HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800044_20110603_PRMT_Permit a � A LPWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Sheila C. Holman Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 3, 2011 Dr. David M. Peele, Ph.D. President Avoca Incorporated P.O. Box 129 Merry Hill, North Carolina 27957 SUBJECT: Air Quality Permit No. 01.819T38 Facility 1D: 0800044 Avoca Incorporated Merry Hill, Bertie County, North.Carolina Fee Class: Title V Dear Dr. Peele: In accordance with your completed Air Quality Permit Application for a significant modification to your Title V permit under 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(c)(2) received March 23, 2011, we are forwarding herewith Air Quality Permit No. 01.819T38 to Avoca Incorporated, 841 Avoca Farm Road, Merry Hill, North Carolina, authorizing the construction and operation, of the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) specified herein. Additionally, any emissions activities determined from your Air Quality Permit Application as being insignificant per 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2Q .0503(8) ......... have been listed for informational purposes as an "ATTACHMENT." Please note the requirements for the ...... ........ annual compliance certification are contained in General Condition P in Sectio❑ 3. The current owner is responsible for submitting a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application pursuant to 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0504 for the air emission sources and control devices (ID Nos. ES-'BB 1, ES-BB2, 1 S-RD, CD-BB IC and CD-BB IBH) on or before 12 months after commencing operation. As the designated responsible official it is your responsibility to review, understand, and abide by all of the terms and conditions of the attached permit. It is also your responsibility to ensure that any person who operates any etnissi.on source and associated air pollution control device subject to any term or condition of the attached permit reviews, understands, and abides by the condition(s) of the attached permit that are applicable to that particular emission source. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Air Quality Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request a formal adjudicatory hearing within 30 days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contested. This hearing request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to NCGS (North Carolina General Statutes) 1.5013-23, and fled with both the Office of Administrative Hearings, 67.14 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 and the Division of Permitting Section One 1641 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1641 N rt Caroliria 2728 Capital Blvd.,Raleigh,NC 27604 Phone,919-715-62371 FAX:919-733-53171 Internet:www.daq.state.nc.us Aahirally An Equal Oppertunity l Athrma!ivc Action Employer Mr. David M. Peele, Ph.D. June 3, 2011 Page 2 Air Quality, Permitting Section, 1641 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641. The form for requesting a formal adjudicatory hearing may be obtained upon request from the Office of Administrative Hearings. Please note that this permit will be stayed in its entirety upon receipt of the request for a hearing. Unless a request for a hearing is made pursuant to NCGS 15013-23, this Air Quality Permit shall be final and binding 30 days after issuance. You may request modification of your Air Quality Permit through informal means pursuant to NCGS 15013-22. This request must be submitted in writing to the Director and must identify the specific provisions or issues for which the modification is sought. Please note that this Air Quality Permit will become final and binding regardless of a request for informal modification unless a request for a hearing is also made under NCGS 15013-23. The construction of new air pollution emission source(s) and associated air pollution. control device(s), or modifications to the emission source(s) and air pollution control device(s) described in this permit must be covered under an Air Quality Permit issued by the Division of Air Quality prior to construction unless the Permittee has fulfilled the requirements of GS 143-215-108A(b) and received written approval from the Director of the Division of Air Quality to commence construction. Failure to receive an Air Quality Permit or written approval prior to commencing construction is a violation of GS 143-215.108A and may subject the Permittee to civil or criminal penalties as described in GS 143- 215.114A and 143-215.114B. This Air Quality Permit shall be effective from June 3, 2011 until July 31, 2015, is nontransferable to fixture owners and operators, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, le e contact Kevin Godwin at (919) 715-6255. Sincerel ou ......... onald an der Vaart, Ph.D., P.E., J.D. Chief Enclosure c: Rob Fisher., Supervisor, Washington Regional Office Central Files Insignificant Activities under 15A NCAC 2Q .0503(8) Etriission Emission Source Description Control Device Control Device source ID Na.... ID No. Description 1W WTP-FT1 Wastewater treatment plant equalization tank NIA NIA No. 1 (65,500 gallon capacity) IWWTP-ET2 Wastewater treatment plant equalization tank NIA N/A No. 2 (65,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment plant aeration.tank No. 2 IWWTP-AT2 (63,500 gallon capacity) NIA NIA Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank No. 3 1WWTP-AT3 (63,500 rallon capacity) NIA NIA IWW I"I'-CLR Wastewater treatment plant clarifier(1,310 NIA NIA gallon ca acity) ITK9238 No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(50,000 gallon NIA N/A capacity) ITK9239 No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(50,000 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITK102 No.2 fuel oil storage tank(495 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITKI03 No.2 fuel oil storage tank(495 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITKFP No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(270 gallon NIA NIA capacity) One water spray fume CD-Z-9215 scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) IECS ECS process: batch preparation of venting to ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution CD-Z-9216 ......... One water.spray fume...... scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) I_ Because an activity is insignificant does not mean that the activity is exempted from an applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. 2. When applicable, emissions from stationary source activities identified above shall be included in determining compliance with the permit requirements for toxic air pollutants under 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants" or 2Q .0711 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit". 3. For additional information regarding the applicability of GACT and MACT ZZZZ see the NC DAQ website: littp:/Idaq.state.nc.us/toxies/areasources/. The following table. describes the changes zn Permit No.01819T38 as part of.this renewal process.__ __ _,__, Page No. Condition Description of Change(s) No. 3 Table of Included two boilers (11)Nos ES-BB1 and ES-BB2) and associated Permitted control devices and rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD). Moved three i Sources emergency generators and fire water pump (ID No. E101, E102,E103, and FP) from insignificant activity list. 3 8 Footnote to Included language pertaining to significant modification under 15A Table NCAC 02Q .0501(c)(2). Included two boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-B132) and associated 20 2.1 E. control devices and rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD) with all applicable regulations. _ Included requirement for Permittee to test one of the boilers within 60 20 2.1 EA days of start-up for CO and NOx in order to verify emission factors used in su ort of the application. 35 2.1 F. Included three emergency generators and fire water pump (ID No. E101, El 02, E103, and FP) with all applicable regulations. 37 2.2 A.2. Y Included source-by-source limits for toxic air pollutants modeled pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D .1100. 66 3 Updated General Conditions to most recent shell version (0.4). ......... ......... .... ..... ......... ...... ... State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality NCDENR AIR QUALIrTY PERMIrT Permit No. Replaces Permit No.(s) Effective Date Expiration Date 01819T38 01819T37 June 3, 2011. July 31, 2015 Until such time as this permit expires or is modified or revoked, the below named Permittee is authorized to construct and operate the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control. device(s) specified herein, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and limitations within this permit. This permit is issued under the provisions of Article 21B of Chapter 1.43, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and Title 1.5A North Carolina Administrative Codes (l5A NCAC), Subchapters 2D and 2Q,and other applicable Laws. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2Q, the Permittee shall not construct, operate, or modify any emission source(s) or air pollution control device(s) without leaving first submitted a complete Air Quality Permit Application to the permitting authority and received an Air Quality Permit,except as provided in this permit. Permittee. Avoca, Inc. Facility ID: 0800044 Facility Site Location: 841 Avoca Farm Road City, Count State Zip- Mere Hill Bertie Count NC 27957 Y� � P� Y � Y� Mailing Address: P.O. Box 129 City, State, Zip: Merry hill, NC 27957 Application Number: 0800044.11B Complete Application Date: March 23, 2011 Primary SIC Code: 2087 Division of Air Quality, Washington Regional Office Regional Office Address: 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Permit issued this e 3'-d day of June, 2011. D d&vaart, Ph.D., P.E., J.D., Chief, Air Permits Section ority of the Environmental Management Table of Contents SECTION 1: PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCE(S) AND ASSOCIA"CED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE(S) AND APPURTENANCES SECTION 2: SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1 - Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) 2.2 - Multiple Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing,monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) SECTION 3: GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 List of Acronyms ........ ......... Permit 01819T38 Page 3 SECTION I - PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCE (S) AND ASSOCIATED AIR POLLUTION" CONTROL DEVICE (S) AND APPURTENANCES The following table contains a summary of all permitted emission sources and associated air pollution control devices and appurtenances: Emission Source Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID 1`To Description.... Rotocel Operations CD-31209 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-2-1-P1 PSD Rotocel extractor, desolventizer, and CD-1001-2-S-1 One packed tower CAM solvent separation/recovery scrubber (8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) CD-1001-2-C-1 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-2-1-P2 PSD Two solvent recycle process tanks CD-1001-2-S-1 One packed tower CAM scrubber (8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) ES-1001-2-1-17 PSD Process equipment leaks NA IOTA MACT FFFF ES-1001-2-1- ......... ... ._ _ .. ........ ......... IIWW R—cel Operations wastewater st --rC. NA N PSD A MACT FFFF Recovery Operations CD-1001-1-3 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-1-1-P1 PSD Arcon process tank M-1 CD-1001-2-S-1 ' One packed tower CAM scrubber(8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) ES-1001-1-1-P2 CD-1001-1-T5B One chilled water PSD Stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 condenser venting to CAM MACT FFFF CD-1001-2-S-1 ' One packed tower ES-1001-1-1-P3 Seven process tanks of various capacities scrubber (8 gallons per PSD and one fixed roof methanol storage tank minute minimum MACT FFFF (7,050 gallon capacity) mineral oil injection rate) Permit Q 1819T38 Page 4 Emission Source :. Control Device Control Device ID No. Emission Sortree Deseriptio.n ID No. Description ES-1001-1-1-F PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA MALT FFFF ES-1001-1-1- WW Recovery Operations wastewater stream NA NA PSD MACT FFFF Concrete Operations ES-1001-1-2-P One chilled water PSD Six process tanks of various capacities CD-1001-1-2 MACT FFFF condenser HB-1 One steam-heated hot box NA NA MACT FFFF HB-2 One steam-heated hotbox NA NA MALT FFFF HB-3 MALT FFFF One steam-heated hot box NA NA HB-4 MACT FFFF One steam-heated hot box NA NA ES-1001-1-2-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF ES-1001-1-2- WW Concrete Operations wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF Sclareol Recrystallization (SFG) Operations T 300.1..... One.hexane storage tank(6,.700_gallon ......... MACT FFFF capacity) NA NA........ ES-100 FFFF MACT FFFF pour process tanks of various capacities NA NA ES-1003-10-F Process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF C-3001 One centrifuge MACT FFFF D-3001 One reactor CD-3001 One chilled water MACT FFFF condenser. D-3001d One steam-heated dryer MACT FFFF ES-1003-10-WW SFG Process wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF Biological Conversion Equipment for Purification of Sclareolide ES-1001-1-3-P Twelve process tanks of various capacities NA NA MACT FFFF G-17 One centrifuge NA NA MACT FFFF Permit 01819'r3 S Page 5 Emission Sou ce Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. _ : . ID No. Description ES-1001-1-3-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF D-1202 MACT FFFF One steam-heated dryer NA NA A-2 One distillation column (6 gallons per NA NA MACT FFFF minute nominal process rate) ES-1001-1-3- Biological conversion equipment for WW purification of sclareolide wastewater NA NA MACT FFFF stream Selareolide (SDE) Operations F.S-1001-1-4-P ES-1 T FFFF Four process tanks of various capacities NA NA M-20 One acetic acid storage tank(10,135 gallon NA NA MACT FFFF capacity) ES-1001-1-4-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF M-10 MACT FFFF One batch reactor M-10A One batch reactor One venturi-type wet MACT FFFF CD-M-34 scrubber (10 gallons D-1231A per minute minimum MACT FFFF One batch reactor liquid injection rate) D-123.1B :MACT FFFF One batch reactor ES-1001-1-4- WW SDE Operations wastewater stream NA NA -MACT FFFF...... ......... ......... .... Plant Nutrient Extraction (PNE) Operations EX2203 One chilled water condenser venting to CD-Z-9215 ' One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons D31214 per minute minimum MACT FFFF One product extract reactor water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 2 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) Permit 01819T38 Page 6 Emission Source Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID No. Descri tion E.X2205 One chilled water condenser venting to CD-Z..,-9215 2 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons D31211 One waste solids separator vessel (1,333 per minute minimum MACT FFFF gallon capacity) water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum _ water injection rate) ES-1003-2-1-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF ES-1003-2-1- W W PNE process wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF CD-Z_,-9215 One water spray fume ES-1003-2-1-P scrubber(0.5 gallons MALT FFFF Seven process tanks of various capacities per minute minimum water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 2 C-31203 One centrifuge One water spray fume MACT FFFF scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum 'water injection.rate) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside(EVG) Operations D-2202 CD-Z-9215 Orke water spray fume MACT FFFF One reactor scrubber(0.5 gallons D-1215 per minute minimum MACT FFFF One reactor water injection rate) D-1218 venting to MACT FFFF One reactor CD-Z-9216 One water spray fume D-1201 scrubber(0.5 gallons MACT FFFF One steam-heated dryer per minute minimum water injection rate) MACT FFFF F FS-1003-2 process equipment leaks NA NA ES-1003-2-2- WW EVG Operation wastewater strearn NA NA MACT FFFF Botanical Extraction Operations Permit 01819T38 Page 7 Emission Source Control Deice Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID 1�Io.,. ; Description CD-1001-11- One chilled water Immersion extractor Z-1001, EX1002 condenser venting to ES-1001-11-P desolventizer Z-1002, PSD day tank 90024 (6,000 gallon capacity), One cryogenic CAM first-stage evaporator EX-1012, CD-1001-11- (nitrogen) condenser MACT FFFF second-stage evaporator EX-1013, EX1003 system (40 T distillation column EX-90008, and maximum 24-hour nine process tanks of various capacities average outlet temperature) ES-1001-11-F PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF One plant material grinder (1,011 pounds One bagfilter(244 MHZ•-1002 CD-1003-4-1 square feet of filter per hour nominal feed rate) . area) 001-11-WW PSD Botanical extraction operation wastewater NA NA MACT FFFF stream Biomass Extraction Operations ES-1004-1 One cartridge filter PSD Biomass extraction debagging CD-1004-1-FF1 (6.7:1 maximum air-to- cloth ratio) ES-1004-2-E PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA ES-1004-2-WW Biomass extraction operation wastewater NA NA PSD stream ......... _Immersion.extrac.tor_Z-4100..1... __ CDA004-2EX..1002....... .One__chilled....water ......... 7 nnn s_ desolventizeC Z-4t1002, condenser venting to day tank 490025 (9,953 gallon capacity), ES-1004-2-P isohexane storage tank 490024 (13,536 CD-1004-2EX1003 One cryogenic PSD gallon capacity), (nitrogen) condenser CAM first stage evaporator EX-41012, system(-40 T second stage evaporator EX-41013, maximum 24-hour distillation column EX-490008, and average outlet nine process tanks of various capacities temperature) One bagfilter(254 ES-1004-2Silo Biomass silo loadout CD-1004-2-FF2 square feet of filter area) Miscellaneous Operations H-101 One No. 2 fuel oil-tired boiler(20.3 million 2D .1109 case- NA NA by-ease MACT Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) H-1.02 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired boiler (20.3 million 2D .1109 case- Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) NA NA by-case MACT Permit 01819'I'3 8 Page 8 Emission Source Control Device Control Device 1. Emission Source'Descr►ption ID No. . . .. M No. Description H-103 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired boiler(25.2 million 2D ,1109 case- Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) NA NA by-case MACT ES-BB1 and ES- One simple cyclone BB2* (114 inches in NSPS—Subpart Two biomass/bio-based solids-fired boilers diameter) in series with Dc (18.6 million Btu per hour maximum heat CD-BB and CD- one dry time injected MACT— input rate) BB 1 BH bagfilter(8,900 square Subpart feet of filter area) DDDDD ES-RD* One No. 2 fuel oil-fired rotary dryer (6.0 million Btu per hour maximum heat input NIA NIA rate) ES-PkGeril 'One No. 2 fuel oil-fired limited use One.eatalytic oxidizer MACT ZZZZ emergency generator(2.,935 kilowatt .CD-CatOX1 (69.5 °F minimum inlet maximum rated power output) temperature) WWTP-AT1 P5D Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank NA NA MALT FFFF No. I. E101 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator E101 ZZZZ (587 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A output) One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator E102 I'ZZZZ (760 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A output) E103 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator MAGI'ZZZZ (603 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A ......... output)......... ......... FP One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency fire MACT ZZZZ water pump (285 horsepower maximum N/A N/.A rated power output) The Permittee is permitted to operate sources ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3 without the simultaneous operation of scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 under the conditions cited in Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e,below. 2 Operation of water- spray tome scrubber CD-Z-9215 and water spray fume scrubber CD-Z-9216 shall only be required for control of emissions from the PNE Operations if that source is utilizing ethyl acetate as a solvent. * These emission sources and control devices (ID Nos. ES-BB1, ES-BB2, ES-RD, CD-13131C and CD-BB1I3H) are listed as a 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(c)(2) modification. The Pernvttee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application•on or before 12 months after commencing operation in accordance with General Condition NN.1. The permit shield described in General Condition R does not apply and compliance certification as described in General Condition P is not required. Permit 01819T38 Page 9 SECTION 2 — SPECIFIC LIITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1 - Emission Source(s) and Control Devices(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions The emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) and appurtenances listed below are subject to the following specific terms, conditions, and limitations, including the testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements as specified herein: A. Three No. 2 fuel oil-fired boilers (ID Nos.H-101,H-102, and H-103) The following table provides a surninary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation I Particulate matter 0.37 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0503 �� Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0516 . 20 percent opacity: 11-103 only 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) Visible emissions 40 percent opacity: H-101 and H-102 15A NCAC 2D .0521(c) Hazardous Air Pollutants Case-By-Case Maximum Achievable 15A NCAC 2D .1109 Control"Technology [1120) Case-by-Case NIACT] 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0503: PARTICULATES FROM FUEL BURNING INDIRECT HEAT EXCHANGERS a. Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of No. 2 fuel oil that are discharged from these sources into the atmosphere shall not exceed 0.37 pounds per million Btu heat input. [15A NCAC 2D .0503(a)] .......... ......... _ ......... ..................................... ................. ......... ........ Testing [15A NCAC 2D..2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.l.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503. Monitoring/Recordkeeping/Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for particulate emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-1.01, H-102, or 1I-103. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from these sources shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing sball be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this pernlit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. Permit 01819T38 Page 10 Monitoring/Recordkee in IRe ortin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-101,.H-102, or H-103. 3. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from boilers H-101 and H-102 shall not be more than 40 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 40 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 90 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(c)] b. Visible emissions from boiler H-103 shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a. six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] c. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D . 601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.3.a or b, above, as applicable, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. MonitoringlRecordkeepinglReportin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-101, H-102, or H-103. 4. 15A NCAC 2D .1109: 112(J-) CASE-BY-CASE MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Clean Air Act Section 1120)- Case-by-Case MACT for Boilers & Process Heaters a. The Permittee shall use best combustion practices when operating affected boilers H-101, H-102, and 11-103. The initial compliance date for this work practice standard and the associated monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements is August 17, 2013. These conditions need not be included on the annual compliance certification until after the initial compliance date. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform an annual boiler inspection and maintenance on boilers as recommended by the manufacturer, or as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. Inspect the burner, and clean or replace any components of the burner as necessary; ii. Inspect the flame pattern and make any adjustments to the burner necessary to optimize the flame pattern; and iii. Inspect the system controlling the air-to-fuel ratio, and ensure that it is correctly calibrated and functioning properly. The Permittee shall conduct at least one tune-up per calendar year for each boiler to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the affected boilers are not inspected and maintained as required above. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. The results of inspection and maintenance performed on affected boilers shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; Permit 0 18191'3 8 Page 11 n, The results of each inspection; and, iii. The results of any maintenance performed on the boilers. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q ,0508(t)] d. No reporting is required for the best combustion practices requirements for boilers. B. One diesel-fired limited use generator (ID No. ES-PkGen1) and one associated catalytic oxidizer (ID No. CD-CatOXI) The following table provides a suinn-jary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0516 Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) 15A NCAC 2D .I I I 1 Hazardous Air Pollutants Maximum Achievable Control Technology [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ] Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emit less than 40 tons of NOx per 15A NCAC 2Q .0317 to avoid consecutive 12-month period 15A NCAC 2D .0530 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from limited use generator ES-PkGen1 shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .......0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.l.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. Monitoring;/Recordkeeping/Ideporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No.2 fuel oil in limited use generator ES-PkGenl. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from limited use generator ES-PkGenl shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .26011 b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be perfonmed in accordance with I5A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D Permit 01819T38 Page 12 .0521. Monitoring/Recordkeepinal eportin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in limited use generator ES-PkGen L 3. 15A NCAC 2D .1111: MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ] Applicability [40 CFR §63.6580 and §63.65851 a. Limited use generator ES-PkGen1 shall comply with all applicable requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .I 1 l I "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" pursuant to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE)" including Sabpart A"General Provisions." Emission Limits and Operational Requirements [40 CFR §63.6590(b)(1)(ii) and §63.6675] b. In accordance with 40 CFR §63.6590(a)(2)(i) this source is considered an existing Limited Use source for purposes of Subpart ZZZZ. To qualify as such, the Permittee must limit the operational hours of this source to less than 100 hours per consecutive 12-month period in accordance with 40 CFR §63.6590(b)(1)(ii). The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D A I I I if this source operates for 100 hours or more per consecutive 12-month period. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. .The Permittee shall install and maintain a non-resettable hour meter, in accordance with manufacturer's recornmendations, on limited use generator ES-PkGen 1. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of hours of operation for this source as measured by the non-resettable hour meter. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .111I if this monitoring is not perfomaed. RecordkeepinQ [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The Pennittee shall-maintain-monthly records of the hours of operation oflimited use generator ES --- PkGenl, as measured by the non-resettable hour meter, in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for hazardous air pollutant emissions from limited use generator ES-PkGenl. 4. 15A NCAC 2Q .0317: AVOIDANCE CONDITIONS to avoid 15A NCAC 2D .0530: PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION a. In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D .0530(g) for major sources and major modifications, limited use generator ES-PkGenl shall discharge into the atmosphere less than 40 tons of nitrogen oxides per consecutive 12-month period [I5A NCAC 2D .0530]. TestinI4 [1,5A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing Is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.'1 B.4.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A.NCAC 2D .0530. Operational Limitation [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. In order to ensure compliance with the limit given in Section 2.1 B.4.a, above, the operation of limited Perrmt 01819T38 Page 13 use generator ES-PkGenl shall not exceed 1,500 hours in a consecutive 12-month period. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the rolling total hours of operation of the limited use generator exceed 1,500 hours per consecutive 12-month period. .MonitorinE/Recordkeepinp, [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] d. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of hours of operation of this source as measured by the non-resettable hour meter and maintain monthly records of that monitoring in a logbook (written or electronic format)on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if this monitoring is not conducted, these records are not maintained, or if the rolliug total hours of operation for the limited use generator exceed 1,500 hours per consecutive 12-month period. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(fj] e. The Permittee shall submit a semiannual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December; and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report must clearly identify all instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit and include: i. The,monthly hours of operation for the limited use generator for each of the previous 17 months; and ii. The total hours of operation for the limited use generator for each consecutive 12-month period ending during the reporting period. C. Rotocel Operations, including: • Rotocel extractor,desolventizer, and solvent separation/recovery (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-31209) venting to one packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1); • Two solvent recycle process tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-T) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1.001--2-C-1) venting to one packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2- S-1); ** ......... • Process equipment leaks(ID No _ 1-2-1-F); and • Rotocel Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-1001-2-1-WW) Recovery Operations, including: • Arcon process tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-1-3) venting to one packed tower scrubber (1D No. CD-1001-2-S-1); ** • One chilled water condenser (1D No. CD-1001-1-T5B) venting to packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1) controlling.emissions from: ** o Stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No.ES-1001-1-1-P2); and o Seven fixed roof process tanks of various capacities and one fixed roof methanol storage tank(ID No.ES-1001-1-1-P3); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-F); and • Recovery Operations wastewater stream(ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) * The Permittee may operate sources ES-1001-2-1-P1 and ES-1001-1.4-P1,-P2, and -P3 without the simultaneous operation of scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 under the conditions cited in Sections 2.2 BAA and e,below. The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant77 ____ - 7__ I Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Volatile organic Best Available.Control Technology ......... compounds See Sections 2.2 B.1 and 2.2 B.2 15A NCAC 2D .0530 Permit 01819T38 Page 14 Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation. Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rotocel and Recovery Operations only 15A NCAC 2D .0614 Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2D .0958 See Section 2.2 A.1 Maximum Achievable Control Technology 15A NCAC 2D .I I I I Hazardous Air Pollutants See Section 2.2 C.1 [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF] Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 See section 2.2 A.3 Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q ,0705/.0711 See Sections 2.2 A.2 and 2.2 A.4 15A NCAC 2D .1100 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0614: COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE,MONITORING Applicability [15A NCAC 2D .0614 and 40 CFR §64.21 a. For the Rotocel Operations and the Recovery Operations the Permittee shall comply with 40 CFR Part 64 and 15A NCAC 2.D .0614 and shall ensure that. this source complies with the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits of 15A NCAC 2D .0530 by complying with Section 2.1 C.1 of this permit. Control Requirements/Parameter-ranges 115A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. VOC emissions from the rotocel extractor, desolventizer, and solvent separation/recovery (.ID No. ES- 1001-2-1-P), two solvent recycle process tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-T), arcon process tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2), and eight process and storage tanks (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P3) shall be controlled by the associated packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1), except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e, below. In addition, the Permittee shall maintain a-daily average mineral oil temperature at the inlet of scrubber CD 1001-2;-S-i - of less than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (100 °F) whenever the associated sources are operational. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. For VOC emissions: The Permittee shall perform the monitoring requirements of Sections 2.1 C.l.c.i through ill', below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D ,0614 if the monitoring and recordkeeping requirements of Sections 2.1 C.1.e.i through ill, below, are not performed. i. The Permittee shall monitor the inlet mineral oil temperature of mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 at least once each day that the sources listed in Section 2.1 C.Lb, above, operate; ii. The Permittee shall inspect, maintain, and operate mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5- 1 in accordance with Section 2.2 13.1.j, below; and iii. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate the temperature gauge associated with mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1 00 1-2-S-1 in accordance with Section 2,2 B.l.k, below. d. For excursions: In the event of an excursion the Permittee shall take appropriate action to correct the excursion as soon as practicable. Further, if mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1 00 1-2-S-1 operates under conditions qualifying as an excursion for more than 5 percent of the operational time of the sources listed in Section 2.1 C.l.b, above, during a consecutive 6-month period, then the Permittee shall develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in accordance with 40 CFR §64.8. For the purposes of this permit condition excursions are defined as operation of mineral oil packed Permit 01819T38 Page 15 tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 with an inlet mineral oil temperature that exceeds the limit cited in Section 2A C.l.b, above, while the associated emission sources are operating, except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.IA and e, below. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The results of monitoring, inspections,maintenance and calibrations conducted pursuant to Sections 2.1 C.l.c and d, above, shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request.The log shall record the following:. i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of the monitoring, noting any excursions along with any actions taken to correct the inlet mineral oil temperature of packed tower scrubber CD-100I-2-S-I; iii. The results of any inspections or maintenance performed on mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD- 1001-2-5-1 or the associated temperature and flow rate gauges;and iv. Any variance from manufacturer's recoinrnendations, if any, and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .06I4 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the fonitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. D, Botanical Extraction Operations, including: + Immersion extractor Z-1001, desolventizer Z-1002, day tank 90024, first-stage evaporator EX-1012, second stage evaporator EX-1013, distillation column EX-90008 and nine process tanks of various capacities. (ID No. E 5-1001-11-1-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1002) venting to one cryogenic (nitrogen) condenser system (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003); + Plant Material Grinder (ID No. 1d HZ-1002) and one associated baLyfilter (ID o. D-1003-4- + Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES4001-11-14); and • Botanical extraction operations wastewater stream (ID No.ES-1001-11-WW) Biomass Extraction Operations, including: • Biomass extraction debagging (ID No. ES4004-1) and one associated cartridge filter (ID No. CD-1004-1-FF1); • Immersion extractor Z-41001, desolventizer Z-41002, day tank 490025, isohexane storage tank 490024, first-stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013, distillation column EX-490008 and nine process tanks of various capacities (ID No.ES-1004-2-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1004-2EX1002) venting to one cryogenic (nitrogen) condenser system (ID No. CD4004-2EX1003); • Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES-1004-2-F); • Wastewater tanks and other similar vessels (11) No. ES-1004-2-WW); • Biomass extraction operations wastewater stream (ID No.ES4003-10-WW); and • Biomass silo loadout (ID No. ES-1004-2Silo) and one associated bagtilter (ID No. CD-1004-2- FF2) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s) described above: Permit 01819T38 Page 16 Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Aplalicalile Regulation Plant material grinder,biomass extraction debagging, and biomass silo loadout: Particulate matter E=4.I OP"`'' 15A NCAC 2D .0515 Where:E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P =process weight in tons per hour Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) Best Available Control Technology See Sections 2.2 B.I and 2.2 B.2 15A NCAC 2D .0530 Volatile organic compounds Compliance Assurance Monitoring _ 15 A NCAC 2D .0614 Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2.D .0958 See Section 2.2 A.1 Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 See Section 2.2 A,3 Hazardous Air Pollutants Maximum Achievable Control Technology 15A NCAC 2D .1111 See Section 2.2 C.1 (Botanical extraction onl y°) 40 CFI:Part 63, Subpart FFFF Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q .0705/.0711� See Sections 2.2 A.2 and 2.2 AA 15A NCAC 2D .1100 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0515: PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES a. Emissions of particulate matter from the plant material grinder (ID No. MHZ-1002), the biomass extraction debagging operation (ID No. ES-1004-1), and..the biomass silo loadout (ID No. ES-1004-2- Silo) shall not exceed an allowable emission rate as calculated by the following equation: [15A NCAC 2D....0515(a)] _ ... E=4.10xP067 Where: E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour; and P =process weight in tons per hour Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight. Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 D.I.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515. MonitoringlRecordkeepinlZ [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] . c. Particulate matter emissions from the plant material grinder, the biomass extraction debagging operation, and the biomass storage silo shall be controlled by a bagfilter (ID No. CD-1003-4-1), a cartridge filter (ID No. CD-1004-1-17171), and a bagfilter (ID No. CD-1004-2-FF2), respectively. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection Permit 01819'1'38 Page 17 and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. A monthly visual inspection of the system ductwork and material collection unit for leaks; and ii An annual (for each 12-month period following the initial inspection) internal inspection of the cartridge filter and bagfilters for structural integrity. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if the ductwork, cartridge filter, and bagfilters are not inspected and maintained. d. The results of inspections and maintenance shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of each inspection; ii. The results of any maintenance performed on the cartridge filter and bagfilters; and iv. Variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any,and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit the results of any maintenance performed on the cartridge filter or bagfilters within 30 days of a written request by the DAQ. f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from the botanical extraction operations and the biomass extraction operations shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hole' and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC ......... 2D 052 l(d)] Testin [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the hmit given in Section 2.1 D.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance, once a month the Permittee shall observe the emission points of these sources for any visible emissions above normal. The monthly observation must be made for each month of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with this requirement. If practicable, the monthly observation must be made while the associated source is operating. If a source does not operate during a monthly period, then a record documenting such non-operational status will satisfy this monitoring requirement for that source. If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal, the Permittee shall either: i. Take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions as soon as practicable and within the monitoring period and record the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below, or ii.. Demonstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission source in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 D.2.a, Pennit 01819T3 8 Page 18 above. If the above-nornial emissions are not corrected per (i) above or if the demonstration in (ii) above cannot be made, the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions; and iii. The results of any corrective actions performed. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521 if these records are riot maintained. Reporting [:1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and.June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 3. 115A NCAC 2D .0614: COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE MONITORINta Applicability [15A NCAC 2D .0614 and 40 CFR §64.2] a. For the immersion extractor Z-1001., desolventizer Z-1002, day tank 90024, first-stage evaporator EX- 101.2, second stage evaporator EX-1013, distillation column EX-90008 and iiine process tanks (ID No. ES-1601-11-1-P) and the immersion extractor Z-41001, `desolventizer Z-41002,- day tank 490025, isohexane storage tank 490024, first-stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013, distillation column EX-490008 and nine process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1004-2-P), the Permittee shall comply with 40 CFR Part 54 and 15A NCAC 2D .0614 and shall ensure that this source complies with the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits of 15A NTCAC 2D .0530 by ......... complying with..Section.2..1..D,.3 of this permit. Control Requirements/Parameter ranges [15A NCAC 2Q ,0508(f)] b. VOC emissions from the subject botanical extraction operations sources (ID No. ES-1001-11-1-P) shall be controlled by the associated cryogenic condenser system (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003). VOC emissions from the subject biomass extraction operations sources (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) shall be controlled by the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1004-2EX1003). In addition: i. The Permittee shall maintain a 12-hour average outlet temperature of less than or equal to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (40 °F) for cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-11-EX1003 whenever the associated sources are operational; and ii. The Permittee shall maintain a 12-hour average outlet temperature of less than or equal to -40 °F for cryogenic condenser system CD-1004-2EX1003 whenever the associated sources are operational. Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. For VOC emissions: The Pennittee shall perform the monitoring requirements of Sections 2.1 D.3.c.i through iv, below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0614 if the monitoring and recordkeepi.ng requirements of Sections 2.1 D.3.c.1 through iv, below, are not performed. i. The Permittee shall monitor the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1001,-11- EX1003 at least once each hour, and calculate the average outlet temperature for the consecutive Permit 01819T38 Page 19 12-hour period ending with that hour, when the associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, operate; ii. The Permittee shall monitor the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1004- 2EX1003 at least once each hour, and calculate the average outlet temperature for the consecutive 12-hour period ending with that hour, when the associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, operate; and iii. The Permittee shall inspect, maintain, and operate cryogenic condenser systems CD-1001-11- EX1003 and CD-1004-2EX1003 in accordance with Section 2.2 B.l.h, below; and iv. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate the temperature sensors associated with cryogenic condenser systems CD-1001-11-EX1003 and CD-1004-2EX1003 in accordance with Section 2.2 B.hi,below. d. For excursions: In the event of an excursion the Permittee shall take appropriate action to correct the excursion as soon as practicable. Further, if cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-I1-EX 1003 or CD- 1004-2EX1003 operate under conditions qualifying as an excursion for more than 5 percent of the operational time of their associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, during a consecutive 6- month period, then the Permittee shall develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) for that cryogenic condenser system in accordance with 40 CFR §64.8, For the purposes of this permit condition excursions are defined as operation of cryogenic condenser systein CD-1001-11-EX1003 or CD-1004-2EX1003 with a 12-hour average outlet temperature that exceeds the associated limit cited in Sections 2.1 D.3.b.i and ii, above; while the associated emission sources are operating. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. They results of monitoring, inspections, maintenance and calibrations conducted pursuant to Sections 2.1 D.3.c and d, above, shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following; is The date and time of each recorded action; 'ii. The results of the monitoring, noting any excursions along with any actions taken to correct the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-11-EX1003 or CD-1004-2EX1003; iii. The results of any inspections or maintenance performed on cryogenic condenser system CD-1001- 11....�1003.,..cryogenic.....condenser system CD-I004=2EX 1003 or the associated temperature gauges, and iv. Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0614 if these records are not maintained. 3 Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month Period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-months period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. Permit 01819T38 Page 20 E. Two biomass boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-BB2) controlled by a cyclone (ID No. CD-BBIC) in series with a bagfilter (ID No. CD-BBIBH) equipped with dry time injection and associated No. 2 fuel oil-fired rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Pollutant Particulate Boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and BB2): 15A NCAC 02D .0503 matter 0.33 pounds per million Btu heat input Rotary dryer(ID No. EIS-IzD): Particulate 067 15A NCAC 02D .0515 . matter E—4.10(P} Sulfur 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 02D .0516 dioxide Visible 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six=minute 15A NCAC 02D .0521 2 emissions period N/A, Laitial notification requirements, 15A NCAC 02D .0524 Notification of boiler size and fuel combusted, and NSPS—Subpart Dc i Record and maintain amount of each fuel combusted _ during each calendar month. P'14 BM: 0.008 lb/MMBtu heat input 15A NCAC 02Q .1111 Co.a Hg Cl,' 1 HCI: 0.004 lb/MMBtu heat input MACT Subpart DDDDD Dioxins/Tura CO: 560 ppm by volume ns Hg: 3.50E-06 lb/MMBtu heat input DioXins/F'urans: 0.005 ng/dscm � I _Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f) Under the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.108, in order to verify emission factors used for calculating CO (0.54 lb/M.MBtu) and NOx (0.22 lb/MMBtu) emissions the Permittee shall.perform a stack test on one"of the boilers for CO and NOx within 60 days after start-up. The testing shall be conducted in accordance with a testing protocol (using testing protocol submittal form) approved by the Division of Air Quality. Details of emission testing requirements can be found in Section 3 —General Condition JJ. If testing shows emissions greater than the emission factors used, the Permittee must notify the Regional Office Supervisor, in writing,no later than 60 days following the stack test date. 2.. :l5A NCAC."2D .0503: PARTICULATES FROM FUEL BURNING INDIRECT HEAT EXCHANGERS a. Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of sage or wood that are discharged from the boilers (ID Nos.ES-BBI and BB2) into the atmosphere shall not exceed 0.33 pounds per million Btu heat input. [15A NCAC 2D .0503(a)] Testing [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ, If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A. 1. a. above,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503. Permit01819T38 Page 21 Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. Particulate matter emissions from the boiler shall be controlled by a cyclone in series with a bagfilter. To assure compliance, the Pennittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum,the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: J. monthly external inspection of the ductwork, cyclone, and bagfilter noting the structural integrity; and ii, an annual internal inspection of the bagfilter's structural integrity. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503 if the cyclone,bagfilter, and ductwork is not inspected and maintained_ Reeordkeepin2 [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a log(written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. the date and time of each recorded action; ii. the results of each inspection; . . in. a report of any maintenance performed on the cyclone and bagfilter; and iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any, and corrections made. Th::Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15ANCAC 2Q .0508(t)] e. .Within 30 days of a written request from the DAQ, the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance performed on the cyclone and bagfilter. f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or befor& January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. ......... ......... .... ..... ......... .... .... ......... 3. 15A NCAC 2D .0515: PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES a. . Emissions of particulate matter from the rotary dryer(ID No.ES-RD) shall not exceed an allowable emission rate . as calculated by the following equation: [15A NCAC 2D .0515(a)] E=4.10 x P 1'67 Where, E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P=process weight in tons per hour Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight. Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E. 2. a. above,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515. Monitoring/Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(o] c. The Pennittee shall maintain production records such that the process rates 'T" in tons per hour, as specified by the formulas contained above(or the formulas contained in 15A NCAC 2D .0515) can be derived, and shall make these records available to a DAQ authorized representative upon request. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if the production records are not maintained or the types of materials and finishes are not monitored. Permit 01819T39 Page 22 4. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from this source shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels,wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ found in Section 3. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.1.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. c. No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of wood or sage in this source. 5. . 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from the boilers and rotary dryer (ID Nos. ES-BB 1, ES-13132, and ES-RD) shall not be more than.20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521 (d)] Testi.9,2 [15A-NCAC 2Q .0508(t)]. b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ: If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E. 3. a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. For boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-BB2): Monitorin -[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance, once a day the Permittee shall observe the emission points of the boilers (ID Nos. ES-B.B 1 and ES-13132) for any visible emissions above normal. The daily observation must be made for each day of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with this requirement. The Permittee shall be allowed three(3) days of absent observations per semi-annual period.The Permittee - shall establish"normal" for the boilers in the first 30 days following the effective date of the permit If visible emissions from this source are observed to be above normal, the Permittee shall either: i, take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions as soon as practicable and within the monitoring period and record the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below, or ii. derzronstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission source in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2610 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 E.3. a. above. If the above-normal emissions are not corrected per(1) above or if the demonstration in (ii) above cannot be made, the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. the date and time of each recorded action; ii. the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions; and iii. the results of any corrective actions performed. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521 if these records are not maintained. Pennit 01819T38 Page 23 ReRe�n [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June, All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. For Rotary Dryer(ID No. ES-RD): Monitoring/Recordkeeping./Reporting [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in the rotary dryer(ID No.ES-RD). 6. 15A NCAC 2D .0524: NSPS 40 CFR PART 60 SUBPART De a. The Pernnittee. shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, recordkeeping, and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 2D .0524 "New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Dc, including Subpart A "General Provisions."[15A NCAC 2D .0524] b. NSPS REQUIREMENTS- In addition to any other required by 40 CFR§60.48c or notification requirements to the EPA, the Permittee is required to NOTIFY the DAQ in writing of the following: i. the date construction (40 CFR§60.7) or reconstruction (40 CFR§ 60.1.5) of an affected facility is commenced, postmarked no later than 30 days after such date, and ii. the date of actual initial start-up postmarked within 1.5 days of the actual date. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. In addition to any other recordkeeping required by 40 CFR. 60.48c or recordkeeping requirements of the EPA, the Permittee shall record and maintain records of the amounts of each fuel fired during each day. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0524 if these records are not maintained. --- 7. EPA Stayed this Rule on May 16,2011,The requirements are not effective until EPA completes their reconsideration. 15A NCAC 02D .1111 National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants,40 CFR Part 63, Subpart DDDDD—Boiler and Process Heaters A. § 63.7490—Applicability This subpart applies to new, reconstructed, or existing affected sources. A boiler or process heater is new if you commence construction of the boiler or process heater after June 4, 2010,. and you meet the applicability criteria at the time you commence construction. B. § 63.7495 If you have a new or reconstructed boiler or process heater, you must comply with this subpart up Oil startup. C, § 6.3,7500—Emission Standards 1. You must meet each emission limit and work practice standard in Tables 1 through 3, and 12 to this subpart that applies to your boiler or process heater, for each boiler or process heater at your source,except as provided tinder §63.7522, If your affected source is a new or reconstructed affected source that commenced construction or reconstruction after_Tune 4,2010, and before May 20, 2011,. you may comply with the emission limits in Table I or 12 to this subpart until March 21., Perinit 01919T38 Page.24 2014. On and after March 21, 2014, you must comply with the emission limits in Table I to this subpart. (Note: Construction of the boilers will. begin before May 20, 2011. As such, the Permittee has elected to comply with Table 1.2--"Alternative Emission Limits for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters That Commenced Construction or Reconstruction After June 4, 2010, and Before May 20, 2011. ") Table 12 Emission Limits for Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids (until March 21, 2014): PM: 0,008 lb/MMBtu heat input HCI: 0.004 lb/MMBtu heat input CO: 560 ppm by volume Hg: 3.50E-06 lb/MMBtu heat input Dioxins/Furans; 0.005 ng/dscm Table 1. Emission Limits for Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids on and after March 21, 2014): PM, 0.0011 lb/MMBtu heat input HCI: 0.0022 lb/MMBtu heat input CO: 160 ppm by volume Hg: 3.50E-06 l.b/MMBtu heat input Dioxins/Purans: 0.005 ng/dscm 2. The Permittee must meet each operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to the boiler or process heater. According to Table 4, (a) if you demonstrate compliance using a fabric filter not required to install and operate PM GEMS, you must meet the following operating limits: i. maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent(daily block average), or ii. install and operate a bag leak detection system according to § 63.7525 and operate the ....... fabric f lter such that the. bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during each 6-month period. (b) if you demonstrate compliance using fuel analysis, you must maintain the fuel type or fuel mixture such that the applicable emission rates calculated according to §63.7530(c)(1.), (2) a and/or (3) is less than the applicable emission limits. (c) if you demonstrate compliance with performance testing, you must maintain the operating load of each unit such that is does not exceed 110 percent of the average operating load recorded during the most recent performance test. (d) if you demonstrate compliance using a continuous oxygen monitoring system as specified in § 63.752.5(a), you trust maintain the oxygen level of the stack gas such that it is not below the lowest hourly average oxygen concentration measured during the most recent CO performance test. If you use a control device or combination of control devices not covered in Table 4 to this subpart, or you wish to establish and monitor an alternative operating limit and alternative monitoring parameters, you must apply to the EPA Administrator for approval of alternative monitoring under §63.8(f). 3. At all times, you must operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator Permit 01819T38 Page 25 that may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. 4. As provided in §63.6(g), EPA may approve use of an alternative to the work practice standards in this section. D. sS 63.7505—GeR eral Re ud irements 1. The Permittee must be in compliance with the emission limits and operating limits in this subpart. These limits apply at all times. 2. The Permittee must demonstrate compliance with all applicable emission limits using performance testing, fuel analysis, or continuous monitoring systems (CMS), including a continuous emission monitoring system(CEMS) or continuous opacity monitoring system(COMS), where applicable. The Permittee may demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limit for hydrogen chloride or mercury using fuel analysis if the emission rate calculated according to §63.7530(c) is less than the applicable emission limit. Otherwise, the Permittee must demonstrate compliance for hydrogen chloride or mercury using performance testing, if subject to an applicable emission limit listed in Table .1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. E. q 63.7.510—Initial Compliance Requirements 1. For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with any of the applicable emission limits in Tables '1. or 2 of this subpart through performance testing, your initial compliance requirements include conducting performance tests according to §63.7520 and Table 5 to this subpart, conducting a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart,establishing operating limits according to §63.7530 and Table 7 to this subpart, and conducting CMS performance evaluations according to §63.7525. For affected sources that burn a single type of fuel, you are exempted from the compliance requirements of conducting a.fucl analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart. For purposes of this subpart, units that use a supplemental fuel only for startup,unit shutdown, and transient flame stability purposes still qualify as affected sources that burn a single type....of fuel,and the supplemental fuel ............................ is not ""]';.'to the.f:lf'l i.nalySTr requ.ieinenty under.— Z h- 75'1. and Table 6 t0 this snbpart. 2. For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limits in Tables 1 or 2 of this subpart for hydrogen chloride or mercury through fuel analysis, your initial compliance requirement is to conduct a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart and establish operating limits according to §63.7530 and Table 8 to this subpart. 3. If your boiler or process heater is subject to a carbon monoxide limit, your initial compliance demonstration for carbon monoxide is to conduct a performance test for carbon monoxide according to Table 5 to this subpart. Your initial compliance demonstration for carbon monoxide also includes conducting a performance evaluation of your continuous oxygen monitor according to §63.7525(a). 4. If you are demonstrating compliance with an emission limit in Table 12 to this subpart that is less stringent than (that is,higher than) the applicable emission limit in Table 1_ to this subpart, you must demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limit in Table 1 no later than September 17, 2014. F. § 63.7515—Testing Frequency 1. You must conduct all applicable performance tests according to §63.7520 on an annual basis, except those for dioxin/furan emissions, unless you follow the requirements listed in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section. Annual performance tests most be completed no more than 13 months after the previous performance test,unless you follow the requirements listed in paragraphs (b) Permit 0181.9T38 Page 26 through (e) of this section. Annual performance testing for d.i.oxin/furan emissions is not required after the initial compliance demonstration. 2. You can conduct performance tests less often for a given pollutant if your performance tests for the pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of the emission limit, and if there are no changes in the operation of the affected source or air pollution control equipment that could increase emissions. In this case, you do not have to conduct a performance test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. You must conduct a performance test during the third year and no more than 37 months after the previous performance test. If you elect to demonstrate compliance using emission averaging under §63.7522,you must continue to conduct performance tests annually. 3. If your boiler or process heater continues to meet the emission limit for the pollutant, you may choose to conduct performance tests for the pollutant every third year if your emissions are at or below 75 percent of the emission limit, and if there are no changes in the operation of the affected source or air pollution control equipment that could increase emissions, but each such performance test must be conducted no more than 37 months after [lie previous performance test. If you elect to demonstrate compliance using emission averaging under §63.7522, you must continue to conduct performance tests annually. The requirement to test at maximum.chloride input level is waived unless the stack test is conducted for HCI, The requirement to test at maximum Hg input level is waived unless the stack test is conducted for Hg. 4. If a performance test shows emissions exceeded 75 percent of the emission limit for a pollutant, you must conduct annual performance tests for that pollutant until all performance tests over a consecutive 2-year period show compliance. 5. If you are required to meet an applicable tune-up work practice standard, you must conduct an annual or biennial performance tune-up according to §63.7540(a)(1.0) and (a)(11.), respectively. Each annual tune-up specified in §63.7540(a)(10) must be no more than 13 months after the previous tune-up. Each biennial tune-up specified inss'63.7540(a)(1.1) must be conducted no more than 25 months after the previous tune-up. 6. If you demonstrate compliance with the mercury or hydrogen chloride based on fuel.analysis, you must conduct a monthly fuel analysis according to §63.7521 foi-each type of fuel burned that is subject tq an emission limit in Table 1, 2, or 12 of this subpart. If you burn 4_new.type of fuel, you ......... must conduct a f3;el nnhicc hPfnrPhiirnnn fh ne. ype offLel �iaJ.i i..& e t your boiler FJ ...-AlI+LLtI.t. You must still meet all applicable continuous compliance requirements in §63.7540. If 1.2 consecutive monthly fuel analyses demonstrate compliance, you may request decreased fuel analysis frequency by applying to the EPA Administrator for approval of alternative monitoring under §63.8(f). 7. You must report the results of performance tests and the associated initial fuel analyses within 90 days after the completion of the performance tests. This report most also verify that the operating limits for your affected source have not changed or provide documentation of revised operating parameters established.according to §63.7530 and Table 7 to this subpart, as applicable. The reports for all subsequent performance tests must include all applicable information required in §63.7550. G. § 63.7520—Performance Test 1.. You must conduct all performance tests according to §63.7(c), (d), (f), and(h). You must also develop a site-specific stack test plan according to the requirements in §63.7(c). You shall conduct all performance tests under such conditions as the Administrator specifies to you based on representative performance of the affected source for the period being tested. Upon request,you shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. 2. You must conduct each performance test according to the requirements in Table 5 to this subpart. Permit 01.81.9T38 Page 27 3. You must conduct each performance test under the specific conditions listed in Tables 5 and 7 to this subpart. You must conduct performance tests at representative operating load conditions while burning the type of fuel or mixture of fuels that has the highest content of chlorine and mercury, and you must demonstrate initial compliance and establish your operating limits based on these performance tests. These requirements could result in the need to conduct more than one performance test. Following each performance test and until the next performance test, you must comply with the operating limit for operating load conditions specified in Table 4 to this subpart. 4. You must conduct three separate test runs for each performance test required in this section, as specified in §63.7(e)(3).Each test run must comply with the minimum applicable sampling times or volumes specified in Tables 1, 2, and 1.2 to this subpart. 5. To determine compliance with the emission limits, you must use the F-Factor methodology and equations in sections 12..2 and 12.3 of EPA Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter to convert the measured particulate matter concentrations, the measured hydrogen chloride concentrations, and the measured mercury concentrations that.result from the initial performance test to pounds per million Btu heat input emission rates using F-factors. H, § 63.752.1 —Fuel Anal 1. For solid fuels, you must conduct fuel analyses for chloride and mercury according to the following procedures and Table 6 to this subpart, as applicable. You are not required to conduct fuel analyses for fuels used for only startup, unit shutdown, and transient flame stability purposes. You are required to conduct fuel analyses only for fuels and units that are subiect to emission limits for mercury and hydrogen chloride in Tables 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. 2. You must develop and submit a site-specific fuel monitoring plan to the EPA Administrator for review and approval according to the following procedures. (a) You must submit the fuel analysis plan no later than 60 days before the date that you intend to conduct an initial compliance demonstration. (b) You must include the following information in your fuel analysis plan. i. The identification of all fuel. types anticipated to be burned in each boiler or process heater. ii. For each fuel type, the notification of whether you or a fuel supplier will be conducting .. ......_ ...... the fine! analysis. iii. For each fuel type, a detailed description of the.sample location and specific procedures to be used for collecting and preparing the composite samples if your procedures are different from what is prescribed in this subpart. Samples should be collected at a location that most accurately represents the fuel type, where possible, at a point prior to mixing with other dissimilar fuel types. iv. For each fuel type, the analytical methods from Table 6, with the expected minimum detection levels, to be used for the measurement of chlorine or mercury. V. If you request to use an alternative analytical. method other than those required by Table 6 to this subpart, you must also include a detailed description of the nnethods and procedures that you are proposing to use. Methods in Table 6 shall be used until the requested alternative is approved. vi. If you will be using fuel analysis from a fuel supplier in lieu of site-specific sampling and analysis, the fuel supplier must use the analytical methods required by Table 6 to this subpart. 3. At a minimum, you must obtain three composite fuel samples for each fuel type according to the following procedures. (a) If sampling from a belt (or screw) feeder, collect fuel. samples as follows. i. Stop the belt and withdraw a 6-inch wide sample from the full cross-section of the stopped belt to obtain a minimum two pounds of sample. You must collect all the Permit 04 81.9T38 Page 28 material (fines and.coarse) in the full cross-section. You must transfer the sample to a clean plastic bag. ii. Each composite sample will consist of a minimum of three samples collected at approximately equal 1-hour intervals during the testing period.. (b) If sampling from a fuel pile or truck, you must collect fuel samples as follows. i. For each composite sample, you must select a minimum of five sampling locations uniformly spaced over the surface of the pile. ii. At each sampling site, you must dig into the pile to a depth of 1.8 inches. You must insert a clean flat square shovel into the hole and withdraw a sample, making sure that large pieces do not fail off during sampling. i.i_i. You must transfer all samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing. 4, You must prepare each composite sample as follows. (a) You must thoroughly rnix and pour the entire composite sample over a clean plastic sheet. (b) You must break sample pieces larger than 3 inches into smaller sizes. (c) You must make a pie shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into four equal parts. (d) You must separate one of the quarter samples as the first subset. (e) If this subset is too large for grinding, you must repeat the above procedure with the quarter sample and obtain a one-quarter subset from this sample. (f) You must grind the sample in a mill. (g) You must use the above procedure to obtain a one-quarter subsample for analysis. If the quarter sample is too large,subdivide it further using the same procedure. 5. You must determine the concentration of pollutants in the fuel (mercury and/or chlorine) in units of pounds per million Btu of each composite sample for each fuel.type according to the procedures in Table 6 to this subpart. I. § 03.7.525-Monitorin 1. If your boiler or process heater is subject to a carbon monoxide emission limit in Table 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart,you must install, operate, and maintain a continuous oxygen monitor according to the following procedures by the compliance date specified in §63 749.5. 1.'he oxygen leve.J shall be .............. monitored at the outlet of the boiler or .r"o. Sc heater. p (a) Each CEMS for oxygen (OzCEMS) must be installed, operated, and maintained according to the applicable procedures under Performance Specification 3 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, and according to the site-specific monitoring plan developed according to §63.7505(d). (b) You must conduct a performance evaluation of each OzCEMS according to the requirements in §63.8(e) and according to Performance Specification 3 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B. (c) Each 02CEMS must complete a minirnum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 15-minute period. (d) The 02CEMS data must be reduced as specified in §63.8(g)(2). (e) You must calculate and record 12-hour block average concentrations for each operating day. (f) For purposes of calculating data averages, you must use all the data collected during all periods in assessing compliance, excluding data collected during periods when the monitoring systern malfunctions or is out of control,during associated repairs,and during required quality assurance or control activities (including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments). Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. Any period for which the monitoring system malfunctions or is out of control and data are not available for a required calculation constitutes a deviation from the monitoring requirements. Periods when,data are unavailable because of required quality assurance or control. activities (including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments) do not constitute monitoring deviations. Permit 0.1819'F38 Page 29 2. If you are not required to use a PM CEMS and elect to use a fabric filter bag leak detection system to comply with the requirements of this subpart, you must install, calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate the bag leak detection system as specified below. (a) You must install a bag leak detection sensor(s) in a position(s) that will be representative of the relative or absolute particulate matter loadings for each exhaust stack, roof vent, or compartment (e.g., for a positive pressure fabric filter) of the fabric filter. (b) Conduct a performance evaluation of the bag leak detection system.in accordance with your monitoring plan and consistent with the guidance provided in EPA-454/R---98-015 (incorporated by reference, see §63,14), (c) Use a bag leak detection system certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less. (d) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a device to record coutinuously the output signal from the sensor. (e) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a system that will alert when an increase in relative particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located where it can be easily heard or seen by plant operating personnel. (f) Where multiple bag leak detectors are required, the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors. J. § 63.7530—Initial Compliance I. You must demonstrate initial compliance with each ernission limit that applies to you by conducting initial performance tests and fuel analyses and establishing operating limits, as applicable, according to §63,7520 and Tables 5 and 7 to this subpart. You must also install, and operate, maintain all applicable CMS (including CEMS, COMS, and continuous parameter monitoring systems) according to §63.7525. 2. If you demonstrate compliance through performance testing, you must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to you according to the requirements in §63.7520, Table 7 to this subpart, and paragraph (b)(3) of this section, as applicable. You must also conduct fuel analyses according to §63.7521 and establish maximurn fuel.pollutant input levels ......... __ ...ac.cordi.n.g to paragraphs (b)(1)_and (2) of_th.is section, as applicable..As..spec.ified..in..§63.751..0(a), if _ ......... your affeced SvirCc viriS type of 'uEl (excluding Sus lEieiital f i5ucdforU1La Sin IC l lcl S 11 Star`iuP� I shutdown, or transient flame stabilization), you are not required to perform the initial fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater. However, if you switch fuel(s) and cannot show that the new fuel(s) do (does) not increase the chlorine or mercury input into the unit through the results of fuel analysis, then you must repeat the performance test to demonstrate compliance while burning the new fuel(s). (a) You must establish the maximum chlorine fuel input(Clinput) during the initial fuel analysis according to the following procedures. i. You must determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or process beater that has the highest content of ebl.ori.ne. ii. During the fuel analysis for hydrogen chloride, you must determine the fraction of the total heat input for each fuel type burned (Qi)based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine, and the average chlorine concentration of each fuel type burned (Ci). iii. You must establish a maximum chlorine input level using Equation 7 of this section. Where: Clinput Maximum amount of chlorine entering the boiler or process heater through fuels burned in units of pounds per million Btu. Permit 01819,r38 Page 30 Ci = Arithmetic average concentration of chlorine in fuel type, i, analyzed according to §63.7521,in units of pounds per million Btu. Qi=Fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. If you do not:burn multiple fuel types during the performance testing, it is not necessary to determine the value of this term. Insert a value of"1" for Qi. n =Number of different fuel types burned in your boiler or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. (b) You must establish the maximum mercury fuel input level (Mercuryinput) during the initial fuel analysis using the following procedures. i. You must determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or process heater that has the highest content of mercury. ii. During the compliance demonstration for mercury, you must determine the fraction of total heat input for each fuel burned (Qi) based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of mercury, and the average mercury concentration of each fuel type burned (HGi.). iii. You must establish a maximum mercury input level using Equation 8 of this section. c:a °stay a 1 rr r (1.I:r X Qi) �'Rq. H Where: Mercuryinput= Maximum amount of mercury entering the boiler or process heater through fuels burned in units of pounds per million Btu. HGi = Arithmetic average concentration of mercury in fuel type, i, analyzed according to §63.7521, in units of pounds per million Btu. Qi =Fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,based on the fuel mixture that has the highest mercury content.If you do not burn multiple fuel types during the performance test, it is not necessary to determine the value of this term. insert a value of"1"for Qi. n = Number of different fuel types burned in your boiler or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of mercury. . ..... ......... ......... (c) You must establish parameter operating larri:its as follows i.. The operating limit for boilers or process heaters with fabric filters that demonstrate continuous compliance through bag leak detection syste.rns is that a bag leak detection system be installed according to the requirements in §63,7525,and that each fabric filter must be operated such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period. 3. You must include with the Notification of Compliance Status a signed certification that the energy assessment was completed according to Table 3 to this subpart and is an accurate depiction of your facility. 4. You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in §63.7545(e), 5. If you own or operate a unit subject emission limits in Tables 1, 2, or 12 of this subpart, you must minimize the units startup and shutdown periods following the manufacturers recommended procedures, if available. If manufacturer's recommended procedures are not available, you must follow recommended procedures for a unit of similar design for which manufacturer's recommended procedures are available. You must submit a signed statement in the Notification of Compliance Status report that indicates that you conducted startups and shutdowns according to the manufacturer's recommended procedures or procedures specified for a unit of similar design if manufacturer's recommended procedures are not available. K. § 63.7540—Continuous Compliance Permit 01.81.9T38 Page 31 1. You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission limit, operating limit, and work practice standard in Tables .l. through 3 to this subpart that applies to you according to the methods specified in Table 8 to this subpart and paragraphs (a)(1) through (11) of this section. (a) Following the date on which the initial compliance demonstration is completed or is required to be completed under§§63.7 and 63.7510, whichever date comes first, operation above the established maximum or below the established minimum operating limits shall constitute a deviation of established operating li.m:its listed in Table 4 of this subpart except during performance tests conducted to determine compliance with the emission limits or to establish new operating limits, Operating limits must be confirmed or reestablished during performance tests. (b) As specified in §63.7550(c), you must keep records of the type and amount of all fuels burned in each boiler or process heater during the reporting period to demonstrate that all fuel types and mixtures of fuels burned would either result in lower ern.issions of hydrogen chloride and mercury than the applicable emission limit for each pollutant (if you demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis), or result in lower fuel i.riput of chlorine and mercury than the maximum values calculated during the last performance test (if you demonstrate compliance through performance testing). (c) If your unit is controlled with a fabric filter, and you demonstrate continuous compliance using a bag leak detection system, you must initiate corrective action within I hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective actions as soon as practical, and operate and maintain the fabric filter system such that the alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period. You must also keep records of the date, time, and duration of each alarm,the time corrective action was initiated and completed, and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the corrective action taken. You must also record the percent of the operating time during each 6-month period that the alarm sounds. In calculating this operating time percentage,if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall. be counted as a minimum of 1 hour. If you take longer than 1. hour to initiate corrective action,the alarm time shall be counted as the actual. amount of time taken to initiate corrective action. 7, I-!- match—1--ea-h instaree.."_ :4'h:ch you did not meet each emission limit and operating li,,,;t in Tables I through 4 to this subpart that apply to you. These instances are deviations from.the emission limits in this subpart.These deviations must be reported according to the requirements in §63,7550. L. 63.7.545 -Notifications L You must submit to the delegated authority all of the notifications in §63.7(b) and (c), §63.8(e), (f)(4) and (6), and §63.9(b) through (h)that apply to you by the dates specified. 2. As specified in §63.9(b)(2), if you startup your affected source before May 20, 2011, you must submit an Initial.Notification not later than 120 days after May 20, 2011. 3. As specified in §63,9(b)(4) and(b)(5),if you startup your new or reconstructed affected source on or after May 20, 2011,� you must submit an Initial Notification not later than .15 days after the actual date of startup of the affected source. 4. If you are required to conduct a performance test you must submit a Notification of Intent to conduct a performance test at least 60 days before the performance test is scheduled to begin. 5. If you are required to conduct an initial compliance demonstration as specified in §63.7530(a), you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status according to §63.9(h)(2)(ii). For the initial compliance demonstration for each affected source, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status, including all performance test results and fuel analyses, before the close of business on the 60th day following the completion of all performance test and/or other initial Perinit 01819T38 Page 32 compliance demonstrations for the affected source according to §63.10(d)(2). The Notification of Compliance Status report must contain all the information specified below. (a) A description of the affected unit(s) including identification of which subcategory the unit is in, the design heat input capacity of the unit, a description of the add-on controls used on the unit, description of the fuet(s) burned, including whether the fuel(s) were determined by you or EPA through a petition process to be a non-waste under §241.3, whether the fuel(s) were processed from discarded non-hazardous secondary materials within the meaning of§241.3, and,justification for the selection of fuel(s) burned during the compliance demonstration. (b) Summary of the results of all performance tests and fuel analyses, and calculations conducted to demonstrate initial compliance including all established operating limits. (c) A summary of the maximum carbon monoxide emission levels recorded during the performance test to show that you have met any applicable emission standard in Table 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. (d) Identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance with each applicable emissiou limit through performance testing or fuel analysis. (e) Identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance by emissions averaging and identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance by using emission credits through energy conservation: i. If you plan to demonstrate compliance by emission averaging, report the emission level that was being achieved or the control technology employed on May 20, 201.1.. (f) A signed certification that you have met all. applicable emission limits and work practice standards. (g) If you had a deviation from any emission limit, work practice standard, or operating limit, you must also submit a description of the deviation, the duration of the deviation, and the corrective action taken in the Notification of Compliance Status report. (h) In addition to the information required in §63.9(h)(2), your notification of compliance status must include the following certification(s) of compliance, as applicable, and signed by a responsible official: i. "This facility complies with the requirements in §63.7540(a)(1.0) to conduct an annual ........ or b. iennial:_tune-up, as_applicable, of each unit." ...... __. to "This facul y it s ad an energy assessment periarmed according to j63.7530(E)." iii. Except for units that qualify for a statutory exemption as provided in section 129(g)(1) of the Clean Air Act, include the following: "No secondary materials that are solid waste were combusted in any affected unit." M. § 63.7550- Reporting 1. You must submit each report in Table 9 to this subpart that applies to you. 2. Unless the EPA Administrator has approved a different schedule for submission of reports under §63:10(a), you must submit each report by the date in Table 9 to this subpart and according to the following requirements. (a) The first compliance report must cover the periodbeginning on the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in §63.7495 and ending on.Tune 30 or December 31, whichever date is the first date that occurs at least 190 days (or I or 2 year, as applicable, if submitting an annual or biennial compliance report) after the compliance date that is specified for your source in §63.7495. (b) The first compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified for your source in §63.7495, The first annual or biennial compliance report must be postmarked no later than January 31. (c) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual reporting period from July I through December 31. Permit 01819T38 Page 33 Annual and biennial compliance reports must cover the applicable one or two year periods from January I to December 3I. (d) Each subsequent compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the semiannual reporting period. Annual.and biennial compliance reports must be postmarked no later than January 31. (e) For each affected source that is subject to permitting regulations pursuant to part 70 or part 71 of this chapter, and if the delegated authority has established dates for submitting semiannual reports pursuant to §70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or §7'1..6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the delegated authority has established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section. 3. The compliance report must contain the following information. (a) Company name and address. (b) Statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the content of the report. (c) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period. (d) The total fuel use by each affected source subject to an emission limit, for each calendar month within the :semiannual (or annual or biennial) reporting period, including, but not limited to, a description of the fuel, whether the fuel has received a non-waste determination by EPA or your basis for concluding that the fuel is not a waste, and the total.fuel usage amount with units of measure. (e) A summary of the results of the annual performance tests.for affected sources subject to an emission limit, a summary of any fuel analyses associated with performance tests, and documentation of any operating limits that were reestablished during this test, if applicable. If you are conducting performance tests once every 3 years consistent with §63.7515(b) or (c), the date of the last 2 performance tests, a comparison of the emission level. you achieved in the last 2 performance tests to the 75 percent emission limit threshold required in §63.75:1.5(b) or (c), and a statement as to whether there have been any operational changes since the last performance test that could increase emissions. (f) A signed statement indicating that you burned no new types of fuel in an affected source subject kq_an emission limit. Or, if you did burn a new_type of fuel and are subject to_a _ hydrogen chloride nmiccrnn lsmrt, you n u.st ce�timst t4.' CE�IC' latlnn of Cl lorrne input,"Sing Equation 5 of§63.7530, that demonstrates that your source is still within its maximum chlorine input level established during the previous performance testing(for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing)or you must submit the calculation of hydrogen chloride emission rate using Equation 10 of§63.7530 that demonstrates that your source is still meeting the emission limit for hydrogen chloride emissions (for boilers or process heaters that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis). If you burned a new type of fuel and are subject to a mercury emission limit, you must submit the calculation of mercury input, using Equation 8 of§63,7530, that demonstrates that your source is still within its maximum mercury input level established during the previous performance testing (for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing), or you must submit the calculation of mercury emission rate using Equation I I of§63.7530 that demonstrates that your source is still meeting the emission limit for mercury emissions (for boilers or process heaters that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis). (g) If you wish to burn a new type of fuel in an affected source subject to an emission limit and you cannot demonstrate compliance with the maximum chlorine input operating limit using Equation 7 of§63.7530 or the maximum mercury input operating limit using Equation 8 of §63.7530, you must include in the compliance report a statement indicating the intent to conduct a new performance test within 60 days of starting to burn the new fuel. Kermit 0'181.9T38 Page 34 (h) A summary of any monthly fuel analyses conducted to demonstrate compliance according to §§63.7521 and 63.7530 for affected sources subject to emission limits, and any fuel specification analyses conducted according to §63.7521(f)and §63.7530(g). (i) If there are no deviations from any emission limits or operating limits in this subpart that apply to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limits or operating limits during the reporting period. (j) If there were no deviations from the monitoring requirements including no periods during which the CMSs, including GEMS, COMS, and continuous parameter monitoring systems, were out of control as specified in §63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no deviations and no periods during which the CMS were out of control during the reporting period. (k) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, the report must include the number, duration, and a brief description for each type of malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a description of actions taken by you during a malfunction of a boiler, process heater, or associated air pollution control.device or CMS to minimize emissions in accordance with §63.7500(a)(3), including actions taken to correct the malfunction. (1) Include the date of the most recent tune-up for each unit subject to only the requirement to conduct an annual or biennial tune-up according to §63.7540(a)(10) or(a)(] 1), respectively. Include the date of the most recent burner inspection if it was not done annually or biennially and was delayed until.the next scheduled unit shutdown. (m) If you plan to demonstrate compliance by emission averaging, certify the emission level achieved or the control technology employed is no less stringent that the level or control technology contained in the notification of compliance status in §63.7545(e)(5)(i). 4. For each deviation from an emission limit or operating limit in this subpart that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a CMS to comply with that emission limit or operating limit, the compliance report must additionally contain the following information. (a) The total operating time of each affected source during the reporting period, (b) A description of the deviation and which emission limit or operating limit from which you ......... ..... �c) InfO t-naLton on the mu—tibe , U'U atio11, and cause of deviations �111umulli flik-DVW11 CaLlse), as applicable, and the corrective action taken. (d) A copy of the test report if the annual performance test showed a deviation from the emission limits. 5. Each affected source that has obtained a Title V operating permit pursuant to part 70 or part 71 of this chapter must report all deviations as defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by §70.6(a)(3)(ii)(A) or§71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If an affected source submits a compliance report pursuant to Table 9 to this subpart along with, or as part of, the semiannual monitoring report.required by §70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or §71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the compliance report includes all required information concerning deviations from any emission limit, operating limit, or work practice requirement in this subpart, submission of the compliance report satisfies any obligation to report the same deviations in the semiannual monitoring report. However,submission of a compliance report does not otherwise affect any obligation the affected source may have to report deviations from permit requirements to the delegated authority. 6. As of January 1, 2012 and within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test, as defined in §63.2, conducted to demonstrate compliance with this subpart, you must submit relative accuracy test audit(i.e. , reference method) data and performance test (i.e. , compliance test) data, except opacity data, electronically to EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX)by using the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) (see http://www,cpa.goi)lttnlchicf/(,,rtlert tool.htm1l) or other compatible electronic spreadsheet. Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically into EPA's WebFIRE database. Permit 01.819T38 Page 35 N. § 63.7555- Records 1. You must keep records as follows. (a) A copy of each notification and report that your submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status or.Semiannual compliance report that you submitted, according to the requirements in §63.10(b)(2)(xiv). (b) Records of performance tests, fuel analyses, or other compliance demonstrations and performance evaluations as required in§63.1.0(b)(2)(viii). 2. You must keep the records required in Table 8 to this subpart including records of all monitoring data and calculated averages for applicable operating limits, such as opacity, pressure drop, pH, and operating load, to show continuous compliance with each emission limit and operating limit that applies to you. 3. For each boiler or process heater subject to an emission limit in Table 1, 2 or 12 to this subpart, you must also keep the following applicable records. (a) You must keep records of monthly fuel use by each boiler or process heater, including the type(s) of fuel and amount(s) used. (b) A copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of maximum chlorine fuel input, using Equation 7 of§63,7530,that were done to demonstrate continuous compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission limit, for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing. For sources that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis, a copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of hydrogen chloride emission rates, using Equation 1.0 of§63.7530, that were done to demonstrate compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission limit. Supporting documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis for the estimates of maximum chlorine fuel input or hydrogen chloride emission rates. You can use the results from one fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all burning the same fuel type. However, you must calculate chlorine fuel input, or hydrogen chloride emission rate, for each boiler and process heater. . ... __ (c) ____ A.....copy..of all.-calculations and supporting documentation of.maximum inercury_fue.l.input, .. using Equation 8 of§63.7530, that were done to derrroristrate continuous coi-nililiaace with.11Ee mercury emission limit for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing. For sources that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis, a copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of mercury emission rates, using Equation 1.1. of§63.7530, that were done to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emission limit. Supporting documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis for the estimates of maximum mercury fuel input or mercury emission rates. You can use the results from one fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all.burning the same fuel type. However, you must calculate mercury fuel input, or mercury emission rates, for each boiler and process heater. (d) If, consistent with §63.7515(b) and(c), you choose to stack test less frequently than annually, you must keep annual records that document that your emissions in the previous stack test(s) were less than 75 percent of the applicable emission limit, and document that there was no change in source operations including fuel composition and operation of air pollution control equipment that would cause emissions of the relevant pollutant to increase within the past year. (e) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of the boiler or process heater, or of the associated air pollution control and monitoring equipment. (f) Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to minimize emissions in accordance with the general duty to minimize emissions in. §63.7500(a)(3), including corrective actions Permit 01819T38 Page 36 to restore the malfunctioning boiler or process heater, air pollution control, or monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation. O. § 63.7560—Record Retention L Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to §63.10(b)(1.). 2. As specified in §63.10(b)(1),you must keep each record for 5 years 'following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action,report, or record. 3. You must keep each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to §63.10(b)(1). You can keep the records off site for the remaining 3 years. P. § 63.7565—General Provisions Table 10 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions in §§63.1 through 63.15 apply to you. F. Three emergency generators and fire water pump (ID loos. E101, E102, E103, and FP) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Lirnits/Standards Applicable Regulation Pollutant Sulfur dioxide 2.3 Pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 02D .0516 Visible 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .052.1. emissions N/A. N/A 15A NCAC 02D .1 111 Subpart ZZZZ ......... ..... . ......... ......... 1. 15A NCAC.2D.0516_- SULFITR DIOXIDE FvIISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from this source shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [1.5A NCAC 2D .051.6 Testing[1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(ol b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition .13 hound in Section 3. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.I.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with .1.5A NCAC 2D .0516. c. No monitoring/record-keeping/ is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in these sources. 2. 15A NCAC 2D.0521. CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a, Visible emissions from these sources shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 1.1.5A NCAC 2D .0521 (d)) Testing [1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)) b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition I.I. if the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 F. 2. a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 1.5A NCAC 2D .0521. Permit 01819T38 Page 37 c. No monitorin«recordk�eeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in these sources. 3. 15A NCAC 2D.1111[40 CFR part 63 Subpart ZZZZ]: NESHAP for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines a. The Permnittee shall comply with all applicable provisions contained in Environmental ,Management Commission Standard 1.5A NCAC 2D .1111, "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" as promulgated in 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines",by December 13,2004. Monitoring/RecordkeepinWReporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting requirements. ........ ......... ........ ......... .. ...... Permit01819T38 Page 38 2.2 - Multiple Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions A. Facility-Wide Affected Sources [all permitted sources except for limited use emergency generator ES-PkGenl and boilers H-101, H-102, and 1-1-1031 The following table provides a snn-mary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: __TRegulated Pollutani Limits/Standards applicable Regulation; Volatile organic compounds Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2D .0958 Toxic Air Pollutants (TAP) State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1100 Limits on emissions of TAP Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 Odorous emissions must be controlled Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q .0705 and Toxic Permit Emission Rates 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0958: WORK PRACTICES FOR SOURCES OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .0958, for all sources that use volatile organic compounds (VOC) as solvents, carriers, material processing media, or industrial chemical reactants, or in similar uses that mix, blend, or manufacture volatile organic compounds, or emit volatile organic compounds as a product of chemical reactions, and whose emissions of VOC are greater than 15 pounds per day; the Pennittee shall: i. Store all material, including waste material, containing volatile organic compounds in tanks or in containers covered with a tightly fitting lid that is free of cracks, holes. or other defects, when. not in use, ii. Clean up spills of volatile organic compounds as soon as possible following proper safety ....... .. _ procedures iii. Store wipe rags containing volatile organic compounds in closed containers, iv. Not clean sponges, fabric, wood, paper products, and other absorbent materials with volatile organic compounds, v. Transfer solvents containing volatile organic compounds used to clean supply lines and other coating equipment into closable containers and close such containers immediately after each use, or transfer such solvents to closed tanks, or to a treatment facility regulated under section 402 of the Clean Water Act, vi. Clean mixing, blending, and manufacturing vats and containers containing volatile organic compounds by adding cleaning. solvent and close the vat or container before agitating the cleaning solvent. The spent cleaning solvent shall then be transferred into a closed container, a closed tank or a treatment facility regulated under section 402 of the Clean Water Act. [15A NCAC 2D .0958(e)] b. When cleaning parts with a solvent containing a volatile organic compound, the Permittee shall: i Flush parts in the freeboard area, ii. Tape precautions to reduce the pooling of solvent on and in the parts, iii. Tilt or rotate parts to drain solvent and allow a minimum of 15 seconds for drying or until all dripping has stopped, whichever is longer, iv. Not fill cleaning machines above the fill line, v. Not agitate solvent to the point of causing splashing. [I 5A NCAC 2D .0958(d)] Pern it 0 19 19T3 8 Page 39 Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the Permittee shall, at a minimum, perform a visual inspection once per month of all operations and processes utilizing volatile organic compounds. The inspections shall be conducted during normal operations. If the required inspections are not conducted the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0958. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] d. The results of the inspections shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each inspection; and ii. The results of each inspection noting whether or not noncompliant conditions were observed. If the required records are not maintained the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with rule 15A NCAC 2D .0958. Repord" [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 2. 15A NCAC 2D .1100 CONTROL OF TOXIC AIR POLLUTANTS a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .1100 and in accordance with the approved application for an air toxic compliance demonstration, received February 21, 2007, the following permit limits shall not be exceeded: Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Sclareolide Operatieratioons n-hexane 241 pounds per day (Building No. ) hexane isomers except n-hexane 100.4 pounds per hour ......... Acetic ..... .. 8 ......... . pounds per hour r Distillation column A-2 n-hexane 31.8 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-1) hexane isomers except n-hexane 13.3 pounds per hour Recovery and Concrete n-hexane 132.1 pounds per day Operations hexane isomers except n-hexane 55 pounds per hour (Building No. 1001-1) Rotocel Operations n-hexane 1,185.44 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-2) hexane isomers except n-hexane 573.27 pounds per hour Botanical Extraction Operations n-hexane 108.2 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-11) hexane isomers except n-hexane 180.3 pounds per hour Biomass Extraction Operations n-hexane 108.2 pounds per day (Building No. ES-1004-2) hexane isomers except n-hexane 180.3 pounds per hour Recrystallization Operations n-hexane 360.7 pounds per day (Building No. 1003-10) hexane isomers except n-hexane 150.3 pounds per hour Plant Nutrient Extraction n-hexane 9 pounds per day Operations hexane isomers except n-hexane 68.2 pounds per hour (Building No. 1003-2) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside Operations Chloroform 19,189 pounds per year (Building No. 1003-2) Perniit 01819`T'38 Page 40 Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Two biomass boilers (1D .Nos. Acrolein 0.149 pounds per hour ES-BB 1 and ES-BB2) Benzene 1,368 pounds per year Chloroform 9.11 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0016 pounds per hour 0.03833 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0.16557 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.36864 pounds per year Beryllium 0.02578 pounds per year Cadmium 0.0746 pounds per year n-hexane 587.3 pounds per day hexane isomers 61.2 pounds per hour Boiler (ID No. H-101) Benzene 3.49 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0054 pounds per hour 0.1297 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0.00695 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.43852 pounds per year Beryllium 0.53299 pounds per year Cadmium 0.53299 pounds per year Boiler(ID No. H-102) Benzene 3.49 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0054 pounds per hour 0.1297 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0,00695 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.43852 pounds per year Beryllium 0.53299 pounds per year Cadmium 0.53299 pounds per year Boiler(ID No. H-103) Benzene 4.33 pounds per year Fluoride 0.00671 pounds per hour 0.161 pounds per day .......... ........... Formaldehyde .... ..._ 0.00864 Pounds Per hour ......... Arsenic 0.54438 pounds per year Beryllium 0.6617 pounds per year Cadmium _ 0.6617 pounds per year Peak shaving generator (ID No. Acrolein 0.00009 pounds per hour ES-PkGenl) Benzene 11.7 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00079 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00601 pounds per year Beryllium 0,00451 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00451 pounds er year Emergency generator(ID No. Acrolein 0.00014 pounds per hour E101) Benzene 0.697 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00176 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.0003 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00022 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00022 pounds per year Permit 01919`F38 Page<41 Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Emergency generator(ID No. Acrolein 0.00002 pounds per hour E102) Benzene 0.750 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0,00015 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00039 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00029 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00029 pounds per year Emergency generator (ID No. Acrolein 0.00001 pounds per hour E103) Benzene 0.595 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00012 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00031 pounds per year l! Beryllium 0.00023 pounds per year I Cadmium 0.00023 pounds per year Fire water pump (ID No. FP) Acrolein 0.00007 pounds per hour Benzene 0.338 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00086 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00015 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00011 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00011 pounds per year Operational Restrictions b. :To ensure compliance with the above limits,the following restrictions shall apply: i. The solvent used in the Sciareolide Operations, Distillation column A-2, Recovery Operations, Concrete Operations, and Rotocel Operations shall each contain no more than 40 percent n-hexane by weight. ii. The solvents used in the Botanical Extraction Operation and Biomass Extraction Operation shall contain no more than 5 percent n-hexane by weight. iii. No more than two batches per day shall be run in the Re crystallization Operations, unless the Permittee demonstrates that n-hexane emissions are less than 360.7 pounds per day by using hexane -solvent that contains less than or equalto 95--percent--by weight--n-hexane. A record ofthis determination snail be maintained for each occasion when more than two batches per day are. processed. iv. The solvent used in the .Plant Nutrient Extraction Operations shall contain no more than 5 percent n-hexane by weight and shall not process more than two batches per day when using isohexane solvent. v. The Botanical Extraction Operation shall not use n-hexane solvent unless the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003) is properly operating. vi. The Biomass Operation shall not use n-hexane solvent unless the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1004-2EX1003) is properly operating. vii. To assure compliance with the arsenic limit, the facility shall not burn more than 2.5 million gallons per year of No. 2 fuel oil. Monitoriniz c. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of the n-hexane emissions from those operations listed in Section 2.2 A.2.a, above, that have n-hexane emission limits. The Permittee shall use production throughputs and emissions factors to ensure that each such operation stays within the appropriate n- hexane limit. For example, if a hypothetical operation has an emission limit of 7 pounds of n-hexane per day and emits 10 pounds of n-hexane for each 100 pounds of production, then this operation may only process up to 70 pounds per day. d. The Pennittee shall perform inspections and perform maintenance as recommended by the Permit 01819T38 Page 42 manufacturer of the scrubbers (ID Nos. CD-Z-9215, CD-Z-9216, and CD-M-34). In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include: i. Monthly inspections (for each calendar month during which the associated sources operated) of spray nozzles to detect clogging or corrosion damage of nozzles and perform maintenance and repair when necessary to assure proper operation of the scrubber; ii. Monthly inspections (for each calendar month during which the associated sources operated) of packing material, if applicable, to assure proper packing depth and to check for clogging; and iii. Annual .(for each calendar year during which the associated sources operated) inspection, cleaning, and calibration of all associated instrumentation. e. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain a liquid flow rate meters on the scrubbers. The Permittee shall monitor the liquid flow rate into the scrubbers once each day that the associated sources are operational. Recordkeep>ing . f. The Permittee shall maintain records of production, emission factors, and the production.limits based on the emissions factors for the operations listed in Section 2.2 A.2.a, above, that have n-hexane limits. The Permittee shall maintain records of the amount of No. 2 fuel oil burned at the facility. These records shall be maintained on site (written or electronic format) and made available to authorized personnel upon request. g. The results of scrubber inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a log (writtewor electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The liquid flow rate of each scrubber for each day that the associated sources are operational; iii. The results of each inspection; iv. The results of any maintenance performed on a scrubber; and v. Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. ........ STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 3. 15A NCAC 2D .1806: CONTROL AND PROHIBITION OF ODOROUS EMISSIONS a. The Permittee shall not operate the facility without implementing management practices or installing and operating odor control equipment sufficient to prevent odorous emissions from the facility from causing or contributing to objectionable odors beyond the facility's boundary. STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 4. 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0705: EXISTING FACILITIES and SIC CALLS;and 15A NCAC 2Q .0711: EMISSION RATES REQUIRING A PERMIT a. As of. ebmary 21, 2007 the Permittee has demonstrated on a facility-wide basis that emissions of toxic air pollutants (TAPS) emitted from all sources at the facility (excluding those sources exempt pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0702 "Exemptions") are either below the associated TAP permitting emission rates (TPER) listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit" or are in compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants" as described in Section 2.2 A.2 of this permit, above. b. The facility shall be operated and maintained in such a manner that any new, existing or increased actual emissions of any TAP listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 or in this permit from all sources at the facility (excluding those sources exempt under 15A NCAC 2Q .0702 "Exemptions"), including fugitive emissions and emission sources not otherwise required to have a permit, will not exceed its respective TPER listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 without first obtaining an air pen-nit to construct or operate. c. PRIOR to exceeding any of the TPERs listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711, the Permittee shall be Penrut 01819T38 Page 43 responsible for obtaining an air quality permit to eanit TAPS and for demonstrating compliance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants". d. The Permittee shall maintain at the facility records of operational information sufficient for demonstrating to the Division of Air Quality staff that actual TAPS are less than the rate listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711. In addition, the following operational requirements apply to the Plant Nutrient Extraction process: i. The source may be operated for the production of concentrated plant extracts without controlling the associated emissions `pia water spray scrubber CD-Z-9215 and water spray scrubber CD-Z- 9216; however, during such production, solvents will be limited to water or volatile organic compound (VOC) solvents that: (A) Contain no hazardous air pollutants as defined at 40 Cl£R §63.2; (B) Contain no toxic air pollutants as defined at 15A NCAC 2Q .0703(22) unless the emission rate(s) is/arc less than that/those allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 (except that ethanol. denatured with ethyl acetate may be used); and (C) Have a vapor pressure less than or equal to methanol. ii. The source shall operate the water spray fume scrubbers (ID Nos. CD-Z-9215 and CD-Z-9216) whenever ethyl acetate is utilized as a solvent. iii. The Permittee shall maintain daily records specifying the particular product produced(e.g., EVG flavorants, Kava Kava, Saint Johnswort etc.)and the quantity and type of solvent used. iv. The Permittee shall certify compliance with the criteria for solvents (Section 2.2 A.2.d.i.)that may be used when scrubbers are not operated. e. . `'['he TPER table listed below is provided to assist the Permittee in determining when an:air permit is required pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 and may not represent all TAPS being ernitted from the facility. This table will be updated at such time as the permit is either modified or renewed. Toxic Permit Emission Rate(TPER) Toxic Air Pollutant. CAS Number pounds per Pounds per Pounds per hour da year Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 36 ...__ � ........ Toluene ......... I08-$8 3 14.4 9g Perrnit 01819T38 Page 44 B. Three No. 2 fuel oil-fired boilers, as described in Section 2.1 A, above; Rotocel Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Recovery Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Biomass Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D, above; Botanical Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D, above; and Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1 (63,500 gallon capacity; ID No.WWTP-AT1) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Volatile organic compounds Best Available Control Technology 15A i�iCAC 2D .0530 (VOC) 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0530: PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION a. The following Best Available Control Technology(BACT) Iimits shall not be exceeded: L _ Emission Source . Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology Rotocel extractor, 47.31 tons per T desolventizer and solvent 10.8 pounds consecutive Condenser tower VOC and packed tower 09 separation/recovery per hour 12�-month �, (1D :r No. S-1001-2-1-P1) period scrubber C�-14)0i-:2-.�-1 When Rotocel Operating: Condenser CD-1001-2- 0.94 pounds per hour and 4.11 C-1 and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-100I-2-S-1 period, combined total 1 f Rotocel solvent recycle tanks VOC Wlcen Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD--100I-2- (11) No ES-1001 2-1-P2) Operating and Recovery C-1 ........ .. ......... Process is processing Concrete: v 0.47 pounds per hour and 0.19 tons per consecutive 12-month period, combined total Rotocel equipment leaks VOC Leak detection,and.. (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-F) (Fugitive) repair (LDAR) - Rotocel wastewater stream Fixed roofs on. (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-WW) VOC - wastewater treatment tanks Permit 01819T38 Page 45 Emission Source Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology When Rotocel is Operating: Condenser CD-1001-1-3 0.80 pounds per hour and 3.50 and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 period Recovery arcon tank M-1 VOC When Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD-1001-1-3 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) Operating and Recovery Process is processing. Concrete: 8.76 pounds per hour and 0.63 tons per consecutive I2-month Period When Rotocel is Operating: Condenser CD-1001-1- 0.85 pounds per hour and 3.72 T5B and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 period :Recovery stripper T-5 and When Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD-1.601-1- receiver M-21 VOC Operating and Recovery TSB (ID No..ES-100.1-1-1-P2) Process is processing Concrete: E 4.89 pounds per hour and 1.99 tons per consecutive 12-month period Recovery process/storage tanks VOC Fixed roofs (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P3) .. ....... ............... .............. Recovery equipment leaks V u LDAR (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-F) (Fugitive) 95%mass removal from Fixed roofs on Recovery wastewater stream VOC wastewater stream consisting wastewater treatment (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) of methanol-wash tanks and biological treatment Botanical extraction immersion extractor, 61.76 tons per desolventizer, first.and 14.1 pounds consecutive Condenser CD-1001-'1 1- second stage evaporators, VOC EX1002 and condenser distillation column, day tank, per hour period CD-1001-11-EX1003 and multiple process tanks period od (ID No. ES-1001-11-P) Botanical extraction VOC equipment leaks (ID No. ES- (Fugitive) LDAR 1001-11-F) Botanical extraction Fixed roofs on wastewater stream(1D No. VOC wastewater treatment ES-1001-11-W W) I I Itanks Permit 01819T38 Page 46 Emission Source Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology Biomass extraction immersion extractor, desolventizer, day tank, 61.8 tons per isohexane storage tank, first Condenser CD-1004- and second stage VOCs 14.1 pounds consecutive 2EX1002 and.condenser evaporators, distillation per hour e th CD-1004-2EX1003 column, and multiple process period od tanks (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) Biomass extraction equipment leaks (ID No. ES- VOCs LDAR 1004-2-F) Biornass extraction Fixed roofs on wastewater stream(ID NO.' VOCs wastewater treatment ES-1004-2-WW) tanks No. 2 fuel-oil fired boilers LNos. H-101, H-102, II- VOC 0.2 pounds per 1,000 gallons Combustion control ) Testing [15A NCAC 21) .26011 b. if emissions t-sting is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in S,.ction 2.2,B.La, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC:2D 0530. Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f) c. The Permittee shall only fill the Rotocei solvent recycletanks (ID No. ES-1001-=24-P2) from-canker - trucks when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is operating. d. The Pennittee shall limit the operation of the rotocel solvent recycle tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2), recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), and recovery stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2) while source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating to no greater than 34 days in any consecutive 12-month period. e. The Permittee shall limit the total number of days during which the liquid flow into the recovery arcon tank M-1 (11) No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) exceeds the Iiquid flow out of the arcon tank (i.e., days when the liquid level in the tank rises) while source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating to no greater than 6 days in any consecutive 12-month period. f. The Per-nittee shall implement the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program of 40 CER Part 63, Subpart UU, as per the requirements Section 2.2 B.2, below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530, if the LDAR program requirements are not implemented. g. The Pennittee shall determine once a week, the mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological. wastewater treatment plant (i.e. Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1; ID No. WWTP- AT1) for volatile organic compounds(VOC), when the wastewater stream consisting of methanol-wash from the recovery operations (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) is discharged to it. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological wastewater treatment plant (ID No..WWTP-AT1) for VOC is not determined every week or if the mass removal efficiency is less than 95%. h. Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the emission sources listed in Section 2.2 B.La, Permit 01819T38 Page 47 above, shall be controlled by the associated condensers. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. In addition, the Permittee shall perform an annual inspection of each condenser system, including the following: i. The Permittee shall inspect and maintain the structural integrity of each condenser, including inspection for leakage of coolant and, if the system is under positive gauge pressure, leakage of the contaminated gas stream. In order to monitor leakage of the coolant, the condensate shall be inspected for the presence of coolant; and ii. The Permittee shall inspect and maintain the structural integrity of ductwork and piping leading to and corning from each condenser. The Permittee shall bedeemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the condensers are not inspected and maintained. i. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, a sensor to continuously measure the outlet temperature of each condenser listed in Section 2.2 B.La, above. Each sensor shall be installed in an accessible location and shall be maintained by the Permittee such that it is in proper working order at all times. The temperatures Output from the sensors shall be continuously monitored and hourly values used to determine the 24-hour average temperature at the condenser outlets. The Permittee shall be deemed in . noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the outlet temperatures of the condensers are not maintained.below the limits in the table below; or the condensers are not equipped with sensors to contihuotisly measure the outlet temperatures; or if those sensors are not inspected and maintained. Emission Source Condenser ID No. Regnired Outlet Temperature Rotocet'solvent recycle tanks (ID No. _ _ _ 2 CD-1001-2-C-1 '�5-1001 2 1 P ) 45 o F, 24-hour average, when Recovery arcon tank M-1 CD-1001-1-3 source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not (ID No. E;S--1001-1-1-P 1) operating and the tanks are used for concrete processing in theRecovery stripper T 5 and .... ........ p P' \ -1 T (TTI V- P 00 1- ! T n01 1 T recovery operation 1 r...,�,�r— 1 -1 k,— —0. PS-I� D 5$ 1-1-P2) Botanical extraction operations CD-1001-11-EX1003 -40 °F, 24-hour average (ID No. ES-1001-11-P) Biomass extraction operations CD-1004-2EX1003 -40 -F, 24-hour average (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) j, Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the emission sources listed in Section 2.2 :13.1.a, above, shall also be controlled by the associated packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-5-1), except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e, above. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. An annual inspection of spray nozzles and packing materials, chemical feed system (if so equipped), and perform maintenance and repair when necessary to assure proper operation of the packed tower scrubber; and ii. An annual inspection, cleaning, and calibration of all associated instrumentation. iii. Additionally, whenever the packing is replaced, the Permittee shall inspect for nozzle plugging and settling of the packing. Permit 01819T38 Page 48 The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the packed tower scrubber is not inspected and maintained. lc. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate a scrubbing liquid flow meter, a scrubbing liquid inlet temperature sensor, and an emission stream inlet temperature sensor for packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The Penmittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the flow meter and temperature sensors are not installed, .maintained, and calibrated, or if, except as allowed pursuant to Sections 22 B.I.d and e, above: i. The scrubbing liquid injection rate is not maintained at or above eight gallons per minute; ii. The scrubbing liquid inlet temperature exceeds 105 °F; iii. The emission stream inlet temperature exceeds 90 °F; or iv. The flow meter and temperature sensors are not operated. Recordkeepin$� [15ANCAC 2Q .0508(f)] 1. The Permittee shall maintain the following records: i. VOC emissions for each calendar month, and for the consecutive 12-month period ending with each calendar month, from the following sources: (A) Rotocel acid recovery operations (ID Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-PI, ES-1001-1.-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3)when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is operating; (B) Rotocel.and.recovery operations (1D Nos. ES-1001-2-1-PI, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the recovery process is processing concrete; (C) Botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-11-P); and (D)Biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P). ii. Results of any-inspections, maintenance, and monitoring conducted pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.1.c through k, above, shall be maintained in a logbook (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an 'authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall be updated at least monthly and record the following: (A)The date and time of each recorded action; (B) The operational status of source ES-1001-2-1-P1 during the filling of the rotocel solvent recycle tanks (1D No. ES-1001-2=l_P2) froin tanker trucks; (C) The actual hours of operation of the rotocel ;solvent recycle tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2), recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-PI), and recovery stripper T-5 and receiver M- 21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2), when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating; (D)The actual hours of operation of recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), when the liquid flow into the arcon tank exceeds the liquid flow out of recovery arcon tank M-1 and source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating; (E) The mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological wastewater treatment plant (ID No. WWTP-AT1) for VOC calculated once a week at a minimum when the wastewater stream consisting of methanol-wash from the recovery operation (1D No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) is discharged to it; (F) The 24-hour average outlet temperature of the associated condenser(s) listed in Section 2.2 B.1.i, above: (1) When source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the Concrete Operations tanks (ID No. ES-1001-1-2-P) are used for concrete processing in the recovery operation; (2) When the biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) is operating; and/or (3) When the botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2) is operating. (G) The scrubbing liquid injection rate, scrubbing liquid inlet temperature, and emission stream inlet temperature of scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 at least once each day that source ES-1001-2-1-P1 operates; (H) The results of maintenance performed on the condensers and scrubber listed in Section 2.2 Permit 01819T38 Page 49 B.l.a, above, and the associated temperature sensors and flow rate gauges; and (I) Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if these records are not maintained. Renortin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] m. Within 30 days of a request from the DAQ, the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance performed on the condensers and scrubber listed in Section 2.2.B.l.a, above. n. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or received on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. In addition, the semiannual reports shall also contain the following: i. The monthly VOC emissions from each of the following sources for each of the previous 17 tnonths; and (A) Rotocel and recovery operations (TD Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source E S-1001-2-1-P1 is operating; (B) Rotocel and recovery operations (ID Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the recovery process is processing concrete; .(C) Botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-11-P); and (D) Biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P). ii. The cumulative total VOC emissions from each of the sources listed in Section 2.2 B.l.n.i, above, for each of consecutive 12-month periods ending during the reporting period. 2. Leak Detection and Repair [15A NCAC 2D .0530: Prevention of Significant Deterioration] Equipment identification [1 SA NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] a. Affected process equipment shall be identified. Identification of the equipment does not require physical tagging of the equipment. For example, the equipment may be identified on a plant site plan, in - log entries by designation of process unit or affected facility boundaries by some form of weatherproof - identification, or by other appropriate methods. In addition to the above, the following equipment shall be specifically identified: i. Connectors that are: (A) Buried, insulated in a manner that prevents access by a monitor probe, (B) Obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access by a monitoring probe, (C) Unable to be reached by a lift up to 25 feet above ground level, (D)Inaccessible because it would require elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a permanent support surface or would require the erection of scaffolding, or (E) Not able to be accessed in a safe manner to perform monitoring; (Connectors need not be individually identified if all connectors in a designated area or length of pipe are identified as a group, and the number of connectors subject is indicated.) ii. Pressure relief devices that are equipped with rupture disk upstream of the pressure device; ill. Valves, pumps, and connectors that are designated unsafe-to-monitor (i.e., Permittee has determined that monitoring personnel would be exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of complying with the monitoring requirements); and iv. Valves that are difficult-to-monitor (i.e., Permittee has determined that the valve cannot be monitored without elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a support surface or it is not accessible in a safe manner when it is in regulated material service. b. The Permittee shall record the identity of equipment designated as unsafe-to-monitor and/or difficult- to-monitor and the planned schedule for monitoring this equipment. The Permittee shall include an Permit 01819T38 Page 50 explanation why the equipment is unsafe or difficult-to-monitor. These records must be kept at the plant and be available for review by an inspector. i. The Permittee shall have a written plan that requires monitoring of the equipment as frequently as practical during safe-to-monitor times, but not more frequently than the periodic monitoring schedule otherwise applicable, and repair of the equipment if a leak is detected. ii. The Permittee shall have a written plan that requires monitoring of difficult to monitor equipment at least once per calendar year and repair of the equipment if a leak is detected. c. Connectors that are designated as unsafe-to-repair will be repaired before the end of the next process unit shutdown. The identity of connectors designated as unsafe-to-repair and an explanation why the connector is unsafe-to-repair shall be recorded. Instrument and sensory monitoring for leaks [15A NCA_C 2Q .0508(f)] d. Instrument monitoring shall be conducted for i. Valves in gas/vapor or light liquid service; ii. Pumps in Iight liquid service; iii. Connectors in gas/vapor or light liquid service; and - iv. Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service. e. Sensory monitoring for leaks shall be conducted for pumps in light liquid service. Sensory monitoring consists of visual, audible, olfactory, or any other detection method used to deter-nine a potential leak to the atmosphere. f. Instrument monitoring shall comply with the following requirements, is Monitoring shall comply with Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. ii. The detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, except the instrument response factor criteria in section 3.1.2, paragraph(a) of Method 21 shall be for the representative composition of the process fluid not each individual VOC in the stream. For process streams that contain nitrogen, air, water or other inerts that are not VOC, the representative stream response factor shall be determined on an inert-free basis. The response factor may be determined at any concentration for which monitoring for leaks will be conducted. If there is no instrument commercially available that will meet the performance criteria specified above, the instrument readings may be adjusted by multiplying by the representative response factor of the process fluid,calculated on an..inert-'free basis iii. The detection instrument shall be calibrated annually by the manufacturer by the procedures specified in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. iv. Calibration gases shall be zero air (less than 10 parts per million of hydrocarbon in air); and the gases shall be mixtures of methane in air at a concentration no more than 2,000 parts per million greater than the leak definition concentration of the equipment monitored. If the monitoring instrument's design allows for multiple calibrationcalibration scales, then the lower scale shall be calibrated with a calibration gas that is no higher than 2,000 parts per million above the concentration specified as a leak; and the highest scale shall be calibrated.with a calibration gas that is approximately equal to 10,000 parts per million, A calibration gas other than methane in air may be used if the instrument does not respond to methane or if the instrument does not meet the performance criteria specified Method 21 of 40 CFR part CO, appendix A. In such cases, the calibration gas may be a mixture of one or more of the compounds to be treasured in air. v. Monitoring shall be performed when the equipment is in VOC service. g. The Permittee may elect to adjust or not to adjust the instrument readings for background. i. If the Permittee elects not to adjust instrument readings for background, the Permittee shall monitor the equipment according to the procedures specified above in Section 2.2 B.2.f of this permit, above. In such cases, all instrument readings shall be compared directly to the applicable leak definition for the monitored equipment to determine whether there is a leak or to determine compliance with operational standards for pressure relief devices. ii, If the Permittee elects to adjust instrument readings for background, the Pennittee shall Pemiit 01819T3 S Page 51 (A)Monitor the equipment according to the procedures specified above in Section 2.2 B.2.f, above; (B) Determine the background level using the procedures in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; (C) Traverse the potential leak interfaces with the instrument probe as close to the interface as possible as described in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; and (D) Compare the arithmetic difference between the maximum concentration indicated by the instrument and the background level to the applicable leak definition for the monitored equipment. to determine whether there is a leak or to determine compliance operational standards for pressure relief devices. h. When a leak is detected: i. A weatherproof and readily visible identification, shall be attached to the leaking equipment, and ii. Leak repair records shall be made that include the following: (A)The date of first attempt to repair the leak; (B) The date of successful repair of the Leak; (C) The maximum instrument reading measured by Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A at the time the leak is successfully repaired or determined to be non-repairable; (D)Dates of process unit shutdowns that occur while the equipment is unrepaired; and (E) Any delay of repair and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak. (1) The Permittee may develop a written procedure that identifies the conditions that justify a delay of repair. The written procedures may be,included as part of the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, or inay be part of a,separate document that is maintained at the plant site. In such cases reasons for deiay of repair may be documented by citing the relevant sections of the written procedure (i.e. season operation). (2) If delay of repair was caused by depletion of stocked,parts, there rnust be documentation that the spare parts were sufficiently stocked on-site before depletion and the reason for depletion. Leak Repair [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] i. The Permittee shall repair each leak detected a.; socwn as practical, but not later than 15 calendar days after it is detected; except as provided.for in delay of repair and/or unsafe to repair connectors.A first attempt at repair shall be made no Iater than 5 calendar days after the leak is detected. First attempt at repair for pumps includes, but is not limited to, tightening the packing gland nuts and/or ensuring that the seal flush is operating at design pressure and temperature. First attempt at repair for valves includes, but is not limited to, tightening the bonnet volts, and/or replacing the bonnet bolts, and/or tightening the packing gland nuts, and/or injecting lubricant into the lubricated packing. j. The leak identification on a valve in gas/vapor.or light liquid service may be removed after it has been monitored as specified in this permit and no leak has been detected during that monitoring. The leak identification on a connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service may be removed after it has been monitored as specified in this permit and no leak has been detected during that monitoring. Identification that has been placed on equipment determined to have a leak, except for a valve or for a connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service, may be removed after it is repaired. k. Delay of repair is allowed for any of the conditions specified below. The Permittee shall maintain a record of the facts that explain any delay of repairs and, where appropriate, why the repair was technically infeasible without a process unit shutdown, i. Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected is allowed if repair within 15 days after a leak is detected is technically infeasible without a process unit or affected facility shutdown. Repair of this equipment shall occur as soon as practical, but no later than the end of the next process unit shutdown. However, delay of repair beyond a process unit shutdown will be allowed for a valve if valve assembly replacement is necessary during the process unit shutdown, and valve assembly supplies have been depleted, and valve assembly supplies had been sufficiently stocked Permit 01819T38 Page 52 before the supplies were depleted. Delay of repair beyond the second process unit shutdown will not be allowed unless the third process unit shutdown occurs sooner than six months after the first process unit shutdown. ii. Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected is allowed for equipment that is isolated from the process and that does not remain in VQC service.. iii. Delay of repair for valves and connectors is also allowed if: (A)The Permittee determines that emissions of purged material resulting from immediate repair would be greater than the fugitive emissions likely to result from delay of repair, and (B) When repair procedures are effected, the purged material can not be collected and destroyed or reused in the process. iv. Delay of repair for pumps is also allowed if repair requires replacing the existing seal deign with a new system that the Permittee has determined under a quality improvement program (Sections 2.2 B.2.bb through 2.2 B.2.gg, below) will provide better performance, or the repair is completed as soon as practical,but not later than 6 months after the leak was detected and one of the following is used: (A)A dual mechanical seal system; (B) A pump that meets has no external shaft penetrating the pump housing; or (C) A system that routes emissions to a process or. a fu.e.l gas system or a closed vent system and control device; Valves in Gas/Vanor/Ligbt Liquid Service [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] 1. 'The Permittee shall monitor all valves using the method .specified in this permit at the intervals,.except unsafe to monitor valves and maintain.records as specified below. The instrument reading that defines a leak is 500 parts per million or greater. i. If at least the greater of two valves or two percent of the valves in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall monitor each valve once per month. ii At process units with less than the greater of two leaking valves or two percent leaking valves, the Permittee shall monitor each valve once each quarter, except as provided below. (A)The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once every two quarters for process units with less than.one percent leaking valves. B The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once eve four quarters for process units with y every q P... less than 0.5 percent leaking valves. (C) The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once every two years for process units with less than 0.25 percent leaking valves. iii. The Permittee shall keep a record of the monitoring schedule for each process unit. m. The Permittee may choose to subdivide the valves in the group of process units and apply the monitoring frequency provisions to each subgroup. If the Permittee subdivides the valves in the group of process units,then the following provisions apply. i. The overall performance of total valves in the group of process units to be subdivided shall be less than two percent leaking valves. ii_ The initial assignment or subsequent reassignment of valves to subgroups shall be governed as follows. (A)The Permittee shall determine which valves are assigned to each subgroup. Valves with less than one year of monitoring data or valves not monitored within the last twelve months must be placed initially into the most frequently monitored subgroup until at least one year of monitoring data have been obtained. (B) Any valve or group of valves can be reassigned from a less frequently monitored subgroup to a more frequently monitored subgroup provided that the valves to be reassigned were monitored during the most recent monitoring period for the less frequently monitored subgroup. The monitoring results must be included with that less frequently monitored subgroup's associated percent leaking valves calculation for that monitoring event. Peirmit 61819T38 Page 53 (C) Any valve or group of valves can be reassigned from a more frequently monitored subgroup to a less frequently monitored subgroup provided that the valves to be reassigned have not leaked for the period of the less frequently monitored subgroup (e.g., for the last 12 months, if the valve or group of valves is to be reassigned to a subgroup being monitored annually). Non- repairable valves may not be reassigned to a less frequently monitored subgroup. iii. The Permittee shall determine every six months if the overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units is less than two percent leaking valves and so indicate the performance in the next periodic report. If the overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units is two percent leaking valves or greater, the Permittee shall no longer subgroup and shall revert to the program required in Section 2.2 B.2.p. for that group of process units. The Permittee can again elect to comply with the valve subgrouping procedures if future overall performance of total valves in the process unit or group of process units is again less than two percent. The overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units shall be calculated as a weighted average.of the percent leaking valves.of... each subgroup according to following equation: M �(-V,l XV %VLo = t=i „ I V, =� Where: %VLO=Overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units %VL; =Percent leaking valves in subgroup i,most recent value V; =Number of valves in subgroup i n =Number of subgroups. iv. The Permittee shall maintain the following records: (A)Which valves are assigned to each subgroup; (13) Monitoring results and calculations made for each subgroup for each monitoring period; ....... ... (C) Which valves are reassigned, the last monitoring result prior to reassipment, and when they were reassigned; and (D)The results of the semiannual overall performance calculation. v. The Permittee shall notify the DAQ no later than 30 clays prior to the beginning of the next monitoring period of the decision to subgroup valves_ The notification shall identify the participating process units and the number of valves assigned to each subgroup, if applicable, and may be included in the next semi-annual periodic report. vi. The Permittee shall submit in the semi-annual periodic reports the following information: (A)Total number of valves in each subgroup, and (B) The results of the semiannual overall performance calculation. n. The Permittee perform percentage calculations for each process group (i.e., botanical extraction, biomass extraction, and Rotocel/recovery) for comparison with the sub grouping criteria specified in Section 2.2 B.2.m, above, and the percent leaking valves for each monitoring period for each process unit or valve subgroup shall be calculated using the following equation: %VL = VL X 100 V. Where: %VL = Percent leaking valves. Permit 01819T38 Page 54 V1, = Number of valves found leaking, excluding non-repairable valves and including those valves found whose repair was not confirmed with both post leak repair monitoring and periodic monitoring. VT = The sum of the total number of valves monitored. o. When determining monitoring frequency for each process unit or valve subgroup subject to monthly, quarterly, or semiannual monitoring frequencies, the percent leaking valves shall be the arithmetic average of the percent leaking valves from the last two monitoring periods. When determining monitoring frequency for each process unit or valve subgroup subject to annual or biennial (once every 2 years) monitoring frequencies, the percent leaking valves shall be the arithmetic average of the percent leaking valves from the last three monitoring periods, .i. Non-repairable valves shall be included in the calculation of percent leaking valves the first time the valve is identified as leaking and non-repairable. Otherwise, a number of non-repairable valves (identified and included in the percent leaking valves calculation in a previous period) 'ap to a maximum of one percent of the total. number of valves in VOC service at a process unit may be excluded from calculation of percent leaking valves for subsequent monitoring periods, ii. If the number of non-repairable valves exceeds one percent of the total number of valves in regulated material service at a process unit or affected facility, the number of non-repairable valves exceeding one percent of the total number of valves in regulated material service shall be included in the calculation of percent leaking valves. p. If a leak is determined, then the leak shall be repaired. After a leak has been repaired., the valve shall be monitored at least once within the first three months after its repair. i. This monitoring is in addition to the monitoring required to satisfy the definition of repaired and first attempt at repair. The monitoring shall be conducted to determine whether the valve has resumed leaking. ii. Periodic monitoring may be used to satisfy this if the timing of the monitoring period coincides with the time specified. Alternatively, other monitoring may be pert-ormcd to satisfy the requirement regardless of whether the timing of the monitoring period for periodic monitoring coincides with the time above. iii. If a leak is detected by monitoring that is conducted after leak repair, the Permitter: shall: (A)Use periodic monitoring to satisfy the requirement above, then the valve shall be counted as a leaking valve, or __ __ (B) If the Permittee elected to use other monitoring, prior to the periodic monitoring, to satisfy the above requirement, then the valve shall be counted as a leaking valve unless it is repaired and shown by periodic monitoring not to be leaking. q. Any valve that is designated as an unsafe-to-monitor or difficult to monitor valve is exempt from the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.1, above, and the Pennittee shall monitor the valve according to the written plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b, above. Pumps in Iieht liquid service standards [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] r. The pumps shall be instrumentally monitored monthly to detect leaks by the method specified in this permit. The instrument reading that defines a leak is 1,000 parts per million or greater. Repair is not required unless an instrument reading of 2,000 parts per million or greater is detected. Any pump that is designated as an unsafe-to-monitor pump is exempt from this requirement and shall be monitored and inspected according to the written plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b, above. s. Each pump shall be checked by visual inspection each calendar week for indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal. The Penmittee shall document that the inspection was conducted and the date of the inspection. If there are indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal at the time of the weekly inspection,the Permittee shall: i. Monitor the pump as specified in this permit and if the instrument reading indicates a reading of 2,000 parts per million (ppm) or greater it shall be repaired using the procedures in Sections 2.2 B.2.1 through 2.2 13.21, above, or Permit 01819T38 Page 55 n, Eliminate the visual indications of liquids dripping. Any pump that is located within the boundary of an unmanned plant site is exempt from the weekly visual inspection provided that each pump is visually inspected as often as practical and at least monthly. t. If, when calculated on a 6-month rolling average for the percent leaking pumps, at least the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps in a process unit or three pumps in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall implement a quality improvement program for pumps Sections 2.2.B.2.bb through 2.2 B.2.gg, below. The Permittee shall not alter the process grouping used in calculating this percentage. i. The number of pumps at a process unit shall be the sum of all the pumps in VOC service, except that pumps found leaking in a continuous process unit within one month after start-up of the pump shalt not count in the percent leaking pumps calculation for that one monitoring period only. ii. Percent leaking pumps shall be determined by the following equation: . PT where: %PL=Percent leaking pumps PL =Number of pumps found leaking as determined through monthly monitoring. Do not include results from inspection of unsafe-to-monitor pumps. Ps =Number of pumps leaking .within one month of start-up during the current monitoring period. PT =Total pumps in VOC, including pumps with duel mechanical seals, pumps with no external shaft penetrating the pump housing, and unsafe to monitor pumps. " nnnectors W gas and vapor service and in light liquid service standards [1.5A NCAG 2Q .0508(f)] u. The Permittee shall monitor all connectors in gas and vapor and light liquid using instrumentation as specified in this permit. If an instrument reading greater than or equal to 500 parts per million Is measured, a leak is detected. Any connector that is designated as unsafe-to-monitor is exempt from requirement and shall be monitored and inspected according to the written.plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b above .... V. The Permittee shall perform monitoring as specified below. i.. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was greater than or equal to 0.5 percent, then monitor within 12 months(one year). ii. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was greater than or equal to 0.25 percent but less than 0.5 percent, then monitor within four years. The Permittee may comply with this requirement by monitoring at least 40 percent of the connectors within two years of the start of the monitoring period, provided all connectors have been monitored by the end of the four year monitoring period. iii. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was less than 0.25 percent the Permittee shall monitor at least 50 percent of the connectors within four years of the start of the monitoring period and (A)Monitor as soon as practical, but within the next six months, all connectors that have not yet been monitored during the monitoring period if the percent leaking connectors is greater than or equal to 0.35 percent of the monitored connectors [At the conclusion of monitoring, a new monitoring period shall be started based on the percent leaking connectors of the total monitored connectors.], or (B) Monitor all connectors that have not yet been monitored within eight years of the start of the monitoring period if the percent leaking connectors is less than 0,35 percent of the monitored connectors. Permit 01819T38 Page 56 iv. If, during the monitoring, a connector is found to be leaking, it shall be re-monitored once within 90 days after repair to confirm that it is not leaking. v. The Permittee shall keep a record of the start date and end date of each monitoring period under this section for each process unit. w. Monitoring frequency shall be determined based on the percent leaking connectors and calculated as follows: %CL =-L x 100 Cf Where: %C1, = Percent leaking connectors as determined through periodic monitoring. C, = Number of connectors measured at 500 parts per million or greater. Q = Total number of monitored connectors in the process unit. x. .connectors that are: i. Buried, insulated in a manner that prevents access by a monitor probe, ii. Obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access by a monitoring probe, iii. Unable to be reached by a lift up to 25 feet above ground level, iv. Inaccessible because it would require elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a permanent support surface or would require the erection of scaffolding, or v. Not able to be accessed in a safe manner to perform monitoring are exempt from monitoring requirements, However if any inaccessible, ceramic or ceramic-lined cnnector is observed by visual, audible, olfactory, or other means to be leaking, the visual, audible, olfactory, or other indications of a leak to the atmosphere shall be eliminated as soon as practi.ca.l. 7essure relief devices in gas and vapor service standards [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] k', Y. �,xcept during,pressure releases as specified below, each pressure relief device in gas and;vapor service ; all be operated with an instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million. z.: .i.fter each pressure release: The pressure relief device shall be returned to a condition indicated by an instrument reading-of - less.than...500-parts-per..million,-as soon-as_practical,.but no later than five calendar days after each pressure release, except as provided for in delay of repair provisions of ibis permit; ii. The pressure relief device shall be monitored no later than five calendar days after the restoration to confirm the condition indicated by an instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million Above background, and iii. The Permittee shall record the dates and results of the monitoring following a pressure release including the background level measured and the maximum instrument reading measured during the.monitoring. aa. Any pressure relief device that is equipped with a rupture disk upstream of the pressure relief device is exempt from monitoring provided the Permittee installs a replacement rupture disk upstream of the pressure relief device as soon as practical after each pressure release but no later than five calendar- days after each pressure release, except as provided for in delay of repair. Quality improvement program for pumps [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] bb. If, on a 6-month rolling average, at least the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps in a process unit or three pumps in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall implement a quality improvement plan until the number of leaking pumps is less than the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps or three pumps in the process unit, calculated as a 6-month rolling average. Once the performance level is achieved, the Pennittee shall comply with the requirements in Sections 2.2 B.2.r through 2.2 13.2.t, above. cc. The Permittee shall collect the following data and maintain records for each pump in each process unit subject to the quality improvement program. The data may be collected and the records may be maintained on a process unit, affected facility, or plant site basis. Permit 01819T38 Page 57 i. Pump type (e.g., piston, horizontal or vertical centrifugal, gear, bellows); pump manufacturer; seal type and manufacturer; pump design (e.g., external shaft, flanged body); materials of construction; if applicable, barrier fluid or packing material; and year installed, ii. Service characteristics of the stream such as discharge pressure, temperature, flow rate, and annual operating hours. iii. The maximum instrument readings observed in each monitoring observation before repair, response factor for the stream if appropriate, instrument model number, and date of the observation. iv. If a leak is detected, the repair methods used and the instrument readings after repair. The Permittee shall continue to collect data on the pumps as long as the process unit or affected facility (or plant site) remains in the quality improvement program. dd. The Permitter shall inspect all pumps or pump seals that exhibited frequent seal failures and were removed from the process unit due to leaks. The inspection shall determine the probable cause of the pump seal failure or of the pump leak and shall include recommendations, as appropriate, for design changes or changes in specifications to reduce leak potential. ee. The Pennittee shall analyze the data collected to comply with the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.ce, above, to determine the services, operating or maintenance practices, and pump or pump seal designs or technologies that have poorer than average emission performance and those that have better than average emission performance. The analysis shall determine if specific trouble areas can be identified on the basis of service, operating conditions or maintenance practices, equipment design, or other process-specific factors. i. The analysis shall also be used to determine if there are superior performing pump or pump seal technologies that are applicable to the service(s), operating conditions, or pump or pump seal. designs associated with poorer than average emission performance. A superior performing pump or hump seal technology is one with a leak frequency of less than 10 percent for specific applications in the process unit. A candidate superior performing pump or pump seal technology -s one C eMonstrated or reported in the available literature or through a group study as having low emission performance and as being capable of achieving less than 10 percent leaking pumps in the process unit. ii. The analysis shall include consideration of the following information: (A)'The data obtained from the inspections of pumps and pump seals removed from the process unit due to leaks, ... (B) Information from the available literature and from the experience of other plant sites that will identify pump designs or technologies and operating conditions associated with low Emission perforii4ance for specific services; and (C) Information on limitations on the service conditions for the pump seal technology operating conditions as well as information on maintenance procedures to ensure continued low emission performance. iii. The data analysis may be conducted through an inter- or intra-company program (or through some. combination of the two approaches) and may be for a single process unit, a plant site, a company, or a'group of process units. iv. The first analysis of the data shall be completed no later than 18 months after the start of the quality improvement program. The first analysis shall be performed using data collected for a minimum of six months. An analysis of the data shall be done each year the process unit or affected facility is in the quality improvement program. ff. The Permittee shall prepare and implement a pump quality assurance program that details purchasing specifications and maintenance procedures for all pumps and pump seals in the process unit. The quality assurance program may establish any number of categories, or classes, of pumps as needed to distinguish among operating conditions and services associated with poorer than average emission performance as well as those associated with better than average emission performance. The quality assurance program shall be developed considering the findings of the data analysis required under paragraph Section 2,2B.2.ee, above, and the operating conditions in the process unit. The quality Permit 01819T39 Page 58 assurance program shall be updated each year as long as the process unit has the greater of either 10 percent or more leaking pumps or has three leaking pumps. i. The quality assurance program shall implement the following procedures. (A)Establish minimum design standards for each category of pumps or pump seal technology. The design standards shall specify known critical parameters such as tolerance, manufacturer, materials of construction, previous usage, or other applicable identified critical parameters. (B) Require that all equipment orders specify the design standard (or minimum tolerances) for the pump or the pump seal. (C) Provide for an audit procedure for quality control of purchased equipment to ensure conformance with purchase specifications. (D)Detail off-line pump maintenance and repair procedures. These procedures shall include provisions to ensure that rebuilt or refurbished pumps and pump seals will meet the design specifications for the pump category and will operate so that emissions are minimized. ii. The quality assurance program shall.be established no later than the start of the third year of the quality improvement program. gg. Three years after the start of the quality improvement program, the Permittee shall replaccAhe pumps or Pump seals that are not superior emission performance technology with pumps or pump seals that have been identified as superior emission performance technology and that comply with the quality assurance standards for the pump category. Superior emission performance technology is that category or design of pumps or pump seals with emission performance that when combined with appropriate process, operating; and maintenance practices, will result in less than 10 percent leaking pumps for specific applications in the process unit.. Superior emission performance technology includes material or design changes to the existing pump, pump seal, seal support system, installation of multiple mechanical.seals or equivalent, or pump replacement. i. ?umps or pump seals shall be replaced at the rate of 20 percent per year based on the total number of pumps in Tight liquid service. The calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest nonzero integer value. The minimum number of pumps or pump seals shall be one. Pump replacement shall continue until all pumps subject to the requirements of Sections 2.2 B.2.r through.2.2 B.2.t,above, are primps determined to be superior performance technology. ii. The Permittee may delay replacement of pump seals or pumps with superior technology;until the next planned process unit shutdown provided the number of pump seals and pumps replaced is equivalent.to the 20 percent or greater annual replacement rate. iii. The pumps shall be maintained as specified in the quality assurance program. hh. The Permittee shall maintain records for the period of the quality improvement program for the process unit prescribed below. i. When using a pump quality improvement program, the Permittee shall record: (A)The rolling average percent leaking pumps; (B) Documentation of all inspections conducted under the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.1ld, above,.and any recommendations.for design or specification changes to reduce leak frequency; and (C) The beginning and ending dates while meeting the quality improvement plan requirements. ii. If a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak, the reason for the delay and the expected date of successful repair. iii. Records of all analyses required in the quality improvement plan including a list identifying areas associated with poorer than average performance and the associated service characteristics of the stream, the operating conditions and maintenance practices. iv. All records documenting the quality assurance program for pumps as specified in the quality assurance program, including records indicating that all pumps replaced or modified during the period of the quality improvement program are in compliance with the quality assurance. v. . Records documenting compliance with the 20 percent or greater annual replacement rate for pumps as specified in Section 2.2 B2.gg, above. Permit 01819T38 Page 59 Recordkeeping requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] ii. The Permittee shall keep general and specific equipment identification if the equipment is not physically tagged and the Perrittee is electing to identify the equipment through written documentation such as a log or other designation. jj. The Permittee shall keep a written plan for any equipment that is designated as unsafe- or difficult-to- monitor. kk. The Permittee shall maintain a record of the identity and an explanation for any equipment that is designated as unsafe-to-repair. 11. The Permittee shall keep records for leak repair and records for delay of repair. mm. For valves, the Permittee shall maintain the monitoring schedule for each process unit and the valve subgrouping records. nn. For pumps,the Permitter, shall maintain documentation of pump visual.inspections. oo. For connectors, the Permittee shall maintain the monitoring schedule for each process. pp. For pressure relief devices in gas and vapor or light liquid service, the Permittee shall keep records of the dates and results of monitoring following a pressure release. qq. For a pump QIP program, the Permittee shall maintain the following records: i. Individual pump records as specified in Section 2.2 B.2.ec, above; ii. Quality assurance program documentation as specified in Section 2.2 B2.ff, above; and hi. Quality improvement program records as specified in Section 2.2 B.2.hh, above. Reporting requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] rr. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or received on or hefore January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June.The report shall contain in surnmary format by equipment type (i.e., valves in gas/vapor/light liquid service, Purr:ps in light liquid service, and connectors in gas/vapor/light liquid): i. The number of components for which leaks were detected ii. The percent..leakers for valves, pumps and connectors, and iii. The total number of components monitored The report shall also include the number of leaking components that were not repaired, and for valves and connectors, identify the number of components that are determined to be non-repairable: ss. Where any delay of repair is utilized, report that delay of repair has occurred and report the number of instances of delay of repair. tt, Report the valve subgrouping information. uu. For pressure relief devices in gas and vapor service that are to be operated at a leak detection instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million, report the results of all monitoring to show compliance conducted within the semiannual reporting period. vv. Report,if applicable,the initiation of a monthly monitoring program for valves. ww. Report, if applicable, the initiation of a quality improvement program for pumps. Pernut 0181 9T38 Page 60 C. Sclareolide (SDE) Operations, including: • Four process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-P); • One acetic acid storage tank(10,135 gallon capacity; ID No.M-20); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-F); • Four batch reactors (ID Nos. M-10, M-10A, D-1231A, and D-1231B) and associated venturi-type wet scrubber (10 gallons per minute minimum liquid injection rate; ID No. CD-M-34); and • SDE Operations wastewater stream (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-WW) Biological Conversion Equipment for Purification of Sclareolide, including: • Twelve process tanks of various capacities(ID No.ES-1001-1-3-P); • One centrifuge (ID No. G-17); • One steam-heated dryer(ID No.D-1202); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-3-F); • One distillation column (6 gallon per minute nominal process rate; ID No. A-2); and • Biological conversion equipment for sclareolide purification wastewater stream (ID No.F,S-1001- 1-3-WW) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside (EVG) Operations,including: • One water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9215) venting to one water.spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z,-9216) controlling emissions from: o Tbree reactors(ID Nos.D-2202,D-1215, and D-I218); and o One steam-heated dryer (ID No.D-1201); • Process equipment leaks (ID No..ES-1003-2-2-F); and • EVG Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-1003-2-2-WW) Sclareol Reerystallization (SFG) Operations; including: • Four process tanks of various capacities (ID No.ES-1003-10-P); • _. One,,,h.exane stor age.tank...(6,700..gallon capacity; ID_No. T-300I).;..... _.__ _.............. ._ _........ IDrocess equipment leaks (ID No T,'C�1nn2 10_F); and, . • One chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-3001) controlling emissions from: o One centrifuge (ID No. C-3001); o One reactor (ID No. D-3001); and o One steam-heated dryer (ID No. D-3001d) • SFG Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-100340-WW) Plant Nutrient Extraction (PNE) Operations, including one water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9215) venting to one water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water solution injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9216) controlling emissions from: • One product extract reactor (ID No. D31214) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. EX2203); • Seven processing tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1003-2-1-P); • One centrifuge(ID No. C-31203); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1003-2-1-F), • One waste solids separator vessel (1,333 gallon capacity; ID No. D31211) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. EX2205); and • PNE Process wastewater stream (ID No. ES-1.003-2-1-WW) Permit 01819T38 Page 61 Concrete Operations, including: • Four steam-heated hot boxes (ID Nos. HB-1,HB-2,HB-3, and HI3-4); • Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES-1001-1-2-F); • Six process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1001-1-2-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-1-2); and • Concrete Operations wastewater stream. (ID No.ES-1001-1-2-WW) Rotocel Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Recovery Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Botanical Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D,above; and Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1 (63,500 gallon capacity; ID No. WWTP-AT1) The following table provides a surnrnary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Pollutant ;Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Maximum Achievable Control 15A NCAC 2D .l I I 1 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) Technology [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF] 1. 2D .1I I I `MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY' [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart IiFFFJ a. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, recordkeeping, and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 2D .I I I I "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. including Subpart A "General Provisions". For convenience, some of the relevant definitions from 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF are included below: [40 CFR §§63.2435, 63.2440, 63.2445(b), and 63.2550] Group I batch process vent means each of the batch process vents in a process for which the collective uncontrolled organic HAP emissions-from all.of'the. batch process vents are greater than or equal to - 10,000 lb/yr at an existing source or greater than or equal to 3,000 lb/yr at a new source. Group 2 batch process vent means each batch process vent that does not meet the definition of Group 1 batch process vent. Group I continuous process vent means a continuous process vent for which the flow rate is greater than or equal to 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute, and the total resource effectiveness index value, calculated according to §63.2455(b), is less than or equal to 1.9 at an existing source and less than or equal to 5.0 at a new source. Group 2 continuous process vent means a continuous process vent that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 continuous process vent. Group I storage tank means a storage tank with a capacity greater than or equal to 10,000 gal storing material that has a maximum true vapor pressure of total HAP greater than or equal to 6.9 kilopascals at an existing source or greater than or equal to 0.69 kilopascals at a new source. Group 2 storage tank means a storage tank that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 storage tank. Group I wastewater stream means a wastewater stream consisting of process wastewater at an existing or new source that meets the criteria for Group I status in §63.2485(c) for compounds in Tables 8 and 9 to this subpart and/or a wastewater stream consisting of process wastewater at a new source that meets the criteria for Group 1 status in §63.132(d) for compounds in Table 8 to subpart G of this part 63. Group 2 wastewater stream means any process wastewater stream that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 wastewater stream. In organic HAP service means that a piece of equipment either contains or contacts a fluid (liquid or Permit 01819T38 Page 62 gas) that is at least 5 percent by weight of total organic HAP as determined according to the provisions of§63.180(d). The provisions of§63.180(d) also specify how to determine that a piece of equipment is not in organic HAP service. Miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing process means all equipment which collectively function to produce a product or isolated intermediate that are materials described in §63.2435(b). For the purposes of this subpart, process includes any, all or a combination of reaction, recovery, separation, purification, or other activity, operation, manufacture, or treatment which are used to produce a product or isolated intermediate. Nonstandard hatch means a batch process that is operated outside of the range of operating conditions that are documented in an existing operating scenario but is still a reasonably anticipated event. For example, a nonstandard batch occurs when additional processing or processing at different operating conditions must be conducted to produce a product that is normally produced under the conditions described by the standard batch. A nonstandard batch may be necessary as a result of a malfunction, but it is not itself a malfunction. -perating scenario means, for the purposes of reporting Land recordkeeping, any specific operation of an MCPU as described by records specified in §63.2525(b). Point of determination mearis each point where process wastewater exits the MCPU or control device. Standard hatch means a batch process operated within a range of operating conditions that are documented in an operating scenario. Emissions from a standard batch are based on the operating conditions that result in highest emissions. The standard batch defines the uncontrolled and controlled emissions for each emission episode defined under the operating scenario, General Requirements/Limitations [I SA NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] b. The Permittee shall comply with the general requirements of.Sections 2.2 C.l.b.i through v, below; i. The Permittee must submit a Notice of Compliance Status Report for the SDE Operations, the Concrete Operations, and/or ;he PNE Operations prior to the operation of those operations in organic HAP service (as defined at 40 CFR §63.2250) and such that provisions of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF apply to those operations,pursuant to 40 CFR §63.2520(d). ii. Opening a safety- device, as defined in §63.2550, is allowed at any time conditions require it to avoid unsafe conditions. [40 CFR 63.2450(p)] iii. The Pennittee must comply with the applicable control requirements found in 40 CFR §§63.2455 through 63.2490 for the affected sources. iv. If a Group 2 emission point becomes a Group 1 emission point, the Permittee must be in compliance with the Group 1 requirements beginning on the date the switch occurs. An initial compliance demonstration as specified in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF roust be conducted within 150 days after the switch in group status occurs. The Perrrzittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if the Permittee does not meet these requirements. [40 CFR §63.2445(d)] v. The Permittee must develop a written startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (SSM Plan)that complies with 40 CFR §63.6(e) for the affected sources. The Pennittee is not, however, required to address equipment leaks (except for control devices) or Group 2 emission points in the SSM Plan. The SSM Plan must describe, in detail, procedures for operating and maintaining the affected sources during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction; and corrective actions for malfunctioning process, control, and monitoring equipment used to comply with Subpart FFFF. The SSM Plan does not need to address any scenario that would not cause an affected source to exceed an applicable emission limit in Subpart FFFF, The SSM Plan must be maintained on site and made available for inspection by authorized personnel. [40 CFR§§63.6(e)(3) and 63.25250)] The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1.111 if it does not meet the requirements of Sections 22 C.1.b.i through v, above. Monitoring Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] Permit 018 3 9T38 Page 63 c. The Permittee shall comply with the specific requirements of Sections 2.2 C.I.c.i through vii,below: i. Continuous process vents: To ensure compliance, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring of Sections 2.2 C.l.c.i(A) and(B),below, for the affected continuous process vents: (A.)For the continuous process vents associated with the Rotocel Operations and the Recovery Operations, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring found in Sections 2.2 B.l.h through k, above. (B) For continuous process vent associated with the Botanical Extraction Operations, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring found in Sections 2.2 B.l.h and i, above. ii. Batch process vents: To ensure compliance, the Pennittee shall perform the monitoring of Sections 2.2 C.Lc.ii(A) through (C),below, for the affected hatch process vents: (A) For the batch process vents associated with the SFG Operations, the EVG Operations, and the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63,2460 and Table 2 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. To maintain Group 2 classification for these emission sources the organic HAP emissions must be less than 10,000 pounds per consecutive 365-day period, each source. The Permittee shall monitor the organic HAP emissions from each of.these emission sources, monthly, as follows: (1) Organic HAP emissions from the SFG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: Organic HAP= 3.I pou�zds x B + 4.3 pounds x B 1 batch Yeg batch ) ree J Where: B,, = The number of regular batches processed in the SFG Operations; and BT.. = The number of recrop batches processed in the SFG Operations (2) Organic HAP emissions from the EVG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: r po � Organic HAP=` I,0 i�nds�x B L batch �. Where: B = The number of batches processed in-the EVG Operations (3) Organic HAP emissions from the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide shall calculated using the following equation: ......... (pounds' Organic llAl �1 L62 x a L batch Where: B = The number of regular batches processed in the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide (B) The Permittee may administratively amend this permit to modify the organic HAP emission factors cited in the equations of Sections 2.2 C.l.e.ii(A)(1)through (3), above. (C) The Permittee must notify DAQ at least 60 days before operating these batch process vents as Group 1 batch process vents in accordance with 40 CFR §63.2460(b)(6)(11) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10)(ii). iii. Process vents that exit hydrogen halide: For the batch process vents associated with the EVG Operations, the Pennittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63.2465 and Table 3 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF.To maintain Group 2 classification for these batch process vents the hydrogen halide emissions must be less than 1,000 pounds per consecutive 365-day period, combined. The Pennittee shall monitor the organic HAP emissions from these batch process vents, monthly, as follows: (A) Hydrogen halide emissions from the EVG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: Organic HAP=[11.3 pounds x B. + 3 L, x B batch ) - [ �Pounds batch ) h Where: BY,=' = The number of regular batches processed in the EVG Operations; and Permit 01819T38 Page 64 B,.C4 — The number of recovery batches processed in the EVG Operations (B) The Permittee may administratively amend this permit to modify the hydrogen halide emission factors cited in the equations of Sections 2.2 C.l.c.iii(A), above. (C) 'rhe Permittee must notify DAQ at least 60 days before operating these batch process vents as Group 1 batch process vents in accordance with 40 CFR §63.2460(b)(6)(11) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10)(ii). iv. Storage tanks: For the storage tanks that are part of the affected source, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR§63.2470 and Table 4 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. v. Equipment leaks: For the process equipment leaks from the affected sources, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63.2480 and Table 6 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. The Permittee shall comply with the monitoring requirements of the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program found in Section 2.2 B2, above, for the equipment associated with the affected sources. vi. 'Wastewater streams: For the wastewater streams associated with the affected miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing processes (MCPU), the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR§63.2485 and Table 7 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF, including: (A) Identifying any operations that may generate maintenance wastewater and the procedures for properly managing that maintenance wastewater in the SSM Plan developed for this Avoca, Inc. facility; and (B) Maintaining the conditions necessary for classification of the process wastewater from the affected sources as Group 2, unless the conditions of Section 2.2 C.Lb.iv, above, have been met. vii. Heat exchangers: For the heat exchangers associated with the affected sources, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63,2490 and Table 10 of Subpart FFFF, including: (A)Preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan that documents the procedures that will be used to detect leaks of process fluids into cooling water. Tbis plan shall require monitoring of one or more surrogate indicators (e_g., pH, conductivity, etc.) or monitoring of one or more process parameters or other conditions that indicate a leak, The plan shall include the following: . (1) A description of the parameter or condition to be monitored and an explanation of how the selected parameter or condition will reliably indicate the presence of a leak (2) The parameter level(s) or conditions(s) that shall constitute a leak. This shall be documented by data or calculations showing that the selected levels or conditions will reliably identify leaks. The monitoring must be sufficiently sensitive to determine the range of parameter levels or conditions when the system is not leaking. When the selected parameter level or condition is outside that range, a leak is indicated; (3) The monitoring frequency which shall be no less frequent than monthly for the first 6 months and quarterly thereafter to detect leaks; (4) The records that will be maintained to document compliance with the requirements of this section. (B) If a substantial leak is identified by methods other than those described in the heat exchanger monitoring plan and the method(s) specified in the plan could not detect the leak, the Permittee shall revise the plan and document the basis for the changes no later than 180 days after discovery of the leak. (C) The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the heat exchanger monitoring plan on-site. If the monitoring plan is superseded, retain the most recent superseded plan at least until 5 years from the date of its creation. (D) If a leak is detected in any heat exchanger system, it shall be repaired as soon as practical but not later than 45 calendar days after the Permittee receives results of monitoring tests indicating a leak, unless the Permittee demonstrates that the results are due to a condition other than a leak. Once the leak has been repaired, the owner or operator shall confirm that the heat Permit 01819T39 Page 65 exchange system has been repaired within 7 calendar days of the repair or startup, whichever is later, except where the Permittee appropriately applies the delay of repair provisions found in Section 2.2 C.l.c.vii(E),below. (E) Delay of repair of heat exchange systems is allowed if the equipment is isolated from the process. Delay of repair is also allowed if repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown and any one of the conditions listed in 40 CFR §63.104(e)(1) through(2)is met. The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if the Permittee does not meet the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.1.c.i through vii,.above. Recordkeelping Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.l.d.i through v,below: i. Create and retain a record of each time a safety device is opened to avoid unsafe conditions. ii. Create and retain the following records on each affected MCPU: (A)A description of the process and the type of:process equipment used; (B) An identification of related process vents (including. associated emissions episodes), wastewater points of determination (PODs), and storage tanks; (C) The applicable control requirements pursuant to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF, including the level of required control, and for vents, the level of control for each vent; (D)The control device or treatment process used, as applicable, including a description of operating and/or testing conditions for any associated control device; (E) The process vents, wastewater POD, transfer racks, .and storage tanks (including those from other processes) that are simultaneously routed to the control device or treatment process; (F) The applicable monitoring requ.irements.of this subpart and any parametric level that assures compliance for all emissions routed to the control device or treatment process; and, (G)Calculations and engineering analyses required to demonstrate compliance. iii: For each affected MPCU with a Group 2 process.vent, the Permittee shall retain the following records: (A) A record of the day each batch was completed;.. (B) A record of whether each batch operated was considered a standard batch; (C) The estimated uncontrolled and controlled emissions for each batch that is considered to.be a -non standard batch; and (D)Records of the daily 365-day rolling summations of emissions, or alternative records that correlate to the emissions(e.g.,number of batches), calculated no less frequently than monthly. W. For each affected Group 2 wastewater stream,the Permittee shall retain the following records: (A)MPCU identification and description; (B) Stream identification code; (C) Concentration of compounds listed in Table 8 and Table 9 of"40 CFR Part 63, Subpart.FFFF (in ppmw), including documentation of the methodology used to determine concentration; and, (D) Stream flow rate (in liters/min). v. For each affected heat exchanger system, the Permittee shall retain the following records (A) Monitoring data indicating a leak., the date when the leak was detected, and if demonstrated not to be a leak, the basis for that determination; (B) Records of any leaks detected by procedures other than those provided in the written heat exchanger monitoring plan, including the date the leak was discovered; (C) The dates of efforts to repair leaks; and, (D) The method or procedure used to confinri repair of a leak and the date repair was confirmed. The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .111I if the Permittee does not meet the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.l.d.i through v, above. Re orti.n [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] Permit 01819T38 Page 66 e. For any process vents that change from Group 2 to Group 1, the Penmittee shall comply with the notifcat"on requirements of 40 CFR §632460(b)(6) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10). f. The Permittee shall submit a semiannual compliance report, acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor, of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report shall contain the following: i. Company name and address; ii. Statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report; iii. Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period; iv. If there are no deviations from any emission limit, operating limit or work practice standard specified in this subpart, include a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limits, operating limits,or work practice standards during the reporting period; v.. For each deviation from an emission limit, operating limit, and work practice standard, include the following information: (A)The total operating time of the affected source during the reporting period; and, (B) Information on the number, duration, and cause of deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and the corrective action taken, vi. Identification each new operating scenario which has been operated since the time period covered by the last compliance report and has.not been submitted in the previous compliance repon. For the purposes of this paragraph, a revised operating scenario for an existing process is considered to be a . new operating scenario; vii. .For the equipment listed below, report in a surnznary formal by equipment type, the number of . Womponents for which leaks were detected and for valves, pumps and connectors s!ow the percent leakers, and the total number of components monitored. Also include the number of leaking components that were not repaired as required, and for valves and connectors, identify the number of components that are determined to be non-repairable as described in 40 CFR §63.1025(c)(3). (A)Valves in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service; (B) Pumps in Iight liquid service; ...(C) Connectors in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service;and, (D) Agitators in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service. viii.Where any delay of repair for leaks is utilized, report that delay of repair has occurred and report the number of instances of delay of repair. ix. For pressure relief devices, report the results of all leak monitoring to show compliance conducted within the semiannual reporting period. x. Report, if applicable, the initiation of a monthly leak monitoring;progran for valves. xi. For each affected heat exchanger system for which the Permittee invokes the delay of repair, include the following information: (A) The presence of the leak and the date that the leak was detected. (B) Whether or not the leak has been repaired. (C) The reason(s) for delay of repair. (D) If the leak is repaired, the owner or operator shall report the date the leak was successfully repaired. (F) If the leak remains unrepaired, the expected date of repair. Pernut 01819T)8 Page 67 SECTION 3 --GENERAL CONDITIONS (version 3.4) This section describes terms and conditions applicable to this Title V facility. A. General Provisions [NCGS 143-215 and 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] 1.Terms not otherwise defined in this permit shall have the meaning assigned to such terms as defined in 15A NCAC 2D and 2Q. 2.The terms, conditions,requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to NCGS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B, including assessment of civil and/or criminal penalties. Any unauthorized deviation from the conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and/or enforcement action by the DAQ. 3.This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permits that may be regaired for other aspects of the facility which are not addressed in this permit. 4.This pen-nit does not relieve the Permittee from-liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the constriction or operation of this permitted facility,or from penalties therefore,nor does it allow the Pennittee to cause pollution in contravention of state laws or rules,unless specifically authorized by an order from the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. 5.Except as identified as state-only requirements in this permit, all terms and conditions contained herein shall be enforceable by the DAQ,the EPA, and citizens of the United States as defined in the Federal Clean Air Act. 6.Any stationary source of air pollution shall not be operated,maintained, or modified witho=it the appropriate and valid.permits issued by the DAQ,unless the source is exempted by rule. The DAQ inay issue a pennit oindy after it'receives reasonable assurance that the installation will not cause air pollution in violation of any of the applicable requirements. A penmitted installation may only be operated,maintainco, constructed, expanded, or modified in a manner that is consistent with the terms of this permit. B. Permit Availability [15A NCAC 2Q .0507(k)and.0508(i)(9)(B)] The.Permittee shall have.available at the facility a copy of this permit and shall retain for the duration of the permit term one complete copy of the application and any information submitted in support of the application . . . . package. The pennit and application shall be made available to an authorized representa= f ve of Department o Environment and Natural Resources upon request. C. Severability Clause [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(2)] In the event of an administrative challenge to a final and binding permit in which a condition is held to be invalid, the provisions in this permit are severable so that all requirements contained in the permit,except those held to be invalid, shall remain valid and must be complied with. D. Submissions [15A NCAC 2Q .0507(e)and 2Q .0508(i)(16)] Except as otherwise specified herein,two copies of all documents, reports,test data,monitoring data, notifications,request for renewal, and any other information required by this permit shall be submitted.to the appropriate Regional Office. Refer to the Regional Office address on the cover page of this permit. For continuous emissions monitoring systems(CEMS)reports, continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) reports,quality assurance(QA)/quality control (QC)reports,acid rain CEM certification reports, and NOx budget CEM certification reports, one copy shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Office and one copy shall be sent to: Supervisor, Stationary Source Compliance North Carolina Division of Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 Permit 01819T38 Page 68 All submittals shall include the facility name and Facility ID number(refer to the cover page of this permit). E. Duty to Comply [1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(2)] The Permittee shall comply with all terms, conditions,requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit.Noncompliance with any permit condition except conditions identified as state-only requirements constitutes a violation of the Federal Clean Air Act. Noncompliance with any permit condition is grounds for enforcement action, for permit tennination,revocation and reissuance, or modification,or for denial of a permit renewal application. F. Circumvention- STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY The facility shall be properly operated and maintained at all times in a manner that will effect an overall reduction in air pollution. Unless otherwise specified by this pennit,no emission source may be operated without the concurrent operation of its associated air pollution control device(s)and appurtenances. G. Permit Modifications 1.A miniStrative Permit Amendments [15A NCAC 2Q .0514] The Permittee shall submit an application for an administrative permit amendment in accordahce with 15A NCAC 2Q:0514. 2.Transfer in Ownership or Operation and Application Submittal Content [15A NCAC 2Q .0524.and 2Q. .0505] The PeTmittee shall submit an application for an ownership change in accordance with 15A NCAC Q;052-1 and 2Q .0505. > , 3.11ir..ur " �init lvtolificatians [15A NCAC 2Q .0515] lie P=ittee s tall submit an application for a minor permit modification in accordance with 15.A NCAC ;'0. .0515. nificant Permit Modifications [15A NCAC 2Q .0516] 71 he i'ermittee shall submit an application for a significant permit modification in accordancemith 15A IXAC 2Q .0516. 5.:t'eopeniiig for Cause [15A NCAC 2Q .0517] he RPrmittee shall submit an application for reopening for cause in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q 0517, II. 1hanues Not Requiring Permit Modifications 1.P eporting Requirements Any of the following that would result in new or increased emissions from the emission source(s) listed in Section I must be reported to the Regional Supervisor,DAQ; a. changes in the information submitted in the application; b. changes that modify equipment or processes; or c.. changes in the quantity or quality of materials processed. If appropriate,modifications to the permit may then be made by the DAQ to reflect any necessary..change,s in the permit conditions. In no case are any new or increased emissions allowed that will cause'a violation of the emission limitations specified herein. 2.Section 502(b)(10)Changes [15A NCAC 2Q .0523(a)] , "Section 502(b)(10)changes" means changes that contravene an express permit term or condition. Such changes do not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene federally enforceable permit terns and conditions that are monitoring(including test methods); recordkeeping,reporting, or compliance certification requirements. b. The Permittee may make Section 502(b)(10)changes without having the permit revised if: PerKnit 01819T38 Page 69 i. the changes are not a modification under Title I of the Federal Clean Air Act; ii. the changes do not cause the allowable emissions under the permit to be exceeded; iii. the Permittee notifies the Director and EPA with written notification at least seven days before the change is made; and iv, the Permittee shall attach the notice.to the relevant permit. c. The written notification shall include: i. a description of the change; ii. the date on which the change will occur; iii. any change in emissions; and iv. any pemlit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change. d. Section 502(b)(10)changes shall be made in the permit the next time that the permit is revised.or renewed,whichever comes first. 3.Off Permit Changes [I5A NCAC 2Q .0523(b)] The Permittee may make changes in the operation or emissions without revising the permit if, a. the change affects only insignificant activities and the activities remain insipificant after'the change; or b. the change is not covered under any applicable requirement. 4.Emissions Trading [15A NCAC 2Q .0523(c)] To the extent that emissions trading is allowed under 15A NCAC 2D, including subsequently adopted maximum achievable control technology standards, emissions trading shall be allowed without permit .. revision pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0523(c). I.A.Reporting Requirements for Excess Emissions and Permit Deviations [15A NCAC 2D .0535(f) and 2Q .0508(f)(2)] -Excess Emissions ,neans an emission rate that exceeds any applicable emission lirriitation or sl'andard allowed by any rule in Sections .0500, .0900, .1200, or.1400 of Subchapter 2D; or by a permit condition;.or that exceeds an emission limit established in a permit issued under 15A NCAC 2Q .0700. (Note:lDfinations of excess emissions under 2D.I 110 and 2D.1111 shall apply where defined by rule.) "Deviations"-.for the purposes of this condition, any action or condition not in accorda,lce with the terms and conditions of this permit including those attributable to upset conditions as well as excess emissions as defined above lasting less than four hours. .... ..... ... ...... . ....... .. .. Excess Emissions 1.1f a source is required to report excess emissions under NSPS (15A NCAC 2D .0524),NESHAPS (15A NCAC 2D .111.0 or.1111), or the operating permit provides for periodic(e.g.,quarterly)reporting of. ,excess emissions,reporting shall be performed as prescribed therein. 2.If the source is not subject to NSPS (15A NCAC 2D .0524),NESHAPS (15A NCAC 2D .1110 or .1.111),or these rules do NOT define"excess emissions,"the Permittee shall report excess emissions in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0535 as follows: a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .0535, if excess emissions last for more than four hours resulting from a malfunction., a breakdown of process or control equipment, or any other abnormal condition, the owner or operator shall: i. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of any such occurrence by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time of the Division's next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence and provide: ® name and location of the facility; ® nature and cause of the malfunction or breakdown; s time when the malfunction or breakdown is first observed; ® expected duration; and •-estimated rate of emissions; ii. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director immediately when corrective measures have been accomplished; and Permit 01819T38 Page 70 iii. submit to the Regional Supervisor or Director within 15 days a written report as described in 15A NCAC 2D .0535(0(3). Permit Deviations 3.Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)(2),the Permittee shall report deviations from permit requirements (terms and conditions) as follows: a. Notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of all.other deviations from permit requirements not covered under 15A NCAC 2D .0535 quarterly. A written report to the Regional Supervisor shall include the probable cause of such deviation and any corrective actions or preventative actions taken. The responsible official shall certify all deviations from permit requirements. I.B.Other Requirements under 15A NCAC 2D .0535 The Permittee shall comply with all other applicable requirements contained in 15A NCAC 2D .0535, including 15A NCAC 2D .0535(c)as follows: I.Any excess emissions that do not occur during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate rule unless the owner or operator of the sources demonstrates to the Director, that the excess emissions are a result of a malfunction. The Director shall consider, along with any other pertinent information, the criteria contained in 1.5A NCAC 2D .0535(c)(1)through (7). 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0535(g). Excess emissions during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate.nil e if the owner or operator cannot demonstrate that excess emissions are unavoidable. J. Emergeney Provisions [40 CFR 70.6(g)] The Permittee shall be subject to the following provisions with respect to emergencies: '.An emergency means airy situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the- . control of the facili'y, including acts of God,which situation requires immediate corrective action to restore normal-operation, and that causes the facility to exceed a technology-based emission lirni tatimi under the permit,due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. Aii emerQenc:.y shall not include noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed equipment,lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation, or operator error. 2.An emergency constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such - - technology-based emission limitations if the conditions specified in 3.below are met. 3.The affirmative defense of emergency shall be demonstrated through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that include information as follows: a. an emergency occurred and the Permittee can identify the cause(s)of the emergency; b. the permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. during the period of the emergency the Permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of emissions that exceeded the standards or other requirements in the permit; and d. the Permittee submitted notice of the emergency to the DAQ within two working days of the time when emission limitations were exceeded due to the emergency, This notice must contain a description of the emergency, steps taken to mitigate emissions, and corrective actions taken. 4.In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an emergency has the burden of proof. 5.This provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any applicable requirement specified elsewhere herein. Ike Permit Renewal [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(e) and 2Q .0513(b)] This permit is issued for a fixed term of five years for facilities subject to Title IV requirements and for a term not to exceed five years in the case of all other facilities. This permit shall expire at the end of its term. Permit expiration terminates the facility's right to operate unless a complete renewal application is submitted at least nine months before the date of permit expiration, If the Permittee or applicant has complied with 15A NCAC 2Q .0512(b)(1),this permit shall not expire until the renewal pen-nit has been issued or denied. All terms and Permit 01819T38 Page 71 conditions of this permit shall remain in effect until the renewal permit has been issued or denied. L. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(4)1 It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. M. Duty to Provide Information(submittal of information) [I 5A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(9)] 1.The Permittee shall furnish to the DAQ, in a timely manner, any reasonable information that the Director may request in writing to detennine whether cause exists for modifying,revoking and reissuing, or terminating the pen-nit or to determine compliance with the permit. 2.The Permittee shall furnish the DAQ copies of records required to be kept by the permit when such copies are requested by the Director. For information claimed to be confidential,the Permittee may furnish such records directly to the EPA upon request along with a claim of confidentiality. N. Dnty to 9u_pWernent [.15A NCAC 2Q .0507(f)1 The Permittee, upon becoming aware that any relevant facts were omitted or incorrect information was submitted in the permit application, shall promptly submit such supplementary facts or corrected information to the DAQ. The Permittee shall also provide additional information as necessary to address any requirement that becomes applicable to the facility after the date a complete permit application was submitted-but prior to the release.of the draft permit. O. Retention of Records [15A NCAC 2Q..0508(f) and 2Q .0508 (l)] The Permittee shall retain records of all required monitoring data and supporting infonnation:for a period of at least five years-from the date of the monitoring sample,measurement,report,or application. Supporting information includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip-chart recordings for continuous monitoring information, and copies of all reports required by the permit. These records shall be maintained in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious inspection and review. Any records required by the conditions of.this pertnit shall be kept on site and made available to DAQ personnel for inspection upon request. P. Compliance Certification [15A NCAC 2Q...0508(n)] _ __......_ _ . ... The Permittee shall submit to the DAQ and the EPA(Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch,EPA,Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street,Atlanta, GA 30303)postmarked on or before March I a compliance certification(for the preceding calendar year)by a responsible official with all federally-enforceable terms and conditions in the permit, including emissions limitations, standards,or work practices. It shall be the responsibility of the current owner to submit a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The compliance certification shall comply with additional requirements as may be specified tinder Sections 114(a)(3) or 504(b) of the Federal Clean Air Act. The compliance certification shall specify: 1.the identification of each term or condition of the permit that is the basis of the certification; 2.the compliance status(with the terms and conditions of the permit for the period covered by the certification); 3.whether compliance was continuous or intermittent; and 4.the method(s)used for determining the compliance status of the source during the certification period. Q. Certification by Responsible Official [15A NCAC 2Q .0520] A responsible official shall certify the truth, accuracy, and completeness of any application form,report,or compliance certification required by this permit. All certifications shall state that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and infoznaation in the document are true,accurate, and complete. Permit 01819T38 Page 72 R. .Permit Shield for Applicable Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0512] 1.Compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with applicable requirements, where such applicable requirements are included and specifically identified in the permit as of the date of pen-nit issuance. 2.A permit shield shall not alter or affect: a. the power of the Commission, Secretary of the Department,or Governor under NCGS 143- 215.3(a)(12), er EPA under Section 303 of the Federal Clean Air Act; b. the liability of an owner or operator of a facility for any violation of applicable requirements prior to the effective date of the permit or at the time of permit issuance; c. the applicable requirements under Title IV; or d: the ability of the Director or the EPA under Section 114 of the Federal Clean Air Act to obtain information to determine compliance of the.facility with its permit. 3.A permit shield does not apply to any change made at a facility that does not require a permit or permit revision rmade under 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0523. 4.A permit shield does not extend to minor permit modifications made under 15A NCAC 2Q .0515. S. Termination MDdifieation and Revocation of the Permit [15A NCAC 2Q .0.519] The Director may terminate,modify, or revoke and reissue this permit if- 1.the information contained in the application or presented in support thereof is determined to be incorrect; 2.the conditions under which the permit or permit renewal was granted have changed; 3.violations of conditions•rontained in the permit have occurred; 4.the EPA requests that the.,err-nit be revoked under 40 CFR 70.7(g)or 70.8(d); or 5:the Director finds that terinina.tion,modification, or revocation and reissuance of the permit is necessary to carry out the purpose of NCGS Chapter 143,Article 21B. T. Insignificant Activities [15ANCAC 2Q .0503] Because an emission source or activity is insignificant does not mean that the emission source or activity is exempted from any applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. The Permittee shall have available at the facility at all times and made available to an authorized representative upon request, documentation,including calculations, if necessary,to demonstrate`that an emission source or activity is insignificant. U. Property Rights [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(8)] This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges. V. Inspection and Entry[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(l)and NCGS 143-215.3(a)(2)] 1.Upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law,the Pennittee shall allow the DAQ,or an authorized representative,to perform the following: a. enter the Permittee's premises where the permitted facility is located or emissions-related activity is conducted, or where records are kept under the conditions of the permit; b. have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that are required to be kept under the conditions of the permit; c. inspect at reasonable times and using reasonable safety practices any source,equipment(including monitoring and air pollution control equipment),practices, or operations regulated or required under the permit;and d. sample or monitor substances or parameters,using reasonable safety practices, for the purpose of assuring compliance with the permit or applicable requirements at reasonable times. Nothing in this condition shall limit the ability of the EPA to inspect or enter the premises of the Permittee under Section 114 or other provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act. 2.No person shall refuse entry or access to any authorized representative of the DAQ who requests entry for purposes of inspection,and who presents appropriate credentials,nor shall any person obstruct,hamper,or Permit 01819T3 8 Page 73 interfere with any such authorized representative while in the process of carrying out his official duties. Refusal of entry or access may constitute grounds for permit revocation and assessment of civil penalties. W. Annual Fee Payment [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(10)] 1.The Permittee shall pay all fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0200. 2.Payment of fees may be by check or money order made payable to the N.C.Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Annual permit fee payments shall refer to the permit number. 3.If,within 30 days after being billed,the Pennittee fails to pay an annual fee,the Director may initiate action to terminate the permit under 15A NCAC 2Q .0519. X. Annual Emission Inventory Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .02071 The Perniittec shall report by June 30 of each year the actual emissions of each air pollutant listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .02.07(a) from each emission source within the facility during the previous calendar year. The report shall be in or on such form as may be established by the Director. The accuracy of the report shall be certified by a responsible official of the facility: Y. Confidential Information [15A NCAC 2Q.0107 and 2Q. 0508(1)(9)] Whenever the Permittee submits information under a claim of confidentiality pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0107,the Permittee may also submit a copy of all such information and claim directly to the EPA upon request. All requests for confidentiality must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0107. Z. Construction and Operation Permits [15A NCAC 2Q .0100 and .0300] A construction and operating permit shall be obtained by the Pennittee for any proposed new or modified facility or emission source which is not exempted from having a permit prior to the beginning of construction or modification, in accordance with all applicab!. ,-provisions of 15A NCAC 2Q .0100 and .0300. AA. . Standard Application Form,and Required Information[15A NCAC 2Q .0505 and .05071 The Permittee shall submit applications and required information in accordance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2Q .0505 and .0507. BB.Financial Responsibility anti Compliance llistory'[15A NCAC 2Q 0507(d)(4)] The DAQ may require an applicant to submit a statement of financial qualifications and/or a statement of substantial compliance history. CC.Refrigerant Requirements (Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection) [15A NCAC 2Q .0501(e)] 1.If the Permittee has appliances or refrigeration equipment, including air conditioning equipment,which use Class I or II ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons listed as refrigerants in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart A Appendices A and B,the Permittee shall service,repair,and maintain such equipment according to the work practices,personnel certification requirements, and certified recycling and recovery equipment specified in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 2.The Perrnittec shall not knowingly vent or otherwise release any Class I or H substance into the environment during the repair,servicing,maintenance,or disposal of any such device except as provided in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 3.The Permittee shall comply with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR 82.166. Reports shall be submitted to the EPA or its designee as required. DD. Prevention of Accidental Releases-Section 112(r) [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(h)] If the Permittee is required to develop and register a Risk Management Plan with EPA pursuant to Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, then the Permittee is required to register this plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68. Permit 01819T38 Page 74 EE. Prevention of Accidental Releases General Dutv Clause- Section 112(r)(1)- FEDERALLY-.ENFORCEABLE ONLY Although a risk management plan may not be required, if the Permittee produces,processes,handles,or stores any amount of a listed hazardous substance, the Permittee has a general duty to take such steps as are necessary to prevent the accidental release of such substance and to minimize the consequences of any release. FF. Title IV Allowances [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(1)) This permit does not limit the number of Title IV allowances held by the Permittee,but the Permittee may not use allowances as a defense to noncompliance with any other applicable requirement. The Permittee's emissions may not exceed any allowances that the facility lawfully holds under Title IV of the Federal Clean Air Act. GG. Air Pollution Emergency Episode [15A NCAC 2D .0300] . Should the Director of the DAQ declare an Air Pollution Emergency Episode,the Permittee will be required to operate in accordance with the Permittee's previously approved Emission Reduction Plan or, in the absence of an approved plan, with the appropriate requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2D .0300. HH. Registration of Air Pollution Sources [15A NCAC 2D .0200] The Director of the DAQ may require the Permittee to register a source of air pollution. If the Permittee is required to register a source of air pollution, this registration and required information will be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0202(b). H. Ambient Air Quality Standards [15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)] In addition to any control or manner of operation necessary to meet ;mission standards specified in this permit, any source of air pollution shall b--operated with such control or in such manner that the source shall not cause the ambient air quality standards in 15A NCAC 21) .0400 to bP exceeded at any point beyond the premises on which the source is located. When controls.more stringent than named in the applicable emission standards in this permit are required to prevent violation of the ambient air quality standards or are required to create an offset,the permit shall contain a condition requiring these controls. JJ. General Emissions Testing and Reportiniz Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] Emission compliance testing shall be by the procedures of Section .2600, except as may be otherwise required in Rules .0524, .0912, _1110, .1111, or .1415 of Subchapter 2D. If emissions testing is required by this permit or the DAQ or if the Permittee submits emissions testing to the DAQ to demonstrate compliance,the Permittee shall perform such testing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2600 and follow the procedures outlined below: 1. The owner or operator of the source shall arrang-; for air emission testing protocols to be provided to the Director prior to air pollution testing. Testing protocols are not required to be pre-approved by the Director prior to air pollution testing. The Director shall review air emission testing protocols for pre-approval prior to testing if requested bythe owner or operator at least 45 days before conducting the test. 2. Any person proposing to conduct an emissions test to demonstrate compliance with an applicable standard shall notify the Director at Ieast 15 days before beginning the test so that the Director may at his option observe the test. 3.The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for controlling and measuring the production rates during the period of air testing. The owner or operator of the source shall ensure that the equipment or process being tested is operated at the production rate that best fulfills the purpose of the test. The individual conducting the emission test shall describe the procedures used to obtain accurate process data and include in the test report the average production rates detetrmned during each testing period, 4.Two copies of the final air emission test report shall be submitted to the Director not later than 30 days after sample collection. The owner or operator may request an extension to submit the final test report. Permit 01819T38 Page 75 The Director shall approve an extension request if he finds that the extension request is a result of actions beyond the control of the owner or operator. a. The Director shall make the final determination regarding any testing procedure deviation and the validity of the compliance test. The Director may: (1) Allow deviations from a method specified under a rule in this Section if the owner or operator of the source being tested demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that the specified method is inappropriate for the source being tested. (2)Prescribe alternate test procedures on an individual-basis when he finds that the alternative method is necessary to secure more reliable test data. (3) Prescribe or approve methods on an individual basis for sources or pollutants for which no test method is specified in this Section if the methods can be demonstrated to determine compliance of permitted emission sources or pollutants. b.The Director may authorize the Division of Air Quality.to conduct independent tests of any source subject to a rule in this Subchapter to determine the compliance status of that source or to verify any test data submitted relating to that;source. Any.test conducted by the Division of Air Quality using the appropriate testing procedures described in Section 2D .2600 has precedence over all other tests. KK. reopening for Cause[15A NCAC 2Q .0517] 1.A permit shall be reopened and revised under the following circumstances: a. additional applicable requirements become applicable to a facility with remaining permit term of three or more years; b. additional requirements(including excess emission requirements)become applicable to a source covered by`Fitle N; c. the Director or EPA finds that the permit contains a inaterial mistake or that inaccurate statements were made in establishing the emissions standard;;nr c;ther terms or.conditions of the permit; or d. the Director or EPA determines that the permit must be.revised or revoked to.assure compliance with the applicable requirements. 2.Any permit reopening shall be completed or a revised permit issued within 18 months after the applicable requirement is promulgated. No reopening is required if the effective date of the requirement is after the - expiration of the pen-nit term unless the term of the permit was extended pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0513(c). 3.Except for the state-enforceable only portion of the permit,the procedures set out in 15A NCAC 2Q .0507, .0521, or .0522 shall be followed to reissue the pei-mit. If the State-enforceable only portion of the permit is reopened,the procedures in 15A NCAC 2Q .0300 shall be followed. The proceedings shall affect only those parts of the permit for which cause to reopen exists. 4.The Director shall notify the Permittee at least 60 days in advance of the date that.the permit is to be reopened, except in cases of imminent threat to public health or safety the notification period may be less than 60 days. 5.Within 90 days, or 180 days if the EPA extends the response period, after receiving notification from the EPA that a permit needs to be terminated,modified, or revoked and reissued,the Director shall send to the EPA a proposed determination of termination,modification, or revocation and reissuance,as appropriate. LL.Reporting,Requirements for Non-Operating Egu.ipment [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] The Permittee shall maintain a record of operation for permitted equipment noting whenever the equipment is taken from and placed into operation. During operation the monitoring recordkeeping and reporting requirements as prescribed by the permit shall be implemented within the monitoring period. MM.Fugitive Dust Control Requirement [15A NCAC 2D .0540] - STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0540 "Particulates from Fugitive Dust Emission Sources," the Pennittee shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible Permit 01819T38 Page 76 emissions beyond the property boundary. If substantive complaints or excessive fugitive dust emissions from the facility are observed beyond the property boundaries for six minutes in any one hour(using Reference Method 22 in 40 CFR, Appendix A), the owner or operator may be required to submit a fugitive dust plan as described in 2D .0540(f). "Fugitive dust emissions" means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading areas,process areas stockpiles, stockpile working, plant parking lots, and plant roads (including access roads and haul roads). NN. Specific Permit Modifications [15.A NCAC 2Q.0501 and .0523] 1.For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(c)(2),the Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application for the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) on or before 12 months after commencing operation. 2.For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(d)(2),the Permittee shall not begin operation of the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) until a Title V Air Quality Permit Application is fled and a construction and operation permit following the procedures of Section .0500 (except for Rule .0504 of this Section) is obtained. 3.For modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10), in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0523(a)(1)(C),the ;?ermittee shall notify the Director and EPA (.EPA-Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth St., Atlanta, GA 30303) in writing at least seven days before the change is made. The written notification shall include: . a. a description of the change at the facility; b. the date on which the change will occur; c. any change in emissions, and d. any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change, 1n addition to this notification requirement, with the next significant modification or Air Quality Permit renewal, the Permittee shall submit a page"E5" of the application forms signed by the responsible official verifying that the application for the 502(b)(I0) change/modification, is true, accurate, and complete. Further note that modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10) Sao not relieve the ?ermittee from satisfying preconstruetion requirements. ...... .. . . ..... 00. Third Party Partici2ation and EPA Review [15A NCAC 2Q .0521, .0522 and .0525(7)] For permits modifications subject to 45-day review by the federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA), EPA's decision to not object to the proposed permit is considered final and binding on the EPA and absent a third party petition, the failure to object is the end of EPA's decision-making process with respect to the revisions to the permit, The time period available to submit a public petition pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0518 begins at the end of the 45-day EPA review period_ List of Acronyms AOS Alternate Operating Scenario BACT Best Available Control Technology Btu British thermal unit CEM Continuous Emission Monitor CER Code of Federal Regulations CAA Clean Air Act LAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule DAQ Division of Air Quality DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources EMS' Environmental Management Commission EPA Environmental Protection Agency >F'R Federal Register GACT Generally Available Control Technology HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant MJ ACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology.. MCPU Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process Units NAA Non-Attainment Area NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCGS North Carolina General Statutes NESHAPS National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx Nitrogen Oxides NSPS New Source Performance Standard OAR Office of Administrative Hearings PM Particulate Matter PM10Particulate Matter with Nominal Aerodynamic; Eliatnetec oC 1.0 Micrometers nr Less POS Primary Operating Scenario PSD -Prevention of Significant Detenoratioll sic Standard Industrial Classification SIP State Implementation Plan SOz Sulfur Dioxide tPy Tons Per Year VOC Volatile Organic Compound a � A LPWA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Sheila C. Holman Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 3, 2011 Dr. David M. Peele, Ph.D. President Avoca Incorporated P.O. Box 129 Merry Hill, North Carolina 27957 SUBJECT: Air Quality Permit No. 01.819T38 Facility 1D: 0800044 Avoca Incorporated Merry Hill, Bertie County, North.Carolina Fee Class: Title V Dear Dr. Peele: In accordance with your completed Air Quality Permit Application for a significant modification to your Title V permit under 15A NCAC 02Q .0501(c)(2) received March 23, 2011, we are forwarding herewith Air Quality Permit No. 01.819T38 to Avoca Incorporated, 841 Avoca Farm Road, Merry Hill, North Carolina, authorizing the construction and operation, of the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) specified herein. Additionally, any emissions activities determined from your Air Quality Permit Application as being insignificant per 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2Q .0503(8) ......... have been listed for informational purposes as an "ATTACHMENT." Please note the requirements for the ...... ........ annual compliance certification are contained in General Condition P in Sectio❑ 3. The current owner is responsible for submitting a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application pursuant to 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0504 for the air emission sources and control devices (ID Nos. ES-'BB 1, ES-BB2, 1 S-RD, CD-BB IC and CD-BB IBH) on or before 12 months after commencing operation. As the designated responsible official it is your responsibility to review, understand, and abide by all of the terms and conditions of the attached permit. It is also your responsibility to ensure that any person who operates any etnissi.on source and associated air pollution control device subject to any term or condition of the attached permit reviews, understands, and abides by the condition(s) of the attached permit that are applicable to that particular emission source. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this Air Quality Permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request a formal adjudicatory hearing within 30 days following receipt of this permit, identifying the specific issues to be contested. This hearing request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to NCGS (North Carolina General Statutes) 1.5013-23, and fled with both the Office of Administrative Hearings, 67.14 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714 and the Division of Permitting Section One 1641 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1641 N rt Caroliria 2728 Capital Blvd.,Raleigh,NC 27604 Phone,919-715-62371 FAX:919-733-53171 Internet:www.daq.state.nc.us Aahirally An Equal Oppertunity l Athrma!ivc Action Employer Mr. David M. Peele, Ph.D. June 3, 2011 Page 2 Air Quality, Permitting Section, 1641 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641. The form for requesting a formal adjudicatory hearing may be obtained upon request from the Office of Administrative Hearings. Please note that this permit will be stayed in its entirety upon receipt of the request for a hearing. Unless a request for a hearing is made pursuant to NCGS 15013-23, this Air Quality Permit shall be final and binding 30 days after issuance. You may request modification of your Air Quality Permit through informal means pursuant to NCGS 15013-22. This request must be submitted in writing to the Director and must identify the specific provisions or issues for which the modification is sought. Please note that this Air Quality Permit will become final and binding regardless of a request for informal modification unless a request for a hearing is also made under NCGS 15013-23. The construction of new air pollution emission source(s) and associated air pollution. control device(s), or modifications to the emission source(s) and air pollution control device(s) described in this permit must be covered under an Air Quality Permit issued by the Division of Air Quality prior to construction unless the Permittee has fulfilled the requirements of GS 143-215-108A(b) and received written approval from the Director of the Division of Air Quality to commence construction. Failure to receive an Air Quality Permit or written approval prior to commencing construction is a violation of GS 143-215.108A and may subject the Permittee to civil or criminal penalties as described in GS 143- 215.114A and 143-215.114B. This Air Quality Permit shall be effective from June 3, 2011 until July 31, 2015, is nontransferable to fixture owners and operators, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, le e contact Kevin Godwin at (919) 715-6255. Sincerel ou ......... onald an der Vaart, Ph.D., P.E., J.D. Chief Enclosure c: Rob Fisher., Supervisor, Washington Regional Office Central Files Insignificant Activities under 15A NCAC 2Q .0503(8) Etriission Emission Source Description Control Device Control Device source ID Na.... ID No. Description 1W WTP-FT1 Wastewater treatment plant equalization tank NIA NIA No. 1 (65,500 gallon capacity) IWWTP-ET2 Wastewater treatment plant equalization tank NIA N/A No. 2 (65,500 gallon capacity) Wastewater treatment plant aeration.tank No. 2 IWWTP-AT2 (63,500 gallon capacity) NIA NIA Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank No. 3 1WWTP-AT3 (63,500 rallon capacity) NIA NIA IWW I"I'-CLR Wastewater treatment plant clarifier(1,310 NIA NIA gallon ca acity) ITK9238 No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(50,000 gallon NIA N/A capacity) ITK9239 No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(50,000 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITK102 No.2 fuel oil storage tank(495 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITKI03 No.2 fuel oil storage tank(495 gallon NIA NIA capacity) ITKFP No. 2 fuel oil storage tank(270 gallon NIA NIA capacity) One water spray fume CD-Z-9215 scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) IECS ECS process: batch preparation of venting to ethylenediamine/copper sulfate solution CD-Z-9216 ......... One water.spray fume...... scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) I_ Because an activity is insignificant does not mean that the activity is exempted from an applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. 2. When applicable, emissions from stationary source activities identified above shall be included in determining compliance with the permit requirements for toxic air pollutants under 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants" or 2Q .0711 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit". 3. For additional information regarding the applicability of GACT and MACT ZZZZ see the NC DAQ website: littp:/Idaq.state.nc.us/toxies/areasources/. The following table. describes the changes zn Permit No.01819T38 as part of.this renewal process.__ __ _,__, Page No. Condition Description of Change(s) No. 3 Table of Included two boilers (11)Nos ES-BB1 and ES-BB2) and associated Permitted control devices and rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD). Moved three i Sources emergency generators and fire water pump (ID No. E101, E102,E103, and FP) from insignificant activity list. 3 8 Footnote to Included language pertaining to significant modification under 15A Table NCAC 02Q .0501(c)(2). Included two boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-B132) and associated 20 2.1 E. control devices and rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD) with all applicable regulations. _ Included requirement for Permittee to test one of the boilers within 60 20 2.1 EA days of start-up for CO and NOx in order to verify emission factors used in su ort of the application. 35 2.1 F. Included three emergency generators and fire water pump (ID No. E101, El 02, E103, and FP) with all applicable regulations. 37 2.2 A.2. Y Included source-by-source limits for toxic air pollutants modeled pursuant to 15A NCAC 02D .1100. 66 3 Updated General Conditions to most recent shell version (0.4). ......... ......... .... ..... ......... ...... ... State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources Division of Air Quality NCDENR AIR QUALIrTY PERMIrT Permit No. Replaces Permit No.(s) Effective Date Expiration Date 01819T38 01819T37 June 3, 2011. July 31, 2015 Until such time as this permit expires or is modified or revoked, the below named Permittee is authorized to construct and operate the emission source(s) and associated air pollution control. device(s) specified herein, in accordance with the terms, conditions, and limitations within this permit. This permit is issued under the provisions of Article 21B of Chapter 1.43, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and Title 1.5A North Carolina Administrative Codes (l5A NCAC), Subchapters 2D and 2Q,and other applicable Laws. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC, Subchapter 2Q, the Permittee shall not construct, operate, or modify any emission source(s) or air pollution control device(s) without leaving first submitted a complete Air Quality Permit Application to the permitting authority and received an Air Quality Permit,except as provided in this permit. Permittee. Avoca, Inc. Facility ID: 0800044 Facility Site Location: 841 Avoca Farm Road City, Count State Zip- Mere Hill Bertie Count NC 27957 Y� � P� Y � Y� Mailing Address: P.O. Box 129 City, State, Zip: Merry hill, NC 27957 Application Number: 0800044.11B Complete Application Date: March 23, 2011 Primary SIC Code: 2087 Division of Air Quality, Washington Regional Office Regional Office Address: 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Permit issued this e 3'-d day of June, 2011. D d&vaart, Ph.D., P.E., J.D., Chief, Air Permits Section ority of the Environmental Management Table of Contents SECTION 1: PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCE(S) AND ASSOCIA"CED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE(S) AND APPURTENANCES SECTION 2: SPECIFIC LIMITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1 - Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) 2.2 - Multiple Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions (Including specific requirements, testing,monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements) SECTION 3: GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 List of Acronyms ........ ......... Permit 01819T38 Page 3 SECTION I - PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCE (S) AND ASSOCIATED AIR POLLUTION" CONTROL DEVICE (S) AND APPURTENANCES The following table contains a summary of all permitted emission sources and associated air pollution control devices and appurtenances: Emission Source Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID 1`To Description.... Rotocel Operations CD-31209 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-2-1-P1 PSD Rotocel extractor, desolventizer, and CD-1001-2-S-1 One packed tower CAM solvent separation/recovery scrubber (8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) CD-1001-2-C-1 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-2-1-P2 PSD Two solvent recycle process tanks CD-1001-2-S-1 One packed tower CAM scrubber (8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) ES-1001-2-1-17 PSD Process equipment leaks NA IOTA MACT FFFF ES-1001-2-1- ......... ... ._ _ .. ........ ......... IIWW R—cel Operations wastewater st --rC. NA N PSD A MACT FFFF Recovery Operations CD-1001-1-3 One chilled water condenser venting to ES-1001-1-1-P1 PSD Arcon process tank M-1 CD-1001-2-S-1 ' One packed tower CAM scrubber(8 gallons per MACT FFFF minute minimum mineral oil injection rate) ES-1001-1-1-P2 CD-1001-1-T5B One chilled water PSD Stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 condenser venting to CAM MACT FFFF CD-1001-2-S-1 ' One packed tower ES-1001-1-1-P3 Seven process tanks of various capacities scrubber (8 gallons per PSD and one fixed roof methanol storage tank minute minimum MACT FFFF (7,050 gallon capacity) mineral oil injection rate) Permit Q 1819T38 Page 4 Emission Source :. Control Device Control Device ID No. Emission Sortree Deseriptio.n ID No. Description ES-1001-1-1-F PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA MALT FFFF ES-1001-1-1- WW Recovery Operations wastewater stream NA NA PSD MACT FFFF Concrete Operations ES-1001-1-2-P One chilled water PSD Six process tanks of various capacities CD-1001-1-2 MACT FFFF condenser HB-1 One steam-heated hot box NA NA MACT FFFF HB-2 One steam-heated hotbox NA NA MALT FFFF HB-3 MALT FFFF One steam-heated hot box NA NA HB-4 MACT FFFF One steam-heated hot box NA NA ES-1001-1-2-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF ES-1001-1-2- WW Concrete Operations wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF Sclareol Recrystallization (SFG) Operations T 300.1..... One.hexane storage tank(6,.700_gallon ......... MACT FFFF capacity) NA NA........ ES-100 FFFF MACT FFFF pour process tanks of various capacities NA NA ES-1003-10-F Process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF C-3001 One centrifuge MACT FFFF D-3001 One reactor CD-3001 One chilled water MACT FFFF condenser. D-3001d One steam-heated dryer MACT FFFF ES-1003-10-WW SFG Process wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF Biological Conversion Equipment for Purification of Sclareolide ES-1001-1-3-P Twelve process tanks of various capacities NA NA MACT FFFF G-17 One centrifuge NA NA MACT FFFF Permit 01819'r3 S Page 5 Emission Sou ce Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. _ : . ID No. Description ES-1001-1-3-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF D-1202 MACT FFFF One steam-heated dryer NA NA A-2 One distillation column (6 gallons per NA NA MACT FFFF minute nominal process rate) ES-1001-1-3- Biological conversion equipment for WW purification of sclareolide wastewater NA NA MACT FFFF stream Selareolide (SDE) Operations F.S-1001-1-4-P ES-1 T FFFF Four process tanks of various capacities NA NA M-20 One acetic acid storage tank(10,135 gallon NA NA MACT FFFF capacity) ES-1001-1-4-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF M-10 MACT FFFF One batch reactor M-10A One batch reactor One venturi-type wet MACT FFFF CD-M-34 scrubber (10 gallons D-1231A per minute minimum MACT FFFF One batch reactor liquid injection rate) D-123.1B :MACT FFFF One batch reactor ES-1001-1-4- WW SDE Operations wastewater stream NA NA -MACT FFFF...... ......... ......... .... Plant Nutrient Extraction (PNE) Operations EX2203 One chilled water condenser venting to CD-Z-9215 ' One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons D31214 per minute minimum MACT FFFF One product extract reactor water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 2 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum water injection rate) Permit 01819T38 Page 6 Emission Source Control Device Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID No. Descri tion E.X2205 One chilled water condenser venting to CD-Z..,-9215 2 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons D31211 One waste solids separator vessel (1,333 per minute minimum MACT FFFF gallon capacity) water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 One water spray fume scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum _ water injection rate) ES-1003-2-1-F process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF ES-1003-2-1- W W PNE process wastewater stream NA NA MACT FFFF CD-Z_,-9215 One water spray fume ES-1003-2-1-P scrubber(0.5 gallons MALT FFFF Seven process tanks of various capacities per minute minimum water injection rate) venting to CD-Z-9216 2 C-31203 One centrifuge One water spray fume MACT FFFF scrubber(0.5 gallons per minute minimum 'water injection.rate) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside(EVG) Operations D-2202 CD-Z-9215 Orke water spray fume MACT FFFF One reactor scrubber(0.5 gallons D-1215 per minute minimum MACT FFFF One reactor water injection rate) D-1218 venting to MACT FFFF One reactor CD-Z-9216 One water spray fume D-1201 scrubber(0.5 gallons MACT FFFF One steam-heated dryer per minute minimum water injection rate) MACT FFFF F FS-1003-2 process equipment leaks NA NA ES-1003-2-2- WW EVG Operation wastewater strearn NA NA MACT FFFF Botanical Extraction Operations Permit 01819T38 Page 7 Emission Source Control Deice Control Device Emission Source Description ID No. ID 1�Io.,. ; Description CD-1001-11- One chilled water Immersion extractor Z-1001, EX1002 condenser venting to ES-1001-11-P desolventizer Z-1002, PSD day tank 90024 (6,000 gallon capacity), One cryogenic CAM first-stage evaporator EX-1012, CD-1001-11- (nitrogen) condenser MACT FFFF second-stage evaporator EX-1013, EX1003 system (40 T distillation column EX-90008, and maximum 24-hour nine process tanks of various capacities average outlet temperature) ES-1001-11-F PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA MACT FFFF One plant material grinder (1,011 pounds One bagfilter(244 MHZ•-1002 CD-1003-4-1 square feet of filter per hour nominal feed rate) . area) 001-11-WW PSD Botanical extraction operation wastewater NA NA MACT FFFF stream Biomass Extraction Operations ES-1004-1 One cartridge filter PSD Biomass extraction debagging CD-1004-1-FF1 (6.7:1 maximum air-to- cloth ratio) ES-1004-2-E PSD Process equipment leaks NA NA ES-1004-2-WW Biomass extraction operation wastewater NA NA PSD stream ......... _Immersion.extrac.tor_Z-4100..1... __ CDA004-2EX..1002....... .One__chilled....water ......... 7 nnn s_ desolventizeC Z-4t1002, condenser venting to day tank 490025 (9,953 gallon capacity), ES-1004-2-P isohexane storage tank 490024 (13,536 CD-1004-2EX1003 One cryogenic PSD gallon capacity), (nitrogen) condenser CAM first stage evaporator EX-41012, system(-40 T second stage evaporator EX-41013, maximum 24-hour distillation column EX-490008, and average outlet nine process tanks of various capacities temperature) One bagfilter(254 ES-1004-2Silo Biomass silo loadout CD-1004-2-FF2 square feet of filter area) Miscellaneous Operations H-101 One No. 2 fuel oil-tired boiler(20.3 million 2D .1109 case- NA NA by-ease MACT Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) H-1.02 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired boiler (20.3 million 2D .1109 case- Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) NA NA by-case MACT Permit 01819'I'3 8 Page 8 Emission Source Control Device Control Device 1. Emission Source'Descr►ption ID No. . . .. M No. Description H-103 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired boiler(25.2 million 2D ,1109 case- Btu per hour maximum heat input rate) NA NA by-case MACT ES-BB1 and ES- One simple cyclone BB2* (114 inches in NSPS—Subpart Two biomass/bio-based solids-fired boilers diameter) in series with Dc (18.6 million Btu per hour maximum heat CD-BB and CD- one dry time injected MACT— input rate) BB 1 BH bagfilter(8,900 square Subpart feet of filter area) DDDDD ES-RD* One No. 2 fuel oil-fired rotary dryer (6.0 million Btu per hour maximum heat input NIA NIA rate) ES-PkGeril 'One No. 2 fuel oil-fired limited use One.eatalytic oxidizer MACT ZZZZ emergency generator(2.,935 kilowatt .CD-CatOX1 (69.5 °F minimum inlet maximum rated power output) temperature) WWTP-AT1 P5D Wastewater treatment plant aeration tank NA NA MALT FFFF No. I. E101 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator E101 ZZZZ (587 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A output) One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator E102 I'ZZZZ (760 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A output) E103 One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency generator MAGI'ZZZZ (603 horsepower maximum rated power NIA N/A ......... output)......... ......... FP One No. 2 fuel oil-fired emergency fire MACT ZZZZ water pump (285 horsepower maximum N/A N/.A rated power output) The Permittee is permitted to operate sources ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3 without the simultaneous operation of scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 under the conditions cited in Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e,below. 2 Operation of water- spray tome scrubber CD-Z-9215 and water spray fume scrubber CD-Z-9216 shall only be required for control of emissions from the PNE Operations if that source is utilizing ethyl acetate as a solvent. * These emission sources and control devices (ID Nos. ES-BB1, ES-BB2, ES-RD, CD-13131C and CD-BB1I3H) are listed as a 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(c)(2) modification. The Pernvttee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application•on or before 12 months after commencing operation in accordance with General Condition NN.1. The permit shield described in General Condition R does not apply and compliance certification as described in General Condition P is not required. Permit 01819T38 Page 9 SECTION 2 — SPECIFIC LIITATIONS AND CONDITIONS 2.1 - Emission Source(s) and Control Devices(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions The emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) and appurtenances listed below are subject to the following specific terms, conditions, and limitations, including the testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements as specified herein: A. Three No. 2 fuel oil-fired boilers (ID Nos.H-101,H-102, and H-103) The following table provides a surninary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation I Particulate matter 0.37 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0503 �� Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0516 . 20 percent opacity: 11-103 only 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) Visible emissions 40 percent opacity: H-101 and H-102 15A NCAC 2D .0521(c) Hazardous Air Pollutants Case-By-Case Maximum Achievable 15A NCAC 2D .1109 Control"Technology [1120) Case-by-Case NIACT] 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0503: PARTICULATES FROM FUEL BURNING INDIRECT HEAT EXCHANGERS a. Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of No. 2 fuel oil that are discharged from these sources into the atmosphere shall not exceed 0.37 pounds per million Btu heat input. [15A NCAC 2D .0503(a)] .......... ......... _ ......... ..................................... ................. ......... ........ Testing [15A NCAC 2D..2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.l.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503. Monitoring/Recordkeeping/Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for particulate emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-1.01, H-102, or 1I-103. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from these sources shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing sball be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this pernlit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. Permit 01819T38 Page 10 Monitoring/Recordkee in IRe ortin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-101,.H-102, or H-103. 3. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from boilers H-101 and H-102 shall not be more than 40 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 40 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 90 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(c)] b. Visible emissions from boiler H-103 shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a. six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] c. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D . 601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.3.a or b, above, as applicable, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. MonitoringlRecordkeepinglReportin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in boilers H-101, H-102, or H-103. 4. 15A NCAC 2D .1109: 112(J-) CASE-BY-CASE MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY Clean Air Act Section 1120)- Case-by-Case MACT for Boilers & Process Heaters a. The Permittee shall use best combustion practices when operating affected boilers H-101, H-102, and 11-103. The initial compliance date for this work practice standard and the associated monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements is August 17, 2013. These conditions need not be included on the annual compliance certification until after the initial compliance date. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform an annual boiler inspection and maintenance on boilers as recommended by the manufacturer, or as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. Inspect the burner, and clean or replace any components of the burner as necessary; ii. Inspect the flame pattern and make any adjustments to the burner necessary to optimize the flame pattern; and iii. Inspect the system controlling the air-to-fuel ratio, and ensure that it is correctly calibrated and functioning properly. The Permittee shall conduct at least one tune-up per calendar year for each boiler to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if the affected boilers are not inspected and maintained as required above. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. The results of inspection and maintenance performed on affected boilers shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; Permit 0 18191'3 8 Page 11 n, The results of each inspection; and, iii. The results of any maintenance performed on the boilers. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1109 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q ,0508(t)] d. No reporting is required for the best combustion practices requirements for boilers. B. One diesel-fired limited use generator (ID No. ES-PkGen1) and one associated catalytic oxidizer (ID No. CD-CatOXI) The following table provides a suinn-jary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Sulfur dioxide 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 2D .0516 Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) 15A NCAC 2D .I I I 1 Hazardous Air Pollutants Maximum Achievable Control Technology [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ] Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Emit less than 40 tons of NOx per 15A NCAC 2Q .0317 to avoid consecutive 12-month period 15A NCAC 2D .0530 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from limited use generator ES-PkGen1 shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .......0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.l.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. Monitoring;/Recordkeeping/Ideporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No.2 fuel oil in limited use generator ES-PkGenl. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from limited use generator ES-PkGenl shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521(d)] Testing [15A NCAC 2D .26011 b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be perfonmed in accordance with I5A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 B.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D Permit 01819T38 Page 12 .0521. Monitoring/Recordkeepinal eportin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in limited use generator ES-PkGen L 3. 15A NCAC 2D .1111: MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ] Applicability [40 CFR §63.6580 and §63.65851 a. Limited use generator ES-PkGen1 shall comply with all applicable requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .I 1 l I "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" pursuant to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE)" including Sabpart A"General Provisions." Emission Limits and Operational Requirements [40 CFR §63.6590(b)(1)(ii) and §63.6675] b. In accordance with 40 CFR §63.6590(a)(2)(i) this source is considered an existing Limited Use source for purposes of Subpart ZZZZ. To qualify as such, the Permittee must limit the operational hours of this source to less than 100 hours per consecutive 12-month period in accordance with 40 CFR §63.6590(b)(1)(ii). The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D A I I I if this source operates for 100 hours or more per consecutive 12-month period. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. .The Permittee shall install and maintain a non-resettable hour meter, in accordance with manufacturer's recornmendations, on limited use generator ES-PkGen 1. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of hours of operation for this source as measured by the non-resettable hour meter. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .111I if this monitoring is not perfomaed. RecordkeepinQ [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The Pennittee shall-maintain-monthly records of the hours of operation oflimited use generator ES --- PkGenl, as measured by the non-resettable hour meter, in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. No monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting is required for hazardous air pollutant emissions from limited use generator ES-PkGenl. 4. 15A NCAC 2Q .0317: AVOIDANCE CONDITIONS to avoid 15A NCAC 2D .0530: PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION a. In order to avoid applicability of 15A NCAC 2D .0530(g) for major sources and major modifications, limited use generator ES-PkGenl shall discharge into the atmosphere less than 40 tons of nitrogen oxides per consecutive 12-month period [I5A NCAC 2D .0530]. TestinI4 [1,5A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing Is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.'1 B.4.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A.NCAC 2D .0530. Operational Limitation [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. In order to ensure compliance with the limit given in Section 2.1 B.4.a, above, the operation of limited Perrmt 01819T38 Page 13 use generator ES-PkGenl shall not exceed 1,500 hours in a consecutive 12-month period. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the rolling total hours of operation of the limited use generator exceed 1,500 hours per consecutive 12-month period. .MonitorinE/Recordkeepinp, [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] d. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of hours of operation of this source as measured by the non-resettable hour meter and maintain monthly records of that monitoring in a logbook (written or electronic format)on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if this monitoring is not conducted, these records are not maintained, or if the rolliug total hours of operation for the limited use generator exceed 1,500 hours per consecutive 12-month period. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(fj] e. The Permittee shall submit a semiannual summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December; and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report must clearly identify all instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit and include: i. The,monthly hours of operation for the limited use generator for each of the previous 17 months; and ii. The total hours of operation for the limited use generator for each consecutive 12-month period ending during the reporting period. C. Rotocel Operations, including: • Rotocel extractor,desolventizer, and solvent separation/recovery (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-31209) venting to one packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1); • Two solvent recycle process tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-T) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1.001--2-C-1) venting to one packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2- S-1); ** ......... • Process equipment leaks(ID No _ 1-2-1-F); and • Rotocel Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-1001-2-1-WW) Recovery Operations, including: • Arcon process tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-1-3) venting to one packed tower scrubber (1D No. CD-1001-2-S-1); ** • One chilled water condenser (1D No. CD-1001-1-T5B) venting to packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1) controlling.emissions from: ** o Stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No.ES-1001-1-1-P2); and o Seven fixed roof process tanks of various capacities and one fixed roof methanol storage tank(ID No.ES-1001-1-1-P3); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-F); and • Recovery Operations wastewater stream(ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) * The Permittee may operate sources ES-1001-2-1-P1 and ES-1001-1.4-P1,-P2, and -P3 without the simultaneous operation of scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 under the conditions cited in Sections 2.2 BAA and e,below. The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Pollutant77 ____ - 7__ I Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Volatile organic Best Available.Control Technology ......... compounds See Sections 2.2 B.1 and 2.2 B.2 15A NCAC 2D .0530 Permit 01819T38 Page 14 Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation. Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rotocel and Recovery Operations only 15A NCAC 2D .0614 Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2D .0958 See Section 2.2 A.1 Maximum Achievable Control Technology 15A NCAC 2D .I I I I Hazardous Air Pollutants See Section 2.2 C.1 [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF] Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 See section 2.2 A.3 Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q ,0705/.0711 See Sections 2.2 A.2 and 2.2 A.4 15A NCAC 2D .1100 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0614: COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE,MONITORING Applicability [15A NCAC 2D .0614 and 40 CFR §64.21 a. For the Rotocel Operations and the Recovery Operations the Permittee shall comply with 40 CFR Part 64 and 15A NCAC 2.D .0614 and shall ensure that. this source complies with the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits of 15A NCAC 2D .0530 by complying with Section 2.1 C.1 of this permit. Control Requirements/Parameter-ranges 115A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. VOC emissions from the rotocel extractor, desolventizer, and solvent separation/recovery (.ID No. ES- 1001-2-1-P), two solvent recycle process tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-T), arcon process tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2), and eight process and storage tanks (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P3) shall be controlled by the associated packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-S-1), except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e, below. In addition, the Permittee shall maintain a-daily average mineral oil temperature at the inlet of scrubber CD 1001-2;-S-i - of less than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (100 °F) whenever the associated sources are operational. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. For VOC emissions: The Permittee shall perform the monitoring requirements of Sections 2.1 C.l.c.i through ill', below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D ,0614 if the monitoring and recordkeeping requirements of Sections 2.1 C.1.e.i through ill, below, are not performed. i. The Permittee shall monitor the inlet mineral oil temperature of mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-S-1 at least once each day that the sources listed in Section 2.1 C.Lb, above, operate; ii. The Permittee shall inspect, maintain, and operate mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5- 1 in accordance with Section 2.2 13.1.j, below; and iii. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate the temperature gauge associated with mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1 00 1-2-S-1 in accordance with Section 2,2 B.l.k, below. d. For excursions: In the event of an excursion the Permittee shall take appropriate action to correct the excursion as soon as practicable. Further, if mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD-1 00 1-2-S-1 operates under conditions qualifying as an excursion for more than 5 percent of the operational time of the sources listed in Section 2.1 C.l.b, above, during a consecutive 6-month period, then the Permittee shall develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in accordance with 40 CFR §64.8. For the purposes of this permit condition excursions are defined as operation of mineral oil packed Permit 01819T38 Page 15 tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 with an inlet mineral oil temperature that exceeds the limit cited in Section 2A C.l.b, above, while the associated emission sources are operating, except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.IA and e, below. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The results of monitoring, inspections,maintenance and calibrations conducted pursuant to Sections 2.1 C.l.c and d, above, shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request.The log shall record the following:. i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of the monitoring, noting any excursions along with any actions taken to correct the inlet mineral oil temperature of packed tower scrubber CD-100I-2-S-I; iii. The results of any inspections or maintenance performed on mineral oil packed tower scrubber CD- 1001-2-5-1 or the associated temperature and flow rate gauges;and iv. Any variance from manufacturer's recoinrnendations, if any, and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .06I4 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the fonitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. D, Botanical Extraction Operations, including: + Immersion extractor Z-1001, desolventizer Z-1002, day tank 90024, first-stage evaporator EX-1012, second stage evaporator EX-1013, distillation column EX-90008 and nine process tanks of various capacities. (ID No. E 5-1001-11-1-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1002) venting to one cryogenic (nitrogen) condenser system (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003); + Plant Material Grinder (ID No. 1d HZ-1002) and one associated baLyfilter (ID o. D-1003-4- + Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES4001-11-14); and • Botanical extraction operations wastewater stream (ID No.ES-1001-11-WW) Biomass Extraction Operations, including: • Biomass extraction debagging (ID No. ES4004-1) and one associated cartridge filter (ID No. CD-1004-1-FF1); • Immersion extractor Z-41001, desolventizer Z-41002, day tank 490025, isohexane storage tank 490024, first-stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013, distillation column EX-490008 and nine process tanks of various capacities (ID No.ES-1004-2-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1004-2EX1002) venting to one cryogenic (nitrogen) condenser system (ID No. CD4004-2EX1003); • Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES-1004-2-F); • Wastewater tanks and other similar vessels (11) No. ES-1004-2-WW); • Biomass extraction operations wastewater stream (ID No.ES4003-10-WW); and • Biomass silo loadout (ID No. ES-1004-2Silo) and one associated bagtilter (ID No. CD-1004-2- FF2) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s) described above: Permit 01819T38 Page 16 Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Aplalicalile Regulation Plant material grinder,biomass extraction debagging, and biomass silo loadout: Particulate matter E=4.I OP"`'' 15A NCAC 2D .0515 Where:E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P =process weight in tons per hour Visible emissions 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 2D .0521(d) Best Available Control Technology See Sections 2.2 B.I and 2.2 B.2 15A NCAC 2D .0530 Volatile organic compounds Compliance Assurance Monitoring _ 15 A NCAC 2D .0614 Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2.D .0958 See Section 2.2 A.1 Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 See Section 2.2 A,3 Hazardous Air Pollutants Maximum Achievable Control Technology 15A NCAC 2D .1111 See Section 2.2 C.1 (Botanical extraction onl y°) 40 CFI:Part 63, Subpart FFFF Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q .0705/.0711� See Sections 2.2 A.2 and 2.2 AA 15A NCAC 2D .1100 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0515: PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES a. Emissions of particulate matter from the plant material grinder (ID No. MHZ-1002), the biomass extraction debagging operation (ID No. ES-1004-1), and..the biomass silo loadout (ID No. ES-1004-2- Silo) shall not exceed an allowable emission rate as calculated by the following equation: [15A NCAC 2D....0515(a)] _ ... E=4.10xP067 Where: E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour; and P =process weight in tons per hour Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight. Testing [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 D.I.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515. MonitoringlRecordkeepinlZ [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] . c. Particulate matter emissions from the plant material grinder, the biomass extraction debagging operation, and the biomass storage silo shall be controlled by a bagfilter (ID No. CD-1003-4-1), a cartridge filter (ID No. CD-1004-1-17171), and a bagfilter (ID No. CD-1004-2-FF2), respectively. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection Permit 01819'1'38 Page 17 and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. A monthly visual inspection of the system ductwork and material collection unit for leaks; and ii An annual (for each 12-month period following the initial inspection) internal inspection of the cartridge filter and bagfilters for structural integrity. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if the ductwork, cartridge filter, and bagfilters are not inspected and maintained. d. The results of inspections and maintenance shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of each inspection; ii. The results of any maintenance performed on the cartridge filter and bagfilters; and iv. Variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any,and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit the results of any maintenance performed on the cartridge filter or bagfilters within 30 days of a written request by the DAQ. f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from the botanical extraction operations and the biomass extraction operations shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hole' and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC ......... 2D 052 l(d)] Testin [15A NCAC 2D .2601] b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the hmit given in Section 2.1 D.2.a, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance, once a month the Permittee shall observe the emission points of these sources for any visible emissions above normal. The monthly observation must be made for each month of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with this requirement. If practicable, the monthly observation must be made while the associated source is operating. If a source does not operate during a monthly period, then a record documenting such non-operational status will satisfy this monitoring requirement for that source. If visible emissions from a source are observed to be above normal, the Permittee shall either: i. Take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions as soon as practicable and within the monitoring period and record the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below, or ii.. Demonstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission source in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 D.2.a, Pennit 01819T3 8 Page 18 above. If the above-nornial emissions are not corrected per (i) above or if the demonstration in (ii) above cannot be made, the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions; and iii. The results of any corrective actions performed. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521 if these records are riot maintained. Reporting [:1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and.June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. 3. 115A NCAC 2D .0614: COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE MONITORINta Applicability [15A NCAC 2D .0614 and 40 CFR §64.2] a. For the immersion extractor Z-1001., desolventizer Z-1002, day tank 90024, first-stage evaporator EX- 101.2, second stage evaporator EX-1013, distillation column EX-90008 and iiine process tanks (ID No. ES-1601-11-1-P) and the immersion extractor Z-41001, `desolventizer Z-41002,- day tank 490025, isohexane storage tank 490024, first-stage evaporator EX-41012, second stage evaporator EX-41013, distillation column EX-490008 and nine process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1004-2-P), the Permittee shall comply with 40 CFR Part 54 and 15A NCAC 2D .0614 and shall ensure that this source complies with the volatile organic compound (VOC) emission limits of 15A NTCAC 2D .0530 by ......... complying with..Section.2..1..D,.3 of this permit. Control Requirements/Parameter ranges [15A NCAC 2Q ,0508(f)] b. VOC emissions from the subject botanical extraction operations sources (ID No. ES-1001-11-1-P) shall be controlled by the associated cryogenic condenser system (ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003). VOC emissions from the subject biomass extraction operations sources (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) shall be controlled by the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1004-2EX1003). In addition: i. The Permittee shall maintain a 12-hour average outlet temperature of less than or equal to 40 degrees Fahrenheit below zero (40 °F) for cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-11-EX1003 whenever the associated sources are operational; and ii. The Permittee shall maintain a 12-hour average outlet temperature of less than or equal to -40 °F for cryogenic condenser system CD-1004-2EX1003 whenever the associated sources are operational. Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. For VOC emissions: The Pennittee shall perform the monitoring requirements of Sections 2.1 D.3.c.i through iv, below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0614 if the monitoring and recordkeepi.ng requirements of Sections 2.1 D.3.c.1 through iv, below, are not performed. i. The Permittee shall monitor the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1001,-11- EX1003 at least once each hour, and calculate the average outlet temperature for the consecutive Permit 01819T38 Page 19 12-hour period ending with that hour, when the associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, operate; ii. The Permittee shall monitor the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1004- 2EX1003 at least once each hour, and calculate the average outlet temperature for the consecutive 12-hour period ending with that hour, when the associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, operate; and iii. The Permittee shall inspect, maintain, and operate cryogenic condenser systems CD-1001-11- EX1003 and CD-1004-2EX1003 in accordance with Section 2.2 B.l.h, below; and iv. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate the temperature sensors associated with cryogenic condenser systems CD-1001-11-EX1003 and CD-1004-2EX1003 in accordance with Section 2.2 B.hi,below. d. For excursions: In the event of an excursion the Permittee shall take appropriate action to correct the excursion as soon as practicable. Further, if cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-I1-EX 1003 or CD- 1004-2EX1003 operate under conditions qualifying as an excursion for more than 5 percent of the operational time of their associated sources listed in Section 2.1 D.3.b, above, during a consecutive 6- month period, then the Permittee shall develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) for that cryogenic condenser system in accordance with 40 CFR §64.8, For the purposes of this permit condition excursions are defined as operation of cryogenic condenser systein CD-1001-11-EX1003 or CD-1004-2EX1003 with a 12-hour average outlet temperature that exceeds the associated limit cited in Sections 2.1 D.3.b.i and ii, above; while the associated emission sources are operating. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. They results of monitoring, inspections, maintenance and calibrations conducted pursuant to Sections 2.1 D.3.c and d, above, shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following; is The date and time of each recorded action; 'ii. The results of the monitoring, noting any excursions along with any actions taken to correct the outlet temperature of cryogenic condenser system CD-1001-11-EX1003 or CD-1004-2EX1003; iii. The results of any inspections or maintenance performed on cryogenic condenser system CD-1001- 11....�1003.,..cryogenic.....condenser system CD-I004=2EX 1003 or the associated temperature gauges, and iv. Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0614 if these records are not maintained. 3 Reporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month Period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-months period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. Permit 01819T38 Page 20 E. Two biomass boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-BB2) controlled by a cyclone (ID No. CD-BBIC) in series with a bagfilter (ID No. CD-BBIBH) equipped with dry time injection and associated No. 2 fuel oil-fired rotary dryer(ID No. ES-RD) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)described above: Regulated Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Pollutant Particulate Boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and BB2): 15A NCAC 02D .0503 matter 0.33 pounds per million Btu heat input Rotary dryer(ID No. EIS-IzD): Particulate 067 15A NCAC 02D .0515 . matter E—4.10(P} Sulfur 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 02D .0516 dioxide Visible 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six=minute 15A NCAC 02D .0521 2 emissions period N/A, Laitial notification requirements, 15A NCAC 02D .0524 Notification of boiler size and fuel combusted, and NSPS—Subpart Dc i Record and maintain amount of each fuel combusted _ during each calendar month. P'14 BM: 0.008 lb/MMBtu heat input 15A NCAC 02Q .1111 Co.a Hg Cl,' 1 HCI: 0.004 lb/MMBtu heat input MACT Subpart DDDDD Dioxins/Tura CO: 560 ppm by volume ns Hg: 3.50E-06 lb/MMBtu heat input DioXins/F'urans: 0.005 ng/dscm � I _Testing [15A NCAC 02Q .0508(f) Under the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.108, in order to verify emission factors used for calculating CO (0.54 lb/M.MBtu) and NOx (0.22 lb/MMBtu) emissions the Permittee shall.perform a stack test on one"of the boilers for CO and NOx within 60 days after start-up. The testing shall be conducted in accordance with a testing protocol (using testing protocol submittal form) approved by the Division of Air Quality. Details of emission testing requirements can be found in Section 3 —General Condition JJ. If testing shows emissions greater than the emission factors used, the Permittee must notify the Regional Office Supervisor, in writing,no later than 60 days following the stack test date. 2.. :l5A NCAC."2D .0503: PARTICULATES FROM FUEL BURNING INDIRECT HEAT EXCHANGERS a. Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of sage or wood that are discharged from the boilers (ID Nos.ES-BBI and BB2) into the atmosphere shall not exceed 0.33 pounds per million Btu heat input. [15A NCAC 2D .0503(a)] Testing [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ, If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A. 1. a. above,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503. Permit01819T38 Page 21 Monitoring [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. Particulate matter emissions from the boiler shall be controlled by a cyclone in series with a bagfilter. To assure compliance, the Pennittee shall perform inspections and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum,the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: J. monthly external inspection of the ductwork, cyclone, and bagfilter noting the structural integrity; and ii, an annual internal inspection of the bagfilter's structural integrity. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503 if the cyclone,bagfilter, and ductwork is not inspected and maintained_ Reeordkeepin2 [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a log(written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. the date and time of each recorded action; ii. the results of each inspection; . . in. a report of any maintenance performed on the cyclone and bagfilter; and iv. any variance from manufacturer's recommendations,if any, and corrections made. Th::Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0503 if these records are not maintained. Reporting [15ANCAC 2Q .0508(t)] e. .Within 30 days of a written request from the DAQ, the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance performed on the cyclone and bagfilter. f. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked on or befor& January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. ......... ......... .... ..... ......... .... .... ......... 3. 15A NCAC 2D .0515: PARTICULATES FROM MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES a. . Emissions of particulate matter from the rotary dryer(ID No.ES-RD) shall not exceed an allowable emission rate . as calculated by the following equation: [15A NCAC 2D .0515(a)] E=4.10 x P 1'67 Where, E=allowable emission rate in pounds per hour P=process weight in tons per hour Liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air are not considered as part of the process weight. Testing[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. If emissions testing is required,the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E. 2. a. above,the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515. Monitoring/Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(o] c. The Pennittee shall maintain production records such that the process rates 'T" in tons per hour, as specified by the formulas contained above(or the formulas contained in 15A NCAC 2D .0515) can be derived, and shall make these records available to a DAQ authorized representative upon request. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0515 if the production records are not maintained or the types of materials and finishes are not monitored. Permit 01819T39 Page 22 4. 15A NCAC 2D .0516: SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from this source shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels,wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [15A NCAC 2D .0516] Testing [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ found in Section 3. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.1.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0516. c. No monitoring/recordkeeping is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of wood or sage in this source. 5. . 15A NCAC 2D .0521: CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a. Visible emissions from the boilers and rotary dryer (ID Nos. ES-BB 1, ES-13132, and ES-RD) shall not be more than.20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. [15A NCAC 2D .0521 (d)] Testi.9,2 [15A-NCAC 2Q .0508(t)]. b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition JJ: If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 E. 3. a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. For boilers (ID Nos. ES-BBI and ES-BB2): Monitorin -[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance, once a day the Permittee shall observe the emission points of the boilers (ID Nos. ES-B.B 1 and ES-13132) for any visible emissions above normal. The daily observation must be made for each day of the calendar year period to ensure compliance with this requirement. The Permittee shall be allowed three(3) days of absent observations per semi-annual period.The Permittee - shall establish"normal" for the boilers in the first 30 days following the effective date of the permit If visible emissions from this source are observed to be above normal, the Permittee shall either: i, take appropriate action to correct the above-normal emissions as soon as practicable and within the monitoring period and record the action taken as provided in the recordkeeping requirements below, or ii. derzronstrate that the percent opacity from the emission points of the emission source in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2610 (Method 9) for 12 minutes is below the limit given in Section 2.1 E.3. a. above. If the above-normal emissions are not corrected per(1) above or if the demonstration in (ii) above cannot be made, the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The results of the monitoring shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. the date and time of each recorded action; ii. the results of each observation and/or test noting those sources with emissions that were observed to be in noncompliance along with any corrective actions taken to reduce visible emissions; and iii. the results of any corrective actions performed. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0521 if these records are not maintained. Pennit 01819T38 Page 23 ReRe�n [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June, All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. For Rotary Dryer(ID No. ES-RD): Monitoring/Recordkeeping./Reporting [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] f. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in the rotary dryer(ID No.ES-RD). 6. 15A NCAC 2D .0524: NSPS 40 CFR PART 60 SUBPART De a. The Pernnittee. shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, recordkeeping, and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 2D .0524 "New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Dc, including Subpart A "General Provisions."[15A NCAC 2D .0524] b. NSPS REQUIREMENTS- In addition to any other required by 40 CFR§60.48c or notification requirements to the EPA, the Permittee is required to NOTIFY the DAQ in writing of the following: i. the date construction (40 CFR§60.7) or reconstruction (40 CFR§ 60.1.5) of an affected facility is commenced, postmarked no later than 30 days after such date, and ii. the date of actual initial start-up postmarked within 1.5 days of the actual date. Recordkeeping [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. In addition to any other recordkeeping required by 40 CFR. 60.48c or recordkeeping requirements of the EPA, the Permittee shall record and maintain records of the amounts of each fuel fired during each day. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0524 if these records are not maintained. --- 7. EPA Stayed this Rule on May 16,2011,The requirements are not effective until EPA completes their reconsideration. 15A NCAC 02D .1111 National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants,40 CFR Part 63, Subpart DDDDD—Boiler and Process Heaters A. § 63.7490—Applicability This subpart applies to new, reconstructed, or existing affected sources. A boiler or process heater is new if you commence construction of the boiler or process heater after June 4, 2010,. and you meet the applicability criteria at the time you commence construction. B. § 63.7495 If you have a new or reconstructed boiler or process heater, you must comply with this subpart up Oil startup. C, § 6.3,7500—Emission Standards 1. You must meet each emission limit and work practice standard in Tables 1 through 3, and 12 to this subpart that applies to your boiler or process heater, for each boiler or process heater at your source,except as provided tinder §63.7522, If your affected source is a new or reconstructed affected source that commenced construction or reconstruction after_Tune 4,2010, and before May 20, 2011,. you may comply with the emission limits in Table I or 12 to this subpart until March 21., Perinit 01919T38 Page.24 2014. On and after March 21, 2014, you must comply with the emission limits in Table I to this subpart. (Note: Construction of the boilers will. begin before May 20, 2011. As such, the Permittee has elected to comply with Table 1.2--"Alternative Emission Limits for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters That Commenced Construction or Reconstruction After June 4, 2010, and Before May 20, 2011. ") Table 12 Emission Limits for Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids (until March 21, 2014): PM: 0,008 lb/MMBtu heat input HCI: 0.004 lb/MMBtu heat input CO: 560 ppm by volume Hg: 3.50E-06 lb/MMBtu heat input Dioxins/Furans; 0.005 ng/dscm Table 1. Emission Limits for Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids on and after March 21, 2014): PM, 0.0011 lb/MMBtu heat input HCI: 0.0022 lb/MMBtu heat input CO: 160 ppm by volume Hg: 3.50E-06 l.b/MMBtu heat input Dioxins/Purans: 0.005 ng/dscm 2. The Permittee must meet each operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to the boiler or process heater. According to Table 4, (a) if you demonstrate compliance using a fabric filter not required to install and operate PM GEMS, you must meet the following operating limits: i. maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent(daily block average), or ii. install and operate a bag leak detection system according to § 63.7525 and operate the ....... fabric f lter such that the. bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during each 6-month period. (b) if you demonstrate compliance using fuel analysis, you must maintain the fuel type or fuel mixture such that the applicable emission rates calculated according to §63.7530(c)(1.), (2) a and/or (3) is less than the applicable emission limits. (c) if you demonstrate compliance with performance testing, you must maintain the operating load of each unit such that is does not exceed 110 percent of the average operating load recorded during the most recent performance test. (d) if you demonstrate compliance using a continuous oxygen monitoring system as specified in § 63.752.5(a), you trust maintain the oxygen level of the stack gas such that it is not below the lowest hourly average oxygen concentration measured during the most recent CO performance test. If you use a control device or combination of control devices not covered in Table 4 to this subpart, or you wish to establish and monitor an alternative operating limit and alternative monitoring parameters, you must apply to the EPA Administrator for approval of alternative monitoring under §63.8(f). 3. At all times, you must operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Administrator Permit 01819T38 Page 25 that may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. 4. As provided in §63.6(g), EPA may approve use of an alternative to the work practice standards in this section. D. sS 63.7505—GeR eral Re ud irements 1. The Permittee must be in compliance with the emission limits and operating limits in this subpart. These limits apply at all times. 2. The Permittee must demonstrate compliance with all applicable emission limits using performance testing, fuel analysis, or continuous monitoring systems (CMS), including a continuous emission monitoring system(CEMS) or continuous opacity monitoring system(COMS), where applicable. The Permittee may demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limit for hydrogen chloride or mercury using fuel analysis if the emission rate calculated according to §63.7530(c) is less than the applicable emission limit. Otherwise, the Permittee must demonstrate compliance for hydrogen chloride or mercury using performance testing, if subject to an applicable emission limit listed in Table .1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. E. q 63.7.510—Initial Compliance Requirements 1. For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with any of the applicable emission limits in Tables '1. or 2 of this subpart through performance testing, your initial compliance requirements include conducting performance tests according to §63.7520 and Table 5 to this subpart, conducting a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart,establishing operating limits according to §63.7530 and Table 7 to this subpart, and conducting CMS performance evaluations according to §63.7525. For affected sources that burn a single type of fuel, you are exempted from the compliance requirements of conducting a.fucl analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart. For purposes of this subpart, units that use a supplemental fuel only for startup,unit shutdown, and transient flame stability purposes still qualify as affected sources that burn a single type....of fuel,and the supplemental fuel ............................ is not ""]';.'to the.f:lf'l i.nalySTr requ.ieinenty under.— Z h- 75'1. and Table 6 t0 this snbpart. 2. For affected sources that elect to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limits in Tables 1 or 2 of this subpart for hydrogen chloride or mercury through fuel analysis, your initial compliance requirement is to conduct a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater according to §63.7521 and Table 6 to this subpart and establish operating limits according to §63.7530 and Table 8 to this subpart. 3. If your boiler or process heater is subject to a carbon monoxide limit, your initial compliance demonstration for carbon monoxide is to conduct a performance test for carbon monoxide according to Table 5 to this subpart. Your initial compliance demonstration for carbon monoxide also includes conducting a performance evaluation of your continuous oxygen monitor according to §63.7525(a). 4. If you are demonstrating compliance with an emission limit in Table 12 to this subpart that is less stringent than (that is,higher than) the applicable emission limit in Table 1_ to this subpart, you must demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limit in Table 1 no later than September 17, 2014. F. § 63.7515—Testing Frequency 1. You must conduct all applicable performance tests according to §63.7520 on an annual basis, except those for dioxin/furan emissions, unless you follow the requirements listed in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section. Annual performance tests most be completed no more than 13 months after the previous performance test,unless you follow the requirements listed in paragraphs (b) Permit 0181.9T38 Page 26 through (e) of this section. Annual performance testing for d.i.oxin/furan emissions is not required after the initial compliance demonstration. 2. You can conduct performance tests less often for a given pollutant if your performance tests for the pollutant for at least 2 consecutive years show that your emissions are at or below 75 percent of the emission limit, and if there are no changes in the operation of the affected source or air pollution control equipment that could increase emissions. In this case, you do not have to conduct a performance test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. You must conduct a performance test during the third year and no more than 37 months after the previous performance test. If you elect to demonstrate compliance using emission averaging under §63.7522,you must continue to conduct performance tests annually. 3. If your boiler or process heater continues to meet the emission limit for the pollutant, you may choose to conduct performance tests for the pollutant every third year if your emissions are at or below 75 percent of the emission limit, and if there are no changes in the operation of the affected source or air pollution control equipment that could increase emissions, but each such performance test must be conducted no more than 37 months after [lie previous performance test. If you elect to demonstrate compliance using emission averaging under §63.7522, you must continue to conduct performance tests annually. The requirement to test at maximum.chloride input level is waived unless the stack test is conducted for HCI, The requirement to test at maximum Hg input level is waived unless the stack test is conducted for Hg. 4. If a performance test shows emissions exceeded 75 percent of the emission limit for a pollutant, you must conduct annual performance tests for that pollutant until all performance tests over a consecutive 2-year period show compliance. 5. If you are required to meet an applicable tune-up work practice standard, you must conduct an annual or biennial performance tune-up according to §63.7540(a)(1.0) and (a)(11.), respectively. Each annual tune-up specified in §63.7540(a)(10) must be no more than 13 months after the previous tune-up. Each biennial tune-up specified inss'63.7540(a)(1.1) must be conducted no more than 25 months after the previous tune-up. 6. If you demonstrate compliance with the mercury or hydrogen chloride based on fuel.analysis, you must conduct a monthly fuel analysis according to §63.7521 foi-each type of fuel burned that is subject tq an emission limit in Table 1, 2, or 12 of this subpart. If you burn 4_new.type of fuel, you ......... must conduct a f3;el nnhicc hPfnrPhiirnnn fh ne. ype offLel �iaJ.i i..& e t your boiler FJ ...-AlI+LLtI.t. You must still meet all applicable continuous compliance requirements in §63.7540. If 1.2 consecutive monthly fuel analyses demonstrate compliance, you may request decreased fuel analysis frequency by applying to the EPA Administrator for approval of alternative monitoring under §63.8(f). 7. You must report the results of performance tests and the associated initial fuel analyses within 90 days after the completion of the performance tests. This report most also verify that the operating limits for your affected source have not changed or provide documentation of revised operating parameters established.according to §63.7530 and Table 7 to this subpart, as applicable. The reports for all subsequent performance tests must include all applicable information required in §63.7550. G. § 63.7520—Performance Test 1.. You must conduct all performance tests according to §63.7(c), (d), (f), and(h). You must also develop a site-specific stack test plan according to the requirements in §63.7(c). You shall conduct all performance tests under such conditions as the Administrator specifies to you based on representative performance of the affected source for the period being tested. Upon request,you shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. 2. You must conduct each performance test according to the requirements in Table 5 to this subpart. Permit 01.81.9T38 Page 27 3. You must conduct each performance test under the specific conditions listed in Tables 5 and 7 to this subpart. You must conduct performance tests at representative operating load conditions while burning the type of fuel or mixture of fuels that has the highest content of chlorine and mercury, and you must demonstrate initial compliance and establish your operating limits based on these performance tests. These requirements could result in the need to conduct more than one performance test. Following each performance test and until the next performance test, you must comply with the operating limit for operating load conditions specified in Table 4 to this subpart. 4. You must conduct three separate test runs for each performance test required in this section, as specified in §63.7(e)(3).Each test run must comply with the minimum applicable sampling times or volumes specified in Tables 1, 2, and 1.2 to this subpart. 5. To determine compliance with the emission limits, you must use the F-Factor methodology and equations in sections 12..2 and 12.3 of EPA Method 19 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter to convert the measured particulate matter concentrations, the measured hydrogen chloride concentrations, and the measured mercury concentrations that.result from the initial performance test to pounds per million Btu heat input emission rates using F-factors. H, § 63.752.1 —Fuel Anal 1. For solid fuels, you must conduct fuel analyses for chloride and mercury according to the following procedures and Table 6 to this subpart, as applicable. You are not required to conduct fuel analyses for fuels used for only startup, unit shutdown, and transient flame stability purposes. You are required to conduct fuel analyses only for fuels and units that are subiect to emission limits for mercury and hydrogen chloride in Tables 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. 2. You must develop and submit a site-specific fuel monitoring plan to the EPA Administrator for review and approval according to the following procedures. (a) You must submit the fuel analysis plan no later than 60 days before the date that you intend to conduct an initial compliance demonstration. (b) You must include the following information in your fuel analysis plan. i. The identification of all fuel. types anticipated to be burned in each boiler or process heater. ii. For each fuel type, the notification of whether you or a fuel supplier will be conducting .. ......_ ...... the fine! analysis. iii. For each fuel type, a detailed description of the.sample location and specific procedures to be used for collecting and preparing the composite samples if your procedures are different from what is prescribed in this subpart. Samples should be collected at a location that most accurately represents the fuel type, where possible, at a point prior to mixing with other dissimilar fuel types. iv. For each fuel type, the analytical methods from Table 6, with the expected minimum detection levels, to be used for the measurement of chlorine or mercury. V. If you request to use an alternative analytical. method other than those required by Table 6 to this subpart, you must also include a detailed description of the nnethods and procedures that you are proposing to use. Methods in Table 6 shall be used until the requested alternative is approved. vi. If you will be using fuel analysis from a fuel supplier in lieu of site-specific sampling and analysis, the fuel supplier must use the analytical methods required by Table 6 to this subpart. 3. At a minimum, you must obtain three composite fuel samples for each fuel type according to the following procedures. (a) If sampling from a belt (or screw) feeder, collect fuel. samples as follows. i. Stop the belt and withdraw a 6-inch wide sample from the full cross-section of the stopped belt to obtain a minimum two pounds of sample. You must collect all the Permit 04 81.9T38 Page 28 material (fines and.coarse) in the full cross-section. You must transfer the sample to a clean plastic bag. ii. Each composite sample will consist of a minimum of three samples collected at approximately equal 1-hour intervals during the testing period.. (b) If sampling from a fuel pile or truck, you must collect fuel samples as follows. i. For each composite sample, you must select a minimum of five sampling locations uniformly spaced over the surface of the pile. ii. At each sampling site, you must dig into the pile to a depth of 1.8 inches. You must insert a clean flat square shovel into the hole and withdraw a sample, making sure that large pieces do not fail off during sampling. i.i_i. You must transfer all samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing. 4, You must prepare each composite sample as follows. (a) You must thoroughly rnix and pour the entire composite sample over a clean plastic sheet. (b) You must break sample pieces larger than 3 inches into smaller sizes. (c) You must make a pie shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into four equal parts. (d) You must separate one of the quarter samples as the first subset. (e) If this subset is too large for grinding, you must repeat the above procedure with the quarter sample and obtain a one-quarter subset from this sample. (f) You must grind the sample in a mill. (g) You must use the above procedure to obtain a one-quarter subsample for analysis. If the quarter sample is too large,subdivide it further using the same procedure. 5. You must determine the concentration of pollutants in the fuel (mercury and/or chlorine) in units of pounds per million Btu of each composite sample for each fuel.type according to the procedures in Table 6 to this subpart. I. § 03.7.525-Monitorin 1. If your boiler or process heater is subject to a carbon monoxide emission limit in Table 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart,you must install, operate, and maintain a continuous oxygen monitor according to the following procedures by the compliance date specified in §63 749.5. 1.'he oxygen leve.J shall be .............. monitored at the outlet of the boiler or .r"o. Sc heater. p (a) Each CEMS for oxygen (OzCEMS) must be installed, operated, and maintained according to the applicable procedures under Performance Specification 3 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, and according to the site-specific monitoring plan developed according to §63.7505(d). (b) You must conduct a performance evaluation of each OzCEMS according to the requirements in §63.8(e) and according to Performance Specification 3 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B. (c) Each 02CEMS must complete a minirnum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each successive 15-minute period. (d) The 02CEMS data must be reduced as specified in §63.8(g)(2). (e) You must calculate and record 12-hour block average concentrations for each operating day. (f) For purposes of calculating data averages, you must use all the data collected during all periods in assessing compliance, excluding data collected during periods when the monitoring systern malfunctions or is out of control,during associated repairs,and during required quality assurance or control activities (including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments). Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. Any period for which the monitoring system malfunctions or is out of control and data are not available for a required calculation constitutes a deviation from the monitoring requirements. Periods when,data are unavailable because of required quality assurance or control. activities (including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments) do not constitute monitoring deviations. Permit 0.1819'F38 Page 29 2. If you are not required to use a PM CEMS and elect to use a fabric filter bag leak detection system to comply with the requirements of this subpart, you must install, calibrate, maintain, and continuously operate the bag leak detection system as specified below. (a) You must install a bag leak detection sensor(s) in a position(s) that will be representative of the relative or absolute particulate matter loadings for each exhaust stack, roof vent, or compartment (e.g., for a positive pressure fabric filter) of the fabric filter. (b) Conduct a performance evaluation of the bag leak detection system.in accordance with your monitoring plan and consistent with the guidance provided in EPA-454/R---98-015 (incorporated by reference, see §63,14), (c) Use a bag leak detection system certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or less. (d) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a device to record coutinuously the output signal from the sensor. (e) Use a bag leak detection system equipped with a system that will alert when an increase in relative particulate matter emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located where it can be easily heard or seen by plant operating personnel. (f) Where multiple bag leak detectors are required, the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors. J. § 63.7530—Initial Compliance I. You must demonstrate initial compliance with each ernission limit that applies to you by conducting initial performance tests and fuel analyses and establishing operating limits, as applicable, according to §63,7520 and Tables 5 and 7 to this subpart. You must also install, and operate, maintain all applicable CMS (including CEMS, COMS, and continuous parameter monitoring systems) according to §63.7525. 2. If you demonstrate compliance through performance testing, you must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to you according to the requirements in §63.7520, Table 7 to this subpart, and paragraph (b)(3) of this section, as applicable. You must also conduct fuel analyses according to §63.7521 and establish maximurn fuel.pollutant input levels ......... __ ...ac.cordi.n.g to paragraphs (b)(1)_and (2) of_th.is section, as applicable..As..spec.ified..in..§63.751..0(a), if _ ......... your affeced SvirCc viriS type of 'uEl (excluding Sus lEieiital f i5ucdforU1La Sin IC l lcl S 11 Star`iuP� I shutdown, or transient flame stabilization), you are not required to perform the initial fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater. However, if you switch fuel(s) and cannot show that the new fuel(s) do (does) not increase the chlorine or mercury input into the unit through the results of fuel analysis, then you must repeat the performance test to demonstrate compliance while burning the new fuel(s). (a) You must establish the maximum chlorine fuel input(Clinput) during the initial fuel analysis according to the following procedures. i. You must determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or process beater that has the highest content of ebl.ori.ne. ii. During the fuel analysis for hydrogen chloride, you must determine the fraction of the total heat input for each fuel type burned (Qi)based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine, and the average chlorine concentration of each fuel type burned (Ci). iii. You must establish a maximum chlorine input level using Equation 7 of this section. Where: Clinput Maximum amount of chlorine entering the boiler or process heater through fuels burned in units of pounds per million Btu. Permit 01819,r38 Page 30 Ci = Arithmetic average concentration of chlorine in fuel type, i, analyzed according to §63.7521,in units of pounds per million Btu. Qi=Fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. If you do not:burn multiple fuel types during the performance testing, it is not necessary to determine the value of this term. Insert a value of"1" for Qi. n =Number of different fuel types burned in your boiler or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. (b) You must establish the maximum mercury fuel input level (Mercuryinput) during the initial fuel analysis using the following procedures. i. You must determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or process heater that has the highest content of mercury. ii. During the compliance demonstration for mercury, you must determine the fraction of total heat input for each fuel burned (Qi) based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of mercury, and the average mercury concentration of each fuel type burned (HGi.). iii. You must establish a maximum mercury input level using Equation 8 of this section. c:a °stay a 1 rr r (1.I:r X Qi) �'Rq. H Where: Mercuryinput= Maximum amount of mercury entering the boiler or process heater through fuels burned in units of pounds per million Btu. HGi = Arithmetic average concentration of mercury in fuel type, i, analyzed according to §63.7521, in units of pounds per million Btu. Qi =Fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,based on the fuel mixture that has the highest mercury content.If you do not burn multiple fuel types during the performance test, it is not necessary to determine the value of this term. insert a value of"1"for Qi. n = Number of different fuel types burned in your boiler or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of mercury. . ..... ......... ......... (c) You must establish parameter operating larri:its as follows i.. The operating limit for boilers or process heaters with fabric filters that demonstrate continuous compliance through bag leak detection syste.rns is that a bag leak detection system be installed according to the requirements in §63,7525,and that each fabric filter must be operated such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period. 3. You must include with the Notification of Compliance Status a signed certification that the energy assessment was completed according to Table 3 to this subpart and is an accurate depiction of your facility. 4. You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in §63.7545(e), 5. If you own or operate a unit subject emission limits in Tables 1, 2, or 12 of this subpart, you must minimize the units startup and shutdown periods following the manufacturers recommended procedures, if available. If manufacturer's recommended procedures are not available, you must follow recommended procedures for a unit of similar design for which manufacturer's recommended procedures are available. You must submit a signed statement in the Notification of Compliance Status report that indicates that you conducted startups and shutdowns according to the manufacturer's recommended procedures or procedures specified for a unit of similar design if manufacturer's recommended procedures are not available. K. § 63.7540—Continuous Compliance Permit 01.81.9T38 Page 31 1. You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission limit, operating limit, and work practice standard in Tables .l. through 3 to this subpart that applies to you according to the methods specified in Table 8 to this subpart and paragraphs (a)(1) through (11) of this section. (a) Following the date on which the initial compliance demonstration is completed or is required to be completed under§§63.7 and 63.7510, whichever date comes first, operation above the established maximum or below the established minimum operating limits shall constitute a deviation of established operating li.m:its listed in Table 4 of this subpart except during performance tests conducted to determine compliance with the emission limits or to establish new operating limits, Operating limits must be confirmed or reestablished during performance tests. (b) As specified in §63.7550(c), you must keep records of the type and amount of all fuels burned in each boiler or process heater during the reporting period to demonstrate that all fuel types and mixtures of fuels burned would either result in lower ern.issions of hydrogen chloride and mercury than the applicable emission limit for each pollutant (if you demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis), or result in lower fuel i.riput of chlorine and mercury than the maximum values calculated during the last performance test (if you demonstrate compliance through performance testing). (c) If your unit is controlled with a fabric filter, and you demonstrate continuous compliance using a bag leak detection system, you must initiate corrective action within I hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective actions as soon as practical, and operate and maintain the fabric filter system such that the alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during a 6-month period. You must also keep records of the date, time, and duration of each alarm,the time corrective action was initiated and completed, and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the corrective action taken. You must also record the percent of the operating time during each 6-month period that the alarm sounds. In calculating this operating time percentage,if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall. be counted as a minimum of 1 hour. If you take longer than 1. hour to initiate corrective action,the alarm time shall be counted as the actual. amount of time taken to initiate corrective action. 7, I-!- match—1--ea-h instaree.."_ :4'h:ch you did not meet each emission limit and operating li,,,;t in Tables I through 4 to this subpart that apply to you. These instances are deviations from.the emission limits in this subpart.These deviations must be reported according to the requirements in §63,7550. L. 63.7.545 -Notifications L You must submit to the delegated authority all of the notifications in §63.7(b) and (c), §63.8(e), (f)(4) and (6), and §63.9(b) through (h)that apply to you by the dates specified. 2. As specified in §63.9(b)(2), if you startup your affected source before May 20, 2011, you must submit an Initial.Notification not later than 120 days after May 20, 2011. 3. As specified in §63,9(b)(4) and(b)(5),if you startup your new or reconstructed affected source on or after May 20, 2011,� you must submit an Initial Notification not later than .15 days after the actual date of startup of the affected source. 4. If you are required to conduct a performance test you must submit a Notification of Intent to conduct a performance test at least 60 days before the performance test is scheduled to begin. 5. If you are required to conduct an initial compliance demonstration as specified in §63.7530(a), you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status according to §63.9(h)(2)(ii). For the initial compliance demonstration for each affected source, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status, including all performance test results and fuel analyses, before the close of business on the 60th day following the completion of all performance test and/or other initial Perinit 01819T38 Page 32 compliance demonstrations for the affected source according to §63.10(d)(2). The Notification of Compliance Status report must contain all the information specified below. (a) A description of the affected unit(s) including identification of which subcategory the unit is in, the design heat input capacity of the unit, a description of the add-on controls used on the unit, description of the fuet(s) burned, including whether the fuel(s) were determined by you or EPA through a petition process to be a non-waste under §241.3, whether the fuel(s) were processed from discarded non-hazardous secondary materials within the meaning of§241.3, and,justification for the selection of fuel(s) burned during the compliance demonstration. (b) Summary of the results of all performance tests and fuel analyses, and calculations conducted to demonstrate initial compliance including all established operating limits. (c) A summary of the maximum carbon monoxide emission levels recorded during the performance test to show that you have met any applicable emission standard in Table 1, 2, or 12 to this subpart. (d) Identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance with each applicable emissiou limit through performance testing or fuel analysis. (e) Identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance by emissions averaging and identification of whether you plan to demonstrate compliance by using emission credits through energy conservation: i. If you plan to demonstrate compliance by emission averaging, report the emission level that was being achieved or the control technology employed on May 20, 201.1.. (f) A signed certification that you have met all. applicable emission limits and work practice standards. (g) If you had a deviation from any emission limit, work practice standard, or operating limit, you must also submit a description of the deviation, the duration of the deviation, and the corrective action taken in the Notification of Compliance Status report. (h) In addition to the information required in §63.9(h)(2), your notification of compliance status must include the following certification(s) of compliance, as applicable, and signed by a responsible official: i. "This facility complies with the requirements in §63.7540(a)(1.0) to conduct an annual ........ or b. iennial:_tune-up, as_applicable, of each unit." ...... __. to "This facul y it s ad an energy assessment periarmed according to j63.7530(E)." iii. Except for units that qualify for a statutory exemption as provided in section 129(g)(1) of the Clean Air Act, include the following: "No secondary materials that are solid waste were combusted in any affected unit." M. § 63.7550- Reporting 1. You must submit each report in Table 9 to this subpart that applies to you. 2. Unless the EPA Administrator has approved a different schedule for submission of reports under §63:10(a), you must submit each report by the date in Table 9 to this subpart and according to the following requirements. (a) The first compliance report must cover the periodbeginning on the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in §63.7495 and ending on.Tune 30 or December 31, whichever date is the first date that occurs at least 190 days (or I or 2 year, as applicable, if submitting an annual or biennial compliance report) after the compliance date that is specified for your source in §63.7495. (b) The first compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified for your source in §63.7495, The first annual or biennial compliance report must be postmarked no later than January 31. (c) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual reporting period from July I through December 31. Permit 01819T38 Page 33 Annual and biennial compliance reports must cover the applicable one or two year periods from January I to December 3I. (d) Each subsequent compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the semiannual reporting period. Annual.and biennial compliance reports must be postmarked no later than January 31. (e) For each affected source that is subject to permitting regulations pursuant to part 70 or part 71 of this chapter, and if the delegated authority has established dates for submitting semiannual reports pursuant to §70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or §7'1..6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the delegated authority has established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section. 3. The compliance report must contain the following information. (a) Company name and address. (b) Statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the content of the report. (c) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period. (d) The total fuel use by each affected source subject to an emission limit, for each calendar month within the :semiannual (or annual or biennial) reporting period, including, but not limited to, a description of the fuel, whether the fuel has received a non-waste determination by EPA or your basis for concluding that the fuel is not a waste, and the total.fuel usage amount with units of measure. (e) A summary of the results of the annual performance tests.for affected sources subject to an emission limit, a summary of any fuel analyses associated with performance tests, and documentation of any operating limits that were reestablished during this test, if applicable. If you are conducting performance tests once every 3 years consistent with §63.7515(b) or (c), the date of the last 2 performance tests, a comparison of the emission level. you achieved in the last 2 performance tests to the 75 percent emission limit threshold required in §63.75:1.5(b) or (c), and a statement as to whether there have been any operational changes since the last performance test that could increase emissions. (f) A signed statement indicating that you burned no new types of fuel in an affected source subject kq_an emission limit. Or, if you did burn a new_type of fuel and are subject to_a _ hydrogen chloride nmiccrnn lsmrt, you n u.st ce�timst t4.' CE�IC' latlnn of Cl lorrne input,"Sing Equation 5 of§63.7530, that demonstrates that your source is still within its maximum chlorine input level established during the previous performance testing(for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing)or you must submit the calculation of hydrogen chloride emission rate using Equation 10 of§63.7530 that demonstrates that your source is still meeting the emission limit for hydrogen chloride emissions (for boilers or process heaters that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis). If you burned a new type of fuel and are subject to a mercury emission limit, you must submit the calculation of mercury input, using Equation 8 of§63,7530, that demonstrates that your source is still within its maximum mercury input level established during the previous performance testing (for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing), or you must submit the calculation of mercury emission rate using Equation I I of§63.7530 that demonstrates that your source is still meeting the emission limit for mercury emissions (for boilers or process heaters that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis). (g) If you wish to burn a new type of fuel in an affected source subject to an emission limit and you cannot demonstrate compliance with the maximum chlorine input operating limit using Equation 7 of§63.7530 or the maximum mercury input operating limit using Equation 8 of §63.7530, you must include in the compliance report a statement indicating the intent to conduct a new performance test within 60 days of starting to burn the new fuel. Kermit 0'181.9T38 Page 34 (h) A summary of any monthly fuel analyses conducted to demonstrate compliance according to §§63.7521 and 63.7530 for affected sources subject to emission limits, and any fuel specification analyses conducted according to §63.7521(f)and §63.7530(g). (i) If there are no deviations from any emission limits or operating limits in this subpart that apply to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limits or operating limits during the reporting period. (j) If there were no deviations from the monitoring requirements including no periods during which the CMSs, including GEMS, COMS, and continuous parameter monitoring systems, were out of control as specified in §63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no deviations and no periods during which the CMS were out of control during the reporting period. (k) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, the report must include the number, duration, and a brief description for each type of malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a description of actions taken by you during a malfunction of a boiler, process heater, or associated air pollution control.device or CMS to minimize emissions in accordance with §63.7500(a)(3), including actions taken to correct the malfunction. (1) Include the date of the most recent tune-up for each unit subject to only the requirement to conduct an annual or biennial tune-up according to §63.7540(a)(10) or(a)(] 1), respectively. Include the date of the most recent burner inspection if it was not done annually or biennially and was delayed until.the next scheduled unit shutdown. (m) If you plan to demonstrate compliance by emission averaging, certify the emission level achieved or the control technology employed is no less stringent that the level or control technology contained in the notification of compliance status in §63.7545(e)(5)(i). 4. For each deviation from an emission limit or operating limit in this subpart that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a CMS to comply with that emission limit or operating limit, the compliance report must additionally contain the following information. (a) The total operating time of each affected source during the reporting period, (b) A description of the deviation and which emission limit or operating limit from which you ......... ..... �c) InfO t-naLton on the mu—tibe , U'U atio11, and cause of deviations �111umulli flik-DVW11 CaLlse), as applicable, and the corrective action taken. (d) A copy of the test report if the annual performance test showed a deviation from the emission limits. 5. Each affected source that has obtained a Title V operating permit pursuant to part 70 or part 71 of this chapter must report all deviations as defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by §70.6(a)(3)(ii)(A) or§71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If an affected source submits a compliance report pursuant to Table 9 to this subpart along with, or as part of, the semiannual monitoring report.required by §70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or §71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the compliance report includes all required information concerning deviations from any emission limit, operating limit, or work practice requirement in this subpart, submission of the compliance report satisfies any obligation to report the same deviations in the semiannual monitoring report. However,submission of a compliance report does not otherwise affect any obligation the affected source may have to report deviations from permit requirements to the delegated authority. 6. As of January 1, 2012 and within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test, as defined in §63.2, conducted to demonstrate compliance with this subpart, you must submit relative accuracy test audit(i.e. , reference method) data and performance test (i.e. , compliance test) data, except opacity data, electronically to EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX)by using the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) (see http://www,cpa.goi)lttnlchicf/(,,rtlert tool.htm1l) or other compatible electronic spreadsheet. Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically into EPA's WebFIRE database. Permit 01.819T38 Page 35 N. § 63.7555- Records 1. You must keep records as follows. (a) A copy of each notification and report that your submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status or.Semiannual compliance report that you submitted, according to the requirements in §63.10(b)(2)(xiv). (b) Records of performance tests, fuel analyses, or other compliance demonstrations and performance evaluations as required in§63.1.0(b)(2)(viii). 2. You must keep the records required in Table 8 to this subpart including records of all monitoring data and calculated averages for applicable operating limits, such as opacity, pressure drop, pH, and operating load, to show continuous compliance with each emission limit and operating limit that applies to you. 3. For each boiler or process heater subject to an emission limit in Table 1, 2 or 12 to this subpart, you must also keep the following applicable records. (a) You must keep records of monthly fuel use by each boiler or process heater, including the type(s) of fuel and amount(s) used. (b) A copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of maximum chlorine fuel input, using Equation 7 of§63,7530,that were done to demonstrate continuous compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission limit, for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing. For sources that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis, a copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of hydrogen chloride emission rates, using Equation 1.0 of§63.7530, that were done to demonstrate compliance with the hydrogen chloride emission limit. Supporting documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis for the estimates of maximum chlorine fuel input or hydrogen chloride emission rates. You can use the results from one fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all burning the same fuel type. However, you must calculate chlorine fuel input, or hydrogen chloride emission rate, for each boiler and process heater. . ... __ (c) ____ A.....copy..of all.-calculations and supporting documentation of.maximum inercury_fue.l.input, .. using Equation 8 of§63.7530, that were done to derrroristrate continuous coi-nililiaace with.11Ee mercury emission limit for sources that demonstrate compliance through performance testing. For sources that demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis, a copy of all calculations and supporting documentation of mercury emission rates, using Equation 1.1. of§63.7530, that were done to demonstrate compliance with the mercury emission limit. Supporting documentation should include results of any fuel analyses and basis for the estimates of maximum mercury fuel input or mercury emission rates. You can use the results from one fuel analysis for multiple boilers and process heaters provided they are all.burning the same fuel type. However, you must calculate mercury fuel input, or mercury emission rates, for each boiler and process heater. (d) If, consistent with §63.7515(b) and(c), you choose to stack test less frequently than annually, you must keep annual records that document that your emissions in the previous stack test(s) were less than 75 percent of the applicable emission limit, and document that there was no change in source operations including fuel composition and operation of air pollution control equipment that would cause emissions of the relevant pollutant to increase within the past year. (e) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of the boiler or process heater, or of the associated air pollution control and monitoring equipment. (f) Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to minimize emissions in accordance with the general duty to minimize emissions in. §63.7500(a)(3), including corrective actions Permit 01819T38 Page 36 to restore the malfunctioning boiler or process heater, air pollution control, or monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation. O. § 63.7560—Record Retention L Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to §63.10(b)(1.). 2. As specified in §63.10(b)(1),you must keep each record for 5 years 'following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action,report, or record. 3. You must keep each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to §63.10(b)(1). You can keep the records off site for the remaining 3 years. P. § 63.7565—General Provisions Table 10 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions in §§63.1 through 63.15 apply to you. F. Three emergency generators and fire water pump (ID loos. E101, E102, E103, and FP) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Lirnits/Standards Applicable Regulation Pollutant Sulfur dioxide 2.3 Pounds per million Btu heat input 15A NCAC 02D .0516 Visible 20 percent opacity 15A NCAC 02D .052.1. emissions N/A. N/A 15A NCAC 02D .1 111 Subpart ZZZZ ......... ..... . ......... ......... 1. 15A NCAC.2D.0516_- SULFITR DIOXIDE FvIISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES a. Emissions of sulfur dioxide from this source shall not exceed 2.3 pounds per million Btu heat input. Sulfur dioxide formed by the combustion of sulfur in fuels, wastes, ores, and other substances shall be included when determining compliance with this standard. [1.5A NCAC 2D .051.6 Testing[1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(ol b. If emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition .13 hound in Section 3. If the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 A.I.a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with .1.5A NCAC 2D .0516. c. No monitoring/record-keeping/ is required for sulfur dioxide emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in these sources. 2. 15A NCAC 2D.0521. CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS a, Visible emissions from these sources shall not be more than 20 percent opacity when averaged over a six-minute period. However, six-minute averaging periods may exceed 20 percent not more than once in any hour and not more than four times in any 24-hour period. In no event shall the six-minute average exceed 87 percent opacity. 1.1.5A NCAC 2D .0521 (d)) Testing [1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)) b. if emissions testing is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with General Condition I.I. if the results of this test are above the limit given in Section 2.1 F. 2. a. above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 1.5A NCAC 2D .0521. Permit 01819T38 Page 37 c. No monitorin«recordk�eeping/reporting is required for visible emissions from the firing of No. 2 fuel oil in these sources. 3. 15A NCAC 2D.1111[40 CFR part 63 Subpart ZZZZ]: NESHAP for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines a. The Permnittee shall comply with all applicable provisions contained in Environmental ,Management Commission Standard 1.5A NCAC 2D .1111, "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" as promulgated in 40 CFR 63, Subpart ZZZZ, "National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines",by December 13,2004. Monitoring/RecordkeepinWReporting [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] b. No monitoring/recordkeeping/reporting requirements. ........ ......... ........ ......... .. ...... Permit01819T38 Page 38 2.2 - Multiple Emission Source(s) Specific Limitations and Conditions A. Facility-Wide Affected Sources [all permitted sources except for limited use emergency generator ES-PkGenl and boilers H-101, H-102, and 1-1-1031 The following table provides a snn-mary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: __TRegulated Pollutani Limits/Standards applicable Regulation; Volatile organic compounds Work practice standards 15A NCAC 2D .0958 Toxic Air Pollutants (TAP) State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1100 Limits on emissions of TAP Odorous emissions State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2D .1806 Odorous emissions must be controlled Toxic Air Pollutants State-Enforceable Only 15A NCAC 2Q .0705 and Toxic Permit Emission Rates 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0958: WORK PRACTICES FOR SOURCES OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .0958, for all sources that use volatile organic compounds (VOC) as solvents, carriers, material processing media, or industrial chemical reactants, or in similar uses that mix, blend, or manufacture volatile organic compounds, or emit volatile organic compounds as a product of chemical reactions, and whose emissions of VOC are greater than 15 pounds per day; the Pennittee shall: i. Store all material, including waste material, containing volatile organic compounds in tanks or in containers covered with a tightly fitting lid that is free of cracks, holes. or other defects, when. not in use, ii. Clean up spills of volatile organic compounds as soon as possible following proper safety ....... .. _ procedures iii. Store wipe rags containing volatile organic compounds in closed containers, iv. Not clean sponges, fabric, wood, paper products, and other absorbent materials with volatile organic compounds, v. Transfer solvents containing volatile organic compounds used to clean supply lines and other coating equipment into closable containers and close such containers immediately after each use, or transfer such solvents to closed tanks, or to a treatment facility regulated under section 402 of the Clean Water Act, vi. Clean mixing, blending, and manufacturing vats and containers containing volatile organic compounds by adding cleaning. solvent and close the vat or container before agitating the cleaning solvent. The spent cleaning solvent shall then be transferred into a closed container, a closed tank or a treatment facility regulated under section 402 of the Clean Water Act. [15A NCAC 2D .0958(e)] b. When cleaning parts with a solvent containing a volatile organic compound, the Permittee shall: i Flush parts in the freeboard area, ii. Tape precautions to reduce the pooling of solvent on and in the parts, iii. Tilt or rotate parts to drain solvent and allow a minimum of 15 seconds for drying or until all dripping has stopped, whichever is longer, iv. Not fill cleaning machines above the fill line, v. Not agitate solvent to the point of causing splashing. [I 5A NCAC 2D .0958(d)] Pern it 0 19 19T3 8 Page 39 Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] c. To assure compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the Permittee shall, at a minimum, perform a visual inspection once per month of all operations and processes utilizing volatile organic compounds. The inspections shall be conducted during normal operations. If the required inspections are not conducted the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0958. Recordkeepin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] d. The results of the inspections shall be maintained in a log (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each inspection; and ii. The results of each inspection noting whether or not noncompliant conditions were observed. If the required records are not maintained the Permittee shall be deemed to be in noncompliance with rule 15A NCAC 2D .0958. Repord" [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] e. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of the observations postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 2. 15A NCAC 2D .1100 CONTROL OF TOXIC AIR POLLUTANTS a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .1100 and in accordance with the approved application for an air toxic compliance demonstration, received February 21, 2007, the following permit limits shall not be exceeded: Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Sclareolide Operatieratioons n-hexane 241 pounds per day (Building No. ) hexane isomers except n-hexane 100.4 pounds per hour ......... Acetic ..... .. 8 ......... . pounds per hour r Distillation column A-2 n-hexane 31.8 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-1) hexane isomers except n-hexane 13.3 pounds per hour Recovery and Concrete n-hexane 132.1 pounds per day Operations hexane isomers except n-hexane 55 pounds per hour (Building No. 1001-1) Rotocel Operations n-hexane 1,185.44 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-2) hexane isomers except n-hexane 573.27 pounds per hour Botanical Extraction Operations n-hexane 108.2 pounds per day (Building No. 1001-11) hexane isomers except n-hexane 180.3 pounds per hour Biomass Extraction Operations n-hexane 108.2 pounds per day (Building No. ES-1004-2) hexane isomers except n-hexane 180.3 pounds per hour Recrystallization Operations n-hexane 360.7 pounds per day (Building No. 1003-10) hexane isomers except n-hexane 150.3 pounds per hour Plant Nutrient Extraction n-hexane 9 pounds per day Operations hexane isomers except n-hexane 68.2 pounds per hour (Building No. 1003-2) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside Operations Chloroform 19,189 pounds per year (Building No. 1003-2) Perniit 01819`T'38 Page 40 Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Two biomass boilers (1D .Nos. Acrolein 0.149 pounds per hour ES-BB 1 and ES-BB2) Benzene 1,368 pounds per year Chloroform 9.11 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0016 pounds per hour 0.03833 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0.16557 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.36864 pounds per year Beryllium 0.02578 pounds per year Cadmium 0.0746 pounds per year n-hexane 587.3 pounds per day hexane isomers 61.2 pounds per hour Boiler (ID No. H-101) Benzene 3.49 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0054 pounds per hour 0.1297 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0.00695 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.43852 pounds per year Beryllium 0.53299 pounds per year Cadmium 0.53299 pounds per year Boiler(ID No. H-102) Benzene 3.49 pounds per year Fluoride 0.0054 pounds per hour 0.1297 pounds per day Formaldehyde 0,00695 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.43852 pounds per year Beryllium 0.53299 pounds per year Cadmium 0.53299 pounds per year Boiler(ID No. H-103) Benzene 4.33 pounds per year Fluoride 0.00671 pounds per hour 0.161 pounds per day .......... ........... Formaldehyde .... ..._ 0.00864 Pounds Per hour ......... Arsenic 0.54438 pounds per year Beryllium 0.6617 pounds per year Cadmium _ 0.6617 pounds per year Peak shaving generator (ID No. Acrolein 0.00009 pounds per hour ES-PkGenl) Benzene 11.7 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00079 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00601 pounds per year Beryllium 0,00451 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00451 pounds er year Emergency generator(ID No. Acrolein 0.00014 pounds per hour E101) Benzene 0.697 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00176 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.0003 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00022 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00022 pounds per year Permit 01919`F38 Page<41 Emission Sources Pollutants Emission Limits Emergency generator(ID No. Acrolein 0.00002 pounds per hour E102) Benzene 0.750 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0,00015 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00039 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00029 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00029 pounds per year Emergency generator (ID No. Acrolein 0.00001 pounds per hour E103) Benzene 0.595 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00012 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00031 pounds per year l! Beryllium 0.00023 pounds per year I Cadmium 0.00023 pounds per year Fire water pump (ID No. FP) Acrolein 0.00007 pounds per hour Benzene 0.338 pounds per year Formaldehyde 0.00086 pounds per hour Arsenic 0.00015 pounds per year Beryllium 0.00011 pounds per year Cadmium 0.00011 pounds per year Operational Restrictions b. :To ensure compliance with the above limits,the following restrictions shall apply: i. The solvent used in the Sciareolide Operations, Distillation column A-2, Recovery Operations, Concrete Operations, and Rotocel Operations shall each contain no more than 40 percent n-hexane by weight. ii. The solvents used in the Botanical Extraction Operation and Biomass Extraction Operation shall contain no more than 5 percent n-hexane by weight. iii. No more than two batches per day shall be run in the Re crystallization Operations, unless the Permittee demonstrates that n-hexane emissions are less than 360.7 pounds per day by using hexane -solvent that contains less than or equalto 95--percent--by weight--n-hexane. A record ofthis determination snail be maintained for each occasion when more than two batches per day are. processed. iv. The solvent used in the .Plant Nutrient Extraction Operations shall contain no more than 5 percent n-hexane by weight and shall not process more than two batches per day when using isohexane solvent. v. The Botanical Extraction Operation shall not use n-hexane solvent unless the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1001-11-EX1003) is properly operating. vi. The Biomass Operation shall not use n-hexane solvent unless the associated cryogenic condenser system(ID No. CD-1004-2EX1003) is properly operating. vii. To assure compliance with the arsenic limit, the facility shall not burn more than 2.5 million gallons per year of No. 2 fuel oil. Monitoriniz c. The Permittee shall conduct monthly monitoring of the n-hexane emissions from those operations listed in Section 2.2 A.2.a, above, that have n-hexane emission limits. The Permittee shall use production throughputs and emissions factors to ensure that each such operation stays within the appropriate n- hexane limit. For example, if a hypothetical operation has an emission limit of 7 pounds of n-hexane per day and emits 10 pounds of n-hexane for each 100 pounds of production, then this operation may only process up to 70 pounds per day. d. The Pennittee shall perform inspections and perform maintenance as recommended by the Permit 01819T38 Page 42 manufacturer of the scrubbers (ID Nos. CD-Z-9215, CD-Z-9216, and CD-M-34). In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there are no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include: i. Monthly inspections (for each calendar month during which the associated sources operated) of spray nozzles to detect clogging or corrosion damage of nozzles and perform maintenance and repair when necessary to assure proper operation of the scrubber; ii. Monthly inspections (for each calendar month during which the associated sources operated) of packing material, if applicable, to assure proper packing depth and to check for clogging; and iii. Annual .(for each calendar year during which the associated sources operated) inspection, cleaning, and calibration of all associated instrumentation. e. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain a liquid flow rate meters on the scrubbers. The Permittee shall monitor the liquid flow rate into the scrubbers once each day that the associated sources are operational. Recordkeep>ing . f. The Permittee shall maintain records of production, emission factors, and the production.limits based on the emissions factors for the operations listed in Section 2.2 A.2.a, above, that have n-hexane limits. The Permittee shall maintain records of the amount of No. 2 fuel oil burned at the facility. These records shall be maintained on site (written or electronic format) and made available to authorized personnel upon request. g. The results of scrubber inspection and maintenance shall be maintained in a log (writtewor electronic format) on-site and made available to an authorized representative upon request. The log shall record the following: i. The date and time of each recorded action; ii. The liquid flow rate of each scrubber for each day that the associated sources are operational; iii. The results of each inspection; iv. The results of any maintenance performed on a scrubber; and v. Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. ........ STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 3. 15A NCAC 2D .1806: CONTROL AND PROHIBITION OF ODOROUS EMISSIONS a. The Permittee shall not operate the facility without implementing management practices or installing and operating odor control equipment sufficient to prevent odorous emissions from the facility from causing or contributing to objectionable odors beyond the facility's boundary. STATE-ENFORCEABLE ONLY 4. 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0705: EXISTING FACILITIES and SIC CALLS;and 15A NCAC 2Q .0711: EMISSION RATES REQUIRING A PERMIT a. As of. ebmary 21, 2007 the Permittee has demonstrated on a facility-wide basis that emissions of toxic air pollutants (TAPS) emitted from all sources at the facility (excluding those sources exempt pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0702 "Exemptions") are either below the associated TAP permitting emission rates (TPER) listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 "Emission Rates Requiring a Permit" or are in compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants" as described in Section 2.2 A.2 of this permit, above. b. The facility shall be operated and maintained in such a manner that any new, existing or increased actual emissions of any TAP listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 or in this permit from all sources at the facility (excluding those sources exempt under 15A NCAC 2Q .0702 "Exemptions"), including fugitive emissions and emission sources not otherwise required to have a permit, will not exceed its respective TPER listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 without first obtaining an air pen-nit to construct or operate. c. PRIOR to exceeding any of the TPERs listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711, the Permittee shall be Penrut 01819T38 Page 43 responsible for obtaining an air quality permit to eanit TAPS and for demonstrating compliance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2D .1100 "Control of Toxic Air Pollutants". d. The Permittee shall maintain at the facility records of operational information sufficient for demonstrating to the Division of Air Quality staff that actual TAPS are less than the rate listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .0711. In addition, the following operational requirements apply to the Plant Nutrient Extraction process: i. The source may be operated for the production of concentrated plant extracts without controlling the associated emissions `pia water spray scrubber CD-Z-9215 and water spray scrubber CD-Z- 9216; however, during such production, solvents will be limited to water or volatile organic compound (VOC) solvents that: (A) Contain no hazardous air pollutants as defined at 40 Cl£R §63.2; (B) Contain no toxic air pollutants as defined at 15A NCAC 2Q .0703(22) unless the emission rate(s) is/arc less than that/those allowed pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 (except that ethanol. denatured with ethyl acetate may be used); and (C) Have a vapor pressure less than or equal to methanol. ii. The source shall operate the water spray fume scrubbers (ID Nos. CD-Z-9215 and CD-Z-9216) whenever ethyl acetate is utilized as a solvent. iii. The Permittee shall maintain daily records specifying the particular product produced(e.g., EVG flavorants, Kava Kava, Saint Johnswort etc.)and the quantity and type of solvent used. iv. The Permittee shall certify compliance with the criteria for solvents (Section 2.2 A.2.d.i.)that may be used when scrubbers are not operated. e. . `'['he TPER table listed below is provided to assist the Permittee in determining when an:air permit is required pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0711 and may not represent all TAPS being ernitted from the facility. This table will be updated at such time as the permit is either modified or renewed. Toxic Permit Emission Rate(TPER) Toxic Air Pollutant. CAS Number pounds per Pounds per Pounds per hour da year Ethyl acetate 141-78-6 36 ...__ � ........ Toluene ......... I08-$8 3 14.4 9g Perrnit 01819T38 Page 44 B. Three No. 2 fuel oil-fired boilers, as described in Section 2.1 A, above; Rotocel Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Recovery Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Biomass Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D, above; Botanical Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D, above; and Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1 (63,500 gallon capacity; ID No.WWTP-AT1) The following table provides a summary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Pollutant Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Volatile organic compounds Best Available Control Technology 15A i�iCAC 2D .0530 (VOC) 1. 15A NCAC 2D .0530: PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION a. The following Best Available Control Technology(BACT) Iimits shall not be exceeded: L _ Emission Source . Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology Rotocel extractor, 47.31 tons per T desolventizer and solvent 10.8 pounds consecutive Condenser tower VOC and packed tower 09 separation/recovery per hour 12�-month �, (1D :r No. S-1001-2-1-P1) period scrubber C�-14)0i-:2-.�-1 When Rotocel Operating: Condenser CD-1001-2- 0.94 pounds per hour and 4.11 C-1 and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-100I-2-S-1 period, combined total 1 f Rotocel solvent recycle tanks VOC Wlcen Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD--100I-2- (11) No ES-1001 2-1-P2) Operating and Recovery C-1 ........ .. ......... Process is processing Concrete: v 0.47 pounds per hour and 0.19 tons per consecutive 12-month period, combined total Rotocel equipment leaks VOC Leak detection,and.. (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-F) (Fugitive) repair (LDAR) - Rotocel wastewater stream Fixed roofs on. (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-WW) VOC - wastewater treatment tanks Permit 01819T38 Page 45 Emission Source Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology When Rotocel is Operating: Condenser CD-1001-1-3 0.80 pounds per hour and 3.50 and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 period Recovery arcon tank M-1 VOC When Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD-1001-1-3 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) Operating and Recovery Process is processing. Concrete: 8.76 pounds per hour and 0.63 tons per consecutive I2-month Period When Rotocel is Operating: Condenser CD-1001-1- 0.85 pounds per hour and 3.72 T5B and packed tower tons per consecutive 12-month scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 period :Recovery stripper T-5 and When Rotocel is NOT Condenser CD-1.601-1- receiver M-21 VOC Operating and Recovery TSB (ID No..ES-100.1-1-1-P2) Process is processing Concrete: E 4.89 pounds per hour and 1.99 tons per consecutive 12-month period Recovery process/storage tanks VOC Fixed roofs (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P3) .. ....... ............... .............. Recovery equipment leaks V u LDAR (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-F) (Fugitive) 95%mass removal from Fixed roofs on Recovery wastewater stream VOC wastewater stream consisting wastewater treatment (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) of methanol-wash tanks and biological treatment Botanical extraction immersion extractor, 61.76 tons per desolventizer, first.and 14.1 pounds consecutive Condenser CD-1001-'1 1- second stage evaporators, VOC EX1002 and condenser distillation column, day tank, per hour period CD-1001-11-EX1003 and multiple process tanks period od (ID No. ES-1001-11-P) Botanical extraction VOC equipment leaks (ID No. ES- (Fugitive) LDAR 1001-11-F) Botanical extraction Fixed roofs on wastewater stream(1D No. VOC wastewater treatment ES-1001-11-W W) I I Itanks Permit 01819T38 Page 46 Emission Source Pollutant BACT Emission Limits Control Technology Biomass extraction immersion extractor, desolventizer, day tank, 61.8 tons per isohexane storage tank, first Condenser CD-1004- and second stage VOCs 14.1 pounds consecutive 2EX1002 and.condenser evaporators, distillation per hour e th CD-1004-2EX1003 column, and multiple process period od tanks (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) Biomass extraction equipment leaks (ID No. ES- VOCs LDAR 1004-2-F) Biornass extraction Fixed roofs on wastewater stream(ID NO.' VOCs wastewater treatment ES-1004-2-WW) tanks No. 2 fuel-oil fired boilers LNos. H-101, H-102, II- VOC 0.2 pounds per 1,000 gallons Combustion control ) Testing [15A NCAC 21) .26011 b. if emissions t-sting is required, the testing shall be performed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2601 and General Condition JJ found in Section 3 of this permit. If the results of this test are above the limit given in S,.ction 2.2,B.La, above, the Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC:2D 0530. Monitorin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f) c. The Permittee shall only fill the Rotocei solvent recycletanks (ID No. ES-1001-=24-P2) from-canker - trucks when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is operating. d. The Pennittee shall limit the operation of the rotocel solvent recycle tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2), recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), and recovery stripper T-5 and receiver M-21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2) while source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating to no greater than 34 days in any consecutive 12-month period. e. The Permittee shall limit the total number of days during which the liquid flow into the recovery arcon tank M-1 (11) No. ES-1001-1-1-P1) exceeds the Iiquid flow out of the arcon tank (i.e., days when the liquid level in the tank rises) while source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating to no greater than 6 days in any consecutive 12-month period. f. The Per-nittee shall implement the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program of 40 CER Part 63, Subpart UU, as per the requirements Section 2.2 B.2, below. The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530, if the LDAR program requirements are not implemented. g. The Pennittee shall determine once a week, the mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological. wastewater treatment plant (i.e. Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1; ID No. WWTP- AT1) for volatile organic compounds(VOC), when the wastewater stream consisting of methanol-wash from the recovery operations (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) is discharged to it. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological wastewater treatment plant (ID No..WWTP-AT1) for VOC is not determined every week or if the mass removal efficiency is less than 95%. h. Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the emission sources listed in Section 2.2 B.La, Permit 01819T38 Page 47 above, shall be controlled by the associated condensers. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. In addition, the Permittee shall perform an annual inspection of each condenser system, including the following: i. The Permittee shall inspect and maintain the structural integrity of each condenser, including inspection for leakage of coolant and, if the system is under positive gauge pressure, leakage of the contaminated gas stream. In order to monitor leakage of the coolant, the condensate shall be inspected for the presence of coolant; and ii. The Permittee shall inspect and maintain the structural integrity of ductwork and piping leading to and corning from each condenser. The Permittee shall bedeemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the condensers are not inspected and maintained. i. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, a sensor to continuously measure the outlet temperature of each condenser listed in Section 2.2 B.La, above. Each sensor shall be installed in an accessible location and shall be maintained by the Permittee such that it is in proper working order at all times. The temperatures Output from the sensors shall be continuously monitored and hourly values used to determine the 24-hour average temperature at the condenser outlets. The Permittee shall be deemed in . noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the outlet temperatures of the condensers are not maintained.below the limits in the table below; or the condensers are not equipped with sensors to contihuotisly measure the outlet temperatures; or if those sensors are not inspected and maintained. Emission Source Condenser ID No. Regnired Outlet Temperature Rotocet'solvent recycle tanks (ID No. _ _ _ 2 CD-1001-2-C-1 '�5-1001 2 1 P ) 45 o F, 24-hour average, when Recovery arcon tank M-1 CD-1001-1-3 source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not (ID No. E;S--1001-1-1-P 1) operating and the tanks are used for concrete processing in theRecovery stripper T 5 and .... ........ p P' \ -1 T (TTI V- P 00 1- ! T n01 1 T recovery operation 1 r...,�,�r— 1 -1 k,— —0. PS-I� D 5$ 1-1-P2) Botanical extraction operations CD-1001-11-EX1003 -40 °F, 24-hour average (ID No. ES-1001-11-P) Biomass extraction operations CD-1004-2EX1003 -40 -F, 24-hour average (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) j, Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the emission sources listed in Section 2.2 :13.1.a, above, shall also be controlled by the associated packed tower scrubber (ID No. CD-1001-2-5-1), except as allowed pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.l.d and e, above. To assure compliance, the Permittee shall perform periodic inspections and maintenance as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. In addition to the manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, or if there is no manufacturer's inspection and maintenance recommendations, as a minimum, the inspection and maintenance requirement shall include the following: i. An annual inspection of spray nozzles and packing materials, chemical feed system (if so equipped), and perform maintenance and repair when necessary to assure proper operation of the packed tower scrubber; and ii. An annual inspection, cleaning, and calibration of all associated instrumentation. iii. Additionally, whenever the packing is replaced, the Permittee shall inspect for nozzle plugging and settling of the packing. Permit 01819T38 Page 48 The Permittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the packed tower scrubber is not inspected and maintained. lc. The Permittee shall install, maintain, operate, and calibrate a scrubbing liquid flow meter, a scrubbing liquid inlet temperature sensor, and an emission stream inlet temperature sensor for packed tower scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The Penmittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if the flow meter and temperature sensors are not installed, .maintained, and calibrated, or if, except as allowed pursuant to Sections 22 B.I.d and e, above: i. The scrubbing liquid injection rate is not maintained at or above eight gallons per minute; ii. The scrubbing liquid inlet temperature exceeds 105 °F; iii. The emission stream inlet temperature exceeds 90 °F; or iv. The flow meter and temperature sensors are not operated. Recordkeepin$� [15ANCAC 2Q .0508(f)] 1. The Permittee shall maintain the following records: i. VOC emissions for each calendar month, and for the consecutive 12-month period ending with each calendar month, from the following sources: (A) Rotocel acid recovery operations (ID Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-PI, ES-1001-1.-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3)when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is operating; (B) Rotocel.and.recovery operations (1D Nos. ES-1001-2-1-PI, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the recovery process is processing concrete; (C) Botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-11-P); and (D)Biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P). ii. Results of any-inspections, maintenance, and monitoring conducted pursuant to Sections 2.2 B.1.c through k, above, shall be maintained in a logbook (written or electronic format) on-site and made available to an 'authorized representative upon request. The logbook shall be updated at least monthly and record the following: (A)The date and time of each recorded action; (B) The operational status of source ES-1001-2-1-P1 during the filling of the rotocel solvent recycle tanks (1D No. ES-1001-2=l_P2) froin tanker trucks; (C) The actual hours of operation of the rotocel ;solvent recycle tanks (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2), recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-PI), and recovery stripper T-5 and receiver M- 21 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P2), when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating; (D)The actual hours of operation of recovery arcon tank M-1 (ID No. ES-1001-1-1-P1), when the liquid flow into the arcon tank exceeds the liquid flow out of recovery arcon tank M-1 and source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating; (E) The mass removal efficiency of the on-site biological wastewater treatment plant (ID No. WWTP-AT1) for VOC calculated once a week at a minimum when the wastewater stream consisting of methanol-wash from the recovery operation (1D No. ES-1001-1-1-WW) is discharged to it; (F) The 24-hour average outlet temperature of the associated condenser(s) listed in Section 2.2 B.1.i, above: (1) When source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the Concrete Operations tanks (ID No. ES-1001-1-2-P) are used for concrete processing in the recovery operation; (2) When the biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P) is operating; and/or (3) When the botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-2-1-P2) is operating. (G) The scrubbing liquid injection rate, scrubbing liquid inlet temperature, and emission stream inlet temperature of scrubber CD-1001-2-5-1 at least once each day that source ES-1001-2-1-P1 operates; (H) The results of maintenance performed on the condensers and scrubber listed in Section 2.2 Permit 01819T38 Page 49 B.l.a, above, and the associated temperature sensors and flow rate gauges; and (I) Any variance from manufacturer's recommendations, if any, and corrections made. The Pennittee shall be deemed in noncompliance with 15A NCAC 2D .0530 if these records are not maintained. Renortin [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] m. Within 30 days of a request from the DAQ, the Permittee shall submit a report of any maintenance performed on the condensers and scrubber listed in Section 2.2.B.l.a, above. n. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or received on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. All instances of deviations from the requirements of this permit must be clearly identified. In addition, the semiannual reports shall also contain the following: i. The monthly VOC emissions from each of the following sources for each of the previous 17 tnonths; and (A) Rotocel and recovery operations (TD Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source E S-1001-2-1-P1 is operating; (B) Rotocel and recovery operations (ID Nos. ES-1001-2-1-P1, ES-1001-2-1-P2, ES-1001-1-1-P1, ES-1001-1-1-P2, and ES-1001-1-1-P3) when source ES-1001-2-1-P1 is not operating and the recovery process is processing concrete; .(C) Botanical extraction operations (ID No. ES-1001-11-P); and (D) Biomass extraction operations (ID No. ES-1004-2-P). ii. The cumulative total VOC emissions from each of the sources listed in Section 2.2 B.l.n.i, above, for each of consecutive 12-month periods ending during the reporting period. 2. Leak Detection and Repair [15A NCAC 2D .0530: Prevention of Significant Deterioration] Equipment identification [1 SA NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] a. Affected process equipment shall be identified. Identification of the equipment does not require physical tagging of the equipment. For example, the equipment may be identified on a plant site plan, in - log entries by designation of process unit or affected facility boundaries by some form of weatherproof - identification, or by other appropriate methods. In addition to the above, the following equipment shall be specifically identified: i. Connectors that are: (A) Buried, insulated in a manner that prevents access by a monitor probe, (B) Obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access by a monitoring probe, (C) Unable to be reached by a lift up to 25 feet above ground level, (D)Inaccessible because it would require elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a permanent support surface or would require the erection of scaffolding, or (E) Not able to be accessed in a safe manner to perform monitoring; (Connectors need not be individually identified if all connectors in a designated area or length of pipe are identified as a group, and the number of connectors subject is indicated.) ii. Pressure relief devices that are equipped with rupture disk upstream of the pressure device; ill. Valves, pumps, and connectors that are designated unsafe-to-monitor (i.e., Permittee has determined that monitoring personnel would be exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of complying with the monitoring requirements); and iv. Valves that are difficult-to-monitor (i.e., Permittee has determined that the valve cannot be monitored without elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a support surface or it is not accessible in a safe manner when it is in regulated material service. b. The Permittee shall record the identity of equipment designated as unsafe-to-monitor and/or difficult- to-monitor and the planned schedule for monitoring this equipment. The Permittee shall include an Permit 01819T38 Page 50 explanation why the equipment is unsafe or difficult-to-monitor. These records must be kept at the plant and be available for review by an inspector. i. The Permittee shall have a written plan that requires monitoring of the equipment as frequently as practical during safe-to-monitor times, but not more frequently than the periodic monitoring schedule otherwise applicable, and repair of the equipment if a leak is detected. ii. The Permittee shall have a written plan that requires monitoring of difficult to monitor equipment at least once per calendar year and repair of the equipment if a leak is detected. c. Connectors that are designated as unsafe-to-repair will be repaired before the end of the next process unit shutdown. The identity of connectors designated as unsafe-to-repair and an explanation why the connector is unsafe-to-repair shall be recorded. Instrument and sensory monitoring for leaks [15A NCA_C 2Q .0508(f)] d. Instrument monitoring shall be conducted for i. Valves in gas/vapor or light liquid service; ii. Pumps in Iight liquid service; iii. Connectors in gas/vapor or light liquid service; and - iv. Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service. e. Sensory monitoring for leaks shall be conducted for pumps in light liquid service. Sensory monitoring consists of visual, audible, olfactory, or any other detection method used to deter-nine a potential leak to the atmosphere. f. Instrument monitoring shall comply with the following requirements, is Monitoring shall comply with Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. ii. The detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, except the instrument response factor criteria in section 3.1.2, paragraph(a) of Method 21 shall be for the representative composition of the process fluid not each individual VOC in the stream. For process streams that contain nitrogen, air, water or other inerts that are not VOC, the representative stream response factor shall be determined on an inert-free basis. The response factor may be determined at any concentration for which monitoring for leaks will be conducted. If there is no instrument commercially available that will meet the performance criteria specified above, the instrument readings may be adjusted by multiplying by the representative response factor of the process fluid,calculated on an..inert-'free basis iii. The detection instrument shall be calibrated annually by the manufacturer by the procedures specified in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. iv. Calibration gases shall be zero air (less than 10 parts per million of hydrocarbon in air); and the gases shall be mixtures of methane in air at a concentration no more than 2,000 parts per million greater than the leak definition concentration of the equipment monitored. If the monitoring instrument's design allows for multiple calibrationcalibration scales, then the lower scale shall be calibrated with a calibration gas that is no higher than 2,000 parts per million above the concentration specified as a leak; and the highest scale shall be calibrated.with a calibration gas that is approximately equal to 10,000 parts per million, A calibration gas other than methane in air may be used if the instrument does not respond to methane or if the instrument does not meet the performance criteria specified Method 21 of 40 CFR part CO, appendix A. In such cases, the calibration gas may be a mixture of one or more of the compounds to be treasured in air. v. Monitoring shall be performed when the equipment is in VOC service. g. The Permittee may elect to adjust or not to adjust the instrument readings for background. i. If the Permittee elects not to adjust instrument readings for background, the Permittee shall monitor the equipment according to the procedures specified above in Section 2.2 B.2.f of this permit, above. In such cases, all instrument readings shall be compared directly to the applicable leak definition for the monitored equipment to determine whether there is a leak or to determine compliance with operational standards for pressure relief devices. ii, If the Permittee elects to adjust instrument readings for background, the Pennittee shall Pemiit 01819T3 S Page 51 (A)Monitor the equipment according to the procedures specified above in Section 2.2 B.2.f, above; (B) Determine the background level using the procedures in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; (C) Traverse the potential leak interfaces with the instrument probe as close to the interface as possible as described in Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A; and (D) Compare the arithmetic difference between the maximum concentration indicated by the instrument and the background level to the applicable leak definition for the monitored equipment. to determine whether there is a leak or to determine compliance operational standards for pressure relief devices. h. When a leak is detected: i. A weatherproof and readily visible identification, shall be attached to the leaking equipment, and ii. Leak repair records shall be made that include the following: (A)The date of first attempt to repair the leak; (B) The date of successful repair of the Leak; (C) The maximum instrument reading measured by Method 21 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A at the time the leak is successfully repaired or determined to be non-repairable; (D)Dates of process unit shutdowns that occur while the equipment is unrepaired; and (E) Any delay of repair and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak. (1) The Permittee may develop a written procedure that identifies the conditions that justify a delay of repair. The written procedures may be,included as part of the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, or inay be part of a,separate document that is maintained at the plant site. In such cases reasons for deiay of repair may be documented by citing the relevant sections of the written procedure (i.e. season operation). (2) If delay of repair was caused by depletion of stocked,parts, there rnust be documentation that the spare parts were sufficiently stocked on-site before depletion and the reason for depletion. Leak Repair [I5A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] i. The Permittee shall repair each leak detected a.; socwn as practical, but not later than 15 calendar days after it is detected; except as provided.for in delay of repair and/or unsafe to repair connectors.A first attempt at repair shall be made no Iater than 5 calendar days after the leak is detected. First attempt at repair for pumps includes, but is not limited to, tightening the packing gland nuts and/or ensuring that the seal flush is operating at design pressure and temperature. First attempt at repair for valves includes, but is not limited to, tightening the bonnet volts, and/or replacing the bonnet bolts, and/or tightening the packing gland nuts, and/or injecting lubricant into the lubricated packing. j. The leak identification on a valve in gas/vapor.or light liquid service may be removed after it has been monitored as specified in this permit and no leak has been detected during that monitoring. The leak identification on a connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service may be removed after it has been monitored as specified in this permit and no leak has been detected during that monitoring. Identification that has been placed on equipment determined to have a leak, except for a valve or for a connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service, may be removed after it is repaired. k. Delay of repair is allowed for any of the conditions specified below. The Permittee shall maintain a record of the facts that explain any delay of repairs and, where appropriate, why the repair was technically infeasible without a process unit shutdown, i. Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected is allowed if repair within 15 days after a leak is detected is technically infeasible without a process unit or affected facility shutdown. Repair of this equipment shall occur as soon as practical, but no later than the end of the next process unit shutdown. However, delay of repair beyond a process unit shutdown will be allowed for a valve if valve assembly replacement is necessary during the process unit shutdown, and valve assembly supplies have been depleted, and valve assembly supplies had been sufficiently stocked Permit 01819T38 Page 52 before the supplies were depleted. Delay of repair beyond the second process unit shutdown will not be allowed unless the third process unit shutdown occurs sooner than six months after the first process unit shutdown. ii. Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected is allowed for equipment that is isolated from the process and that does not remain in VQC service.. iii. Delay of repair for valves and connectors is also allowed if: (A)The Permittee determines that emissions of purged material resulting from immediate repair would be greater than the fugitive emissions likely to result from delay of repair, and (B) When repair procedures are effected, the purged material can not be collected and destroyed or reused in the process. iv. Delay of repair for pumps is also allowed if repair requires replacing the existing seal deign with a new system that the Permittee has determined under a quality improvement program (Sections 2.2 B.2.bb through 2.2 B.2.gg, below) will provide better performance, or the repair is completed as soon as practical,but not later than 6 months after the leak was detected and one of the following is used: (A)A dual mechanical seal system; (B) A pump that meets has no external shaft penetrating the pump housing; or (C) A system that routes emissions to a process or. a fu.e.l gas system or a closed vent system and control device; Valves in Gas/Vanor/Ligbt Liquid Service [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] 1. 'The Permittee shall monitor all valves using the method .specified in this permit at the intervals,.except unsafe to monitor valves and maintain.records as specified below. The instrument reading that defines a leak is 500 parts per million or greater. i. If at least the greater of two valves or two percent of the valves in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall monitor each valve once per month. ii At process units with less than the greater of two leaking valves or two percent leaking valves, the Permittee shall monitor each valve once each quarter, except as provided below. (A)The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once every two quarters for process units with less than.one percent leaking valves. B The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once eve four quarters for process units with y every q P... less than 0.5 percent leaking valves. (C) The Permittee may elect to monitor each valve once every two years for process units with less than 0.25 percent leaking valves. iii. The Permittee shall keep a record of the monitoring schedule for each process unit. m. The Permittee may choose to subdivide the valves in the group of process units and apply the monitoring frequency provisions to each subgroup. If the Permittee subdivides the valves in the group of process units,then the following provisions apply. i. The overall performance of total valves in the group of process units to be subdivided shall be less than two percent leaking valves. ii_ The initial assignment or subsequent reassignment of valves to subgroups shall be governed as follows. (A)The Permittee shall determine which valves are assigned to each subgroup. Valves with less than one year of monitoring data or valves not monitored within the last twelve months must be placed initially into the most frequently monitored subgroup until at least one year of monitoring data have been obtained. (B) Any valve or group of valves can be reassigned from a less frequently monitored subgroup to a more frequently monitored subgroup provided that the valves to be reassigned were monitored during the most recent monitoring period for the less frequently monitored subgroup. The monitoring results must be included with that less frequently monitored subgroup's associated percent leaking valves calculation for that monitoring event. Peirmit 61819T38 Page 53 (C) Any valve or group of valves can be reassigned from a more frequently monitored subgroup to a less frequently monitored subgroup provided that the valves to be reassigned have not leaked for the period of the less frequently monitored subgroup (e.g., for the last 12 months, if the valve or group of valves is to be reassigned to a subgroup being monitored annually). Non- repairable valves may not be reassigned to a less frequently monitored subgroup. iii. The Permittee shall determine every six months if the overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units is less than two percent leaking valves and so indicate the performance in the next periodic report. If the overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units is two percent leaking valves or greater, the Permittee shall no longer subgroup and shall revert to the program required in Section 2.2 B.2.p. for that group of process units. The Permittee can again elect to comply with the valve subgrouping procedures if future overall performance of total valves in the process unit or group of process units is again less than two percent. The overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units shall be calculated as a weighted average.of the percent leaking valves.of... each subgroup according to following equation: M �(-V,l XV %VLo = t=i „ I V, =� Where: %VLO=Overall performance of total valves in the applicable process unit or group of process units %VL; =Percent leaking valves in subgroup i,most recent value V; =Number of valves in subgroup i n =Number of subgroups. iv. The Permittee shall maintain the following records: (A)Which valves are assigned to each subgroup; (13) Monitoring results and calculations made for each subgroup for each monitoring period; ....... ... (C) Which valves are reassigned, the last monitoring result prior to reassipment, and when they were reassigned; and (D)The results of the semiannual overall performance calculation. v. The Permittee shall notify the DAQ no later than 30 clays prior to the beginning of the next monitoring period of the decision to subgroup valves_ The notification shall identify the participating process units and the number of valves assigned to each subgroup, if applicable, and may be included in the next semi-annual periodic report. vi. The Permittee shall submit in the semi-annual periodic reports the following information: (A)Total number of valves in each subgroup, and (B) The results of the semiannual overall performance calculation. n. The Permittee perform percentage calculations for each process group (i.e., botanical extraction, biomass extraction, and Rotocel/recovery) for comparison with the sub grouping criteria specified in Section 2.2 B.2.m, above, and the percent leaking valves for each monitoring period for each process unit or valve subgroup shall be calculated using the following equation: %VL = VL X 100 V. Where: %VL = Percent leaking valves. Permit 01819T38 Page 54 V1, = Number of valves found leaking, excluding non-repairable valves and including those valves found whose repair was not confirmed with both post leak repair monitoring and periodic monitoring. VT = The sum of the total number of valves monitored. o. When determining monitoring frequency for each process unit or valve subgroup subject to monthly, quarterly, or semiannual monitoring frequencies, the percent leaking valves shall be the arithmetic average of the percent leaking valves from the last two monitoring periods. When determining monitoring frequency for each process unit or valve subgroup subject to annual or biennial (once every 2 years) monitoring frequencies, the percent leaking valves shall be the arithmetic average of the percent leaking valves from the last three monitoring periods, .i. Non-repairable valves shall be included in the calculation of percent leaking valves the first time the valve is identified as leaking and non-repairable. Otherwise, a number of non-repairable valves (identified and included in the percent leaking valves calculation in a previous period) 'ap to a maximum of one percent of the total. number of valves in VOC service at a process unit may be excluded from calculation of percent leaking valves for subsequent monitoring periods, ii. If the number of non-repairable valves exceeds one percent of the total number of valves in regulated material service at a process unit or affected facility, the number of non-repairable valves exceeding one percent of the total number of valves in regulated material service shall be included in the calculation of percent leaking valves. p. If a leak is determined, then the leak shall be repaired. After a leak has been repaired., the valve shall be monitored at least once within the first three months after its repair. i. This monitoring is in addition to the monitoring required to satisfy the definition of repaired and first attempt at repair. The monitoring shall be conducted to determine whether the valve has resumed leaking. ii. Periodic monitoring may be used to satisfy this if the timing of the monitoring period coincides with the time specified. Alternatively, other monitoring may be pert-ormcd to satisfy the requirement regardless of whether the timing of the monitoring period for periodic monitoring coincides with the time above. iii. If a leak is detected by monitoring that is conducted after leak repair, the Permitter: shall: (A)Use periodic monitoring to satisfy the requirement above, then the valve shall be counted as a leaking valve, or __ __ (B) If the Permittee elected to use other monitoring, prior to the periodic monitoring, to satisfy the above requirement, then the valve shall be counted as a leaking valve unless it is repaired and shown by periodic monitoring not to be leaking. q. Any valve that is designated as an unsafe-to-monitor or difficult to monitor valve is exempt from the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.1, above, and the Pennittee shall monitor the valve according to the written plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b, above. Pumps in Iieht liquid service standards [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] r. The pumps shall be instrumentally monitored monthly to detect leaks by the method specified in this permit. The instrument reading that defines a leak is 1,000 parts per million or greater. Repair is not required unless an instrument reading of 2,000 parts per million or greater is detected. Any pump that is designated as an unsafe-to-monitor pump is exempt from this requirement and shall be monitored and inspected according to the written plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b, above. s. Each pump shall be checked by visual inspection each calendar week for indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal. The Penmittee shall document that the inspection was conducted and the date of the inspection. If there are indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal at the time of the weekly inspection,the Permittee shall: i. Monitor the pump as specified in this permit and if the instrument reading indicates a reading of 2,000 parts per million (ppm) or greater it shall be repaired using the procedures in Sections 2.2 B.2.1 through 2.2 13.21, above, or Permit 01819T38 Page 55 n, Eliminate the visual indications of liquids dripping. Any pump that is located within the boundary of an unmanned plant site is exempt from the weekly visual inspection provided that each pump is visually inspected as often as practical and at least monthly. t. If, when calculated on a 6-month rolling average for the percent leaking pumps, at least the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps in a process unit or three pumps in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall implement a quality improvement program for pumps Sections 2.2.B.2.bb through 2.2 B.2.gg, below. The Permittee shall not alter the process grouping used in calculating this percentage. i. The number of pumps at a process unit shall be the sum of all the pumps in VOC service, except that pumps found leaking in a continuous process unit within one month after start-up of the pump shalt not count in the percent leaking pumps calculation for that one monitoring period only. ii. Percent leaking pumps shall be determined by the following equation: . PT where: %PL=Percent leaking pumps PL =Number of pumps found leaking as determined through monthly monitoring. Do not include results from inspection of unsafe-to-monitor pumps. Ps =Number of pumps leaking .within one month of start-up during the current monitoring period. PT =Total pumps in VOC, including pumps with duel mechanical seals, pumps with no external shaft penetrating the pump housing, and unsafe to monitor pumps. " nnnectors W gas and vapor service and in light liquid service standards [1.5A NCAG 2Q .0508(f)] u. The Permittee shall monitor all connectors in gas and vapor and light liquid using instrumentation as specified in this permit. If an instrument reading greater than or equal to 500 parts per million Is measured, a leak is detected. Any connector that is designated as unsafe-to-monitor is exempt from requirement and shall be monitored and inspected according to the written.plan specified in Section 2.2 B.2.b above .... V. The Permittee shall perform monitoring as specified below. i.. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was greater than or equal to 0.5 percent, then monitor within 12 months(one year). ii. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was greater than or equal to 0.25 percent but less than 0.5 percent, then monitor within four years. The Permittee may comply with this requirement by monitoring at least 40 percent of the connectors within two years of the start of the monitoring period, provided all connectors have been monitored by the end of the four year monitoring period. iii. If the percent leaking connectors in the process unit was less than 0.25 percent the Permittee shall monitor at least 50 percent of the connectors within four years of the start of the monitoring period and (A)Monitor as soon as practical, but within the next six months, all connectors that have not yet been monitored during the monitoring period if the percent leaking connectors is greater than or equal to 0.35 percent of the monitored connectors [At the conclusion of monitoring, a new monitoring period shall be started based on the percent leaking connectors of the total monitored connectors.], or (B) Monitor all connectors that have not yet been monitored within eight years of the start of the monitoring period if the percent leaking connectors is less than 0,35 percent of the monitored connectors. Permit 01819T38 Page 56 iv. If, during the monitoring, a connector is found to be leaking, it shall be re-monitored once within 90 days after repair to confirm that it is not leaking. v. The Permittee shall keep a record of the start date and end date of each monitoring period under this section for each process unit. w. Monitoring frequency shall be determined based on the percent leaking connectors and calculated as follows: %CL =-L x 100 Cf Where: %C1, = Percent leaking connectors as determined through periodic monitoring. C, = Number of connectors measured at 500 parts per million or greater. Q = Total number of monitored connectors in the process unit. x. .connectors that are: i. Buried, insulated in a manner that prevents access by a monitor probe, ii. Obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access by a monitoring probe, iii. Unable to be reached by a lift up to 25 feet above ground level, iv. Inaccessible because it would require elevating the monitoring personnel more than seven feet above a permanent support surface or would require the erection of scaffolding, or v. Not able to be accessed in a safe manner to perform monitoring are exempt from monitoring requirements, However if any inaccessible, ceramic or ceramic-lined cnnector is observed by visual, audible, olfactory, or other means to be leaking, the visual, audible, olfactory, or other indications of a leak to the atmosphere shall be eliminated as soon as practi.ca.l. 7essure relief devices in gas and vapor service standards [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] k', Y. �,xcept during,pressure releases as specified below, each pressure relief device in gas and;vapor service ; all be operated with an instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million. z.: .i.fter each pressure release: The pressure relief device shall be returned to a condition indicated by an instrument reading-of - less.than...500-parts-per..million,-as soon-as_practical,.but no later than five calendar days after each pressure release, except as provided for in delay of repair provisions of ibis permit; ii. The pressure relief device shall be monitored no later than five calendar days after the restoration to confirm the condition indicated by an instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million Above background, and iii. The Permittee shall record the dates and results of the monitoring following a pressure release including the background level measured and the maximum instrument reading measured during the.monitoring. aa. Any pressure relief device that is equipped with a rupture disk upstream of the pressure relief device is exempt from monitoring provided the Permittee installs a replacement rupture disk upstream of the pressure relief device as soon as practical after each pressure release but no later than five calendar- days after each pressure release, except as provided for in delay of repair. Quality improvement program for pumps [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] bb. If, on a 6-month rolling average, at least the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps in a process unit or three pumps in a process unit leak, the Permittee shall implement a quality improvement plan until the number of leaking pumps is less than the greater of either 10 percent of the pumps or three pumps in the process unit, calculated as a 6-month rolling average. Once the performance level is achieved, the Pennittee shall comply with the requirements in Sections 2.2 B.2.r through 2.2 13.2.t, above. cc. The Permittee shall collect the following data and maintain records for each pump in each process unit subject to the quality improvement program. The data may be collected and the records may be maintained on a process unit, affected facility, or plant site basis. Permit 01819T38 Page 57 i. Pump type (e.g., piston, horizontal or vertical centrifugal, gear, bellows); pump manufacturer; seal type and manufacturer; pump design (e.g., external shaft, flanged body); materials of construction; if applicable, barrier fluid or packing material; and year installed, ii. Service characteristics of the stream such as discharge pressure, temperature, flow rate, and annual operating hours. iii. The maximum instrument readings observed in each monitoring observation before repair, response factor for the stream if appropriate, instrument model number, and date of the observation. iv. If a leak is detected, the repair methods used and the instrument readings after repair. The Permittee shall continue to collect data on the pumps as long as the process unit or affected facility (or plant site) remains in the quality improvement program. dd. The Permitter shall inspect all pumps or pump seals that exhibited frequent seal failures and were removed from the process unit due to leaks. The inspection shall determine the probable cause of the pump seal failure or of the pump leak and shall include recommendations, as appropriate, for design changes or changes in specifications to reduce leak potential. ee. The Pennittee shall analyze the data collected to comply with the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.ce, above, to determine the services, operating or maintenance practices, and pump or pump seal designs or technologies that have poorer than average emission performance and those that have better than average emission performance. The analysis shall determine if specific trouble areas can be identified on the basis of service, operating conditions or maintenance practices, equipment design, or other process-specific factors. i. The analysis shall also be used to determine if there are superior performing pump or pump seal technologies that are applicable to the service(s), operating conditions, or pump or pump seal. designs associated with poorer than average emission performance. A superior performing pump or hump seal technology is one with a leak frequency of less than 10 percent for specific applications in the process unit. A candidate superior performing pump or pump seal technology -s one C eMonstrated or reported in the available literature or through a group study as having low emission performance and as being capable of achieving less than 10 percent leaking pumps in the process unit. ii. The analysis shall include consideration of the following information: (A)'The data obtained from the inspections of pumps and pump seals removed from the process unit due to leaks, ... (B) Information from the available literature and from the experience of other plant sites that will identify pump designs or technologies and operating conditions associated with low Emission perforii4ance for specific services; and (C) Information on limitations on the service conditions for the pump seal technology operating conditions as well as information on maintenance procedures to ensure continued low emission performance. iii. The data analysis may be conducted through an inter- or intra-company program (or through some. combination of the two approaches) and may be for a single process unit, a plant site, a company, or a'group of process units. iv. The first analysis of the data shall be completed no later than 18 months after the start of the quality improvement program. The first analysis shall be performed using data collected for a minimum of six months. An analysis of the data shall be done each year the process unit or affected facility is in the quality improvement program. ff. The Permittee shall prepare and implement a pump quality assurance program that details purchasing specifications and maintenance procedures for all pumps and pump seals in the process unit. The quality assurance program may establish any number of categories, or classes, of pumps as needed to distinguish among operating conditions and services associated with poorer than average emission performance as well as those associated with better than average emission performance. The quality assurance program shall be developed considering the findings of the data analysis required under paragraph Section 2,2B.2.ee, above, and the operating conditions in the process unit. The quality Permit 01819T39 Page 58 assurance program shall be updated each year as long as the process unit has the greater of either 10 percent or more leaking pumps or has three leaking pumps. i. The quality assurance program shall implement the following procedures. (A)Establish minimum design standards for each category of pumps or pump seal technology. The design standards shall specify known critical parameters such as tolerance, manufacturer, materials of construction, previous usage, or other applicable identified critical parameters. (B) Require that all equipment orders specify the design standard (or minimum tolerances) for the pump or the pump seal. (C) Provide for an audit procedure for quality control of purchased equipment to ensure conformance with purchase specifications. (D)Detail off-line pump maintenance and repair procedures. These procedures shall include provisions to ensure that rebuilt or refurbished pumps and pump seals will meet the design specifications for the pump category and will operate so that emissions are minimized. ii. The quality assurance program shall.be established no later than the start of the third year of the quality improvement program. gg. Three years after the start of the quality improvement program, the Permittee shall replaccAhe pumps or Pump seals that are not superior emission performance technology with pumps or pump seals that have been identified as superior emission performance technology and that comply with the quality assurance standards for the pump category. Superior emission performance technology is that category or design of pumps or pump seals with emission performance that when combined with appropriate process, operating; and maintenance practices, will result in less than 10 percent leaking pumps for specific applications in the process unit.. Superior emission performance technology includes material or design changes to the existing pump, pump seal, seal support system, installation of multiple mechanical.seals or equivalent, or pump replacement. i. ?umps or pump seals shall be replaced at the rate of 20 percent per year based on the total number of pumps in Tight liquid service. The calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest nonzero integer value. The minimum number of pumps or pump seals shall be one. Pump replacement shall continue until all pumps subject to the requirements of Sections 2.2 B.2.r through.2.2 B.2.t,above, are primps determined to be superior performance technology. ii. The Permittee may delay replacement of pump seals or pumps with superior technology;until the next planned process unit shutdown provided the number of pump seals and pumps replaced is equivalent.to the 20 percent or greater annual replacement rate. iii. The pumps shall be maintained as specified in the quality assurance program. hh. The Permittee shall maintain records for the period of the quality improvement program for the process unit prescribed below. i. When using a pump quality improvement program, the Permittee shall record: (A)The rolling average percent leaking pumps; (B) Documentation of all inspections conducted under the requirements of Section 2.2 B.2.1ld, above,.and any recommendations.for design or specification changes to reduce leak frequency; and (C) The beginning and ending dates while meeting the quality improvement plan requirements. ii. If a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak, the reason for the delay and the expected date of successful repair. iii. Records of all analyses required in the quality improvement plan including a list identifying areas associated with poorer than average performance and the associated service characteristics of the stream, the operating conditions and maintenance practices. iv. All records documenting the quality assurance program for pumps as specified in the quality assurance program, including records indicating that all pumps replaced or modified during the period of the quality improvement program are in compliance with the quality assurance. v. . Records documenting compliance with the 20 percent or greater annual replacement rate for pumps as specified in Section 2.2 B2.gg, above. Permit 01819T38 Page 59 Recordkeeping requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] ii. The Permittee shall keep general and specific equipment identification if the equipment is not physically tagged and the Perrittee is electing to identify the equipment through written documentation such as a log or other designation. jj. The Permittee shall keep a written plan for any equipment that is designated as unsafe- or difficult-to- monitor. kk. The Permittee shall maintain a record of the identity and an explanation for any equipment that is designated as unsafe-to-repair. 11. The Permittee shall keep records for leak repair and records for delay of repair. mm. For valves, the Permittee shall maintain the monitoring schedule for each process unit and the valve subgrouping records. nn. For pumps,the Permitter, shall maintain documentation of pump visual.inspections. oo. For connectors, the Permittee shall maintain the monitoring schedule for each process. pp. For pressure relief devices in gas and vapor or light liquid service, the Permittee shall keep records of the dates and results of monitoring following a pressure release. qq. For a pump QIP program, the Permittee shall maintain the following records: i. Individual pump records as specified in Section 2.2 B.2.ec, above; ii. Quality assurance program documentation as specified in Section 2.2 B2.ff, above; and hi. Quality improvement program records as specified in Section 2.2 B.2.hh, above. Reporting requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] rr. The Permittee shall submit a summary report of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or received on or hefore January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June.The report shall contain in surnmary format by equipment type (i.e., valves in gas/vapor/light liquid service, Purr:ps in light liquid service, and connectors in gas/vapor/light liquid): i. The number of components for which leaks were detected ii. The percent..leakers for valves, pumps and connectors, and iii. The total number of components monitored The report shall also include the number of leaking components that were not repaired, and for valves and connectors, identify the number of components that are determined to be non-repairable: ss. Where any delay of repair is utilized, report that delay of repair has occurred and report the number of instances of delay of repair. tt, Report the valve subgrouping information. uu. For pressure relief devices in gas and vapor service that are to be operated at a leak detection instrument reading of less than 500 parts per million, report the results of all monitoring to show compliance conducted within the semiannual reporting period. vv. Report,if applicable,the initiation of a monthly monitoring program for valves. ww. Report, if applicable, the initiation of a quality improvement program for pumps. Pernut 0181 9T38 Page 60 C. Sclareolide (SDE) Operations, including: • Four process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-P); • One acetic acid storage tank(10,135 gallon capacity; ID No.M-20); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-F); • Four batch reactors (ID Nos. M-10, M-10A, D-1231A, and D-1231B) and associated venturi-type wet scrubber (10 gallons per minute minimum liquid injection rate; ID No. CD-M-34); and • SDE Operations wastewater stream (ID No. ES-1001-1-4-WW) Biological Conversion Equipment for Purification of Sclareolide, including: • Twelve process tanks of various capacities(ID No.ES-1001-1-3-P); • One centrifuge (ID No. G-17); • One steam-heated dryer(ID No.D-1202); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1001-1-3-F); • One distillation column (6 gallon per minute nominal process rate; ID No. A-2); and • Biological conversion equipment for sclareolide purification wastewater stream (ID No.F,S-1001- 1-3-WW) Ethyl Vanillin Glucoside (EVG) Operations,including: • One water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9215) venting to one water.spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z,-9216) controlling emissions from: o Tbree reactors(ID Nos.D-2202,D-1215, and D-I218); and o One steam-heated dryer (ID No.D-1201); • Process equipment leaks (ID No..ES-1003-2-2-F); and • EVG Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-1003-2-2-WW) Sclareol Reerystallization (SFG) Operations; including: • Four process tanks of various capacities (ID No.ES-1003-10-P); • _. One,,,h.exane stor age.tank...(6,700..gallon capacity; ID_No. T-300I).;..... _.__ _.............. ._ _........ IDrocess equipment leaks (ID No T,'C�1nn2 10_F); and, . • One chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-3001) controlling emissions from: o One centrifuge (ID No. C-3001); o One reactor (ID No. D-3001); and o One steam-heated dryer (ID No. D-3001d) • SFG Operations wastewater stream(ID No.ES-100340-WW) Plant Nutrient Extraction (PNE) Operations, including one water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9215) venting to one water spray fume scrubber (0.5 gallon per minute minimum water solution injection rate; ID No. CD-Z-9216) controlling emissions from: • One product extract reactor (ID No. D31214) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. EX2203); • Seven processing tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1003-2-1-P); • One centrifuge(ID No. C-31203); • Process equipment leaks (ID No. ES-1003-2-1-F), • One waste solids separator vessel (1,333 gallon capacity; ID No. D31211) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. EX2205); and • PNE Process wastewater stream (ID No. ES-1.003-2-1-WW) Permit 01819T38 Page 61 Concrete Operations, including: • Four steam-heated hot boxes (ID Nos. HB-1,HB-2,HB-3, and HI3-4); • Process equipment leaks (ID No.ES-1001-1-2-F); • Six process tanks of various capacities (ID No. ES-1001-1-2-P) and one associated chilled water condenser (ID No. CD-1001-1-2); and • Concrete Operations wastewater stream. (ID No.ES-1001-1-2-WW) Rotocel Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Recovery Operations, as described in Section 2.1 C, above; Botanical Extraction Operations, as described in Section 2.1 D,above; and Wastewater Treatment Plant Aeration Tank No. 1 (63,500 gallon capacity; ID No. WWTP-AT1) The following table provides a surnrnary of limits and standards for the emission source(s)describe above: Regulated Pollutant ;Limits/Standards Applicable Regulation Maximum Achievable Control 15A NCAC 2D .l I I 1 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) Technology [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF] 1. 2D .1I I I `MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY' [40 CFR Part 63, Subpart IiFFFJ a. The Permittee shall comply with all applicable provisions, including the notification, testing, recordkeeping, and monitoring requirements contained in Environmental Management Commission Standard 15A NCAC 2D .I I I I "Maximum Achievable Control Technology" as promulgated in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. including Subpart A "General Provisions". For convenience, some of the relevant definitions from 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF are included below: [40 CFR §§63.2435, 63.2440, 63.2445(b), and 63.2550] Group I batch process vent means each of the batch process vents in a process for which the collective uncontrolled organic HAP emissions-from all.of'the. batch process vents are greater than or equal to - 10,000 lb/yr at an existing source or greater than or equal to 3,000 lb/yr at a new source. Group 2 batch process vent means each batch process vent that does not meet the definition of Group 1 batch process vent. Group I continuous process vent means a continuous process vent for which the flow rate is greater than or equal to 0.005 standard cubic meter per minute, and the total resource effectiveness index value, calculated according to §63.2455(b), is less than or equal to 1.9 at an existing source and less than or equal to 5.0 at a new source. Group 2 continuous process vent means a continuous process vent that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 continuous process vent. Group I storage tank means a storage tank with a capacity greater than or equal to 10,000 gal storing material that has a maximum true vapor pressure of total HAP greater than or equal to 6.9 kilopascals at an existing source or greater than or equal to 0.69 kilopascals at a new source. Group 2 storage tank means a storage tank that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 storage tank. Group I wastewater stream means a wastewater stream consisting of process wastewater at an existing or new source that meets the criteria for Group I status in §63.2485(c) for compounds in Tables 8 and 9 to this subpart and/or a wastewater stream consisting of process wastewater at a new source that meets the criteria for Group 1 status in §63.132(d) for compounds in Table 8 to subpart G of this part 63. Group 2 wastewater stream means any process wastewater stream that does not meet the definition of a Group 1 wastewater stream. In organic HAP service means that a piece of equipment either contains or contacts a fluid (liquid or Permit 01819T38 Page 62 gas) that is at least 5 percent by weight of total organic HAP as determined according to the provisions of§63.180(d). The provisions of§63.180(d) also specify how to determine that a piece of equipment is not in organic HAP service. Miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing process means all equipment which collectively function to produce a product or isolated intermediate that are materials described in §63.2435(b). For the purposes of this subpart, process includes any, all or a combination of reaction, recovery, separation, purification, or other activity, operation, manufacture, or treatment which are used to produce a product or isolated intermediate. Nonstandard hatch means a batch process that is operated outside of the range of operating conditions that are documented in an existing operating scenario but is still a reasonably anticipated event. For example, a nonstandard batch occurs when additional processing or processing at different operating conditions must be conducted to produce a product that is normally produced under the conditions described by the standard batch. A nonstandard batch may be necessary as a result of a malfunction, but it is not itself a malfunction. -perating scenario means, for the purposes of reporting Land recordkeeping, any specific operation of an MCPU as described by records specified in §63.2525(b). Point of determination mearis each point where process wastewater exits the MCPU or control device. Standard hatch means a batch process operated within a range of operating conditions that are documented in an operating scenario. Emissions from a standard batch are based on the operating conditions that result in highest emissions. The standard batch defines the uncontrolled and controlled emissions for each emission episode defined under the operating scenario, General Requirements/Limitations [I SA NCAC 2Q.0508(f)] b. The Permittee shall comply with the general requirements of.Sections 2.2 C.l.b.i through v, below; i. The Permittee must submit a Notice of Compliance Status Report for the SDE Operations, the Concrete Operations, and/or ;he PNE Operations prior to the operation of those operations in organic HAP service (as defined at 40 CFR §63.2250) and such that provisions of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF apply to those operations,pursuant to 40 CFR §63.2520(d). ii. Opening a safety- device, as defined in §63.2550, is allowed at any time conditions require it to avoid unsafe conditions. [40 CFR 63.2450(p)] iii. The Pennittee must comply with the applicable control requirements found in 40 CFR §§63.2455 through 63.2490 for the affected sources. iv. If a Group 2 emission point becomes a Group 1 emission point, the Permittee must be in compliance with the Group 1 requirements beginning on the date the switch occurs. An initial compliance demonstration as specified in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF roust be conducted within 150 days after the switch in group status occurs. The Perrrzittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if the Permittee does not meet these requirements. [40 CFR §63.2445(d)] v. The Permittee must develop a written startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan (SSM Plan)that complies with 40 CFR §63.6(e) for the affected sources. The Pennittee is not, however, required to address equipment leaks (except for control devices) or Group 2 emission points in the SSM Plan. The SSM Plan must describe, in detail, procedures for operating and maintaining the affected sources during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction; and corrective actions for malfunctioning process, control, and monitoring equipment used to comply with Subpart FFFF. The SSM Plan does not need to address any scenario that would not cause an affected source to exceed an applicable emission limit in Subpart FFFF, The SSM Plan must be maintained on site and made available for inspection by authorized personnel. [40 CFR§§63.6(e)(3) and 63.25250)] The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1.111 if it does not meet the requirements of Sections 22 C.1.b.i through v, above. Monitoring Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] Permit 018 3 9T38 Page 63 c. The Permittee shall comply with the specific requirements of Sections 2.2 C.I.c.i through vii,below: i. Continuous process vents: To ensure compliance, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring of Sections 2.2 C.l.c.i(A) and(B),below, for the affected continuous process vents: (A.)For the continuous process vents associated with the Rotocel Operations and the Recovery Operations, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring found in Sections 2.2 B.l.h through k, above. (B) For continuous process vent associated with the Botanical Extraction Operations, the Permittee shall perform the monitoring found in Sections 2.2 B.l.h and i, above. ii. Batch process vents: To ensure compliance, the Pennittee shall perform the monitoring of Sections 2.2 C.Lc.ii(A) through (C),below, for the affected hatch process vents: (A) For the batch process vents associated with the SFG Operations, the EVG Operations, and the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63,2460 and Table 2 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. To maintain Group 2 classification for these emission sources the organic HAP emissions must be less than 10,000 pounds per consecutive 365-day period, each source. The Permittee shall monitor the organic HAP emissions from each of.these emission sources, monthly, as follows: (1) Organic HAP emissions from the SFG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: Organic HAP= 3.I pou�zds x B + 4.3 pounds x B 1 batch Yeg batch ) ree J Where: B,, = The number of regular batches processed in the SFG Operations; and BT.. = The number of recrop batches processed in the SFG Operations (2) Organic HAP emissions from the EVG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: r po � Organic HAP=` I,0 i�nds�x B L batch �. Where: B = The number of batches processed in-the EVG Operations (3) Organic HAP emissions from the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide shall calculated using the following equation: ......... (pounds' Organic llAl �1 L62 x a L batch Where: B = The number of regular batches processed in the Biological conversion equipment for purification of sclareolide (B) The Permittee may administratively amend this permit to modify the organic HAP emission factors cited in the equations of Sections 2.2 C.l.e.ii(A)(1)through (3), above. (C) The Permittee must notify DAQ at least 60 days before operating these batch process vents as Group 1 batch process vents in accordance with 40 CFR §63.2460(b)(6)(11) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10)(ii). iii. Process vents that exit hydrogen halide: For the batch process vents associated with the EVG Operations, the Pennittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63.2465 and Table 3 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF.To maintain Group 2 classification for these batch process vents the hydrogen halide emissions must be less than 1,000 pounds per consecutive 365-day period, combined. The Pennittee shall monitor the organic HAP emissions from these batch process vents, monthly, as follows: (A) Hydrogen halide emissions from the EVG Operations shall calculated using the following equation: Organic HAP=[11.3 pounds x B. + 3 L, x B batch ) - [ �Pounds batch ) h Where: BY,=' = The number of regular batches processed in the EVG Operations; and Permit 01819T38 Page 64 B,.C4 — The number of recovery batches processed in the EVG Operations (B) The Permittee may administratively amend this permit to modify the hydrogen halide emission factors cited in the equations of Sections 2.2 C.l.c.iii(A), above. (C) 'rhe Permittee must notify DAQ at least 60 days before operating these batch process vents as Group 1 batch process vents in accordance with 40 CFR §63.2460(b)(6)(11) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10)(ii). iv. Storage tanks: For the storage tanks that are part of the affected source, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR§63.2470 and Table 4 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. v. Equipment leaks: For the process equipment leaks from the affected sources, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63.2480 and Table 6 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF. The Permittee shall comply with the monitoring requirements of the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program found in Section 2.2 B2, above, for the equipment associated with the affected sources. vi. 'Wastewater streams: For the wastewater streams associated with the affected miscellaneous organic chemical manufacturing processes (MCPU), the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR§63.2485 and Table 7 of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF, including: (A) Identifying any operations that may generate maintenance wastewater and the procedures for properly managing that maintenance wastewater in the SSM Plan developed for this Avoca, Inc. facility; and (B) Maintaining the conditions necessary for classification of the process wastewater from the affected sources as Group 2, unless the conditions of Section 2.2 C.Lb.iv, above, have been met. vii. Heat exchangers: For the heat exchangers associated with the affected sources, the Permittee shall comply with the requirements of 40 CFR §63,2490 and Table 10 of Subpart FFFF, including: (A)Preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan that documents the procedures that will be used to detect leaks of process fluids into cooling water. Tbis plan shall require monitoring of one or more surrogate indicators (e_g., pH, conductivity, etc.) or monitoring of one or more process parameters or other conditions that indicate a leak, The plan shall include the following: . (1) A description of the parameter or condition to be monitored and an explanation of how the selected parameter or condition will reliably indicate the presence of a leak (2) The parameter level(s) or conditions(s) that shall constitute a leak. This shall be documented by data or calculations showing that the selected levels or conditions will reliably identify leaks. The monitoring must be sufficiently sensitive to determine the range of parameter levels or conditions when the system is not leaking. When the selected parameter level or condition is outside that range, a leak is indicated; (3) The monitoring frequency which shall be no less frequent than monthly for the first 6 months and quarterly thereafter to detect leaks; (4) The records that will be maintained to document compliance with the requirements of this section. (B) If a substantial leak is identified by methods other than those described in the heat exchanger monitoring plan and the method(s) specified in the plan could not detect the leak, the Permittee shall revise the plan and document the basis for the changes no later than 180 days after discovery of the leak. (C) The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the heat exchanger monitoring plan on-site. If the monitoring plan is superseded, retain the most recent superseded plan at least until 5 years from the date of its creation. (D) If a leak is detected in any heat exchanger system, it shall be repaired as soon as practical but not later than 45 calendar days after the Permittee receives results of monitoring tests indicating a leak, unless the Permittee demonstrates that the results are due to a condition other than a leak. Once the leak has been repaired, the owner or operator shall confirm that the heat Permit 01819T39 Page 65 exchange system has been repaired within 7 calendar days of the repair or startup, whichever is later, except where the Permittee appropriately applies the delay of repair provisions found in Section 2.2 C.l.c.vii(E),below. (E) Delay of repair of heat exchange systems is allowed if the equipment is isolated from the process. Delay of repair is also allowed if repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown and any one of the conditions listed in 40 CFR §63.104(e)(1) through(2)is met. The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .1111 if the Permittee does not meet the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.1.c.i through vii,.above. Recordkeelping Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)] d. The Permittee shall comply with the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.l.d.i through v,below: i. Create and retain a record of each time a safety device is opened to avoid unsafe conditions. ii. Create and retain the following records on each affected MCPU: (A)A description of the process and the type of:process equipment used; (B) An identification of related process vents (including. associated emissions episodes), wastewater points of determination (PODs), and storage tanks; (C) The applicable control requirements pursuant to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart FFFF, including the level of required control, and for vents, the level of control for each vent; (D)The control device or treatment process used, as applicable, including a description of operating and/or testing conditions for any associated control device; (E) The process vents, wastewater POD, transfer racks, .and storage tanks (including those from other processes) that are simultaneously routed to the control device or treatment process; (F) The applicable monitoring requ.irements.of this subpart and any parametric level that assures compliance for all emissions routed to the control device or treatment process; and, (G)Calculations and engineering analyses required to demonstrate compliance. iii: For each affected MPCU with a Group 2 process.vent, the Permittee shall retain the following records: (A) A record of the day each batch was completed;.. (B) A record of whether each batch operated was considered a standard batch; (C) The estimated uncontrolled and controlled emissions for each batch that is considered to.be a -non standard batch; and (D)Records of the daily 365-day rolling summations of emissions, or alternative records that correlate to the emissions(e.g.,number of batches), calculated no less frequently than monthly. W. For each affected Group 2 wastewater stream,the Permittee shall retain the following records: (A)MPCU identification and description; (B) Stream identification code; (C) Concentration of compounds listed in Table 8 and Table 9 of"40 CFR Part 63, Subpart.FFFF (in ppmw), including documentation of the methodology used to determine concentration; and, (D) Stream flow rate (in liters/min). v. For each affected heat exchanger system, the Permittee shall retain the following records (A) Monitoring data indicating a leak., the date when the leak was detected, and if demonstrated not to be a leak, the basis for that determination; (B) Records of any leaks detected by procedures other than those provided in the written heat exchanger monitoring plan, including the date the leak was discovered; (C) The dates of efforts to repair leaks; and, (D) The method or procedure used to confinri repair of a leak and the date repair was confirmed. The Permittee shall be deemed in non-compliance with 15A NCAC 2D .111I if the Permittee does not meet the requirements of Sections 2.2 C.l.d.i through v, above. Re orti.n [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(t)] Permit 01819T38 Page 66 e. For any process vents that change from Group 2 to Group 1, the Penmittee shall comply with the notifcat"on requirements of 40 CFR §632460(b)(6) and 40 CFR §63.2520(e)(10). f. The Permittee shall submit a semiannual compliance report, acceptable to the Regional Air Quality Supervisor, of monitoring and recordkeeping activities postmarked or delivered on or before January 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between July and December, and July 30 of each calendar year for the preceding six-month period between January and June. The report shall contain the following: i. Company name and address; ii. Statement by a responsible official with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report; iii. Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period; iv. If there are no deviations from any emission limit, operating limit or work practice standard specified in this subpart, include a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limits, operating limits,or work practice standards during the reporting period; v.. For each deviation from an emission limit, operating limit, and work practice standard, include the following information: (A)The total operating time of the affected source during the reporting period; and, (B) Information on the number, duration, and cause of deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and the corrective action taken, vi. Identification each new operating scenario which has been operated since the time period covered by the last compliance report and has.not been submitted in the previous compliance repon. For the purposes of this paragraph, a revised operating scenario for an existing process is considered to be a . new operating scenario; vii. .For the equipment listed below, report in a surnznary formal by equipment type, the number of . Womponents for which leaks were detected and for valves, pumps and connectors s!ow the percent leakers, and the total number of components monitored. Also include the number of leaking components that were not repaired as required, and for valves and connectors, identify the number of components that are determined to be non-repairable as described in 40 CFR §63.1025(c)(3). (A)Valves in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service; (B) Pumps in Iight liquid service; ...(C) Connectors in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service;and, (D) Agitators in gas and vapor service and in light liquid service. viii.Where any delay of repair for leaks is utilized, report that delay of repair has occurred and report the number of instances of delay of repair. ix. For pressure relief devices, report the results of all leak monitoring to show compliance conducted within the semiannual reporting period. x. Report, if applicable, the initiation of a monthly leak monitoring;progran for valves. xi. For each affected heat exchanger system for which the Permittee invokes the delay of repair, include the following information: (A) The presence of the leak and the date that the leak was detected. (B) Whether or not the leak has been repaired. (C) The reason(s) for delay of repair. (D) If the leak is repaired, the owner or operator shall report the date the leak was successfully repaired. (F) If the leak remains unrepaired, the expected date of repair. Pernut 01819T)8 Page 67 SECTION 3 --GENERAL CONDITIONS (version 3.4) This section describes terms and conditions applicable to this Title V facility. A. General Provisions [NCGS 143-215 and 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] 1.Terms not otherwise defined in this permit shall have the meaning assigned to such terms as defined in 15A NCAC 2D and 2Q. 2.The terms, conditions,requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this permit are binding and enforceable pursuant to NCGS 143-215.114A and 143-215.114B, including assessment of civil and/or criminal penalties. Any unauthorized deviation from the conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and/or enforcement action by the DAQ. 3.This permit is not a waiver of or approval of any other Department permits that may be regaired for other aspects of the facility which are not addressed in this permit. 4.This pen-nit does not relieve the Permittee from-liability for harm or injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property caused by the constriction or operation of this permitted facility,or from penalties therefore,nor does it allow the Pennittee to cause pollution in contravention of state laws or rules,unless specifically authorized by an order from the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. 5.Except as identified as state-only requirements in this permit, all terms and conditions contained herein shall be enforceable by the DAQ,the EPA, and citizens of the United States as defined in the Federal Clean Air Act. 6.Any stationary source of air pollution shall not be operated,maintained, or modified witho=it the appropriate and valid.permits issued by the DAQ,unless the source is exempted by rule. The DAQ inay issue a pennit oindy after it'receives reasonable assurance that the installation will not cause air pollution in violation of any of the applicable requirements. A penmitted installation may only be operated,maintainco, constructed, expanded, or modified in a manner that is consistent with the terms of this permit. B. Permit Availability [15A NCAC 2Q .0507(k)and.0508(i)(9)(B)] The.Permittee shall have.available at the facility a copy of this permit and shall retain for the duration of the permit term one complete copy of the application and any information submitted in support of the application . . . . package. The pennit and application shall be made available to an authorized representa= f ve of Department o Environment and Natural Resources upon request. C. Severability Clause [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(2)] In the event of an administrative challenge to a final and binding permit in which a condition is held to be invalid, the provisions in this permit are severable so that all requirements contained in the permit,except those held to be invalid, shall remain valid and must be complied with. D. Submissions [15A NCAC 2Q .0507(e)and 2Q .0508(i)(16)] Except as otherwise specified herein,two copies of all documents, reports,test data,monitoring data, notifications,request for renewal, and any other information required by this permit shall be submitted.to the appropriate Regional Office. Refer to the Regional Office address on the cover page of this permit. For continuous emissions monitoring systems(CEMS)reports, continuous opacity monitoring systems (COMS) reports,quality assurance(QA)/quality control (QC)reports,acid rain CEM certification reports, and NOx budget CEM certification reports, one copy shall be sent to the appropriate Regional Office and one copy shall be sent to: Supervisor, Stationary Source Compliance North Carolina Division of Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 Permit 01819T38 Page 68 All submittals shall include the facility name and Facility ID number(refer to the cover page of this permit). E. Duty to Comply [1.5A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(2)] The Permittee shall comply with all terms, conditions,requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth in this permit.Noncompliance with any permit condition except conditions identified as state-only requirements constitutes a violation of the Federal Clean Air Act. Noncompliance with any permit condition is grounds for enforcement action, for permit tennination,revocation and reissuance, or modification,or for denial of a permit renewal application. F. Circumvention- STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY The facility shall be properly operated and maintained at all times in a manner that will effect an overall reduction in air pollution. Unless otherwise specified by this pennit,no emission source may be operated without the concurrent operation of its associated air pollution control device(s)and appurtenances. G. Permit Modifications 1.A miniStrative Permit Amendments [15A NCAC 2Q .0514] The Permittee shall submit an application for an administrative permit amendment in accordahce with 15A NCAC 2Q:0514. 2.Transfer in Ownership or Operation and Application Submittal Content [15A NCAC 2Q .0524.and 2Q. .0505] The PeTmittee shall submit an application for an ownership change in accordance with 15A NCAC Q;052-1 and 2Q .0505. > , 3.11ir..ur " �init lvtolificatians [15A NCAC 2Q .0515] lie P=ittee s tall submit an application for a minor permit modification in accordance with 15.A NCAC ;'0. .0515. nificant Permit Modifications [15A NCAC 2Q .0516] 71 he i'ermittee shall submit an application for a significant permit modification in accordancemith 15A IXAC 2Q .0516. 5.:t'eopeniiig for Cause [15A NCAC 2Q .0517] he RPrmittee shall submit an application for reopening for cause in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q 0517, II. 1hanues Not Requiring Permit Modifications 1.P eporting Requirements Any of the following that would result in new or increased emissions from the emission source(s) listed in Section I must be reported to the Regional Supervisor,DAQ; a. changes in the information submitted in the application; b. changes that modify equipment or processes; or c.. changes in the quantity or quality of materials processed. If appropriate,modifications to the permit may then be made by the DAQ to reflect any necessary..change,s in the permit conditions. In no case are any new or increased emissions allowed that will cause'a violation of the emission limitations specified herein. 2.Section 502(b)(10)Changes [15A NCAC 2Q .0523(a)] , "Section 502(b)(10)changes" means changes that contravene an express permit term or condition. Such changes do not include changes that would violate applicable requirements or contravene federally enforceable permit terns and conditions that are monitoring(including test methods); recordkeeping,reporting, or compliance certification requirements. b. The Permittee may make Section 502(b)(10)changes without having the permit revised if: PerKnit 01819T38 Page 69 i. the changes are not a modification under Title I of the Federal Clean Air Act; ii. the changes do not cause the allowable emissions under the permit to be exceeded; iii. the Permittee notifies the Director and EPA with written notification at least seven days before the change is made; and iv, the Permittee shall attach the notice.to the relevant permit. c. The written notification shall include: i. a description of the change; ii. the date on which the change will occur; iii. any change in emissions; and iv. any pemlit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change. d. Section 502(b)(10)changes shall be made in the permit the next time that the permit is revised.or renewed,whichever comes first. 3.Off Permit Changes [I5A NCAC 2Q .0523(b)] The Permittee may make changes in the operation or emissions without revising the permit if, a. the change affects only insignificant activities and the activities remain insipificant after'the change; or b. the change is not covered under any applicable requirement. 4.Emissions Trading [15A NCAC 2Q .0523(c)] To the extent that emissions trading is allowed under 15A NCAC 2D, including subsequently adopted maximum achievable control technology standards, emissions trading shall be allowed without permit .. revision pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0523(c). I.A.Reporting Requirements for Excess Emissions and Permit Deviations [15A NCAC 2D .0535(f) and 2Q .0508(f)(2)] -Excess Emissions ,neans an emission rate that exceeds any applicable emission lirriitation or sl'andard allowed by any rule in Sections .0500, .0900, .1200, or.1400 of Subchapter 2D; or by a permit condition;.or that exceeds an emission limit established in a permit issued under 15A NCAC 2Q .0700. (Note:lDfinations of excess emissions under 2D.I 110 and 2D.1111 shall apply where defined by rule.) "Deviations"-.for the purposes of this condition, any action or condition not in accorda,lce with the terms and conditions of this permit including those attributable to upset conditions as well as excess emissions as defined above lasting less than four hours. .... ..... ... ...... . ....... .. .. Excess Emissions 1.1f a source is required to report excess emissions under NSPS (15A NCAC 2D .0524),NESHAPS (15A NCAC 2D .111.0 or.1111), or the operating permit provides for periodic(e.g.,quarterly)reporting of. ,excess emissions,reporting shall be performed as prescribed therein. 2.If the source is not subject to NSPS (15A NCAC 2D .0524),NESHAPS (15A NCAC 2D .1110 or .1.111),or these rules do NOT define"excess emissions,"the Permittee shall report excess emissions in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0535 as follows: a. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2D .0535, if excess emissions last for more than four hours resulting from a malfunction., a breakdown of process or control equipment, or any other abnormal condition, the owner or operator shall: i. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of any such occurrence by 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time of the Division's next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence and provide: ® name and location of the facility; ® nature and cause of the malfunction or breakdown; s time when the malfunction or breakdown is first observed; ® expected duration; and •-estimated rate of emissions; ii. notify the Regional Supervisor or Director immediately when corrective measures have been accomplished; and Permit 01819T38 Page 70 iii. submit to the Regional Supervisor or Director within 15 days a written report as described in 15A NCAC 2D .0535(0(3). Permit Deviations 3.Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)(2),the Permittee shall report deviations from permit requirements (terms and conditions) as follows: a. Notify the Regional Supervisor or Director of all.other deviations from permit requirements not covered under 15A NCAC 2D .0535 quarterly. A written report to the Regional Supervisor shall include the probable cause of such deviation and any corrective actions or preventative actions taken. The responsible official shall certify all deviations from permit requirements. I.B.Other Requirements under 15A NCAC 2D .0535 The Permittee shall comply with all other applicable requirements contained in 15A NCAC 2D .0535, including 15A NCAC 2D .0535(c)as follows: I.Any excess emissions that do not occur during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate rule unless the owner or operator of the sources demonstrates to the Director, that the excess emissions are a result of a malfunction. The Director shall consider, along with any other pertinent information, the criteria contained in 1.5A NCAC 2D .0535(c)(1)through (7). 2. 15A NCAC 2D .0535(g). Excess emissions during start-up and shut-down shall be considered a violation of the appropriate.nil e if the owner or operator cannot demonstrate that excess emissions are unavoidable. J. Emergeney Provisions [40 CFR 70.6(g)] The Permittee shall be subject to the following provisions with respect to emergencies: '.An emergency means airy situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the- . control of the facili'y, including acts of God,which situation requires immediate corrective action to restore normal-operation, and that causes the facility to exceed a technology-based emission lirni tatimi under the permit,due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. Aii emerQenc:.y shall not include noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed equipment,lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation, or operator error. 2.An emergency constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such - - technology-based emission limitations if the conditions specified in 3.below are met. 3.The affirmative defense of emergency shall be demonstrated through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs or other relevant evidence that include information as follows: a. an emergency occurred and the Permittee can identify the cause(s)of the emergency; b. the permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; c. during the period of the emergency the Permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of emissions that exceeded the standards or other requirements in the permit; and d. the Permittee submitted notice of the emergency to the DAQ within two working days of the time when emission limitations were exceeded due to the emergency, This notice must contain a description of the emergency, steps taken to mitigate emissions, and corrective actions taken. 4.In any enforcement proceeding, the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an emergency has the burden of proof. 5.This provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any applicable requirement specified elsewhere herein. Ike Permit Renewal [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(e) and 2Q .0513(b)] This permit is issued for a fixed term of five years for facilities subject to Title IV requirements and for a term not to exceed five years in the case of all other facilities. This permit shall expire at the end of its term. Permit expiration terminates the facility's right to operate unless a complete renewal application is submitted at least nine months before the date of permit expiration, If the Permittee or applicant has complied with 15A NCAC 2Q .0512(b)(1),this permit shall not expire until the renewal pen-nit has been issued or denied. All terms and Permit 01819T38 Page 71 conditions of this permit shall remain in effect until the renewal permit has been issued or denied. L. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(4)1 It shall not be a defense for a Permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. M. Duty to Provide Information(submittal of information) [I 5A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(9)] 1.The Permittee shall furnish to the DAQ, in a timely manner, any reasonable information that the Director may request in writing to detennine whether cause exists for modifying,revoking and reissuing, or terminating the pen-nit or to determine compliance with the permit. 2.The Permittee shall furnish the DAQ copies of records required to be kept by the permit when such copies are requested by the Director. For information claimed to be confidential,the Permittee may furnish such records directly to the EPA upon request along with a claim of confidentiality. N. Dnty to 9u_pWernent [.15A NCAC 2Q .0507(f)1 The Permittee, upon becoming aware that any relevant facts were omitted or incorrect information was submitted in the permit application, shall promptly submit such supplementary facts or corrected information to the DAQ. The Permittee shall also provide additional information as necessary to address any requirement that becomes applicable to the facility after the date a complete permit application was submitted-but prior to the release.of the draft permit. O. Retention of Records [15A NCAC 2Q..0508(f) and 2Q .0508 (l)] The Permittee shall retain records of all required monitoring data and supporting infonnation:for a period of at least five years-from the date of the monitoring sample,measurement,report,or application. Supporting information includes all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip-chart recordings for continuous monitoring information, and copies of all reports required by the permit. These records shall be maintained in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious inspection and review. Any records required by the conditions of.this pertnit shall be kept on site and made available to DAQ personnel for inspection upon request. P. Compliance Certification [15A NCAC 2Q...0508(n)] _ __......_ _ . ... The Permittee shall submit to the DAQ and the EPA(Air and EPCRA Enforcement Branch,EPA,Region 4, 61 Forsyth Street,Atlanta, GA 30303)postmarked on or before March I a compliance certification(for the preceding calendar year)by a responsible official with all federally-enforceable terms and conditions in the permit, including emissions limitations, standards,or work practices. It shall be the responsibility of the current owner to submit a compliance certification for the entire year regardless of who owned the facility during the year. The compliance certification shall comply with additional requirements as may be specified tinder Sections 114(a)(3) or 504(b) of the Federal Clean Air Act. The compliance certification shall specify: 1.the identification of each term or condition of the permit that is the basis of the certification; 2.the compliance status(with the terms and conditions of the permit for the period covered by the certification); 3.whether compliance was continuous or intermittent; and 4.the method(s)used for determining the compliance status of the source during the certification period. Q. Certification by Responsible Official [15A NCAC 2Q .0520] A responsible official shall certify the truth, accuracy, and completeness of any application form,report,or compliance certification required by this permit. All certifications shall state that based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and infoznaation in the document are true,accurate, and complete. Permit 01819T38 Page 72 R. .Permit Shield for Applicable Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0512] 1.Compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with applicable requirements, where such applicable requirements are included and specifically identified in the permit as of the date of pen-nit issuance. 2.A permit shield shall not alter or affect: a. the power of the Commission, Secretary of the Department,or Governor under NCGS 143- 215.3(a)(12), er EPA under Section 303 of the Federal Clean Air Act; b. the liability of an owner or operator of a facility for any violation of applicable requirements prior to the effective date of the permit or at the time of permit issuance; c. the applicable requirements under Title IV; or d: the ability of the Director or the EPA under Section 114 of the Federal Clean Air Act to obtain information to determine compliance of the.facility with its permit. 3.A permit shield does not apply to any change made at a facility that does not require a permit or permit revision rmade under 1.5A NCAC 2Q .0523. 4.A permit shield does not extend to minor permit modifications made under 15A NCAC 2Q .0515. S. Termination MDdifieation and Revocation of the Permit [15A NCAC 2Q .0.519] The Director may terminate,modify, or revoke and reissue this permit if- 1.the information contained in the application or presented in support thereof is determined to be incorrect; 2.the conditions under which the permit or permit renewal was granted have changed; 3.violations of conditions•rontained in the permit have occurred; 4.the EPA requests that the.,err-nit be revoked under 40 CFR 70.7(g)or 70.8(d); or 5:the Director finds that terinina.tion,modification, or revocation and reissuance of the permit is necessary to carry out the purpose of NCGS Chapter 143,Article 21B. T. Insignificant Activities [15ANCAC 2Q .0503] Because an emission source or activity is insignificant does not mean that the emission source or activity is exempted from any applicable requirement or that the owner or operator of the source is exempted from demonstrating compliance with any applicable requirement. The Permittee shall have available at the facility at all times and made available to an authorized representative upon request, documentation,including calculations, if necessary,to demonstrate`that an emission source or activity is insignificant. U. Property Rights [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(8)] This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property or any exclusive privileges. V. Inspection and Entry[15A NCAC 2Q .0508(l)and NCGS 143-215.3(a)(2)] 1.Upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law,the Pennittee shall allow the DAQ,or an authorized representative,to perform the following: a. enter the Permittee's premises where the permitted facility is located or emissions-related activity is conducted, or where records are kept under the conditions of the permit; b. have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that are required to be kept under the conditions of the permit; c. inspect at reasonable times and using reasonable safety practices any source,equipment(including monitoring and air pollution control equipment),practices, or operations regulated or required under the permit;and d. sample or monitor substances or parameters,using reasonable safety practices, for the purpose of assuring compliance with the permit or applicable requirements at reasonable times. Nothing in this condition shall limit the ability of the EPA to inspect or enter the premises of the Permittee under Section 114 or other provisions of the Federal Clean Air Act. 2.No person shall refuse entry or access to any authorized representative of the DAQ who requests entry for purposes of inspection,and who presents appropriate credentials,nor shall any person obstruct,hamper,or Permit 01819T3 8 Page 73 interfere with any such authorized representative while in the process of carrying out his official duties. Refusal of entry or access may constitute grounds for permit revocation and assessment of civil penalties. W. Annual Fee Payment [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(10)] 1.The Permittee shall pay all fees in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0200. 2.Payment of fees may be by check or money order made payable to the N.C.Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Annual permit fee payments shall refer to the permit number. 3.If,within 30 days after being billed,the Pennittee fails to pay an annual fee,the Director may initiate action to terminate the permit under 15A NCAC 2Q .0519. X. Annual Emission Inventory Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .02071 The Perniittec shall report by June 30 of each year the actual emissions of each air pollutant listed in 15A NCAC 2Q .02.07(a) from each emission source within the facility during the previous calendar year. The report shall be in or on such form as may be established by the Director. The accuracy of the report shall be certified by a responsible official of the facility: Y. Confidential Information [15A NCAC 2Q.0107 and 2Q. 0508(1)(9)] Whenever the Permittee submits information under a claim of confidentiality pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0107,the Permittee may also submit a copy of all such information and claim directly to the EPA upon request. All requests for confidentiality must be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0107. Z. Construction and Operation Permits [15A NCAC 2Q .0100 and .0300] A construction and operating permit shall be obtained by the Pennittee for any proposed new or modified facility or emission source which is not exempted from having a permit prior to the beginning of construction or modification, in accordance with all applicab!. ,-provisions of 15A NCAC 2Q .0100 and .0300. AA. . Standard Application Form,and Required Information[15A NCAC 2Q .0505 and .05071 The Permittee shall submit applications and required information in accordance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2Q .0505 and .0507. BB.Financial Responsibility anti Compliance llistory'[15A NCAC 2Q 0507(d)(4)] The DAQ may require an applicant to submit a statement of financial qualifications and/or a statement of substantial compliance history. CC.Refrigerant Requirements (Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection) [15A NCAC 2Q .0501(e)] 1.If the Permittee has appliances or refrigeration equipment, including air conditioning equipment,which use Class I or II ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons listed as refrigerants in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart A Appendices A and B,the Permittee shall service,repair,and maintain such equipment according to the work practices,personnel certification requirements, and certified recycling and recovery equipment specified in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 2.The Perrnittec shall not knowingly vent or otherwise release any Class I or H substance into the environment during the repair,servicing,maintenance,or disposal of any such device except as provided in 40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F. 3.The Permittee shall comply with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements of 40 CFR 82.166. Reports shall be submitted to the EPA or its designee as required. DD. Prevention of Accidental Releases-Section 112(r) [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(h)] If the Permittee is required to develop and register a Risk Management Plan with EPA pursuant to Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, then the Permittee is required to register this plan in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68. Permit 01819T38 Page 74 EE. Prevention of Accidental Releases General Dutv Clause- Section 112(r)(1)- FEDERALLY-.ENFORCEABLE ONLY Although a risk management plan may not be required, if the Permittee produces,processes,handles,or stores any amount of a listed hazardous substance, the Permittee has a general duty to take such steps as are necessary to prevent the accidental release of such substance and to minimize the consequences of any release. FF. Title IV Allowances [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(1)) This permit does not limit the number of Title IV allowances held by the Permittee,but the Permittee may not use allowances as a defense to noncompliance with any other applicable requirement. The Permittee's emissions may not exceed any allowances that the facility lawfully holds under Title IV of the Federal Clean Air Act. GG. Air Pollution Emergency Episode [15A NCAC 2D .0300] . Should the Director of the DAQ declare an Air Pollution Emergency Episode,the Permittee will be required to operate in accordance with the Permittee's previously approved Emission Reduction Plan or, in the absence of an approved plan, with the appropriate requirements specified in 15A NCAC 2D .0300. HH. Registration of Air Pollution Sources [15A NCAC 2D .0200] The Director of the DAQ may require the Permittee to register a source of air pollution. If the Permittee is required to register a source of air pollution, this registration and required information will be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0202(b). H. Ambient Air Quality Standards [15A NCAC 2D .0501(c)] In addition to any control or manner of operation necessary to meet ;mission standards specified in this permit, any source of air pollution shall b--operated with such control or in such manner that the source shall not cause the ambient air quality standards in 15A NCAC 21) .0400 to bP exceeded at any point beyond the premises on which the source is located. When controls.more stringent than named in the applicable emission standards in this permit are required to prevent violation of the ambient air quality standards or are required to create an offset,the permit shall contain a condition requiring these controls. JJ. General Emissions Testing and Reportiniz Requirements [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] Emission compliance testing shall be by the procedures of Section .2600, except as may be otherwise required in Rules .0524, .0912, _1110, .1111, or .1415 of Subchapter 2D. If emissions testing is required by this permit or the DAQ or if the Permittee submits emissions testing to the DAQ to demonstrate compliance,the Permittee shall perform such testing in accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .2600 and follow the procedures outlined below: 1. The owner or operator of the source shall arrang-; for air emission testing protocols to be provided to the Director prior to air pollution testing. Testing protocols are not required to be pre-approved by the Director prior to air pollution testing. The Director shall review air emission testing protocols for pre-approval prior to testing if requested bythe owner or operator at least 45 days before conducting the test. 2. Any person proposing to conduct an emissions test to demonstrate compliance with an applicable standard shall notify the Director at Ieast 15 days before beginning the test so that the Director may at his option observe the test. 3.The owner or operator of the source shall arrange for controlling and measuring the production rates during the period of air testing. The owner or operator of the source shall ensure that the equipment or process being tested is operated at the production rate that best fulfills the purpose of the test. The individual conducting the emission test shall describe the procedures used to obtain accurate process data and include in the test report the average production rates detetrmned during each testing period, 4.Two copies of the final air emission test report shall be submitted to the Director not later than 30 days after sample collection. The owner or operator may request an extension to submit the final test report. Permit 01819T38 Page 75 The Director shall approve an extension request if he finds that the extension request is a result of actions beyond the control of the owner or operator. a. The Director shall make the final determination regarding any testing procedure deviation and the validity of the compliance test. The Director may: (1) Allow deviations from a method specified under a rule in this Section if the owner or operator of the source being tested demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Director that the specified method is inappropriate for the source being tested. (2)Prescribe alternate test procedures on an individual-basis when he finds that the alternative method is necessary to secure more reliable test data. (3) Prescribe or approve methods on an individual basis for sources or pollutants for which no test method is specified in this Section if the methods can be demonstrated to determine compliance of permitted emission sources or pollutants. b.The Director may authorize the Division of Air Quality.to conduct independent tests of any source subject to a rule in this Subchapter to determine the compliance status of that source or to verify any test data submitted relating to that;source. Any.test conducted by the Division of Air Quality using the appropriate testing procedures described in Section 2D .2600 has precedence over all other tests. KK. reopening for Cause[15A NCAC 2Q .0517] 1.A permit shall be reopened and revised under the following circumstances: a. additional applicable requirements become applicable to a facility with remaining permit term of three or more years; b. additional requirements(including excess emission requirements)become applicable to a source covered by`Fitle N; c. the Director or EPA finds that the permit contains a inaterial mistake or that inaccurate statements were made in establishing the emissions standard;;nr c;ther terms or.conditions of the permit; or d. the Director or EPA determines that the permit must be.revised or revoked to.assure compliance with the applicable requirements. 2.Any permit reopening shall be completed or a revised permit issued within 18 months after the applicable requirement is promulgated. No reopening is required if the effective date of the requirement is after the - expiration of the pen-nit term unless the term of the permit was extended pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0513(c). 3.Except for the state-enforceable only portion of the permit,the procedures set out in 15A NCAC 2Q .0507, .0521, or .0522 shall be followed to reissue the pei-mit. If the State-enforceable only portion of the permit is reopened,the procedures in 15A NCAC 2Q .0300 shall be followed. The proceedings shall affect only those parts of the permit for which cause to reopen exists. 4.The Director shall notify the Permittee at least 60 days in advance of the date that.the permit is to be reopened, except in cases of imminent threat to public health or safety the notification period may be less than 60 days. 5.Within 90 days, or 180 days if the EPA extends the response period, after receiving notification from the EPA that a permit needs to be terminated,modified, or revoked and reissued,the Director shall send to the EPA a proposed determination of termination,modification, or revocation and reissuance,as appropriate. LL.Reporting,Requirements for Non-Operating Egu.ipment [15A NCAC 2Q .0508(i)(16)] The Permittee shall maintain a record of operation for permitted equipment noting whenever the equipment is taken from and placed into operation. During operation the monitoring recordkeeping and reporting requirements as prescribed by the permit shall be implemented within the monitoring period. MM.Fugitive Dust Control Requirement [15A NCAC 2D .0540] - STATE ENFORCEABLE ONLY As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0540 "Particulates from Fugitive Dust Emission Sources," the Pennittee shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible Permit 01819T38 Page 76 emissions beyond the property boundary. If substantive complaints or excessive fugitive dust emissions from the facility are observed beyond the property boundaries for six minutes in any one hour(using Reference Method 22 in 40 CFR, Appendix A), the owner or operator may be required to submit a fugitive dust plan as described in 2D .0540(f). "Fugitive dust emissions" means particulate matter from process operations that does not pass through a process stack or vent and that is generated within plant property boundaries from activities such as: unloading and loading areas,process areas stockpiles, stockpile working, plant parking lots, and plant roads (including access roads and haul roads). NN. Specific Permit Modifications [15.A NCAC 2Q.0501 and .0523] 1.For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(c)(2),the Permittee shall file a Title V Air Quality Permit Application for the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) on or before 12 months after commencing operation. 2.For modifications made pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0501(d)(2),the Permittee shall not begin operation of the air emission source(s) and associated air pollution control device(s) until a Title V Air Quality Permit Application is fled and a construction and operation permit following the procedures of Section .0500 (except for Rule .0504 of this Section) is obtained. 3.For modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10), in accordance with 15A NCAC 2Q .0523(a)(1)(C),the ;?ermittee shall notify the Director and EPA (.EPA-Air Planning Branch, 61 Forsyth St., Atlanta, GA 30303) in writing at least seven days before the change is made. The written notification shall include: . a. a description of the change at the facility; b. the date on which the change will occur; c. any change in emissions, and d. any permit term or condition that is no longer applicable as a result of the change, 1n addition to this notification requirement, with the next significant modification or Air Quality Permit renewal, the Permittee shall submit a page"E5" of the application forms signed by the responsible official verifying that the application for the 502(b)(I0) change/modification, is true, accurate, and complete. Further note that modifications made pursuant to 502(b)(10) Sao not relieve the ?ermittee from satisfying preconstruetion requirements. ...... .. . . ..... 00. Third Party Partici2ation and EPA Review [15A NCAC 2Q .0521, .0522 and .0525(7)] For permits modifications subject to 45-day review by the federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA), EPA's decision to not object to the proposed permit is considered final and binding on the EPA and absent a third party petition, the failure to object is the end of EPA's decision-making process with respect to the revisions to the permit, The time period available to submit a public petition pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0518 begins at the end of the 45-day EPA review period_ List of Acronyms AOS Alternate Operating Scenario BACT Best Available Control Technology Btu British thermal unit CEM Continuous Emission Monitor CER Code of Federal Regulations CAA Clean Air Act LAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule DAQ Division of Air Quality DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources EMS' Environmental Management Commission EPA Environmental Protection Agency >F'R Federal Register GACT Generally Available Control Technology HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant MJ ACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology.. MCPU Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Process Units NAA Non-Attainment Area NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCGS North Carolina General Statutes NESHAPS National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOx Nitrogen Oxides NSPS New Source Performance Standard OAR Office of Administrative Hearings PM Particulate Matter PM10Particulate Matter with Nominal Aerodynamic; Eliatnetec oC 1.0 Micrometers nr Less POS Primary Operating Scenario PSD -Prevention of Significant Detenoratioll sic Standard Industrial Classification SIP State Implementation Plan SOz Sulfur Dioxide tPy Tons Per Year VOC Volatile Organic Compound