HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020259 Ver 1_Complete File_20020220\O?U, 11Y William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 61 1 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director O ? DWQ Project NCZbZA Applicant: W - F. 4556- 1-1 Project Name: I- I County: cl"Y,974 1-1 Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621. This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agen?,'s Certifition I, M^i, / ? 0J , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Engineer's Certification Partial Final I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project,for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules. the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date w r, NHKAIOUI i . L-d5iey, lauveinui 0 R William G. Ross Jr., Secretary \OC? QG North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director ?7 Division of Water Quality O ? June 4, 2002 Chatham County DWQ Project No. 020259 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. W.F. Rosser, P.F., Division Engineer NCDOT, Division 8 PO Box 1007 Aberdeen, N('28315 Dear Mr. Rosser: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 105 linear feet of streams for the purpose of paving and improving SR 1356 in Chatham County. The project shall be constructed in accordance with your application February 18, 2002. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3375. This certification corresponds to the Nationwide Permit 14 issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. 'This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 permit, unless otherwise specified in the Water Quality Certification. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application (unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the DWQ and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter, and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or in the future) exceed 150 linear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 21-I .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certification. 1.) Upon completion of the project, the NCDOT shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify DWQ when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. The responsible party shall complete the attached form and return it to the 40I/Wetlands Unit of the Division of Water Quality upon completion of the project. 2.) The NCDOT shall strictly adhere to sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices as described for High Quality Waters entitled "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (I5A NCAC 04B .0024) throughout design and construction of the project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 clays of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition that conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. 'rhis certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. AA rNCUEN N. C. Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786 Customer Service: 1 800 623-7748 \0?0, V c,9pG O ? 'This letter completes the review of the Division of Water duality under Section 401 01 the Clean Water Act If you have any questions, please contact John Hennessy at 919 733-5094 or Steve Mitchell at 919-571-4700. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office DWQ Raleigh Regional Office File Copy Central Files William G. Ross Jr , Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek. P.E. Director Sincerely, 'Klimek, P.E. c:\ncdot\SR 1356\wqc\020259wgc.doc ?STATE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR February 18, 2002 Mr. Rob Riding 020259 Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Dear Mr. Ridings: Enclosed is the permit application for the following project: Description: SR 1356 -- Chatham County Work Order 6.522457 TIP Number: N/A Fee Category: $200.00 Please submit for automated payment. Sincerely, LYNDO TIPPETT SECRETARY Art C. King Division Environmental Officer PAYMENT RECFNED dµ SUig n NW' V y STATE OF North CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 18, 2002 Mr. Rob Ridings 020259 Divsion of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Dear Mr. Ridings: Subject: Chatham County - SR 1356 (Wrenn Culberson Road) In an effort to obtain the permits needed for pipe replacement on SR 1356 (Wrenn Culberson Road) in Chatham County, we are providing the pre construction notification application and the supporting materials. The crossing is an intermittent stream between two farm ponds. This project is outside the critical habitat area for the Cape Fear Shiner. To our knowledge there are No High Quality Waters or Outstanding Water Resources occurring in the project area. We anticipate that these activities will be authorized under Nationwide Permit Number14 and 33. This letter and a copy of the application materials will be submitted to N.C. Division of Water Quality, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers for approval. If you have any questions or comments, or need additional information, please contact our office at (910) 944-2344. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, PAYMENT RECEIVED Art C. King Division Environmental Officer P.O. BOX 1067, ABERDEEN, NORTH CAROLINA 28315 PHONE (910) 944-2344 FAX (910) 944-5623 Office Use Only: Form Version October 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 020259 if any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit Section 10 Permit ® 401 Water Quality Certification Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2, Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide #14 &433 If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: M 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: North Carolina Department of 1 ransportation Mailing Address: W F Rosser P E Division ngineer North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 8 P.O. Box 1067 Aberdeen North Carolina 28315 Telephone Number: 910-944-2344 Fax Number: 910-944-5623 E-mail Address: brosserpdot state nc us 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Benny F Sloan Company Affiliation: NC Department of Transportation Mailing Address: 1404 East Raleigh Street Siler Citv North Carolina 27344 Telephone Number: (919)742-3431 Fax Number: 919-742-3986 E-mail Address: bfsloan@a dot state nc us Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information 7 Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: SR 1356 (Wrenn Culberson Rd) 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 6.522457 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 4. Location County: Chatham Nearest Town: Siler City Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): North on SR 1004 from US 64. Travel about 4.5 miles past Rocky River Church Next left is SR 1356 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): N350 47' 47" W 79° 27' 23" (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Existing secondary road Property size (acres): 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Roc River 9. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at llp://h2o:enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) Page 6 of 12 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Grade and pave SR 1356 in Chatham County. 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Motorgrader, trackhoe. bulldozer, scraper, etc. 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Residential / agricultural IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. N/A V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: N/A VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Page 7 of 12 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Located within I00-year Floodplain** (yes/no) Distance to Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** None I ' List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. " 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at hup•//www.fema.ggv. List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent'? (please specify) 1 Pipe Replacement 105' UT Rocky River 5' I i List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.uses.eov. Several intemet sites also allow direct download and printing of L'SGS maps (e.g., Nrww topozone.com, www.maI2que5t.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 105' Page 8 of 12 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody lake, pond, estuary, ( p bay, ocean, etc.) None List eacn impact separateiy anu iuuimy tumpulaly uuNau?. a I?aaw ,,. .. --- flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation if construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream E] wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 9 of 12 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http:/ih2o.enr,state,nc.us/ncwetiands/stnnP-ide,html- Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at htm•//h.2o enr state nc us/=/indec htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Page 10 of 12 IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes E] No X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 213 .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ® No F? If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. if buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total ' Lone I extenas out su reel perpenaicuiar rrom near oanK or cnannet; Lone -, exrenus an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Page 11 of 12 If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0260. 100- XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. VIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes EJ No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No Z XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). ZI1g1 Z002- Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 EI A L A M A N C E C O U N T Y _ ._ - _-- = --- _._.- 0' ... _ _ . _ _ L?sv b ?ItSoutr Iy1.J? '? ?'S-.9 ,?e`??b _. 3,1 - 30C ... -9 133' 2 IOC3 a< '.x3 1352 '33- l. 3.3 _ '35. ? ? ` C% 519 \ I ?, •? 300 - ,a .3 3E2 6 + f 'XI 1316 1753 a Y5, Ire _ _ . ,• Cnna3, ' 13a 1703 30C ?(+\ .J1 ` C- 5 .. _ 130 = 1 1333 - 1 6 L , ti j •?- ? ='?- '?'° ? 3a . 55 n ? 55e ! 3oe ? 33s 1xe 1x1 1 ' 310 1350 \ \ 355 b I v ' .? _ < f}} 3L, ` >i 5m1n RIOT. ' Rlv.' 1703 . ? {?' 3,2 3,_ 79 2 `?S 1329 ?. -_ t F - 1X 56' ? ? 700 / . 421 , _w !' Cr. :id• .\ 1 ? l `?? 1701 'we 'S'2 w ? A 4 j Evan's + ,E, tL 'x.510 ` •. i--, ' ?a -Fs - ,y7C; IS'C Ipe (R, ' Y \ a _ 1503 tl.• 15E .? c a 10 X SILE , RY • - n 1 C I>, • - ? ? I ? P ? 2169 2.6_ I ?. ? ? 'lam _^ m 1 _ ? ?ydns' ! I IC2 ? ? , 'I 3.u. A _ ? 2166 I I I \ ? *- Vl ? . ?.- r-I nM 2113 p 150E I ? 21 \ Y I 1,00 \1i2A - 2710 I 9 1006 ? 3.1 ?a .?f - G 1Y z_ ? 211. - ? 1 ''30 :.'!? V 1,16 a'7 1 2120 'v \ 11?q _32 ?1 19 f ?? - -46 J n i LT icy f Irk ,? lug" ?___ _. - - _ ;_ r 1 ? -?`_ - i N ?' -- 1, - A? _ ? \ ? 1 ? -? d ? _. - - Y _ __ ? ? .? 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D z z m r- 0 Z O O N n D r m 0 N n T xD Dm Z 70 mn r r- -1 N Z D ? m w O O a? z nm n co o m x? r D z IS' ern m? v nT S D ° Dm < zm m Z C, m n r C) z z m O m N D i Co O m z C) m nC33 0m <? m? ?ME MO I! 10, o z Z O SY ? N? i -60, I \ r U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT v 2Q Z?? Action ID: 200200458 TIP No: State Project No: 6.522457 County: Chatham GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation Address: W.F. Rosser, P.E., Division Engineer t r North Carolina Department of Transportation_ Division 8 t i P.O. Box 1067 APR Aberdeen, North Carolina 28315 i'2007 Telephone Number: (910) 944-2344 Wn7F q? D? „tl` , Size and Location of project (waterway, road name/number, town, etc.): 60 linear feet of 87-inch X 63-inch CMPA culvert with headwalls and temporary diversion at centerline station 13+85 on SR 1356 at an unnamed tributary to Rocky River in Chatham County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: To replace 44 linear feet of 36-inch RCP with 60 linear feet of 87-inch X 63-inch CMPA culvert with headwalls and install a temporary diversion structure consisting of a fabic-lined channel, temporary diversion pipe and fabric-covered stone berms placed on filter cloth on the upstream and down stream side of the culvert. Approximately 20-feet of class B rip-rap is to be placed on the banks above the plane of ordinary high water at each end of the culverts for bank protection. Traffic will be detoured onto existing roadways during construction. All temporary fill is to be removed from the waterway in its entirety upon completion of the construction. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899) Authorization: 14/33 Nationwide Permit Number Regional General Permit Number Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide (NWP) Permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the RGP or NWP, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date 8 April 2002 Corps Regulatory Official Richard K. Spencer Telephone No. (910) 251-4172 Expiration Date of Verification 8 April 2005 CF: NCDOT ( Division 8, Attn: ing) DWQ, John I lennessey 3 El A L A M A N C E C O U N T Y urn Yc.? - _ - _?..?[_. _.-.t .- X5!9 m`? - r - r y- i ?_ ?dw 1354 1311 \ JET f '761 ? ? ? ?` _ 4f I y_] ? _ 73l r - locl 131 e . 712 'Cc ? _ \ \ .??, - - 729 ' I Ia?1 ?'z SILT ?. . o 2 CRY ? \ _ '?? ? -?.? ? `z'S- "<ct z_ee s 2110 r. .. ?? - S- + x b v a + ?-? z'? ?l TI O ti u ~ I?^ 'b j x x jf ? '1 "? 4 O?7 r o a z b k? 4 ? `° .o j???? R_Q9(47= /l? b ,r?,ry i i / / ooo O ; °° i Ode O00 / O 0 00 O ° 0 O o ° c O r i z rte, 1.2n- comc co Der 0 M m ° r n :rxco m v R• A x A co W W X O C1 ?T ° O?O )°_O ° o O Ci` ° o 0 I' OQ O? O? .,.\ 0OGO ,,a)J O o o / 0 D rn co ?? /I) 33 33 / v ?ti4 'ol'S/o /S 1102 fl) I I I = ri v 1 I I I I I ? F N rl D i I I 0 0 co I ()00 p 1 I 000 000 • I . ? I 0000000C . 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Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 10 /'Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 2077 New York New York District Engineer, ATTN: CENAN- OP-R, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278-0090 North Carolina Wilmington District Engineer, AT°I N: CESAW-RG, P.O. Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 North Dakota Omaha District Engineer, ATTN: CENWO- OP-R, 106 South 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68'102-1618 Ohio Huntington District Engineer, ATTN: CELRII-OR-F, 502 8th Street, Huntington, WV 25701-2070 Oklahoma Tulsa District Engineer, ATTN: CESAT--PE-- R, 1645 S. 101st East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Oregon Portland District Engineer, ATTN: CENWP- PE-G, P.O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 97208- 2946 Pennsylvania Baltimore District Engineer, AT°l'N: CENAB- OP-R, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, MD 21203-1715 Rhode Island New England District Engineer, ATTN: CENAE-R, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 South Carolina Charleston District Engineer, ATTN: CESAC- CO-P, P.O. Box 919, Charleston, SC 29402-0919 South Dakota Omaha District Engineer, ATTN: CENWO- OP-R, 106 South 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68102-1618 Tennessee Nashville District Engineer, ATTN: CELRN- OP-F, P.O. Box 1070, Nashville, TN 37202-1070 Texas Ft. Worth District Engineer, ATTN: CESWF- PER-R, P.O. Box 17300, Ft. Worth, TX 76102-0300 Utah Sacramento District Engineer, ATTN: CESPK-CO-R, 1325 J Street, CA 95814- 2922 Vermont New England District Engineer, ATTN: CENAE-R, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751 Virginia Norfolk District Engineer, ATTN: CENAO- OP-R, 803 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510-1096 Washington Seattle, District Engineer, ATTN: CENWS- OP--RG, P.U. Box 3755, Seattle, WA 981'24 2255 West Vir;imo Huntington District Engineer, ATTN: CELRII-OR-F, 502 8th Street, Huntington, WV 25701--2070 Wisconsin St. Paul District Engineer, A'I'"iN: CEMVP- CO-R, 190 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55161--1638 Wyoniirt Omaha District Engineer, ATTN: CENWO-- OP-R, 106 South 15th Street, Omaha, NE_ 68102-16 18 District of Columhin Baltimore District Engineer, ATTN: CENAi3- OP-R, P.U. Box 1715, Baltimore, NID 21203--1715 Pacific Territories (American SUaloo, Guam, 6 Commonwealth of the Northern Moriona Islands) Honolulu District Engineer, ATTN: CEPOI I- EC-R, Building 230, Fort Shafter, Honolulu, HI 96858--5440 Puerto Rico Fr Virgin Islands Jacksonville District Engineer, A"ITN: CESAJ-CO-R, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32202-4412 Dated: January 4, 2002. Approved: Robert H. Griffin, Brigadier C meral, U.S. Army, Director of Cavil Works. Nationwide Permits, Conditions, Further Information, and Definitions A. Index of Nationwide Permits, Conditions, Furtherlnformation, and Definitions Nationwide Permits 1. Aids to Navigation 2. Structures in Artificial Canals 3. Maintenance 4. Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices and Activities 5. Scientific Measurement Devices 6. Survey Activities 7. Outfall Structures and Maintenance 8. Oil and Gas Structures 9. Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areas 10. Mooring Buoys 11. Temporary Recreational Structures 12. Utility Line Activities 13. Bank Stabilization 14. Linear Transportation Projects 15. U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges 16. Return Water From Upland Contained Disposal Areas 17. Hydropower Projects 18. Minor Discharges 19. Minor Dredging 20. Oil Spill Cleanup 21. Surface Coal Mining Activities 22. Removal of Vessels 23. Approved Categorical Exclusions 24. State Administered Section 404 Programs 25. Structural Discharges 26.[Reservedl, 27. Stream and Wetland Restoration Activities 28. Modifications of Existing Marinas 29. Single,-family Housing 30. Moist Soil Management for Wildlife 31. Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities 32. Completed Enforcement Actions 33. 'T'emporary Construction, Access and Dowatering 34. Cranberry Production Activities :35. Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins 36. Boat Ramps 37. Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitation 38. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste 39. Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments 40. Agricultural Activities 41. Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches 42. Recreational Facilities 43. Storinwater Management Facilities 44. Mining Activities Nationwide Permit General Conditions 1. Navigation 2. Proper Maintenance 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls 4. Aquatic Life Movements 5. Equipment 6. Regional and Case-by-Case Conditions 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers 8. Tribal Rights 9. Water Quality 10. Coastal Zone Management 11. Endangered Species 12. Historic Properties 13. Notification 14. Compliance Certification 15. Use of Nfultiple Nationwide Permits. 16. Water Supply Intakes 17. Shellfish Beds 18. Suitable Material 19. Mitigation 20. Spawning Areas 21. Management of Water Flows 22. Adverse Effects from Impoundments 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas 24. Removal of Temporary Fills 25. Designated Critical Resource Waters 26. Fills Within 100-year Floodplains 27. Construction Period Further Information Definitions Best Management Practices (BMPs) Compensatory Mitigation Creation Enhancement Ephemeral Stream Farrar Tract Flood Fringe Floodway Independent Utility Intermittent Stream Loss of Waters of the US Non-tidal Wetland Open Water Perennial Stream Permanent Above-grade Fitt Preservation Restoration Riffle and Pool Complex r 20713 Federal Register / Vol, 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002./ Notices Sin-to and Complete Project Stormwater Management bridges, culverted road crossings, water dome primarily to obtain fill for arty Steam Br.ted r Management Facilities Stream iutake structures, etc.) and the placement of uew or additional riprap t restoration activities. The disrluare e of o dredged or fill materiat and all related Stream Channelizatioo ' protect the structure, provided [lit! work needed to restore the upland most tidal Wetland permittee notifies the District Fngineer he part of it single and complete project. Vegetated Buffer in accordance with General Condition This permit cannot be used in Vegetated Shallows Waterbody 13. The removal of sediment is limited to the minimum necessar to restore th conjunction with NWP 18 or NWP 19 to t d y e res ore muaged upland areas. This B. Nationwide Permits waterway in the immediate vicinity of permit cannot he used to reclaim 1 . Aids to Navigation. The placement the structure to the approximate dimensions that existed wh th historic: lands lost, over an extended of aids to navigation and Regulatory h and ed by i e ppro en e structure was built, but cannot extend period, to normal erosion processes. This permit does not authorize e i a installed h ad with ccor v further than 200 feet in any direction from the structure. The, placetneut of rip maintenance dredging for the primary f i requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) (See 33 CH, chapter I rap must be the minimum necessar to y purpose o nav gation and beach restoration. This permit does not , subchapter C part 66). (Section 10) protect the structure or to ensure thu safety of the structure All excavat d authorize new stream channelizatiou or 2. Structures in Artificial Canals. Structures constructed in artificial . e materials must b be deposited and atho t relocation projects. Any work authorized by this permit must not canals within principally residential developments where the connection of retained in an upland area unless otherwise specifically approvod by the cause more than minimal degradation of water quakily, more than minimal the canal to navigable water of the US h District Engineer under separate authorization Any bank stabilizati clutngcrs to the flow characteristics of the as been previously authorized (see 33 CFR 322.5(8)). (Section 10) . ouu measures not directly associated with stream, or increase flooding (See General Conditions 9 and 21). (Sections I. Maintenance. Activities related to: the structure will require a separate 10 and 404) (i) The repair, rehabilitation, or authorization front the District Engineer Note: 'l'lris NWP authorizes the repair, replacement of any previously (iii) Discharges of dredged or fill rehabilitation, or replacement of any authorized, currently serviceable, material, including excavation, into all previously authorized structure or fill that structure, or fill, or of any currently waters of the US for activities associated clues not qualify for the Section 404(t) serviceable structure or fill authorized with the restoration of upland areas exemption for maintenance. by 33 CFR 330.3, provided that the damaged by a storm, flood, or other 4. Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, structure or fill is not to be put to uses discrete event, including the Enhancernent, and Attraction Devices differing from those uses specified or construction, placement, or installation and Activities. Fish and wildlife contemplated for it in the original of upland protection structure's and harvesting devices and activities such as permit or the most recently authorized minor dredging to remove of structiorrs pound nets, crab traps, crab dredgiug modification. Minor deviations in the ' in a water of the US. (Uplands lost as , eel pots, lobster traps, duck blinds, claiu structure s configuration or filled area a result of a storm, flood, or other and oyster digging; and small fish including those due to changes in discrete event can be replaced without attraction devices such as open water materials, construction techniques, or a Section 404 permit provided the fish concentrators (sea kites, etc.). This current construction codes or safety uplands are restored to their original NWP authorizes shellfish seeding standards which are necessary to make pre-event location. This NWP is for the provided this activity does not occur in repair, rehabilitation, or replacement are activities in waters of the US associated wetlands or sites that support permitted, provided the adverse with the replacement of the uplands.) submerged aquatic vegetation (including environmental effects resulting frorn The permittee must notify the District sites where submerged aquatic: such repair, rehabilitation, or Engineer, in accordance with General vegetation is documented to exist but replacement are minimal. Currently Condition 13, within 12-months of flue , may not he present in a given year,). serviceable means useable as is or with date of the damage and the work must This NW11 does not authorize artificial some maintenance, but not so degraded commence, or be under contract to reefs or impoundments and senti- as to essentially require reconstruction. continence, within two years of the date impoundments of waters of the US for This NWP authorizes the repair, of the damage. The permittee should the culture or holding of motile species relrahilitation, or replacement of those provide evidence, such as a recent such as lobster or the use of covered structures or fills destroyed or damaged topographic survey or photographs, to oyster trays or clan racks. (Sections 10 by storms, floods, fire or other discrete justify the extent of fife proposed and 404) events, provided the repair, rehabilitation, or replacement is restoration. The restoration of the damaged areas cannot exceed the • 5. Scientific Measurement Devices, Devices, whose purpose is to measure commenced, or is under contract to contours, or ordinary high water mark, and record scientific data such as staff commence, within two years of the date that existed before the damage. The gages, title gages, water recording of their destruction or damage, In cases District Engineer retains the right to devices, water quality testing and of catastrophic events, such as hurricanes or tornadoes, this two-year determine the extent of the pre-existing conditions and the extent of an improvement devices and similar t t S ll limit may be waived by the District y restoration work authorized by this s ruc ures. ma weirs and flumes constructed primarily to record water Engineer, provided the permittee can permit, Minor dredging to remove quantity and velocity are also demonstrate funding, contract, or other obstructions from the adjacent authorized provided the discharge is similar delays. (ii) Discharges of dredged or fill waterbody is limited to 50 cubic yards below the plane of the ordinary high limiter( to 25 cubic yards and further for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards material, including excavation, into all water mark, and is limited to the provided the permittee notifies the waters of the US to remove accumulated sediments and debris in the vicinity of amount necessary to restore the pre- existin bottom cont f th District Engineer in accordance with the " " , and within, existing structures (e.g., g ours o e waterbody. The dredging may not be Notification General Condition. (Sections 10 and 404) Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 2079 ' G. Survey Activities. Survey activities including core sampling, seismic exploratory operations, plugging of soisunic shot holes and other exploratory-type bore holes, soil survev, sampling, and historic resources surveys. Discharges and structures associated with the recovery of historic resources are not authorized by this NWP. Drilling and the discharge of excavated material from test wells for oil and gas exploration is not authorized by this NWP; the plugging of such wells is authorized. Fill placed for roads, pads and other similar activities is not authorized by this NWl'. 'I'lae NWP does not authorize any permanent structures. The discharge of drilling mud and cuttings may require a permit under section 402 of the CWA. (Sections 10 and 404) -7. Outfall Structures and Maintenance. Activities related to: (i) Construction of outfall structures and associated intake structures where the effluent from the outfall is authorized, conditionally authorized, or specifically exempted, or are otherwise in conaoliance with regulations issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program (Section 402 of the CWA), and (ii) Maintenance excavation, including dredging, to remove accumulated sediments blocking or restricting outfall and intake structures, accumulated sediments from small impoundments associated with outfall and intake structures, and accumulated sediments from canals associated with outfall and intake structures, provided that the activity meets all of the following criteria: a. The permittee, notifies the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13; b. The amount of excavated or dredged material must be the minimum necessary to restore the outfalls, intakes, small impoundments, and canals to original design capacities and design configurations (i.e., depth and width); c. The excavated or dredged material is deposited and retained at an upland site, unless otherwise approved by the District Engineer under separate authorization; and d. Proper soil erosion and sediment control measures are used to minimize reentry of sediments into waters of the LIS. 'The construction of intake structures is not authorized by this NWP, unless they are directly associated with an authorized outfall structure. For maintenance excavation and dredging to remove accumulated sediments, the notification must include information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of the facility and ?e presence of special aquatic sites e.g., vegetated shallows) in the vicinity of the proposed work. (Sections LO and 404) , 8. Oil and Gos Structures. Structures for the exploration, production, and transportation of oil, gas, and minerals on the outer continental shelf within areas leased for such purposes by the DOI, Minerals Management Service (MMS).'Such structures shall [lot be placed within the limits of any designated shipping safety fairway or traffic separation scheme, except temporary anchors that comply with the fairway regulations in 33 CFK 322.5(1). (Where such limits have not been designated, or where changes are anticipated, District Engineers will consider asserting discretionary authority in accordance with :33 CFR 330.4(e) and will also review such proposals to ensure they comply with the provisions of the fairway regulations in 33 CPR 322.5(1). Any Corps review cinder this permit will be limited to the effects on navigation and national security in accordance with 33 CH .322.5(n). Such structures will riot be placed in established danger zones or restricted areas as designated in 33 CFR part 334: nor will such structures be permitted in EPA or Corps designated dredged material disposal areas. (Section 10) 9. Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areas. Structures, buoys, floats and other devices placed within anchorage or fleeting areas to facilitate moorage of vessels where the USCG has established such areas for that purpose. (Section 10) , 10. Mooring Buovs. Non-commercial, single-boat, mooring buoys. (Section 10) 11. Temporary Recreational Structures. Temporary buoys, markers, small floating docks, and similar structures placed for recreational use during specific events such as water skiing competitions and boat races or seasonal use provided that such structures are removed within 30 clays after use has been discontinued. At Corps of Engineers reservoirs, the reservoir manager must approve each buoy or marker individually. (Section 10) s12. Utility Line Activities. Activities required for the construction, maintenance and repair of utility lines and associated facilities in waters of the US as follows: (i) Utility lines: The construction, maintenance, or repair of utility lines, including outfall and intake structures and the associated excavation, backfill, or bedding for the utility lines, in all waters of the US, provided there is no change in preconstrruction contours. A "utility line" is defined as any pipe or pipeline for the transportation of any gaseous, liquid, liquescent, or slurry substance, for any purpose, and any, cable, line, or wire for the transmission for any purpose of electrical energy, telephone, and telegraph messages, and radio and television communication (sec Note 1, below). Material resulting frorn trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast (up to three months) into waters of the US, provided that the material is not placed in such a manner that it is dispersed by currents or other forces. The District Engineer may extend the period of temporary side casting not to exceed a total of 180 davs, where appropriate. In wetlands, the top 6" to 12" of the trench should normally be b,uckfilled with topsoil from the trench. Furthermore, the trench cannot be constructed in such a manner as to drain waters of the US (e.g., backfilling with extensive gravel layers, creating a french (train effect). For example, utility line trenches can be backfilled with clay blocks to ensure that the trench does not drain the waters of the US through which the utility line is installed. Any exposed slopes and stream banks must be stabilized immediately upon completion of the utility line crossing, of each waterbody. (ii) Utility line substations: The construction, maintenance, or expansion of a substation facility associated with a power line or utility line in non-tidal waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, provided the activity does not result in the loss of greater than 'h-acre of non-tidal waters of the US. (iii) Foundations for overhead utility line towers, poles, and anchors: The construction or maintenance of foundations for overhead utility line towers, poles, and anchors in all waters of the US, provided the foundations are the mininttun size necessary and separate footings for each tower leg (rather than a larger single pad) are used where feasible. (iv) Access roads: The construction of access roads for the construction and maintenance of utility lines, including overhead power lines and utility line substations, in non-tidal waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, provided the discharges cto not cause the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of non-tidal waters of the US. Access roads shall be the minimum width necessary (see Note 2, below). Access roads must be constructed so that the length of the road minimizes the adverse effects on waters of the US and as near as possible to proconstruction contours and 2080 federal Register / Vol. 67, No. lo/Tuesday, January 15, 2002 / Notices elevations (e.g., at grade corduroy roads or geolextile/gravel roads). Access roads constructed above preconstructiou contours and elevations in waters of the JS must be properly bridged or culverted to maintain surface flows. 'File terur "utility line" does not include activities which drain a water of the US, such as drainage tile, or french (trains; however, it does apply to pipes conveying drainage from another area. For the purposes of this NWP, the loss of waters of the US includes the filled area plus waters of the US that are adversely affected by flooding, excavation, or drainage as a result of the project. Activities authorized by paragraph (i) through (iv) may not exceed a total of /nacre loss of waters of the US, Waters of the US temporarily affected by filling, flooding, excavation, or drainage, where the project area is restored to preconstructiou contours and elevation, is not included in the calculation of permanent loss of waters of the US. This includes temporary construction [hats (e.g., timber, steel, gc:otoxtile) used during construction and removed upon completion of the work. Where certain functions and values of waters of the US are permanently adversely affected, such as the conversion of a forested wetland to a herbaceous wetland in the permanently maintained utility line right-of-way, mitigation will be required to reduce the adverse effects of the project to the rninf n1al level. Mechanized land clearing necessary for the construction, maintenance, or repair of utility lines and the construction, maintenance and expansion of utility line substations, foundations for overhead utility lines, and access roads is authorized, provided the cleared area is kept to the minimum necessary and prpconstruction contours are maintained as near as possible. The area of waters of the US that is filled, excavated, or flooded must be limited to the minimum necessary to construct the utility line, substations, foundations, and access roads, Excess material must be removed to upland areas immediately upon completion OF construction. This NWP may authorize utility lines in or affecting navigable waters of the US even if there is no associated discharge of dredged or fill material (See 33 CFR part 322). Notification: The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any of the following criteria are met: I (a) Mechanized land clearing in a forested wetland for the utility line i right-of-way; (b) A Section 10 permit is required; t (c) The utility line in waters of the US, excluding overhead lines, exceeds 500 feet; (d) The utility lino is placed within a jurisdictional area (i.e., water of the IIS) and it runs parallel to a strcarn bed that is within that jurisdictional area; (e) Discharges associated with the construction of utility line substations that result in the loss of greater than 1/1" acre of" water"; of the US; or (f) Permanent access roads constructed above grade in ovalr.rs of the US for a distance of more than 500 feet. (g) Permanent access roods constructed in waters of the US wit.lt impervious materials. (Sections 10 and 404) Note 1: Overlusid utility lines constructed over Section 10 waters and utility tines that are routed in or under Sectino 10 waters without a discharge of dredged or fill mnterfat require a Section 10 permit; except for pipes or pipelines used to transport gaseous, liquid, IiquescGnt, or slurry substances over navigable waters of ttre liS, which are considered to lie bridges, not utility lines, and pray require a permit from the USCG pursuant to section 9 of the Rivers and I larbors Act of 1£199. However, uuy discharges of dredgecl or fill naterial associated with such pipelines will require a Corps permit under Section 4o4. Note 2: Access roads used for both construction and nraintenarce may be authorized, provided they meet the terms aui conditions of this NWP. Access roads used solely for construction of the utility tine oust be reurovcd upon cornpletion of the work and the area restored to proconstntctiou contocus, elevations, and wetland conditions, Temporary access roads for construction may be authorized by NVVP 33. Note 3: Where the proposed utility line is CoustrUCted or installed in navigable waters of the US (i.e., Section 10 waters), copies of the, PCN and MVP verification wilt he seat by the Corps to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAH), National Ocean Service (NOS), for charting the utility line to protect navigation. •13. Bank Stabilization. Bank stabilization activities necessary for erosion prevention provided the activity meets all of the following criteria: a. No material is placed more than the mfnfrnum needed for rnrosion protection; b. The bank stabilization activity is less than 500 feet in length; c. The activity will not exceed an average of one cubic yard per running foot placed along the bank below the plane of the ordinary high water mark or the high tide line; d. No material is placed in any special aquatic site, including wetlands; e. No material is of the type, or is )laced in any location, or in any manner, to impair surface water flow nto or out of any wetland area; f. No material is placed in a manner hat will be eroded by normal or expected high flows (properly anchored Irees and treetops may be used in low energy areas); and, g. The activity is part of a single and complete project. Hank stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet ill length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot may he authorized if the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notificatior£" C;crreral Condition 13 and the District Engineer determines the activity complies with the other teens and conditions of the NWP and the adverse environmental effects are, minimal both individually and cumulatively. This NWP may not be used for the channelization of waters of the US. (Sections 10 and 404) r14. Linear Transportation Projects. Activities required for the construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of linear transportation crossings (e.g., highways, railways, trails, airport runways, and twxiways) in waters of the US, including wetlands, if the activity moets the following criteria: a. This NWP is subject to the following acreage limits: (1) For linear transportation projects in non-tidal waters, provided the discharge does not cause the loss of greater thallV acre of waters of the US; (2) for linear transportation projects in tidal waters, provided the discharge does not cause the loss of greater than '/3-acre of waters of the US. b. The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 if any of the following criteria are met: (1) The discharge causes the loss of greater than 'ho-acre of waters of the US; or (2) 't'here is a discharge ill a special aquatic site, including wetlands; c. The notification must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset permanent losses of waters of the US to ensure that those losses result only in minimal adverse effects to the aquatic environtnent and a statement describing how temporary losses wilt he fninimized to the maximum extent practicahle; d. For discharges in special aquatic; sites, including wetlands, and stream riffle and pool complexes, the notification must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic: sites; e. The width of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for the crossing; f. This permit does not auLhOrize stream channelization, and the authorized activities must not cause more than minimal changes to the hydraulic flow characteristics of the strcarn, increase flooding, or cause more Federal Register / Vol. G7, No. 10 /'Tuesday, January 15, 2002 / Notices 20131 than minimal degradation of water quality of any stream (see General accordance with the "Notification" General Condition; or (b) hydropower navigable waters of the US (see 33 CFR 322.5(g)). (Se(:tions 10 and 404) Conditions 9 and 21); g. This permit cannot be used to projects for which the FERC has granted 20. Oil Spill Cleanup. Activities authorize non-linear features commonly an exemption from licensing pursuant to section 408 of' the Energy Security required for the containment and cleanup of oil and hazardous substances associated with transportation projects, such as vehicle maintenance or sto Act of 1980 (1G U.S.C. 2705 and 2708) which are subject to the National Oil rage buildings, parking lots, train stations, or and section 30 of the Federal Power Act as amended; provided the permittee , and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 CFR part 300) aircraft hangars; and h. The crossing is it sin le and notifies the District Engineer in provided that the work is clone in g complete project for crossing waters of accordance with the "Notification" accordance with the Spill Control and the US. Where a road segment (i.o the General Condition. (Section 404) M Countermeasure Plan required by 40 ., shortest segment of a road with 18.. inor Discharges. Minor CFR 112.3 and any existing state independent utility that is part of a discharges of dredged or fill material contingency plan and provided that the larger project) has multiple crossings of into n11 waters of the US if the activity Regional Response Team (if one exists streams (several single and complete mol.e.ts all of the following criteria: in the area) concurs with the proposed projects) the Corps will consider o. The quantity of discharged material ''nd the volume of uea excavated do t containment and cleanup action. (Sections 10 and 404 ) whether it should use its discretiontcc y authority to require an Individual no exceed 25 cubic: yards below the plaice 21. Surface Coal Mining Activities. Permit (Sections 10 and 404) of the ordinary high water mark or the Discharges of dredged or fill material Not(!: Some discharges for the construction f f d high tide line; 1) • The clischnrge including any into waters of the US associated with surface coal mining and reclamation o arm roa s, forest roans, or temat pDry roads for moving mining equipment may be , excavated area, will not cause the loss operations provided the coal mining eligible for an exemption from the need for of more than'/ni-act'e of a special activities are authorized b the DOI, ac by a Section 404 permit (see 3:3 CUR 323.4). aquatic site, including wetlands. For the Office of Surface Mining (USM), or by 15. U. S. Coast Guard Approved purposes of this NWP, the acreage states with approved programs under Bridges. Discharges of dredged or fill limitation includes the filled area and V of the Surface Mining Control m aterial incidental to the construction of bridges across navigable waters of the d area plus special excavate plus aquatic sites that are adversely affected by flooding and and Rec lamation Act of 1977 and p ro v provided the perimittee notifies the US, including cofferdams, abutments and special aquatic sites that are Dis t rict Engineer accordance with the '' , foundation seals, piers, and temporary drained so that they would no longer be Notification" General Condition. In ;addition to be authorized b thi NWP construction aril access fills provided such discharges have been authorized a water of the US as a result of the project; , y s , the District Engineer must determine by the USCG as part of the bridge c. If the discharge, including any that the activity complies with the terms permit Causeways and approach fills excavated area, exceeds 10 cubic yards and conditions of the NWP and that the adverse environmental effects are are not included in this NWP and will below the plane of the ordinary high , ?rinimal both individually and require an individual or regional Section 404 permit. (,Section 404) water mark or the high tide line or if the discharge is in it special aquatic site, cumulatively arid must notif the y . 16. Return Water Prom Uplond including wetlands, the permittee project sponsor of this determination in writing. The Corps at the discretion of Contained Disposal Areas. Return water notifies the District Engineer in , the District Engineer may re uire a from upland, contained dredged accordance with the ''Notification" , q bond to ensure success of the material disposal area. The dredging itself may require a Section 404 permit General Condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, includin mitigation, if no other Federal or state (33 CH 323.2(d)), but will require a g wetlands, the notification must also agency has required one. For discharges in special aquatic sites including Section 10 permit if located in navigable ' ' include it delineation of affected special , wetlands, and stream riffle and pool waters of the US. T ile return water from aquatic sites, including wetlands (also complexes the notification must also it contained disposal area is administratively,defined as a discharge see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); and of. The dischar e including all , include a delineation of affected special of dredged material by 33 CFR 323.2(d), , g attendant features, both temporary and aquatic sites, including wetlands. (also, see 33 CFR 330 1(e)) even though the disposal itself occurs on the upland and does not require it permanent, is part of it single and complete project and is not placed for . Nlitit;ation: In determining the aced for as well as the level and type of Section 404 permit. This NVVP satisfies the purpose of it stream diversion, mitigation, the District Engineer will the technical requirement for it Section (Sections 10 and 404) ensure no more than minimal adverse 404 permit for the return water where 19. Minor Dredging. Dredging of no effects to tlce aquatic environment the quality of the return water is more than 25 cubic yards below the occur. As such, District En ineers will controlled by the state through the plane of the ordinary high water mark g determine on a case-by-case basis the Section 401 certification procedures, or the mean high water mark from requirement for adequate mitigation to (Section 404) - 17. Hydropower Projects. Discharges navigable waters of the US (i.e., Section 10 waters) as part of a single and ensure the effects to aquatic systems are minimal. In cases where OSM or the of dredged or fill material associated complete project. This NWP does not state has required mitigation for the loss with (a) small hydropower projects at authorize the dredging or degradation of aquatic habitat, the Corps may existing reservoirs where the project, which includes the fill, are licensed by through siltation of coral reefs, sites that support submerged aquatic ve etation consider this in determining appropriate i i i the Federal Energy Regulatory g (including sites where submerged m gat t on under Section 404. (Sections 10 and 404) Commission (FERC) under the Federal aquatic vegetation is documented to 22. Removal of Vessels. Temporary Power Act of 1920, as amended; and has exist, but may not be present in a given structures or minor discharges of a total generating capacity of not more than 5000 kW; and the permittee year), anadromous fish spawning areas, or wetlands or the conn ti f l dreclged or fill material required for the notifies the District Engineer in , ec on o cana s or other artificial waterways to removal of wrecked, abandoned, or disabled vessels, or the removal of man- 2082 Federal Register/ Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuusday, January 15, 2002 / Notices made obstructions to navigation.'[ leis NWP does not authorize the removal of vessels listed or determined eligible for listing gin the National Register of Historic: Places unless the I)istrict i?nginuer is notified and indicates that there is compliance with the "historic Propurlies" General Condition. This NWP does not authorize maintenance dredging, shoal removal, or riverbank snagging. Vessel disposal in waters of the US may need a permit from EPA (see 40 CFR'229.3), (Sections 10 and 404) 23. Approved Categorical Lxchrsions. Activities undertaken, assisted, authorized, regulated, funded, or financed, in whole or in part, by anotho Federal agency or department where that agency or department has de.terrnined, pursuant to tine Council orn Environmental Quality Regulation for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (40 CFR part 1500 et seq.), that the activity, work, or discharge is categorically excluded from environmental documentation, because it is included within a category of actions which neither individually nor crunulatively have it significant effect err the htuunn environment, and the Office of the Chief of Engineers (ATTN: CECVV- OR) has been furnished notice of the agency's or department's application for the categorical exclusion and concurs with that determination. Before approval for purposes of this NWP of any agency's categorical exclusions, the Chief of Engineers will solicit public comment. In addressing these comments, the Chief of Engineers may require curtain conditions for authorization of an agency's categorical exclusions under this NWP. (Sections 10 and 404) 24. State Administered Section 404 Program. Any activity permitted by it state administering its own Section 404 permit program pursuant to 33 U.S,C. 1344(g)-(I) is permitted pursuant to section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Those activities that do not involve a Section 404 slate permit are riot included in this NWP, but certain structures will be exempted by section 154 of Pub. L. 94-587, 90 Stat. 2917 (33 U.S.C. 591) (see 33 CFR 322.3(x)('2)). (Section 10) 25. Struchu-al Discharges. Discharges of material such as concrete, sand, rock, etc., into tightly sealed forms or cells where the material will be used as a structural member for standard pile supported structures, such as bridges, transnui;;siou line footings, and walkways or for general navigation, such as mooring cells, including the excavation of bottom material from within the form prior to the discharge c concrete, scud, rock, etc. Phis NWP does not authorize filled structural members that would support buildings, building pods, homes, liouse pads, parking areas, storago areas and other such structures. The structure itself iua require it Section to permit if focatect in navi(;abin_ waters of the CIS. (Section 404) 26. [Reservcdj 27. Stream and tVetland pestoration Activities. Activities in waters of tile tjS associated with the restoration of former waters, the enhancement of degraded tidal and non-tidal wetlands and riparian areas, tilt; creation of tidal and r non-tidal wetlands and riparian areas, and the restoration and enhancement of non-tidal streams and nor-tidal open water areas as follows: (a) The activity is conducted on: (1) Non-Federal public; lands and'. private lauds, in accordance with the terms and cooditiOn s of a biuding wetland enhancement, restoration, or creation agreement between the landowner and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) or the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the National Marine Fisheries Service, the National Ocean Service, or voluntary wetland restoration, enhancement, and creation actions documented by the NRCS pursuant to NRCS regulations; or (2) Reclaimed surface coal mine lands, in accordance with it Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act permit issued by the OSlvf or the applicable state agency (tire future reversion does not apply to strealus or wetlands created, restored, or enhanced as mitigation for the mining impacts, nor naturally dire to hydrulogic or topographic features, nor for it mitigation bank); or (3) Any other public, private or tribal lands; (h) Notification: For activities on any public or private land that are not described by paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) above, the pormittoe must notify the Oistrrict Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13; and (c) Planting of only native species should occur on the site. Activities authorized by this NWP include, to the extent that a Corps permit is required, but are not limited to: tine removal of aCCnntdated sediments; the installation, removal, and maintenance of sumll water control structures, dikes, and berms; tiro installation of current deflectors; file enhancement, restoration, or creation of riffle and pool stream structure; tilt', placement of in-stream habitat structures; modifications of the stream ?f bed and/or banks to restore or create stream nu iimle's; the backfillim, of artificial channels and draina, eu ditches; the removal of existing drainage structures; the construction of snuril nustinr; islands; the construction of opiur y water areas; the construction of oyster habitat over uuvegetated bottom in tidal waters; activities needed to reestablish vegetation, including plowing or rliscing for seed becl preparation and the planting of appropriate wetland species; nwchanized land clearing to remove nor-native invasive, exotic or eusiance. vegetation; and other related activities. '['his NMI does not authorize the conversion of it stream to another aquatic use, such as the creation of an _ irrupouurlnleut for waterfowl habitat. This NWP does met authorize stream channelization. This NWP does not atrthorire the conversion of natural wetlands to another aquatic use, such as creation of waterfowl impoundments where a forested wetland previously existed. However, this NWP authorizes the relocation of non-tidal waters, including non-tidal wetlands, oil tile project site provided there are net gains in aquatic resource functions and valves. For example, this NWP may authorize the creation of an open water impoundment in it non-tidal emergent wetland, l:rrovidnd the non-tidal emergent wetland is replaced by creating that wetland type on the project site. This NWP does not authorize the relocation of tidal waters or the conversion of tidal waters, including tidal wetlands, to other aquatic uses, such as the conversion of tidal wetlands into open water impoundments. Revcrsian. For enhancement, restoration, and creation projects conducted under paragraphs (a)(3), this NVVP does not authorize any future discharge of dredged or fill material associated with the reversion of the area to its prior condition. In such cases it separate permit would be required for any reversion. For restoration, enhancement, and creation projects conducted under paragraphs (a)(1) and (ut)(2), dais NWP also authorizes any future discharge of dredged or fill material associates] with the reversion of the area to its documented prior condition and use (i.e., prior to the restoration, enhancement, or creation activities). The reversion nnust occur within five years after expiration or a limited terrrl wetland restoration or creation agreement or permit, even if the discharge, occurs after this NVVP expires. This NWP also authorizes the reversion of wetlands that were restored, enhanced, or created on prior-converted cropland that has riot been abandoned, in accordance with a binding agreement Federal Register / Vol. 07, No. 10 /'I'uosday, January 15, 2002 / Notices 2083 between the landowner and NI:(-,'S or FWS (even though the restoration, enhancement, or creation activity did not require a Section 404 permit). The five-year reversion limit does not apply to agreements without time limits reached under paragraph (a)(1). The prior condition wilt he documented in the original agreement or permit, and the determination of return to prior conditions will be made by the Federal agency or appropriate state agency executing the agreement or permit. Before any reversion activity the permittee or the appropriate Federal or state agency must notify tho District Engineer and include the documentation of till, prior condition. Once an area has reverted to its prior physical condition, it will be subject to whatever the Corps Regulatory requirements will be at that future date. (Sections 10 and 404) Note: Compensatory uriti};alion is not required for activities authorized by this NWP, provided the authorized work results in a net increase in aquatic resource functions and values in the project area. This NWP can be used to authorize compensatory mitigation projects, including mitigation banks, provided the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, and the project includes compensatory mitigation for impacts to waters of the US caused by the authorized work. However, this NWP does not authorize the reversion of an area used for a compensatory mitigation project to its prior condition. NWP 27 can be used to authorize impacts at a mitigation bank, but only in circumstances where it has been approved under the Interagency Federal Mitigation Bank Guidelines. 28. Modifications of Existing Marinas. Reconfiguration of existing clocking facilities within an authorized marina area. No dredging, additional slips, dock spaces, or expansion of any kind within waters of the US-is authorized by this NWP. (Section 10) 29. Single-family Housing. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the US, including non-tidal wetlands for the construction or expansion of a single-family home and attendant features (such as a garage, driveway, storage shed, and/or septic field) for an Individual Permittee provided that the activity meets all of the following criteria: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of more than Vi-acre of non-tidal waters of the US, including non-tidal wetlands; b. The permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" General Condition; c. The permittee has taken all practicable actions to minimize the oui- site and off-site impacts of the discharve. For example, the location of the home nray need to be adjusted on- site to avoid flooding of adjacent property owners; d. The clischargo is part of a single and complete project; furthermore, that for any subdivision created on or after November 22, 1901, the discharges, authorized under this NWP may not exceed an aggregate total loss of waters of the U, of V, -acre for the entire subdivision; r;. Air individual may use this NWP only for a single-family home for it personal residence; f. This NVVP may he used only once per parcel; g. This MVP may not be usr,d in conjunction with NVVP 14 or NWT' 1£3, for any [[)arcel; and, h. Sufficient vegetated buffers must be maintained adjacent to all open water bodies, streams, etc., to preclude water quality cegradation due to erosion and sedimentation. For the purposes of this NWP, the acreage of loss of waters of the US includes the filled area previously permitted, the proposed filled area, and any other waters of the US that are adversely affected by flooding, excavation, or drainage as a result of the project. This NWP authorizes activities only by individuals; for this purpose, the term "individual" refers to a natural person and/or a married couple, but does not include a corporation, partnership, or similar entity. For the purposes of this NWP, a parcel of land is defined as "the entire contiguous quantity of land in possession of, recorded as property of, or owned (in any form of ownership, including land owned as a partner, corporation, joint tenant, etc.) by the same individual (and/or that individual's spouse), and comprises not only the area of wetlands sought to be filled, but also all land contiguous to those wetlands, owned by the individual (and/or that individual's spouse) in any form of ownership." (Sections 10 and 404) 30. Moist Soil Management for Wildlife. Discharges of dreclgecl or fill material and maintenance activities that are associated with moist soil management for wildlife performed on non-tidal Federally-owned or managed, state-owned or managed property, and local government agency-owned or managed property, for the purpose of continuing ongoing, site-specific, wildlife management activities where soil manipulation is used to manage habitat and feeding areas for wildlife. Such activities include, but are not limited to: The repair, maintenance or replacement of existing water control structures; the repair or maintenance of dikes; and plowing or discing to impecle suc.,cc?ssion, prepare seed bells, or ostnhlish fire; breaks. Sufficient vegetated buffers must be. maintained adjacent to all open water bodies, streams, etc., to preclude water quality degradation clue to erosion and sedimentation. This NWP does not aurthorize the construction of new dikes, roads, water control structures, etc. associated with the management areas, This NWP does not authorize converting wetlands to uplands, impoundments or other opc;n water bodies. (Section 404) 31. Moint enonce of Existing Flood Control Facilities. Discharge of dredge or fill material resulting from activities associated with the maintenance of existing flood control facilities, including dehi-is basins, retention/ detentimi basiris, and channels that W were previously authorize( by the Corps by Individual Permit, General Permit, by 33 CFR 330.3, or did not require a permit at the time it was constructed, nr (ii) were constructed by the Corps and transferred to a non-Federal sponsor for operation and maintenance. Activities authorized by this NWP are limited to those resulting from maintenance activities that are conducted within the "maintenance baseline," as described in the definition below. Activities including the discharges of dredged or fill materials, associated with maintenance activities in flood control facilities in any watercourse that has previously been determined to be within thn maintenance baseline, are authorized under this NWP. The NWP does not authorize the removal of sediment and associated vegetation from the natural water courses except to the extent that these have been included in the maintenance baseline. All dredged material must be placed in an upland site or an authorized disposal site in waters of the US, and proper siltation controls must b0' used. (Activities of any kind that result in only incidental fallback, or only the cutting and removing of vegetation above; the ground, e.g., mowing, rotary cutting, and chainsawing, where the activity neither substantially disturbs the root system nor involves mechanized pushing, draggutg, or other similar activities that redeposit excavated soil material, do not require a Section 404 permit in accordance with 33 CFR 323.2(d)('2)), Notification: After the maintenance baseline is established, and before any maintenance work is conducted, the permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" General Condition. Tire nolificatiou may be for activity-specific r. 2084 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 10 /'Tuesday, January 15, 2002/ Notices uraiutenance or for maintenance of the entire flood control facility by However, if one-time mitigation is required for iinp acts associated with activity subject to the terms and c:onditious of this NVVP and the submitting a five year (or less) maintenance lan maintenance activities, the District E i seltlenunrt agrec?nient, including a p . Motntenuncc Baseline: The ng neer will not clelay rueded maintenance, provided the District specified completion dnto: or (ii) The lurms of a heal Federal court mainteuanc e baseline is If description of the physical characteristcs depth, Eugureer and [lie permittee establish a schedule for identification a roval decision, consent decree. or settlement a recr t lti f width, length, location, configuration, o design flood capacity etc ) of a flood , pp , r development, construction and l g uon resu ng rom an enforcement action brought by the U.S. , . control project within which comp etion of any such required mitigation. Once the one-time, raider section 404 of' the CWA and/or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act maintenance activities are normally authorized by NWP 31, subject to any mitigation described above has been completed, or a determination made of 1890; or (iii) The terms of a filial court case-specific conditions required by the District Engineer, The District Engineer that mltigation is not required, no further mitigation will be required for decision, consent decree, settlement agreement, or non-judicial settlement will approve the maintenance baseline hased on the approved or constructed maintenance activities within the i al;reument resulting from a natural capacity of the flood control facility ma ntenance baseline. In determining a i t iti i resource daruage claim brought by If , whichever is smaller, including any ppropr a e m gat on, the District Engineer will give special consideration trustee or trustees for natural resources (as defined by the National Contingency areas where there are no constructed channels but which are art of the to natural water courses that have been i l d flan ?it 40 CFR subpart G) render section , p facility. If no evidence of the nc u ed in the maintenance haseline and require compensatory mitigation 311 of the; Clean Water Act (MA), section 107 of the Comprehensive constructed capacity exist, the approved constructed capacity will be used The and/or 13MPs as appropriate L' Si i Elivironnreu[al Response, Compensation - . prospective permittee will provide rnergency tuat ons: In emergency situations, this NWP may be used to and Liability Act (( :I?RCI,A or Supcrfund), section 312 of the National documentation of the physical characteristics of the flood control authorize maintenance activities in flood control facilities for which no Marine; Sanctuaries Act (NNISA), section 1002 of the Oil Pollution Act of 1 990 facility (which will normally consist of as-built or approved drawings) and maintenance baseline has been ap roved Emer enc it ti . (OPA), or the Park System Resource P i ` documentation of the design capacities of the flood control facilit The p . g y s ua ons are those which would result in an t bl h d rotect on Act at 16 U.S.C. l9jj, to the extent that a Cor )5 permit is required. y. documentation will also include BMI's unaccep a ,.czar e to life, a significant loss of property, or an immediate, For dither (i), ii) or (iii) above, compliance is a cundition of the NWP to ensure that the impacts to the aquatic unforeseen, and significant economic itself. Any authorization under this environment are minimal, especially in hardship if action is not taken before a NWP is automatically revoked if the maintenance areas where there are no maintenance baseline can be approved. permittee does not comply with the constructed channels. (The Corps may in such situations, life determination of terms of this NVVP or the terms of the request maintenance records in areas where there has not been recent mitigation requirements, if any, may be deferred until the emergency has been court decision, consent decree, or judicial/non-judicial settlement maintenance.) Revocation or modification of the final determination resolved. Once the emergency has ended, a maintenance baseline must be agreement or tails to complete the work by the specified completion date. This of the maintenance baseline can only be established expeditiously, and NWP does not apply to any activities done in accordance with 3,9 CFR 330.5. mitigation, including mitigation for occurring after the date of the decision, Except in emergencies as described below this NVVP can not be used u til maintenance conducted during the decreo, or agreement that are not for the , n the District Engineer approves the emergency, must be required as purposo of mitigation, restoration, or i maintenance baseline and determines appropriate. (Sections 10 and 404) 32. Completed Enforcement Actions. env ronmental benefit. B,Jore reaching any settlement agreement, the Corps the need for mitigation and any regional Any structure, work or discharge of will ensure compliance with the or activity-specific conditions. Once dredged or fill material, remaining in provisions of 33 CFR part 326 and 33 determined, the maintenance baseline place, or undertaken for mitigation, CFR 330.6 (d)(2) and (e). (Sections 10 will remain valid for any subsequent restoration, or environmental benefit in and 404) reissuance of this NWP. This permit does not authorize maintenance of a compliance with either: (i) The terms of a final written Cor s 33. Temporary Construction, Access and 17ervotering. 't'emporary structures flood control facility that has been p non-judicial settlement agreement , work and discharges, including abandoned. A flood control facility will resolving a violation of section 404 of cofferdams, necessary for construction be considered abandoned if it has the CWA and/or section 10 of the Rivers activities or access fills or dewatering of operated at a significantly reduced and Harbors Act of 1899; or the terms construction sites; provided that the capacity without needed maintenance of an EPA 309(x) order on consent associated primary activity is authorized being accomplished in a timely manner. Mitigatiou: The District En ineer will resolving a violation of section 404 of by the Corps of Engineers or the [1SCG, g determine any required mitigation one- the CWA, provided that: a. The unauthorized activity affected or for other construction activities not subject to the Corps or USCG time only for impacts associated with no more than 5 acres of non-tidal regulations. Appropriate measures Must maintenance work at the same time that wetlands or 1 acre of tidal wetlands; be taken to maintain near normal the rnahitenance baseline is approved. b. The settlement agreement provides downstream flows and to minimize Such one-time mitigation will be for environmental benefits, to an equal flooding. Fill must be of materials and required when necessary to ensure that adverse environmental impacts are no or greater degree, than the i l , . placed in a manner, that will not be more than minimal, both individually env ronmenta detriments caused by the unauthorized activity that is authorized eroded by expected high flows. The use of dredged material may be allowed if and cumulatively. Such mitigation will by Ulis MVP; and it is determined by the District Engineer only be required once for any specific c. The District Engineer issues a that it will not cause more than minimal reach of a flood control project, verification letter authorizing the adverse effects on aquatic resources. Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 20f35 Temporary fill must be entirely remove to upland areas, or dredged material returned to its original location, following completion of the construction activity, and the affected areas must be restored to the pre-project conditions. Cofferdams cannot be used to dowater wetlands or other aquatic areas to change their use. Structures left in place after cofferdams are removed require a Section 10 permit if located in navigable waters of the U.S. (See 33 CFR part 322). The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification'' General Condition. The notification must also include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources. The District Engineer will add Special Conditions, where necessary, to ensure environmental adverse effects is minimal. Such conditions may include: limiting the temporary work to the minimum necessary; requiring seasonal restrictions; modifying the restoration plan; and requiring alternative construction methods (e.g. construction inats in wetlands where practicable.). (Sections 10 and 404) 34. Cranberry Production Activities. Discharges of dredged or fill material for dikes, berms, pumps, water control structures or leveling of cranberry beds associated with expansion, enhancement, or modification activities at existing cranberry production operations provided that the activity meets all of the following criteria: a. The cumulative total acreage of disturbance per cranberry production operation, including but not limited to, filling, flooding, ditching, or clearing, does not exceed 10 acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands; b. The permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" General Condition. The notification must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; and, c. The activity does not result in a net loss of wetland acreage. This NWP does not authorize any discharge of dredged or fill material related to other cranberry production activities such as warehouses, processing facilities, or parking areas. For the purposes of this NWP, the cumulative total of 10 acres will be measured over the period that this N- WP is valid. (Section 404) 35. Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins. Excavation and removal of accumulated sediment for maintenance of existing marina basins, access channels to marinas or boat slips, and boat slips to previously authorized depths or controlling depths for ingress/ egress, whichever is less, provided the d dredged material is disposed of at all upland site and proper siltation control are used. (Section 'to) 36. Boat Ramps. Activities required for the construction of boat ramps provided: a. The discharge into waters of the U.S. does not exceed 50 cubic yards of concrete, rock, crushed stone or gravel into forms, or placement of pre-cast concrete planks or slabs. (Unsuitable material that causes unacceptable chemrcal pollution or is structurally unstable is not authorized); b. The boat ramp does not exceed 20 feet in width; c. The base material is crushed stone, gravel or other suitable material; d. The excavation is limited to the area necessary for site preparation and all excavated material is removed to the upland; and, e. No material is placed in special aquatic sites, including wetlands. Another NWP, Regional General Permit, or Individual Permit may authorize dredging to provide access to the boat ramp after obtaining a Section 10 if located in navigable waters of the U.S. (Sections 10 and 404) 37. Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitation. Work done by or funded bv: a. The MRCS which is a situation requiring immediate action under its emergency Watershed Protection Program (7 CFR part 624); or b. The USES under its Burned-Area Emergency Rehabilitation Handbook (FSII 509.13); or c. The DOI for wildland fire management burned area emergency stabilization and rehabilitation (DOI Manual part 620, Ch. 3). For all of the above provisions, the District Engineer must be notified in accordance with the General Condition 13. (Also, see 33 CFR 330.1(e)). (Sections 10 and 404) 38. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste. Specific activities required to effect the containment, stabilization, or removal of hazardous or toxic waste materials that are performed, ordered, or sponsored by a government agency with established legal or regulatory authority provided the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" General Condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands. Court ordered remedial action plans or related settlements are also authorized by this NWP. This NWP does not authorize the establishment of new disposal sites or the expansion of existing sites used for the disposal of hazardous or toxic waste. Activities s undertaken entirely on a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) site by authority of CERCLA as approved or required by EPA, are not required to obtain permits under section 404 of the CWA or section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. (Sections 10 and 404) 39. Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the U.S., excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, for the construction or expansion of residential, commercial, and institutional building foundations and building pads and attendant features that are necessary for the use and maintenance of the structures. Attendant features may include, but are not limited to, roads, parking lots, garages, yards, utility lines, stormwater management facilities, and recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playing fields, and golf courses (provided the golf course is an integral part of the residential development). The construction of new ski areas or oil and gas wells is not authorized by this NW11. Residential dovelopments include multiple and single unit developments. Examples of commercial developments include retail stores, industrial facilities, restaurants, business parks, and shopping centers. Examples of institutional developments include schools, fire stations, government office buildings, judicial buildings, public works buildings, libraries, hospitals, and places of worship. The activities listed above are autlorized, provided the activities meet all of the following criteria: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of non-tidal waters of the U.S., excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; b. The discharge does not cause the loss of greater than 300 linear-feet of a stream bed, unless for intermittent stream beds this criterion is waived in writing pursuant to a determination by the District Engineer, as specified below, that the project complies with all terms and conditions of this NWP and that any adverse impacts of the project on the aquatic environment are minimal, both individually and cumulatively; c. The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any of the following criteria are met: (1) The discharge causes the loss of greater than 'ho-acre of non-tidal waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; or 2086 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, Januarv 15. 2002 / Nntir,Pq (2) The discharge causes the loss of any open waters, including perennial or intermittent streams, below the ordinary high water mark (see Note, below); or N The discharge causes the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of intermittent stream bed. In such case, to be authorized the District Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NWP, determine adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts it, writing before the permittee may proceed; d. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites; e. The discharge is part of a single and complete project; f. The permittee must avoid and minimize discharges into waters of the US at the project site to the maximum extent practicable. The notification, when required, must include a written statement explaining how avoidance and minimization of losses of waters of the US were achieved on the project site. Compensatory mitigation will normally be required to offset the losses of waters of the US. (See General Condition 19.) The notification must also include a compensatory mitigation proposal for offsetting unavoidable losses of waters of the US. If an applicant asserts that the adverse effects of t11e project are minimal without mitigation, then the applicant may submit justification explaining why compensatory mitigation should not be required for the District Engineer's consideration; g. When this NMI is used in conjunction with any other NWP, any combined total permanent loss of waters of the US exceeding 1/lo-acre requires that the permittee notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13; h. Any work authorized by this NWP must not cause more than minimal degradation of water quality or more than minimal changes to the flow characteristics of any stream (see General Conditions 9 and 21); i. For discharges causing the loss of 1/lo-acre or less of waters of the US, tale permittee must submit a report, within 30 days of completion of the work, to the District Engineer that contains the r following information: (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the permittee; (2) The location of the work; (3) A description of the work; (4) The type and acreage of the loss of waters of i the US (e.g., 1/iz-acre of emergent t wetlands); and (5) The type and acreage f of any compensatory mitigation used to offset the loss of waters of the US 1/1--acre of emergent wetlands created on-site); j. If there are any Opel, waters or streams within the project area, the permittee will establish and maintain, t the maximum extent practicable, _ wetland or upland vegetated buffers next to those open waters or streams consistent with General Condition 19. Deed.restrictions, conservation easements, protective covenants, or other means of land conservation and preservation are required to protect and maintain the vegetated buffers established on the project site. Only residential, commercial, and institutional activities with structures on the foundation(s) or building pad(s), as well as the attendant features, are authorized by this NWP. The compensatory mitigation proposal that is required in paragraph (e) of this NWP may be either conceptual or detailed. The wetland or upland vegetated buffer required in paragraph (i) of this NWP will be determined on a case-by-case hasis by the District Engineer for addressing water quality concerns. The required wetland or upland vegetated buffer is part of the overall compensatory mitigation requirement for this NWP. If the project site was previously used for agricultural purposes and the farm owner/operator used NWP 40 to authorize activities in waters of the US to increase production or construct farm buildings, NWP 39 cannot be used by the developer to authnrize additional activities. This is more than the acreage limit for NWP 39 impacts to waters of the US (i.e., the combined acreage loss authorized under NWPs 39 and 40 cannot exceed V -acre, see General Condition 15). Subdivisions: For residential subdivisions, the aggregate total loss of waters of US authorized by NWP 39 can not exceed 1h-acre. This includes any loss of waters associated with development of individual subdivision lots. (Sc;ctions 10 and 404) Note: Areas where wetland vegetation is not present should be determined by the presence or absence of au ordinary high water mark or bed and bank. Areas that are waters of the US based on this criterion would require a PCN although water is nfrequently present in the stream channel except for ephemeral waters, which do not equine PCNs). 40. Agriculturol Activities. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, for mproving agricultural production and he construction of building pads for arm buildings. Authorized activities include the installation, placement, or construction Of drainage tiles, ditches, or levees; mec:llanized land clearing; Lind leveling; the relocation of existing serviceable drainage ditches constructed in waters of the US; and similar 0 activities, provided the permittee complies with the following terms and conditions: a. For discharges into non-tidal wetlands to improve agricultural production, the following criteria must be met if the permittee is an United Slates Department of Agriculture (i_1SDA) Program participant: (1) The permittee must obtain a categorical minimal effects exemption, minimal effect exemption, or mitigation exemption from NRCS in accordance with the provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended (16 U.S.C. 3801 of seq.); (2) The discharge into non-tidal wetlands does not result in the loss of greater than 1/2-acre of non-tidal wetlands on it farm tract; (3) The permittee must have NRCS- certified wetland delineation; (4) The permittee must implement an NRCS-approved compensatory mitigation plan that fully offsets wetland losses, if required; and (5) The permittee must submit a report, within 30 days of completion of the authorized work, to the District Engineer that contains the following information: (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the permittee; (b) The location of the work; (c) A description of the work; (d) The type and acreage (or square feet) of the loss of wetlands (e.g., V-3-acre of emergent wetlands); and (e) The type, acreage (or square feet), and location of compensatory mitigation (e.g. 1/3-acre of emergent wetland on a farm tract; credits purchased from a mitigation batik); or b. For discharges into non-tidal wetlands to improve agricultural production, the following criteria must be met if the permittee is not a USDA Program participant (or a USDA Program participant for which the proposed work does not qualify for authorization under paragraph (a) of this NWP): (1) The discharge into 11011-tidal wetlands does not result in the loss of greater than 1/z-acre of non-tidal wetlands on a farm tract; (2) The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if the discharge results in the loss of greater tlwn 1/1o- acre of non-tidal wetlands; (3) The notification must include a delineation of affected wetlands; and Federal Register/Vol. G7, No. 10 /'Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 20£37 (4) The notification must include a discharge qualifies for an exemption ditches to their original dimensions and compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US; or under section 404(f) of the CVVA, even though a cate orical minim l ff t configuration, which does not require a S c. For the construction of building pads for farm buildings the dischar e g e a ec s exemption, minimal effect exemption, ection 404 permit (see 33 CFR 323.4(a)(3)). This NWP does not , g does not cause the loss of greater than 1 or mitigation exemption from NhCS pursuant to the Food Security Act of authorize tthc relocation of drainage ditches constructed in waters of th US /2-acre of non-tidal wetlands that were in agricultural production prior to 1985, as amended, may be required. Activities authorized by ara ra hs a e ; the location of the centerline of the h December 23, 1985, farmed wetlands) and the permittee must notif p g p . through cl. may not exceed a total of c/z- res aped drainage ditch must be approximately the same as the location y the District Engineer in accordance with acre on a single faun tract. If the site wa used for agricultural purposes and the s of the centerline of the original drainage ditch This NWP does not auth i General Condition 13; and d. Any activity in other waters of the farm owner/operator used either ara ra hs a b or c Of this NWP to p g p . or ze stream channelization or stream US is limited to the relocation of existing serviceable drainage ditches ., ., .. authorize activities in waters of the US relocation projects. (Section 404) 42. Recreational Facilities. Discharges constructed in non-tidal streams. This to increase agricultural production or construct farm buildings and the of dredged or fill material into non-tidal NWP does not authorize the relocation of greater than 300 linear-feet of existin , current landowner wants to use NVVI' 39 waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal ovaters for the g serviceable drainage ditches constricted to authorize residential, commercial, or industrial development activities in , c;onstructiou or expansion of in non-tidal streams unless, for drainage waters of the US on the site the recreational facilities, provided the ditches constructed in intermittent non- , combined acreage loss authorized by activity meets all of the following tidal streams, the District Engineer waives this criterion in writing, and the NWPs 39 and 40 cannot exceed '/z acre (see General Condition 15) (Section criteria a. The discharge does not cause the District Engineer has determined that . 404) of - l loss of greater than acre of non-tidal the project complies with all terms and 41. Reshaping Existing Drainage waters of the US, excluding non tidal conditions of this NWP, and that any Ditches. Discharges of dredged or fill wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; adverse impacts of the project on the material into non-tidal waters of the US h. The discharge does not cause the aquatic environment are minimal, both , excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent hiss of greater than 300 linear-feet of a individually and cumulatively. For to tidal waters, to modify the cross- stream bed, unless for intermittent impacts exceeding 300-linear feet of sectional configuration of currently stream beds this criterion is waived in impacts to existing serviceable ditches serviceable drainage ditches constructed "riling pursuant to a determination by constructed in intermittent non-tidal in waters of the US. The reshaping of the District Engineer, as specified streams, the permittee must notify the the ditch cannot increase drainage below, that the project complies with all District Engineer in accordance with the " capacity beyond the original design terms and conditions of this NWP and Notification" General Condition 13; capacity. Nor can it expand the area that any adverse impacts of the project and e. The term ''farm tract" refers to a drained by the ditch as originally designed (i.e.., the capacity of the ditch ot ' environment are on the a , both' minimal, both individually and parcel of land identified by the Farm must be the same as originally designed cumulatively; Service Agency. The Corps will identify and it cannot drain additional wetlands c. The permittee notifies the District other waters of the US on the farm tract. or other waters of the US). Engineer accordance with the NRCS will determine if a proposed agricultural activity meets the terms and Compensatory nritigation is not required because the work is designed to im rove "Notification" General Condition 13 for discharges exceeding 300 linear feet of conditions of paragraph a. of this NW-P, p water quality (e.g., by regrading the impact of intermittent stream beds. In except as provided below. For those drainage ditch with gentler slopes, such cases, to be authorized the District activities that require notification, the which can reduce erosion increase Engineer roust determine that the District Engineer will determine if a proposed agricultural activity is , growth of vegetation, increase uptake of nutrients and other substances b activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NW), determine authorized by paragraphs b., c., and/or y vegetation, etc.). the adverse environmental effects are d. of this NWP. USDA Program Notification: The permittee must minimal both individually and participants, requesting authorization for dischar es of dred ed or fill mat i l notify the District Engineer in cumulatively, arid waive this limitation g g er a accordance with General Condition 13 if in writing before the permittee may into waters of the US authorized by greater than 500 linear feet of drainage proceed; paragraphs (c) or (d) of this NV%Fll, in ditch will he reshaped. Material d. For discharges causing the loss of addition to paragraph (a), must notify the District En ineer in accordance ith resulting from excavation may not be greater than Vio-acre of non-tidal waters g w General Condition 13 arid the District permanently sidecast into waters but may be temporarily sidecast (up to three of the US, the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with Engineer will determine if the entire months) into waters of the US, provided General Condition 13; single and complete project is authorized by this NVVP. Dischar es of the material is not placed in such a h i i d e. For discharges in special aquatic: g dredged or fill material into waters of manner t at t s ispersed by currents or other forces. The District Engineer sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation the US associated with completing may extend the period of temporary of affected special aquatic sites; required compensatory nritigation are authorized by this NWP. I lowever, total sidecasting not to exceed a total of 180 days, where appropriate. In general, this f. The discharge is part of a single and complete project; and impacts, including other authorized impacts under this NWP, may not NWP does not apply to reshaping drainage ditches constructed in g. Compensatory mitigation will normally be required to offset the losses exceed the Ih-acre limit of this NWP. This NWP does not affect or othe i uplands, since these areas are generally of waters of the US. The notification , rw se regulate, discharges associated with not waters of the US, and thus no permit from the Corps is required, or to the must also include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset authorized agricultural activities when the maintenance of existing drainage losses of waters of the US. 2088 Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. l 0 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002 / Notices For the purposes of this NWP, the tern' "recreational facility" is defined as greater than 1/2-acre of non-tidal waters of the US excludin non-tidal tl d that are exempt from Section 404 permit a recreational activity that is integrated into the natural landscape and does not , g we an s adjacent to tidal waters; b. The disclrarge does not caus th requirements); 1. The permittee must avoid and i i substantially change preconstruction e e loss of greater than 300 linear-feet of a m n mize discharges into waters of the US at tyre project site to the maximum grades or deviate from natural landscape contours. For the purpose of this permit stream beet, unless for intermittent stream beds this criterion is waiv d i extant practicable, and the notification , the primary function of recreational f e n writing pursuant to a determination by most include a written statement to the District Engineer detailing compliance acilities does not include the use of motor vehicles, buildings, or impervious the District Engineer, as specified below, that the project complies with all with this condition (i.e. wiry the discharge must occur in waters of the surfaces. Examples of recreational facilities that may be authorized by this terms pnd conditions of this NWP and that any adverse impacts of the project US and,vliy additional minimization h NWP include hiking trails, bike paths, horse paths, nature centers, arid on the aquatic environment are minimal both individuall a d cannot e achieved); g. The storrwater management campgrounds (excluding trailer parks). , y n cumUlatively; facility must comply with General Condition 21 and be desi ned usin This NWP may authorize the c. For discharges causing the loss of g g BMPs and watershed protection construction or expansion of golf courses and the expansion of ski areas greater than 300 linear feet of intermittent stream beds the ermitte techniques. Examples may include , provided the golf course or ski area does , p e notifies the District Engineer in forebays (deeper areas at the upstream end of the stormwater mana ement riot substantially deviate from natural landscape contours. Additionally these accordance with the "Notification" General Condition 13 In such cases t g facility that would be maintained , activities are designed to minimize . , o be authorized the District Engineer must through excavation), vegetated buffers, and siting considerations to minimize adverse effects to waters of the US and riparian areas through the use of such determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of advorse effects to aquatic resources. practices as integrated pest the NWP, determine the adverse Another example of a I3NIP would be bioengineering methods incorporated management, adequate stormwater management facilities, vegetated buffers, environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively and into the facility design to benefit water reduced fertilizer use, etc. The facility , waive this limitation in writing before quality and minimize adverse effects to must have an adequate water quality the permittee may proceed; aquatic resources from storm flows, especially downstream of the facility management plan in accordance with General Condition 9, such as a d. The discharges of dredged or fill material for the construction of new , that provide, to the maximum extent stormwater management facility, to stormwater management facilities in practicable, for long term aquatic ensure that the recreational facility perennial streams is not authorized; resource protection and enlnaacement; h. Maintenance excavation will be in results in no substantial adverse effects e. For discharges or excavation for the accordance with air approved to water quality. This NWP also authorizes the construction or construction of new stormwater management facilities or for the raintenance plan and will not exceed expansion of small support facilities, maintenance of existing stormwater the original contours of the facility as approved and constructed; and such as maintenance and storage buildings and stables that are directly management facilities causing the loss of greater than 'ho-acre of non-tidal i. 'I'll(, discharge is part of a single and related to the recreational activity. This waters, excluding non-tidal wetlands complete project. (Section 404) 44. Mining Activities. Discharges of NWP does not authorize other adjacent to tidal waters, provided the dredged or fill material into: buildings, such as hotels, restaurants, permittee notifies the District Engineer M Isolated waters; streams where the etc. The construction or expansion of in accordance with the "Notification" annual average flow is I cubic foot per playing fields (e.g., baseball, soccer, or General Condition 13. In addition, the second or less and non-tidal wetlands football fields), basketball and tennis notification must include: , adjacent to headwater streams for courts, racetracks, stadiums, arenas, and the construction of new ski areas are not (1) A maintenance plan. The maintenance plan should be in , aggregate mining (i.e., sand, gravel, and authorized by this NWP. (Section 404) accordance with state and local crushed and broken stone) and associated support activities; 43. StorrnwnterManagement requirements, if any such requirenents (ii) Lower perennial streams Facilities. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the US, exist; (2) For discharges in special aquatic; , excluding wetlands adjacent to lower l excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent sites, including wetlands and perennia streams, for aggregate minin; activities (support activities in lower to tidal waters, for the construction and submerged aquatic vegetation, the perennial streams or adjacent wetlands maintenance of stormwater management facilities, including activities for the notification must include a delineation of affected areas; and are not authorized by this NWP); and/ excavation of stormwater ponds/ (3) A compensatory mitigation or (iii) isolated waters and non-tidal facilities, detention basins, and proposal that offsets the loss of waters wetlands adjacent to headwater streams retention basins; the installation and of the US. Maintenance in constructed , for hard rock/mineral mining activities maintenance of water control structures, areas will not require mitigation (i.e. extraction of rnetalliferouS ores outfall structures and emergency provided such maintenance is , from subsurface locations) and spillways; and the maintenance dredging of existing stormwater accomplished in designated maintenance areas and not withi associated support activities, provided management ponds/facilities and n compensatory mitigation areas (i.e., the discharge meets the following criteria: detention and retention basins, provided the activity meets all of the District Engineers may designate nor'- maintenance areas, normally at the a. The mined area within waters of the US, plus the acreage loss of waters following criteria: a. The discharge for the construction downstream end of the stormwater management facility in existing of the US resulting from support ti iti d 1 of new stormwater management , stormwater management facilities). (No ac v es, cannot excee h.-acre; b. 'Tire permittee must avoid and facilities does not cause the loss of mitigation will be required for activities minimize discharges into waters of the Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 10/Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 2089 US at the project site to the maxirnunt extent practicable, and the notification must include a written statement detailing compliance with this condition (i.e., why the discharge must occur in waters of the US and why additional minimization cannot be achieved); c. In addition to General Conditions 17 and 20, activities authorized by this permit must not substantially alter the sediment characteristics of areas of concentrated shellfish beds or fish spawning areas. Normally, the mandated water quality management plan should address these impacts; d. The permittee must implement necessary measures to prevent increases in stream gradient and water velocities and to prevent adverse effects (e.g., head cutting, bank erosion) to upstream and downstream channel conditions; e. Activities authorized by this permit must not result in adverse effects on the course, capacity, or condition of navigable waters of the US; f. The permittee must use measures to minimize downstream turbidity; g. Wetland impacts must he compensated through mitigation approved by the Corps; Fl. Beneficiation and mineral processing for hard rock/mineral mining activities may not occur within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of any open waterbody. Although the Corps does not regulate discharges from these activities, a CWA section 402 permit may be required; i. All activities authorized must comply with General Conditions 9 and 21. Further, the District Engineer may require modifications to the required water quality management plan to ensure that the authorized work results in minimal adverse effects to water quality; j. Except for aggregate mining activities in lower perennial streams, no aggregate mining can occur within stream beds where the average annual flow is greater than 1 cubic foot per second or in waters of the US within 100 feet of the ordinary high water mark of headwater stream segments where the average annual Flow of the stream is greater than 1 cubic foot per second (aggregate mining can occur in areas immediately adjacent to the ordinary high water mark of a stream where the average annual flow is 1 cubic; foot per second or less); k. Single and complete project: The discharge must be for a single and complete project, including support activities. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the US for multiple mining activities on several designated parcels of a single and comulete mining operation can be authorized by this NWP provided the '/-acre limit is not exceeded; and 1. Notification: The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with Ceneral Condition 13. The notification must include: (1) A description of waters of the US adversely affected by the project; (2) A written statement to the District Engineer detailing compliance with paragraph (b), above (i.e., why the discharge must occur in waters of the US and why additional minimization cannot be achieved); (3) A description o measures taken to ensure that the proposed work complies with paragraphs (c) through (f), above; and (4 A reclamation plan (for aggregate mining in isolated waters and non-tidal wetlands adjacent to headwaters and hard rock/mineral mining only). This NWP does not aut'horize hard rock/rninoral rniicing, including placer mining, in streams. No hard rock/ mineral mining can occur in waters of the US within 100 feet of the ordinary high water mark of headwater streams. The term's "headwaters- and ''isolated waters'' are defined at 33 CFR 330.2(d) and (e), respectively. For the purposes of this NWP, the term "lower perennial stream'' is defined as follows: "A stream in which the gradient is low and water velocity is slow, there is no tidal influence, some water flows throughout the year, and the substrate consists mainly of sand and mud." (Sections 10 and 404) C. Nationwide Permit General Conditions The following General Conditions must be followed in order for any authorization by an NWP to be valid: 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect oil navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. Permittees are encouraged to perform work within waters of the United States during periods of low-flow or no-flow. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the necessary life-cycle movements of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species that normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. Culverts placed in streauls must he installed to maintain low flow conditions. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must he placed on mats, or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 0. Regional and Case-Rv-Case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions that may have been added by the Division f Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)). Additionally, anv case specific conditions added by the Corps or by the state or tribe in its Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Zone Management Act consistency determination. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a ''study river'' for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status; unless the appropriate Federal agency, with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic River designation, or study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained froin the appropriate Federal land management agency in the area (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 8. Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality. (a) In certain states and tribal lands an individual 401 Water Quality Certification must be obtained or waived (See 33 CFR 330.4(c)), (h) For NWPs 12, 14, 17, 18, 32, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44, where the state or tribal 401 certification (either generically or individually) does not require or approve water quality management measures, the permittee must provide water quality management measures that will ensure that the authorized work does not result in more than minimal degradation of water quality (or the Corps determines that compliance with state or local standards, where applicable, will ensure no more than minimal adverse effect on water quality). An important component of water quality management includes stormwater management that minimizes degradation of the downstream aquatic system, including water quality (refer to General Condition 21 for stormwater 2090 federal Register/Vol. 67, No, 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002 / Notices management requirements). Another important component of water quality endspp.html and http://wivw.n/ins,govl prot res/esahome.html res ectivel written notice from the District or Di i i E i management is the establishment and i _ p y. 12, llistoric Properties. No activity v s on ng neer. Subsequently, the permittee:'s right to proceed under the ma ntenance of vegetated buffers next to open waters, including streams (refer to which may affect historic properties listed or eligible for listin in th NWI' may he modified, suspended, or General Condition 19 for vegetated , g, e National Register of Historic Places is revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR buffer requirements for the NWPs). authorized, until the District Engineer 330.5(d)(2) This condition is only applicable to has complied with the provisions of 33 . (b) Contents of Notification: The projects that have the potential to affect CFR part 325, Appendix C;. The notification must be in writing and water quality. While appropriate measures must be taken, in most cases prospective pernrittee most notify the District Engineer if the authorized include the following information: it is not necessary to conduct detailed studies to identify such measures or to activity' may affect any historic Properties listed determined to be (1) Name, address and telephone numbers of the prospective pernrittee; require monitoring, , eligible, or which the prospective i (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed 10. Coastal Zone Monagernent. In certain states, an individual state coastal perrn ttee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National project's Ipro1ect the purpose; direct and zone management consistency Register of Historic; Places, and shall not b indirect adverse environmental effects r the project would cause; an other concurrence must be obtained or waived (see Section 330.4(d)) egin the activity until notified by the 1 District Engineer that the requirements y NVVI (s), Regional General Permit(s), or 11. Endangered Species. (a) No of the National Historic Preservation Act h b Individual Permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any art of the activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to jeopardize the ave een satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the p proposed project or any related activity. continued existence of a threatened or location and existence of historic Sketches should be provided when endangered species or a species resources can be obtained from the State Hi t i P necessary to show that the activity complies with the terms of the NVVP proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered s or c reservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places (see (Sketches usually clarify the project and Species Act (ESA), or which will 33 CFR 330.4(8)). For activities that ma y when provided result in a quicker decision ); destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. Non-federal affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National . (4) For NWPs 7, 12, 14, 1t3, 21, 34, 38, permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or Register of Historic Places, the notification must state which historic: 39, 41, 42, and 43, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the property may be affected by the proposed y work or include a vicinit aquatic sites, including wetlands, vegetated shallows (e.g., submerged project, or is located in the designated i i l h b ma p indicating the location of the historic pro ert aquatic vegetation, seagrass beds), and riffle and pool complexes (see paragraph cr t ca a itat and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the p y. 13. Notification. 13(f)); District Engineer that the requirements (a) Timing, where required by the (5) For NWP 7 (Outfall Structures and of the ESA have been satisfied and that terms of the NWP, the prospective Maintenance), the PCN must include the activity is authorized. For activities that may affect Federally-listed perrnittee must notify the District Engineer with a preconstruction information regarding the original design capacities and configurations of endangered or threatened species or notification (PCN) as early as possible, those areas of the facility where designated critical habitat the The District Engineer must determine if maintenance dredging or excavation is , notification must include the name(s) of the notification is complete within 30 days of the date of receipt and can Proposed; (6) For NWI' 14 (Linear the endangered or threatened species that may be affected by the proposed request additional information 'T'ransportation Crossings), the PCN work or that utilize the designated necessary to make the PCN complete must include a compensatory mitigation critical habitat that may be affected by only once. However, if the prospective proposal to offset permanent losses of the proposed work. As a result of formal perrnittee does not provide all of the waters of the US and a statement or informal consultation with the FWS requested information, then the District describing how temporary losses of or NMFS the District Engineer may add Engineer will notify the prospective perrnittee that the notification is still waters of the US will be minimized to the maximum extent practicable; species-specific regional endangered species conditions to the NWPs incomplete and the PCN review process (7) For NWP 21 (Surface Coal Mining . (b) Authorization of an activity by a will not commence until all of the Activities), the PCN must include an NWl does not authorize the "take" of a requested information has been received by the District Engineer The Office of Surface Mining (OSM) or state- approved mitigation plan if applicable threatened or endangered species as defined under the ESA In the absence . prospective perrnittee shall not begin , . To be authorized by this NW, the . of separate authorization (e.g., an ESA the activit (1) Unti notified in writing by the District Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the terms and Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with "incidental take" provisions etc ) District Engineer that the activity may conditions of the NWP and that the , . from the USFWS or the NMFS both proceed under the NWP with any adverse environmental effects are , lethal and non-lethal "takes" of special conditions imposed by the minimal both individually and protected species are in violation of the District or Division Engineer; or (2) If notified in writing by the District cumulatively and must notify the project sponsor of this determination in ESA. Information on the location of threatened and endangered species and or Division Engineer that an Individual P i i writing; their critical habitat can be obtained erm t s required; or (3) Unless 45 days have passed from (8) For NWP 27 (Stream and Wetland Restoration) the PCN must include directly from the offices of the USFWS and NMFS or their world wide web the District Engineer's receipt of the complete notification and th , documentation of the prior condition of h pages at http://wnvtiv.fws.-ovlr9endsppl e prospective permittee has not received t e site that will be reverted by the pernrittee; Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15. 2002 / Nntic-„-: 1) (101 (9) For NWP 29 (Single-Family Housing), the PCN must also include: (i) Any past use of this NVVP by the Individual Permittee and/or the permittee's spouse; (ii) A statement that the single-farnil housing activity is for a personal residence of the permittee; (iii) A description of the entire parcel including its size, and a delineation of wetlands. For the purpose of this NWP, parcels of land measuring '/.,-acre or les will not require a formal on-site delineation. However, the applicant shall provide an indication of where the wetlands are and the amount of wetlands that exists on the property. Fo parcels greater than '/,-acre in size, formal wetland delineation must be prepared in accordance with the current method required by the Corps. (See paragraph 13(fl); (iv) A written description of all land (including, if available, legal. descriptions) owned by the prospective permittee and/or the prospective permittee's spouse, within a one mile radius of the parcel, in any form of ownership (including any land owned as a partner, corporation, joint tenant, co-tenant, or as a tenant-by-the-entirety) and any land on which a purchase and sale agreement or other contract for sale or purchase has been executed; to) For NWP 31 (Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Projects), the prospective permittee roust either notify the District Engineer with a PCN prior to each maintenance activity or submit a five year (or less) maintenance plan. In addition, the PCN must include all of the following: (d) Sufficient baseline information identifying the approved channel depths and configurations and existing facilities. Minor deviations are authorized, provided the approved flood control protection or drainage is not increased; (ii) A delineation of any affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; and, (iii) Location of the dredged material disposal site; (11) For NW1' 33 (Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering), the PCN must also include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources; (1'2) For NW11s 39, 43 and 44, tire PCN must also include a written statement to the District Engineer explaining how avoidance and minimization for losses of waters of the US were achieved on the project site; (13) For NWP 39 and NWP 42, the PCN must include a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US or justification explaining why compensatory mitigation should not be required. For discharges that cause the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of an intermittent y stream bed, to be authorized, the Distri Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NWP, determine adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and s cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts in writing before the permittee may proceed; e (14) For NWP 40 (Agricultural Activities), the PCN must include a r compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US. This NWP does not authorize the relocation t of greater than 300 linear-feet of existing serviceable drainage ditches constructed in non-tidal streams unless, for drainag ditches constructed in intermittent non- tidal streams, the District Engineer waives this criterion in writing, and the District Engineer has determined that the project complies with all terms and conditions of this NWP, and that any adverse impacts of the project on the aquatic environment are minimal, both individually and cumulatively; (15) For NWP 43 (Stormwater Managernent Facilities), the PCN must include, for the construction of new stormwater management facilities, a maintenance plan (in accordance with state and local requirements, if applicable) and a compensatory mitigation proposal to offset losses of waters of the US. For discharges that cause the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of an intermittent stream bed, to be authorized, the District Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NWP, determine adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts in writing before the permittee may proceed; (16) For NWP 44 (Mining Activities), the PCN must include a description of all waters of the US adversely affected by the project, a description of measures taken to minimize adverse effects to waters of the US, a description of measures taken to comply with the criteria of the NWP, and a reclamation plan (for all aggregate mining activities in isolated waters and non-tidal wetlands adjacent to headwaters and any hard rock/mineral mining activities); (17) For activities that may adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species, the PCN must include the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that may he affected by the proposed work or utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work; and (18) For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible ct for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity 'nap indicating the location of the historic property. (c) Form of Notification: The standard Individual Permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used as the notification but must clearly indicate that it is a PCN and must include all of the information required in (b) (1)--(1(3) of General Condition 13. A letter containing the requisite information g may also be used. d (d) District Engineer's Decision: In e reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the District Engineer will determine whether the activity authorized by the NWP will result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to the public interest. The prospective permittee may submit a proposed mitigation plan with the PCN to expedite the process. The District Engineer will consider any proposed compensatory mitigation the applicant has included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse environmental effects to the aquatic environment of the proposed work are minimal. If the District Engineer determines that the activity complies with the terms and conditions of the NWP and that the adverse effects on the aquatic environment are minimal, after considering mitigation, the District Engineer will notify the permittee and include any conditions the District Engineer deems necessary. The District Engineer must approve any compensatory mitigation proposal before the permittee commences work. If the prospective permittee is required to submit a compensatory mitigation proposal with the PCN, the proposal may be either conceptual or detailed. If the prospective permittee elects to submit a compensatory mitigation plan with the PCN, the District Engineer will expeditiously review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The District Engineer must review the plan within 45 days of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the conceptual or specific proposed mitigation would ensure no more than minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environment. If the net adverse effects of the project on the aquatic environment (after consideration of the compensatory mitigation proposal) are determined by the District Engineer to 2092_ Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2002 / Notices be minimal, the District Engineer will on the notification. The District provicle a timely written responso to the Engineer will fully consider a enc the proximity of a public water supply i t k h applicant. The response will state that the project can roceed under the te g y comments received within the specified ti f n a o except w ore the activity is for repair of tho public water supply intake p rnis and conditions of the NWP, If h me rame, but will provide no response to the resource agency, except structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 17. Shelljish Beds No activit t e District Engineer determines that the adverse effects of the proposed as provided helow. The District Engineer will indicate in the . y, including structures and work in work are more than minimal, then the Di administrative record associated with navigable waters of the US or discharges of dredged or fill material m i strict Engineer will notify the applicant either; (1) That the project each notification that the resource i ' , ay occur n areas of concentrated shellfish does not qualify for authorization under agenc es concerns were considered. As required by section 305(b)(4)(1-3) of the populations, unless the activity is the NWP and instruct the applicant on the procedures to seek authori ati lvlagnuson-Stevens Fishery directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NWP 4. z on under an Individual Permit; (2) that the Conset•vation and Management Act, the District Engineer will provide a 18. Suitable Material. No activity, project is authorized under the NWP subject to the applicant's submission of response to NNIhS within 30 days of i including u•os and work in navigable wat watersers of the US or discharges a mitigation proposal that would reduce rece pt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations of dredged or fill material, may consist the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to the minimal level; or (3) , Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps multiple copies of of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.) and that the project is authorized under the notifications to expedite agency material used for NWI with specific modifications or notification discharged must be e free f from toxic from conditions. Where the District Engineer . (t) Wetland Delineations: Wetland Pollutants in toxic amounts (see section determines that mitigation is required to delineations most be re rred in 307 of the CWA). ensure izo more than minimal adverse accordance with the current method 19. Mitigation. The District Engineer effects occur to the aquatic required by the Corps (For NWP 29 see will consider the factors discussed environment, the activity will be paragraph (b)(9)(iii) for parcels less than below when determining the authorized within the 45-day PCN P/,-acre in size). The permittee may ask acceptability of appropriate and period. The authorization will include the Corps to delineate the special practicable mitigation necessary to the necessary conceptual or specific aquatic site. '[here may be some delay offset adverse effects on the aquatic mitigation or a requirement that the if the Corps does the delineation, environment that are more than applicant submit a mitigation proposal F'urtliermore, the 45-day period will not minimal. that would reduce the adverse effects on start until the wetland delineation has (a) The project must designed and the aquatic environment to the minimal been completed and submitted to the constructed t avoid and minimize and level. When conceptual mitigation is Corps, where appropriate. t adverse effects to waters of the US to the included, or a mitigation plan is 14. Compliance Certification. Every maximum extent practicable at the required under item (2) above, no work permittee who has received NWP project site (i on site), in waters of the US will occur until the verification from the Corps will submit on ( litig ati in all its forms District Engineer has approved a a signed certification regarding the oi (avoding, minimizing, rectifying, specific mitigation plan. completed work and any required reducing or compensating) will be (e) Agency Coordination: The District mitigation. The certification will be required t the extent necessary t Engineer will consider any comments forwarded by the Corps with the t t ensure that the adverse effects to the from Federal and state agencies authorization letter and will include: aquatic environment are minimal. concerning the proposed activity's (a) A statement that the authorized (c-) Compensatory mitigation at a compliance with the terms and work was done in accordance with the minimum one-for-one ratio will be conditions of the NWPs and the need for Corps authorization, including any required for all wetland impacts mitigation to reduce the project's adverse environmental effects to a general or specific conditions; (b) A statement that any required requiring a PCN, unless the District Engineer determines in writing that minimal level. F i i i mitigation was completed in accordance spree other form of mitigation would be or act v t es requiring notification to the District Engineer that result in the with the permit conditions; and more environmentally appropriate and loss of greater than 1/2-acre of waters of (c) The signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the work provides a project-specific waiver of this requirement. Consistent with National the US, the District Engineer will and mitigation, policy, the District Engineer will provide immediately (e.g., via facsimile 15. Use of Nfultiple Nationwide establish a preference for restoration of' transmission, overnight mail, or other expeditious manner) a copy to the Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a single and complete project is wetlands as compensatory mitigation, with preservation used only in appropriate Federal or state offices (USFWS, state natural resource or water prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the US authorized by the exceptional circumstances. (d) Compensatory mitigation (i.e. quality agency, EPA, State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and, if NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with the hi hest ifi d , replacement or substitution of aquatic f th i d appropriate, the NMFS). With the g spec e acreage limit (e.g. if a road crossing over resources or ose mpacte ) will not be used to increase the acreage losses exception of NWP 37, these agencies will then have 10 calendar da s f tidal waters is constructed under NWP allowed by the acreage limits of some of y rom the date the material is transmitted to 14, with associated bank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maximum the NWPs. For example, 'A-acre of wetlands cannot be created to chan e a telephone or fax the District Engineer notice that they intend to provide acreage loss of waters of the US for the l g ,/4-acre loss of wetlands to a'/2-acre loss substantive, site-specific comments. If tota project cannot exceed 1/3-acre). 16. Water Supply Intakes. No activity, associated with NWP 39 verification. However 1/2-acre of created wetlands so contacted by an agency, the District including structures and work in , can be used to reduce the impacts of a Engineer will wait an additional 15 calendar days before making a decision navigable waters of the. US or discharges of dredged or fill material, may occur ill 1/2.-acre loss of wetlands to the minimum impact level in order to meet the Federal Kebister/Vol. G7, No. 10/Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices 2MY1 minimal impact requirement associated with NWPs. (e) To be practicable, the mitigation must be available and capable of being doer; considering costs, existing technology, and logistics in light of the Overall project purposes. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferably in flue same watershed. (f) Compensatory mitigation plans for projects in or near streams or other open waters will normally include a requirement for the establishment, maintenance, and legal protection (e.g., easements, deed restrictions) of vegetated buffers to open waters. III many cases, vegetated buffers will be the only compensatory mitigation required. Vegetated buffers should consist of native species. The width of the vegetated buffers required will address documented water quality or aquatic habitat loss concerns. Normally, the vegetated buffer will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the stream, but the District Engineers may require slightly wider vegetated buffers to address documented water quality or habitat loss concerns. Where both wetlands and open waters exist on the project site, the Corps will determine the appropriate compensatory mitigation (e.g., stream buffers or wetlands compensation) based on what is best for the aquatic environment on a watershed basis. In cases where vegetated buffers are determined to be the most appropriate form of compensatory mitigation, the District Engineer'rnay waive or reduce the requirement to provide wetland compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts. (g) Compensatory mitigation proposals submitted with the "notification" may be either conceptual or detailed. If conceptual plans are approved under the verification, then the Corps will condition the verification to require detailed plans be submitted and approved by [tie Corps prior to construction of the authorized activity in waters of the US, (h) Permittees may propose the use of mitigation banks, in-lieu fee arrangements or separate activity- specific compensatory mitigation. In all cases that require compensatory mitigation, the mitigation provisions will specify the party responsible for accomplishing and/or complying with the mitigation plan. 20. Spawning /hens. t\ctivities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the US or discharge of dredged or fill material, in spawning areas during spawning seasons rilt.rst be avoided to the uraximum extent practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., excavate, till, or smother downstream by substantial n turbidity) of rut important spawning area are not authorized. 21. Mona,,cment of Water Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, the activity must he designed to maintain preconstl'uction downstream flow conditions (e.g., location, capacity, and flow rates). Furthermore, the activity must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impouud waters) and the structure or discharge of dredged or fill material must withstand expected high flows. The activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for retaining excess flows from the site, provide for maintaining surface flow rates from the site similar to preconstruction conditions, and provide for not increasing water flows from the project site, rc,!ocating water, or redirecting water flow beyond preconstruction conditions. Stream channelizing will be reduced to the minimal amount necessary, and the activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erosion downstream and upstream of the project site, unless the activity is part of a larger system designed to manage water flows. In most cases, it will not be a requirement to conduct detailed studies and monitoring of water flow. This condition is only applicable to projects that have the potential to affect waterflows. While appropriate measures must be taken, it is not necessary to conduct detailed studies to identify such measures or require monitoring to ensure their effectiveness. Normally, the Corps will defer to state and local authorities regarding management of water flow. 22. Adverse Effects Frorn Impoundments. If the activity creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects to the aquatic: system due to the acceleration of the passage of water, and/or the restricting its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. This includes structures and work in navigable waters of the US, or discharges of dredged or fill material. 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the US or discharges of dredged or fill material, into breeding areas for migratory wah:rfowf must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. s 211. Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills trust be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. 25. Designated Critical Resuurre Waters. Critical resource waters include. NOAH-designated marine sanctuaries, r National Estuarine Research Reserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened and endangered species, coral reefs, state natural heritage sites, and outstanding national resource waters or other waters officially designated by a state as having particular environmental or ecological significance and identified by the Dislr•ict Engineer after notice and opportunity for public comment. The District Engineer may also designate additional critical resource waters after notice and opportunity for comment. (a) Except as noted below, discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of' the US are not authorized by NWPs 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 29, 31, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, and 44 for any activity within, or directly affecting, critical resource waters, including wetlands adjacent to such waters. Discharges of dredged or fill materials into waters of the US may be authorized by the above NWPs in National Wild and Scenic Rivers if the activity complies with General Condition 7. further, such discharges may be authorized in designated critical habitat for Federally listed threatened or endangered species if the activity complies with General Condition 11 and the USFWS or the NMFS has concurred in a determination of compliance with this condition. (h) For NWPs 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, and 38, notification is required in accordance with General Condition 13, for any activity proposed in the designated critical resource waters including wetlands adjacent to those waters. The District Engineer may authorize activities tinder these NWPs only after it is determined that the impacts to the critical resource waters will be no more than minimal. 26. Fills Within 100-YearFloodploins. For purposes of this General Condition, 100-year floodplains will be, identified through the existing Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. (a) Discharges in Floodploin; Below Headwaters. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the US within the mapped 100-year floodplain, below 2094 Federal Register/ Vol. 67, No. IO/Tuesday, January 15, 2002/Notices headwaters (i.e. five cfs), resulting; in permanent above-grade fills, arc not authorized by NWPs 39, 40, 42, 43, amt 44. (b) Discharges in Ploodway; Abovc lfeoclwoters. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the US within the FEMA or locally mapped floodway, resulting in permanent above-grade fills, are not authorized by NWPs 39, 40, 412, and 44. (c) The permittee most comply with any applicable FENIA approved state or local floodplain management requirements. 27. Construction Period. For activities that have not been verified by the Corps and the project was commenced or under contract to commence by the expiration date of the NWP (or modification or revocation date), the work must be completed within 12- months after such date (including any modification that affects the project). For activities that have been verified and the project was commenced or under contract to commence within the verification period, the work must be completed by the date determined by the Corps. For projects that have been verified by the Corps, an extension of a Corps approved completion date maybe requested. This request must he submitted at least one month before the previously approved completion date. D. Further Information 1. District Engineers have authority to determine if an activity complies with the terms and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local permits, approvals, or authorizations required by law. 3. NtiVPs do riot grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 4. NWPs do not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. 5. NWPs do not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. E. Definitions Best Management Practices (EMI's): BMPs are policies, practices, procedures, or structures implemented to mitigate the adverse environmental effects on surface water quality resulting from development. BMI's are categorized as structural or non- structural. A BMP policy may affect the limits on a development. COnlP0l?sQtOFY Mitigation: For purposes of Section 10/404, compensatory mitigation is the restoration, creation, enhancement, or in exceptional circumstances, preservation of wetlands and/or other aquatic resources for the purpose or cornpc:nsating for unavoidable adverse impacts which remain after ell appropriat, and practicable avoidance and nrinirrtization has been achieved. Creation: The establishment of a wetland or other aquatic: resource whore one did not formerly exist. Enhancement: Activities conducted in existing wetlands or other aquatic resources that increase one or more: aquatic'functious. Ephemeral Stream: An ephcureral stream has flowing; water only during and for a short duration after, precipitation ovents in a typical year. Ephemeral stream beds are located above the water table year-round. Groundwater is not a source Of water for the strewn. Runoff from rainfall is the primary source of water for stream flow. Farm Tract: A unit of contiguous land cinder one ownership that is operated as a farm or part of a,farnr. Flood Fringe: That portion of the 10o- year floodplain outside of the floodway (often referred to as "floodway fringe"). Floodway: The area regulated by Federal, state, or local requirements to provide for the discharge of the base flood so the cumulative increase in water surface elevation is no more than a designated amount (not to exceed one foot as set by the National Flood Insurance Program) within the 100-yeru, hood Main. Independent Utilit7: A test to determine what constitutes ;r single and complete project in the Corps regulatory program. A project is considered to have independent utility if it would be constructed absent the construction of other projects in the project area. Portions of a multi-phase project that depend upon other phrases of the project do not have independent utility. Phases of a project that would be constructed even if the other phases were not built can be considered as separate single and complete projects with independent utility. Intermittent Strearn: An intermittent stream has tlowimg water during certain times of the year, when groundwater provides water for stream flow. During dry periods, intermittent streams may not have flowing water. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow. Loss of Waters of the US: Waters of the US that include the filled area and other waters that are permanently adversely affected by flooding, excavation, or drainage because of the regulated activity. Permanent adverse effects include permanent above-grade, at-grade, or below-grade fills that change an aquatic area to dry land, increase the bottom elevation of a waterhody, or change the use of a waterhodv. The acreage of loss of waters of the US is the threshold measurement of the impact to existing waters for determining whether a project may qualify for an NWP; it is 1101 a ne[ threshold that is calculated after considering coirpcusatory mitigation that nrav be used to offset losses of aquatic functions and vahres. The loss of sixeam bed includes the linear feet of stream bed that is filled or excavated. Waters of the US ternporarily filled, hooded, excavated, or drained, but restored to preconstruction contours Mud elevations after construction, are not included in the rneasurcment of loss of waters of the US. Impacts to ephemeral waters are only not included in the acreage or linear foot measurements of loss of waters of the US or loss of stream bed, for the purpose Of determining compliance with the threshold limits of the NWPs. Non-tidal Wetlanck A non-tidal wetland is a wetland (i.e., a water of the US) that is not subject to the ebb and flow of tidal waters. The definition of a wetland can be found at 33 CFR 3'?t3.3(b). Non-tidal wetlands contiguous to tidal waters are located landward of the high tide line (i.e., spring high tide line). Open Water: Au area that, during a year with normal patterns of precipitation, has standing or flowing water for sufficient duration to establish an ordinary high water mark. Aquatic vegetation within the area of standing or flowing water is either non-emergent, sparse, or absent. Vegetated shallows are considered to be open waters. The term "open water" includes rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. For the purposes of the NWPs, this term does not include ephemeral waters. Perennial Stream: A perennial stream has flowing water year-round during a typical year. The water table is located above the stream bed for most of the year. Groundwater is the primary source of water for stream flow. Runoff fiom rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow. Permanent Above-grade Fill: A discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the US, including wetlands, that results in a substantial increase in ground elevation and permanently converts part or all of the waterbody to dry land. Structural fills authorized by NWPs 3, 25, 36, etc. are not included. Preservation: The protection of ecologically important wetlands or other aquatic resources in perpetuity through the implementation of appropriate legal and physical mechanisms. Preservation may include protection of upland areas adjacent to wetlands as necessary to Federal Register/Vol, 67, No. 10/Tuesday, January '15, 2002/Notices 2095 ensure protection and/or enhancement of the overall aquatic ecosystem. Restoration: Re-establishment of wetland and/or other aquatic resource characteristics and function(s) at a site where they have ceased to exist, or exist in a substantially degraded state. Riffle and Pool Complex: Riffle and pool complexes are special aquatic sites under the 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Riffle and pool complexes sometimes characterize steep gradient sections of streams. Such stream sections arc; recognizable by their hydraulic: characteristics. The rapid movement of' water over a course substrate in riffles results in a rough flow, a turbulent surface, and high dissolved oxygen levels in the water. Pools are deeper areas associated with riffles. A slower stream velocity, a streaming flow, a smooth surface, and a finer substrate characterize pools. Single and Complete Project: 'I'll e term "single and complete project" is defined at 33 CFR 330.2(1) as tire total project proposed or accomplished by one owner/developer or partnership or other association of owners /clevelopers (see definition of independent utility). For linear projects, the "single and complete project" (i.e., a single arid complete crossing) will apply to each crossing of a separate water of the US (i.e., a single waterbody) at that location. An exception is for linear projects crossing a single waterbody several times at separate and distant locations: each crossing is considered a single and complete project. However, individual channels in a braided stream or river, or individual arms of a large, irregularly shaped wetland or lake, etc., are not separate waterbodies. Storm'voter -Walla,errrent: Storrwater management is the mechanism for controlling stormwater runoff for the purposes of reducing downstrearn erosion, water quality degradation, and flooding and mitigating the adverse effects of changes in land use on the aquatic environment. Stormwater Manogernent Facilities: Stormwater management facilities are those facilities, including but not limited to, stormwater retention and detention ponds and HMPs, which retain water for a period of time to control runoff and/or improve the quality (i.e., by reducing the concentration of nutrients, sediments, hazardous substances and other pollutants) of stormwater runoff. Stream Bed: The substrate of the stream channel between the ordinary high water marks. The substrate may be bedrock or inorganic particles that range in size from clay to boulders. Wetlands contiguous to the stream bed, but outside of the ordinary high water marks, are not considered part of the stream bed. Stream Chonnelizotion: The manipulation of a stream channel to increase the rate of water flow through the stream channel. Manipulation may include deepening, widening, straightening, armoring, or other activities that change the stream cross- section or other aspects of stream channel geometry to increase the rate of water flow through the stream channel. A channelized stream remains a water of the US, despite the modifications to increase the rate of water flow. Tidol Wetland: A tidal wetland is a wetland (i.e., water of the US) that is inundated by tidal waters. The definitions of a wetland and tidal waters can be found at 33 CFR 328,3(b) arid 33 CFR 328.3(1), respectively. Tidal waters rise and fall in a predictable and measurable rhythm or cycle due to the gravitational pulls of the moon and sun. Tidal waters end where the rise and fall of the water surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rhythm true to masking by other waters, wind, or other effects. Tidal wetlands are located channelward of the high tide line (i.e., sprint; high tide line) and are inundated by ticial waters two times per htnar month, during spring high tides. Vegetated Buffer: A vegetated upland or wetland area next to rivers, streams, lakes, or other open waters which separates the open water from developed areas, including agricultural land. Vegetated buffers provide a variety of aquatic habitat functions and values (e.;., aquatic: habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms, moderation of water temperature changes, and detritus for aquatic food webs) and help improve or maintain local water quality. A vegetated buffer can be established by maintaining an existing vegetated area or planting native trees, shruhs, and herbaceous plants on land next to open- waters. Mowed lawns are not considered vegetated buffers because they provide little or no aquatic hahitat functions and values. The establishment arid maintenance of vegetated buffers is a method of compensatory mitigation that can be used in conjunction with the restoration, creation, enhancement, or preservation of aquatic habitats to ensure that activities authorized by NWPs result in minimal adverse effects to the aquatic environment. (See General Condition 19.) Vegetated Shallows: Vegetated shallows are special aquatic sites under the 404(b)(1) Guidelines. They are areas that are permanently inundated and under normal circumstances have rooted aquatic vegetation, such as seagrasses in marine and estuarine systems and a variety of vascular rooted plants in freshwater systems. Waterhody: A waterbody is any area that in a normal year has water flowing or standing above ground to the extent that evidence of an ordinary high water marl: is established. Wetlands contiguous to the waterbody are considered part of the waterbody. (FR Doc. 02-539 Filed 1-14-02; 8:45 aml BILLING CODE 3710.-92-P 6692 Federal Register/ Vol. 67, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 13, 2002 /Notices ADDRESSES). The holding of such hearing is at the discretion of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAH. All statements and opinions contained in the permit action summaries are those of the applicant and do not necessarily reflect the views of NMFS. Species Covered in This Notice The following species are covered in this notice: Sea turtles Threatened and endangered green turtle (Chelonio ntydas) Endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretrnochelys im6ricata) Endangered Kemp's ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) Endangered leatherback turtle (Dennochelys coriacea) Threatened loggerhead turtle (Caretto caretta) Application 1361 The applicant is applying for a 5-year permit to trawl for turtles, as needed, at dredge and other construction/ destruction sites to remove the turtles to a safe location. The turtles will be captured, tagged, measured and released offshore away from the dredging activities. The applicant expects to capture and relocate 95 green, 11 hawksbill, 160 loggerhead, 14 Kemp's ridley and 4 leatherback turtles on the Atlantic coast and 105 green, 17 hawksbill, 160 loggerhead, 50 Kemp's ridley and it leatherback turtles on the Gulf coast. Dated: February 7, 2002. Jill Lewandowski, Acting Chief, Permits, Conservation, and Education Division, Office of Protected Rosource.s, National Marine Fisheries Service. [FR Doc. 02-3522 Filed 2-12-02; 8:45 a1I1] BILLING CODE 3510-22-S DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers Issuance of Nationwide Permits; Notice; Correction AGENCY: Army Corps of Engineers, Dot) ACTION: Final notice; correction. SUMMARY: This document contains corrections to the final notice of issuance of Nationwide Permits (NWPs) which was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 (67 FR 2020-2095). ADDRESSES: HQUSACE, ATTN: CECW- OR, 441 "G" Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314-1000. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: NIr. David Olson, at (703) 428-7570, Mr. Kirk Stark, at (202) 761-4664 or Ms. Leesa Beal at (202) 761-4599 or access the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Home Page at: http:// www,usace.army.miI/inet/functious/ cw/cecwo/reg/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the SUMMARY section on page 2020, the third and fourth sentences are corrected to read: "All NWPs except NWPs 3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 4?1, 42, 43, and 44 expire on February 11, 2002. Existing NWPs 3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 expire on March 18, 2002." In the last sentence of the SUMMARY section, the expiration date is corrected as ''March 18, 2007", instead of "March 19, 2007 On page 2020, in second sentence of the DATES section, the expiration date is corrected as "March 18, 2007", instead of "March 19, 2007". "Therefore, the NWPs published in the January 15, 2002; Federal Register will expire on March 18, 2007, five years from their effective date of March 18, 2002. On page 2020, in the fifth paragraph of the Background section, the third and fourth sentences are corrected to read: "All NWPs except NWPs 3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 expire on February 11, 2002. Existing NWPs 3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 expire on March 18, 2002." The expiration date in the last sentence of this paragraph is corrected as "March 18, 2007", instead of "March 19, 2007". On page 2020, the paragraph in the section entitled "Grandfather Provision for, Expiring NWPs at 33 CFR 330.6" is corrected to read: "Activities authorized by the current NWPs issued on December 13, 1996, (except NWPs 3, 7, 12, '1.4, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, anti 44), that have commenced or are under contract to commence by February 11, 2002, will have until February 11, 2003, to complete the activity. Activities authorized by NWPs 3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44, that were issued on March 9, 2000, that are commenced or corder contract to commence by March 18, 2002, will have until Miuch 18, 2003, to complete the activity." On page 2020, in the "Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification (VVQ(,) and Coastal Zono Management Act ((.ZMA) Consistency Agreement" section, the date in the fifth sentence is corrected as "February 11, 2002", instead of "February 11, 2001 On page 2023, third column, last sentence, the number 29 is replaced with the number 19, because this sentence refers to General Condition 19. On page 2024, first column, in the fourth sentence of the last paragraph the phraso "less than" is replaced by "greater than" because the 30 day completeness review period for NWP pre-construction notifications is greater than the 15 day completeness review period for standard permit applications. On page 2031, second column, second full paragraph, the number 3 t is replaced with the number 3 because this paragraph refers to NWP 3. On page 2044, second column, fourth complete paragraph, the titlo is corrected to read "Stream and Wetland Restoration Activities" because that is the title of NWP 27. On page 2054, second column, the year cited in the third sentence of the second paragraph is the year 2000, not 1996. On page 2058, third column, in the second sentence of the second complete paragraph the word "intermittent" is inserted before the phrase "stream bed" because the waiver for filling or excavating greater than 300 linear feet of stream beds can apply only to intermittent stream beds. On page 2072, third column, last sentence, the number 19 is inserted after the term "General Condition" since this sentence refers to General Condition 19. On page 2076, second column, the street address for the Walla Walla District Engineer is corrected to read "201 N. Third Avenue". On page 2080, second column, third paragraph from the top of the column (in the "Notification" section of NWP 12), the word "or" at the end of paragraph (e) is deleted and the period at the end of the fourth paragraph (paragraph (t)) is replaced with "; or". On page 20130, second column, paragraph (a) of NWP 13 is corrected to read: "No material is placed in excess of the minimum needed for erosion protection;" The change was not intended and we are correcting this paragraph by reinstating the original text as it appeared in the version of NWP 1.3 published in the December 13, 1996, Federal Register (61 FR 65915). On page 2080, third column, the word "oI, is inserted at the end of paragraph (a)( 1) of NWP 14, Linear Transportation Projects. Paragraph (a) of NWP 14 is corrected to read: "a. This NWP is subject to the following acreage limits: (1) For linear transportation projects in non-tidal waters, provided the discharge does not cause the loss of greater than 'h-acre of waters of the US; or (2) For linear transportation projects in tidal waters, provided the discharge does not cause the loss of greater than'/,-acre of waters of the US." On page 2085, second column, the last sentence of NWP 36 is corrected to read as follows: "Dredging to provide Federal Register/ Vol. 67, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 13, 2002 / Notices 6693 access to the boat ramp may be authorized by another NWP, regional general permit, or individual permit pursuant to section 10 if located in navigable waters of the United States. * * - The change was not intended and we are correcting this paragraph by reinstating the original text as it appeared in the version of NWP H) published in the December 13, 1996, Federal Register (61 FR 65919). On page 2086, in the second full paragraph of the second coluinn, "paragraph (e)" in the second sentence is replaced with "paragraph (t)" and "paragraph (i)" in the third sentence is replaced with "paragraph (j)" to accurately cite the previous paragraphs of NWP 39. The last two sentences of the paragraph before the subdivision paragraph were incorrectly divided into two sentences from the original single sentence and identified as being related to General Condition 15. '['his change was not intended and we are correcting this paragraph by reinstating the original last sentence as it exists in the March 9, 2000, text of NWP 39 (65 FR 12890). On page 2086, middle colcunn, the parenthetical statement at the end of the Note at the end of NWP 39 is corrected to read "* * * (except for ephemeral waters, which do not require PCNs under paragraph (c)(2), above; however, activities that result in the loss of greater than '/,o acre of ephemeral waters would require PCNs under paragraph (c)(1), above)." The addition to the Note was intended to clarify that under paragraph (c)(2) only the loss of ephemeral open waters were not included in the requirement for a pre- construction notification (PCN). However, under paragraph (c)(1) all ephemeral waters of the United States are included in the measurement for the Vio acre PCN requirement. 'File correction is needed because the statement in the parentheses could be incorrectly interpreted to apply to paragraph (c)(1) and possibly to all PCNs, not just those affected by paragraph (c)(2). For clarity, we are providing the text of NWP 39 in its entirety, with the corrections described above: 39. Residential. Corrunercial, and Institutional Developments. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the U.S., excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters, for the construction or expansion of residential, commercial, and institutional building foundations and building pads and attendant features that are necessary for the use and maintenance of the structures. Attendant features may include, but are not limited to, roads, parking lots, garages, yards, utility lines, stormwater management facilities, and recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playing fields, and golf courses (provided the golf course is an integral part of the residential development). The construction of new ski areas or oil and gas wells is not authorized b this NWP. Residential developments include multiple and single unit developments. Examples of commercial developments include retail stores, industrial facilities, restaurants, business parks, and shopping centers. Examples of institutional developments include schools, fire stations, government office buildings, judicial buildings, public works buildings, libraries, hospitals, and places of worship. The activities listed above are authorized, provided the activities meet all of the following criteria: a. The discharge does not cause the loss of greater than IAz-acre of non-tidal waters or the U.S., excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; b. The discharge does not cause the loss of greater than 300 linear-feet of a stream bed, unless for intermittent stream beds this criterion is waived in writing pursuant to a determination by the District Engineer, as specified below, that the project complies with all terms and conditions of this NWP and that any adverse impacts of the project on the aquatic environment are minimal, both individually and cumulatively; c. The permittee must notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13, if any of the following criteria are met: (1 The discharge causes the loss of greater than 'h o-acre of non-tidal waters of the US, excluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters; or (2) The discharge causes the loss of any open waters, including perennial or intermittent streams, below the ordinary hi h water mark (see Note, below); or The discharge causes the loss of greater than 300 linear feet of intermittent stream bed. In such case, to be authorized the District Engineer must determine that the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the NWP, determine adverse environmental effects are minimal both individually and cumulatively, and waive the limitation on stream impacts in writing before the permittee may proceed; d. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites; e. The discharge is part of a single and complete project; F. The perruittee must avoid and minimize discharges into waters of the US at the project site, to the maximum extent practicable. 'Fire notification, when required, most include a written statement explaining how avoidance and minimization of losses of waters of the US were ;cchieved on the project site. Compensatory mitigation will normally be required to offset the losses of waters of the US. (See General Condition 19.) 'l'ire notification must also include a compensatory mitigation proposal for offsetting unavoidable losses of waters of th.e US. Iran applicant asserts that the adverse effects of the project are minimal without mitigation, then the applicant may submit justification explaining why compensatory mitigation should not be required. for,the District Engineer's consideration; g. When this NWP is used in conjunction with any other NWP, any combined total permanent loss of waters of the US exceeding 1Ao-acre requires that the permitteo notify the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13; li. Any work authorized by this NWP must not cause more than minimal degradation of water quality or more than minimal changes to the flow characteristics of any stream (see General Conditions 9 and 21); i. For discharges causing the loss of /,o-acre or less of waters of the US, the perruittee must submit a report, within 30 days of completion of the work, to the District Engineer that contains the following information: (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the permittee; (2) The location of the work; (3) A description of the work; (4) The type and acreage of the loss of waters of the US (e.g., '/nacre of emergent wetlands); and (5) The type and acreage of any compensatory mitigation used to offset the loss of waters of the US (e.g., r/i-acre of emergent wetlands created on-site); j. If there are any open waters or streams within the project area, the permittee will establish and maintain, to the maximum extent practicable, wetland or upland vegetated buffers next to those open waters or streams consistent with General Condition 19. Deed restrictions, conservation easements, protective covenants, or other means of land conservation and preservation are required to protect and maintain the vegetated buffers established on the project site. Only residential, commercial, and institutional activities with structures on the foundation(s) or building pad(s), as well as the attendant features, are authorized by this NWP. The 6694 Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 30/Weclnusday, Pehruary 13, 2002/Notices compensatory mitigation proposal that is required in paragraph (t) of this NWP may be either conceptual or detailed. Tire wetland or upland vegetated buffer required in paragraph (j) of this NWP will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the District Engineer for addressing water quality concerns. The required wetland or upland vegetated buffer is part of the overall compensatory mitigation requirement for this NWP. If the project site was previously used for agricultural purposes and the farm owner/operator used NWP 40 to authorize activities in waters of the United States to increase production or construct farm buildings, NWP 39 cannot be used by the developer to authorize additional activities in waters of the United States on the project site in excess of the acreage limit for NWP 39 (i.e., the combined acreage loss authorized under NWPs 39 and 40 cannot exceed 1/2 acre). Subdivisions: For residential subdivisions, the aggregate total loss of waters of US authorized by NWII 39 call not exceed 1/ -acre. This includes any loss of waters associated with development of individual subdivision lots. (Sections 10 and 404) Note: Areas where wetland vegetation is not present should be determined by the presence or absence of an ordinary high water mark or bed and bank. Areas that are waters of the CIS based on this criterion would require a PCN although water is infrequently present in the stream channel (except for ephemeral waters, which do not require PCNs under paragraph (c)(2), above; however, activities that result in the loss of greater than vho acre of ophemeral waters would require, PCNs raider paragraph (c)(1), above). On page 2088, in the sixth sentence of the first paragraph in the first column, the phrase "an adequate water quality management plan" is replaced with the phrase "adequate water quality management measures" to reflect the modified language in General Condition 9. This sentence is corrected to read "The facility must have adequate water quality management measures in accordance with General Condition 9, such as a stormwater management facility, to ensure that the recreational facility results in no substantial adverse effects to water quality." On page 2089, first column, the second sentence of paragraph (c) of NWP 44 is corrected to read "Normally, the water quality management measures required by General Condition 9 should address these impacts;". In addition, the second sentence of paragraph (i) of NWP 44 is corrected to read "Further the District Engineer may require water quality management measures to ensure the authorized work results in minimal adverse effects to water quality;" These corrections are necessary to reflect the modified language in General Condition 9. Oil page 2089, third column, the text of General Condition 6 is corrected to read: "The activity must couply with any regional conditions that may have been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)) and with any case specific conditions added by the Corps or by the state or tribe in its Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Lone Management Act consistency determination." The change to General Condition 6 that was published in the January 15, 2002, Federal Register was not intended and we are correcting this sentence by reinstating the original text as it existed in the March 9, 2000, NWPs. On page 2090, first r..olumn, the word "Section" in the parenthetical at the end of General Condition 10 is replaced with "33 CFR" so that the parenthetical reads "(see 33 CFR 330.4(d)) On page 2090, at the top of the second column, the second Internet URL is replaced with "* * * http:// www.nmJs.noao.gov/prot_res/overview/ es.html * * *" because the Internet address for the National Marine Fisheries Service home page for endangered species has been changed. On page 2090, third colunur, in paragraph (b)(4) of General Condition 13, NWP 40 should be added to the list of NWPs that require submission of delineations of special aquatic sites with pre-construction notifications. Therefore, paragraph (b)(4) of General Condition 13 is corrected to read "For NWPs 7, 12, 14, 18, 21, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands, vegetated shallows (e.g., submerged aquatic vegetation, seagrass beds), and riffle and pool complexes (see paragraph 13(0);" On page 2090, third column, in paragraph (b)(6) of General Condition 13, the word "Projects" replaces the word "Crossings", because the title of NWP 14 is "Linear Transportation Projects". On page 2090, third column, in paragraph (b)(8) of General Condition 13, the word "Activities" is inserted after the word "Restoration" because the title of NWP 27 is "Stream and Wetland Restoration Activities". On page 2091, first column, in paragraph (b)(10) of General Condition 13, the word "Projects" is replaced with the word "Facilities" because the title of NWP 31 is "Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities". On page 2094, third column, we are correcting the definition of "Loss of Waters of the US" by deleting the last sentence and inserting the following sentence after the fourth sentence of this definition: "Impacts to ephemeral streams are not included in the linear foot measurement of loss of stream bed for the purpose of determining compliance with the linear foot limits of NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43." Due to the number of corrections made to the definition of "Loss of Waters of the US", we are providing the text of this definition in its entirety, with the corrections described above: Goss of Waters of the US: Waters of Lite US that include the filled area and other waters that are permanently adversely affected by flooding, excavation, or drainage because of the regulated activity. Permanent adverse effects include permanent above-grade, at-grade, or below-grade fills that change an aquatic: area to dry land, increase the bottom elevation of a waterbody, or change the use of a waterbody. The acreage of loss of waters of the US is the threshold measurement of the impact to existing waters for determining whether a project may qualify for an NWP; it is not a net threshold that is calculated after considering compensatory mitigation that may be used to offset losses of aquatic functions and values. The loss of stream bed includes the linear feet of stream bed that is filled or excavated. Impacts to ephemeral streams are not included in the linear foot measurement of loss of stream bed for the purpose of determining compliance with the linear foot limits of NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43. Waters of the US temporarily filled, flooded, excavated, or drained, but restored to preconstruction contours and elevations after construction, are not included in the measurement of loss of waters of the US. In the January 15, 2002, Federal Register, it was stated that the definition was being revised (to clarify that ephemeral waters and streams are not included in the acreage or linear thresholds for NWPs) to comport with language in the preamble of the March 9, 2000 Federal Register notice. Ilowever, the language in tho preamble of the March 9, 2000 Federal Register notice (65 FR 12881, third column) does not support this revision. Rather, the referenced preamble states, "During our review of the comments received in response to the July 21, 1999, Federal Register notice, we found an error in the proposed definition of the term, "loss of waters of the United States." In the fourth sentence of the draft definition, we stated that the loss of stream bed Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 30 /Wednesday, February 13, 2002/Notices 6695 includes the linear feet of perennial or intermittent stream bed that is filled or excavated. This statement is inaccurate because ephemeral stream bed that is filled or excavated can also be considered a loss of waters of the United States. However, the 300 linear foot limit for stream beds filled or excavated does not apply to ephemeral streams. We have modified this sentence to define the loss of stream bed as the linear feet of stream bed that is filled or excavated." Thus, the modification of this definition was intended to clarity that activities that involve filling or excavating ephemeral streams are not included in the linear foot limits for filling or excavating stream beds in NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43. However, it was not intended to exempt ephemeral waters or streams from calculations of impacted acreages to determine PCN or maximum acreage requirements in accordance with NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43. In the August 9, 2001, Federal Register notice (66 FR 42099) we proposed to modify the definition of "boss of Waters of the US" by adding the sentence "* * * The loss of stream bed includes the linear feet of perennial stream or intermittent stream that is filled or excavated * * *". The proposed change was in response to a commitment to clearly state in the text of the NWPs (which includes the definitions) that the 300 linear foot limit in NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43 for filling and excavating stream beds would only apply to intermittent and perennial streams, not to ephemeral streams. In the January 15, 2002, Federal Register notice (67 FR 2074-2075) we erroneously stated that both the acreage and linear limits of the NWPs do not apply to ephemeral waters. This was never intended to be adopted as policy for the NWPs or the Corps regulatory program. A previously stated, in the first column of page 2075 of the January 15, 2002, Federal Register notice, we refer to page 12881 of the March 9, 2000, Federal Register notice, which only discusses the 300 linear foot limit, not the acreage limits of the NWPs. Our intent is to continue to apply acreage limits of NWPs to activities that result in the permanent loss of ephemeral waters, but the linear foot limits of the NWPs (i.e., NWPs 39, 40, 42, and 43) for filling or excavating strearn beds would not apply to activities that involve filling or excavating ephemeral streams. The last sentence of the definition of "Loss of Waters of the US" as published in the January 15, 2002, Federal. Register notice does not comport with remainder of this NWP package. Therefore, we are correcting this definition as described above. We believe that correcting the text of NWP 39 and the definition of "Loss of Waters of the US" through the publication of this correction notice is appropriate. Nevertheless, in order to give all interested parties further opportunity to comment on this matter, we intend to publish a Federal Register notice to solicit public comments on those two corrections. If we determine that any other matter relating to the final NWPs requires correction or clarification, but that matter was not adequately dealt with in this correction notice, we will address that additional matter in the forthcoming Federal Register notice, as well. We expect to publish that Federal Register notice within a few weeks. Dated: February 7, 2002. Lawrence A, Lang, Assistant Clriof, Operations Division, Directorate of Civil Works. [FR Doc. 02-3555 Filed 2-12-02; 8:45 and BILLING CODE 3710-92-P DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Sunshine Act Meeting AGENCY HOLDING THE MEETING: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. TIME AND DATE: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.nr., February 5, 2002. PLACE: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Board of Regents Conference Room (03001), 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814-4799. STATUS: Open-under "Government in the Sunshine Act" (5 U.S.C. 552b(e)(3)). MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED: 8:30 a.m. Meeting-Board of Regents (1) Approval of Minutes-November 14, 2001 (2) Faculty Matters (3) Department Reports (4) Financial Report (5) Report-President, USUHS (6) Report-Dean, School of Medicine (7) Report-Dean, Graduate School of Nursing (8) Cornnients-Chairman, Board of Regents (9) New Business CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Mr. Bobby D. Anderson, Executive Secretary, Board of Regents, (301) 295- 3116. Dated: February 8, 2002. Linda Bynum, OSDFederal RogistarLiaison Officer, Department of Defense. [FR 1)oc. 02-3683 Filed 2-11-0'2; 3:32 1)1n BILLING CODE 5001-08-M DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request AGENCY: Department of Education. SUMMARY: T'he Leader, Regulatory Information Management Group, Office of the Chief Information Officer invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before March 15, 2002. ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Lauren Wittenberg, Desk Officer, Department of Education, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street, NW., Room 10202, New Executive Office, Building, Washington, DC 20503 or should be electronically mailed to the internet address Louren_Wittenberg«amb.eop.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S,C. Chapter 35) requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provide interested Federal agencies and the public an early opportunity to comment on information collection requests. OMB may amend or waive the requirement for public consultation to the extent that public participation in the approval process would defeat the purpose of the information collection, violate State or Federal law, or substantially interfere with any agency's ability to perform its statutory obligations. The Leader, Regulatory Information Management Group, Office of the Chief Information Officer, publishes that notice containing proposed information collection requests prior to submission of these requests to OMB. Each proposed information collection, grouped by office, contains the following: (1) Type of review requested, e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4) Description of the need for, and proposed use of, the information; (5) Respondents and frequency of collection; and (6) Reporting and/or Recordkeeping burden. OMB invites public comment.