HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915 Ver 3_Support letter from Andrew Lazenby_2016033120160314-0045 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/14/2016 'D— ORIGINAL �[ 1r'`ILEDr =C RE,fARY CI.L Tye r`r• A1;.S!.-,- ;, .a,%J,# 1015 MAR I U P 2: 49 f" EDER "%!. ENIERGY REG"F.;:; .....' <;SS10N March 9, 2016 Honorable Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Entergy Regulatory Corr missimi 888 First. Street., NE WashirigLon, DC 20426 LE"I"I"ER OF SUPPO I': Andrew Lazenby 1133 Cedamood l.arie Rack I [ill, Smith Carolina 29732 503-448-0713 joemess2 ftmaiLcom Duke Energy Request for Rehearing of Order Issuhig New Liceiise, C:atawba- Waterce I iydroelect.ric Project. P ERC Project. No. 2232-522 "1'o the 1 l onorable Kimberly D. Bose, My name is Andrew Lazenby aril I am a residenl. of York County South Carolina, a mgiori which utilizes the Catawba River as a resource fir m lilies, wildlife habitat, and rvereation. I eaimot. Ilihik of arid• lime in rrty life that I have not. lead some significauL ititcract.imi with dice Catawba River. I am writing this letter in support, of Lhe Duke Energy request. fir the reliearing of specific issues related to the receridy issued license for Lhe Catawba - Wacerr.e Hydroelectric Projec:t.located in North and South Carolina. As a stakeholder in Lhe relicertsing process who sought. to see expamled recreal.ional opporturtit.ies and increased envirorirncrttal protecdoris, I am pleased to sve that. malty of' die it -crus identified iii the Cornpreliviisive Relicensing Agreeruent (CRA) were adopted into Lhe issued lic ellse. The stakeholders sought. t.o meet Lhe riceds of t.fic conrnTtunity in regard to many issues, even those Lhat. scented at odds with each other at. first glanee. Aller 20160314-0045 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/14/2016 what seemed at times to be a never ending process, I was proud to sec that a CRA was developed by the stakeholders that more than satisfactorily rc,ert. tht! interests and values oP the Catawba - Wateree River system by balancing fish and wildlife resources, water quality and supply, ongoing energy produetion, culturally significant resource protections, conservation, and of course new anti expanded ix!creation opportrnrilies. It. is illy hunchle opinion that all parties involved should be conrrucnded on the t.inrc anc.l effort involved in the creat.iou of the CRA. On December 21, 2015 Duke Energy submitted a request. fir rehearing of the order issuing the ucw liecnse. ].it this reeluesl. Duke Energy raised a valid concern in regard to the terrii ol'thc issued license being 40 years as opposed to the requested 50 year torn. While this was not. as hoped, l was pleased to sec the attention to detail in [.Ire issued license that provides significant enhancements to fish and wildlife habitat management, expanded prot.cctions for numerous cultural sites, and recreation cnlcancement opportunities hasin wide. However this shorter than expected terra of license potentially puts mirth of our work aL risk. The CRA provides even more benefits than included in the new license, such as permanent prol.ect.ion for upland habitats and riparian areas the conservation of at -risk flora and fauna, and numerous opportunities to enable the citizens of the• region greater access to this wonderful resource. 'These measures at-(-.- critical to the citizens of the region and the interested parties represeii1e.d by the stakeholders involved ill this process. 'I'll(- sigrcificarrl: expense associated wit.l-c each of these and ot:l-ier ilems outlined in the CRA significs Duke Energies commitment to the coninumily and to the resoUree'.. Of significant concern to rile is Ifie risk of loss of tfrc enhancements, prote..ctiorrs and mitigation identified in the CRA clue to FERC's issuance of a 40 -}-ear license. A 40 -year terrn creates the loss of'S3 million fir Nortl-c Carolirsa amt South Carolina to use to permanently protect. property and 274 acres of conservation easements. I{ orthermore, if the process of "rebalancing" is required as outlined in section 20.2. i the loss of additional protection and enhancerncrit rneasures negol.iated by dice cormnunily slakeholders would represent: a significant. rcge�ssie►n in the progress marl by all involved aril it is due to this that. l support. Duke Energy's ii-quesl (irr a 50 -year licensing terra. 20160314-0045 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/14/2016 In closing, I can say with no reservations that. I any pleased with the od-wr terms and conditions or the new license. As a citizeis it was a wonderful to experience and be a part of this group ol'stakeholders who worked together for Ow common good of all as we sought protect this resource lin• the hiture. I aril confident that the CRA addressed I.he protections, mitigation, and cnliancenlents needed to protect. they Catawba - Wateree River Projeo.. With the above reasoning in mind, I support. Duke Energy's request. for rehearing and I feel that their request. liar a 50 year license is both warranted and reasonable. 'Thank you in advance for FERC's favorable considerat.iou of this rehearing. Sincerely, 5K -" � � �� Andrew ]Lazenby cc: Mark Oakley - Duke Energy 20160314-0045 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/14/2016 Document Content(s) 14170206.tif..........................................................1-3