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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0900063_20160620_CMPL_RFI PAT MCCRORY u Gor mor l "a DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary j AirQuafity µ SHEILA C. HOLMAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 20 June 2016 Mr. Houston Brisson, Jr., President/CEO Peanut Processors Inc., 7329 Albert Street Dublin,NC 28332-0160 Subjects: Request for Additional Information—Facility Contact and Production Throughputs Peanut Processors Plant 1 Peanut Processors Plant 2 Air Permit No. 08005/R09 Air Permit No. 07877R04 Dublin,NC, Bladen County Dublin,NC, Bladen County 06/09-00063 06/09-00062 Fee Class: Small Fee Class: Small Dear Mr. Brisson: On 10 June 2016, Pam Vivian, with the NC Division of Air Quality, Fayetteville Regional Office, conducted compliance inspections of your facilities, Peanut Processors Inc. —Plant 1 and Peanut Processors Inc. Plant 2 (Salt), in Dublin, Bladen County,North Carolina. Ms. Vivian met with Brian Tart, Administrative Accounts Payable, for the compliance inspection of both these facilities. During this inspection, Ms. Vivian learned that facility contact, Daniel Peterson, Manager of Technical Services was no longer with your company and a replacement had not been appointed as the facility contact. Please provide this office with the name and contact information for the person that will assume the role of facility contact for air quality compliance inspections at each of these facilities. Mr. Tart was not able to provide the 2015 and 2016 product throughputs or the amount of natural gas combusted in 2015 and 2016 for each plant during the inspection. Please provide this information for each facility. Mr. Tart was able to provide the air permits for both facilities as well as the log books for each plant's air emission control devices. The last recorded date of inspection/maintenance for any device was 24 December 2015. The permit requires periodic inspection and maintenance to be performed and recorded, with a minimum of an annual inspection. While it appears you have fulfilled the minimum requirement it should be noted that, historically, your facility personnel performed and recorded more regular and routine inspections on these devices. We encourage you to continue with this practice in the future. Please submit a written response to this office by 6 July 2016, including the quantity of peanuts processed in 2015 and in 2016 for each plant, the natural gas combusted during these same time periods for each plant, and the new facility contact information. State of Nortlr Carolina I Enviromnental Quality I Air Quality Fayetteville Regional Office 1225 Green Street,Suite 714 1 Fayetteville,NC 28301 910 433 3300 T 1 910 485 7467 F Peanut Processors,Inc. Page 2 1 We appreciate your immediate attention to this environmental concern. If you have any questions, please call Pam Vivian, Environmental Specialist, or Heather Carter, Compliance Coordinator, at(910) 433-3300. ince ely, �� Steven F. Vozzo Regional Air Quality Supervisor NCDEQ, Division of Air Quality SFV/pcv cc: FRO Facility File