HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089494_Modification Draft Permit_20170712Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY July 12, 2017 Christy Hanna, Sr. Environmental Engineer Corning Incorporated Corning, New York 14831 c/o Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. Attn: Nick Parks, P.E., Senior 1 Engineer -Civil 5710 Oleander Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Ms. Hanna: ROY COOPER Goremoi MICHAEL S. REGAN Sectetary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Du ectoa Subject: Review of NPDES Permit NCO089494 Modification DRAFT Corning / AVX GW -REM Site, Class PC -1 3900 Electronics Drive, Raleigh Wake County Based on your request to modify your existing permit for the subject site (receive May 19, 2017, the Division of Water Resources (DWR or the Division) hereby transmits permit change -pages for your review and comment. Please review these pages carefully to ensure your understanding of revisions, and to correct errors, if any. Considering this "major" modification to your existing permit, the Division must solicit public comment on this draft by publishing a notice in newspapers having circulation in the general Wake County area, as required by the NPDES Program. Please provide your written comments, if any, to DENR / DWR / NPDES Program no later August 18, 2016 (approximately 30 days after receiving this document). Your written comments are welcome, but are not mandatory. Changes to the Previous Permit. Per your request, we have increased the permitted flow limit from 0.022 MGD to 0.086 MGD, consistent with a proposed air -stripper flow capacity of 60 gpm or 0.086 MGD. Considering the multi -parameter test scans EPA 601/602 and 126 Priority Pollutants, we have also added a footnote requiring you to record, in the eDMR "Comments" section, any compound detected and its reported concentration [see A. (1)]. Lastly, for your convenience we have updated the permit text for eDMR, section A. (2.). Our records show that you have successfully registered with the eDMR Program. Please be reminded that until the state's eDMR application is approved compliant with EPA's Cross Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), all permittees must continue to submit hardcopy of DMRs as backup to eDMR reporting. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1611 Mad service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919 707 9000 Christy Hanna, Corning Incorporated C/O Nick Parks, P E Amec Foster Wheeler Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc July 14, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all DMRs and specify that, if North Carolina does not establish a program to receive such submittals, Permittees must then submit eDMRs directly to EPA. For more information on eDMRs, registering for eDMR submittal, and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit DWR's webpage: htti)://I)ortal.nedenr.org/web/wq/admin/bog/il)u/edmr. For information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, please visit EPA's website: http://www2.gpa. gov/compliance/proposed-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule Following the mandatory 45 -day public comment period, the Division will review all pertinent comments, if any, and take appropriate action prior to issuing an NPDES permit final. If you have questions concerning this draft, please e-mail me Uoe.corporon@ncdenr.gov], or call my private line (919) 807-6394. Enclosure: NPDES Permit NC0089494 (modification DRAFT) he NPDES Program Files [draft permit and Fact Sheet] ec RRO/SWPS; Supervisor, Danny Smrh [draft permit, Fact Sheet] AMECFW, Nick Parks, P E [nick parks@amercfs.com] [draft permit, Fact Sheet] a Permit NCO089494 Part I A. (L) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B .0400 et seq., 02B .0500 et seq ] During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited, monitored and reported 1 by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT MONITORING REQUIREMENTS CHARACTERISTIC Monthly Daily Measurement Sample Sample 1 [PARAMETERS CODES] Average Maximum Frequency Type Location Flow (MGD) 50050 0.086 ; ^RRecordmg Continuous Effluent Trichloroethylene (TCE) 2 78391 -' Monthly Grab Effluent X` pH 00400 Not < 6.0,o 69 0 s u Monthly\\ Grab Effluent R Volatile Organic Compounds 2' 3 6011602 �� r{ Quarterly \ ,� Grab Effluent �.� � 126 Priority Pollutants 3 NC01 �~ ~ <\ Annually Grab Effluent Footnotes 1. The Permittee shall report disc Electronic DischargM \ito\ 2. After a mini um f one,year review analytical data and revi 3 Parameters detec6d,by this tes include the comnound'and its/1 onitormg data electronically using the NC DWR's �t (eDMR),in\ternet application [See Section A. (2.)]. hly\samples), the Permittee may petition the Division to onnitoring frequency, as data warrant. 1,shallbe recorded in the eDMR "Comments" section, to concentration. Condition: Each effluent sample event shall accurately represent the physical and chemical character of the discharge. Page 3 of 6 Permit NCO089494 A. (2.) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS [G. S. 143-215.1(b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports. The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit (Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits): • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reuortin2 Requirements ISUDersedes Seeth The permittee shall report discharge mom Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report ( Monitoring results obtained during and submitted electronically using enter monitoring data and submit T the state's eDMR application is ai Regulation (CRO to the state electr< by printing, s gnil eDMR tdthe/folly NC DEQ / D41 i`sion of W ATTENTION: Central F 1617 Mail Service,Centei Raleigh, North Carolina -22 permittees will l :sina.eDMR and 1617 the NC DWR's shall be summarized for each month ystem allows permitted facilities to sing the internet. Until such time that ross Media Electronic Reporting submit all discharge monitoring data be required to complete the eDMR submission original and a copy of the computer printed / Water Quality Permitting Section If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1. 1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Page 4 of 6 Permit NC0089494 Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below). 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1)(9), the time of each electronic submission. The pen identify the initial recipient for the electronic Initial recipient of electronic NPDES i entity (EPA or the state authorized by designated entity for receiving electro EPA plans to establish a website for each type of elc use the appropriate NPDES Electronic EPA to imply riic NPDES d vill also'link- and�for each Electronic submissions`must start\by the 1, above. st\id entify the initial recipient at the use'tl\ .EPA's website resources to 'DES -regulated facilities means the he NPDES mop -ram) that is the see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. electronic reporting tool on how to access and 1 be available as well. Information on EPA's htt-p://www2.epa.gov/compliance/final- listed in the "Reporting Requirements" section The permittee may seek a.temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re -applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Page 5 of 6 Permit NC0089494 Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: http://deq.ne.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr 3. Signatory Requirements [Supplements Section B. (11.) (b) and Supersedes Section B. (11.) (d)1 4. All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (I 1.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system�For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: </ ; \ http:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr Certification. Any person submitting an elecfroiiie DMR'using the state eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22] NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: V certify, under penalty f-law','that thi`s�d \ ument-and altattachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a-systemdesigned to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the informat oa n.submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the ystem, or 'those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the info mation s�,bmitted is\,to, thebest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and%omplete.'I�am aware that th\jare significant penalties for submitting false information, 'including the \ i�bilzty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " The permittee shal retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These pecordss.or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. \Thi's period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41]. Page 6 of 6