HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915 Ver 1_Emails_20140417Burdette, Jennifer a From: Oakley, Mark [Mark.Oakley @duke - energy.com] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 5:49 PM To: ademeny @centralina.org; ahallman @lincolncounty.org; amy @munione.com; amymhelms @co. union. nc.us; ancientanglertim @aol.com; anna.moore @yorkcountygov.com; apiasecki @kearnswest.com; asurratt @hickorync.gov; awooten @mcdowellgov.com; baizedg @dhec.sc.gov; Barbara.K.Dankmyer @INVISTA.com; bargentieri @scana.com; bbeasley1949 @sc.rr.com; bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us; bcampbel @usgs.gov; ben @scwf.org; Wynne, Bennett; Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov; bguIlet @ci. charlotte. nc.us; bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com; bill.archer @clariant.com; bmckinnon @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Stea, Robert; bocash3 @yahoo.com; brian.wilson @mtholly.us; Setzer, Britt; BSteiner @usgs.gov; btrudnak @dallasnc.net; bwebb @cityofbelmont.org; BYetman @cityofrockhill.com; byron.miller @siemens.com; CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov; Tingley, Carol; Carolyn.hammond @kershaw.sc.gov; cflowers @cityofbelmont.org; CGraybeal @hickorync.gov; chansen @hickorync.gov; chenderson @lincolncounty.org; Goudreau, Chris J.; chris @ti - law.com; christied @dnr.sc.gov; Church @granitefallsnc.com; coverby @hickorync.gov; craig.wyant @charter.net; csrcomm @gmaiLcom; ctilley @chmuseums.org; cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com; Karoly, Cyndi; Dale.Herendeen @resolutefp.com; Damon. Crowther @siemens.com; Brandon, Dan; Dan. oakley @ncdenr.gov; Dana. 1.reeder @invista.com; Darien.stein @catawbaindian.net; david.bernhart @noaa.gov; David .Epley@ mail. ci.longview.nc.us; David. Harmon @yorkcountygov.com; David. Hughes @yorkcountygov.com; dblobaum @townofdavidson.org; dchamblee @lincolncounty.org; dchristie @comporium.net; DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us; ddil @centralina.org; deborah.m.Basnight @invista.com; dhoell @ncem.org; Rayno, Don; Jackson, Donna; dwentz @newtonnc.gov; DWilliams @petroenviro.com; eaglehull @aoLcom; edc @cityofgastonia.com; edc @tworiversutilities.com; edward.goscicki @co. union. nc.us; EKimbrell @kearnswest.com; elizwilson @truvista.net; emilyparker @lakewyliemarinecommission.com; emjohnson @scdah.state.sc.us; eparker @centralina.org; EsRudisi @usgs.gov; fcastles @cmdcsd.com; flipb @cityofgastonia.com; Tarver, Fred; gassociation @truvista.net; gewilliams @scana.com; gfmayor @truvista.net; gfwtp@ embargmaiLcom; Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov; greatfalls @truvista.net; Greenej @ci. concord. nc.us; grmode @gmaiLcom; Grosst @ci. concord. nc.us; groupfive @usa.net; hexell @chmuseums.org; Hiattb @ci. concord. nc.us; hmboyd @ci. charlotte. nc.us; hpsowell @lancastercitysc.com; hshiggins @crescent - resources.com; Mcmillan, Ian; james.friday @mtholly.us; james @bessemercity.com; jandjstowe @bellsouth.net; JBagley @cityofrockhill.com; jbrobins @usgs.gov; jbyerly @statesvillenc.net; jc @newhopemortgage.com; Jconley @ci.valdese.nc.us; JCrockett @lancastercitysc.com; jCweaver @usgs.gov; Burdette, Jennifer a; jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov; jfantry@bellsouth.net; jfrost @ci. charlotte. nc.us; jhayes @ci.lenoir.nc.us; jhudson @statesvillenc.net; jhuss @aoLcom; jim.burke @gastongov.com; jim_burke @ncsu.edu; jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us; JmShort @crescent - resources.com; jn3006 @truvista.net; john.baker1 @ipaper.com; John.Bowyer @amefird.com; John.Wear @wpcog.org; Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com; jprosser @centralina.org; jreid @hickorync.gov; JStowe @mckimcreed.com; jwager @centralina.org; jzdenek @comporium.net; Higgins, Karen; Karla.Reece @noaa.gov; kcarter @caldwellcountync.org; keagle @charlottenc.gov; keith.griffin @springs.com; kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com; Kevin @amwhitewater.org; Mcgee, Keyes; kgreer @hickorync.gov; kkearns @kearnswest.com; kvlt @comporium.net; Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu; landsfordcanal @scprt.com; LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us; Peele, Linwood; lisa.hagood @mtholly.us; LKirkpatrick @ci. charlotte. nc.us; Ikstory@charter.net; LNMC @LNMC.org; LugoffH20 @aoLcom; Ivwp @embargmaiLcom; Allocco, Marcia; mark_cantrell @fws.gov; mary@catawbacountync.gov; mattb @cityofgastonia.com; maxdevco @earthlink.net; mbailes @comporium.net; mbailes @crwtp.org; mblackburn1 @carolina.rr.com; mcleodjh @bellsouth.net; MelBeardbc @aol.com; melinda @bessemercity.com; merlinperry@yahoo.com; mfulbright @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Parker, Michael; mike.teague @clariant.com; mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov; mjchap @usgs.gov; mklein @ci. charlotte. nc.us; mknight @lcwasd.org; mlegg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; mmedlin @truvista.net; mmorgan10 @carolina.rr.com; mneff @lincolncounty.org; montgomeryron @bellsouth.net; mosborne @MckimCreed.com; To: MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com; mshufordwise @embargmail.com; mvead @catawbacog.org; Wilson, Nat; Sarwar, Neelufa; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; oglendening @chmuseums.org; onemarina4us @aoLcom; pambeck1 @bellsouth.net; paulmitchell @comporium.net; perryb @dnr.sc.gov; pgaines @scprt.com; phall @cityofcherryville.com; piaski @bellsouth.net; pkreynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us; PostB @dnr.sc.gov; prestohs @dhec.sc.gov; PutnamC @concordnc.gov; ranbow78 @aoLcom; Gledhill - earley, Renee; rERobertson @crwtp.org; rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us; Mroczek, Rita; rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us; rmcswain @live.com; Krebs, Rob; Boyd, Robert (NCEM); robertpearson @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; rosel @dnr.sc.gov; roy.crabtree @noaa.gov; rrase @ci.mooresville.nc.us; rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us; Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov; sam.erwin @wpcog.org; Young, Sarah; sberley @co.burke.nc.us; Sbowers @crwtp.org; scott.carpenter @burkenc.org; ScottHuneycutt @co. union. nc.us; sdavis @camdensc.org; Selfr @dnr.sc.gov; sgreene56 @netscape.net; Deaton, Shannon L.; sharris @alexandercountync.gov; skip @perigee.net; squeaksmith @earthlink.net; srobinson @charlottenc.gov; ssummer @scana.com; stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us; SWhite @lcwasd.org; sylvest @scdah. state. sc. us; t_eldridge @bellsouth.net; TClark @newtonnc.gov; tcouch @camdensc.org; Tdmead @aoLcom; Lail, Terry; thomas_mccoy @fws.gov; tim @ncwf.org; tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org; Fransen, Tom; Reeder, Tom; tom @catawbalands.org; troyblackmon @ ban kofyork.com; t- Wayne. Chapman- 1 @invista.com; vetaylor @roadrunner.com; Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov; wallison @co.iredell.nc.us; wenonahh @ccpperafts.com; whip6259 @bellsouth.net; william.l.hinson @INVISTA.com; WMartin @newtonnc.gov; wMelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree - comporium Subject: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issues Decision Regarding Catawba - Wateree Hydro Relicensing Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a decision on Duke Energy's August 2009 Petition to waive South Carolina's water quality certification (WQC) for the Catawba - Wateree Hydroelectric Project (Project). Duke Energy argued the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) did not make its final decision on the WQC until after the one -year deadline established in the Clean Water Act (CWA). To our disappointment, the FERC issued an order denying our Petition. Our next step is to evaluate the basis to file a request for a rehearing with the FERC, which must be filed within the next 30 days. We will also continue the court processes currently underway in South Carolina. As a reminder, last June we petitioned the Supreme Court of South Carolina (SCSC) to hear our appeal of the latest Court of Appeals decision (Dec 12, 2012). The SCSC has not yet decided whether or not it will accept our case.