HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary - New Hanover County_20150805TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Habitat Requirements Taxonomic Group Common Name Scientific Name State Federal C Federal Record Status Mabee's Salamander Ambystoma mabeei SR Historical shallow ephemeral wetlands, such as Carolina bays, vernal pools, and sinkholes Carolina Gopher Frog Lithobates capito T FSC Current breeds in temporary fish -free pools; forages in sandy woods, especially pine -oak sandhills Ornate Chorus Frog Pseudacris ornata SR Historical swamps, savannas, wooded ponds and pools Greater Siren Siren iacertina W3 Current lakes, ponds, and streams, especially where muddy or with weedy vegetation Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum W1,W5 Current pastures and other grasslands [breeding season only] Anhinga Anhinga anhinga W2 Current wooded lakes or ponds, or open swamps Cfor nesting) [breeding evidence only] Piping Plover Charadrius meiodus T T Current ocean beaches and island -end flats [breeding evidence only] Wilson's Plover Charadrius wiisonia SC Current beaches, island -end flats, estuarine islands [breeding evidence only] Common Ground -Dove Coiumbina passerina SR Historical dunes, sandy fields, margins of maritime woods and thickets [breeding season only] Little Blue Heron Egretta caeruiea SC Current forests or thickets on maritime islands, rarely in swamps or at pondsfc% [breeding sites only] Snowy Egret Egretta thuia SC Current forests or thickets on maritime islands, rarely in swamps ar at ponds [breeding sites only] Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor SC Current forests or thickets on maritime islands [breeding sites only] White Ibis Eudocimus a/bus W2 Current forests or thickets on maritime islands, rarely at ponds [breeding sites only] Common Gallinule Gailinuia gaieata W2 Current freshwater ponds and impoundments with much emergent vegetation [breeding season only] Gull -billed Tern Geiocheiidon niiotica T Current sand flats on maritime islands [breeding sites only] American Oystercatcher Haematopus paiiiatus SC Current estuaries, oyster beds, mudflats [breeding evidence only] Bald Eagle Haiiaeetus ieucocephaius T Current mature forests near large bodies of water Cfor nesting); lakes and sounds Cfor foraging) [nesting sites only] Worm -eating Warbler - Coastal Plain Popula Heimithems vermivorum pop. 1 W5 Current nonriverine wet hardwoods, pocosins [breeding season only] Black -necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus SR Current fresh or brackish ponds and impoundments [breeding sites only] Least Bittern 1—brychus exiiis SC Current fresh or brackish marshes [breeding season only] Loggerhead Shrike Lanius iudovicianus W2,SC Current fields and pastures [breeding season only] Black Rail Lateraiius jamaicensis SC FSC Current brackish marshes, rarely fresh marshes [breeding season only] Black -crowned Night -Heron Nycticorax nycticorax W1 Current maritime thickets or forests, almost always on small islands [nesting sites only] Eastern Painted Bunting Passerina ciris cins SC FSC Current maritime shrub thickets and forest edges [breeding season only] Brown Pelican Peiecanus occidentaiis SR Current maritime islands [breeding sites only] Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis E E Current mature open pine forests, mainly in longleaf pine [breeding evidence only] Glossy Ibis Piegadis faicineiius SC Current forests or thickets on maritime islands [breeding sites only] Pied -billed Grebe Podiiymbus podiceps W2 Current fresh to slightly brackish ponds and impoundments, usually with fringing vegetation [breeding season only] King Rail Raiius eiegans W1,W3 Current fresh to slightly brackish marshes [breeding season only] Black Skimmer Rynchops niger SC Current sand flats on maritime islands [breeding sites only] Common Tern Sterna hirundo SC Current sand flats on maritime islands [breeding sites only] Least Tern Sternuia antiiiarum SC Current beaches, sand flats, open dunes, gravel rooftops [breeding sites only] Sandwich Tern Thaiasseus sandvicensis W2,W5 Current sand flats on maritime islands [breeding sites only] Star -nosed Mole - Coastal Plain population Condyiura cristata pop. 1 SC Historical moist meadows, bogs, swamps, bottomlands [mountain population not of concern] Rafinesque's Big -eared Bat - Coastal Plain si Corynorhinus rafinesquit macrotis SC FSC Obscure roosts in hollow trees, old buildings, and beneath bridges, usually near water Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus W2 Current mid- to high elevations Cbreeding season only) .Nd. Northern Yellow Bat Lasiurus intermedius SC Current roosts in Spanish moss and other thick vegetation near water, often in longleaf pine habitats y Seminole Bat Lasiurus seminoius W2 Current forages over open areas, often over water Csummer) > Southeastern Myotis Myotis austroriparius SC FSC Current roosts in buildings, hollow trees; forages near water; mainly in Coastal Plain Northern Myotis Myotis septentrionaiis SR FSC, PE Current roosts in hollow trees and buildings Cwarmer months), in caves and mines Cwinter); mainly in the mountains Florida Eastern Woodrat Neotoma fiondana fioridana T Current forests, mainly in moist areas Eastern Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger W2 Current open forests, mainly longleaf pine/scrub oak West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus E E Current warm waters of estuaries and river mouths American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis T TCS/A) Current fresh to slightly brackish lakes, ponds, rivers, and marshes Loggerhead Seaturtle Caretta caretta T T Current nests on beaches; forages in ocean and sounds Scarletsnake Cemophora coccinea W1,W5 Current sandhills, sandy woods, and other dry woods Green Seaturtle Cheionia mydas T T Current nests on beaches; forages in ocean and sounds Spotted Turtle Ciemmys guttata W 1 FSC Current shallow water of pools, marshes, wet pastures and other smaller wetlands Eastern Diamond -backed Rattlesnake Crotaius adamanteus E FSC Historical pine flatwoods, savannas, pine -oak sandhills Timber Rattlesnake Crotaius horridus SC Current wetland forests in the Coastal Plain; rocky, upland forests elsewhere [NHP tracking only den/hibernacula sites and selected isolated populations] Chicken Turtle Deirocheiys reticuiaria SR Current quiet waters of ponds, ditches, and sluggish streams Leatherback Seaturtle Dermocheiys conacea E E Current oceans, rarely in sounds Southern Hog -nosed Snake Heterodon simus SC FSC Current sandy woods, particularly pine -oak sandhills Striped Mud Turtle Kinosternon baurn W3 Current various shallow wet places; ponds, pools, ditches Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeitis eiapsoides W1,W5 Current pine flatwoods, mesic pine -hardwood forests Kemp's Ridley Seaturtle Lepidocheiys kempii E E Current ocean and sounds Diamondback Terrapin Maiaciemys terrapin SC FSC, in part Current salt or brackish marshes, estuaries Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum SR Current dry and sandy woods, mainly in pine/oak sandhills Harlequin Coralsnake Micrurus fuivius E Current pine -oak sandhills, sandy flatwoods, maritime forests Mimic Glass Lizard Ophisaurus mimicus SC FSC Historical pine flatwoods, savannas, pine/oak sandhills Northern Pinesnake Pituophis meianoieucus meianoieucus SC FSC Current dry and sandy woods, mainly in pine/oak sandhills Glossy Crayfish Snake Regina rigida SR Historical marshes, cypress ponds, other wetlands Pine Woods Littersnake Rhadinaea fiaviiata W2 Current pine flatwoods and other damp woodlands Black Swampsnake Seminatrix pygaea SR Historical in lush vegetation of ponds, ditches, or sluggish streams Pigmy Rattlesnake Sistrurus miiianus SC Current pine flatwoods, pine/oak sandhills, other pine/oak forests Smooth Earthsnake Virginia vaieriae W2 Current deciduous or mixed woods, usually in mesic soils Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum E E Current brackish water of large rivers and estuaries; spawns in freshwater areas Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus SC E Current coastal waters, estuaries, large rivers Everglades Pygmy Sunfish Eiassoma evergiadei W3 Current southern Coastal Plain, mainly Waccamaw drainage Blackbanded Sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon SR Current many drainages, particularly Lumber and Waccamaw Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus obesus SR Current most Atlantic drainages Spotfin Killifish Funduius iuciae W2 Current ponds and pools along coast Least Killifish Heterandria formosa SC Current streams and lakes near Wilmington Spotted Sunfish Lepomis punctatus W2 Current most drainages in southern Coastal Plain Ironcc or Shiner Notropis chaiybaeus WS Current coastal plain rivers and creeks P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary New Hanover County Page 1 of 6 TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Habitat Requirements Taxonomic Group Common Name Scientific Name State Federal CUSFWS) Record Status y Barrel Floater Anodonta couperiana E Historical Bladen County; formerly in Greenfield Lake 2 m Cape Fear Spike Elliptic marsupiobesa SC Current Cape Fear and Neuse basins Cendemic to North Carolina) d Graceful Clam Shrimp Lynceus graci/ico�nis SC Historical temporary ponds, pools, and ditches Coastal Plain Crayfish Procamba(us ancy/us W2 Current ditches, streams, and lakes in southeastern corner of the state �j Carolina Sandhills Crayfish Procamba— pearsei W2 Current still -water habitats and burrows in Cape Fear, Waccamaw, and Lumber/Pee Dee drainages Wing Snaggletooth Gastrocopta procera W3 Historical calciphilic; dry ground with sparse vegetation CHubricht, 1985) s Greenfield Rams -horn He/isoma eucosmium E FSC Historical Greenfield Lake Cformerly), creek in Brunswick County Cendemic to North Carolina) n Q Coastal -plain Ambersnail Oxy/oma effusum W3 Historical wetlands with Sagittaria CHubricht, 1985) (7 Magnificent Rams -horn P/anorbe//a magnifica E C Historical Orton Pond and pond on Sand Hill Creek; formerly Greenfield Lake Cendemic to North Carolina) Cape Fear Threetooth Triodopsis soe/nen T FSC Current swampy habitats in the extreme southeastern corner of the state Cendemic to North Carolina) Sandbar Tiger Beetle Cicinde/a b/anda W3 Obscure sandy floodplains and white sand bars along blackwater rivers and streams Dusky Roadside -Skipper Amb/yscirtes a/temata SR Obscure open pine woods, savannas; host plants -- unknown, but presumably grasses Carolina Roadside -Skipper Amb/yscirtes caro/ina W2 Current moist woods Cmainly hardwoods) near cane; host plant -- cane C<em>Arundinaria</em>) Eastern Arogos Skipper Atrytone arogos arogos SR FSC Obscure savannas, open pinewoods, and other relatively undisturbed grasslands; host plants -- grasses, mainly pinebarrens sandreed C<i>Calamovilfa brevi ilis</i> Loammi Skipper Atrytonopsis /oammi SR FSC Historical grassy areas near the coast; host plants presumed to be <i>Andropogon</i> grasses Little Metalmark Ca/ephe/is virginiensis SR Current savannas and pine flatwoods; host plants -- vanilla -plant C<i>Trilisa odoratissima</i>), thistles C<i>Cirsium</i>) Yucca Giant -Skipper Megathymus yuccae W2 Current dunes, flatwoods, old fields, and other places near yuccas; host plants -- <em>Yucca</em> species Giant Swallowtail Papi/io cresphontes SR Current primarily coastal in maritime forests or thickets; also in foothills and mountains near hoptree; host plants -- prickly - ash C<i>Zanthoxylum</i>), hoptree C<i>Ptelea</i>) Phaon Crescent Phyciodes phaon W5 Current open, often dry areas, mainly on barrier islands; host plants -- fogfruit C<em>Lippia</em>) Rare Skipper Prob/ema bu/enta SR FSC Current fresh to brackish marshes with tall grasses in Wilmington area; host plant -- wild rice C<i>Ziz nia aquatica</i>), Northern Oak Hairstreak Satyrium favonius ontano SR Current oak -dominated woods, usually in dry sites; host plants -- oaks C<i>Quercus</i>) Confused Cloudywing Thorybes confusis W3 Current dry woodland borders and openings, brushy fields; host plants -- legumes Clearlake Clubtail Gomphus austra/is SR Historical lakes and ponds Marl Pennant Macrodip/ax ba/teata W3 Current ponds and lakes near the coast, usually brackish or near marl Dyar's Lichen Moth Afrida ydatodes W3 Current maritime forest and scrub? Slippery Dart Anic/a /ubricans W3 Current savannas and flatwoods Four -lined Cabera Moth Cabera quadrifasciana W3 Current unknown Southern Pine Looper Caripeta aretana W3 Current pine forests Three -staff Underwing Catocala amestris W3 Current sand ridges and flatwoods with leadplant Jair Underwing Catocala jair SR Obscure xeric pine -oak sandhills Marbled Underwing Catocala ma—orata SR Obscure swamp forests with swamp cottonwood Messalina Underwing Catocala messa/ina SR Obscure maritime forests and xeric sandhills a Dart Moth Cerastis fishii W3 Current heath thickets Owl -eyed Bird -dropping Moth Ce—a coca SR Obscure levee forests with hawthorn Ferguson's Sallow Chaetag/aea fergusoni SR Obscure sandhills dBarrens Marvel Chytonix sensi/is W3 Current sandhills and flatwoods .. Sand -myrtle Geometer Cyc/ophora sp. 1 Cculicaria of authors) SR Obscure flatwoods with sand -myrtle C<i>Kalmia buxifolia</i>) Double -lined Doryodes Doryodes bistria/is W3 Current marshes Wiregrass Doryodes Doryodes sp. 1 W3 Current savannas, flatwoods, and sandhills Graphic Moth Drasteria graphica SR Obscure maritime shrub thickets Peck's Pug Moth Eupithecia pecko-m SR Obscure sandhills and flatwoods Adobe Dart Fe/tia manifesta SR Obscure xeric oak woodlands an Erebid Moth Gabara pulverosalis W3 Current savannas Smith's Darkwing Gondysia smithii W3 Current flatwoods a wave Idaea productata W3 Current sandhills a pinion moth Lithophane laceyi SR Obscure swamp forests Palmetto Borer Litoprosopus futi/is W3 Current palmettos an owlet moth Macrochdo santeriva/is W3 Current brackish marshes Mid -Atlantic Metarranthis Moth Meta —this sp. 1 W3 Current pocosins White -barred Emerald Nemona bifi/ata W3 Current sandhills a Wasp Moth Neoplynes eudora W3 Current unknown a Bird -dropping Moth Ponometia parvula W3 Current cypress swamps? Southern Ptichodis Ptichodis bistrigata SR Obscure xeric sandhills Divided Flower Moth Schinia scissoides W3 Current open areas Alluring Schinia Moth Schinia siren W3 Current open maritime forests Sordid Flower Moth Schinia sordidus W3 Current savannas Diminutive Wave Scopu/a aemu/ata W3 Current on Trillium Dubious Tiger Moth Spi/osoma dubia W3 Current acidic wetlands Scribbled Sallow Sympistis perscripta W3 I Current on toadflax Young's Dart Moth Xestia n. sp. nr. youngii W3 Current peatlands Dixie Zale Za/e dec/arans SR Obscure maritime forests with live oak an owlet moth Za/e sp. 3 nr. buchholzi W3 Current pine forests P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary New Hanover County Page 2 of 6 TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Habitat Requirements Taxonomic Group Common Name Scientific Name State Federal (USFWS) Record Status Scale -leaf Gerardia Agalinis aphylla Wl Historical wet savannas and Sandhills streamhead pocosin ecotones Flaxleaf Gerardia Agalinis linifolia Wl Current savannas, clay -based Carolina bays, depression ponds, and other wet, open habitats Branched Gerardia Agalinis virgata T Current savannas and depression pond shores Seabeach Amaranth Amaranthus p—dus T T Current ocean beaches and island -end flats Savanna Indigo -bush Amorpha confusa T FSC Historical wet savannas Purple Silkyscale Anthenantia -fa Wl Historical savannas Big Three -awn Grass Aristida condensata T Current bay rims with xeric pine -oak scrub Hillsboro Three -awn Grass Aristida tenuispica SR-P Current xeric sandhill scrub Savanna Milkweed Asclepias pedicellata SC-V Current dry savannas and moist flatwoods Sandhills Milk -vetch Astragalus michauxii SC-V FSC Historical dry to xeric longleaf pine -oak woodlands and river -deposited sandhills Saltwater False -willow Baccharis angustifolia Wl Current brackish marshes, shrubby marsh edges Silverling Baccharis glomeruliflora SC-H Historical shrubby areas on margins of brackish marshes Blue Water -hyssop Bacopa caroliniana T Current Shallow ponds, marshes, natural lakes, and tidal creeks Tropical Water -hyssop Bacopa innominata SC-H Historical tidal freshwater marshes Twining Screwstem Bartonia paniculata ssp. paniculata Wl Current bogs, wet savannas, sandhill seeps, other open wet areas White Screwstem Bartonia verna Wl Historical savannas, limesink ponds White Doll's -daisy Boltonia asteroides var. glastifolia SR-0 Current clay -based Carolina bays, marshes, savannas Northern Bluethreads Burmannia biflora Wl Historical limesinks, cypress savannas, and sandhill seeps Pinebarren Sandreed Calamovilfa brevipilis Wl Current savannas, sandhill seeps Long's Bittercress Cardamine longii SC-V Current tidal marshes and tidal cypress -gum forests Chapman's Sedge Carex chapmanii Wl Historical moist bottomlands and slopes, perhaps associated with marl Cypress Knee Sedge Carex decomposita SC-V Historical beaver ponds, old millponds; often on Taxodium ascendens trunks and knees Shoreline Sedge Carex hyalinolepis Wl Current marshes Mitchell's Sedge Carex mitchelliana Wl Current swampy woodlands and forests Warty Sedge Carex verrucosa SR-P Historical savannas and pinelands Goldenbeard Chrysopogon pauciflorus W4 Historical sandhills Naked Golden -aster Chrysopsis trichophylla W7 Current xeric sandhills and sandhill scrub Twig -rush Cladium mariscoides SR-0 Current bogs, fens, brackish marshes, sandhill seepage bogs Small Spreading Pogonia Cleistesiopsis bifaria Wl Current savannas, dry meadows Wrinkled Jointgrass Coelorachis rugosa Wl Current limesink ponds, clay -based Carolina bays, wet savannas Spring Coral -root Corallorhiza wisteriana SR-0 Historical nutrient -rich forests, especially over limestone, mafic rocks or shell rich sands Swamp -lily Crinum americanum var. americanum SC-H Historical tidal swamp forests, tidal marshes Carolina Sunrose Crocanthemum carolinianum E Current sandhills, pinelands, dry savannas Georgia Sunrose Crocanthemum georgianum E Current maritime forests a Florida Scrub Frostweed Crocanthemum nashii E Current nashii) C: coastal fringe sandhill A Flatsedge Cyperus distans W4 Historical marshes > Leconte's Flatsedge Cyperus lecontei T Historical limesink ponds Engelmann's Flatsedge Cyperus odoratus var. engelmannii W7 Current alluvial and other damp to wet soils Four -angled Flatsedge Cyperus tetragonus SC-V Historical maritime forests and barrier island grasslands Hidden -flowered Witchgrass Dichanthelium cryptanthum SR-T Historical cryptanthum) C: wet streamhead pocosin openings, including utility clearings Erectleaf Witch Grass Dichanthelium e—tifolium Wl Current pond shores Nerved Witch Grass Dichanthelium neuranthum SC-V Historical neuranthum) T: maritime wet grasslands Webber's Witch Grass Dichanthelium webberianum Wl Current moist pine savannas and flatwoods Venus Flytrap Dionaea muscipula SC-V FSC Current savannas, seepage bogs, pocosin edges Threadleaf Sundew Drosera filiformis SC-V Current depression ponds, wet borrow pits, and ditches in various habitats including savannas, riverine sand ridges, and bay rims Southern Woodfern Dryopteris ludoviciana Wl Historical acid swamps Horsetail Spikerush Eleocharis equisetoides Wl Historical limesink ponds, lakes, borrow pits, ditches Robbins' Spikerush Eleocharis robbinsii SC-V Current limesink ponds, clay -based Carolina bays, peat -burn lakes, millponds, beaver ponds, artificial lakes Three -angle Spikerush Eleocharis tricostata Wl Current bogs and savannas Viviparous Spikerush Eleocharis vivipara E Current bogs and pools Green Fly Orchid Epidendrum magnoliae T Current epiphytic on trees in blackwater river swamps Coralbean Erythrina herbacea E Current maritime forests Limesink Dog -fennel Eupatorium leptophyllum E Current limesink ponds and clay -based Carolina bays Confederate Huckleberry Gaylussacia nana E Current coastal fringe sandhill Swamp Jessamine Gelsemium rankinii SC-V Current floodplains of blackwater rivers and streams Water -spider Orchid Habenaria mpens Wl Historical in stagnant, blackwater pools and impoundments Dissected Sneezeweed Helenium pinnatifidum SR-P Historical savannas and open, wet, mucky sites Comfortroot Hibiscus aculeatus T Current bay forests, sand ridges, and roadsides Peelbark St. John's -wort Hyper— fasciculatum E Historical beaver ponds, low pinelands, pools Dahoon Ilex cassine Wl Current blackwater swamps and pocosins Rootstock Bloodleaf Iresine rhizomatosa Wl Current low wet places, interdune swales, damp woods, edges of brackish marshes Slender Blue Iris Iris prismatica SR-T Current bogs, marshes, and wet powerline clearings Brown Bogbutton Lachnocaulon minus T Current depression ponds and ditches Sandhill Blazing -star Liatris secunda W7 Current sandhills Carolina Grasswort Lilaeopsis carolinensis SR-0 Current freshwater marshes, pools, tidal marshes Pondspice Litsea aestivalis SC-V FSC Current limesink ponds, other pools Golden -crest Lophiola aurea E Current very wet, mucky habitats in pine savannas Winged Seedbox Ludwigia alata SR-P Historical interdune ponds, marshes Lanceleaf Seedbox Ludwigia lanceolata E Current interdune ponds, open wet areas Flaxleaf Seedbox Ludwigia linifolia T Current limesink ponds P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary New Hanover County Page 3 of 6 TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Habitat Requirements Taxonomic Group Common Name Scientific Name State Federal CUSFWS) Record Status Raven's Seed box Ludwigia ravenii T FSC Historical savannas, swamps, marshes, wet open places Globe -fruit Seedbox Ludwigia sphaerocarpa E Current bogs, pools, and lake shores Shrubby Seedbox Ludwigia suffruticosa T Current limesink ponds, clay -based Carolina bays Rough -leaf Loosestrife Lysimachia asperuiifoiia E E Current pocosin/savanna ecotones, pocosins Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandifiora W7 Historical mainland forests with maritime influence on the southeastern coast of North Carolina; introduced elsewhere Narrowleaf Cowlily Nuphar sagittifolia W1 FSC Current blackwater streams, rivers, and lakes Riverbank Evening -primrose Oenothera riparia SR-L Current tidal marshes Southeastern Panic Grass Panicum tenerum W1 Current wet savannas, sandhill seeps, limesink ponds Florida Pellitory Parietaria fiondana W4 Historical shell middens, disturbed sites, maritime forests Large -seed Pellitory Parietaria praetermissa SC-V Historical shell middens, disturbed sites, maritime forests Early Crown Grass Paspalum praecox W1 Current limesink ponds and savannas Spoonflower Peltandra sagittifolia SR-P Current pocosins, other wet, peaty sites Upland Red Bay Persea borbonia W7 Current sandy upland soils in maritime forests Dense -flower Knotweed Persicaria glabra W1 Current Swamp forests Sandhill Ground Cherry Physalis lanceolata W1 Historical sandhills Maritime Pokeweed Phytolacca rigida W7 Current dunes, edges of brackish or salt marshes Yellow Butterwort Pinguicula lutea SR-P Current savannas Snowy Orchid Platanthera nivea T Current wet savannas Hooker's Milkwort Polygala hooker SC-V Current savannas Seabeach Knotweed Polygonum glaucum E Historical ocean and sound beaches Wafer -ash Ptelea trifoliata W1 Historical rich woods, cliffs and rock exposures mainly over mafic or calcareous rocks Spiked Medusa Pteroglossaspis ecristata E FSC Current pinelands Carolina Bishop -weed Ptilimnium ahlesn SR-T FSC Current tidal freshwater marshes Ribbed Bishop -weed Ptilimnium costatum T Current tidal swamps or marshes Running Oak Quercus elliotbi SR-P Historical mesic pine flatwoods and dry, silty sites Dwarf Live Oak Quercus minima SR-P Current pine flatwoods, coastal fringe sandhills West Indies Meadow -beauty Rhexia cubensis W1 Current limesink ponds Carey's Beaksedge Rhynchospora careyana W1 Current limesink ponds, clay -based bays Narrowfruit Beaksedge Rhynchospora inundata W1 Current limesink ponds, clay -based Carolina bays Pale Beaksedge Rhynchospora pallida W1 Current savannas, sandhill seeps, and pocosins Coastal Beaksedge Rhynchospora pleiantha T FSC Current limesink ponds Long -beak Baldsedge Rhynchospora scirpoides W1 Current beaver ponds, limesink ponds, wet savannas Tracy's Beaksedge Rhynchospora tracyi T Current clay -based Carolina bays, limesink ponds Wright's Beaksedge Rhynchospora wrightiana W1 Current savannas Large Marsh Pink Sabatia dodecandra W1 Historical tidal, brackish, and freshwater marshes a Quillwort Arrowhead Sagittaria isoetiformis T Current limesink ponds, clay -based Carolina bays, beaver ponds, natural lakes Grassleaf Arrowhead Sagittaria weatherbiana E FSC Current fresh to slightly brackish marshes, streams, swamps, and pond margins o Azure Sage Saivia azurea SR-P Historical sandhills Hooded Pitcherplant Sarracenia minor var. minor E Current savannas Seaside Little Bluestem Schizachyrium iittoraie W1 Current coastal dunes and maritime dry grasslands Olney Threesquare Schoenopiectus americanus W7 Current tidal marshes California Bulrush Schoenopiectus caiifornicus W3 Historical tidal marshes Drooping Bulrush Scirpus iineatus T Current low rich woods over marl Georgia Nutrush Scieria georgiana W1 Current savannas Netted Nutrush Scieria reticuiaris T Current clay -based Carolina bays, limesink ponds One -flower Hardscale Scieroiepis unifiora SR-T Historical clay -based Carolina bays, blackwater river foodplains, limesink ponds Slender Sea -purslane Sesuvium maritimum SR-0 Current seabeaches, marshes Shoreline Sea -purslane Sesuvium portuiacastrum SR-P Current seabeaches Buckthorn Bumelia Sideroxyion iycioides W1 Current maritime forests, bluffs or forests over calcareous or mafic rocks Tough Bumelia Sideroxyion tenax T FSC Current maritime forests and scrub Graceful Nightshade Soianum pseudograciie SR-T Historical dunes Carolina Goldenrod Soiidago puichra W1 Historical savannas Twisted -leaf Goldenrod Soiidago tortifoiia E Historical dry savannas and and mesic flats Spring -flowering Goldenrod Soiidago verna SR-0 FSC Current mesic to moist pinelands, pocosin ecotones Coastal Goldenrod Soiidago viiiosicarpa E FSC Historical edges and openings in maritime upland forests Lace -lip Ladies' -tresses Spiranthes iaciniata SC-V Current moist wet habitats Pickering's Dawnflower Styiisma pickeringn var. pickeringn SC-V FSC Current sandhills Elliott's Aster Symphyotrichum eiiiotbi W1 Historical freshwater to brackish marshes, swamps, and ditches Yellow Hatpins Syngonanthus fiaviduius W1 Historical ditches, pocosin ecotones, savannas Cooley's Meadowrue Thaiictrum cooieyi E E Current wet savannas Small -leaved Meadowrue Thaiictrum macrostyium SR-T FSC Current bogs and wet woods Dune Bluecurls Trichostema sp. 1 SR-L FSC Current dunes, openings in maritime forest and scrub Carolina Clover Trifoiium caroiinianum SC-H Historical savannas, sandy open areas Southern Cattail Typha domingensis W7 Historical brackish marshes Horned Bladderwort Utricuiaria cornuta T Historical bogs, limesink ponds Dwarf Bladderwort Utricuiaria oiivacea T Current limesink ponds, beaver ponds Sandpaper Vervain Verbena scabra W7 Historical marsh edges, shell middens Wild Cowpea Vigna iuteoia W4 Historical marsh edges, wet open areas Carolina Violet Viola viiiosa W7 Historical moist places, especially pocosin edges Small's Yellow -eyed -grass Xyris smaiiiana W1 Current pineland pools, limesink ponds, shores Aloe Yucca Yucca aioifoiia W1 Current dunes Moundlily Yucca Yucca gionosa SR-P Current dunes Indian Wild Rice Zizania aquatica var. aquatica W7 Current freshwater marshes Powder -puff Lichen Ciadonia evansii W7 Current sandhills Cprimarily near the coast) usually associated with Quercus geminata A Liverwort Cephaiozia connivers var. bifida SR-T Historical moist riverbank a A Liverwort Metzgeria uncigera W7 Historical on bark in maritime forests or on rhododendron in mountain forests Small Twist Teeth Moss Barbuia indica var. indica W7 Historical soil, clay, limestone, cement, walls j A Plume Moss Fissidens eiegans W7 Historical sandy and clayey soils along roadsides and streams, on trees or stumps 2 Water Pocket Moss Fissidens fontanus W7 I Historical attached to various substrata in stagnant and flowing water, and in coastal estuaries A Moss Welssia muehienbergiana W7 I Historical soil among grasses, roadsides P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary New Hanover County Page 4 of 6 TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Habitat Requirements Taxonomic Federal Record Group Common Name Scientific Name State (USFWS) Status a Colonial Wading Bird Colony Current _ aColonial E Waterbirds Nesting Site Gull -Tern -Skimmer Colony Current E y Onslow Bay Intertidal Rock Outcrop Current Onslow Bay Marine Rock Outcrop Current Brackish Marsh (Needlerush Subtype) Current Brackish Marsh (Smooth Cordgrass Current Subt e Coastal Fringe Evergreen Forest (Typic Current Subt e Coastal Plain Depression Swamp Current (Cypress Dome Subtype) Coastal Plain Depression Swamp Current Mixed Subt e Dry-Mesic Oak --Hickory Forest Current Coastal Plain Subtype) Dune Grass (Southern Subtype) Current Maritime Dry Grassland (Typic Current Subtype) Maritime Shrub (Stunted Tree Obscure Subtype) Marsh Hammock Current Nonriverine Swamp Forest (Mixed Current Subtype) Peatland Atlantic White Cedar Forest Current Pine/Scrub Oak Sandhill (Coastal Current Fringe Subtype) Pine/Scrub Oak Sandhill (Mixed Oak Current Subtype) Pond Pine Woodland (Typic Subtype) Current Salt Flat Current Salt Marsh (Carolinian Subtype) Current e Salt Shrub (High Subtype) Current E E Salt Shrub (Low Subtype) Current U Sand Barren (Typic Subtype) Current Sandy Pine Savanna (Typic Subtype) Current Small Depression Drawdown Meadow Current (Typic Subtype) Small Depression Pocosin (Typic Current Subtype) Small Depression Pond (Open Lily Pond Current Subtype) Small Depression Pond (Typic Marsh Current Subtype) Small Depression Shrub Border Current Streamhead Pocosin Current Swamp Island Evergreen Forest Current Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Cattail Current Subtype) Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Giant Current Cord rass Subtype) Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Mixed Current Freshwater Subtype) Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Sawgrass Current Subtype) Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Threesquare Current Subtype) Tidal Swamp (Cypress --Gum Subtype) Current Vernal Pool(Typic Subtype) Current Wet Pine Flatwoods (Typic Subtype) Current Xeric Sandhill Scrub (Coastal Fringe Current Subt e Xeric Sandhill Scrub (Typic Subtype) Current Prepared by: Checked by: http://Portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/database-search USFWS Updated: 3-25-2015 https:Hwwwfws. gov/raleigh/species/cntylist/new_hanover.html Definitions of Federal Status Codes: E = endangered. A taxon "in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range." T = threatened. A taxon "likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range." C = candidate. A taxon under consideration for official listing for which there is sufficient information to support listing. (Formerly "Cl" candidate species.) BGPA =Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. See below. FSC=Federal Species of Concern. FSC is an informal term. It is not defined in the federal Endangered Species Act. In North Carolina, the Asheville and Raleigh Field Offices of the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) define Federal Species of Concern as those species that appear to be in decline or otherwise in need of conservation and are under consideration for listing or for which there is insufficient information to support listing at this time.Subsumed under the term "FSC" are all species petitioned by outside parties and other selected focal species identified in Service strategic plans, State Wildlife Action Plans, or Natural Heritage Program Lists. T(S/A) = threatened due to similarity of appearance. A taxon that is threatened due to similarity of appearance with another listed species and is listed for its protection. Taxa listed as T(S/A) are not biologically endangered or threatened and are not subject to Section 7 consultation. See below. EXP = experimental population. A taxon listed as experimental (either essential or nonessential). Experimental, nonessential populations of endangered species (e.g., red wolf) are treated as threatened species on public land, for consultation purposes, and as species proposed for listing on private land. P = proposed. Taxa proposed for official listing as endangered or threatened will be noted as "PE" or "PT", respectively Bald and Golden Eaale Protection Act (BGPA): In the July 9, 2007 Federal Register( 72: 37346-37372), the bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de -listed) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered wildlife. This delisting took effect August 8,2007. After delisting, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (Eagle Act) (16 U.S.C. 668-668d) becomes the primary law protecting bald eagles. The Eagle Act prohibits take of bald and golden eagles and provides a statutory definition of "take" that includes "disturb". The USFWS has developed National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines to provide guidance to land managers, landowners, and others as to how to avoid disturbing bald eagles. For mor information, visit http: Hwww. fws.gov/mig.torybirds/baldeagle.htm Threatened due to similarity of aooearance(T(S/A)l: In the November 4, 1997 Federal Register (55822-55825), the northern population of the bog turtle (from New York south to Maryland) was listed as T (threatened), and the southern population (from Virginia south to Georgia) was listed as T(S/A) (threatened due to similarity of appearance). The T(S/A) designation bans the collection and interstate and international commercial trade of bog turtles from the southern population. The T(S/A) designation has no effect on land management activities by private landowners in North Carolina, part of the southern population of the species. In addition to its official status as T(S/A), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service considers the southern population of the bog turtle as a Federal species of concern due to habitat loss. Definitions of Record Status: Current - the species has been observed in the county within the last 50 years. Historic - the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago. Obscure - the date and/or location of observation is uncertain. Incidental/migrant - the species was observed outside of its normal range or habitat. Probable/potential - the species is considered likely to occur in this county based on the proximity of known records (in adjacent counties), the presence of potentially suitable habitat, or both. Definition of State Codes: CODE/ STATUS DEFINITION E=Endangered Any native or once -native species of wild animal whose continued existence as a viable component of the State's fauna is determined by the Wildlife Resources Commission to be in jeopardy or any species of wild animal determined to be an 'endangered species' pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes; 1987). T=Threatened Any native or once -native species of wild animal which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range, or one that is designated as a threatened species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes; 1987). SC=Special Any species of wild animal native or once -native to North Carolina which is determined by the Wildlife Resources Concern Commission to require monitoring but which may be taken under regulations adopted under the provisions of this Article. (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes; 1987). SR=Significantly Any species which has not been listed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission as an Endangered, Threatened, or Rare Special Concern species, but which exists in the state (or recently occurred in the state) in small numbers and has been determined by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program to need monitoring. Significantly Rare species include "peripheral" species, whereby North Carolina lies at the periphery of the species' range (such as Hermit Thrush), as well as species of historical occurrence with some likelihood of re -discovery in the state. Species considered extirpated in the state, with little likelihood of re -discovery, are given no N.C. Status (unless already listed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission as E, T ­r) SR-G=Game Animal Species is a game animal or a furbearer, and therefore (by law) cannot be listed for State protection as E, T, or SC. SC-V=Special "Any species or higher taxon of plant which is likely to become a threatened species within the foreseeable future"(NCAC Concern- 02 NCAC 48F .0401). P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\l.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 T&E Species Summary New Hanover County Page 5 of 6 TABLE 12-10 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN HANOVER COUNTY L.V. SUTTON ENERGY COMPLEX DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., WILMINGTON, NC Species Protection Status Taxonomic Federal I Record Habitat Requirements Group Common Name Scientific Name State (USFWS) Status SC-H=Special Concern- "Any species or higher taxon of plant that occurred in North Carolina at one time, but for which all known populations are Historical currently considered to be either historical or extirpated." "(NCAC 02 NCAC 48F .0401). SR-'— The range of the species is limited to North Carolina and adjacent states (endemic or near endemic). These are species Significantly that may have 20-50 populations in North Carolina, but fewer than 100 populations rangewide. The preponderance of their Rare Limited distribution is in North Carolina and their fate depends largely on conservation here. SR- The species is rare throughout its range (fewer than 100 populations total). Significantly T= SR- The species is disjunct to North Carolina from a main range in a different part of the country or world. D=Significantly Rare. Dimiunrt SR- The species is at the periphery of its range in North Carolina. These species are generally more common somewhere else in P=Significantly their ranges, occurring in North Carolina peripherally to their main ranges, mostly in habitats which are unusual in North Rare Pa ri nharal Carolina. SR- The range of the species is sporadic or cannot be described by the other Significantly Rare categories O=Significantly Rarer nthar W= Watch List Any other species believed to be rare and of conservation concern in the state but not warranting active monitoring at this P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\108. Sutton Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting \Tables\ReportTables\Table 12-10 ME Species Summary New Hanover County Page 6 of 6