HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800081_20150306_CMPL_Malf-Det A- 4 ,..... NCD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald R.van der Vaart Governor Secretary March 6, 2015 Mr. Mike Anderson, General Manager Valley Proteins, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lewiston,NC 27849 SUBJECT: Room Air Scrubber Event on February 22,2015 NCAC 15A 2D.0535 and 2Q.0508(f)(2) Permit General Condition 2.2.I.A. Valley Proteins,Inc. Lewiston,Bertie County,North Carolina Air Permit No. 03085T30,Facility ID: 0800081,Fee Class: Title V Dear Mr. Anderson, On February 23, 2015, Ms. Betsy Huddleston of this office received an email from you that stated the room air scrubber fan bearing went out the previous evening. The scrubber was taken off-line for repair from 10:00 am until 2:15 pm(4 hr. 15 min). The email also stated the plant continued to operate during the repair. The Washington Regional Office received a written notification of the incident postmarked February 26, 2015. The notification meets the requirement in your Title V permit to report deviations within one business day and submit a written report within two business days after the deviation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q .0508(f)(2). The written notification of this excess emissions incident also satisfies the requirements of 15A NCAC 20 .0535(c), and will be considered by this Division a malfunction as defined in 15A NCAC 20 .0535 (a)(2). If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter,please feel free to call Betsy Huddleston or me at(252) 946-6481. Sincerely, Robert P. Fisher, Regional Air Quality Supervisor RPF cc: Washington Regional Office Files IBeam Documents G:\AQ\Shared\Bertie08\00081\20150306 Malfunction Determination.let.doc 943 Washington Square Mall,Washington North Carolina 27889 Phone:252-946-6481/Fax:252-975-3716\Internet:www.ncdenr,qov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer—Made in part by recycled paper Date:3/04/2015, NC DAQ Excess Emissions Form Based on the information that the facility submits, the Division will determine if a malfunction has occurred. This reporting requirement does not allow the operation of the facility in excess of Environmental Management Commission Regulations. Continuing to operate the facility in this manner is at the facility's own risk. As required by 15A NCAC 213.0535,"Excess Emissions Reporting and Malfunctions"(f), "The owner or operator of a source of excess emissions which last for more than four hours.and which results from a malfunction;a breakdown of process or control equipment or any other abnormal conditions,shall:(1)notify the director or his designee of any such occurrence by 9am of the next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence." Title V facilities are required to report deviations within one business day and submit a written report within two business days after the deviation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2Q.0508(f)(2). Complete this Information: Valley Proteins, Inc. (A) Name and location of the facility: (13) Equipment involved and the nature and cause of the excess emissions/malfunction/deviation: The wet scrubber on room air ID CD-10D had a bearing failure and was out of service for four hours and 15 minutes. During that time.the meat system was down for a while and the feather system operated the entire time.The report states that no.personnel detected no odor outside the plant during the downtime. (C) The time/date the event was first observed: 2/22/2015 10am-2:15pm (D) The expected duration: four hours, 15 minutes j (E) An estimated rate of emissions(if known): unknown (VOC) I I (F) A written report*is required to be submitted to the Regional Supervisor.In.accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0535(f)(3)the report is to include the following information: (1) name and location of the facility, (2) identification or description of the processes and control devices involved in the malfunction or breakdown, (3) the cause and nature of the event, (4) time and duration of the violation or the expected duration of the excess emission if the malfunction or breakdown has not been fixed, (5) estimated quantity of pollutant emitted, (6) steps taken to control the emissions and to prevent recurrences and if the malfunction or breakdown has not been fixed,steps planned to be taken,and (7) any other pertinent information requested by the director. *If the company is Title V with a federal permit,the written report is required to be submitted within 2 business days. All reports of deviations from permit requirements must be certified by the responsible official. *For non-Title V facilities,the written report is required to be submitted within 15 days. Version 1.1—10119104 For DAO use: Name ofNotifier: Michael Anderson, plant manager Telephoine Number: (252)348-4290 Received by: Betsy Huddleston,WARO Date/Time Received: Email 2/23/2015 Comments: Initial email with followup written report from authorized contact. Malfunction was just over the four.hour reportable limit. Follow-up Written Notification Received: 2/25/2015 ' and reviewed by: Betsy Huddieston Comments: ry Final review by Supervisor: Dates 3/04/2015 Decision: Malfunction approved for these.circumstances: Yes No Comments cc:Regional Facility File Central Files,RCO j Y/N Compliant with reporting Timeliness and Certification? yIf the company is Title V with a federal permit,the written report is required to be submitted within 2 business days.All reports of deviations from permit requirements must be certified by the responsible official. For non-Title V facilities,the written report is required to be submitted within 15 days, l Y/N ...the Director shall consider,along with any other pertinent information,the following:* l y (1)The air cleaning device,process equipment,or process has been maintained and operated,to the maximum extent racticable,consistent with good practice for minimizing emissions; (2)Re airs have been made expeditiously when the emission limits have been exceeded; (3)The amount and duration of the excess emissions,including any bypass,have been minimized to the maximum extent practicable; y 4 All practical steps have been taken to minimize the impact of the excess emissions on ambient air. uali ; 5 The excess emissions.are not part of a recurring pattern indicative of inadequate design,operation,or maintenance; Y (b)The requirements of Paragraph of this Rule have been met;and. (7)if the source is required to have a malfunction abatement plan,it has followed that plan. Excess emissions caused by malfunctions from this source ivere less than 15 percent of the operating time during the calendar year. # Additional Concern: How many times before has this source experienced this type of malfunction?,+ *Ref:NCAC D-.0535 Excess Emissions Reporting And Malfunctions L-V th l«v.-q �V'�lJn�:�LgD,r� /�-2.t.O ��' CLc::t.esW",S• r�G�L `.' ��"Y"Y/✓�.S. �'�a4 Lf IU 2 /'�'IgCJ 7�h0M !R C=(j7 ee`''� Huddleston, Betsy From: Anderson, Mike <MAnderson@valleyproteins.com> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2015 4:28 PM To: Huddleston, Betsy Subject: Valley Proteins Inc. Lewsiton,NC Betsy, Yesterday 2/22/2015 the room air scrubber was off 4 hours and 15 minutes. We went down at 10am and the fan was going again at 2:15pm. We had a bearing go out on the fan assembly and had to change the assembly out.The meat system was not running at times during this period.The feather system was running. It was my understanding yesterday that the fan was down less than 4 hours but in reviewing the change out this afternoon it was actually 15 minutes longer. No odors we detected out side the plant. Would please forward this to Robert Fisher as I do not have his email. Thank you, Mike Anderson Valley Proteins Lewiston The information transmitted herewith is confidential,proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform their job without the express written consent of Valley Proteins,:Inc. i 160�1a�Vle_-S770-41 Wa R- 0 No d'6 b4 VALLEY PROTEINS INC. February 25, 2015 Mr. Robert Fisher Regional Supervisor NCDENR Division of Air Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Washington,NC 27889 Air Quality Permit No. 03085T30 Facility ID: 0800081 Valley Proteins, Inc. —Lewiston Division Lewiston-Woodville, Bertie County Dear Mr. Fisher: This is a written report following up on the email sent to Betsy Huddleston of the Washington Regional Office on February 23, 2015 regarding the incident described below. , On February 22, 2015, the fan on the room air scrubber(CD-1 OD) at the above- referenced facility was out of service for approximately 4 hours and 15 minutes due to a bearing failure on the fan assembly. The fan was shut down at 10 a.m. in order to replace the fan assembly and was returned to service 2:15 p.m. During this time,the meat system was down briefly but the feather system continued to run. No odors were detected outside the plant during this episode. Sincerely, 1j_ _' c*"kAa - C. Michael Anderson ' 1 General Manager c: Robert Vogler, Director of Environmental Affairs. - P.O.13""10 Lewiston.NC 27849 252-348 429t1 ��7'E�:Ili1l .E;kaewable I�.esoll.rce5 Built on Tradition Fax:2S2:348-4349 W ww.va l leyproteins.coni VALLEY PROTEINS,INC. ���I °Srq .15 P.O.Box 10 c Lewiston,NC 27849 ',: "�'�;,, 2 1 P� T 006 4 0 � * 0001917040 FEB 26 2015 7012 0470 0000 7138 9553 MAILED FROM ZIPCODE27849 vbCq C\%k"s,�-O "'