HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Upland Erosion Control, Revegation, & Maintenance Plan_20130513UPLAND EROSION CONTROL, REVEGETATION, AND FEDI-RAI ENYt4(��' Ri'('.11l.Af()RS- COMMISSION Onii(.F, or E,�mzm- Pwji�ns TABLE OF CONTENTS L 4emucmmarv—.--................ 11. SUPERVISION AND %worocvu0w.... ---...... ---'3 a.emv/nowmovnu/wopacnow---.................. .......... 3 n�msvows/munzsoFcmvuxOmwswTaLINSPECTORS —o ULPxmcomnromc-riowPLANNING ........................ --.7 A' cowazaucoumWORK AREAS ....... —....... ---'7 u. oxawnmamummcxnowxvnnaua------'. 7 GGn«owoousxwcm`1,--...... —....... -----�8 V.ROAD cnmm/wCcAND ACCESS pv/wm...... ----'8 F.. DISPOSAL rL°ww/mc_--....................... --�� F. A(.."Fm(-'Yc0000wxrmw...... ---- ........ ...... —'9 G.mmcc,xuvamnowAND RESPONSE pnoco)uns _'10 H. Ris/ouwnm-cowaraucoow................ ...... /n /. vmmIEncowsnum/uw,uxNS--_............ n) IV, |mxrmUm/ow......... ... ............. ....... —......... _'D A. APPROVED AREAS opDIS unaxmcu----'........... u �/cm»ouauGxcoxoow................................... .......... l3 cDRAIN uus... ----... —.... .... —_-----'--_�n D�mmomION ................................. 15 � ROAD CROSSINGS AND ACCESS axwc _—__---o �rs,,,Im»n^crcnosmmcownnoI,---........ —........ Is /. Teinporary Slope aenkcn----——_—-- m z. Hugs ....... —......................... 17 y. xpmmeoaorriers----------------- 'r 4. Mulch ... ... --............ ----_...... .... ..... m V, ....... --................... 20 ^` CLEANUP. .... -......................................................... 2u B. pexm^memz EROSION CON nuOLDEVICES .................. zz ITreochBreakers ............ .............................................. zx 2,peonau=axSlope Breakers .... ... ... ......... --.... zz c.SOIL cmum/T/omwrr�^nmw...... —... ........ ........ a* uxncveGsrmION ............ ....... —...................... ... --z4 /.G"u*ral......................... ........... --_'_--.... z4 zsail Additives ... ----..... --- ... —...... ------'zs V1. OPF-RC)ADVEIIICI.ECONTROI-..,,.....,.....,.................27 VIL POSI -CONS MUG110N A(TIVRIEs Am) REPOKUNG _27 A.,�,io,\IIORING AND MAJNTENANCI .......... ___ ........... 27 B. ...................................... ­­­ ....... - ... �29 UPLAND Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan 1. Ai)PUCABILITY A. rhe intent Of this Plan i� to assist F)FOiM sponsors by identifying baseline mitigation rneaSUres for minirnizing erosion and enhancing revegetation. Project sponsors shall specify it) their applications for a new FERC authorization and in prior notice and advancc notice filings, arry individual measures in this Plan they consider uflurccLssaly' technically infeasible, or unsuitable clue to local conditions and fLIHV describe any alternaTive mcasures they woidd use. Project sponsors shall also explain how those alternative measures would achieve a comparable level of mitigation. Once a project is authorized, pro�ect sponsors can teqLICS( further changes as variances tot lie measures in t his Plan (or the applicant's approved plan).The Director ofthe Office of Energy Projects (Director) will consider approval OfVariallCeS UpC)II tile PrOjeCt SpOnSOF'S Written request, if the Director akFees that a vaTiance: L provides equal or better environniental protection, 2. is necessary because a portion ofthis Plan is infeasible (it unworkable based on prorect-specific conditions; or 3 is specifically Fequited in writing by another federal� AaW� OF Native American land niariagement agency for the portion ofthe project on its land or under its jurisdiction. NIAY 2013 VERSrON Sponsois, o1projects planned for consiruction under the automatic authoriza[ion provisions in the FERC,',"' regulations Inust receivc written approval ftm. any varianccN in advince of constrLICIiCul. Projcu-relaled irripacts on wetland and waterbody systemsme addressed in ihe staffs Wetland and Waterbody Consiruction and Mitigation Procedures (Procedures). UPLAND Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan 11, SUPERVISlON AND INSpl�CRON ..................... .... ... . .... . , I A. ENVIRONMENTAL INSPEcriON I . At least one Environmental Inspector is required for each construction spread during construction and restoration (as defined by section V). ']"be TILMIL)Cr aud experience of Environrmmaf hispectoi s assigned to eich construction spread shall be appropriate for the length of the construction spread and the rulrnber/significam:c of resources affected. 2, Environmental Inspectors shall have Peer status With all other activity inspectors� 3� Environmental Inspectors shall have the authority to stop activities that violate the environmental conditions offfie FERC's Orders, stipulations of other environmental permits or approvals, or landowner easement agreements; and to order appropriate corlective action. B. RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTORS At a MiniHILIT-11, the Environmental hispector(s) shall be responsible for: 1. Inspecting construction activities for compliance with I he requirements oft his Plau, the procedures, the environmental conditions (if the FERC's Orders, the mitigation measures proposed by the proj��:ct MAY 2013 VERSION sponsor (as approved and/or modified by the Order), other environmental pennits and approvals, and environmental reqUirernents in landowner easernent agreentents. 2, Identifying, CIOCUMM ling, and overseein coFF ctive. e actions, as necessary Lo bring in activity back into compliance; .3. Verifying Him the ]units ofauthorized construction work areas and k.)caliorrs of access, roads are visibly marRed before clearing, and maintained throughout Conmruction; 4� Verifying the location of signs and highly visible flagging marking the boundaries of sensuive resource areas, waterbodies, wetlands, or areas with special requirements along the CODSULIC6011 vvork area; 5. Idernif" ' vingerosion/sedimern control and scul stabilization needs in all area,,; 6 Frisuring that the desipi of slope breakers will not cause erosion or direct water into sensitive enviroruncri[al resOLIrce areas, including cultural resource sues, vvetlands, %vaterbodies, and sensitive species habitats, Verifying I hat dewatering activities are properly monitored and do not result in the deposition of sand, silt, and/or sediment into sensitive environruernal resource areas, in.ClUding wedands, waterbodie.s, cultural 1-CSOLIFCe SrIeS, and sensitive specics habitats; stopping UPLAND Fiosion Comic)], Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan dewatering activities if such deposition is occurring and ensuring the design ofilte discharge is changed to prevent reoccurrence; and verifying that dewatering strUCtUrCS are removed alter completion ot'dowmering activities; S. ETISLIFing that subsoil and topsod ate tested in agricultUral and residential area% to measure compaction and determine the need (or corrective action; 9. Advising the Chiel'ConstrUCtiOn Inspector WFICII environmental conditions (such as wei weather or frozen soils) rnake it advisable to restrict or delay cortstruction activities to avoid topsoil mixing (it excessive Compaction; 10. EoSUTHI,� 1eSt0Yan0H ol-contours and topsorl; 11. Vefifying tha� the soils imported for agriculuiral or residential rise are certified as free of noxious weeds and soil pests, unless otherwise approved by the landowner, 12. Ensuring that erosion control devices are proper])! installed TO prevent sediment flow into sensitive environmental resource areas (e.g., wetlands, walerbodies, CUItUral IeSOLUCC. sites, and sensitive species, habitats) and onto roads, and determining the need for additional erosion control devices; 13. Inspecting and ensming the maintenance ol ternporliv erosion control nreasures at least: a on a daily basis in areas of active corrstrUCIiOrl Of P14AY 20 f 1 VERSION eqUipmenT operation; b� on a weekly basis in areaswidi no construction or equiprilent Operation; and c. within 24 houn, ofeach 0.5 mch of rainfall; 14 Ensuring the repair ofall ineff , ective temporary erosion COIIII-01 MCaSi-irc,,; w4hin 24 h(AIrS Of idellfifiLatjOn, OF as soon as conditions allow ifcornpliance with this firile frarne would iesult in greater ctivironnicnial irnpacts; 19. Keeping records of compharice with the environmental condnions of the FERC's Orders, and the mitigation measures proposed by the project sponsor in the application submitted to the and other federal OF state envifonmemal permits during active construclion and restoration, 16. Idernifyingareas that should be given special auention to enSUre stabilization and restoration after the construction phase, and 17. Verifying that locations for any disposal of excess constrUCUCYI materials for bencircial reuw comply with section 1ILL UPLAN't) Frosion (":oritrol, Revegetation, and Maintenance plan 111. PRECONSTRUcriON PIANNING The pro�ect sponsor shall do the. I-ollo-wing before construction: A. CONSTRUCTION WORK AREAS 1. Idernit, v all construction work areas (e.g., construction right-of-way, extra work spaceareas, pipe storage and contractor yards, borrow and disposal areas, access roads) that would be needed for safe. construction. The project sponsor rnust ensure that appropriate CUltUral ECSOUICCS and biological surveys are conducted, Lis determined necessary by khe appropriate federal and state agencies. 2. Pioject sponsors are encouraged to consider expanding any required cultutal iusources and endangered spe(ies surveys in anticipation of the need I -or activities outside of' aUthorized work areas. 3. plan construction sequencing to limit the anIOUnt and dUration of open trench sections, as necessary, to prevent excessive erosion orsechment flow into sensitive envii0nmental resource areas. B. DRAIN TILE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 1. Attempt In locate existing drain liles and in igation 2. Contact Imidowners arid local soil conservation 6 MAY -2oi 3 VrRSI()N 7 authorities to cleierinine the locations of fitture drain tiles that are likely to be installed within 3 ycais of the, authorized coils if uc tion. 3. 1)CVC10p I)MCOdUR'S for constructing through drain -tiled areas, maintaining irrigation systems during construciion, and iepairing chain tiles and irrigation systerns after construction. 4. Ungage qualified drain tile specialists, as needed io conduct or monitor repairs to drain tile systerris affected by construction. Use drain tile specialists from the project are�i, if available, C. GRAZING DEFERMENT 1)e,velop grazing deferment plans with willing landowners, giazing pert-nitices, arid land management agencies to minimize grazing disturbance ol revegetation efforts. D. ROAD CROSSINGS AND ACCESS POINTS Nan lot safe and accessible, conditions Lit all roadway crossings and access points during cons1ruction arid re'�Iolatjolr. E. DISPOSAL PLANNING Detcrniine inethods and locations Jor the regular collection, containment, and disposal ofexcess corisnuction materials and debris (e.g., tirnber, slash, mats, garbage, chill cuttings and fluids, excess rock) lh.r0Ugl1C)Ut the construction process L)jsposal of materials for beneficial reuse inust riot result in advcrse crivironmeniai hripact arid is subject to UPLAND Frosion Conlrol, Revegetation, and.Mainteriance Plan compliance with all applicable survey, landowner or ]arid inanagement agencyapprovat, and permit requirernerws� F. AGENCY COORDINATION The project sponsor must coordinate with the appropriate local, state, and federal agCndeS aS outlined in this Plar) Zlnd/Of TCqUired by the FERC's Orders. I . Obtain written recommendations from the local soil conservalion authorities or land rrianagerrient agencies regarding permanent erosion control and reveget ition specifications. 2. DeVC10P specific PYOCCCIUrcs in coordination with tire appropriate agencies to prevent the introduction or spread of invasive species, noxious weeds, and soil pests resulting from constrUCtiOrl arid restoration activities. 3. Develop specific procedure,-, irr coordination with the appropriate agencies and landowners, as necessary, to allow for livestock and wildlife movernent arid protection during construction. 4� l)evelop specific blasting procedures in coordinatior) with the appropriate agencies that address pre- and posi-blast inspec6ons; advanced public notification; arid inifigation incasur" for bUildingIbLinclatiOnS, groundwater wells, arid springs. Use appropriate methods (e.g., blaming rnars) to fifevent darnage to neat by structures and to prevent debris front entering sei-isitive eriviromnerital resource areas. �mAY 2013 VFRSION G- SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES The project sponsor shall develop pioiect-spechic Spill prevenlion and Response 11rocedures, as specifierl it, section IV of the staff's Procedures. A copy must be filed witi) the Secretary ofthe FERC (Secretary) prior to constrUCtiOl-I and made available in the field On e- , ach COIISIRIC6011 spread. The filing requirement does not apply to projects constructed under the autornalic authorization provislons in the FEIRC's regulafions. FLRESIDENTIAL CONSTRucTiON Fot all properties with residences located within 50 feet of consirriction work areas, project sponsors shall: a -void removal Of MaIMC trees and landscaping within the construction work area unless necessary fors'afe operation of construction equipment, or as specified in landowner agreements; I-ence the edge of the construction work area for a distance of' 100 feel on either side of the residence; arid restore all lawn areas and landscaping immediately following clean tip operations, or asspecified in landowner agreernents. If'seasonal or other weather conditions, prevem COulpfiaTICC Will] these tiru(` trames, maintain and monitor teMp0Taly eFOSiOD Controls (sediment barriers and Mulch) until conditions allow completion of'restoration, lfconstruction is planned to occur during wintcr weather conditions, project sponsors shall develop and file a piojecl- specific winter construction plait with the FERC, application. UPLAND Erosion Control, Revegetation, arid Ntainteriance plan '['his filing requirement does notapply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization proVisi(-.)ns of the FF"R("S regulations. fhe plan shalladdress: 1. winter constructiort piocedUICS(c.g., snow handling and ren-lo-val, access road consticiction arid mai n tetra rice, soil handling under SaILITated or frozen conditions, topsoil si.ripping); 2. stabilization and monitoring procedures if'ground conditions will delay restoration until the following spring (e.g., mulching and erosion controls, inspection and reporting, storrilwater control during spring thaw conditions); and 3. final restoration procedures (e.g., subsidence arid compaction repair, topsoil replacement, seeding). IV. INSTALLA71710N A, APPROVED AREAS OF DISTURBANCE Project-relaced ground disturbance shall be limited to the consta uction right-of-way, extra workspace areas, pipe storage ya[ds, boFrow arid disposal areas, access roads, and other areas approved in the FERC's Orders. Any project -related ground disturbing activities outside th"e areas will require prior L)irector approval. This, requirement does not apply to activities needed to 10 MA V2 013 VERSION comply wit It the Plan and ProcedUreS (i.e.� Slope breakers, eriergy-diliSipating deViCeS, dewatcring styuctures, drairi tile system wpairs) or rninor field realigninents and woi kspace shifts per landowner needs and requirements that do not afficci other landowners or sensitive environmenial FC80LUCe areas, All construction or rcstoration activities outside of authorized areas art, subiect to all applicable survey and permit requirements, and landorvner easemei it agreements. 2. Theconstruction righr-cn`--waywidih lora project shall not exceed 75 feet or that described in ifte. FFIRC application unless otherwise modified by a FERC Order. I lowevei. in limi(ed, non -wetland areas, this construction right-of-way widih may be expanded b�' LIP to 2� fcet without Director approval to accommodate fUll COnStrUCtion right-of-way topsad segregation and to ensure safe construction where topographic conditions side -slopes) or soil limitations require ii. Twent� five feet of extra construction righ�-oflway width may also be used in firnited, non -wetland or non -forested areas for iruck tUrn-arounds where no reasonable alternative access exists. PCOjeCL use Of thCSC. additional lu-nited areas is subject to landowner or land management agency approval and compliance wkh all applicable survey and permit requiiements. When additional areas are used, each one shall be identified and die need explained in the weeldy oi biweekly construction reports to the Fl,RC, if required. I lie following inmerial M -tall be included in the reports: 12 U N �AN 1) Erosion Control, Revegetatiort, and Plan a� the location of each additional atea bv station riumber and reference to previously filed aligninent sheets, or Updaied alignment sheets showing the additional arca,,� b� identification of the filing at FERC, containing evidence that the additional areas were previously surveyed; and c. a statement that landowner approvalhas been oblained and is available in project files. Prior written approval ofthe DireCtOF is required When the ilUthorized construction right -of way width would be expanded by more than 25 feet. & TOPSOIL SEGREGATION 1. Unless the lancicrwnei- or land management agency specifically approves otherwise, prevent the rnixing (if topsoil with subsoil by stripping topsoil frorn either the full work area or from the trench and subsoil storage area (ditch plus spoil side method) in: a. cultivated or rotated croplands, and nianaged pastures; b. residential areas; c. hayfields; and d. other areas at the landowner's or land Managing agency's iQquest. 2, In residential areas, irnportation of topsoil is an accepiable alternative to topsoil segregation. NUY 2011 VERSION 13 UPLAND Erosion Control, Revegetation, arid Maintenance Plan 3. Where LOpSOfl segregation is required, the project and repairs. sponsor rnusl: 4� Vot new pipelines in areas where drain tiles exist or are ,a. segregate al least 12 inches of topsoil it) deep soils planned, ensure 1hat the depth ofcover over the pipeline (inore than 12 inches oflopsoil); qnd is sufficient to avoid interference with drain tile wsterns. 'install b. rnahe every effi,)rt to segregate the ernire topsoil laver For adjacent pipeline loops in agricultural aieas, in soils with less (bar) 12 inches oftopsoil- the new pipeline with at least the saine depth of cover as the existing pipelinu(s), 4� Maintain separation ofsalvaged topsoil and Subsoil throughout all consti Liction activities. D. IRRIGATION 5 Segregated topsoil may not be Used for [.)adding the pipe, Maintain water flow in crop urigation systems, unless constructing temporary slope breakers or trench plugs, shUtOffiS coordinated with affected parties� improving or maintaining roads, (it as a fill material E� ROAD CROSSINGS AND ACCESS POINTS 0. Stabilize topsoil piles and rriinirni7e loss dUe to wind 1. Maintain safe arid accessible conditions at all road arid water erosion with use (if sediment barriers, mulch, crossirig8 and access poinis during construction. temporary seeding, tackifiers, or functional equivalents, 1 11'crushed stone acc"s padsare used in residential or where necessary agricultural areas, place the stone ()it minthetic fabric to C. DRAIN TILES facilitate removal. 1. Mark locations ofdrain Liles darnaged during 3. Minimize the use of tracked equipment on public COnStRiCtiOn. roadways. Remove any soil or gravel spilled or tracked 2� Probe all drainage tile systems within the area of onto roadwa ys daily or more freqW.111 as necessary to 'condifions. disturbance to check for darriage. ri-ramrain safe road Repair any damages to roadway surfaces, shoulders, and bar ditches. 3. Repair dainaged drain tiles to their original or better condition. Do not use filter -covered drain tiles F. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL unless the local soil conservacion authorities and tire Install temporary ciosion tontrols immediately after initial landowner agree. Use qualified specialists for testing disturbanceofffie soil. l(�ti-ipot-aryci-osioiic(intrt)lsri-iusi be propedy maintained throUghOUT construction (on a daily bask) and reinstalled as necessaky (such as aftet 14 MAY 2013 VERSION 15 LIPIAND Frosion Control, Revegetation, and I'viaintenarice Plan baCkfillhl-� Of the trenCh) U11til replaced by permanern "IernporaryTtench PlUgS ciosion controls or restoration is complete, Ictriporary trench PlUgS are intended to segment a 1, Temporary Slope Breakers continuous open trench prior to backfill. a. Terriporary slope bre�akers are intendcd to reduce a. Temporary trench PlUgs may consist Of Unexcavawd runoff velocity and divert water offthe construction portions ol the trench, compacted SLILMOil, sandbags, right-of-way. Temporary slope breakers may be or some functional equivalent. constructed of materials such as soil, silt fence� staked hay or straw bales, oi sand bags. b� Position temporaFV Trench PILW , -,is rICCeI;skIrV TO 0's I'CCILICC LrenChline erosion and mininlize die voturne h. Install ternporary slope breakers on all disturbed and velocjiv of trench water flow at tN base of areas, as necessary TO avoid excessive erosion. slopes. Temporary slope breakers DILIst be installed on slopes greater than !3 percent where the base ofthe 0 3, Sediment Barriers slope is ILSS 111111 50 feet from waterbody, wetiand, Sedirrimu barriers are intended to stop the flow of and road crossings at (fie following spacing (closer sedinients and to prevent the deposition of siediments spacing shall be used if necessary): beyond approved workspaces Or into sensitive resources. slope Spacing (feet) a. Sediment barriers may be constructed of'Knaterials 5 - 15 300 such as silt fence, staked bay or straw bales, >15 - 30 200 corripacted earth (e.g., driveable berrns across >30 100 travelways), sand bags, or Other appropriate materials. c Direct the outfall ofeach temporary slope breaker h. to a stable, well vegetated area OF construct art Af a Triinimurn, install and maintain temporary energy dissipating device at the end of the slope sediment barriers across The entire construction breahef aiid offthe constr-L[CtiOrl righl-of-way. right-of-way at the base of'slopes greater than 5 percent where The base oft lie slope is less than 50 d. Position the OUtfilll ofeacb Temporary slope breaker feet from a \vaterbody, wettand, (it road crossing to prevent seehrueDL discharge into wetlands, until revegetation is successful as defined in this waterbodies, or (Aber sensitive environmental Plan. Leave -,WC(�]Uare rO0IYI betwem the base of the YeSOUrce areas. slope and the sediment barrier to accommodate 16 MAY 2U13 VERSION 17 pondink of water and sediment depOSILiOn. c. Where wetlands or warerbodies are adjacent to and downslope of consiruction workareas, iristall sediment barriers along the edge of these areas, as necessary to prevent sediment flow into the Weiland or waterbody. 4. Mulch a. Apply mulch on all slopes (except in cultivated cropland) concurrent with or immediatelv after seeding, where necessary to stabilize the soil surface and to reduce wind and water erosion, Spread Mulch uniformly over the area to cover at least 75 percent of the ground surface at a rarie o12 tons/acre of straw or its equivalent, unless the local soil conservation authority, landowner, or larld managing agency approve, otherwise in writing. b. Mulch call consist of weed -free straiv or hay, wood fiber hydrormilch, erosion control fabric, or scune functional equivalent, c. Mulch all disturbed upland �ireas (except cultivated ciopland) before secoling if,, ( 1) final grading and installation of'permarient erosion control Measures will not tv completed in ,in area within 20 daysafter the trench in that area is back, filled (10 days in residential areas), as required in section VA, 1; or U IT AN 1) Dosion Control, Revegem(ion, and Maintenance Plart (2) construction or restoration activity i's interrupted for extended petiods, such as when seeding cannot be completed due toseeding period restrictions. 0 d. If Mulching beforesceding, increase InUlch application on all slopes within IN feet of waterbodics and wetlands to a rate of 3 tons/acre of straw or equivalent. e. If wood chips are used as mulch, do riot use more than I Ton/acre and add [he equivalent of I I lbs/acre available nitrogen (at least 50 percent of which is slow release). f. Ensure that mulch. is adequately anchored to ounlin-liZe loss ClUe to wind and water. g� When anchoring with liquid n1LflCh binders, rise rates recommended bV the ManUfaCtUm. Du not use liquid mulch binders within 100 feet ol,wedarlds or waterhodies, except where the prodLACt is Certified environmentally non-toxic by the appropriate state or federal agency or independent standards -setting organization. h. Do nor use synthetic monofilarrient rnesh/uetLed erOSi011 COMMI Materials in areas designated as sensitive wildlife habitat, unle." the product is specifically designed to minunize harm to wildlife. Anchor erosion. control fabric with staples or other appropriate devices. MAY 20o, VERSION 19 V. R't:'sT'ciRvtf0N A. CLE.kNUP Continence cleanup operations immediately following backfill operations'. Complete final gtadin", topsoil replacernent, and installation or pernianent erosion Control SnUCRUCS Within 20 days after backfilling the uench ( 10 days in residential areas), if seasonal or other wcather conditions 1-,)revent compliance with these time franics, maintain Lernporary erosion controls (Le., temporary slope breakers, sediment barriers, and TnUlCh) U1161 Conditions allow completion of cleanup. It construclion or restoration unexpectedly cominues into the winter season when conditions could delay successful deconipaction, topsoil replacement, or seeding until the following spring, file with the Secretary f , or the ieview and written approval ofthe DneC101, a WIrItCr COrlStYUCtion plan (as specified in -his f section I 11. 0.1 iling requirement does riot apply to prqects constructed Under the aUt0rDdtiC aUthonization provisions ofthe FERC's FCgLIJ16011S. 2. A travel lane may be left open temponuily to allow access . by (onSULIC601) uaffic if (he temporary erosion control sirUCtUkCs are installed as specified in section W.F. arid h'ispected and maintained as specit-led in sections H.B.12 through 14, WI-ien access is no longer required the travel lane must be removed arid the right - of way restored. 20 UI'LAND Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Han 3. Rock (xcavated fiorn I lie trench may be used to backfill the trench only to the top of the existing bedrock profile. Rock that is riot reEurned to the french shall be considered construction debriS, Unless approved tot use as nuilch or fo[ some oilter rise on the consirUCtion worl, areas by the landowner or land rrianaging a ency. k_ 1 4. Remove excess rock from at least the top 12 inches of'soil in all cultivated or rotated cropland, rnanagcd pastures, hayfielcK and residential areas, as well as other areas at the landowner's request. The size, density, and distribution of rock or) the construction woi k area shall be similar to adjacent areas riot disturbed by construction. The landowner or land management agency may approve othei provisions in writing, 3. Crade the COnStTLIction right-of-way to restore pre- constrUCtiCon contents and leave the soil in the proper condition for plaming. 6. Remove construction debt is from all construction worR areas urtless tire landowner trr land managing agency approves leaving materials onsite for beneficial reuse, or habitat restoration. T Remove lempmary sediment barriers when replaced by permarient erosion control measures or when ivvegetation is SUCCeS'SfUl, B� PERMANENT EROSION CONTROLDEVICES L Trench Rreakels a. Trench breakers are intended (oslow il-w flow of MAY 2013 VERSION 21 IN subsurface waieralong the trench. irenchbreakers may be constructed of materials SUCh as sand bags Or POIVUlethane foam. DO ]lot use topsoil In t1CnCh breakers, b. An engincer or similarly qualified pinfessional shall de[ernnne the need for and spacing of trench bieakers. Otherwise, trench bieaker� shall tic installed at [fie sarne spacing as and upslope of' permanent slope breakers, C . In agdcultural fields and residential areas where slope breakers Lire not typically required, iw.aall tiench breakers at the sayne spacing as it permanent slope bieaker� were required. d. At a unninIUM, install a trench breaker ai the base of slopes greater than 5 percent where the base ofthe slope is less t.han 50 feet from a waterbody or wetland and wheic needed w avoid draining a Nvaterbody or wefland. I nstall trench breakers, at wefland boundaries, as specifted in tire. procedurcs. Do not install trench breakers within a wetland. Permanent Slope Breakers a. Permanent slope. breakers are intended to reduce runoff velocity, divert water off the construclion iikht-of'-way, and prevear sediment deposifion mto sensitive resources. Perfrianent slope breaker's may be constructed of materials such as soil, stone, orsoine functional equivalent. U IT AN D Erosion Control, Revege�ation, and Maintenance Plan b. Construct and maintain permanent slope bieakcrs in all areas, except cultivated areas and lawns, UnIC.SS l-equesied by the landowner, usingspacing recornmendations obtained from the local soil conservation authority or land managing agency. In the absence ofwritten recornmenclatiOnS, use the following spacing unless ctosei spacing is necessary to avoid excessive erosion oil the construction righL-of wav: Slope Spaculk (feet) 5 - 15 300 >15 30 200 >30 1,00 c. Construct slope breakers to divert surLicc flow to LA stable area without causing water to pool or erode behind the breaker In the absence of a stable area, construct appropriate energy -dissipating devices, at the end of the breaker. d. Slope breakers may extend slightly (about 4 feet) beyond the edge of the construction right-of-way to effectively drain writer off1he disturbed area. Where slope breakers extend beyond the edge of the construction right-of-way, they are subject io cornpliance with all applicable survey requirenlents. MAV 2011 VERSION 23 C. SOIL COMPACHON MITIGATION 'rest topsoil and SLII-)%Oil for cornpaction at regular imervals in agricultural and residential areas disturbed by C0nqtrU0i011 activities. Conduct tests (In ill( - same soil type under simiJai moisturc, conditions in UOdiStUlbed arcas to approximate preconstruction conditions. Ilse penetrome�ers oi other approprime devices to conduct tests, 2. NOW SeVefelV COMPaCtCd agricultural areas wid'i a paraplow or other deep tillage implement, it) areas where topsoil has been segregated, plow the subsoil before repkIcing the segregated topsoil - If SUbSequem construction and cleanup activities result In Cffthff compaction, conduct additional tilling. 3. Perform appropriate soil con)paction mitigation in ,w.verely compacted residential areas. D. REVEGETATION I Cencral a. The proiect spcnisor is responsible for ensuring Successful ruvegctafion of Soils disturbed by project - related activities, except as noted in section VD. I.b. b. Restore all turl, orriamernal Shrubs, andspecialized landscaping in accordance with the landownei's, request, or compensate the lando-wrm,'r. Restoration work must be performed by personnel fainihar with local hoi ticultural and Luit establishment praclices, UPLAND Frosion C."onn-ol, RevegetaLion, and Maintenance Plan 2. Soil Additives FCF1iIj/C and add soil pIA modifiers in accordance with written recommendations obtained front the local soil conservation aUthOriLy. land nianagernent agencies, or landowner. Incorporate reconurtended soil pH niodifici and fertilizer into the top 2 inches ofsoil as soon is practicable after application, 3. Seeding Requirements a, Prepare a seedbed in disturbed areas to a depth of 3 to 4 inches rising appropriate, equipment to provide ,I firm seedbed. When hydroseeding, scarify the seedbed to facilitaw lodgink, and germination of seed b� Seed disturbed areas in accordance with wriaeu recommendations for seed mixes, rates, and dates Obtained from the local soil conservation authority or the request of'the landowner or land management agency. Seeding is not requijed in cultivated croplands unlesis requested by the landowner c� Perform seeding of permanent vegetation within the recon-imended seecting dates. If seeding cannot be done within those dates, use appropriate temporary erosion control measures discussed in section IVF and perform seeding of pern-nment vegetation at the beginning of the next recommended seeding scason. Dormantseeding or temporary seeding of-arinual species may also be used, ffnecessary, to establish cover, as approved by the Environmental inspector. 24 NAAY 2013 VERSION 1 -1 1 1 25 U PLAN 1) Frosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan Lawns n1av be seeded on a schedule emablished with V1. OFF-ROAD VEHICLE CONTROL the landowner. d. In the absence okAritten recommendations fioni the local soil conservation authorities, seed all disinirbed Soils withia 0 working days offinal grading, weather and Soil conditions permitting, subject to the specifications in section V.D.1a through V,],),3,c. e. Base seeding rates on Pure Live Seed. Use seed wid-nn 12 manths of seed testing. C Treat legurne seed with an if)OCUIant specific to the species using tire manufacturer's recommended rate, of moculant appropFiate for tire seeding inctliod (broadcast, d[iH. or hydro). g. In the absence ofwritten recommenclations frorn the local soil conservation authorities, landowner, or land managing agency to the contrary, a seed drill equipped with a cultipacker is preferred for seed application. Broadcas(or hydroseeding crin be used in Berl of drilling at double tire recommended seeding rates. Where seed is broadcast, firm the seedbed with a cultipacker or roller after seeding. in rockssoits or where site conditions alay limit the effectiveness of this eqLlipMellt, other alternative% may be appropriate (e.g., use of a chain drag) to lighfly cover seed after application, as approved by the I'll vi You mental inspector. 'to each owner or manager of forested lands, offer to install and maintain measures to control unauthorized vehicle access to the 6ght-of-way. These measuies may include: A� Signs; B, iences with locking g�jre.s; C. Slash and timber barriers, pipe barriers, or a line of' boulders across the righl-of Yvav� and 1). Conifers or other appropriate trees or Shrubs across the right-of--Way� V1 L POST- CON s'rRUC-F1 ON AcrIVITILs AND Rr-,povnNC- A, N40NITORING AND MAIN,rENANCE L CondUCt f011OW-LIJ) inspections of all disturbed areas, Lis, necessary, to determine the success of. revegetation and address landowner concerns. A[ a minimunr, conduct inspections after the first and second growing seasons. 2. Revegetation in non-agricul ILI ral areas shall be considered successIul if upon visual survey tire density and cover of rion-nuisance vegetation are Shnflar in derrsity and cover lo adjacent undisturbed lands. In agricultUral areas, rcvegetatiori shall be considered 26 MAY 20T3 VERSION 27 SUCCCSSfUl Wheil upon visual survey, crop growth and vigor are similar to adjacent undistUrbCd portions of' the sanic field, unless the easement agreement specifies otherwise. Conlinkle IeWgetation eflorts unlil revegetoation is SUCUSSILIL 3. Monitor and correct problems with drainage and irrigaliori systems resulting from pipeline construction in agriQdWral areas Until reSloraLion is �UCCCSShll. Restoration shall be considered successful it the right -of Way surface condition is similar to adjacent undisturbed lancK construction debris is removed (unless otherwise approved by the landowner or land managing agency per section VA.6), revegetation is successful, and proper drainage has been restored. Routine vegctation mowing or clearing over the full width of the pci-manent right-of-way in upl�jn(ls shall not be done more fi-equently than every 3 years. HoweN er, to facilitate periodic corrosion/leak surveys, a corridor not exceeding 10 feet in width centered (111 the pipeline may be cleaiccl at a frequency necessai y to mailitain the 10 -foot corridor in an heibacerms state. In 110 Case Shall r0inine Vegetation rinowing or clearing Occur during the migratory bird nesting season between April 15 and August I ofany year unless specifically approved in writing by the t-esponsible land management agency or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Survicc. UPLAND Frosion Control, Rtvegetation. and Maintenance Plan 6. Efforts to Control Unauthorized off-road vehicle use, in cooperation with the lancimmer, shall continue throughOU1 tile. ljfL Of file protect. Na-Zifillah) Sa-nS, gates� and permanent access roads as necessary. B. REPORTING Yhe project sponsor shall maintain records that identify by milepost] a. mohod of application, application rate, and type of' fcrtihzer, pH modilying agcia, seed, and 11-MICh Used; b. acicage treated; c. dates ofbackfilling and seeding; d. narnes of landowners requesting special seeding treatment and a description of the folloov-up actions; e. the location ofany SUbsurface drainage repairs or improven-icrits ritacle during resioration� and f, any problem areas and how they were addiessed- 2. The project sponsor shall file with the Secretary qUarterly activity uports dOCUDIR11ting the r(! -Sults Of follow -kip inspections reqUired by section VII.A.1; any pioblem areas, including those identified by the landowner; and corrective actions taken for al least 2 years following construction. The reqUireflIClit to file ClUafterlV ac.livi[V reports with the Secictary (toes 1101 apply to projects constructed under the aufornafiC aUthorization, prioi notice, or advanced notice provisions in the FE RC.'S regULIJACHIS. MAY 201� VFRSION 29