emissions to AERO data for PK-Gen • I re-calculated the SO2 emissions from H101-103 to account for ultra low sulfur fuel oil. The combined emissions are now saved as 0.06 tpy. • 1 added several toxics to the AERO data for the wood boilers(using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion). 1 • The OS numbers were changed last year with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respective plant area. Old OS numbers are referenced in your spreadsheets, so you might want to remove or update next year. • The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data did not add up to what was provided in your spreadsheet totals, so I have adjusted the electronic data to match. • I changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to `mass balance' rather than `engineering judgment.' • Since we've confirmed the SDE-1 control device system CS-1(M-34)no longer exists, I end-dated it removed it from the OS. I kept the same emission point(stack)linked to the SDE-1 point source OS. • I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to `mass balance.' • I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-S)to the SDE-2 OS. • 1 changed the calculation method to `mass balance'for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. • As we agreed, I added scrubber control system CS-7 to the PNE OS. • As I was working on end-dating control system CS-1 for SDE-1, I noticed there were a number of control systems in the data that are not being used,and appeared to rather old. I have end-dated most of them(CS-8,CS-9, CS-12,CS-14,CS-18). • If it's been a while since you've looked over the emission point stack data for the facility, it may be a good idea to do so for the CY2018 inventory. The permit and inventory have undergone plenty of changes in the last few years. Thanks for the help this week! BetsyHuddedm Envbrn�Eivgbeeer D 13ivison of Air Quality,Wad 1��al owe 252-W3836(Office) 943 Washnngbm Square Mall "" 2529753716(Fax) Wmbboaq NC 27889 Berxcdm gov &ra cA+®wadarm to aid bon M6 addihm a xgQY oft N3M Odra AAic FIP a Law and aw Do dsttad to VW pages This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 2 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19,2018 4:15 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] RE: Control Device questions AUTION. External email. •• not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Betsy, 1) You are correct.That is outdated data for SDE-1.SDE-1 has not operated since starting SSDE-2(just a side note). 2) When PNE was originally permitted the solvents used were not HAPs/TAPs.The scrubbers were initially put in for EVG.Over the years when using HAPs/TAPs we used the scrubber for control, however I don't think it is explicitly required. In all reality we always use the scrubber for most any process in PNE/EVG. So therefore I guess it would be OK/good to link PNE to the scrubbers. 3 1 would saythat a very low percentage of emissions from SDE-2 are fugitive. I actual) believe it is around 5%or rY p g g Y 0 less based on WAR results. 10/as fugitive would be very conservative.The new system is much tighter and more efficient than the old SDE-1. Thanks, Brian From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday,September 19, 2018 2:30 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject:Control Device questions "'This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.'" Brian, I'm lightly checking through the control system links for each operating scenario in the inventory data. I have a few questions about them: 1) SDE-1 stack emission operating scenario is linked to a scrubber M-34,which I think is just outdated data. Do you want to remove this, and just link to the emission point IN Or would you rather I add the T-6.T-6A,T-13 and T- 15 condensers as a control system for SDE-1 stack emissions? 2) Is there a reason that the PNE operating scenario is not linked to the Z-9215 and Z-9216 control devices? 3) For the SDE-2 combined fugitive/point emissions operating scenario I created a control system that includes CD- 4002 and CD-4003-5. Approximately what percentage of emissions do you estimate are fugitive? I can account for that in the control system efficiency in the data. 1 Betsy Huddleston D iromnenial Ergi�' I 5M2'9 n of Air Quality,Washington Regional Office E 2529483836(Orffice) r 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washngtor,NC 27889 Betsyxodextr-gov rnur co�eaoanda cB load km ma ad*m is so"a uv Nyth Qwc*u Pubk Huaoras tar arrd mar be arsobsed a urdavIiea This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are noted that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 2 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19,2018 3:49 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] Re: Hexane question AUTION External email. D• not click links or open attachments unless verified. to Yes mam Get Outlook for iOS From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday, September 19, 2018 3:24:08 PM To: Brian Conner Subject: Hexane question ***This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.*** For CY2017 the average amount of hexane exiting the mineral oil scrubber(based on MO tests) is the same as it was for CY2016 (158.76 Ibs/day). This is correct? BclsyHuddleatm Embmimodal Engineer IlImmonofAir Quality,Wwffimpton Regional Office 2529493836(Office) 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washingtoo,NC 27889 B"_Hudd}esDm@w*w-gov Smw carevonciewe ro"ram me aeaas s.e gea a be ram CWalre R+blc i6cous taw arty may as d+abgrl a bra Mama% This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying d,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 1 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:49 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: RE: [External] RE:Inventory Review Questions External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Betsy, Those were 2 separate process....The botanical process was a tobacco flavoring operation using Ethanol. The PNE process was a nicotine extraction using Heptane. Both tobacco related but 2 separate process for 2 different customers using 2 different solvents. Thanks, Brian From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:39 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Inventory Review Questions "`This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.— Brian, I'm sorry I interrupted all the crazy going on with startup! Thanks for emailing back so quickly. Have no idea why you have to keep reminding me that acetone is delisted! Just can't shake old habit. I do have one more question-wasn't nicotine extracted at Botanical in February 2017 and were there any heptane emissions associated? Am I confusing this with the nicotine done at PNE that same month? 1 Betsy Huddke dm DnaErrcvomne�al Engineer D- V 9 of Mr Quality,Washngn al Office 252- 48-3836(Office) 943 Washmgtao Square Mall 2529753716(Faa) Washmgtnn,NC27889 Be sy-Iiaddlintm@nalm.gov &rw"yMWmoenna a aw avr,me assess a au w a ft NYM 00*10 AMC AaaaM tewan4 r++Qvasaartmsa a MsdfiatYas From: Brian Conner<brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent:Wednesday,September 19, 2018 11:34 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Inventory Review Questions External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Hey Betsy, Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. We have been working on trying to start back up. We proactively shut down for the hurricane and have had issues getting back up due to getting supplies to the site. We should be back going shortly. The answers to your questions are below: 1) Yes,the factor for CO emissions was based on the emissions from the 2016 Biomass Boiler test. 2) 1 went back and looked at the AAEI Summary sheet on the spreadsheet and the formula for heptane in PNE was not correct. The wrong column was referenced in the formula.The correct total VOC should be 17.174 tons for PNE.This includes the 20014 lbs. of Heptane for a tobacco extraction in February and the 14336 lbs. of isobutyl acetate for a nicotine rework in September.The heptane usage was accounted for in the Heptane page of the data. I have edited the formula in the summary spreadsheet that is attached to show the correct VOC total for PNE. 3) There was 257.1 gallons ( 1691.7 lbs.) of acetone emitted during the Botanical operation. However it is my understanding that acetone is exempt from the VOC reporting requirements(???). 4) Yes,the formula in the AAEI Summary sheet did not account for using Ethanol SDA in Biomass Extraction since this was the first time using that particular blend with this trial. In the past we had used 100% Ethanol in the Biomass Extraction operation.The SDA usage was accounted for in the SDA page of the data. It just did not transfer to the summary sheet. I updated the summary sheet to include Ethanol SDA for Biomass Extraction.The total emitted was 13.74 lbs.This also updated the VOC emissions for Biomass Extraction to 0.007 tons. If you need any more information or there is something more that I need to do, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks, 2 Brian Conner From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsv.huddleston@ncdenr.Rov> Sent:Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:35 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject: Inventory Review Questions "'This is an external email message.Confine the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious Hi Brian, I'm thick into CY2017 inventory reviews-working through yours now! I have a few of questions so far: 1) Is the CO factor for the wood boilers representative of the 2016 test results? 2) For the PNE process, 14,340 Ibs of VOC were reported in AERO. However,the hard copy spreadsheet indicates 20,014 Ibs of heptane emitted from PNE in 2017. Which is the correct value,and if it's the 7 tons,wherein the hard copy do I find it? 3) Were there any acetone emissions associated with operation of Botanical for a week in September 2017 for cocoa extraction? 4) Were there any ethanol emissions from the chick pea trial at Biomass for the first week of November 2017? Betsy Huddlestm Frrviio�e�al Eggixser Division of Air Quality,Washington Regional Office 2529483936(Office) 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washington,NIC 27889 Betsy_Huddkmton&cde=,.gov 6ret�anrr�an0anoetoarltan Nc aaa ms a sugary w Ve N.rh CWcarn A.Orc fiicattt tw&XY moybod�m.odb Y,IOF,.abs This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected. It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail. Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 3 This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you recipient, lease do not distribute this e-mail. Instead, lease delete this e-mail from our system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be are not the intended p P Y corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 4 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- Change from ED from Fees mus Methane (CH4) 74-82-8 2.59 2.14 10.0 20.9% Nitrous Oxide (N20) 10024972 1.63 1.35 1.0 20.3% Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 124389 30,417.98 27,323.38 5,000.0 11.3% CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emissioc 28,102.34 metric tons times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO Co 25.45 21.50 0.5 18.4% NOx Nox 34.63 30.68 0.5 12.9% PM(TSP) TSP 1.19 1.32 0.5 -9.2% PM10 PMtO 0.504000 0.505000 0.5 -0.2% PM2.5 PM2.5 0.314000 0.285000 0.5 10.2% S02 SO2 3.20 2.67 0.5 20.2% VOC Voc 1,268.61 1,221.52 0.5 3.9% Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Arsenic& Compounds (total mass of elemental AS, arsine and 0.379720 0.424690 0.01 -10.6% all inorganic compounds) Arsenic Unlisted Compounds- Specify Compound ASC-Other 0.379720 0.424690 0.01 1 -10.6% (Component of ASC) Beryllium& compounds (Total mass) 0.247530 0.285790 1.0 I -13.4% Beryllium Metal (unreacted) (Component of BEC) 7440-41-7 0.247530 0.285790 1.0 43.4% Cadmium& compounds (total mass includes elemental metal) 0.254330 0.285790 1 0.1 1-11.0% 09/20/2018 Page 1 of 7 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPS) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Cadmium Metal, elemental, unreacted(Component( 7440-43-9 0.254330 0.285790 0.1 -11.0% CDC) Chromium-A1117otal(includes Chromium (VI) categories, 1.10 0.994790 0.1 10.6% metal and others) Chromic acid(VI)(Component of So1CR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 1.I 0 0.994790 0.01 10.6% Chromium (VI)Soluble Chromate Compounds (Component of 1.10 0,994790 0.01 10.6% CRC) Chromic acid (VI)(Component of SolCR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 1.10 0.994790 0.01 10.6% Lead& compounds 0.853480 0.953280 1 1.0 1-10.5% Lead Unlisted Compounds - Specify Compound E113C_0ther 0.853480 0.953280 10.0 -10.5% (Component of PBC) Manganese& compounds 4.41 3.79 10.0 16.4% Manganese Unlisted Compounds - Specify Compout MNaOther 4.41 79 ) 16.4% (Component of MNC) Mercury& Compounds-all total mass includes Hg Vapor 0.314490 0.342790 0.001 -8.3% Mercury,vapor(Component of HGC) 7439-97-6 0.314490 0.342790 0.001 -8.3% Nickel& Compounds,sum total mass includes elemental 0.323490 0.349590 1.0 -7.5% Nickel metal (Component ofNIC) 7440-02-0 0.323490 0.349590 1.0 -7.5% Polycyclic Organic Matter(7 PAH Compounds for NIF) 0.637330 0.524300 1-0 21.6% Benzo a ene (Component of 83329/POMTV & 0.637330 0.524300 1.0 21.6% ( )PYr ( P 50-32-8 56553/7PAH) 0 Polycyclic Organic Matter(Specific Compounds from OAQPS 24.74 20.45 1,0 21.0% for M Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 83329/POMTV& 50-32-8 0.637330 0.524300 1.0 21.6% 56553/7PAH) Naphthalene(Component of 83329/POMTV) 91-20-3 24.10 19.92 1.0 21.0% Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 203.39 167.48 10.0 21.4% Acrolein 107-02-8 979.82 806.77 10.0 21.400 Benzene 71-43-2 1,031.30 849.79 1.0 21.4% 09/20/2018 Page 2 of 7 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 11.02 9.08 1.0 21.4% Chlorine 7782-50-5 193.51 159.34 100.0 21.4% Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8.08 6.66 10.0 21.4% Chloroform 67-66-3 41,554.86 30,681.65 100.0 35.4% Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 30,643.38 31,432.76 10.0 -2.5% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 8.06 6.80 100.0 18.5% Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane) 107-06-2 7.10 5.89 1.0 20.5% Fluorides (sum of all fluoride compounds as mass of 16984-48-8 21.38 25.10 10.0 -14.8% ion) Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1,105.48 919.90 10.0 20.2% Hexane isomers,except n-hexane HEXANEISO 1,578,994.2 1,483,627.7 100.0 6.4% 2 9 Hexane, n- 110-54-3 65,418.30 103,238.26 100.0 -36.6% Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) 7647-01-0 16.66 18.15 100.0 -8.2% Methanol(methyl alcohol) 67-56-1 596,444.19 539,989.20 1,000.0 10.5% Methyl bromide(bromomethane) 74-83-9 3.67 3.03 1.0 21.1% Methyl chloride (chloromethane) 74-87-3 5.63 4.64 1.0 21.3% Methylene chloride 75-09-2 71.00 58.50 1.0 21.4% Phenol 108-95-2 12.49 10.29 100.0 21.4% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH,dioxins,etc.N, pom 32.49 27.42 1 .0 18.5% &AP 42 historic) Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 14.94 12.30 10.0 21.4% Styrene 100-42-5 465.40 383.21 100.0 21.4% Toluene 108-88-3 271.37 239.49 100.0 13.3% Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 4.49 3.63 0.1 23.7% Xylene(mixed isomers) 1330-20-7 7.16 6.20 100.0 15.6% 09/20/2018 Page 3 of 7 Largest Individual HAP Methanol (methyl alcohol) 596,444.19 IN Total HAP Emissions 707,903.02 IN Largest Individual CAP VOC 1,268.61 tons Total CAP Emissions 1,332.40 tons Total TAP Emissions 197219027.69 IN Total Aggregate 1,332.55 tons Emissions 09/20/2018 Page 4 of 7 DAQ's Comments Re¢ardin¢Inventory 09/20/2018 Page 5 of 7 1)An electronic copy of inventory cals is saved in SharePoint Complete inventory review notes are attached to the hard copy of the inventory in the WaRO file. 2)SCC and Unit types were reviewed 3)Hand-written notes are within hard copy of inventory. 4)1 changed the following to'not operated':I-Briquette,IES-PV,MHZ-1002,and IECS. I-Biomass-PKG 6not operatedZ b/c it's al source. 5)I changed WWTP-AT1 to Lrequired to reportL 6)Fuel use in the generators was 81.7%of CY2016 usage. 7)Fire pump is grouped with generators,but Avoca did not add up their emissions for the OS I summed the five engines emissions and entered them into OS42. 8)Pump engine stack is not included in the OS, Emissions are small enough to where I did not seethe need to add it to this yeags data. 9)PkGEN fuel use increased 21.7%.I added chromic acid, lead manganese,mercury and nickel emissions to ED 10)HI01-103 fuel decreased(85.2%of CY2016). 11)I corrected the SO2 emissions from H101-103 for low sulfur fuel oil.Combined emissions are 0.06 tpy. 12)Wood combustion in the BBl and BB2 boilers increased 21.44%. I added several toxics to ED using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion. If a combustion HAP in the spreadsheet was not listed in ED,it is because the facilitywide emissions are below reportable threshold,or the emission is negligible and wonLt affect the facility total. A 99%control efficiency was applied to the metal HAPs. 13)I calculated HCL and Hg emissions using 2016 emissions testing results on the wood boilers 14)The process area operating scenario throughputs are in-feed weights of raw material to the processes(i.e.tons sage,SFG raw lb sclareol,SDE raw infeed,etc.). 15)The OS numbers changed with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respectiN plant area. 16)The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data do not add up to the spreadsheet totals,so I have adjusted the emissions in EL 17)Changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to mass balance. 18)SDE-I control device(M-34)no longer exists. I end-dated the CS, and removed it from the OS. 19)I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to mass balance. 20)I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-5)to the SDE-2 OS. 21)I changed the calculation method to mass balance for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. 22)I added CD-7 to the PNE OS. 23)I end-dated the following control systems because they do not apply to any of the current OS scenarios;CS-1,CS-8,CS-9, CS-12,CS-14,CS-18. 24)CO,NOx,and SO2 facility-wide increases are due to increased wood combustion in CY2017. 25)The PM decrease was due to decreased operation on boilers H101-103. PM10 emissions appear to not have changed much due to rounding of emissions in the calculations. The PM2.5 increase is due to rounding of calculated emissions 26)With the exception of hexanes,ethyl acetate,chloroform and methanol,all other HAPs emitted at Avoca are generated from ful 09/20/2018 Page 6 of 7 combustion. The decreases in arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromic acid,lead,mercury,nickel,and fluorides are due to decreased fuel oil combustion in H101-103. The HCI and mercury decreases are due to application of2016 stack tests results(change in factors). All other combustion HAPs increased in emissions due to increase in wood combustion 27)Process VOC emissions are comprised of chloroform,ethanol,hexanes,heptane,methanol,and ethyl acetate All of AvocaLs process emissions are determined through mass balance Avoca uses purchasing records,daily formulation and batch records, daily tank level measurements,waste shipment records,process design calculations,and MACT MON formulas(fugitive and point source splits). 09/20/2018 Page 7 of 7 � ''' � fw4t] C e Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary - - 17T0 u Facility ID#: 0800044 Plant Biomass Recrystallization Sclareolide Sclareolide Biomass Botanical Other Pollutant Boiler#1 Boiler 02 Boiler#1 Gen Gen#2 Gen#3 Gen#4 Pk•Gen Fire Pump Boilers Rotocel Recovery Concrete (SFG) (SDE-1) (SDE-2) Extraction Extraction Nutrient EVG WWTP Processes Totals Units Extraction COz 1648.85536 2206.76461 2648.80058 1.06995 1.74448 0.68228 1.42660 19.32603 6.73740 23882.59 30417,993 Tons/Yr Methane 0.00436 0.00583 0.00700 0.00022 0.00036 0.00014 0.00029 0.00395 0.00027 2.57 i 2.594 TonsNr Nitrous Oxide 0.00872 0.01167 0.01400 0.00002 0.00004 0-00002 0.00003 0.00308 0.00005 1.59 1.630 Tons/Yr TSP 0.14527 0.19443 0.23337 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.812 TonsNr PM-10 0.07264 0.09721 0.11669 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.526 TonsNr PM-2.5 0.01816 0.02430 0.02917 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.3tt TonsNr Sox 4-1440 -4-976e8 0.00343 0.00659 0.00219 0.00457 0.06195 0.00628 3.06187 _5.362 TonsNr 3.L Nox 1.45274 1.94429 2.33375 0.07783 0.12690 0.04963 0.10378 1.40585 0.18219 26.9445 ,/ 34.621 TonsNr VOC 0.01453 0.01944 0.02334 0.00195 0.00317 0.00124 0.00259 0.15816 1 0.01487 2.0821 759.893 290.950 1 107.837 24.456 37.857 0.007 0.057 17.174 22.494 5.55 1268.599 TonsNr CO 0.36318 0.48607 0.58344 0.02067 0.03371 0.01318 0.02757 0.37343 0.03925 23.5152 25.456 TonsNr Acetaldehyde 0.00123 0.00200 0.00078 0.00163 0.02214 0.06337 203.308 203.399 Lbs/Yr Aerolein 0.00038 0.00062 0.00024 0.00051 0.00692 0.00764 979.798 979.8 55 Lbs/Yr Arsenic 1 0.08135 0.10888 0.13069 0.00019 0.00032 0.00012 0.00026 0.00351 0.00033 0.326 LbsNr Benzene 0.39950 0.53468 0,64178 0.03775 0.06155 0.02407 0.05033 0.68184 0.07709 1028.788 1031.297 LbsNr Benzo a rene 0.00001 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00023 0.00002 0.637 O.63717 Lbs/Yr Beryllium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.00015 0.00024 0.00009 0.00019 0.00264 0.00025 0.244 LbsNr Butanol 0.000 LbsNr Cadmium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.00015 0.00024 0.00009 0.00019 0.00264 0.00025 0.244 Lbs/Yr Calcium hydroxide 0.000 Lbs/Yr .Carbon 11.023 / 11.023 LbsNr tetrachloride i 193.510 LbsNr Chlorine 193.510 Chlorobenzene 8.083 8.083 LbsNr Chloroform 6.859 41548 41554.859 LbsNr Chromium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.241 LbsNr Chromium IV 0.00421 0.00564 0.00677 0.017 LbsNr Diethylamine 0 0.000 LbsNr Ethanol-100% 1 0.00 0.00 0.000 LbsNr Ethanol-SDA 13.74 102.54 0.00 116.282 LbsNr Ethyl acetate 30631.10 0.62 11.66 0.00 30643.385 LbsNr Ethyl benzene 0,11869 0,15885 0.19067 7.593 8.062 LbsNr Ethylenediamine 0.00 0.000 LbsNr Hounds 5.41871 7.25219 8.70487 21.376 LbsNr Formaldehyde 6.97313 9.33257 11.20198 0.00384 0.00626 0.00245 0.00512 0.06933 0.09750 1077.778 1105.470 LbsNr HCL 14,ilete 22.046 LbsNr I4000C Hexane Isomers 0.000 0.00 ''30386.56 -47146.82 0.00 0.00 36;;lMY0.W1 LbsNr a78_> N-Hexane 0.000 18621.28 6.00 18524.94 •28567.28 0.00 0.00 4 LbsNr �V�B Heptane 185043.09 0.00 20014.01 205057.101 LbsNr lsobutyl acetate 14336.68 0.00 14336.682 LbsNr Isoprapyl acetate 0.00 0.00 0.000 LbsNr sg Lead Compounds 0.18304 0.24498 0.29405 0.722 Lbs/Yr OS Manganese 0.12203 0-16332 0.19603 0.00 0.481 Lbs/Yr YJ v/ Mercury 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.071 0.312 LbsNr Methanol 581900.48 0.00 3440.55 11103.16 596444.182 LbsNr Na thalene . 0.04794 0.06416 0.07701 0.00632 0.01031 0.00403 0.00843 0.11423 0.00701 23.760 24.100 LM Nickel 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.241 Lbs/Yr 6,32-3 Phenol 12.492 12.492 Lbs/Yr Pro icnaldeh yde 14.942 14.942 LbsNr Sulfur Dioxide 0.00 0.000 LbsNr -Styrene 465.404 465.404 LbsNr Toluene 11.57831 15.49596 18.59995 0.01367 0.02229 0.0ON 0.01823 0.24690 0.03379 225.354 0.00 0.00 271-371 LbsNr X lene 0.00939 0.01531 0.00599 0.01252 0.16958 0.02355 6.124 6.360 Lbs/Yr �I�L o-X lene 0.20338 0.27220 0.32672 0.802 LbsNr ClM�i1�C.r� 'f'o 502 "YwCJej 4p U,Vls fpy �Gye> �^ lS/Y ,3b,tus i-3 -- 99y lbs V cam nor reI�-� S0 fe/0* aI co e.�romie ac f cQ - /�/ /6 (nd� s /�- -vim 65� yl 8 3 �Js /S cOyYr�L� 4on 2-06o || ,. | � ( � ) |§||| §° |I;; § \ \ ( /hq\/§qN § " | 9q| $ ill | | ! q | |§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ § | | |§ |§§ § q | § MAY 7 . [&§ WARD 1 Page 1 of 2 Annual Air Emissions Inventory C�!?�l� Facility ID#:080004 S15 7 p�Cyan/& (�-? Boilers : O -1 C)S 5 O ` - Year: 2 17 4r01 -Ni63 Total Run Time: 8375.0 Hrs/Yr Efficiency: 85 % .Sulfur Content: 0.0014 % 6 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal Fuel Usage(gallons) Boiler Operation(Hours) Arsenic VOC Emissions Emissions Total Total (Lbs.) (Lbs) Month Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Boiler Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Boiler Fuel Used Hours January: 12426.7 6151.3 1728.0 20306.0 347.6 57.0 38.4 443.0 0.011 4.061 February: 17099.2 6495.8 1570.5 25165.5 478.3 181.7 34.9 694.9 0.014 5.033 March: 21046.0 51376.8 10610.7 83033.5 588.7 328.1 263.0 1179.8 0.046 16,607 April: 16434.3 7510.2 1854.0 25798.5 459.7 143.2 41.2 644.1 0.014 5,160 Ma : 20942.4 22764.2 51806.5 95513.1 585.5 168.7 180.0 934.2 0.053 19.103 June: 11461.5 1196.0 1183.5 13841.0 320.6 38.6 26.3 385.5 0.008 2.768 July: 8826.7 15036.5 143689.5 167552.7 246.9 420.6 203.1 870.6 0.094 33.511 August: 801.5 22628.0 12694.5 36124.0 27.8 351.5 282.1 661.4 0.020 7.225 September: 4854.8 19825.9 645.8 25326.5 145.5 468.8 20.5 634.8 0.014 5.065 October: 1 8825.8 21669.7 4828.5 35324.0 263.9 262.8 114.7 641.4 0.020 7.065 November: 7328.8 7488.6 1381.5 16198.9 205.0 330.4 30.7 566.1 0.009 3.240 December: 15225.9 12285.6 1381.5 28893.0 425.9 262.6 30.7 719.2 1 0.016 1 5.779 Total: 145273.6 194428.6 233374.5 573076.7 4095.4 3014.0 1265.6 8375.0 0.321 1 114.615 Boiler# ID# GPH Hi-Fire Gals/Hr Hr/Yr Gals/Yr 1 H-101 143 35.5 4095.4 145273.6 2 H-102 143 64.5 3014.0 194428.6 3 H-103 180 184A 1265.6 233374.5 /10 Total 466 284.37919 8375 573076.7 (Yl �F Criteria Pollutants Criteria Emisson Factor Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total �1' Ar► Pollutants Lbs./1000 al. TonsNr TonsNr TonsNr Tons/Yr cljaeo.w TSP 2.00 0.145 0.194 0.233 0.573 r` PM-10 1.00 0.073 0.097 0,117 0.287 PM-2.5 0.25 0.018 0.024 0,029 0,072 Sox 42.60 3,094 4.141 4,971 1 Z207 O.00o Nox / 20.00 1.453 1.944 2.334 5.731 VOC 0.20 0.015 0.019 0.023 0.057 CO 5.00 1 0.363 1 0,486 1 0.583 1.433 Hazardous Air Pollutants Hazardous Air Emisson Factor Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total Pollutants (lbs/1000 gal) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) Arsenic 5.60E-04 0,081 0.109 0.131 0.321 Benzene 2.75E-03 0.400 0.535 0.642 1.576 Beryllium 4.20E-04 0.061 0.082 0,098 0.241 IL Cadmium 4.20E-04 0.061 0.082 0.098 0,241 Chromium 4.20E-04 0,061 0.082 0.098 0.241 Chromium VI 2.90E-05 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.017 f _ 1 Ethyl benzene 8.17E-04 0.119 0.159 0.191 OA68 I },I _o4R� r O, 9S 7 p� Flouride 3.73E-02 5.419 7.252 8.705 21.376 - I Formaldehyde 4.80E-02 6,973 9.333 11.202 27.508 1 rol-fl V�21� Lead 1.26E-03 0,183 0.245 0.294 0.722 0�7-f Manganese 8.40E-04 0.122 0.163 0,196 0.481 Mercu 4.20E-04 0.061 0,082 0.098 0.241 Na thalene 3.30E-04 0.048 0,064 0.077 0.189 C:\Users\connerbt\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION G 1115/2012-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of Input data 1 are viewed I printed on the"OUTPUT"tablscreen.The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should its used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information cmrtalnW.This spnedarner Is NCDENR sub act to ontinual nvlelon antl updating.Itisyourmsponsibilityto MamMra IMmastcmmdlnformationay ilabM.DENRishotresponsibleforerrorsar amlealona that rosy M conWhad herein. COMPANY: Avoca MAX HEAT INPUT. 65.80 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 8DOG44 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 141,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 0 1 HHV for GHG CALCULATIONS: 0.138 mm BTU/GAL FACILITY CITY: Marry Hill ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 573,077 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Berge MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,088,000 GALIYR USER NAME: E Huddleston MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 0.0 % EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.2 oil-fired Boiler EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: H101 thru H103 MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,088,000 GALfYR MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 0.0014 % NONE/OTHER PM 0 NONE/OTHER 502 0 NONE/OTHER NOX 0 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS k C/al: CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR iKIFA Cp11aIXSi LiM11a1 Klit.t CANTg .111.1Ml131 NF RWNTg LIN11a1 mnd 1 AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED lb/hr ton Ib/hr tonsi Ib/hr tonslyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+GPM 1.54 0.95 1.54 6.75 1.54 6.75 3.30E+00 3.30E+00 FILTERABLE PM FPM 0.93 0.57 0.93 4.09 0.93 4.09 2.00E+00 2.00E+00 CONDENSABLE PM CPM 0.81 0.37 0.61 2.66 0.61 2.66 1.30E+00 1.30E+00 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMte) 0.47 0.29 0.47 2.04 0.47 2.04 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 0.12 0.07 0.12 0.51 0.12 0.51 2.50E.01 2.50E-01 SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO,) 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.41 0.09 0.41 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 NITROGEN OXIDES(NO,) 9.33 5.73 9.33 40.88 9.33 40.88 2.00E+01 2.00E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.33 1.43 2.33 10.22 2.33 10.22 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.41 0.09 0.41 2.00E-01 2.00E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.26E-03 1.26E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMMONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS IKIER CGNIaaLSILNIIsI ter.coNTaoLSIL..., IKTaR..IaluMlm IW1 o' al TOXIC I WARDOUS MR POLLUTANT NUMBER Idhr I Mohr IW IIa1M IW unconbolled wrtrolled AoSmon Unlisted Cron nds H SBC-Other 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 O.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Arsenic Umistad Cons Me ASCOmer 2.6E-04 3.2E-01 26E-04 2.3E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 5.60E.04 5.60E-04 Benmrm 71432 1.3E-03 1.6E+00 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 2.75E-03 2.75E-03 lium Marl hosided 74,10117 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Caaum MMal Montreal umeactetl 7440439 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-D4 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Ctmmic ACM H 7738945 2.oE-D4 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 CaOMt Unlisted Can nds H CoGOthar 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Etn benzene H 100414 3.8E-04 4.7E-01 3.8E-D4 3.3E+00 3.8E-04 3.3E+00 8.17E-04 8.17E-04 FlumCes sum fluorde can .de 1699/488 1.7E-02 2.1E+01 17E-02 1.5E+02 1.7E-02 1.5E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Fonnadeh a 50000 2.2E-02 2.8E+01 22E-02 2.0E+02 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 4.80E-02 4.80E-02 Lead Unlisted Cons nds H PBOOtIs 5.9E-04 7.2E-01 5.9E-04 5.2E+00 5.9E-04 5.2E+00 1.26E-03 1.26E-03 Manganese Unlisted Can Ma TH MNGOdta 3.9E-04 4.8E-01 3.9E-04 3.4E+00 3.9E-04 3.4E+00 8.40E-04 8.40E-04 Mersurr.w TH 7439117% 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-D4 4.20E-04 N1et cnbraorm H 71W 1.1E-04 1.4E-01 1.1E-04 9.6E-01 1.1E-04 9.6E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 No halens H 91203 I 1.6E-04 1.9E-01 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.6E.04 1.4E+00 3.33E-04 3.33E-04 Made Melel 7440020 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Phaahonta Maw,Yawa or white H 77MM 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 POM rates unamtraleE H POM 1.5E-03 1.9E+00 1.5E-03 1.3E+01 1.5E-03 1.3E+01 3.30E-03 3.30E-03 saenium ooro Ike H SEC 9.BE-04 1.2E+00 9.8E-04 8.6E+00 9.8E-04 6.6E+00 2.10E-03 2.10E-03 Toluene loam 3.7E-02 4.6E+01 3.7E-02 3.3E+02 37E.02 3.3E+02 7.97E-02 7,97E-02 xyleve 1330207 6.5E-04 8.0E-01 6.5E-04 5.7E+00 I 6.5E-04 5.7E+00 1.40E-03 1.40E-03 TasIHAP M 907E-02 8.2E+01 9.7E-02 I 5.9E+02 9.7E-02 I 5.9E+02 1AEDI 1AE-01 HAP H 3.72E-02 4.57E+01 172E-02 I 3.28E+02 3.72E-02 I 3.29E+02 7.97E-02 I 7.97E02 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR N10 TOXIC MR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ible two, IN unmNldlatl aXdalsd Meanic UNl Can rds H ASC-Olher 2.61E-04 6.27E-03 2.29E+00 5.60E-04 5.60E-04 Brentano H 71432 1.28E-03 3.08E-02 1.12E+01 2.75E-03 2.75E-03 Ilum Mew unTeaaee H 1,440417 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Cedlum Melee alarenal Invented 7440439 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Soluble chromate wm Ids.as chromium I SacRe 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Fluorides sum 9ucnde cons nds T tastNss 1.74E-02 4.10E-01 1.52E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Famaldan e H Sooao 2.24E-02 5.38E-01 1.96E+02 4.80E-02 4.80E-02 Mar,Msee Uauled cons nds H MNC-OeMr 3.92E-04 9.41E-03 3.43E+00 8.40E-04 8.40E-04 Merv ,,ve H 7439976 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 miany,aeaofam H T1588 1.10E-04 2.64E-03 9.65E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Nicde Mew H 7440020 1.9fiE-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 To. H loom 3.72E-02 8.92E-01 3.26E+02 7.97E-02 7.97E-02 Xylem (TH) 133g2o7 6.54E-04 1.57E-02 5.73E+00 1.40E-03 1.40E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize miss heat POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With Input capacity and EPA MRR Emission Requested Emission Limitation- Factorc utilize requested fuel limit and EPA GREENHOUSE GAS EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 MRR Emission Factors POLLUTANT short tonstyr, short tons/yr, metric tons/ r metric tons/ r,CO2e short tons/ r short tons) r CO2e short tons) r CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) 5,849.10 5,849.10 6,447.52 46,992.73 46,992.73 46,992.73 46,992.73 METHANE(CH4) 2.37E-01 4.98E+00 2.62E-01 1.91E+00 4.00E+01 1.91E+00 4.00E+01 NffROUS OXIDE(N20) 4.75E-02 1.47E+01 5.23E-02 3.81E-01 1.18E+02 3.81E-01 1.10E+02 TOTAL 5,868.79 47,150.94 TOTAL 4(,1 .94 NOTES:1)CO2e means CO2 equivalent 2)The OA0 Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons and the EPA MRR requires metric tons Page 2 of 2 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Boilers : OS-1 Nickel I 4.20E-04 1 0.061 0.082 1 0.098 0.241 Toluene 7.97E-02 11.578 15.496 18.600 A 374 o-X lene I 1.40E-03 1 0.203 0.272 1 0.327 10.802 Green House Gas Pulutents Emission Boller#1 Boller#2 Boiler#3 Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total GHG Pollutant Factor (lbs/hr) (lbs/hr) (lbs/hr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) DAa (lbs/1000 gal) E//rA /►12n c4JLLC-S CO2 22700.00 805.22 1464.34 4185.84 1648.86 2206.76 2648.80 6504.42 H yy—7' 5*2— Methane 0.06 0.0021 0.0039 0.0111 0.0044 0.0058 0.0070 0.0172 Z� (CH4) Nitrous Oxide 0.12 0.0043 0.0077 0.0221 0.0087 0.0117 0.0140 0.0344 0, 0 .S (N20) �t �tlefhyl�lil��F��M �.ly lb n^ 5 m 1,9 ��a S��t'i171✓/q /. 2 �b f 11 c>� C:\Users\connerbl\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 G-7 7 Fire Pumps 6j�f Z L Data used for inventory only! 2 p GI✓S Year: 2017 Total Run Time: 29.3 Hrs/Yr Efficiency: 75 % Sulfur Content: 15 ppm Cetane# 40 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal Gallons Hours Gallons/ VOC Month Fuel Operated hour (lbs.) Used January: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 February: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 March: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 April: 50.0 2.50 20.0 2.604 May: 30.0 1.50 20.0 1.562 June: 160.0 8.00 20.0 8.333 July: 30.0 1.50 20.0 1.562 August: 25.0 1.25 20.0 1.302 September: 50.0 2.50 20.0 2.604 October: 31.0 1.55 20.0 1.614 November: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 December: 50.0 2.50 1 20.0 2.604 Total: 86.0 29.30 1 20.0 30.5 Heat Rate FP ID# Bhp hp HrlYr Gals/Hr GalslYr mm mm Btu/Hr BtulYr FP FP 285 214 29.3 20.0 586.0 2.82 82.63 Criteria Emisson Factor (Lb/MM FP Pollutants BTU) (TonsNr TSP 0.31 0.013 PM-10 0.31 0.013 PM-2.5 0.31 ' 0.013 Sox 0.152 0.006 Nox 4.41 0.182 VOC 0.36 0.015 CO 0.95 0.039 Green House Gases GHG Emisson Factor E101 Hazardous/Toxi Emisson Factor (LbIMM FP Pollutant c Air Pollutants BTU) (Lbs/Yr) K /MM BTU tons/ r COZ 73.960 6.737 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 0.063 Methane 0.003 0.000273 Nitrous Acrolein 9.25E-05 0.008 Oxide 0.0006 0.000055 (N2O) Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.0003 Benzene 9.33E-04 0.077 Benzoa rene 1.88E-07 0.00002 Mu�nfor.��u /,v-wcvjC�trff'Af�aU Beryllium 3.00E-06 0.0002 Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.0002 /1(I L4-0 s f p Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 0.097 Na thalene 8.48E-05 0.007 y SO INdY Toluene 4.09E-04 i 0.034 X lene 2.85E-04 0.024 rams c A_r. a d. oasZ v� �/r,P o.aao Z o.a- i rrJ w�uw-en.y c. aao S Page 1 of 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 (, Generators : OS-2 Year: 2 17 05 Total Run Time: 79.5 Hrs/Yr V Efficiency: 75 Sulfur Content: �.3 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 BtulGal Fuel Usane Wallons) VOC C- / 201 Month E101 E102 E103 E104 Total (Lbs.) 8( G/wi(6 January: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 February: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 March: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 ���� � o�S April: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 i May: 22.5 37.5 30.0 30.0 120.0 6.2 June: 22.5 37.5 30.0 30.0 120.0 1 6.2 -/� July: 30.0 50.0 0.0 40.0 120.0 6.2 o C�a poa.( i 11 E S 22.5 25.0 0.0 30.0 77.E 0.0 40.0 120.0 5.2 30.0 50.0 0.0 40.0 120.0 6.2 40.0 120.0 6.2 37.5 62.5 0.0 50.0 150.0 7.8 345.0 I 562.5 220.0 460.0 1687.E --- Heat Rate Generator No. ID# I Bho I ha I HrIYr GalsIHr GalsIYr MM BtulHr MM BtulYr 1 E101 1 587 440 23.0 15.0 345.0 2.12 48.65 2 E102 760 570 22.5 25.0 562.5 3.53 79.31 3 E103 603 452 1 11.0 20.0 220.0 2.82 31.02 4 E104 1 534 1 401 1 23.0 20.0 2.82 64.86 Total 2484 1 1963 1 80 80 1687.5j 11 224 Criteria Emisson Factor Gen.#1 Gen.#2 Gen.#3 Gen.#4 Total !b yY Pollutants (LbIMM BTU) (TonsNr) (TonsNr) (TonsNr) (TonslYr) (TonslYr) TSP 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.011 CA f"r le (�U� r3E'/o ` PM-10 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 1 0.011 / i �0L yy PM-2.5 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.011 r Pud 19 -6 • c-� Sox 0.141 0,003 0.006 0.002 0.005 i 0.016 p,Oo/ Nox 3.200 0.078 0.127 0.050 0.104 0.358 _ VOC 0.080 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.003 '0.009 h7Uilggrl�r to 6, ]7 CO 0.850 0.021 0.034 0.013 0.028 0,095 inc taut y �E-6 HazardouslToxic Emisson Factor Gen.#1 Gen.#2 Gen.#3 Gen.#4 Total C.,7 LE' y Air Pollutants (LbIMM BTU) (LbsNr) (LbsNr) (LbsNr) (Lbs/Yr) (LbsNr) Acetaldeh de 2.52E-05 0.001226 0.001999 0.000782 0.001634 0.006 Acrolein 7.88E-06 0.000383 0.000625 0.000244 0.000511 0.002 t✓�r��/yYY) Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.000195 0.000317 0.000124 0.000259 0.001 Benzene 7.76E-04 0.037749 0.061547 0.024072 0.050331 �0.174 CGclrrl/VYn Benzo a rene 2.57E-07 0.000013 0.000020 0.000008 0.000017 0.0001 0.003 y Be Ilium 3.00E-06 0.00014E 0,000238 0,000093 0.000195 0.001 C„/ 14 q� Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.000146 0.000238 0.000093 0.000195 ,0.001 dam! Formeldeh de 7.89E-05 0,003838 0.006258 0.002447 0.005117 10.018 Na thalene 1.30E-04 0.006324 0.010311 0.0D4033 0.008432 10.029 Toluene 2.81E-04 0.013669 0.0222871 0.0087171 0.018226 0.063 X lane 1.93E-04 0.009388 0.0163071 0.005987 10..012518 0.043 Green House Gas Pulutants GHG Pollutant Emisson Factor E101 E102 E103 E104 Total LbIMM BTU ton r tonsl r tons r ton rl (tonslvrl CO2 43.990 1.0699 1.7445 0.6823 1.4266 4.92 Methane A (CH4) 0.009 0.0002 0.0004 0.0001 0.0003 0.00101 S/prtu��"�" Nitrous Oxide Lie 4 S (N20) 0.001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000112 ,� 1 � h1rr CI- f VeA C:1Userslconner1b1lDesktop12017 AAE Calc Page 1 GAS&DIESEL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION S 6/22/2016-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source I facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen.The air emission results and summary of input date are WTWA viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tabiscreen.The different tabs am on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information contained. NCDENR This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It Is your responsibility to be aware of the most current Information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. COMPANY: AVOCB iil •// FACILITY ID NO.: 800044 PERMIT NUMBER: 0 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 285 HP POWER OUTPUT DIESEL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FACILITY CITY: Marry Hill EMISSION SOURCE ID NO- FP FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY. ETH POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. ACTUAL THROUGHPUT 1 586 GALS COMBUSTED .1 FUEL HEATING VALUE1 1410001 BTU/GAL PM 0 REQUESTED ANNUAL LIMITATION I 500 HRS OF OPERATION I CALCULATIONS:1 0.1381 mm BTU/GAL PM10 0 SULFUR CONTENT OF DIESEL FUEL I% 0 PM2.5 0 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF S02 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS(Ixg C/al: CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN NOX 0 CO 0 VOC 0 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENIII EMISSIONS EMISMON FACTOR (KiFA COMADLO rLiYiill PlrD1E...L.Mntl IrJIEe COx1MLDM1M1181I IdNPh AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir ton Ib/hr ton Ib/hr torsi wcanlralee PARTICULATE MATTER PM 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PMro) 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM,,!) 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 0.00 0,00 0.00- 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.21E-05 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 8.84 0.18 8.84 38.70 8.84 2.21 3.10E-02 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 1.90 0,04 1.90 8.34 1.90 0.48 6.68E.03 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0,72 0.01 0.72 3.14 0.72 0.18 2.51E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL.EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS NiIEACON1xOLSI WIRI IBEfC1E f.DYAgd/LM1191 RRCDxIgplAMne) GTPM TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr I Ib/hr Ib/hr uncaneollea Acetaideh a H, 75070 1.53E-03 6.34E-02 1.53E-03 1.34E+01 1.53E-03 7.65E-01 5.37E-06 Acmlein H,T 107028 1.85E-04 7.64E-03 1.85E-04 1.62E+00 1.85E-04 9.23E-02 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted Compounds H, ASC-Other 7.98E-06 3.31E-04 7.98E-06 6.99E-02 7.98E-06 3.99E-03 2.80E-08 Benzene H,7 71432 1.86E-03 7.71E-02 1.88E-03 1.63E+01 1.86E-03 9.31E-01 6.53E-06 Benzo a ne H,T 50328 3.75E-07 1.55E-05 3.75E-07 3.29E-03 3.75E-07 1.88E-04 1.32E-09 Beryllium metal unreacted H, 7440417 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E.06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 1,3-Butadiene H,T 106990 7.80E.05 3.23E-03 7.80E-05 6.83E-01 7.80E-05 3.90E-02 2.74E-07 Cadmium metal elemental unreected H, 7440439 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Chromic Acid I H, 7738945 5.99E.06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde H, 50000 2.35E-03 9.75E-02 2.35E-03 2.06E+01 2.35E-03 1.18E+00 I 8.26E-06 Lead unlisted compounds H PSC-Other 1.80E-05 7.44E-04 1.80E-05 1.57E-01 1.80E-05 8.98E-03 I 6.30E-08 Manganese unlisted Compounds H, MNC-Other 1.20E-05 4.96E-04 1.20E-05 1.05E-01 1.20E-05 5.99E-03 I 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor H,T) 7439976 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Napthalene H 91203 1.69E-04 7.01E-03 1.69E-04 1.48E+00 1.69E-04 8.46E-02 5.94E-07 Nickel metal H, 7440020 5.99E-0fi 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Selenium Compounds H SEC 2.99E-05 1.24E-03 2.99E-05 2.62E-01 2.99E-05 1.50E-02 1.05E-07 Toluene H,7 108883 8.16E-04 3.38E-02 8.16E-04 7.15E+00 8.16E-04 4.08E 01 2.86E-06 , 13302" 9E-0 2 5.69E-04 4.98E+00 5.69E-04 284E-01 2.00E-06 t HHP(Foraldehyde) 0000 56E 235E-0 2.35E-03 2.06E+01 2.35E-03 1.18E+00 8.26E-06 Total HAPS 7.66E-03 I 3.17E-01 7.66E-03 6.71E+01 7.66E-03 3.83E+00 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS Ex193lON FACTOR INhPh TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAB Num. Ib/hr lb/day Iblyr uncontrolled Acetaldehyde(H,T) 75070 1.53E-03 3.67E-02 7.65E.01 5.37E-06 Acrolein(H,T) 107028 1.85E-04 4.43E.03 9.23E-02 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted Compounds H, ASC-Other 7.98E-06 1.92E-04 3.99E-03 2.80E-08 Benzene H,T 71432 1.86E-03 4.47E-02 9.31E-01 6.53E-06 enno a ne B H, 50328 3.75E-07 9.00E-06 1.88E-04 1.32E-09 Beryllium"let Unmatched) H, 7440417 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 1,3-Butetliene H, 106990 7.80E-05 1.87E-03 3.90E-02 2.74E-07 Cadmium metal ebmental unmacter H, 7440439 5.99E-08 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 soluble chromate Compounds.as chromium I uivalent SOLCR6 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde H,T 50000 2.35E-03 5.65E-02 1.18E+00 8.26E-06 Man anese unlisted Compounds H,T MNC-Other 1.20E-05 2.87E-04 5.99E-03 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor H,T 7439976 5.99E-0fi 1 44E.04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Nickel metal H, 7440020 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E.03 2.10E-05 Toluene H, 108883 8.16E.04 1.96E-02 4.08E-01 2.86E-06 Xylene H,T 1330207 5.69E-04 1.36E-02 2.84E-01 2.00E-06 DISTILLATE 81 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heal input Requested Emission Limitabon-utilize Capacity or horsepower and EPA MRR Emission Factors requested fuel limit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS EMITTED EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 Emission Factors metric tonslyr metric tonstyr.CO2e short tonslyr short torstyr short ton CO29 short tonstyr short ton CO2a CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) 5.98 5.98 6.59 1,424.78 1,424.78 81.32 81.32 METHANE(CH.) 2.43E-04 6.07E-03 2.67E-04 5.78E-02 1.44E+00 3.30E-03 8.25E-02 NITROUS OXIDE(NDO) 4.85E-05 1.45E-02 5.35E-05 1.16E-02 3.44E+00 6.60E.04 1.97E-01 TOTAL 6.00 TOTAL 1429.67 TOTAL $1.60 NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent. NOTE: The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons be reported. The EPA MRR requires metric tons be reported. NOTE: Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD(Prevention of Significant Delenore6on)purposes. Lar a Diesel and All Dual-Fuel En ines Emissions Calculator LGD2012 Revision J.0612212015 Insrucbms:Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(dieseynatural gas)engines. Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a perms lima. User In ul DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not Company Name: Avoca guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision Plant County Bartle and updating. It is your responsibility to he aware of the most current Information available. DENR Plant City: Marry HIII Is not responsible for errors or omissions that may he contained herein. Permit Number. -u,.�-e( User: 0Huddleston (�� Fuel Sulfur Fuel Input Rates Diesel(pall NG(cu ft1 Meat Input Rates Diesel lift Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.00 Hourly Fuel Usage: 80.00 Hourly Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 11.2E 0.00 NG Fuel Sulfur Content( r/mm cu it): 2,000 Annual Fuel Usage: 1,588 Annual Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 224 0 Fuel Heat Content: 141,000 1,050 Btul al for diesel,Blulcu.8 for NG Emissions Output for Diesel Engine Emission Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Ib/hr I t Ib/mmBtu) Rating Pollutant Ib/hr IN Ib/mmBlu Rating PM 1.13 22.38 0.01 1.00E-01 B PM NA NA NA NO NA PM-10 1.13 22.38 0.01 100E-01 8 PM-10 NA NA NA NO NA PM-2.5 1.13 22.38 0.01 1.00E-01 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA NO NA NO.,uncont. 36.10 716.28 0.36 3.20E+00 B NO,,uncora. 30.46 604.36 0.30 2.70E+00 D NO„Cont. 21.43 425.29 0.21 1.90E+00 B NO.Cont. NA NA NA NO NA OC(as CH.) 1.02 20.15 0.01 9.00E-02 C TOC(as CH.) 9.02 179.07 0.09 8.00E-01 D NMTOC 0.92 18.33 0.01 8.19E-02 E NMTOC 2.26 44.77 0.02 2.00E-01 E CO 9.59 190.26 0.10 8.50E-01 C CO 13.08 259.65 0.13 1.16E+00 D SO, 0.02 0.34 0.00 1.52E-03 a SO, 0.00 0.03 0.00 1.31E-04 B Total HAP 1.98E-02 3.92E-01 1.96E-04 1.75E-03 NA La est HAP benzene 8.75E-03 1.74E-01 8.68E-05 7.76E-04 NA TOxic/Hazardous Air Pollutants There are no TocciHaianlous Air Pollutant emission factors for dual-fuel engines. Pollutant CAS Number Ib/hr lb/dayIW Acetaldehyde 75070 2.84E-04 6.82E-03 5.64E-03 2.52E-05 E Acrolein 107028 8.89E-05 2.13E-03 1.76E-03 7.88E-06 E Arsenic unlisted compounds ASC-Omer 4.51E-05 1.08E-03 8.95E-04 4.00E-06 E Benzene 71432 8.75E-03 2.10E-01 1.74E-01 7.76E-04 E Benzo(a)pyrene 50328 2.90E-06 6.96E-05 5.75E-05 2.57E-07 E.< Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440417 3.36E-05 8.12E-0l 6.72E-04 3 OOE-06 E Cadmium metal(elemental unreacted) 7440439 3.36E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 E Chromic Acid(VI) 7738945 3.38E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 E Formaldehyde 50000 8.90E-04 2.14E-02 1.77E-02 7.89E-05 E Lead unlisted compounds PBC-Other 1.02E-04 2.44E-03 2.01E-03 9.00E.06 E Manganese unlisted compounds MNC-Other 6.77E-05 1.62 3E0 6..60E-06 E Mercury vapor 7439976 3.38E-05 81 E-04 3 9123 1.47E3 3.52 -0 6 Napthalene E-02 91E-02 1E-0 E E Nickel metal 7440020 3.38E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 m E Selenium compounds SEC 1.69E-04 4.06E-03 3.36E-03 1.50E-05 E Total PAH 2.39E-03 5.74E-02 4.75E-02 2.12E-04 E,< Toluene 1O8883 3.17E-03 7.61E-02 6.29E-02 2.81E-04 E X enes 11330207 2.18E-03 5.22E-02 4.32E-02 1.93E-04 E Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor but not with EPA Mandato Re Ain Rule Factor Quality but not with EPA Mantlalory Rebortina Rule Factor Quality Pollutant Ib/ Ib/mmBtu Rating Pollutant Ib/hr by 1py Wmri Rating Carton Dioxide(CO,) 36,104.04 18.05 43.99 NA Carbon Dioxide(CO,) 36,104.04 18.05 43.99 NA Methane(CH.) 49.36 0.02 0.009 NA Methane(CH4) 3,023.07 1.51 0.540 NA Nitrous Oxide(NiO) 88.25 0.04 0.001 NA Nitrous Oxide(N,O) 88.25 0.04 0.001 NP. 36.241.64 18.12 39,215.35 19.61 Nola:Oo nil w rwnhouw smiuion xamstu fiarr,tMs•raWalwt br PSD prowMlon M SI Mflurx DaYdorNlon NO,control is via ignition timing retard. Pollutants in red are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. All other toxic/hazsrdous air pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPS. Factor quality ratings containing"<"indicate an AP42 emission factor based on test results being below detection. �FK/A Emission factors for criers re ia pollutants a from AP42 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). T'L� Emission factors for arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromium,lead,manganese,mercury,nickel,and selenium are from APd2 Chapter 1.3,Fuel Oil Combustion(revised 5/10). NCDENR All other toxirfiazardous pollutants are from APd2 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Emission factors for greenhouse gases are from DAQ's Greenhouse Gas Emission Guidelines:Stationary Combustion Sources,June 2008,except for CH4, which uses AP42,Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Carbon dioxide emission factor for dual-fuel engines is calculated based on 95%natural gas and 5%diesel,per APd2 Chapter 3.4.p.3.4-5(revised 101%). Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly fuel usage.Annual emissions are based on the annual fuel usage. Daily emissions are based on operation at the hourly input rate for 24 hours. Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 PK- Generator : OS-12 Year: 2017 ./,-.2 !-* 1 nuppr p t_� Total Run Time: 86.6 Hrs/Yr �Vol Efficiency: 75 % 61� �1� Pryu t Sulfur Content: 0_3 % Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal V Emisson Emisson Criteria Factor Pk-Gen Hazardous/ Factor Pk-Gen Month Fuel Usage Hours VOC Pollutants (Lb/MM (Tons/Yr) Toxic Air (Lb/MM (Lbs/Yr) (gallons) Operated (Lbs.) BTU Pollutants BTU TSP 0.1 0.0439 Acetaldehyde 2.52E-05 0.0221 January: 1188 16.5 61.87 PM-10 0.1 i 0.0439 Acrolein 7.88E-06 0.0069 February: 144.0 2.0 7.50 PM-2.5 0.1 / 0.0439 Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.0035 L t/ March: 252.0 3.5 13.12 Sox 0.141 0.0619 1 Benzene 7.76E-04 1 0.6818 April: 396.0 5.5 20.62 Nox 3.2 Lr 1.4058 Benzo a rene 2.57E-07 0.0002 May: 612.0 8.5 31.87 VOC 0. 82 0,0 Beryllium 3.00E-06 0.0026 June: 180.0 2.5 9.37 CO 0.85 Pit .3734 Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.0026 �S mgj�P July: 1404.0 19.5 73.12 Formaldehyde 7.89E-05 0.0693 August: 612.0 8.5 31.87 Na thalene 1.30E-04 0.1142 September: 900.0 12.5 46.87 Toluene 2.81E-04 0.2469 October: 252.0 3.5 13.12 X lene 1.93E-04 0.1696 c+� November: 111.6 1.6 5.81 December: 180.0 2.5 9.37 Total: 6231.E Y 86.6 324.5 Heat Rate Generator No. ID# Bhp hp Hr/Yr Gals/Hr I Gals/Yr I MM Btu/Hr MM Btu/Yr Pk-Gen Pk-Gen 2670 2003 86.6 72.0 6231.E 10.15 878.66 Green House Gas Pulutants for Peak Generator Emisson Factor GHG Pollutant (Lb/MM BTU) Ibs/yr tons/yr 1,u4 Q voe y 44 43.990 38652.06 19.33 An Gvn15 Zk""p eT,p0 S%o z� Methane 0.009 7.91 0.0040 i �/,� o ,v t3 Nitrous Oxide /7/ G�� (NzO) 0.007 6.15 0.00308 Slt-lu nIy^ cr,cl y Large Diesel and All Dual-Fuel Engines Emissions Calculator LGD2012 Revision J-06I22/2015 Insructions.Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(diesellnatural gas)engines. Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a permit limit. Userinout DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not Company Name: Avoca ar guarantee the accuracy of the information comaln xi.This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision Plant County: Battle IN-/ and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available.DENR Plant City: Melly Hill Is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. Permit Number: User: B Huddleston Fuel Sulfur Fuel Input Rates Diesel(nail NG cu ftl Heat Input Rates Diesel NBC Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.30 Hourly Fuel Usage: 72.00 Hourly Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 10.80 0.00 NG Fuel Sulfur Content r/mm cu it): 2,000 Annual Fuel Usage: 6,232 Annual Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 935 0 Fuel Heat Content: 150,000 1,050 BtW al for diesel,Stulcu.It for NG Emissions Output for Diesel Engines Erlussion Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Whir I gNmmBtu Ratin Pollutant Whir lblyr t IWrtsnl3tu Rat' PM 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.00E-01 B PM NA NA NA NO NA PM-10 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.O0-01 B PM-10 NA NA NA NO NA PM-2.5 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.00E-01 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA NO NA NOx,uncont. 34.56 2,991.36 1.50 3.20E+00 B NO„uncont. 29A6 2.523.96 1.26 2.70E+00 D NO.cant. 20.52 1,776.12 0.89 1.90E+00 B NO,,cunt. NA NA NA NO NA TOC(as CH4) 0.97 84.13 0.04 9.00E-02 C TOC(as CHI) 8.64 747.84 OX 8.00E-01 D NMTOC 0.88 76.56 0.04 8.19E-02 E NMTOC 2.16 186.96 0.09 2.00E-01 E CO 9.18 794.58 0.40 8.50E-01 C CO 12.53 1.084.37 0.54 1,16E+001 D 50, 3.27 283.24 0.14 3.03E-01 B SO, 0.16 14.07 0.01 1.51E02 B 1.6 Total HAP 1.89E-02 4E+00 8.19E-04 1.75E-03 NA Largest HAP benzene 6.38E-03 7.25E-01 3.63E-04 7.76E-04 NA ToxldHazardoua Air Pollutants There are no Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutant emission factors fix dual-fuel engines. Pollutant CAS Number Whir lb/day IW Acetaldehyde 75070 2.72E-04 6.53E-03 2.36E-02 2.52E-05 E Acrolein 107028 8.51E-05 2.04E-03 7.37E-03 7.88E-06 E Arsenic unlisted compounds ASC-Other 4.32E-05 1.04E-03 3.74E-03 4.00E-06 E Benzene 71432 8.38E-03 2.01E-01 7.25E-01 7.76E-04 E Benzo(a)pyrene 50328 2.78E-06 6.66E-05 2.40E-04 2.57E-07 E,< Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440417 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Cadmium metal(elemental unreacted) 744D439 3.24E-05 7.76E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Chromic Acid(VI) T738945 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Formaldehyde 5000O 8.52E-04 2.05E-02 7.38E-02 7.89E-05 E Lead unlisted compounds PBC-Other 9.72E05 2.33E-03 8.41E-03 9.00E-06 E Manganese unlisted compounds MNC-Other 6.48E-05 1.56E-03 5.61E-03 6.00E-06 E Mercury vapor 7439976 3.24E-05 7.78EfM 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Napthalene 91203 1.40E-03 3.37E-02 1.22E-01 1.30E-04 E Nickel metal 7440020 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Selenium compounds SEC 1.62E-04 3.89E-03 1.40E-02 1.50E-05 E Total PAH 2.29E-03 5.50E-02 1.98E-01 2.12E-04 E Toluene 108883 3.03E-03 7.28E-02 2.63E-01 2.81E-04 E jXylenes 11330207 2.08E.03 5.00E-02 1.80E-01 1.93E-041 E Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor but not with EPA Mandato Re ortin Rule Facto Quality but not with EPA Mandatory Rawrtino Rule Factor Quality Pollutant lb/w t Ib/mmBtu Rating Pollutant I IWhr I IWyr tpY (Ibingi Rating Carbon Daxide(CO2) 150,779.27 75.39 43,99 NA Carbon Dioxide(CO,) 151.779.27 75.39 43.99 NA Methane(CH,) 206.12 0.10 0.009 NA Methane(CH,) 12,625.06 6.31 0.540 NA Nitrous Oxide(N2O) 368.55 0.18 0.001 NA Nitrous Oxide(N2O) 368.55 0.18 0.001 NA 151,1.1. 75.08 163,772871 81.89 Note:po notes greammuse gas emission asemata,hom this spreadeheal for PSD(PrevaMion of significant Datanoration NO,control is via ignition timing retard. Pollutants in red are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. All other toxic/hazardous air pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPS. Factor quality ratings containing'<-indicate an AP42 emission factor based on test results being below detection. Emission factors for cntena pollutants are from AP42 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10196). Emission factors for arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromium,lead,manganese,mercury,nickel,and selenium are from AP42 Chapter 1.3,Fuel Oil Combustion(revised 5110). All other toxicthazardous pollutants are from AP42 Chapter 3 4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Emission factors for greenhouse gases are from DAQs Greenhouse Gas Emission Guidelines:Stationary Combustion Sources,June 2008,except for CH4, which uses AP-42,Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10196). Carbon dioxide emission factor for dual-fuel engines is calculated based on 95%natural gas and 5%diesel,per AP42 Chapter 3.4.p.3.4-5(revised 10/96). Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly fuel usage.Annual emissions are based on the annual fuel usage. Daily emissions are based on operation at the hourly input rate for 24 hours. 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Biomass Boilers : ES-BB1 & ES-BB2: OS-33 21, ?y Fuel Source : Wood Chips �j,P �.t✓�`��f' � ��� Year: 2017 Total Run Time: 8119.0 HrsNr Wood Chips 8000000 BTU/ton 56 ,mo15 --v � Emission Factors determined by Emissions test conducted on 12/19/2013 Boiler Operation (Hours) Wood Chips Burned (Tons) CO PM HCL Hoc Heat Rate Month ES-BB1 ES-BB2 Max Boiler ES-BB1 ES-BB2 Total Wood Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. MM Btu/Month Hours Chips January: 744.0 744.0 744.0 1559.0 1559.0 3117.9 4789.1 34.92048 2.244888 0.00723 24943.2 February: 672.0 672.0 672.0 1437.2 1437.2 2874.3 4414.9 32.19216 2.069496 0.00667 22994.4 March: 500.0 700.0 700.0 876.9 876.9 1753.8 2693.8 19.64256 1.262736 0.00407 14030.4 April: 580.0 459.0 580.0 1035.3 1035.3 2070.5 3180.3 23.1896 1.49076 0.00480 16564 May: 580.0 580.0 580.0 1120.5 1120.5 2241.0 3442.2 25.0992 1.61352 0.00520 17928 June: 686.0 720.0 720.0 1364.1 1364.1 2728.2 4190.5 30.55584 1.964304 0.00633 1 21825.6 July: 574.0 541.0 574.0 998.7 998.7 1997.4 3068.0 22.37088 1.438128 0.00463 15979.2 August: 731.0 744.0 744.0 1510.0 1510.5 3020.5 4639.5 33.8296 2.17476 0.00701 24164 September: 682.0 720.0 720.0 1376.3 1376.3 2752.5 4227.8 30.828 1.9818 0.00639 22020 October: 621.0 621.0 621.0 1047.4 1047.4 2094.8 3217.6 23.46176 1.508256 0.00486 16758.4 November: 720.0 720.0 720.0 1461.5 1461.5 1 2923.0 4489.7 32.7376 2.10456 0.00678 23384 December: 744.0 744.0 744.0 1522.4 1522.4 304 4676.8 34.10176 2.192256 0.00706 24358.4 Total: 7834.0 7965.0 8119.0 15309.1 15309.6 30618.7 47030.3 342.929 22.045 0.07104 244949.6 Average 652.8 663.8 676.E 1 1275.8 1275.8 .6 3919.2 28.577 1.837 0.00592 20412.5 S_¢.,2 lno-o 1 Gorn�.c.�rori NCDA,J SPvP,��� A � d 6 k�L / s G Or l Criteria Polluta is Hazardous Air Pollutants Criteria Emisson actor Boiler Hazardous Air Emisson Factor Boiler Pollutants (Lb/M BTU) (TonsNr) Pollutants (Lb/MM BTU) (LbsNr) TSP 0.0014 0.171 0.14 Acetaldehyde 8.30E-04 203.308 PM-10 0.0014 �C51 0.171 6 l® Acrolein 4.00E-03 979.798 PM-2.5 0.0014 J 0.171 5- d Benzene 4.20E-03 1028.788 Sox 0.03 3.062 34Ifi Benzo a rene 2.60E-06 0.637 Nox 02 Carbon2 26.944 4.50E-05 11.023 tetrachloride VOC 0.02 2.082 Z.YS Chlorine 7.90E-04 193.510 CO 0.19 f 23.515 23.2-7 Chlorobenzene 3.30E-05 8.083 Chloroform 2.80E-05 6.859 Ethyl benzene 3.10E-05 7.593 Green House Gas Pulutants Formaldehyde 4.40E-03 1077.778 GHG Pollutant Emisson Factor E101 Napthalene 9.70E-05 23.760 Lb/MM BTU tons/ r CO2 195.000 23882.6 Phenol 5.10E-05 12.492 Methane 0.021 2.6 Propionaldehyde 6.10E-05 14.942 (CH4) Nitrous Oxide 0.013 1.6 Styrene 1.90E-03 465.404 (NzO) Toluene 9.20E-04 225.354 X lene 2.50E-05 6.124 2yY9Y9. toAW8 u/ /dry. o(t d ✓�o� ��' c�e Sa !1�yc�nt 2Irn,S 5.b-S D.oQ SpY���rh�t IrCn ad ►��io��.4 /✓.aP -7'aQs �fG/ a.000068 (6�N✓)tg�U / o, 66, lbs �blrn-�G�a S c �2, 0 7 16 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY March 15, 2017 ! �cs>< d14t MEMORANDUM To: Robert Fisher, Washington Regional Office From: Brent W. Hall, Stationary Source Compliance Branch(SSCB) Subject: Avoca Incorporated Merry Hill,Bertie County,North Carolina Facility ID 0800044,Permit No. 01819T47 Particulate Matter,Hydrogen Chloride,Carbon Monoxide and Mercury Emissions Testing of Biomass Boilers ES-BBI and ES-BB2 Performed December 14,2016 by Air-Tech Environmental,Inc. Tracking No. 2016-283 ST Air-Tech Environmental, Inc. conducted particulate matter(PM),hydrogen chloride(HCI),carbon monoxide(CO), and mercury(Hg)emissions testing of the two biomass boilers,ES-BB I and ES-BB2, while only firing wood. The test results are acceptable to demonstrate that the boilers were in compliance with the applicable emissions standards during the testing period. ES-BB 1 and ES-BB2 are two biomass boilers(24 million Btu per hour maximum permitted heat input rate each)controlled by simple cyclone CD-BB IC followed by a bagfilter CD-BB 1BH. 15A NCAC 2D .0503 Particulates From Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers and 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDDD National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters apply to the biomass boilers. Air-Tech Environmental performed EPA Method 5 and 26A for PM and HCI,EPA Method 10 for CO, and EPA Method 30B for Hg emissions. 63 Subpart DDDDD limits PM to 0.030 pounds per million Btu (lb/mmBtu)heat input, limits HCI to 0.022 lb/mmBtu, limits CO to 620 parts per million by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen(ppmvd@ 3%02),and limits Hg to 0.00000080 lb/mmBtu. The results for the emissions testing are shown in the table below. Pollutant Test Results Emission Limit Standard Compliance Filterable PM 0.0015 lb/mmBtu 0.030 lb/mmBtu Yes HCI 0.000068 lb/mmBtu 0.022 lb/mmBtu 63 Subpart Yes CO 214 ppmv@ 3%02 620 my 3%02 DDDDD Yes Mercury 2.9E-71b/mmBtu 8.0E-7lb/mmBtu Yes 63 Subpart DDDDD Table 7 requires Avoca to"determine the highest hourly average of the three test run averages during the performance test, and multiply this by 1.1 (110 percent)as [the] operating limit." The maximum hourly average of the three test runs was 23,396 lb/hr steam. Therefore,the maximum operating steam load is 25,735 lb/hr steam. For emissions sources with an applicable CO emissions limit, Table 7 requires a minimum oxygen content value be established as"the lowest hourly average during the performance test." The oxygen concentration and steam load data, including acceptable maximum steam load value(as required by Table 7)are tabulated on the following page. Robert Fisher March 15,2017 Page 2 Parameter/Boiler Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Approved Value %02 BB1 10.6 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.5%Minimum %02 BB2 11.2 11.2 10.5 11.0 10.5%Minimum Steam lb/hr 22,979 23,026 23,396 23,134 25,735 lb/hr maximum The test results are acceptable to demonstrate that the filterable PM, HCI,CO, and Hg emissions were in compliance with the applicable emission limits during the testing period. If you have any questions regarding this review,please contact me at Brent.HaIKOcdenr.gov or(919)707-8427. cc: Central Files, Bertie County IBEAM Documents-0800044 WOODWASTE COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION K 03/08/2017-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source I facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed I printed on the"OUTPUT"lablscreen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the NCDENR information contained. This spreadsheet Is subject to continual revision and updating. itIs your responsibility to be aware of the most current Information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. COMPANY: Avoca FACILITY ID NO.: 44 PERMIT NUMBER: 0 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 48 MMBTU/HR BARK AND WET WOOD FIRED BOILER FACILITY CITY: Merry Hill EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: BB1 and BB2 FACILITY COUNTY: Berle PARTICULATE CONTROL DEVICE: FABRIC FILTER POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: B Huddleston FUEL HEAT VALUE: 4000 BTU/LB NOX 0 ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT. 30619 TON/YR HHVUsedfor GHGB MMBTUrTON: 15.38 PM CALC'D AS 27.2% POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 52560 TON/YR IBOILER TYPE: STOKER PM10 CALC'D AS 26.1% REQUESTED MAX.FUEL THRPT: 52560 TON/YR ITEST DATA USED:0.0015 LB/MMBTU FPM PM2.5 CALC'D AS 23.3% METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS AS A FRACTION): CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR Iarrra coerROs r urns) (Wroes cannena r Lrna) ( Rcaxr.a ILIMITS) Ib/mmBM AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tonstyr Whir tDnstyr Ib/hr tOmStyT uncontrolled owaviled PARLCUTA7f-MAffzFER PM 0.89 2.27 1.22 5.34 0.89 3.89 0.025 0,019 PA 10) 0.87 2.22 1.18 5.15 0.87 3.81 0.025 0.018 PAR746HbtTtri101 7,5 0.86 2.20 1.13 4.93 0.86 3.78 0.023 0.018 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 1.20 3.06 1.20 5.26 1.20 526 OA25 0.025 NITROGEN OXIOES NOx 10.56 26.94 10.56 4625 10.56 46.25 0.220 0.220 C 28.80 73.48 28.80 126.14 28.80 126.14 0.600 0.600 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.82 2.08 0.82 3.57 0.82 3.57 0.017 0.017 LEAD 2.3E-03 5.9E-03 2.3E-03 1.0E-02 2.3E-03 1.0E-02 4.8E-05 4.8E-05 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS urnEn coxrnas)Lrrts) (EmeEcoareaLsiLrse) J1 Rco samms) Ib/mm8tu v// YV�✓u TOXIC HAZARDOUS AR POLLUTANT NUMBER Iivtrc Whir Ib/ Ib/hr lbtyr uncontrolled/controlled Acelelaen H 75070 3.9BE-02 1 203.308 398E-02 348.998 3.98E-02 348.998 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 ^,, L � AuaPnanone H 98862 1.54E-07 7.84E-04 1.54E-07 1.35E-03 1.54E-07 1.35E-03 320E-09 3.20E-09 J/t (.a. J Audi" H 107028 1.92E-01 979.798 1.92E-01 1681.920 1.92E-01 1681.920 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Artmony Unlisted Compounds component of SBC H sac-other 3.79E-04 1.935 3.79E-04 3.322 3.79E-04 3.322 790E-06 7.90E-06 Am=Unlisted Compounds mrn anent of ASC Asccther 1.06E-03 5.389 1.08E-03 9.251 1.06E-03 9.251 2.20E-05 220E-05 Benzene H 71432 2.02E-01 1028.788 2.02E-01 1766.016 2.02E-01 1766.016 420E-03 4.20E-03 Benz ap ene 50328 1.25E-04 0,637 1.25E-04 1.093 1.25E-04 1.093 260E-08 2.60E-06 Beryl,urn Meal unreacted)(tamporsnt of BEC IH 7440417 5.28E-05 0.269 5.28E-05 0,463 528E-05 0.463 1.10E-06 1.IOE-06 Cadmium Metal unreaded cote tof CDC AI 7440439 1.97E-04 1.004 1.97E-D4 1.724 1.97E-04 1.724 4.10E-08 4.10E-06 /r Carbon taeachlonde TH 56M 2.16E-03 11.023 2-18E-03 18.922 2.16E-03 18.922 450E-05 4.50E05 CQY7]LyG� O Chlonne H 7782505 3.79E-02 193510 3.79E-02 332.179 3.79E-02 332.179 790E-04 7.90E-04 Chlarobenzena H 1OW7 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 13.876 1.58E-03 13.876 3.30E-05 330E-05 Chloroform H 67663 1.34E-03 6.859 1.34E-03 11.773 1.34E-03 11.773 280E-05 2.80E-05 Chromium Unlisted Cmpd H add w/chrom acid to WitCRC CRComer 6.40E-04 4.287 8.40E-04 7.358 8.40E-04 7.358 1.75E-05 1.75E-05 Chromk acid component of wlCR6 and CRC M 7738945 1.88E-04 0,857 1,68E-04 1.472 1.68E-04 1.472 3.50E-08 3.50E-06 Cobalt Unlisted Compounds(ownpontint of COC H CDC-omr 3.12E-04 1.592 3.12E-04 2.733 3.12E-04 2733 8.50E-06 6.50E46 DIa(a heno1,2,4-M 51285 8.64E-06 4.41E-02 8.64E-06 O.076 8.64E-06 0,076 1.50E-07 180E-07 Di gem he l7hthelete DEHP 117817 1 2.26E-06 1.15E-02 226E-06 1,98E-02 226E-06 1.98E-02 4.70E-08 4.70E-08 Em benzene H 1D0414 I 1.49E-03 7.593 1.49E-03 13.035 1.49E-03 13,035 3.10E-05 3AOE-05 Em eneda to a 12cichlaoeexns 107062 1.39E-03 7.104 1.39E-03 12.194 1.39E-03 12,194 2.90E45 ZI)DE-05 Fwmalden a TH 50000 2.11E-01 1077.778 2.11E-01 1850.112 2.11E-01 1850.112 440E-03 4.40E-03 Hesacolomdiber)a oleo 1,2,3,6,7,8 57653957 1.53E-09 779E-06 1.53E-09 1.34E-05 1.53E-09 1.34E-05 3.15E-11 3.18E-11 H h lore H 7647010 9.12E-01 4654.042 9.12E-01 7989.120 9.12E-01 7989.120 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Lead Unlisted Compowds nant of PBC H PBCamw 2.30E-03 11.758 2.30E-03 20.183 2.30E-03 20.183 4.BOE-05 4.80E-05 Man anese Unlisted Com )de c Mrentof MNC MNComer 7.68E-02 391.919 7.68E-02 672.768 7.68E-02 672.768 1.60E-03 1.80E-03 IvIa.-ar,W,aCm y4Y 7439976 1.68E-04 0.857 1.68E-04 1.472 1.68E-04 1.472 350E-08 3.50E-0B WaMyt bmmde H bmnomemena 74339 720E-04 3.674 720E-04 6.307 720E-04 6.307 150E-05 1.50E-05 IvIethy onlorde H thlorarnatlune 74873 1.10E-03 5,634 1.10E-03 9.671 1.10E-03 9.671 230E-05 230E-05 Mete cnlomtorm 1,1,1 trlrhloraMhane 71555 1.49E-03 7.593 1.49E-03 13,035 1.49E-03 13.035 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Mein ethyl e e 78933 2.59E-04 1.323 2.59E-04 2.271 2.59E-04 2.271 5.40E-06 540E-06 Methylene Wio6de dbhtero.amane 75092 139E-02 71.035 1.39E-02 1 121.939 1.39E-02 121.939 2.90E-04 2.90E-04 Naphthalene H 91203 4.66E-03 23.760 4.66E-03 40.787 4.66E-03 40.787 9.70E-05 9.70E-05 Nickel metal(Component of 373024MIC M 7440020 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 13.876 1.58E-03 13876 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Nitro henal,d- H 100027 5.28E-06 2.69E-02 5.28E-D6 4.63E-02 528E-06 4.63E-02 7.10Eo7 1,10E-07 Pentachlomphenol CTH 87805 2 45E-06 1.25E-02 2.45E-06 2.14E-02 2.45E-06 2.14E-02 5.10E-08 5.10E-0B Prcnlomea) ene tetrachi are H 127184 1.82E-03 9306 182E-03 15978 1.82E-03 15,978 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phenol n 105952 2.45E-03 12.492 2.45E-03 21,444 2.45E-03 21.444 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or Wh4e H T723140 1.30E-03 6.614 1.30E-03 11.353 1.30E-03 11353 2.70E-0518.WE-12 05 Pot hlonneled bin s 133SW3 3.91E-07 2.00E-03 3.91E-07 3.43E-03 391E-07 3.43E-03 6.15E-0909 Pd lic0 ane Nether H POMN 6.00E-03 30.619 6.00E-03 52.560 6.00E-03 52.560 1.25E-044 Pm wnaldeh e H 123386 2.93E-03 14.942 2.93E-03 25849 2.93E-03 25.649 6.10E-0505 P are dihlwde H t2 diW opens 78875 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 15876 1.58E-03 13.876 3.30E-055 Selena.cote nds H SEC 1.34E-04 0.686 134E-04 1.177 134E-04 1.177 280E-06e s e H 100425 9.12E-02 465.404 9.12E-02 798.912 9.12E-02 798.912 1.90E-033 Tetrachlomc ,2,3,7,8- 174s076 4.13E-10 2.11E-06 4.13E-10 3.62E-06 4.13E-10 3.62E-06 8.60E-1212Toluere TH IO68B3 4.42E-02 225.354 4.42E-02 386.842 4.42E-02 386842 9.20E-04 -04Trcnlomem ens 79016 1.44E-03 7.348 1.44E-03 12.614 144E-03 12.6143.00E-05 -05 TrichlonAuammethana CFC 111 75694 1.97E-03 10.043 1.97E-03 17.240 1.97E-03 17.240 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 Trdhlom henol,2,4,6-H am 1.06E-06 5.39E-03 1.06E-06 925E-03 1.06E-06 9.25E-03 220E-08 220E-08 Mn chdrde H 1114 8.64E-04 C409 8.64E-04 7.569 8.64E-04 7.569 1.50E-05 1.80E-05 x ene H 1330207 120E-03 6.124 120E-03 10.512 1.20E-03 10.512 250E-05 2.50E-05 •Highest HAP(Hydrogen chlorde rochlonc acid H 7647010 1 9.12E-01 1 4654A42 9.12E-01 7989.1 9.12E-01 7989.1 1.9DE-02 1.90E-02 •Total HAPs NA 1.86E+00 9.51E+03 1.86E-00 1.63E+04 1.86E+00 1.63E+04 3.88E-02 3.88E-02 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS(FOR PBWrrNG PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR INmmBW TOXIC AN POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ibhr IWda unoenealed mntralled Acealdeh H 75070 3.98E-02 9.56E-01 348.998 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acraeln TH 107028 1.92E-01 4.61E+00 1681,920 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Areenic UNand Corn n0e can tof ASC ASCG#w 1.06E-03 2.53E-02 9,251 220E-05 210E-05 Benzene 71432 2.02E-01 4.84E+00 1766.016 4.20E-03 420E-03 a 50328 1.25E-04 3.00E-03 1.093 2.80E-08 280E-08 Beryllium Meal unreeaad)(oxnponent of SEC M 7440417 5.28E-05 1.27E-03 0.463 1.10E-0B 1.70E-08 Cadmium Metal unrescad)(oxrponert of CDC IH 7440439 1.97E-04 4.72E-03 1.724 4.10E-0B 4.10E-08 Carson temichlonde H 56235 2.16E-03 5.18E-02 18.922 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 chl.a TH 7782505 3.79E-02 9.10E-01 332.179 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 Chbrooenzwe 108907 1.58E-03 3.80E-02 13.876 3.30E-0s 3.30E-05 Chloolorm TH 67663 1.34E-03 3.23E-02 11.773 280E-05 2.80E-0s D2-e1h re pnthelate DEHP 117817 2.26E-06 5.41E-05 1.98E-02 470E-08 4.70E-06 EN ene dichloride 1,2Achooelhans 107062 1.39E-03 3.34E-02 12.194 2.90E-05 2.90E-05 Soluae Chramaa Cm s,as Chrome I SOLCR6 1.68E-04 4.03E-03 1.472 3.50E-06 3.50E-08 Formaldehyde TH 50000 2.11E-01 5.07E+00 1850.112 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Hemchlomd bdn 1,2,3,8,7,8 57653857 1.53E-09 3.66E-08 0,000 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 Hydrogen chloride h mchlorc acid M 7647010 9.12E-01 2.19E+01 7989.120 1.90E-02 I.80E-02 Mananem Unlisted Comp "(oan ent of MNC TH MNCnmer 7.68E-02 1.84E+00 672.768 1.80E-03 180E-03 Mmw .v pa mmmnwt of HGC M 7439976 1.68E-04 4.03E-03 1.472 3.50E-08 3.50E-08 chbroform H 1,1,1 ebhlaoe0mne 715M 1.49E-03 3.57E-02 13.035 3.10E-05 3ADE-05 em ketone 78933 2.59E-04 6.22E-03 2.271 5.40E-0B 5.40E-08 Mew ene chloride dxhlaaneemne 75092 1.39E-02 3.34E-01 121.939 2.90E-04 2.90E-0e Nickel mewl(Component of 373024MIC M 7N0020 1.58E-03 3.80E-02 13.876 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Pwtacmorophena 87865 2.45E-06 5.88E-05 0.021 5.10E-05 5.10E-08 Pemhbroelh ene tetreUl ene 127194 1.82E-03 4.38E-02 15.978 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phenol TH loam 2.45E-03 5.88E-02 21.444 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Polychimnateda a 1338363 3.91E-07 9.39E-06 3.43E-03 8.15E-M 8.13E-09 Styrwa(TH) 100425 9.12E-02 2.19E+00 798.912 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 Tehachlorodoenz6 own,2,a.7�(TH n4eote 4.13E-10 9.91E-09 3.62E-06 8.80E-12 4.80E-t2 Toluene TH 108883 4.42E-02 1.06E+00 386.842 920E-04 Ll t Tncmoroetn ene 79016 1.44E-03 3.46E-02 12.614 3.00E-055 Tnchloroeuommelhane CFC 111) 75694 1.97E-03 4.72E-02 17.240 4.10E-055 76014 8.64E-04 2.07E-02 7.569 1.80E-05s1330207 1.20E-03 2.88E-02 W.51? 2.50E-055 REENHOUSE GAS EMISSN,?NSOI,. T_ „_ R1 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS•POTEKML TO EMIT - ) -CONSISTENT - - �- � ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heat POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With input capacity and EPA MRR Emission Requested Emission Limitation- Factors utilize requested fuel limit and EPA MRR Emission Factors EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 GREENHOUSE GAS metric tons/yr, short tons/yr, metric ton r CO2e short tonstyr short tons/ r short tonstyr,CO2e short tonslyr CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) BIOGENIC EMISSIONS' 44,171.88 zem 48,691.11 43476.24 zem' 43476.24 zero• METHANE CH4 3.39E+00 8.48E+01 3.74E+00 3.34E+00 8.34E+01 3.34E+00 8.34E+01 NITROUS OXIDE N20 1.70E+00 1 5.05E+02 1 1.87E+00 I 1.67E+00 I 4.97E+02 1.67E+00 4.97E+02 TOTAL 589.96 TOTAL 580.67 TOTAL 580.87 • BIOGENIC CO2 has 0 CO2e NOTE:The DAO Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent The EPA MRR requires meMc tons Note:Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration purposes. Page 1 oG Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility lD#:0800044 Methanol:OS-4,OS-7,OS-9 OS-13 OS-14 OS-1 S.OS-16 OS-17 OS-27,05-32 INCLUDED WITH OS-4 Year: 17 Imo: LbslGal 6.62 Specifics Gravity-0.793 Monthly Inventory of Methanol(aallons): Methanol Used in SDA-3A Alcohol Month Beginning Received Max Used Recovered Ending Month Methanol Inventory (Lbs) Inventory Emitted(Lbs.) January: 15845.4 16765.0 209261 11737.0 19873 January: 0.00 February: 19873A 7994.0 184482 13000.0 14867 February: 0.00 March: 148874 13307.3 186517 21576.0 6599 March: 0.00 April: 6598.7 21173.8 183854 10495.0 17278April: 0.00 May 17277.5 7689.0 165278 11015.0 13952 May: 0.00 June: 13951.5 7676.0 143174 13693.0 7735 June: 0.00 July: 7734.5 15840.0 156063 16037.0 7538 July: 0.00 ust: 7537 15717 153945 1889 4362 August: 0.00 481.5 12SA r 14.0 12378 148230 2150 September: 0.00 October: 1 2149.5 1 15025.0 113895 11144.0 1 6031 October. 0.00 November. 1 6030.5 1 12300.0 1 121348 12300D 1 1 0031 November: 0.00 December: 1 6030.5 1 15764.0 1 144280 1 14879.0 1 1 6918 December: 0.00 Maximum Gallons On-Hand: 31610.4 Maximum Lbs.On-Harts: 209260.848 Gallons Usetl Par Year. 169795 Lbs.Used per Year: I 1124042.9 Sclareol Recovery Operation:O6J V/V Ce-4 I LA91 Accountable Avg.% Total Gal. Monthly Avg. Emissions m Total Lbs. #Days Gallons McOM Lbs.MaOH Avg.GPM Sent Lbs.MaOH to Total Lbs. Month Methanol In Water to Removal MaOH from Fupmw Operated Used Used to WWTP WWTP WW WWTP Efficiency WWTP (O Emissions Emissions 17 Janus 31 11737 77698.94 1.39 29650.2 7.25 221692 98.4 474.4032 48048.74 48523.143 February28 11048 73124.52 1.65 27289.1 6.29 199125 98.3 483,9147 45835.42 46299.335 March 31 14623 96804.26 1.33 30443.9 7.73 250162 98.2 547.9902 66360.36 66908.35 MI 17 7040 40604.8 1.56 14982.7 6.20 147767 98.5 224,7405 316221 31948,841 May 30 10676 70675.12 1.58 31797.8 7.36 211943 98.1 604.1582 38877.32 39481.478 June 1 30 11136 73720.32 1.34 27546.7 7.21 177076 98.6 413.2005 46173.62 46588.821 July 31 11754 77811.48 1.60 34814.6 7.38 174716 97.9 731.1045 42996.98 43728.085 August 31 13978 92534.36 1.89 36124.5 7.26 211018 97.7 830,8635 55409.86 57240.724 September 30 13496 89343.52 1.66 37672.1 8.56 260387 97.4 979.4746 51671A2 52650.895 October 25 11144 73773.28 1.20 29344.3 8.34 174378 97.3 792.2961 44428.98 45221.276 November 30 12300 81426 1.54 37184 8.47 189126 97.3 1003.988 44242 45245,968 December 31 14879 98498.98 150 33265.3 7.44 227206 98 665.306 65233.68 65898.985 Average 29.75 11984.08 79334.63 1.49 301142.93 7.46 203718.00 97.97 49135.99 Total 346 143809 952015.55 370115.1 2444616 731.42 81900.48 89631.9 Concrete Operation:OS-4 Accountable #Days G411ana McOH Lbs.Used Avg.GPM Sent Lbs.McOH to Total ions Monts Avg.% Total Gal. Monthly Avg. Emissions of Total lbs.Methanol in Water to Removal McOH from FugitiveOperated Used Used to WWTP WWTP WW WWTP Efficiency WWTP Emissions Emissions (OS-17) January 0 0.00 0 0 February 0 0.00 0 0 March 0 0.00 0 0 April 0 0.00 0 0 May 0 0.00 0 0 June 0 0.00 0 0 July 0 000 0 0 Au ust 0 0.00 0 0 September 0 0.00 0 0 October 0 0.00 0 0 November 0 0.00 0 0 December 0 0.00 0 0 Averacie #DIVl01 #DiV/01 0.00 #DIV/OI #DW/01 #DWI01 #DN101 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 2 of 2 EVG Operation:OS-9 I O .J 3 Accountable #Days Gallons McOH Lbs.MoOH Gallons Lbs. to Total L . Monts Operated Used Used to WWTP TP yywrp Emissions of Total Lbs.WTpLbs.MoOHTrom Fugitive W Emissions WTP Emissions (OS-17) January 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February 10 1954.0 12935,48 1014.92 12878.77 253.54 258.71 512.25 March 31 6953.0 46028.86 e813.94 45108.28 902.17 920.58 1822,74 April 16 3455.0 22872.1 3385.9 22414.e6 448.29 457,44 905.74 Mav 2 339.0 2244.18 332.22 2199.30 43.99 44.88 88.87 June 24 2757.0 18261.34 1 2701.86 17886.31 357.73 365.03 722.75 July 28 4283.0 28353.46 4197.34 27786.39 555.73 567.07 1122.80 August 31 4915.0 32537.3 4816.7 31886.55 637.73 650.75 1288.48 September 8 1330.0 8804.6 1303A 8628.51 172.57 176.09 346.08 October 0 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 November 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 0 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Average 18.50 3248,3 14335.81 2122.19 14048.90 286.71 567.69 Total 148 25986.0 172027.32 168586.77 3371.74 3440.55 6812.28 PNE Operation:OS-7 LAJ V�rp jChSS Accountable #Days Gallons MOON Lbs.MOOH Gallons McOH Lbs.MaOH to Emissions of Total Lbs. Total Lbs. Month Operated Used Used to WWTP VJVJTP MOOR from Fugitive Emissions WWTP Emissions OS-17 January 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.D0 0.00 February 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 April 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June 1 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 July 0 0 0.00 0.00 D00 0.00 August 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 September 0 0 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 October 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 November 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Avers #DIVI01 #5IVI01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals for All Methanol Operations Total Lbs.McOH Thru System: 3800520,00 lbs.Fugivtive Emissions from EVG: 3440.55 / Total Lbs. a Hate at 538701.87 Lbs.Fuglvtive Emissions from Reoowry: 581900.48 W WTP: Calculated Removal Efficiency 97.97 Lbs.Fugitive Emissions from Concha: 0.00 of WVVTP: Lbs.Accountable Emissions 593072.45 from W WTP OS-17: 11103.18 Total lbs.Fugitive Emissions: / Lbs.of Emissions from W WTP 7731.42 Total Lbs.McOH Released: 804175.80 During Recove Los.ofEmissions rom During 0 Total Lbs.MaOH Recycled On-She: 3261818.13 in Concrete Recovery-. ✓ Lbs,of Emissions from W WTP 3371.74 1st Aeration Chamber OS-17 LIDS.o m ss ons rom ac., Lab: Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Chloroform : OS-9 OS53 EvG Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 12.35 Monthly Inventory of Chloroform (pounds): Lbs. Beginning Recovered Chloroform Ending Infeed Product Month Inventory Received Max New Used Used Recovered Sent as Haz Total Used Inventory (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Waste January: 32406 32406 0.0 32406 February: 32406 32406 1965.0 2643.0 9094.0 -4486.0 36892 2284 1100 March: 36892 8100.0 44992 7977.0 7807.0 15784.0 29208 1735 1012 ADM: 1 29208 29208 1 3980.0 4194.0 1 8174.0 21034 2259 1320 —May: 21034 5400.0 26434 8426.0 365.0 8791.0 17643 3764 2178 June: 17643 17643 1448.0 5029.4 24009.0 -17531.6 35175 866 480 July: 35175 35175 12136.6 12136.6 23038 3862 2090 August: 23038 23038 14525.0 14525.0 8513 4124 2464 September: 8513 22146.0 30659 4155.0 4155.0 26504 October: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 November: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 December: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 Lbs.of chloroform used during the year: 41548 Lbs.of chloro.used by Misc.,CIA,and R&D: 1 Lbs.of chloro.used b EVG: 41548 CY2a1 Lbs.of EVG Infeed 20055 Lbs.EVG Produced: 10912 Lbs.of chloroform sent to hazardous waste: 0 Pounds of chloroform sent to VWYf: 0 5 V y s7 �a (yyeoQ en CY�/ 17 Pounds of chloroform emitted duringyear:OS-9 41548 •b �M4_< �oulQ n� 6«see°n � ✓P_gLA4c,&S L-;e- �f " s2� Ca�cv Qc ion •�{iu ''u Qo �hrA` •?� cz�Anw� ,115�r7ZI,. 14�5. C:\Users\connerbl\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory ass` '9f,n/J Facility lD#:0800044 f D✓ Ile 1�u/7111 Ethyl acetate : OS-6 OS-7 S-10 OS-28 Year: 2017 JSS/7 5FV Info: LbslGal= 7.50 0 S L/ SSG 62-6 1-) Monthly Inventory of Ethyl acetate(pounds): Ethyl acetate Used in SDA-35A Month Beginnina Inventory Bulk Drums Alcohol Total Beginning Beginning New Recovered Recovered Max Monthly Total Ending Ethyl acetate Month Beginning New Recovered Received New Used Used Disposed (Lbs) Used(Lbs.) Inventory Month Emitted(Lbs.) Inventory Inventory Inventory January: 5909 5909 8000.0 4402.00 13909 4402.0 9507 January: -40.60 February: 9507 9507 0 8000.0 2807.00 17507 2807.0 14700 February: 4.66 March: 14700 14700 0 3019.00 14700 3019.0 11681 March: 0.00 April: 11681 11681 0 3587.00 11681 3587.0 8094April: 0.00 May: 8094 8094 0 2804.00 8094 2804.0 5290 May: 0.00 June: 5290 5290 0 9600.0 3407.00 14890 3407.0 11483 June: 0.00 Jul : 11483 1 11483 1 0 1 1 2267.00 11483 1 226Z0 9216 1 July: 0.00 August 9216 9216 0 2313.00 9216 2313.0 6903 August 0.00 September. 8903 6903 0 1285.00 6903 1285.0 5618 September. 0.00 October: 5618 5618 0 2498.10 5618 2498.1 3120 October. 0.00 November. 3120 1 3120 1 0 1 4800.0 1 1351.00 7920 1351.0 6569 November: 0.31 December. 6569 1 6569 1 0 1 1 891.00 1 6569 891.0 5678 December. 0.00 2 tre 30(031 Ethyl acetate Emissions by Source ✓ Ethyl acetate Emitted Ethyl acetate to Total Ethyl acetate from SDA in Botanical Ethyl acetate Emitted from Ethyl acetate Emitted rom Ethyl acetate Emitted from Ethyl acetate Emitted Emitted from Botanical Extraction ! Month Extraction:OS-10 Biomass Extraction:OS-28 SDA in PNE: -7 PNE:OS-7 from SFG:OS-6OS-10 Botanical (Lbs) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs) Extraction:O 0 J (Lbs.) January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 4402.00 0.00 February: 4.66 0.00 0.00 2807.00 4.66 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3019.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3587.00 0.00 May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2804.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3407.00 1.70 1.70 July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2267.00 1.13 1.13 August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2313.00 1.16 1.16 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1285.00 0.64 0.64 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2498.10 1.25 1.25 November. 0.00 0.62 0.00 1351.00 0.88 0.88 December. 0.00 0.00 0.00 891.00 0.45 0.45 Average 0.39 . 5 0.00 #DIV10I 1.00 Total 1 4.56 0.62 0.00 0.00 30531.10 7.01 .66 p�tni >°m�s��ar 4tu.zalbs i�t r�e 2�PSb Y,8 8 �6S Annual Air Emissions Inventory 455�0 Facility ID#:0800044 Ethanol (200 proof) -OS-1 _0, OS-28 I ants Year: 2017 13QL A/Il(I Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.68 %SDA Ethyl acetate = 4.0 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol(gallons): Beginning Recovered New Inventory Recovered Max Recovered Ending Month Inventory Inventory New Received New Used Recovered Total Used Disposed (Total) (Beginning) (Beglning) Received (Lbs) Used Inventory January: 51 51 0 0 51 February: 51 51 0 0 0 51 March: 51 51 0 0 2 2 49 April: 49 49 0 0 0 49 Ma 49 49 0 0 9 9 40 June: 40 40 0 0 3 3 37 July: 37 37 0 0 0 37 August: 37 37 0 0 0 37 September: 37 37 0 0 0 37 October: 37 37 0 0 0 37 November: 37 37 0 0 0 37 December: 37 37 0 0 0 37 Total Gallons of Ethanol Used: 14 Total Lbs.Ethanol Used: 90.77957 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs.Ethanol sent to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 14 Total Lbs.sent to VWUT: 88,V&89746 Total Lbs.of Ethanol Emitted as VOC: 2 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Lbs.Ethyl Lbs.Ethanol 0 �,S/��•y�-� Month #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH to Acetate Emitted as Product Operated Product SDA Used Used Recovered WWTP Emitted as VOC VOC January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00D-- Ma : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 use��n - U July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q,,�✓ August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Biomass Extraction Operation:OS-28 Lbs.Ethyl Lbs.Ethanol Month #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH to Acetate Emitted as Product Operated Product SDA Used Used Recovered WWTP Emitted as VOC VOC January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ���P, May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fl" August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1a /� -September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 / -� l November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i f/Q 1 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/01 #D1V/01 #DIV/01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 C1LoN S1?� "4,"° �01 ,t..j..D r Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility IDs:08000" Ethanol-SDA-35A:OS-7&OS-10 05-18 OS-19 OS-27 OS412 INCLUDED WITH OS-10 Year. 2017 Info: LbWGsl= 6.87 %SDA Ethyl acetate= 4.54 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol Iaallonsl: Monthly Beoinnina Imentory Bulk Drums Total SDA Bulk SDA In Drums Total SDA SDA Ma:SDA on o Ethyl SDA SDA SDA in Drum SDA Ending SDA Used SDA Used SDA VOC Montle Beginning Beginning Beginning Received Transferred SDA Used Received Recovered In Recovered SDA Disposed Nano Inventory (gallons) (Lys.) T ILbe.I Acetate VOC Inventory Inventory Inventory Drums Used (Lbs) .) (Lbs.) January. 23077.0 14279.0 9598.0 497.0 665.0 7173.7 167449 30883 4509 .44714 .5 463.7 -40.6 February: 30882.1 14111.0 16771.7 9".0 2192.7 2390A 898.3 212164 29238 746 5127. .7 97.9 4.7 March: 29238.1 13167.0 16071A 200866 29238 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NI: 29238.1 13167.0 16071.1 2DD866 29238 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 May: 29228.1 13167.0 18071.1 6339.0 200866 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 June: 22899.1 13157.0 9732.1 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 July: 228".1 13167.0 9732.1 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Au ush 22899.7 13167.0 9732A 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 moor: 22899.1 13167.0 9732-1 157317 22699 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 October. 22899.1 13107.0 9732.1 6500.0 201972 29399 0 0.0 6.6 0.0 November: 29399.1 19067.0 9732.t 88000 6650.0 201972 29349 50 3415 8 8.8 0.3 December. 29349.1 13067.0 16282.1 201628 29349 0 0.0 10.0 00 D.0 Total I 997.0 0.0 8208.0 0.0 1 2192.7 1 16114.1 1 7237.3 1 2217049.E 1 321189.8 1 -5712A I a9244.1 1 .384592 1 -749.2 1 -35.6 Botanical Extrecti r1 O ration: '`10 03 T O Los.EtOH- Lbs.EtOH- Montl1 iDays Lbe.r oust Gallons EtOsed Lbs.EtOHUsed SDA SDA to VOC Ethyl Acetata Product Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used ecave d voc(Lbs.) VOC(Las.) Jame,- 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 February: 6 1493,80 3136.7 21549.13 16422.05 5024.54 102.5 4.7 Tobacco March: 000 GOD 0.0 0.0 AI: 0.00 0.00 00 0.0 mar, 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 June: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Jaly: 0.Do 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total SDA Ethanol Data August: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total Gallons of SDA Used: 10401.7 September. 0.00 0.00 OD 0.0 Total Los.SDA Used: 71459.8 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total Ga0ow sent to W WT: 829.37 October. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November. 0.00 0.00 0.6 0.0 Total Lbs,sent W WWT: 5697.8 December. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 Total Lys.SDA Ethanol Emitted as VOCs: .3 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-10 102. Aver 6 1494 3137 1539 16422 359 Lite.PNE Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-7 Total 6 1484 3137 21549 i8422 wn 103 5 Lys.Biomass Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-29 13.74 PNE Operation:OSvl O51147 Las."'OH Lbs.EtOH- kAunust: s pen Ids.PNE Gallons Used Lea.E1DH- SDA SDA to VOC(L DA Ethyl Acetate Product Q SSdL Operatad Product SDA Usad SDA Used VOC(Lea.) VOC(Lbs.)Recovered P 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 February: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 � /9 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Om 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 DOD 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Se tuber. 0.00 0.00 October. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November. ODO 0.00 0.0 0.0 December 0.00 0.00 O.0 0.0 Avers eDIVNI ODIVI01 0.00 WWI01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total MOTTO, 0.00 0.0 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility IOa:08000aa Ethanol-SDA-3A:OS-7&OS-10 OS-18.OS-19 OS-27 OS�12 INCLUDED WITH OS-10 r Year. ®7 Info: Lbs/Gal 6.87 %SDA Methanol= 5 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol("lions): Monthly Beamnina Inventory Bulk Drums Total SDA Bulk SDA in Drums SDA Max SDA on Total SDA SDINT EtOH-SDA MethanolSDA SDA SDA in DrumSDA Ending SDA Used SDA Used Monts Beginning Beginning Beginning Received Transferred SDA Used Received Recovered in Recovered SDA Disposed Hand Inventory (9wio ) (Lbs.) W WT VOC VOC(Lbs.) ( ) (Lbs.)Inventory Inventory Inventory Drums Used (Lbs) (Gal s. Janes . 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Fares . 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 March: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Aprfi: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 May: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 June: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 1 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 JUI 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 1 29 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Au uet: 29.0 0.0 1 29.0 199 29 0.0 0.0 0.00 Se mbar. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 October. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 November. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Decamber. 29.0 0.0 1 29.0 1 1 1 1 1 199 1 29 1 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 TotalI 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 2390.8 1 348.0 1 0.0 L 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Month 0 Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH- Lb EtOH- �AE�� EIONSDA Methanol VOC Product Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used Reeo A SDA to VOC(�') (Lbs.) January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Juts: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total SDA Ethanol Data Au ust: I I I 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Gallons of SDA Used: 0.0 September. 0.00 1 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 I I Total La.SDA Used: NOOOO October. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Gallons sets to W WT: November. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.D0 Total Lbs.sent to W WT: December 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 Total Lbs.SDA Ethanol Emitted as VDUs: Avers MV101 9DIV/01 0=101 0.00 WIV10I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-10 Total 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L".PNE Etlunol Emitted as VOC:08-7 PNE Operation:OS-7 9 Days Lbs.PNE Gallons EtDH- Lbs.EtOH- Lbs.ROW Lbs.EIOH- EtOH-SDA Methanol VOC Monts Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used SDA SDA to VOC(Lbs.) (Lbs.) Product Recovered WWTP Janes . 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Febnn : 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 March: 0.00 0.0 0.0 April: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 May: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 June: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 July: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Aunust 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Samember. 0.00 1 1 0.00 0.0 1 0.0 October: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 December 0.D0 0.D0 0.0 0.0 Avers #DIV101 I iDN/01 I (XNPoI 1 0.00 1 SM101 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Total 0 0.00 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Heptane : OS-6, OS-7, OS-10 Year: 20 7 Info: Lbs/Gal= 5.70 Month l Inventory of He tans Wallons: Beginning N36491 Recovered Disposed I Ending Month InventoryReceivedNew Used Used Recovered Sent off-She Haz Waste Inventory January: 24462 327.0 24135 February: 0 27105 1941.2 25164 March: 0 6420.0 -6420 April: 0 6402 5568.0 834 Ma : 0 6295 1966.0 4329 June: 0 6267 7559.0 -1292 Jul : 0 6249 -1309.0 7558 Au ust: 0 1 1 0 5813.0 1 -5813 September: 0 0 4608.0 -4608 October. 0 0 157.0 -157 November. 0 1 0 1 3973.0 1 1 -3973 December: 0 0 4678.0 -4678 SFG(M-131 Operation:OS-7 Gallons Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Lbs.SFG Gallons Lbs.Heptane , Gallons Heptane Heptane Month Operated Infeed Product Heptane Used ^n-Heptane Heptane Sentas Emitted as Used Recovered Hazardous VOC waste (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0.00 February: 0.0 0.00 March: 0.0 0.00 April: 0.0 0.00 May: 0.0 0.00 June: 0.0 0.00 July: 0.0 0.00 Au ust: 0.0 0.00 September. 0.0 0.00 October: 0.0 0.00 November: 0.0 0.00 December: 0.0 0.00 Averse #DNI01 #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DIV10I 0.0 Ill #DNI01 # IVI01 0.00 Total 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Gallons Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs. Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Sent Heptane n-Heptane Month Botanical Heptane %n-Heptane Heptane Emitted as Operated Used as Hazardous Emitted Product Used Recovered Waste VOC (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0 0.00 February: 0.0 0 0.00 March: 0.0 0 0.00 A NI: 0.0 0 0.00 Ma : 0.0 0 0.00 June: 0.0 0 0.00 Ju : 0.0 0 0.00 [December: u ust: 0.0 0 0.00 tember: 0.0 0 0.00 ctober: 0.0 0 0.00 vember: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 Avero a #DIVl01 #DN/01 #DIV10I 0.0 #DIV101 #DIVI01 #DN/01 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 SFG Operation:OS-8 Gallons Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Lbs.SFG Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Heptane Month Operated Inteed Product HUa�adns Used Von-Heptane Heptane Sent as Emitted as Recovered Hazardous VOC Waste (Lbs.) January: 31 133627 115694.0 327.0 1863.9 1863.90 February: 28 159709 138642.0 -1570.0 -8949 -8949.00 March: 31 164279 145525.0 6420.0 36594 36594.00 April: 27 135092 127902.0 5568.0 31737.6 1849.1 21197.73 May: 27 121792 126562.0 1966.0 11206.2 11206.20 June: 21 105690 100311.0 7659.0 43086.3 1729.8 33226.44 �� �• T July 31 139820 135827.0 -1309.0 -7461.3 77461.30 September.mber.. 27 105232 101466.0 4608.0 26265.6 26265.60 October: 27 132517 104411.0 157.0 894.9 2147.4 -11345.28 November: 24 87421 76257.0 3973.0 22646.1 22646.10 December: 20 30935 63250.0 4678.0 26664.6 26664.60 Averse 27 111921 3182.5 18140.25 #DIVI01 #DIVIOI 1908.767 Total 321 1447273 1343051I 38190.0 1 217683.00 1 1 0.0 1 5725.300 0 1 185043.09 YAP PNE M-13 O eration:O Gallons 7Emitted #Days Lbs.PNE Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Sent Month Heptane %n-Heptane Heptane Process Operated Product Used Used Recovered as Hazardous Waste January: 0.0 0.0 February: 6 Tobacco 3511.2 20014.0 20014.0 Tobacco March: 0.0 0.0 A rll: 0.0 0.0 May: 0.0 0.0 June: 0.0 0.0 July: 0.0 0.0 Au ust: 0.0 0.0 Se tember: 0.0 0.0 October: 0.0 0.0 November: 0.0 0.0 December: 0.0 0.0 Averse 6 #DIV101 3511.2 1667.8 #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DIVIOI Total 6 0 3511.2 20014.0 0.0 1 0.0 20014.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Isobutyl acetate: C = -10 ��� Year: 2017 vU C f77 12Xt;�_,no rek�v'. Info: Lbs/Gal = 7.22 Monthly Inventory of Isobutyl acetate (gallons): Beginning Max Used Ending Month Inventory Received (Lbs) New Used Recovered Recovered Inventory Used January: 814 5877 388 426 February: 426 3074 426 March: 426 3074 426 April: 426 3074 1 426 May: 426 3074 29 397 June: 397 2864 397 July: 397 1330 12464 1726 August: 1726 12464 1726 September: 1726 12464 1568 1 158 October: 158 1140 158 November: 158 1140 158 December: 1 158 1140 1 158 Gallons of IBAC used during the year (OS-7): 19BE Lbs. Of IBAC used during the year P OS-7): 14337 �C Gallons of IBAC used during the ye (OS-10): sea Lbs. Of IBAC used during the year @ (OS-10): 0 Lbs. of IBAC used by Misc., CIA, and R&D: Lbs. of IBAC sent to hazardous-waste: 2080 Lbs. of IBAC sent to Lbs. of IBAC emitted during year: 12257 Page 1 cf 5 Annual Air ua Emissions Inventory Facility IN.0800044 Hexane OS-4,OS-5, OS-6, OS-10,OS-28, OS-29 OS-13,05-14,OS-15.OS-16.OS-20.OS-21,OS-22,OS-23.OS-32 ALL INCLUDED WITH OS4 OS-18,OS-19 INCLUDED WITH OS•10:OS-30 INCLUDED WITH OS-28 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.50 Monthly Inventory of SDE-1 LP Hexane-</=40%n-Hexane(gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Inventoryb Used Ending Inventory January: 10949 7196 99248 1719 16326 February: 16326 7112 128909 3873 19565 March: 19565 107608 3911 15654 April: 15654 86097 15654 May: 15654 86097 15654 June: 15654 86097 15654 July: 15654 86097 15654 Au ust: 15654 86097 15654 Se tembar: 15654 86097 15654 October: 15654 86097 1 1 15654 November: 1 15654 1 86097 1 1 15654 December: 1 15654 1 1 86097 1 1 15654 Month( Invento of DE-2 LP Hexane-<l= ri a ane allons: Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory January: 0 0 February: 0 16422 90321 16422 March: 16422 90321 16422 April: 16422 3000 1D6821 2353 17069 may: 17069 93880 2511 14558 June: 14558 3490 99264 2708 15340 Jul : 15340 35M 103620 2383 16457 August: 16457 90514 2109 14348 1mr: 148 4185 101932 22382589 21392 2t32 17656 19064 November: 1 19064 1 3579 124537 1 1619 21024 December: 1 21024 1 115632 1 1056 19M Monthly Inventory of HP Hexane-</-95%n-Hexane(gallons(: Month Be ginning Recelved Max(Lbs Used Ending Inventory January: 5866 32263 5866 February: 5866 32263 5866 March: 5866 32263 5866 April: 5866 32263 5866 May: 5866 32263 5866 June: 5866 32263 5866 July; 5866 32263 5866 Au ust: 5866 32263 5866 September: 5866 32263 5866 October: 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 November: 1 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 December: 1 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 Monthly Inventory of IsoHexane-</=5%n-Hexane(oallor l: r Month B ventory Received Mb; Used Ending Inventory January: 44686 21436 363671 16230 49892 February: 49892 20318 386155 17625 52585 March: 52585 20988 404652 18667 54906 April: 54906 13617 376877 12002 56521 May: 56521 26834 458453 27142 56213 June: 56213 20674 422879 11568 65319 July: 65319 20515 472087 26039 59795 August: 59795 35011 521450 32763 82048 Se tember: 82046 31043 511990 33113 59976 October, 59976 20876 444686 29812 51040 November: 51040 1 44710 1 526625 28498 1 67252 December: 67252 1 27559 521461 23683 71128 Page 2 of 5 Monthly Emissions of IsoHexane from Biomass Boilers ILbs.): Percent n-Hexane: 1.206 Month Material Emissions Hexane Emitted n-Hexane Hexane Isomers Burned Factor Lbs. Emitted Lbs. Emitted Lbs. January: 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 May: 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 July: 0.00 0.00 Au ust: 0.00 0.00 Se tember. 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 November: 0.00 0.00 December: 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/0! #DIV101 0.00 0.00 Toral 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Hexane Values Gallons of LP Hexane Usad: 9503.00 Gallons of N-Hexane Used: 12278.68 Gallons of HP Hexane Used: 0.00 Lbs.of N-Hexane Used: 67532.76 Gallons of IsoHexane Used: 1 277142.00 1 Gallons of Hexane Isomers Used: 276306.74 Total Gallons of Hexanes Used: 1 286645.00 1 Lbs.of Hexane Isomers Used: 1 1519687.06 Total Lbs.of HexanescUsed: 1 15716-547.5 Sclareolide(SDE-1)Operation:OS-5 v, Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly E Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane #Days Lbs.SD Hexane EHexane Month Lbs.SDE Product Lbs Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sant Isomers Operated Infeed Used Hazard. 00 us Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 30 83155.6 64636.0 1719 9454.5 37 120.00 8794.5 3253.97 5540.5 February: 27 66801.8 49088.6 3873 21301.5 37.3 220.00 20091.5 7494.13 12597.4 March: 18 43324.7 30065.0 3911 21510.5 37.2 110.00 20905.5 7776.85 13128.7 April: 0 0.0 160.00 -880.0 0.00 -880.0 Ma : 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 June: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 July: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 August: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 September: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 October: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 November: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 December: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 Avere a 25 84427 47936.5 791.9 4356.6 37.167 152.500 4076.968 1543.745 2532.21 Total 75 28 . 143809.6 9503 52266.5 610.000 48911.600 18524.941 30386.56 Y� 0-55 Sclareolide DE-2 O oration: Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly Hexane Hexane #Days Lbs.SIDE Gallons Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Month Operated Infeed Lbs.SDE Product Used Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Emitted Emitted Isomers Hazardous Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 February: 6 22750.6 15950 0 0.0 37.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 March: 11 40135.3 28512.0 0 0.0 37.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 April: 27 117375.7 90208.8 2353 12941S 37.2 14.50 12861.8 4784.57 8077.2 Ma : 27 105726.2 1 83466.2 2511 13810.5 37.2 110.00 13205.5 4912.45 8293.1 June: 27 108012.2 84262.1 2708 14894.0 37.48 109.10 14294.0 5357.37 8936.8 July: 23 76057.8 61072.0 2383 13106.5 37.7 110.00 12501.5 4713.07 7788.4 Au ust: 24 106999.1 83615.4 2109 11599.5 38.2 80.00 11159.5 4262.93 6896.6 September: 19 71958.0 56966.8 .2859 -15724.5 38.9 -15724.6 -6116.83 -9607.7 October: 27 104207.5 85602.0 2328 12804.0 39 10.90 12744.1 4970.18 7773.9 November: 22 76458.1 59620.0 1619 8904.5 38.76 8904.5 3451.38 5453.1 December: 12 42975.6 35022.8 1056 5808.0 38.7 7.30 5767.9 2232.16 3535.7 Avero a 20 62210.7 1194.0 6512.0 37.958 63.114 6309.508 2380.606 3928.90 Total 225 72656.1 684318.1 1420 7781".0 441.800 75714.100 28567.276 47146.82 Page 3 of 5 Sclareol Recrvstallizatlon(SFGI Operation:05-6 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Lbs.SFG Product Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Somas Isomers Operated Infeed Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 February: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 March: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 April: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 May: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 June: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 July: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 August: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 September: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 October: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 November: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 December: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DNI01 #DIV101 #DIVI01 0.0 #DIV101 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rotocel&Recovery Operations:OS-4 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Sage Lbs.Sage Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Processed Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Isomers Operated (INFEED) Product Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Was (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Lbs. January: 31 13950000.0 102789.0 16230 89265.0 1.63 89265.0 1455.0 87810.0 February: 28 12600000.0 95128.0 17625 96937.5 2.15 96937.5 2084.2 94853.3 March: 31 13950000.0 105938.0 18667 102668.5 1.42 29.10 102508.5 1455.6 101052.8 April: 17 7650000.0 54802.0 12002 66011.0 1.02 758.90 61837.1 630.7 61206.3 May: 30 13500000.0 91368.0 27142 149281.0 0.82 29.10 149121.0 1222.8 147898.2 June: 30 16194840.0 98982.0 11568 63624.0 0.63 63624.0 400.8 63223.2 July: 31 13950000.0 100624.0 26039 143214.5 0.44 143214.5 630.1 142584.4 August: 31 13950000.0 99546.0 32763 180196.5 1.27 180196.5 2288.5 177908.0 September: 30 13500000.0 120649.0 33113 182121.5 2.13 182121.5 3879.2 178242.3 October: 25 11250000.0 77926.0 29812 163966.0 1.48 163966.0 2426.7 161539.3 November: 30 13500000.0 87937.0 29498 156739.0 0.83 156739.0 1300.9 155438.1 December: 31 13950000.0 95739.0 23683 130256.5 0.65 130256.5 94&7 129409.8 Average 29 1 070- 94285.7 23095 1 1.206 272.37 126648.9 1551.8 125097.1 Total 345 157944840 1131428.0 L 277142 524281 817.10 1519787.0 18621.3 1501165.7 Lbs.Hex per day exiting Mineral t/IQIfT Accountable Lbs. m tied of Hexane �I �� Oil Scrubber 158.7 215413.70 (Average from MO Tests): Lbs.of Hex exiting MO Unit: J/ 54773.58 ,}O) t Accountable Lbs.of N-Hex Emitted: 2597.53 y ✓"�� Accountable Lbs.of Hexaner,5(b/�o-Q y�7S,�/bs Lbs.of N-Hex exiting MO Unit: 660.48 212816.17 Isomers Lost: Lbs.of Hex Isomers exiling MO 54113.10 '� Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Emitted: 1304373.25 130 4L'J 3.Z /� Unit: C.. p�t l b5 Lbs.Hexane per Lbs.of Spent 4 1 : 0.000930 Fugitive Lbs.n-Hexane Emitted: 15728.57 Sage(from Desolvitizer tests Lbs.Hexane in Spent Sage: 148888.70 ugitve s.Emitted: somers Emittetl: 1288644 68 L 666 1 G _rub Lbs.N-Hexane in Spent Sage: 1771.23 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 1 Hexane Emitted: 1519786.95 I..S• Lbs.Hexane per Day from A-1 0000815 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 18326.10 Vent Cond. . N-Hex Emitted: lbs.Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.281 Accountable and Fugitied:ve Lbs.Hex Isomers E mitt 1501460.85 Lbs.N-Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.003391 Gallons Water sent to W WT: 11777271 Lbs.Waste Water per Gal.Waste 8.34 Wt%of Hexane In Waste Water: 0.-0�14 �52'1 Z$1 �b S 'AS2 Z199$7. lb G L�f a b Lbs.Hexane Lost in Waste Water: 13751 4 J�oy293. Z �,S/lo/It/ PrfcY 61�4LAQ^oJ Lbs.N-Hexane Lost In Waste 165.82 Water: �Cco L-r)4'jJC t l Y 6 a8 -2 (6s Att-rwv in sPurr/ suglc S�f7�2,Z las , ><ack y378.9 /bs l �► "'�s 4 /37S'/, &'S./CvtvX V= Z199��. o /b3 4ccoun�cfbl� 158, 7L /GJs `IQYp..e %/ Fwrn Mo5 ( 3`f5 --9, 722,2 16S f� S�4ck /vCGoW� lub�fS S1G {/mJ�Sb�s 5/X"� s(�2 kW (" NA Page 4 of 5 Concrete Operations:OS-4 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Concrete Lbs.Concrete Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Operated Infeed Product Used Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Emitted Emitted Isomers Hazardous (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Emitted Was January: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 February: 0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 March: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 April: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0- May: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 June: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul : 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Au ust: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 So tember: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 October. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 November: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 December: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average #DIV101 #DIVI01 #DNI01 #DIVI01 0.0 0.000 #DIVI01 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lbs.Hexane per Day from A-1 0.000815 Accountable Lbs.of Haxane Lost: 0.00 Vent Cond. Da A-1 Operated: 0 Accountable Lbs.of N-Hex Lost: 0.00 Lbs.Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.000 Accountable Lbs.of Hexane 0.00 Isomers Lost: Lbs.N-Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.000000 Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Lost: 0.00 Gallons sent to W WT: Fugitive Lbs.n-Hexane Lost: 0.00 Lbs.Waste Water per Gal.Waste 8.34 Fugitve Lbs.Hexane Isomers Lost: 0.00 Water: Wt%of Hexane in Waste Water: 0.014 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 0.00 Hexane Emitted: Lbs.Hexane Lost in Waste Water: 0.00 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 0.00 N-Hex Emitted: Lbs.N-Hexane Lost in Waste Accountable and Fugitive Lbs.Hex Water: 0'� Isomers Emitted: 0'� Biomass Extraction Operation:OS-28 Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons Hexane Lbs.Hexane Sant as Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Monts Operated Product Used Used %n-Hexane Hazardous Emitted Emitted Isomers Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) h.January: 0 0.00 0.0 0 February: 0 0.00 0.0 0 March: 0 0.00 0.0 0 April: 0 0.00 0.0 0 May: 0 0.00 0.0 0 June: 0 0.00 0.0 0 July: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Au oust: 0 0.00 0.0 0 September: 0 0.00 0.0 0 October: 0 0.00 0.0 0 November: 0 0.00 0.0 0 December: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Avera a #DIVl01 #DIV101 #DIV10I 0.00 0.000 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 rota) 0 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.8 Page 5 of 5 Botanical Extraction Operation:03-10 Monthly Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Hexane Month #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons Hexane Lbs.Hazen %n-Hexane Sant as Hexane n-Hexane Isomers Operated Product Used Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Janua : 0 0.00 0.0 0 Februa : 0 0.00 0.0 0 March: 0 0.00 0.0 0 April: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Ma 0M0.0MG0 #DlVI0l 0.00 0.0 0 June: 00.00 0.0 0 Jul : 00.00 0.0 0 Au ust: 00.00 0.0 0 September: 00.00 0.0 0 October: 00.00 0.0 0 November: 00.00 0.0 0 December: 00.00 0.0 0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DN101 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Plant Nutrient Extraction IM-131 Operation OS-29 Monthly Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Hexane Month #Days Lbs.PNE Gallons HexaneFLbs�.Hexane %n-Hexane Sent as Hexane n•Haxane Isomers Operated Product Used Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbe.) Janua : 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 February: 0.0 0 i 0.00 0.0 March: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 A ril: 0.0 0.65 247.3 -3.575 -0.02 -3.6 Ma : 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 June: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 July: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 August" 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 September: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 October: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 November: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 December: 1 0.0 10 0.00 0.0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DIVI01 #DNI01 0.0 0.85 247.3 -0.208 0.00 -0.30 Total 0 0 0 0.0 247.3 •3.575 -0.02 •3.55 Totals for All Operations Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Emitted: 1428995.27 Total Lbs.Hexane Released: 1644408.98 Fugitive Lbs.N.Hexane Emitted: 62820.76 Total Lbs.n-Hexane Released: 65418.29 Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Isomers 1366174.51 Total Lbs.Hex Isomers Released: 1578990.68 Emitted: Accountable Lbs.Hexane Lost: 215413.70 Total Lbs.Hexane Sent OH Site: 11639.10 Accountable Lbs.n-Hexane Lost: 2597.53 Total lbs.N-Hexane Sent Off Site: 405.88 Accountable s.Hex isomers 21281617 Totals. ex somers en 11233.22 Lost: ite: Annual Summary Maximum n-Hexane On-Hand Total Hexane Total Total N-Hexane Month n-Hexane (Lbs.) (Gallons) Gallons Janus 72084 6854 37696.2 Februa 94438 14537 79955.2 March: 92848 12712 69915.7 April: 95110 6926 38094.0 Ma : 92291 5877 32320.9 WNovember 102179 6161 33885.2 97772 8467 35570.E 97914 6269 34479.1 102888 9599 52794.4 91624 8190 45046.9 10979E 8707 47559.0 112818 8190 45044.7 Max Hexane I Max N-Hexane Max N•Hexane Maximum Hexane On-Hand Gel. al. Lbs. 112616 14537 79955 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Butanol: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = 6.76 Monthly Inventory of Butanol (gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Gallons of Butanol used during the year: 0 Lbs. Of Butanol used during the year: Lbs. of Butanol used by Misc., QA, and R&D: Lbs. of Butanol sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of Butanol sent to wwt: Lbs. of Butanol emitted during year: 0 C:\Users\connerb1\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Calcium hydroxide Year: 2017 Common Name : Lime Monthly Inventory of Calcium hydroxide (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 163.0 163.0 163.0 February: 163.0 163.0 163.0 March: 163.0 163.0 163.0 April: 163.0 163.0 163.0 May: 163.0 163.0 163.0 June: 163.0 163.0 163.0 July: 163.0 163.0 163.0 August: 163.0 163.0 163.0 S tember: 163.0 163.0 163.0 October: 163.0 163.0 163.0 November: 163.0 163.0 163.0 December: 163.0 163.0 163.0 Lbs. Of Lime used during the year: 0.00 Lbs.IHr. of Lime Uploaded (design): 33000 Operation Time (hours): Lbs/Hr of Lime Emitted (design): 0.135 Lbs/Year of Lime Emitted: 0.000 Tons/Year of Lime Emitted: 0.000 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Hydrochloric Acid : OS-7 Year: Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Hydrochloric Acid (Ibs): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Diethvlamine : OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 5.90 Used for Nicotine Extraction in Botanical Extraction Process Monthly Inventory of Diethvlamine(gallons): EDA Month Beginning Received Max Used Used Gal.to Lbs.to Lbs. Ending Inventory (Gals.) (Lbs) (Gals.) (Lbs.) WWTP WWTP EmVOC itted as Inventory January: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 February: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 March: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 April: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 may: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 June: 890 5251 0 0 0 1 0 890 July: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 August: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 September: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 October: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 November: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 December: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 Total Gallons of Dieth lamine Used: 0 Total Lbs.Dieth lamine Used: 0 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs.Dieth lamine set to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs.sent to WWT: 0.0 Total Lbs.Dieth lamine Emitted:OS-10 0.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Isopropyl acetate: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Isopropyl acetate (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 1 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Lbs. of IPAC used during the year @ PNE (OS-7): 0 Lbs. of IPAC used during the year @ (OS-10): Lbs. of IPAC used by Misc., CIA, and R&D: Lbs. of IPAC sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of IPAC sent to wwt: Lbs. of IPAC emitted during year: 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Ethylenediamine : OS-31 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = 7.50 All ethylenediamine is contained and shipped off-site with the product. Monthly Inventory of Ethylenediamine (gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 424 3180 424 February: 424 3180 424 March: 424 3180 424 April: 424 3180 424 May: 424 3180 424 June: 424 3180 424 July: 424 3180 424 August: 424 3180 424 September: 424 3180 424 October: 424 3180 424 November: 424 1 3180 424 December: 424 1 3180 424 Total Gallons of Ethylenediamine Used: 0 Total Lbs. Ethylenediamine Used: 0 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs. Ethylenediamine set to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs. sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs. Ethylenediamine Emitted: OS-31 0 Ethyl Gallons to Ethanol Acetate WWi VOC(Lbs.) VOC Lbs. 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 2 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 s 1.2 0.0 3 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 n-Butylacetate: OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 7.35 Monthly Inventory of n-Butyl acetate(gallons): Beginning Max Used Ending Month InventoryReceived Lbs New Used Recovered Used Recovered Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 Au ust: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Gallons of NBAC used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Lbs.Of NBAC used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Gallons of NBAC used during the year OS-10: Lbs.Of NBAC used during the year OS-10 : 0 Lbs.of NBAC used by Misc.,QA,and R&D: Lbs.of NBAC sent to hazardous waste: 1020 Lbs.of NBAC sent to wwt: Lbs.of NBAC emitted during year: -1020 r Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Pentanone: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.01 Monthly Inventory of Pentanone(gallons): Beginning Max Used Month InventoryReceived Lbs New Used Recovered Used Recovered Janua : 0 0 February: 0 0 March: 0 0 April: 0 0 May: 0 0 June: 0 0 July: 0 0 Au ust: 1 0 1 1 0 September: 0 0 October: 0 0 November: 0 0 December: 1 0 0 Gallons of Pentanone used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Lbs.Of Pentanone used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Gallons of Pentanone used during the year @(OS-10): Lbs.Of Pentanone used during the year OS-10 : 0 Lbs.of Pentanone used by Misc.,CIA,and R&D: Lbs.of Pentanone sent to hazardous waste: Lbs.of Pentanone sent to wwt: Lbs.of Pentanone emitted during year: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AJOJUGAUIPU3 pest 6ipu3 I Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Maganese Year: 2017 Info: Potassium permanganate contains 33-35% Manganese. Monthly In entory of Potassium Perman anate (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Max Lbs. Potassium Permanganate on Hand: 0 Lbs. of Potassium Permanganate used during the year: 0 Max Lbs. Maganese on Hand: 0 Lbs. of Maganese used: 0 Percentage Maganese sent On-Site: 100 Percentage Maganese sent Off-Site: 0 Lbs. Maganese Shipped On-Site: 0 Lbs. Maganese Shipped Off-Site: 0 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Sulfur dioxide Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Sulfur dioxide (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide used during the year: 0 Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide used by Misc., QA, and R&D: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide sent to wwt: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide emitted during year: 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Toluene Year. 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 7.23 Monthly Inventory of Toluene l0allonsl: Beginning Max Recovered In Product Total Used Ending Month Invento Received Lbs In Process Inventory January: 1531 11069 0 1531 February: 1531 11069 0 1531 March: 1531 11069 0 1531 April: 1531 11069 0 1531 May: 1531 11069 0 1531 June: 1531 11069 0 1531 Ju : 1531 11069 0 1531 Au ust 1531 11069 0 1 1531 September. 1531 11069 0 1531 October: 1531 11069 0 1531 November: 1531 11069 0 1531 December: 1531 11069 0 1531 November: 1531 11069 0 1531 December: 1531 11069 0 1531 Total 0 0 0 0 0 21434 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Lbs.Toluene Lbs.per Day Lbs.Per Hour #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Month Emitted as Toluene Toluene Operated Product Toluene Used Used Recovered In Product VOC Emitted Emitted January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIV/OI March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVl01 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/O! KNovemWr: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVl01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIO! 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DNI01 #DNI01 #DIVI01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DNI01 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI PNE Operation:OS-7 Lbs.Toluene Lbs.per Day Lbs.Per Hour #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Month Operated Product Toluene Used Used Recovered in Product Emitted as Toluene Toluene YOC Emitted Emitted January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIV/01 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVI01 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/O! April; 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/O! May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/01 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIVI01 July: 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Au ust: 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/Ol #DIVI01 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/01 November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #0IV/01 #DIV/01 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Average #DN/01 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI 0.00 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVI01 Total 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 I #DIVI01 Gallons of Toluene used during the year: 0.00 Lbs.of Toluene used during the ear: 0.00 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Toluene Emitted:05-10 0.00 Lbs.PNE Toluene Emitted:OS-7 0.00 Lbs.of Toluene sent to hazardous waste: Total Fu hive Lbs.Toluene Emitted: 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Plant Material Grinder : OS-3 Year: 2017 The Plant Material Grinder (OS-3) is operated in building ID # 1003-4. The grinder has a filter which captures 99 + % of all particulates. There are no solvents, HAP/TAPS, or VOC associated with the grinder's operation. Essentially there are no emissions associated with the plant material grinder. I ton Bets Hudd es y From: DENR.DAQ.Emission_Inventory_UG@Iists.ncmai1.net Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 4:16 PM Subject: Inventory submission confirmation -- 0800044 Dear Brian Conner Your submittal of the 2017 emission inventory for Avoca, Inc., 0800044, has been received by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) on April 24, 2018 at 16:15:09. You have until the due date of the emission inventory or two weeks from this submittal to review and repudiate the data submitted. Please remember to: - print the Certification Form (see AERO Closeout page), - have the Responsible Official sign it in blue ink, - include copies of spreadsheets or calculations used in creating this inventory, and - mail (postmark) it to NCDAQ, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 by the required due date in order for this submittal to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Betsy Huddleston, in the Washington Regional Office, at252-946-6481. The Division of Air Quality thanks you for using AERO, the on line emissions inventory program. Sincerely DAQ 1 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region :WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Keith Silverman This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition.40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1. For a corporation: a president, secretary,treasurer,or vice—president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i.the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars);or ii.the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2. For partnership or sole propietorship; a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. for a muncipality, state, federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g., a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT7 (IM12ortant* Legally Reaponsible Official,read and sign after all allbmissions are fiaW certify that I am the responsible official for this facility, as described above, and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report,including attached calculations and documentation, is true,accurate and complete. (Subject to legal enalities of up to$25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Si afar o use blue ink): Date Signed: Printed Name: Keithif Signature: This form applies to itle V facilities. If this facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. KSilverman@ashland.com E r F, n/I Email address of Responsible Official: MAY 2'118 Information on this Form cannot be held confident al _ p COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 1 l COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO Listing of Emission Sources and Control Devices on Permit. See instructions DES ID on Air DES Description #CS ID GCS Description CD ID's Permit one condenser(ID No. C-3001 One centrifuge [PSD] CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. C-3002 One centrifuge [PSD] CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer C-31203 One centrifuge [MACT FFFF] C-4001 One centrifuge [PSD, MACT FFFF] One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-1201 One steam—heated dryer flavorant process), One [MACT FFFF] CS-7 (1)caustic solution fume CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process) one(1)jet ejector One steam—heated dryer venturi—type wet D-1202 with condenser[MACT CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 FFFF] injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-1215 One reactor[MACT CS-7 flavorant process),One CD—Z-9215, CD—Z-9216 FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) D-1218 One reactor[MACT CS-7 One(1)water spray CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 FFFF] fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process),One (1)caustic solution fume 2 scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process) One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-2202 One reactor[MACT CS-7 flavorant process),One CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) One steam—heated dryer one condenser(ID No. D-3001 equipped with a chilled CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 water process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3002) [PSDJ heat exchanger/dryer One steam—heated dryer one condenser(ID No. D-3002 equipped with a chilled CS-11 CD-3001) installed on CD-3001 water process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3006) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One dryer with process D-4001 condenser(EX-4004) [PSD,MACT FFFF] One waste solids D31211 separator vessel(1,333 gallon capacity) [MACT FFFF] D31214 One product extract reactor[MACT FFFF] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E101 (587 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E102 (760 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E103.17A (603 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E 104 (401 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] ES-1001-1-1—F Process equipment leaks CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] Condenser,Packed Tower Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing 3 Ili quid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Arcon process tank M-1 Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P1 [PSD,CAM,MACT CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Stripper T-5 and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P2 receiver M-21 [PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 CAM,MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Seven process tanks of Chilled Water—Cooled various capacities and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P3 one fixed roof methanol CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 storage tank(7,050 mineral oil scrubbing gallon capacity) [PSD, liquid injection rate), MACT FFFF Chilled Water—Cooled Recovery Operations Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—WW wastewater stream[PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Process equipment leaks Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—F [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Six process tanks of Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—P various capacities [PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Concrete Operations Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—WW wastewater stream CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 [MALT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), one(1)jet ejector venturi—type wet ES-1001-1-3—Filters Filters [MACT FFFF] CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. ES-1001-1-3—P Eleven(11)process CS-1 one(1)jet ejector CD—M-34 tanks of various venturi—type wet capacities: Hexane scrubber(10 GPM storage tank(M-2) injection rate,ID No. Process tank(M-4)with M-34) Sclareolide Ops. chilled water process condenser(T-6)Process tank(M-4A)with chilled water process condenser(T-6A) 4 Receiver tank(M-39) for M-4/T-6 Process tank(M-44)with two chilled water process condensers(T-13 and T-15)Receiver tank (M-16)for T-13 and T-15 Crystallizer tank (M-15)Tank for cooled hexane for centrifuge (M-11)Receiver tank for dryer condenser (TK-1210)Process tank (M-17)Process tank (M-17A) [MACT FFFF] one(1)jet ejector SDE-1 wastewater venturi—type wet ES-1001-1-3—WW CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 stream[MACT FFFF] injection rate,ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. Chilled Water—Cooled ES-1001-11—F Process equipment leaks CS-16 Condenser,Liquid CD-100111EX1002,CD-1001I IEX1003 [PSD,MACT FFFF] Nitrogen—Cooled Condenser, Immersion extractor Z-1001,desolventizer Z-1002,day tank 90024 (6,000 gallon capacity), first—stage evaporator Chilled Water—Cooled ES-1001-11—P EX-1012,second—stage CS-16 Condenser,Liquid CD-1001 I 1EX1002,CD-1001I IEX1003 evaporator EX—1013, Nitrogen—Cooled distillation column Condenser, EX-90008, and nine process tanks of various capacities [PSD,CAM, MACT FFFF] Botanical extraction Chilled Water—Cooled operation wastewater Condenser,Liquid ES-1001-11—WW stream [PSD,MACT CS-16 Nitrogen—Cooled CD-100111EX1002,CD-100111EX1003 FFFF] Condenser, Chilled Water—Cooled Process equipment leaks Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-2-1—F CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Rotocel extractor, Chilled Water—Cooled desolventizer,and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-2-1—P1 solvent CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 separation/recovery [PSD,CAM, MACT mineral oil scrubbing FFFF] liquid injection rate), ES-1001-2-1—WW IRotocel Operations CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD—1001-2-5-1 wastewater stream [PSD, Condenser,Packed Tower 5 MACT FFFF] Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), one(1)jet ejector SDE-1 process venturi—type wet ES-1001-3—F equipment leaks [MACT CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 FFFF] injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. one condenser(ID No. ES-1003-10—F Process equipment leaks CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 [PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. ES-1003-10—WW SFG Process wastewater CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 stream[PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer ES-1003-2-1—F Process equipment leaks [MACT FFFF Seven process tanks of ES-1003-2-1—P various capacities [MACT FFFF] ES-1003-2-1—WW PNE process wastewater stream[MACT FFFF] One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch Process equipment leaks flavorant process),One ES-1003-2-2—F CS-7 CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 [MACT FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) one(1)jet ejector EVG Operation venturi—type wet ES-1003-2-2—WW wastewater stream CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 [MACT FFFF] injection rate,ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-1 Biomass extraction CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1004-2EX1002,CD—1004-2EX1003 debagging [PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-2—F Process equipment leaks CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1 004-2EX 1002,CD—1 004-2EX 1003 [PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) ES-1004-2—P Immersion extractor CS-21 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-1004-2EX1002,CD-1004-2EX1003 Z-41001,desolventizer Condenser,Liquid Z-41002,day tank Nitrogen—Cooled 490025 (9,953 gallon Condenser, 6 capacity), storage tank (CD 1004-2EX1002 and 490024(13,536 gallon 1003) capacity),first stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013,distillation column EX-490008, and nine process tanks of various capacities[PSD, CAM] Chilled Water—Cooled Biomass extraction Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-2—WW operation wastewater CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD-1004-2EX1002,CD-1004-2EX1003 stream[PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) ES-1004-2Silo Biomass silo loadout CS-23 Bagfilter(254 square CD—1004-2—FF2 feet of filter area), SDE-2 process ES-4000—F equipment leaks [PSD, MACT FFFF] SDE-2 process ES-4000—WW wastewater stream[PSD, MACT FFFF] One biomass/bio—based one simple cyclone solids—fired boiler(24 (144 inches in ES—BB 1 million Btu per hour CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB 1 C,CD—BB 1BH maximum heat input (8,900 square feet of rate) [NSPS—Dc, filter area), MACT—DDDDD] One biomass/bio—based one simple cyclone solids—fired boiler(24 (144 inches in ES—BB2 million Btu per hour CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB1C,CD—BB1BH maximum heat input (8,900 square feet of rate) [NSPS—De, filter area), MACT—DDDDD Chilled Water—Cooled one storage and recycle Condenser,Packed Tower ES—M-125A tank(19,500 gallons CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 capacity)[MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing li uid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled one storage and recycle Condenser,Packed Tower ES—M-125B tank(19,500 gallons CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD—1001-2—S-1 capacity) [MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES—MDSU-1024 molecular sieve CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1004-2EX1002, CD—1004-2EX1003 Condenser, (CD 1004-2EX1002 and 1003) 7 One No. 2 fuel oil—fired Oxidation Catalyst limited use emergency [17,070 acfm(6,854 ES—PkGenl generator(2,935 kilowatt CS-22 scfm)inlet air flow rate CD—CatOxl maximum rated power at 695 OF—835 OF], output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel one simple cyclone oil/propane—fired rotary (144 inches in ES—RD dryer(30 million Btu per CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB 1C,CD—BB 1BH hour maximum heat (8,900 square feet of input rate) filter area), solvent process tank ES—TK—PNE-1 (9,500 gallons capacity) [MACT FFFF One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency fire water FP pump(285 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] one(1)jet ejector One centrifuge [MACT venturi—type wet G-17 FFFF] CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(20.3 million Btu 11 101 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21) .1109 case—by—case MACT] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(20.3 million Btu H-102 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21) .1109 case—by—case MACT] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(25.2 million Btu H-103 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21).1109 case—by—case MACT] Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower 1113 1 box[MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 mineral oil scrubbing li uid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower IIR 2 box [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), I i 13 One steam—heated hot CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 box [MACT FFFF] Condenser,Packed Tower Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing 8 liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower HB-4 box [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), I—Biomass—PKG biomass bulk bag packaging area I—Briquette sage briquetting machine. ECS process: batch IECS preparation of ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution IES—PV propane vaporizer No.2 fuel oil storage ITK102 tank(495 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage ITK103 tank(495 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage ITK9238 tank(50,000 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage g ITK9239 tank(50,000 gallon capacity) No. 2 fuel oil storage I T K I P tank(270 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—AT2 plant aeration tank No. 2 (63,500 gall on capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—AT3 plant aeration tank No. 3 (63,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—CLR plant clarifier(1,310 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—ETI plant equalization tank No. 1 (65,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—ET2 plant equalization tank No.2 (65,500 gallon capacity) One plant material one(1)fabric filter(244 MHZ-1002 grinder(1,011 pounds CS-4 square feet of filter CD-1003-4-1 per hour nominal feed surface area,ID No. Fate) I CD-1003-4-1) 9 One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3001 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3001) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3002 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3003) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3003 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3004) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. with a chilled water CD-3001)installed on R-3004 CS-11 CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3005) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One 4,200 gallon reactor R-4004 with process condenser (EX-4001) [PSD, MACT FFFF] One 4,200 gallon reactor R-4005 with process condenser (EX-4002) [PSD, MACT FFFF] R-4015 One 1,500 gallon reactor [PSD,MACT FFFF] One 4,200 gallon reactor R 4044 with process condenser (EX-4003) [PSD, MACT FFFF] one condenser(ID No. One process tank(6,700 CD-3001)installed on T-3001 gallon capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3002 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3003 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3004 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3005 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer T-3006 CS-11 CD-3001 10 One storage tank(12,500 one condenser(ID No. gallons) [PSD] CD-3001) installed on centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. T-3007 One process tank CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 (12,500 gallons) [PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer One 17,900 gallon virgin T-4001 solvent tank[PSD, MACT FFFF] One 6,000 gallon process T-4017 tank[PSD,MACT FFFF] One 6,000 gallon process T-4018 tank[PSD,MACT FFFF] Wastewater treatment WWTP—ATI plant aeration tank No. 1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] 11 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO Emission Source & Operating Scenario List- See Instructions DES Group ID *ES ID SOS ID SOS Description ES-1004-1,ES-1004-2-F, GR1 ES-1004-2-P,ES-1004-2-WW, 56 Extraction of Fermented Biomass ES-MDSU-1024 GR2 ES-BB1,ES-BB2,ES-RD 57 Biomass Boiler Operation with Wood Chips as fuel source ES-4000-F,ES-4000-WW,R-4004, GR3 R-4005,R-4015,R-4044,T-4001, 59 SDE-2 T-4017,T-4018,C-4001,D-4001 G-76 H-101,H-102,H-103 58 Boilers G-77 FP,E101,E102,E103.17A,E104 42 Generators ES-1001-1-1-F,ES-1001-1-1-P1, Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Operations ES-1001-1-1-P2,ES-1001-1-1-P3, 54 Fugitive Loss ES-1001-1-1-WW,ES-1001-1-2-17, G-94 ES-100 1-1-2-P,ES-100 1-1-2-WW, ES-100 1-2-1-F,ES-100 1-2-1-P 1, 55 Rotocel, Sage, Recovery,and ES-1001-2-1-WW,ES-M-125A, Distillation ES-M-125B,HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 ES-1001-1-3-Filters,ES-1001-1-3-P, Conversions(Sclareolide SDE: G-95 ES-1001-1-3-WW,ES-1001-3-F, 51 Biological and Chemical) ES-1003-2-2-WW,G-17,D-1202 52 SDE Fugitive Emissions ES-1003-10-F,ES-1003-10-WW, 47 SFG Fugitive Emissions R-3001,R-3002,R-3003,R-3004, G-96 T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004, T-3005,T-3006,T-3007,C-3001, 48 Sclareol Re-crystallization(SFG) C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 ES-1003-2-1-F,ES-1003-2-1-P, 49 Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) G-97 ES-1003-2-1-WW,ES-TK-PNE-1, C-31203,D31211,D31214 50 PNE-Isohexane Extraction G-99 ES-1003-2-2-F, D-1201,D-1215, 53 EVG(batch flavorant) D-1218,D-2202 G-150 ES-1001-11-F, ES-1001-11-P, Botanical extraction process(includes ES-1001-11-WW 40 botanical vents, condensers,tanks,etc) ES-1004-2Silo 30 Silo load out of spent biomass ES-PkGenl 12 Peak Shaving Generator I-Biomass-PKG NONE NONE I-Briquette NONE NONE 12 IECS 31 EDA Process IES—PV NONE NONE ITK102 NONE NONE ITK103 NONE NONE ITK9238 NONE NONE ITK9239 NONE NONE ITKFP NONE NONE IWWTP—AT2 NONE NONE IWWTP—AT3 NONE NONE IWWTP—CLR NONE NONE IWWTP—ET1 NONE NONE IWWTP—ET2 NONE NONE MHZ-1002 34 Misc: Plant Material Grinder Waste Water Treatment 1st Aeration WWTP—AT1 32 Chamber(Includes methanol usages from PNE and EVG) 13 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ED(from permit)or Group GR1 consisting of ES-1004-1,ES-1004-2—F,ES-1004-2—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1004-2—WW,ES—MDSU-1024 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass Extraction Operation 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—56/Extraction of Fermented Biomass 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 151228 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS—H) CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-21 CD-1004-2EX1002 One chilled water condenser 2 CS-21 CD-1004-2EX1003 One cryogenic(nitrogen)condensers stem 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter q (F) (Feet/see) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-4 VERTICAL STACK 20 feet) 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 14 Operating Scenario: OS—56 Emission Source/Group ID: GR1 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: Pan-Feb +Dec 0% arch—May 0% une—Aug. 0% ept.—Nov. 1000% 017 017 J017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions) all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 0.01 03 98 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control P ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.62 01 98 15 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group GR2 consisting of ES—BB1,ES—BB2,ES—RD Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass Boilers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—57/Biomass Boiler Operation with Wood Chips as fuel source 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200911/Wood/Bark ; Stoker Boilers 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 30619 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 8000000 Btu/ton Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-24 CD—BB1C one simple cyclone 144 inches in diameter CS-24 CD—BB1BH one ba filter(8,900 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—BB 1 VERTICAL STACK 60 3 240.8 24 10178.76 Biomass Boilers Exhaust 16 Operating Scenario: OS— 57 Emission Source/Group ID: GR2 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 250�o 25"�u une—Aug. 25"�o �017 ept.—Nov. 25"/ 017 �arch—May 17 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Ust .d : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 23882.59 08 0 Methane CH4 74-82-8 2.57 08 0 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 1.59 08 0 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficient Emission Po�QS Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutantss an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 23.52 04 NOx NOx 26.95 09 TSP TSP 0.17 04 99 PM10 PM10 0.17 04 99 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.17 04 99 S02 S02 3.06 09 VOC VOC 2.08 09 Emissions Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control See Instructions controls) 2017 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 203.3 09 Acrolein 107-02-8 979.8 09 Benzene 71-43-2 1028.79 09 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component of 50-32-8 0.637 09 POMTV POM7 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 11.02 09 Chlorine 7782-50-5 193.51 09 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8.08 09 Chloroform 67-66-3 6.86 09 Eth lbenzene 100-41-4 7.59 09 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1077.78 09 17 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 22.05 04 0 (hydrochloric acid Mercury,vapor(Component of 7439-97-6 0.071 04 0 HGC Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 23.76 09 POMT Phenol 108-95-2 12.492 09 Pro ionaldeh de 123-38-6 14.94 09 Styrene 100-42-5 465.4 09 Toluene 108-88-3 225.35 09 X lene 1330-20-7 6.124 09 18 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in HERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group GR3 consisting of ES-4000-17,ES-4000—WW,R-4004,R-4005, Emission Source Group ID R-4015,R-4044,T-4001,T-4017,T-4018,C-4001,D-4001 2. Emission Source Description: SDE-2 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—59/SDE-2 4. SCC Number/Description: Not required by facility,will be completed by DAQ 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 872656.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP105 VERTICAL STACK 30 1.5 104 40 4241.15 SDE-2 19 Operating Scenario: OS—59 Emission Source/Group ID: GR3 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 8"�u 360o �une-Aug. 29o�a Sept.—Nov. 27% 017 �arch—May 17 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 37.86 02 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 47146.82 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 28567.28 02 20 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-76 consisting of H-101,H-102,H-103 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Boilers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—58/Boilers 4. SCC Number/Description: 1020050I/Distillate Oil(No. 1 2) ; Grades 1 and 2 Oil 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 573077 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.0014 °o Ash Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon Btu/units) 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in etmit 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iain ter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—B-1 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.2 425 34.5 7868.74 boiler: vertical with rain cap EP—B-3 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.5 500 34.6 10190.54 boiler: vertical with rain cap EP—B-2 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.2 425 34.5 7868.74 boiler: Horizontal 21 Operating Scenario: OS-58 Emission Source/Group ID: G-76 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an-Feb +Dec 220o arch-May 330�o -Aug.une 230�o �017 ept.-Nov. 22% 017 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions- Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 6504.424 08 1 22.7 Methane CH4 74-82-8 0.0172 08 0.00006 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 0.0344 08 0.00012 Criteria Emissions- Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation EfficiencyEmission (NAAQS Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutantss an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 1.43 09 0.005 NOx NOx 5.73 09 0.02 TSP TSP 0.95 09 0.0033 PM10 PM10 0.26 09 0.0009 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.07 09 0.00025 S02 S02 12.21 09 0.0426 VOC VOC 0.06 09 0.0002 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In Alphabetical CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Order) (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds(Specify ASC-Other 0.32092 09 5.6E-7 Component of ASC Benzene 71-43-2 1.57596 09 0.00000275 Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440-41-7 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 (Component of BEC Cadmium Metal(elemental unreacted,Component of 7440-43-9 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 CDC Chromic acid(VI) (Component of So1CR6 7738-94-5 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 CRC 22 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.4682 09 8.17E-7 Fluorides(sum of all 16984-48-8 21.37577 09 0.0000373 fluoride compounds) Formaldehyde 50-00-0 27.5077 09 0.000048 Lead Unlisted Compounds (Specify and Component of PBC—Other 0.72208 09 0.00000126 PBC Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify MNC—Other 0.48138 09 8.4E-7 Component of MNC Mercury,vapor(Component 7439-97-6 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 of HGC Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 0.19083 09 3.33E-7 POMTV Nickel metal(Component of 7440-02-0 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 NIC Polycyclic Organic Matter (Inc PAH,dioxins,etc.NC POM 1.89115 09 0.0000033 AP 42 historic amorphous lob Toluene 108-88-3 45.67424 09 0.0000797 X lene 1330-20-7 0.80231 09 0.0000014 23 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-77 consisting of FP,E101,E102,E103.17A,E104 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Generators 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—42/Generators 4. SCC Number/Description: 2020040 1/Diesel ;Diesel 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1587.5 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.0014 /o Ash Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ennit 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP104 VERTICAL STACK 11 0.67 1000 96.9 2049.81 Generator ES104 EP101 VERTICAL STACK 12 0.67 1063 160.9 3403.66 Vertical EP102 VERTICAL STACK I 11 0.67 885 203.4 4302.7 1 Vertical EP103 IVERTICAL STACKI 10 1 0.67 1 1063 174.4 3689.24 1 Vertical 24 Operating Scenario: OS—42 Emission Source/Group ID: G-77 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 300ofoalrch—May 28a�p une—Aug. 20% �Sept.—Nov. 22"�� 017 7 �017 2017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 4.92 09 Methane CH4 74-82-8 0.001 09 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 0.0001 09 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 0.1 09 NOx NOx 0.36 09 TSP TSP 0.01 09 PM10 PM10 0.01 09 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.01 09 SO2 SO2 0.02 09 VOC VOC 0.01 09 Emissions Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 0.006 09 Acrolein 107-02-8 0.002 09 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds( ASC—Other 0.001 09 Specify Component of ASC Benzene 71-43-2 0.174 09 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component of 50-32-8 0.0001 09 POMTV POM7 Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440-41-7 0.001 09 (Component of BEC Cadmium Metal(elemental 7440-43-9 0.001 09 unreacted Component of CDC 25 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.018 09 Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 0.029 09 POMT Toluene 108-88-3 0.063 09 X lene 1330-20-7 0.043 09 26 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16: 15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Berrie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-94 consisting of ES—1001-1-1—F,ES—1001-1-1—P1, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-1—P2,ES-1001-1-1—P3,ES-1001-1-1—WW,ES-1001-1-2-17, ES-1001-1-2—P,ES-1001-1-2—WW,ES-1001-2-1—F,ES-1001-2-1—P1, ES-1001-2-1—WW,ES—M-125A,ES—M-12513, HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 2. Emission Source Description: Rotocel, Sage,Recovery,and Distillation/Concrete Operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—54/Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Operations Fugitive Loss 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 157944840 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) /o Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ennit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter (F) (Feet/sec) Flow ): Rate Rectangle(L (Acfm) W) in 0.1 feet) G-94 FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Fugitives STACK 27 1 Operating Scenario: OS— 54 Emission Source/Group ID: G-94 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 27a�orar(h—May 23"�u une—Aug. 27"�u �017 ept.—Nov. 23% 017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 943.14 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control on Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In `� Estimation y EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 1288644.68 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 15728.57 02 Methanol 67-56-1 581900.48 02 28 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-94 consisting of ES-1001-1-1—F,ES-1001-1-1—P1, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-1—P2,ES-1001-1-1—P3,ES-1001-1-1—WW,ES-1001-1-2—F, ES-1001-1-2—P,ES-1001-1-2—WW,ES-1001-2-1—F,ES-1001-2-1—P1, ES-1001-2-1—WW,ES—M-125A,ES—M-125B,HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 2. Emission Source Description: Rotocel, Sage, Recovery,and Distillation/Concrete Operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—55/Rotocel,Sage,Recovery, and Distillation 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 157944840 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (►f fuel is used) /o Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) I CS-17 CD-31209 One chilled water condenser CS-17 CD-1001-2—S-1 One packed tower scrubber(8 gallons per minute minimum mineral oil injection rate 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1001—I I-1 VERTICAL STACK 42 0.5 68 127.4 1500.89 Vertical 29 Operating Scenario: OS— 55 Emission Source/Group ID: G-94 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec o �017 arch—May o une—Aug. o ept.—Nov. 017 27/0 23/0 �017 27/0 017 23% 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) y Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 107.71 03 98 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 212816.17 03 98 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 2597.53 03 98 30 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-95 consisting of ES-1001-1-3—Filters,ES-1001-1-3—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-3—WW,ES-1001-3—F,ES-1003-2-2—WW,G-17,D-1202 2. Emission Source Description: Conversions(Sclareolide: Biological and Chemical) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —51/Conversions(Sclareolide SDE: Biological and Chemical) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 193282.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur toAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 CD—M-34 One venturi—type wet scrubber(10 gallons per minute minimum liquid injection rate 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 feet) 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 31 Operating Scenario: OS — 51 Emission Source/Group ID: G-95 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 760�o 240�o une—Aug. 0"�u ept.—Nov. 0% 017 �arch—may 17 �017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Po�ant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 2.67 03 98 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS y EF Control (see instructions Alphabetical Order) ) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 3343.46 03 98 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 1980.52 03 98 32 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit) or Group G-95 consisting of ES-1001-1-3—Filters,ES-1001-1-3—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-3—WW,ES-1001-3-17,ES-1003-2-2—WW,G-17,D-1202 2. Emission Source Description: Conversions(Sclareolide: Biological and Chemical) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—52/SDE Fugitive Emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 193282.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) SDE FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 SDE fugitive STACK) emissions 33 Operating Scenario: OS—52 Emission Source/Group ID: G-95 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 760�o 240�o une—Aug. 0"�u Sept.—Nov. 0"�0 017 �arch—May 17 017 017 13. Actual Emi cion per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control NAA S Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission ( Q ) Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 21.79 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 27368.24 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 16211.76 02 34 II COPY of RE(._,ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in HERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-96 consisting of ES-1003-10—F,ES-1003-10—WW,R-3001, Emission Source Group ID R-3002,R-3003,R-3004,T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004,T-3005, T-3006,T-3007,C-3001,C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 2. Emission Source Description: Re—crystallization of Sclareol(SFG) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—47/SFG Fugitive Emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1447273 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content -7 Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) SFG FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 SFG fugitive STACK) emissions 35 Operating Scenario: OS—47 Emission Source/Group ID: G-96 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 25/o arch—May o une—Aug. o Sept.—Nov. o 017 0 2017 26/0 �017 25/0 017 24/o 13. Actual Emissions Der Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficient Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 86.27 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Efficient Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS y EF Control (see instructions Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 24504.88 02 36 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Berrie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-96 consisting of ES—1003-1 0—F,ES—1003-10—WW,R-3001, Emission Source Group ID R-3002,R-3003,R-3004,T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004,T-3005, T-3006,T-3007,C-3001,C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 2. Emission Source Description: Re—crystallization of Sclareol(SFG) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —48/Sclareol Re—crystallization(SFG) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1447273 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-11 CD-3001 One chilled water condenser 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume ERP (in feet) Circle(enter (F) (Feet/sec) Flow Rate Description ): (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1003-10-7 VERTICAL STACK 19 1 0.17 80 53 72.17 Vertical EP-1003-10-2 HORIZONTAL STACK 18 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal P-1003-10-1 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 19 0.17 80 3 4.08 Horizontal P-1003-10-3 HORIZONTAL STACK 19 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 37 P-1003-10-4 HORIZONTAL STACK 19 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal P-1003-10-5 HORIZONTAL STACK 25 0.17 80 10.2 13.89 Horizontal P-1003-10-6 HORIZONTAL STACK 30 0.17 100 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 38 Operating Scenario:OS—48 Emission Source/Group ID: G-96 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25% �arch—Nla 17 y 260�o une—Aug. 25"�u ept.—Nov. 017 017 �017 24% 13. Actual Emissions ger Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code et after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (N (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 SO2 SO2 08 0 VOC VOC 21.57 02 98 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission ) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control P See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 6126.22 02 98 39 I COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-97 consisting of ES-1003-2-1—F,ES-1003-2-1—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1003-2-1—WW,ES—TK—PNE-1,C-31203,D31211,D31214 2. Emission Source Description: Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—49/Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 14334 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ermit 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 40 Operating Scenario: OS—49 Emission Source/Group ID: G-97 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 69% 0% une—Aug. 0% �017 ept.—Nov. 31% 017 �arch—May 17 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Gf Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control AA Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutants an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 7.17 03 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission (see instructions) Method Code Efficiency Factor F.F Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 41 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-97 consisting of ES-1003-2-1—F,ES-1003-2-1—P, Emission Source Group ID ES—1003-2—1—WW,ES—TK—PNE-1,C-31203, D31211,D31214 2. Emission Source Description: Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—50/PNE—Isohexane Extraction 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—Ill CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 42 I Operating Scenario: OS—50 Emission Source/Group ID: G-97 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: Pan—Feb +Dec o arch—May ° u ie—Aug. Sept.—Nov. 017 25/0 2017 25/0 017 Z5% 2017 25% 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code et after Factor Et'Control Pollutants � (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation EfficiencyEmission EF Control Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code Factor (See Instructions) (Net after all controls) 2017 43 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-99 consisting of ES-1003-2-2—F,D-1201,D-1215,D-1218, Emission Source Group ID D-2202 2. Emission Source Description: EVG(batch flavorant) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—53/EVG (batch flavorant) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 20054.6 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) % Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device fit formation : Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-7 CD-7-9215 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate 2 CS-7 CD—L-9216 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate 9.Emission Release Point(EPP) Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID F,I2I'Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 44 Operating Scenario: OS—53 Emission Source/Group ID: G-99 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 7% arch—May 39% June—Aug. 49% ept.—Nov. 5% 017 017 �017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission �`�►QS) y Ef Control Code Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PNI10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 22.49 03 98 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission (see instructions) Method Code Efficiency Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 Chlorol'ornt 67-66-3 41548 03 0 Methanol 67-56-1 3440.55 03 45 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Lic. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality A i r Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source 11) (from permit)or Group G-150 consisting of ES-1001-11—F, ES-1001-11—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-11—WW 2. Emission Source Description: Botanical Extraction Operations 3. Operating Scenario I D/Description: OS—40/Botanical extraction process(includes botanical vents,condensers, tanks,etc) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 213830.2 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel osc): 6. Fuellnformatio❑ (Iffuelisused) ro Sulfur /oAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions fi-om this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS-11) CD ED Control Device Description (as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 F CD-100111EX1002 One chilled water condenser 2 CS-1 G CD-100111EX1003 One cryogenic(nitrogen)condensers stem 9. Finission Release I1nint ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): L:RP 1D FIt r 1'.pe Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-11 VERTICAI. STACK 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 46 Operating Scenario: OS—40 Emission Source/Group ID: G-150 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start & riid Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb + Dec 2 1% arch—May 64% une—Aug. 0% Sept.—Nov. 15% 017 017 �017 017 13. Actual Emissions her Pollutant Listed Attach calculations nuf documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHC: GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) F.f Control Polln t:1 11 1 s Pollutants Code Method Code Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TS 1' TSP 08 0 PIN I10 PM10 08 0 PNi'_.5 PM2.5 08 0 SO2 S02 08 0 Vt)C VOC 0.06 03 98 Emission Control HA I'/I';k I' CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Un ,.c instructions HAP/TAPS EF Control Alphabciic,l chdcr) (s ) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl -wchite 141-78-6 11.66 03 0 47 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry I till,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source IT) (from permit)or ES-1004-2Silo Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass silo loadout 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS-30/Silo load out of spent biomass 4. SCC Nunther/Iescription: 39999994/Miscellaneous Industrial Processes ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g.production or fitel use): 6. Fuel Inforntnlion (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from tliu Process Vented to Control 100 Device or SCick): 8. Control I)evice Inlitrntation Order CS-11) CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-23 CD-1004-2-FF2 One ba filter 254 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Rrlens_c Point(ERP) Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP 11) FRP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-10O1- -F ' IIf �I�J"/WrAI, STACK 10 1 8.5 1 72 1 0.64 2180 Dust Collector on Silo 48 Operating Scenario: OS —30 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-1004-2Silo 10.Operating Schcdutc: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start .e• End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal 1'eriods Percent Annual Throughput: �an—Feb +1)cc 25% arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% Sept.—Nov. 25% 017 2017 1 �017 017 13. Actual [:mission~ per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control (:II<' CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor EfControl Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 i i Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NA \()S) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission � Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ft'Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO co 0s \c>x I IXOX 08 TS I, P 08 t I Ito 0s P\12.5 08 fi0_ -t)2 08 VOC, 0s HA I'/TA 1' Emissions Emission t ,�S Control Pollutants (l actions HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EFControl ) Alphab.i i;al unlrr) ; (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all controls) Factor See Instructions 2017 49 I CC T REC ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO RoN 129 County : Bertie Merry I lill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Sonrcc llt (from permit)or ES—PkGenl Emission Source (;route 1D 2. Emission Source Description: One No. 2 fuel oil—fired limited use emergency generator(2,935 kilowatt maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] 3. Operatinb Scenario I D/Description: OS— 12/Peak Shaving Generator 4. SCC Numhcr'Dra•i-iption: 20200401/Diesel;Diesel 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 6231.6 GAL/yr (e.g.production or Iliel usc): 6. Fuellnform9timi lifuelisused) ro Sulfur 0.0014 /oAsh Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon (Btu/units) 7. Capture lflicirncy (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device of ,'%16) 8. Cont id D , . "nation : Order C CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 U11. " CD—CatOxl One catalytic oxidizer 695 °F minimum inlet temperature) 9.Emission Rele:m, P,iint ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP 1 D 1'''1"1 cite Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) I'ACK 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 50 Operating Sccnarin: OS — 12 Emission Source/Group ID: ES—PkGenl 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Uay ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start fi I;nd Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods I'ercent Annual Throughput: an—Feh + I)cc arch—May 13% une—Aug. ° ept.—Nov. 017 I /° 017 �017 35/° �017 28 13. Actual Unissi,u,s per Pollutant Listed : Attach calci l:u ions and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control t:I I(; GHG Estimation Efficient Emission CAS Pollutants Method Code (Net after v Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Uioxidr W02 124389 19.32 09 0 Ale 111 a n e (( 11 I) 74-82-8 0.004 09 0 Nitrous () i 1 N 20 10024972 0.0031 09 0 t rilt,, ;,t Emissions— Emission Control �. Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control 1, Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO 0.37 09 95 AFTER NOx 1.41 09 AFTER TSP 0.04 09 98 AFTER PM10 0.04 09 98 AFTER PM2.5 0.04 09 98 AFTER S02 0.06 09 AFTER VOC 0.16 09 AFTER Emissions Emission Control I I, .i CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Polluta n 1 N i i�al Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 \cc! 75-07-0 0.022 09 107-02-8 0.007 09 Arsenic l t,ounds( ASC—Other 0.0035 09 S eci1*v r .�..,i ''I kSC 71-43-2 0.68 09 Benzo(a)p n " Ifient of 1)( 0 1 1 1 50-32-8 0.00023 09 Beryllium acted) 7440-41-7 0.00264 09 0 Cn n C Cadn,; "tag 7440-43-9 0.00264 09 0 unreacteli. 51 I u r m l l '( 'l� 50-00-0 0.06933 09 Naphthalcnc (I w Ofivot of 91-20-3 0.114 09 I'n l u c n 108-88-3 0.247 09 1330-20-7 0.1696 09 52 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ED : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 I'0 Box 129 County : Bertie 11cry I lilt,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source I D (from permit)or IECS Emission Source Grmip ID 2. Emission Source Description: ECS process: batch preparation of ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—31/EDA Process 4. 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throtwh jwi'-ir!itc in 2017: (e.g.production r ihcI usc): 6. Fuel l,t fo r r, i i 11 6iel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture FI'licit ,i. (%of Emissions From this Process Vented to Control Device or Sias k) 8. Conti-0 Del irc I,,"-wmation :None Order CD ID Control Device Description (as listed inpermit) II 9. Emission Itci ;111 1-:10 Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ent lines : ERPID F I pe [[eight Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERPDescription (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) LI' 1003 —I 1. ! i' I, S I'AC< 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 53 Operating Sccn:n io: Iti - 31 Emission Source/Group ID: IECS 10.Operating Sc it edii Ic: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 21 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start & land Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods I'rrcent Annual Throughput: Jan-Feb + Dec Ian ch-May 25% une-Aug. 25% Sept.-Nov. 25% 017 21117 �017 2017 13. Actnal Emissimi or Pollutant Listed : Attach calc ulntion< loctimentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions- Emission Control C 1 I C GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission �S ma y Ef Control Pollu 1, n I s Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls _ 2017 I— Emissions- Emission Control lanl Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ode Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor EfControl (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 Nt,\ — �Qx 08 08 l 08 08 a 12 08 �r 08 Emission �� Emissions Control Estimation Emission Pol nn IIAP/TAPS Efficiency EF Control Alpha. )I&I i (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all controls) Factor See Instructions — - I 2017 f _ 54 'r-'(:ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facilih N:nnr. Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 A,iwa Fnrnn Road Permit : 01819 1'0 f1. 1'-9 County : Bertie lien .I, ��C ?71)57 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Mr I'olhtlant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Srnn•ce 1'1 I I'r(lm Irerndt) or MHZ-1002 Emission Source (;r I II 2. Emission Snurc lei*: 'lion: Misc: Grinder,air stripper,lime silo,and Aphios 3. Operating Seep 11, 1)"Scription: OS —34/Misc: Plant Material Grinder 4. SCCNumlcrnt illltlln: 31299999/Miscellaneous Machinery ;Other Not Classified 5. ThroughpuUunil• in 2017: (e.g. 1-trod i;don ()Of >c): 6. Fuel Intorm:iIi-• 11.elil ro Sulfur /oAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture (%of n, In v, ''. .C>< \Clllcdio Control 100 Device I,1 1;, I 8. Cnn11,111 )cN�cc I rnl.11ion : Order Cl- lit CI) 11) Control Device Description s li�,tcd in ennit I D-100 —4-1 One ba filter 244 square feet of filter area 9. F 11 .I ,:ISI I:I') Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): Inc height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) I P 20 1.3 75 37.7 3002.4 Horizontal 55 Operating Scenario ti — .;.I Emission Source/Group ID: MHZ-1002 10. Oper: w (!,�,,„rcc/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours 1' Da. i 1):iys per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Starl ; os For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Scnsunnl Periiid 'erccnl :\nnual Throughput: an—Ech , Dec Inrch—i�iay 25% une—Aug, u �017 ept.—Nov. 017 (_'(117 017 25/0 25/o 13. Aclu:il Emissi. , cr I', Ilotant Listed : Attach col,• Oatinm lilt ln1cneition of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control I 11 C ti GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Po, u a nts Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 Emissions— Emission Control Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission 1 Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 08 --� 08 08 08 08 08 I1 Emissions Emission Control 1' I I A P/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Alpl ns) (Pounds/Year) Method Code ,let after all controls) Factor _ See Instructions -- —� 2017 1 56 ' Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: A%ocr i. Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 oca Farm Road Permit : 01819 1'0 !'. \ 1:"l County : Bettie Mc:: ! I I. r' 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality it Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. I-;ntissi(in So'nrrt '') l', :, 1 Kermit) or WWTP—AT1 Enlission lmircc (,'. 11 I l' 2. Fmission Smn•cr tsrr piion: Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank No. 1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] 3. Ulu rating Sccn: o I n' n•scrihtion: OS—32/Waste Water Treatment 1st Aeration Chamber(Includes methanol usages from PNE and EVG) 4. S U C N n n t l,c i r r --i,)n: 30182002/Wastewater Treatment;Wastewater Treatment 5. 'l hron hlmt/n ;it ' 14334989 GAL/yr (e.g. 1xollu• lien of u 6. Foci i I wI 1 i*w: ' IlWd) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. (':ipfttrr I" iilis'i 1:1, Ii 11 i 0,r rated to Control :None ( ' r CD ID Control Device Description li<Ied in icrmit i I n fm-mation: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): n Iirigltt Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) C': 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 57 Operating Scen:n in: Emission Source/Group ID: WWTP-AT1 10. Opera6114, tichr l I t mince/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) llours per Uac ( Is !)acs per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Ti pica) Start R 1 Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. SCe�onel Perio(k 1 c-111 Atim al Throti h ut: ut-Frl, -, Urn I\1:ireII—\I:1v u une-Aug. u ept.-Nov. u 23/0 27/0 23 /o n17 __. nl7 �017 017 13. Aciu:,l Viiiissinit '� 11tilant listed : Attaclic;tI, il;uions :u ',,n!;,lionofcmission factors or other estimation methods used. t;n,issions- Emission Control t:11(- G I IG Estimation Efficiency Emission I', 1 Ef Control Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor _!Tans/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 CI in (:missions- Emission Control Crileria Estimation Efficiency Emission y Ef Control 1, I'nllutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 08 08 08 08 _ 08 -- - — 5.55 03 II i All (;missions Emission Control 1'0: 1. !! : I IA P/TAPS Estimation Emission Efficiency EF Control Al ph 11�„nnds/Year) Method Code y Factor P (Net after all controls) See Instructions 21117 -- - 1110'.16 )Z 58 Facilih •I•ntnl Sunnn:+rV Z -) Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Faciii ,•: Facility ID : 0800044 ;nm Ro;ul Permit • 01819 County : Bertie it NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality it Pollnlanl Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year2017 Record I . I' 1 " i -!s Front Al Permitted and Non-Permitted Air Pollutant Emission Sources Green Ilnn•r C;ist, mIS(ClIG) _ Actual Emissions Tons/Year _!' i _ CAS 2017 2016 %Change I=1389 30411.254 27323.3775 11.301227% n 7.1-82-8 2.5922 2.1446 20.871033% 1024972 1.6276 1.353 20.295631% Criter;i " i Actual Emissions Tons/Year _ CAS 2017 2016 %Change CO 25.42 21.5 18.232557% NOx 34.45 30.682 12.280822% l SP 1.17 1.315 -11.026623% 1'N410 0.48 .505 -4.950496% P\.42.5 0.29 .285 1.7543843% _ S02 15.35 2.665 475.985% `,'OC 1258.6 1221.524 3.0352197% 11a7:+r�'++tl vI" ) :ui+Vnr Toxic Air Pollutants TAPS I Actual Emissions Pounds/Year CAS 1 2017 1 2016 1 % Change I mass of elemental AS arsine and all inorganic compounds Group Sum:.32542 sp` tiC-Other 0.32542 .42469 -23.3747% -i 10, I otal mass Group Sum:.24433 I;` lI I 1.10-41-7 0.24433 .28579 -14.5071535% Poll'' 1;11 mass inc elemental metal Group Sum:.24433 L11, 110-43-9 0.24433 .28579 -14.5071535% hromate Com ounds Com onent of CRC Grou Sum:.24069 '7.t8-94-5 0.24069 .99479 -75.80495% 59 Pol' II itc Chromium VI categories,metal and Others Grou Sum:.24069 Chi, 7738-94-5 0.24069 .99479 -75.80495% -�-- - I'ulln! MI compounds Group Sum:.72208 r u I tC'1� P13C-Other 0.72208 .95328 -24.253105% Group Sum•.48138 \! C-Other 0.48138 3.78519 -87.28254% I total mass, inc Hg Vapor Group Sum:.31169 39-97-6 0.31169 .34279 7 -9.072612% ul, cl total mass inc elemental Group Sum:.24069 icl '10-02-0 1 0.24069 1 .34959 -31.15078% V r 7 PAH Compounds for 1,U Group Sum:.63733 A-32-8 0.63733 .5243 21.558271% I.(Specific Compounds from OA PS for TV Group Sum:24.73116 0-32-8 0.63733 .5243 21.558271% 1-20-3 24.09383 19.92396 20.928923% 75-07-0 203.328 167.4832 21.402029% ''17-02-8 979.809 806.7727 21.447962% _ 1-43-2 1031.22 849.78871 21.350163% _ _`6-23-5 11.02 9.076 21.41913% 782-50-5 193.51 159.335 21.448511% 08-90-7 8.08 6.656 21.394228% "7-66-3 41554.86 30681.647 35.438816% _ III-78-6 30643.38 31432.76 -2.5113256% 10-41-4 8.0582 6.80171 18.473145% t17-06-2 0.0 5.89 -100.0% I . 1,.984-48-8 21.37577 25.09694 -14.827181% 11-00-0 1105.375 919.89734 20.162865% 11' SANEISO 1579319.4 1483627.79 6.44984% 0-54-3 65085.66 103238.26 -36.95587% • 17-01-0 22.05 18.152 21.47421% ?-56-1 596444.2 539989.2 10.454839% 1-83-9 0.0 3.03 -100.0% _ 1-87-3 0.0 4.64 -100.0% �-09-2 0.0 58.5 -100.0% t8-95-2 12.492 10.286 21.44662% POM 1.89115 27.42037 -93.10313% 1 ?3-38-6 14.94 12.303 21.43379% 60 100-42-5 465.4 383.21 21.447771% 108-88-3 271.33423 239.49227 13.295613% I ri 75-01-4 0.0 3.63 -100.0% 1330-20-7 7,13891 6.19738 15.192384% 61 F'y ;CORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Namc: Avoca, Ir,r. Facility ID • 0800044 X-I1 nvo, .i !'arm IZoad Permit : 01819 !'( ) Rox I . County: Bertie Icnyl! 27957 DAQ Region : WARO COntnucnls I rani Vacilif% : 62 017 Emissions Inventory Review / Data Tracking Form Facility Name: Avoca LLC Facility ID: 0800044 Facility Assigned to: Data Entry: Bertie County Classification: Betsy Huddleston ETH Confidential Copy Submitted? Title V 11 Nki NO YES Initial Review/Data Entry Enter date received into ED. Date Received: '//2,4 /8 21 Assigned to appropriate individual. Date Assigned: S ////$ Date Due: 9 3° LGY B El Parer copy submitted: One copy received with supporting documentation,certification form signed by responsible official,and appears generally complete;idh 4 n d Electronic copy submitted: All supporting documentation and certification form(with time/date stamp)signed by responsible official has been received. Comments: Inventory Review 4� All forms and supporting documentation appear to be complete if paper submission(check ED OS data if electronic). CND Contact,address,phone number changes entered into I-Beam/Facilities if necessary. C2r All known operating scenarios,control devices,and emission release points have been entered for each emission source(permitted, / insignificant,and unpermitted)or note that the emission source was not operated or not required to report. �j Check if SCC codes for each OS are accurate and update if needed. Evaluate"U"sources for significance and address according to policy. Calculations/forms appear to add up correctly. All compliance issues are being addressed(e.g.Toxics limits,above TV thresholds,large emissions increase/decrease, installation without a permit). �7 All volatile HAPs/TAPs were included in the VOC total. 13 Calculations and control efficiencies appear correct. Emission factors are the best available and most current factors appropriate for the reporting facility(e.g.stack testing,AP42,etc.). Review facility comments and address any issues. d Update ED(Data Entry Main)if additional information is required(corrections due date and date received). d Check all ED QA/QC reports. d Comparison with previous emission inventory must be made and outliers(> 10%)must be investigated and explained. �f Put inventory review comments and summarize any changes in ED-Data Entry Main"DAQ internal comments". u Print and attach the facility total report. Date Info Requested: Date Info Received: — Total Days on Hold: Date Review Complete: 9/zo/20/t? Signature: � �11u./A;Z�� Date Submitted to El Coordinator: 9�Zo/zoid' Date Approved: 9ZLo/Zoi 8 Initials: �-71V Pr Avoca Emissions Inventory Review Notes CY2017 • An electronic copy of Avoca's spreadsheets used to record/calculate emissions may be accessed at https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deg/dM waro/Shared%20Documents/ Facilities/Berti e08/00044/CY2017%20E1 ectronic%20Copy%20of%20Em ission s%20Inventor • I reviewed all SCC and Unit types. • There are hand-written review notes made within the hard copy of the inventory. • I reviewed all calculations. With the exception of newer stack test data,there were no changes to Avoca's emissions factors and calculation methods. • On the Source screen in ED I changed the following sources to `not operated' status; I- Briquette,IES-PV, MHZ-1002, and IECS. These sources have not operated in years. I- Biomass-PKG is also changed to `not operated' because it is a new source that did not exist in 2017. • I changed WWTP-AT1 to `required to report' in the Source screen. WWTP emissions are accounted from this source. All other WWTP sources are tagged as ,not required to report.' Emereency Eneines • CY2017 fuel use in the generators was 81.7%(in gals)of usage in CY2016. • The fire pump is grouped with the generators, but Avoca did not add up their emissions for the OS. I summed the five engines' emissions and entered them into OS42. Some emissions are not listed due to their emissions being negligible and not affecting the facility totals. • The fire pump engine stack is not included in the OS. Emissions are small enough to where I did not see the need to add it to this year's data. • PkGEN fuel use increased 21.7%from usage in CY2016. I added chromic acid, lead manganese, mercury and nickel emissions to ED. Boilers • Fuel oil usage decreased on Boilers H101-103 (85.2%of fuel used in CY2016). • I corrected the SO2 emissions from H101-103 for low sulfur fuel oil. Combined emissions are 0.06 tpy. • Wood combustion in the BB 1 and BB2 boilers increased 21.44%by weight of wood fired in CY2016. I added several toxics to ED using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion. If a combustion HAP in the spreadsheet was not listed in ED, it is because the facility-wide emissions are below reportable threshold,or the emission is negligible and won't affect the facility total. A 99%control efficiency was applied to the metal HAPs. • I calculated HCL and Hg emissions using 2016 emissions testing results on the wood boilers. Process HAP Emissions • The process area operating scenario throughputs are in-feed weights of raw material to the processes(i.e.tons sage, SFG raw lbs sclareol, SDE raw infeed,etc.). • The OS numbers changed with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respective plant area. I have noted the OS number changes in the hard copy spreadsheets of the inventory. I will ask Brian to update the OS numbers on his spreadsheets. • An explanation for the heptane and ethyl acetate emissions splits between point and fugitive for SFG was provided for the CY2015 inventory,and applies again to the CY2016 and CY2017 inventories: Avoca assumes that the bulk of Heptane emissions from SFG are fugitive. Based on old hexane values and using MON batch calculations to back into it,approximately 80%of SFG heptane emissions are fugitive and 20%are out the stacks. • An explanation for the hexane emission split between point and fugitive for SDE-1 was provided for the CY2015 inventory,and applies again to the CY2016 and CY2017 inventories: As with SFG Avoca assumes that the bulk of Hexane emissions from SDE are fugitive. The split is based on hexane values and using MON batch calculations to back into it. In the past they've determined about 17.6%of SDE-1 hexane emissions are out the stack. This year they've estimated 10.9%goes out the stack. • The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data do not add up to the spreadsheet totals,so I have adjusted the emissions in ED,applying the 10.9% split for stack emissions. • 1 also changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to mass balance rather than engineering judgment. • The SDE-1 control device(M-34)no longer exists. I have end-dated the control system and device in ED, and removed it from the OS. SDE-1 sources have a number of condensers,but none of them have been entered into the Source module and are treated in the permit item list more as sources than control devices. Therefore,no control system is replacing the M-34 system in the OS. • I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to mass balance. They are reporting their emissions based on inventory. Fugitive and point emission splits from SDE-2 were not estimated. • I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-S)to the SDE-2 OS. • The fugitive and point splits for hexanes from Rotocel and Recovery are briefly explained below(see calcs in the hard copy): Accountable emissions are those Avoca can verify along with the emissions coming out the final stack; hexane going to wastewater, hazardous waste,or in the spent sage material. Using test data, Avoca calculates the average hexane per day exiting the MO Scrubber was 158.76 lbs. Then multiply 158.76 times the number of days run (324 days)out the stack. The average n-hexane content of the solvent is used to calculate the split of hexane isomers and n-hexane. Fugitive hexane is calculated by subtracting the accountable hexane from the total hexane used. • I changed the calculation method to mass balance for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. • I added the scrubber control system to the PNE OS. See the attached 9/19/2018 email. • Reminder: More than a third of the methanol"lost"from the Rotocel&Recovery operation goes to WWTP. Of that,98-99% is consumed by the biological activity in the WWTP,while emitting the remainder. The WWTP emission is calculated through the Water 9 program. The other two thirds of methanol"lost"from Rotocel &Recovery is"fugitive" Brian has noted that some of the"fugitive"losses are also actually going out the stack of the Mineral Oil Scrubber as well,but most of it would be in the lines and from the tanks located in recovery • I end-dated the following control systems because they do not apply to any of the current OS scenarios; CS-1,CS-8, CS-9,CS-12,CS-14,CS-18. • With the next permit revision RCO Permits needs to go through the source and control device lists in Source Module and improve the data. • I will email Brian Conner the changes that I made to the inventory data. I will also ask that for CY2018,they review their stack EP data and control systems, and edit or end-date accordingly. Facility-wide Combustion Criteria and HAPs • CO,NOx, and SO2 facility-wide increases are due to increased wood combustion in CY2017. • The PM decrease was due to decreased operation on boilers 1­1101-103. PM10 emissions appear to not have changed much due to rounding of emissions in the calculations. The PM2.5 increase is due to rounding of calculated emissions. • With the exception of hexanes,ethyl acetate,chloroform and methanol,all other HAPs emitted at Avoca are generated from fuel combustion. The decreases in arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromic acid, lead, mercury,nickel, and fluorides are due to decreased fuel oil combustion in 1­1101-103. The HCI and mercury decreases are due to application of 2016 stack tests results(change in factors). All other combustion HAPs increased in emissions due to increase in wood combustion. • Process VOC emissions are comprised of chloroform, ethanol,hexanes,heptane, methanol,and ethyl acetate. All of Avoca's process emissions are determined through mass balance. Avoca uses purchasing records,daily formulation and batch records,daily tank level measurements,waste shipment records,process design calculations,and MACT MON formulas(fugitive and point source splits). (...\Facilities\Bertie08\00044\CY2017 Avoca Inventory Review Notes) Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 5:37 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] Re:CY2017 Inventory Review Comments and Changes External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Senda All this looks good. Thanks Betsy! Get Outlook for iOS From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Thursday,September 20, 2018 2:10 PM To: Brian Conner Subject:CY2017 Inventory Review Comments and Changes ""This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.'" Brian, I've approved the inventory for DAQ to electronically submit to EPA in December. I did make some minor changes to the data. If you have any issue with these changes,just let me know and we can revisit. • On the Source data screen I changed the following sources to `not operated' status; I-Briquette,IES-PV, MHZ-1002,and IECS. I-Biomass-PKG is also changed to `not operated' because it is anew source that did not exist in 2017. • I changed WWTP-AT1 to `required to report' in the Source screen. • The fire pump is grouped with the other generator engies,but it was not included in the summation totals for the generators in the AERO data. I added the fire pump emissions to the total in OS42. • The fire pump engine stack is not included in the stack emission point list for the operating scenario. It's not a terribly important since the emission totals are so small,but you may want to • I added chromic acid,lead manganese,mercury and nickel emissions to AERO data for PK-Gen • I re-calculated the SO2 emissions from H101-103 to account for ultra low sulfur fuel oil. The combined emissions are now saved as 0.06 tpy. • 1 added several toxics to the AERO data for the wood boilers(using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion). 1 • The OS numbers were changed last year with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respective plant area. Old OS numbers are referenced in your spreadsheets, so you might want to remove or update next year. • The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data did not add up to what was provided in your spreadsheet totals, so I have adjusted the electronic data to match. • I changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to `mass balance' rather than `engineering judgment.' • Since we've confirmed the SDE-1 control device system CS-1(M-34)no longer exists, I end-dated it removed it from the OS. I kept the same emission point(stack)linked to the SDE-1 point source OS. • I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to `mass balance.' • I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-S)to the SDE-2 OS. • 1 changed the calculation method to `mass balance'for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. • As we agreed, I added scrubber control system CS-7 to the PNE OS. • As I was working on end-dating control system CS-1 for SDE-1, I noticed there were a number of control systems in the data that are not being used,and appeared to rather old. I have end-dated most of them(CS-8,CS-9, CS-12,CS-14,CS-18). • If it's been a while since you've looked over the emission point stack data for the facility, it may be a good idea to do so for the CY2018 inventory. The permit and inventory have undergone plenty of changes in the last few years. Thanks for the help this week! BetsyHuddedm Envbrn�Eivgbeeer D 13ivison of Air Quality,Wad 1��al owe 252-W3836(Office) 943 Washnngbm Square Mall "" 2529753716(Fax) Wmbboaq NC 27889 Berxcdm gov &ra cA+®wadarm to aid bon M6 addihm a xgQY oft N3M Odra AAic FIP a Law and aw Do dsttad to VW pages This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 2 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19,2018 4:15 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] RE: Control Device questions AUTION. External email. •• not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Betsy, 1) You are correct.That is outdated data for SDE-1.SDE-1 has not operated since starting SSDE-2(just a side note). 2) When PNE was originally permitted the solvents used were not HAPs/TAPs.The scrubbers were initially put in for EVG.Over the years when using HAPs/TAPs we used the scrubber for control, however I don't think it is explicitly required. In all reality we always use the scrubber for most any process in PNE/EVG. So therefore I guess it would be OK/good to link PNE to the scrubbers. 3 1 would saythat a very low percentage of emissions from SDE-2 are fugitive. I actual) believe it is around 5%or rY p g g Y 0 less based on WAR results. 10/as fugitive would be very conservative.The new system is much tighter and more efficient than the old SDE-1. Thanks, Brian From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday,September 19, 2018 2:30 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject:Control Device questions "'This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.'" Brian, I'm lightly checking through the control system links for each operating scenario in the inventory data. I have a few questions about them: 1) SDE-1 stack emission operating scenario is linked to a scrubber M-34,which I think is just outdated data. Do you want to remove this, and just link to the emission point IN Or would you rather I add the T-6.T-6A,T-13 and T- 15 condensers as a control system for SDE-1 stack emissions? 2) Is there a reason that the PNE operating scenario is not linked to the Z-9215 and Z-9216 control devices? 3) For the SDE-2 combined fugitive/point emissions operating scenario I created a control system that includes CD- 4002 and CD-4003-5. Approximately what percentage of emissions do you estimate are fugitive? I can account for that in the control system efficiency in the data. 1 Betsy Huddleston D iromnenial Ergi�' I 5M2'9 n of Air Quality,Washington Regional Office E 2529483836(Orffice) r 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washngtor,NC 27889 Betsyxodextr-gov rnur co�eaoanda cB load km ma ad*m is so"a uv Nyth Qwc*u Pubk Huaoras tar arrd mar be arsobsed a urdavIiea This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are noted that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 2 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19,2018 3:49 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: [External] Re: Hexane question AUTION External email. D• not click links or open attachments unless verified. to Yes mam Get Outlook for iOS From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent:Wednesday, September 19, 2018 3:24:08 PM To: Brian Conner Subject: Hexane question ***This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.*** For CY2017 the average amount of hexane exiting the mineral oil scrubber(based on MO tests) is the same as it was for CY2016 (158.76 Ibs/day). This is correct? BclsyHuddleatm Embmimodal Engineer IlImmonofAir Quality,Wwffimpton Regional Office 2529493836(Office) 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washingtoo,NC 27889 B"_Hudd}esDm@w*w-gov Smw carevonciewe ro"ram me aeaas s.e gea a be ram CWalre R+blc i6cous taw arty may as d+abgrl a bra Mama% This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying d,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 1 Huddleston, Betsy From: Brian Conner <brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:49 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: RE: [External] RE:Inventory Review Questions External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Betsy, Those were 2 separate process....The botanical process was a tobacco flavoring operation using Ethanol. The PNE process was a nicotine extraction using Heptane. Both tobacco related but 2 separate process for 2 different customers using 2 different solvents. Thanks, Brian From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:39 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Inventory Review Questions "`This is an external email message.Confirm the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious.— Brian, I'm sorry I interrupted all the crazy going on with startup! Thanks for emailing back so quickly. Have no idea why you have to keep reminding me that acetone is delisted! Just can't shake old habit. I do have one more question-wasn't nicotine extracted at Botanical in February 2017 and were there any heptane emissions associated? Am I confusing this with the nicotine done at PNE that same month? 1 Betsy Huddke dm DnaErrcvomne�al Engineer D- V 9 of Mr Quality,Washngn al Office 252- 48-3836(Office) 943 Washmgtao Square Mall 2529753716(Faa) Washmgtnn,NC27889 Be sy-Iiaddlintm@nalm.gov &rw"yMWmoenna a aw avr,me assess a au w a ft NYM 00*10 AMC AaaaM tewan4 r++Qvasaartmsa a MsdfiatYas From: Brian Conner<brian.conner@ashland.com> Sent:Wednesday,September 19, 2018 11:34 AM To: Huddleston, Betsy<betsy.huddleston@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Inventory Review Questions External email. D. not click links or open attachments unless verified. Hey Betsy, Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you. We have been working on trying to start back up. We proactively shut down for the hurricane and have had issues getting back up due to getting supplies to the site. We should be back going shortly. The answers to your questions are below: 1) Yes,the factor for CO emissions was based on the emissions from the 2016 Biomass Boiler test. 2) 1 went back and looked at the AAEI Summary sheet on the spreadsheet and the formula for heptane in PNE was not correct. The wrong column was referenced in the formula.The correct total VOC should be 17.174 tons for PNE.This includes the 20014 lbs. of Heptane for a tobacco extraction in February and the 14336 lbs. of isobutyl acetate for a nicotine rework in September.The heptane usage was accounted for in the Heptane page of the data. I have edited the formula in the summary spreadsheet that is attached to show the correct VOC total for PNE. 3) There was 257.1 gallons ( 1691.7 lbs.) of acetone emitted during the Botanical operation. However it is my understanding that acetone is exempt from the VOC reporting requirements(???). 4) Yes,the formula in the AAEI Summary sheet did not account for using Ethanol SDA in Biomass Extraction since this was the first time using that particular blend with this trial. In the past we had used 100% Ethanol in the Biomass Extraction operation.The SDA usage was accounted for in the SDA page of the data. It just did not transfer to the summary sheet. I updated the summary sheet to include Ethanol SDA for Biomass Extraction.The total emitted was 13.74 lbs.This also updated the VOC emissions for Biomass Extraction to 0.007 tons. If you need any more information or there is something more that I need to do, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks, 2 Brian Conner From: Huddleston, Betsy<betsv.huddleston@ncdenr.Rov> Sent:Tuesday, September 18, 2018 4:35 PM To: Brian Conner<BRIAN.Conner@ashland.com> Subject: Inventory Review Questions "'This is an external email message.Confine the sender before opening attachments or clicking links.Avoid content that looks suspicious Hi Brian, I'm thick into CY2017 inventory reviews-working through yours now! I have a few of questions so far: 1) Is the CO factor for the wood boilers representative of the 2016 test results? 2) For the PNE process, 14,340 Ibs of VOC were reported in AERO. However,the hard copy spreadsheet indicates 20,014 Ibs of heptane emitted from PNE in 2017. Which is the correct value,and if it's the 7 tons,wherein the hard copy do I find it? 3) Were there any acetone emissions associated with operation of Botanical for a week in September 2017 for cocoa extraction? 4) Were there any ethanol emissions from the chick pea trial at Biomass for the first week of November 2017? Betsy Huddlestm Frrviio�e�al Eggixser Division of Air Quality,Washington Regional Office 2529483936(Office) 943 Washington Square Mall 2529753716(Fax) Washington,NIC 27889 Betsy_Huddkmton&cde=,.gov 6ret�anrr�an0anoetoarltan Nc aaa ms a sugary w Ve N.rh CWcarn A.Orc fiicattt tw&XY moybod�m.odb Y,IOF,.abs This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail.Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected. It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you are not the intended recipient,please do not distribute this e-mail. Instead,please delete this e-mail from your system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 3 This e-mail contains information which may be privileged,confidential,proprietary,trade secret and/or otherwise legally protected.It is not intended for transmission to,or receipt by,any unauthorized persons.If you recipient, lease do not distribute this e-mail. Instead, lease delete this e-mail from our system without copying it,and notify us that you received it in error,so that our address record can be are not the intended p P Y corrected.If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,copying,distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.No waiver of any applicable privileges or legal protections is intended(and nothing herein shall constitute such a waiver),and all rights are reserved. 4 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Green House Gases Pollutants (GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Yr Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- Change from ED from Fees mus Methane (CH4) 74-82-8 2.59 2.14 10.0 20.9% Nitrous Oxide (N20) 10024972 1.63 1.35 1.0 20.3% Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 124389 30,417.98 27,323.38 5,000.0 11.3% CO2 equivalent(sum of individual GHG pollutant emissioc 28,102.34 metric tons times their 1995 IPCC Global Warming Potential (GWP), converted to metric tons) Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change CO Co 25.45 21.50 0.5 18.4% NOx Nox 34.63 30.68 0.5 12.9% PM(TSP) TSP 1.19 1.32 0.5 -9.2% PM10 PMtO 0.504000 0.505000 0.5 -0.2% PM2.5 PM2.5 0.314000 0.285000 0.5 10.2% S02 SO2 3.20 2.67 0.5 20.2% VOC Voc 1,268.61 1,221.52 0.5 3.9% Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Arsenic& Compounds (total mass of elemental AS, arsine and 0.379720 0.424690 0.01 -10.6% all inorganic compounds) Arsenic Unlisted Compounds- Specify Compound ASC-Other 0.379720 0.424690 0.01 1 -10.6% (Component of ASC) Beryllium& compounds (Total mass) 0.247530 0.285790 1.0 I -13.4% Beryllium Metal (unreacted) (Component of BEC) 7440-41-7 0.247530 0.285790 1.0 43.4% Cadmium& compounds (total mass includes elemental metal) 0.254330 0.285790 1 0.1 1-11.0% 09/20/2018 Page 1 of 7 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPS) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Cadmium Metal, elemental, unreacted(Component( 7440-43-9 0.254330 0.285790 0.1 -11.0% CDC) Chromium-A1117otal(includes Chromium (VI) categories, 1.10 0.994790 0.1 10.6% metal and others) Chromic acid(VI)(Component of So1CR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 1.I 0 0.994790 0.01 10.6% Chromium (VI)Soluble Chromate Compounds (Component of 1.10 0,994790 0.01 10.6% CRC) Chromic acid (VI)(Component of SolCR6&CRC) 7738-94-5 1.10 0.994790 0.01 10.6% Lead& compounds 0.853480 0.953280 1 1.0 1-10.5% Lead Unlisted Compounds - Specify Compound E113C_0ther 0.853480 0.953280 10.0 -10.5% (Component of PBC) Manganese& compounds 4.41 3.79 10.0 16.4% Manganese Unlisted Compounds - Specify Compout MNaOther 4.41 79 ) 16.4% (Component of MNC) Mercury& Compounds-all total mass includes Hg Vapor 0.314490 0.342790 0.001 -8.3% Mercury,vapor(Component of HGC) 7439-97-6 0.314490 0.342790 0.001 -8.3% Nickel& Compounds,sum total mass includes elemental 0.323490 0.349590 1.0 -7.5% Nickel metal (Component ofNIC) 7440-02-0 0.323490 0.349590 1.0 -7.5% Polycyclic Organic Matter(7 PAH Compounds for NIF) 0.637330 0.524300 1-0 21.6% Benzo a ene (Component of 83329/POMTV & 0.637330 0.524300 1.0 21.6% ( )PYr ( P 50-32-8 56553/7PAH) 0 Polycyclic Organic Matter(Specific Compounds from OAQPS 24.74 20.45 1,0 21.0% for M Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 83329/POMTV& 50-32-8 0.637330 0.524300 1.0 21.6% 56553/7PAH) Naphthalene(Component of 83329/POMTV) 91-20-3 24.10 19.92 1.0 21.0% Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 203.39 167.48 10.0 21.4% Acrolein 107-02-8 979.82 806.77 10.0 21.400 Benzene 71-43-2 1,031.30 849.79 1.0 21.4% 09/20/2018 Page 2 of 7 Facility Total CY 2017 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID#: 0800044 Facility Name: Avoca LLC Permit#(s): 01819T51 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions and/or Toxic Air Pollutants(TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2017 CY 2016 Demini- % from ED from Fees mus Change Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 11.02 9.08 1.0 21.4% Chlorine 7782-50-5 193.51 159.34 100.0 21.4% Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8.08 6.66 10.0 21.4% Chloroform 67-66-3 41,554.86 30,681.65 100.0 35.4% Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 30,643.38 31,432.76 10.0 -2.5% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 8.06 6.80 100.0 18.5% Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane) 107-06-2 7.10 5.89 1.0 20.5% Fluorides (sum of all fluoride compounds as mass of 16984-48-8 21.38 25.10 10.0 -14.8% ion) Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1,105.48 919.90 10.0 20.2% Hexane isomers,except n-hexane HEXANEISO 1,578,994.2 1,483,627.7 100.0 6.4% 2 9 Hexane, n- 110-54-3 65,418.30 103,238.26 100.0 -36.6% Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) 7647-01-0 16.66 18.15 100.0 -8.2% Methanol(methyl alcohol) 67-56-1 596,444.19 539,989.20 1,000.0 10.5% Methyl bromide(bromomethane) 74-83-9 3.67 3.03 1.0 21.1% Methyl chloride (chloromethane) 74-87-3 5.63 4.64 1.0 21.3% Methylene chloride 75-09-2 71.00 58.50 1.0 21.4% Phenol 108-95-2 12.49 10.29 100.0 21.4% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH,dioxins,etc.N, pom 32.49 27.42 1 .0 18.5% &AP 42 historic) Propionaldehyde 123-38-6 14.94 12.30 10.0 21.4% Styrene 100-42-5 465.40 383.21 100.0 21.4% Toluene 108-88-3 271.37 239.49 100.0 13.3% Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 4.49 3.63 0.1 23.7% Xylene(mixed isomers) 1330-20-7 7.16 6.20 100.0 15.6% 09/20/2018 Page 3 of 7 Largest Individual HAP Methanol (methyl alcohol) 596,444.19 IN Total HAP Emissions 707,903.02 IN Largest Individual CAP VOC 1,268.61 tons Total CAP Emissions 1,332.40 tons Total TAP Emissions 197219027.69 IN Total Aggregate 1,332.55 tons Emissions 09/20/2018 Page 4 of 7 DAQ's Comments Re¢ardin¢Inventory 09/20/2018 Page 5 of 7 1)An electronic copy of inventory cals is saved in SharePoint Complete inventory review notes are attached to the hard copy of the inventory in the WaRO file. 2)SCC and Unit types were reviewed 3)Hand-written notes are within hard copy of inventory. 4)1 changed the following to'not operated':I-Briquette,IES-PV,MHZ-1002,and IECS. I-Biomass-PKG 6not operatedZ b/c it's al source. 5)I changed WWTP-AT1 to Lrequired to reportL 6)Fuel use in the generators was 81.7%of CY2016 usage. 7)Fire pump is grouped with generators,but Avoca did not add up their emissions for the OS I summed the five engines emissions and entered them into OS42. 8)Pump engine stack is not included in the OS, Emissions are small enough to where I did not seethe need to add it to this yeags data. 9)PkGEN fuel use increased 21.7%.I added chromic acid, lead manganese,mercury and nickel emissions to ED 10)HI01-103 fuel decreased(85.2%of CY2016). 11)I corrected the SO2 emissions from H101-103 for low sulfur fuel oil.Combined emissions are 0.06 tpy. 12)Wood combustion in the BBl and BB2 boilers increased 21.44%. I added several toxics to ED using the DAQ spreadsheet for wood combustion. If a combustion HAP in the spreadsheet was not listed in ED,it is because the facilitywide emissions are below reportable threshold,or the emission is negligible and wonLt affect the facility total. A 99%control efficiency was applied to the metal HAPs. 13)I calculated HCL and Hg emissions using 2016 emissions testing results on the wood boilers 14)The process area operating scenario throughputs are in-feed weights of raw material to the processes(i.e.tons sage,SFG raw lb sclareol,SDE raw infeed,etc.). 15)The OS numbers changed with the CY2016 inventory when I requested DAQ IT to regroup WWTS sources with their respectiN plant area. 16)The SDE-1 AERO n-hexane and iso-hexane data do not add up to the spreadsheet totals,so I have adjusted the emissions in EL 17)Changed the SDE-1 estimation methods to mass balance. 18)SDE-I control device(M-34)no longer exists. I end-dated the CS, and removed it from the OS. 19)I changed the SDE-2 estimation method to mass balance. 20)I added a new control system(CD-4002 and CD-4003-5)to the SDE-2 OS. 21)I changed the calculation method to mass balance for the fugitive emissions from Rotocel and Recovery. 22)I added CD-7 to the PNE OS. 23)I end-dated the following control systems because they do not apply to any of the current OS scenarios;CS-1,CS-8,CS-9, CS-12,CS-14,CS-18. 24)CO,NOx,and SO2 facility-wide increases are due to increased wood combustion in CY2017. 25)The PM decrease was due to decreased operation on boilers H101-103. PM10 emissions appear to not have changed much due to rounding of emissions in the calculations. The PM2.5 increase is due to rounding of calculated emissions 26)With the exception of hexanes,ethyl acetate,chloroform and methanol,all other HAPs emitted at Avoca are generated from ful 09/20/2018 Page 6 of 7 combustion. The decreases in arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromic acid,lead,mercury,nickel,and fluorides are due to decreased fuel oil combustion in H101-103. The HCI and mercury decreases are due to application of2016 stack tests results(change in factors). All other combustion HAPs increased in emissions due to increase in wood combustion 27)Process VOC emissions are comprised of chloroform,ethanol,hexanes,heptane,methanol,and ethyl acetate All of AvocaLs process emissions are determined through mass balance Avoca uses purchasing records,daily formulation and batch records, daily tank level measurements,waste shipment records,process design calculations,and MACT MON formulas(fugitive and point source splits). 09/20/2018 Page 7 of 7 � ''' � fw4t] C e Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary - - 17T0 u Facility ID#: 0800044 Plant Biomass Recrystallization Sclareolide Sclareolide Biomass Botanical Other Pollutant Boiler#1 Boiler 02 Boiler#1 Gen Gen#2 Gen#3 Gen#4 Pk•Gen Fire Pump Boilers Rotocel Recovery Concrete (SFG) (SDE-1) (SDE-2) Extraction Extraction Nutrient EVG WWTP Processes Totals Units Extraction COz 1648.85536 2206.76461 2648.80058 1.06995 1.74448 0.68228 1.42660 19.32603 6.73740 23882.59 30417,993 Tons/Yr Methane 0.00436 0.00583 0.00700 0.00022 0.00036 0.00014 0.00029 0.00395 0.00027 2.57 i 2.594 TonsNr Nitrous Oxide 0.00872 0.01167 0.01400 0.00002 0.00004 0-00002 0.00003 0.00308 0.00005 1.59 1.630 Tons/Yr TSP 0.14527 0.19443 0.23337 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.812 TonsNr PM-10 0.07264 0.09721 0.11669 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.526 TonsNr PM-2.5 0.01816 0.02430 0.02917 0.00243 0.00397 0.00155 0.00324 0.04393 0.01281 0.171 0.3tt TonsNr Sox 4-1440 -4-976e8 0.00343 0.00659 0.00219 0.00457 0.06195 0.00628 3.06187 _5.362 TonsNr 3.L Nox 1.45274 1.94429 2.33375 0.07783 0.12690 0.04963 0.10378 1.40585 0.18219 26.9445 ,/ 34.621 TonsNr VOC 0.01453 0.01944 0.02334 0.00195 0.00317 0.00124 0.00259 0.15816 1 0.01487 2.0821 759.893 290.950 1 107.837 24.456 37.857 0.007 0.057 17.174 22.494 5.55 1268.599 TonsNr CO 0.36318 0.48607 0.58344 0.02067 0.03371 0.01318 0.02757 0.37343 0.03925 23.5152 25.456 TonsNr Acetaldehyde 0.00123 0.00200 0.00078 0.00163 0.02214 0.06337 203.308 203.399 Lbs/Yr Aerolein 0.00038 0.00062 0.00024 0.00051 0.00692 0.00764 979.798 979.8 55 Lbs/Yr Arsenic 1 0.08135 0.10888 0.13069 0.00019 0.00032 0.00012 0.00026 0.00351 0.00033 0.326 LbsNr Benzene 0.39950 0.53468 0,64178 0.03775 0.06155 0.02407 0.05033 0.68184 0.07709 1028.788 1031.297 LbsNr Benzo a rene 0.00001 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00023 0.00002 0.637 O.63717 Lbs/Yr Beryllium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.00015 0.00024 0.00009 0.00019 0.00264 0.00025 0.244 LbsNr Butanol 0.000 LbsNr Cadmium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.00015 0.00024 0.00009 0.00019 0.00264 0.00025 0.244 Lbs/Yr Calcium hydroxide 0.000 Lbs/Yr .Carbon 11.023 / 11.023 LbsNr tetrachloride i 193.510 LbsNr Chlorine 193.510 Chlorobenzene 8.083 8.083 LbsNr Chloroform 6.859 41548 41554.859 LbsNr Chromium 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.241 LbsNr Chromium IV 0.00421 0.00564 0.00677 0.017 LbsNr Diethylamine 0 0.000 LbsNr Ethanol-100% 1 0.00 0.00 0.000 LbsNr Ethanol-SDA 13.74 102.54 0.00 116.282 LbsNr Ethyl acetate 30631.10 0.62 11.66 0.00 30643.385 LbsNr Ethyl benzene 0,11869 0,15885 0.19067 7.593 8.062 LbsNr Ethylenediamine 0.00 0.000 LbsNr Hounds 5.41871 7.25219 8.70487 21.376 LbsNr Formaldehyde 6.97313 9.33257 11.20198 0.00384 0.00626 0.00245 0.00512 0.06933 0.09750 1077.778 1105.470 LbsNr HCL 14,ilete 22.046 LbsNr I4000C Hexane Isomers 0.000 0.00 ''30386.56 -47146.82 0.00 0.00 36;;lMY0.W1 LbsNr a78_> N-Hexane 0.000 18621.28 6.00 18524.94 •28567.28 0.00 0.00 4 LbsNr �V�B Heptane 185043.09 0.00 20014.01 205057.101 LbsNr lsobutyl acetate 14336.68 0.00 14336.682 LbsNr Isoprapyl acetate 0.00 0.00 0.000 LbsNr sg Lead Compounds 0.18304 0.24498 0.29405 0.722 Lbs/Yr OS Manganese 0.12203 0-16332 0.19603 0.00 0.481 Lbs/Yr YJ v/ Mercury 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.071 0.312 LbsNr Methanol 581900.48 0.00 3440.55 11103.16 596444.182 LbsNr Na thalene . 0.04794 0.06416 0.07701 0.00632 0.01031 0.00403 0.00843 0.11423 0.00701 23.760 24.100 LM Nickel 0.06101 0.08166 0.09802 0.241 Lbs/Yr 6,32-3 Phenol 12.492 12.492 Lbs/Yr Pro icnaldeh yde 14.942 14.942 LbsNr Sulfur Dioxide 0.00 0.000 LbsNr -Styrene 465.404 465.404 LbsNr Toluene 11.57831 15.49596 18.59995 0.01367 0.02229 0.0ON 0.01823 0.24690 0.03379 225.354 0.00 0.00 271-371 LbsNr X lene 0.00939 0.01531 0.00599 0.01252 0.16958 0.02355 6.124 6.360 Lbs/Yr �I�L o-X lene 0.20338 0.27220 0.32672 0.802 LbsNr ClM�i1�C.r� 'f'o 502 "YwCJej 4p U,Vls fpy �Gye> �^ lS/Y ,3b,tus i-3 -- 99y lbs V cam nor reI�-� S0 fe/0* aI co e.�romie ac f cQ - /�/ /6 (nd� s /�- -vim 65� yl 8 3 �Js /S cOyYr�L� 4on 2-06o || ,. | � ( � ) |§||| §° |I;; § \ \ ( /hq\/§qN § " | 9q| $ ill | | ! q | |§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ § | | |§ |§§ § q | § MAY 7 . [&§ WARD 1 Page 1 of 2 Annual Air Emissions Inventory C�!?�l� Facility ID#:080004 S15 7 p�Cyan/& (�-? Boilers : O -1 C)S 5 O ` - Year: 2 17 4r01 -Ni63 Total Run Time: 8375.0 Hrs/Yr Efficiency: 85 % .Sulfur Content: 0.0014 % 6 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal Fuel Usage(gallons) Boiler Operation(Hours) Arsenic VOC Emissions Emissions Total Total (Lbs.) (Lbs) Month Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Boiler Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Boiler Fuel Used Hours January: 12426.7 6151.3 1728.0 20306.0 347.6 57.0 38.4 443.0 0.011 4.061 February: 17099.2 6495.8 1570.5 25165.5 478.3 181.7 34.9 694.9 0.014 5.033 March: 21046.0 51376.8 10610.7 83033.5 588.7 328.1 263.0 1179.8 0.046 16,607 April: 16434.3 7510.2 1854.0 25798.5 459.7 143.2 41.2 644.1 0.014 5,160 Ma : 20942.4 22764.2 51806.5 95513.1 585.5 168.7 180.0 934.2 0.053 19.103 June: 11461.5 1196.0 1183.5 13841.0 320.6 38.6 26.3 385.5 0.008 2.768 July: 8826.7 15036.5 143689.5 167552.7 246.9 420.6 203.1 870.6 0.094 33.511 August: 801.5 22628.0 12694.5 36124.0 27.8 351.5 282.1 661.4 0.020 7.225 September: 4854.8 19825.9 645.8 25326.5 145.5 468.8 20.5 634.8 0.014 5.065 October: 1 8825.8 21669.7 4828.5 35324.0 263.9 262.8 114.7 641.4 0.020 7.065 November: 7328.8 7488.6 1381.5 16198.9 205.0 330.4 30.7 566.1 0.009 3.240 December: 15225.9 12285.6 1381.5 28893.0 425.9 262.6 30.7 719.2 1 0.016 1 5.779 Total: 145273.6 194428.6 233374.5 573076.7 4095.4 3014.0 1265.6 8375.0 0.321 1 114.615 Boiler# ID# GPH Hi-Fire Gals/Hr Hr/Yr Gals/Yr 1 H-101 143 35.5 4095.4 145273.6 2 H-102 143 64.5 3014.0 194428.6 3 H-103 180 184A 1265.6 233374.5 /10 Total 466 284.37919 8375 573076.7 (Yl �F Criteria Pollutants Criteria Emisson Factor Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total �1' Ar► Pollutants Lbs./1000 al. TonsNr TonsNr TonsNr Tons/Yr cljaeo.w TSP 2.00 0.145 0.194 0.233 0.573 r` PM-10 1.00 0.073 0.097 0,117 0.287 PM-2.5 0.25 0.018 0.024 0,029 0,072 Sox 42.60 3,094 4.141 4,971 1 Z207 O.00o Nox / 20.00 1.453 1.944 2.334 5.731 VOC 0.20 0.015 0.019 0.023 0.057 CO 5.00 1 0.363 1 0,486 1 0.583 1.433 Hazardous Air Pollutants Hazardous Air Emisson Factor Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total Pollutants (lbs/1000 gal) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) (Lbs/Yr) Arsenic 5.60E-04 0,081 0.109 0.131 0.321 Benzene 2.75E-03 0.400 0.535 0.642 1.576 Beryllium 4.20E-04 0.061 0.082 0,098 0.241 IL Cadmium 4.20E-04 0.061 0.082 0.098 0,241 Chromium 4.20E-04 0,061 0.082 0.098 0.241 Chromium VI 2.90E-05 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.017 f _ 1 Ethyl benzene 8.17E-04 0.119 0.159 0.191 OA68 I },I _o4R� r O, 9S 7 p� Flouride 3.73E-02 5.419 7.252 8.705 21.376 - I Formaldehyde 4.80E-02 6,973 9.333 11.202 27.508 1 rol-fl V�21� Lead 1.26E-03 0,183 0.245 0.294 0.722 0�7-f Manganese 8.40E-04 0.122 0.163 0,196 0.481 Mercu 4.20E-04 0.061 0,082 0.098 0.241 Na thalene 3.30E-04 0.048 0,064 0.077 0.189 C:\Users\connerbt\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION G 1115/2012-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of Input data 1 are viewed I printed on the"OUTPUT"tablscreen.The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should its used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information cmrtalnW.This spnedarner Is NCDENR sub act to ontinual nvlelon antl updating.Itisyourmsponsibilityto MamMra IMmastcmmdlnformationay ilabM.DENRishotresponsibleforerrorsar amlealona that rosy M conWhad herein. COMPANY: Avoca MAX HEAT INPUT. 65.80 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 8DOG44 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 141,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 0 1 HHV for GHG CALCULATIONS: 0.138 mm BTU/GAL FACILITY CITY: Marry Hill ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 573,077 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Berge MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,088,000 GALIYR USER NAME: E Huddleston MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 0.0 % EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.2 oil-fired Boiler EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: H101 thru H103 MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,088,000 GALfYR MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 0.0014 % NONE/OTHER PM 0 NONE/OTHER 502 0 NONE/OTHER NOX 0 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS k C/al: CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR iKIFA Cp11aIXSi LiM11a1 Klit.t CANTg .111.1Ml131 NF RWNTg LIN11a1 mnd 1 AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED lb/hr ton Ib/hr tonsi Ib/hr tonslyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+GPM 1.54 0.95 1.54 6.75 1.54 6.75 3.30E+00 3.30E+00 FILTERABLE PM FPM 0.93 0.57 0.93 4.09 0.93 4.09 2.00E+00 2.00E+00 CONDENSABLE PM CPM 0.81 0.37 0.61 2.66 0.61 2.66 1.30E+00 1.30E+00 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMte) 0.47 0.29 0.47 2.04 0.47 2.04 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 0.12 0.07 0.12 0.51 0.12 0.51 2.50E.01 2.50E-01 SULFUR DIOXIDE(SO,) 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.41 0.09 0.41 1.99E-01 1.99E-01 NITROGEN OXIDES(NO,) 9.33 5.73 9.33 40.88 9.33 40.88 2.00E+01 2.00E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.33 1.43 2.33 10.22 2.33 10.22 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS VOC 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.41 0.09 0.41 2.00E-01 2.00E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.26E-03 1.26E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMMONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS IKIER CGNIaaLSILNIIsI ter.coNTaoLSIL..., IKTaR..IaluMlm IW1 o' al TOXIC I WARDOUS MR POLLUTANT NUMBER Idhr I Mohr IW IIa1M IW unconbolled wrtrolled AoSmon Unlisted Cron nds H SBC-Other 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 O.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Arsenic Umistad Cons Me ASCOmer 2.6E-04 3.2E-01 26E-04 2.3E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 5.60E.04 5.60E-04 Benmrm 71432 1.3E-03 1.6E+00 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 2.75E-03 2.75E-03 lium Marl hosided 74,10117 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Caaum MMal Montreal umeactetl 7440439 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-D4 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Ctmmic ACM H 7738945 2.oE-D4 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 CaOMt Unlisted Can nds H CoGOthar 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Etn benzene H 100414 3.8E-04 4.7E-01 3.8E-D4 3.3E+00 3.8E-04 3.3E+00 8.17E-04 8.17E-04 FlumCes sum fluorde can .de 1699/488 1.7E-02 2.1E+01 17E-02 1.5E+02 1.7E-02 1.5E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Fonnadeh a 50000 2.2E-02 2.8E+01 22E-02 2.0E+02 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 4.80E-02 4.80E-02 Lead Unlisted Cons nds H PBOOtIs 5.9E-04 7.2E-01 5.9E-04 5.2E+00 5.9E-04 5.2E+00 1.26E-03 1.26E-03 Manganese Unlisted Can Ma TH MNGOdta 3.9E-04 4.8E-01 3.9E-04 3.4E+00 3.9E-04 3.4E+00 8.40E-04 8.40E-04 Mersurr.w TH 7439117% 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-D4 4.20E-04 N1et cnbraorm H 71W 1.1E-04 1.4E-01 1.1E-04 9.6E-01 1.1E-04 9.6E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 No halens H 91203 I 1.6E-04 1.9E-01 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.6E.04 1.4E+00 3.33E-04 3.33E-04 Made Melel 7440020 2.0E-04 2.4E-01 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 2.0E-04 1.7E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Phaahonta Maw,Yawa or white H 77MM 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 POM rates unamtraleE H POM 1.5E-03 1.9E+00 1.5E-03 1.3E+01 1.5E-03 1.3E+01 3.30E-03 3.30E-03 saenium ooro Ike H SEC 9.BE-04 1.2E+00 9.8E-04 8.6E+00 9.8E-04 6.6E+00 2.10E-03 2.10E-03 Toluene loam 3.7E-02 4.6E+01 3.7E-02 3.3E+02 37E.02 3.3E+02 7.97E-02 7,97E-02 xyleve 1330207 6.5E-04 8.0E-01 6.5E-04 5.7E+00 I 6.5E-04 5.7E+00 1.40E-03 1.40E-03 TasIHAP M 907E-02 8.2E+01 9.7E-02 I 5.9E+02 9.7E-02 I 5.9E+02 1AEDI 1AE-01 HAP H 3.72E-02 4.57E+01 172E-02 I 3.28E+02 3.72E-02 I 3.29E+02 7.97E-02 I 7.97E02 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR N10 TOXIC MR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ible two, IN unmNldlatl aXdalsd Meanic UNl Can rds H ASC-Olher 2.61E-04 6.27E-03 2.29E+00 5.60E-04 5.60E-04 Brentano H 71432 1.28E-03 3.08E-02 1.12E+01 2.75E-03 2.75E-03 Ilum Mew unTeaaee H 1,440417 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Cedlum Melee alarenal Invented 7440439 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Soluble chromate wm Ids.as chromium I SacRe 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 Fluorides sum 9ucnde cons nds T tastNss 1.74E-02 4.10E-01 1.52E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Famaldan e H Sooao 2.24E-02 5.38E-01 1.96E+02 4.80E-02 4.80E-02 Mar,Msee Uauled cons nds H MNC-OeMr 3.92E-04 9.41E-03 3.43E+00 8.40E-04 8.40E-04 Merv ,,ve H 7439976 1.96E-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 miany,aeaofam H T1588 1.10E-04 2.64E-03 9.65E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Nicde Mew H 7440020 1.9fiE-04 4.70E-03 1.72E+00 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 To. H loom 3.72E-02 8.92E-01 3.26E+02 7.97E-02 7.97E-02 Xylem (TH) 133g2o7 6.54E-04 1.57E-02 5.73E+00 1.40E-03 1.40E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize miss heat POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With Input capacity and EPA MRR Emission Requested Emission Limitation- Factorc utilize requested fuel limit and EPA GREENHOUSE GAS EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 MRR Emission Factors POLLUTANT short tonstyr, short tons/yr, metric tons/ r metric tons/ r,CO2e short tons/ r short tons) r CO2e short tons) r CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) 5,849.10 5,849.10 6,447.52 46,992.73 46,992.73 46,992.73 46,992.73 METHANE(CH4) 2.37E-01 4.98E+00 2.62E-01 1.91E+00 4.00E+01 1.91E+00 4.00E+01 NffROUS OXIDE(N20) 4.75E-02 1.47E+01 5.23E-02 3.81E-01 1.18E+02 3.81E-01 1.10E+02 TOTAL 5,868.79 47,150.94 TOTAL 4(,1 .94 NOTES:1)CO2e means CO2 equivalent 2)The OA0 Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons and the EPA MRR requires metric tons Page 2 of 2 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Boilers : OS-1 Nickel I 4.20E-04 1 0.061 0.082 1 0.098 0.241 Toluene 7.97E-02 11.578 15.496 18.600 A 374 o-X lene I 1.40E-03 1 0.203 0.272 1 0.327 10.802 Green House Gas Pulutents Emission Boller#1 Boller#2 Boiler#3 Boiler#1 Boiler#2 Boiler#3 Total GHG Pollutant Factor (lbs/hr) (lbs/hr) (lbs/hr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) (tons/yr) DAa (lbs/1000 gal) E//rA /►12n c4JLLC-S CO2 22700.00 805.22 1464.34 4185.84 1648.86 2206.76 2648.80 6504.42 H yy—7' 5*2— Methane 0.06 0.0021 0.0039 0.0111 0.0044 0.0058 0.0070 0.0172 Z� (CH4) Nitrous Oxide 0.12 0.0043 0.0077 0.0221 0.0087 0.0117 0.0140 0.0344 0, 0 .S (N20) �t �tlefhyl�lil��F��M �.ly lb n^ 5 m 1,9 ��a S��t'i171✓/q /. 2 �b f 11 c>� C:\Users\connerbl\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 G-7 7 Fire Pumps 6j�f Z L Data used for inventory only! 2 p GI✓S Year: 2017 Total Run Time: 29.3 Hrs/Yr Efficiency: 75 % Sulfur Content: 15 ppm Cetane# 40 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal Gallons Hours Gallons/ VOC Month Fuel Operated hour (lbs.) Used January: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 February: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 March: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 April: 50.0 2.50 20.0 2.604 May: 30.0 1.50 20.0 1.562 June: 160.0 8.00 20.0 8.333 July: 30.0 1.50 20.0 1.562 August: 25.0 1.25 20.0 1.302 September: 50.0 2.50 20.0 2.604 October: 31.0 1.55 20.0 1.614 November: 40.0 2.00 20.0 2.083 December: 50.0 2.50 1 20.0 2.604 Total: 86.0 29.30 1 20.0 30.5 Heat Rate FP ID# Bhp hp HrlYr Gals/Hr GalslYr mm mm Btu/Hr BtulYr FP FP 285 214 29.3 20.0 586.0 2.82 82.63 Criteria Emisson Factor (Lb/MM FP Pollutants BTU) (TonsNr TSP 0.31 0.013 PM-10 0.31 0.013 PM-2.5 0.31 ' 0.013 Sox 0.152 0.006 Nox 4.41 0.182 VOC 0.36 0.015 CO 0.95 0.039 Green House Gases GHG Emisson Factor E101 Hazardous/Toxi Emisson Factor (LbIMM FP Pollutant c Air Pollutants BTU) (Lbs/Yr) K /MM BTU tons/ r COZ 73.960 6.737 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 0.063 Methane 0.003 0.000273 Nitrous Acrolein 9.25E-05 0.008 Oxide 0.0006 0.000055 (N2O) Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.0003 Benzene 9.33E-04 0.077 Benzoa rene 1.88E-07 0.00002 Mu�nfor.��u /,v-wcvjC�trff'Af�aU Beryllium 3.00E-06 0.0002 Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.0002 /1(I L4-0 s f p Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 0.097 Na thalene 8.48E-05 0.007 y SO INdY Toluene 4.09E-04 i 0.034 X lene 2.85E-04 0.024 rams c A_r. a d. oasZ v� �/r,P o.aao Z o.a- i rrJ w�uw-en.y c. aao S Page 1 of 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 (, Generators : OS-2 Year: 2 17 05 Total Run Time: 79.5 Hrs/Yr V Efficiency: 75 Sulfur Content: �.3 Number 2 Fuel: 141000 BtulGal Fuel Usane Wallons) VOC C- / 201 Month E101 E102 E103 E104 Total (Lbs.) 8( G/wi(6 January: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 February: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 March: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 ���� � o�S April: 30.0 50.0 40.0 40.0 160.0 8.3 i May: 22.5 37.5 30.0 30.0 120.0 6.2 June: 22.5 37.5 30.0 30.0 120.0 1 6.2 -/� July: 30.0 50.0 0.0 40.0 120.0 6.2 o C�a poa.( i 11 E S 22.5 25.0 0.0 30.0 77.E 0.0 40.0 120.0 5.2 30.0 50.0 0.0 40.0 120.0 6.2 40.0 120.0 6.2 37.5 62.5 0.0 50.0 150.0 7.8 345.0 I 562.5 220.0 460.0 1687.E --- Heat Rate Generator No. ID# I Bho I ha I HrIYr GalsIHr GalsIYr MM BtulHr MM BtulYr 1 E101 1 587 440 23.0 15.0 345.0 2.12 48.65 2 E102 760 570 22.5 25.0 562.5 3.53 79.31 3 E103 603 452 1 11.0 20.0 220.0 2.82 31.02 4 E104 1 534 1 401 1 23.0 20.0 2.82 64.86 Total 2484 1 1963 1 80 80 1687.5j 11 224 Criteria Emisson Factor Gen.#1 Gen.#2 Gen.#3 Gen.#4 Total !b yY Pollutants (LbIMM BTU) (TonsNr) (TonsNr) (TonsNr) (TonslYr) (TonslYr) TSP 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.011 CA f"r le (�U� r3E'/o ` PM-10 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 1 0.011 / i �0L yy PM-2.5 0.100 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.011 r Pud 19 -6 • c-� Sox 0.141 0,003 0.006 0.002 0.005 i 0.016 p,Oo/ Nox 3.200 0.078 0.127 0.050 0.104 0.358 _ VOC 0.080 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.003 '0.009 h7Uilggrl�r to 6, ]7 CO 0.850 0.021 0.034 0.013 0.028 0,095 inc taut y �E-6 HazardouslToxic Emisson Factor Gen.#1 Gen.#2 Gen.#3 Gen.#4 Total C.,7 LE' y Air Pollutants (LbIMM BTU) (LbsNr) (LbsNr) (LbsNr) (Lbs/Yr) (LbsNr) Acetaldeh de 2.52E-05 0.001226 0.001999 0.000782 0.001634 0.006 Acrolein 7.88E-06 0.000383 0.000625 0.000244 0.000511 0.002 t✓�r��/yYY) Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.000195 0.000317 0.000124 0.000259 0.001 Benzene 7.76E-04 0.037749 0.061547 0.024072 0.050331 �0.174 CGclrrl/VYn Benzo a rene 2.57E-07 0.000013 0.000020 0.000008 0.000017 0.0001 0.003 y Be Ilium 3.00E-06 0.00014E 0,000238 0,000093 0.000195 0.001 C„/ 14 q� Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.000146 0.000238 0.000093 0.000195 ,0.001 dam! Formeldeh de 7.89E-05 0,003838 0.006258 0.002447 0.005117 10.018 Na thalene 1.30E-04 0.006324 0.010311 0.0D4033 0.008432 10.029 Toluene 2.81E-04 0.013669 0.0222871 0.0087171 0.018226 0.063 X lane 1.93E-04 0.009388 0.0163071 0.005987 10..012518 0.043 Green House Gas Pulutants GHG Pollutant Emisson Factor E101 E102 E103 E104 Total LbIMM BTU ton r tonsl r tons r ton rl (tonslvrl CO2 43.990 1.0699 1.7445 0.6823 1.4266 4.92 Methane A (CH4) 0.009 0.0002 0.0004 0.0001 0.0003 0.00101 S/prtu��"�" Nitrous Oxide Lie 4 S (N20) 0.001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000112 ,� 1 � h1rr CI- f VeA C:1Userslconner1b1lDesktop12017 AAE Calc Page 1 GAS&DIESEL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION S 6/22/2016-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source I facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen.The air emission results and summary of input date are WTWA viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tabiscreen.The different tabs am on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the Information contained. NCDENR This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It Is your responsibility to be aware of the most current Information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. COMPANY: AVOCB iil •// FACILITY ID NO.: 800044 PERMIT NUMBER: 0 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 285 HP POWER OUTPUT DIESEL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FACILITY CITY: Marry Hill EMISSION SOURCE ID NO- FP FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY. ETH POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. ACTUAL THROUGHPUT 1 586 GALS COMBUSTED .1 FUEL HEATING VALUE1 1410001 BTU/GAL PM 0 REQUESTED ANNUAL LIMITATION I 500 HRS OF OPERATION I CALCULATIONS:1 0.1381 mm BTU/GAL PM10 0 SULFUR CONTENT OF DIESEL FUEL I% 0 PM2.5 0 METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF S02 0 CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS(Ixg C/al: CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN NOX 0 CO 0 VOC 0 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENIII EMISSIONS EMISMON FACTOR (KiFA COMADLO rLiYiill PlrD1E...L.Mntl IrJIEe COx1MLDM1M1181I IdNPh AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir ton Ib/hr ton Ib/hr torsi wcanlralee PARTICULATE MATTER PM 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PMro) 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM,,!) 0.63 0.01 0.63 2.75 0.63 0.16 2.20E-03 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 0.00 0,00 0.00- 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.21E-05 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 8.84 0.18 8.84 38.70 8.84 2.21 3.10E-02 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 1.90 0,04 1.90 8.34 1.90 0.48 6.68E.03 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0,72 0.01 0.72 3.14 0.72 0.18 2.51E-03 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL.EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS NiIEACON1xOLSI WIRI IBEfC1E f.DYAgd/LM1191 RRCDxIgplAMne) GTPM TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr I Ib/hr Ib/hr uncaneollea Acetaideh a H, 75070 1.53E-03 6.34E-02 1.53E-03 1.34E+01 1.53E-03 7.65E-01 5.37E-06 Acmlein H,T 107028 1.85E-04 7.64E-03 1.85E-04 1.62E+00 1.85E-04 9.23E-02 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted Compounds H, ASC-Other 7.98E-06 3.31E-04 7.98E-06 6.99E-02 7.98E-06 3.99E-03 2.80E-08 Benzene H,7 71432 1.86E-03 7.71E-02 1.88E-03 1.63E+01 1.86E-03 9.31E-01 6.53E-06 Benzo a ne H,T 50328 3.75E-07 1.55E-05 3.75E-07 3.29E-03 3.75E-07 1.88E-04 1.32E-09 Beryllium metal unreacted H, 7440417 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E.06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 1,3-Butadiene H,T 106990 7.80E.05 3.23E-03 7.80E-05 6.83E-01 7.80E-05 3.90E-02 2.74E-07 Cadmium metal elemental unreected H, 7440439 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Chromic Acid I H, 7738945 5.99E.06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde H, 50000 2.35E-03 9.75E-02 2.35E-03 2.06E+01 2.35E-03 1.18E+00 I 8.26E-06 Lead unlisted compounds H PSC-Other 1.80E-05 7.44E-04 1.80E-05 1.57E-01 1.80E-05 8.98E-03 I 6.30E-08 Manganese unlisted Compounds H, MNC-Other 1.20E-05 4.96E-04 1.20E-05 1.05E-01 1.20E-05 5.99E-03 I 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor H,T) 7439976 5.99E-06 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Napthalene H 91203 1.69E-04 7.01E-03 1.69E-04 1.48E+00 1.69E-04 8.46E-02 5.94E-07 Nickel metal H, 7440020 5.99E-0fi 2.48E-04 5.99E-06 5.24E-02 5.99E-06 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Selenium Compounds H SEC 2.99E-05 1.24E-03 2.99E-05 2.62E-01 2.99E-05 1.50E-02 1.05E-07 Toluene H,7 108883 8.16E-04 3.38E-02 8.16E-04 7.15E+00 8.16E-04 4.08E 01 2.86E-06 , 13302" 9E-0 2 5.69E-04 4.98E+00 5.69E-04 284E-01 2.00E-06 t HHP(Foraldehyde) 0000 56E 235E-0 2.35E-03 2.06E+01 2.35E-03 1.18E+00 8.26E-06 Total HAPS 7.66E-03 I 3.17E-01 7.66E-03 6.71E+01 7.66E-03 3.83E+00 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS Ex193lON FACTOR INhPh TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAB Num. Ib/hr lb/day Iblyr uncontrolled Acetaldehyde(H,T) 75070 1.53E-03 3.67E-02 7.65E.01 5.37E-06 Acrolein(H,T) 107028 1.85E-04 4.43E.03 9.23E-02 6.48E-07 Arsenic unlisted Compounds H, ASC-Other 7.98E-06 1.92E-04 3.99E-03 2.80E-08 Benzene H,T 71432 1.86E-03 4.47E-02 9.31E-01 6.53E-06 enno a ne B H, 50328 3.75E-07 9.00E-06 1.88E-04 1.32E-09 Beryllium"let Unmatched) H, 7440417 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 1,3-Butetliene H, 106990 7.80E-05 1.87E-03 3.90E-02 2.74E-07 Cadmium metal ebmental unmacter H, 7440439 5.99E-08 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 soluble chromate Compounds.as chromium I uivalent SOLCR6 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Formaldehyde H,T 50000 2.35E-03 5.65E-02 1.18E+00 8.26E-06 Man anese unlisted Compounds H,T MNC-Other 1.20E-05 2.87E-04 5.99E-03 4.20E-08 Mercury vapor H,T 7439976 5.99E-0fi 1 44E.04 2.99E-03 2.10E-08 Nickel metal H, 7440020 5.99E-06 1.44E-04 2.99E.03 2.10E-05 Toluene H, 108883 8.16E.04 1.96E-02 4.08E-01 2.86E-06 Xylene H,T 1330207 5.69E-04 1.36E-02 2.84E-01 2.00E-06 DISTILLATE 81 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heal input Requested Emission Limitabon-utilize Capacity or horsepower and EPA MRR Emission Factors requested fuel limit and EPA MRR GREENHOUSE GAS EMITTED EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 Emission Factors metric tonslyr metric tonstyr.CO2e short tonslyr short torstyr short ton CO29 short tonstyr short ton CO2a CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) 5.98 5.98 6.59 1,424.78 1,424.78 81.32 81.32 METHANE(CH.) 2.43E-04 6.07E-03 2.67E-04 5.78E-02 1.44E+00 3.30E-03 8.25E-02 NITROUS OXIDE(NDO) 4.85E-05 1.45E-02 5.35E-05 1.16E-02 3.44E+00 6.60E.04 1.97E-01 TOTAL 6.00 TOTAL 1429.67 TOTAL $1.60 NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent. NOTE: The DAQ Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons be reported. The EPA MRR requires metric tons be reported. NOTE: Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD(Prevention of Significant Delenore6on)purposes. Lar a Diesel and All Dual-Fuel En ines Emissions Calculator LGD2012 Revision J.0612212015 Insrucbms:Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(dieseynatural gas)engines. Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a perms lima. User In ul DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not Company Name: Avoca guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision Plant County Bartle and updating. It is your responsibility to he aware of the most current Information available. DENR Plant City: Marry HIII Is not responsible for errors or omissions that may he contained herein. Permit Number. -u,.�-e( User: 0Huddleston (�� Fuel Sulfur Fuel Input Rates Diesel(pall NG(cu ft1 Meat Input Rates Diesel lift Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.00 Hourly Fuel Usage: 80.00 Hourly Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 11.2E 0.00 NG Fuel Sulfur Content( r/mm cu it): 2,000 Annual Fuel Usage: 1,588 Annual Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 224 0 Fuel Heat Content: 141,000 1,050 Btul al for diesel,Blulcu.8 for NG Emissions Output for Diesel Engine Emission Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Ib/hr I t Ib/mmBtu) Rating Pollutant Ib/hr IN Ib/mmBlu Rating PM 1.13 22.38 0.01 1.00E-01 B PM NA NA NA NO NA PM-10 1.13 22.38 0.01 100E-01 8 PM-10 NA NA NA NO NA PM-2.5 1.13 22.38 0.01 1.00E-01 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA NO NA NO.,uncont. 36.10 716.28 0.36 3.20E+00 B NO,,uncora. 30.46 604.36 0.30 2.70E+00 D NO„Cont. 21.43 425.29 0.21 1.90E+00 B NO.Cont. NA NA NA NO NA OC(as CH.) 1.02 20.15 0.01 9.00E-02 C TOC(as CH.) 9.02 179.07 0.09 8.00E-01 D NMTOC 0.92 18.33 0.01 8.19E-02 E NMTOC 2.26 44.77 0.02 2.00E-01 E CO 9.59 190.26 0.10 8.50E-01 C CO 13.08 259.65 0.13 1.16E+00 D SO, 0.02 0.34 0.00 1.52E-03 a SO, 0.00 0.03 0.00 1.31E-04 B Total HAP 1.98E-02 3.92E-01 1.96E-04 1.75E-03 NA La est HAP benzene 8.75E-03 1.74E-01 8.68E-05 7.76E-04 NA TOxic/Hazardous Air Pollutants There are no TocciHaianlous Air Pollutant emission factors for dual-fuel engines. Pollutant CAS Number Ib/hr lb/dayIW Acetaldehyde 75070 2.84E-04 6.82E-03 5.64E-03 2.52E-05 E Acrolein 107028 8.89E-05 2.13E-03 1.76E-03 7.88E-06 E Arsenic unlisted compounds ASC-Omer 4.51E-05 1.08E-03 8.95E-04 4.00E-06 E Benzene 71432 8.75E-03 2.10E-01 1.74E-01 7.76E-04 E Benzo(a)pyrene 50328 2.90E-06 6.96E-05 5.75E-05 2.57E-07 E.< Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440417 3.36E-05 8.12E-0l 6.72E-04 3 OOE-06 E Cadmium metal(elemental unreacted) 7440439 3.36E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 E Chromic Acid(VI) 7738945 3.38E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 E Formaldehyde 50000 8.90E-04 2.14E-02 1.77E-02 7.89E-05 E Lead unlisted compounds PBC-Other 1.02E-04 2.44E-03 2.01E-03 9.00E.06 E Manganese unlisted compounds MNC-Other 6.77E-05 1.62 3E0 6..60E-06 E Mercury vapor 7439976 3.38E-05 81 E-04 3 9123 1.47E3 3.52 -0 6 Napthalene E-02 91E-02 1E-0 E E Nickel metal 7440020 3.38E-05 8.12E-04 6.72E-04 3.00E-06 m E Selenium compounds SEC 1.69E-04 4.06E-03 3.36E-03 1.50E-05 E Total PAH 2.39E-03 5.74E-02 4.75E-02 2.12E-04 E,< Toluene 1O8883 3.17E-03 7.61E-02 6.29E-02 2.81E-04 E X enes 11330207 2.18E-03 5.22E-02 4.32E-02 1.93E-04 E Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor but not with EPA Mandato Re Ain Rule Factor Quality but not with EPA Mantlalory Rebortina Rule Factor Quality Pollutant Ib/ Ib/mmBtu Rating Pollutant Ib/hr by 1py Wmri Rating Carton Dioxide(CO,) 36,104.04 18.05 43.99 NA Carbon Dioxide(CO,) 36,104.04 18.05 43.99 NA Methane(CH.) 49.36 0.02 0.009 NA Methane(CH4) 3,023.07 1.51 0.540 NA Nitrous Oxide(NiO) 88.25 0.04 0.001 NA Nitrous Oxide(N,O) 88.25 0.04 0.001 NP. 36.241.64 18.12 39,215.35 19.61 Nola:Oo nil w rwnhouw smiuion xamstu fiarr,tMs•raWalwt br PSD prowMlon M SI Mflurx DaYdorNlon NO,control is via ignition timing retard. Pollutants in red are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. All other toxic/hazsrdous air pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPS. Factor quality ratings containing"<"indicate an AP42 emission factor based on test results being below detection. �FK/A Emission factors for criers re ia pollutants a from AP42 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). T'L� Emission factors for arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromium,lead,manganese,mercury,nickel,and selenium are from APd2 Chapter 1.3,Fuel Oil Combustion(revised 5/10). NCDENR All other toxirfiazardous pollutants are from APd2 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Emission factors for greenhouse gases are from DAQ's Greenhouse Gas Emission Guidelines:Stationary Combustion Sources,June 2008,except for CH4, which uses AP42,Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Carbon dioxide emission factor for dual-fuel engines is calculated based on 95%natural gas and 5%diesel,per APd2 Chapter 3.4.p.3.4-5(revised 101%). Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly fuel usage.Annual emissions are based on the annual fuel usage. Daily emissions are based on operation at the hourly input rate for 24 hours. Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 PK- Generator : OS-12 Year: 2017 ./,-.2 !-* 1 nuppr p t_� Total Run Time: 86.6 Hrs/Yr �Vol Efficiency: 75 % 61� �1� Pryu t Sulfur Content: 0_3 % Number 2 Fuel: 141000 Btu/Gal V Emisson Emisson Criteria Factor Pk-Gen Hazardous/ Factor Pk-Gen Month Fuel Usage Hours VOC Pollutants (Lb/MM (Tons/Yr) Toxic Air (Lb/MM (Lbs/Yr) (gallons) Operated (Lbs.) BTU Pollutants BTU TSP 0.1 0.0439 Acetaldehyde 2.52E-05 0.0221 January: 1188 16.5 61.87 PM-10 0.1 i 0.0439 Acrolein 7.88E-06 0.0069 February: 144.0 2.0 7.50 PM-2.5 0.1 / 0.0439 Arsenic 4.00E-06 0.0035 L t/ March: 252.0 3.5 13.12 Sox 0.141 0.0619 1 Benzene 7.76E-04 1 0.6818 April: 396.0 5.5 20.62 Nox 3.2 Lr 1.4058 Benzo a rene 2.57E-07 0.0002 May: 612.0 8.5 31.87 VOC 0. 82 0,0 Beryllium 3.00E-06 0.0026 June: 180.0 2.5 9.37 CO 0.85 Pit .3734 Cadmium 3.00E-06 0.0026 �S mgj�P July: 1404.0 19.5 73.12 Formaldehyde 7.89E-05 0.0693 August: 612.0 8.5 31.87 Na thalene 1.30E-04 0.1142 September: 900.0 12.5 46.87 Toluene 2.81E-04 0.2469 October: 252.0 3.5 13.12 X lene 1.93E-04 0.1696 c+� November: 111.6 1.6 5.81 December: 180.0 2.5 9.37 Total: 6231.E Y 86.6 324.5 Heat Rate Generator No. ID# Bhp hp Hr/Yr Gals/Hr I Gals/Yr I MM Btu/Hr MM Btu/Yr Pk-Gen Pk-Gen 2670 2003 86.6 72.0 6231.E 10.15 878.66 Green House Gas Pulutants for Peak Generator Emisson Factor GHG Pollutant (Lb/MM BTU) Ibs/yr tons/yr 1,u4 Q voe y 44 43.990 38652.06 19.33 An Gvn15 Zk""p eT,p0 S%o z� Methane 0.009 7.91 0.0040 i �/,� o ,v t3 Nitrous Oxide /7/ G�� (NzO) 0.007 6.15 0.00308 Slt-lu nIy^ cr,cl y Large Diesel and All Dual-Fuel Engines Emissions Calculator LGD2012 Revision J-06I22/2015 Insructions.Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(diesellnatural gas)engines. Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a permit limit. Userinout DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not Company Name: Avoca ar guarantee the accuracy of the information comaln xi.This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision Plant County: Battle IN-/ and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available.DENR Plant City: Melly Hill Is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. Permit Number: User: B Huddleston Fuel Sulfur Fuel Input Rates Diesel(nail NG cu ftl Heat Input Rates Diesel NBC Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.30 Hourly Fuel Usage: 72.00 Hourly Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 10.80 0.00 NG Fuel Sulfur Content r/mm cu it): 2,000 Annual Fuel Usage: 6,232 Annual Fuel Usage (mmBtu): 935 0 Fuel Heat Content: 150,000 1,050 BtW al for diesel,Stulcu.It for NG Emissions Output for Diesel Engines Erlussion Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Whir I gNmmBtu Ratin Pollutant Whir lblyr t IWrtsnl3tu Rat' PM 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.00E-01 B PM NA NA NA NO NA PM-10 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.O0-01 B PM-10 NA NA NA NO NA PM-2.5 1.08 93.48 0.05 1.00E-01 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA NO NA NOx,uncont. 34.56 2,991.36 1.50 3.20E+00 B NO„uncont. 29A6 2.523.96 1.26 2.70E+00 D NO.cant. 20.52 1,776.12 0.89 1.90E+00 B NO,,cunt. NA NA NA NO NA TOC(as CH4) 0.97 84.13 0.04 9.00E-02 C TOC(as CHI) 8.64 747.84 OX 8.00E-01 D NMTOC 0.88 76.56 0.04 8.19E-02 E NMTOC 2.16 186.96 0.09 2.00E-01 E CO 9.18 794.58 0.40 8.50E-01 C CO 12.53 1.084.37 0.54 1,16E+001 D 50, 3.27 283.24 0.14 3.03E-01 B SO, 0.16 14.07 0.01 1.51E02 B 1.6 Total HAP 1.89E-02 4E+00 8.19E-04 1.75E-03 NA Largest HAP benzene 6.38E-03 7.25E-01 3.63E-04 7.76E-04 NA ToxldHazardoua Air Pollutants There are no Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutant emission factors fix dual-fuel engines. Pollutant CAS Number Whir lb/day IW Acetaldehyde 75070 2.72E-04 6.53E-03 2.36E-02 2.52E-05 E Acrolein 107028 8.51E-05 2.04E-03 7.37E-03 7.88E-06 E Arsenic unlisted compounds ASC-Other 4.32E-05 1.04E-03 3.74E-03 4.00E-06 E Benzene 71432 8.38E-03 2.01E-01 7.25E-01 7.76E-04 E Benzo(a)pyrene 50328 2.78E-06 6.66E-05 2.40E-04 2.57E-07 E,< Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440417 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Cadmium metal(elemental unreacted) 744D439 3.24E-05 7.76E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Chromic Acid(VI) T738945 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Formaldehyde 5000O 8.52E-04 2.05E-02 7.38E-02 7.89E-05 E Lead unlisted compounds PBC-Other 9.72E05 2.33E-03 8.41E-03 9.00E-06 E Manganese unlisted compounds MNC-Other 6.48E-05 1.56E-03 5.61E-03 6.00E-06 E Mercury vapor 7439976 3.24E-05 7.78EfM 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Napthalene 91203 1.40E-03 3.37E-02 1.22E-01 1.30E-04 E Nickel metal 7440020 3.24E-05 7.78E-04 2.80E-03 3.00E-06 E Selenium compounds SEC 1.62E-04 3.89E-03 1.40E-02 1.50E-05 E Total PAH 2.29E-03 5.50E-02 1.98E-01 2.12E-04 E Toluene 108883 3.03E-03 7.28E-02 2.63E-01 2.81E-04 E jXylenes 11330207 2.08E.03 5.00E-02 1.80E-01 1.93E-041 E Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor Greenhouse Gases-methods consistent with TCR other protocols Emission Factor but not with EPA Mandato Re ortin Rule Facto Quality but not with EPA Mandatory Rawrtino Rule Factor Quality Pollutant lb/w t Ib/mmBtu Rating Pollutant I IWhr I IWyr tpY (Ibingi Rating Carbon Daxide(CO2) 150,779.27 75.39 43,99 NA Carbon Dioxide(CO,) 151.779.27 75.39 43.99 NA Methane(CH,) 206.12 0.10 0.009 NA Methane(CH,) 12,625.06 6.31 0.540 NA Nitrous Oxide(N2O) 368.55 0.18 0.001 NA Nitrous Oxide(N2O) 368.55 0.18 0.001 NA 151,1.1. 75.08 163,772871 81.89 Note:po notes greammuse gas emission asemata,hom this spreadeheal for PSD(PrevaMion of significant Datanoration NO,control is via ignition timing retard. Pollutants in red are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. All other toxic/hazardous air pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPS. Factor quality ratings containing'<-indicate an AP42 emission factor based on test results being below detection. Emission factors for cntena pollutants are from AP42 Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10196). Emission factors for arsenic,beryllium,cadmium,chromium,lead,manganese,mercury,nickel,and selenium are from AP42 Chapter 1.3,Fuel Oil Combustion(revised 5110). All other toxicthazardous pollutants are from AP42 Chapter 3 4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10/96). Emission factors for greenhouse gases are from DAQs Greenhouse Gas Emission Guidelines:Stationary Combustion Sources,June 2008,except for CH4, which uses AP-42,Chapter 3.4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines(revised 10196). Carbon dioxide emission factor for dual-fuel engines is calculated based on 95%natural gas and 5%diesel,per AP42 Chapter 3.4.p.3.4-5(revised 10/96). Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly fuel usage.Annual emissions are based on the annual fuel usage. Daily emissions are based on operation at the hourly input rate for 24 hours. 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Biomass Boilers : ES-BB1 & ES-BB2: OS-33 21, ?y Fuel Source : Wood Chips �j,P �.t✓�`��f' � ��� Year: 2017 Total Run Time: 8119.0 HrsNr Wood Chips 8000000 BTU/ton 56 ,mo15 --v � Emission Factors determined by Emissions test conducted on 12/19/2013 Boiler Operation (Hours) Wood Chips Burned (Tons) CO PM HCL Hoc Heat Rate Month ES-BB1 ES-BB2 Max Boiler ES-BB1 ES-BB2 Total Wood Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. MM Btu/Month Hours Chips January: 744.0 744.0 744.0 1559.0 1559.0 3117.9 4789.1 34.92048 2.244888 0.00723 24943.2 February: 672.0 672.0 672.0 1437.2 1437.2 2874.3 4414.9 32.19216 2.069496 0.00667 22994.4 March: 500.0 700.0 700.0 876.9 876.9 1753.8 2693.8 19.64256 1.262736 0.00407 14030.4 April: 580.0 459.0 580.0 1035.3 1035.3 2070.5 3180.3 23.1896 1.49076 0.00480 16564 May: 580.0 580.0 580.0 1120.5 1120.5 2241.0 3442.2 25.0992 1.61352 0.00520 17928 June: 686.0 720.0 720.0 1364.1 1364.1 2728.2 4190.5 30.55584 1.964304 0.00633 1 21825.6 July: 574.0 541.0 574.0 998.7 998.7 1997.4 3068.0 22.37088 1.438128 0.00463 15979.2 August: 731.0 744.0 744.0 1510.0 1510.5 3020.5 4639.5 33.8296 2.17476 0.00701 24164 September: 682.0 720.0 720.0 1376.3 1376.3 2752.5 4227.8 30.828 1.9818 0.00639 22020 October: 621.0 621.0 621.0 1047.4 1047.4 2094.8 3217.6 23.46176 1.508256 0.00486 16758.4 November: 720.0 720.0 720.0 1461.5 1461.5 1 2923.0 4489.7 32.7376 2.10456 0.00678 23384 December: 744.0 744.0 744.0 1522.4 1522.4 304 4676.8 34.10176 2.192256 0.00706 24358.4 Total: 7834.0 7965.0 8119.0 15309.1 15309.6 30618.7 47030.3 342.929 22.045 0.07104 244949.6 Average 652.8 663.8 676.E 1 1275.8 1275.8 .6 3919.2 28.577 1.837 0.00592 20412.5 S_¢.,2 lno-o 1 Gorn�.c.�rori NCDA,J SPvP,��� A � d 6 k�L / s G Or l Criteria Polluta is Hazardous Air Pollutants Criteria Emisson actor Boiler Hazardous Air Emisson Factor Boiler Pollutants (Lb/M BTU) (TonsNr) Pollutants (Lb/MM BTU) (LbsNr) TSP 0.0014 0.171 0.14 Acetaldehyde 8.30E-04 203.308 PM-10 0.0014 �C51 0.171 6 l® Acrolein 4.00E-03 979.798 PM-2.5 0.0014 J 0.171 5- d Benzene 4.20E-03 1028.788 Sox 0.03 3.062 34Ifi Benzo a rene 2.60E-06 0.637 Nox 02 Carbon2 26.944 4.50E-05 11.023 tetrachloride VOC 0.02 2.082 Z.YS Chlorine 7.90E-04 193.510 CO 0.19 f 23.515 23.2-7 Chlorobenzene 3.30E-05 8.083 Chloroform 2.80E-05 6.859 Ethyl benzene 3.10E-05 7.593 Green House Gas Pulutants Formaldehyde 4.40E-03 1077.778 GHG Pollutant Emisson Factor E101 Napthalene 9.70E-05 23.760 Lb/MM BTU tons/ r CO2 195.000 23882.6 Phenol 5.10E-05 12.492 Methane 0.021 2.6 Propionaldehyde 6.10E-05 14.942 (CH4) Nitrous Oxide 0.013 1.6 Styrene 1.90E-03 465.404 (NzO) Toluene 9.20E-04 225.354 X lene 2.50E-05 6.124 2yY9Y9. toAW8 u/ /dry. o(t d ✓�o� ��' c�e Sa !1�yc�nt 2Irn,S 5.b-S D.oQ SpY���rh�t IrCn ad ►��io��.4 /✓.aP -7'aQs �fG/ a.000068 (6�N✓)tg�U / o, 66, lbs �blrn-�G�a S c �2, 0 7 16 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY March 15, 2017 ! �cs>< d14t MEMORANDUM To: Robert Fisher, Washington Regional Office From: Brent W. Hall, Stationary Source Compliance Branch(SSCB) Subject: Avoca Incorporated Merry Hill,Bertie County,North Carolina Facility ID 0800044,Permit No. 01819T47 Particulate Matter,Hydrogen Chloride,Carbon Monoxide and Mercury Emissions Testing of Biomass Boilers ES-BBI and ES-BB2 Performed December 14,2016 by Air-Tech Environmental,Inc. Tracking No. 2016-283 ST Air-Tech Environmental, Inc. conducted particulate matter(PM),hydrogen chloride(HCI),carbon monoxide(CO), and mercury(Hg)emissions testing of the two biomass boilers,ES-BB I and ES-BB2, while only firing wood. The test results are acceptable to demonstrate that the boilers were in compliance with the applicable emissions standards during the testing period. ES-BB 1 and ES-BB2 are two biomass boilers(24 million Btu per hour maximum permitted heat input rate each)controlled by simple cyclone CD-BB IC followed by a bagfilter CD-BB 1BH. 15A NCAC 2D .0503 Particulates From Fuel Burning Indirect Heat Exchangers and 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDDD National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters apply to the biomass boilers. Air-Tech Environmental performed EPA Method 5 and 26A for PM and HCI,EPA Method 10 for CO, and EPA Method 30B for Hg emissions. 63 Subpart DDDDD limits PM to 0.030 pounds per million Btu (lb/mmBtu)heat input, limits HCI to 0.022 lb/mmBtu, limits CO to 620 parts per million by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen(ppmvd@ 3%02),and limits Hg to 0.00000080 lb/mmBtu. The results for the emissions testing are shown in the table below. Pollutant Test Results Emission Limit Standard Compliance Filterable PM 0.0015 lb/mmBtu 0.030 lb/mmBtu Yes HCI 0.000068 lb/mmBtu 0.022 lb/mmBtu 63 Subpart Yes CO 214 ppmv@ 3%02 620 my 3%02 DDDDD Yes Mercury 2.9E-71b/mmBtu 8.0E-7lb/mmBtu Yes 63 Subpart DDDDD Table 7 requires Avoca to"determine the highest hourly average of the three test run averages during the performance test, and multiply this by 1.1 (110 percent)as [the] operating limit." The maximum hourly average of the three test runs was 23,396 lb/hr steam. Therefore,the maximum operating steam load is 25,735 lb/hr steam. For emissions sources with an applicable CO emissions limit, Table 7 requires a minimum oxygen content value be established as"the lowest hourly average during the performance test." The oxygen concentration and steam load data, including acceptable maximum steam load value(as required by Table 7)are tabulated on the following page. Robert Fisher March 15,2017 Page 2 Parameter/Boiler Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average Approved Value %02 BB1 10.6 10.5 10.6 10.5 10.5%Minimum %02 BB2 11.2 11.2 10.5 11.0 10.5%Minimum Steam lb/hr 22,979 23,026 23,396 23,134 25,735 lb/hr maximum The test results are acceptable to demonstrate that the filterable PM, HCI,CO, and Hg emissions were in compliance with the applicable emission limits during the testing period. If you have any questions regarding this review,please contact me at Brent.HaIKOcdenr.gov or(919)707-8427. cc: Central Files, Bertie County IBEAM Documents-0800044 WOODWASTE COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION K 03/08/2017-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source I facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed I printed on the"OUTPUT"lablscreen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the NCDENR information contained. This spreadsheet Is subject to continual revision and updating. itIs your responsibility to be aware of the most current Information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. COMPANY: Avoca FACILITY ID NO.: 44 PERMIT NUMBER: 0 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 48 MMBTU/HR BARK AND WET WOOD FIRED BOILER FACILITY CITY: Merry Hill EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: BB1 and BB2 FACILITY COUNTY: Berle PARTICULATE CONTROL DEVICE: FABRIC FILTER POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: B Huddleston FUEL HEAT VALUE: 4000 BTU/LB NOX 0 ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT. 30619 TON/YR HHVUsedfor GHGB MMBTUrTON: 15.38 PM CALC'D AS 27.2% POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 52560 TON/YR IBOILER TYPE: STOKER PM10 CALC'D AS 26.1% REQUESTED MAX.FUEL THRPT: 52560 TON/YR ITEST DATA USED:0.0015 LB/MMBTU FPM PM2.5 CALC'D AS 23.3% METHOD USED TO COMPUTE ACTUAL GHG EMISSIONS: TIER 1: DEFAULT HIGH HEAT VALUE AND DEFAULT EF CARBON CONTENT USED FOR GHGS AS A FRACTION): CARBON CONTENT NOT USED FOR CALCULATION TIER CHOSEN ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR Iarrra coerROs r urns) (Wroes cannena r Lrna) ( Rcaxr.a ILIMITS) Ib/mmBM AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tonstyr Whir tDnstyr Ib/hr tOmStyT uncontrolled owaviled PARLCUTA7f-MAffzFER PM 0.89 2.27 1.22 5.34 0.89 3.89 0.025 0,019 PA 10) 0.87 2.22 1.18 5.15 0.87 3.81 0.025 0.018 PAR746HbtTtri101 7,5 0.86 2.20 1.13 4.93 0.86 3.78 0.023 0.018 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 1.20 3.06 1.20 5.26 1.20 526 OA25 0.025 NITROGEN OXIOES NOx 10.56 26.94 10.56 4625 10.56 46.25 0.220 0.220 C 28.80 73.48 28.80 126.14 28.80 126.14 0.600 0.600 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.82 2.08 0.82 3.57 0.82 3.57 0.017 0.017 LEAD 2.3E-03 5.9E-03 2.3E-03 1.0E-02 2.3E-03 1.0E-02 4.8E-05 4.8E-05 ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS urnEn coxrnas)Lrrts) (EmeEcoareaLsiLrse) J1 Rco samms) Ib/mm8tu v// YV�✓u TOXIC HAZARDOUS AR POLLUTANT NUMBER Iivtrc Whir Ib/ Ib/hr lbtyr uncontrolled/controlled Acelelaen H 75070 3.9BE-02 1 203.308 398E-02 348.998 3.98E-02 348.998 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 ^,, L � AuaPnanone H 98862 1.54E-07 7.84E-04 1.54E-07 1.35E-03 1.54E-07 1.35E-03 320E-09 3.20E-09 J/t (.a. J Audi" H 107028 1.92E-01 979.798 1.92E-01 1681.920 1.92E-01 1681.920 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Artmony Unlisted Compounds component of SBC H sac-other 3.79E-04 1.935 3.79E-04 3.322 3.79E-04 3.322 790E-06 7.90E-06 Am=Unlisted Compounds mrn anent of ASC Asccther 1.06E-03 5.389 1.08E-03 9.251 1.06E-03 9.251 2.20E-05 220E-05 Benzene H 71432 2.02E-01 1028.788 2.02E-01 1766.016 2.02E-01 1766.016 420E-03 4.20E-03 Benz ap ene 50328 1.25E-04 0,637 1.25E-04 1.093 1.25E-04 1.093 260E-08 2.60E-06 Beryl,urn Meal unreacted)(tamporsnt of BEC IH 7440417 5.28E-05 0.269 5.28E-05 0,463 528E-05 0.463 1.10E-06 1.IOE-06 Cadmium Metal unreaded cote tof CDC AI 7440439 1.97E-04 1.004 1.97E-D4 1.724 1.97E-04 1.724 4.10E-08 4.10E-06 /r Carbon taeachlonde TH 56M 2.16E-03 11.023 2-18E-03 18.922 2.16E-03 18.922 450E-05 4.50E05 CQY7]LyG� O Chlonne H 7782505 3.79E-02 193510 3.79E-02 332.179 3.79E-02 332.179 790E-04 7.90E-04 Chlarobenzena H 1OW7 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 13.876 1.58E-03 13.876 3.30E-05 330E-05 Chloroform H 67663 1.34E-03 6.859 1.34E-03 11.773 1.34E-03 11.773 280E-05 2.80E-05 Chromium Unlisted Cmpd H add w/chrom acid to WitCRC CRComer 6.40E-04 4.287 8.40E-04 7.358 8.40E-04 7.358 1.75E-05 1.75E-05 Chromk acid component of wlCR6 and CRC M 7738945 1.88E-04 0,857 1,68E-04 1.472 1.68E-04 1.472 3.50E-08 3.50E-06 Cobalt Unlisted Compounds(ownpontint of COC H CDC-omr 3.12E-04 1.592 3.12E-04 2.733 3.12E-04 2733 8.50E-06 6.50E46 DIa(a heno1,2,4-M 51285 8.64E-06 4.41E-02 8.64E-06 O.076 8.64E-06 0,076 1.50E-07 180E-07 Di gem he l7hthelete DEHP 117817 1 2.26E-06 1.15E-02 226E-06 1,98E-02 226E-06 1.98E-02 4.70E-08 4.70E-08 Em benzene H 1D0414 I 1.49E-03 7.593 1.49E-03 13.035 1.49E-03 13,035 3.10E-05 3AOE-05 Em eneda to a 12cichlaoeexns 107062 1.39E-03 7.104 1.39E-03 12.194 1.39E-03 12,194 2.90E45 ZI)DE-05 Fwmalden a TH 50000 2.11E-01 1077.778 2.11E-01 1850.112 2.11E-01 1850.112 440E-03 4.40E-03 Hesacolomdiber)a oleo 1,2,3,6,7,8 57653957 1.53E-09 779E-06 1.53E-09 1.34E-05 1.53E-09 1.34E-05 3.15E-11 3.18E-11 H h lore H 7647010 9.12E-01 4654.042 9.12E-01 7989.120 9.12E-01 7989.120 1.90E-02 1.90E-02 Lead Unlisted Compowds nant of PBC H PBCamw 2.30E-03 11.758 2.30E-03 20.183 2.30E-03 20.183 4.BOE-05 4.80E-05 Man anese Unlisted Com )de c Mrentof MNC MNComer 7.68E-02 391.919 7.68E-02 672.768 7.68E-02 672.768 1.60E-03 1.80E-03 IvIa.-ar,W,aCm y4Y 7439976 1.68E-04 0.857 1.68E-04 1.472 1.68E-04 1.472 350E-08 3.50E-0B WaMyt bmmde H bmnomemena 74339 720E-04 3.674 720E-04 6.307 720E-04 6.307 150E-05 1.50E-05 IvIethy onlorde H thlorarnatlune 74873 1.10E-03 5,634 1.10E-03 9.671 1.10E-03 9.671 230E-05 230E-05 Mete cnlomtorm 1,1,1 trlrhloraMhane 71555 1.49E-03 7.593 1.49E-03 13,035 1.49E-03 13.035 3.10E-05 3.10E-05 Mein ethyl e e 78933 2.59E-04 1.323 2.59E-04 2.271 2.59E-04 2.271 5.40E-06 540E-06 Methylene Wio6de dbhtero.amane 75092 139E-02 71.035 1.39E-02 1 121.939 1.39E-02 121.939 2.90E-04 2.90E-04 Naphthalene H 91203 4.66E-03 23.760 4.66E-03 40.787 4.66E-03 40.787 9.70E-05 9.70E-05 Nickel metal(Component of 373024MIC M 7440020 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 13.876 1.58E-03 13876 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Nitro henal,d- H 100027 5.28E-06 2.69E-02 5.28E-D6 4.63E-02 528E-06 4.63E-02 7.10Eo7 1,10E-07 Pentachlomphenol CTH 87805 2 45E-06 1.25E-02 2.45E-06 2.14E-02 2.45E-06 2.14E-02 5.10E-08 5.10E-0B Prcnlomea) ene tetrachi are H 127184 1.82E-03 9306 182E-03 15978 1.82E-03 15,978 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phenol n 105952 2.45E-03 12.492 2.45E-03 21,444 2.45E-03 21.444 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or Wh4e H T723140 1.30E-03 6.614 1.30E-03 11.353 1.30E-03 11353 2.70E-0518.WE-12 05 Pot hlonneled bin s 133SW3 3.91E-07 2.00E-03 3.91E-07 3.43E-03 391E-07 3.43E-03 6.15E-0909 Pd lic0 ane Nether H POMN 6.00E-03 30.619 6.00E-03 52.560 6.00E-03 52.560 1.25E-044 Pm wnaldeh e H 123386 2.93E-03 14.942 2.93E-03 25849 2.93E-03 25.649 6.10E-0505 P are dihlwde H t2 diW opens 78875 1.58E-03 8.083 1.58E-03 15876 1.58E-03 13.876 3.30E-055 Selena.cote nds H SEC 1.34E-04 0.686 134E-04 1.177 134E-04 1.177 280E-06e s e H 100425 9.12E-02 465.404 9.12E-02 798.912 9.12E-02 798.912 1.90E-033 Tetrachlomc ,2,3,7,8- 174s076 4.13E-10 2.11E-06 4.13E-10 3.62E-06 4.13E-10 3.62E-06 8.60E-1212Toluere TH IO68B3 4.42E-02 225.354 4.42E-02 386.842 4.42E-02 386842 9.20E-04 -04Trcnlomem ens 79016 1.44E-03 7.348 1.44E-03 12.614 144E-03 12.6143.00E-05 -05 TrichlonAuammethana CFC 111 75694 1.97E-03 10.043 1.97E-03 17.240 1.97E-03 17.240 4.10E-05 4.10E-05 Trdhlom henol,2,4,6-H am 1.06E-06 5.39E-03 1.06E-06 925E-03 1.06E-06 9.25E-03 220E-08 220E-08 Mn chdrde H 1114 8.64E-04 C409 8.64E-04 7.569 8.64E-04 7.569 1.50E-05 1.80E-05 x ene H 1330207 120E-03 6.124 120E-03 10.512 1.20E-03 10.512 250E-05 2.50E-05 •Highest HAP(Hydrogen chlorde rochlonc acid H 7647010 1 9.12E-01 1 4654A42 9.12E-01 7989.1 9.12E-01 7989.1 1.9DE-02 1.90E-02 •Total HAPs NA 1.86E+00 9.51E+03 1.86E-00 1.63E+04 1.86E+00 1.63E+04 3.88E-02 3.88E-02 EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS(FOR PBWrrNG PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR INmmBW TOXIC AN POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ibhr IWda unoenealed mntralled Acealdeh H 75070 3.98E-02 9.56E-01 348.998 8.30E-04 8.30E-04 Acraeln TH 107028 1.92E-01 4.61E+00 1681,920 4.00E-03 4.00E-03 Areenic UNand Corn n0e can tof ASC ASCG#w 1.06E-03 2.53E-02 9,251 220E-05 210E-05 Benzene 71432 2.02E-01 4.84E+00 1766.016 4.20E-03 420E-03 a 50328 1.25E-04 3.00E-03 1.093 2.80E-08 280E-08 Beryllium Meal unreeaad)(oxnponent of SEC M 7440417 5.28E-05 1.27E-03 0.463 1.10E-0B 1.70E-08 Cadmium Metal unrescad)(oxrponert of CDC IH 7440439 1.97E-04 4.72E-03 1.724 4.10E-0B 4.10E-08 Carson temichlonde H 56235 2.16E-03 5.18E-02 18.922 4.50E-05 4.50E-05 chl.a TH 7782505 3.79E-02 9.10E-01 332.179 7.90E-04 7.90E-04 Chbrooenzwe 108907 1.58E-03 3.80E-02 13.876 3.30E-0s 3.30E-05 Chloolorm TH 67663 1.34E-03 3.23E-02 11.773 280E-05 2.80E-0s D2-e1h re pnthelate DEHP 117817 2.26E-06 5.41E-05 1.98E-02 470E-08 4.70E-06 EN ene dichloride 1,2Achooelhans 107062 1.39E-03 3.34E-02 12.194 2.90E-05 2.90E-05 Soluae Chramaa Cm s,as Chrome I SOLCR6 1.68E-04 4.03E-03 1.472 3.50E-06 3.50E-08 Formaldehyde TH 50000 2.11E-01 5.07E+00 1850.112 4.40E-03 4.40E-03 Hemchlomd bdn 1,2,3,8,7,8 57653857 1.53E-09 3.66E-08 0,000 3.18E-11 3.18E-11 Hydrogen chloride h mchlorc acid M 7647010 9.12E-01 2.19E+01 7989.120 1.90E-02 I.80E-02 Mananem Unlisted Comp "(oan ent of MNC TH MNCnmer 7.68E-02 1.84E+00 672.768 1.80E-03 180E-03 Mmw .v pa mmmnwt of HGC M 7439976 1.68E-04 4.03E-03 1.472 3.50E-08 3.50E-08 chbroform H 1,1,1 ebhlaoe0mne 715M 1.49E-03 3.57E-02 13.035 3.10E-05 3ADE-05 em ketone 78933 2.59E-04 6.22E-03 2.271 5.40E-0B 5.40E-08 Mew ene chloride dxhlaaneemne 75092 1.39E-02 3.34E-01 121.939 2.90E-04 2.90E-0e Nickel mewl(Component of 373024MIC M 7N0020 1.58E-03 3.80E-02 13.876 3.30E-05 3.30E-05 Pwtacmorophena 87865 2.45E-06 5.88E-05 0.021 5.10E-05 5.10E-08 Pemhbroelh ene tetreUl ene 127194 1.82E-03 4.38E-02 15.978 3.80E-05 3.80E-05 Phenol TH loam 2.45E-03 5.88E-02 21.444 5.10E-05 5.10E-05 Polychimnateda a 1338363 3.91E-07 9.39E-06 3.43E-03 8.15E-M 8.13E-09 Styrwa(TH) 100425 9.12E-02 2.19E+00 798.912 1.90E-03 1.90E-03 Tehachlorodoenz6 own,2,a.7�(TH n4eote 4.13E-10 9.91E-09 3.62E-06 8.80E-12 4.80E-t2 Toluene TH 108883 4.42E-02 1.06E+00 386.842 920E-04 Ll t Tncmoroetn ene 79016 1.44E-03 3.46E-02 12.614 3.00E-055 Tnchloroeuommelhane CFC 111) 75694 1.97E-03 4.72E-02 17.240 4.10E-055 76014 8.64E-04 2.07E-02 7.569 1.80E-05s1330207 1.20E-03 2.88E-02 W.51? 2.50E-055 REENHOUSE GAS EMISSN,?NSOI,. T_ „_ R1 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS•POTEKML TO EMIT - ) -CONSISTENT - - �- � ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS-utilize max heat POTENTIAL EMISSIONS With input capacity and EPA MRR Emission Requested Emission Limitation- Factors utilize requested fuel limit and EPA MRR Emission Factors EPA MRR CALCULATION METHOD:TIER 1 GREENHOUSE GAS metric tons/yr, short tons/yr, metric ton r CO2e short tonstyr short tons/ r short tonstyr,CO2e short tonslyr CO2e CARBON DIOXIDE(CO2) BIOGENIC EMISSIONS' 44,171.88 zem 48,691.11 43476.24 zem' 43476.24 zero• METHANE CH4 3.39E+00 8.48E+01 3.74E+00 3.34E+00 8.34E+01 3.34E+00 8.34E+01 NITROUS OXIDE N20 1.70E+00 1 5.05E+02 1 1.87E+00 I 1.67E+00 I 4.97E+02 1.67E+00 4.97E+02 TOTAL 589.96 TOTAL 580.67 TOTAL 580.87 • BIOGENIC CO2 has 0 CO2e NOTE:The DAO Air Emissions Reporting Online(AERO)system requires short tons NOTE: CO2e means CO2 equivalent The EPA MRR requires meMc tons Note:Do not use greenhouse gas emission estimates from this spreadsheet for PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration purposes. Page 1 oG Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility lD#:0800044 Methanol:OS-4,OS-7,OS-9 OS-13 OS-14 OS-1 S.OS-16 OS-17 OS-27,05-32 INCLUDED WITH OS-4 Year: 17 Imo: LbslGal 6.62 Specifics Gravity-0.793 Monthly Inventory of Methanol(aallons): Methanol Used in SDA-3A Alcohol Month Beginning Received Max Used Recovered Ending Month Methanol Inventory (Lbs) Inventory Emitted(Lbs.) January: 15845.4 16765.0 209261 11737.0 19873 January: 0.00 February: 19873A 7994.0 184482 13000.0 14867 February: 0.00 March: 148874 13307.3 186517 21576.0 6599 March: 0.00 April: 6598.7 21173.8 183854 10495.0 17278April: 0.00 May 17277.5 7689.0 165278 11015.0 13952 May: 0.00 June: 13951.5 7676.0 143174 13693.0 7735 June: 0.00 July: 7734.5 15840.0 156063 16037.0 7538 July: 0.00 ust: 7537 15717 153945 1889 4362 August: 0.00 481.5 12SA r 14.0 12378 148230 2150 September: 0.00 October: 1 2149.5 1 15025.0 113895 11144.0 1 6031 October. 0.00 November. 1 6030.5 1 12300.0 1 121348 12300D 1 1 0031 November: 0.00 December: 1 6030.5 1 15764.0 1 144280 1 14879.0 1 1 6918 December: 0.00 Maximum Gallons On-Hand: 31610.4 Maximum Lbs.On-Harts: 209260.848 Gallons Usetl Par Year. 169795 Lbs.Used per Year: I 1124042.9 Sclareol Recovery Operation:O6J V/V Ce-4 I LA91 Accountable Avg.% Total Gal. Monthly Avg. Emissions m Total Lbs. #Days Gallons McOM Lbs.MaOH Avg.GPM Sent Lbs.MaOH to Total Lbs. Month Methanol In Water to Removal MaOH from Fupmw Operated Used Used to WWTP WWTP WW WWTP Efficiency WWTP (O Emissions Emissions 17 Janus 31 11737 77698.94 1.39 29650.2 7.25 221692 98.4 474.4032 48048.74 48523.143 February28 11048 73124.52 1.65 27289.1 6.29 199125 98.3 483,9147 45835.42 46299.335 March 31 14623 96804.26 1.33 30443.9 7.73 250162 98.2 547.9902 66360.36 66908.35 MI 17 7040 40604.8 1.56 14982.7 6.20 147767 98.5 224,7405 316221 31948,841 May 30 10676 70675.12 1.58 31797.8 7.36 211943 98.1 604.1582 38877.32 39481.478 June 1 30 11136 73720.32 1.34 27546.7 7.21 177076 98.6 413.2005 46173.62 46588.821 July 31 11754 77811.48 1.60 34814.6 7.38 174716 97.9 731.1045 42996.98 43728.085 August 31 13978 92534.36 1.89 36124.5 7.26 211018 97.7 830,8635 55409.86 57240.724 September 30 13496 89343.52 1.66 37672.1 8.56 260387 97.4 979.4746 51671A2 52650.895 October 25 11144 73773.28 1.20 29344.3 8.34 174378 97.3 792.2961 44428.98 45221.276 November 30 12300 81426 1.54 37184 8.47 189126 97.3 1003.988 44242 45245,968 December 31 14879 98498.98 150 33265.3 7.44 227206 98 665.306 65233.68 65898.985 Average 29.75 11984.08 79334.63 1.49 301142.93 7.46 203718.00 97.97 49135.99 Total 346 143809 952015.55 370115.1 2444616 731.42 81900.48 89631.9 Concrete Operation:OS-4 Accountable #Days G411ana McOH Lbs.Used Avg.GPM Sent Lbs.McOH to Total ions Monts Avg.% Total Gal. Monthly Avg. Emissions of Total lbs.Methanol in Water to Removal McOH from FugitiveOperated Used Used to WWTP WWTP WW WWTP Efficiency WWTP Emissions Emissions (OS-17) January 0 0.00 0 0 February 0 0.00 0 0 March 0 0.00 0 0 April 0 0.00 0 0 May 0 0.00 0 0 June 0 0.00 0 0 July 0 000 0 0 Au ust 0 0.00 0 0 September 0 0.00 0 0 October 0 0.00 0 0 November 0 0.00 0 0 December 0 0.00 0 0 Averacie #DIVl01 #DiV/01 0.00 #DIV/OI #DW/01 #DWI01 #DN101 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 2 of 2 EVG Operation:OS-9 I O .J 3 Accountable #Days Gallons McOH Lbs.MoOH Gallons Lbs. to Total L . Monts Operated Used Used to WWTP TP yywrp Emissions of Total Lbs.WTpLbs.MoOHTrom Fugitive W Emissions WTP Emissions (OS-17) January 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February 10 1954.0 12935,48 1014.92 12878.77 253.54 258.71 512.25 March 31 6953.0 46028.86 e813.94 45108.28 902.17 920.58 1822,74 April 16 3455.0 22872.1 3385.9 22414.e6 448.29 457,44 905.74 Mav 2 339.0 2244.18 332.22 2199.30 43.99 44.88 88.87 June 24 2757.0 18261.34 1 2701.86 17886.31 357.73 365.03 722.75 July 28 4283.0 28353.46 4197.34 27786.39 555.73 567.07 1122.80 August 31 4915.0 32537.3 4816.7 31886.55 637.73 650.75 1288.48 September 8 1330.0 8804.6 1303A 8628.51 172.57 176.09 346.08 October 0 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 November 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 0 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Average 18.50 3248,3 14335.81 2122.19 14048.90 286.71 567.69 Total 148 25986.0 172027.32 168586.77 3371.74 3440.55 6812.28 PNE Operation:OS-7 LAJ V�rp jChSS Accountable #Days Gallons MOON Lbs.MOOH Gallons McOH Lbs.MaOH to Emissions of Total Lbs. Total Lbs. Month Operated Used Used to WWTP VJVJTP MOOR from Fugitive Emissions WWTP Emissions OS-17 January 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.D0 0.00 February 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 April 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June 1 0 0 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 July 0 0 0.00 0.00 D00 0.00 August 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 September 0 0 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 October 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 November 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Avers #DIVI01 #5IVI01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals for All Methanol Operations Total Lbs.McOH Thru System: 3800520,00 lbs.Fugivtive Emissions from EVG: 3440.55 / Total Lbs. a Hate at 538701.87 Lbs.Fuglvtive Emissions from Reoowry: 581900.48 W WTP: Calculated Removal Efficiency 97.97 Lbs.Fugitive Emissions from Concha: 0.00 of WVVTP: Lbs.Accountable Emissions 593072.45 from W WTP OS-17: 11103.18 Total lbs.Fugitive Emissions: / Lbs.of Emissions from W WTP 7731.42 Total Lbs.McOH Released: 804175.80 During Recove Los.ofEmissions rom During 0 Total Lbs.MaOH Recycled On-She: 3261818.13 in Concrete Recovery-. ✓ Lbs,of Emissions from W WTP 3371.74 1st Aeration Chamber OS-17 LIDS.o m ss ons rom ac., Lab: Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Chloroform : OS-9 OS53 EvG Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 12.35 Monthly Inventory of Chloroform (pounds): Lbs. Beginning Recovered Chloroform Ending Infeed Product Month Inventory Received Max New Used Used Recovered Sent as Haz Total Used Inventory (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Waste January: 32406 32406 0.0 32406 February: 32406 32406 1965.0 2643.0 9094.0 -4486.0 36892 2284 1100 March: 36892 8100.0 44992 7977.0 7807.0 15784.0 29208 1735 1012 ADM: 1 29208 29208 1 3980.0 4194.0 1 8174.0 21034 2259 1320 —May: 21034 5400.0 26434 8426.0 365.0 8791.0 17643 3764 2178 June: 17643 17643 1448.0 5029.4 24009.0 -17531.6 35175 866 480 July: 35175 35175 12136.6 12136.6 23038 3862 2090 August: 23038 23038 14525.0 14525.0 8513 4124 2464 September: 8513 22146.0 30659 4155.0 4155.0 26504 October: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 November: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 December: 26504 26504 0.0 26504 Lbs.of chloroform used during the year: 41548 Lbs.of chloro.used by Misc.,CIA,and R&D: 1 Lbs.of chloro.used b EVG: 41548 CY2a1 Lbs.of EVG Infeed 20055 Lbs.EVG Produced: 10912 Lbs.of chloroform sent to hazardous waste: 0 Pounds of chloroform sent to VWYf: 0 5 V y s7 �a (yyeoQ en CY�/ 17 Pounds of chloroform emitted duringyear:OS-9 41548 •b �M4_< �oulQ n� 6«see°n � ✓P_gLA4c,&S L-;e- �f " s2� Ca�cv Qc ion •�{iu ''u Qo �hrA` •?� cz�Anw� ,115�r7ZI,. 14�5. C:\Users\connerbl\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory ass` '9f,n/J Facility lD#:0800044 f D✓ Ile 1�u/7111 Ethyl acetate : OS-6 OS-7 S-10 OS-28 Year: 2017 JSS/7 5FV Info: LbslGal= 7.50 0 S L/ SSG 62-6 1-) Monthly Inventory of Ethyl acetate(pounds): Ethyl acetate Used in SDA-35A Month Beginnina Inventory Bulk Drums Alcohol Total Beginning Beginning New Recovered Recovered Max Monthly Total Ending Ethyl acetate Month Beginning New Recovered Received New Used Used Disposed (Lbs) Used(Lbs.) Inventory Month Emitted(Lbs.) Inventory Inventory Inventory January: 5909 5909 8000.0 4402.00 13909 4402.0 9507 January: -40.60 February: 9507 9507 0 8000.0 2807.00 17507 2807.0 14700 February: 4.66 March: 14700 14700 0 3019.00 14700 3019.0 11681 March: 0.00 April: 11681 11681 0 3587.00 11681 3587.0 8094April: 0.00 May: 8094 8094 0 2804.00 8094 2804.0 5290 May: 0.00 June: 5290 5290 0 9600.0 3407.00 14890 3407.0 11483 June: 0.00 Jul : 11483 1 11483 1 0 1 1 2267.00 11483 1 226Z0 9216 1 July: 0.00 August 9216 9216 0 2313.00 9216 2313.0 6903 August 0.00 September. 8903 6903 0 1285.00 6903 1285.0 5618 September. 0.00 October: 5618 5618 0 2498.10 5618 2498.1 3120 October. 0.00 November. 3120 1 3120 1 0 1 4800.0 1 1351.00 7920 1351.0 6569 November: 0.31 December. 6569 1 6569 1 0 1 1 891.00 1 6569 891.0 5678 December. 0.00 2 tre 30(031 Ethyl acetate Emissions by Source ✓ Ethyl acetate Emitted Ethyl acetate to Total Ethyl acetate from SDA in Botanical Ethyl acetate Emitted from Ethyl acetate Emitted rom Ethyl acetate Emitted from Ethyl acetate Emitted Emitted from Botanical Extraction ! Month Extraction:OS-10 Biomass Extraction:OS-28 SDA in PNE: -7 PNE:OS-7 from SFG:OS-6OS-10 Botanical (Lbs) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs) Extraction:O 0 J (Lbs.) January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 4402.00 0.00 February: 4.66 0.00 0.00 2807.00 4.66 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3019.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3587.00 0.00 May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2804.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 3407.00 1.70 1.70 July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2267.00 1.13 1.13 August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2313.00 1.16 1.16 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 1285.00 0.64 0.64 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2498.10 1.25 1.25 November. 0.00 0.62 0.00 1351.00 0.88 0.88 December. 0.00 0.00 0.00 891.00 0.45 0.45 Average 0.39 . 5 0.00 #DIV10I 1.00 Total 1 4.56 0.62 0.00 0.00 30531.10 7.01 .66 p�tni >°m�s��ar 4tu.zalbs i�t r�e 2�PSb Y,8 8 �6S Annual Air Emissions Inventory 455�0 Facility ID#:0800044 Ethanol (200 proof) -OS-1 _0, OS-28 I ants Year: 2017 13QL A/Il(I Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.68 %SDA Ethyl acetate = 4.0 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol(gallons): Beginning Recovered New Inventory Recovered Max Recovered Ending Month Inventory Inventory New Received New Used Recovered Total Used Disposed (Total) (Beginning) (Beglning) Received (Lbs) Used Inventory January: 51 51 0 0 51 February: 51 51 0 0 0 51 March: 51 51 0 0 2 2 49 April: 49 49 0 0 0 49 Ma 49 49 0 0 9 9 40 June: 40 40 0 0 3 3 37 July: 37 37 0 0 0 37 August: 37 37 0 0 0 37 September: 37 37 0 0 0 37 October: 37 37 0 0 0 37 November: 37 37 0 0 0 37 December: 37 37 0 0 0 37 Total Gallons of Ethanol Used: 14 Total Lbs.Ethanol Used: 90.77957 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs.Ethanol sent to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 14 Total Lbs.sent to VWUT: 88,V&89746 Total Lbs.of Ethanol Emitted as VOC: 2 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Lbs.Ethyl Lbs.Ethanol 0 �,S/��•y�-� Month #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH to Acetate Emitted as Product Operated Product SDA Used Used Recovered WWTP Emitted as VOC VOC January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00D-- Ma : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 use��n - U July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Q,,�✓ August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/01 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Biomass Extraction Operation:OS-28 Lbs.Ethyl Lbs.Ethanol Month #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH Lbs.EtOH to Acetate Emitted as Product Operated Product SDA Used Used Recovered WWTP Emitted as VOC VOC January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ���P, May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 D July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fl" August: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1a /� -September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 / -� l November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 i f/Q 1 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/01 #D1V/01 #DIV/01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 C1LoN S1?� "4,"° �01 ,t..j..D r Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility IDs:08000" Ethanol-SDA-35A:OS-7&OS-10 05-18 OS-19 OS-27 OS412 INCLUDED WITH OS-10 Year. 2017 Info: LbWGsl= 6.87 %SDA Ethyl acetate= 4.54 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol Iaallonsl: Monthly Beoinnina Imentory Bulk Drums Total SDA Bulk SDA In Drums Total SDA SDA Ma:SDA on o Ethyl SDA SDA SDA in Drum SDA Ending SDA Used SDA Used SDA VOC Montle Beginning Beginning Beginning Received Transferred SDA Used Received Recovered In Recovered SDA Disposed Nano Inventory (gallons) (Lys.) T ILbe.I Acetate VOC Inventory Inventory Inventory Drums Used (Lbs) .) (Lbs.) January. 23077.0 14279.0 9598.0 497.0 665.0 7173.7 167449 30883 4509 .44714 .5 463.7 -40.6 February: 30882.1 14111.0 16771.7 9".0 2192.7 2390A 898.3 212164 29238 746 5127. .7 97.9 4.7 March: 29238.1 13167.0 16071A 200866 29238 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NI: 29238.1 13167.0 16071.1 2DD866 29238 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 May: 29228.1 13167.0 18071.1 6339.0 200866 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 June: 22899.1 13157.0 9732.1 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 July: 228".1 13167.0 9732.1 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Au ush 22899.7 13167.0 9732A 157317 22899 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 moor: 22899.1 13167.0 9732-1 157317 22699 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 October. 22899.1 13107.0 9732.1 6500.0 201972 29399 0 0.0 6.6 0.0 November: 29399.1 19067.0 9732.t 88000 6650.0 201972 29349 50 3415 8 8.8 0.3 December. 29349.1 13067.0 16282.1 201628 29349 0 0.0 10.0 00 D.0 Total I 997.0 0.0 8208.0 0.0 1 2192.7 1 16114.1 1 7237.3 1 2217049.E 1 321189.8 1 -5712A I a9244.1 1 .384592 1 -749.2 1 -35.6 Botanical Extrecti r1 O ration: '`10 03 T O Los.EtOH- Lbs.EtOH- Montl1 iDays Lbe.r oust Gallons EtOsed Lbs.EtOHUsed SDA SDA to VOC Ethyl Acetata Product Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used ecave d voc(Lbs.) VOC(Las.) Jame,- 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 February: 6 1493,80 3136.7 21549.13 16422.05 5024.54 102.5 4.7 Tobacco March: 000 GOD 0.0 0.0 AI: 0.00 0.00 00 0.0 mar, 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 June: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Jaly: 0.Do 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total SDA Ethanol Data August: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total Gallons of SDA Used: 10401.7 September. 0.00 0.00 OD 0.0 Total Los.SDA Used: 71459.8 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Total Ga0ow sent to W WT: 829.37 October. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November. 0.00 0.00 0.6 0.0 Total Lbs,sent W WWT: 5697.8 December. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 Total Lys.SDA Ethanol Emitted as VOCs: .3 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-10 102. Aver 6 1494 3137 1539 16422 359 Lite.PNE Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-7 Total 6 1484 3137 21549 i8422 wn 103 5 Lys.Biomass Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-29 13.74 PNE Operation:OSvl O51147 Las."'OH Lbs.EtOH- kAunust: s pen Ids.PNE Gallons Used Lea.E1DH- SDA SDA to VOC(L DA Ethyl Acetate Product Q SSdL Operatad Product SDA Usad SDA Used VOC(Lea.) VOC(Lbs.)Recovered P 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 February: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 � /9 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Om 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 DOD 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Se tuber. 0.00 0.00 October. 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November. ODO 0.00 0.0 0.0 December 0.00 0.00 O.0 0.0 Avers eDIVNI ODIVI01 0.00 WWI01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total MOTTO, 0.00 0.0 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility IOa:08000aa Ethanol-SDA-3A:OS-7&OS-10 OS-18.OS-19 OS-27 OS�12 INCLUDED WITH OS-10 r Year. ®7 Info: Lbs/Gal 6.87 %SDA Methanol= 5 Monthly Inventory of Ethanol("lions): Monthly Beamnina Inventory Bulk Drums Total SDA Bulk SDA in Drums SDA Max SDA on Total SDA SDINT EtOH-SDA MethanolSDA SDA SDA in DrumSDA Ending SDA Used SDA Used Monts Beginning Beginning Beginning Received Transferred SDA Used Received Recovered in Recovered SDA Disposed Hand Inventory (9wio ) (Lbs.) W WT VOC VOC(Lbs.) ( ) (Lbs.)Inventory Inventory Inventory Drums Used (Lbs) (Gal s. Janes . 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Fares . 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 March: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Aprfi: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 May: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 June: 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 1 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 JUI 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 1 29 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Au uet: 29.0 0.0 1 29.0 199 29 0.0 0.0 0.00 Se mbar. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 October. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 November. 29.0 0.0 29.0 199 29 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Decamber. 29.0 0.0 1 29.0 1 1 1 1 1 199 1 29 1 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 TotalI 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 2390.8 1 348.0 1 0.0 L 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Month 0 Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons EtOH- Lbs.EtOH- Lb EtOH- �AE�� EIONSDA Methanol VOC Product Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used Reeo A SDA to VOC(�') (Lbs.) January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 May; 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Juts: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 July: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total SDA Ethanol Data Au ust: I I I 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Gallons of SDA Used: 0.0 September. 0.00 1 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 I I Total La.SDA Used: NOOOO October. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Gallons sets to W WT: November. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.D0 Total Lbs.sent to W WT: December 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 Total Lbs.SDA Ethanol Emitted as VDUs: Avers MV101 9DIV/01 0=101 0.00 WIV10I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Ethanol Emitted as VOC:OS-10 Total 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L".PNE Etlunol Emitted as VOC:08-7 PNE Operation:OS-7 9 Days Lbs.PNE Gallons EtDH- Lbs.EtOH- Lbs.ROW Lbs.EIOH- EtOH-SDA Methanol VOC Monts Operated Product SDA Used SDA Used SDA SDA to VOC(Lbs.) (Lbs.) Product Recovered WWTP Janes . 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Febnn : 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 March: 0.00 0.0 0.0 April: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 May: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 June: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 July: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Aunust 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 Samember. 0.00 1 1 0.00 0.0 1 0.0 October: 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 November 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 December 0.D0 0.D0 0.0 0.0 Avers #DIV101 I iDN/01 I (XNPoI 1 0.00 1 SM101 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 Total 0 0.00 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Heptane : OS-6, OS-7, OS-10 Year: 20 7 Info: Lbs/Gal= 5.70 Month l Inventory of He tans Wallons: Beginning N36491 Recovered Disposed I Ending Month InventoryReceivedNew Used Used Recovered Sent off-She Haz Waste Inventory January: 24462 327.0 24135 February: 0 27105 1941.2 25164 March: 0 6420.0 -6420 April: 0 6402 5568.0 834 Ma : 0 6295 1966.0 4329 June: 0 6267 7559.0 -1292 Jul : 0 6249 -1309.0 7558 Au ust: 0 1 1 0 5813.0 1 -5813 September: 0 0 4608.0 -4608 October. 0 0 157.0 -157 November. 0 1 0 1 3973.0 1 1 -3973 December: 0 0 4678.0 -4678 SFG(M-131 Operation:OS-7 Gallons Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Lbs.SFG Gallons Lbs.Heptane , Gallons Heptane Heptane Month Operated Infeed Product Heptane Used ^n-Heptane Heptane Sentas Emitted as Used Recovered Hazardous VOC waste (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0.00 February: 0.0 0.00 March: 0.0 0.00 April: 0.0 0.00 May: 0.0 0.00 June: 0.0 0.00 July: 0.0 0.00 Au ust: 0.0 0.00 September. 0.0 0.00 October: 0.0 0.00 November: 0.0 0.00 December: 0.0 0.00 Averse #DNI01 #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DIV10I 0.0 Ill #DNI01 # IVI01 0.00 Total 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Gallons Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs. Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Sent Heptane n-Heptane Month Botanical Heptane %n-Heptane Heptane Emitted as Operated Used as Hazardous Emitted Product Used Recovered Waste VOC (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0 0.00 February: 0.0 0 0.00 March: 0.0 0 0.00 A NI: 0.0 0 0.00 Ma : 0.0 0 0.00 June: 0.0 0 0.00 Ju : 0.0 0 0.00 [December: u ust: 0.0 0 0.00 tember: 0.0 0 0.00 ctober: 0.0 0 0.00 vember: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 Avero a #DIVl01 #DN/01 #DIV10I 0.0 #DIV101 #DIVI01 #DN/01 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 SFG Operation:OS-8 Gallons Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Lbs.SFG Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Heptane Month Operated Inteed Product HUa�adns Used Von-Heptane Heptane Sent as Emitted as Recovered Hazardous VOC Waste (Lbs.) January: 31 133627 115694.0 327.0 1863.9 1863.90 February: 28 159709 138642.0 -1570.0 -8949 -8949.00 March: 31 164279 145525.0 6420.0 36594 36594.00 April: 27 135092 127902.0 5568.0 31737.6 1849.1 21197.73 May: 27 121792 126562.0 1966.0 11206.2 11206.20 June: 21 105690 100311.0 7659.0 43086.3 1729.8 33226.44 �� �• T July 31 139820 135827.0 -1309.0 -7461.3 77461.30 September.mber.. 27 105232 101466.0 4608.0 26265.6 26265.60 October: 27 132517 104411.0 157.0 894.9 2147.4 -11345.28 November: 24 87421 76257.0 3973.0 22646.1 22646.10 December: 20 30935 63250.0 4678.0 26664.6 26664.60 Averse 27 111921 3182.5 18140.25 #DIVI01 #DIVIOI 1908.767 Total 321 1447273 1343051I 38190.0 1 217683.00 1 1 0.0 1 5725.300 0 1 185043.09 YAP PNE M-13 O eration:O Gallons 7Emitted #Days Lbs.PNE Gallons Lbs.Heptane Gallons Heptane Sent Month Heptane %n-Heptane Heptane Process Operated Product Used Used Recovered as Hazardous Waste January: 0.0 0.0 February: 6 Tobacco 3511.2 20014.0 20014.0 Tobacco March: 0.0 0.0 A rll: 0.0 0.0 May: 0.0 0.0 June: 0.0 0.0 July: 0.0 0.0 Au ust: 0.0 0.0 Se tember: 0.0 0.0 October: 0.0 0.0 November: 0.0 0.0 December: 0.0 0.0 Averse 6 #DIV101 3511.2 1667.8 #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DIVIOI Total 6 0 3511.2 20014.0 0.0 1 0.0 20014.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Isobutyl acetate: C = -10 ��� Year: 2017 vU C f77 12Xt;�_,no rek�v'. Info: Lbs/Gal = 7.22 Monthly Inventory of Isobutyl acetate (gallons): Beginning Max Used Ending Month Inventory Received (Lbs) New Used Recovered Recovered Inventory Used January: 814 5877 388 426 February: 426 3074 426 March: 426 3074 426 April: 426 3074 1 426 May: 426 3074 29 397 June: 397 2864 397 July: 397 1330 12464 1726 August: 1726 12464 1726 September: 1726 12464 1568 1 158 October: 158 1140 158 November: 158 1140 158 December: 1 158 1140 1 158 Gallons of IBAC used during the year (OS-7): 19BE Lbs. Of IBAC used during the year P OS-7): 14337 �C Gallons of IBAC used during the ye (OS-10): sea Lbs. Of IBAC used during the year @ (OS-10): 0 Lbs. of IBAC used by Misc., CIA, and R&D: Lbs. of IBAC sent to hazardous-waste: 2080 Lbs. of IBAC sent to Lbs. of IBAC emitted during year: 12257 Page 1 cf 5 Annual Air ua Emissions Inventory Facility IN.0800044 Hexane OS-4,OS-5, OS-6, OS-10,OS-28, OS-29 OS-13,05-14,OS-15.OS-16.OS-20.OS-21,OS-22,OS-23.OS-32 ALL INCLUDED WITH OS4 OS-18,OS-19 INCLUDED WITH OS•10:OS-30 INCLUDED WITH OS-28 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.50 Monthly Inventory of SDE-1 LP Hexane-</=40%n-Hexane(gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Inventoryb Used Ending Inventory January: 10949 7196 99248 1719 16326 February: 16326 7112 128909 3873 19565 March: 19565 107608 3911 15654 April: 15654 86097 15654 May: 15654 86097 15654 June: 15654 86097 15654 July: 15654 86097 15654 Au ust: 15654 86097 15654 Se tembar: 15654 86097 15654 October: 15654 86097 1 1 15654 November: 1 15654 1 86097 1 1 15654 December: 1 15654 1 1 86097 1 1 15654 Month( Invento of DE-2 LP Hexane-<l= ri a ane allons: Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory January: 0 0 February: 0 16422 90321 16422 March: 16422 90321 16422 April: 16422 3000 1D6821 2353 17069 may: 17069 93880 2511 14558 June: 14558 3490 99264 2708 15340 Jul : 15340 35M 103620 2383 16457 August: 16457 90514 2109 14348 1mr: 148 4185 101932 22382589 21392 2t32 17656 19064 November: 1 19064 1 3579 124537 1 1619 21024 December: 1 21024 1 115632 1 1056 19M Monthly Inventory of HP Hexane-</-95%n-Hexane(gallons(: Month Be ginning Recelved Max(Lbs Used Ending Inventory January: 5866 32263 5866 February: 5866 32263 5866 March: 5866 32263 5866 April: 5866 32263 5866 May: 5866 32263 5866 June: 5866 32263 5866 July; 5866 32263 5866 Au ust: 5866 32263 5866 September: 5866 32263 5866 October: 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 November: 1 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 December: 1 5866 1 1 32263 1 1 5866 Monthly Inventory of IsoHexane-</=5%n-Hexane(oallor l: r Month B ventory Received Mb; Used Ending Inventory January: 44686 21436 363671 16230 49892 February: 49892 20318 386155 17625 52585 March: 52585 20988 404652 18667 54906 April: 54906 13617 376877 12002 56521 May: 56521 26834 458453 27142 56213 June: 56213 20674 422879 11568 65319 July: 65319 20515 472087 26039 59795 August: 59795 35011 521450 32763 82048 Se tember: 82046 31043 511990 33113 59976 October, 59976 20876 444686 29812 51040 November: 51040 1 44710 1 526625 28498 1 67252 December: 67252 1 27559 521461 23683 71128 Page 2 of 5 Monthly Emissions of IsoHexane from Biomass Boilers ILbs.): Percent n-Hexane: 1.206 Month Material Emissions Hexane Emitted n-Hexane Hexane Isomers Burned Factor Lbs. Emitted Lbs. Emitted Lbs. January: 0.00 0.00 February: 0.00 0.00 March: 0.00 0.00 April: 0.00 0.00 May: 0.00 0.00 June: 0.00 0.00 July: 0.00 0.00 Au ust: 0.00 0.00 Se tember. 0.00 0.00 October: 0.00 0.00 November: 0.00 0.00 December: 0.00 0.00 Averse #DIV/0! #DIV101 0.00 0.00 Toral 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Hexane Values Gallons of LP Hexane Usad: 9503.00 Gallons of N-Hexane Used: 12278.68 Gallons of HP Hexane Used: 0.00 Lbs.of N-Hexane Used: 67532.76 Gallons of IsoHexane Used: 1 277142.00 1 Gallons of Hexane Isomers Used: 276306.74 Total Gallons of Hexanes Used: 1 286645.00 1 Lbs.of Hexane Isomers Used: 1 1519687.06 Total Lbs.of HexanescUsed: 1 15716-547.5 Sclareolide(SDE-1)Operation:OS-5 v, Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly E Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane #Days Lbs.SD Hexane EHexane Month Lbs.SDE Product Lbs Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sant Isomers Operated Infeed Used Hazard. 00 us Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 30 83155.6 64636.0 1719 9454.5 37 120.00 8794.5 3253.97 5540.5 February: 27 66801.8 49088.6 3873 21301.5 37.3 220.00 20091.5 7494.13 12597.4 March: 18 43324.7 30065.0 3911 21510.5 37.2 110.00 20905.5 7776.85 13128.7 April: 0 0.0 160.00 -880.0 0.00 -880.0 Ma : 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 June: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 July: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 August: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 September: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 October: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 November: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 December: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 Avere a 25 84427 47936.5 791.9 4356.6 37.167 152.500 4076.968 1543.745 2532.21 Total 75 28 . 143809.6 9503 52266.5 610.000 48911.600 18524.941 30386.56 Y� 0-55 Sclareolide DE-2 O oration: Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly Hexane Hexane #Days Lbs.SIDE Gallons Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Month Operated Infeed Lbs.SDE Product Used Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Emitted Emitted Isomers Hazardous Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 February: 6 22750.6 15950 0 0.0 37.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 March: 11 40135.3 28512.0 0 0.0 37.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 April: 27 117375.7 90208.8 2353 12941S 37.2 14.50 12861.8 4784.57 8077.2 Ma : 27 105726.2 1 83466.2 2511 13810.5 37.2 110.00 13205.5 4912.45 8293.1 June: 27 108012.2 84262.1 2708 14894.0 37.48 109.10 14294.0 5357.37 8936.8 July: 23 76057.8 61072.0 2383 13106.5 37.7 110.00 12501.5 4713.07 7788.4 Au ust: 24 106999.1 83615.4 2109 11599.5 38.2 80.00 11159.5 4262.93 6896.6 September: 19 71958.0 56966.8 .2859 -15724.5 38.9 -15724.6 -6116.83 -9607.7 October: 27 104207.5 85602.0 2328 12804.0 39 10.90 12744.1 4970.18 7773.9 November: 22 76458.1 59620.0 1619 8904.5 38.76 8904.5 3451.38 5453.1 December: 12 42975.6 35022.8 1056 5808.0 38.7 7.30 5767.9 2232.16 3535.7 Avero a 20 62210.7 1194.0 6512.0 37.958 63.114 6309.508 2380.606 3928.90 Total 225 72656.1 684318.1 1420 7781".0 441.800 75714.100 28567.276 47146.82 Page 3 of 5 Sclareol Recrvstallizatlon(SFGI Operation:05-6 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.SFG Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Lbs.SFG Product Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Somas Isomers Operated Infeed Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) January: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 February: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 March: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 April: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 May: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 June: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 July: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 August: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 September: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 October: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 November: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 December: 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DNI01 #DIV101 #DIVI01 0.0 #DIV101 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rotocel&Recovery Operations:OS-4 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Sage Lbs.Sage Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Processed Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Isomers Operated (INFEED) Product Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Was (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Lbs. January: 31 13950000.0 102789.0 16230 89265.0 1.63 89265.0 1455.0 87810.0 February: 28 12600000.0 95128.0 17625 96937.5 2.15 96937.5 2084.2 94853.3 March: 31 13950000.0 105938.0 18667 102668.5 1.42 29.10 102508.5 1455.6 101052.8 April: 17 7650000.0 54802.0 12002 66011.0 1.02 758.90 61837.1 630.7 61206.3 May: 30 13500000.0 91368.0 27142 149281.0 0.82 29.10 149121.0 1222.8 147898.2 June: 30 16194840.0 98982.0 11568 63624.0 0.63 63624.0 400.8 63223.2 July: 31 13950000.0 100624.0 26039 143214.5 0.44 143214.5 630.1 142584.4 August: 31 13950000.0 99546.0 32763 180196.5 1.27 180196.5 2288.5 177908.0 September: 30 13500000.0 120649.0 33113 182121.5 2.13 182121.5 3879.2 178242.3 October: 25 11250000.0 77926.0 29812 163966.0 1.48 163966.0 2426.7 161539.3 November: 30 13500000.0 87937.0 29498 156739.0 0.83 156739.0 1300.9 155438.1 December: 31 13950000.0 95739.0 23683 130256.5 0.65 130256.5 94&7 129409.8 Average 29 1 070- 94285.7 23095 1 1.206 272.37 126648.9 1551.8 125097.1 Total 345 157944840 1131428.0 L 277142 524281 817.10 1519787.0 18621.3 1501165.7 Lbs.Hex per day exiting Mineral t/IQIfT Accountable Lbs. m tied of Hexane �I �� Oil Scrubber 158.7 215413.70 (Average from MO Tests): Lbs.of Hex exiting MO Unit: J/ 54773.58 ,}O) t Accountable Lbs.of N-Hex Emitted: 2597.53 y ✓"�� Accountable Lbs.of Hexaner,5(b/�o-Q y�7S,�/bs Lbs.of N-Hex exiting MO Unit: 660.48 212816.17 Isomers Lost: Lbs.of Hex Isomers exiling MO 54113.10 '� Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Emitted: 1304373.25 130 4L'J 3.Z /� Unit: C.. p�t l b5 Lbs.Hexane per Lbs.of Spent 4 1 : 0.000930 Fugitive Lbs.n-Hexane Emitted: 15728.57 Sage(from Desolvitizer tests Lbs.Hexane in Spent Sage: 148888.70 ugitve s.Emitted: somers Emittetl: 1288644 68 L 666 1 G _rub Lbs.N-Hexane in Spent Sage: 1771.23 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 1 Hexane Emitted: 1519786.95 I..S• Lbs.Hexane per Day from A-1 0000815 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 18326.10 Vent Cond. . N-Hex Emitted: lbs.Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.281 Accountable and Fugitied:ve Lbs.Hex Isomers E mitt 1501460.85 Lbs.N-Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.003391 Gallons Water sent to W WT: 11777271 Lbs.Waste Water per Gal.Waste 8.34 Wt%of Hexane In Waste Water: 0.-0�14 �52'1 Z$1 �b S 'AS2 Z199$7. lb G L�f a b Lbs.Hexane Lost in Waste Water: 13751 4 J�oy293. Z �,S/lo/It/ PrfcY 61�4LAQ^oJ Lbs.N-Hexane Lost In Waste 165.82 Water: �Cco L-r)4'jJC t l Y 6 a8 -2 (6s Att-rwv in sPurr/ suglc S�f7�2,Z las , ><ack y378.9 /bs l �► "'�s 4 /37S'/, &'S./CvtvX V= Z199��. o /b3 4ccoun�cfbl� 158, 7L /GJs `IQYp..e %/ Fwrn Mo5 ( 3`f5 --9, 722,2 16S f� S�4ck /vCGoW� lub�fS S1G {/mJ�Sb�s 5/X"� s(�2 kW (" NA Page 4 of 5 Concrete Operations:OS-4 Gallons Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Concrete Lbs.Concrete Gallons Hexane Hexane Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Month Operated Infeed Product Used Lbs.Hexane Used %n-Hexane Sent as Emitted Emitted Isomers Hazardous (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Emitted Was January: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 February: 0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 March: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 April: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0- May: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 June: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul : 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Au ust: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 So tember: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 October. 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 November: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 December: 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Average #DIV101 #DIVI01 #DNI01 #DIVI01 0.0 0.000 #DIVI01 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lbs.Hexane per Day from A-1 0.000815 Accountable Lbs.of Haxane Lost: 0.00 Vent Cond. Da A-1 Operated: 0 Accountable Lbs.of N-Hex Lost: 0.00 Lbs.Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.000 Accountable Lbs.of Hexane 0.00 Isomers Lost: Lbs.N-Hex Exiting A-1 Vent: 0.000000 Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Lost: 0.00 Gallons sent to W WT: Fugitive Lbs.n-Hexane Lost: 0.00 Lbs.Waste Water per Gal.Waste 8.34 Fugitve Lbs.Hexane Isomers Lost: 0.00 Water: Wt%of Hexane in Waste Water: 0.014 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 0.00 Hexane Emitted: Lbs.Hexane Lost in Waste Water: 0.00 Accountable and Fugitive Lbs. 0.00 N-Hex Emitted: Lbs.N-Hexane Lost in Waste Accountable and Fugitive Lbs.Hex Water: 0'� Isomers Emitted: 0'� Biomass Extraction Operation:OS-28 Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Monthly #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons Hexane Lbs.Hexane Sant as Hexane n-Hexane Hexane Monts Operated Product Used Used %n-Hexane Hazardous Emitted Emitted Isomers Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) h.January: 0 0.00 0.0 0 February: 0 0.00 0.0 0 March: 0 0.00 0.0 0 April: 0 0.00 0.0 0 May: 0 0.00 0.0 0 June: 0 0.00 0.0 0 July: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Au oust: 0 0.00 0.0 0 September: 0 0.00 0.0 0 October: 0 0.00 0.0 0 November: 0 0.00 0.0 0 December: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Avera a #DIVl01 #DIV101 #DIV10I 0.00 0.000 #DIV101 0.00 0.00 0.00 rota) 0 0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.8 Page 5 of 5 Botanical Extraction Operation:03-10 Monthly Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Hexane Month #Days Lbs.Biomass Gallons Hexane Lbs.Hazen %n-Hexane Sant as Hexane n-Hexane Isomers Operated Product Used Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Janua : 0 0.00 0.0 0 Februa : 0 0.00 0.0 0 March: 0 0.00 0.0 0 April: 0 0.00 0.0 0 Ma 0M0.0MG0 #DlVI0l 0.00 0.0 0 June: 00.00 0.0 0 Jul : 00.00 0.0 0 Au ust: 00.00 0.0 0 September: 00.00 0.0 0 October: 00.00 0.0 0 November: 00.00 0.0 0 December: 00.00 0.0 0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DIV101 #DN101 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0 0 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.0 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 Plant Nutrient Extraction IM-131 Operation OS-29 Monthly Gallons Hexane Monthly Monthly Hexane Month #Days Lbs.PNE Gallons HexaneFLbs�.Hexane %n-Hexane Sent as Hexane n•Haxane Isomers Operated Product Used Used Hazardous Emitted Emitted Emitted Waste (Lbs.) (Lbe.) Janua : 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 February: 0.0 0 i 0.00 0.0 March: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 A ril: 0.0 0.65 247.3 -3.575 -0.02 -3.6 Ma : 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 June: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 July: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 August" 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 September: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 October: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 November: 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 December: 1 0.0 10 0.00 0.0 Avers a #DIVI01 #DIVI01 #DNI01 0.0 0.85 247.3 -0.208 0.00 -0.30 Total 0 0 0 0.0 247.3 •3.575 -0.02 •3.55 Totals for All Operations Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Emitted: 1428995.27 Total Lbs.Hexane Released: 1644408.98 Fugitive Lbs.N.Hexane Emitted: 62820.76 Total Lbs.n-Hexane Released: 65418.29 Fugitive Lbs.Hexane Isomers 1366174.51 Total Lbs.Hex Isomers Released: 1578990.68 Emitted: Accountable Lbs.Hexane Lost: 215413.70 Total Lbs.Hexane Sent OH Site: 11639.10 Accountable Lbs.n-Hexane Lost: 2597.53 Total lbs.N-Hexane Sent Off Site: 405.88 Accountable s.Hex isomers 21281617 Totals. ex somers en 11233.22 Lost: ite: Annual Summary Maximum n-Hexane On-Hand Total Hexane Total Total N-Hexane Month n-Hexane (Lbs.) (Gallons) Gallons Janus 72084 6854 37696.2 Februa 94438 14537 79955.2 March: 92848 12712 69915.7 April: 95110 6926 38094.0 Ma : 92291 5877 32320.9 WNovember 102179 6161 33885.2 97772 8467 35570.E 97914 6269 34479.1 102888 9599 52794.4 91624 8190 45046.9 10979E 8707 47559.0 112818 8190 45044.7 Max Hexane I Max N-Hexane Max N•Hexane Maximum Hexane On-Hand Gel. al. Lbs. 112616 14537 79955 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Butanol: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = 6.76 Monthly Inventory of Butanol (gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Gallons of Butanol used during the year: 0 Lbs. Of Butanol used during the year: Lbs. of Butanol used by Misc., QA, and R&D: Lbs. of Butanol sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of Butanol sent to wwt: Lbs. of Butanol emitted during year: 0 C:\Users\connerb1\Desktop\2017 AAE Calc Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Calcium hydroxide Year: 2017 Common Name : Lime Monthly Inventory of Calcium hydroxide (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 163.0 163.0 163.0 February: 163.0 163.0 163.0 March: 163.0 163.0 163.0 April: 163.0 163.0 163.0 May: 163.0 163.0 163.0 June: 163.0 163.0 163.0 July: 163.0 163.0 163.0 August: 163.0 163.0 163.0 S tember: 163.0 163.0 163.0 October: 163.0 163.0 163.0 November: 163.0 163.0 163.0 December: 163.0 163.0 163.0 Lbs. Of Lime used during the year: 0.00 Lbs.IHr. of Lime Uploaded (design): 33000 Operation Time (hours): Lbs/Hr of Lime Emitted (design): 0.135 Lbs/Year of Lime Emitted: 0.000 Tons/Year of Lime Emitted: 0.000 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Hydrochloric Acid : OS-7 Year: Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Hydrochloric Acid (Ibs): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Diethvlamine : OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 5.90 Used for Nicotine Extraction in Botanical Extraction Process Monthly Inventory of Diethvlamine(gallons): EDA Month Beginning Received Max Used Used Gal.to Lbs.to Lbs. Ending Inventory (Gals.) (Lbs) (Gals.) (Lbs.) WWTP WWTP EmVOC itted as Inventory January: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 February: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 March: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 April: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 may: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 June: 890 5251 0 0 0 1 0 890 July: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 August: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 September: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 October: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 November: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 December: 890 5251 0 0 0 0 890 Total Gallons of Dieth lamine Used: 0 Total Lbs.Dieth lamine Used: 0 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs.Dieth lamine set to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs.sent to WWT: 0.0 Total Lbs.Dieth lamine Emitted:OS-10 0.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Isopropyl acetate: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Isopropyl acetate (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 1 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Lbs. of IPAC used during the year @ PNE (OS-7): 0 Lbs. of IPAC used during the year @ (OS-10): Lbs. of IPAC used by Misc., CIA, and R&D: Lbs. of IPAC sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of IPAC sent to wwt: Lbs. of IPAC emitted during year: 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Ethylenediamine : OS-31 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = 7.50 All ethylenediamine is contained and shipped off-site with the product. Monthly Inventory of Ethylenediamine (gallons): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 424 3180 424 February: 424 3180 424 March: 424 3180 424 April: 424 3180 424 May: 424 3180 424 June: 424 3180 424 July: 424 3180 424 August: 424 3180 424 September: 424 3180 424 October: 424 3180 424 November: 424 1 3180 424 December: 424 1 3180 424 Total Gallons of Ethylenediamine Used: 0 Total Lbs. Ethylenediamine Used: 0 Gallons sent to Hazardous Waste: Lbs. Ethylenediamine set to Hazardous Waste: 0 Total Gallons sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs. sent to WWT: 0 Total Lbs. Ethylenediamine Emitted: OS-31 0 Ethyl Gallons to Ethanol Acetate WWi VOC(Lbs.) VOC Lbs. 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 2 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 s 1.2 0.0 3 0.3 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 n-Butylacetate: OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 7.35 Monthly Inventory of n-Butyl acetate(gallons): Beginning Max Used Ending Month InventoryReceived Lbs New Used Recovered Used Recovered Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 Au ust: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Gallons of NBAC used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Lbs.Of NBAC used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Gallons of NBAC used during the year OS-10: Lbs.Of NBAC used during the year OS-10 : 0 Lbs.of NBAC used by Misc.,QA,and R&D: Lbs.of NBAC sent to hazardous waste: 1020 Lbs.of NBAC sent to wwt: Lbs.of NBAC emitted during year: -1020 r Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Pentanone: OS-7, OS-10 Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 6.01 Monthly Inventory of Pentanone(gallons): Beginning Max Used Month InventoryReceived Lbs New Used Recovered Used Recovered Janua : 0 0 February: 0 0 March: 0 0 April: 0 0 May: 0 0 June: 0 0 July: 0 0 Au ust: 1 0 1 1 0 September: 0 0 October: 0 0 November: 0 0 December: 1 0 0 Gallons of Pentanone used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Lbs.Of Pentanone used during the year @ PNE(OS-7): 0 Gallons of Pentanone used during the year @(OS-10): Lbs.Of Pentanone used during the year OS-10 : 0 Lbs.of Pentanone used by Misc.,CIA,and R&D: Lbs.of Pentanone sent to hazardous waste: Lbs.of Pentanone sent to wwt: Lbs.of Pentanone emitted during year: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AJOJUGAUIPU3 pest 6ipu3 I Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Maganese Year: 2017 Info: Potassium permanganate contains 33-35% Manganese. Monthly In entory of Potassium Perman anate (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Max Lbs. Potassium Permanganate on Hand: 0 Lbs. of Potassium Permanganate used during the year: 0 Max Lbs. Maganese on Hand: 0 Lbs. of Maganese used: 0 Percentage Maganese sent On-Site: 100 Percentage Maganese sent Off-Site: 0 Lbs. Maganese Shipped On-Site: 0 Lbs. Maganese Shipped Off-Site: 0 1 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Sulfur dioxide Year: 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal = Monthly Inventory of Sulfur dioxide (pounds): Month Beginning Received Max Used Ending Inventory Lbs Inventory January: 0 0 0 February: 0 0 0 March: 0 0 0 April: 0 0 0 May: 0 0 0 June: 0 0 0 July: 0 0 0 August: 0 0 0 September: 0 0 0 October: 0 0 0 November: 0 0 0 December: 0 0 0 Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide used during the year: 0 Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide used by Misc., QA, and R&D: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide sent to hazardous waste: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide sent to wwt: Lbs. of Sulfur dioxide emitted during year: 0 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#:0800044 Toluene Year. 2017 Info: Lbs/Gal= 7.23 Monthly Inventory of Toluene l0allonsl: Beginning Max Recovered In Product Total Used Ending Month Invento Received Lbs In Process Inventory January: 1531 11069 0 1531 February: 1531 11069 0 1531 March: 1531 11069 0 1531 April: 1531 11069 0 1531 May: 1531 11069 0 1531 June: 1531 11069 0 1531 Ju : 1531 11069 0 1531 Au ust 1531 11069 0 1 1531 September. 1531 11069 0 1531 October: 1531 11069 0 1531 November: 1531 11069 0 1531 December: 1531 11069 0 1531 November: 1531 11069 0 1531 December: 1531 11069 0 1531 Total 0 0 0 0 0 21434 Botanical Extraction Operation:OS-10 Lbs.Toluene Lbs.per Day Lbs.Per Hour #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Month Emitted as Toluene Toluene Operated Product Toluene Used Used Recovered In Product VOC Emitted Emitted January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIV/OI March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVl01 April: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/O! KNovemWr: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVl01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIO! 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DNI01 #DNI01 #DIVI01 0.00 #DIV/01 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DNI01 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI PNE Operation:OS-7 Lbs.Toluene Lbs.per Day Lbs.Per Hour #Days Lbs.Botanical Gallons Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Lbs.Toluene Month Operated Product Toluene Used Used Recovered in Product Emitted as Toluene Toluene YOC Emitted Emitted January: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIV/01 February: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVI01 March: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/O! April; 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/O! May: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/01 June: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIVI01 July: 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Au ust: 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 September: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/Ol #DIVI01 October: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIOI #DIV/01 November: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #0IV/01 #DIV/01 December: 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Average #DN/01 #DIVIOI #DIVIOI 0.00 #DIVIOI 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 #DIVI01 Total 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVI01 I #DIVI01 Gallons of Toluene used during the year: 0.00 Lbs.of Toluene used during the ear: 0.00 Lbs.Botanical Extraction Toluene Emitted:05-10 0.00 Lbs.PNE Toluene Emitted:OS-7 0.00 Lbs.of Toluene sent to hazardous waste: Total Fu hive Lbs.Toluene Emitted: 0.00 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Facility ID#: 0800044 Plant Material Grinder : OS-3 Year: 2017 The Plant Material Grinder (OS-3) is operated in building ID # 1003-4. The grinder has a filter which captures 99 + % of all particulates. There are no solvents, HAP/TAPS, or VOC associated with the grinder's operation. Essentially there are no emissions associated with the plant material grinder. I ton Bets Hudd es y From: DENR.DAQ.Emission_Inventory_UG@Iists.ncmai1.net Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 4:16 PM Subject: Inventory submission confirmation -- 0800044 Dear Brian Conner Your submittal of the 2017 emission inventory for Avoca, Inc., 0800044, has been received by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) on April 24, 2018 at 16:15:09. You have until the due date of the emission inventory or two weeks from this submittal to review and repudiate the data submitted. Please remember to: - print the Certification Form (see AERO Closeout page), - have the Responsible Official sign it in blue ink, - include copies of spreadsheets or calculations used in creating this inventory, and - mail (postmark) it to NCDAQ, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 by the required due date in order for this submittal to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Betsy Huddleston, in the Washington Regional Office, at252-946-6481. The Division of Air Quality thanks you for using AERO, the on line emissions inventory program. Sincerely DAQ 1 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region :WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Keith Silverman This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition.40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1. For a corporation: a president, secretary,treasurer,or vice—president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i.the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars);or ii.the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2. For partnership or sole propietorship; a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. for a muncipality, state, federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g., a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT7 (IM12ortant* Legally Reaponsible Official,read and sign after all allbmissions are fiaW certify that I am the responsible official for this facility, as described above, and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report,including attached calculations and documentation, is true,accurate and complete. (Subject to legal enalities of up to$25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Si afar o use blue ink): Date Signed: Printed Name: Keithif Signature: This form applies to itle V facilities. If this facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. KSilverman@ashland.com E r F, n/I Email address of Responsible Official: MAY 2'118 Information on this Form cannot be held confident al _ p COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 1 l COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO Listing of Emission Sources and Control Devices on Permit. See instructions DES ID on Air DES Description #CS ID GCS Description CD ID's Permit one condenser(ID No. C-3001 One centrifuge [PSD] CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. C-3002 One centrifuge [PSD] CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer C-31203 One centrifuge [MACT FFFF] C-4001 One centrifuge [PSD, MACT FFFF] One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-1201 One steam—heated dryer flavorant process), One [MACT FFFF] CS-7 (1)caustic solution fume CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process) one(1)jet ejector One steam—heated dryer venturi—type wet D-1202 with condenser[MACT CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 FFFF] injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-1215 One reactor[MACT CS-7 flavorant process),One CD—Z-9215, CD—Z-9216 FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) D-1218 One reactor[MACT CS-7 One(1)water spray CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 FFFF] fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process),One (1)caustic solution fume 2 scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorant process) One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch D-2202 One reactor[MACT CS-7 flavorant process),One CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) One steam—heated dryer one condenser(ID No. D-3001 equipped with a chilled CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 water process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3002) [PSDJ heat exchanger/dryer One steam—heated dryer one condenser(ID No. D-3002 equipped with a chilled CS-11 CD-3001) installed on CD-3001 water process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3006) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One dryer with process D-4001 condenser(EX-4004) [PSD,MACT FFFF] One waste solids D31211 separator vessel(1,333 gallon capacity) [MACT FFFF] D31214 One product extract reactor[MACT FFFF] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E101 (587 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E102 (760 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E103.17A (603 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency generator E 104 (401 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] ES-1001-1-1—F Process equipment leaks CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] Condenser,Packed Tower Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing 3 Ili quid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Arcon process tank M-1 Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P1 [PSD,CAM,MACT CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Stripper T-5 and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P2 receiver M-21 [PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 CAM,MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Seven process tanks of Chilled Water—Cooled various capacities and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—P3 one fixed roof methanol CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 storage tank(7,050 mineral oil scrubbing gallon capacity) [PSD, liquid injection rate), MACT FFFF Chilled Water—Cooled Recovery Operations Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-1—WW wastewater stream[PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Process equipment leaks Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—F [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Six process tanks of Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—P various capacities [PSD, CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Concrete Operations Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-1-2—WW wastewater stream CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 [MALT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), one(1)jet ejector venturi—type wet ES-1001-1-3—Filters Filters [MACT FFFF] CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. ES-1001-1-3—P Eleven(11)process CS-1 one(1)jet ejector CD—M-34 tanks of various venturi—type wet capacities: Hexane scrubber(10 GPM storage tank(M-2) injection rate,ID No. Process tank(M-4)with M-34) Sclareolide Ops. chilled water process condenser(T-6)Process tank(M-4A)with chilled water process condenser(T-6A) 4 Receiver tank(M-39) for M-4/T-6 Process tank(M-44)with two chilled water process condensers(T-13 and T-15)Receiver tank (M-16)for T-13 and T-15 Crystallizer tank (M-15)Tank for cooled hexane for centrifuge (M-11)Receiver tank for dryer condenser (TK-1210)Process tank (M-17)Process tank (M-17A) [MACT FFFF] one(1)jet ejector SDE-1 wastewater venturi—type wet ES-1001-1-3—WW CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 stream[MACT FFFF] injection rate,ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. Chilled Water—Cooled ES-1001-11—F Process equipment leaks CS-16 Condenser,Liquid CD-100111EX1002,CD-1001I IEX1003 [PSD,MACT FFFF] Nitrogen—Cooled Condenser, Immersion extractor Z-1001,desolventizer Z-1002,day tank 90024 (6,000 gallon capacity), first—stage evaporator Chilled Water—Cooled ES-1001-11—P EX-1012,second—stage CS-16 Condenser,Liquid CD-1001 I 1EX1002,CD-1001I IEX1003 evaporator EX—1013, Nitrogen—Cooled distillation column Condenser, EX-90008, and nine process tanks of various capacities [PSD,CAM, MACT FFFF] Botanical extraction Chilled Water—Cooled operation wastewater Condenser,Liquid ES-1001-11—WW stream [PSD,MACT CS-16 Nitrogen—Cooled CD-100111EX1002,CD-100111EX1003 FFFF] Condenser, Chilled Water—Cooled Process equipment leaks Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-2-1—F CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Rotocel extractor, Chilled Water—Cooled desolventizer,and Condenser,Packed Tower ES-1001-2-1—P1 solvent CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 separation/recovery [PSD,CAM, MACT mineral oil scrubbing FFFF] liquid injection rate), ES-1001-2-1—WW IRotocel Operations CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD—1001-2-5-1 wastewater stream [PSD, Condenser,Packed Tower 5 MACT FFFF] Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), one(1)jet ejector SDE-1 process venturi—type wet ES-1001-3—F equipment leaks [MACT CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 FFFF] injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. one condenser(ID No. ES-1003-10—F Process equipment leaks CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 [PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. ES-1003-10—WW SFG Process wastewater CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 stream[PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer ES-1003-2-1—F Process equipment leaks [MACT FFFF Seven process tanks of ES-1003-2-1—P various capacities [MACT FFFF] ES-1003-2-1—WW PNE process wastewater stream[MACT FFFF] One(1)water spray fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch Process equipment leaks flavorant process),One ES-1003-2-2—F CS-7 CD—Z-9215,CD—Z-9216 [MACT FFFF] (1)caustic solution fume scrubber used in the EVG Operation(batch flavorantprocess) one(1)jet ejector EVG Operation venturi—type wet ES-1003-2-2—WW wastewater stream CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 [MACT FFFF] injection rate,ID No. M-34) Sclareolide Ops. Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-1 Biomass extraction CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1004-2EX1002,CD—1004-2EX1003 debagging [PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-2—F Process equipment leaks CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1 004-2EX 1002,CD—1 004-2EX 1003 [PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) ES-1004-2—P Immersion extractor CS-21 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-1004-2EX1002,CD-1004-2EX1003 Z-41001,desolventizer Condenser,Liquid Z-41002,day tank Nitrogen—Cooled 490025 (9,953 gallon Condenser, 6 capacity), storage tank (CD 1004-2EX1002 and 490024(13,536 gallon 1003) capacity),first stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013,distillation column EX-490008, and nine process tanks of various capacities[PSD, CAM] Chilled Water—Cooled Biomass extraction Condenser,Liquid ES-1004-2—WW operation wastewater CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD-1004-2EX1002,CD-1004-2EX1003 stream[PSD] Condenser, (CD1004-2EX1002 and 1003) ES-1004-2Silo Biomass silo loadout CS-23 Bagfilter(254 square CD—1004-2—FF2 feet of filter area), SDE-2 process ES-4000—F equipment leaks [PSD, MACT FFFF] SDE-2 process ES-4000—WW wastewater stream[PSD, MACT FFFF] One biomass/bio—based one simple cyclone solids—fired boiler(24 (144 inches in ES—BB 1 million Btu per hour CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB 1 C,CD—BB 1BH maximum heat input (8,900 square feet of rate) [NSPS—Dc, filter area), MACT—DDDDD] One biomass/bio—based one simple cyclone solids—fired boiler(24 (144 inches in ES—BB2 million Btu per hour CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB1C,CD—BB1BH maximum heat input (8,900 square feet of rate) [NSPS—De, filter area), MACT—DDDDD Chilled Water—Cooled one storage and recycle Condenser,Packed Tower ES—M-125A tank(19,500 gallons CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 capacity)[MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing li uid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled one storage and recycle Condenser,Packed Tower ES—M-125B tank(19,500 gallons CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD—1001-2—S-1 capacity) [MACT FFFF] mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled Condenser,Liquid ES—MDSU-1024 molecular sieve CS-21 Nitrogen—Cooled CD—1004-2EX1002, CD—1004-2EX1003 Condenser, (CD 1004-2EX1002 and 1003) 7 One No. 2 fuel oil—fired Oxidation Catalyst limited use emergency [17,070 acfm(6,854 ES—PkGenl generator(2,935 kilowatt CS-22 scfm)inlet air flow rate CD—CatOxl maximum rated power at 695 OF—835 OF], output) [MACT ZZZZ] One No. 2 fuel one simple cyclone oil/propane—fired rotary (144 inches in ES—RD dryer(30 million Btu per CS-24 diameter),one bagfilter CD—BB 1C,CD—BB 1BH hour maximum heat (8,900 square feet of input rate) filter area), solvent process tank ES—TK—PNE-1 (9,500 gallons capacity) [MACT FFFF One No. 2 fuel oil—fired emergency fire water FP pump(285 horsepower maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] one(1)jet ejector One centrifuge [MACT venturi—type wet G-17 FFFF] CS-1 scrubber(10 GPM CD—M-34 injection rate, ID No. M-34) Sclareolide O s. One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(20.3 million Btu 11 101 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21) .1109 case—by—case MACT] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(20.3 million Btu H-102 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21) .1109 case—by—case MACT] One No. 2 fuel oil—fired boiler(25.2 million Btu H-103 per hour maximum rated heat input) [21).1109 case—by—case MACT] Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower 1113 1 box[MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 mineral oil scrubbing li uid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower IIR 2 box [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), I i 13 One steam—heated hot CS-17 Chilled Water—Cooled CD-31209,CD-1001-2—S-1 box [MACT FFFF] Condenser,Packed Tower Scrubber(10 gpm mineral oil scrubbing 8 liquid injection rate), Chilled Water—Cooled One steam—heated hot Condenser,Packed Tower HB-4 box [MACT FFFF] CS-17 Scrubber(10 gpm CD-31209,CD-1001-2-5-1 mineral oil scrubbing liquid injection rate), I—Biomass—PKG biomass bulk bag packaging area I—Briquette sage briquetting machine. ECS process: batch IECS preparation of ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution IES—PV propane vaporizer No.2 fuel oil storage ITK102 tank(495 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage ITK103 tank(495 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage ITK9238 tank(50,000 gallon capacity) No.2 fuel oil storage g ITK9239 tank(50,000 gallon capacity) No. 2 fuel oil storage I T K I P tank(270 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—AT2 plant aeration tank No. 2 (63,500 gall on capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—AT3 plant aeration tank No. 3 (63,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—CLR plant clarifier(1,310 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—ETI plant equalization tank No. 1 (65,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment IWWTP—ET2 plant equalization tank No.2 (65,500 gallon capacity) One plant material one(1)fabric filter(244 MHZ-1002 grinder(1,011 pounds CS-4 square feet of filter CD-1003-4-1 per hour nominal feed surface area,ID No. Fate) I CD-1003-4-1) 9 One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3001 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3001) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3002 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3003) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. R-3003 with a chilled water CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3004) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One reactor equipped one condenser(ID No. with a chilled water CD-3001)installed on R-3004 CS-11 CD-3001 process condenser centrifuge,reactor and (EX-3005) [PSD] heat exchanger/dryer One 4,200 gallon reactor R-4004 with process condenser (EX-4001) [PSD, MACT FFFF] One 4,200 gallon reactor R-4005 with process condenser (EX-4002) [PSD, MACT FFFF] R-4015 One 1,500 gallon reactor [PSD,MACT FFFF] One 4,200 gallon reactor R 4044 with process condenser (EX-4003) [PSD, MACT FFFF] one condenser(ID No. One process tank(6,700 CD-3001)installed on T-3001 gallon capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3002 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3003 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3004 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. One process tank(2,538 CD-3001)installed on T-3005 gallons capacity) [PSD] CS-11 centrifuge,reactor and CD-3001 heat exchanger/dryer T-3006 CS-11 CD-3001 10 One storage tank(12,500 one condenser(ID No. gallons) [PSD] CD-3001) installed on centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer one condenser(ID No. T-3007 One process tank CS-11 CD-3001)installed on CD-3001 (12,500 gallons) [PSD] centrifuge,reactor and heat exchanger/dryer One 17,900 gallon virgin T-4001 solvent tank[PSD, MACT FFFF] One 6,000 gallon process T-4017 tank[PSD,MACT FFFF] One 6,000 gallon process T-4018 tank[PSD,MACT FFFF] Wastewater treatment WWTP—ATI plant aeration tank No. 1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] 11 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO Emission Source & Operating Scenario List- See Instructions DES Group ID *ES ID SOS ID SOS Description ES-1004-1,ES-1004-2-F, GR1 ES-1004-2-P,ES-1004-2-WW, 56 Extraction of Fermented Biomass ES-MDSU-1024 GR2 ES-BB1,ES-BB2,ES-RD 57 Biomass Boiler Operation with Wood Chips as fuel source ES-4000-F,ES-4000-WW,R-4004, GR3 R-4005,R-4015,R-4044,T-4001, 59 SDE-2 T-4017,T-4018,C-4001,D-4001 G-76 H-101,H-102,H-103 58 Boilers G-77 FP,E101,E102,E103.17A,E104 42 Generators ES-1001-1-1-F,ES-1001-1-1-P1, Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Operations ES-1001-1-1-P2,ES-1001-1-1-P3, 54 Fugitive Loss ES-1001-1-1-WW,ES-1001-1-2-17, G-94 ES-100 1-1-2-P,ES-100 1-1-2-WW, ES-100 1-2-1-F,ES-100 1-2-1-P 1, 55 Rotocel, Sage, Recovery,and ES-1001-2-1-WW,ES-M-125A, Distillation ES-M-125B,HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 ES-1001-1-3-Filters,ES-1001-1-3-P, Conversions(Sclareolide SDE: G-95 ES-1001-1-3-WW,ES-1001-3-F, 51 Biological and Chemical) ES-1003-2-2-WW,G-17,D-1202 52 SDE Fugitive Emissions ES-1003-10-F,ES-1003-10-WW, 47 SFG Fugitive Emissions R-3001,R-3002,R-3003,R-3004, G-96 T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004, T-3005,T-3006,T-3007,C-3001, 48 Sclareol Re-crystallization(SFG) C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 ES-1003-2-1-F,ES-1003-2-1-P, 49 Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) G-97 ES-1003-2-1-WW,ES-TK-PNE-1, C-31203,D31211,D31214 50 PNE-Isohexane Extraction G-99 ES-1003-2-2-F, D-1201,D-1215, 53 EVG(batch flavorant) D-1218,D-2202 G-150 ES-1001-11-F, ES-1001-11-P, Botanical extraction process(includes ES-1001-11-WW 40 botanical vents, condensers,tanks,etc) ES-1004-2Silo 30 Silo load out of spent biomass ES-PkGenl 12 Peak Shaving Generator I-Biomass-PKG NONE NONE I-Briquette NONE NONE 12 IECS 31 EDA Process IES—PV NONE NONE ITK102 NONE NONE ITK103 NONE NONE ITK9238 NONE NONE ITK9239 NONE NONE ITKFP NONE NONE IWWTP—AT2 NONE NONE IWWTP—AT3 NONE NONE IWWTP—CLR NONE NONE IWWTP—ET1 NONE NONE IWWTP—ET2 NONE NONE MHZ-1002 34 Misc: Plant Material Grinder Waste Water Treatment 1st Aeration WWTP—AT1 32 Chamber(Includes methanol usages from PNE and EVG) 13 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ED(from permit)or Group GR1 consisting of ES-1004-1,ES-1004-2—F,ES-1004-2—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1004-2—WW,ES—MDSU-1024 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass Extraction Operation 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—56/Extraction of Fermented Biomass 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 151228 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS—H) CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-21 CD-1004-2EX1002 One chilled water condenser 2 CS-21 CD-1004-2EX1003 One cryogenic(nitrogen)condensers stem 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter q (F) (Feet/see) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-4 VERTICAL STACK 20 feet) 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 14 Operating Scenario: OS—56 Emission Source/Group ID: GR1 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: Pan-Feb +Dec 0% arch—May 0% une—Aug. 0% ept.—Nov. 1000% 017 017 J017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions) all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 0.01 03 98 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control P ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 0.62 01 98 15 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group GR2 consisting of ES—BB1,ES—BB2,ES—RD Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass Boilers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—57/Biomass Boiler Operation with Wood Chips as fuel source 4. SCC Number/Description: 10200911/Wood/Bark ; Stoker Boilers 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 30619 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content 8000000 Btu/ton Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-24 CD—BB1C one simple cyclone 144 inches in diameter CS-24 CD—BB1BH one ba filter(8,900 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—BB 1 VERTICAL STACK 60 3 240.8 24 10178.76 Biomass Boilers Exhaust 16 Operating Scenario: OS— 57 Emission Source/Group ID: GR2 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 250�o 25"�u une—Aug. 25"�o �017 ept.—Nov. 25"/ 017 �arch—May 17 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Ust .d : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 23882.59 08 0 Methane CH4 74-82-8 2.57 08 0 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 1.59 08 0 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficient Emission Po�QS Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutantss an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 23.52 04 NOx NOx 26.95 09 TSP TSP 0.17 04 99 PM10 PM10 0.17 04 99 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.17 04 99 S02 S02 3.06 09 VOC VOC 2.08 09 Emissions Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control See Instructions controls) 2017 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 203.3 09 Acrolein 107-02-8 979.8 09 Benzene 71-43-2 1028.79 09 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component of 50-32-8 0.637 09 POMTV POM7 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 11.02 09 Chlorine 7782-50-5 193.51 09 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8.08 09 Chloroform 67-66-3 6.86 09 Eth lbenzene 100-41-4 7.59 09 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 1077.78 09 17 Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 22.05 04 0 (hydrochloric acid Mercury,vapor(Component of 7439-97-6 0.071 04 0 HGC Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 23.76 09 POMT Phenol 108-95-2 12.492 09 Pro ionaldeh de 123-38-6 14.94 09 Styrene 100-42-5 465.4 09 Toluene 108-88-3 225.35 09 X lene 1330-20-7 6.124 09 18 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in HERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group GR3 consisting of ES-4000-17,ES-4000—WW,R-4004,R-4005, Emission Source Group ID R-4015,R-4044,T-4001,T-4017,T-4018,C-4001,D-4001 2. Emission Source Description: SDE-2 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—59/SDE-2 4. SCC Number/Description: Not required by facility,will be completed by DAQ 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 872656.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP105 VERTICAL STACK 30 1.5 104 40 4241.15 SDE-2 19 Operating Scenario: OS—59 Emission Source/Group ID: GR3 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 8"�u 360o �une-Aug. 29o�a Sept.—Nov. 27% 017 �arch—May 17 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 37.86 02 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 47146.82 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 28567.28 02 20 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-76 consisting of H-101,H-102,H-103 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Boilers 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—58/Boilers 4. SCC Number/Description: 1020050I/Distillate Oil(No. 1 2) ; Grades 1 and 2 Oil 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 573077 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.0014 °o Ash Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon Btu/units) 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in etmit 9. Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iain ter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP—B-1 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.2 425 34.5 7868.74 boiler: vertical with rain cap EP—B-3 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.5 500 34.6 10190.54 boiler: vertical with rain cap EP—B-2 VERTICAL STACK 45 2.2 425 34.5 7868.74 boiler: Horizontal 21 Operating Scenario: OS-58 Emission Source/Group ID: G-76 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an-Feb +Dec 220o arch-May 330�o -Aug.une 230�o �017 ept.-Nov. 22% 017 017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions- Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 6504.424 08 1 22.7 Methane CH4 74-82-8 0.0172 08 0.00006 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 0.0344 08 0.00012 Criteria Emissions- Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation EfficiencyEmission (NAAQS Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutantss an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 1.43 09 0.005 NOx NOx 5.73 09 0.02 TSP TSP 0.95 09 0.0033 PM10 PM10 0.26 09 0.0009 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.07 09 0.00025 S02 S02 12.21 09 0.0426 VOC VOC 0.06 09 0.0002 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In Alphabetical CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Order) (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds(Specify ASC-Other 0.32092 09 5.6E-7 Component of ASC Benzene 71-43-2 1.57596 09 0.00000275 Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440-41-7 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 (Component of BEC Cadmium Metal(elemental unreacted,Component of 7440-43-9 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 CDC Chromic acid(VI) (Component of So1CR6 7738-94-5 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 CRC 22 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.4682 09 8.17E-7 Fluorides(sum of all 16984-48-8 21.37577 09 0.0000373 fluoride compounds) Formaldehyde 50-00-0 27.5077 09 0.000048 Lead Unlisted Compounds (Specify and Component of PBC—Other 0.72208 09 0.00000126 PBC Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify MNC—Other 0.48138 09 8.4E-7 Component of MNC Mercury,vapor(Component 7439-97-6 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 of HGC Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 0.19083 09 3.33E-7 POMTV Nickel metal(Component of 7440-02-0 0.24069 09 4.2E-7 NIC Polycyclic Organic Matter (Inc PAH,dioxins,etc.NC POM 1.89115 09 0.0000033 AP 42 historic amorphous lob Toluene 108-88-3 45.67424 09 0.0000797 X lene 1330-20-7 0.80231 09 0.0000014 23 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-77 consisting of FP,E101,E102,E103.17A,E104 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Generators 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—42/Generators 4. SCC Number/Description: 2020040 1/Diesel ;Diesel 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1587.5 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur 0.0014 /o Ash Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ennit 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP104 VERTICAL STACK 11 0.67 1000 96.9 2049.81 Generator ES104 EP101 VERTICAL STACK 12 0.67 1063 160.9 3403.66 Vertical EP102 VERTICAL STACK I 11 0.67 885 203.4 4302.7 1 Vertical EP103 IVERTICAL STACKI 10 1 0.67 1 1063 174.4 3689.24 1 Vertical 24 Operating Scenario: OS—42 Emission Source/Group ID: G-77 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 300ofoalrch—May 28a�p une—Aug. 20% �Sept.—Nov. 22"�� 017 7 �017 2017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Dioxide CO2 124389 4.92 09 Methane CH4 74-82-8 0.001 09 Nitrous Oxide 20 10024972 0.0001 09 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 0.1 09 NOx NOx 0.36 09 TSP TSP 0.01 09 PM10 PM10 0.01 09 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.01 09 SO2 SO2 0.02 09 VOC VOC 0.01 09 Emissions Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 0.006 09 Acrolein 107-02-8 0.002 09 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds( ASC—Other 0.001 09 Specify Component of ASC Benzene 71-43-2 0.174 09 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component of 50-32-8 0.0001 09 POMTV POM7 Beryllium metal(unreacted) 7440-41-7 0.001 09 (Component of BEC Cadmium Metal(elemental 7440-43-9 0.001 09 unreacted Component of CDC 25 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 0.018 09 Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 0.029 09 POMT Toluene 108-88-3 0.063 09 X lene 1330-20-7 0.043 09 26 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16: 15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Berrie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-94 consisting of ES—1001-1-1—F,ES—1001-1-1—P1, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-1—P2,ES-1001-1-1—P3,ES-1001-1-1—WW,ES-1001-1-2-17, ES-1001-1-2—P,ES-1001-1-2—WW,ES-1001-2-1—F,ES-1001-2-1—P1, ES-1001-2-1—WW,ES—M-125A,ES—M-12513, HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 2. Emission Source Description: Rotocel, Sage,Recovery,and Distillation/Concrete Operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—54/Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Operations Fugitive Loss 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 157944840 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) /o Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ennit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter (F) (Feet/sec) Flow ): Rate Rectangle(L (Acfm) W) in 0.1 feet) G-94 FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 Rotocel/Recovery/Concrete Fugitives STACK 27 1 Operating Scenario: OS— 54 Emission Source/Group ID: G-94 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 27a�orar(h—May 23"�u une—Aug. 27"�u �017 ept.—Nov. 23% 017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 943.14 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control on Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In `� Estimation y EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 1288644.68 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 15728.57 02 Methanol 67-56-1 581900.48 02 28 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or Group G-94 consisting of ES-1001-1-1—F,ES-1001-1-1—P1, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-1—P2,ES-1001-1-1—P3,ES-1001-1-1—WW,ES-1001-1-2—F, ES-1001-1-2—P,ES-1001-1-2—WW,ES-1001-2-1—F,ES-1001-2-1—P1, ES-1001-2-1—WW,ES—M-125A,ES—M-125B,HB-1,HB-2,HB-3,HB-4 2. Emission Source Description: Rotocel, Sage, Recovery,and Distillation/Concrete Operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—55/Rotocel,Sage,Recovery, and Distillation 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 157944840 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (►f fuel is used) /o Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) I CS-17 CD-31209 One chilled water condenser CS-17 CD-1001-2—S-1 One packed tower scrubber(8 gallons per minute minimum mineral oil injection rate 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1001—I I-1 VERTICAL STACK 42 0.5 68 127.4 1500.89 Vertical 29 Operating Scenario: OS— 55 Emission Source/Group ID: G-94 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec o �017 arch—May o une—Aug. o ept.—Nov. 017 27/0 23/0 �017 27/0 017 23% 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) y Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 107.71 03 98 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 212816.17 03 98 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 2597.53 03 98 30 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-95 consisting of ES-1001-1-3—Filters,ES-1001-1-3—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-3—WW,ES-1001-3—F,ES-1003-2-2—WW,G-17,D-1202 2. Emission Source Description: Conversions(Sclareolide: Biological and Chemical) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —51/Conversions(Sclareolide SDE: Biological and Chemical) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 193282.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur toAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 CD—M-34 One venturi—type wet scrubber(10 gallons per minute minimum liquid injection rate 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height iameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 feet) 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 31 Operating Scenario: OS — 51 Emission Source/Group ID: G-95 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 760�o 240�o une—Aug. 0"�u ept.—Nov. 0% 017 �arch—may 17 �017 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Po�ant Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 2.67 03 98 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS y EF Control (see instructions Alphabetical Order) ) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 3343.46 03 98 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 1980.52 03 98 32 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit) or Group G-95 consisting of ES-1001-1-3—Filters,ES-1001-1-3—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-1-3—WW,ES-1001-3-17,ES-1003-2-2—WW,G-17,D-1202 2. Emission Source Description: Conversions(Sclareolide: Biological and Chemical) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—52/SDE Fugitive Emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 193282.1 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) SDE FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 SDE fugitive STACK) emissions 33 Operating Scenario: OS—52 Emission Source/Group ID: G-95 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 760�o 240�o une—Aug. 0"�u Sept.—Nov. 0"�0 017 �arch—May 17 017 017 13. Actual Emi cion per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control NAA S Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission ( Q ) Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 21.79 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control ) (Pounds/Year) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) Method Code (Net after all Factor p See Instructions controls) 2017 Hexane(isomers, HEXANEISO 27368.24 02 except n—hexane Hexane n— 110-54-3 16211.76 02 34 II COPY of RE(._,ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in HERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-96 consisting of ES-1003-10—F,ES-1003-10—WW,R-3001, Emission Source Group ID R-3002,R-3003,R-3004,T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004,T-3005, T-3006,T-3007,C-3001,C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 2. Emission Source Description: Re—crystallization of Sclareol(SFG) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—47/SFG Fugitive Emissions 4. SCC Number/Description: 30188801/*Fugitive Emissions; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1447273 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content -7 Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) SFG FUGITIVES FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 SFG fugitive STACK) emissions 35 Operating Scenario: OS—47 Emission Source/Group ID: G-96 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 25/o arch—May o une—Aug. o Sept.—Nov. o 017 0 2017 26/0 �017 25/0 017 24/o 13. Actual Emissions Der Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficient Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Method Code y Ef Control Pollutants (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 86.27 02 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Efficient Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS y EF Control (see instructions Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 24504.88 02 36 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Berrie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-96 consisting of ES—1003-1 0—F,ES—1003-10—WW,R-3001, Emission Source Group ID R-3002,R-3003,R-3004,T-3001,T-3002,T-3003,T-3004,T-3005, T-3006,T-3007,C-3001,C-3002,D-3001,D-3002 2. Emission Source Description: Re—crystallization of Sclareol(SFG) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS —48/Sclareol Re—crystallization(SFG) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 1447273 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-11 CD-3001 One chilled water condenser 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume ERP (in feet) Circle(enter (F) (Feet/sec) Flow Rate Description ): (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1003-10-7 VERTICAL STACK 19 1 0.17 80 53 72.17 Vertical EP-1003-10-2 HORIZONTAL STACK 18 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal P-1003-10-1 DOWNWARD—FACING VENT 19 0.17 80 3 4.08 Horizontal P-1003-10-3 HORIZONTAL STACK 19 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 37 P-1003-10-4 HORIZONTAL STACK 19 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal P-1003-10-5 HORIZONTAL STACK 25 0.17 80 10.2 13.89 Horizontal P-1003-10-6 HORIZONTAL STACK 30 0.17 100 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 38 Operating Scenario:OS—48 Emission Source/Group ID: G-96 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25% �arch—Nla 17 y 260�o une—Aug. 25"�u ept.—Nov. 017 017 �017 24% 13. Actual Emissions ger Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code et after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (N (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PM10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 SO2 SO2 08 0 VOC VOC 21.57 02 98 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission ) Alphabetical Order (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control P See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 6126.22 02 98 39 I COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-97 consisting of ES-1003-2-1—F,ES-1003-2-1—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1003-2-1—WW,ES—TK—PNE-1,C-31203,D31211,D31214 2. Emission Source Description: Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—49/Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughputtunits in 2017: 14334 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed in ermit 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 40 Operating Scenario: OS—49 Emission Source/Group ID: G-97 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 69% 0% une—Aug. 0% �017 ept.—Nov. 31% 017 �arch—May 17 �017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Gf Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control AA Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code Ef Control Pollutants an (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 7.17 03 HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission (see instructions) Method Code Efficiency Factor F.F Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 41 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-97 consisting of ES-1003-2-1—F,ES-1003-2-1—P, Emission Source Group ID ES—1003-2—1—WW,ES—TK—PNE-1,C-31203, D31211,D31214 2. Emission Source Description: Plant Nutrient Extraction(PNE) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—50/PNE—Isohexane Extraction 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—Ill CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 42 I Operating Scenario: OS—50 Emission Source/Group ID: G-97 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: Pan—Feb +Dec o arch—May ° u ie—Aug. Sept.—Nov. 017 25/0 2017 25/0 017 Z5% 2017 25% 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Code Pollutants Method Code et after Factor Et'Control Pollutants � (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Pollutants (in HAP/TAPS Estimation EfficiencyEmission EF Control Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code Factor (See Instructions) (Net after all controls) 2017 43 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry Hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or Group G-99 consisting of ES-1003-2-2—F,D-1201,D-1215,D-1218, Emission Source Group ID D-2202 2. Emission Source Description: EVG(batch flavorant) 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—53/EVG (batch flavorant) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 20054.6 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) % Sulfur ro Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device fit formation : Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-7 CD-7-9215 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate 2 CS-7 CD—L-9216 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate 9.Emission Release Point(EPP) Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional e try lines): ERP ID F,I2I'Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) P-1003-2-1 VERTICAL STACK 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 44 Operating Scenario: OS—53 Emission Source/Group ID: G-99 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb +Dec 7% arch—May 39% June—Aug. 49% ept.—Nov. 5% 017 017 �017 017 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission �`�►QS) y Ef Control Code Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TSP TSP 08 0 PM10 PNI10 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 0 S02 S02 08 0 VOC VOC 22.49 03 98 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS Estimation Emission (see instructions) Method Code Efficiency Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) Net after all controls) See Instructions 2017 Chlorol'ornt 67-66-3 41548 03 0 Methanol 67-56-1 3440.55 03 45 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca,Lic. Facility ID • 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry hill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality A i r Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source 11) (from permit)or Group G-150 consisting of ES-1001-11—F, ES-1001-11—P, Emission Source Group ID ES-1001-11—WW 2. Emission Source Description: Botanical Extraction Operations 3. Operating Scenario I D/Description: OS—40/Botanical extraction process(includes botanical vents,condensers, tanks,etc) 4. SCC Number/Description: 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 213830.2 LB/yr (e.g.production or fuel osc): 6. Fuellnformatio❑ (Iffuelisused) ro Sulfur /oAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions fi-om this Process Vented to Control 100 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information : Order CS-11) CD ED Control Device Description (as listed inpermit) 1 CS-1 F CD-100111EX1002 One chilled water condenser 2 CS-1 G CD-100111EX1003 One cryogenic(nitrogen)condensers stem 9. Finission Release I1nint ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): L:RP 1D FIt r 1'.pe Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-1-11 VERTICAI. STACK 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 46 Operating Scenario: OS—40 Emission Source/Group ID: G-150 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start & riid Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throughput: an—Feb + Dec 2 1% arch—May 64% une—Aug. 0% Sept.—Nov. 15% 017 017 �017 017 13. Actual Emissions her Pollutant Listed Attach calculations nuf documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHC: GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission CAS Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) F.f Control Polln t:1 11 1 s Pollutants Code Method Code Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO CO 08 0 NOx NOx 08 0 TS 1' TSP 08 0 PIN I10 PM10 08 0 PNi'_.5 PM2.5 08 0 SO2 S02 08 0 Vt)C VOC 0.06 03 98 Emission Control HA I'/I';k I' CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Un ,.c instructions HAP/TAPS EF Control Alphabciic,l chdcr) (s ) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 Ethyl -wchite 141-78-6 11.66 03 0 47 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit: 01819 PO Box 129 County : Bertie Merry I till,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source IT) (from permit)or ES-1004-2Silo Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Biomass silo loadout 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS-30/Silo load out of spent biomass 4. SCC Nunther/Iescription: 39999994/Miscellaneous Industrial Processes ;Other Not Classified 5. Throughput/units in 2017: (e.g.production or fitel use): 6. Fuel Inforntnlion (If fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from tliu Process Vented to Control 100 Device or SCick): 8. Control I)evice Inlitrntation Order CS-11) CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-23 CD-1004-2-FF2 One ba filter 254 square feet of filter area 9. Emission Rrlens_c Point(ERP) Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP 11) FRP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) EP-10O1- -F ' IIf �I�J"/WrAI, STACK 10 1 8.5 1 72 1 0.64 2180 Dust Collector on Silo 48 Operating Scenario: OS —30 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-1004-2Silo 10.Operating Schcdutc: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 24 Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start .e• End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal 1'eriods Percent Annual Throughput: �an—Feb +1)cc 25% arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% Sept.—Nov. 25% 017 2017 1 �017 017 13. Actual [:mission~ per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control (:II<' CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor EfControl Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 i i Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NA \()S) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission � Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ft'Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO co 0s \c>x I IXOX 08 TS I, P 08 t I Ito 0s P\12.5 08 fi0_ -t)2 08 VOC, 0s HA I'/TA 1' Emissions Emission t ,�S Control Pollutants (l actions HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EFControl ) Alphab.i i;al unlrr) ; (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all controls) Factor See Instructions 2017 49 I CC T REC ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 PO RoN 129 County : Bertie Merry I lill,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Sonrcc llt (from permit)or ES—PkGenl Emission Source (;route 1D 2. Emission Source Description: One No. 2 fuel oil—fired limited use emergency generator(2,935 kilowatt maximum rated power output) [MACT ZZZZ] 3. Operatinb Scenario I D/Description: OS— 12/Peak Shaving Generator 4. SCC Numhcr'Dra•i-iption: 20200401/Diesel;Diesel 5. Throughput/units in 2017: 6231.6 GAL/yr (e.g.production or Iliel usc): 6. Fuellnform9timi lifuelisused) ro Sulfur 0.0014 /oAsh Heat Content 141000 Btu/gallon (Btu/units) 7. Capture lflicirncy (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 100 Device of ,'%16) 8. Cont id D , . "nation : Order C CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 U11. " CD—CatOxl One catalytic oxidizer 695 °F minimum inlet temperature) 9.Emission Rele:m, P,iint ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP 1 D 1'''1"1 cite Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) I'ACK 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 50 Operating Sccnarin: OS — 12 Emission Source/Group ID: ES—PkGenl 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Uay ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start fi I;nd Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods I'ercent Annual Throughput: an—Feh + I)cc arch—May 13% une—Aug. ° ept.—Nov. 017 I /° 017 �017 35/° �017 28 13. Actual Unissi,u,s per Pollutant Listed : Attach calci l:u ions and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control t:I I(; GHG Estimation Efficient Emission CAS Pollutants Method Code (Net after v Factor Ef Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2017 Carbon Uioxidr W02 124389 19.32 09 0 Ale 111 a n e (( 11 I) 74-82-8 0.004 09 0 Nitrous () i 1 N 20 10024972 0.0031 09 0 t rilt,, ;,t Emissions— Emission Control �. Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control 1, Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 CO 0.37 09 95 AFTER NOx 1.41 09 AFTER TSP 0.04 09 98 AFTER PM10 0.04 09 98 AFTER PM2.5 0.04 09 98 AFTER S02 0.06 09 AFTER VOC 0.16 09 AFTER Emissions Emission Control I I, .i CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Polluta n 1 N i i�al Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2017 \cc! 75-07-0 0.022 09 107-02-8 0.007 09 Arsenic l t,ounds( ASC—Other 0.0035 09 S eci1*v r .�..,i ''I kSC 71-43-2 0.68 09 Benzo(a)p n " Ifient of 1)( 0 1 1 1 50-32-8 0.00023 09 Beryllium acted) 7440-41-7 0.00264 09 0 Cn n C Cadn,; "tag 7440-43-9 0.00264 09 0 unreacteli. 51 I u r m l l '( 'l� 50-00-0 0.06933 09 Naphthalcnc (I w Ofivot of 91-20-3 0.114 09 I'n l u c n 108-88-3 0.247 09 1330-20-7 0.1696 09 52 COPY of RECORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Avoca, Inc. Facility ED : 0800044 841 Avoca Farm Road Permit : 01819 I'0 Box 129 County : Bertie 11cry I lilt,NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Source I D (from permit)or IECS Emission Source Grmip ID 2. Emission Source Description: ECS process: batch preparation of ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—31/EDA Process 4. 30199998/*Other Organic Chemica Manufacture Not Listed ; Specify in Comments Field 5. Throtwh jwi'-ir!itc in 2017: (e.g.production r ihcI usc): 6. Fuel l,t fo r r, i i 11 6iel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture FI'licit ,i. (%of Emissions From this Process Vented to Control Device or Sias k) 8. Conti-0 Del irc I,,"-wmation :None Order CD ID Control Device Description (as listed inpermit) II 9. Emission Itci ;111 1-:10 Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ent lines : ERPID F I pe [[eight Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERPDescription (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) LI' 1003 —I 1. ! i' I, S I'AC< 20 1 75 53 2497.56 Veritical 53 Operating Sccn:n io: Iti - 31 Emission Source/Group ID: IECS 10.Operating Sc it edii Ic: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours per Day ( 21 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start & land Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods I'rrcent Annual Throughput: Jan-Feb + Dec Ian ch-May 25% une-Aug. 25% Sept.-Nov. 25% 017 21117 �017 2017 13. Actnal Emissimi or Pollutant Listed : Attach calc ulntion< loctimentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions- Emission Control C 1 I C GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission �S ma y Ef Control Pollu 1, n I s Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls _ 2017 I— Emissions- Emission Control lanl Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ode Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor EfControl (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 Nt,\ — �Qx 08 08 l 08 08 a 12 08 �r 08 Emission �� Emissions Control Estimation Emission Pol nn IIAP/TAPS Efficiency EF Control Alpha. )I&I i (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all controls) Factor See Instructions — - I 2017 f _ 54 'r-'(:ORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facilih N:nnr. Avoca, Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 A,iwa Fnrnn Road Permit : 01819 1'0 f1. 1'-9 County : Bertie lien .I, ��C ?71)57 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Mr I'olhtlant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. Emission Srnn•ce 1'1 I I'r(lm Irerndt) or MHZ-1002 Emission Source (;r I II 2. Emission Snurc lei*: 'lion: Misc: Grinder,air stripper,lime silo,and Aphios 3. Operating Seep 11, 1)"Scription: OS —34/Misc: Plant Material Grinder 4. SCCNumlcrnt illltlln: 31299999/Miscellaneous Machinery ;Other Not Classified 5. ThroughpuUunil• in 2017: (e.g. 1-trod i;don ()Of >c): 6. Fuel Intorm:iIi-• 11.elil ro Sulfur /oAsh Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture (%of n, In v, ''. .C>< \Clllcdio Control 100 Device I,1 1;, I 8. Cnn11,111 )cN�cc I rnl.11ion : Order Cl- lit CI) 11) Control Device Description s li�,tcd in ennit I D-100 —4-1 One ba filter 244 square feet of filter area 9. F 11 .I ,:ISI I:I') Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): Inc height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) I P 20 1.3 75 37.7 3002.4 Horizontal 55 Operating Scenario ti — .;.I Emission Source/Group ID: MHZ-1002 10. Oper: w (!,�,,„rcc/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) Hours 1' Da. i 1):iys per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Starl ; os For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Scnsunnl Periiid 'erccnl :\nnual Throughput: an—Ech , Dec Inrch—i�iay 25% une—Aug, u �017 ept.—Nov. 017 (_'(117 017 25/0 25/o 13. Aclu:il Emissi. , cr I', Ilotant Listed : Attach col,• Oatinm lilt ln1cneition of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control I 11 C ti GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Po, u a nts Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Tons/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 Emissions— Emission Control Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission 1 Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Ef Control (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 08 --� 08 08 08 08 08 I1 Emissions Emission Control 1' I I A P/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control Alpl ns) (Pounds/Year) Method Code ,let after all controls) Factor _ See Instructions -- —� 2017 1 56 ' Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Name: A%ocr i. Inc. Facility ID : 0800044 841 oca Farm Road Permit : 01819 1'0 !'. \ 1:"l County : Bettie Mc:: ! I I. r' 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality it Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2017 1. I-;ntissi(in So'nrrt '') l', :, 1 Kermit) or WWTP—AT1 Enlission lmircc (,'. 11 I l' 2. Fmission Smn•cr tsrr piion: Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank No. 1 [PSD,MACT FFFF] 3. Ulu rating Sccn: o I n' n•scrihtion: OS—32/Waste Water Treatment 1st Aeration Chamber(Includes methanol usages from PNE and EVG) 4. S U C N n n t l,c i r r --i,)n: 30182002/Wastewater Treatment;Wastewater Treatment 5. 'l hron hlmt/n ;it ' 14334989 GAL/yr (e.g. 1xollu• lien of u 6. Foci i I wI 1 i*w: ' IlWd) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. (':ipfttrr I" iilis'i 1:1, Ii 11 i 0,r rated to Control :None ( ' r CD ID Control Device Description li<Ied in icrmit i I n fm-mation: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): n Iirigltt Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter#): (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) C': 20 0.17 80 0.1 0.13 Horizontal 57 Operating Scen:n in: Emission Source/Group ID: WWTP-AT1 10. Opera6114, tichr l I t mince/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2017) llours per Uac ( Is !)acs per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Ti pica) Start R 1 Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. SCe�onel Perio(k 1 c-111 Atim al Throti h ut: ut-Frl, -, Urn I\1:ireII—\I:1v u une-Aug. u ept.-Nov. u 23/0 27/0 23 /o n17 __. nl7 �017 017 13. Aciu:,l Viiiissinit '� 11tilant listed : Attaclic;tI, il;uions :u ',,n!;,lionofcmission factors or other estimation methods used. t;n,issions- Emission Control t:11(- G I IG Estimation Efficiency Emission I', 1 Ef Control Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor _!Tans/Year) (See Instructions all controls 2017 CI in (:missions- Emission Control Crileria Estimation Efficiency Emission y Ef Control 1, I'nllutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2017 08 08 08 08 08 _ 08 -- - — 5.55 03 II i All (;missions Emission Control 1'0: 1. !! : I IA P/TAPS Estimation Emission Efficiency EF Control Al ph 11�„nnds/Year) Method Code y Factor P (Net after all controls) See Instructions 21117 -- - 1110'.16 )Z 58 Facilih •I•ntnl Sunnn:+rV Z -) Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Faciii ,•: Facility ID : 0800044 ;nm Ro;ul Permit • 01819 County : Bertie it NC 27957 DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality it Pollnlanl Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year2017 Record I . I' 1 " i -!s Front Al Permitted and Non-Permitted Air Pollutant Emission Sources Green Ilnn•r C;ist, mIS(ClIG) _ Actual Emissions Tons/Year _!' i _ CAS 2017 2016 %Change I=1389 30411.254 27323.3775 11.301227% n 7.1-82-8 2.5922 2.1446 20.871033% 1024972 1.6276 1.353 20.295631% Criter;i " i Actual Emissions Tons/Year _ CAS 2017 2016 %Change CO 25.42 21.5 18.232557% NOx 34.45 30.682 12.280822% l SP 1.17 1.315 -11.026623% 1'N410 0.48 .505 -4.950496% P\.42.5 0.29 .285 1.7543843% _ S02 15.35 2.665 475.985% `,'OC 1258.6 1221.524 3.0352197% 11a7:+r�'++tl vI" ) :ui+Vnr Toxic Air Pollutants TAPS I Actual Emissions Pounds/Year CAS 1 2017 1 2016 1 % Change I mass of elemental AS arsine and all inorganic compounds Group Sum:.32542 sp` tiC-Other 0.32542 .42469 -23.3747% -i 10, I otal mass Group Sum:.24433 I;` lI I 1.10-41-7 0.24433 .28579 -14.5071535% Poll'' 1;11 mass inc elemental metal Group Sum:.24433 L11, 110-43-9 0.24433 .28579 -14.5071535% hromate Com ounds Com onent of CRC Grou Sum:.24069 '7.t8-94-5 0.24069 .99479 -75.80495% 59 Pol' II itc Chromium VI categories,metal and Others Grou Sum:.24069 Chi, 7738-94-5 0.24069 .99479 -75.80495% -�-- - I'ulln! MI compounds Group Sum:.72208 r u I tC'1� P13C-Other 0.72208 .95328 -24.253105% Group Sum•.48138 \! C-Other 0.48138 3.78519 -87.28254% I total mass, inc Hg Vapor Group Sum:.31169 39-97-6 0.31169 .34279 7 -9.072612% ul, cl total mass inc elemental Group Sum:.24069 icl '10-02-0 1 0.24069 1 .34959 -31.15078% V r 7 PAH Compounds for 1,U Group Sum:.63733 A-32-8 0.63733 .5243 21.558271% I.(Specific Compounds from OA PS for TV Group Sum:24.73116 0-32-8 0.63733 .5243 21.558271% 1-20-3 24.09383 19.92396 20.928923% 75-07-0 203.328 167.4832 21.402029% ''17-02-8 979.809 806.7727 21.447962% _ 1-43-2 1031.22 849.78871 21.350163% _ _`6-23-5 11.02 9.076 21.41913% 782-50-5 193.51 159.335 21.448511% 08-90-7 8.08 6.656 21.394228% "7-66-3 41554.86 30681.647 35.438816% _ III-78-6 30643.38 31432.76 -2.5113256% 10-41-4 8.0582 6.80171 18.473145% t17-06-2 0.0 5.89 -100.0% I . 1,.984-48-8 21.37577 25.09694 -14.827181% 11-00-0 1105.375 919.89734 20.162865% 11' SANEISO 1579319.4 1483627.79 6.44984% 0-54-3 65085.66 103238.26 -36.95587% • 17-01-0 22.05 18.152 21.47421% ?-56-1 596444.2 539989.2 10.454839% 1-83-9 0.0 3.03 -100.0% _ 1-87-3 0.0 4.64 -100.0% �-09-2 0.0 58.5 -100.0% t8-95-2 12.492 10.286 21.44662% POM 1.89115 27.42037 -93.10313% 1 ?3-38-6 14.94 12.303 21.43379% 60 100-42-5 465.4 383.21 21.447771% 108-88-3 271.33423 239.49227 13.295613% I ri 75-01-4 0.0 3.63 -100.0% 1330-20-7 7,13891 6.19738 15.192384% 61 F'y ;CORD Date Submitted: 4/24/2018 16:15:09 As entered in AERO Facility Namc: Avoca, Ir,r. Facility ID • 0800044 X-I1 nvo, .i !'arm IZoad Permit : 01819 !'( ) Rox I . County: Bertie Icnyl! 27957 DAQ Region : WARO COntnucnls I rani Vacilif% : 62