HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0400044_20091104_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Tayettevillc Regional office - AIR QUALI'I'P Piedmont Cotton Inc NC Facility ID" 0400044 Inspection Report County/FIM Ansou/007 Date; 12/42/2009 Facility Data Compliance Data -Piedmont Cottmi Inc Inspection Dole 1 I/0412009 - 195,Cotton stre6t - Inspector's Name' Cindy Grimes Polkton, I NC 28135" Operating Statu"s Operatillg I.at:34,'59,7360m' o I n,180d 12.4970tn Cotnpllauce Cocle, Compliance-inspection SIC: 0724/CottonGionng,. Action,Code FCE . NAICS: 115111 /Cotton Ginning Oil ite>nspection'Resnit " ComjPlianco, CContact Data,: PCI tilt Dahl Facility ContactAufltoiiced Conkaut Technical Conflict Permit 081521 G03 Robert Williamson,Jr: Robert Williamson,,Sr. Robert Williamson,Jr. issued 8115/2007 GinMtnagcr President Gin Manager I+xpnes 713I%2012 (704)272-75810 (704)272�7580 (704)272-7580 Classifiyation'Small PeJanifStatus Active Inspector's S""�natores Coinnients: Datc of signature" rJ c 4�1 1) Location Piedmont Colton is located at l95 Coitou Street, in Polklon;NG,Anson C tit!ly. , I)9rections From I RO, take Ilwy 40J,South to.Wagram.Tcrn.right at E ldvire Road (IIwyI44), and go approximately 11.5 toiles to Laurel Hill, Turn right at FTwy 74 go ppproximately35 miles west through; Wadesborp,and continue about another S miles until Po�>lar.ITll Church Roau,Twin Ictl and gb almost ✓, nvlc wild Cotton,Strect,'tllrn riglri, eild facility cuti;3nce-wi[l,bc on-left hand side, �pproximaiely2/10 of a, nrJlc, - 2), ,Facility Description: Piedmont Cotton,lac. is a cotton ginrujig,operation-that prgduces raw cotton foi industrial use, `this facility is permitted under Air Permit No. 08152603, effective frot I5 August 2007 until`31 Jidy , 20I2. Cindy Climescoixducted LhcJast compliance inspect orr;ou 4 Deeemucr 2008; a) Permitted Sources L mission Emission Source Cmitrot Control System Souree)D 1) criptim). Systetrlll Des ripfion _ CG-1 Igllksion sources and air filtration systcm(s) CS-1 = 'Cyclones tiD-3D and 2D-2D -- utiliLed irethc cotton ginning process,(Standard ; cyglones typical�rcr 21>,0512) Industrial Classification Code(SIC)'0'724) f[riaximwft�iaied gin stand capacity greater than or equal to 20 Bales per hourrpgardless of the m niber of gin stands and/orinodified or new facibtics consu icted'aftee July I,2002)` i b) Tbr"oul hpnts for 2008 'Employees: S hours: 8:OOAM-7;OOPM(when ranning", and only on-weekends) i Bales (ZO08); 5,404 j Projected Bales(2009): '3,500 3) Inspection Cbecklist Seatahedklc st" 4) Checklist Summary;, I a) 7pntry;,I observed-a clean appearance throughout the facility proPurty in general. There was,no excess dust aecuniulation on surrounding property"upon envy. It had ruined recently, so the i her)] roads were sufficiently damp. . b) InspectiI to C6nfereuee: t metwitli Robert Williamson,Jr.,the l--acilityan(I Authorized Contact,- . and we discusscd,the followiirg: it 1) Pied�aotit Cotton,-began ginriingeou 09,17 October 20 . Due the low,claantity of'cotton in e fit the, they ai'e only operating on the weekends. r] us.they were not operating during, in ins}I cetion, They flair to.cndthe season by'30 Novenrt)or 2009:" ' 2) This,ginis rated,`f;9t>ales/hr(3 gin stands, each 11 baleslhr). 3) I examined the walk around logbook and found entries for caeli(ay-of operation so far,All cvntries appeared corhplete. 4) Rafe Dixon performed theirbaselinc study on 13:06iober 2009,All static pressure readiIigs were Withht th(p,del(tied,operatingrange. I I 5) Last year,Mr. Williamson was goinglto install a new video surround system to obsQrvc the cyclone and truck load out area,but he never did;due to,the ecotron�y. l fe stil t hopes to do . this in"the future,though. i c) . Inspection Walk around: - I 1) Since this facility was not ginning,there was 0%VP, 2) All cyclones arefeither 1D-31)of 2D-2D in size. All rain caps have been reriiovcd: I 4) Bven though the facility was not ginning,T walked around'to the trash area,Trash collection is composed of an enclosed trash house that dumps'fi•om the bottom:into the trailer. �Vatc;,is added along theopetuhgatthebottomofthe,dumpbins. Atsomepoint'iwti5cfutwc iYti;." Williamson is going to'install a reelaim,system withur this area 3o as Lo reclairn more trash at '. onc.tin* f was impressed at how,little trash there Was around the area. j 5) The,gin's"Overall appearance was good. Thcy no longer have a pcoblcin with trash build-up, behind the gin as in years past. They switch out-a trash truck approximately every 3 Win, or 1x/day,depending on the quality of the cotton And/or thc.a�nount oCcotion bcigg ginned. Since they aren't ginning as much this year, there are obviously less'trucks. i i (1) Exit Conference 1) Mr,Williamsofrand I discussed the baseline study and I remirded biro ma ke ake sure that the fmonthly static pressura cheeks are done within 30 days of each otber, 2)' t reminded kiln that their anneal report is due,by March 2;2009, 3) Mr. Williamson had planned on.adding a larger cyclone fan fonair handling,ouei the off-season, j but duc,to the economy and small anioulit of cotton ginned this year,that will not happen. i i 5) -,Reporting,Requirements jAnnual report is clue by-March 1 of cachyear. See permit for.specifics. I 6) Compliance taistory a) '-21 November 2001 -NOU for"Failure to OperatA and Maintain the Facility by 6 March 2001 r-NOWNRC for"Opel $nrniitg Cotton Trash". e) 1 G November 1948 NOt?1'or`Open Burn ton ing Cot Trash". 7), Comments and Compliance Statepient II was not able.to observe Piedmont Cotton operating,since they are only ginning on Saturdays and Sundays. Piedmont Cotton,lnc:,appeared to be in compliaoce,on 4 December 2008, I I lclg ' cc: DAQ Central Files I I I 1 1 i I i DAQ 2006 Cotton Gin lisp Form Final Page I DAQ Cotton Gin Inspection Plan for 2008 Inspector Prep and Checklist: (1)Copy of Current Permit (2)Copy of Reg* (3)Copy of DAQ Reg Summary* (4)Copy of DAQ Suggested Logform* (5)Copy of DAQ Airflow Measure Guides,including the Method 1-2 form from website (6)Copy of compliance certif.letter submitted to regional office (7)Copy of Repair Schedule from last annual report (8)Tape Measure "may want to have extra copies to be able to leave with gin operator Name of Cotton Gin C YVt©r Cntyprem 0 c4 O C)0 W '( I. Entry Make the following observation on the surveillance drive around and upon your initial entry. 1. Observe general yard appearance: a) Are good housekeeping practices being done in non-storage areas ? e j overall yard? Are cyclone banks caked with dust Do nearby trees/vegetation have dust b) Are speed limit signs posted on unpaved roadways? 4 _L (indicate speed,and#of signs) [IS mph for wet suppression or 0 mph r chemical suppression] c) Are transport(trash or non-module trucks) vehicles covered before leaving facility? - j�__S II. Inspection Conference New rule effective date: I August 2002 1. Plant Contact and Title 2. Date cotton ginning began 3. What is Gin's Maximum Rated Capacity How determined ? Number of gin stands Rated capacity of each t l(N i Have any changes been made to gin stand(s) that increased the bale/hr capacity? (Only for gins that are rated under 20 bales/hr) Production: Bales last year: _�L 0 - DAQ 2006 Cotton Gin Insp Form Final Page 3 Examine static pressures. ` Any out of range? yW Corrective Actions Appear to be in compliance with rule _y*-A Note: change ofstatic pressure of>20%, then initiate corrective action. (a) corrective action shaft be recorded in Logbook (b) if> 48 hrs to complete, notes RAQS asap, no Later than end of day such pressure was measured. iv. Observations from daily inspections of the facility and any resulting corrective actions taken (inspect structural integrity of the control devices and other emissions processing systems) Who does the walkaround? '}� UJOL1,.`?ti, eo t How is form signed? What time each day t®—tl &R _ Is Logbook entry complete? (see DAQ recommended form for nece. items) v. A copy of the manufacturer's specifications for each type of control device installed. l.Copy of the inspection and maintenance schedule for the control devices, other emission processing equipment, and monitoring devices. This was to be established and based on manufacturers recommendations. AND 2.Results of the inspections and any maintenance performed *3.Repair Schedule from previous Season (if applicable). Verify that problems and repair id t itifted have been resolved per schedule The following three items are recommended to be placed in the to rbook vi. copy of regulation 2D.0542, _� o _ vii. copy of current permit \ uv viii. copy of annual reports submitted to DENR *Inspector : Where is logbook kept ? L'valuate how convenient the logbook is for every day use. III. Inspection Walkaround In addition to your normal observations,note the following areas and issues 1. Normal evaluation, includes : tt ���JJ1 a) VE at all sources, n b) holes (and patches)in ductwork. Are they reflected in the daily log? y f,' 2. Cyclones. Are all cyclon�lCDe 2D-2D? _ � D if no, then identify Ilow is each in compliance with reg DAQ 2006 Cotton Gin Insp Form Final Page 5 IV. Exit Conference In addition to your normal observations,note the following areas and issues 1. Discuss Descrepencies �o 2. Restate any required information you requested, and/or any actions to be performed on or //before agreed date. 3. Re fiders, Vbi) Annual report due on I March 20OX