HomeMy WebLinkAbout19880320 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19880101 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Water Quality Section June 1,6, 1988 M E M O R A N D U M TO: ;h,, Parker FROM: ll Mills"" - SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit Sea Trails Corporation Brunswick County The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: a. The proposed project will require a 401 Water Quality Certification but does meet the requirements of General Certification No. 1273 for discharge of liquid effluent from an upland diked disposal area. b. Stormwater runoff from the proposed project c v m.Fn ' x i x es AA xcx c ?wi tl }he leww density, portion of NCAC 2H cp- .1000. C. It is recommended that a sewage pumpout facility be required for the marina and that that system be maintained throughout the life of the marina. BM/dkb cc: Preston Howard r DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 10, 1988 TO: Bill Mills Operations Branch FROM: James H. Gregson Wilmington Regional Office THROUGH: A. Preston Howard, Jr. Wilmington Regional Offic SUBJECT: Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Sea Trails Corporation Brunswick County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicants propose to dredge an access channel, imporve one boat ramp, convert the other ramp to a travel lift and to construct a dry stack storage building. ADJACENT WATER BODY: AIWW CLASSIFICATION: SA Status: _ClUSeK ?S/?? - ` ALL G i`? I'PCCYi1132e e r The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to waters 0 ' quality. The following comments are provided. (X) The project will require a 401 Water Quality Certification. (X) The project complies with the General 401 Water Quality Certification #1273 for discharge of liquid effluent from diked disposal area. (X) The proposed project should be done in such a way as to not cause the turbidity outside the immediate construction area to exceed 25 NTU. (X) Final stormwater comments were submitted on 6/9/88. (X) We recommend that a permanent pumpout facility be installed and maintained throughout the life of the marina. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. cc: DCM-Robert Stroud CF, WiRO r r OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name Sea Trail Corporation (Paul Dennis) 2. Location of project site Brunswick County on AIWW at Seaside, NC, off NC 179 on Park Road - New Photo 8-69 Grids 0-P, 13-14 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill . X CAMA x 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 1-26-88 5-5-88 (B) Was applicant present no no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 4/27/88 Office Wilmington 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Brunswick County Land Classification from LUP Conservation/Transition Development constraints identified in LUP None for projects of this nature. (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline x Coastal Wetlands Public Trust Waters X Estuarine Waters x Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No Other Both (D) Intended use: Public Private Commercial X (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing N[A Planned Septic tank - Nitrification field (F) Type of structures: Existing Boat ramps Planned Boat ramp - travel lift - dry stack storage - parking (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion -- Source -- 7. Habitat description: 8. AREA Dredged Filled Other (A) Vegetated wetlands: N/A (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Open water (access Appx. 12,000 sf. channel) Travel lift slip Appx. 1,920 sf. (C) Other: High ground to be developed Appx. 4.7 acres (D) Total Area Disturbed: Appx. 13,900 sf. Appx. 4.7 acres Project Summary The applicants are proposing to refurbish the existing boat ramp, to convert one ramp to a travel lift slip, to construct a dry stack storage building. Sea Trails Corporation (Paul Dennis) Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is located at the end of Park Road on the Seaside Community which is reached via NC 179 near Sunset Beach in Brunswick County. The location was formerly a NC Wildlife Resources Boat Ramp. The use as a Wildlife was abandoned and the are is now used as a launch for the surrounding subdivision(s). There are now two concrete ramps with piers having a total width of approximately 40'. The ramps extend out from mean high water (mhw) approximately 40'. The access channel from the ramp to the waterway has been excavated at least two times. There is a shoaling problem in the area. Present offshore depths range from approximately -1.0' to -8.0' mean low water (mlw). The adjacent waters are classified ak SA, closed to shellfishing and are a designated primary nursery area. The high ground associated with the site is primarily open fields and unimproved parking. Coastal wetlands are found to either side of the ramp area. The applicants propose to dredge another access channel into the site to improve the ramp and add a travel lift slip and to construct a dry stack storage building with parking. The access channel will be approximately 200' long x 60' wide. The travel lift slip will be approximately 80' long x 24' wide. Depths wi range -3-.54- m1w in the t Ii to -6.0' mlw up to the edge of the -8.0' contour along the AIWW. Approximately 3000 yards will be excavated and will be deposited on adjacent high ground. One of the existing ramps will be retained and the other will, be converted to a travel lift slip. Three floating docks will be installed to serve the ramp and lift area. Each will be approximately 4' x 32'. Two baffle-board break water each approximately 90' long will be installed to the extreme outside of the ramp/lift area. These structures will have lights at the waterward ends for navigational purposes. A paved area will connect the ramp/lift to a proposed dry stack building approximately 112' x 260' in dimension. The structure will house approximately 160 boats. There will be an office in this structure served by a septic tank system. The existing parking lot will be improved and storm water retention will be added. A permanent spoil disposal area for approximately 1000 cubic yards/year measuring 100' x 100' has been designated at the southwest corner of the tract. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The project will result in the redredging of approximately 13,900 square feet of primarily nursery area bottom. The proposed width of 60' should be restricted to the top width of the cut in order to minimize the encroachment of the channel into the nursery area. The proposed breakwaters should help to minimize the shoaling which has occurred in the area. Also the use of a hydraulic dredge should provide a more stable cut than that provided by the dragline used before. Submitted by: C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Date: May 18, 1988 Office: Wilmington Please type or print. Carefully descri)Z aaiil an. ticipated development activities, inclining construe- 1988 tion, excavation, filling, paving, land clearing, and stormwater control. If the requeste?_}' orma4ion is ; not relevant to your project, write'N•'A (not.ap placable). Items 14 and 8.9 must be cotnpfeted for all projects. 1, APPLICANT Paul D. Dennis a. Name -GIG SAa_qA_ai1-Gem.--- Address 3g1-C7<ubh ase ?eae? tyS4?mse%?eas State Zip -?T6-.-- 2845Q IDay phone X_ Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any V/A c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give and the owner's name and address. N/A .2. LOCATION OF..:PROPOSED . :.PROJECT. a. Street address or secondary road number b. City, town, community, or landmark seaside- N_C. c. County Arunswi r'k d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction?Planning juri ,di ctj of e. Name of body of water nearest project nsfick Atlanta . Tn - a _oar .al 11aterway 3 DESCRIPTION. AND PLANNED; .. USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT . a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). "Y" shaped pier with floating docks Concrete boat ramp/wooden bulkhead Dry Storage Marina Dredging of access channel/basin If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-z•. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? Enth Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Private and C'.orrrmunti y Describe the planned use of the project i.auncni ng and re •ri eyal of rural l boats and storage _of same in :•1''iDrx Rtark lfari nn pari 1 i tY :9k=?G'AND=TAND=WA'TER_?? -`~ CHARACTERISICS?: a. Size of entire tract _ 4.7 acres b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 4' to 18 . , d. Soil type(s) and texture(s)of tract sand/rhal l intermixed with organics e. Vegetation on tract el eared grersed w. sCntfArAd oaks R, sc uh v .getati on f. Man-made features now on : tract iin?are??r parking area: concrete boat ramp, g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) _X Conservation & _X Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? i. How are adjacent waters classified? S A j. Has a professional archaeological survey been : If so, by whom? ?5? UPlAND:?DEVELO.PIVIEN'P'' •' ???: Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed One (1) preengineer concrete slab see work 'ptt) b. Number of lots or parcels NZA c. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) :1/A Size of area to be graded or disturbed 1 _ ??5 _nc_rES more or less If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? ,uhmi ttal ?r?ndi ng Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. 7_3.3 1 g. List the materials, such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete, to be used for paved surfaces. 1200 sf r_ n nto r . a (S`?_ bal ant-A unshed atop h. If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? Sub ttal Pending i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. Senti e tank/ ni tri fi cati nn fi P1 d ( se work Plat)) j. Have these facilities received state or local approval?_ Approval Pending k. DeN?A existing treatment facilities. b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards non c. Type of material sand/si 1 ty sand d. Does the trea to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? no e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards N/A f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area 19? I Y ?AO g. Location of spoil disposal area East quadrant of site (-see work Alai h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? yes If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance. / Vag If so,'where?aE cor. of site see wojl Does the disposal area include any marshland, ` swamOland,'or water areas? no Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? no Amount of fill in cubic yards N A Type of fill material N/A Source of fill material NZA Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? Dimensions of the wetland to be filled N/A How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled?Spa l to be nl Aran i in A4 Iron ni ?nno?. I ____ . 1. Describe location and type of discharges to j• waters of the state (for examplersurface runoff, k. sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). S u r f n__ r n n f f l to be contai ne or reinfi 1 trated* in. rJn di rpe t di ar•harIXe m. Water supply source Cammuni ty water n. o. n. If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- p. q. vide new access. -IN/A o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what will be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? X f e 6 EXCAVATION-AND. FILI._. Y;,:' , 1.1 INFORMATION `-: =" a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava. tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (M"LW) or (NWL) and Boat basin Other rea - ter a? pier boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill areas 240' 60, 180 if 6' _ 4.' CF ti.(b," 2801 192' e.r ) 4K w,4, _fenses will be deployed r. " What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Hydraulic dredge s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site?u?If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. Lr A 7 -; SHORELINE: STABILIZATION a. Length of weed- or riprap J So l.f . b. Average distance waterward of jnean high water or normal water level-a-0 _ c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet N A ?d. Type of bulkhead material Treated w rind e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water N/A f. Type of fill material C /e4 w u __ d . .`:"??ADDITTONA7.''?TNFO ONA In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. -If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said prolerty, then-for- ward a copy of the deed or other insi6z e Wunder which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 Vh x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- el F I;?r ;.t, t .1, t i + county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A stormwater management plan, if applicable, that may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. 113-229(d). Name 14 Address Shall of , .C 2845,9 Name "iss P;ary :rooks Address Route 5, Box 115 Shallo , C 28459 Name Address A list. of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. N_C_ "i ldli fP RA urepr C-f)mni Ei_0 ( for exi sting boat rnmn) fo_ GD m44 A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. 198F; '' A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. N/A A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at tacK, 2` statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). N/A 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMIS. SION TO. ENTER ON LAND Any permit issued in response to this-application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro posed activity complies with the State. of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the a gT? day of December 19 87 _/? "per X'-?. Landowner or Authorized agent - t•cvtse.ci- 3-23_gd 4-11-?3 Send the completed application materials to the Division of Coastal Management Office nearest yot and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the map on the inside front cover for the appropriate DCM office and addresses and phone number. AA ?w?ONt t?IL.rt -Fa- -re, c/o Timber R Lana Mariagcment (:7311sultamts, Inc. 1'. 0. Box 1471 NV N wiugtou, IBC 23402-1471 otoLasx_nt?? . _ . (Vrm D04-MP-2 MARINA DEVELOPMENT Attach this form to the Application for Permits to Develop in North Carolinas Coastal Area. Be sure - -2;_ MARINA.. OPERATIONS to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including upland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities facilities must be included in application and work which will be included in the proposed project. plats. - -X- Office toilets Toilets for patrons MARINA CHARACTE Number .. RISTICS Location Showers a. Check below the type of marina proposed. Boat holding tank pumpout Commercial v Public Type and location Residential b. Will the marina be open to the general public? b. Describe treatment type and location for all Yes sanitary wastewater. Septic tank sg -PM c. If there is residential development associated l nee work blest fore-nosed with the marina, how many units or lots are location) planned? c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and trash d. Ghe--k all ef the types ef servic-ea. to he disposal. Sai t_ary L.andfi 1 l -provided. Full service, including travel lift and/or rail d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from X_ Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies boats be controlled? ?1* No overboard d s_ Dockage ("wet slips") only char.res will be allowed by law.There Number of slips will be no 1 i yeaboards or ov rni rh t _ Dry storage • doclsage nermi ttAd Signs ytill be post Number of boats ± 16o to inform users of these imgPrati ves, X Boat ramp(s) e. Give the location and number of "No Sewage Other (describe) _I POM:e- ro-,e * 1 Discharge" signs proposed. At read of naeh P•?K I. Fr P.,d _Pi ar ( 3 each) ( see work plats) e. Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for X and/or channel containing industrial type pollutants, such as Open water, no dredging required paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- Other (describe) ducts. A 11 tnet rn l P„m nrodur t o tvi 11 1 f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex di s rased i n ^n ubl and 1 oeati on ample, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, or mixed types). rnixed types g. Typical boat length 14 , u g Where will residue be disposed of? ^1 f A h. Maximum boat length 251 i. Are any floating bu ildings planned.' 'Ip If so, describe. ' / A h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. channel marker: (see work plat for proposed locati Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad ditional approval by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. i. Give the location of fuel handling facilities and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. FUel handling facilities will he 1 oCated _upl and hYthe dry storage building ( see vlor!t plat) j. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and reduce water quality impacts. Basin wi dens anti deepens towards AI1,7141 channel ( see profile on work plat) k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? Not permitted All boats will he ha»1 Pd and stored each day- L Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leases? NO If so, iv the name and address of the leaseholder. m. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided?- An exi s+J Ormer !'T VJJ ldli fa__ ramp exi s s nn si tp w; r? ? I i o ? J?IZ / ' ?/ •O ]J 41H? a?? ? ? O V ?) ? IA Z ? LG _ _? -r'' ?O N BL UI S 12 Roe j 7.2 .4 ' y • Y Q ?; QU t ? .. , } C t 1 ? l }PZ_?? c -? ,. :• 'il OF i' w -ir % d ??? ?, ' ?' ? - - -' - I ?' ' •. Q . ? i ? 'CMG o ./ .•. lid 'r 10 r--LL ?L ~ ? o?f ? /?? ?W I° , •I . ice/ I o ? ? I k ? 6? S U o? f'? 'f I v' ?? I Iz 1 1 w mi ? oA n? r to J °?n? " I I •? x i ? i oti ? j ` • v v' 4 V? d 7 ss 4 ?`s•3a •sF ? QL r J lLl Z Y Z ? 0 4 3 Q 3 ?, w ? ? ? LL1 Z a y IMF $o n Lei 2 i L J a i O 0 cc 2 7 al i i 09 4 o" Zo 000a1 25J- S ?- n FQ c Z LL z o z hoc - UF p"c 3 K w Q • u - \ 1 J a Q i? a LL ?Y \ o J r - ? c 7 1 1 I ? ' m . MNd? •wva i - { j 1 ? J ? _ W Y ? • ` i 2 7? N a 0 0 d 0 z 2 o Q Z E 0- m t `? ? ? H JN Z J r o di a Fo h e t goo - ^ 11 $3 L J Q i4 w N 4? O III J _ 35 7 W w s 111 v x ;?• Q Uo 1 v I i o ? F-- NY v l I ? ( Z , l ? allj > LL] I I i U ? LL li _ i _ z \ 1 Q q W_ ,Is LL- i LLJ y o W g ? So LL r w? µ j 'LIn1 H V 1 Z . t .• IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 1, 1988 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC088-N-010-0116 Mr. Paul D. Dennis Sea Trail Corporation c/o Timber and Land Management Consultants, Incorporated Post Office Box 1471 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1471 Dear Mr. Dennis: Ew -L ff t- i i I rf?;', On February 6, 1986, we renewed general permit No. SAWC080-N- 000-0291 (enclosed), which provides Federal authorization for construction activities that receive authorization from the State of North Carolina. A review of your application ,?.eceived December 30, 1987, and revised drawings received January 19, 1988, for Department of the Army authorization to excavate a channel/basin, to construct a boatramp with piers and docks and to construct and backfill a bulkhead on the At antic ntracoas a a? , Seaside, Brunswick County, North Carolina, indicates it to be a candidate for Federal authorization under this general permit. Accordingly, the administrative processing of your application will be accomplished by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. Comments from Federal review agencies will be furnished to the State. If your application must be withdrawn from this general permit process for any reason, you will be written and informed of its further management. If there are no unresolved differences of State-Federal positions or policy, the final action taken on your application by the State will result in your receiving written notice from us that your application has been successfully processed under our general permit. Only after receiving such confirmation should you begin work. Your application, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, has been assigned No. SAWC088-NO-010-0116 and will be coordinated by Mr. Ernest Jahnke. He is available to address questions or comments you may have at telephone (919) 343-4467. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. William Mills V--'Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Ms. Beverly Etheridge, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch Region IV U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management rig sv e venue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 IMF) IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 February 1, 1988 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC088-N-010-0116 ECFIE? Mr. William Mills FED 0 4 Water Quality Section 19,98 Division of Environmental Management AT" , l+i I! Y North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Mills: Enclosed is the application of Mr. Paul Dennis, Sea Trail Corporation, represented by Timber and Land Management Consultants, Incorporated, for a Department of the Army permit and a State Water Quality Certification to excavate a channel/basin, construct a boatramp with piers and docks and to construct and backfill a bulkhead on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), near Seaside, Brunswick County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this - --- ---- --- j our acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorization of the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification may be required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is considered a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if your office has not acted on the request by April 1, 1988, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ernest Jahnke, telephone (919) 343-4467. Sincerely, 1 ? ha es W. H lis hie , Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. C. Robert Stroud, Jr. Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 7725 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 1141 ?AWeDIR - -d le) XG~, Vird ea,-e? 2 02 ?-??? ylyl-'-41i al'-2 December 30, 1987 Mr. Bob Stroud Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Field Office 7225 Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Boat Ramp with Associated Docks, Dredging and Dry Storage Marina Sunset Beach, Brunswick County, Dear Bob: f fyf69rvnceaa A., i.?..r Y:??':?.T iii •?JKMP ? u f i Piers; Bulkhead, for Sea -Trail Corp. , NC Enclosed is our application with supporting documents and work plats for a CAMA permit for the subject work along with our check in the amount of $100 to cover the costs o processing the application. Also, by copy of this letter we are making concurrent application for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit for the work from the Wilmington District Office of the Corps. Further, we have forwarded a copy of this letter and application by certified mail to the adjacent riparian waterfront landowners as listed on Page 3 of the application for their review/comment. As detailed in the application and shown on the work plats, the activities for which we are requesting a permit include the following elements: Dredging of an access channel/anchorage basin from the terminus of the boat ramp at the foot of Park Road to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Channel. The proposed channel has been designed to flare horizontally and to slope vertically towards the waterway channel to enhance. flushing, circulation and to reduce water quality impacts. It is also hoped that this design will minimize future maintenance dredging. Dredging will be by hydraulic dredge with spoil disposal in the designated high ground disposal area depicted on the attached work plats. Mr. Bob Stroud Dec.embver 30, 1987 Page 2 Construction of a boat ramp and associated "Y" shaped pier with protective bulkhead and floating docks. The concrete boat ramp will be constructed over the existing ramp at the site which was constructed by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (Note: This ramp is no longer owned and maintained by the Commission. It is now owned and maintained by the Corporation). The proposed bulkheads adjacent to the piers are designed to prevent the movement of sediment into the dredged area immediately in front of the ramp and to stabilize the overall structure. It will also function as a breakwater. On the upland area of the tract, a pre-engineered steel dry storage marina building will be constructed on a concrete slab. Associated with this structure will be a small office and fuel facilities. It should be noted that this site is historically predisposed to marine related activities due to the presence of the existing boat ramp and associated parking area. The proposed project is designed to enhance and improve the current use in an environmentally sound and sensitive manner consistent with existing a ations governing marina siting. Following is a brief discussion on how the pr constructed and operated to minimize or prevent any adverse environmenta i Impacts on Wetlands: A special effort will be made to avoid any impacts on wetlands associated with the site. No marsh vegetation will be removed or destroyed as the docks and piers with bulkheads will be installed waterward of fringing marsh (see work plats). No dredge spoils will be placed in wetlands. All spoil will be placed in the upland diked disposal area. Water Quality Considerations: No overboard sewage discharges, overnight dockage or live-aboards will be permitted. The purpose of the docks and piers is for normal activities related to the launching and retrieval of small to medium sized watercraft stored in the dry storage marina. As indicated above, potential for spills of petroleum products will be significantly reduced by dispensing same away from the waterfront. Also, the dry storage of boats eliminates the need for application of toxic bottom paints to vessels stored at the proposed facility. Mr.. Bob Stroud December 30, 1987 Page 3 Control of Stormwater Runoff: Impervious surface will be limited to 13.3% within the 75 ft. setback area of the site. In the upland area of the site several design features will be included to control potential stormwater impacts. The parking lot will be left unpaved (if necessary) and will be covered with pea gravel to afford some infiltration of stormwater. The site will be regraded using suitable dessicated spoil material or imported fill as needed to divert any runoff from the parking lot to a stormwater retention pond and/or a reinfiltration swale (French/Dutch drains) along Park Road. Runoff from the roof of the dry storage building will be collected by gutters and downspouts and will be piped to the stormwater retention pond. The pond will be equipped with a control release structure. Overflow from the pond will be diverted to the rock and gravel lined reinfiltration subsurface fields and/or ditch running parallel to Park Road as shown on the work plats. This system is designed to reinfiltrate excess stormwater into the ground thereby preventing any direct discharge of stormwater to the sound. During the construction phase of the project, appropriately placed silt fences will be used to prevent siltation. Also, disturbed areas will be seeded within 30 days after site disturbance to prevent _e? n a d siltation impacts. Spoil Disposal: A hydraulic dredge will be use the first time at this site to minimize the impacts of previous double handling drag line work. Spoil will be placed in an upland disposal area to allow for solids settling prior to discharge of clear effluent to the waterway. Once the dredge spoil has dessicated, it will be used to regrade the site prior to the construction of the storage building. A segment of the site will be set aside for a permanent dredge spoil disposal area for future maintenance dredging. We trust that this application can receive your early attention. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the project or the application. Thank you for assistance. Sincerely, ?.- Robert L. Moul Land Use Consultant RLM/nm enclosures cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Sea Trails Corporation Please type or print. Carefully describe all an"y ticipated development activities, including ctsstruc-* t ion, 'excavation, filling, paving, land clearing and" stormwater control. If the requested information is not relevant to your project, write N/A (not ap- plicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. 1) E F 1 • .?PPLICAIVT,? _? ?,rr f ?? ?? . r h. Paul D. Dennis a. Name lea Trail Copp. . Address 3gI iuF se Read CityS State -N. C. Zip 2g49 Day phone _X Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name (if any) N/A d.:Pescribe the planned use of the project. aunchi ng_ and retrieval o small 'boats and storage of same in Dry stack Minri nn Fani 1 j,ty C I AND SAND VATER CHARACTERIS.- : a. Size of entire tract __ 4.7 acres b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or Na- tional Geodetic Vertical Datum 4' to 18-41M d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract sandZshell intermixed with organics e. Vegetation on tract .1 .ar .d _ grassPd3 with scattArpd Oaks & scrub vegetnti nn f. Man-made features now on=tract unnavead road parking area; concrete boat ramp, doc g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classifica- tion of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) __ Conservation & X_ Transitional Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? unzoned i. How are adjacent waters classified? SA j. Has a professional archaeological survey been carried out for the tract:' /a (predisturbed If so, by whom? N/A 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT" .t.y._T -- c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give and the owner's name and address. N/A LOCATION OF7PROP.OSED PROJECT a. Street address or secondary road number Park Road @ AP1';'yV -.1„ .,,,.., c. County Rrunswir.k d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction?Planning J i sdicti On f. e. Name of body of water nearest project ounlyek Atlantic Tntraconstal 'Eaterway 3- ,DESCRIPTION". AND..PLANNED USE DF; PROPOSED PROJECT a. Describe all development activities you propose (for example, building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, or pier). "Ytt shaped pier with floating docks Concrete boat ramp/wooden bulkhead Dry Storage Marina Dredging of access channel/basin If you plan to build a marina, also complete and attach Form DCM-MP-2. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an ex- isting project, new work, or both? Roth c. Will the project be for community, private, or commercial use? Private and Communtiy Complete this section if the project includes any upland development. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, or structures proposed one ( 1 ) preengineered concrete sfa (see work plat b. Number of lots or parcels N/A c. Density (Give the number of residential units and the units per acre.) NZA d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed 1 .y?5 acres more or less e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimen- tation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? S ubm1 t t a 1Penci i n g f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of mean high water to be covered by im- permeable surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, or rooftops. 13, 3 ;o 9. List the materials, such as marl, paver stone, asphalt,•or concrete, to be used for paved surfaces. 1200 of cnncretp (ramll) balance nrilabed stane_ If applicable, has a stormwater management plan been submitted to the Division of En- vironmental Management? Submittal Pending Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment facilities. Septic tank./ nitri fi Kati on field ( see work plat) Have these facilities received state or local approval? Approval Pending _ Describe existing treatment facilities. N/A h. i. k. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state (for example?, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, or "wash down"). Surface runof f to be contained or reinfiltrated. Nn di.rPCt di Rcljgrge Water supply source iommuni ty water If the project is oceanfront development, describe the steps that will be taken to main- tain established public beach accessways or pro- vide new access. N/A m n. o. If the project is on the oceanfront, what w- be the elevation above mean sea level of the first habitable floor? 11I/A 6 EXCAVATION -AND FILL INFORMATIOhI F a. Describe below the purpose of proposed excava- tion or fill activities (excluding bulkheads, which are covered in Section 7). Length Width Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) and Boat basin Other (break- water, pier boat ramp, rock jetty) Fill placed in wetland or below MHW Upland fill areas 240' 360, 3,51 190 if 61 4' 2801 1921 b. Amount of material to be excavated from below water level in cubic yards 6_.,nnn-_ c. Type of material sand /silty sand d. Does the area to be excavated include marsh- land, swamps, or other wetlands? no e. High ground excavation, in cubic yards N/ f. Dimensions of spoil disposal area 1.92 1 x 280 t g. Location of spoil disposal area E_st quadrant of site ( +see work plat) h. Do you claim title to the disposal areal yes If not; attach a letter granting permission from the owner. i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance?/ 11, If so,'where?SE cor. of site see worrkt ) j. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamplland,lor water areas? no k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high water? no 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards N/A m. Type of fill material N/A n. Source of fill material N/A o. Will fill material be placed on marsh or other wetlands? p. Dimensions of the wetland to be filled N A q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled?Spoil to be placed in diked disposal area; Dikes will be seeded and silt fenses will be deployed i--What tvge of ??nstn?ction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Hydraulic dredge s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equip- ment to the project site?no If yes, explain the steps that will be taken to lessen en- vironmental impacts. NVA 7 SHORELINE-.STABILIZATION rc.i k w aIrt. a. Length of or riprap 22n if b. Average distance water-ward of mean high water or normal water level 701 03ra- K- -?t- c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in feet N/A d. Type of bulkhead material 'rea ed w LL e. Amount of fill, in cubic yards, to be placed below mean high water N/A f. Type of fill material be backfilled (see tivork plat ADDITIONALA,21 FORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. -If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then for- ward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permis- sion from the owner to carry out the project. An accurate work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on 8 Vz x 11 white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if 16 high quality copies are provided by the applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regard- ing that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency per- sonnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. Include county road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. may have been developed in consultation with the Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners. These individuals have 30 days in which to submit com- ments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. The applicant must advise the adjacent landowners of this opportunity by sen- ding a copy of the permit application to them by registered or certified mail. This notification is re- quired by G.S. 113-229(d). Name Marshside Enterprises, Inc. Address route 3. Box 2552 challotte, N.C. 28459 Name i•liss i,iary E. Brooks Address route 5, Box 115 Shallotte, 1JI.C. 28459 Name Address A. list. of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. N. C. ',,Ili 1 1 i Resources ommi ssi on ( fnr .xi sting boat ramp) '(`or Gowrnac>;`ou O.n 1 ya., 11 br A check for $100 made payable to the Depart- ment of Natural Resources and Community Development to cover the costs of processing the application. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in ocean- front and inlet areas. N/A A statement on the use of public funds. If the project involves the expenditure of public funds, at- tach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). N/A 9 =_CERTIFICA. ,TION AND PERMIS SIGN TO ENTER. ON LAND 1 Any permit issued in response to this-application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to condi- tions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the pro- posed activity complies with the State of North ' approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consrstent wrt such program. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit ap- plication and follow-up monitoring of project. This is the a ?->f. day of December 19_8 . X -. ??- Landowner or Authorized agent Send the completed application materials to the Division of Coastal Management Office nearest you and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. See the map on the inside front cover for the appropriate J/ DCM' office and addresses and phone number.. -3? i 0_i3 ?•?L ONS r_-P?rTO ?D? /y? 'x.11-C. Al Timber k Land Riariagerrierit Consultants, Inc. 11. 0. Box 1471 Y'ilmiu?ton, 1\C 23402-1471 919-343-0172 Form DCM-MP-2 b c. d g h i. MARINA DEVELOPMENT Attach this form to the Application for Permits to Develop in North Carolina's Coastal Area. Be sure to complete all other sections of that application which relate to this proposed project, including upland areas, even if duplicative. All shore-based facilities must be included in application and work plats. 11 MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina proposed. Commercial _X Public Residential Will the marina be open to the general public? Yes If there is residential development associated with the marina, how many units or lots are planned? N/A Check all of the types of service to be provided. Full service, including travel lift and or ran X Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips X Dry storage Number of boats 160 X Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) 1 Pwb\:L ra. Q # 1 f ear K li F r Pa? - Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel Open water with dredging for basin X and/or channel Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) Describe the typical boats to be served (for ex- ample, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, or mixed types). mixed types Typical boat length 14' up to, 251 Maximum boat length 25' Are any floating buildings planned? l`79 If so, describe. NZA `'2 MARINA:`OPERATIONS U Check each of the following sanitary facilities which will be included in the proposed project. X Office toilets Toilets for patrons Number Location Showers Boat holding tank pumpout Type and location b. Describe treatment type and location for all sanitary wastewater. Septa tank ?ygpm .(see work DIat for proposed- . location c. Describe solid waste, fish offal, and trash disposal. Sanitary Landfill d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from charges will be allowed by law.There will be no liveaboards or over fight dockage =.rmi d. Signs will be posted to inform users of these imperatives. e. Give the location and number of "No Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. At head of each -Pier 3 each) (see work plats) f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste, and petroleum pro- ducts. All net. o1'_ im products wi 11 be di,-,penspd in an upland location. g. Where will residue be disposed of? N/A h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. a-channel markers (see work plat for proposed location Note: Regulatory signs such as these require ad- ditional approval by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. . . i. Give the location of fuel handling facilities and describe-the safety measures planned to protect atea water quality. Fuel handling facilities wi 1 1 - be 1 Onated ....:1lplnnd hytbe uilding ( see work plat) dry storage building- j. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and reduce water quality impacts. Basin widens and deepens towards AI1,`I119 channel ( see profile on work plat) k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? Not permitted; All boats will be hauled and stored each day. 1. Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leases? NO If so, iv the name and address of the leaseholder. m. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? Wildlife ramp _x= s .s on sitew?t? ?_{?,Cor.rc.c7G ? w,.. S LJoo ?t,a o C !C n. How many slips are now available? N/A