HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800081_20060831_EI_Cmb-EI-File V " Emissions Inventory Review/Data Traddng Form Facility Name: / Facility ID: C� Permit Writer: InspectorT �� ,/�� Confidential? Initial Review/Data Entry ❑ confidential information received,it has been properly labeled and stored. Sanitized copies have been received for public use. Two copies of inventory were received and responsible official signed forms. Inventory Review/Database Entry Q Forms appear to be complete 17 Calculations and control efficiencies supporting emissions appear correct Calculations appear to add up ok All permitted sources and required / significant activities are quantified g All compliance issues resulting from review are being addressed.(i.e.toxics,emission limitations / exceeded,unpermitted sources) 4,0rV C3 1 volatile HAPS/TAPS are included in the VOC total /All All appropriate ID numbers are entered where they should be(Source,Stack) changes made in the review by AQ staff are in both copies of the inventory before sending to Central Office. Comments: Aa/,u.7-._r £�S(�r s Signature: Date Billing Contact & General Data updated in FEES database Date Emissions Data loaded into I-BEAM database 6/3/l0 4 Remember: Confidential copies must be properly handled! (S AAM\_ADMIN\2002 Emission Inventories\WARD inventory review form.doc) Facility Total CY 2005 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 0800081 Facility Name: Perdue Farms Inc - Lewiston Permit#(s): 03085T24 Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions % Difference (Tons/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2005 CY 2004 from ED from Fees CO co 1 1 .1 9.34 19.4 . NOx Nox 118.15 102.40 15.4`%, PM(TSP) TSP 43.21 69.36 -37.7% PM10 PM10 37.37 31.61 18.2%) PM2.5 PM2.5 16.02 15.32 4.6% S02 Sot 353.61 350.52 0.9% VOC (Meeting Federal Definition as voc 11 .56 7.74 49.4°/o photochemically reactive) Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions % Difference and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2005 CY 2004 from ED from Fees Polycyclic Organic Matter (Specific Compounds from OAQPS for 3.47 2.94 18.0% To Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 833291POMTV& 50-32-8 0.000400 Not N/A s 655317PAH) Reported Naphthalene (Component of 833291POMTP) 91-20-3 3.47 2.Q4 Polycyclic Organic Matter (7 PAH Compounds for NIF) 0.000400 Not Repo d Benzo(a)pyrene (Component of 833291POMTV& 50-32-8 0.000400 Not N/X 5 655317PAH) Reported- Nickel& Compounds,sum total mass, inc elemental 155.55 144.22 7.9% Nickel Unlisted Compounds (Specify& Component NIC-Other 155.55 144.22 7.9% ol'3730 4'.N"1C) Mercury c& Compounds-all total mass, inc Hg Vapor 0.472000 0.418520 12.8% Mercury Unlisted Compounds (Specify& HGC-other 0.472000 0.418520 1 r. Component of HGC) MAO Copy 08/31/2006 Page I of-3 Facility Total CY 2005 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 0800081 Facility Name: Perdue Farms Inc - Lewiston Permit#(s): 03085T24 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions `Vo Difference and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2005 2004 from EDTCY rom Fees Manganese & compounds 8.14 7.36 10.6% Manganese Unlisted Compounds (Specify& MNC-other 8.14 7.36 10.6% Component of MNC) Lead and Lead compounds 4.10 3.70 10.8"r) Lead Unlisted Compounds (Specify and Component PBC-Other 4.1 U 3.70 10.G'�� of PBC) Cobalt compounds 16.33 14.76 10.6% Cobalt Unlisted Compound(Specify& Component COC-other 16.33 14.76 10.6% of COC) Chromium (VI)Non-Specific Compounds, as Chroin(VI) 0.780720 0.780020 0.1% (Component CRC) Chromium (VI) Non-Specific, Unlisted(Specify& NSCR6-Other 0.780720 0.780020 0.1% Component of NSCR6 & CRC) Chromium-AII/Total(Inc Chromium (VI) categories, metal and 2.29 2.07 10.6",, Others) Chromium (VI) Non-Specific, Unlisted(Specify& NSCR6-Other 0.780720 0.780020 0.101, Component of NSCR6& CRC) Chromium Unlisted Compounds (Specify & CRC-Other 1.51 1.29 17.0%, Component of CRC) Cadmium & compounds (total mass inc elemental metal) 1.08 0.976340 .10.6% Cadmium Unlisted Compounds (Specify& CDC-other 1 .08 0.976340 10.0`l, Component of CDC) Beryllium & compounds (Total mass) 0.075460 0.068200 10.6% Beryllium Compound, Unlisted(Specify& BEC-other 0.075460 0.068200 10.6°/, Component of BEC) Arsenic & Compounds (total mass of elemental AS, arsine and all 3.58 3.24 10.5% inorganic compounds) Arsenic Unlisted Compounds (Component ofASC- ASC-other 3.58 3.24 1 Specify) 08/31/2006 Page 2 of 3 Facility Total CY 2005 Emission Summary Recorded in ED Facility ID #: 0800081 Facility Name: Perdue Farms Inc - Lewiston Permit#(s): 03085T24 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Actual Emissions '%, Difference and/or Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) (Pounds/Year) Pollutant CAS CY 2005 1 CY 2004 from ED from Fees Antimony & Compounds (total mass, inc elemental SB) 14.25 12.88 Antimony Unlisted Compounds (Component of SBC SBC-Other 14.25 12.88 10.6% -Specify) Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 0.039000 Not N/A Reported Acrolein 107-02-8 0.012100 Not N/A Reported Ammonia(as NH3) 7664-41-7 13,894.00 6,039.00 130.1% Benzene 71-43-2 1.65 0.792580 108.50/o Fthvl benzene 100-41-4 0.265660 0.235540 12.8 Fluorides (sum of all fluoride compounds) 16984-48-8 155.81 138.15 1 ? +` Formaldehyde 50-00-0 177.65 157.41 12.91i0 Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 0.985780 0.874080 12.8%► Phosphorus Metal, Yellow or White 7723-14-0 25.66 23.19 10.6%, Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH, dioxins, etc. POM 3.58 2.94 21.51% NC & AP 42 historic) Selenium Compounds SEC 9.70 8.38 15.7%. Toluene 108-88-3 17.33 15.26 13.5% Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- 79-00-5 Not Not N/A Reported Reported Xylene, o- 95-47-6 0.755300 0.403700 87.1`V. DAQ's Comments Regarding Inventory 08/31/2006 Page 3 of 3 PERDUE FARMS INCORPORATED P0,Box 460,Lewiston Woodville,NC 27849 Home Office:252 348 4200 t: June 27, 2006 VIA: HAND DELIVERED Mrs. Betsy Huddleston Air Emission Inventory Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington,N. C. 27889 Subj: 2005 Emission Inventory Perdue Farms Incorporated Cofield Permit#: 02875T22 Facility ID 4600082 Lewiston Permit#: 03085T24, Facility ID 800081 Mrs. Huddleston: Please find enclosed emissions inventory information for the above listed facilities that were reported on-line. There are three items for our Lewiston facility, which I would like to bring to your attention. 1) On the sheet for ES-8 #6 fuel oil a third control device (CD-1) is listed inaccurately. The computer format would not allow us to correct this error. 2) On the same sheet ES-8 #6 fuel oil the control efficiency(45) for TSP was not listed in the 2004 Emissions Inventory. This accounts for the lower TSP number for 2005. 3) Also in the 2005 Emissions Inventory you'll notice the total VOC #has increased due to usage of meat and feather tonnage from our Rendering facility whereas in the past, only meat tonnage was used. There is also one item for our Cofield facility, which needs correcting. Under ES-6 and ES-7 (our pellet system) three cyclones for each system(CD-6A, B, C & CD-7 A, B, C)are listed inaccurately. There are two cyclones for each system. ES-6, CD 6A, 6B. ES-7. CD 7A, 7B. I have included the following forms for each facility. Aero Confirmation and Inventory Summary, Certification Form, and spreadsheets for inventory calculations(CY 2005). I hope this meets with your approval and if you should have any questions regarding this sub- mittal please contact me at 252-348-4326. Sincerely, Wayne Black, REM, REPA Senior Environmental Manager enclosures: Air Emissions Spreadsheet Aero Confirmation& Inventory Summary Certification Form Inventory Certification Form(Title V) (� Facility Name: Perdue Farms Inc-Lewiston Facility ID :0800081 3539 Governors Road Permit: 03085 Lewiston,NC 27849 County : Bertie DAQ Region :WARO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Air Pollutant Point Source Emissions Inventory-Calendar Year 2005 These forms must be completed and returned even if the facility did not operate or emissions were zero The legally defined "Responsible Official" of record for your facility is Wayne Black This person or one that meets the definition below must sign this certification form. The official submitting the information must certify that he/she complies with the requirements as specified in Title 15A NCAC 2Q.0520(b)which references and follows the federal definition.40 CFR Part 70.2 defines a responsible as meaning one of the following: 1.For a corporation: a president,secretary,treasurer,or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing,production,or operating facilities applying for a or subject to a permit and either i.the facilities employ more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding$25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars);or ii.the delegation of authority to such representatives is approved in advance by the permitting authority; 2.For partnership or sole propietorship;a general partner or the proprietor,respectively; 3.for a muncipality, state,federal,or other public agency includes the chief executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency(e.g.,a Regional Administrator of EPA). CERTIFICATION STATEMENT- (Important Legally Resppnsible Official,read and sign after all submissions are finaL) certify that I am the responsible official for this facility,as described above,and hereby certify that the information contained in this air emissions report, including attached calculations and documentation,is true,accurate and complete.(Subject to legal enalities of up to$10,000 per occurrence and possible imprisonment as outlined in G.S.§143-215.3(a)(2)) Responsible Official's Signature Below use blue ink): Date Signed: 6-1 5- qAoa6 Printed Name: Wayne Black Signature: This form applies to Title V faci ities.If this facility is not classified as Title V,please telephone your regional off we-Emission Inventory contact at once for proper forms. n �(� 11 v Email address of Responsible Official: Wane.61ac-� ® nerc�.�e.cer^ �uN 2a � DAQ W p,R� Information on this Form cannot be held confidenti 1 Page 1 of 1 Black, Wayne From: DENR.Emission_Inventory_UG.DAQ@ncmail.net Sent: Thu 6/15/2006 3:36 PM [DENR.Emission_Inventory_UG.DAQ@ncmail.net] To: Cc: Subject: Inventory submission confirmation -- 0800081 Attachments: Dear Wayne Black Your submittal of the 2005 emission inventory for Perdue Farms Inc - Lewiston, 0800081, has been received by the North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ). Please remember to: - print the Certification Form (see AERO Closeout page), - have the Responsible Official sign it in blue ink, - include copies of spreadsheets or calculations used in creating this inventory, and - mail (postmark) it to NCDAQ, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 by the required due date in order for this submittal to be considered complete. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Steven Daniels, in the Washington Regional Office, at(252) 946-6481. The Division of Air Quality thanks you for using AERO, the on line emissions inventory program. Sincerely DAQ .../Inventory%20submission%20confirmation%20--%200800081.EMI6/15/06 NC DAQ - EMISSIONS INVENTORY Page 1 of 2 Facility Total CY 2005 Emission Facility Id : Summary 0800081 Criteria Pollutants Actual Emissions Tons/Year Pollutant CAS 2005 2004 % Difference CO CO 11.15 9.34 19.379007% NOx NOx 118.15 102.4 15.380859% PM TSP TSP 43.21 69.36 -37.701847% PM10 PM10 37.37 31.61 18.222076% PM2.5 PM2.5 16.02 15.32 4.5691957% S02 S02 353.61 350.52 0.8815464% VOC(Meeting Federal Definition as photochemically VOC 11.56 7.74 49.354015% reactive Hazardous Air Pollutants(HAPS) and/or Toxic Air Pollutants TAPs Actual Emissions Pounds/Year Pollutant I CAS 1 2005 1 2004 1 % Difference Antimony&Compounds total mass, inc elemental SB 14.25226 Antimony Unlisted Compounds SBC-Other 14.25226 12.88214 10.635811% (Specify&Component of SBC Arsenic&Compounds total mass of elemental AS arsine and all inorganic com ounds 3.58138 Arsenic Unlisted Compounds ( Specify&Component of ASC-Other 3.58138 3.23718 10.632709% ASC Beryllium & compounds Total mass 0.07546 (Specify Beryllium Compound, Unlisted BEC-Other 0.07546 0.0682 10.6451645% &Component of BEC Beryllium metal (unreacted) 7440-41-7 0.0 Not reported N/A (Component of BEC) i I Cadmium &compounds total mass inc elemental metal 1.08016 Cadmium Unlisted Compounds(Specify& CDC-Other 1.08016 0.97634 10.633594% Component of CDC Cobalt com ounds16.33 Cobalt Unlisted Compound (Specify&Component of COC-Other 16.33 14.76076 10.631157°r6 COC Lead and Lead com ounds4.0985 Lead Unlisted Compounds (Specify and Component of PBC-Other 4.0985 3.70454 10.634513% PBC Manganese& com ounds8.1395 Manganese Unlisted Compounds(Specify& MNC-Other 8.1395 7.35726 10.632212% Component of MNC Mercury & Compounds-all total mass, inc Hg Va or0.472 Mercury Unlisted Compounds (Specify&Component of HGC-Other 0.472 0.41852 12.778362% HGC Nickel & Compounds, sum total mass, inc elemental155.54558 http://xapps.enr.state.nc.us/aq/aero/EDFacTotalsjsp 6/15/06 NC DAQ - EMISSIONS INVENTORY Page 2 of 2 Nickel Unlisted Compounds NIC-Other 155.54558 144.22125 7.852051% (Specify&Component of NIC Nickel metal (Co mponent of 7440-02-0 0.0 Not reported N/A Chromium VI Non-Specific Com ounds, as Chrom VI (Component CRC)0.78072 Chromium (VI) Non-Specific, Unlisted (Specify& NSCR6-Other 0.78072 0.78002 0.089740895% Component of NSCR6& CRC Chromium -All/Total Inc Chromium VI categories metal and Others 2.29344 Chromium (VI) Non-Specific, Unlisted (Specify& NSCR6-Other 0.78072 0.78002 0.089740895% Component of NSCR6& CRC) Chromium Unlisted Compounds(Specify& CRC-Other 1.51272 1.29296 16.996655% Component of CRC Pol c clic Organic Matter S ecific Compounds from OAQPS for TV 3.46733 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component 50-32-8 4.0E-4 Not reported N/A of POMTV& POM7 Naphthalene(Component of 91-20-3 3.46693 2.94224 17.833008% POMTV Pol c clic Organic Matter 7 PAH Compounds for NIF 0.0004 Benzo(a)pyrene(Component 50-32-8 4.0E-0 Not reported N/A of POMTV& POM7 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 0.039 Not reported N/A Acrolein 107-02-8 0.0121 Not reported N/A Ammonia as NH3 7664-41-7 13894.0 6039 130.0712% Benzene 71-43-2 1.6529 0.79258 108.54677% Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 0.26566 0.23554 12.787631% Fluorides (sum of all fluoride 16984-48-8 155.80562 138.14712 12.782382% compounds) Formaldehyde 50-00-0 177.6485 157.40622 12.859898% Hexane, n- 110-54-3 &0 Not reported N/A Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 0.98578 0.87408 12.779151% Phosphorus Metal, Yellow or 7723-14-0 25.65678 23.1915 10.630104% White Polycyclic Organic Matter(Inc PAH, dioxins, etc. NC &AP 42 POM 3.5758 2.9429 21.505999% historic amorphous lob Selenium Compounds SEC 9.70089 8.38273 15.724712% Toluene 108-88-3 17.32669 15.26058 13,538873% X lene, o- 95-47-6 0.7553 0.4037 87.094376% close http://xapps.enr.state.nc.us/aq/aero/EDFacTotals.jsp 6/15/06 PERDUE FARMS,INC. - LEWISTON PROCESSING ACTUAL CALCULATIONS FOR TSP PROCESS DESCRIPTION ES Chickens Control* TSP Emission TSP Actual TSP Actual LEWISTON PROCESSING # Processed Efficiency Factor IbBIRD Emissions LB/YR LB/HR RECEIVING LINE#1 ES 1 34,622,197 0.001 0.0003 10.39 0.0025 RECEIVING LINE#2 ES 2 34,622,197 0.001 0.0003 10.39 0.0025 RECEIVING LINE#3 IES 3 34,622,1971 0.001 0.0003 10.39 0.0025 TSP 31.16 Total in lbs/Yr In Tons Year 0.016 *Efficiency Factors a.Bagfilter contol(1-.999)_.001% 'Emission Factors a.Engineering estimate of I00lb/hr per 100,000 chikens a day processed. Emission Factor based on this of.0003 lb/hr per bird. b.No%of TSP is known to be PM10 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 ..�y� This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. it is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOMWE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 20.30 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 461,960 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 1,185,520 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.1 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 1,185,520 GAL(YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-4 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.1 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. NONE/OTHER PM 0 NONE/OTHER S02 0 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 3.25 5.55 3.25 14.24 3.25 14.24 2.40E+01 2.40E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 3.05 5.20 3.05 13.35 3.05 13.35 2.25E+01 2.25E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.20 0.35 0.20 0.89 0.20 0.89 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM,B) 2.64 4.51 2.64 11.57 2.64 11.57 1.95E+01 1.95E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 1.72 2.94 1 1.72 7.54 132 7.54 1 1.27E+01 1.27E+01 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 44.62 76.15 44.62 195.43 44.62 195A3 3.30E+02 3.30E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 7.44 12.70 7.44 32.60 7.44 32.60 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 0.68 1.15 0.68 2.96 0.68 2.96 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OC 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.17 0.04 0.17 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORM TION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 al) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ibl Ib/hr Iblyr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 7.1E-04 2.4E+00 7.1E-04 6.2E+00 7.1E-04 6.2E+00 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 1.8E-04 6.1E-01 1.8E-04 1.6E+00 1.8E-04 1.6E+00 1.32E-03 1.32E-03 Benzene (TH) 71432 2.9E-05 9.9E-02 2.9E-05 2.5E-01 2.9E-05 2.5E-01 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 3.8E-06 1.3E-02 3.8E-06 3.3E-02 3.8E-06 3.3E-02 2.78E-05 2.78E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 5.4E-05 1.8E-01 5.4E-05 4.7E-01 5.4E-05 4.7E-01 3.98E-04 3.98E-04 Chromium-AIIlrotal (H) CRC 1.1 E-04 3.9E-01 1.1 E-04 1.0E+00 1.1E-04 1.0E+00 8.45E-04 8.45E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 8.1E-04 2.8E+00 8.1 E-04 7.1 E+00 8.1E-04 7.1 E+00 6.02E-03 6.02E-03 Ethylbenzene H) 100414 8.6E-06 2.9E-02 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride Compounds) M 16984488 5.0E-03 1.7E+01 5.0E-03 4.4E+01 5.0E-03 4.4E+01 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 5.8E-03 2.0E+01 5.8E-03 5.0E+01 5.8E-03 5.0E+01 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 2.0E-04 7.0E-01 2.0E-04 1.8E+00 2.0E-04 1.8E+00 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 1 4.1E-04 1.4E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 3.00E-03 3.00E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 1.5E-05 5.2E-02 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 3.2E-05 1.1E-01 3.2E-05 2.8E-01 3.2E-05 2.8E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 1.5E-04 5.2E-01 1.5E-04 1.3E+00 1.5E-04 1.3E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 1.1E-02 3.9E+01 1.1 E-02 1.0E+02 1.1E-02 1.0E+02 8.45E-02 8.45E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 1.3E-03 4.4E+00 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 9.46E-03 9.46E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 1.6E-04 5.5E-01 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.20E-03 1.20E-03 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 9.2E-05 3.2E-01 9.2E-05 8.1 E-01 9.2E-05 8.1 E-01 6.83E-04 6.83E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 1 8.4E-04 2.9E+00 8.4E-04 7.4E+00 8.4E-04 7.4E+00 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 1.5E-05 5-0E-02 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1-5E-05 1.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 2.2E-02 7.6E+01 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 1.6E-01 1.6E-01 Larget HAP (H) 1.14E-02 3.90E+01 1.14E-02 1.00E+02 1.14E-02 1.00E+02 8.45E-02 8.45E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING P R SES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 1.79E-04 4.29E-03 1.56E+00 1.32E-03 1.32E-03 Benzene (TH) 71432 2.90E-05 6.95E-04 2.54E-01 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 5.39E-05 1.29E-03 4.72E-01 3.98E-04 3.98E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 5.05E-03 1.21E-01 4.42E+01 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 5.75E-03 1.38E-01 5.04E+01 425E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 4.176E-04 9.74E-03 3.56E+00 3.170E-03 3.00E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 1.53E-05 3.67E-04 1.34E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 3.19E-05 7.67E-04 2.80E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 8.39E-04 2.01E-02 7.35E+00 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 1.48E-05 3.54E-04 1.29E-01 1.09E-04 1.p9E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 This spreadsheet Is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This A s � spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 20.30 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 461,960 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 1,185,520 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.1 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 1,185,520 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-5 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.1 TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. NONE/OTHER PM 0 NONE/OTHER S02 0 NONE,OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (IbI103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tort r Ib/hr tons/ r Whir tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 3.25 5.55 3.25 14.24 3.25 14.24 2.40E+01 2.40E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 3.05 5.20 3.05 13.35 3.05 13.35 2.25E+01 2.25E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.20 0.35 0.20 0.89 0.20 0.89 1.50E+00 1.50E+00 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 2.64 4.51 2.64 11.57 2.64 11.57 1.95E+01 1.95E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 1.72 2.94 1.72 7.54 1.72 7.54 1 1.27E+01 1.27E+01 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 44.62 76.15 44.62 195.43 44.62 195.43 3.30E+02 3.30E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 7.44 12.70 7.44 32.60 7.44 32.60 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 0.68 1.15 0.68 2.96 0.68 2.96 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.17 0.04 0.17 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATI N ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONT ROES/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) IV 03gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Iblhr Iblyr IbPry Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 7.1E-04 2.4E+00 7.1 E-04 6.2E+00 7.1 E-04 6.2E+00 5.25E-03 5.25E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 1.8E-04 6.1E-01 1.8E-04 1.6E+00 1.8E-04 1.6E+00 1.32E-03 1.32E-03 Benzene (TH) 71432 1 2.9E-05 9.9E-02 2.9E-05 2.5E-01 2.9E-05 2.5E-01 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 3.8E-06 1.3E-02 3.8E-06 3.3E-02 3.8E-06 3.3E-02 2.78E-05 2.78E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 5.4E-05 1.8E-01 5.4E-05 4.7E-01 5.4E-05 4.7E-01 3.98E-04 3.98E-04 Chromium-AIIlTotal (H) CRC 1.1E-04 3.9E-01 1.1E-04 1.0E+00 1.1E-04 1.0E+00 8.45E-04 8.45E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 8.1 E-04 2.8E+00 8.1E-04 7.1E+00 8.1 E-04 7.1E+00 6.02E-03 6.02E-03 Ethyibenzene (H) 100414 8.6E-06 2.9E-02 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 5.0E-03 1.7E+01 5.0E-03 4.4E+01 5.0E-03 4.4E+01 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 I 5.8E-03 2.0E+01 5.8E-03 5.0E+01 5.8E-03 5.0E+01 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 2.0E-04 7.0E-01 2.0E-04 1.8E+00 2.0E-04 1.8E+00 1.51E-03 1.51E-03 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 4.1 E-04 I 1.4E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 3.00E-03 3.00E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 1.5E-05 5.2E-02 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 3.2E-05 1.1E-01 3.2E-05 2.8E-01 3.2E-05 2.8E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 1.5E-04 5.2E-01 1.5E-04 1.3E+00 1.5E-04 1.3E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 1.1 E-02 3.9E+01 1.1E-02 1.0E+02 1.1E-02 1.0E+02 8.45E-02 8.45E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 1.3E-03 4.4E+00 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 1.3E-03 1.1E+01 9.46E-03 9.46E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 1.6E-04 5.5E-01 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.6E-04 1.4E+00 1.20E-03 1.20E-03 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 9.2E-05 3.2E-01 9.2E-05 8.1E-01 9.2E-05 8.1 E-01 6.83E-04 6.83E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 8.4E-04 2.9E+00 8.4E-04 7.4E+00 8.4E-04 7.4E+00 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 1.5E-05 5.0E-02 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.5E-05 1.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 2.2E-02 7.6E+01 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 2.2E-02 2.0E+02 1.6E-01 1.6E-01 Larget HAP (H) 1.14E-02 3.90E+01 1.14E-02 1.00E+02 1.14E-02 1.00E+02 8.45E-02 8.45E-02 TOXIC A/ POLLUTANT EMISSJONS INFO MATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EMISSION FACTOR EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS (Ib/103 al TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day lb/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 1.79E-04 4.29E-03 1.56E+00 1.32E-03 1.32E-03 Benzene (TH) 71432 2.90E-05 6.95E-04 2.54E-01 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 5.39E-05 1.29E-03 4.72E-01 3.98E-04 3.98E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 5.05E-03 1.21 E-01 4.42E+01 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 5.75E-03 1.38E-01 5.04E+01 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 4.06E-04 I 9.74E-03 1 3.56E+00 3.00E-03 3.00E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 1.53E-05 3.67E-04 1.34E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 3.19E-05 7.67E-04 2.80E-01 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 8.39E-04 2.01E-02 7.35E+00 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 1.48E-05 3.54E-04 1.29E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 I LIQUEFIED PETROLUEM GAS (LPG) COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR 7/31/2002 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the'INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. = A This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution. DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the NCDENR information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be [contained herein. SOURCEI FACILfrYl USER INPUT SUMMARY INPVT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T23 EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: 4.4 MMBTU/HR FIRED BOILER FACILITY CITY: Lewiston EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-6,7 FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie SPREADSHEET PREPARED BY: Wayne Black LPG Make Up(%) ACTUAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 85,655 GAL/YR FUEL HEAT VALUE: 90,500 BTU/LB Propane: 97.50 POTENTIAL FUEL THROUGHPUT: 425,901 GAUYR BOILER TYPE: COMMERCIAL Butane: 2.50 REQUESTED MAX. FUEL THRPT: 425,901 GAL/YR CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) Ib/mm Btu AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr uncontrolled controlled PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.004 0.004 PARTICULATE MATTER<10 MICRONS(PMTo) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.004 0.004 PARTICULATE MATTER<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.004 0.004 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 9.78E-05 9.78E-05 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx) 0.67 0.59 0.67 2.95 0.67 2.95 0.153 0.153 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) 1 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.40 0.09 0.40 0.021 0.021 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.11 1 0.02 0.11 0.005 0.005 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS!LIMITS) Ib/mm Btu TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr Ib/hr tons/yr uncontrolled controlled TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR I b/m m Btu TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT ICAS Num. I Ib/hr I lb/day I Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled PERDUE FARMS,INC.-LEWISTON PROCESSING 6/13/06 ACTUAL/POTENTIAL CALCULATIONS FOR AMMONIA PROCESS DESCRIPTION ES In Tons I Control' Ammonia Emission Ammonia Actual Ammonia Actual LEWISTON PROCESSING # +EfficiencvFactor jb EmissionsLB/YR EmissionsLB/HR FUGITIVE EMISSIONS ES 6 7 6.94 1 2000 13894 1.586073059 Ammonia 13894 Total in lbs/Yr In Tons Year 6.947 'Efficiency Factors 13,894 pounds of Andyrous Ammonia was used in 2005. Actual equals Potential FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of AWNWAinput data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDEresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE 7 FACILITY1 USER INPUT SV=RY(FROM INPUT SCRESW COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 79,949 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.04 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS!LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) FPM+CPM 7.23 0.52 13.14 57.56 7.23 31.66 2.35E+01 1.29E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.77 0.48 12.30 53.88 6.77 29.64 2.20E+01 1.21E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.03 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.86 0.42 10.66 46.69 5.86 25.68 1.90E+01 1.05E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.82 0.27 6.94 30.41 3.82 16.73 1.24E+01 6.82E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 77.48 5.53 179.36 785.58 77.48 339.37 3.20E+02 1.38E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 2.20 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) 2.80 0.20 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.01 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 I'OXIC/HAZARD IUS AIR POLLUTANT&MfSSIONS INFO A N ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 2.3E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 5.8E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.7E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEG 8.6E-06 1.2E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 1.8E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 3.7E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COG 1.9E-03 2.6E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 5.1 E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 3.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 3.4E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+021 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 6.6E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.3E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 9.0E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.9E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 9.0E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 3.7E+00 4.1E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 4.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 5.3E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 3.0E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 5.0E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 8.7E-03 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 9.1E+00 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 3.72E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E n- 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5-01 E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This �IIIrIIt spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDEWresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCr/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMIWARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 277,637 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX. FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAUYR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.01 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) IV 03 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.14 1.77 12.99 56.89 7.14 31.29 2.32E+01 1.28E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.68 1.66 12.15 53.21 6.68 29.26 2.17E+01 1.19E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.11 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMto) 5.79 1.43 10.52 46.10 5.79 25.35 1.88E+01 1.03E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.77 0.93 6.85 30.02 3.77 16.51 1.22E+01 6.73E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 76.34 18.92 176.72 774.03 76.34 334.38 3.16E+02 1.36E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx) 30.80 7.64 30.80 134.90 36.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.69 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.04 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-f 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTFR CONTROL S I IMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/ Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 8.0E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 2.0E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 5.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 4.2E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 6.1E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.3E-01 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 9.2E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.8E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 1.0E+01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 1.2E+01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 2.3E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 4.6E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 3.1 E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 6.6E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 3.1E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.3E+01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.4E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.8E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 I 1.0E-01 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.7E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 I 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 3.0E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01L66. E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 3.1E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02E-02 5.6E+02 16E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1.29E+01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 465E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLU ANT ISSIONS INFO MATT N(FOR PE M! ! GOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71%6 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/1912003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This r1�Ilt spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILJTY I USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 134,986 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 41905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 al) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr ton r Ib/hr tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.11 0.86 12.94 56.66 7.11 31.16 2.31E+01 1.27E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.65 0.80 12.10 52.98 6.65 29.14 2.16E+01 1.19E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMI()) 5.76 0.69 10.48 45.90 5.76 25.25 1.87E+01 1.03E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.75 0.45 6.83 29.90 3.75 16.44 1.22E+01 6.70E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 75.96 9.16 175.84 770.18 75.96 332.72 3.14E+02 1.36E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.71 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.34 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 OXI /HAZARDOUS AIR AOLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA TION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 al) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.9E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 9.8E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.1E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&Compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 3.0E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AII/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 6.3E-02 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 4.5E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 8.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 5.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.7E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.1E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.2E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.5E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1 1.3E-04 3.2E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.5E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 6.3E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.0E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 8.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 5.1E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 8.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.5E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.5E+01 9.2E-02 8.tE+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 6.27E+00 I 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 I 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC A/ POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR P RMITTIN PUR ) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This 40 � spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDEresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOUR?,T/FACJLITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 6,262 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT- 1,99 TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NON E/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE COMROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons! r Ib/hr tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.09 0.04 12.88 56.43 7.09 31.04 2.30E+01 1.27E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.62 0.04 12.04 52.76 6.62 29.02 2.15E+01 1.18E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.00 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMto) 5.74 0.03 10A3 45.70 5.74 25.14 1.86E+01 1.02E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.74 0.02 6.80 29.77 3.74 16.37 1.21E+01 6.68E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 75.58 0.42 174.96 766.33 75.58 331.05 !2.80E-01 2E+02 1.35E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 0.17 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 0E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.02 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 0E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OC 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 al TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/r Ib/hr lb! Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 1.8E-02 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 4.5E-03 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.3E-03 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 9.6E-05 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 1.4E-03 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AIVTotal (H) CRC 2.6E-04 2.9E-03 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 2.1 E-02 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 4.0E-04 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1E-02 2.3E-01 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds H) PBC 4.7E-04 5.2E-03 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.0E-02 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 7.1E-04 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.5E-03 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 7.1 E-03 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 2.9E-01 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 3.3E-02 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 4.1 E-03 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 2.4E-03 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 3.9E-02 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 6.8E-04 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 7.1E-01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-011 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 2.91E-01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLL U TANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ibl103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num_ Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 976E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71 E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 I 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Meth chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This Spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It Is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY/USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT 3CRE04 COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 120,112 GAUYR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4.905.600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.98 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NON E/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS(LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb1103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled Controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.06 0.76 12.83 56.21 7.06 30.91 2.29E+01 1.26E+01 FILTERABLE PM FPM 6.60 0.71 11.99 52.53 6.60 28.89 2.14E+01 1.18E+01 CONDENSABLE PM CPM 0.46 0.05 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMto) 5.71 0.61 10.39 45.51 5.71 25.03 1.86E+01 1.02E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.72 0.40 6.77 29.64 3.72 16.30 1.21E+01 6.65E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02 75.20 8.07 174.08 762.48 75.20 329.39 3.11E+02 1.34E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.30 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.30 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51 E-031 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Iblyr Ib/hr Ib/yr Iblhr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SEC 1.6E-03 3.5E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 8.7E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.6E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&Compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 1.8E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.6E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 5.6E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 4.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 7.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 4.5E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.1E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.0E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.0E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.4E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 2.8E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Na alene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.4E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NtC 2.6E-02 5.6E+00 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White H) 7723140 2.9E-03 6.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 7.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 32E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 4.5E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 7.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.3E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.4E+01 92E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 5.58E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMIS IONS IN ORMA ION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Will lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled 1controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-14 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984485 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 620E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of A input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy ofthe information contained. This �s spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. souRcE 7 FAUILITY7 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 134,295 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.95 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.97 0.84 12.68 55.53 6.97 30.54 2.26E+01 1.25E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.51 0.78 11.84 51.85 6.51 28.52 2.11E+01 1.16E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.64 0.68 10.25 44.92 5.64 24.70 1.83E+01 1.01E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.S) 3.67 0.44 1 6.68 29.25 3.67 16.09 1.19E+01 6.56E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 74.06 8.88 171.44 750.92 74.06 324.40 3.06E+02 1.32E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.69 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.34 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATI N ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr IWyr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.9E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 9.7E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.1 E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 I 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-Alt/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 6.2E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 4.4E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 8.5E-03 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1 E-02 5.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.7E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.1 E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.2E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.5E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 3.2E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.5E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 6.2E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.0E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 8.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium Compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 5.0E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 8.3E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 1.5E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.5E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 6.24E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 I 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFOR ATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1-83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 924E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. ALA This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This ��� spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 230,036 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.9 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.9 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NON E!OTH E R NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr toffs/ r Ib/hr tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.83 1.40 12A2 54.41 6.83 29.92 2.22E+01 1.22E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.37 1.31 11.58 50.73 6.37 27.90 2.07E+01 1.14E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.09 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.52 1.13 10.03 43.93 5.52 24.16 1.79E+01 9.85E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.59 0.74 6.53 28.61 3.59 15.74 1.17E+01 6.42E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 72.16 14.82 167.05 731.67 72.16 316.08 2.98E+02 1.29E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 6.33 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.58 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.03 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/r Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 6.6E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 1.7E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 4.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 3.5E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 5.0E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.1E-01 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 7.6E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbernzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.5E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 8.6E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 9.8E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.9E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 3.8E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 2.6E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 5.4E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 2.6E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.1E+01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.2E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.5E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 8.6E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 1 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.4E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 I 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 2.5E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 2.6E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1.07E+01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INFORMATION(FOR PER /TT/ G RPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Whir lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC L23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY/USER INPUT SUMMAR?(FROM INPUT SCREEA0 COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 113,777 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.8 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.81 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib1103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.58 0.67 11.96 52.38 6.58 28.81 2.14E+01 1.17E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.12 0.62 11.12 48.70 6.12 26.78 1.99E+01 1.09E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.05 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMtp) 5.29 0.54 9.63 42.16 5.29 23.19 1.72E+01 9.45E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.45 0.35 6.27 27.46 3.45 15.10 1.12E+01 6.16E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 68.75 6.98 159.14 697.01 68.75 301.11 2.84E+02 1.23E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.13 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.28 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS I FO A ION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECOMROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Iblyr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.3E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 8.3E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.4E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 1.7E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.5E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 5.3E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 3.8E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 7.2E-03 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride Compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1E-02 4.2E+00 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde ) 50000 2.4E-02 4.8E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 9.4E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.9E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.3E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 2.7E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Na thalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.3E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 5.3E+00 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 5.9E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 7.5E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 4.3E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 7.1E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.2E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.3E+01 I 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 5.29E+00 I 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUT N ISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num_ Ib/hr lb/day Iblyr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6,20E-031 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 J FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of AMinput data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. . s This preadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEP4 COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 151,579 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.7 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.74 TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF, SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r Whir tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) FPM+CPM 6.38 0.86 11.60 50.80 6.38 27.94 2.07E+01 1.14E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.92 0.80 10.76 47.12 5.92 25.92 1.92E+01 1.06E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMro) 5.12 0.69 9.31 40.78 5.12 22.43 1.66E+01 9.14E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.34 0.45 6.06 26.56 3.34 14.61 1.08E+01 5.96E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 66.09 8.94 152.98 670.06 66.09 289.46 2.73E+02 1.18E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 4.17 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 I 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.38 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (SEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Iblyr Iblhr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 4.4E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 1.1E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 3.2E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.3E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 3.3E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1 E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AII/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 7.0E-02 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 2.6E-04 I 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 5.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 9.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 I 5.7E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 6.4E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.3E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.5E-01 1.7E-03 I 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.7E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 3.6E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.7E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 7.0E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.9E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.0E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds H) SEC 2.1 E-04 5.7E-02 3.8E-04 I 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 9.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.7E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.7E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) I 2.60E-02 7.04E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXICAIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING P RPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1-23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2-08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This +� spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURM/FACILITY/USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 298,610 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.4 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GALIYR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.44 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) FPM+CPM 5.53 1.47 10.05 44.04 5.53 24.22 1.80E+01 9.87E+00 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.07 1.35 9.21 40.36 5.07 22.20 1.65E+01 9.05E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.12 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMte) 4.38 1.17 7.96 34.87 4.38 19.18 1.42E+01 7.82E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 2.85 0.76 5.19 22.71 2.85 12.49 9.26E+00 5.09E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 54.69 14.58 126.60 554.53 54.69 239.56 2.26E+02 9.77E+01 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 8.21 30.80 134,90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.75 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.04 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER.CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Whir Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 8.6E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 2.2E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 6.4E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 4.6E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 6.5E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-Allfrotal H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.4E-01 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 9.9E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.9E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984468 2.1 E-02 1.1E+01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 1.3E+01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+021 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 2.5E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 4.9E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 3.4E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71%6 1.3E-04 7.0E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 3.4E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.4E+01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.6E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 2.0E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 1.1E-01 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.9E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 3.3E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 3.4E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) I 2.60E-02 1.39E+01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFO RMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2-08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 620E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 1 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 60,702 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.5 IN USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.45 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS)LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 5.56 0.30 10.11 44.26 5.56 24.34 1.80E+01 9.93E+00 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.10 0.28 9.27 40.58 5.10 22.32 1.65E+01 9.10E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.03 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMro) 4.40 0.24 8.01 35.07 4.40 19.29 1.43E+01 7.86E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 2.87 0.16 5.21 22.84 2.87 12.56 9.31E+00 5.12E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 55.07 2.98 127.48WRUON 55.07 241.22 2.28E+02 9.83E+01 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 1.67 30.8030.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.15 2.802.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OC 0.16 0.01 0.160.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0,00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC 1 HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 1.8E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 4.4E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 I Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.3E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1-2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 9.3E-04 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 1.3E-02 2-2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AIIrFotal (H) CRC 2.6E-04 I 2.8E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 I 2.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 3.9E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 2.3E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 2.6E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 5.0E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.0E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 6.9E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.4E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 6.9E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 2.8E+00 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 3.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 4.0E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 2.3E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 1oma3 3.5E-03 3.8E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 6.6E-03 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 6.9E+00 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 2.82E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E 02 1 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 1 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71 E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E14 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE 7 PACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 18,644 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-8 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.02 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Whir tonstyr uncontrolled Controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.17 0.12 13.04 57.11 7.17 31.41 2.33E+01 1.28E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.71 0.11 12.20 53.43 6.71 29.39 2.18E+01 1.20E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.01 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.81 0.10 10.57 46.29 5.81 25.46 1.89E+01 1.04E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2_5) 3.79 0.06 6.88 30.15 3.79 16.58 1.23E+01 6.76E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 76.72 1.28 177.60 777.88 76.72 336.04 3.17E+02 1.37E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 0.51 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.05 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTAN EMISSIONS INFORAIIA,TION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS J LIMITS) (lb/103gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 5.4E-02 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 1.4E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 4.0E-03 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.9E-04 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 4.1E-03 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AIIITotal (H) CRC 2.6E-04 8.7E-03 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 I 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) Coe 1.9E-03 6.2E-02 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.2E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 7.0E-01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 7.9E-01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.5E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1 3.1 E-02 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 2.1E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 4.4E-03 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 2.1E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 8.7E-01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 9.7E-02 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.2E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 I 7.0E-03 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.2E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 2.0E-03 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 2.1E+00 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6-3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1 8.66E-01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PU POSESJ EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr Ib/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3-56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2-19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E 02 425E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E 03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of AMWAinput data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 ��. IVWA- This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This +� spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 79,949 GAUYR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bettie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX. FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.04 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONT ROILS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir I tons/ r Whir tons/ r Whir tonstyr uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.23 0.52 13.14 57.56 7.23 31.66 2.35E+01 1.29E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.77 0.48 12.30 53.88 6.77 29.64 2.20E+01 1.21 E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.03 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMIo) 5.86 0.42 10.66 46.69 5.86 25.68 1.90E+01 1.05E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.82 0.27 6.94 30.41 3.82 16.73 1.24E+01 6.82E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 77.48 5.53 179.36 785.58 77.48 339.37 3.20E+02 1.38E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 2.20 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.20 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.01 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 I 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.0()---F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXICIHAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Whir Ib/r Ib1hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 2.3E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 5.8E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.7E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 1.2E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds MA) CDC 1.2E-04 1.8E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 3.7E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 2.6E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 5.1 E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 3.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 3.4E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 6.6E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.3E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 9.0E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.9E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 9.0E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 3.7E+00 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 4.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 I 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 I 5.3E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 3.0E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 5.0E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 8.7E-03 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 9.1E+00 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 3.72E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day lb/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.119E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&Compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 X lene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-L,„TPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. i This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein.CDFN-R SOURCE I FA CILITY I USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROXI INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 34.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 60,702 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.5 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 41905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.45 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir I tons/ r Ib/hr ton r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 5.56 0.30 10.11 44.26 5.56 24.34 1.80E+01 9.93E+00 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.10 0.28 9.27 40.58 5.10 22.32 1.65E+01 9.10E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.03 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 4.40 0.24 8.01 35.07 4.40 19.29 1 1.43E+01 7.86E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 2.87 0.16 5.21 22.84 2.87 12.56 9.31 E+00 5.12E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 55.07 2.98 127.48 558.38 55.07 241.22 2.28E+02 9.83E+01 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 1.67 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.15 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.01 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 I 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Whir Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Iblyr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 1.8E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 4.4E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.3E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 9.3E-04 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 1.3E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 2.8E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 2.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 3.9E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16994488 2.1 E-02 2.3E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 2.6E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 5.0E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.0E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 6.9E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.4E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 6.9E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 2.8E+00 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 3.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 4.0E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 2.3E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 3.8E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 6.6E-03 6.1 E-05 5.3E-0l 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 6.9E+00 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6-3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 2.82E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 I 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num_ Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3-73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-041. 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN AV-WA Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. �WWWWA This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This il�Ii spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT. 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 18,644 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.02 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER(PM) FPM+CPM 7.17 0.12 13.04 57.11 7.17 31.41 2.33E+01 1.28E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.71 0.11 12.20 53.43 6.71 29.39 2.18E+01 1.20E+01 CONDENSABLE PNI(CPM) 0.46 0.01 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.81 0.10 10.57 46.29 5.81 25.46 1.89E+01 1.04E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.79 0.06 6.88 30.15 3.79 16.58 1.23E+01 6.76E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 76.72 1.28 177.60 777.88 76.72 336.04 3.17E+02 1.37E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 0.51 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO) 2.80 0.05 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00--r 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTFR CONTROL S/I IMITS) (REFORF C.ONTROIS/I IMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/r Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 5.4E-02 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 1.4E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 4.0E-03 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.9E-04 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 4.1E-03 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AII(rotal (H) CRC 2.6E-04 8.7E-03 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 6.2E-02 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.2E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 7.0E-01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 7.9E-01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.5E-02 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 3.1 E-02 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 2.1 E-03 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 4.4E-03 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 2.1 E-02 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 8.7E-01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 9.7E-02 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.2E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 7.0E-03 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.2E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 2.0E-03 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 2.1E+00 9.2E-02 8.1 E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 8.66E-01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PU POSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr Ib/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-14 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/1912003 -OUTPUT SCREEN A � Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. may. W This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This = spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FA CILITY/USER hli T SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 277,637 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX. FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAUYR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2.01 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CO NT ROILS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Whir ton r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.14 1.77 12.99 56.89 7,14 31.29 2.32E+01 1.28E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.68 1.66 12.15 53.21 6.68 29.26 2.17E+01 1.19E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.11 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM1o) 5.79 1.43 10.52 46.10 5.79 25.35 1.88E+01 1.03E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.77 0.93 6.85 30.02 3.77 16.51 1.22E+01 6.73E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 76.34 18.92 176.72 774.03 76.34 334.38 3.16E+02 1.36E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 7.64 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.69 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.04 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 I 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARD US AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) IV 03 al) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr lb/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 8.0E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 2.0E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 5.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 4.2E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 6.1 E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.3E-01 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 9.2E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.8E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1 E-02 1.0E+01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde ) 50000 2.4E-02 1.2E+01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 2.3E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 4.6E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 3.1 E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 6.6E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 3.1E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.3E+01 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.4E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 ROM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.8E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 1.0E-01 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.7E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 3.0E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 3.1E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1.29E+01 1 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01 E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 425E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 222E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN � Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. A&�„r,. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This ��� = spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENR I responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCEI FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 134,986 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 2 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE COMROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Whir tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.11 0.86 12.94 56.66 7.11 31.16 2.31 E+01 1.27E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.65 0.80 12.10 52.98 6.65 29.14 2.16E+01 1.19E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.76 0.69 10.48 45.90 5.76 25.25 1 1.87E+01 1.03E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.75 0.45 6.83 29.90 3.75 16.44 1.22E+01 6.70E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 75.96 9.16 175.84 770.18 75.96 332.72 3.14E+02 1.36E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.71 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.34 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (REFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr lb/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.9E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 9.8E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.1E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 3.0E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 6.3E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 4.5E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31 E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 8.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1 E-02 5.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.7E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.1E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.2E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.5E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 3.2E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.5E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 6.3E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.0E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 ROM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 8.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 5.1 E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene CM) 108883 1 3.5E-03 8.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.5E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.5E+01 92E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5-6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 6.27E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 I 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS IN ORMATION(FOR PERMI ING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled Icontrolled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) I MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 I 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of ATOMA input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. 1 This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. NCDENR SOURCEI FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMVARY(FROM INPUT SCREENI COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 6,262 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.99 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS l LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Whir I tons/ r Ib/hr tonstyr Whir tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.09 0.04 12.88 56.43 7.09 31.04 2.30E+01 1.27E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.62 0.04 12.04 52.76 6.62 29.02 2.15E+01 1.18E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.00 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.74 0.03 10.43 45.70 5.74 25.14 1.86E+01 1.02E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2,5) 3.74 0.02 6.80 29.77 3.74 16.37 1.21E+01 6.68E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE(S02) 75.58 0.42 174.96 766.33 75.58 331.05 3.12E+02 1.35E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 0.17 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.02 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) TOXIC i HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 1.8E-02 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 4.5E-03 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 1.3E-03 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 9.6E-05 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 1.4E-03 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AIUTotal (H) CRC 2.6E-04 2.9E-03 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 2.1E-02 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Eth (benzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 4.0E-04 3.6E-05 3.1 E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1 E-02 2.3E-01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 2.7E-01 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 5.2E-03 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 1.0E-02 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 7.1E-04 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 1.5E-03 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Na thalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 7.1 E-03 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 2.9E-01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 3.3E-02 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 4.1 E-03 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 2.4E-03 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 3.9E-02 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 6.8E-04 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 I 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 7.1E-01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 2.91E-01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA /ON(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 123E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of ATWA input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACiLITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEN) COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 120,112 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.98 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITSI BEFORE CO NT ROLS I LIMITS) I(AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 7.06 0.76 12.83 56.21 7.06 30.91 2.29E+01 1.26E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.60 0.71 11.99 52.53 6.60 28.89 2.14E+01 1.18E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.05 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMto) 5.71 0.61 10.39 45.51 5.71 25.03 1.86E+01 1.02E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.72 0.40 6.77 29.64 3.72 16.30 1.21E+01 6.65E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 75.20 8.07 174.08 762.48 75.20 329.39 3.11E+02 1.34E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx) 30.80 3.30 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.30 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OC 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Iblhr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.5E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 8.7E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.6E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 1.8E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.6E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AlUrotal H) CRC 2.6E-04 5.6E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 4.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 7.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) () 16984488 2.1 E-02 4.5E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.1 E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.0E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.0E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.4E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 2.8E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.4E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 5.6E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 6.2E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 7.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1 E-04 4.5E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1 E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 10B883 3.5E-03 7.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.3E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.4E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 5.58E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 228E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 OXI AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4 07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.174E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE I FACILITY I USER IAlPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREMW COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 134,295 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 2.0 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.95 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE COM ROILS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tonslyr Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.97 0.84 12.68 55.53 6.97 30.54 2.26E+01 1.25E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.51 0.78 11.84 51.85 6.51 28.52 2.11E+01 1.16E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.64 0.68 10.25 44.92 5.64 24.70 1 1.83E+01 1.01E+01 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2.5) 3.67 0.44 6.68 29.25 3.67 16.09 1.19E+01 6.56E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 74.06 8.88 171.44 750.92 74.06 324.40 3.06E+02 1.32E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.69 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.34 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR P LLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.9E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 9.7E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.1 E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.9E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 I 6.2E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 4.4E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Eth (benzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 8.5E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.1 E-02 5.0E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 5.7E+00 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 2.4E-02 2.1 E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04- 1.1E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC I 9.2E-04 2.2E-01 1.7E-03 I 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&Compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.5E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 3.2E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.5E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 6.2E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.0E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 8.9E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 5.0E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 1 3.5E-03 8.3E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 1.5E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.5E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Lar et HAP (H) 2.60E-02 6.24E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Iblhr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 120E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 1 3.DOE-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 314E+01 620E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E 01 1 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDEWresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILI77/USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 230,036 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.9 USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.9 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ Ib/hr 11574r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.83 1.40 12.42 54.41 6.83 2.22E+01 1.22E+01 FILTERABLE PM FPM 6.37 1.31 11.58 50.73 6.37 2.07E+01 1.14E+01 CONDENSABLE PM CPM 0.46 0.09 0.84 3.68 0.46 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM1n) 5.52 1.13 10.03 43.93 5.52 1.79E+01 9.85E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.59 0.74 6.53 28.61 3.59 1.17E+01 6.42E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 72.16 14.82 167.05 731.67 72.16 316.08 2.98E+02 1.29E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES(NOx 30.80 6.33 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.58 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.03 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA TION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103 gal) TOXIC I HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Whir Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 6.6E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1 E-04 1.7E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1 E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 4.9E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 3.5E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 5.0E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1 E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AII/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.1E-01 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 7.6E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.5E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1E-02 8.6E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 9.8E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.9E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds CM) MNC 9.2E-04 3.8E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 2.6E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 5.4E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 2.6E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.1E+01 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.2E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.5E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds H) SEC 2.1E-04 8.6E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.4E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 2.5E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 2.6E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1.07E+01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PE M17TINPURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS NUm. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E-00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&Compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyt chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN �� Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. i ��. This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This �+ spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not WDENRresponsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILiTY1 USER (FROM INPUTS COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: b3085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 113,777 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.8 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.81 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE COMROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.58 0.67 11.96 52.38 6.58 28.81 2.14E+01 1.17E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 6.12 0.62 11.12 48.70 6.12 26.78 1.99E+01 1.09E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.05 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.29 0.54 9.63 42.16 5.29 23.19 1.72E+01 9.45E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 3.45 0.35 6.27 27.46 3.45 15.10 1.12E+01 6.16E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 68.75 6.98 159.14 697.01 68.75 301.11 2.84E+02 1.23E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 3.13 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.28 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 I 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMA T/ON ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 al) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Iblhr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&Compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 3.3E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 8.3E-02 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 2.4E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 1.7E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 2.5E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-AII/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 5.3E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 3.8E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene H) 100414 3.6E-05 7.2E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) 16984488 2.1 E-02 4.2E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.4E-02 4.8E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 9.4E-02 8.5E-04 7,4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31E-04 Manganese&compounds (Ili) MNC 9.2E-04 1.9E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.3E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 2.7E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.3E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 5.3E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 5.9E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 7.5E-02 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 4.3E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 7.1E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.2E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.3E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 5.29E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 al) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadum&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (T) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&Compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8-09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.14E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 1 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003-OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT'tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of ATMAinput data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT'tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. ,�Y�+ This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This �� spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not NCDENR I responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein. SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT SCREEM COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 151,579 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.7 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION: No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAUYR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.74 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NONE/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r Ib/hr tons/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 6.38 0.86 11.60 50.80 6.38 27.94 2.07E+01 1.14E+01 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.92 0.80 10.76 47.12 5.92 25.92 1.92E+01 1.06E+01 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.06 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PM10) 5.12 0.69 9.31 40.78 5.12 22.43 1.66E+01 9.14E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM2-5) 3.34 0.45 6.06 26.56 3.34 14.61 1.08E+01 5.96E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 66.09 8.94 152.98 670.06 66.09 289.46 2.73E+02 1.18E+02 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 4.17 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE(CO) 2.80 0.38 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.02 0.16 0.69 0.16 0.69 2.80E-01 I 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUT NT EMISSIO S INFO NATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (lb/103gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr lb/yr lb/hr Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 4.4E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 1.1E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 3.2E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 2.3E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 3.3E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 7.0E-02 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) CDC 1.9E-03 5.0E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Ethylbenzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 9.6E-03 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride Compounds) IT) 16984488 2.1 E-02 5.7E+00 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 5W00 2.4E-02 6.4E+00 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 2.4E-02 2.1E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 1.3E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 2.5E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1 E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 1.7E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 3.6E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 1.7E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 7.0E+00 4.7E-02 4.1 E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 7.9E-01 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 1.0E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 5.7E-02 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 9.4E-01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1E-05 1.7E-02 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 6.1E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 1.7E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 7.04E+00 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 Z.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/103 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (1) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&Compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 8.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 FUEL OIL COMBUSTION EMISSIONS CALCULATOR REVISION C 3/19/2003 -OUTPUT SCREEN Instructions: Enter emission source/facility data on the"INPUT"tab/screen. The air emission results and summary of input data are viewed/printed on the"OUTPUT"tab/screen. The different tabs are on the bottom of this screen. AVA This spreadsheet is for your use only and should be used with caution.DENR does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is subject to continual revision and updating. It is your responsibility to be aware of the most current information available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained herein.CDN-R SOURCE/FACILITY1 USER INPUT SUMMARY(FROM INPUT EEO= COMPANY: Perdue Farms Incorporated MAX HEAT INPUT: 84.00 MMBTU/HR FACILITY ID NO.: 800081 FUEL HEAT VALUE: 150,000 BTU/GAL PERMIT NUMBER: 03085T24 ACTUAL ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 298,610 GAL/YR FACILITY CITY: Lewiston MAXIMUM ANNUAL FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR FACILITY COUNTY: Bertie MAXIMUM SULFUR CONTENT: 1.4 % USER NAME: Wayne Black REQUESTED PERMIT LIMITATIONS EMISSION SOURCE DESCRIPTION:No.6 oil-fired boiler MAX.FUEL USAGE: 4,905,600 GAL/YR EMISSION SOURCE ID NO.: ES-9 MAX.SULFUR CONTENT: 1.44 % TYPE OF CONTROL DEVICES POLLUTANT CONTROL EFF. SCRUBBER PM 45 NON E/OTHER S02 56.8 NONE/OTHER NOx 0 CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMISSIONS EMISSION FACTOR (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS( (BEFORE CONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103gal) AIR POLLUTANT EMITTED Ib/hr I ton r Ib/hr tonstyr Ib/hr tOnS/ r uncontrolled controlled TOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER PM FPM+CPM 5.53 1.47 10.05 44.04 5.53 24.22 1.80E+01 9.87E+00 FILTERABLE PM(FPM) 5.07 1.35 9.21 40.36 5.07 22.20 1.65E+01 9.05E+00 CONDENSABLE PM(CPM) 0.46 0.12 0.84 3.68 0.46 2.02 1.50E+00 8.25E-01 FILTERABLE PM<10 MICRONS(PMIB) 4.38 1.17 7.96 34.87 4.38 19.18 1.42E+01 7.82E+00 FILTERABLE PM<2.5 MICRONS(PM25) 2.85 0.76 5.19 22.71 2.85 12.49 9.26E+00 5.09E+00 SULFUR DIOXIDE S02 54.69 14.58 126.60 554.53 54.69 239.56 2.26E+02 9.77E+01 NITROGEN OXIDES NOx 30.80 8.21 30.80 134.90 30.80 134.90 5.50E+01 5.50E+01 CARBON MONOXIDE CO 2.80 0.75 2.80 12.26 2.80 12.26 5.00E+00 5.00E+00 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS(VOC) 0.16 0.04 0.16 0.69 0.16 1 0.69 2.80E-01 2.80E-01 LEAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.51E-03 8.31 E-04 TOXIC/HAZARDO S AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS INFORMATION ACTUAL EMISSIONS POTENTIAL EMSSIONS EMISSION FACTOR CAS (AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITS I (BEFORECONTROLS/LIMITS) (AFTER CONTROLS/LIMITS) (Ib/103 gal) TOXIC/HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT NUMBER Ib/hr Ib/yr Ib/hr Ib/yr Ibrnr Ib/yr uncontrolled Controlled Antimony&compounds (H) SBC 1.6E-03 8.6E-01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 1.6E-03 1.4E+01 5.25E-03 2.89E-03 Arsenic&compounds (TH) ASC 4.1E-04 2.2E-01 7.4E-04 6.5E+00 4.1E-04 3.6E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1.2E-04 6.4E-02 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.0E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Beryllium&compounds (H) BEC 8.6E-06 4.6E-03 1.6E-05 1.4E-01 8.6E-06 7.5E-02 2.78E-05 1.53E-05 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1.2E-04 6.5E-02 2.2E-04 2.0E+00 1.2E-04 1.1E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Chromium-All/Total (H) CRC 2.6E-04 1.4E-01 4.7E-04 4.1 E+00 2.6E-04 2.3E+00 8.45E-04 4.65E-04 Cobalt compounds (H) COC 1.9E-03 9.9E-01 3.4E-03 3.0E+01 1.9E-03 1.6E+01 6.02E-03 3.31E-03 Eth benzene (H) 100414 3.6E-05 1.9E-02 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 3.6E-05 3.1E-01 6.36E-05 6.36E-05 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) (r) 16984488 2.1E-02 1.1E+01 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 2.1 E-02 1.8E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2 -02 1.3E+01 24E-02 2.1E+02 24E_02 2.1E+ 02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Lead and Lead compounds (H) PBC 4.7E-04 2.5E-01 8.5E-04 7.4E+00 4.7E-04 4.1E+00 1.51 E-03 8.31 E-04 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.2E-04 4.9E-01 1.7E-03 1.5E+01 9.2E-04 8.1E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.3E-05 3.4E-02 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 6.3E-05 5.5E-01 1.13E-04 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.3E-04 7.0E-02 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 1.3E-04 1.2E+00 2.36E-04 2.36E-04 Napthalene (H) 91203 6.3E-04 3.4E-01 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 6.3E-04 5.5E+00 1.13E-03 1.13E-03 Nickle&compounds (H) NIC 2.6E-02 1.4E+01 4.7E-02 4.1E+02 2.6E-02 2.3E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 Phosphorus Metal,Yellow or White (H) 7723140 2.9E-03 1.6E+00 5.3E-03 4.6E+01 2.9E-03 2.6E+01 9.46E-03 5.20E-03 POM rates uncontrolled (H) POM 3.7E-04 2.0E-01 6.7E-04 5.9E+00 3.7E-04 3.2E+00 1.20E-03 6.60E-04 Selenium compounds (H) SEC 2.1E-04 1.1E-01 3.8E-04 3.4E+00 2.1E-04 1.8E+00 6.83E-04 3.76E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.5E-03 1.9E+00 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 3.5E-03 3.0E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.1 E-05 3.3E-02 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 6.1 E-05 5.3E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 Total HAP (H) 6.3E-02 3.4E+01 9.2E-02 8.1E+02 6.3E-02 5.6E+02 1.6E-01 1.1E-01 Larget HAP (H) 2.60E-02 1.39E+01 4.73E-02 4.15E+02 2.60E-02 2.28E+02 8.45E-02 4.65E-02 TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT EMIS IONS IN OR A ION(FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES) EXPECTED ACTUAL EMISSIONS AFTER CONTROLS I LIMITATIONS EMISSION FACTOR (lb/l03 gal) TOXIC AIR POLLUTANT CAS Num. Ib/hr lb/day Ib/yr uncontrolled controlled Arsenic&Compounds (TH) ASC 4.07E-04 9.76E-03 3.56E+00 1.32E-03 7.26E-04 Benzene (TH) 71432 1,20E-04 2.88E-03 1.05E+00 2.14E-04 2.14E-04 Cadium&compounds (TH) CDC 1,23E-04 2.94E-03 1.07E+00 3.98E-04 2.19E-04 Fluorides(sum fluoride compounds) IT) 16984488 2.09E-02 5.01E-01 1.83E+02 3.73E-02 3.73E-02 Formaldehyde (TH) 50000 2.38E-02 5.71E-01 2.08E+02 4.25E-02 4.25E-02 Manganese&compounds (TH) MNC 9.24E-04 2.22E-02 8.09E+00 3.00E-03 1.65E-03 Mercury&compounds (TH) HGC 6.33E-05 1.52E-03 5.54E-01 1 13E-041 1.13E-04 Methyl chloroform (TH) 71566 1.32E-04 3.17E-03 1.16E+00 2.36E-041 2.36E-04 Toluene (TH) 108883 3.47E-03 8.33E-02 3.04E+01 6.20E-03 6.20E-03 Xylene (TH) 1330207 6.10E-05 1.46E-03 5.35E-01 1.09E-04 1.09E-04 PERDUE FARMS, INC. - LEWISTON PROTEIN CONVERSION Protein Conversion Emissions Inventory ACTUAL CALCULATIONS FOR TSP PROCESS DESCRIPTION In Tons Control* TSP Emission TSP Actual TSP ACF. LEWISTON PROTEIN CONY. Efficiency Factor 1b/ton Emissions LB/HR POULTRY MEAL SILO ES16 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL SILO ES11 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL SILO ES15 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL SILO ES12 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL CONVEYANCE ES17 49,757 1 0.27 13434.39 1.9572 POULTRY MEAL SILO ES14 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL SILO ES13 8,293 0.001 0.27 2.24 0.0003 POULTRY MEAL GRADING ES18 49,757 0.001 0.27 13.43 0.0020 POULTRY MEAL LOADOUT ES19 49,303 0.9 0.27 11980.63 1.7454 TSP 25441.89 Total in Ibs/Yr In Tons Year 12.721 *Efficiency Factors a. Bagfilter contol(1,999)= .001% Large Diesel and All Dual-Fuel Engines Emissions Calculator LGD2000 Revision C Instructions Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(diesel/natural gas)engines.Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a permit limit. For annual emissions enter either:(1)Annual Electrical Output,(2)Engine Output and Annual Operation(leave the formula for calculating Annual Electrical Output unchanged)or 3 Generator Output(kW)and Annual Operation remember to copy the resulting Annual Electrical Output to the appropriate cell to the left). User In ut This section can be used to calculate kW-hr output DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet is for your use only and Company Name: Perdue Farms Inc. from hours of operation and engine hp output. should be used with caution. DENR does not guarantee the Plant County: Bertie This can be useful for operators with hour meters but accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is Plant City: Lewiston no Watt-hour meters. It assumes full load operation subject to continual revision and updating. It is your Permit Number: 3085T24 resulting in conservative emission estimates. responsibility to be aware of the most current information User: ES-22A available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.05 Annual Operation(hours): 34 that may be contained herein. NG Fuel Sulfur Content(gr/mm cu ft): 2,000 Engine Output(hp): 2628 Generator Output(kW): 1825 Annual Electrical Output(kW-hr): 58,634 Annual Output(kW-hr): 62,060 Annual Output(hp-hr): 89,352 < -Copy results to"Annual Output(kW-hr)"at left if desired. Emissions Output for Diesel Engines Emission Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Whir Ib/ r t Ib/h -hr Rating Pollutant Whir Ib/ r t Ib/h -hr Rating PM 1.8E+00 6.3E+01 3.1E-02 7.00E-04 B PM NA NA NA ND NA PM-10 1.8E+00 6.3E+01 3.1E-02 7.09E-04 B PM-10 NA NA NA ND NA PM-2.5 1.8E+00 6.3E+01 3.1E-02 7.00E-04 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA ND NA NO.,uncont. 6.3E+01 2.1E+03 1.1E+00 2.40E-02 B NO.,uncont. 4.7E+01 1.6E+03 8.0E-01 1.80E-02 D NO.,Cont. 3.4E+01 1.2E+03 5.8E-01 1.30E-02 B NO,,,Cont. NA NA NA NO NA TOC(as CH4) 1.9E+00 6.3E+01 3.1E-02 7.05E-04 C TOC(as CH4) 1.4E+01 4.7E+02 2.4E-01 5.29E-03 D NMTOC 1.7E+00 5.7E+01 2.9E-02 6.42E-04 E NMTOC 3.5E+00 1.2E+02 5.9E-02 1.32E-03 E CO 1.4E+01 4.9E+02 2.5E-01 5.50E-03 C CO 2.0E+01 6.7E+02 3.4E-01 7.50E-03 D SOX 1.1E+00 3.6E+01 1.8E-02 4.05E-04 B SOX 5.5E-02 1.9E+00 9.3E-04 2.09E-05 B Total HAP 6.1 E-04 2.1 E-02 1.0E-05 2.32E-07 ,Largest HAP 1.4E-02 4.9E-01 2.4E-04 5.43E-06 Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutants There are no Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutant emission factors for dual-fuel engines. Pollutant Ib/hr lb/day Ib/ r Acetaldehyde 4.6E-04 NA 1.6E-02 1.76E-07 E Acrolein 1.4E-04 NA 4.9E-03 5.52E-08 E Benzene 1.4E-02 NA 4.9E-01 5.43E-06 E Benzo(a)pyrene 4.7E-06 1.6E-04 1.80E-09 E,< Formaldehyde 1.5E-03 NA 4.9E-02 5.52E-07 E Napthalene 2.4E-03 8.1 E-02 9.10E-07 E BAH 3.9E-03 1.3E-01 1.48E-06 E, < Toluene 5.2E-03 1.2E-01 1.8E-01 1.97E-06 E Xylenes I 3.6E-03 8.5E-02 1.2E-01 I 1.35E-06 E NO,control is via ignition timing retard. LGD2000 Revision C dated March 27,2000 Pollutants in, are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. Pollutants in i i pl are NC regulated toxic air pollutants(TAPs)only. All other pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPs. Factor quality ratings containing"<"indicate an AP-42 emission factor based on test results being below detection. �V+��/ Emission factors are from AP-42 Chapter 3,Section 4,Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines,dated October 1996. "' ENR Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly engine output.Annual emissions are based on the annual engine output. Large Diesel and All Dual-Fuel Engines Emissions Calculator LGD2000 Revision C Instructions Please provide the information shown in blue below.The applicability of this spreadsheet is limited to diesel engines larger than 600 hp and all dual-fuel(diesel/natural gas)engines.Please note that,when used in conjunction with permit applications,any value entered for annual operations of these engines may become a permit limit. For annual emissions enter either:(1)Annual Electrical Output,(2)Engine Output and Annual Operation(leave the formula for calculating Annual Electrical Output unchanged)or 133Generator Output(kW)and Annual Operation(remember to copy the result ng Annual Electrical Output to the a opdate cell to the left). User In ut This section can be used to calculate kW-hr output DISCLAIMER:This spreadsheet is for your use only and Company Name: Perdue Farms Inc. from hours of operation and engine hp output. should be used with caution. DENR does not guarantee the Plant County: Bertie This can be useful for operators with hour meters but accuracy of the information contained. This spreadsheet is Plant City: Lewiston no Watt-hour meters. It assumes full load operation subject to continual revision and updating. It is your Permit Number: 3085T24 resulting in conservative emission estimates. responsibility to be aware of the most current information User: ES-22B available. DENR is not responsible for errors or omissions Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content(%): 0.05 Annual Operation(hours): 5o that may be contained herein. NG Fuel Sulfur Content(gr/mm cu ft): 2,000 Engine Output(hp): 2628 Generator Output(kW): 1825 Annual Electrical Output(kW-hr): 86,227 Annual Output(kW-hr): 91,250 Annual Output(hp-hr): 131,400 <-----Copy results to"Annual Output(Mhr)"at left if desired. Emissions Output for Diesel Engines Emission Factor Emissions Output for Dual-fuel Engines Emission Factor Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Criteria Pollutants Factor Quality Pollutant Ib/hr Ib/ r t Ib/h -hr Rating Pollutant Ib/hr Ib/ r t ib/h -hr Rating PM 1.8E+00 9.2E+01 4.6E-02 7.00E-04 B PM NA NA NA ND NA PM-10 1.8E+00 9.2E+01 4.6E-02 7.00E-04 B PM-10 NA NA NA ND NA PM-2.5 1.8E+00 9.2E+01 4.6E-02 7.00E-04 B PM-2.5 NA NA NA ND NA NO.,uncont. 6.3E+01 3.2E+03 1.6E+00 2.40E-02 B NO.,uncont. 4.7E+01 2.4E+03 1.2E+00 1.80E-02 D NO.,cont. 3.4E+01 1.7E+03 8.5E-01 1.30E-02 B NO,cont. NA NA NA ND NA TOC(as CH4) 1.9E+00 9.3E+01 4.6E-02 7.05E-04 C TOC(as CH4) 1.4E+01 7.0E+02 3.5E-01 5.29E-03 D NMTOC 1.7E+00 8.4E+01 4.2E-02 6.42E-04 E NMTOC 3.5E+00 1.7E+02 8.7E-02 1.32E-03 E CO 1.4E+01 7.2E+02 3.6E-01 5.50E-03 C CO 2.0E+01 9.9E+02 4.9E-01 7.50E-03 D SOx 1.1E+00 5.3E+01 2.7E-02 4.05E-04 B S% 5.5E-02 2.7E+00 I 1.4E-03 2.09E-05 B Total HAP 6.1E-04 3.0E-02 1.5E-05 2.32E-07 Largest HAP 1.4E-02 7.1E-01 3.6E-04 13F-01- . Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutants There are no Toxic/Hazardous Air Pollutant emission factors for dual-fuel engines. Pollutant Ib/hr lb/day Ib/ r Acetaldehyde 4.6E-04 NA 2.3E-02 1.76E-07 E Acrolein 1.4E-04 NA 7.2E-03 5.52E-08 E Benzene 1.4E-02 NA 7.1E-01 5.43E-06 E 5enzo(a)pyrene 4.7E-06 2.4E-04 1.80E-09 E,< Formaldehyde 1.5E-03 NA 7.3E-02 5.52E-07 E Napthalene 2.4E-03 1,2E-01 9.10E-07 E =BAH 3.9E-03 9E-01 1.48E-06 E,< Toluene 5.2E-03 1.2E-01 2.6E-01 1.97E-06 E X lenes 3.6E-03 8.5E-02 1.8E-01 1.35E-06 F NOx control is via ignition timing retard. LGD2000 Revision C dated March 27,2000 Pollutants in red are federally regulated hazardous air pollutants(HAPs)only. Pollutants in,,,, 1 1 are NC regulated toxic air pollutants(TAPS)only. All other pollutants are regulated as both HAPs and TAPs. � Factor quality ratings containing"<"indicate an APA2 emission factor based on test results being below detection. Emission factors are from APA2 Chapter 3,Section 4, Large Stationary Diesel and All Stationary Dual-fuel Engines,dated October 1996. NCDENR Hourly emission rates for all pollutants are based on the hourly engine output.Annual emissions are based on the annual engine output.