HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800102_20110623_EI_Fac-EI-Rpt East Carolina Environmental Landfill TRW REPUBLIC 44 SERVICES East Carolina Environmental Landfill 2010 Emission Inventory Air Permit 08849T03 WARO COPY Presented to: Republic Services of North Carolina , LLC East Carolina Environmental Landfill 1922 Republican Road Aulander, NC 27805 Presented by: SCS Engineers, PC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 (704) 504-3107 p %DAQ W E , . June 7, 2011 File No. 0721 1014.00-T13 2011 L. Inventory Certification Form(Title V) Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit : 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County: Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero F_ The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Drew Isenhour This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition. 40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1.For a corporation: a president,secretary,treasurer, or vice—president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production, or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i.the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars);or ii. the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2. For partnership or sole propietorship;a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3. for a muncipality,state,federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.,a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: (Important: Legally Responsible Official.read and sign after all submissions certify that I am the responsible official for this facility,as described above,and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report,including attached calculations and documentation,is true, accurate and complete. (Subject to legal enalities of up to $25,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Signature Below use blue ink): Date Signed: Printed Name: Drew Isenho ,Signature: 14u - Z () - L This form applies to Title V facilities.If this facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional office Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. Email address of Responsible Official: Information on this Form cannot be held confidential 1 East Carolina Environmental Landfill Table of Contents Section Page SECTION1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1 SECTION 2 Uncollected Landfill Gas Fugitives................................................................................ 2 Landfill Gas Fugitive Emissions........................................................................................2 Non-Methane Organic Compound (NMOC) Emissions...............................................2 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions.............................................................3 Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Emissions......................................................................3 SECTION 3 Landfill Gas Flare............................................................................................................4 FlareEmissions...................................................................................................................4 SECTION 4 Insignificant Activities....................................................................................................... 5 Leachate Storage Tanks (ES-07)....................................................................................5 Diesel Storage Tank (ES-06)...........................................................................................6 Diesel Engines for Miscellaneous Landfill Support (IES-04).......................................6 Welding Operations (ES-05)..........................................................................................7 SolarFlares (ES-08)..........................................................................................................7 Attachment Detailed Emissions Calculations East Carolina Environmental Landfill SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Per Condition 3.X of East Carolina Environmental Landfill (Landfill) Air Quality Permit No. 08849T03 for its Landfill located at 1922 Republican Road, Aulander, North Carolina, the facility is required to submit an emissions inventory to the Department of Air Quality(DAQ)by June 30 of each year. The emissions inventory presented herein is the basis for the emissions values reported in the 2010 Annual Emissions Statement. The emissions sources identified were based on discussions and correspondence with Landfill staff, SCS Engineers' (SCS)knowledge of the site, review of existing permits, compliance reports, and other information provided by the Landfill. Facility-wide emissions at the Landfill are provided in Table 1 below. Facility-wide emissions including speciated HAPs are provided at the end of this section. Emissions for each source are further detailed in the remaining sections of this report. Table 1 . 2010 Annual Emission Rate Summary (tons/yr) Permit ID Emission Source NMOC VOC TAP/ NOx CO SOX PM10 Municipal Solid ES-1 Waste Landfill 36.41 14.20 1.44 -- -- -- -- (Fugitive Emission) CD-01 Landfill Gas Flare 0.34 0.13 1.30 11.19 60.86 1.76 2.74 ES-08 Solar Flares 0.09 0.04 8.86e-7 0.63 2.65 0.12 0.27 Leachate Storage ES-07 9.2e-3 9.2e-3 9.2e-3 Tanks -- -- -- -- ES-06 Diesel Storage Tank 2.3e-3 2.3e-3 -- -- -- -- -- Welding 5.05e-2 -- ES-OS Operations2 Diesel Engines for ES-04 Miscellaneous -- 0.55 4.28e-2 6.84 1.47 0.45 0.05 Landfill Support Total' 36.86 14.93 2.84 18.66 64.98 2.33 3.06 Notes: -- Not Applicable. ' Due to rounding error,"Total"emissions may not exactly equal the sum of the individual source emission rates as they appear in the table above. 2 The Landfill's welding operations are located entirely indoors and no direct ambient emissions are anticipated nor estimated for the period covered by this air emissions inventory Emissions from the Diesel Storage Tank,Welding Operations,and Diesel Engines are "carried forward"from the prior reporting year as allowed by the DENR DAQ AERO reporting system 1 East Carolina Environmental Landfill ' SECTION 2 UNCOLLECTED LANDFILL GAS FUGITIVES ' LANDFILL GAS FUGITIVE EMISSIONS This section addresses the generation of landfill gas(LFG),non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs),volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants(HAPs),methane, and carbon dioxide and their fugitive emissions via passive LFG releases. ' LFG generation from the landfill operation was calculated using SCS Engineers' version of the U.S. EPA Landfill Gas Emissions Model(LandGEM). A description of the model parameters is ' provided below and the model output is attached. LandGEM uses a first-order decay equation to predict landfill gas generation based on the ' amount and age of the waste in place. The formula is presented in 40 CFR Part 60.754(a)(1)(i). The parameters Lo and k used in the LandGEM are the values published in EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors(AP-42), Volume I, Section 2.4(revised November 1998). ' The methane generation potential,Lo, for the MSW landfill cells was set equal to 100 cubic meters(m3)of methane (CH4)per megagram (Mg) of waste. The methane generation rate constant,k,was 0.04 yf i and the concentration of NMOC in LFG was set to 595 parts per ' million by volume(ppmv)as hexane. AP-42 recommends these values of Lo and k for municipal solid waste(MSW)landfills that are located in geographical regions that receive average or above average annual precipitation, such as Aulander,North Carolina. ' To calculate landfill emissions, the refuse filling history was input to the LandGEM. Note that this model estimates emissions based on the amount of waste in place at the beginning of each year. Waste in place at the beginning of 2010 was approximately 6.26 million Mg, or 6.90 million tons. The LandGEM estimated that the methane generation rate for 2010 is approximately 19.36 million cubic meters, or approximately 683.6 million cubic feet. Assuming that the methane content in the LFG is 50 percent, the volume of LFG generated in 2010 is ' estimated to be 2,601 cubic feet per minute(ft3/min). LandGEM input and output are provided on page 1 of the spreadsheets found at the end of this section. Non-Methane Organic Compound (NMOC) Emissions ' NMOC generation from the Landfill was calculated using LandGEM. Model parameters were similar to the values noted above. LandGEM estimated that the NMOC generation rate for 2010 ' is 82.58 Mg, or 91.03 tons (See page 2 of the spreadsheets provided in the detailed calculations attachment). The Landfill operates a gas collection and control system(GCCS)to capture LFG and route it to a control flare. Sixty percent of the LFG is assumed to be captured; therefore,40 ' percent of the NMOC generated is assumed to have been emitted as fugitive. Thus,the fugitive NMOC emission rate for 2010 is 36.41 tons. ' 2 East Carolina Environmental Landfill Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions In determining the VOC emissions from the landfill,VOC generation is assumed to be 39 percent of the NMOC generation. This assumption is based on information contained in AP-42 Section 2.4 (revised November 1998)Table 2.4-2. VOC emissions were based on the historical tonnages and model parameters noted above. The LFG and NMOC generation rates were extracted from the LandGEM output and represent the emissions from the Landfill during 2010. The VOC generation rates were calculated by converting the NMOC generation rates(shown in the LandGEM output)from Mg/yr to tons/yr, and then multiplying by 0.39 (i.e.,VOC is considered as 39 percent of NMOC). The VOC generation rate for 2010 is 35.50 tons/yr. The fugitive VOC emission rate is determined is the same manner as the fugitive emissions rate for NMOC reflecting the operation of the GCCS during the period. The fugitive VOC emission rate for 2010 is 14.20 tons,as shown in Table 2 below. Table 2. Air Pollutant Generation and Emission Rates NMOC NMOC • • VOC Fugitive HAP& TAP Emissions Year Generation Generation Emissions Generation' Emissions' Fu.git.ive 2010 82.58 91.03 36.41 35.50 14.20 1.44 Notes: ' VOC generation is assumed to be 39 percent of NMOC generation. Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Emissions The estimation of HAP emissions from the Landfill is based on equations(3)and(4)of AP-42 Section 2.4. Those equations are presented below. The first step is to estimate the generation rate of each pollutant in cubic meters per year(m3/yr). Next, the volumetric generation rate estimate is converted to a mass generation rate(ton/yr). 3 Q m =2.0xQ CP P yr Cho 106 where: Qp = Pollutant generation rate(m3/yr) QCh4 = Methane generation rate(m3/yr) from the LandGEM Cp = Pollutant concentration in LFG(ppmv) 3 East Carolina Environmental Landfill 2.0 = Multiplication factor(assumes LFG is 50 percent methane, and the balance is carbon dioxide,nitrogen, oxygen and other trace gases) M p(tons/yr)= Q p ((MWP(glgmol))(1 atm)) ton (8.205x10-5) In3 —atm 1907.185 kg_ 1000g (273+TK) gmol—K kg where: MP = Pollutant mass generation rate MWp = Molecular weight of pollutant(g/gmole) T = Temperature of LFG(°C)(Standard temp of 25 degrees Celsius) Of the 188 chemical compounds identified as HAPs under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act,28 of these compounds are listed in AP-42 Table 2.4-1 and 2.4-2. Site-specific data from testing performed by Research Triangle Park Laboratories was used to determine the concentration of these compounds. This report is dated May, 5, 2005 and was submitted as part or the Compliance Demonstration Report dated June 3,2005. These site specific concentrations are shown on page 4 of the spreadsheets in the detailed emissions attachment. Annual emissions of the remaining HAP compounds (i.e.,those not included in the AP-42 tables)are assumed to be negligible. The HAP fugitive rate for 2010 was calculated to be 0.06 tons. Total HAP and TAP fugitive emissions for 2010 are 1.44 tons. SECTION 3 LANDFILL GAS FLARE Flare Emissions The landfill operates one flare,with a design capacity of 3,000 scfm, as a landfill gas control device. The emission factors and annual emissions associated with the flare(permitted as CD-1) are summarized in Table 3. 4 East Carolina Environmental Landfill Table 3. LFG Flare Emissions 2010 LFG Flare Compound LFG Flare Emission Factors Emissions NOx 0.068 Ib/MMBtu 11.19 CO 0.37 Ib/MMBtu 1 60.86 NMOC 99.2 % destructiorn2 0.34 VOC3 99.2 % destruction•2 0.13 99.8 % destruction for halogenated HAP species2 HAPs/TAPs 99.7% for non-halogenated HAP species 2 1.30 0% for mercury species 2 PMio 17 Ib/106 ft3 methane4 2.74 S02 H2S concentration: 35.5 ppmv5 1.76 Notes: ' Emission factor obtained from AP-42,Table 1 3.5-1. 2 Control efficiency obtained from AP-42,Table 2.4-3. 3 VOC generation is estimated to be 39 percent of the NMOC generation per Table 2.4-2 of AP-42 Section 2.4 "Municipal Solid Waste Landfills,"revised 11/98. These estimates assume a 60% LFG collection efficiency for the active landfill gas collection system. 4 Control efficiency obtained from AP-42,Table 2.4-5. 5 S02 emissions are calculated per AP-42,Section 2.4.4; SECTION 4 INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES Leachate Storage Tanks (ES-07) The Landfill operates two (2) leachate storage tanks, 250,000 gallons and 162,000 gallons respectively, to store collected leachate and condensate from the Landfill prior to disposal at an offsite wastewater treatment system. The throughput of leachate in 2010 was 4,053,894 gallons. Table 4. Emission Data Parameter 2010 Leachate Throughput 4,053,894 gallons Calculated emissions (VOC) 18.51 Ibs 5 East Carolina Environmental Landfill Detailed emission calculations are provided in the attachment. Diesel Storage Tank (ES-06) / The Landfill's permit includes an insignificant activity listing for a diesel storage tank. Emissions from the tank are shown in Table 5 below. Table 5. Emissions from Diesel Storage Tank Contents Volume Through-put Net Estimated (gal) (gal/yr) Emissions' Diesel 3,000 158,570.1 4.49 Note: Emissions estimated using U.S. EPA's Tanks 4.0 software. Output is included in the detailed emissions attachment. Diesel Engines for Miscellaneous Landfill Support (IES-04) Emissions from the Landfill's diesel engines for miscellaneous support are "carried forward" as allowed in the Division's AERO reporting and are therefore identical to the previous reporting period. As reported in for CY2009, emissions are provided in Table 6: Table 6. Emissions from Diesel Engines • Diesel Compound tpy (Carried Forward from 00• NOx 6.84 CO 1.47 PM 0.05 VOC3 0.55 S02 0.45 HAPs/TAPS 4.28e-2 6 East Carolina Environmental Landfill Welding Operations (ES-05) The Landfill's permit also includes an insignificant activity listing for"Welding Operations" with the emission source ID ES-05. Emissions from the Landfill's welding operations are "carried forward" as allowed in the Division's AERO reporting and are therefore identical to the previous reporting period. As reported in 2008, emissions of Manganese total 101 pounds. Solar Flares (ES-08) Six (6) solar flares were used during this period (noted here as ES-08). To estimate emissions, flow was conservatively assumed to be 60 scfm per each flare (total of 480 scfm) for 12 hours per day during the entire 365 day period. Based on emission rate data from a solar flare manufacturer, Landfill Services, emissions were estimated as shown in Table 6: Table 7. Solar Flare Emissions Data 2010 Solar Flare Compound Solar Flare Emission Factors Emissions ES-08 NOx 0.072lb/hr 0.63 CO 0.302lb/hr 2.65 NMOC NMOC assumed 1/0.39 of VOC (per AP-42) 0.09 VOC3 0.004lb/hr 0.04 99.8 % destruction for halogenated HAP species' HAPs/TAPS 99.7% for non-halogenated HAP species 8.86e-7 0% for mercury species PMI0 0.031 Ib/hr 0.27 S02 0.014lb/hr 0.12 ' Control efficiency obtained from AP-42,Table 2.4-3. Individual HAP/TAP emission rate from manufacturer data 7 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO Listing of Emission Sources and Control Devices on Permit. See instructions *ES ID on *ES Description *CS ID *CS Description * CD 1 D's Air Permit Municipal solid waste landfill One landfill gas—fired candlestick—type ES-01 [NSPS] CS-2 flare(3000 scfin,90 million Btu per hour CD—Flarel heat input), I-8 8 Solar Flares I—ES-04 diesel engines for miscellaneous landfill support IES05 Welding operations IES06 Diesel storage tank IES07 Leachate storage tank 1 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO Emission Source & Operating Scenario List— See Instructions ES Group ID ES ID OS ID OS Description ES-01 1 Municipal solid waste landfill Insignificant source small flares used 1-8 7 to point control landfill gas as needed (conservatively assumed operation of 12/hr/day forperiod) I—ES-04 4 No. 2 fuel oil—diesel engines for miscellaneous landfill support IES05 3 maintenance shop welding rods IES06 6 diesel storage tank IES07 2 temporary storage of collected ileachate 2 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County:Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or ES-01 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Municipal solid waste landfill[NSPS] 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS— 1/Municipal solid waste landfill 4. SCC Number/Description: 50100402/Landfill Dump 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 542799 TON/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control 60 Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 1 CS-2 CD—Flarel One landfill gas—fired candlestick—type flare(3000 scfin, 90 million Btu per hour heat input) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional ntry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) Fl uc VLRTICAL STACK 35 1 1500 60 2827.43 Flare 3 Operating Scenario: OS— 1 Emission Source/Group ID: ES-01 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11.Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25°�° arch—May 25°�° une—Aug. ° Sept.—Nov. ° 010 2010 2010 25%O 2010 25/o 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emission Emissions— Estimation Control GHG CAS GHG Method Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See all controls) Instructions 2010 Emission Criteria Emissions— Estimation Control Pollutant Criteria Method Efficiency Emission (NAAQS) Code Pollutants Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (Tons/Year) (See all controls) Instructions 2010 CO CO 60.86 08 0 NOx NOx 11.19 08 0 TSP TSP 2.74 08 0 PM10 PM10 2.74 08 0 PM2.5 PM2.5 2.74 08 0 S02 S02 1.76 08 0 VOC VOC 14.33 08 98 Emission CAS Emissions Estimation Control HAP/TAP Method Efficiency Emission Pollutants (in Alphabetical Order) (see HAP/TAPS Code (Net after all Factor EF Control instructions) (Pounds/Year) (See controls) Instructions 2010 Acr lonitrile 107-13-1 0.037 08 98 Benzene 71-43-2 3.799 08 98 CFC-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 457.41 08 98 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 0.032 08 98 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 6.893 08 98 Carbonyl sulfide 463-58-1 41.163 08 98 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.032 08 98 Chloroform 67-66-3 0.051 08 98 Dichlorobenzene 1 4— 106-46-7 1 0.063 08 1 98 4 Eth lbenzene 100-41-4 0.045 08 98 Ethyl chloride chloroethane 75-00-3 0.018 08 98 Ethyl merca tan 75-08-1 198.104 08 98 Eth lene dichloride 1 2—dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.042 08 98 Ethylidene dichloride 1 75-34-3 4.771 08 98 ,1—dichloroethane Hexane n— 110-54-3 12.693 08 98 Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 2751 08 0 Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 1691.942 08 98 Mercury, va or(Component of HGC 7439-97-6 0.18 08 98 Methyl chloride 74-87-3 0.007 08 98 Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 0.057 08 98 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 260.562 08 98 Methyl isobut 1 ketone 108-10-1 0.028 08 98 Methyl merca tan 74-93-1 167.53 08 98 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.121 08 98 Perchloroeth lene tetrachloroeth lene 127-18-4 7.828 08 98 Propylene dichloride 78-87-5 0.048 08 98 Tetrachloroethane 1 1 2 2— 79-34-5 0.048 08 98 Toluene 108-88-3 10.354 08 98 Trichloroeth lene 79-01-6 0.038 08 98 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 45.325 08 98 Vin lidene chloride 75-35-4 0.057 08 98 X lene 1330-20-7 4.715 08 98 5 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID :0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County: Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or I-8 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: 8 Solar Flares 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—7/Insignificant source small flares used to point control landfill gas as needed(conservatively assumed operation of 12/hr/day for period) 4. SCC Number/Description: 31299999/Miscellaneous Machinery 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 4380 HR/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point(ERPI Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) (in 0.1 feet) Insignificant Source Solar Flare VERTICAL STACK 10 0.33 1050 60 307.9 Solar Flare for odor control 6 Operating Scenario: OS — 7 Emission Source/Group ID: I-8 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25% arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% Sept.—Nov. 25% 010 010 2010 2010 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emission Emissions— Estimation Control GHG CAS GHG Method Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See all controls) Instructions 2010 Emission Criteria Emissions— Estimation Control Pollutant Criteria Method Efficiency Emission (NAA Code Pollutants Code (Net after Factor Ef Control Pollutants (Tons/Year) (See all controls) Instructions 2010 CO CO 2.65 08 NOx NOx 0.63 08 TSP TSP 0.27 08 PM10 PM10 0.27 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.27 08 S02 S02 0.12 08 VOC VOC 0.04 08 Emission CAS Emissions Estimation Control HAP/TAP Method Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In Alphabetical Order) instructions) (Pounds/Year)(see HAP/TAPS Code (Net after all Factor EF Control (See controls) Instructions 2010 Acr lonitrile 107-13-1 0.00002 08 Benzene 71-43-2 0.00001 08 CFC-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 0.00001 08 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 0 08 Carbonyl sulfide 463-58-1 0 08 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0 08 Chloroform 67-66-3 0 08 Dichlorobenzene , 1,4— 106-46-7 0.00005 08 Eth 1 benzene 100-41-4 0.00012 08 7 Ethyl merca tan 75-08-1 0.00001 08 Ethylene dichloride 1 2—dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.00002 08 Ethylidene dichloride 75-34-3 0.00009 08 1 1—dichloroethane Hexane n— 110-54-3 0.00003 08 H dro en chloride(hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 0.0278 08 Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 0.00007 08 Methyl chloride 74-87-3 0.00003 08 Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 0.0001 08 Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 0.00003 08 Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.00001 08 Methyl merca tan 74-93-1 0.00001 08 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.00046 08 Perchloroethylene tetrachloroeth lene 127-18-4 0.00024 08 Propylene dichloride 78-87-5 0.00001 08 Tetrachloroethane 1 1 2 2— 79-34-5 0.00007 08 Toluene 108-88-3 0.0002 08 Trichloroeth lene 79-01-6 0.00014 08 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.00017 08 Vin lidene chloride 75-35-4 0.00001 08 X lene 1330-20-7 0.00007 08 8 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID (from permit)or I—ES-04 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: diesel engines for miscellaneous landfill support 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—4/No. 2 fuel oil—diesel engines for miscellaneous landfill support 4. SCC Number/Description: 20200401/Diesel 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 60000 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (if fuel is used) ro Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) Rate(Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) FP- P—DIESEL FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 Lmiscellaneous diesel STACK engines 9 Operating Scenario: OS —4 Emission Source/Group ID: I—ES-04 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 10 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25°�° M ° une—Aug. ° Sept.—Nov. ° 010 �arch— ay 10 25%° �010 25%° 2010 25/o 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions) all controls 2010 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2010 CO CO 1.47 08 NOx NOx 6.84 08 TSP TSP 0.05 08 PM10 PM10 0.05 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 0.05 08 S02 S02 0.45 08 VOC VOC 0.55 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control CAS Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants (In HAP/TAPS EF Control Alphabetical Order) (see instructions) (Pounds/Year) Method Code (Net after all Factor See Instructions controls) 2010 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 2.4 08 Acrolein 107-02-8 0.3 08 Benzene 71-43-2 2.9 08 Butadiene 13— 106-99-0 0.1 08 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 3.6 08 Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH, dioxins, etc.NC AP 42 POM 74.1 08 historic amorphous lob Toluene 108-88-3 1.3 08 X lene 1330-20-7 1 .9 08 10 11 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit : 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or IES05 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Welding operations 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS-3/maintenance shop welding rods 4. SCC Number/Description: 30900500/Metal Work - Welding 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 5000 LB/yr (e.g. production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS-ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) I i i 9. Emission Release Point i ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) ectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) F-1 FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 fugitive STACK 12 Operating Scenario: OS—3 Emission Source/Group ID: IES05 10.Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 1 ) Days per Week ( 5 ) Weeks per Year ( 50 ) 11.Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 900 End: 1000 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: Ian—Feb +Dec 25% Trch—May 25% 010 Aug. 251%, Sept.—Nov. o 2010 0 2010 2010 25/, 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2010 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2010 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 08 Emission Control HAP/TAP CAS Emissions Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Alphabetical (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code (Net after all Factor EF Control Order) (Pounds/Year) See Instructions controls) 2010 Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify MNC—Other 101 08 Component of MNC 13 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or IES06 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Diesel storage tank 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—6/diesel storage tank 4. SCC Number/Description: 39090004/Fuel Storage—Fixed Roof Tanks 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 158570 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description as listed inpermit) 9.Emission Release Point i ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) F-1 FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 fugitive STACK 14 Operating Scenario: OS—6 Emission Source/Group ID: IES06 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 10 ) Days per Week ( 6 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start&End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 600 End: 1600 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: an—Feb +Dec 25a�o arch—May 25"�u runoe�-7Aug. 25,Y� Sept.—Nov. O10 O10 2010 25�° 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed : Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG AS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor F.f Control Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2010 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2010 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 0 08 HAP/TAP Emissions Emission Control Pollutants (In CAS HAP/TAPS Estimation Efficiency Emission EF Control (see instructions) Method Code Factor Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) (See Instructions 2010 15 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory—Calendar Year 2010 1. Emission Source ID(from permit)or IES07 Emission Source Group ID 2. Emission Source Description: Leachate storage tank 3. Operating Scenario ID/Description: OS—2/temporary storage of collected leachate 4. SCC Number/Description: 40714698/Fixed Roof Tanks—Miscellaneous 5. Throughput/units in 2010: 4053894 GAL/yr (e.g.production or fuel use): 6. Fuel Information (If fuel is used) /o Sulfur /o Ash Heat Content Btu/units 7. Capture Efficiency (%of Emissions from this Process Vented to Control Device or Stack): 8. Control Device Information :None Order CS—ID CD ID Control Device Description (as listed inpermit) 9. Emission Release Point i ERP Information: Sources vented to more than one ERP use additional entry lines): ERP ID ERP Type Height Diameter Temperature Velocity Volume Flow Rate ERP Description (in feet) Circle(enter ft (F) (Feet/sec) (Acfm) Rectangle(L x W) in 0.1 feet) F-1 FUGITIVE(NO 1 72 Area= 1 fugitive STACK 16 Operating Scenario: OS —2 Emission Source/Group ID: IES07 10. Operating Schedule: (Source/Operating Scenario that best characterizes Calendar Year 2010) Hours per Day ( 24 ) Days per Week ( 7 ) Weeks per Year ( 52 ) 11. Typical Start& End Times For Operating Scenario: Start: 0 End: 2359 12. Seasonal Periods Percent Annual Throu h ut: arch—May 25% une—Aug. 25% Sept.—Nov. 25% 010 2010 010 2010 an—Feb +Dec 25% 13. Actual Emissions per Pollutant Listed Attach calculations and documentation of emission factors or other estimation methods used. Emissions— Emission Control GHG CAS GHG Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor Tons/Year See Instructions all controls 2010 Criteria Emissions— Emission Control (NAAQS) Pollutant Criteria Estimation Efficiency Emission Ef Control Pollutants Code Pollutants Method Code (Net after Factor (Tons/Year) (See Instructions) all controls) 2010 CO CO 08 NOx NOx 08 TSP TSP 08 PM10 PM10 08 PM2.5 PM2.5 08 S02 S02 08 VOC VOC 0.01 08 HAP/TAP Emission CAS Emissions Estimation Control Emission Pollutants (In (see instructions) HAP/TAPS Method Code Efficiency Factor EF Control Alphabetical Order) (Pounds/Year) (Net after all controls) See Instructions 2010 17 Facility Total CY 2010 Emissions Summary As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit: 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County: Bertie DAQ Region :WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2010 Record Facility-Wide Totals From all Permitted and Non-Permitted Air Pollutant Emission Sources Green House Gases Pollutants(GHG) Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2010 1 2009 % Difference Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2010 2009 %Difference CO CO 64.98 68.02 -4.469264% NOx NOx 18.66 19.23 -2.964117% PM TSP TSP 3.06 3.29 -6.990882% PM10 PM10 3.06 3.29 -6.990882% PM2.5 PM2.5 3.06 2.89 5.8823476% S02 S02 2.33 2.47 -5.6680202% VOC VOC 14.93 14.27 4.6250863% Hazardous Air Pollutants HAPS and/or Toxic Air Pollutants TAPs Actual Emissions Pounds/Year Pollutant I CAS 1 2010 2009 %Difference Pollutant Grou :Man anese compounds Group Sum:101 Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify MNC-Other 101.0 101 0.0% Component of MNC Pollutant Grou :Mercu Compounds-all total mass,inc Hg Vapor Group Sum:.18 Mercury,vapor(Component of HGC 7439-97-6 1 0.18 1 .179 0.5586603% Pollutant Grou :Total Reduced Sulfur TRS as total mass Gr up Sum:1859.47208 Hydrogen sulfide 7783-06-4 1691.942 1605.73027 5.369009% Methyl mercy tan 74-93-1 167.53001 158.99003 5.371392% Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 2.4 2.4 0.0% Acrolein 107-02-8 0.3 .3 0.0% Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 0.03702 .03508 5.5302186% Benzene 71-43-2 6.69901 9.45003 -29.111235% Butadiene 13- 106-99-0 0.1 .1 0.0% CFC-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 457.41 434.90003 5.1758976% Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 0.032 .03001 6.6311283% Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 6.893 6.55 5.2366405% 18 Carbonyl sulfide 463-58-1 41.163 39.07001 5.3570166% Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 0.032 .03104 3.0927892% Chloroform 67-66-3 0.051 .04901 4.0603914% Dichlorobenzene 14- 106-46-7 0.06305 .06005 4.995841% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.04512 .09111 -50.477444% Ethyl chloride chloroethane 75-00-3 0.018 .018 0.0% Ethyl merca tan 75-08-1 198.104 188.01003 5.368851% Ethylene dichloride 1 2-dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.04202 .04006 4.892666% Ethylidene dichloride 75-34-3 4.77109 4.54035 5.081989% 1 1-dichloroethane Formaldehyde 50-00-0 3.6 3.6 0.0% Hexane n- 110-54-3 12.69303 12.05013 5.335216% Hydrogen chloride(hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 2751.0278 2663.23 3.296668% Methyl chloride 74-87-3 0.00703 .0071 -0.98591644% Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 0.0571 .0541 5.5452914% Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3 260.56204 249.79012 4.312391% Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 0.02801 .06804 -58.83304% Methylene chloride 75-09-2 0.12146 .13784 -11.883347% Perchloroeth lene tetrachloroeth lene 127-18-4 7.82824 7.44096 5.2047043% Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH, dioxins,etc.NC AP 42 historic amorphous POM 74.1 74.1 0.0% lob Propylene dichloride 78-87-5 0.04801 .04603 4.301541% Tetrachloroethane 1 1 2 2- 79-34-5 0.04807 .04628 3.8677576% Toluene 108-88-3 11.6542 11.2608 3.4935281% Trichloroeth lene 79-01-6 0.03814 .03656 4.321663% Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 45.32517 45.3507 -0.05629851% Vin lidene chloride 75-35-4 0.05701 .04003 42.418186% X lene 1330-20-7 5.61507 5.4803 2.4591703% 19 As entered in AERO Facility Name: Eastern Carolina Regional Solid Waste Landfill Facility ID : 0800102 1922 Republican Road Permit : 08849 Aulander,NC 27805 County : Bertie DAQ Region : WARO Comments From Facility: 20 East Carolina Environmental Landfill DETAILED EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Fugitive Landfill Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/201 1 OBJECTIVE:Calculate Fugitive Landfill Emissions APPROACH:Use USEPA's Landfill Gas Emissions Model(LandGEM)and AP-42 equations and emission factors. SOLUTION: (1) Methane and LFG Generation* *As calculated by LandGEM(See Section 2 of 2010 Emission Inventory Report) Estimated LFG Generation/Emission Rates Methane LFG LFG Disposal Refuse Disposal Refuse Generation Generation Fugitive Rate In-Place Rate In-Place Rates Rates Rates Year (tons/vr) (tons) (M r (M (m'/Yr) (cfm) (elm) 2007 532,509 5,376,603 483,084 41877572 1.585E+07 2,129 T 852 2008 518,584 5,909 112 470,451 5,360 656 1.716E+07 2,306 922 2009 471,959 6,427,696 428,154 5,831,108 1.837E+07 2,468 987 2010 542,799 6,899,655 492,419 6,259,262 1.936E+07 2,601 1,041 ESTIMATED NMOC CONCENTRATION IN LFG: 595 ppmv ASSUMED METHANE CONTENT OF LFG: 50% ASSUMED COLLECTION EFFICIENCY OF LFG SYSTEM: 60% SELECTED DECAY RATE CONSTANT: 0.04 SELECTED ULTIMATE METHANE RECOVERY RATE: 3,203.7 cu ft/ton METRIC EQUIVALENT: 100 cu m/Mg Conversions: 35.314667 cu ft per cu m 1.1023113 ton per Mg 32.037 cu ft/ton per cu m/Mg SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 2 of 4 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Fugitive Landfill Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 (2) NMOC and VOC Emissions* *As calculated by LandGEM(See Section 2 of 2010 Emission Inventory Report) NMOC and VOC Generation/Emission Rates NMOC NMOC NMOC VOC VOC VOC Generation Generation Surface Fugitive Generation Generation Surface Fugitive Rates Rates Rates Rates Rates Rates Year tons/Lr / r tons/ r tons/ r r tons/ r) 2007 74.51 67.60 29.81 29.06 26.36 11.62 2008 80.68 73.19 32.27 31.46 28.54 12.59 2009 86.36 78.35 34.55 33.68 30.56 13.47 2010 91.03 82.58 36.41 35.50 1 32.21 14.20 ESTIMATED NMOC CONCENTRATION IN LFG: 595 ppmv ASSUMED METHANE CONTENT OF LFG: 50% AP-42 DEFAULT(11/98)VOC CONTENT OF NMOC: 39% ASSUMED COLLECTION EFFICIENCY OF LFG SYSTEM: 60% SELECTED DECAY RATE CONSTANT: 0.04 SELECTED ULTIMATE METHANE RECOVERY RATE: 3,203.7 cu ft/ton METRIC EQUIVALENT: 100 cu m/Mg Conversions: 35.314667 cu ft per cu m 1.1023113 ton per Mg 32.037 eu ft/ton per cu m/Mg SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 3 of CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 1 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Fugitive Landfill Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MO AN 6/4/2011 (3) Hazardous Air Pollutant(HAPs) Emissions Methane production= 19,358,665 m3/yr (As caculated by LandGEM,see"Estimated LFG Generation/Emission Methane content of LFG= 50% Rates"table on page 1.) Assumed Collection efficiency= 60% Fugitive LFG production=(19,358,665 m3/0.5)*(1-0.60)= 15,486,932 m3/yr Example l,l,l-trichloroethane Molecular weight= 133.41 g/gmol Concentration= 0.0003 ppmv Site Specific Testing for the 2005 Compliance Demonstration Ql,l,ltrichlorodhane=(15,486,932 m3)*(0.0003 ppmv/1E+06)= 0.005 m3/yr UMI,1,1-trit:hlmoVha-=(0.005 m3/yr)*[(133.41 g/gmol*1 atm)/(8.205E-5 m3-atm/gmol-K*1,000 g(kg*(273+25 K))] UMI.1,1-trichlmmhatm= 0.025 kg/yr UMI,I,I-trichloroethane=(0.25 kg/yr)*(2.2 lb/kg)= 1 0.056 lb/yr 1,1,1-trichloroethane UMl.l,t-triclJmoetha"�_(0.056 lb/yr)/(2,000 Ib/tn)= 0.00003 ton/yr 1,1.1-trichloroethane SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 4 of 4 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Invento 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Fugitive Landfill Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 (3)HAP Emissions,continued 2010 Methane Generation(in 3/yr)= 19,358,665 2010 LFG Generation(m3/yr)= 38,717,330 2010 LFG Fugitive Production(in 3/yr)= 15,486,932 Landfill Gas Temperature eol= 25 Pollutant Mol.Wt. Conc.4 Q(p)5 UM(P)6 FM 7 mol my (m3/yr) / lb/ ton/ lbs/ ton/ 1,1,1-trichloroethane TAP,HAP 133.41 0.0003 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 1,1,2 2-tetrachloroethane TAP,HAP 167.85 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 1.1-dichioroethane TAP,HAP 98.97 0.0338 0.52 2.12 4.66 0.00 4.66 0.00 1,1-dichloroethene TAP,HAP 96.94 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 1,2-dichloroethane TAP'HAP 98.96 0.0003 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 1,2-dichloro ro aneHAP 112.99 0.0003 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 acryIonitrileTAP,HAP 53.06 0.0005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 benzene TAP'HAP 78.11 0.0348 0.54 1.72 3.79 0.00 3.79 0.00 carbon disulfide TAP'HAP 76.13 0.0003 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 carbon tetrachloride TAP'HAP 153.84 0.0314 0.49 3.06 6.73 0.00 6.73 0.00 carbonyl sulfide HAP 60.07 0.4900 7.59 18.64 41.02 0.02 41.02 0.02 chlorobenzene TAP'HAP 112.56 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 chloroethane TAP'HAP 64.52 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 chloroform TAP'HAP 119.39 0.0003 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 chloromethane TAP'HAP 50.49 0.0001 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 dichlorobenzene TAP,HAP 147.00 0.0003 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.00 dichlorodifluoromethane TAP 120.91 2.6511 41.06 203.03 446.66 0.22 446.66 0.22 di c h I oromethane TAP,HAP 84.94 0.0010 0.02 0.05 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.00 ethyl mercy tan TAP 62.13 2.2800 35.31 89.72 197.39 0.10 197.39 0.10 eth ]benzene TAP'HAP 106.16 0.0003 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 ethylene dibromide TAP'HAP 187.88 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 hexane TAP,HAP 86.18 0.1053 1.63 5.75 12.65 0.01 12.65 0.01 It dro en sulfide TAP 34.08 35.5000 549.79 766.30 1685.86 0.84 1685.86 0.84 mercury and compounds TAP'HAP 200.61 0.0003 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.00 methyl ethyl ketone TAP 72.11 2.5838 40.01 118.01 259.62 0.13 259.62 0.13 methyl isobutyl ketone TAP'HAP 100.16 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 meth 1 mercy tan TAP 48.11 2.4900 38.56 75.88 166.93 0.08 166.93 0.08 perchloroeth Iene TAP'HAP 165.83 0.0331 0.51 3.47 7.64 0.00 7.64 0.00 toluene TAP'HAP 92.13 0.0804 1.24 4.69 10.32 0.01 10.32 0.01 trichloroeth Iene TAP,14AP 131.40 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 vin I chloride TAP'HAP 62.50 0.3983 6.17 15.77 34.69 0.02 34.69 0.02 xylenes TAP'HAP 106.16 1 0.0318 0.49 2.14 4.70 0.00 4.70 0.00 Total HAPs Only 19.27 57.73 127.00 0.06 127.00 0.06 Total TAPS Onl 716.41 1,292.00 2,842.40 1.42 2,842.40 1.42 Total HAPs/TAPS - 724.00 1,310.67 2,883.47 1.44 2,883.47 1 1.44 Notes: 1.The landfill gas temperature was obtained from AP-42 Page 2.4-5. 2. The AP42 Section 2.4 default for Flare Destruction Efficiency was assumed. 3. Generation rate calculated in 2009. 4. Pollutant concentrations used to compute the estimated emissions are from AP-42 and Site Specific Testing for the 2005 Compliance Demonstration. 5. Q(p)=Volumetric emission rate of the pollutant. AP-42 Section 2.4 equation(3). 6. UM(p)=Uncontrolled mass emissions of pollutant. If no collection exists,this is also equal to the fugitive emission rate,FM(p)of the pollutant. AP42 equation(4). TAP denotes compounds that are classified as toxic air pollutants per North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. HAP denotes compounds that are classified as hazardous air pollutants per AP42 and CAA Section 112. SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of 5 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Flare Emission Calculations-NOx,CO,PM, D.GREENE 5/23/2011 NMOC,VOC,SO_,Uncombusted HAPs,HCl CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 OBJECTIVE:Calculate flare emissions based on LFG consumption LFG Consumption: 657,966,277 scf/yr(CY10) Heat Content: 500 Btu/scf Calculated MMBTU: 328,983 MMBtu/yr(CY10) APPROACH:Use manufacturer data and AP42 equations and emission factors SOLUTION: (1)NOx Emissions NOx emission factor= 0.068 lb/MMBtu (APA2,Table 13.5-1) LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/year CMNOx=(0.068 lb/MMBtu)*(328,983 MMBtu/yr)= 22,370.9 Ib! r NOx CMNOx= (22,370.9 lb/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 2.55 Ib/hr NOx CMNOx= (22,370.9 Ib/yr)/(2,000 hr/yr)= 11.19 tn/ r NOx (2)CO Emissions CO emission factor= 0.37 lb/MMBtu (AP42,Table 13.5-1) LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/year CMCO=(0.370 lb/MMBtu)*(328,983 MMBtu/yr)= 121,723.8 Ib! r CO CMCO= (121,723.8 lb/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 13.90 Ib/hr CO CMCO= (121,723.8 Ib/yr)/(2,000 hr/yr)= 60.86 tn/ r CO (3)PM Emissions PM emission factor= 17 lb/106 ft CH4 (AP42,Section 2.4,Table 2.4-5) LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/yr HHV of natural gas= 1,020 Btu/113 (AP-42,Section 3.2) Equivalent amount of CH4 consumed=(328,983 MMBtu/yr)/(1,020 MMBtu/106 113)=322.53 x 106 ft3 CH4 CMPM=(17 lb/million ft3 CH4)*(322.53 million ft3 CH4)A 5,483.1 Ib/ r PM CMPM=(5,483.1 Ib/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 0.63 Ib/hr PM CMPM= (5,483.1 Ib/yr)/(2,000 hr/yr)= 2.74 tn/ r PM SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 2 of 5 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Invento 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Flare Emission Calculations-NOx,CO,PM, D.GREENE 5/23/2011 NMOC,VOC,S02,Uncombusted HAPs,HCl CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 (4)NMOC Emissions Use the default concentration of NMOC(as hexane)from AP-42 Table 2.4-2. The default NMOC concentration is 595 ppmv. Use Equations(3),(4),&(5)of AP-42,Section 2.4 to determine NMOC emissions. Molecular weight of hexane= 86.18 g/gmol LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/yr HHV of landfill gas= 500 Btu/ft' Amount of landfill gas consumed=(328,983 MMBtu/yr)/(500 MMBtu/million ft3)= 657.97 x106 ft3 LFG Eqn(3) QNMOC=(657.97 x 106 ft3)*(m'/35.3198 ft)*(595 ppmv/106)= 11,084 m'/yr Eqn(4) UMNMoc=(11,084 in *[(86.18 g/gmol*1 atm)/(8.205E-5 m'-atm/gmol-K*1,000 g/kg*(273+25 K))]_ UMNMOC= 39,067.4 kg Eqn(5) CMNMoc=[39,067.4 kg*(1-NcOL/100)]+39,067.4 kg*(NCOL/100)*(I-NcNT/100)] NCOL=100%since calc is based on actual flow rate to the flare and not an assumed collection rate. NcNT=99.2% Assume that the flare is capable of reducing NMOCs 99.2%by weight(AP-42 Table 2.4-3). CMNMoc=39,067.4 kg*(1-100/100)]+39,067.4 kg*(100/100)*(1-99.2/100)]= 312.54 kg CMNMOC=(312.54 kg)*(2.2 lb/kg) = 687.6 lb/yr NMOC CMNMoc=(687.6 Ib/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr) 10.08 lb/hr NMOC CMNMOC=(687.6 lb/yr)/(2,000 lb/tn)= 0.�4 to/yr NMOC (5)VOC Emissions Use Note"c"from Table 2.4-2. The default VOC content at non-co-disposal sites is 39%of NMOC by weight(235 ppmv as hexane). CMvoc=687.6 lb/yr NMOC*0.39 1 268.16 Ib/yr VOC CMvoc=0.081b/hr NMOC*0.39= 0.03 lb/hr VOC CMvoc=0.34 tn/yr NMOC*0.39= 0.13 to/yr VOC SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 3 of 5 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Flare Emission Calculations-NOx,CO,PM, D.GREENE 5/23/2010 NMOC,VOC,5O2,Uncombusted HAPs,HCl CHECKED DATE 1.MORGAN 6/4/2011 (6)SO2 Emissions -Use Equations(3),(4),&(7)from AP-42 Section 2.4 to determine SO2 emissions. 1-12S concentration= 35.5 ppmv AP42 Molecular weight of sulfur(S)= 32 g/gmol Molecular weight of hydrogen sulfide(1 34 g/gmol HHV of landfill gas= 500 Btu/ft3 LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/yr Amount of landfill gas consumed=(328,983 MMBtu/yr)/(500 MMBtu/106 ft)= 657.97 x106 ft3 LFG Eqn(3) Qtus= (657.97 x 106 ft)*(m3/35.3198 ft)*(35.5 ppmv H,S/I06)= 661 in HZS Qs=(661 in HZS)*(32 g/gmol S/34 g/gmol H,S)= 622 m3 S Eqn(4) UM,=(622 m3)*[(32 g/gtnol*1 atm)/(8.205E-5 m3-attn/gmol-K*1,000 g/kg*(273+25 K))]_ UM,= 814.59 kg S Eqn(7) CMso2=814.59 kg S*(NcOL/100)*2.0*(98%conversion efficiency of S to SO,) NcoL=100%since talc is based on actual flow rate to the flare and not an assumed collection rate. CMso2=814.59 kg S*(100/100)*2.0*0.98= 1,596.60 kg/yr CMso2=(1,596.60 kg)*(2.21b/kg)= F 3,5 22.52 Ib/yr S02 CMso2=(3,512.52 lb/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 0.40 lb/hr S02 CMso2=(3,512.52 lb/yr)/(2,000 hr/yr)= 1.76 to/yr S02 (7) Hazardous Air Pollutant(HAPs)Emissions -HAPs are calculated in a manner consistent with NMOCs,except that the concentration and molecular weight of the individual RAPS are substituted into the equations. See Table 3 for a summary of flare HAP emissions. Example 1,1,1-trichloroethane Molecular weight=133.41 g/gmol Concentration=0.0003 ppmv Site Specific Testing for the 2005 Compliance Demonstration Qt,t.tt t�hi�atna*_(657.97 x 10'ft3)*(m3/35.3198 ft3)*(0.0003 ppmv/106)= 0.0056 tn3/yr CM t t.t.���«�,�, _(0.0056 m3/yr)*[(133.41 g/gmol*1 atm)/(8.205E-5 m3-atm/gmol-K* 1,000 g/kg*(273+25 K))] CM1,1.1_tricW-ethatta= 0.030 kg/yr 1,1,1-trichloroethane CMt,l,t.vichimcxtham=(0.030 kg/yr)*(2.2 lb/kg)*(ton/2,0001b)= I 3.35E-05 ton I.1,1-trichloroethane to flare 1,1,1-trichloroethane=CMI,I,1.tdchl«mh,n (tons/yr)*(1-NcNr/100) Ncxr=98%destruction efficiency(AP-42 Table 2.4-3) 1,1,1-trichloroethane=3.35e-5 tons/yr*(1-(98/100))= F 6.71E-07 ton 1,1,1-trichlfffTf e SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 4 u1 C LIEN T PROJECT East Carolina Environmental landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions lnvento 02209360.01 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Flare Emission Calculations-NOx,CO,PM, D.GREENE 5/23/2011 NMOC,VOC,SOz,Uncombusted HAPs,HCI CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/201 1 (7)HAP Emissions,continued 2010 LFG Consumption(MMBtu/yr)= 328,983 HHV of LFG(Btu/fi) 500 2010 LFG Consumption(ft3/yr)= 657,966,277 2010 LFG Consumption(m3/yr)= 18,628,822 Landfill Gas Temperature ec)1= 25 Halogenated Destruction Eff.(%.)i= 98.0%. Non-Halogenated Destruction Eff.(%)_= 99.7%. Mercury Compound Destruction Eff.(%)z= 0.0% Pollutant Mol.Wt. Cone.4 Q(p)s UM( )` Flare Flare / of my (m3/ (lb/ ) (tn/ 1,1.1-trichloroethaneTnnu"P 111.41 0.0003 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.00 6.71L-07 1,12,2-tetrachloroethaneI AP' RAI 167.85 0.0002 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 5.63E-07 I 1-dichloroethane TAP,HAP 98.97 0.0338 0.63 2.55 5.60 0.11 5.60E-05 1,1-di chlomethene TA"'w 96.94 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 3.25E-07 1 24chloroethane TAP'HAP 98.96 0.0003 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.00 4.98E-07 1 2-dichloro ro anc HAP 112.99 0.0003 0.01 0.03 1 0.06 0.00 5.68E-07 acTylonitrile TAP,HAP 53.06 0.0005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 6.67E-08 benzene 78.11 0.0348 0.65 2.07 4.55 0.01 6.83E-06 carbon disulfide 76.13 0.0003 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 5.74E-08 carbon tetrachloride TAP,"AP 153.84 0.0314 0.58 3.68 8.10 0.16 8.]OE-05 carbon sulfide"AP 60.07 0.4900 9.13 22.43 49.34 0.15 7.40E-05 chlorobenzene 112.56 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 3.77E-07 chloroethane HAP64.52 0.0002 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 2.16E-07 Chloroform TAP,HAP 119.39 0,0003 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.00 6.00E-07 Ch oromethane TAP*HAP 50.49 0.0001 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 8.46E-08 dichlorobenzene TAP,HAP 147.00 0.0003 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.00 7.39E-07 dichlorodifluoromethane TAP 120.91 2.6511 49.39 244.22 537.28 10.75 5.37E-03 dichloromethane T."P.'LAP 84.94 0.0010 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.00 1.42E-06 ethyl merca tan TAP 62.13 2.2800 42.47 107.93 237.44 0.71 3.56E-04 ethylbenzeneHAP 106.16 0.0003 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.00 8.01E-08 ethylene dibromide TAP'HAP 187.88 0.0002 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 6.30E-07 hexane TAP,HAP 86.18 0.1053 1.96 6.92 15.21 0.05 2.28E-05 hydrogen chloride TAP'"AP 7 35.45 42.0000 N/A N/A N/A 2570.71 1.29E+00 hydrogen sulfide TAP 34.08 35.5000 661.32 921.76 2027.87 6.08 3.04E-03 mercury and compounds TAP,HAP 200.61 0.0003 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.10 4.91E-05 methyl ethyl ketone TAP 72.11 2.5838 48.13 141.95 312.30 0.94 4.68E-04 rneth l isobutylketone TAP,HAP 100.16 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 5.04E-08 methyl mercaptan TAP 48.11 2.4900 46.39 91.27 200.79 0.60 3.01 E-04 perchloroethyleneTAP,HAP 165.83 0.0331 0.62 4.18 9.19 0.18 9.19E-05 tolueneTAP'HAP 92.13 0.0804 1.50 5.64 12.41 0.04 1.86E-OS trichloroeth lene TAP.HAP 131.40 0.0002 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 4.40E-07 vin IchlorideTAP'HAP 62.50 0.3983 7.42 18.97 41.73 0.83 4.17E-04 x)dcncsT^P111P 106.16 0.0318 059 2.57 5.65 0.02 8.48F.-06 Total HAPs Onlv - 69.44 152.77 2,57237 L29 Total TAPS Only 11,554.091 3,419.00 1 2,591.31 I.311 Folal I IAPs/TAI's 11,576.571 3,468.45 1 2,591.46 1.30 Notes: 1.The landfill gas temperature was obtained from AP-42 Page 2.4-5. 2. The AP-42 Section 2.4 default for Flare Destruction Efficiency was assumed. 3. Average flow rate recorded in 2009. 4. Pollutant concentrations used to compute the estimated emissions are from AP-42 and Site Specific Testing for the 2005 Compliance Deomonstration. 5. Q(p)=Volumetric emission rate of the pollutant. AP-42 Section 2.4 equation(3). 6. UM(p)=Uncontrolled mass emissions of pollutant. ff no collection exists,this is also equal to the fugitive emission rate,FM(p)of the pollutant. AP-42 equation(4). 7. HCI emissions are a product of the combustion process and are calculated in a manner different than the other pollutants listed above. See page 5 of the calculation shee r"P denotes compounds that are classified as toxic air pollutants per North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. MAP denotes compounds that are classified as hazardous air pollutants per AP-42 and CAA Section 112. *The compounds listed above were compiled from AP-42(revised Nov.1998)and CAA Section 112. SCS ENGINEERS SHEET of CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Flare -Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 Uncombusted HCI CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 (8)HCI Emissions -Use Equations(3),(4),&(10)from AP-42 Section 2.4 to determine HCI emissions. HCI concentration= 42.0 ppmv (AP42,Page 2.4-9) Molecular weight of chlorine(CI)= 35.453 g/gmol HHV of landfill gas= 500 Btu/ft' LFG consumed= 328,983 MMBtu/yr Hours of operation= 8,760 hr/yr Amount of landfill gas consumed=(328,983 MMBtu/yr)/(500 MMBtu/106 ft3)= 657.97 x 106 ft'LFG Eqn(3) Qs= (657.97 x 106 ft)*(m'/35.3198 ft3)*(42.0 ppmv Cl/10)= 782.41 in,Cl Eqn(4) UMci=(782.41 m')*[(35.453 g/gmol* 1 atm)/(8.205E-5 m'-atm/gmol-K*1,000 g/kg*(273+25 K))]_ UMCI= 1,134.5 kg Cl Eqn(10) CMHC1=1,134.5 kg Cl* (NCOL/100)*1.03*(NCNT/100) NCOL=100%since calc is based on actual flow rate to the flare and not an assumed collection rate. NcNT=100%Assume the flare is capable of converting 100%of the Cl to HCI. CMHCI=1,134.5 kg Cl*(100/100)*1.03*(100/100)= 1,168.5 kg/yr HCI CMHC1=(1,168.5 kg)*(2.2 lb/kg) = 2,570.7 Ib/ r HCI CMHC1=(2,570.7 lb/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 0.29 lb/hr HCl CMHC1=(2,570.7 lb/yr)/(2,000 Ib/tn)= 1.29 tn/ r HCI SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of 3 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Insignificant Sources-Solar Flares(ES-06) D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 OBJECTIVE:Estimate emissions resulting from the use of small solar spark flares APPROACH:Use manufacture and site provided data SOLUTION: Number of Solar Flares in operation during CY10: 6 Estimated flow per flare: 60 scfm Total Estimated Flow: 360 scfrn Solar Flare Usage 8 hrs/day 365 days/year 175,200 min/yr (1)NOx Emissions NOx Emissions Rate 0.072 lbs Nox/hr/Flare Total NOx Emisisons 0.432 lbs Nox/hr 1,261.44 Ib/ NOx 0.43 Ib/hr NO. 0.63 tr✓r NOx (2)CO Emissions CO Emissions Rate 0.302 lbs CO/lu/Flare Total CO Emisisons 1.812 lbs CO/hr 5,291.04 ib/ CO 1.81 Ib/hr CO 2.65 tn/ CO (3)PM Emissions PM Emissions Rate 0.031 lbs PM/hr/Flare Total PM Emisisons 0.186 lbs PM/hr 543.12 lb/r PM 0.19 Ib/hr PM 0.27 WY-1- PM SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 2 of 3 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. R'public Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 0721 I014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Insignificant Sources-Solar Flares(ES-06) D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/41?011 OBJECTIVE:Estimate emissions resulting from the use of small solar spark flares APPROACH:Use manufacture and site provided data SOLUTION: Number of Solar Flares in operation during CY 10: 6 Estimated flow per flare: 60 scfrn Total Estimated Flow: 360 sclin Solar Flare Usage 8 Ins/day 365 days/year 175,200 min/yr (1)S02 Emissions S02 Emissions Rate 0.014 Ibs S02/hr/Flare Total S02 Emisisons 0.084 Ibs SO,/hr 245.28 Ib/yr S02� 0.08 Ib/hr SO= 0.12 tn/yr S02 (2)VOC Emissions VOC Emissions Rate 0.004 Ibs VOC/hr/Flare Total VOC Emisisons 0.024 Ibs VOC/hr 70.08 Ib/yr VOC 0.02 Ib/hr VOC 0.04 tn/r VOC (3)NMOC Emissions Per AP42,assume NMOC=1/0.39 of VOC 179.69 Ib/r NMOC 0.39 VOC to NMOC 0.06 Ib/hr NMOC 0.09 WE NMOC SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 3 of CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Insignificant Sources-Solar Flares(ES-06) D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/201 I Emissions Rates based upon data for compounds common with main Flare and listed by manufacturer Total Solar Flares: 6 Operational year: 33.3% (percent of full year as operated at&hr/d) Hydrogen chloride emissions calculated from ratio of Solar Flare 112S emission to Main Flare H2S emission: Main Flare H2S Emissions*(Solar Flare 112S Emissions/Main Flare H2S Emissions)= 0.03 ibs/yr Pollutant Mol.Wt. Flare Flare 8 Flares 8 Flares of lb/ ta/ r (lb/period yrj tn! eriod I.I,1-trichloroelhane TAP.HAP 133.41 1.2E-05 6.00E-09 2.40E-05 1.20E-08 1,1,2 2-tetrachloroethane TAP'HAP 167.85 3.5E-05 1.75E-08 7.00E-05 3.50E-08 1,1-dichloroethane TAP'NAP 98.97 4.4E-05 2.20E-08 8.80E-05 4.40E-08 1,1-dichloroetheneTAP'NAP 96.94 3.7E-06 1.85E-09 7.40E-06 3.70E-09 1,2-dichloroethane TAP'LAP 98.96 7.6E-06 3.80E-09 1.52E-05 7.60E-09 I,2-dichloro ro aneHAP 112.99 3.9E-06 1.95E-09 7.80E-06 3.90E-09 acrylonitrileTAP,HAP 53.06 9.6E-06 4.80E-09 1.92E-05 9.60E-09 benzene TAP,HAP 78.11 4.2E-06 2.10E-09 8.40E-06 4.20E-09 carbon disulfide TAP'HAP 76.13 1.3E-06 6.50E-10 2.60E-06 1.30E-09 carbon tetrachloride TAP'HAP 153.84 1.2E-07 6.00E-1 I 2.40E-07 1.20E-10 carbonyl sulfide NAP 60.07 8.4E-07 4.20E-10 1.68E-06 8.40E-10 chlorobenzeneTAP,HAP 112.56 5.4E-06 2.70E-09 1.08E-05 5.40E-09 chloroform TAP'NAP 119.39 6.8E-07 3.40E-10 1.36E-06 6.80E-10 chloromethane TAP'NAP 50.49 1.2E-05 6.00E-09 2.40E-05 1.20E-08 d i ch lorobenzene TAP.HAP 147.00 5.9E-06 2.95E-09 1.18E-05 5.90E-09 d ichlorodifluoromethane TAP 120.91 3.4E-06 1.70E-09 6.80E-06 3.40E-09 dichloromethane TAP,1w 84.94 2.3E-04 1.15E-07 4.60E-04 2.30E-07 eth 1 merca tan TAP 62.13 4.0E-06 2.00E-09 8.00E-06 4.00E-09 cth IbenzeneNAP 106.16 1.4E-05 7.00E-09 2.80E-05 1.40E-08 ethylene dibromide TAP'HAP 187.88 3.6E-08 1.80E-I I 7.20E-08 3.60E-1 l hexane TAP.HAP 86.18 1.6E-05 3.00E-09 3.20E-05 1.60E-08 hydrogen sulfide TAP 34.08 3.4E-05 1.70E-08 6.80E-05 3.40E-08 mercury and compounds TAP'NAP 200.61 5.6E-07 2.80E-10 1.12E-06 5.60E-10 methyl ethyl ketone TAP 72.11 1.5E-05 7.50E-09 3.00E-05 1.50E-08 methyl isobutyl ketone TAP,HAP 100.16 5.3E-06 2.65E-09 1.06E-05 5.30E-09 methyl merca tan TAP 48.11 3.4E-06 1.70E-09 6.80E-06 3.40E-09 perch loroeth lene TAP'NAP 165.83 1.2E-04 6.00E-08 2.40E-04 1.20E-07 toluene TAP'HAP 92.13 1.0E-04 5.00E-08 2.00E-04 1.00E-07 trichloroeth lene TAP'HAP 131.40 7.0E-05 3.50E-08 1.40E-04 7.00E-08 Vinyl chloride TAP'HAP 62.50 8.7E-05 4.35E-08 1.74E-04 8.70E-08 xylen_JAP,HAP 106.16 3.7E-05 1.85E-08 7.40E-05 3.70E-08 lotalHAPs/IAA's --- 8.9E-04 4.43E-07 1.771:-03 1 8.86E-07 SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of I CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Storage Tank Emissions D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 OBJECTIVE:Insiginificant source tank emissions based on design capacity and throughput APPROACH:Use EPA's TANKS 4.09 Program SOLUTION: The following information was entered into TANKS 4.09: Parameter Diesel Tank Product Diesel Fucl Volume al 3,000 Length,ft 15 Diameter,R 5.8 Throuh ut,gal/yr 158,570 As reported by TANKS 4.09(see attached report): Diesel Tank 3,000 gal Pollutant lb/ r ton/ r VOC 4.49 2.25E-03 NMOC* 4.49 2.25E-03 NMOC emissions are conservatively estimated to be equal to VOC emissions. For emissions purposes waste oil modeled as Petroleum Distillate#2 SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of 1 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Ite ublic Services 2010 Air Emissions Inventory 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Leachate Tanks Emission Calculations-NMOC,VOC,HAPs D.GREENE 5/23/2011 CHECKED DATE J. MORGAN 6/4/2011 OBJECTIVE:Calculate emissions for leachate storage tanks based on laboratory analysis and throughput. APPROACH:Use mass balance approach,assumes that all organic content volatilizes. SOLUTION: Leachate throughput: 4,053,894 gal/yr (Data obtained from landfill) Organic content: 547.3 µg/L (See Below) CMvoc=(547.3 µg/L)*(1,001,808 gal/yr)*(3.785 Ugal)*(l Ib/453.6E+03 mg)*(1 mg/1,000 µg) 18.51 Ib/yr VO( CMvoc=(4.8 lb/yr)/(8,760 hr/yr)= 2.11E-03 Ib/br VOC CMvoc=(4.8 lb/yr)/(2,000 lb/tn)= 9.26E-03 ton/yr VOC Note: VOC emissions are conservatively estimated to equal NMOC,HAP,and TAP emissions. VOC g/L" Ib/ lb/d Acetone' 200 6•77 1.85E-02 Benzene 0.17 4.63E-04 Dichloromethane 2.5 0.08 2.32E-04 Ethyl benzene 5.8 0.20 5.38E-04 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 300 10.15 2.78E-02 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 5 0.17 4.63E-04 Toluene 16 0.54 1.48E-03 X lens 13 0.44 1.20E-03 547.3 Notes: 1 "Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate Charatcterization Study,"Environmental Research&Educational Foundation,September 2007,(Table 4"Extended VOCs") Assumes data is representative of East Carolina Landfill leachate VOC content(Table 4"Extended VOCs") 2 Acetone neither HAP or TAP,but included as a VOC for VOC purposes SCS ENGINEERS SHEET 1 of 1 CLIENT PROJECT East Carolina Environmental Landfill JOB NO. Republic Services 2010 Air Emissions Invento 07211014.00 SUBJECT BY DATE 2010 Facility Wide Emissions Summary D.GREENE 5/24/2011 CHECKED DATE J.MORGAN 6/4/2011 Landfill Flare Diesel Diesel V elding Leachate Solar TOTAL TOTAL Pollutant Tank Engines Operations Tank Flares (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) pb/yr) (lb/yr) (lb/yr) pb/yr) Qb/yr) ton/yr NOx 22,371 13,680 1,261 37,312 18.66 S02 3,513 900 245.3 4,658 2.33 CO 121,724 2,940 5291 129955 64.98 PM 5,483 100 543 1 6,126 3.06 NMOC 72,824 687.6 4.49 18.51 179.7 73,715 36.86 VOC 28401 268.2 4.49 1,100 18.51 70.1 29863 14.93 1,1,1-trichlomethane TAP*HAP 0.06 0.00 2.40E-05 6.E-02 2.86E-05 1,1,2 2-tetrachloroethane TAP'HAP 0.05 0.00 7.00E-05 5.E-02 2.40E-05 1 1-dichloroethane TAP'HAP 4.66 0.11 8.80E-05 4.77 2.39E-03 1,1-dichlometheneTAP,HAP 0.03 0.00 7.40E-06 3.E-02 1.38E-05 1,2-dichlometharle TAP'HAP 0.04 0.00 1.52E-05 4.E-02 2.12E-05 1,2dichloro ro anew 0.05 0.00 7.80E-06 5.E-02 2.42E-05 aceWdeh de 2.40 2.4 1.20E-03 acrolein 0.30 3.0.E-01 1.50E-04 acrylonitrileTAP'HAP 0.04 0.00 1.92E-05 4.E-02 1.86E-05 benzene TAP'HAP 3.79 0.01 2.90 0.17 8.40E-06 6.87 3.43E-03 carbon disulfide TAP'HAP 0.03 0.00 2.60E-06 3.E-02 I 1.60E-05 carbon tetrachloride TAP'HAP 6.73 0.16 2.40E-07 6.89 3.45E-03 carbonyl sulfide HAP 41.02 0.15 1.68E-06 41.2 2.06E-02 chlorobenzeneTAP'HAP 0.03 0.00 1.08E-05 3.E-02 1.61E-05 chlomethane TAP'HAP 0.02 0.00 _ - 2.E-02 9.21E-06 chloroform TAP'HAP 0,05 0.00 1.36E-06 5.E-02 2.56E-05 chloromethane TAP'HAP 0.01 0.00 2.40E-05 7.E-03 3.61E-06 d i chlorobenzene TAP,HAP 0.06 0.00 1.18E-05 6.E-02 3.15E-05 dichlorodifluoromethaneTAP 446.66 10.75 6.80E-06 457.4 2.29E-01 dichlommethane TAP,HAP 0.12 0.00 -- 0.08 4.60E-04 2.E-01 1.03E-04 ethyl merca tan TAP 197.39 0.71 --- 8.00E-06 198.1 9.91E-02 eth IbenzeneTAP,HAP 0.04 0.00 0.20 2.80E-05 2.E-01 1.20E-04 ethylene dibromide TAP'HAP 0.05 0.00 7.20E-08 5.E-02 2.68E-05 Formaldehyde 3.60 3.6 1.80E-03 hexane TAP,HAP 12.65 0.05 3.20E-05 1 12.7 6.35E-03 hydrogen chloride TAV,HAP 2,571 2.87E-02 2 571 5.14E+03 hydrogen sulfide TAP 1,685.86 6.08 6.80E-05 1,692 8.46E-01 Manganese 101.00 101 5.05E-02 mercury and compounds TAP-RAP 0.08 0.10 1.12E-06 2.E-01 8.99E-05 methyl ethyl ketone TAP 259.62 0.94 10.15 3.00E-05 270.7 1.35E-01 methyl isobutyl ketone TAP.HAP 0.03 0.00 0.17 1.06E-05 2.E-01 9.86E-05 methyl mercy tan TAP 166.93 0.60 6.80E-06 1 167.5 8.38E-02 Polycyclic Organic Matter 74.10 74.1 3.71E-02 erchloroeth lone TAP'HAP 7.64 0.18 2.40E-04 7.83 3.91E-03 Utluene TAP,HAP 10.32 0.04 1.30 0.54 2.00E-04 12.2 6.10E-03 trichloroetb Icne TAP'HAP 0.04 0.00 1.40E-04 4.E-02 1.88E-05 vinyl chloride TAP'HAP 44.49 0.83 1.74E-04 45.3 2.27E-02 xylenesTAP'HAP 4.70 0.02 0,90 0.44 7.40E-05 6.06 3.03E-03 Total HAPs Only 2,880.33 2,572.37 85.50 101.00 .60 0.03 1 5,640.84 2.82 Total TAPS Only 2,886.50 2,591.31 85.50 101.00 10.15 0.03 5,674.48 2.84 Total HAPs/TAPs 2,893.27 2,591.46 85.50 1U1.00 11.75 0.03 5,683.00 2.84 Not.: t`v depot.congmunds that are classified as tonic air pollutants per North Carolina Deparnnem of Envirotuncrt and Natural Resources. xAP denotes cmnpounds that are classified as hazardous air pollutants per AP42 and CAA Section 112. 'The com ounds listed above were compiled from AP-42(revised Nov.1998)and CAA Section 112. Ix� cep F Of� TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: ECE 3000gal Diesel City: State: North Carolina Company: Type of Tank: Horizontal Tank Description: East Carolina 3,000 gallon Diesel Tank Tank Dimensions Shell Length(ft): 15.00 Diameter(ft): 5.80 Volume(gallons): 3,000.00 Turnovers: 52.86 Net Through put(gal/yr): 158,570.10 Is Tank Heated(y/n): N Is Tank Underground(y/n): N Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Gray/Medium Shell Condition Good Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings(psig): -0.03 Pressure Settings(psig) 0.03 Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Raleigh,North Carolina(Avg Atmospheric Pressure=14.53 psia) 4K5 tep_-- Fagv L of o TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank ECE 3000gal Diesel - Horizontal Tank North Carolina Liquid Daily Liquid Surf. Bulk Vapor Liquid Vapor Temperature(deg F) Temp Vapor Pressure(psia) Mol. Mass Mass Mol. Basis for Vapor Pressure Mixture/Component Month Avg. Min. Max. (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. Weight. Frail. Fract. Weight Calculations Distillate fuel ill no.2 All 68.49 57.95 79.03 62.36 0.0086 0.0061 0.0117 130.0000 188.00 Option 1:VP60=.0065 VP70=.009 v 11%,11 Kep I 3 of TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Detail Calculations (AP-42) ECE 3000gal Diesel - Horizontal Tank North Carolina Annual Emission Calcaulations Standing Losses(lb): 1.3846 Vapor Space Volume(cu ft): 252.4280 Vapor Density(lb/cu ft): 0.0002 Vapor Space Expansion Factor: 0.0761 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor: 0.9987 Tank Vapor Space Volume: Vapor Space Volume(cu ft): 252.4280 Tank Diameter(ft): 5.8000 Effective Diameter(ft): 10.5275 Vapor Space Outage(ft): 2.9000 Tank Shell Length(ft): 15.0000 Vapor Density Vapor Density(lb/cu it): 0.0002 Vapor Molecular Weight(Ibllb-mole): 130.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0086 Daily Avg.Liquid Surface Temp.(deg.R): 528.1618 Daily Average Ambient Temp.(deg.F): 59.2833 Ideal Gas Constant R (psia cuft/(lb-mol-deg R)): 10.731 Liquid Bulk Temperature(deg.R): 522.0333 Tank Paint Solar Absorptance(Shell): 0.6800 Daily Total Solar Insulation Factor(Btu/sgft day): 1,393.0797 Vapor Space Expansion Factor Vapor Space Expansion Factor: 0.0761 Daily Vapor Temperature Range(deg.R): 42.1602 Daily Vapor Pressure Range(psia): 0.0056 Breather Vent Press.Setting Range(psia): 0.0600 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0086 Vapor Pressure at Daily Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0061 Vapor Pressure at Daily Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0117 Daily Avg.Liquid Surface Temp.(deg R): 528.1618 Daily Min.Liquid Surface Temp.(deg R): 517.6217 Daily Max.Liquid Surface Temp.(deg R): 538.7018 Daily Ambient Temp.Range(deg.R): 21.7167 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor Vented Vapor Saturation Factor: 0.9987 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid: Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0086 Vapor Space Outage(ft): 2.9000 Working Losses(lb): 3.1075 Vapor Molecular Weight(Iblib-mole): 130.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature(psia): 0.0086 Annual Net Throughput(gal/yr.): 158,570.1000 Annual Turnovers: 52.8567 Turnover Factor: 0.7342 Tank Diameter(ft): 5.8000 Working Loss Product Factor: 1.0000 v n, Ker 1 a��4 of Total Losses(lb): 4.4920 JK' .._ Kep___ f-age 3 of o TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Emissions Report for: Annual ECE 3000gal Diesel -Horizontal Tank North Carolina Losses(lbs) Components Working Loss Breathing Loss Total Emissions Distillate fuel oil no.2 =1 3.11 1.38 1 4.49