HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0400032_20160512_CMPL_InspRpt NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF Fayetteville Regional Office AIR QUALITY Duke Energy Progress,LLC-Blewett NC Facility ID 0400032 Inspection Report County/FIPS: Anson/007 Date: 05/13/2016 Facility Data Permit Data Duke Energy Progress,LLC -Blewett Permit 06093 /R07 2598 Power Plant Road Issued 9/8/2015 Lilesville,NC 28091 Expires 1/31/2017 Lat: 34d 58.9112m Lang: 79d 52.6220m Classification Synthetic Minor SIC: 4911 /Electric Services Permit Status Active NAICS: 221111 /Hydroelectric Power Generation Current Permit Application(s)None Contact Data Program Applicability Facility Contact Authorized Contact Technical Contact SIP Norbert Zalme Jason Haynes William Horton Environmental Station Manager Lead Environmental Coordinator (910)205-2101 Specialist (336)462-0221 (980)373-3226 Compliance Data I Comments: Inspection Date 05/12/2016 Inspector's Name Joshua L.Harris Inspector's Signature: G Operating Status Operating Compliance Code Compliance inspection Action Code FCE Date of Signature: On-Site Inspection Result Compliance Total Actual emissions in TONS/YEAR: TSP S02 NOX VOC CO PM10 *HAP I 2011 --- 4.00 9.40 --- --- --- 12.50 J2006 0.1000 1.09 7.39 --- 0.0400 0.1000 44.09 *Highest HAP Emitted(inpounds) Five Year Violation History:None Date Letter Type Rule Violated Violation Resolution Date Performed Stack Tests since last FCE:None Date Test Results Test Method(s) Source(s)Tested I I I. DIRECTIONS TO SITE: In Laurinburg,take 74 West through Rockingham, and into Anson County. After crossing the Pee Dee River,turn right onto the first road, Power Plant Road. The plant is approximately 3 miles away, at the end of Power Plant Road. Press the button at the gate callbox in order to gain entry. The admin building is the first building on the left. II. SAFETY: Standard FRO safety gear.Double hearing protection is required when the combustion turbines are operating; ear muffs can be provided by the facility. M. FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Duke Energy Progress—Blewett is an electricity generation plant which operates six 4 MW hydroelectric units,and four 18 MW,No. 2 fuel oil fired Combustion Turbines(CT). The CTs are only operated as fast-start(6 minutes)peaking units or during maintenance or repair of the hydroelectric units, or to cover gaps in service if other units in the region drop offline for any reason. This situation normally only occurs during the colder months. The turbines do not utilize water injection,nor is the air entering the combustion chamber pre-cooled, so turbine efficiency is greatly influenced by ambient air temperatures. Throughputs: 2015 140,200 2014 202,023 2013 24,508 IV. INSPECTION SUMMARY: On 12 May 2016,I Joshua Harris,FRO DAQ, conducted a compliance inspection of Duke Energy Progress—Blewett in Lilesville,Anson County. The facility can be remotely j operated,so it is typically unmanned and inspections should be pre-planned. I met with Norbert"Nob" I[ Zalme,Environmental Coordinator, and Joe Rivers,Combustion Turbine Operator for an announced inspection of the facility. The plant was not operating at the time, and was down for a week long j maintenance outage. Mr.Zalme and Mr. Rivers Verified the FacFinder data,and Mr. Rivers pointed out that the physical address for the plant was not correct. He stated that the "911"address is 2598 Power Plant Road,and this update has been made in IBEAM. We discussed the upcoming renewal, and emission inventory requirement, and Mr.Zalme stated that the emission inventory would be completed by William "Bill"Horton. We had a brief discussion about the replacement of CAIR requirements with CSAPR requirements in the facility's permit,and the plant continues to participate in allowance trading. Mr.Rivers provided the required records,which were very well organized. The turbines typically only operate for a few days during the colder months of the year, and the plant only operated for 42 hours in 2016. After reviewing the facility's records,Mr.Zalme showed me to the facility's burn pit which is used to disposed of vegetative materials that are collected in the screens at the hydroelectric plant;there did not appear to be any non-vegetative material present. Mr. Zalme described the notifications that are made when the facility does burn,which includes the FRO. We then returned to the control room, and I departed the facility shortly after. j V. PERMITTED EMISSION SOURCES: 01. .oY. NEW No. 2 fuel oil-fired combustion turbine ES ICI (288 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) Not operating No. 2 fuel oil-fired combustion turbine ES IC2 (288 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) Not operating N/A N/A No. 2 fuel oil-fired combustion turbine ES IC3 (288 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) Not operating No. 2 fuel oil-fired combustion turbine ES IC4 (288 million Btu per hour maximum heat input) IL_ Not operating VI. APPLICABLE AIR QUALITY REGULATIONS: i A. 15A NCAC 2D .0202-PERMIT RENEWAL AND EMISSION INVENTORY REQIREMENT —The Permittee shall submit an application for permit renewal, including an emission inventory for CY 2015, no later than 90-days prior to permit expiration. APPEARED IN COMPLMNCE. The facility's permit expires on 31 January 2017, and the application is due no later than 02 November 2016 Mr. Zalme is aware of this and stated that the emission inventory will be completed by Mr. Bill Horton. B. 15A NCAC 2D .0516—SULFUR DIOXIIDE EMISSIONS FROM COMBUSTION SOURCES— S02 emissions from the CTs shall not exceed 2.3 lb/mmBtu. i APPEARED IN COMPLMNCE. The facility is permitted to combust No. 2 fuel oil up to 0.5 wt.% suer, which has an AP-42 emission factor of 0.51 lb S021mmBtu. The facility only accepts ultra-low su fur diesel(ULSD), as verified by fuel certifications. The facility also takes fuel samples annually, and the last sample indicated a suer content of 0.0106 wt. %. Mr. Rivers stated that the facility used to combust oil with a su fir content of 0.5 wt.Vo, and that the tank was drained then refilled with ULSD when the facility made the switch. The higher suer content in the sample may be due to the mixing of ULSD with any residual oil left in the tank when it was drained and refilled. In any event, combustion offuel oil with this suer content will not exceed the permit limit. i I C. 15A NCAC 2D .0521—CONTROL OF VISIBLE EMISSIONS—VE<20%opacity. APPEARED INCOMPLL4NCE. No emission sources were operating at the time of the inspection. Mr. Rivers stated that he has never seen visible emissions while the turbines operate. D. 15A NCAC 2D .0535—NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT—Notify DAQ in the event of excess emissions lasting longer than 4 hours. APPEARED INCOMPLIANCE: There are no indications of excess emissions which would require a notification by the facility. Mr. Zalme is well aware of the requirement, and there have not been any complaints from local residents received by the facility or by DAQ. E. 15A NCAC 2D .0540—PARTICULATES FROM FUGITIVE DUST EMISSION SOURCES— Fugitive dust emissions shall not cause/contribute to substantive complaints or excessive VE across property boundaries. APPEARED IN COMPLIANCE: No fugitive dust concerns were noted during the inspection. All roads are paved, and there have not been any complaints received by the facility or by DAQ. i F. 15A NCAC 2Q .0315—SYNTHETIC MINOR FACILITIES—Operate within the following limits to maintain S02 and NOx emissions less than 100 tons annually: 1)Amount of No.2 fuel oil combusted< 1,602,175 gallons per consecutive 12-month period;2) sulfur content of No. 2 fuel less than 0.5%. APPEARED INCOMPLIANCE: Records indicate 137,264 gallons of fuel oil have been combusted in the last 12 months. The facility maintains fuel certifications on-site, and only accepts ULSD. Fuel sampling indicates that the fuel oil currently on-site has a suer content of 0.0106 wt.%. NOx emissions for the last 12-month period were 9.2 tons, as of the date of the inspection. The last annual report was received on 21 January 2016, and indicated compliance. G. 15A NCAC 2Q.0317—LIMITATION TO AVOID PSD—Limit S02 and NOx emissions to 250 tons per consecutive 12-month period. APPEARED INCOMPLL4NCE. The facility complies with this stipulation by operating within its I Synthetic Minor limitations. H. CROSS STATE AIR POLLUTION RULES(CSAPR)PERMIT REQUIREMENTS—The Permittee shall comply with all applicable requirements of 40 CFR 97 Subparts 5A, 513, and 5C. I a. 40 CFR 97 Subpart 5A—TRANSPORT RULE NOx ANNUAL TRADING PROGRAM APPEARED IN COMPLMNCE. The facility participates in the NOx Trading program. 26 allowances were used in 2015, and the facility has 24 allowances available for trading. b. 40 CFR 97 Subpart 5B—TRANSPORT RULE NOx OZONE SEASON TRADING PROGRAM APPEARED IN COMPLLANCE: The facility does participate in NOx trading during ozone season, but does not typically operate during this time. The facility did not use any allowances in 2015. i I c. 40 CFR 97 Subpart SC—TRANSPORT RULE SOz GROUP 1 TRADING PROGRAM i APPEARED INCOMPLL4NCE: The facility participates in the S02 Group I Trading program. 11 allowances were used in 2015, and the facility has 8 allowances availahle for trading. VH. INSIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES: 3 ' 9 IOILTANK1 -No. 2 fuel oil storage tank 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes (850,000 gallon capacity) ILUBETANKI - Lube Oil Storage Tank 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes (550 gallon capacity) ILUBETANK2 - Lube Oil Storage Tank 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes (1800 gallon capacity) ILUBETANK3 - Lube Oil Storage Tank 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes i (1800 gallon capacity) ILUBETANK4 - Lube Oil Storage Tank (1800 gallon capacity) 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes ILUBETANK5 - Lube Oil Storage Tank(1800 gallon capacity) 2Q .0102 (c)(1)(D)(i) Yes Yes VIIL NON-COMPLIANCE HISTORY SINCE 2010: This facility has no negative compliance history. IX. RISK MANAGEMENT(112r): This facility does not use or store any 112(r) subject materials above threshold limits. Therefore, it is not required to maintain a written Risk Management Plan (RMP). X. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Duke Energy Progress,LLC—Blewett appeared to be operating IN COMPLIANCE with their air permit at the time of this inspection. PINK SHEET ADDITIONS: - None /jlh i i G