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Wendover Ave., Suite 200, Greensboro, NC 27405 alanrothrock@ncdot.gov Traffic circle at intersection of Boone Rd, W. Meadow Rd, and Church St Eden Rockingham 27288 Groundwater assessment and monitoring Former UST Systems on property Incident No. 30022 (NCDOT - Eden Traffic Circle (NCDEQ-DWM, UST Section Trust Fund Branch)) Petroleum Hydrocarbons No Unknown ~100-ft No 352326(':(//&216758&7,21,1)250$7,21 &RQWLQXHG   1XPEHURIZHOOVWREHFRQVWUXFWHGLQXQFRQVROLGDWHG  PDWHULDO     1XPEHURIZHOOVWREHFRQVWUXFWHGLQEHGURFN   7RWDO1XPEHURIZHOOVWREHFRQVWUXFWHG    add answers from 2 and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f signing as Agent, attach authorization agreement stating 3ULQWHGQDPHRI$SSOLFDQWRU $JHQWthat you have the authority to act as the Agent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¶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ocking cap at top of casing, 8" Flush-mount steel manhole set in concrete. 0 1 Environmental Scientist, WithersRavenel, Inc. On Behalf of NCDEQ-DWM, UST Section for TF#30022 Vail, David Digitally signed by Vail, David Date: 2022.11.09 13:24:06 -05'00' See Attached NCDOT Encroachment Agreement (E0730792200240)NCDOT Division 7, District 3 DCV EAA DRAWN BY: NONE 09/26/2022 02172214.67 1 SCALE:FIGURE NO.: PROJECT NO.:DATE:APPROVED BY: TYPICAL TYPE II WELL SECTION WithersRavenel Engineers | Planners | Surveyors 115 MacKenan Drive | Cary, NC 27511 | t: 919.469.3340 | license #: F-1479 | www.withersravenel.com NCDOT - EDEN TRAFFIC CIRCLE - TF#30022BOONE RD, W MEADOW RD, & CHURCH ST INTERSECTION, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NC 25 10 LANDSCAPED / MULCH SURFACE (TRAFFIC SAFE) © 2022 Microsoft Corporation © 2022 Maxar ©CNES (2022) Distribution Airbus DS © 2022 Microsoft Corporation © 2022 Maxar ©CNES (2022) Distribution Airbus DS CH U R C H S T R E E T W. M E A D O W R D BOONE ROADSMITH RIVERT A CK E T T B R ANCH 500-FT RADIUS OF SITE SITE NCDEQ INC.# 30022 NCDEQ INC.# 23911 NCDEQ INC.# 13568 NCDEQ INC.# 30023 NCDEQ INC.# 30032 K:\17\17-2210\172214.67-NCDEQ - Eden Traffic Circle\Enviro\CAD\Eden_Taffic_Circle_BASE_MAP.dwg- September 26, 2022 - DVAIL1"=100 'GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 100 ft. 10050 2000 DCVEAADRAWN BY:09/26/202202172214.672SCALE:FIGURE NO.:PROJECT NO.:DATE:APPROVED BY:MONITORING WELL PERMITAPPLICATION MAPWithersRavenelEngineers | Planners | Surveyors115 MacKenan Drive | Cary, NC 27511 | t: 919.469.3340license #: F-1479 | www.withersravenel.comLEGEND PROPOSED TYPE II MONITORING WELL LOCATION EXISTING TYPE II MONITORING WELL LOCATION NOTES: 1.) AERIAL OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL COUNTY GIS DEPARTMENT.EDEN TRAFFIC CIRCLE TF# 30022INTERSECTION OF BOONE RD, W MEADOW RD, &CHURCH STEDEN, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NC f^- o ~~> 3ta7'» C^ooe-fo ROUTE SR 3002 & SR 3003 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NCDOT - EDEN TRAFFIC CIRCLE COUNP< OF ROCKtNGHAM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -AND- NCDEQ - DWM, UST Section, State Lead Program 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 RE ?itelF<(;Wi'Rf^OACHMENT AGREEMENT !Nei<l-LM-lArY feNbROACHMENTS ON PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS NOV 08 2022 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this MP- Q^^ Tds\?( of Transportation, party of the first part; and NCDEQ.DWM PT.U-.' ,/ul<bt.'-l-lt';4<liu!'i:!%"c^i(^^^S_'_bya"dbetwee"the_Department tib'h^StiiteTUad P.roaram;^r ^.^^^30022 (NCDOT - Edsn Traffic Circle site:.DWM.tU3rg^dib'h/Sf5teT:(!ad l=lr6aram:ferlBISWiuTENGINiEER'S'i party of the second part, WITN ESSETH THAT WHEREAS, the party of the second part desires to encroach on the right of way of the public road designated as Route(s) SR 3002 & SR 3003 ^ located in the traffic circle at Boons Rd, West Meadow Road, and Church Street with the construction a nd/or erection of: One (1) Type II Groundwater monitoring well for the purposes of assessment and possible remediation of groundwater contamination from a former gas station that was located at the traffic circle. The srte is now known as NCDOT. Eden Traffic Circle (TF#30022). The construction tocation will be in the western portkinof the traffic circle approxlmateiy38-ft northwest of the centeriine intersection of Boone Rd &W Meadow Rd/Church St. WHEREAS, it is to the material advantage of the party of the second part to effect this encroachment, and the party of the first part in the exercise of authority conferred upon it by statute, Is willing to permit the encroachment within the limits of the right of way as indicated, subject to the conditions of this agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED that the party of the firet part hereby grants to the party of the second part the right and privilege to make this encroachment as shown on attached plan sheet(s), specifications and special provisions which are made a part hereof upon the following conditions, to wit: That the said party of the second part binds and obligates himself to install and maintain the encroaching facility in such safe and proper condition that it wifl not interfere with or endanger travel upon said highway, nor obstruct nor interfere with the proper maintenance thereof, to reimburse the party of the first part for the cost incurred for any repairs or maintenance to its roadways and structures necessary due to the installation and existence of the facilities of the party of the second part, and if at any time the party of the first part shall require the removal of or changes in the location of the said facilities, that the said party of the second part binds himself, his successors and assigns, to promptly remove or alter the said facilities, in order to conform to the said requirement, without any cost to the party of the first part. That the party of the second part agrees to provide during construction and any subsequent maintenance proper signs, signallights, flagmen and other warning devices for the protection of traffic in conformance with the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and Amendments or Supplements thereto. Information as to the above rules and regulations may be obtained from the Division Engineer of the party of the first part, That the party of the second part hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless the party of the first part from all damages and claims for damage that may arise by reason of the installation and maintenance of this encroachment. It is clearly understood by the party of the second part that the party of the first part will assume no responsibility for any damage that may be caused to such facilities, within the highway rights of way limits, in carrying out its construction and maintenance operations. That the party of the second part agrees to restore all areas disturbed during instailation and maintenance to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. The party of the second part agrees to exercise every reasonable precaution during construction and maintenance to prevent eroding of soil; silting or pollution of rivers, streams, lakes, resen/oJrs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces or other property; or poltutton of the air. There shall be compliance with applicable rules and regulations of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, and with ordinances and regulations ofvartous counties, municipalities and other official agencies relating to pollution prevention and control. When any installation or maintenance operation disturbs the ground surface and existing ground cover, the party of the second part agrees to remove and replace the sod or otherwise reestablish the grass cover to meet the satisfaction of the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. That the party of the second part agrees to assume the actual cost of any inspection of the work considered to be necessaryby the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. That the party of the second part agrees to have available at the encroaching site, at all times during construction, a copy of this agreement showing evidence of approval by the party of the first part. The party of the first part resen/es the hght to stop all work unless evidence of approval can be shown. Provided the work contained in this agreement is being performed on a completed highway open to traffic; the party of the second part agrees to give written notice to the Division Engineer of the party of the first part when all work contained herein has been completed. Unless specrfically requested by the party of the first part, written notice of completion of work on highway projects under construction will not be required. That in the case of noncompliance with the terms of this agreement by the party of the second part, the party of the first partreserves the right to stop all work until the facility has been brought into compliance or removed from the right of way at no cost to the party of the first part. That it is agreed by both parties that this agreement shall become void if actual construction of the work contemplated herein is not begun within one (1} year from the date of authorization by the party of the first part unless written waiver is secured by the party of the second part from the party of the first part. FORM R/W16.1A (Revised February 2021) R/W (161 A): Party of the Second Part certifies that this agreement is true and accurate copy of the form RA/V (161A) incorporating all revisions to date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties to this agreement has caused the same to be executed the day and year first above written. DEPARTMENT QF^ERANUBPt^. 'w^ DIVISION ENGINEER David Vail, Environmental Scientist I Agent for NCDEQ-DWM, UST Section for TF#30022 Elizabet+i A. Allyn, PG, Environmental Project Geologist II Agent for NCDEQ-DWM, UST Section for TF#30022 Second Party INSTRUCTIONS When the applicant is a corporation or a municipality, this agreement must have the corporate seal and be attested by the corporation secretary or by the empowered city official, unless a waiver of corporate seal and attestation by the secretary or by the empowered City official is on file in the Raleigh office of the State Utilities Manager, tn the space provided in this agreement for execution, the name of the corporation or municipality shall be typed above the name, and title of all persons signing the agreement should be typed directly below their signature. When the applicant is not a corporation, then his signature must be witnessed by one person. The address should be included in this agreement and the names of all persons signing the agreement should be typed directly below their signature. This agreement must be accompanied, in the form of an attachment, by plans or drawings showing the following applicable information: 1. Ati roadways and ramps. 2. Right of way lines and where applicable, the control of access lines. 3. Location of the proposed encroachment. 4. Length and type of encroachment. 5. Location by highway survey station number. If station number cannot be obtained, location should be shown by distance from some identifiable point, such as a bridge, road, intersection, etc. (To assist in preparation of the encroachment plan, the Department's roadway plans may be seen at the various Highway Division Offices, or at the Raleigh office.) 6. Drainage structures or bridges if affected by encroachment. 7. Typical section indicating the pavement design and width, and the slopes, widths and details for either a curb and gutter or a shoulder and ditch section, whichever is applicable. 8. Horizontal alignment indicating general cun/e data, where applicable. 9. Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, P.I. station and vertical curve length, where applicable. 10. Amount of material to be removed and/or placed on NCDOT right of way, if applicable. 11. Cross-sections of all grading operations, indicating slope ratio and reference by station where applicable. 12. All pertinent drainage structures proposed. Include all hydraulic data, pipe sizes, structure details and other related information. 13. Erosion and sediment control. 14. Any special provisions or specifications as to the performance of the work or the method of construction that may be required by the Department must be shown on a separate sheet attached to encroachment agreement provided that such information cannot be shown on plans or drawings. 15. The Department's Division Engineer should be given notice by the applicant prior to actual starting of installation included in this agreement. 16. Method of handling traffic during construction where applicable. 17. Scale of plans, north arrow, etc.