HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1100542_20111202_ST_MiscLtr j RECEIVED 11100V�m W 1 DEC - 8 201 5400 Glenwood Avenue,Suite 300 Raleigh,North Carolina 27617 �i sex: 919 78 1-5 0 fax: 919 7 INC AIR QUALITY AGENCY December 2,2011 Mr.David Brigman,Director Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency 49 Mt.Carmel Road Asheville,North Carolina 28806 II Subject: Buncombe County,North Carolina Buncombe County Subtitle D Landfill (Landfill II) Title V Operating Permit Number:11-542-10 Revised NMOC Emission Rate Report Dear Mr.Brigman: � I On behalf of the Buncombe County Solid Waste Department(Department),Camp Dresser& McKee (CDM)is pleased to submit one (1)copy of the Tier 2 test results as required per General Condition 3.13.in the Title V Operating Permit Number 11-542-10 for the Buncombe County Subtitle D landfill (Landfill 11). A certification by the Departments responsible official is included herewith per General Condition 3.R.in the operating permit. CDM used the results of the testing to calculate a site-specific nonmethane organic compound NMOC concentration and consequently to revise the NMOC emission rate report for prior years. The report demonstrates that NMOC emissionshave not from the existing landfill yet III ; exceeded the 50 megagram per year (Mg/yr)limit established by 40 CFR 60 Subpart W W W to trigger the installation of a landfill gas collection and control system On September 6,2011,CDM submitted a Tier 2 Testing Notification to the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency (WNCRAQA);see Attachment 1. CDM conducted the r 11 through October 13 2011,colle cting landfill as October g I� Tier 2 sampling at Landfill II from Oc g g i I P g from 50 landfill locations using direct-push probe methods. CDM field personnel prepared composite samples,using Summa canisters,from the 50 samples,with no more than 3 samples in each composite;the criteria for compositing found at 40 CFR 60.754(a)(3) and Method 25C Section 8.4.1 were followed. These 50 samples were grouped into 16 composite samples(three locations per canister) and 2 individual samples. The sampling location plan is provided as Attachment 2. The canisters were shipped to Atmospheric Analysis&Consulting Inc. in Ventura,California for analysis, Of the 21 canisters shipped to the laboratory,three were intended for quality control purposes (duplicates:Samples#7 and#19;one field blank Sample #15) and are not included in the calculated NMOC results. Each composite was analyzed by Method 3C for oxygen,nitrogen,methane,and carbon dioxide and by Method 25C for NMOC (reported by consulting�engineering.construction.operations CDM Mr. David Brigman December 2,2011 Page 2 the laboratory as methane). Four composite samples analyzed were considered invalid based on the criteria in Method 25C Section 8.4.2. The laboratory results are included as Attachment 3. CDM estimated the field precision of the analyses using the analytical results for the two duplicate samples collected. The precision for Samples #6 and#7 was 1.6 percent,and the precision for Samples #18 and#19 was 10.4 percent. These results represent an acceptable level of precision. The field blank showed no detectable NMOC. Because the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency no longer offers a performance audit canister for Method 25C,we were unable to estimate the field accuracy of the analyses. ® Based on 40 CFR 60.754(a)(3)which states in part"divide the NMOC concentration from Method 25C of Appendix A of this part by six to convert from CNMOC as carbon to CNMOC calibrated laboratory results b six to express the NMOC as hexane," we divided the methane- y p Y concentration as hexane;see Table 1. The average NMOC (as Hexane)when including the four invalid samples was 193 parts per million by volume (ppmv);excluding those four invalid samples,the average NMOC was 231 ppmv. The previous Tier 2 site-specific NMOC reported in line 200. was 322 ppmv. CDM ran the EPA Landfill Gas Emission Model p J (LandGEM)using the average site-specific NMOC concentrations of 193 ppmv and 231 ppmv, $1 including and excluding the invalid samples respectively, as provided as Attachment 4. The LandGEM data demonstrates that the maximum annual reportable NMOC emissions predicted for 2010 is 11 Mg and 13 Mg,including and excluding the invalid samples, respectively. By comparison,the June 2007 NMOC emissions from the previous Tier 2 testing was 14 Mg. Based on these results,no further action should be required at this time by the Buncombe County Solid Waste Department under 40 CFR 60 Subpart V\rXATW with regard to installing a landfill gas collection and control system. In accordance with 40 CFR 60.754(a)(3)(iin),-it will be necessary for the Buncombe County Solid Waste Department to retest the site-specific NMOC concentration every five years for the Subtitle D landfill to determine if an exemption is still allowed from the requirement at 40 CFR 60.752(b)(2) to install and operate a landfill gas collection and control system. The Department understands that,under Specific Condition 2.1A.2.e. of the operating permit issued by VdNCRAQA on January 1,2010,a landfill gas collection and control system is required to be installed and operational when the bioreactor attains a moisture content of 40 percent,notwithstanding the requirements of 40 CFR 60 Subpart WVdW. �l CDM Mr. David Brigman December 2,2011 Page 3 If you have any questions regarding the information contained in the enclosed Tier 2 testing summary report,please do not hesitate to call me at(919) 757-5620. Very truly yours, k Kenton J Yang,P.E. isty th Sampling Team Leader Facility Representative Camp Dresser &McKee Buncombe County Solid Waste cc: J.Creighton,BCGSD J. Mears,BCGSD J.Wiseman,CDM G.Siple,CDM C. Gabel,CDM i � i / 1 I; Table 1 Summary of Buncombe County Landfill Gas Analytical Results for Samples Collected October i 2011 1 Convert NMOC methane to hexane= 6 Sample ID* NMOC pmv Ox en % Nitrogen Methane Carbon as Methane as Hexane yg ( ) % % Dioxide Composite#1 417 70 9 h 40,ti ;" 32.8 17.5 Composite#2 373 62 <0.3 1.3 58.8 39.7 ' Composite#3 185 31 2.5 23.6 43.9 30.0 Composite#4 202 34 1.3 14.9 51.2 32.6 Composite#5 1,149 192 1.7 18.2 47.2 32.9 #6 1,164 194 <0.3 0.5 59.8 39.5 Composite#8 1,889 315 <0.3 0.6 57.8 41.5 Composite#9 624 104 <0.3 0.7 57.2 42.1 . ' Composite#10 308 51 3.2 16.4 49.3 31.2 II Composite#11 134 22 2.5 21.6 50.5 25.3 Composite#12 4,785 798 <0.3 2.4 58.0 39.4 ( Composite#13 215 36 1.4 9.4 53.3 35.9 Composite#14 441 74 �`6-:4 .729. [ ": 36.6 _ 28.0 Composite#16 238 40 '=5'5 43.3". 27.6 23.5 Composite#17 330 55 25.3 19.4 #18 1,048 175 0.6 2.5 57.6 39.2 I Composite#20 521 87 4.2 23.7 39.3 32:8 Composite#21 6,835 1,139 0.5 7.6 52.2 39.7 AVERAGE 193 3.8 16.7 47.7 32.8 I j *NOTES I 1.) Sample#7 was collected as a duplicate of sample#6; results are in the analytical report 2.) Sample#15 was a trip blank; results are in the analytical report 3.)Sample#19 was collected as a duplicate of sample#18; results are in the analytical report i i I Average NMOC(as Hexane)to be included in LandGEM (ppmv)= 193 Without Composites#1,#14,#16, and#17= 231 III i { landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 LandGEM-Version 3.02 J 0) LandGEM lJ5EPA0�eeo-fResearchand0evelo-pment Landfill Gas Emissions Model Version 3.02 1�1 U.S.Envnnimiental Protection Agency TOffice of Research and Development National Risk Management Research Laboratory(NRMRL) and Clean Adr Technology Center(CATC) Research Triangle Park,North Carolina May 2006 ►�`/ EA Summary Report Landfill Name or Identifier: Buncombe County Landfill Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011 Description/Comments: About LandGEM: ra 1 First-Order Decomposition Rate Equation: C'.r4 — Where, a=1 jL0.1 10 Q­=annual methane aeneration in the vear of the calculation (m 3/vear) i= 1-year time increment M;=mass of waste accepted in the ith vear(Ma) n=(year of the calculation)-(initial year of waste acceptance) t;l=age of the jth section of waste mass M;accepted in the ith year j=0.1-year time increment (dacimal vaars P n_3 2 vaars) k=methane aeneration rate(year I) L=Dotential methane aeneration capacity(m3/Ma) LandGEM is based on a first-order decomposition rate equation for quantifying emissions from the decomposition of landfilled waste in municipal solid waste(MSW)landfills.The software provides a relatively simple approach to estimating landfill gas emissions.Model defaults are based on empirical data from U.S.landfills. Field test data can also be used in place of model defaults when available. Further guidance on EPA test methods,Clean Air Act(CAA)regulations,and other guidance regarding landfill gas emissions and control technology requirements can be found at http://www.epa.gov/ttnatwOl/landfill/landflpg.html. LandGEM is considered a screening tool—the better the input data,the better the estimates.Often,there are limitations with the available data regarding waste quantity and composition,variation in design and operating practices over time,and changes occurring over time that impact the emissions potential.Changes to landfill operation,such as operating under wet conditions through leachate recirculation or other liquid additions,will result in generating more gas at a faster rate.Defaults for estimating emissions for this type of operation are being developed to include in LandGEM along with defaults for convential landfills(no leachate or liquid additions)for developing emission inventories and determining CAA applicability.Refer to the Web site identified above for future updates. REPORT-1 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Input Review LANDFILL CHARACTERISTICS Landfill Open Year 1997 Landfill Closure Year(with 80-year limit) 2027 Actual Closure Year(without limit) 2027 Have Model Calculate Closure Year? Yes Waste Design Capacity 3,175,130 megagrams MODEL PARAMETERS Methane Generation Rate,k 0.050 year"' Potential Methane Generation Capacity, L. 170 m3/Mg NMOC Concentration 231 ppmv as hexane Methane Content 55 %by volume GASES/POLLUTANTS SELECTED Gas/Pollutant#1: Total landfill gas Gas/Pollutant#2: Methane Gas/Pollutant#3: Carbon dioxide Gas/Pollutant#4: NMOC WASTE ACCEPTANCE RATES Year Waste Accepted Waste-In-Place M / ear short tons/year) M short tons 1997 16,148 17,763 0 0 1998 81,279 89,407 16,148 17,763 1999 107,707 118,478 97,427 107,170 2000 109,954 120,949 205,134 225,647 2001 112,690 123,959 315,088 346,597 2002 118,070 129,877 427,778 470,556 2003 139,226 153,149 545,848 600,433 2004 135,309 148,840 685,074 753,581 2005 115,871 127,458 820,383 902,421 2006 96,787 106,466 936,254 1,029,879 2007 103,209 113,530 1,033,041 1,136,345 2008 113,591 124,950 1,136,250 1,249,875 2009 112,033 123,236 1,249,841 1,374,825 2010 101,124 111,236 1,361,874 1,498,061 2011 101,124 111,236 1,462,998 1,609,298 2012 101,124 111,236 1,564,122 1,720,534 2013 101,124 111,236 1,665,246 1,831,771 2014 101,124 111,236 1,766,370 1,943,007 2015 101,124 111,236 1,867,494 2,054,243 2016 101,124 111,236 1,968,618 2,165,480 2017 101,124 111,236 2,069,742 2,276,716 2018 101,124 111,236 2,170,866 2,387,953 2019 101,124 111,236 2,271,990 2,499,189 2020 101,124 111,236 2,373,114 2,610,425 2021 101,124 111,236 2,474,238 2,721,662 2022 101,124 111,236 2,575,362 2,832,898 2023 101,124 111,236 2,676,486 2,944,135 2024 101,124 111,236 2,777,610 3,055,371 2025 101,124 111,236 2,878,734 3,166,607 2026 101,124 111,236 2,979,858 3,277,844 2027 94,148 103,563 3,080,982 3,389,080 2028 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2029 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2030 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2031 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2032 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2033 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2034 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2035 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2036 0 01 3,175,130 3,492,643 REPORT-2 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 WASTE ACCEPTANCE RATES(Continued) Year Waste Accepted Waste-In-Place Mg/year short tons/year (Mg) (short tons 2037 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2038 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2039 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2040 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2041 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2042 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2043 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2044 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2045 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2046 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2047 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2048 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2049 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2050 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2051 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2052 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2053 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2054 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2055 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2056 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2057 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2058 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2059 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2060 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2061 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2062 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2063 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2064 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2065 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2066 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2067 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2068 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2069 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2070 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2071 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2072 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2073 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2074 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2075 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 2076 0 0 3,175,130 3,492,643 REPORT-3 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Pollutant Parameters Gas/Pollutant Default Parameters: User-specified Pollutant Parameters: Concentration Concentration Compound (ppmv) Molecular Weight (ppmv) Molecular Weight Total landfill gas 0.00 H Methane 16.04 Carbon dioxide 44.01 t9 NMOC 4,000 86.18 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (methyl chloroform)- HAP 0.48 133.41 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane- HAPNOC 1.1 167.85 1,1-Dichloroethane (ethylidene dichloride)- HAPNOC 2.4 98.97 1,1-Dichloroethene (vinylidene chloride)- HAPNOC 0.20 96.94 1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride)- HAP/VOC 0.41 98.96 1,2-Dichloropropane (propylene dichloride)- HAPNOC 0.18 112.99 2-Propanol(isopropyl alcohol)-VOC 50 60.11 Acetone 7.0 58.08 Acrylonitrile-HAP/VOC 6.3 53.06 Benzene-No or Unknown Co-disposal- HAPNOC 1.9 78.11 Benzene-Co-disposal- N HAPNOC 11 78.11 Bromodichloromethane- VOC 3.1 163.83 c Butane-VOC 5.0 58.12 a Carbon disulfide- HAPNOC 0.58 76.13 Carbon monoxide 140 28.01 Carbon tetrachloride- HAPNOC 4.0E-03 153.84 Carbonyl sulfide- HAPNOC 0.49 60.07 Chlorobenzene- HAPNOC 0.25 112.56 Chlorodifluoromethane 1.3 86.47 Chloroethane(ethyl chloride)-HAPNOC 1.3 64.52 Chloroform-HAPNOC 0.03 119.39 Chloromethane-VOC 1.2 50.49 Dichlorobenzene-(HAP for para isomerNOC) 0.21 147 Dichlorodifluoromethane 16 120.91 Dichlorofluoromethane- VOC 2.6 102.92 Dichloromethane (methylene chloride)- HAP 14 84.94 Dimethyl sulfide(methyl sulfide)-VOC 7.8 62.13 Ethane 890 30.07 Ethanol-VOC 27 46.08 REPORT-4 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Pollutant Parameters (Continued) Gas/Pollutant Default Parameters: User-specified Pollutant Parameters: Concentration Concentration Compound (ppmv) Molecular Weight (ppmv) Molecular Weight Ethyl mercaptan (ethanethiol)-VOC 2.3 62.13 Ethylbenzene- HAP/VOC 4.6 106.16 Ethylene dibromide- HAP/VOC 1.0E-03 187.88 Fluorotrichloromethane- VOC 0.76 137.38 Hexane-HAPA/OC 6.6 86.18 Hydrogen sulfide 36 34.08 Mercury(total)-HAP 2.9E-04 200.61 Methyl ethyl ketone- HAP/VOC 7.1 72.11 Methyl isobutyl ketone- HAP/VOC 1.9 100.16 Methyl mercaptan-VOC 2.5 48.11 Pentane-VOC 3.3 72.15 Perch loroethylene (tetrachloroethylene)- HAP 3.7 165.83 Propane-VOC 11 44.09 t-1,2-Dichloroethene- VOC 2.8 96.94 Toluene-No or Unknown Co-disposal- HAP/VOC 39 92.13 Toluene-Co-disposal- HAP/VOC 170 92.13 Trichloroethylene y (trichloroethene)- c HAP/VOC 2.8 131.40 R Vinyl chloride- o HAP/VOC 7.3 62.50 a Xylenes-HAP/VOC 12 106.16 REPORT-5 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 REPORT-6 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Graphs Megagrams Per Year 3.500E+04 3.OpOE+04 2.500E+04 N C .Ng 2.000E+04 1.500E+04 w 1.OpOE+04 5.000E+03 O.OpOE+pO 4ry 41 N ^1 ryry ry1 R�SL ti"'1 ti��ry ��1 R�yL ti�y1 ti�6ry ti�61 ti�1ry Year Total landfill gas Methane Carbon dioxide -NMOC Cubic Meters Per Year 3.pO0E+07 2.500E+07 2.pO0E+07 0 N 1.500E+07 w 1.pO0E+07 5.000E+06 p.pO0E+00 Year —Total landfill gas —Methane —Carbon dioxide —NMOC User-specified Unit(units shown in legend below) 1.800E+03 1.600E+03 1.400E+03 1.200E+03 4 1.OpOE+03 .N 8.OpOE+02 w 6.OpOE+02 4.000E+02 2.000E+02 0.000E+00 o P�ry RP�1 f f'1 fbry f61 yolti Year —Total landfill gas(avft^3/min)—Methane(avft^3/min)—Carbondioxide(avft^3/min)— NMOC(avft^3/min) REPORT-7 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results Year Total landfill gas Methane (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 3.133E+02 2.445E+05 1.643E+01 8.954E+01 1.342E+05 9.018E+00 1999 1.875E+03 1.463E+06 9.831 E+01 5.359E+02 8.032E+05 5.397E+01 2000 3.873E+03 3.022E+06 2.031 E+02 1.107E+03 1.659E+06 1.115E+02 2001 5.818E+03 4.540E+06 3.050E+02 1.663E+03 2.492E+06 1.675E+02 2002 7.720E+03 6.024E+06 4.048E+02 2.207E+03 3.307E+06 2.222E+02 2003 9.635E+03 7.518E+06 5.051 E+02 2.754E+03 4.127E+06 2.773E+02 2004 1.187E+04 9.259E+06 6.221 E+02 3.391 E+03 5.083E+06 3.416E+02 2005 1.391 E+04 1.086E+07 7.294E+02 3.976E+03 5.960E+06 4.005E+02 2006 1.548E+04 1.208E+07 8.117E+02 4.425E+03 6.633E+06 4.456E+02 2007 1.660E+04 1.296E+07 8.706E+02 4.746E+03 7.114E+06 4.780E+02 2008 1.780E+04 1.389E+07 9.331 E+02 5.087E+03 7.624E+06 5.123E+02 2009 1.913E+04 1.493E+07 1.003E+03 5.468E+03 8.197E+06 5.507E+02 2010 2.037E+04 1.590E+07 1.068E+03 5.823E+03 8.728E+06 5.864E+02 2011 2.134E+04 1.665E+07 1.119E+03 6.100E+03 9.143E+06 6.143E+02 2012 2.226E+04 1.737E+07 1.167E+03 6.363E+03 9.538E+06 6.408E+02 2013 2.314E+04 1.806E+07 1.213E+03 6.613E+03 9.913E+06 6.661E+02 2014 2.397E+04 1.871 E+07 1.257E+03 6.852E+03 1.027E+07 6.900E+02 2015 2.477E+04 1.933E+07 1.298E+03 7.078E+03 1.061E+07 7.129E+02 2016 2.552E+04 1.991 E+07 1.338E+03 7.294E+03 1.093E+07 7.346E+02 2017 2.624E+04 2.047E+07 1.376E+03 7.499E+03 1.124E+07 7.552E+02 2018 2.692E+04 2.101 E+07 1.411 E+03 7.694E+03 1.153E+07 7.749E+02 2019 2.757E+04 2.151 E+07 1.445E+03 7.879E+03 1.181E+07 7.935E+02 2020 2.819E+04 2.199E+07 1.478E+03 8.056E+03 1.207E+07 8.113E+02 2021 2.877E+04 2.245E+07 1.509E+03 8.224E+03 1.233E+07 8.282E+02 2022 2.933E+04 2.289E+07 1.538E+03 8.383E+03 1.257E+07 8.443E+02 2023 2.986E+04 2.330E+07 1.566E+03 8.535E+03 1.279E+07 8.596E+02 2024 3.037E+04 2.370E+07 1.592E+03 8.680E+03 1.301E+07 8.742E+02 2025 3.085E+04 2.407E+07 1.617E+03 8.817E+03 1.322E+07 8.880E+02 2026 3.131 E+04 2.443E+07 1.641 E+03 8.948E+03 1.341E+07 9.012E+02 2027 3.174E+04 2.477E+07 1.664E+03 9.072E+03 1.360E+07 9.137E+02 2028 3.202E+04 2.499E+07 1.679E+03 9.152E+03 1.372E+07 9.217E+02 2029 3.046E+04 2.377E+07 1.597E+03 8.706E+03 1.305E+07 8.767E+02 2030 2.897E+04 2.261 E+07 1.519E+03 8.281 E+03 1.241 E+07 8.340E+02 2031 2.756E+04 2.151 E+07 1.445E+03 7.877E+03 1.181E+07 7.933E+02 2032 2.622E+04 2.046E+07 1.375E+03 7.493E+03 1.123E+07 7.546E+02 2033 2.494E+04 1.946E+07 1.308E+03 7.127E+03 1.068E+07 7.178E+02 2034 2.372E+04 1.851 E+07 1.244E+03 6.780E+03 1.016E+07 6.828E+02 2035 2.256E+04 1.761 E+07 1.183E+03 6.449E+03 9.667E+06 6.495E+02 2036 2.146E+04 1.675E+07 1.125E+03 6.135E+03 9.195E+06 6.178E+02 2037 2.042E+04 1.593E+07 1.070E+03 5.835E+03 8.747E+06 5.877E+02 2038 1.942E+04 1.516E+07 1.018E+03 5.551E+03 8.320E+06 5.590E+02 2039 1.847E+04 1.442E+07 9.686E+02 5.280E+03 7.915E+06 5.318E+02 2040 1.757E+04 1.371 E+07 9.214E+02 5.023E+03 7.529E+06 5.058E+02 2041 1.672E+04 1.304E+07 8.764E+02 4.778E+03 7.161E+06 4.812E+02 2042 1.590E+04 1.241 E+07 8.337E+02 4.545E+03 6.812E+06 4.577E+02 2043 1.513E+04 1.180E+07 7.930E+02 4.323E+03 6.480E+06 4.354E+02 2044 1.439E+04 1.123E+07 7.544E+02 4.112E+03 6.164E+06 4.141E+02 2045 1.369E+04 1.068E+07 7.176E+02 3.912E+03 5.863E+06 3.939E+02 2046 1.302E+04 1.016E+07 6.826E+02 3.721E+03 5.577E+06 3.747E+02 REPORT-8 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results (Continued) Year Total landfill gas Methane Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) 2047 1.238E+04 9.663E+06 6.493E+02 3.539E+03 5.305E+06 3.565E+02 2048 1.178E+04 9.192E+06 6.176E+02 3.367E+03 5.047E+06 3.391E+02 2049 1.121E+04 8.744E+06 5.875E+02 3.203E+03 4.800E+06 3.225E+02 2050 1.066E+04 8.317E+06 5.588E+02 3.046E+03 4.566E+06 3.068E+02 2051 1.014E+04 7.912E+06 5.316E+02 2.898E+03 4.344E+06 2.918E+02 2052 9.645E+03 7.526E+06 5.057E+02 2.756E+03 4.132E+06 2.776E+02 2053 9.174E+03 7.159E+06 4.810E+02 2.622E+03 3.930E+06 2.641E+02 2054 8.727E+03 6.810E+06 4.575E+02 2.494E+03 3.739E+06 2.512E+02 2055 8.301 E+03 6.478E+06 4.352E+02 2.373E+03 3.556E+06 2.389E+02 2056 7.896E+03 6.162E+06 4.140E+02 2.257E+03 3.383E+06 2.273E+02 2057 7.511 E+03 5.861 E+06 3.938E+02 2.147E+03 3.218E+06 2.162E+02 2058 7.145E+03 5.575E+06 3.746E+02 2.042E+03 3.061E+06 2.057E+02 2059 6.796E+03 5.303E+06 3.563E+02 1.942E+03 2.912E+06 1.956E+02 2060 6.465E+03 5.045E+06 3.390E+02 1.848E+03 2.770E+06 1.861E+02 2061 6.150E+03 4.799E+06 3.224E+02 1.758E+03 2.635E+06 1.770E+02 2062 5.850E+03 4.565E+06 3.067E+02 1.672E+03 2.506E+06 1.684E+02 2063 5.564E+03 4.342E+06 2.917E+02 1.590E+03 2.384E+06 1.602E+02 2064 5.293E+03 4.130E+06 2.775E+02 1.513E+03 2.268E+06 1.524E+02 2065 5.035E+03 3.929E+06 2.640E+02 1.439E+03 2.157E+06 1.449E+02 2066 4.789E+03 3.737E+06 2.511 E+02 1.369E+03 2.052E+06 1.379E+02 2067 4.556E+03 3.555E+06 2.389E+02 1.302E+03 1.952E+06 1.311E+02 2068 4.334E+03 3.382E+06 2.272E+02 1.239E+03 1.857E+06 1.247E+02 2069 4.122E+03 3.217E+06 2.161 E+02 1.178E+03 1.766E+06 1.187E+02 2070 3.921E+03 3.060E+06 2.056E+02 1.121E+03 1.680E+06 1.129E+02 2071 3.730E+03 2.911 E+06 1.956E+02 1.066E+03 1.598E+06 1.074E+02 2072 3.548E+03 2.769E+06 1.860E+02 1.014E+03 1.520E+06 1.021E+02 2073 3.375E+03 2.634E+06 1.770E+02 9.646E+02 1.446E+06 9.715E+01 2074 3.210E+03 2.505E+06 1.683E+02 9.176E+02 1.375E+06 9.241E+01 2075 3.054E+03 2.383E+06 1.601 E+02 8.728E+02 1.308E+06 8.790E+01 2076 2.905E+03 2.267E+06 1.523E+02 8.302E+02 1.244E+06 8.361E+01 2077 2.763E+03 2.156E+06 1.449E+02 7.897E+02 1.184E+06 7.954E+01 2078 2.628E+03 2.051 E+06 1.378E+02 7.512E+02 1.126E+06 7.566E+01 2079 2.500E+03 1.951 E+06 1.311 E+02 7.146E+02 1.071 E+06 7.197E+01 2080 2.378E+03 1.856E+06 1.247E+02 6.797E+02 1.019E+06 6.846E+01 2081 2.262E+03 1.765E+06 1.186E+02 6.466E+02 9.692E+05 6.512E+01 2082 2.152E+03 1.679E+06 1.128E+02 6.151E+02 9.219E+05 6.194E+01 2083 2.047E+03 1.597E+06 1.073E+02 5.851E+02 8.770E+05 5.892E+01 2084 1.947E+03 1.519E+06 1.021 E+02 5.565E+02 8.342E+05 5.605E+01 2085 1.852E+03 1.445E+06 9.711 E+01 5.294E+02 7.935E+05 5.332E+01 2086 1.762E+03 1.375E+06 9.238E+01 5.036E+02 7.548E+05 5.071E+01 2087 1.676E+03 1.308E+06 8.787E+01 4.790E+02 7.180E+05 4.824E+01 2088 1.594E+03 1.244E+06 8.359E+01 4.556E+02 6.830E+05 4.589E+01 2089 1.516E+03 1.183E+06 7.951 E+01 4.334E+02 6.497E+05 4.365E+01 2090 1.443E+03 1.126E+06 7.563E+01 4.123E+02 6.180E+05 4.152E+01 2091 1.372E+03 1.071 E+06 7.194E+01 3.922E+02 5.878E+05 3.950E+01 2092 1.305E+03 1.019E+06 6.843E+01 3.730E+02 5.592E+05 3.757E+01 2093 1.242E+03 9.689E+05 6.510E+01 3.549E+02 5.319E+05 3.574E+01 2094 1.181E+03 9.216E+05 6.192E+01 3.375E+02 5.060E+05 3.400E+01 2095 1.123E+03 8.767E+05 5.890E+01 3.211E+02 4.813E+05 3.234E+01 2096 1.069E+03 8.339E+05 5.603E+01 3.054E+02 4.578E+05 3.076E+01 2097 1.017E+03 7.932E+05 5.330E+01 2.905E+02 4.355E+05 2.926E+01 REPORT-9 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results (Continued) Total landfill gas Methane Year M / ear (m 3/year) av ft^3/min M / ear (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min 2098 9.670E+02 7.545E+05 5.070E+01 2.764E+02 4.142E+05 2.783E+01 2099 9.198E+02 7.177E+05 4.822E+01 2.629E+02 3.940E+05 2.648E+01 2100 8.749E+02 6.827E+05 4.587E+01 2.501E+02 3.748E+05 2.518E+01 2101 8.323E+02 6.494E+05 4.364E+01 2.379E+02 3.565E+05 2.396E+01 2102 7.917E+02 6.178E+05 4.151 E+01 2.263E+02 3.392E+05 2.279E+01 2103 7.531 E+02 5.876E+05 3.948E+01 2.152E+02 3.226E+05 2.168E+01 2104 7.163E+02 5.590E+05 3.756E+01 2.047E+02 3.069E+05 2.062E+01 2105 6.814E+02 5.317E+05 3.573E+01 1.947E+02 2.919E+05 1.961E+01 2106 6.482E+02 5.058E+05 3.398E+01 1.853E+02 2.777E+05 1.866E+01 2107 6.166E+02 4.811 E+05 3.233E+01 1.762E+02 2.641 E+05 1.775E+01 2108 5.865E+02 4.577E+05 3.075E+01 1.676E+02 2.513E+05 1.688E+01 2109 5.579E+02 4.353E+05 2.925E+01 1.594E+02 2.390E+05 1.606E+01 2110 5.307E+02 4.141 E+05 2.782E+01 1.517E+02 2.273E+05 1.528E+01 2111 5.048E+02 3.939E+05 2.647E+01 1.443E+02 2.163E+05 1.453E+01 2112 4.802E+02 3.747E+05 2.518E+01 1.372E+02 2.057E+05 1.382E+01 2113 4.568E+02 3.564E+05 2.395E+01 1.305E+02 1.957E+05 1.315E+01 2114 4.345E+02 3.390E+05 2.278E+01 1.242E+02 1.861E+05 1.251E+01 2115 4.133E+02 3.225E+05 2.167E+01 1.181E+02 1.771E+05 1.190E+01 2116 3.931 E+02 3.068E+05 2.061 E+01 1.124E+02 1.684E+05 1.132E+01 2117 3.740E+02 2.918E+05 1.961 E+01 1.069E+02 1.602E+05 1.076E+01 2118 3.557E+02 2.776E+05 1.865E+01 1.017E+02 1.524E+05 1.024E+01 2119 3.384E+02 2.640E+05 1.774E+01 9.671E+01 1.450E+05 9.740E+00 2120 3.219E+02 2.512E+05 1.688E+01 9.199E+01 1.379E+05 9.265E+00 2121 3.062E+02 2.389E+05 1.605E+01 8.751E+01 1.312E+05 8.813E+00 2122 2.912E+02 2.273E+05 1.527E+01 8.324E+01 1.248E+05 8.383E+00 2123 2.770E+02 2.162E+05 1.453E+01 7.918E+01 1.187E+05 7.974E+00 2124 2.635E+02 2.056E+05 1.382E+01 7.532E+01 1.129E+05 7.585E+00 2125 2.507E+02 1.956E+05 1.314E+01 7.164E+01 1.074E+05 7.215E+00 2126 2.384E+02 1.861 E+05 1.250E+01 6.815E+01 1.022E+05 6.864E+00 2127 2.268E+02 1.770E+05 1.189E+01 6.483E+01 9.717E+04 6.529E+00 2128 2.158E+02 1.684E+05 1.131E+01 6.166E+01 9.243E+04 6.210E+00 2129 2.052E+02 1.601 E+05 1.076E+01 5.866E+01 8.792E+04 5.907E+00 2130 1.952E+02 1.523E+05 1.024E+01 5.580E+01 8.363E+04 5.619E+00 2131 1.857E+02 1.449E+05 9.736E+00 5.308E+01 7.956E+04 5.345E+00 2132 1.766E+02 1.378E+05 9.262E+00 5.049E+01 7.568E+04 5.085E+00 2133 1.680E+02 1.311 E+05 8.810E+00 4.802E+01 7.198E+04 4.837E+00 2134 1.598E+02 1.247E+05 8.380E+00 4.568E+01 6.847E+04 4.601E+00 2135 1.520E+02 1.186E+05 7.972E+00 4.345E+01 6.513E+04 4.376E+00 2136 1.446E+02 1.129E+05 7.583E+00 4.134E+01 6.196E+04 4.163E+00 121371 1.376E+02 I 1.074E+05 I 7.213E+00 I 3.932E+01 I 5.894E+04 I 3.960E+00 REPORT-10 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results (Continued) Year Carbon dioxide NMOC (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 1998 2.018E+02 1.103E+05 7.408E+00 2.024E-01 5.647E+01 3.794E-03 1999 1.208E+03 6.599E+05 4.434E+01 1.211E+00 3.380E+02 2.271E-02 2000 2.495E+03 1.363E+06 9.159E+01 2.503E+00 6.982E+02 4.691 E-02 2001 3.748E+03 2.047E+06 1.376E+02 3.759E+00 1.049E+03 7.046E-02 2002 4.973E+03 2.717E+06 1.826E+02 4.988E+00 1.392E+03 9.350E-02 2003 6.207E+03 3.391 E+06 2.278E+02 6.225E+00 1.737E+03 1.167E-01 2004 7.644E+03 4.176E+06 2.806E+02 7.667E+00 2.139E+03 1.437E-01 2005 8.962E+03 4.896E+06 3.290E+02 8.989E+00 2.508E+03 1.685E-01 2006 9.974E+03 5.449E+06 3.661 E+02 1.000E+01 2.791 E+03 1.875E-01 2007 1.070E+04 5.844E+06 3.926E+02 1.073E+01 2.993E+03 2.011 E-01 2008 1.147E+04 6.263E+06 4.208E+02 1.150E+01 3.208E+03 2.156E-01 2009 1.233E+04 6.734E+06 4.524E+02 1.236E+01 3.449E+03 2.317E-01 2010 1.312E+04 7.170E+06 4.818E+02 1.316E+01 3.672E+03 2.468E-01 2011 1.375E+04 7.511 E+06 5.047E+02 1.379E+01 3.847E+03 2.585E-01 2012 1.434E+04 7.835E+06 5.264E+02 1.438E+01 4.013E+03 2.696E-01 2013 1.491E+04 8.143E+06 5.472E+02 1.495E+01 4.171E+03 2.803E-01 2014 1.544E+04 8.437E+06 5.669E+02 1.549E+01 4.321E+03 2.903E-01 2015 1.595E+04 8.716E+06 5.856E+02 1.600E+01 4.464E+03 2.999E-01 2016 1.644E+04 8.981 E+06 6.034E+02 1.649E+01 4.600E+03 3.091 E-01 2017 1.690E+04 9.234E+06 6.204E+02 1.695E+01 4.729E+03 3.178E-01 2018 1.734E+04 9.474E+06 6.365E+02 1.739E+01 4.852E+03 3.260E-01 2019 1.776E+04 9.702E+06 6.519E+02 1.781E+01 4.969E+03 3.339E-01 2020 1.816E+04 9.920E+06 6.665E+02 1.821E+01 5.081E+03 3.414E-01 2021 1.854E+04 1.013E+07 6.804E+02 1.859E+01 5.187E+03 3.485E-01 2022 1.890E+04 1.032E+07 6.936E+02 1.895E+01 5.287E+03 3.553E-01 2023 1.924E+04 1.051 E+07 7.062E+02 1.930E+01 5.383E+03 3.617E-01 2024 1.956E+04 1.069E+07 7.181 E+02 1.962E+01 5.474E+03 3.678E-01 2025 1.987E+04 1.086E+07 7.295E+02 1.993E+01 5.561E+03 3.736E-01 2026 2.017E+04 1.102E+07 7.403E+02 2.023E+01 5.643E+03 3.792E-01 2027 2.045E+04 1.117E+07 7.506E+02 2.051E+01 5.722E+03 3.844E-01 2028 2.063E+04 1.127E+07 7.572E+02 2.069E+01 5.772E+03 3.878E-01 2029 1.962E+04 1.072E+07 7.202E+02 1.968E+01 5.490E+03 3.689E-01 2030 1.867E+04 1.020E+07 6.851 E+02 1.872E+01 5.223E+03 3.509E-01 2031 1.775E+04 9.699E+06 6.517E+02 1.781E+01 4.968E+03 3.338E-01 2032 1.689E+04 9.226E+06 6.199E+02 1.694E+01 4.726E+03 3.175E-01 2033 1.607E+04 8.776E+06 5.897E+02 1.611E+01 4.495E+03 3.020E-01 2034 1.528E+04 8.348E+06 5.609E+02 1.533E+01 4.276E+03 2.873E-01 2035 1.454E+04 7.941 E+06 5.336E+02 1.458E+01 4.067E+03 2.733E-01 2036 1.383E+04 7.554E+06 5.075E+02 1.387E+01 3.869E+03 2.600E-01 2037 1.315E+04 7.186E+06 4.828E+02 1.319E+01 3.680E+03 2.473E-01 2038 1.251E+04 6.835E+06 4.592E+02 1.255E+01 3.501E+03 2.352E-01 2039 1.190E+04 6.502E+06 4.368E+02 1.194E+01 3.330E+03 2.238E-01 2040 1.132E+04 6.185E+06 4.155E+02 1.135E+01 3.168E+03 2.128E-01 2041 1.077E+04 5.883E+06 3.953E+02 1.080E+01 3.013E+03 2.025E-01 2042 1.024E+04 5.596E+06 3.760E+02 1.027E+01 2.866E+03 1.926E-01 2043 9.744E+03 5.323E+06 3.577E+02 9.773E+00 2.726E+03 1.832E-01 2044 9.269E+03 5.064E+06 3.402E+02 9.296E+00 2.594E+03 1.743E-01 2045 8.817E+03 4.817E+06 3.236E+02 8.843E+00 2.467E+03 1.658E-01 2046 8.387E+03 4.582E+06 3.078E+02 8.412E+00 2.347E+03 1.577E-01 REPORT-11 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results (Continued) Year Carbon dioxide NMOC M / ear (m 3/year) av ft^3/min M / ear (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min 2047 7.978E+03 4.358E+06 2.928E+02 8.001E+00 2.232E+03 1.500E-01 2048 7.589E+03 4.146E+06 2.785E+02 7.611E+00 2.123E+03 1.427E-01 2049 7.219E+03 3.943E+06 2.650E+02 7.240E+00 2.020E+03 1.357E-01 2050 6.867E+03 3.751 E+06 2.520E+02 6.887E+00 1.921 E+03 1.291 E-01 2051 6.532E+03 3.568E+06 2.397E+02 6.551E+00 1.828E+03 1.228E-01 2052 6.213E+03 3.394E+06 2.281 E+02 6.232E+00 1.738E+03 1.168E-01 2053 5.910E+03 3.229E+06 2.169E+02 5.928E+00 1.654E+03 1.111 E-01 2054 5.622E+03 3.071 E+06 2.064E+02 5.639E+00 1.573E+03 1.057E-01 2055 5.348E+03 2.921 E+06 1.963E+02 5.364E+00 1.496E+03 1.005E-01 2056 5.087E+03 2.779E+06 1.867E+02 5.102E+00 1.423E+03 9.564E-02 2057 4.839E+03 2.643E+06 1.776E+02 4.853E+00 1.354E+03 9.097E-02 2058 4.603E+03 2.514E+06 1.689E+02 4.616E+00 1.288E+03 8.653E-02 2059 4.378E+03 2.392E+06 1.607E+02 4.391E+00 1.225E+03 8.231E-02 2060 4.165E+03 2.275E+06 1.529E+02 4.177E+00 1.165E+03 7.830E-02 2061 3.962E+03 2.164E+06 1.454E+02 3.973E+00 1.109E+03 7.448E-02 2062 3.768E+03 2.059E+06 1.383E+02 3.780E+00 1.054E+03 7.085E-02 2063 3.585E+03 1.958E+06 1.316E+02 3.595E+00 1.003E+03 6.739E-02 2064 3.410E+03 1.863E+06 1.252E+02 3.420E+00 9.541E+02 6.411E-02 2065 3.244E+03 1.772E+06 1.191E+02 3.253E+00 9.076E+02 6.098E-02 2066 3.085E+03 1.686E+06 1.132E+02 3.095E+00 8.633E+02 5.801 E-02 2067 2.935E+03 1.603E+06 1.077E+02 2.944E+00 8.212E+02 5.518E-02 2068 2.792E+03 1.525E+06 1.025E+02 2.800E+00 7.812E+02 5.249E-02 2069 2.656E+03 1.451 E+06 9.747E+01 2.663E+00 7.431 E+02 4.993E-02 2070 2.526E+03 1.380E+06 9.272E+01 2.534E+00 7.068E+02 4.749E-02 2071 2.403E+03 1.313E+06 8.820E+01 2.410E+00 6.723E+02 4.517E-02 2072 2.286E+03 1.249E+06 8.390E+01 2.292E+00 6.396E+02 4.297E-02 2073 2.174E+03 1.188E+06 7.981 E+01 2.181 E+00 6.084E+02 4.088E-02 2074 2.068E+03 1.130E+06 7.591 E+01 2.074E+00 5.787E+02 3.888E-02 2075 1.967E+03 1.075E+06 7.221 E+01 1.973E+00 5.505E+02 3.699E-02 2076 1.871 E+03 1.022E+06 6.869E+01 1.877E+00 5.236E+02 3.518E-02 2077 1.780E+03 9.725E+05 6.534E+01 1.785E+00 4.981E+02 3.347E-02 2078 1.693E+03 9.250E+05 6.215E+01 1.698E+00 4.738E+02 3.183E-02 2079 1.611 E+03 8.799E+05 5.912E+01 1.615E+00 4.507E+02 3.028E-02 2080 1.532E+03 8.370E+05 5.624E+01 1.537E+00 4.287E+02 2.880E-02 2081 1.457E+03 7.962E+05 5.350E+01 1.462E+00 4.078E+02 2.740E-02 2082 1.386E+03 7.573E+05 5.089E+01 1.390E+00 3.879E+02 2.606E-02 2083 1.319E+03 7.204E+05 4.840E+01 1.323E+00 3.690E+02 2.479E-02 2084 1.254E+03 6.853E+05 4.604E+01 1.258E+00 3.510E+02 2.358E-02 2085 1.193E+03 6.519E+05 4.380E+01 1.197E+00 3.339E+02 2.243E-02 2086 1.135E+03 6.201 E+05 4.166E+01 1.138E+00 3.176E+02 2.134E-02 2087 1.080E+03 5.898E+05 3.963E+01 1.083E+00 3.021E+02 2.030E-02 2088 1.027E+03 5.611 E+05 3.770E+01 1.030E+00 2.874E+02 1.931 E-02 2089 9.769E+02 5.337E+05 3.586E+01 9.798E-01 2.734E+02 1.837E-02 2090 9.293E+02 5.077E+05 3.411 E+01 9.320E-01 2.600E+02 1.747E-02 2091 8.840E+02 4.829E+05 3.245E+01 8.866E-01 2.473E+02 1.662E-02 2092 8.408E+02 4.594E+05 3.086E+01 8.434E-01 2.353E+02 1.581 E-02 2093 7.998E+02 4.370E+05 2.936E+01 8.022E-01 2.238E+02 1.504E-02 2094 7.608E+02 4.156E+05 2.793E+01 7.631 E-01 2.129E+02 1.430E-02 2095 7.237E+02 3.954E+05 2.656E+01 7.259E-01 2.025E+02 1.361 E-02 2096 6.884E+02 3.761 E+05 2.527E+01 6.905E-01 1.926E+02 1.294E-02 2097 6.549E+02 3.577E+05 2.404E+01 6.568E-01 1.832E+02 1.231 E-02 REPORT-12 landgem-v302 2010 Teir2.xls 11/10/2011 Results (Continued) Year Carbon dioxide NMOC (Mg/year (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) (Mg/year) (m 3/year) (av ft^3/min) 2098 6.229E+02 3.403E+05 2.286E+01 6.248E-01 1.743E+02 1.171 E-02 2099 5.925E+02 3.237E+05 2.175E+01 5.943E-01 1.658E+02 1.114E-02 2100 5.636E+02 3.079E+05 2.069E+01 5.653E-01 1.577E+02 1.060E-02 2101 5.361 E+02 2.929E+05 1.968E+01 5.377E-01 1.500E+02 1.008E-02 2102 5.100E+02 2.786E+05 1.872E+01 5.115E-01 1.427E+02 9.588E-03 2103 4.851 E+02 2.650E+05 1.781 E+01 4.866E-01 1.357E+02 9.121 E-03 2104 4.615E+02 2.521 E+05 1.694E+01 4.628E-01 1.291 E+02 8.676E-03 2105 4.390E+02 2.398E+05 1.611 E+01 4.403E-01 1.228E+02 8.253E-03 2106 4.176E+02 2.281 E+05 1.533E+01 4.188E-01 1.168E+02 7.850E-03 2107 3.972E+02 2.170E+05 1.458E+01 3.984E-01 1.111E+02 7.467E-03 2108 3.778E+02 2.064E+05 1.387E+01 3.789E-01 1.057E+02 7.103E-03 2109 3.594E+02 1.963E+05 1.319E+01 3.605E-01 1.006E+02 6.757E-03 2110 3.419E+02 1.868E+05 1.255E+01 3.429E-01 9.566E+01 6.427E-03 2111 3.2 52 E+02 1.777E+05 1.194E+01 3.262E-01 9.099E+01 6.114E-03 2112 3.093E+02 1.690E+05 1.135E+01 3.103E-01 8.655E+01 5.816E-03 2113 2.942E+02 1.607E+05 1.080E+01 2.951 E-01 8.233E+01 5.532E-03 2114 2.799E+02 1.529E+05 1.027E+01 2.807E-01 7.832E+01 5.262E-03 2115 2.662E+02 1.454E+05 9.773E+00 2.670E-01 7.450E+01 5.006E-03 2116 2.533E+02 1.384E+05 9.296E+00 2.540E-01 7.086E+01 4.761 E-03 2117 2.409E+02 1.316E+05 8.843E+00 2.416E-01 6.741E+01 4.529E-03 2118 2.292E+02 1.252E+05 8.411 E+00 2.298E-01 6.412E+01 4.308E-03 2119 2.180E+02 1.191E+05 8.001 E+00 2.186E-01 6.099E+01 4.098E-03 2120 2.074E+02 1.133E+05 7.611 E+00 2.080E-01 5.802E+01 3.898E-03 2121 1.972E+02 1.078E+05 7.240E+00 1.978E-01 5.519E+01 3.708E-03 2122 1.876E+02 1.025E+05 6.887E+00 1.882E-01 5.250E+01 3.527E-03 2123 1.785E+02 9.750E+04 6.551 E+00 1.790E-01 4.994E+01 3.355E-03 2124 1.698E+02 9.274E+04 6.231 E+00 1.703E-01 4.750E+01 3.192E-03 2125 1.615E+02 8.822E+04 5.927E+00 1.620E-01 4.519E+01 3.036E-03 2126 1.536E+02 8.392E+04 5.638E+00 1.541 E-01 4.298E+01 2.888E-03 2127 1.461 E+02 7.982E+04 5.363E+00 1.466E-01 4.089E+01 2.747E-03 2128 1.390E+02 7.593E+04 5.102E+00 1.394E-01 3.889E+01 2.613E-03 2129 1.322E+02 7.223E+04 4.853E+00 1.326E-01 3.699E+01 2.486E-03 2130 1.258E+02 6.871 E+04 4.616E+00 1.261 E-01 3.519E+01 2.364E-03 2131 1.196E+02 6.535E+04 4.391 E+00 1.200E-01 3.347E+01 2.249E-03 2132 1.138E+02 6.217E+04 4.177E+00 1.141E-01 3.184E+01 2.139E-03 2133 1.082E+02 5.913E+04 3.973E+00 1.086E-01 3.029E+01 2.035E-03 2134 1.030E+02 5.625E+04 3.779E+00 1.033E-01 2.881E+01 1.936E-03 2135 9.795E+01 5.351 E+04 3.595E+00 9.824E-02 2.741E+01 1.841 E-03 2136 9.317E+01 5.090E+04 3.420E+00 9.345E-02 2.607E+01 1.752E-03 121371 8.862E+01 I 4.842E+04 I 3.253E+00 I 8.889E-02 I 2.480E+01 I 1.666E-03 REPORT-13 96 �/ 1',11 � ��; � 7960 �98 1942.2 11N2.7 �- ' VERTICAL GAS EXTRACTION WELL 1848.8 P° ZONE VALVE EX STING INDEX CONTOUR 'L EXISTING SURFICIAL GRAVITY TRENCH(SGT) O 1980 EXISTING HORIZONTAL INJECTION TRENCH(HIT) 1 SCAT 2A I F /�--\ M- EXISTING SCAT INJECTION PORT/GAS WELLHEAD /� � �9� e N Z_w N- EXISTING HIT INJECTION PORT/GAS WELLHEAD 1 O\ 1 66't-- 20Z C 1 o � EXISTING CONDEN54TE RECOVERY SYSTEM(CRS) RS- m �6 EXISTING 24'GAS HEADER B6 2p40 — EXISTING 6',8'OR 10'GAS PIPE ..............--—-—--- EXISTING 6'LEACHATE INJECTION FORCEMAIN `VN RISER .� O _--_--__ EXISTING 4'LEACHATE INJECTION LATERAL P121 V — — — i� t•, -'.. '-� '-_;'.:'' '-' __^^ EXISTING SURFACE COLLECTION PIPE �� // - qs= _ -_=� - s—_ — _ -.-. --- _ _ r. �_ .O • TIER 2 PROBE LOCATION PROBE LOCATIONS — / PROBE ID N E , s _ _ 3 TP1 738460 920428 TP2 7386M 920376 !�\ ^i I // I / • / �- ` ~'—, TP4+ 73039 920394 TPS' 739128 920483 )I I / U I l {1 •rr• 'x ==I.. mle _ _ ~-N 738661— TP6 738930 920581 I YYY ■ E 921283.56"�_� TP] 1 738661 1 920545 ._w- t1'29 ++ n29 1 \ I TPB 7380. 920610 I LI Ill _ • \ • ,?. TP9 738579 920719 ' /�� /'�1: I __ �t 1 \ aye - --,'�,�I //1 _c, TP10 738965 920MI 733 1) _ •F�.•—.. .$..—..t.��� t: TP11 739169 920661 /- � 1) mt I I \ 1P33 � ., TP72 739168 920661 920779 TP13- 738 M-11 \ • / 1 455 I� � N 73857T:80 N 73B7B.T.34 \ TP74 ]J8709 920837 m• I —. E 921113.93 'IF8T1T40.8J '1 1•(� r / TP15 7391M 920816 7383m 9209M TP17 738566 920917 o/ ` ✓<�` j TP18 73 920854 I� I `• •� ; --.� - � 1P19 ]39074 90]4 920922922 TP20 738834 920966 TP2 1 41 TP2 386 718 9211 10 sI'. 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BUNCOMBE COUNTY SUBTITLE D LANDFILL TIER 2 SAMPLING °�^=R E9ureF-012 PROBE LOCATIONS V �: OATS ORWN CHKO REMMKS o BY.sEPiFJ.BER 2011 can engreeMgwnaeuctlonoParetlana