HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_1900015_20151211_ST_ProtRvw PAT MCCRORY Governor Kr'r1V DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Air Quality SHEILA C. HOLMAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Director December 11, 2015 Mr.Tom Quesenberry Arauco Panels USA LLC 985 Corinth Road Moncure,North Carolina 27559 Subject: Arauco Panels USA LLC Moncure, Chatham County,North Carolina Facility ID 1900015,Air Quality Permit No. 03449T44 Emissions Test Protocol for Particleboard Press ID DEF-2010 Integrity Air Monitoring,Inc. Proposed Test Date: January 14,2016 Tracking No. 2016-004st Dear Mr. Quesenberry: The North Carolina Division of Air Quality(DAQ)has reviewed the subject protocol submittal form (PSF)for the emissions testing of particleboard press DEF-2010. The purpose of testing is to "demonstrate compliance with the PWCP MACT production based compliance option for the Moncure Particleboard Press"per December 8, 2015 email from John Bird,P.E. Carolina Regional EHS Manager, Arauco—North America. The proposed testing is acceptable to establish to the hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions only as discussed below. Emission Source ID DEF-2010 is a particleboard press, which is currently permitted as being controlled by packed bed scrubber with photochemical gas treatment CD-PB-PGT. As indicated in the "particleboard press air flow schematic" submitted with the PSF and allowed in Special Order by Consent (SOC)for Arauco Panels USA,LLC dated November 2, 2015,the PGT is no longer in service. The proposed testing location is the outlet of the particleboard press prior to the dryers,to determine the total HAP emissions for the production based compliance option in the applicable regulation. 40 CFR 63.2292 states"total hazardous air pollutant emissions means, for the purposes of this subpart,the sum of emissions from the following six compounds,acetaldehyde, acrolein, formaldehyde,methanol,phenol, and propionaldehyde." 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants:Plywood and Composite Wood Products applies and specifies the production based compliance option emissions limits and testing requirements. Table I to Subpart DDDD of Part 63—Performance Based Compliance Options specifies a total HAP emission limit of 0.30 pounds per thousand square feet of% inch (lb/MSF'14") for reconstituted wood product presses. Table 4 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63—Requirements for Performance Tests requires the following: sampling port location and number of traverse points by EPA Method 1,velocity and volumetric flow rate by EPA Method 2, molecular weight by EPA Method 3, gas moisture by EPA Method 4 and total HAP emission measurement by EPA Method 320 or NCASI 99.02 or NCASI 105.01. Table 4 also requires State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center 1 217 W.Jones Street,Suite 4000 1 Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 919 707 9400 T Mr.Tom Quesenberry December 11,2015 Page 2 capture efficiency determinations for each reconstituted wood product press subject to a compliance option in Table 1 A. Table 2 of Subpart DDDD of Part 63 -Operating Requirements specifies that"process unit that meets a compliance option in Table IA of this subpart"must"maintain on a daily basis the process unit controlling operating parameter(s)within the ranges established during the performance test according to 63.2252(n)."40 CFR 63.2262(n)Establishing operating requirements for process units meeting compliance options without a control device states"you must establish your process unit operating parameters [emphasis added] according to paragraphs(n)(1)through(2)of this section"and"during the performance test,you must identify and document the process unit controlling parameter(s)that affect total HAP emissions during the three-run performance test." Table 5 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63 Performance Testing and Initial Compliance Demonstrations for the Compliance Options and Operating Requirements requires that the operating parameters be measured and recorded during the performance- based compliance option testing. Integrity Air has proposed three 60-minute NCASI 105.01 sampling runs to determine total HAP emissions. The molecular weight of 29.0 will be assumed per EPA Method 2 Section 8.6. NCASI Method 105.01 is an acceptable method per 63 Subpart DDDD. In order for the proposed testing to be acceptable to establish compliance with 63 Subpart DDDD for the performance based compliance option, Arauco should address all the requirements in Subpart DDDD, including the requirements to determine the"controlling"operating parameter and capture efficiency. Please see attachment for excerpts from 63 Subpart DDDD for relevant regulatory language and detailed requirements. The stated permitted maximum,maximum normal and proposed production rate for testing are 180 million square feet per year(MMsf/yr),26 thousand square feet per hour(MSF/hr)and 21 MSF/hr, respectively. The proposed production rate for testing is 8 1%of stated normal maximum. DAQ recommends testing at an operating rate which is at least 90%of maximum normal rate. However,DAQ approves the proposed rate to determine the HAP emissions at the location for press operating rates up to approximately 110%of the actual tested rate. Approval of this sampling protocol does not exempt the tester from the minimum requirements of 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD and sampling methods. Any deviations remain subject to approval by DAQ. If you have any questions,please contact me at 919-707-8416 or shannon.vogelCamcdenngov. Sincerely, Shannon Vogel, Environmental Engineer Division of Air Quality,NCDEQ cc: Central Files, Chatham County Patrick Butler,Raleigh Regional Office Todd Phillips,Arauco John Bird, Arauco Jim Lewis,Integrity Air Monitoring, Inc. IBEA_M Documents— 1900015 Attachment Table 2 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63—Operating Requirements If you operate a(n) . . . You must. . . Or you must. . . (5)Process unit that meets a Maintain on a daily basis the process Maintain the 3-hour block average THC compliance option in Table unit controlling operating concentration"in the process unit exhaust 1A of this subpart,or a processparameter(s)within the ranges below the maximum concentration nit that generates debits in an established during the performance established during the performance test. emissions average without the test according to §63.2262(n) se of a control device §63.2262 How do I conduct performance tests and establish operating requirements? (n)Establishing operating requirements for process units meeting compliance options without a control device. If you operate a process unit that meets a compliance option in Table 1 A to this subpart, or is a process unit that generates debits in an emissions average without the use of a control device,you must establish your process unit operating parameters according to paragraphs(n)(1)through(2)of this section. (1)During the performance test, you must identify and document the process unit controlling parameter(s)that affect total HAP emissions during the three-run performance test. The controlling parameters you identify must coincide with the representative operating conditions you describe according to §63.2262(b)(2).For each parameter,you must specify appropriate monitoring methods,monitoring frequencies, and for continuously monitored parameters,averaging times not to exceed 24 hours. The operating limit for each controlling parameter must then be established as the minimum,maximum, range, or average(as appropriate depending on the parameter)recorded during the performance test.Multiple three-run performance tests may be conducted to establish a range of parameter values under different operating conditions. (2)You may establish different controlling parameter limits for your process unit by submitting the notification specified in§63.2280(g)and conducting a repeat performance test as specified in paragraph(n)(1)of this section that demonstrates compliance with the compliance options in Table 1 A to this subpart or is used to establish emission averaging debits for an uncontrolled process unit. State of North Carolina Environmental Quality 1 Air Quality 1641 Mail Service Center 1 217 W.Jones Street,Suite 4000 1 Raleigh,NC 27699-1641 919 707 8400 T Table 4 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63—Requirements for Performance Tests For. You must . Using. (1)each process unit subject to a select sampling port's location Method 1 or I of 40 CFR part 60, compliance option in table 1 A or 1 B to and the number of traverse appendix A(as appropriate). this subpart or used in calculation of an ports emissions average under §63.2240(c) (2)each process unit subject to a determine velocity and Method 2 in addition to Method 2A,2C, compliance option in table IA or I to volumetric flow rate 2D,2F, or 2G in appendix A to 40 CFR this subpart or used in calculation of an part 60 (as appropriate). emissions average under §63.2240(c) (3) each process unit subject to a conduct gas molecular weight Method 3, 3A,or 3B in appendix A to 40 compliance option in table I or I to analysis CFR part 60 (as appropriate). this subpart or used in calculation of an emissions average under §63.2240(c) (4)each process unit subject to a measure moisture content of Method 4 in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60; compliance option in table I or I to the stack gas OR Method 320 in appendix A to 40 CFR this subpart or used in calculation of an part 63; OR ASTM D6348-03 (IBR, see emissions average under§63.2240(c) §63.14(b)). (6)each process unit subject to a measure emissions of total Method 320 in appendix A to 40 CFR part compliance option in table 1 A to this HAP (as defined in §63.2292) 63; OR the NCASI Method IM/CAST/WP- subpart; OR for each process unit used 99.02 (IBR, see §63.14(f)); OR the NCASI in calculation of an emissions average Method ISS/FP-A105.01 (IBR, see under§63.2240(c) §63.14(f)); OR ASTM D6348-03 (MR, see §63.14(b))provided that percent R as determined in Annex A5 of ASTM D6348- 03 is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent. (10)each reconstituted wood product determine the percent a TTE and Methods 204 and 204A through press at a new or existing affected capture efficiency 204F(as appropriate)of 40 CFR part 51, source or reconstituted wood product appendix M. As an alternative to installing board cooler at a new affected source a TTE and using Methods 204 and 204A subject to a compliance option in through 204F,you may use the tracer gas table IA to this subpart method contained in appendix A to this subpart. Enclosures that meet the design criteria(1)through(4)in the definition of wood products enclosure,or that meet :Method 204 requirements for a PTE (except for the criteria specified in section 6.2 of Method 204) are assumed to have a capture efficiency of 100 percent.Measured emissions divided by the capture efficiency provides the emission rate. (11)each process unit subject to a establish the site-specific data from the parameter monitoring compliance option in tables IA and operating requirements system or THC CEMS and the I to this subpart or used in (including the parameter applicable performance test method(s). calculation of an emissions average limits or THC concentration under§63.2240(c) limits)in table 2 to this subpart COMPLIANCE OPTIONS,OPERATING REQUIREMENTS,AND WORK PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS §63.2240 What are the compliance options and operating requirements and how must I meet them? You must meet the compliance options and operating requirements described in Tables IA, 1B, and 2 to this subpart and in paragraph(c) of this section by using one or more of the compliance options listed in paragraphs(a), (b), and(c)of this section. The process units subject to the compliance options are listed in Tables lA and 1B to this subpart and are defined in §63.2292. You need only to meet one of the compliance options outlined in paragraphs(a)through (c)of this section for each process unit. You cannot combine compliance options in paragraph(a), (b),or(c) for a single process unit. (For example,you cannot use a production-based compliance option in paragraph(a) for one vent of a veneer dryer and an add-on control system compliance option in paragraph (b) for another vent on the same veneer dryer. You must use either the production-based compliance option or an add-on control system compliance option for the entire dryer.) (a) Production-based compliance options. You must meet the production-based total HAP compliance options in Table 1A to this subpart and the applicable operating requirements in Table 2 to this subpart.You may not use an add-on control system or wet control device to meet the production-based compliance options. Table 5 to Subpart DDDD of Part 63—Performance Testing and Initial Compliance Demonstrations for the Compliance Options and O erating Requirements For the following compliance options and operating requirements For each. You have demonstrated initial compliance if. . (1)Process unit listed in Meet the production-based The average total HAP emissions measured using the Table I to this subpart compliance options listed methods in Table 4 to this subpart over the 3-hour in Table 1 A to this subpart performance test are no greater than the compliance option in Table 1A to this subpart; AND you have a record of the operating requirement(s)listed in Table 2 to this subpart for the process unit over the performance test during which emissions did not exceed the compliance option value. (6)Reconstituted wood Compliance options in You submit the results of capture efficiency product press at a new or Tables lA and 1B to this verification using the methods in Table 4 to this existing affected source, or subpart or the emissions subpart with your Notification of Compliance Status. reconstituted wood product averaging compliance board cooler at a new option in §63.2240(c) affected source