HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1000067_20141218_PRMT_Permit A!+�VA'
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Air Quality
Pat McCrory John E. Skvada, III
Governor Secretary
December 18, 2014
Mr. David H. Groves
Plant Manager
CPI USA North Carolina -Southport Plant
1281 Powerhouse Drive
Southport, NC 28461
SUBJECT: Air Quality Pen-nit No. 05884T]5
Facility 1D: 1000067
CPI USA North Carolina-Southport Plant
Southport, North Carolina
Brunswick County
Fee Class: Title V
Dear Mr. Groves:
In accordance with your completed Air Quality Permit Application for a significant
modification of your Title V permit received October 31, 2011, we are forwarding herewith Air
Quality Permit No. 05884T15 to CPI USA North Carolina - Southport Plant, 1281 Powerhouse
Drive SE, Southport, North Carolina, authorizing the construction and operation of the emission
source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) specified herein. Additionally, any
emissions activities determined from your Air Quality Permit Application as being insignificant per
15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2Q .0503(8) have been listed for informational purposes
as an "A T TACH2VTNT." Please note the requirements for the annual compliance certification are
contained in Gencral Condition P in Section 3. The current owner is responsible for submitting a
compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year.
As the designated responsible official it is your responsibility to review, understand, and
abide by all of the terms and conditions of the attached perinit. It is also your responsibility to
ensure that any person who operates any emission source and associated air pollution control device
subject to any, term or condition of the attached permit reviews, understands, and abides by the
conditions of the attached permit that are applicable to that particular emission source.
Permitting Section
1641 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1641
217 West Jones Street,Raleigh,North Carolina 27603
Phone:919-707-84051 Fax:919-715-0717
An Equal Opportunay\Affirmative Action Employer—Made in partwi[h Recycled Paper
Mr. David H. Groves
December 18, 2014
Page 2
If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Air Quality Permit arc
unacceptable to you, you have the right to request a formal adjudieatory hearing within 30 days
following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contested. This hearing request
must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to NCGS (North Carolina General Statutes)
15013-23, and filed with both the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center,
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 and the Division of Air Quality, Permitting Section, 1641 Mail
Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641. The form for requesting a formal
adjudicatory hearing may be obtained upon request from the Office of Administrative. Hearings.
Please note that this permit will be stayed in its entirety upon receipt of the request for a hearing.
Unless a request for a hearing is made pursuant to NCGS 150E-23, this Air Quality Permit shall be
final and binding 30 days after issuance.
You may request modification of your Air Quality Permit through informal means pursuant
to NCGS 150E-22. This request must be submitted in writing to the Director and must identify the
specific provisions or issues for which the modification is sought. Please note that this Air Quality
Permit will become final and binding regardless of a request for informal modification unless a
request for a hearing is also made under NCGS 150B-21
The construction of new air pollution emission source(s) and associated air pollution control
device(s), or modifications to the emission source(s) and air pollution control device(s) described in
this pert-nit must be covered under an Air Quality Permit issued by the Division of Air Quality prior
to construction unless the Permittee has fulfilled the requirements of GS 143-215.108A(b) and
received written approval from the Director of the Division of Air Quality to commence
construction. Failure to receive an Air Quality Permit or written approval prior to commencing
construction is a violation of GS 143-215.108A and may subject the Permittee to civil or criminal
penalties as described in GS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B.
In addition, specific changes and additions as summarized in the attachment below have been
made to the permit (note: this list may not include all changes and additions).
This Air Quality Permit shall he effective from December 18, 2014 until June 30, 2016, is
nontransferable to future owners and operators, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations
as specified therein.
Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Rahul P, Thalter, P.E.,
QEP, at (919) 707-8740.
Sincerely yours,
e/Am '� I ctl"
William D. Wille , P.E., Chief, Permitting Section
Division of Air Quality, NCDENR
cc: EPA.Region 4
Wilmington Regional Office
Central Files
CPI USA North Carolina—Southport Plant
Insi nificaut Activities under 15A NCAC 2Q.0503(8
Emission Source ID Emission Source Description
1-EFP One diesel tired 340 hp emergency fire pump
I-FOSTl One diesel fuel oil storage tank
I-FOST2 One fire pump fuel oil storage tank
1-SYC One solvent parts cleaner using hot water solution
containing no reportable HAP9
I-TLOTl and I-TLOT2 Two turbine lube oil tanks
I-TS One tire shredder
1-1 Haul Roads
I-WHS Wood handling and storage
I-TDFRS TDF handling and storage
1-LTREA S TKI One urea storage tank
I-UREA D TK1 One urea dilution tank
I-10A and I-10B Two submerged drag chain systems for removal and
transport of bottom ash to storage pits
1. Because an activity is insignificant does not mean that the activity is exempted from an applicable requirement or
that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable
2. When applicable,emissions from stationary source activities identified above shall be included in determining
compliance with the permit requirements For toxic air pollutants under 15A NCAC 2D.1100"Control of Toxic
Air Pollutants"or 2Q.071 1 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit".
3. For additional information regarding the applicability of GACT see the DAQ page titled"The Regulatory Guide for
Insignificant Activities/Permits Exempt Activities".The link to this site is as follows:
CPJ USA North Carolina—Southport Plant
The following changes were made to the CFI USA North Carolina—Southport Plant Air Quality Permit No.05884T 14:
Old Page No. New Page No. Condition Number Changes,
Air Quality Permit Air Ouality
No.05'884TI4 Permit No.
- - Entire Permit Correct the rule citation from 2D .0501(e)to 2D
c 5 Section 2.1 A..Table Remove applicable requirements in 2D ,1100
and.2Q.071 L
6 8 Sectm 2-1 A2.g- Clwi£y that data does not treed to be- filled in
accordance with Part 75 missing data procedure
nor the data be biased adjusted to comply with
NSPS NOx emission limit.
8 8 Section 2.1 A.2 Include non-compliance statements.
Monitoring and
ReeorLdkeep ing
10 10 Section 2.1 A.3_CC. Include a clarification that the missitig data
12 12 Section 2.1 A.4.cc. procedure in Part 75 shall be used whenever the
boiler combustor arty fuel.
12 and 13 12 and 13 Section 2,1 A.S.a., b., Cla* that the stack testing for each boiler is
and c. required by June 30, 2015„, if any of the
following conditions are met: (i)commencerneht
of feeding tire derived fuel above 359%, but less
than or equal to 50%of the heat input rate in any
individual boiler, or (ii) installing rotating
opposed overtire air system on any individual
boiler,or(iii) installing furnace sorbent injection
system on any individual boiler;or(iv)installing
selective non-catalytic reduction system on any
individual boiler, or (v) installing alkaline
sorbent silos and associated vent fabric filters.
Similarly clarify the record keeping
requirements. Modify the project description in
the,beginning of the applicable requirement.
Finally, include non-compliance statements for
testing and recordLeping.requirements.
€5 1.4 Section 2.1 A.ts,c. Replace the reference for 40 CFR 60,Appendix
B,PSI.with 40 CFR 60.Appendix F.Procedure
16 1.6 Section 2.1 A.7A. Correct the date for expiration of applicability of
112j requirements from May 22. 2019 to May
19, 2019. Also, correct the start of applicability
of 112(d) standard from May 23, 2019 to May
DAQ had earlier miscalculated the timeframe
for applicability for 1120) requirement, which
cannot, be more than eight years from the
promulgation of 112(d) standard - 5D MALT
[76 FR 296ti,5118111].
31 through 34 - Section 2.2 Remove the entire ser.6on containing the
requirements in 2Q .0700 and 2D -1100. The
facility is not subject to the NC air toxics
Vmgrwu at this time.
State of North Carolina FT
Department of Environment A • •
and Natural Resources
Division of Air Quality
Permit No. Replaces Permit No.(s) Effective Date Expiration Date
05884T15 05884T14 December 18,2014 June 30,2016
Until such lime as this permit expires or is modified or revoked,the bolo", named Permiltcc is pernutted to construct and
operate the emission source(s)and associated air pollution control device(s) specifier)herein,in accordance with the terms,
conditions, and limitations within this permit. This permit is issuer) under the provisions of Article 21 B of Chapter 143,
General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC),
Subchapters 2D and 2Q,and other applicable Laws.
Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2Q,the Perrnitte.e Shall not construct, operate, or modify any emission source(s)
or air pollution control device(s) without having first submitted a complete Air Quality Permit Application to the
pernutting authority and receiver)an Air Quality Permit,except as provided in this permit..
Permittee: CPI USA North Carolina - Southport Plant
Facility ID: 1000067
Facility Site Location: 1281 Powerhouse Drive SE
City, County, State, Zip: Southport,Brunswick County, North Carolina 28461
Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 10836
City, State, Zip: Southport,North Carolina 28461
Application dumber: 1000067.11C
Complete Application Date: October 31,2011
Primary SIC Codes: 4911
Division of Air Quality, Wilmington Regional Office
Regional Office Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington,North Carolina 28405
Permit issued this the December 18, 2014.
William D. Willcts, P.E., Chief, Permitting Section
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
Table Of Contents
2.1 -Emission Sources Specific Limitations and Conditions
(Including specific requirements, testing,monitoring, record keeping, and
reporting requirements)
2.2-Clean Air interstate Rule(CAIR)Permit Requirements
List of Acronyms
Clean Air Interstate Rule(LAIR)Application dated April 26, 2011
Air Quality Permit No. 05 884T 15
Page 3
The following table contains a summary of all permitted emission sources and associated air pollution control devices
and appurtenances:
Page Nos. Emission Source ID Emission Source Description Control Device 1D Control Device
No. No. Description
3,32 ES-1 (Unit 1)and Two electricity generating units CD-1-1A Six bagfilters(16,800
ES-2(Unit 2) consisting of: CD-1-1B square feet of filter
(PSD; PSD CD-1-IC area,each)
Avoidance; Six watertube design coal/natural CD-2-1A
NSPS,Subpart Db; gas/No,2 and No.4 fuel oil/tire CD-2-1B
2D.1109 Case-by- derived fuel/pelletized paper CD-2-1 C
Case MACT) fuellflyash briquette/unadulterated
wood'/unadulterated CD-1-5A
biomass/adulterated resmated wood'- CD-1-5B Six rotating overfrre
fired steam,electric generating, CD-1-5C air(ROFA)systems
boilers(223 million Btu per hour CD-2-5A
nominal heat input capacity,each;ID CD-2-5B
Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-113,ES-14C, CD-2-5C
ES-2-1 A,ES-2-113 and ES-2-1C)
CD-1-6B Six furnace sorbent
CD-1-6C injection(FSI)
CD-2-6A systems
CD-1-7C Six selective non-
CD-2-7A catalytic reduction
CD-2-7B (SNCR)systems3
25 ES-2A through ES- Six coal bunkers CD-2A through Six bagfilters(161
2F CD-2F square feet of filter
(PSD) area each,
25 ES-3A and ES-313 Two flyash silos with dedicated wet CD-3A and CD-3B Two silo binvent5(100
(PSD) slurry pugmills for unloading square feet of filter
located on each silo
1 Unadulterated wood means wood that is not painted,varnished, stained.oiled,waxed,or otherwise coated or
treated with any chemical. Plywood,particle board, and resinated wood are not unadulterated wood.
2 Rcsinated wood includes plywood,oriented-strand board,and manufactured word products such as laminated
beams,untreated wood pellets and lumber scraps that are not part of any construction and demolition.
3 The installation of selective non-catalytic reduction Systems on each boiler is optional.
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T 15
Page 4
Page Nos. Emission Source ID Emission Source Description Control Device ID Control Device
N06 No. Description
25 F.S-4A through ES- Four ash system vacuum transport CD-4G and CD-41-1 Two simple cyclones
4D pumps (42 inches in diameter)
CD-4E and CD-4F Two bagfitters(528
square feet of filter
area, each)
CD-4A through
CDAD Four in-line filters
(one per pump,
27 6S-5 One coal unloading/storagc and Wetsup One wet
(PSD) transfer operation suppression/chemical
binder system
28 ES-8A and ES-813 Two cooling towers(32,400 gallons Nonc per minute recirculating water flow
rate each)
29 ES-9A and ES-9B Two alkaline sorbent(limestone, CD-9A and Vent fabric filters
lime or trona) silos(1.2,554 W CD-913 (3.9:1 air-to-cloth ratio
maximum storage capacity each) each)
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 5
2.1 - Emission Source(s) and Control Devices(s) Specific Limitations and
The emission suurce(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) and appurtenances listed below are subject to
the following specific terns, conditions, and limitations, including the testing, monitoring, record keeping, and
reporting requirements as specified herein:
A. Two electricity generating units consisting of-
-Six watertube design coal/natural gas/No.2 and No.4 fuel oil/tire derived fuel/pelletized paper fuellflyash
briquette/unadulterated wood/unadulterated biomass/adulterated resinated wood-fired boilers (ED Nos.
ES-14A,ES-1-1B,ES-14C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C),and associated bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-1-1A,
CD-1-1B,CD-14C,CD-24A,CD-2-1B and CD-24C),rotating overfiire air(ROFA)systems(ID Nos.CD-
1-5A, CD-1-5B, CD-1-5C, CD-2-5A, CD-2-55B and CD-2-5C),furnace sorbent injection(li SI) systems(ID
Nos. CD-1-6A, CD-1-6B, CD-1-6C, CD-2-6A, CD-2-6B and CD-2-6C) and selective non-catalytic
reduction(SNCR)systems(ID Nos.CD-1-7A,CD-1-7B,CD-1-7C,CD-2-7A,CD-2-7B aXtd CD-2-7C)
The follo-Mag table provides a summary of limits andlor standards for the emission source(s)described above.
Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation
Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0516
Clean Air Interstate Rule(LAIR)Permit Requirements 15A NCAC 2D .2404
Sec Section 2.3
Particulate matter 0.05 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0524
(40 CFR 60, Subpart Db)
Opacity 20 percent(6-minute average)per common snack* 15A NCAC 2D.0524
(40 CFR 60, Subpart Db)
Nitrogen oxide Coal-firing only 15A NCAC 213.0524
0.60 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* (40 CPR 60,Subpart Db)
Nitrogen oxide Simultaneously burning coal with fuel oil or a mixture of 15A NCAC 2D .0524
these fuels with natural gas or any other fuel(per boiler*): (40 CFR 60,Subpart Db)
F„=(0.1HL�+0.314 ,--0.614j`(Hf40+H, +Hj
En= nitrogen oxide emission limit(lbslmrnBtu)
H6,= heat input from the combustion of natural gas or
distillate oil(mmBtu)
Ham,= heat input from the combustion of residual oil
H,= beat input from the combustion of coal mml3tu
Clean Air Interstate Rule(LAIR)Permit Requirements 15A NCAC 2D .2403 and
See Section 2.3 .2405
PM" 6.02 pounds per hour per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c
Sulfur dioxide 327.8 pounds per hour per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)
Nitrogen oxide 120.4 pounds per hour per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)
Carbon monoxide 120.4 pounds per hour per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0501(e)
Particulate matter 0.027 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 213.0530
Sulfur dioxide 1,47 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0530
Nitrogen oxide 0.54 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 213.0530
Carbon monoxide 0.54 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0530
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 6
Re ated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation
Sulfuric acid mist 0.019 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler* 15A NCAC 2D.0530
PM,PMmq,wox, As defned in specific conditions 15A NCAC 2D.0530(u)
Sae,CO,and VOC
Partivulatc matter Compliance Assurance Monitoring 15A NCAC 2D.0614
HAPs All fuel combinations,based on each of these boilers berg 15A NCAC 2D.1109
a"unit designed to bum biomasslbio-based solid
subcategory as defined in 40 CFR 63.7575:
Particulate Matter(filterable only): 0.18 lb/million Btu
■ Mercury: 0.000005 lb/million Btu
• Hydrogen Chloride:0.02 lb/million Btu
■ Carbon Monoxide: 508 ppmvd, corrected to 7%O,,30-
day rolling average
* Stack measured or calculated emissions represent the collective emissions for the six boilers(ID Nos.ES-14A,
ES-1-111,ES-1-IC,ES-24A,ES-2-1B and ES-24C)in the power units. "Per boiler"emissions are derived by
dividing the measured emissions by the boilers in operation during the timeframe specified. Compliance certification
on a per boiler basis is based on the common stack emissions performance divided by the boilers in operation at the
time of measurement per power unit.
a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from these sources(ID Nos.ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B, ES-1-1C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-111
and ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the
combustion of snlfnr in fuels,wastes,ores,and other substances shall be included when determining
compliance with this standard, [15A NCAC 2D.0516]
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)]
b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.La above,the Permittee shall be deemed in
noncompliance with 15A NCAC 213,051 F.
MonitoringlRecordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
c. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall monitor the sulfur content of the coal by using coal supplier
certification per total shipment received. The coal supplier certification shall be recorded in a logbook
(written or electronic format)per total shipment and include the following information:
i. the name of the coal supplier;
ii. the maximum sulfur content of the coal received per total shipment;
iii. a statement verifying that the inethods used to determine the maximuin sulfur content of the coal was in
accordance with the following:
A. sampling—ASTM Method D 2?34;
B. preparation--ASTM Method D 2013;
C. gross calorific value(Btu)—ASTM Method D 5865;
D. moisture content—ASTM Method D 3173:and
E. sulfur content—ASTM Method D 3177 or ASTM Method D 4239.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0516 if the sulfur content of the
coal is not monitored and recorded.
Upon certification of S02 continuous emission monitoring(CEM) systems,the Permittee shall determine
compliance with S02 emission limit in Section 2.1 A.1.a.above,using SO2 CEM instead of using coal
supplier certification. Monitoring and record keeping for SO,CEM shall be in accordance with 2.1 AAcc
below. If any 24-hour hlock average of S02 exceeds the emission limit per Section 2.1 A.La.above or the
records are not maintained, the Pcrmittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 213.0516.
Air Quality Permit Info.05 884T 15
Page 7
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
d. The Pernuttee shall submit a summary report of the coal supplier certifications postmarked on or before
January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July
30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. Also,the Permittee
shall submit a certified statement signed by the responsible official that the records of coal supplier
certification submitted represent all of the coal fired during the reporting period. All instances of deviations
from the requirements of this pen-nit must be clearly identified.
Upon certification of SOz CEM,the Permittee shall submit reports for SGz in pounds per million Btu in
accordance with Section 2.1 A.4.dd.and ee.
a. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions,including the testing,reporting, recordkeeping,
and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC
2D.0524"New Source Performance Standards(NSPS)"as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Db,
including Subpart A "General Provisions.'' [15A NCAC 2D .0524] ID Nos.ID Nos. ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B,
ES-1-1 C,ES-2-IA,ES-2-113 and ES-24C
b. Testing[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(t)]
i. Before Modifying or Replacing Existing induced Draft Fans on Boilers (ID Nos. ID Nos. ES-I-IA,
ES-1-IB,ES-1-IC,ES-2-1 A,ES-2-IB and ES-2-1C)
The Pennittee shall conduct a performance test for particulate matter within 60 days of achieving the
maximum production rate at which the affected facility(ID Nos. ES-l-1A, ES-1-1B, ES-I-1C, ES-2-
1 A,ES-2-1B and ES-2-1 C) will be operated but no later than 180 days after the startup of the Furnace
sorbent injection (FSI) systems on boilers (ID Nos. ID Nos, ES-VIA, ES-14B, ES-1-IC, ES-2-IA,
ES-2-1 B and ES-2-IC)in accordance with General Condition JJ found in Section 3. This testing shall
be used consistent with 40 CFR 60 Appendix C when the facility performs stack testing pursuant to
Section 2.1 A.2.b.ii. below.
Prior to modifying/replacing the induced draft fans on boilers (ID Nos. ES-I-1A, ES-1-113, ES-1-1 C,
ES-2-IA,ES-2-1B and ES-2-1Q, the Permittee shall perform an engineering evaluation demonstrating
that the increase in flue gas flow rate will not increase the boiler's potential heat input rate when firing
100% coal, 50% coa1150% TDF, and 25% coaL'S0% 1 DF'25%wood, to greater than 250 million
Btu/hr. The Permittee shall submit the results of this engineering evaluation 60 days prior to
inodifcationlreplacement of the induced draft fans on these boilers.
ii. After Modifyingor r Replacing Existing Induced Draft Fans on Boilers(ID Nos.ES-1-IA,ES-1-113,
ES-1-1C.ES-2-IA.ES-2-1B and ES-2-IC)
The Permittee shall conduct a performance test for particulate matter within 60 days of achieving the
maximum production rate at which the affected facility (ID Nos. ES-1-1A, ES-1-1B, ES-1-IC, ES-2-
IA, ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C) will be operated but no later than 180 days after the startup of the
modified/replaced induced draft fans on boilers(ID Nos. ES-1-IA,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,ES-2-IA, ES-2-
1B and ES-2-IC) in accordance with General Condition JJ found in Section 3. If the results of this
performance test, consistent with 40 CFR 60 Appendix C, demonstrate that increase in particulate
matter has occurred at boilers(ID Nos.ES-1-IA, ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C, ES-2-1A, ES-2-1 B and ES-2-1C)
or the above performance test is not conducted, the modified boilers(ID Nos. ID Nos. ES-I-IA,ES-1-
IB, ES-1-IC, ES-2-IA, ES-2-1B and ES-2-IC) are subject to the applicable requirements for
particulate matter(category, boilers modified after February 28, 2005) in accordance with 40 CFR 60
Subpart Db.
Within 60 days of achieving the maximum production rate at which the affected facility(ID Nos.ES-1-
Air Quality Perinit No. 05884T15
Page 8
1A, ES-I-1B, ES-1-IC, ES-2-IA, ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C) will be operated but no later than 180 days
after the startup of the modified/rep Iaced induced draft fans on boilers (11) Nos. ES-MA, ES-1-1B,
ES-1-1C,ES-2-IA,ES-24B and ES-2-IC), the Permittee shall determine, in accordance with General
Condition JJ found in Section 3,maximum heat input capacity for each boiler(ID Nos.ES-1-IA,ES-1-
1B, ES-1-1C, ES-2-IA, ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C) when firing 100% coal, 50% coa1150% TDF and 25%
coal/50% TDF(25%wood, based upon a 4-hour averaging period at a maximum fan capacity. If this
demonstration indicates that the maximum heat input capacity exceeds 250 million Butlhr for any
boiler, the boilers (ID Nos. ES-1-1A, ES-1-1B, ES-1-1 C, ES-2-1 A, ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C) shall
become subject to the requirements in 40 CFR 60 Subpart Da.
Emission Limitations[I 5A NCAC 2D.05241
c. Particulate matter-Particulate emissions from these sources(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-1B,ES-14C,ES-
2-1A, ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 0.05 pounds per mullion Btu heat input when firing coal
with other fuels.
d. Nitrogen oxides-
i. Nitrogen oxides emissions wlien firing coal-,ball not exceed 0.60 pounds per million Btu heat input.
ii. Nitrogen oxides emissions from the simultaneous combustion of coal with fuel oil or a mixture of these
fuels with natural gas or any other fuel shall not be in excess of the rate calculated by the following;
formula [40 CFR Part 60,Subpart 60.44b(c)]:
Where: E„=nitrogen oxide emission limit(lb/million Btu)
Hs,=heat input from combustion of natural gas or distillate oil(million Btu)
Hro=heat input from the combustion of residual oil(million Btu)
H,=heat input from the combustion of coal(million Btu)
iii. Compliance with the nitrogen oxide emission limits is determined on a 30-day rolling average basis[40
CFR Part 60,Subpart 60.44b(i)]-
e. Opacity-These sources(1D Nos. ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-14C,ES-2-1 A,ES-2-1B and ES-2-1C)shall
not cause to be discharged into the atmosphere any gases that exhibit greater than 20 percent opacity(six-
minute average)each,except for one six-minute period per hour of not more that 27 percent opacity.
Monitoring[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
f. 40 CFR 60.48b(a)-The Permittee shall calibrate,maintain,and operate a continuous monitoring system for
measuring the opacity of emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record the output of the system.
g. 40 CFR 60.48b(b)-The Permittee shall calibrate,maintain,and operate a continuous monitoring system for
measuring nitrogen oxide emissions discharged to the atmosphere and record the output of the system. Data
reported to meet the requirements of§60.49b shall not include data substituted using the missing data
procedures in Subpart D of Part 75 of 40 CFR,nor shall the data have been bias adjusted according to the
procedures of Part 75 of 40 CFR.
h. 40 CFR 60.48b(c)-operation of nitrogen oxide continuous monitoring systems and data recording.
i. 40 CFR 60.48b(d)-measurement of nitrogen oxide 1-hour averages.
j. 40 CFR 60.48b(e)-installation,evaluation,and operation of continuous monitoring systems.
k. 40 CFR 60.48b(f)-continuous monitoring systems breakdowns,repairs,calibration checks and zero and
span adjustments.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0524 if the monitoring requirements in
Sections 2,1 A.21 through k.above,are not complied with.
Recordkeeping[I 5A NCAC 2Q A508(f)]
1. 40 CFR 60.49b(d)-recordkeeping of the amounts of each fuel Fred each day.
in. 40 CFR 60.49b(e)-quarterly rccordkeeping of the nitrogen content of the residual oil if burned.
n. 40 CFR 60.49b(t)-recordkeeping of the opacity.
o. 40 CFR 60.49b(g)-daily recordkeeping of the nitrogen oxide emission rates and supporting data.
p. 40 CFR 60.49b(h)-reporting of excess emissions.
Air Quality Permit No.05884T 15
Page 9
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0524 if the recordkeeping requirements
in Sections 2.1 A.21 through p.above,are not complied with.
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0509(f)]
q. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping activities,including the
requirements of 40 CF R 60.49b(i)and(h),postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the
preceding six-month Period between July and December and.luly 30 of each calendar year for the preceding
six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this
permit must be clearly identified.
a. Particulate matter(PM]a)emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,ES-2-IA,
ES-2-113 and ES-2-1 C)shall not exceed 6.02 pounds per hour.
b. Sulfur dioxide emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,ES-2-1 A,ES-2-1B and
ES-2-1C) shall not exceed 327.8 pounds per hour.
c. Nitrogen oxide emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-113,ES-14C,ES-24A,ES-2-1113 and
ES-2-1C) shall not exceed 120.4 pounds per hour.
d. Carbon monoxide emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-1-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-113
and ES-24C)shall not exceed 120.4 pounds per hour.
e. The maximum,sulfur content of any coal received and burned in these sources(11)Nos.ES-1-1A,ES-1-111,
ES-14C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-113 and ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 1.0 percent by weight.
Testing[I5A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
f. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the results of this test are above any limit given in Section 2.1 A.3.a through d above,the Pennittee shall be
deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0501(c).
Monitorine/Re.cordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
g. Particulate matter emissions from these sources(ID Nos. ES-i-IA, ES-1-113, ES-1-IC,ES-2-1A, ES-2-113
and ES-24C)shall be controlled by six bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-14A,CD-1-113,CD-14C,CD-2-1A,CD-
2-1B and CD-2-1C),one each. To assure compliance,the Permittee shall perform inspections and
maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and
maintenance recommendations,or if there are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance
recommendations,as a minimum,the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include an annual
internal inspection of the bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-1-1A,CD-1-113,CD-1-IC,CD-24A,CD-2-113 and CD-
2-1C)for structural and fabric filter integrity. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A
NCAC 2D.0501(c)if the bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-1-1A,CD-1-1B,CD-1-1C,CD-2-1A,CD-2-1B and CD-
2-1C)are not inspected and maintained.
h. The Permittee shall install,operate,and maintain a pressure drop indicator on each bagEtter(ID Nos.CD-
1-1A,CD-1-113,CD-1-IC,CD-2-1A,CD-2-1B and CD-2-1C). The pressure drop across each bagfilter
(1D Nos.CD-14A,CD-1-1B,CD-1-1C,CD-2-1A,CD-2-1B And CD-2-1C)shall not exceed 10 inches of
water. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0501(c)if the pressure drop
is not maintained within the prescribed limits.
i. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic format)
on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall record the
i. the date and time of each recorded action;
ii. the pressure drop once weekly at a minimum when the source(ID Nos. ES-1-1A, ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,
ES-2-1A,ES-2-1113 and ES-2-1C) is operating;
iii. the results of each inspection;
iv. a report of any maintenance performed on the bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-1-1A,CD-1-1113,CD-I-1C,CD-
2-1A,CD-2-1113 and CD-2-1C); and
v. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any, and corrections made.
The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)if these records are not
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 10
j. The Permittee shall follow the monitoring and recordkeeping requirements in Sections 2.1 A.1.c,2.1 A.2.f--j
and 2.1 A.2_n above. The Permittec shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)if this
monitoring and recordkeeping is not performed.
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
k. Within 30 days of a written request from DAQ,the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance
performed on the bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-14A,CD-1-I1B,CD-1-IC,CD-24A,CD-2-11B and CD-24C).
1, The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and reco rdkeepi ng activities postmarked on or
before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and
July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances
of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified.
Alternative Operating Scenario for Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide Only - While operating FSI SOz
reduction technology with limestoncllirnc/trona
aa. Sulfur dioxide emissions from each boiler(ID Nos. ES-14A, ES-1-1I3, ES-14C, ES-2-1A,ES-2-11B and
ES-24C)shall not exceed 327.8 pounds per hour. [15A NCAC 2D,0501(c)]
Testing[I5A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
bb. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ
found in Section 3. If the results of this test are above any limit given in Section 2.1 A. 3. aa. above, the
Permittee shalh be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0501(c).
Monitoring/Recordkeeping[I5A NCAC 2Q.0508 (f)j
cc. The Permittee shall assure compliance with 2.1 A.3.aa. above by determining sulfur dioxide emissions in
pounds per honr using a continuous emissions monitoring(CEM)system meeting the requirements of 40
CFR Part 75 except that unbiased values may be used(missing data shall be filled in accordance with 40
CFR Part 75,except that the lookback periods per 40 CFR 75.33 (Tables 1 and 2)shall consist of the
available data up to the appropriate quality-assured hours.Also,the replacement procedures for monitor
data availability between 80 and 90 percent may be used at values below 80 percent), The missing data
procedure in Part 75 shall be used whenever the boiler combusts any fuel. Compliance with sulfur dioxide
emission standards shall be determined by averaging hourly continuous emission monitoring system values
over a 24-Dour block period beginning at midnight. To compute the 24-hour block average, the average
hourly values(missing data shall be filled in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75,except that the lookback
periods per 40 CFR 75.33 (Tables 1 and 2)shall consist of the available data up to the appropriate quality-
assured hours, Also,the replacement procedures for monitor data availability between 80 and 90 percent
may be used at values below 80 percent)shall be summed,and the surn shall be divided by 24. The
minimum number of data points,equidly spaced,required to determine a valid hour value shall be
determined by 40 CFR Part 75.If any 24-hour block average exceeds the limits per Section 2.1 A.3.aa.
above or the records are not maintained, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with I5A NCAC
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q .0508 (t)]
dd. The Pennittee shall submit the continuous emissions monitoring data showing the 24-hour daily block
values in pounds per hour for sulfur dioxide emissions for each 24-hour daily block averaging period
during the reporting period no later than January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month
period between October and December, April 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month
period between January and March. July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between April and June, and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between July and September. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be
clearly identified.
ee. CEMs Monitor Availability-The Permittee shall submit sulfur dioxide CEM system monitor downtime
reports,including monitor availability values(as calculated for 40 CFR Part 75)for the last hour of the
reporting period,no later than January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between October and December,April 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 11
between January and March,July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between
April and June,and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between July
and September.
a. Particulate matter(PMjo)emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-1111,ES-1-1C,ES-24A,
ES-2-1111 and ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 0.027 pounds per million Btu heat input.
b. Sul far dioxide emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-I-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,ES-24A,ES-2-113 and
ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 1.47 pounds per million Btu heat input.
c. Nitrogen oxide emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-1B, ES-1-1C,ES-2-1 A, ES-2-1B and
ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 0.54 pounds per million Btu heat input.
d. Carbon monoxide emissions from each source(ID Nos. ES-1-1A,ES-1-IB,ES-1-1C,ES-2-1 A,ES-2-1B
and ES-2-1C) shall not exceed 0.54 pounds per million Btu heat input.
e. Sulfuric acid mist emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-I-1A,ES-1-III,ES-I-IC,ES-2-1A,ES-2-1B
and ES-2-IC) shall not exceed 0.019 pounds per million Btu heat input.
f. The maximum sulfur content of any coal received and burned in these sources(ID Nos.ES-I-IA,ES-1-113,
ES-1-1C,ES-24A,ES-2-113 and ES-2-IC) shall not exceed 1.0 percent by weight.
Testing[I 5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
g. If emissions tcsting is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the resulu5 of this test are above any limit given in Section 2.1 A.4.a-e above,the Permittee shall be deemed
in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 21).0530.
h. Under the provisions of NCGS 143-215.108, the Permittee shall conduct an emission stack test for
particulate matter(PM]0)on each source stack(Unit 1-Ill Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-1B,and ES-1-1C; or
Unit 2—ID Nos.ES-24A,ES-24B and ES-2-1C)once per permit term to determine the emission rate in
pounds per hour and pounds per million Btu for particulate matter(PM10)as follows:
i. the emissions stack test shall include the following operating scenarios:
A. 10%unadulterated wood,70%coal,and 20%tire-derived fuels;and
B. 16%Tire-derived fuels and 84%coal.
Ifphysicat design limitations exist which prevent the Permittee from achieving either of the ahove feed
compositions,the Permittee shall conduct the tests with the maximum feasible feed rated of wood,in
the first scenario,and maximum feasible feed rates of tire-derived fuels,in the second scenario.
ii. all testing shall be conducted in accordance with a testing protocol approved by the DAQ,as provided
in Section 3,General Condition J.1 of this permit.
iu. the Permittee shall submit a written report of the test results to the DAQ Regional Supervisor within 60
days of completion of each test.
If the required stack test is not conducted or if the results of this test are above the limits given in Section
2.1 A.4.a above,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530.
Monitorin,a/Reeordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
i. The Permittee shall follow the monitnring and recordkeeping requirements in Section 2.1 A.I.c,A.2.f j and
n, and A.3.g-i. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 21).0530 if this
monitoring and recordkeeping is not performed.
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
j. The Permittee shall follow the reporting requirements in Section 2.1 A.l.d,2.1 A.2.p,and 2.1 A.31-1 above.
Alternative Operating Scenario for Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide Only - While operating FS1 SOz
reduction technology with limestonellimeltrona
aa. Sulfur dioxide emissions from each boiler(ID Nos. ES-14A, ES-1-1B, ES-I-IC,ES-2-1 A, ES-2-1B and
ES-2-1C)shall not exceed 1.47 pounds per million Btu heat input. [I5A NCAC 21].0530]
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 12
bb. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ
found in Section 3. If the results of this test are above any limit given in Section 2.1 A. 4. aa. above, the
Pennitte.e shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0530.
Mon itorinyfRecordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
cc. The Pcrmittee shall assure compliance with 2.1 A.4.aa. above by determining sulfur dioxide emissions in
pounds per million Btu using a continuous emissions monitoring(CEM) system meeting the requirements
of 40 CFR Part 75 except that unbiased values may be used(missing data shall be filled in accordance with
40 CFR Part 75, except that the lookback periods per 40 CFR 75.33 (Tables 1 and 2) shall consist of the
available data up to the appropriate quality-assured hours. Also, the replacement procednres for monitor
data availability between 80 and 90 percent may be used at values below 80 percent). The missing data
procedure in Part 75 shall be used whenever the boiler combusts any fuel. Compliance with sulfur dioxide
emission standards shall be determined by averaging hourly continuous emission monitoring system values
over a 24-hour block period beginning at midnight. To compute the 24-hour block average, the average
hourly values (missing data shall be filled in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75, except that the lookback
periods per 40 CFR 75.33 (Tables 1 and 2) shall consist of the available data up to the appropriate quality-
assured hours. Also, the replacement procedures for monitor data availability between 80 and 90 percent
may be used at values below 80 percent) shall be summed, and the sum shall be divided by 24. The
minimum number of data points, equally spaced, required to determine a valid hour value shall he
determined by 40 CFR Part 75. If any 24-hour block average exceeds the limits per Section 2.1 A.4. aa.
above or the records are not maintained,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC
Reporting[I5ANCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
dd. The Perruittee shall submit the continuous emissions monitoring data showing the 24-hour daily block
values in pounds per hour for sulfur dioxide emissions for each 24-hour daily block averaging period
during the reporting period no later than January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month
period behveen October and December, April 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month
period between January and March, July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between April and June, and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between July and September. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be
clearly identified.
ee. CEMs Monitor Availabilitv - The Permittee shall submit sulfur dioxide CEM system monitor downtime
reports, including monitor availability values (as calculated for 40 CFR Part 75) for the last hour of the
reporting period, no later than January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between October and December, April 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period
between January and March: July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between
April and June, and October 30 of each calendar year for the preceding three-month period between July
and September.
a. The Permittee has used projected actual emissions to avoid applicability of prevention of significant
deterioration requirements for a project consisting of increasing the feed rate of tire derived fuel above 35%
but,less than or equal to 50%of heat input rate in each boiler(ID Nos. ES-1-IA,ES-1-IB,ES-I-IC,ES-2-
1A, ES-2-113 and ES-2-1C), installing rotating opposed overfire air systems (ID Nos. CD-1-5A through
CD-1-5C and CD-2-5A through CD-2-5C), furnace sorbent injection systems (ID Nos. CD-1-6A through
CD-1-6C and CD-2-6A through CD-2-6C) and selective non-catalytic reduction systems(CD-1-7A through
CD-1-7C and CD-2-7A through CD-2-7C)onboilers(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-113,ES-1-1C,ES-2-1A,ES-
2-1B and ES-2-1C), and installing alkaline sorbent silos (ID Nos. ES-9A and CD-913) and associated vent
fabric filters(ID No.CD-9A and CD-9B).
In order to verify the assumptions used in the projected actual emissions calculations, the Permittee shall
comply with the testing,record keeping and reporting requirements in Section 2.1 A.5.b. through d.below.
Air Quality Permit No. 058 84T 15
Page 13
Testing[15A NCAC.2Q .0508(f)]
b. Under the provisions of NCGS 143-215.108, the Permittee shall conduct emissions testing for boilers (ID
Nos. ES-1-1A, ES-1-113, ES-1-IC, ES-2-IA, ES-2-113 and ES-2-IC) for PM, PMIO, NDx, S02, CO, and
VOC, by June 30, 2015, if any of the conditions in (i) through (iv) below have commenced: (i)
commencement of feeding fire derived fuel above 35%, but less than or equal to 50%of the heat input rate
in any individual boiler, or (ii) installing rotating opposed overfire air system on any individual boiler, or
(iii) installing furnace sorbent injection system on any individual boiler; or (iv) installing selective non-
catalytic reduction system¢on any individual boiler, or(v) installing alkaline sorbent silos and associated
vent fabric filters.
Details of the emissions testing and reporting requirements can be found in Section 3 - General Condition
The Permittee shall establish emission factors based on the average of all runs performed in the units of
pounds per million Btu heat input for PM,PMIO,NDx, S02,CO, and VOC. These emission factors shall be
used along with the actual fuel input rates to calculate inonthly emissions from each boiler(ID Nos. ES-1-
1A, ES-1-1B, ES-1-1C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-113 and ES-2-IC). The calculated monthly emissions shall be used
in reporting actual emissions for these pollutants in Section 2.1 A.5.d. below.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530(u),if the emissions testing for
each boiler is not conducted, or the emission factors for PM, PMIO, NDx, S02i CO, and VOC, are not
Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
c. Beginning in calendar year 2015, the Permittee shall maintain records of actual emissions for PM, PMIO,
NDx, S02, CO, and VOC in tons per year on a calendar year basis for five years following the resumption
of regular operations after(i) commencement of feeding tire derived fuel above 35%,but less than or equal
to 50%of the heat input rate in any individual boiler(ID Nos. ES-1-1 A,FS-1-1 H, ES-1-1C,ES-2-IA,ES-
2-I13 and ES-2-IC),or(ii)installing rotating opposed overfire air system(ID Nos.CD-1-5A through CD-1-
5C and CD-2-5A through CD-2-5C)on any individual boiler(ID Nos. ES-14A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-IC,ES-2-
IA, ES-2-113 and ES-2-IC), or(iii) installing furnace sorbent injection system (ID Nos. CD-1-6A through
CD-1-6C and CD-2-6A through CD-2-6C) on any individual boiler(ID Nos. ES-I-1A,ES-1-1B,ES-1-1C,
ES-2-1A, ES-2-113 and ES-2-1C), or (iv) installing selective non-catalytic reduction system (CD-1-7A
through CD-1-7C and CD-2-7A through CD-2-7C) on any individual boiler (I❑ Nos. ES-1-IA, ES-1-1B,
ES-1-1C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-1 B and ES-2-1C),or(v)installing alkaline sorbent silos(TD Nos.ES-9A and CD-
9B)and associated vent fabric filters(ID No.CD-9A and CD-913).
The Permittee shall make the information, documented and maintained in this Section 2.1 A.5.c.,available
to the Director or the general public pursuant to the requirements in 40 CFR 70.4(b)(3)(viii).
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530(u), if the recordkeeping
requirements in this Section 2.1 A.5.c. are not complied with, or the records are not made available to the
Director or the general public.
Reuortin [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
d. The Permittee shall submit a report for PM, PMIO, NDx, S02, CO, and VOC emissions to the Director
within 60 days after the end of each calendar year during which the records in Section 2.1 A.5.c. must be
generated. The report shall contain the iteins listed in 40 CFR 51.166(r)(6)(v)(a)through(c).
The reported actual emissions For each of the five calendar years For PM,PM10,NDx, S02, CO, and VOC
will be compared to the respective projected actual emissions as included below:
Pollntant Projected Actual Emissions Projected Actual
Emission Factor Emissions**
4 The installation of selective non-catalytic reduction systems on each boiler is optional.
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 14
Lb/Million Btu Tons per Year
All 0.0184 86.1
MID 0,0184 83.2
NOx 0.35 1296
so> 1,37(Coal/TDF) .3700
co 0.077(CoallDF) 306
0.1 Wood
VOC 0.0037 (Coal/TDF) 27
0.017 (Wood)
The emission factor is for boiler only.
**The projected actual emissions are not enforceable limitations. If the reported actual emissions exceed
the projected actual emissions, the Pernuttee shall include in its annual report an explatration as to why
actual emissions exceeded the projected actual emissions.
a. Per 40 CFR 64 and 15A NCAC 2D .0614,the Permittcc shall comply with the following.
b, Background
i. Emission Unit(s).
(A) Description. Six watertube design coal/natural gas/No.2 and No.4 fuel oil/tire derived
fuel/pelletized paper fuellflyash briquettelunadulterated wood-fired boilers
(B) Identification. ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-1-113,ES-14C,ES-2-1A,ES-2-111 and ES-24C
ii. Applicable Regmlation.Emission Limit and Monitoring Requirements.
(A) Regulations. 15A NCAC 2D.0524 (Subpart Db)
15A NCAC 2D .0501(e)
15A NCAC 2D.0530
(B) Emission limits
1. 0.05 pounds per million Btu heat input(40 CFR 60.43b(a)(1))- [particulate matter]
?. 6.02 pounds per hour per boiler[PMin]
3. 0.027 pounds per million Btu heat input per boiler[PM,o]
(C) Control Technology. Six bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-14A,CD-1-111,CD-14C,CD72-1A,CD-2-1B
and CD-2-1C)
c. Monitoring Approach. The key elements of the monitoring approach for particulate matter, including
parameters to be monitored,parameter ranges and performance criteria are presented in the following table.
I 2
1. Indicator Visible emissions PrPC�.yQ...11redrop
Measurement Approach Visible emissions from the fabric filter Pressure drop across the fabric filter is
will be monitored continuously using ineasured with a differential pressure gauge
CQM system on each conunon stack
I1. Indicator Range An excursion is defined as visible An excursion is defined as a pressure drop
emissions in amounts greater than or greater than 9.5 inches of eater. Exwr,sions
equal to 15%(six-minute average). trigger an inspection,corrective action,and
Excursions trigger an inspection, a reporting requirement.
corrective action,and a reporting
QIP Threshold The QIP threshold is six excursions in a None selected
6-month reporting period.
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T 15
Page 15
7 2
111. Performance Criteria
A. Data Representativeness Measurements arc being made at the Pressure taps Lire located at the fabric filter
emission point(fabric filter outlet)of inlet and outlet. The gauge has a minimum
each common stack accuracy of 0.5 inches of water.
B. Verification of N-A NA
Operational Status
C. QAIQC Practices The C:OM systems shall be calibrated, The pressure gauge is checked daily for
maintained and operated according to 40 operation.
CFR 60,Appendix F,Procednre 3.
D. Monitoring Frequency Data is collected continuously with COM Pressure drop is monitored daily.
E. Data Collection Date from the CAM systems is collected Pressure gauge readings arc manually
Procedures electronically and maintained on the Data recorded daily.
Acquisition and Handling System
computer along Kith information on the
operating status of the hoilers.
F. Averaging Periods NA NA
d. Justification
i. Back round. The pollutant-specific emission units are the six identical stoker boilers used to produce
steam(a portion of which is sold to a nearby industrial facility for use in their process). The remainder
of the steam is used to drive a steam turbine connected to an electrical generator to generate electricity
for wholesale to the connected utility. The particulate matter emissions from each boiler are controlled
by fabric filters with approximately 16,SU0 square feet of filter area,each.
ii. Rationale for Selection of Performance Indicators. Visible emissions was selected as the performance
indicator because it is a good indicator of the proper operation and maintenance of the filter units.
When the filter units are operating properly,there will not be any visible emissions iu the exhaust
outlet. Any increase in visible emissions indicates reduced performance of the filter units,therefore, the
presence ofviisible emissions in levels exceeding or equal to 15%(six-minute average) is used as a
performance indicator.
In general,Enters are designed to operate at a relatively constant pressure drop. Monitoring pressure
drop provides a means of detecting a change in operation that could lead to an increase in emissions.
An increase in pressure drop can indicate that the cleaning cycle is not frequent enough,cleaning
equipment is damaged/broken,the bags are becoming blinded,or the airflow has increased. A decrease
in pressure drop may indicate broken or loose bags,but this is also indicated by the presence of visible
emissions,indicator No. 1. A pressure drop across,the filter unit also serves to indicate that there is
airflow through the control device.
iiL Rationale For Scction of Indicator Ranges. Per operating knowledge of the systems,the facility has
selected an indicator range of greater than or equal to 15%opacity(six-minute average). When an
excursion occurs,corrective action will be initiated,beginning with an evaluation of the occurrence to
determine the action required to correct the situation. All excursions will be documented and reported.
This indicator range was selected because:(1)an increase in visible emissions is indicative of an
increase in particulate emissions;and(2)a COMB is a well established monitoring technique for these
The selected QIP threshold for fabric filter visible emissions is six excursions in a 6-month reporting
period. If the QIP threshold is exceeded in a semiannual reporting period,a QIP will be developed and
Air Quality Permit No.05884T 15
Page 16
The indicator range chosen for the fabric filter pressure drop is greater than 9.5 inches water. An
excursion triggers an inspection,corrective action,and a reporting requirement. The pressure drop is
recorded daily. As the pressure drop approaches 9.5 inches water the bags are scheduled for
ReoortinsY[15A NCAC 2Q ,0508(f)]
e, The Permittee shall submit a summary report of all monitoring activities postmarked on or before January
30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of
each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of
deviations for the requirements of this permit must he clearly identified.
7. 15A NCAC 2D.1109; Case-by-Case 11ZACT
a. The Permittee shall comply with this CAA§112U)standard until May 19,2019. The initial compliance
date for the applicable CAA§112(d)standard for"National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Industrial,Commercial,and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters" is May 20,2019.
Emissions Standards
b. The following emission standards shall apply to the affected boilers(ID Nos.ES-14A,ES-14B,ES-1-1C,
ES-24A,ES-2-1B and ES-24C):
i. All fuel combinations,based on each of these boilers being a"unit designed to burn biomasslbi❑-based
solid subcategory"as defined in 40 CFR 63.7575:
(A) Particulate Matter(filterable only): 0.18 lb/million Btu
(B) Mercury: 0.000005 lb/million Btu
(C) Hydrogen Chloride:0.02 lb/million Btu
(D) Carbon Monoxide: 508 ppmvd,corrected to 7%02,30-day rolling average
The initial compliance date for the emission standards,operating requirements,and associated monitoring,
recordkeeping,and reporting requirements is June 2,2013. These terms need not be included in the amrual
compliance certification until after the initial Compliance date. These standards shall apply all times,
except for periods of startup,shutdown,and malfunction.The Pcrmittee shall follow the procedures in 15A
NCAC 2D.0535 for any excess emissions that occur during the periods of startup,shutdown, or
Qperatina Requirements
c. if the facility utilizes a fabric filter to comply with the particululate matter(PM)(filterable only)and
mercury(Hg)emissions standards in Section 2.1 A.7.b.above,the Pemrittec shall comply with the
i. Install and operate the fabric filter such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more
than 5 percent of the operating time during each 6-month period;or,
ii. Maintain opacity of exhaust from the control device at less than or equal to 20 percent(6-minute
average)except for one 6-minute period per hour of not more than 27 percent.
d. If the facility utilizes a sorbent injection system(such as FSI)to comply with the hydrogen chloride(HCl)
emissions standards listed in Section 2.1 A.7.b.Above, the Permittee shall maintain the minimum sorbent
injection rate at or above the operating levels,adjusted for variability,established during the performance
test that demonstrated compliance with the applicable emissions standards.
e. If the facility utilizes fuel analysis to comply with the Hg and HCl emissions standards in Section 2.1
A.7.b.above,the Permittee shall maintain the fuel type or fuel mixture such that the Hg and HCl emissions
rates calculated according to the procedures in Section 2.1 A.7.i. below are less than the applicable
emissions standards.
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
f. No initial or subsequent annual testing is required to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards
associated with burning of No.2 fuel oil and natural gas in the affected boilers.
g. No initial or subsequent annual testing is required if a facility can demonstrate compliance with applicable
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T15
Page 17
emissions standards using fuel analysis according to the procedures in Section 2.1 A.7.i, below,
h. Initial Testing Requirement-The Permittee shall conduct an initial compliance test while burning mixed
fuel of a ratio,by heat input,of approximately 50 percent wood and 50 percent coa11TDF for emissions of
PM(filterable only),Hg,HCl,and CO.
The initial compliance test for these fuels shall be conducted within ISO days of the initial compliance date.
The initial compliance test is not required if the NC DAQ—SSCB approves any previously conducted
performance test as an equivalent compliance demonstration. Testing shall be conducted in accordance
with General Condition JJ found in Section 3.
The Permittee shall establish operating parameters,as applicable,during the initial compliance test in
accordance with the following Table.
Uperating Parameters Established by Performance Testing
Control Device Pollutant(s) Requirements for Performance Test
Sorbent Injection HCI 1.Collect sorbmt injection rate data every 15 minutes during the
System(such as entire period of the performance test;and,
FSI) 2.Determine the average sorbent injection rate for each individnal test
run in the 3-run perfonnance test by computing the average of all the
15-minute readings taken during each test run.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D.1109 if the required tests are not
conducted,or if the results of the emissions tests exceed the emission standards in Section 2.1,A.7.b. above,
or if the operating parameters,as applicable,are not established.
i. If the Permittee chooses to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards in Section 2.1 A.7.b.
above using the fuel analyses,the following procedures shall be complied with.
i. Develop and submit a site-specific fuel analysis plan to the NC DAQ—SSCB for review and approval
no later than 60 days before the date that the Permittee plans to demonstrate compliance. The plan
shall include the following information:
(A) The identification of all fuel types anticipated to be burned in each affected boiler or process
(B) For each fuel type,identification of whether the fuel analysis will be conducted by the Permittee
or a fuel supplier,
(C) For each Fuel type, a detailed description of the sample location and specific procedures to be used
for collecting and preparing the composite samples if the procedures are different from paragraph
C.or d.below. Samples should be collected at a location that most accurately represents the fuel
type,where possible,at a point prior to mixing with other dissimilar fuel types.
(D) For each fuel type, the analytical methods,with the expected minimum detection levels,to be used
for the measurement of Cl,and Hg.
ii. Obtain,at a minimum,three composite fuel samples for each fuel type according to the following
procedures,or according to the procedures in Table in this Section:
(A) If sampling fi-om a belt(or screw) feeder,collect fuel samples as follows:
(1) Stop the belt and withdraw a 6-inch wide sample from the Full cross-section of the stopped
belt to obtain a minimum two pounds of sample. Collect all the material(fines and coarse)in
the full cross-section.Transfer the sample to a clean plastic bag.
(2) Each composite sample will consist of a minimum of three samples collected at
approximately equal intervals during the testing period.
(B) if sampling from a fuel pile or truck,collect Fuet samples according as follows:
(1) For each composite sample,select a minimum of five sampling locations uniformly spaced
over the surface of the pile.
(2) At each sampling site,dig into the pile to a depth of 18 inches.Insert a clean flat.square
shovel into the hole and withdraw a sample,making sure that large pieces do not fall off
during sampling.
(3) Transfer all samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing.
iii. Prepare each composite sample according to the procedures in paragraphs(A), through(G)below:
Air Quality Permit No.05884T 15
Page 18
(A) Thoroughly mix and pour the entire composite sample over a clean plastic sheet.
(B) Break sample pieces larger than 3 inches into smaller sizes.
(C) Make a pie shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into four equal parts.
(D) Separate one of the quarter samples as the first subset.
(E) If this subset is too large for grinding,repeat the procedure in paragraph iii. above with the quarter
sample and obtain a one-quarter subset from this sample.
(F) Grind the sample in a mill.
(G) Use the procedure in paragraph(C)above to obtain a one-quarter subsample for analysis. If the
quarter sample is too large,subdivide it further using the same procedure,
iv. Determine the concentration ofIIg and Ch in unit of lb/million Btu of each composite sample for each
fuel type according to the procedures in the following Table:
Pollerant(s) Task Method
Hg and HO Collect Fuel Samples ■ Procedure in paragraph C,above;or,
■ ASTM 022334-00,D2234M-03(for coal)(IBR..see 40 Cflt 63.14(b));or,
■ ASTM D6323-98(2003)(#br biomass)(IBR,sce40 CFR 63.1 b)).
Prepare Composited Fucl ■ SW-$403050B(for solid samples):or,
Samples • 5W-8463020A(for liquid samples);or,
• ASTM D2013-04(far Foal)(I13R,see 44 CPR 63.14(b)),or,
• ASTM D5198-92(2tiO3)(for biomass)CI13R,scc 40 CFR 63.14(b)),
Detertninc Heat Content ■ ASTM I35865-04(fw Goal)(MR,see 40 CFR 63.14(b));or,
■ ASTM E711-87(far biomass)(113R,we 40 CFR 63.14(h)).
Determine Moisture ■ ASTM D3131-03(IBR.sea 40 CFR 63.141h}),err
Content ■ ASTM F871-82(1998)(1131t,sea 40 CFR 63.14[b)).
Hg Measure Hg Concentration ■ ASTM D6722-ilI(fof coal)(IRR,.sce.40 CFR 63,14(b));pr,
in Sample ► SW-846-7471 A(frrr st)lid 5Mmp IN);or,
SW 846-7470A for.hquid sarn les).
Conven Concelltratlon alto Method 19 F=factur methodology ia40 CFF.t 6a,Apptmdix A
HO Merlsure HO ■ SW-846-0-50 or AS"IM D6721-01(for coed);or,
Concebl"tionin Sample • ASTM E776-87(1996)(for biomass)(1:BR,me-40CPR 63,14(h)).
Convert Coneentrnlion into Method 19 F faetortnethndology in 40 CFR 60,Appendix.A
V. Establish the maximum chlorine Fuel input(Cinput)during the initial performance testing according to
the following procedures:
(A) Determine the permitted fuel type or Fuel tnixture that has the highest content of chlorine.
(B) During the performance testing for HCI,determine the fraction of the total heat input For each Fuel
type burned(Qi)based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine,and the average
chlorine concentration of each fuel type burned(Ci).
(C) Establish a maximum chlorine input level using the following equation.
Clmpul—Xi=I W n [Ci'Qi I
Clinput Maximum amount of chlorine entering the boiler or process heater
through fuels burned in lbs/million Bra.
Ci = Arithmetic average concentration of chlorime in fuel type,i,determined
by fuel aualysis,in lbs/million Btu.
Qi = Fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,based on the fuel mixture
that has the highest content of chlorine. If multiple fuel types are not
tired during the performance testing.insert a value of"1" for Qi.
n = Number of different fuel types burned in your boiler or process heater
for the mixture that has the highest content of chlorine.
Air Quality Permit No.05884TI5
Page 19
vi. Establish the maximum IIg fuel input level(Mercuryinput) during the initial performance testing using
the procedures provided below.
(A) Determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that can be burned in the boiler or process beater with the
highest content of IIg.
(B) During the compliance demonstration for Hg,determine the fraction of total heat input For each
fuel burned(Qi)based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of mercury,and the average
mercury concentration of each fuel type burned(HGi).
(C) Establish a maximum mercury input level using the following equation:
Mercury.,=I1i-1,o d [HG 1 Qj
Mercuryiuput = Maximum amount of mercury entering the boiler or
process heater through fuels burned in lbslmillion Btu.
HGi - Arithmetic average concentration of mercury in fuel type,i,determined
by fuel analysis,in lbslmillion Btu.
Qi = Fraction of total heat input from fuel type,i,based on the fuel mixture
that has the highest content of chlorine. If multiple fuel types are not
fired during the performance testing,insert a value of"I" for Qi.
n = Number of different fuel types bumed in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of Hg.
vii. If the alrected source can burn more than one fuel type,determine the fuel mixture that would result in
the maximum emission rates of the pollutant(s) for which compliance will be demonstrated by fuel
viii.Determine the 90th percentile confidence level fuel pollutant concentration of the composite samples
analyzed for each fuel type using the one-sided a-statistic test described in the following equation,
Pgo=mean I-(SDxt)
P90 = 90th percentile confidence level pollutant concentration,in lb./million
B tu.
mean - Arithmetic average of the fuel pollutant concentration in the fuel
samples,in lb/million Btu.
SD Standard deviation of the pollutant concentration in the fuel samples.
in lb/million Btu.
t - t distribution critical value for 90th percentile(0.1)probability for
the appropriate degrees of freedom(number of samples minus one)
as obtained from a Distribution Critical Value Table.
ix. To demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission standard for HCI,the calculated HCl
emission rate,using the following equation, for the affected source shall be less than the applicable
emission standard.
HCl =Y-i-]inn L Ci90 x Q; x 1.028
HCI = HCl emission rate from the boiler or process heater in lbslmillion
Cigo = 9 0 th pere entile confidence level concentration of chlorine in fuel typo,
i,in lbs/MMBtu(calculated using Equation in Section 2.1 A.71viii.
Qi = Traction of total heat input from fuel type,i,based on the fuel mixture
Air Quality Permit No.05 884T 15
Page 20
that has the highest content of chlorine.if the affected source does not
burn multiple fuel types,insert a value of"1"for Qi.
n = Number of different fuel types burned in the affected source for the
mixture that has the highest content of chlorine.
1,028 = Molecular weight ratio of ICI to chlorine.
x. To demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission standard for mercury,the calculated mercury
emission rate; using the following equation, for the affected source shall be less than the applicable
emission standard.
Mercury =Ei=i m n = [HGj90 x Qt ]
Mercury =Mercury emission rate from the boiler or process heater in
lbslmillion Btu.
HGi94 = 94th percentile confidence level concentration of mercury in fuel type,
i,in 1b&fN1MBtu (calculated using Equation in Section 2.1 A.7.i.viii.
Qi = Fraction of total heat input from fuel type,i, based on the fuel mixture
that has the highest content of mercury.If the affected source does not
burn multiple fuel types,insert a value of"i" for Qi.
n =Number of different fuel types burned in the affected source for the
mixture that has the highest mercury content.
The Penitittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1149 if the requirements of
this Section 2.1 A.71 are not complied with or the calculated emission rates of Hg or HCI exceed the
applicable emissions standards in Section 2.1.A.7.b. above.
j. Annual Testing Requirement-The Permittee shall conduct subsequent performance tests for mercury,
hydrogen chloride and particulate matter(filterable only)on an annual basis to comply with the emissions
standards in Section 2.1 A.7.b.above,when Firing coal or tire derived fuel or pelletized paper fuel or
flyash briquette,No. 4 fuel oil,and green wood,unless it meets the requirements listed in i. through iii.
below. Annual performance tests,if required,shall be completed between 10 and 12 months after the
previous performance test.
i. The Permittee may conduct performance tests less often for a given pollutant if the performance tests
for at least 3 consecutive years show compliance with the emission limit. In this case,the Permittee
need not conduct a performance test for that unit,consisting of three boilers,for that pollutant for the
next 2 years, but shall conduct a performance test during the third year and no more than 36 months
after the previous performance test. If any unit shows noncompliance with an emission standard,this
shall be considered a separate compliance issue with each individual boiler.
ii. If the affected unit continues to meet the emission limit,the Permittee may conduct performance tests
every third year,but each such performance test shall be conducted no more than 36 months after the
previous performance test.
iii. If a performance test shows noncompliance with an emission limit,the Permittee shall conduct annual
performance tests for that pollutant until all performance tests over a consecutive 3-year period show
iv. If the Permittee uses fuel analysis to demonstrate compliance with the emissions standards in Section
2.1 A.7.b. above,the Permittee shall conduct a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned no later than 5
years after the previous fuel analysis.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D.1109 if any subsequent annual tests
or fuel analysis are not conducted,or if the results of the emissions tests exceed the applicable emissions
standards in Section 2.LA,7.b.above.
Monitorhm[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
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Page 21
k. For complying with the emission standards associated with coal/fire derived fuel./pelletized paper fuellflyash
briquette,No.4 fuel oil,dry wood,and green wood burning,the Permittee shall install,operate,and
maintain a continuous emission monitoring system(CEMS)for carbon monoxide and oxygen or carbon
dioxide according to the procedures listed in i. through iv.below. The carbon monoxide and oxygen or
carbon dioxide shall be monitored at the same location at the outlet of the unit.
i. Each CEMS shall be installed,operated,and maintained according to the applicable procedures under
Performance Specification(PS)3 or 4A of 40 CFR 60,Appendix B,and according to the site-specific
monitoring plan(See Section 7).
iL Conduct a performance evaluation of each CEMS according to the requirements in 40 CFR 63.8 and
according to PS 4A of 40 CFR 60,Appendix B.
iii. Each CEMS shall complete a minimum of one cycle of operation(sampling,analyzing,and data
recording)for each successive 15-minute period.
iv. The CEMS data shall be reduced as specified in 40 CFR 63.8(g)(2).
V. An alternate monitoring method may be used by substituting carbon dioxide instead of oxygen to
calculate carbon monoxide for purposes of CAA 1120)standard and 15A NCAC 217. 1 109 only. A
carbon dioxide diluent cap of 5.0%can be used if carbon dioxide concentrations fall below 5.0%.
Based on 40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A Method. 19 Equations 19-1 and 19-7,the following formula can
be used as an alternate approach to calculate carbon monoxide corrected to 79/0 oxygen:
Fc 100 (20.9—%02 correction)
�d — �w x Fd IYhCO2w 20.9
Cd =pollutant concentration,dry basis
Cx, =pollutant concentration, wet basis
F,= Method 19 carbon F-factor for wood
Fd=Method 19 wet F-factor for wood
%02 currection=7%
vi. The Penmittee shall calculate and record a 30-day rolling average emission rate on a daily basis. A
new 30-day rolling average emission rate is calculated as the average of all of the hourly CO emission
data for die preceding 30 operating days. This 30-day rolling average for CO will begin on November
29,2013,and the CO CEMS must be certified and operable by that date.
vii. Except for monitor malfunctions,associated repairs,and required quality assnrance or control activities
(including,as applicable,calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments),the monitor shall
continuously record(or collect data.at all required intervals)at all times that the affected source is
viii. For purposes of calculating data averages,the Penmittee may not use data recorded during periods of
monitoring malfunctions,associated repairs,out-of-control periods,required quality assurance or
control activities,or when the boiler or process heater is operating at less than 50 percent of its rated
capacity. The Penmittee shall use all the data collected during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any period for which the monitoring system is out-of-control and data are not available
for required calculations constitutes a deviation from the monitoring requirements.
ix. A 30-day rolling average emission rate above the applicable emission limitation shall constitute a
violation oFthe standard.
X. The CEMS monitor downtime(MD)shall not exceed 5.0 percent.
Percent Monitor Downtime(%MD)Calculation:
%MD_ Total Monitor Downtime' x 100
Total Source Operating Time*.
* Toted Monitor Downtime inclndes Quality Assurance(QA)activities unless exempted by regulation or defined in
an agency approved QA Manual. The amount of exempt QA Time will he reported in the qnarterly report as such.
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T 15
Page 22
** If a source operates less than 2200 hours during any quarter, the source tnay calculate the %MD using all
operating data fi)r the current quarter and die preceding quzulers until 2200 hours of data are nbrained.[N.C.G.S. 143-
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D.1109 if the requirements of this
Section 2.1 A.71. are not complied with or any 30-day rolling average emission rate of CO is above the
applicable CO emissions standards in Section 2.1 A.7.b.above when burning coal, tire derived fuel,
pelletized paper fuel,flyash briquette,No.4 fuel oil,dry wood,and green wood.
1. If the option to comply with the opacity operating requirement is selected in Section 2.1 A.7.c.above, the
Pennittee shall install, operate,certify and maintain each continuous opacity monitoring system(C'OMS)
according to the procedures listed below.
i. Each CDMS shall be installed, operated,and maintained according to PS 1 of 40 CFR 60,Appendix B.
ii. Conduct a performance evaluation of each CDMS according to the requirements in 40 CFR 63.8 and
according to PS I oF40 CFR 60,Appendix S.
iii. As specified in 40 CFR 63.8(c)(4)(i),each CAMS shall complete a minimum of one cycle of sampling
and analyzing for each successive 10-second period and one cycle of data recording for each
successive 6-minute period.
iv. The COMS data shall be reduced as specified in 40 CFR 63.8(g)(2).
v. Except for monitor malfunctions,associated repairs,and required quality assurance or control activities
(including,as applicable,calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments),monitor
continuously(or collect data at all required inten,als)at all times that the affected source is operating.
vi. Include in the site-specific monitoring plan(See Section 7)procedures and acceptance criteria for
operating and maintaining each CDMS according to the requirements in 40 CFR 63.8(d). At a
minimum,the monitoring plan shall include a daily calibration drift assessment,a quarterly
performance audit,and an annual zero alignment audit of each CDMS.
vii. ❑perate and maintain each CAMS according to the requirements in the monitoring plan and the
requirements of 40 CFR 63.8(e). Identify periods the CAMS is out-of-control including any periods
that the CDMS fails to pass a daily calibration drift assessment,a quarterly performance audit, or an
annual zero algrunent audit.
viii.Determine and record all the 6-minute averages(and I-hour block averages as applicable)collected for
periods during which the CAMS is not out of control.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the requirements of this
Section 2.1 A.71 are not complied rxrith or any 6-minute average of opacity exceeds the operating
requirement in Section 2.1 A.7.c.ii.above.
m. For each operating limit that requires the use of a CMS,the Permittcc must install,operate,and maintain
each continuous parameter monitoring system(CPMS)according to the procedures listed below.
i. The CPMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for each successive 15-minute period.
A valid hour of data must have a minimum of Four successive cycles of operation.
ii. Except For monitoring malfunctions,associated repairs,and required quality assurance or control
activities(including,as applicable,calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments),
conduct all monitoring in continuous operation at all times that the affected unit is operating. A
monitoring malfunction is any Sudden,infrequent,not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring
to provide valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless
operation are not malfunctions.
iii. For purposes of calculating data averages,the Permittee may not use data recorded during monitoring
malfunctions,associated repairs,out-of-control periods,or required quality assurance or control
activities.The Permittee must use all the data collected during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any period for which the monitoring system is out-of control and data are not available
for required calculations constitutes a deviation from the monitoring requirements.
iv. Determine the 3-hour block average of all recorded readings,except as provided in paragraph iii.
v. Record the results of each inspection,calibration,and validation check,
vi. Operation above the established maximum or below the established minimum operating limits shall
constitute a violation of established operating limits.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the requirements of this
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T 15
Page 23
Section 2.1 A.7.m.are not complied with.
n. If the option to comply with the fabric filter bag leak detection system operating requirement in Section 2.1
E.7.c. above is selected,the Permittee shall install,calibrate,maintain,and continuously operate a bag leak
detection system as specified below:
i. Install and operate a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack of the fabric filter.
ii. Each bag leak detection system shall be installed;operated,calibrated,and maintained in a manner
consistent with the manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations and in accordance with
the guidance provided in EPA-4541R-98-015, September 1997.
iii. The bag leak detection system shall be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM
emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less.
iv. The bag leak detection system sensor shall provide output of relative or absolute particulate matter
v. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal
from the sensor.
vi. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with an alarm system that will sound automatically
when an increase in relative particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm
shall be located where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel.
Nii. For positive pressure fabric filter systems that do not duct all compartments of cells to a common
stack a bag leak detection system shall be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell.
viii.Where multiple bag leak detectors are required,the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared
among detectors.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D.1109 if the requirements of this
Section 2.1 E.7.n.are not conducted with.
o. If an affected source unit is controlled with a fabric filter and the facility demonstrates continuous
compliance using a bag leak detection system,the Permittee shall:
i. Initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective
actions as soon as practical,and operate and maintain the fabric filter system such that the alarm does
not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6—month period.
E Maintain records of the date,time,and duration of each alarm,the time corrective action was initiated
and completed,and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the corrective action taken.
iii. Record the percent of the operating time during each b-month period that the alarm sounds.
(A) If inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required,no alarm time is
(B) If corrective action is required,each alarm shall be counted as a minimum of 1 hour.
(C) If it takes longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective action,the alarm time shall be counted as the
actual amount of time taken to initiate corrective action.
The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1 109 if the requirements of this
Section 2.1 A.7.o.are not complied with or if the alarm on the Fabric filter leak detection system sounds
more than 5 percent of the operating time during any 6—month period.
p. For each operating requirement that requires the use of equipment to monitor sorbent injection rate(e.g.,
weigh belt,weigh hopper,or hopper flow measurement device),the Permittee shall meet the requirements
in Section 2.1 A.7.m. above,in addition to tho following requirements:
i. Locate the device in a position(s)that provides a representative measurement of the total sorbent
injection rate.
ii. Install and calibrate the device in accordance with manufacturer's procedures and specifications.
iii. At least annually; calibrate the device in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures and
The Permittee shall be deemed in lion-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the requirements of this
Section 2.1 A.7.p.are not complied with.
Recordkeenine Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
q. The Permittee shall maintain a copy of each notification and report required by this standard,including all
documentation supporting any Notification of Compliance Status.
r. The Permittee shall maintain records of performance tests,fuel analyses,or other compliance
demonstrations,CMS performance evaluations,and opacity observations.
s. For each required CEMS and COMS,the Permittee shall maintain the following records:
Air Qua]ity Permit No.05 884T 15
Page 24
i. All required measurements needed to demonstrate compliance with a relevant Standard(including,but
not limited to, 15-minute averages of CMS data,raw performance testing measurements,and raw
performance evaluation measurements,that support data that the source is required to report);
ii. A record of each period during which a CMS is malfunctioning or inoperative(including out-of-
control periods);
iii. Al] CMS calibration checks;and,
iv. Al]adjustments and maintenance performed on CMS;
t. The Permittee shall maintain records of all monitoring data and calculated averages for applicable
operating requirements such as opacity,fabric filter leak detection system alarm sounding,and serbent
injection rate,used to demonstrate compliance with the standard.
u. For the affected boiler,the Permittee shall maintain the following records:
i. Records of monthly fuel use by each affected source,including the type(s)of fuel and amounts)used.
ii. A copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of maximum C12,and Hg fuel input that were
conducted to demonstrate compliance with and associated emissions standards through performance
testing. Supporting documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis For the
estimates of maximum C12i and Hg fuel input The Pemnittee may use the results from one fuel analysis
for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all burning the same fuel type. However.the
Permittee shall calculate C12 and Hg fuel input for each boiler and process heater.
iii. A copy of al]calcnlations and supporting documentation of HCl and Hg emission rates that were
conducted to demonstrate compliance with the associated limits through fuel analysis. Supporting
documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis for the estimate of emission rate.
The Permittee may use the results from oue fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters
provided they are all burning the same fuel type. However,the Permittee shall calculate the emission
rate for each boiler and process heater.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the records required in
Section 2.1 A.7. q. through u. are not kept.
Reporting Requirements[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
v. Performance Testing and Fuel Analyses. For each required performance test or fuel analyses,the
Pernuttec shall comply with the notification and reporting requirements in General Condition JJ of
its Title V air quality permit. The Permittee shall report the results of each performance test or fuel
analyses within 60 days after such event.These reports should also include the verification that the
operating requirements for the affected boilers have not changed or provide documentation of revised
operating requirements.
w. Notification oFCompliance Status. The Permittee shall submit a Notification of Compliance Status that
meets the requirements of§63.9(h)(2)(ii)before the close of business on the 60th day following the
completion of the final required performance test and/or other initial compliance demonstration, The
Notification of Compliance Status report shall contain the following information,as applicable:
i. A description of the affected source(s) including identification of which subcategory the source is in,
the capacity of the source, a description of the add-on controls used on the source description of the
fuels)burned,and justification for the fuels)burned during the performance test.
ii. Summary of the results of all perfommnce tests,fuel analyses,and calculations conducted to
demonstrate initial compliance including all established operating limits.
iii. identification of whether the facility is complying with the PM emission limit or the alternative TSM
emission limit.
iv. Identification of whether the facility demonstrated compliance with each applicable emission limit
through performance testing or fuel analysis.
v. Identification of whether the facility plans to demonstrate compliance by emissions averaging,
vi. A certification signed by the Responsible Official that the facility has met all applicable emission
limits and work practice standards,
vii. A summary of the CO emissions monitoring data and the maximum CO emission levels recorded
during the performance test to show that the facility has met any applicable work practice standard in
Section 2.
viii.If the affected source fires only gaseous fuel and/or distillate fuel oil, include a certification of such
that is signed by the Responsible Official.
X. Semiannual Summary Report. The Permittee shall submit a summary report by January 30 of each
Air Quality Pennit No.05884T 15
Page 25
calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December,and July 30 of each calendar
year for the preceding six-month period-between January and June. The first summary report shall be
required on January 31,2014. The report shall include the following:
i. Company name,address and facility fI]number;
ii. Statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title,and signature,certifying the truth,
accuracy,and completeness of the content of the report;
iii. Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period;
iv. The total fuel use by each affected source for each calendar mouth within the semiannual reporting
period,including, hnt not Ii mite d to,a description of the fuel and the total fuel usage amount with units
of measure;
v. A summary of the results of the annual performance tests and documentation of any operating limits
that were reestablished during this test,if applicable.
vi. A signed statement indicating that no neu,types of fuels were ftred in the affected sources.
R. Six coal bunkers(ID Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F)and associated bagfllters(ID Nos.CD-2A through CD-
Two flyash silos with dedicated wet slurry pugndlls for unloading(ID Nos.ES-3A and ES-313)and
associated binvents(ID Nos.CD-3A and CD-3B)
Four ash system vacuum transport pumps(11)Nos.ES-4A through ES-41))and associated filters(11)Nos.
CD-4A through CD-41)),two bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-4E and CD-41T),and two simple.cyclones(1D Nos.
CD-4G and CD-4H)
The following table provides a summn of limits and/or standards for the emission source(s)described above.
Regulated Pollutant Lirnits/Standards i Applicable Regulation
Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D.0521
Particulate matter (11)Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F) 15A NCAC 2D.0530
Fuel bunkers for coal,tire-derived fuel,pelletized paper,
and flyash briquette handling,only
' .7x10-5 pounds per hour—each fuel bunker
(ID Nos.ES-3A and ES-313)
Flyash silos
0.032 pounds per hour—each ash silo
(ID Nos.ES-4A through ES-41))
Ash transport
0.032pounds por hour—each ash silo pump
a. Visible emissions from these sources(ID Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F,ES-3A,ES-3B,and ES-4A
through ES-41))shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period.
However,six-minute averaging periods may exceed?0 percent opacity not more than once in any hour and
not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent
opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)]
Testing[f 5A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)]
b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.l.a above,the Permittee shall be deemed in
noncompliance with 15A NCAC 1D.0521.
Monitorin:=[15A NCAC.2Q .0508(f)]
e. To assure compliance,once a week the Permittee shall observe the emission points from these sources(II)
Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F,ES-3A,ES-3B,and ES-4A through ES-41))for any visible emissions above
nonnal. If visible emissions from these sources(ID Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F,ES-3A,ES-313,and ES-
4A through ES-41))are observed to be above normal_the Permittec shall:
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 26
i. take appropriate action to cornet the above-normal emissions within the monitoring period and record
the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below,or
ii. demonstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission sources(ID Nos.ES-2A
through ES-2F, ES-3A, ES-311, and ES-4A through ES-41)) in accordance with 15A NCAC 02D
.2610(Method q)for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 B.La.above.
If the above-normal emissions are not corrected per i.above or if the demonstration in ii. above cannot be
made,the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0521.
Recordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic format)on site and
made available to an authorized DAQ representative upon request. The logbook shall record the following:
L the date and time of each recorded action;
ii. the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be
in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions;and
iii. the results of any corrective actions performed.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521 if these records are not
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report cf the ubservations postmarked on or before January 30 of
each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each
calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations
from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified,
a. When handling coal,tire-derived fuel,pelletized paper,and/or flyash br[quettes,particulate matter
emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F)shall not exceed 2.7x10-'pounds per hour.
b. Particulate matter emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-3A and ES-313)shall not exceed 0.032 pounds
per hour.
c. Particulate matter emissions from each source(ID Nos.ES-4A through ES-4D)shall not exceed 0.032
pounds per hour.
Monitorin2/Recordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
d. Particulate matter emissions from these emission sources(ID Nos.ES-2A through ES-2F,ES-3A,ES-3B,
and ES-4A through ES-411)) shall be controlled by eight bagfilters(ID Nos.CD-2A through CD-2F,CD-
4E and CD4F), two simple cyclones(ID Nos.CD-4G and CD-411),two binvents(ID Nos.CD-3A and
CD-3I3),and four in-line filters(ID Nos.CD-4A through CD-4D)as described above. To assure
compliance,the Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the
manufacturers. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations or if there
are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum,the inspection and
maintenance requirement shall include the following:
L an annual(for each 12 month period following the initial inspection)internal inspection of the simple
cyclones structural integrity;and
ii. an annual(for each 12 month period following the initial inspection)internal inspection of the
bagf lterslbinvents/in-lint filters for structural and fabric filter integrity.
The Pennittee shall he deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0530 if the binvents,cyclones,in-
line filters,and bagfrlters are not inspected and maintained.
e. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic Format)on
site and made available to an authorized DAQ representative upon request. The logbook shall record the
i. the date and time of each recorded action:
ii. the results of each inspection;
iii. the resulrs of any maintenance performed on the control deN ices;and
iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any,and corrections made.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with I5A NCAC 2D.0530 if these records are not
Air Quality Permit No. 05884TI5
Page 27
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
f. Upon request from the DAQ,the Permittee shall submit_within 30 days of such request,a report of any
maintenance performed on a control device.
g. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping postmarked on or before
January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July
30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of
deviations from the requirements of this Permit must be clearly identified.
C. Coal nnloadinglstorage and transfer operations(ID No.ES-5) and associated wet suppression system(ID
The following table provides a summary of limits and/or standards for the emission source(s)described above.
Regulated Pollutant L,tmitsfStandards Applicable Regulation
Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D .0521
Particulate matter Wet suppression shall be used on the following: 15A NCAC 2D.0530
-rail car unloading
-coal pile load-inlout
-wind erosion coal piles
a. Visible emissions from this source(ID No.ES-5)shaIl not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged
over a six-rninute period. However,six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent opacity not more
than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute
average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D.0521(d)]
Tcstin [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be perfonned in accordance Frith General Condition J.1. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 C.1.a above, the Permittee shall be deemed in
noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0521.
Monitoring[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
c. To assure compliance,once a week the Pcnnittee shall observe this source(ID No. ES-5)for any visible
emissions above normal. If visible emissions from this source(ID No.ES-5)are observed to be above
normal,the Permittee shall:
i. take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions within the monitoring period and record
the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below;or
ii. demonstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission source (ID No. ES-5) in
accordance with 15A NCAC 02D .26 10 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section
2.1 C.1.a.above.
If the above-normal emissions are not corrected per i.above or if the demonstration in U. above cannot be
made,the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0521.
Recordkeepino [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a logbook(written or electronic format)on site and
made available to an authorized DAQ representative upon request. The logbook shall record the following:
i. the date and time of each recorded action:
ii. the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be
in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions. and
iii. the results of any corrective actions performed.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0521 if these records arc not
Air Quality Permit No.05884T]5
Page 28
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked on or before January 30 of
each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each
calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations
from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified.
a. The Permittee shall employ wet suppression on the rail car unloading, the coal pile load-in/cat, and the
mind erosion coal piles. [15A NCAC 2D.0530]
Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
b. Particulate matter emissions from this emission source(ID Nos.ES-5)shall be controlled by wet
suppression(ID No.Wetsup). To assure compliance,the Permittee shall perform inspections and
maintenance on the wet suppression system(ID No.Wetsup)as recommended by the manufacturer. In
addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations,or if there are no
manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations; as a minimum,the inspection and
maintenance requirement shall include a monthly external inspection of the system for integrity of piping
and nozzles. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the system is
not inspected and maintained.
RecordkeepinQ[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
c. A wet suppression log shall be maintained indicating areas and dates wet suppression was applied. No
reporting is required but the log shall be made available to a DAQ representative upon request. The
Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0530 if the wet suppression log is not
d. The results of inspection and maintenance activities shall be maintained in a logbook(written or elecrronic
format)onsite and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall record
the following:
i. the date and time of each recorded action;
h. the results of each action or inspection;
iii. a report of any maintenance performed on the wet suppression system(ID No.Wetsup);and
iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any,and corrections made.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0530 if these records are not
Reporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
e. Within 30 days of a written request from the DAQ;the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance
performed on the wet suppression system(ID No.Wetsup).
f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or
before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and
July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances
of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified.
D. Two cooling towers(ID Nos.ES-8A and ES-813)
The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above:
Regulated Pollutant LintitslStandards Applicable Regulation
particulate matter E=4.10 x F 0.67 for P :S30 15A NCAC 2D.0515
E=55.0xP011 -40 for P>30 tons/hr
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Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation
E= allowable entission rate in pounds per hour
P= process weight rate in tons per hour
a. Emissions of particulate matter from these sources (ID Nos. ES-SA and ES-8B) shall not exceed an
allowable emission rate as calculated by the following equation: [15A NCAC 2D.0515(a)]
E=4.10 x P°67 for P-<30 tons per hour
F=55,0 x PO t' -40 for P>30 tons per hour
where E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour
P=process weight in tons per hour
Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight.
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(0]
b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition]I. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in 2.1 D.1.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in
noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0515.
llTonitoring[RecordkeepingjReporting[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
c. No monitoringlrecordkeeping/reporting is required for particulate matter emissions from these sources.
E. Two alkaline sorbent (limestonellimeltrona) silos (ID Nos. ES-9A and ES-913) and associated vent
fabric filters(ID Nos.CD-9A and CD-915)
The followinE table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above:
Regulated Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation
particulate E=4 10 P 15A NCAC 2D .0515
matter where:
E=allowable particulate emission rate in pounds per hour
P=process weight rate in tons per hour
visible 20 percent opacity(except during startups,shutdowns,and 15A NCAC 2D .0521
emissions malfunctions)when averaged over a six-minute period
except that six-minute periods averaging not more than 87
percent opacity may occur not more than once in any hour
nor more than four times in any 24-hour period.
a. Emissions of particulate matter from these sources (ID Nos. ES-9.A and E.S-913) shall not exceed an
allowable emission rate as calculated by the following equations: [15A NCAC 2D.0515(a)]
E=4.10 x P Where E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour
P=process weight in tons per hour
Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight.
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(t)]
Air Quality Permit No. 05 884T 15
Page 30
b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E. 1. a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed
in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0515.
Monitoring/Recordkeeping[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(0]
c. Particulate matter emissions from the silos(ID Nos.ES-9A and ES-9B)shall be controlled by the bagfilters
(ID Nos. CD-9A and CD-913). To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform inspections and
maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and
maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance
recommendations, as a minimum,the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following:
i. a monthly visual inspection of the system ductwork and material collection unit for leaks; and
ii. an annual (for each 12 month period following the initial inspection) internal inspection of the
bagfilter's structural integrity.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0515 if the ductwork and bagfilters
are not inspected and maintained.
d. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a logbook (,ATitten or electronic format)
on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall record the
i, the date and time of each recorded action;
ii. the results of each inspection;
iii. the results of any maintenance performed on the bag filters;and
iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any,and corrections tnade.
The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2❑ .0515 if these records are not
Reportine[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)]
e. The Permittee shall submit the results of any maintenance performed on the bagfilters within 30 days of a
written request by the DAQ.
f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or
before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December
and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All
instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified.
a. Visible emissions from these sources (ID Nos. I S-9A and ES-913) shall not be more than 20 percent
opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20
percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. in no event
shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D.0521 (d)]
Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)]
b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If
the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E.2.a. above,the Permittee shall be deemed in
noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D ,0521.
Monitoring[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)]
c. To assure compliance, once a month the Permittee shall observe the emission point of these sources (ID
Nos. ES-9A and ES-9B) for any visible emissions above normal when these source are operating. The
Permittee shall establish "normal" for these sources in the first 30 days following the start-up. If visible
emissions from these sources are observed to be above normal, the Permittee shall either:
i. take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions as soon as practicable and within the
monitoring period and record the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below,or
ii. demonstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission sources in accordance
with 15A NCAC 2D .2610 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 E.2.a.
If the above-normal emissions are not corrected per(i)above or if the demonstration in(ii)above cannot be
Air Quality Permit No.05884T15
Page 31
made,the Permittee sliall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D.0521.
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Page 32
2.2 - Clean Air Interstate Rule (CATR) Permit Requirements
ORIS code: 10378
The following sources are affected CAIR units:
ES-2-1 A
ES-2-1 C
1. The total nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from the affected CAI R units listed above at the CPI USA North
Carolina - Southport Plant shall not exceed, except as provided in 15A NCAC 2❑ .2408: [15A NCAC 2D
a. 401 tons annually for 2009-2014
b. 341 tons annually for 2015 and later
tf any of the CAIR sources listed ahove is a new source for which allocations have not been included in the
table in 15A NCAC 2D.2403,the CAIR designated representative may submit a request to be allocated CAIR
NOx allowances for those sources using the procedures in 40 CFR 96.142(c)(2)and(3).
2. The affected CAIR NOx sources shall comply with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2❑ .2400 using the trading
program and banking set out in 40 CFR Part 96. [15A NCAC 2D.2408]
3. The owner or operator of any unit or source covered under 15A NCAC 2D .2403 shall be subject to the
provisions of 40 CFR 96.106(f). [15A NCAC 2D.2403]
Monitorine)Recordkeeoine/Reportin [15ANCAC 2D.2403 a.nd 15A NCAC 2D .2407(a)(1)]
4. The Permittee shall comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 40 CFR
96.106(b)and(e),and 40 CFR 96 Subpart II1I for each CAIR NOx unit.
5. The emissions of nitrogen oxides of a.CAIR NOx source shall not exceed the number of allowances that it
has in irs compliance account established and administered under 15A NCAC 2D.2408.
6. The emissions measurements recorded and reported according to 40 CFR Part 96 Subpart HH shall be used to
determine compliance by each CAIR NOx Source with its emissions limitation according to 40 CFR 96.106(c)
including 96.106(c)(5)and(6).
7. The provisions of 40 CFR 96.106(d)shall be used for excess emissions.
1. Ozone season NOx emissions from the affected CAIR units listed above at the CPI USA North Carolina-
Southport Plant sha11 not exceed, except as provided in 15A NCAC 2D .2408: [15A NCAC 2D .2405(a)(1)
a. 213 tons during the ozone season for 2009-2014;and
b. 181 tons during the ozone season for 2015 and later
The ozone season shall be defined as the period of time extending from May V to September 30th of each
calendar year. If any of the CAIR sources listed above is a new source for which allocations have not been
included in the table in 15A NCAC 21) .2405,the CAIR designated representative may submit a request to be
allocated CAIR NOx ozone season allowances for those sources using the procedures in 40 CFR 96.342(c)(2)
Air Quality Permit No. 058 84T 15
Page 33
2. The affected CAIR NOx Ozone Scason sources shall comply with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2D.2400
using the trading program and banking set out in 40 CFR Part 96. [15A NCAC 2D.2408]
3. The owner or operator of any unit or source covered under 15A NCAC 2D .2405 shall be subject to the
provisions of 40 CFR 96.306(f). [15A NCAC 2D.2M5]
MonitorinelRecordkeeninl!Ieporting[15ANCAC 2D.2405 and 15A NCAC 2D.2407(a)(3)]
4. The Permittee shall comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 40 CFR
96.306(b)and(e),and 40 CFR 96 Subpart HHHH for each LAIR Ozone Season NOx unit.
5. The nitrogen oxide ozone season emissions of a LAIR NOx Ozone Season source shall not exceed the
number of allowances that it has in its compliance account established and administered under 15A NCAC 2D
6. The emissions measurements recorded and reported according to 40 CFR Part 96 Subpart HHHH shall be
used to determine compliance by each CAIR NOx Ozone Season source with its emissions limitation
according to 40 CFR 96.306(c)including 96.306(c)(5)and(6).
7. The provisions of 40 CFR 96.306(d)shall be used for excess emissions.
1. The annual allocation of sulfur dioxide allowances shall be determined by EPA.The allocations for
CAIR SO2 units are listed in the table below(these allocations are From 40 CFR 73.10 except where none is
> S-1-1A none
F,S-1-1B none
ES-1-1C none
ES-2-1A none
ES-2-1 B none
ES-2-1 C none
2. The affected CAIR Sal sources shall comply with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .2400 using the trading
program and banking set out in 40 CFR Part 96. [15A NCAC 2D.2408]
3. The owner or operator of any unit or source covered under 15A NCAC 2D .2404 shall be subject to the
provisions of 40 CFR 96.206(f). [15A NCAC 2D.2404]
MonitoringlRecordkeepine/Reporting[15A NCAC 2D.2404 and 15A NCAC 2D.2407(a)(2)]
4. The Permittee shill comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 40 CFR
96.206(b)and(e),and 40 CFR 96 Subpart HHH for each CAIR Sae unit.
5. The emissions of sulfur dioxides of each CAIR S02 source shall not exceed the number of allowances that it
has in its compliance account established and administered under Rule 15A NCAC 2D.2408.
6. The emissions measurements recorded and reported according to 40 CFR Part 96 Subpart HHH sball be used to
determine compliance by each CAIR S02 source'"7th its emissions limitation according to 40 CFR 96.206(c)
including 96.206(c)(5)and(6).
7. The provisions of40 CFR 96.206(d)shall be used for excess emissions.
D. CAIR Permit Application
The pennit application submitted for this facility, as approved by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources,Division of Air Quality,is part of this permit. The owner and operator of these CAIR NOx and Sae
sources must comply with the standard requirements and special provisions set forth in the following attached
Air Quality Permit No. 05884T15
Page 3A
CAIR Permit Application dated April 26,2411
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Page 35
This section describes terms and conditions applicable to this Title V facility.
A. General Provisions[NCGS 143-215 and 15A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(16)]
1. Terms not othemise defined in this permit shall have the meaning assigned to such terms as defined in 15A
NCAC 2D and 2Q,
2. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and
enforceable pursuant to NCGS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B, including assessment of civil and/or
criminal penalties. Any unauthorized deviation from the conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for
revocation and/or enforcement action by the DAQ.
3. This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Deparlment permits that may be required for other
aspects of the facility which are not addressed in this permit.
4. This permit does not relieve the Permittee from liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare,animal
or plant life, or property caused by the construction or operation of this permitted facility, or from penalties
therefore, nor does it allow the Permittee to cause pollution in contravention of state laws or rules, unless
specifically authorized by an order from the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission.
5. Except as identified as state-only requirements in this permit,all terms and conditions contained herein shall
be enforceable by the DAQ, the EPA, and citizens of the United States as defined in the Federal Clean Air
6. Any stationary source of air pollution shall not be operated,maintained, or modified without the appropriate
and valid permits issued by the DAQ, unless the source is exempted by rule. 'The DAQ may issue a permit
only after it receives reasonable assurance that the installation will not cause air pollution in violation of any
of the applicable requirements. A permitted installation may only be operated, maintained, constructed,
expanded,or modified in a manner that is consistent with the terms of this permit.
B. Permit Availability[15A NCAC 2Q,0507(k)and.0508(i)(9)(B)]
The Permittee shall have available at the facility a copy of this permit and shall retain for the duration of the pernut
term one complete copy of the application and any information submitted in support of the application package.
The permit and application shall be made available to an authorized representative of Department of Environment
and Natural Resources upon request.
C. Severability Clause[15A NCAC 2Q.0503(i)(2)]
In the event of an administrative challenge to a final and binding permit in which a condition is held to be invalid,
the pmvisions in this permit are severable so that all requirements contained in the permit, except those held to be
invalid,shall remain valid and must be complied with.
D. Submissions[15A NCAC 2Q.0507(e)and 2Q.0508(i)(16)]
Except as otherwise specified herein,two copies of all documents,reports,test data,monitoring data,notifications,
request for renewal, and any other information required by this pemnit shall be submitted to the appropriate
Regional Office. Refer to the Regional Office address on the cover page of this permit. For continuous emissions
monitoring systems (GEMS) repors, continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) reports, quality assurance
(QA)/quality control(QC)reports,acid rain CEM certification reports,and NOx budget CEM certification reports,
one copy shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Office and one copy shall be sent to:
Supervisor,Stationary Source Compliance
North Carolina Division of Air Quality
1641 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1641
All submittals shall include the facility name and Facility ID number(refer to the cover page of this permit),
E, Duty to Comte[l5A NCAC 2Q,0508(i)(2)1
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The Permittee shall comply with all terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this
permit. Noncompliance with any permit condition except conditions identified as state-only requirements
constitutes a violation of the Federal Clean Air Act. Noncompliance with any permit condition is grounds for
enforcement action, for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification, or for denial of a permit
renewal application.
The facility shall be properly operated and maintained at all times in a manner that will effect an overall reduction
in air pollution. Unless otherwise specified by this permit, no emission source may be operated without the
concurrent operation of its associated air pollution control device(s)and appurtenances.
G. Permit Modifications
l. Administrative Permit Amendments[I5A NCAC 2Q.0514]
The Permittec shall submit an application for an administrative permit amendment in accordance with 15A
NCAC 2Q.0514.
2. Transfer in Ownership or Operation and Application Submittal Content [15A NCAC 2Q.0524 and 2Q.0505]
The Permittee shall submit an application for an olAmerft change in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q.0524
and 2Q.0505.
3. Minor Permit Modifications[15A NCAC 2Q.0515]
The Permittee shall submit an application for a minor permit modification in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q
.05 l 5.
4. Significant Permit Modifications[15A NCAC 2Q.0516]
The Permittee shall submit an application for a significant permit modification in accordance with 15A NCAC
5, Reopening for Cause[15A NCAC 2Q.0517]
The Pennittee shall submit an application for reopening for cause in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q.0517.
I-1. Changes Not Requiring Permit Modifications
1. Reporting Requirements
Any of the following that would result in new or increased emissions from the emission sources) listed in
Section 1 must be reported to the Regional Supervisor,DAQ:
a. changes in the information submitted in the application;
b. changes that modify equipment or processes;or
c. changes in the quantity or quality of materials processed.
If appropriate, modifications to the permit may then be made by the DAQ to reflect any necessary changes in the
permit conditions. h1 no case are any new or increased emissions allowed that will cause a violation of the
emission limitations specified herein.
2. Secdon 502(b)(10)Changes[15A NCAC 2Q.0523(a)]
a- "Section 502(b)(10) changes" means changes that contravene an express pennit term or condition. Such
changes do not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene federally
enforceable permit terms and conditions that are monitoring (including test methods), recordkeeping,
reporting,or compliance certification requiremen ts.
b. The Permittee may make Section 502(b)(10)changes without having the permit revised it
i. the changes are not a modification under Title 1 of the Federal Clean Air Act;
ii. the changes do not cause the allowable emissions under the permit to be exceeded;
iii. the Permittee notifies the Director and EPA with written notification at least seven days before the
change is made;and
iv, tine Pen nittee shall attach the notice to the relevant permit.
c. The written notification shall include:
i, a description of the change;
ii. the date on which the change will occur;
iii. any change in emissions;and
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iv, any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change.
d. Section 502(b)(10) changes shall be made in the permit the next time that the permit is revised or
renewed,whichever comes first.
3. Off Pennit Changes[15A NCAC 2Q.0523(b)]
1'he Permittee may make changes in the operation or emissions without revising the permit if
a. the change affects only insignificant activities and the activities remain insignificant after the change;or
b. the change is not covered under any applicable requirement.
4. Emissions Trading[15A NCAC 2Q.0523(c)]
To the extent that emissions trading is allowed under 15A NCAC 2D, including subsequently adopted
maximum achievable control technology standards, emissions trading shall be allowed without permit
revision pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q.0523(c).
I.A. Reporting Requirements for Excess Emissions and Permit Deviations
f 15A NCAC 2D.0535(f)and 2Q.0508(f)(2)]
"Excess Emissions"-means an emission rate that exceeds any applicable emission limitation or standard allowed
by any rule in Sections .0500, .0900, .1200,or.1400 of Subchapter 213; or by a permit condition; or that exceeds
an emission limit established in a permit issued under 15A NCAC 2Q ,0700. (Note.- Definitions of excess
emissions under 2D.I 110 and 2D.IIII shall apply where defined by rule)
"Deviations" - for the purposes of this condition, any action or condition not in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this permit including those attributable to upset conditions as well as excess emissions as defined
above lasting less than four hours.
Excess Emissions
1. If a source is required to report excess emissions under NSPS (15A NCAC 2D .0524), NESHAPS (15A
NCAC 2D.1110 or .I 1 t 1),or the operating permit provides for periodic (e.g., quarterly)reporting of excess
emissions,reporting shall be performed as prescribed therein.
2. If the source is not subject to NSPS (15A NCAC 2❑ .0524),NESHAPS (15A NCAC 2D .I 110 or.I 111),or
these rules do NOT define"excess emissions." the Permittee shall report excess emissions in accordance with
15A NCAC 2D.0535 as follows:
a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .0535, if excess emissions last for more than four hours resulting from a
malfunction,a breakdown of process or control equipment,or any other abnormal condition,the owner or
operator shall:
i. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of any such occurrence by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Timc of the
Division's next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence and provide:
• name and location of the facility;
• nature and cause of the malfunction or breakdown;
• time when the malfunction or breakdown is first observed;
• expected duration;and
• estimated rate of emissions;
ii. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director immediately when corrective measures have been
iii. submit to the Regional Supervisor or Director within 15 days a written report as described in 15A
NCAC 2D.0535(f)(3).
Permit Deviations
3. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)(2), the Permittce shall report deviations from permit requirements(terms
and conditions)as follows:
a. Notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of all Other deviations from permit requirements not covered
under 15A NCAC 2D .0535 quarterly. A written report to the Regional Supenisor shall include the
probable cause of such deviation and any corrective actions or preventative actions taken. The
responsible official shall certify all deviations from permit requirements.
I.B. Other Requirements nnder 15A NCAC 2D.0535
The Pennittee shall comply with all other applicable requirements contained in 15A NCAC 2❑ .0535, including
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15A NCAC 2D.0535(c)as follows:
1. Any excess emissions that do not occur during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of the
appropriate rule unless the owner or operator of the sources demonstrates to the Director, that the excess
emissions are a result of a malfunction. The Director shall consider, along with any other pertinent
information,the criteria contained in 15A NCAC 2D.0535(c)(1)through(7).
2. 15A NCAC 2D ,0535(g). Excess emissions during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of
the appropriate rule if the owner or operator cannot demonstrate that excess emissions are unavoidable.
J. Emergency Provisions[40 CFR 70.6(g)]
The Permittee shall be subject to the following provisions with respect to emergencies:
1. An emergency means any situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the
control of the facility, including acts of God, which situation requires immediate corrective action to restore
normal operation, and that causes the facility to exceed a technology-based emission limitation under the
permit, due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. An emergency shall not
include noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed equipment, lack of preventive
maintenance,careless or improper operation,or operator error.
2. An emergency constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such
technology-based emission limitations if the conditions specified in 3.below are met.
3. The affirmative defense of emergency shall be demonstrated through properly signed contemporaneous
operating logs or other relevant evidence that include information as follows:
a. an emergency occurred and the Permittee can identify the cause(s)of the emergency;
b. the permitted facility was at the time being properly operated;
c. during the period of the emergency the Permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of
emissions that exceeded the standards or other requirements in the permit;and
d. the Pernttee submitted notice of the emergency to the DAQ within two working days of the time when
emission lmutations were exceeded due to the emergency. This notice must contain a description of the
emergency,steps taken to mitigate emissions,and corrective actions taken.
4. In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an emergency has the
burden of proof.
5. This provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any applicable requirement
specified elsewhere herein,
K. Permit Renewal[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(e)and 2Q.0513(b)]
This 15A NCAC 2Q.0500 permit is issued for a fixed term not to exceed five years and shall expire at the end of
its term and shall expire at the end of its term. Permit expiration terminates the facility's right to operate unless a
complete 15A NCAC 2Q .0500 renewal application is submitted at least nine months before the date of permit
expiration. If the Permittee or applicant has complied with 15A NCAC 2Q.0512(b)(1),this 15A NCAC 2Q.0500
permit shall not expire until the renewal permit has heen issued or denied. Permit expiration under 15A NCAC 2Q
.0400 terminates the Facility's right to operate unless a complete 15A NCAC 2Q .0400 renewal application is
submitted at least six months before the date of permit expiration for facilities subject to 15A NCAC 2Q .0400
requirements. in either of these cents, all terms and conditions of these permits shall remain ur effect until the
renewal permits have heen issued or denied.
L. Need to Halt or Reduce ActiNity Not a Defense[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(4)]
It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or
reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit.
M. Duty to Provide Information submittal of information [I5A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(9)]
1. The Permittee shall furnish to the DAQ,in a timely manner,any reasonable information that the Director may
request in wr_ iting to determine whether cause exists for modifying,revoking and reissuing; or terminating the
pennit or to determine compliance with the permit.
2. The Permittee shall funsh the DAQ copies of records required to be kept by the permit when such copies are
requested by the Director.For information claimed to be confidential,the Permittee may furnish such records
directly to the EPA upon request along with a claim of confidentiality.
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N. Duty to Supplement[15A NCAC 2Q.0507(f)]
The Permittee,upon becoming aware that any relevant facts were omitted or incorrect information was submitted
in the permit application, shall promptly submit such supplementary facts or corrected information to the DAQ.
The Pennittee shall also provide additional information as necessary to address any requirement that becomes
applicable to the facility after the date a complete permit application was submitted but prior to the release of the
draft permit.
G. Retention of Records[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)and 2Q.0508(1)]
'l he Permittee shall retain records of all required monitoring data and supporting information for a period of at
least five years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurement, report, or application. Supporting
in Formation includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip-chart recordings for continuous
monitoring information, and copies of all reports required by the permit. These records shall be maimed in a
fonn suitable and readily available for expeditious inspection and review. Any records required by the conditions
of this permit shall be kept on site and made available to DAQ personnel for inspection upon request.
P. Compliance Certification [l5A NCAC 2Q.0508(n)]
The Permittee shall submit to the DAQ and the EPA (Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch, EPA, Region 4, 61
Forsyth Street,Atlanta,GA 30303)postmarked on or before March 1 a compliance certification(For the preceding
calendar year)by a responsible official with all federally-enforceable terms and conditions in the permit,including
emissions limitations; standards, or work practices. It shall he the responsibility of the current owner to submit a
compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The compliance
shall comply with additional requirements as may he specified under Sections I I4(a)(3) or 504(b)of the Federal
Clean Air Act. The compliance certification shall specify:
1. the identification of each term or condition of the permit that is the basis of the certification;
2. the compliance status(with the terms and conditions of the permit for the period covered by the cerdfication);
3. whether compliance was continuous or intermittent;and
4. the method(s)used for determining the compliance status of the source during the certification period.
Q. Certification by Responsible Official[15A NCAC 2Q.0520]
A responsible official shall certify the truth, accuracy, and completeness of any application form; report, or
compliance certification required by this permit, All certifications shall state that based on information and belief
formed after reasonable inquiry,the statements and information in the document arc true,accurate,and complete.
R. Permit Shield for Applicable Requirements[15A NCAC 2Q.0512]
1. Compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with applicable
requirements, where such applicable requirements are included and specifically identified in the permit as of
the date of permit issuance.
2. A permit shield shall not alter or affect:
a. the power of the Commission, Secretary of the Department,or Governor under NCGS 143-215.3(a)(12),
or EPA under Section 303 of the Federal Clean Air Act;
b. the liability of an owner or operator of a facility for any violation of applicable requirements prior to the
effective date of the permit or at the time of permit issuance;
c. the applicable requirements under Title IV;or
d. the ability of the Director or the EPA under Section 114 of the Federal Clean Air Act to obtain
information to determine compliance of the facility with its permit.
3. A pen-nit shield does not apply to any change made at a facility that does not require a permit or permit
revision made under 15A NCAC 2Q.0523.
4. A permit shield does not extend to minor permit modifications made under 15A NCAC 2Q.0515.
S. Termination,Modification,and Revocation of the Permit[15A NCAC 2Q.0519]
The Director may terminate,modify,or revoke and reissue this permit if:
1. the information contained in the application or presented in support thereof is determined to be incorrect;
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2. the conditions under which the permit or permit renewal was granted have changed;
3. violations of conditions contained in the permit have occurred;
4. the EPA requests that the permit be revoked under 40 CFR 70.7(g)or 70.8(d);or
5. the Director finds that termination, modification, or revocation and reissuance of the permit is necessary to
carry out the purpose ofNCGS Chaptcr 143,Article 21B.
T. Insionificant Activities[15A NCAC 2Q.0503]
Because an emission source or activity is insignificant does not mean that the emission source or activity is
exempted &-om any applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from
demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. The Permittee shall have available at the facility at all
times and made available to an authorized representative upon request, documentation, including calculations, if
necessary,to demonstrate that an emission source or activity is insignificant.
U. Property Rights[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(8)]
This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges.
V. Inspection and Entry[I5ANCAC 2Q.0508(1)and NCGS 143-215.3(a)(2)]
L Upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law,the Pennittee shall allow the
DAQ,or an authorized representative,to perform the following:
a. enter the Pernittee's premises where the permitted facility is located or emissions-related activity is
conducted,or where records are kept under the conditions of the permit;
b. have access to and copy,at reasonable times,any records that are required to be kept under the conditions
of the permit;
c. inspect at reasonable times and using reasonable safety practices any source, egnipment (including
monitoring and air pollution control equipment),practices, or operations regulated or required under the
d. sample or monitor substances or parameters,using reasonable safety practices,for the purpose of assuring
compliance with the permit or applicable requirements at reasonable tunes.
Nothing in this condition shall limit the ability of the EPA to inspect or enter the premises of the Permittee
under Section 1 M or other provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act,
2. No persou shall refuse entry or access to any authorized representative of the DAQ who requests entry for
purposes of inspection, and who presents appropriate credentials, nor shall any person obstruct, hamper, or
interfere with any such authorized representative while in the process of carrying out his official duties.
Refusal of entry or access may constitute grounds for permit revocation and assessment of civil penalties.
W. Annual Fee Payment[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(10)]
1. The Permittee shall pay all fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q.0200.
2. Payment of fees may he by check or money order made payable to the N.C.Department of Environment and
Natural Resources. Annual permit fee payments shall refer to the pennit number.
3. If,within 30 days after being billed,the Permittee fails to pay an annual fee,the Director may initiate action to
terminate the permit under 15A NCAC 2Q.0519.
X. Annual Emission Inventory Requirements[l5A NCAC 2Q.0207]
The Permittee shall reporl by June 30 of each year the actual emissions of each air pollutant listed in 15A NCAC
2Q.0207(a)from each emission source within the facility during the previous calendar year. The report shall be in
or on such form as may be established by the Director. The accuracy of the report shall be certified by a
responsible official of the facility.
Y. Confidential Information[15A NCAC 2Q.0107 and 2Q.0508(i)(9)1
Whenever dhe Permittee submits information under a claim of confidentiality pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0107,
the Pennittee may also subnut a copy of all such information and claim directly to the EPA upon request. All
requests for confidentiality must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q.0107.
Z. Construction and Operation Permits[15A NCAC 2Q.0100 and.0300]
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A construction and operating permit shall he obtained by the Permittee for any proposed new or modified facility
or emission source which is not exempted from having a permit prior to the beginning of construction or
modification,in accordance with all applicable provisions of 15A NCAC 2Q.0100 and.0300.
AA.Standard Ap lication Form and Required Information[15A NCAC 2Q.0505 and.0507]
The Permittee shall submit applications and required information in accordance with the provisions of 15A NCAC
2Q.0505 and.0507.
BB.Financial Responsibility and Compliance History[15A NCAC 2Q.0507(d)(4)]
The DAQ may require an applicant to submit a statement of financial qualifications andior a statement of
substantial compliance history.
CC. Refrigerant Requirements(Stratospheric Ozone and Climate_Protection)[I5A NCAC 2Q.0501(c)]
1. if the Permittee has appliances or refrigeration equipment, including air conditioning equipment, which use
Class I or II ozone-depleting substances such as clilomfluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons listed as
refrigerants in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart A Appendices A and B, the Permittee shall service, repair, and
maintain such equipment according to the work practices, personnel certification requirements, and terrified
recycling and recovery equipment specified in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F.
2. The Permittee shall not knowingly vent or otherwise release any Class I or II substance into the environment
during the repair,servicing,maintenance,or disposal of any such device except as provided in 40 CFR Part 82
Subpart F.
3. The Permittee shall comply with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR 82.166. Reports
shall he submitted to the EPA or its designee as required.
DD.Prevention of Accidental Releases-Section 112(r)[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(h)]
If the Permittee is required to develop and register a Risk Management Plan with EPA pursuant to Section I.12(r)
of the Clean Air Act,then the Permittee is required to register this plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68.
EE. Prevention of Accidental Releases General Duty Clause-Section 112(r)(1}-
Although a risk management plan may not he required,if the Permittee produces,processes,handles,or stores any
amount of a listed hazardous substance, the Permittee has a general duty to take such steps as are necessary to
prevent the accidental release of such substance and to minimize the consequences of any release.
FF. Title TV Allowances[15A NCAC 2Q.0.508(i)(1)]
This Permit does not limit the number of'Title IV allowances held by the Permittee,but the Permittee may not use
allowances as a defense to noncompliance with any other applicable requirement. The Permittee's emissions may
not exceed any allowances that the facility lawfully holds under Title IV of the Federal Clean Air Act.
GG.Air Pollution Emergency Episode[15A NCAC 2D.0300]
Should the Director of the DAQ declare an Air Pollution Emergency Episode, the Permittee will he required to
operate in accordance with the Permittee's previously approved F,mission Reduction Plan or, in the absence of an
approved plan,with the appropriate requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2D.0300.
HH.Re istration of Air Pollution Sources[I5A NCAC 2D.0200]
The Director of the DAQ may require the Permittee to register a source of air pollution. If the Permittee is
required to register a source of air pollution; this registration and required information will he in accordance with
15A NCAC 2D.0202(b).
II. Ambient Air Quality Standards[I5A NCAC 2D.0501(c)]
In addition to any control or manner of operation necessary to meet emission standards specified in this permit,
any source of air pollution shall he operated with sucli control or in such manner that the source shall not cause the
ambient air quality standards in 15A NCAC 2D .0400 to be exceeded at any point beyond the premises on which
the source is located. When controls more stringent than named in the applicable emission standards in this permit
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are required to prevent violation of the ambient air quality standards or are required to create an offset, the permit
shall contain a condition requiring these controls.
JJ. General Emissions Testing and Reporting Requirements[15A NCAC 2Q.0508(i)(1 G)]
Emission compliance testing shall be by the procedures of Section .2600, except as may be otherwise required
in Rules.0524, .0912, .1110,.1111,or.1415 of Subchapter 2D.
If emissions testing is required by this permit or the DAQ or if the Permittee submits emissions testing to the DAQ
to demonstrate compliance, the Pemmittee shall perform such testing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D.2600 and
follow the procedures outlined below:
1. The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for air emission testing protocols to be provided to the
Director prior to air pollution testing.Testing protocols are not required to be pre-approved by the Director
prior to air pollution testing.The Director shall review air emission testing protocols for pre-approval prior
to testing if requested by the owner or operator at least 45 days before conducting the test.
2. Any person proposing to conduct an emissions test to demonstrate compliance with an applicable standard
shall notify the Director at least 15 days before beginning the test so that the Director may at his option
observe the test.
3. The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for controlling and measuring the production rates during
the period of air testing. The owner or operator of the source shall ensure that the equipment or process
being tested is operated at the production rate that best fulfills the purpose of the test. The individual
conducting the emission test shall describe the procedures used to obtain accurate process data and include
in the test report the average production rates determined during each testing period.
4. Two copies of the final air emission test report shall be submitted to the Director not later than 30 days
after sample collection unless otherwise specified in the specific conditions. The owner or operator may
request an extension to submit the final test report. The Director shall approve an extensiou request if he
finds that The extension request is a result of actions beyond the control of the owner or operator.
a. The Director shall make the final determination regarding any testing procedure deviation and the
validity of the compliance test. The Director may:
(1) Allow deviations from a method specified under a rule in this Section if the owner or operator of
the source being tested demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that the specified method is
inappropriate for the source being tested.
(2)Prescribe alternate test procedures on an individual basis when he finds that the alternative method
is necessary to secure more reliable test data.
(3) Prescribe or approve methods on an individual basis for sources or pollutants for which no test
method is specified in this Section if the methods can be demonstrated to determine compliance of
permitted emission sources or pollutants.
b. The Director may authorize the Divisiou of Air Quality to conduct independent tests of any source
subject to a rule in this Subchapter to determine the compliance status of that source or to verify any
test data submitted relating to that source. Any test conducted by the Division of Air Quality using the
appropriate testing procedures described in Section 2D.2500 has precedence over all other tests.
KK.Reopening for Cause[15A NCAC 2Q.0517]
1. A permit shall be reopened and revised under the following circumstances:
a. additional applicable requircments become applicable to a facility with remaining permit term of three or
more years-
b. additional requirements(including excess emission requirements)became applicable to a source covered
by Title IV;
c. the Director or EPA finds that the pernit contains a material mistake or that inaccurate statements were
made in establishing the emissions standards or other terms or conditions of the permit;or
d. the Director or EPA detennines that the permit must be revised or revoked to assure compliance with the
applicable requirements.
2. Any permit reopening shall be completed or a revised permit issued witliiu 18 months after the applicable
requirement is promulgated. No reopening is required if the effective date of the requirement is after the
expiration of the permit term unless the term of the permit was extended pursuant to 15A NCAC.2Q.0513(c).
3. Except for the state-enforceable only portion of the permit, the procedures set out in 15A NCAC 2Q .0507,
.0521,or.0522 shall be followed to reissue the permit. If the State-enforceable only portion of the permit is
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reopened,the procedures in 15A NCAC 2Q.0300 shall be followed. The proceedings shall affect only those
parts of the permit for which cause to reopen exists.
4. The Director shall notify the Perm-ittee at least 60 days in advance of the date that the permit is to be reopened,
except in cases of imminent threat to public health or safety the notification period may be less than 60 days.
5. Witliin 90 days,or 180 days if the EPA extends the response period,after receiving notification from the EPA
that a permit needs to be terminated, modified or revoked and reissued, the Director shall send to the EPA a
proposed determination of termination,modification,or revocation and reissuance,as appropriate.
LL. Reporting Requirements for Non-Operating Equipment[I5ANCAC 2Q.0508(i)(l6)]
The Permitwe shall maintain a record of operation for permitted equipment noting whenever the equipment is
taken from and placed into operation- During operation the monitoring recordkeeping and reporting requirements
as prescribed by the permit shall be implemented mithin the monitoring period.
MM.Fugitive Dust Control Requirement[15A NCAC 2❑ .0540]-STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY
As required by 15A NCAC 2D.0540 "Particulates from Fugitive Dust Emission Sources," the Permittee shall not
cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible emissions
beyond the property boundary. If substantive complaints or excessive fugitive dust emissions from the facility are
observed beyond the property boundaries for six minutes in any one hour(using Reference Method 22 in 40 CFR,
Appendix A),the owner or operator may be required to submit a fugitive dust plan as described in 2D.0540(f).
"Fugitive dust emissions" means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process
stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading
areas,process areas stockpiles, stock pile working,plant parking lots,and plant roads(including access roads and
haul roads).
NN.Specific Permit Modifications[15A NCAC 2Q.0501 and.0523]
1. For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q.0501(c)(2),the Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality
Permit Application for the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s)on or before
12 months after commencing operation.
2. For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC;2Q .0501(d)(2),the Permittee shall not begin operation of
the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) until a Title V Air Quality Permit
Application is filed and a construction and operation permit following the procedures of Section .0500
(except for Rule.0504 of this Section)is obtained.
3. For modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10), in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q A523(a)(1)(C), the
Permittee shall notify the Director and EPA (EPA - Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth St., Atlanta, GA
30303)in writing at least seven days before the change is made. The written notification shall include:
a_ a description of the change at the facility;
b. the date on which the change will occur;
C. any change in emissions,and
d. any permit tenn or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change.
In addition to this notification requirement, with the next significant modification or Air Quality Permit
renewal, the Permittec shall submit a page "E5" of the application forms signed by the responsible official
verifying that the application for the 502(b)(10) changelmodification, is true, accurate, and complete.
Further note that modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10) do not relieve the Perndttee from satisfying
prec+onstruction requirements.
OO.Third Party Participation and EPA Review[15ANCAC 2Q.0521,.0522 and.0525(7)]
For permit modifications subject to 45-day review by the federal Envirorunent Protection Agency(EPA),EPA's
decision to not object to the proposed permit is considered final and binding on the EPA and absent a third party
petition, the failure to object is the end of EPA's decisicn-making process with respect to the revisions to the
permit.The time period available to submit a public petition pursuant to 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0518 begins at the end
of the 45-day EPA review period.
List of Acronyms
ADS Alternate Operating Scenario
BACT Best Available Control Technology
Btu British thennal unit
CAA Clean Air Act
LAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule
CEM Continuous Emission Monitor
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DAQ Division of Air Quality
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
EMC Environmental Management Commission
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
F'R Federal Register
GACT Generally Available Control Technology
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
MALT Maximum Achievable Control Technology
NAA Non-Attainment Area
NCAC North Carolina.Administrative Code
NCGS North Carolina General Statutes
NESHAPS National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
NGx Nitrogen Oxides
NSPS New Source Performance Standard
OAR Office of Administrative Hearings
PM Particulate Matter
PM10 Particulate Matter with Nominal Aerodynamic Diameter of 10 Micrometers or Less
PDS Primary Operating Scenario
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
RACT Reasonably Available Control Technology
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SIP State Implementation Plan
SDz Sulfur Dioxide
tpy Tons Per Year
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Permit Application
for Administrative Amendment to Tstie V Permit to Add LAIR Budget Trading Part
For more informallon,see insiruetlons and refer'to 40 CFR 98.121,95.122,,96.321 and 90.322;and 15A NCAC 2D.2406.
ubmt is• ❑Nnw ❑K Revised Menewal Page 1
Legal Comoralerawner Name. CPI USA North Carolina—Southport i=actlit
Identify the source by
filling in the requested Site Address 1281 Powerhouse Drive SE city Southport Z(pCode 28461
Plant Name Southport couF,iy Brunswick oRISIPiantcode 10378
Title v Prjrrnit No. 05884 TV Rev.10 NC Facility la 1000067
In column"a1'enter the unit
IDW for every LAIR unit at Fadifty In spec tic n Cantacl, Bob Gibbs
the LAIR source. Permit Technical Contact: MaIIhew Speer Address: 12B1 Powferhouse
Address: 3250 Lacey[toad,Suite 500 DAVe SE
In columns"b","c",end powncrs Grave,IL 60515 Soulhport.NC 78461
"d"tndicate to which Phone No. 830427�470 Phone No. 910.457-5055 ext.22
Fax No. G30-427-6431 Fax No. 910-457-9074
CAM pmgrain(s)each email: ms ee ca ital ewer.rorxt_ email, a ihbs ca ital ower.com
unit is sub]ecl by placing
an"X"in the column(s).
For now units,enter the a b c _ d e F
roquustad h++ormallon In '
col urnn5"0"and I If Unlit lf]#
Unit will hold Unit will hold Unit will held !
.1mVen oxides sulfur dioxide Nox Oxane New Un$s New Units
(NOx') (SO2y Season Expected
alZowanCea in allowances in allowances in Commence Expected anon or
accordance accordance with accordance with Commercial C Deadline
with 40 CFR 40 CFR 40 CF13 Operation Dale Deadline
96.108(c)(1) 96.206(c)(11 96.306(c)(1)
ES-1-1A X X X
Es-�-1B X X X
ES-1-1 C X X X
ES-2-1A X X X
ES-2-1B X X X
ES-2-1C X X X
CAIR Part-Page 2
Plant Name(tram STEP i) CPI USA North Carolina--Southport Facility
Read ilia CAIR Part ReaUireinents.
standard (1) The CAIR designated representative of each CAIR NDx source required to hay&a Tilde V apemring permit or air constfLICW
requtfements, permit,a ac ndeh CAIR NON Unit required to haw a Tilde V nst opera ling permit or air coruction parmt at the souice ahall:
(i)Suhnrat to the PAO a compfera and cerlTred CAIR part form undar40 CFR pert 96,122 and 15A NCAC 2132466.,and
(2) The oarmon;and operators of each CAiR NOx source required to have a The V operating permit ar air conslrucilen permit,arrd each
CAiR NOx unit required to have a Tida V operating perrnaor air oonslrurr.Lion parfrtit 9%Ute Source shaft have a CAIR Part Included In the I ilia V
operating permit or au cansdru on pa►mlt issued by the Orreclw and operate the source and the wit on compliance with such CAiR Part.
Monitming. ReporUnq,and RecordkeeftI Rc:gWLgWrrtS_
(1)The awmers and opefalois,and the CAIR desipnaled represonistrve,of each CAIR NOx source and eauli CAIR NON unit at the source
shalt conlply with the manitering„repo rting,and mcerdkeeping requirements of 44 CFR part 00 oubpad I4H Arid 15A NCAC 2D 2407
(2)The antissions measurements recardM and repoited in accardance vad140 CFR part 96 subpart iiH shall be used to determine
compliance by each CAIR NOx source with the iollorving CAIR NOx Ernhs[on s kegdireeneals,
NOx Ernkiston R uimmerds.
(1)As of tho ailo`viace Inanster dead IIno far a conimF period,The owners and operalora of eaCh CAIR NOx souwo and each CAIR NOx unit at
the source shall hold,in the source's OOmplianee acvwnl.CAI NOx allowances avallab(e for oomptianoe deduciians for the conlrol period
under 40 CFR 96.154(a)in an sraougt not less than the tons of total NOx emissions for the control period from aQ CA1R NQx units at the
source,as dole rmlged in accordantewith 40 CFR part 96 subpart Hit.
(2)A CAIR NOx Anil shell be subject to the requIremcnls under paragraph i1)Of the NDx RegitiremenIs starting an the later of January 1,2009
or Iho doadl'we for meeting the wins monitor certilicatlon raguirements under 41D CFR 90_170(h)i1)or[2)and for each control period merea Fier.
(3)A CAIR NOx alloviance shell net he deduclod,for compliance with the requiremerda under paragraph(I I or the NOx R act uiremenis,far a
Can Val ItOn ad to a calendar year before the year for which the CPJR NOx allowance was allocated,
(4)CAIR NOx alowances that[bO held in.dodvcted from,Or Iransrerrad We or among CAIR NOx Alhmance Tracking System a CCUunts In
accord a are with 40 CFR part 95 subparts FF and CC.
j5)ACAIR NOx allowanr:e is a limited aulhorlration to annul one Ian of Nor in accordance with the CAIR NOxAnrwal Tinding Program.No
provision of the CAiR NOr Annual Trading Program.the CAIR ParL or an exemption udder 40 CFR 96.105 and no pmvfslon of law Shall be
construed to Ifmit me authority of the Stets or the UnMd Slatdt lO terminate of I[mII such authorizalion.
(6)A CAIR NOx afluvmnoa does not ranmtiblto a properly saint.
(7)Upon recordation by the Adminfsiroto r under 40 GFK pail lib subpart EE.Ff.or GO,every alfacatton.Iransler,or 0udockrl of a CAIR NOx
allowance to or from a CAIR NOx uniVseampiianca acuuLioI islnccrooratedaulannaticallyIn any CAI Part of aru snuree Thal Includes pee CAIR
NOx unit.
Excess Emissions Rccjuiferne rn"s
IF a CAIR Noy source ernits NOk during any canted pedod in excess of ate CAIR NOx erdit don a limimon,Then:
(1)1he owners And apmralarn of the source end each CAIR NC)x unit at the source shall surrender the CAM NOx allowances required far
de5dgc4arr wndsr40 CFR 96,154(dj(1)al Id pay any fine_penally,or a"o&srrrernf ar comply ndat any other fwmedy imposed,far the same
vida[Ion s,uadnr the Clean Air Acl or applicable State law.and
(2)Each ion of such excess omissions and earn day of such control period ahald constilute a separate viate&an of 40 CFR pan 06 subpart Art,
Me Clean Air Act,and applicable Stale law.
Recordkeeping and Reporting Ref menis.
(1)Unless otherwise provided,the cr*nafs and operators of the CAI NOx source and each CAIR NOx un11 at the source shalt keep on site al
the source nark of me.foffawiny documonls for a period of S years fro m the date the document is created.This period may be extended nor
cause,at any tJwe before the end Of 5 yours,in wdGng try the Director or the Admin Maier.
(]The ca ilicatt of representation under 40 CFR 9S.113 For the CAIR designated rep resentafive far the source and each CAIR NOx urk at the
saurice and all docwmonis that demonstrate the truth of the statements to the c jdficate of ropresenia[don:provided That the cerdricate an
documents shall be roamed on mile at the source beyond such 5-Mr period until sueh documents are superseded because of the auixrthalon
of a new cer"cate or repnesantalion under 40 CFR 96.113 changing the CAIR dastgnoled representatve.
(0)All emissions moniloring infformsgan,in accordance with 40 CFR part 96 subpart I it of this part,provided that to Iha eirtarrt that 44 CFR pan
96 subpart HH pratrides ion a 3-year pOncd rta nErmidkoeping,the A-year pariod shall apply.
(Ili)Copies of all reports,compliance codifications,and Other submissions and all records made a required under the CAIR NOx Annuai
-trading PrOgfaf&
[rv)Copls of ail documents used to complels a CAIR Part form and any c ilia r submission under the CAI NOx Annual Trading Program air to
demonstrate compliance with the requiremenla of the CAIR NOx Annual Trading Program,
M The CAIR designated representative of a CAIR 140x source and each CAIR Nox unit at the source shall submit the repona requliod under
the CAIR NOx Annual Trad'mg Program,including Those under 40 GFR part 96 subpart HR.
LAIR Pad•Page 3
Plant Name(from STEP 1) CPi USA North Carolina--Southport Facility
(1)Each CAIR NDx source and each CAIR NQx unit shalt meet thB requiramenls of the CAIR Nox Annual Trading Nag earn.
(2)Any prov sion of tha CAiR 140 Annual Tfadina Program that appNas to a CAIR Hole spume or the CAIR dWgnatarl repnsentatiue of a
CAIR NOx source shag also apply to the owners and operomrs of such seuree and of the CPJR NON units at the source.
(3)Ahy provision of the CAIR NOx An nu at Trading Program thal 21 to a CAIR Nt7x 110it0r 1hC CAIR designaled represenietviu of a CAIR
HOxun[I shall rdso apply id the&rulers and operators of such unit
Effort on Other Authorities,
No provisloo of the CAIR NOx Annynl T►adlog Program,a CAIR Part,or an oxemprior under 40 CFR 98-105 shall be construed as eX5mpling
orex duding the owners and opeftlors,and the CAIR de signated repro&ontallve.ar a CAIR KOx source or CAIR NOx unil team compliance
wilh any other provision of the appftcable,approved State Impfamontatiion plan,a federalfy enfarreabir3 pencil,at the Clean Air Act,
CAIR Part t WLjifements.
(1)The CAiR designated rci resentali+e of amch CAIR SOr source required to have a Me V opera6rg permit or air coreslrrietian peo t and
each CAIR SO?unit!icquircd In have a TWe V operating permit or air construction permit or the source shag:
Ile Submit to 6e OAQ acemptele and ee Milli ed CAIR part form under 40 CFR pnrt96.222 and I5A NCAC 20.2406;and
t2) The owners and operators of each CAIR S02 source required to have a TWO V opomling permit or air odnslrgegarr per'mil,and each
CAiR SO.unit required to have a Title V operating pefmtt 4f air CMStrurxioh permit a the source shelf have a CAIR Parf fnctudcd In the Title V
operating Perm II.dr air construction permit tsaued by tfie Director under 40 CFR part 98 subpart CC fw the source and opera10 the source and
each CAiR unit fn compliance with such CAJR ParL
Monitoring,Reporting.aril Recondkeeping RNuiremenis.
(1)The owners and operators,and the CAIR designated represenla4heu,oI each CAiR SO2 sawee and each SO%CAIR YM1it at tyre sauma shall
comply with Iho monitor ng,mporilog.end recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR part 46 srlhpart HMIs and 15A NCAC 20.2407
(2)The emis'.sions measurements rnoordad and reported in acoorfa rice wlth40 CFR part 95 tubpan:H"H shall he us ad to determine
comp!lance by each CAIR Wesovrea with the NOlovAng CAI R SO:Emission Requi reme nil.
SOtEmissian Requiremenls.
(1)At of the ellewanac franslor deadline for a central period,the own art and operators of each CAIR Wi source and each CAIR S02 unit at
the Source shall herd_in the source's eompienpe accounL a Tonnage"Wool.in CAIR RM allowances eve Ilahte for compliance elukietlons
for the conbnl period•as determined in aatordancc with 40 CFR 96,254(a)and(b),not less than the ton,of total Sulfur dioxide emissions tar
Me control period from ail CAIR 6M-unitt at leap source,as delerminod in arcordancc with 40 CFR part 96 subpart HHH.
(2)A CAIR S0r until shall be subject to the require orients.under paragraph(1)of the Sullur Diaxide Emission Requirements slading on sine later
of January),2010 or the deadline for meeling The units..mahilor cer6firallon requirements under 40 GFR 96.2704bf f 1)or(2)and for each control
period thereafter
(3)ACAt(t SGi A Ilovra o cc shot not be dadurted,ter compliance with the regdiremenls under pardg rap h(I)or the SOaEmissi[in
Requirements.for a control period In a cafendeif year before the year for which(I to CAIR S02 allowance was alloealed-
(4)"R SGr allawsnocs stroll be held In.deducted from,artranctemud Into oraerong CAIR 502 Moves nce Tracking Systerlaccounts 0
accordance with 40 CFR part 96 SuhpaFN FFF and GGG.
(5)A CA]R SOe alfowance is a lieni(ed a Mmualien to emil sulfur dloxtde irracSvrda nee with tea CAIR Ebr Trading Prag fs M.N0 pruvisirrn of
the CAIR SG_Trading program,the CAIR Pan,or an axenhpVarr under i0 CFR 96.205 and no pmvisioA of law shall he construed To limit the
authority of Ihu Slalaor the Un0ed Plates to terminate ar limit su0 authorzalioo.
(6)A CA)R S02 allowance does not conslifute a property ngh1.
(7)!Upon recoidslion by the AftJoitbaIDr under 40 CFR pare 8B subpar!FFF or GGG,every sPou 3L'on,transfer,or dedecDOri of a CAIR SOr
allowance to or from a CAIR SO,unit's compliance account is incorporated automatically in any CAIR Part of the sou"that includes the CAIR
S02 unit
Excess Ftnissions Reciviremenis.
It a CAIR S02 sou rca amils SOr during afly control Period In OxM4 of the CAIR SOr emissions IIrnhn on,there:
t1)The❑vmot&and operators of the Source and each CAIR S02 unit at the source shall surrender the CAIR SCh allowances required Far
deduction mode 4D CFR 90.254(d)It)and pay any fine.par 0tly,or assessment or comply vAh any other remedy ir1]poaed,for live some r
viola Uuns,under are Clean NrMor applicable State law and
(2)Each con of sup,excess emissions And each day of sud:h control period shoil conalitule a separate violat on or 40 CPR part 96 suhliart
AAA ilia Clean Air Act,and appllcahie State iaw.
LAIR Part•Page 4
Plant Name((rom STEP 1) CPt USA North Carolina —Southport Facility
Recordkeeojag and Regodina Requirements.
(1)Unless otherwise pruvWed,the owners and openamrs of the CAIR SOr source end each CA]R SOr:unit a[the source shall keep on silo at
the source each ar the faltawing doc+rmentz for a period of 5 years from Ore dale the dooumerht Is created,This period may he eAendbd for
STEP 3, cause,at any time before the end at 5 years,in writing by the Director or the Administrator.
(i)The ceralcele Of representation under 40 CFR 96.213 far We CAIR designaled represenial[ve for the sou me and each CAIR SOz anh al tiro
Continued source and all dooumenis that demonstrate the truth of the stalemanIs in the certificate of rep reserila lion;provided that the cadiffcate and
documants shall be retainod on mile at the source beyond such 6-year period until such docum"IA am superseded hocausa of the submission
of a new cani[Wate or repeesentation under 40 CFR 90 213 changing the CAIR designated represent too.
(R-)A11 errhfssfons monitoring information,In acrmrdarice with 40 CFR part S6 aubpad HHH of this pan,provided Ohat to the extent that 40 CFR
pan 96 subparl I'lHH provides for a 0-year period tot retordkeepine,the 3-yaw period shalt apply.
isn Copies of all reports,compliance cedH7cslinns,and other 50111Ii94;ion5 and all records made cc required under the CAIR S02 Trecling
Nt Copfes of all dmments used W comptele a CAIR Park farm and any Whur submission under the OAiR Stb Trading Program or to
demeailrale complioncv with the requirements of rile CAIR SM Trading Program,
[2)The CAIR dosignaled representatioe of a CAIR SOx source and earn CAIR 8Ch unit at the source shall sutxnA the reports required under
the CAIR SO,Trading Program,including(hose undo 40 CFR par!96 subpart 8HE.
(1)Each CAIR S02 source and each CAIR SOs unit shall meel the requirements of the CAIR SOr Trading Program
(2)Any provision of the CAIR Wi Trading Program 8lal applies to a CAfR SOF source or the CAIR designated reprosoniative of a CAIR
SOr source shall Qlao apply to Ore owners and operators of such tobrce and of Ore CAIR SOz units at the saurc+e.
(3)Any provision of the CAIR SCh Trading Program that apprises to a CAIR SOz unit or the CAIR des ignaled railmse at e5ve al a CAIR SOr uri it
shall also apply to the owners and op craters of such unit
Effect on Other Authorities.
No proVs[on of the CAIR SD:Trading Progrem,a CAIR part,or an exerrrpliorh urider 40 CFR 96245 shall be construed as armrupling or
excluding the owners and apperatars,and the CAIR designated represeniaffve,of a CAIR Sax aource or CAIR SOa unit from compliance with
anyallycrprovisian-of the ipptfcanle,approved Slate WpfenhcrrmOnn plan,a federalfy en force atWe permit,or lthe Clean AirAcf,
CAIR Pan Reftuirements.
(1)The CAIR designated represealafve of each CAIR Nox Orono Season source required to have a TWO V operating permil or air ccnslrr.Glon
permit,and each CAIR NOx Orono goason unit inquired to have a TWe V operating permit or air ccnstnrcttori pemtit at the source shall'
(1)Submit to the DAQ a complete and certified CAIR pert foray under 40 CFR port 96322 and 15A Al CAC 20.2466;and
(4)(Resu rve d):
(2)The owners and opmalers of each CAIR NCic 0rorhe Scapen aouree required to have a Tide V oporet 11 permit or air construe5an permR,
and each CAIR NOx 02one Strason urril required to have a Title V opera ring parrinIF or air construction permit at the source sbaTI have a CAIR
Pall fUNded in the Title V operating psrnhit or air ccnsov en permit issued by the❑hector undor 40 CFR part 95 subparl CGCC for the source
and operatu tha sauna and the unit in corn ptiencR south such CAIR Pad.
Monitoring, Reporiijim and tZeCDrdkeepina Requirements,
ft)Tha owners and operators,and the CAIR designated representative,of each CAIR NOK OyonC Season source and each CAIR NOx Ozone
Season unit at 1ho source shall comply vlth the monitoring,reportinp,and recordheepfrig requlreirlenls of 40 CFR pale n subpart HHHH and
15A KCAC 213.2407
(7)Tho omissions measurements recanted and reported in accordanca With 40 CFR part 96 subparl 11 HIRE.shall"used to determine
"Prillance by each CAIR NOx Ozone Seaman sourcevft the following CAIR NOx Drone Season Emissions Requirements.
NOx Ozone Season Cmissian Retvirements.
(1)As of the allowance tra War deadline for P CanirW period,the ownars and operators of each CAIR NOx Ozona Season Source and each
CAIR NOx Ozone Season unit at the source shag hold,in the source's cnrtlplianeo account,CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowances avadabla for
cordptia0ze deductions for the control period under 40 CFR 96.354(a)in an atlaunlaat lass than the tans of total NOx emissions for the eonhd
period from an CAIR NOx Ozone Season units a1 the an time.as dotorm[ruld in accordance Willi 40 CFR part 96 subpart HHHH.
(n A CAIR NOx Ozone Season unit shall be subject to the requfremelds under paragraph(1)of the NOx Ozone Season Emission
Raqulreneenis eta riling on the later of May 1,2009 a the deadtrne for meeting the units manilor cergricallon raquimmaPis under40 CFR
46.370tb)(1),t2),or(3)and lay each control period thereafter.
(3)A CAIR NOx Ozone San son aI Iowa nee shall tic be deducted,for oompTlance with fie requ fire man is under paragraph(1)or the NOx Ozone
.Season Emission Requirements,for a wallol period in a calendar year before the year forwltich the CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowance was
(4)CAIR NOx Ozone Season allowance&shafl be held in,deducted frarry Or tire nsfeFred into aramong CAIR NOx Ozone SmsonAllowance
Tracking System accaunIs is accordance wish 49 CFR prit 96 subparts FFFF and GGGG_ I,
(b)A CAIR NDx Ozone Season eilTowanc a is a limited suf/rorizalion to emil one W of NOx in ateavdenco with the CAIR NOx wens Season I+J
Trading Program.No prov}s fen of the CAIR NCx Ozone Season Trading Prog rank.the CAIR Part.or an exemption under rig CFR 96.305 and
no provision of law shall bo construed to limit the authofllyOf the State or the united States to farmhnsis dr limit such authoefzabon.
(8)A CAIR A(Ox Ozone Season allowance does not consU'Wie a property right.
(7)Upon recardalien by the Admit"Ire for under 40 CFR part 96 subpart Flnhh,FFFF or GOOG,every aIlocatiori,transfer,or deduction of a
CAIR NOx Ozone Season all awanceto or from a CAIR NOx Ozona Saaeon on ifs ramprianGo account to incorporated arrtamalicallyin any
CAIR Part of the source V161 includes the CAIR NOx Ozone Season w1il.
CAIR Part Page 5
P%nt Marne(from STEP 1) GPI USA North Carolina—Southport Facility
Exqqss Enrlissions Requirements.
If a CAIR NOx Owne Sisson source emlis NGxdpdhg any onVd period fo t:xceas of the CA1fy NW OMne Season emissions)latItalian.
(1)The owacm and operatororp of fire ammo andeacll C,'W f OK 02ane Season unil At the aoufae shall surrender the IDAIR Nou Ozorm
57EP 3, Season anawAnces ratioted hx deducport unki 40(;tli 9G.38Q[4)t i)and pay any fine,panalty.or asrrasttaW1 or ternply Wth any oihor
Continued ramadyimpased.Inv iha some atolallomtundwhhe Clean Air Adaraolicahle�lawtay..aid
(2)E-Kh Son of such exoass emisslnns and each day ofsuch conuar period snail wnslllpte a tvperaI&vforairon d 40 CPR pans 05 au6Rarr
AAnA,Mal Cloan A1r Ml,and BpOcabia Slate 10*+
Rocordkeepinu and Renortlnq egulremenls,
[i]Unless dhrnvfya proTrlded.the ownarsand operators of the CAIR NOx Opone Season soiree end each CAIEi hlgx Clnone Season urtii al the
aau roe shall Map an Alto at the source each al Ill folltraang docvrmnis for a period of 5 years front the date this da mmot It areaied.This
Irarhld may be extanded for cause,at any time before the and a15yews.In writing by the Oir Mel—of therAdmin(stfalor,
II)The certificate of rop►bsontation vhder rip OFR 96.313 tar the CAIR dosla mated represenlaIW for the souft;e anda4ch GIUR NOir Oaow
Season unit 21 the trau(49 and aq d*WrnWdi I hot dadlanslfale the truth 41 tho tLet9morsss In The cAmIdicato of represan auw,-pl VWA Bast the
cartitiw1a and datwnenla shall be retained on silo sl the source hayand such 6•yeaT perloo until such dacginmgN are supoestd5d 6acaus a of
the subrufrMon of a m w cer[I0cat6 of representallon under AO CPR 90.113 changfnp[he CAIR des!gnglnd replesenlalfua
111)All tmiscione mmiloring Infmmalfan,In a 000pce v0%40 CPR part 00 subpOA HHHH of ft purl,PftAded that to the ontelt that 40 CFR
parl06 subpart ruiftk provides for a 3-yeill paded for recotdkeeprag.the 3-year period shall apply, I
(ill)coot of ell fe0orls,curnprfanee ceffi taumis,hod mitre(subrolsslnm and all letords made df rdgalreg under the CAIR NGj,0zana
Seawn Trading prograre
Itv)OVIas al all dgouments used to complain a CAER Pan brill and artlrother subrnlssinh under rile CAIR NOx 02orpta seasm Trading
Propr{Im of W 4cmt7nslrate campltanca with the fegUlremanls of a CArR.Ht7xC3iwra Season Tradfno Program.
(2)Tee CAIR des( naled reprosenta%v of a CAIR NOx Ozone Season satireo and eaeh.CAIR Nt]a Crane Season unit m the source shall
sultrttll the fepons fe4bil0d under 1hv,CART NOx DOM Season Trad?%F f4grom,m0udim those Under 40 CFR part 96 subpTarl14ili)i.
(1)Each CAIR ROx ozone 504san coufCe and each CAIR IMOx Ozome Season unit shall meel the fequtrerrtanla of the CAIR Near Ozone
Susan Trading Program.
(2)Any pronston of the CAIR NOx Ozone Soasare Trading Program Thal applies to e CAIR NOx Ozone Beason source of in CAIR deshgna Led
repro s Ml alive of a CAIR NGx Ozone Season source shot also apply to Iha ClApers and operatas of suck source and of the CAIN NO%Ozone
Season unis at the twfce.
13)Any proWslon of the CAIR NOx Ozone Season Tradlop Pfaflraat that applles to a CRIB NOx azgne Season unhow the CAIR deelgnated
repfesentalim ar a CAIR NON Ozone';mat,va l shall also apply to Iha arwrers and operators of Such unit.
ENecI an Other Aulharifiea.
No pfo4sion ar the CAIR kOx Wane Season Tiding Program a CAIR Part,ar an exemption under 40 CFR 94306 shall betanslrued as
axernrft or excluding the owners and opemkns.and 9re CAIR deslgnaled represmiagvo.of a CAIR NOx Ronne Season source or CAIR
NOxdxwa Sgadon unit from compll:ance vtlth any 0or provlWon of the i ppllr ahia,approved Slate ImpfemenWhon plan,a redenYly
enf0rre2bT*permfl,or the Ckon AfrAct.
STF_P 4 Cartlf7callon(for designated rep►osentalfrve a ei terns to designated representative only)
Read the I am authorized to make Ihls submission an behalf 61 the owners and operators of the C.141R source or CAIR units for which the subndssfon rs
car!#Reatian made I cWlfy under penally of law 111411 have PersonaflyaramlrRA and am fymlllar with,the sla rm tumEnt=and Infaallon irubmitted In this
dcrD"M and ah Its allachmenls.Based an lny inquiry of those WlViduals vA1h pnmery responsfbllilyfor oblainlnp the larermeilan,l ccnilylhat
Statement;provide the slawa:nts and information are to tyre beet of my keaafadge and ifekef UYA,accutate,and mraphlo. 1 am aware ton[thole tsra srgnlrrcanl
name,title,owner penalties for 2ubmllling false stslements and Information or amltttnyrequlred statarneat5 and informxlon,intludng the passihilftyof runs a
cornpany name, imprl�nmer1l.
address;sign,and Tille:
date. Senior
Name: Ghanga and
Jefhe Wentz AFr Polio
Owner Noma: Company.
CPI USA North Carolina L.L0 CPl USA North Carolina LLC �
Phone-,, Elnell Address;
6"-427-6456 weR oapltaf ower,com
LI Doer. date