HomeMy WebLinkAboutDougher LotPat McCroy, Governor APA NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Thomas A. Reeder Director January 02;,2014 John E -. Skvarla; III Secretary V Dougher Development Company Attn: John Dougher POB 20428 Raleigh, NC 27619 -0428 Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter NBRRO# 14 -006, Wake County Determination Type Buffer Call Isolated or!EIP Call ® Neuse (15A NCAC 28.0233) Start@ ❑ Tar - Pamlico (15A NCAC 26 .0259) E] Ephemeral / Intermittent /Perennlal'Determinatiorl USGS Tom ❑ Isolated - Wetland Determination, ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC "2B .0267) X Project Name: Dougher Lot Location/Directions:, Subject property is located- at Northern intersection,ofBrassfield,and Dufan "t Rd. t I Subject'Stream: UT-to Honeycutt Creek Determination Date: January ,06, 2014 Staff: James Graham Feature E/I/P* N_ otSubject' ;Subject Start@ Stop@ Soil SurveY USGS Tom A E X throughout throughout X IP-/11F = Pphemerat /[ntermittentIFerenniat , Explanation The feature(s) listed above, has or have been located on the Soil' Survey.of Wake County, North Carolina or the most recent'copy of-the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale. Each'featurp',". that is checked "Not, Subject" has, been determined not to be a stream or 1s not present -on the property No Carolina Aatura!!y North;Carolma Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office. Surface` Water Protection Phone (919)7914200 "Customer Service Internet wvuw ncwaterqu_ahty org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 FAX (919)571 -4718 1- 87,7 -623' -6748' I An Equal Opportunity/Affirmabve Acton Employer= 50% Recycled /10% Post Consumer Paper 'Dougher, Wake County _ January,2, 2014 Page2aof 2 'Features that are, checked "`Subject" have been located on the property and possess charactehstics that qualify it;to lie'a stream There may be,junsdictionair etlands,or isolated'wetlands on,prcpertythat•will r,,equire'further review If'the USACE findssthe Wetlands. onsite�to, be- non�jur isdictiohal,theseefeatures,will have:to;be. evaluated as,isolated'wetlands by'the state In'additioli, there may be,ofher,streams located oh ,your property,that do not shove• up, on, the maps referenced above but, still ;mayhe,con'sidered jurisdictional according,to,th"e, US'Army Cops of Engidie rs,and /or to,,the Divisioh,of Water Resources.. This on- site,d'etefinination _shali expire five, (5_ ,years,frorn the, dateof'1his •letteei `Landowners of affected parties that dispute a,deterrnination rnade by,'the, DWR' or Delegated, LocalAuthor ity r"nay request a determination by the Directof: •An ,appeal fequdst mu"s"t be made Wiithin,slkty.(60) days�of date,of,this� ietter or,frdhilhe -date the affected ,party(incl'uding,downstream_ and /or,adjacenfowners),is` notified of•this letter. A request fora deterrnirnation, by the�Difector sFiall tie, refer,red,to the Director in writing,t /b Karen Higg•ins,,DWR`WeBSdaPe Unit,, 1'650 Mail, Service- Center, Raleigh, NO 27699. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for, a hearing or appeaLwithin sixty (60) days: The owner /future,ownersAould notify�the Division- of'Water- Resourees;(inclad_ing any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of•this decision concerning any,,future;correspondences regarding, the�subje& roper'ty ^('stated' above). This project may require,a'Section 404/40't Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should_ be directed Ito the•Division of -Water Resources,(Central Office) a t•,(91'9)-807-6300,:andi a US- Army_ 'Cogp,of Engineers ,(Raleigh Regulatory. Field" Off ce) at (919)= 554 -4884. If=you have,questions;regarding this determination, please feel free to contact James ; Graham, at; (919 -) 791 -4200. 'Resnectffilly,, u , Danny`Sinith• Water Quality Section R.&gib lall Supervisor cc: RRO/SWP "File Cop,, °y, . L/ ..�� k3i� J � ❑ .7 i s d O 9�y Z303 y� Zasv gad Z8a / 8hV ag 02 Qa� Zaa� ,/ ..�aa ( naw Z083 'Jav zap v SaJ 2133 j c 8,J Zoa7 Z9a8 i. I ZadV NJ DOW g dd ^� Zadv ZodV 7dH\ Z OdV 9 iadv . Z80V _ Qd I� '�j'°re�►`'� y , . .�. 1 . •:� i * 1 "'_ i fir._. � � � 7 `�� _ -76 61 fL AV f •• is f . rat � � • dk t � ' —'' ' i 11.1 • l � �'''ti, � � ,� 1� a fr. J •` 3 -�. X .._ I , � 4 }'•• 'r► • s�k4 i � S'r��,�� � '.�� rat'` • s y * i tik • Ab . - + i . t AF *0 IT 1 e(( 1 ti• r d j ` i 9° W Name: BAYLEAF Location: 035° 55'22.63" N 078° 38' 32.99" W Date: 1/2/2014 Caption: Dougher Property Scale. 1 inch equals 667 feet Coovnaht(C)1 •4