HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0400045_20100708_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Fayetteville Regional Office AIR QUALITY Hildreth Septic Tanks NC Facility ID 0400045 Inspection Report. County/PIPS:.Anson/007 Date: 07/09/2010 Facility Data Compliance Data Hildreth Septic Tanks Inspection Date 07/08/2010 City Pond Road-SR 1142 Ltspector's Name Cindy Grimes Wadesboro,NC 28170 Operating Status Operating Lat: 34d 55.4970m Long: 80d 5.9570m Compliance Code Compliance- inspection SIC: 3273/Ready-Mixed Concrete Action Code FCE NAICS: 32732/Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing On-Site Inspection Result Compliance Contact Data Permit Data Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact permit 08715/G02 Karl Hildreth Karl Hildreth Karl Hildreth Issued 10/17/2008 Owner Owner Owner Expires 9/30/2013 (704)694-2034 (704)694-2034 (704)694-2034 Classification Small Permit Status Active Inspector's Signature:( ✓ r Comments: Date of Signature: l MACT/GACT Applicability: None. 1) Location Hildreth Septic Tanks is located on City Pond Road, south of Wadesboro, in Anson County.Actual address of office is 175 Hildreth Road,Wadesboro,NC. Directions From FRO,take Hwy 401 South to Wagram. Turn right at Old Wire Road(Hwyl44), and go approximately 11 %miles to Laurel Hill. Turn right at Hwy 74 and go west about 35 miles to Wadesboro. Continue thru the city until you get to Hwy 109 South. Turn left onto Hwy 109 South/Hwy 742 South, and continue following Hwy 109 South when it splits off from Hwy 742. Go a little more than 2 miles and turn left onto City Pond Road (SR 1142). Go almost 1 mile and Hildreth Septic Tanks and Ready Mix will be on the left. Enter production plant at the first driveway of property to the left, and enter office through the second drive to the left,which is Hildreth Drive(once you turn onto drive,office is in what appears to be an aluminum sided body shop, to the right behind the first house on the drive). Safety considerations: Safety shoes, safety glasses,hardhat and earplugs.Watch for truck traffic, although this is a small facility,and there's not a lot of traffic at one time. 2) Facility and Process Description Hildreth Septic Tanks is a small batch concrete plant that also produces residential septic tanks. This facility is permitted under Air Permit No.8715G02,effective from 17 October 2008 until 30 September 2013, Cindy Grimes conducted the last compliance inspection on 3 September 2008. Hildreth Septic Tanks is a batch concrete plant. Cement is stored in silo and mixed with aggregate(stockpiled on site),sand (stockpiled on site),and water inside a cement truck. To produce the septic tanks, cement is poured into 1,000 gallon, 1,200 gallon,or 1,500 gallon molds and allowed to cure for 28-30 days. The molds are removed and septic tanks are delivered and installed on site. Although septic tanks are still produced on site, most of Mr. Hildreth's business now is delivering concrete from his batch plant. a) Permitted Sources One Concrete batch plant with fabric filter air pollution control system(s) installed on all sources; 1. One(1)cement mixing weigh hopper and loading operation; and, 2. Silos for cement and flyash,storage. b) Insignificant/Exempt Activities Source Exemption Regulation j Source of Source of Tide V TAPS. Pollutants. I-1 -sand and aggregate handling 1 2Q .0102(c)(2)(E)(i) No Yes c) Throughputs for 2009 Employees: 5 (including drivers) (8 in 2008) Hours: 800 AM-5:00PM (same in 2008) Production: 916.5 ydS3 (4000 yds3 in 2008) 3) Inspection Conference On 8 July 2010,I, Cindy Grimes;arrived at Hildreth Septic Tanks to conduct a compliance inspection. I initially went to the concrete batch area of the site,but there was no activity there.I then drove up to the office and spoke with an employee,who told me that Mr. Hildreth, the Facility Contact,was working off site in another county and could not be reached. I stated my concern about the NOV that this facility had recently received from DAQ FRO about late reporting, so the employee called Lloyd Braswell, someone who assists Mr. Hildreth in the office at times. I spoke to Mr. Braswell,who told me the following: a) He remembers sending a report to DAQ FRO in April,when he sent in an invoice fee for the permit. I told him that the annual report would have been needed to be sent separately by March 1,not April. Hildreth Septic Tanks received an NOV on 28 May 2010 for late reporting since our office did not receive the report. He said that he would make another copy of the report,with the production totals, and mail it to FRO DAQ within a few days. b) I was not able to access the logbooks since they were in the locked office.Mr. Braswell said he could make arrangements with either he or Mr.Hildreth for me to look at the records. I told him they should be made available to me whenever I come on site.He apologized and said they need to keep the office locked when he or Mr.Hildreth aren't there. 4) Inspection This facility was not operating while I was on site. I was told that they currently operate only about once a week. I have called Mr. Hildreth's office assistant,Lloyd Braswell,to have him send me (either via mail or FAX) the latest logbook records for the facility's bagfilter. 5) Permit Stipulations a) A.3 2D.0515 PARTICULATE CONTROL REQUIREMENT- Particulate matter emission rates shall not exceed> 30 tons/hour. In Compliance—Latest permit review shows compliance. b) AA 2D .0521 VISIBLE EMISSIONS CONTROL REQUIREMENT- Visible emissions from sources manufactured after July 1, 1971 shall not be >20%opacity. Visible emissions from sources manufactured as of July 1, 1971 shall not be more than 40% opacity. In Compliance—This facility was not operating,therefore,I saw 0%VE. c) A.6 2D .0540 FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL REQUIREMENT The Permittee shall not allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to complaints or excessive emissions beyond the facility's boundary. In Compliance—I did not observe any fugitive dust emissions during my inspection. d) A.7 2D .0611 FABRIC FILTER REQUIREMENT—Particulate matter emissions from the permitted equipment list shall be controlled by fabric filters,with recordkeeping of regular inspections and maintenance. Compliance Pending—I was not able to view any logbooks,because the office where they're kept was locked,and there was no responsible party on site. I have asked Mr. Braswell to either FAX or send me a copy of the latest pages from the facility's logbook,showing compliance with recordkeeping. e) A.8 2D.1104-TOXICAIR POLLUTANT CONTROL REQUIREMENT—Facility shall not emit arsenic that may cause an exceedance of the acceptable ambient level. Therefore, minimum distance to property line shall determine the maximum concrete production rate(35,000 yds for 75 feet);there shall be a minimum distance to property line identification market; Permittee shall record daily and monthly concrete processed; Permittee shall submit summary report by March 1 of each year. Compliance Pending—I verified property line marker to be 75 feet;total concrete production in 2009 was 916.5 yds3,well below the maximum 35,000 yds3;I could not verify any recordkeeping, due to the owner not being on the property and the office being locked(I have asked Mr.Braswell to either FAX or send me a copy of the latest pages from the facility's logbook,showing compliance with recordkeeping);Permittee submitted annual report late(12 July 2010),but the report shows compliance. 0 A.9 2Q .0310 GENERAL PERMIT CRITERIA—The Permittee shall only operate permitted emissions sources;facility must be located in listed counties;maximum hourly throughput at truck loadout must be< 138 yd83/hour; facility must not produce more concrete than allowed based on"minimum distance marker". In Compliance—Facility is only operating permitted sources; facility is located in Anson County, latest permit review shows maximum throughput for facility is much lower than 138 yds3/hour,and latest annual report shows compliance. g) A,10 2Q .0711 TOXICAIR POLLUTANTEMISSIONS LIMITATIONS—Each TAP listed for permit may not exceed TPERs. In Compliance—TPERs appear not to have been exceeded, based on current production rates at facility. 6) Reporting Requirements Annual report due March 1 every year, showing compliance with 2D .1104. 7) 112R Status Based on the facility's current inventory, it was decided that they are not subject to 112R requirements. 8) 5 Year Compliance History a) 28 May 2010—NOV for late reporting b) 9 October2008—NOV for"Installing New Control Device without Air Permit Modification" 9) Comments and Compliance Statement Logbook records for.this facility's bagfilter still need to be reviewed. Pending receipt of the latest bagfilter logbook pages,Hildreth Septic Tanks appeared to be in compliance on 8 July 2010. clg cc: DAQ Central Files