HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1800513_20190109_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Mooresville Regional Office AIR QUALITY Hickory Springs Mfg.Co.dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication Inspection Report NC Facility ID 1800513 Date: 01/09/2019✓ County/FIPS: Catawba/035 Facility Data Permit Data Hickory Springs Mfg. Co.dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication Permit 09079/R03 2377 Penny Road Issued 10/29/2015 Claremont,NC 28610 Expires 9/30/2023 Lat: 35d 42.0575m Long: 81d 9.4608m Class/Status Small SIC: 3086/Plastics Foam Products Permit Status Active NAICS: 32615/Urethane and Other Foam Product(except Polystyrene) Current Permit Application(s)None Manufacturing Program Applicability Contact Data SIP Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact MACT Part 63: Subpart 60 Steve Hannah Scott Dahl Steve Hannah Environmental Manager VP of Manufacturing Environmental Manager (828)328-2213 (828)328-2201 (828)328-2213 Compliance Data Comments: Inspection Date 01/09/2019 Inspector's Name Donna Cook Inspector's Signature: o a Cook Operating Status Operating Compliance Code Compliance-inspection Action Code FCE Date of Signature: �� / On-Site Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP S02 NOX VOC CO PM10 *HAP 2014 --- --- --- 6.65 --- --- --- 2009 --- --- --- 8.03 --- --- --- Highest HAP Emitted inpounds) Five Year Violation History:None Date Letter Tyne Rule Violated Violation Resolution Date Performed Stack Tests since last FCE:None Date Test Results Test Method(s) Source(s)Tested Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication January 9,2019 Page 2 Type Action: X Full Compliance _Partial Compliance _Complaint Other: Evaluation Evaluation/Reinspection Investigation Data Tracking: X Date submitted for initial review 01/14/2019 ✓ _IBEAM WARNING/OB,NOD,NOV,NRE X IBEAM Document X IBEAM Inspection,list date inspected X IBEAM LAT/LONG,Facility Locked✓ X IBEAM Inspection, list date draft is submitted X IBEAM LAT/LONG,Coordinates checked X IBEAM Inspection,pollutants/programs checked _IBEAM Complaint X IBEAM Planning,Next Inspection Date 01/01/2021 Directions: From Mooresville Regional Office to Claremont,travel Statesville Avenue;North Broad Street and the name changes to Statesville Highway(Highway 115 North)and then to Charlotte Highway (Highway 21 North and Highway 115 North);Interstate 77 North;Exit 5 1-Winston-Salem/Hickory to Interstate 40 West toward Hickory; off Interstate 40 West take Exit 135-Claremont;turn left off exit ramp onto N. Oxford Street; 0.7 mile turn right at stop light onto W. Main Street(Highway 70 West); 'h mile turn left at stop light on Penny Road into the Claremont Industrial Park; and 0.7 mile on the right is the facility. The street address of this facility is 2377 Penny Road. SafetyEguipment: This company requires that safety glasses be worn by the inspector at this facility. It is also recommended that safety shoes and ear protection be worn by the inspector at this facility. This company has a sign-in sheet for visitors that contains a liability waiver. However, access to the facility was granted to the inspector without having to sign the visitor's log. Safety Issues: No safety issues were observed by me during the inspection. Lat,EonQ: A review of the facility's coordinates on "Maps of DAQ Regulated Facilities" indicates the facility's latitude and longitude coordinates are accurate. The facility name listed on the map is Carolina Foam, LLC —Claremont instead of Hickory Springs, Mfg. Co. No changes to the latitude and longitude coordinates of this facility in IBEAM are needed. Latitude and longitude coordinates of this facility are locked in IBEAM. Email Contacts: The email addresses for the authorized, facility, invoice and technical contacts were verified by Mr. Steve Hannah, Environmental Manager. The email address of the authorized contact was changed to Scott Dahl, vice president of manufacturing in IBEAM. 1. The purpose of this site visit was to conduct a routine air quality inspection. This company cuts and glues flexible polyurethane foam for the upholstered furniture industry and sports equipment. The operational hours of this company are 6 a.m. to 2:30 pm Monday through Thursday; 5 a.m.to 1:30 p.m. on Friday; and 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, 52 weeks per year. Mr. Steve Hannah, environmental manager; Ms. Jane Roseman, plant manager; Ms. Zenaida Camacho, environmental heath and safety specialist; and Mr. Robert Allen, maintenance manager; accompanied me during this inspection. Mr. Hannah stated that 90% of this business is upholstering chairs, sofas and love seats for the furniture industry; 5% for bedding and pillows; and 5%for upholstering football tackling dummies and gymnastic equipment. Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication January 9, 2019 Page 3 2. Facility Contact Information: During the inspection, I verified the facility contact information in IBEAM with Mr. Hannah. I changed the authorized contact in IBEAM to Mr. Scott Dahl,vice president of manufacturing. 3. Compliance history file review: No problems have been noted in the last five years by DAQ prior to this inspection. The current compliance status is discussed in the following sections. 4. Observations of permitted air emission sources and control devices: Emission I Emission Source Control Control System Source ID I Description j System ID Description ES-F-01 (NESHAP) !flexible polyurethane foam N/A j N/A gluing operation The flexible polyurethane foam bun stock is~cut into desired shapes and sizes. This company spray applies water-based synthetic latex adhesive (product,Fabond 1226UV; manufacturer, Worthen) and a solvent-based adhesive(product,UN1133; manufacturer,Worthen)containing acetone and heptane to the foam: Copies of the safety data sheets on these two glues are located in the file of this facility. The spray lines and guns are cleaned with isopropanol (rubbing alcohol)for the solvent-based adhesive and water for the water-based adhesive. The foam adhesive spraying is being conducted on eleven tables that are covered in paper. This company uses three tables for the water-based adhesive and eight tables for the solvent-based adhesive. None of the tables have any direct ventilation system. Instead, ductwork with four intakes runs along the bottom portion of a wall adjacent to eight tables and then exhaust any gluing emissions through two horizontal stacks to the outdoor atmosphere. The two horizontal and uncapped stacks are located on the side of the building near the parking lot. One table is not connected to any ductwork. The other two tables for the water-based adhesive has ductwork along the bottom portion and then exhaust any gluing emissions through a single stack to the outdoor atmosphere. The horizontal and uncapped stack is located on the side of the building near the parking lot. A spray adhesive(product, Castle Trim Stick; product code, C2006; and manufacturer, Castle Products,Inc.) in an aerosol spray can (18 %2 fluid oz or 389 g) is used to touch up the foam if the product is torn. A copy of the safety data sheet is located in the file of this facility. Observed. The employees were spray applying water-based and solvent-based adhesives to the foam on three of the eleven tables during the inspection. I observed no visible emissions from the adhesive spraying operations inside this facility or from the exhausts of the three stacks outside of this facility. No spraying of adhesive from aerosol cans were observed by me during the inspection. Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication January 9, 2019 Page 4 5. Observations of insignificant air emission sources and control devices listed on the current permit: Source Exemption Source of Source of Title V Regulation TAPs? Pollutants? rS-1 -foam cutting 2Q .0102No No eration The flexible polyurethane foam bun stock cutting operations are conducted using various machines such as a band saw, CNC (two horizontal and one vertical) and handheld cutters throughout this facility. The large foam blocks (110 inch) are placed on platforms that moves the foam blocks through horizontal saw blades approximately five feet in length that cuts the foam to desired thickness. Another machine has a vertical saw blade that cuts the foam to desired widths and shapes. Various handheld cutters are used to cut the foam to make seats, chair backs and other products. The foam cutting machines do not exhaust to the outdoor atmosphere and are exempt per 2Q .0102 (g)(14)(J). No adhesives are used in the foam cutting operations. This company uses two lubricant products !(aerosol spray can 12.25 fluid oz., Big 5; product code C2004 for hinge lubrication; manufacturer, Castle Products, Inc.; and silicone-based product E60 350,mixed with water and manufacturer, Wacker Chemical Corporation; applied by spray bottles) on the blades of the handheld cutters and horizontal and vertical cutting machines to keep the foam from sticking. The copies of the safety data sheets are in the file of this facility. Observed. The flexible polyurethane foam cutting operations were being conducted by various machines during the inspection. None of the foam cutting machines exhaust to the outdoor atmosphere. I observed no visible emissions from the flexible polyurethane foam cutting machines inside of this facility. 6. Observations of air emission sources and control devices not listed on the current permit: a. None noted. 7. Compliance with specific permit conditions and limitations: a. Condition A. 2. Permit Renewal and Emission Inventory Requirement-The permittee at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of this permit shall request permit renewal by letter with AA application form and submit the air pollution emission inventory report with certification sheet for 2022 calendar year to MRO DAQ. Observed. I informed Mr. Hannah that the current air permit will expire on September 30, 2023. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. b. Condition A. 3. Particulate Control Requirement-As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0515 "Particulates from Miscellaneous Industrial Processes," particulate matter emissions from The emission sources shall not exceed allowable emission rates. Observed. No particulate matter emissions are expected from the gluing operation as indicated in the permit review. The foam cutting operations do not exhaust to the outdoor Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication January 9, 2019 Page 5 atmosphere. Compliance with this stipulation was indicated during the permit application process. C. Condition A. 4. Visible Emissions Control Requirement-As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0521 "Control of Visible Emissions",visible emissions from the emission sources, manufactured after July 1, 1971, shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. Observed. No visible emissions were observed by me from this facility. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. d. Condition A. 5.Notification Requirement as required by 15A NCAC 2D .0535,the Permittee of a source of excess emissions that last for more than four hours and that results from a malfunction, a breakdown of process or control equipment or any other abnormal conditions, shall notify the Director or his designee of any such occurrence by 9:00 a.m. Eastern time of the Division's next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence. Observed. Based on a conversation with Mr. Hannah,no excess emissions have occurred at the facility. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. e. Condition A. 6. Fugitive Dust Control Requirement as required by 15A NCAC 2D .0540 "Particulates from Fugitive Dust Emissions Sources" states that the Permittee shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible emissions beyond the property boundary. If substantive complaints or excessive fugitive dust emissions from the facility are observed beyond the property boundaries for six minutes in any one hour(using Reference Method 22 in 40 CFR, Appendix A),the owner or.operator may be required to submit a fugitive dust plan as described in 2D .0540(f). Observed. MRO DAQ has not received any fugitive dust emissions complaints regarding this facility. This company has paved roads at this facility. During the inspection, I observed no fugitive dust or visible emissions from this facility. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. f. Condition A. 7. 15A NCAC 2D .0958: Work Practices For Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds - As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0958(c), the permittee shall store all VOC- containing material in closed containers when not in use, store wipe rags in closed containers, clean spills and equipment properly. As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0958(d), when cleaning parts with a solvent containing a VOC, the permittee shall: flush parts in the freeboard area, take precautions to reduce the pooling of solvent on and in the parts, tilt or rotate parts to drain solvent and allow a minimum of 15 seconds for drying or until all dripping has stopped, whichever is longer, not fill cleaning machines above the fill line, and not agitate solvent to the point of causing splashing. Observed. The adhesive containers were properly closed with tightly fitting lids and no defects found in the containers or lids. No cleaning of any spraying equipment was being conducted at this facility. No parts are being cleaned by this facility. During the inspection,I observed no open containers, spills or any other cleaning operations being conducted at this facility. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication . January 9, 2019 Page 6 This condition no longer applies to this facility due to a rule change of 15A NCAC 2D .0902(f) as amended on November 1,2016. This facility is not located in one of the counties subject to this rule. Therefore,the requirements for 15A NCAC 2D .0958 will not be applicable to any facility located in Catawba County. This condition will be removed from the permit during the next revision. g. Condition A. 8. Generally Available Control Technology(GACT)—For the flexible polyurethane foam fabrication operations, polyurethane foam gluing operation(ID No. ES-F-01),the permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions of 40 CFR 63, Subpart 000000 "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production and Fabrication Area Sources", including Subpart A "General Provisions." i. Standards and Compliance-Pursuant to 40 CFR 63.11416, the following standards shall apply: A. The permittee shall not use any adhesive containing methylene chloride in a flexible polyurethane foam fabrication process. ii. Recordkeeping Requirements-Pursuant to 40 CFR 63.11417,the following recordkeeping requirements shall apply: A. For foam fabrication operations with loop slitters,the permittee shall retain on site a statement signed and dated by a.responsible official stating that the facility does not use any adhesive containing methylene chloride in a flexible polyurethane foam fabrication process. B. The permittee shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of paragraph a. i. of this condition using adhesive usage records,Material Safety Data Sheets or engineering calculations. C. The permittee shall retain the records,used to demonstrate compliance for five years with the last two years of data retained on site. The remaining three years of data may be retained off site. D. The permittee shall make the records-available for inspection upon request of DAQ personnel. Observed. According to the material data sheets provided by this company,the foam water-based and solvent-based spray adhesives used by this facility do not contain any methylene chloride. The foam water-based spray adhesive(product,Fabond 1226UV; manufacturer,Worthen)contains synthetic latex. The foam solvent-based spray adhesive (product,UN1133; manufactured by Worthen) contains acetone and heptane. The copies of the material data sheets for the two foam adhesives are in the file of this facility. This company does have various machines that are used to cut the foam into various shapes and sizes. No adhesives are used in the cutting processes. A silicone based lubricant product(product,E60 350;manufacturer, Wacker Chemical Corporation) mixed with water is used to keep the blades of the cutting machines from sticking to the foam. Compliance with this stipulation is indicated. Hickory Springs Mfg. Co. dba HSM-Hickory Fabrication January 9,2019 Page 7 8. NSPS/NESHAP Review: This facility has no NSPS affected sources. The existing facility is subject to Subpart 000000 (60)-National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production and Fabrication Area Sources (40 CFR 63.11414-11420) or referred to as GACT Subpart 000000 (60)for area sources since adhesives (glues)are sprayed onto the foam. The NESHAP Subpart 60 rule prohibits the use of any adhesive containing methylene chloride (MeCI) in the flexible polyurethane foam fabrication process. This facility is complying with the requirements of NESHAP Subpart 60 by not using any adhesives (glues)that contain methylene chloride. This company does not have any engines/generators, fire pump engines, boilers or gasoline storage tanks at this facility. 9. Summary of changes needed to the current permit: a. Specific Condition and Limitation A. 7. 15A NCAC 2D .0958: Work Practices for Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds should be removed from the permit during the next revision. The 2D .0958 requirements do not apply to this facility, since it is located in Catawba County. b. The electronic yellowsheet for permit changes needed has been completed and placed in the facility's electronic file. 10. Compliance assistance offered during the inspection: None. 11. Section 112(r) applicability: This facility does not appear to be subject to the requirements of the Chemical Accident Release Prevention Program, Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. 12. Compliance determination: Based on my observations, this facility appeared to be in compliance with the applicable air quality regulations at the time of the inspection. DLC:Ihe c: MRO File https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/deq/daq_mro/Counties/CATAW BA/00513/INSPECT_20190109.docx