HomeMy WebLinkAboutAQ_F_0800044_20170816_ST_RvwMemo (4) DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY August 16,2017 MEMORANDUM To: Robert Fisher,Washington Regional Office From: Brent W.Hall,Stationary Source Compliance Branch(SSCB)&ll- Subject: Avoca,Inc. Facility ID 0800044,Air Permit No.01819T47 Merry Hill,Bertie County,North Carolina HAP Compliance Testing for ES-4000-WW Operations,DAQ Tracking No.2017-116ST Performed by Air-Tech Environmental June 6,2017 Air-Tech Environmental(Air-Tech)performed EPA Method 18 to determine organic HAP emissions from Sclareolide operations,ID No.ES-4000-WW(SDE-2). The test was the initial hazardous air pollutant(HAP) compliance test for the Sclareolide operations. The test results demonstrate compliance with the applicable regulations at the test conditions discussed below. SDE-2 includes one chilled water condenser(ID No. CD-4002)in series with a mineral oil scrubber(ID No. CD-4003-S)controlling emissions from the following: • One 17,900 gallon virgin solvent tank(ID No.T-4001); • Two 6,000 gallon process tanks(ID Nos.T-4017 and T-4018); • Three 4,200 gallon reactors with process condensers(EX-4001)(ID No.R-4004),(EX-4002)(ID No.R- 4005),and(EX-4003)(ID No.R-4044); • One 1,500 gallon reactor(ID No.R-4015);and • One centrifuge(ID No.C-4001) 40 CFR 63 Subpart FFFF National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants:Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing applies. In accordance with Table 2 of 63 Subpart FFFF, Section 2.2.C.q of the permit states"the Permittee shall reduce collective uncontrolled organic HAP emissions from the sum of all vents within SDE-2 operations by>95 percent by weight by venting emissions from a sufficient number of the vents through one or more closed-vent systems to the chilled water condenser(ID No.CD-4002)in series with the mineral oil scrubber (ID No.CD-4003-S)." EPA Method 18 was performed at the inlet and outlet of the scrubber. The removal efficiency results from the SDE-2 process are summarized in the table below. Pollutant Average Removal Removal Efficiency Regulation Compliance Efficiency Limit Hexane 98.9% >95% 63 Subpart FFFF Yes Air-Tech measured hexane at the inlet and outlet of the scrubber.Due to sampling location issues,it was not possible to perform EPA Method 2 flow measurements. Air-Tech attempted to use methane spiking for flow measurements,but was unsuccessful. Therefore,removal efficiency is based on concentration values. Since Air- Tech did not obtain valid flow measurements,the hexane mass emission results are not acceptable. Avoca,Inc proposed alternative monitoring of various process parameters to establish optimal operation of the process. The subsequent DAQ approval of alternative monitoring established a maximum temperature of 105°F for the air entering the absorber. It should be noted that the average temperature for the air entering the absorber during testing was 78.22'F. The SDE-2 HAP emissions control efficiency demonstrate compliance with the applicable regulations at the tested conditions. If there are any questions regarding this review,please contact me at (919)707-8427 or Brent.Hall@ncdenr.gov. cc: Central Files,Beaufort County IBEAM Documents-0700071