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i _ PAT MCCRORY Governor KCDONALD R. VAN DER VAART Sec'relary Air Quality SHEILA C. HOLMAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Dlrea r 9 August 2016 Ellis McGaughy Plant Manager ChemoursCompany—Fayetteville Works 22828 NC Highway 87 West Fayetteville,NC 28306 SUBJECT: Excess Emissions/Malfunction Determination Methylene Chloride Release on 28 July 2016 ChemoursCompany—Fayetteville Works, Air Permit No. 03735T41 Fayetteville,North Carolina, Bladen 06/0900009 Fee Class: Title V Dear Mr. McGaughy: This office received your 3 August 2016 email and letter to the N.C. State Emergency Response Commission dated I August 2016 regarding the events of 28 July 2016 at your facility in Bladen County, North Carolina. Your claim that unavoidable equipment failure led to the excess emission event has been reviewed. Based on the information you submitted,this office has determined that the excess emissions event reported will be considered by this Division a malfunction as defined in 15A NCAC 2D .0535(a)(2). Note that this excess emission must be reported as an exceedance of the applicable toxic air pollutant emission limits on your quarterly report required under permit Specific Limitation and Condition of your current air permit. This office appreciates your attention to this environmental concern. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Greg Reeves,Environmental Engineer, or me at(910)433-3300. 'n erely Steven F. Vozzo Regional Air Quality Supervisor \gwr cc: Sheila Holman, Director(via email) FRO Files State of North Carolina I Envirauunental Quality I Air Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 1 225 Green Street,Suite 714 I Fayetteville,NC 28301 910 433 3300 T 1 910 485 7467 F Date: Ob o zc/� NC DAQ Excess Emissions Form Based on the information that the facility submits, the Division will determine if a malfunction has occurred. This reporting requirement does not.allow the operation of the facility in excess of Environmental Management Commission Regulations. Continuing to operate the facility in this manner is at the facility's own risk. As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0535, "Excess Emissions Reporting and Malfunctions"(f), "The owner or operator of a j source of excess emissions which last for more than four hours and which results from a malfunction, a breakdown of process or control equipment or any other abnormal conditions,shall: (1)notify the director or his designee of any such occurrence by 9am of the next business day of becoming aware of the occurrence." { Complete this Information {I (A) Name and location of the facility: CW&WOOlff 62yA,4NX Fq ?JE(/eLLe kyzAc,�' 006KO/r (13) Equipment involved and the nature and cause of the excess emissions/malfunction/deviation: FAIL-LO&49C 41 tcW7V,6/.,u6 eoq-l�u 2/UE 64u56lQ 7'ke K6cK45e OF-AQf2©X�Tr-GIV ByL �s bF ���u/co2o u� nx (M677-lVie ur�Hco�ri�� Du�l2 �l��iZ oy nc APP11O,YLMAncL y 2 vfS (C) The time/date the event was first observed: Og—,Vz/jx'm O%LyO,L-vi6 (D) The expected duration: Z f-lOUR.0 (E) An estimated rate of emissions (if known): By 1-6 S p/-"01611t aRa�u�THnN� (F) A written report is required to be submitted to the Regional Supervisor. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2D .0535(f)(3)the report is to include the following information: (1) name and location of the facility, (2) identification or description of the processes and control devices involved in the malfunction or breakdown, (3) the cause and nature of the event, (4) time and duration of the violation or the expected duration of the excess emission if the malfunction or breakdown has not been fixed, (5) estimated quantity of pollutant emitted, (6) steps taken to control the emissions and to prevent recurrences and if the malfunction or breakdown has not been - fixed,steps planned to be taken,and (7) any other pertinent information requested by the director. Version 1.2-612 0116 i For DAO use: Name of Notifier: 7/fG ,DA/ Telephone Number: Received by: a e,E4 g&EU 5 F/ZU Date/Time Received: Comments: Follow-up Written Notification Received: ®910 r"Ag/e Ulna 4N,41L and reviewed by: e X< 4; ,RC—e4lC5 1i=120 Comments: Ae;W56 eAUS4W ,Bl/ .fuRt&,e ©/-- COM6k AIAA JG Ltd /NS I_A77O 41VI.) lJoT C45(Gt OASe461'L`A role' 4141,0't WC/ - 0u-P_06c,5 Final review by Supervisor: Date : •`3-��.a Decision: Malfunction approved for these circumstances: ✓ Yes No Comments : LENci.g d Y 't-/cihuc cc: Regional Facility File IBEAM i