HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000404_APPLICATION_20110902STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. �j'�� (� U DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ ANNUAL REPORT. CLAPPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER �)-6 ( bl b Z DOC DATE ❑ l YYYYMMDD R12@20wo- 00 SEP - 2 2011 �s arm smRr�� sww� Stormwater Management Program Assessment North Carolina Division of Water Quality 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Town of Haw River Permit Number: NCS000404 Report Number: NCS000404_2011 County: Alamance Region: Winston-Salem 2011 Background Information swsooalo APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION swl000zo Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Haw River sw1oo060 Jurisdictional Area (square miles) 9.0 ,o Population Permanent 2298 swl000eo Population Seasonal (if available) io RPE 1 MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION 20 Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles) 2_7.0 SW100130 River Basin(s) Cape Fear swloo+so Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities SW100160 Residential 78.1 70 Commercial —7:2 Sw100180 Industrial 14.4 swloolso Open Space 3 sw1002lo Do you have an inventory of storm water inlets, pipes, ditches, and open channels? Yes 20 Do you know how many outfalls your city discharges to and where they are located? Yes sw10026o EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS swloom "Complete a table below for each river basin within the MS4 service area. The web sites and resource contacts listed below under Information Sources will help you locate the information you need. Storm water programs should be designed to address the specific needs of the community and water resources they are intended to protect. if you haven't done so already, collect information on your city's receiving waters and what pollutants and sources are impacting those waters. You should also know the various uses of your receiving waters so you can design a program to protect those uses. Complete a table below for each river basin within the MS4 service area. The web sites and resource contacts listed below under Information Sources will help you locate the information you need. " SW10028o River Basin Page 3 of 28 sw1002a3 Program 1 Receiving Stream Name Haw River sw100300 Stream Segment sw1oo310 Water Quality Classification C, NSW sw100320 Use Support Rating - TMDL Yes Sw100331 Program 2 Receiving Stream Name Boyd's Creek SW100333 Stream Segment 16-16 Sw100334 Water Quality Classification C, NSW sw100335 Use Support Rating TMDL No Sw100337 Program 3 Receiving Stream Name East Back Creek Sw100339 Stream Segment 16-18(6y SW10033A Water Quality Classification C, NSW Sw100336 Use Support Rating - TMDL No 8w10033D Program 4 Receiving Stream Name MoAdams Creek SWI0033F Stream Segment 16-18--7 SW10033G Water Quality Classification C, NSW sw10033H Use.Support Rating - .. - s TMDL No sw100340 Local. Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy No Page 4 of 28 sw10035o Local Water Supply Watershed Program No I Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program IV0 CAMA Land Use Plan No SWID0400 Your river basin table should list the primary streams that receive stormwater runoff from the MS4 jurisdictional area. Primary streams are those that are shown on a USGS topo maps or SCS map. Streams that are shown on the USGS or SCS maps but do not have a name shall be listed as an unnamed tributary to the nearest named downstream receiving water body. sw100440 River basin you are in: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/whichbasin.htm swiw4w Stream Index Numbers: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/reportsWB.html SWID0460 Water Quality Classifications: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/reportsWB.htmi SWIW470 Basinwide Water Quality Plans: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwide/index.htmi sw'w480 303(d) List: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/mtu/download.html SWI00490 CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) sw1005w Do you co -permit with a permitted Phase I entity? No sw,00510 If so, provide the name of that entity: N/A Other Entity N/A sw100560 Have legal agreements been finalized between the co-permittees? No ' RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS sw'00wo Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of your permit obligations? Yes swi00590 If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing swiomw Name of Entity Piedmont Triad Council of Governments svv,00610 Element they will implement Outreach and Education; Public Involvement in Pollution Prevention Actavities swi0062o Contact Person Elizabeth Jernigan Sw100630 Contact Address 2216 West Meadowview Road, Suite 201 swi00640 Contact Telephone Number (336) 294-4950 swi00650 Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? Page 5 of 28 Yes sw100660 PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS sw100100 State or NPDES Stormwater Permit Number (s) issued to the permittee NCS000404 SW100920 MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION sw1oo930 Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. sw100940 Name Jeff Earp Title Town Manager swl00%0 Street Address 403.East Main Street 1 PO Box P.O. Box 103 SVV100980 City Haw River State North Carolina SW101000 Zip 27258 Telephone (336) 578-0784 sW10102o Fax (33£) 576-0010 SW101030 E-Mail jearp@townofhawriver.com sw'01040 "Permittee's Website" www.townofhawriver.com BMPS 3 Do you plan to add any new BMPs? No SW101070 Do you plan to amend any existing BMPs? No sw101080 If yes, please provide a BMP description, measurable goal, and implementation schedule for each new or amended BMP. If further space is needed, attach additional sheets. Co -Permitting Information SW101570 Contract Operations Page 6 of 28 SW101630 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify contract operations (i.e., Transit Authorities, Pesticide Application, Construction Projects, Street Washing, Maintenance of right -a -ways, GIS Mapping, Monitoring, Stream Restorations, Litter or Solid Waste Pickup, Recycling, Household Waste)? Yes Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control sw1o419a Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control SWID4200 Does the permittee rely on the NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control Program to comply with this minimum measure for private development? (If no, go to SW 104220) Yes Sw104210 If the permittee relies on the NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control Program to comply with this minimum measure for private development, than the NCDENR Division of Land Resources Erosion and Sediment Control Program effectively meets the requirements of the Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. Sw104220 Does the permittee rely on rely on a locally delegated program to meet the minimum measure for private development requirements? (If no, go to SW104300) Not Applicable sw104230 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee conduct random inspections of local land disturbing activities that have a sediment and erosion control permit, issued by local government? Not Applicable sw104250 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee report sites that are not in compliance with their sediment and erosion control permits to the local government? Not Applicable SWI04260 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee report unresolved concerns to the local government? Not Applicable Swi04270 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee maintain a record of unresolved concerns reported to the local government? Not Applicable swio43oo Does the permittee have a delegated program to meet the requirements of an Erosion and Sediment Control Program for private development? (If no go to SW104450) Not Applicable sw1043to Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Not Applicable sw10432o Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the mechanism (ordinance or other regulatory mechanism) the permittee will use to require erosion and sediment controls at construction sites and why the permittee chose that mechanism? Not Applicable Sw104330 If permittee needs to develop this mechanism, the permittee's plan should describe the plan and a schedule to do so. Page 7 of 28 SW104340 Does the Permittee conduct site plan review(s), including the review of pre -construction site plans, which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts? Yes Sw104350 The Stormwater Management Program must describe procedures and the rationale for how permittee will identify certain sites for site",plan review, if not all plans are reviewed and describe the estimated number and percentage of sites that will have pre -construction site plans reviewed. sw104360 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure compliance with the permittee's erosion and sediment control regulatory mechanism, including the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms permittee will use to ensure compliance? Not Applicable SWID437o The Stormwater Management Program must describe the permittee's procedures for when the permittee will use certain sanctions. Possible sanctions include non -monetary penalties (such a stop work orders), fines, bonding requirements, and/or permit denials for non-compliance. Sw104380 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's procedures for site inspection and enforcement of control measures, including how the permittee will prioritize sites for inspection? Not Applicable swi0443o Does the Stormwater Management Program require construction site operators to implement erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control construction site wastes that may cause adverse water quality impacts? SWI04440 Does the Stormwater Management Program require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality? sw104450 Does the permittee provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems? Yes SW104460 Consider coordinating this requirement with the permittee's public education program. Publicize the procedures and contact information. The procedures must lead directly to a site inspection or other timely follow-up action. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDENR, Division of Land Resources "Stop Mud" hotline to meet the requirements of this paragraph. SW104470 Staff Training and Certification SW104480 The number of training and certification programs offered to staff. sw,oasoo The number of certified staff inspectors. sw,paslo The number of certified contractors by permittee. 0 SWI04520 Inspection and Enforcement swioasso The number of plans reviewed greater than one acre. 0 swioasso The number of enforcement actions or NOVs taken. Page 8 of 28 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination sw103190 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination SW103200 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes SW103220 Has the permittee will developed or the in the process of developing a storm sewer map showing the location of all outfalls and the names and location of all receiving waters? Yes SW103260 Does stormwater mapping include drainage areas? Yes SWI03270 Does stormwater mapping include receiving streams? Yes SW103280 Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include outfalls? Yes SW103290 Estimated or actual number of outfalls. 47 SW1033w Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include sewer pipes? Yes SW103310 Does stormwater infrastructure mapping include structures (e.g., detention ponds and other structural BMPs? Yes SW103320 Estimated or actual number of structural BMPs? 3 SW103330 Percent of outfall mapping complete. 100 SW103340 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the mechanism (ordinance or other regulatory mechanism) the permittee will use to effectively prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 and why the permittee chose that mechanism? Yes SW10335o Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure appropriate enforcement procedures and actions such that the permittee's illicit discharge ordinance (or other regulatory mechanism) is implemented? Yes Sw103360 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to detect and address illicit discharges to the permittee's system, including discharges from illegal dumping and spills? Yes SW103370 The permittee must implement an inspection program to detect dry weather flows at system outfalls and, at a minimum, must address the following: sW103380 Procedures for locating priority areas. sw103390 Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge, including the specific techniques permittee will use to detect the location of the source. sw103400 Procedures for removing the source of the illicit discharge. Page 9 of 28 SW103410 Procedures for evaluation of the plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges. SW103420 Does the 5tormwater Management Program address the following categories of non storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) only if permittee identify them as significant contributors of pollutants to the permitteenulls small M54: Yes landscape irrigation; swlo344o water line flushing; diverted stream flows; sw1o346o uncontaminated groundwater infiltration; sw1o3470 discharges from potable water sources; sw1034w air conditioning condensate (Commercial/residential); springs; sWI03500 footing drains; sw103510 residential and charity car washing; sw1035z0 dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; Sw103530 rising groundwaters; sw103540 uncontaminated pumped groundwater; foundation drains; sw1o356o irrigation waters (does not include reclaimed water as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0200); sw103-570 Water from crawl space pumps; Sw103580. lawn watering; Sw103590 flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; sw103600 street wash water; Sw103010 flows from emergency fire fighting. sw10362o The•permittee may also develop a list of other similar occasional, incidental non -storm water discharges that will not be addressed as illicit discharges. Page 10 of 28 sw10363o These non -storm water discharges must not be reasonably expected (based on information available to the permittees) to be significant sources of pollutants to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, because of either the nature of the discharges or conditions the permittee has established for allowing these discharges to the permittee's MS4 (e.g., activity with appropriate controls on frequency, proximity to sensitive waterbodies, BMPs). sw103o4o Does the Stormwater Management Program document local controls or conditions placed on discharges and a provision prohibiting any individual non -storm water discharge that is determined to be contributing significant amounts of pollutants to the permittee's MS4? Yes swl03650 In addition to conducting training for selected staff on detecting and reporting illicit discharges," does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee plans to inform businesses and the general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste? Yes SWI037oo Does the Stormwater Management Program establish and publicize a reporting mechanism for the public to report illicit discharges? Yes sw103710 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish an illicit discharge management tracking system? Yes SWI03720 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish a stormwater incident response program? Yes sw103730 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide for an illicit discharge brochure, poster or other educational material development and distribution? Yes sw10374o Does the Stormwater Management Program provide for a septic system program in conjunction with the Health Department? Yes sw103750 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide street sweeping, inspecting and cleaning inlets and outfalls? Not Applicable sw103760 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish procedures to coordinate efforts to eliminate illicit discharge cross connections between sanitary and storm sewers? Yes SWI03770 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish procedures to maintain the sanitary sewer system? Yes SWI03780 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish a Household Waste Recycling Program? Yes Comments: Coordinated through Alamance County. swlo385o Identifying Illicit Connections swl03a6o The number of sites prioritized for inspection. 2 Comments: The Town was divided into watersheds and 2 of them were prioritized. SWI03870 The number of illicit connections reported by citizens. Q swlo3eao The number of illicit connections found. -a swl03890 The number of illicit connections re paired/re placed. 0 r wlo3goo The number of illicit connection referrals. 7 0 Page 11 of 28 SWI03910 Illegal Dumping sw,0393o The number of illegal dumps reported by citizens. SWI03940 The number of penalties enforced upon the participants of illegal dumps. 0 sw,o395o The number of illegal dump or sit -out clean-ups completed. 0 SWI03970 Industrial or Business Connections sw,039so The number of dry weather testshnspections completed. �0 SW103990 The number of high -risk connections prioritized. 0 sw,oaooa The number of illicit connections reported by employees or businesses. 0 swiaaatio The number of illicit connections found. 0 sw,o4wo The number of illicit connections repaired/replaced. ------------ r�0 Recreational Sewage sw,oaoaa The number of pump -out stations. 7 sw,oaoso The number of no -discharge areas created. 0 o The number of new signs added to inform users of dumping policies and alternatives. Sw,04070 The number of enforced cases of recreational dumping. 0 sw,04080 The number of citizen complaints made reporting illegal action. 0 SWI04090 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) sw,oa,00 The number of overflows reported. SW104110 The number of overflow causes that were identified during inspections. 0 sw,o412o The number of sites repaired. 0 SW104130 Wastewater Connections to the Storm Drain System sw,oa,ao The number of rerouted connections. Sw104150 The number of dry weather monitoring activities performed. 0 sw,oa,so The number of unwarranted connections reported. 0 Sw104170 The number of unwarranted connections found. 0 Page 12 of 28 SW10418o The number of unwarranted connections repaired/re placed. 6 Information specifically regarding the permit SW101460 Permitting Information SW101490 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide an organizational chart that shows where the responsible parties fit into the structure of the permittee's organization? Yes Ordinance, Legal or Regulatory Authority SW107050 Ordinance, Legal or Regulatory Authority io7o6o Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Adopted SW107070 Erosion & Sediment Control Not Applicable SW107080 Post -Development Stormwater Management Adopted SW107M Stormwater Ordinance Adopted sW107100 Unified Development Ordinance Not App icab�] e SW1o7110 Flood Damage Protection Ordinance Not Applicable SW107120 Other: Not Applicable SW107130 Other: Not Applicable SW107140 Other: Not Ap-acable Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations SW105750 Pnlhitinn Pravantinn/C-,nnri Hniicakaaninn SWI05760 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes SWI05770 Does the Stormwater Management Program list the permittee's municipal operations that are impacte by this operation and maintenance program? Yes Page 13 of 28 SWI0578o The permittee must also include a list of industrial facilities the permittee owns or operates that are subject to NPDE=S Stormwater General Permits or individual NPDES permits for discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity that ultimately discharge to the permiftee's MS4, including the permit number and certificate of coverage number for each facility. SW105790 Municipal Operations include: swl05e00 Transfer Station No Fleet Maintenance Yes SWS05820 Airport No sw105B30 Animal Shelters No SW105UO Waste Water Treatment Plan No sw,05850 Water Plants No Sw105860 Construction Debris Site No SW105870 Transit Authority No swlo5wo Public Works Operations Yes SW105890 Prisons No sws059oo Emergency Service Facilities Yes Fire Stations Yes sw105920 Landfills a No Schools No SW105940 Parks Yes Waste Recycling Centers No Sw105960 Vehicle'Maintenance Operations Yes Vehicle Wash Operations Yes Sw105980 Pump Stations or Lift Stations Yes o sw105990 Other: N/A Page 14 of 28 swiw000 In addition to conducting staff training on stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping procedures, does the Stormwater Management Program describe any government employee training program the permittee will use to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance? Yes swlosalo Does the Stormwater Management Program describe any existing, available training materials the permittee plans to use? Yes sw106030 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe maintenance activities, maintenance schedules, and long-term inspection procedures for controls to reduce floatables and other pollutants to the permittee's MS4? Yes sw106050 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's procedures for the proper disposal of waste removed from the permittee's MS4 and the permittee's municipal operations, including dredge spoil, accumulated sediments, floatables, and other debris? Yes sw106110 Industrial Activities sw10612o Did the permittee conduct annual review of the industrial activities with a Phase I NPDES stormwater permit owned and operated by the permittee? Not Applicable sw106130 Did the permittee review the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, the timeliness of any monitoring reports required by the Phase 1 permit, and the results of inspections and subsequent follow-up actions at the facilities. Not Applicable sw106160 Does the permittee have a Used Oil Recycling Program? Yes sw10617o Does the permittee have a street sweeping program? No Root Cause: Funds for stormwater management related activities are not sufficient Plan of Action: The Town does not have a street sweeper nor does it intend to purchase one in the near future. sw106160 Does the permittee have a program to clean catch basins, storm lines, and ditches? Yes Comments: As needed. permittee review rerwizer ano pesuciae use programs sw106200 Does the permittee have spill prevention plans at city facilities? Yes SW106210 City Facilities Inspections sw10622o Does the permittee inspect vehicle washing fueling, storage and maintenance areas? Yes sw10623o Does the permittee inspect material storage areas (i.e., storage areas for sand, salt, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals)? Yes sw10624o Does the permittee inspect stormwater outfalls? Yes Comments: Inspections were conducted during mapping and on an as needed basis. swio625o Does the permittee inspect culverts? Yes Page 15 of 28 Comments: Inspections were conducted during mapping and on an as needed basis. sw106260 Does the permittee inspect swales/ditchs? Yes Comments: Inspections were conducted during mapping and on an as needed basis. sw, 62270 Does the permittee inspect catcFi basins, inlets, andgates? Yes Comments: Inspections were conducted during mapping and on an as needed basis. sw106280 Does the permittee inspect MS4 pipes? Yes Comments: Inspections were conducted during mapping and on an as needed basis. sw1662N Does the permittee inspect solid and hazardous waste management facilities and recycling centers? Not Applicable sw106300 Does the permittee inspect animal shelters and pounds? Not Applicable sw106310 Does the permittee inspect parking lots? Yes sw106320 Does the permittee inspect parks and open spaces? Yes 1 sw,oe3ao The number of inspections conducted. N/A , Automobile Maintenance sw1o6410 The number of employees trained in preventing pollution from automobile maintenance activities. 1 Comments: 3 were trained prior years. sw10642o The number of sites rewarded as being a "clean site" under a rewards program. C Sw106440 The number of educational materials distributed at garages, auto shops, and other automobile -related businesses. N/A Comments: Materials are available at Town Mall, but none were directly distributed to automobile related businesses by the Town. sw1w450 Hazardous Materials Storage SW106460 The total number of storage facilities equipped to store hazardous materials. 0 r 10647o The number of regularly inspected storage units. p sw10648o The number of employees trained in hazardous material storage and maintenance. 0 swim4go Illegal Dumping swlassao The number of "no dumping" signs posted. 0 swlosslo The number of educational materials distributed. Page 16 of 28 Comments: Materials are available at Town Hall. 71 sw106520 The number of reports of illegal dumping received. 0 sw1065m The number of dump sites and/or illegal sit -outs cleaned up. 0 sw1o6540 The number of sites improved to eliminate as target dumping spots. 0 The number of enforcement actions pertaining to illegal dumping. —0 Sw106560 Landscape and Lawn Care, and Pest Control Sw106570 The number of stores/gardens participating in education programs. 0 SW10658o The number of residents trained by the permittee in safe landscaping, lawn care, and pest management techniques. 0 sw1o6590 The number of classes/seminars offered by the permittee in landscaping and lawn care. 0 sw,o6610 The number of municipal employees trained in integrated pest management. 0 sw,owm Parking Lot and Street Cleaning The number of parking lots. 3 sw,o6640 The number of scheduled parking lot and/or road cleanings. 0 Comments: Cleaned on a as needed basis. Pet Waste sw,omw The number of dog parks. 0 sw10667o The number of "pooper-scooper" stations installed 0 5 The number of educational materials distributed. —N%A Comments: Materials are available at Town Hall, but none were directly distributed. sw106690 Hoaa Salt Application antl 6torage sw1067oo The number of storage facilities included in a regular inspection and maintenance program. —0 Sw106710 The number of employees trained in road salt application. 0 sw10672o The quantity of salt applied to roadways (in tons). 1.5 Sw106730 The quantity of alternative products used (in tons). 0 swlo6aoo Spill Response and Prevention sw106810 The number of leak detection devices installed at municipal facilities. Page 17 of 28 0 swt06620•The number of preventative maintenance procedures performed on tanks, valves, pumps, pipes, and other equipment. 0 swima3o The number of personnel trained in spill response. 1 Comments: 3 have been trained in prior years. sw'oeaao The number of regularly inspected high -risk facilities. 0 - sw,asasa The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. N/A Comments: Materials are available at Town Hall and all employees were shown a PPGH DVD. sw106860 Storm Drain System Cleaning sw106870 The number of outfalls cleaned regularly. N/A Comments: As needed basis. sw'OliBw The number of storm drains cleaned regularly. N/A Comments: As needed basis. swto6890 The amount of trash, sediment, and other pollutants removed during cleaning (in tons). N/A swt0690o Used Oil Recycling swimgio The number of gallons of used oil collected from municipal operations. 55 sW10692o The number of recycling facilities that collect oil from municipal operations. 1 swio693o The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. N/A Comments: Materials are available at Town Hall and all employees were shown a PPGH DVD. sw�os9ao Vehicle WFSfiing SW10695o The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. N/A Comments: Materials are available at Town Hall and all employees were shown a PPGH DVD. sw�ossso The numberof designated municipal veHicle washing areas. 1 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment sw1oaa90 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment sw,049w Does the Stormwater Management Plan summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule; and the responsible person or position for implementation? Page 18 of 28 Yes sw1o4910 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will develop an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to implement and enforce a program to address post construction runoff from new development and redevelopment projects? Yes 04920 The permittee's ordinances, and subsequent modifications, will be reviewed and approved by DWQ prior to implementation. The approval process will establish subsequent timeframes when DWO will review performance under the ordinance(s). The reviews will occur, at a minimum, every five years. Regulated public entities without ordinance making powers must demonstrate similar actions taken in their post construction stormwater management program to meet the minimum measure requirements. sw'04930 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will ensure the long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of BMPs? Yes swlo494o Options to help ensure that future O&M responsibilities are clearly identified include an agreement between the permittee and another party, such as the post -development landowners or regional authorities. Yes sw105000 Does the Stormwater Management Program explain how the permittee will control the sources of fecal coliform to the maximum extent practicable? Yes swlasolo Do new development and redevelopment codes allow for the following: swi05020 Bioretention basins? Yes sw105030 Alternative pavers? Yes - — - swl05040 Buffer zones? Yes SWI05050 Dry ponds? Yes swlosaso Wet ponds? Yes sw105070 Alternatives to curb and gutter? No Root Cause: Existing policies conflict with stormwater management initiatives Plan of Action: LID will be evaluated on a case by case basis. swl05080 Grass swales? Yes swlosow Grassed filter strips? Yes swlosloo Green parking lots? Yes swioslso In -line storage systems? Yes sw105120 Infiltration basins? Yes SW105130 Infiltration trenches? Yes Sw105140 Manufactured products installed in storm water inlets? Yes SW105150 Developments and redevelopments that use narrow streets? Page 19 of 28 Not Applicable Sw105160 On -lot treatment? Yes swlosim Open space design? F-Y e s - swloslso Sand and organic Filters? Yes sw105190 Porous pavement? Yes Sw105200 Stormwater wetlands? Yes V105210 Urban forestry? Yes Sw105220 Does the Stormwater Management Program, in coordination with the County Wealth Department, ensure proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater? Yes sw105230 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide training for staff and developers/builders? Yes Sw105260 BMP Inspection and maintenance sw105270 Are annual inspection reports required of permitted structural BMPs performed by a qualified professional? Yes Comments: Inspections are required under the Post Construction Ordinance. No Phase II BMP's have been constructed at this time. Sw105280 The number of BMP inspections and/or maintenance activities. 0 sw105290 The number of problems that were identified and remedied. ' 0 swlossoo New Development and Redevelopment BMP Summary sw165310 The number of development/redevelopment projects regulated for post -construction stormwater control. 0 sw105550 Evaluation of Post -construction Stormwater Management Program Measures m Model'Practices: For those areas within the jurisdictional area of the permittee that are not subject to the post -construction stormwater management provisions of another existing state stormwater management program, does the permittee's Post -construction Stormwater Management Program equal or exceed the stormwater management and water quality' protection provided by the following model practices: SW105570 Does the permittee issue local stormwater management permits to new development or redevelopment projects as either a low density project or a high density project? Yes swlas5m Do projects permitted as a low density projects meet the following criteria: Yes swl05590 No more than two dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area; and, sw1056M Use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable? sw105610 Are projects permitted as high density projects meet the following requirements: Page 20 of 28 Yes sw+os62o The stormwater control measures control and treat the difference between the pre -development and post -development conditions for the 1-year 24-hour storm. Runoff volume draw -down time must be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours; SW10563o All structural stormwater treatment systems are designed to achieve 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids; and sw,05s4o Stormwater management measures comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c); swtiossso Are deed restrictions and/or protective covenants required by the locally issued permit and incorporated by the development to ensure that subsequent development activities maintain the development (or redevelopment) consistent with the approved plans? Yes swrossao Are all built -upon areas at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters? Yes Comments: 30' for Intermittent and 50' for Perennial. sw105670 Watershed Protection Plans: Has the Permittee developed, adopted, and implemented a comprehensive watershed protection plan to meet part, or all, of the requirements for post -construction stormwater management? Yes Areas within the jurisdictional area of the permittee that are already subject to the existing state stormwater management programs are deemed compliant with the post -construction stormwater management model practices identified in (a). The programs are: the Water Supply Watershed protection programs for WS-1— WS-IV waters, the HQW and QRW waters management strategies, the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) Management Strategy, the Tar -Pamlico River Basin Nutrient NSW Strategy, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed program. SW105690 A regulated entity may develop its own comprehensive watershed plan, use the model ordinance developed by the Commission, design its own post -construction practices based on the Division's guidance and engineering standards for best management practices, or incorporate the post -construction model practices to satisfy, in whole or in part, the requirements for post -construction stormwater management. SW1057DO Additional Requirements for Trout Waters: Has the permittee developed, adopted, and implemented an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) to ensure that the best management practices selected do not result in a sustained increase in the receiving water temperature? Not Applicable SW105710 Additional Requirements for Nutrient Sensitive Waters sw10572o Has the permittee developed, adopted, and implemented an ordinance (or similar regulatory mechanism) to ensure that the best management practices for reducing nutrient loading is selected? Yes sw10573o Has the permittee developed and included a nutrient application (fertilizer and organic nutrients) management program in the Post -construction Stormwater Management Program? Yes sw105740 In areas where the Environmental Management Commission has approved a Nutrient Sensitive Water Urban Stormwater Management Program, the provisions of that program fulfill the nutrient loading reduction requirement. Page 21 of 28 Program Accomplishments Sw106970 Staff and Capital Improvement Projects swloGm The number of staffed stormwater management position(s). 0•' . . swiossso The number of new stormwater management position(s) created or staffed for the reporting year. 0 Sw107000 Total annual budget (excluding Capital Improvement Projects) for the NPDES stormwater management program for the reporting year. 21000 sw1070lo The number of Capital Improvement Projects planned. 1 Comments: Pump Station sw10702o The number of Capital Improvement Projects active. 1 =, sw10703o The number of Capital Improvement Projects completed. 1 sw107040 Total annual budget for Capital Improvement Projects for the reporting year. 75600. . Public Education and Outreach swioisso Public Education and Outreach swi01700 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes Sw101710 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify the target audiences likely to have significant storm water impacts (including commercial, industrial and institutional entities) and why those target audiences were selected? Yes SWi01720 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify what target pollutant sources the permittee's public education program is designed to address and why those sources are an issue? Yes SW101730 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee'ls outreach program (i.e., how the permittee plans to inform individuals and households about the steps they can take to reduce storm water pollution and how the permittee plans to inform individuals and groups on how to become involved in the storm water program? Yes Sw101750 Has the permittee develop general stormwater educational material to appropriate target groups? Instead of developing its own materials, the permittee may rely on state -supplied Public Education and Outreach materials, as available, when implementing its own program. Yes sw101760 Does general stormwater educational material include information on the following topics: sw101770 Household Hazardous Waste Yes Sw101780 Pet Waste Page 22 of 28 Yes SWIG1790 Septic Systems Yes Lawn and Gardening Yes r wio,aso Vehicle Washing Yes Erosion Yes swlai&w Stream Buffers Yes Flooding Yes swtole50 Litter Yes SW101860 List any additional topics not identified above. Construction & Farming r101670 Does the permitteenulls outreach. program include: swioieaa Distributing printed educational material to general public through utility mail outs? Yes Comments: Stormwater education material is distributed to the public as part of the "Haw River Happening bi-annual news letter sent to Town residents in both the spring and fall. Sw101890 Distributing printed educational material to general public through special events (i.e., Information booth at festivals and fairs)? Yes sw1ol9oo Distributing printed educational material to business 1 industry? Yes sw'01910 Presentations to local community groups? Yes SW101920 Stormwater programs/presentations for elementary or middle schools? Yes sw1ol9ao Local TV or radio spots? No Root Cause: Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action: The PTCOG has not yet established this f3MP. Stormwater TV spots are visible from other sources. swioisao Print Media - Ads 1 Articles 1 Newsletters? Yes sw,01950 Posters? Yes swioiseo Storm drain stenciling Yes sw,01970 Other environmental education programs (i.e., Designate a "Keep SW Clean" month)? —Yes sw101980 Workshops Yes Comments: Workshops were made available in other nearby municipalities, but none within Haw River. Workshops will be presented at some point in the future. sw,o,eso Stream basin signage? Yes Page 23 of 28 sw102000 Has the permittee developed an internet web site for newsletter articles on stormwater, information on water quality, stormwater projects and activities, and ways to contact stormwater management program staff? Yes w1o2020 Does the permittee maintain an internet web site for newsletter articles on stormwater, information on water quality, stormwater projects and activities, and ways to contact stormwater management program staff? Yes SWI02060 Classroom Outreach sw1o2070 t he number of educational materials distributed to schools. N/A Relies on PTCOG. �. Sw102080 The number of schools that participate in municipal -sponsored storm water workshops or activities. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments: Haw River Elementary did not take part in Stormwater SMART school programs but education needs were met through the Alamance County Soil and Water Conservation District which conducted a two-day celebration "Farm to Table" in nearby Burlington. Over 600 forth -grade students Ccunty-wide learned about stormwater pollution at this event. swt02uw The number of students that participate in municipal -sponsored storm water workshops or activities. N%A Relies on P'FCO'G. SW102100 The number of workshops held for teachers. N/A Relies on PTCOG. awtortto The number of certificates or other rewards given out to schools, classes, or students participating in storm water education. N/A Relies on PTCOG. swt02120 The number of students receiving storm water education as a regular part of the school curriculum. N/A Relies on PTCOG. W102130 Displays, Signs, Presentations, Welcome Packets, and Pamphlets SVV10215o The number of stormwater related displays at special events or meetings. N/A Relies on PTCOG Comments: While Stormwater SMART did not attend any festivals or special events in the Town of Haw River, many citizens attended the nearby Carousel Festival in Burlington, the Dogwood Festival in Mebane, and the YeeHaw River Paddle in Saxapahaw. Stormwater SMART provided outreach materials, conducted surveys, and gave away T-shirts. ;w1ort6o The number of people at events who saw the display or took a pamphlet/booklet. N/A 'so PTC0G. SW102170 Number of new homeowner welcome packets containing storm -water -related information. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SW102180 The number of signs and billboards with stormwater related messages. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw1021eo The number of stormwater related presentations at special events or meetings. N/A Relies on PTCOG. M102200 Commercial Outreach SW102210 The number of educational materials that were distributed to business owners and operators. N/A Relies on PTCOG. ;wto-222o The number of businesses trained under the stormwater program. - N/A Relies on PTCOG. SWI02310 Pet Waste Management SWI02320 The number of "clean up -after your pet" signs posted in parks and neighborhoods. Page 24 of 28 �N-/A Relies on PT OG. SW102330 The number of dog -walking designated areas in parks. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw10234o The number of Dosters/brochures out uD in Det sUDDIv stores. N/A Keiies On k 1000. I SWI02350 The number of educational materials given out to pet owners. N/A Relies on PTCOG. WW2360 Promotional Giveaways SWI02370 The number of items given out. N/A Relies on PTCOG. W102no The number of events attended (to give out items). N/A Relies on 1TCUG. sw102390 The number of partnerships for promotions (radio, TV, Businesses). N/A Relies on PTCOG. SWIG2400 Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste SW102410 The number of household hazardous waste curbside pickup days. 0 Comments: The Town does not have household hazardous waste curbside pickup days but the County landfill accepts HHW items year -around at the convenience/recycling center. sw10242o The number of educational materials distributed to homeowners. Comments: Stormwater information was distributed to homeowners through the "Haw River Happenings", a bi-annual news letter sent to Town residents in both the spring and fall. SW102430 The number of partnerships established with businesses. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Sw102440 Outreach Programs to Minority and Disadvantaged sw10245o The number of brochures/posters created in non-English languages. N/A Relies on PTCOG. ;wlozaso The number of educational materials distributed in non-English languages. N%A Relies on pT�OG. SW102470 The number of partnerships established with minority organizations. N/A Relies on PTCOG. M1024eo The number of educational materials distributed to low-income neighborhoods. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw102490 Attendance at workshops or public meetings held in low-income or minority neighborhoods. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SW102540 using the Media SWI02550 The number of public service announcements made on radio and TV. N/A Relies on PTCOG. W102%0 The number of stormwater related press releases/advertising. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SWI02570 The number of stormwater related articles published. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw10259G The number of partnerships established with local water utilities. 0 Page 25 of 28 Comments: The Town of Haw River operates its own water utility. sw1026M The number of water conservation or stormwater related utility inserts that are distributed with utility bills. 0 Comments: Stormwater inserts are included in the Town's Haw River Happenings newsletter distributed both in the spring and fall. sw102610 A survey of homeowners about their water conservation behavior before and after the message is delivered. 0 Public Involvement and Participation SW102620 Public Involvement and Participation SW102630 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used, the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the responsible person or position for implementation? Yes sw102640 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify the target audiences of the permitteenulls public involvement program, including a description of the types of ethnic and economic groups engaged? Yes SW10265D Permittee are encouraged to actively involve all potentially affected stakeholder groups, including commercial and industrial businesses, trade associations, environmental groups, homeowners associations, and educational organizations, among others. sw,02wo Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will involve the public in the development and implementation of the permittee's storm water management program and the types of public involvement activities included in the permittee's program that the permittee plans to use to educate local community groups? Yes SW102670 Has the permittee provided for the means to involve the public in the development and implemental of the permittee's storm water management program through: sw1026W Public Hearings, stakeholder meetings, or other meetings? Yes sw102600 A Stormwater Steering Committee (or similar advisory group)? Yes SWI02700 Stream clean-up events? Y ti `es SW102710 Adopt -a -stream, Adopt -a -drain, Adopt -a -highway or Adopt -a -trail program? Yes SWIG272o Reforestation programs or wetland planting programs? sYes SW102730 A stormwater hotline? Yes sw102746'Volunteer monitoring programs? Yes sw102750 Storm drain stenciling? Yes sw102760 Encourage neighborhood coordinators to become active in the program? Yes Page 26 of 28 SW102770 Regional workshops? No Root Cause: Best Management Practice is not established Plan of Action: Relies on PTCOG for this BMP. No regional workshops have been performed at this time b are in the plans for the future. SW102780 Telephone/Web/Mall surveys? Yes SWI02790 Working with citizen volunteers willing to educate others about the program? Yes SW102840 The number of participants in Adopt -A -Stream, Adopt -a -drain, Adopt -a -highway or Adopt -a -trail programs. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments: The Town solicits volunteers to join the NC Stream Watch program. Also Stormwaler SMART f 126 volunteers that participated in the NC Big Sweep countywide. sWI0285o The quantity of trash and debris removed by Adopt -A -Stream, Adopt -a -drain, Adopt -a -highway or Adopt -a -trail volunteers (in tons). N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments: Stormwater SMART volunteers picked up approximately 3620 pounds of trash as part of the NC Big Sweep countywide. Surveys SWI02670 The number of citizens solicited to complete surveys. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SWI02880 The number of completed surveys. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw1029oo The number of calls received by a hotline(s). N/A Relies on PTCOG. SW102910 The number of problems/incidents remedied as a result of hotline calls. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Reforestation Programs 1 sw,az930 The number of volunteer tree planters. N/A Relies on PTCOG. swio2940 The number of trees planted. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw,o2950 The number of acres planted with trees. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw102960 Public Hearings, stakeholder meetings, or other meetings SWI02970 The number of meetings held. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw10298o The number of attendees. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw102990 The number of actions taken as a result of stakeholder meetings. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SW103000 Storm Drain Stenciling Page 27 of 28 sw103010 The percent of drains stenciled. .N/A Relies on PTCOG. y Sw103020 The number of stenciling volunteers. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw103030 The number of drains stenciled. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Stream Cleanup SW103050 The number of stream cleanups. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments: Stormwater SMART participated in the 2010 NC Big Sweep last fall. sw103o6o The number of cleanup participants. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments: Countywide Stormwater SMART had 126 volunteers. swl03070 The quantity of waste collected as a result of cleanup efforts (in tons). N/A Relies on PTCOG. Comments:, Countywide Stormwater SMART volunteers picked up approximately 3620 pounds of trash as part of the NC Big Sweep. swi=w The number of stream miles cleaned. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw1a3090 Volunteer Monitoring SWI03loo The number of volunteers participating in monitoring programs. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw'G3110 The frequency of monitoring in the watershed (D-Daily, W-Weekly, B-Bimonthly, M-Monthly, Q-Quarterly and A -annually). N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw,03120 The number of volunteer monitoring stations established in the watershed. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SWI03130 The number of volunteer monitoring. training sessions held. N/A Relies: on PTCOG. sw103140 The number of actions that were taken as a result of the monitoring data -collected by volunteers. N/A Relies on PTCOG. SW103150 Wetland Plantings sw103160 The acres of land planted. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Swt03170 :The number of volunteers that participated in planting.. N/A Relies on PTCOG. sw103180 The number of planting events held. N/A Relies on PTCOG. Page 28 of 28 State of North` Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality OFFIC USE ONLY Date Rec'd Fee Paid Permit Number 1 C5 000 U NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small MS4 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION n a. Name of Public Entity Town of Haw River zc� Q Seeking Permit Coverage - , b. Ownership Status (federal, Public state or local c. Type of Public Entity (city, Town >4 town, county, prison, school, ppY etc. d. Federal Standard Industrial SIC 91 - 97 Classification Code ?' e. County(s) Alamance Om f. Jurisdictional Area (square 9.0 square miles miles g. Population Permanent 2,052 (NC office of State Planning) Seasonal (if available) h. Ten-year Growth Rate 7.55% i. Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes 4 No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 2.70 square miles b. River Basin(s) Cape Fear c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 13 d. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 41.27% • Commercial 27.02 % • Industrial 4.21 % • Open Space 27.50 % Total = 100 % e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? ❑ Yes � No SWU-264-103102 Page 1 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application ' R III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ❑ Yes 4 No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program 4 Yes ❑ No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ❑ Yes No d. CAMA Land Use Plan ❑ Yes No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with I ❑ Yes 4 No a permitted Phase I enti ? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit ❑ Yes No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: e. Have legal agreementsteen finalized between the'co- ❑ Yes ❑ No ermittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of our permit obligations? 4 Yes ❑No b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • Name of Entity NC Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program • Element they will implement Construction site runoff controls • Contact Person Gray Hauser • Contact Address 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 • Contact Telephone Number 336/771-4600 c. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? El Yes No VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. SWU-264-103102 Page 2 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature " g� Name JeWEarp Title Town Manager Street Address 403 East Main Street PO Box 103 City Haw River State NC Zip 27258 Telephone 336/578-0784 Fax 336/578-0010 E-Mail jearp(&townofhawriver.com VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Jeff Earp b. Title Town Manager c. Street Address 403 East Main Street d. PO Box 103 e. City Haw River f. State NC g. Zip 27258 h. Telephone Number 336/578-0784 i. Fax Number 336/578-0010 j. E-Mail Address iearpCa)townofhawriver.com SWU-264-103102 Page 3 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste N/A Management Program N/A b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N/A Permit Number d. Prevention of Significant N/A Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for N/A Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under N/A section 404 of CWA X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. TABLE OF CONTENTS STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served 1.2. Growth Rate 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1.6. Estimate Methodology 1.7. TMDL Identification 2. RECEIVING STREAMS SWU-264-103102 Page 4 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs 3.2. State programs 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 4.2. Organizational Chart 4.3. Signing Official 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5.1. Co-Permittees 5.2. Legal Agreements 5.3. Responsible Parties 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 7.3, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations SwU-264-103102 Page 5 w COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CLAN FOR THE TOWN OF HAW RIVER JANUARY 315 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Tableof Contents............................................................................................................ ii Definitions.................................................................................................... ..... v 1 Storm Sewer System Information..............................................................................1 1.1 MS4 Conveyance System ................ 1.2 Land Use Composition Estimates:........................................................................1 1.3 Estimate Methodology: .......................................................................................... 1 1.4 TMDL Identification...............................................................................................1 2 Receiving Streams....................................................................................................2 3 Existing Water Quality Programs...............................................................................3 3.1 Local Programs: .................................................................................................... 3 3.2 State Programs: ............................................................................. 4 Permitting Information...............................................................................................4 5 Co -Permitting Information................................................................................ --...7 6 Reliance on other government entity to satisfy one or more permit obligations ......... 8 7 Stormwater Management Program...........................................................................9 7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts.....................................9 7.1.1 BMP Summary Table............................................................................ 7.1.2 Target Audience................................................................................. ..10 7.1.3 Target Pollutant Sources ...................................................... .10 ........................... 7.1.4 Outreach Program................................................................................... 7.1.5 Decision Process..............................................................................................10 7.1.6 Evaluation.........................................................................................................10 7.2 Public Involvement and Participation..................................................................11 7.2.1 BMP Summary Table.......................................................................................11 7.2.2 Target Audience...............................................................................................12 7.2.3 Participation Program.......................................................................................12 7.2.4 Decision Process..............................................................................................12 7.2.5 Evaluation.........................................................................................................12 7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination..........................................................13 7.3.1 BMP Summary Table.......................................................................................13 7.3.2 Storm Sewer System Map................................................................................14 7.3.3 Regulatory Mechanism.....................................................................................14 7.3.4 Enforcement: ..................................................... ........................................ 14 7.3.5 Detection and Elimination.................................................................................14 7.3.6 Non Stormwater Discharges.............................................................................15 7.3.7 Outreach...........................................................................................................15 7.3.8 Decision Process..............................................................................................15 7.3.9 Evaluation.........................................................................................................15 7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control.....................................................15 7.5 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment...................................................................................................16 7.5.1 BMP Summary Table.......................................................................................16 7.5.2 Stormwater Management Options....................................................................18 7.5.3 Non -Structural BMP's.......................................................................................18 7.5.4 Structural BMPs...............................................................................................18 7.5.5 Regulatory Mechanism.....................................................................................18 7.5.6 Operation and Maintenance.............................................................................18 7.5.7 Education.........................................................................................................18 7.5.8 Decision Process..............................................................................................19 7.5.9 Evaluation.........................................................................................................19 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations...................20 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table.......................................................................................20 7.6.2 Affected Operations..........................................................................................22 7.6.3 Training............................................................................................................22 7.6.4 Maintenance and Inspections...........................................................................22 7.6.5 Vehicular Operations........................................................................................23 7.6.6 Waste Disposal................................................................................................23 7.6.7 Flood Management Projects.............................................................................23 DEFINITIONS NPDES — National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System MS4 -- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. A conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains) BMP — Best Management Practice TMDL — Total Maximum Daily Load Illicit Discharge — Any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Exceptions include discharges from NPDES-permited industrial sources and discharges from fire -fighting activities. V COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 1 STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION Population Served: 2,052 Ten Year Growth Rate: 7.55% Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: Jurisdictional area: 9.0 square miles, MS4: 2.70 square miles 1.1 MS4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Approximately 50% of The Town of Haw River is served by NCDOT roads, of which half are curb and gutter with stormwater discharge controlled mostly by pipe lines into streams or basins. Of the remaining streets, half are curb and gutter and the rest are served by a system of small drainage ditches, driveway culverts, and larger drainways. The MS4 system has been previously mapped. 1.2 LAND USE COMPOSITION ESTIMATES: Residential: 41.27% Commercial: 27.02% Industrial: 4.21 % Open Space: 27.50% 1.3 ESTIMATE METHODOLOGY. The land use estimate was based on the zoning within the jurisdictional area as of June 2009. The Piedmont Triad Council of Government's GIS system provided the zoning data, and includes the right-of-way areas. 1.4 TMDL IDENTIFICATION The Town of Haw River drains to the Haw River. The Haw River has been previously designated as an impaired water with the Haw River Town Limits but is not designated on the latest approved NC 303d list. The Town of Haw River is in the watershed of Jordan Lake which has a TMDL and watershed wide nutrient reduction strategy. Page 1 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 2 RECEIVING STREAMS Table 1. Cape Fear River Basin Use Water Stream Water Quality Support Quality Receiving Stream Name Segment Classification Rating Issues Haw River 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA Unnamed Tributary to Haw River (Joins Haw River 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA —1200' downstream of HWY 70 bridge) Unnamed Tributary to Haw River (crosses Pelham 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA St. north of E. Main St.) Unnamed Tributary to Haw River (crosses Small 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1, 2 NIA Rd.) Unnamed Tributary to Haw River (crosses Stone 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1, 2 NIA St. west of Trollingwood Rd.) Unnamed Tributary to Haw River Qoins Haw River 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1, 2 NIA -- 500' upstream of southern ETJ boundary) Boyd's Creek 16-16 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA Unnamed Tributary to Boyd's Creek {joins south of 16-1 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA Haw River -Hopedale Rd) East Back Creek 16-18(6) WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA Unnamed Tributary to East Back Creek (joins 16-18(6) WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA --600' south of railroad tracks) Unnamed Tributary to East Back Creek (joins 16-18(6) WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA —200' south of Stone St.) Unnamed Tributary to East Back Creek (crosses 16-18(6) WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA Bason Rd. west of Chapel Tr.) McAdams Creek 16-18-7 WS-V; NSW 1,2 NIA ' Aquatic life and secondary recreation 2'Fish consumption Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 3 EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1 LOCAL PROGRAMS: Watershed districts within the Town's jurisdictional area are subject to the Alamance County Watershed Protection Ordinance, which contains provisions limiting the type and density of new development. Additionally the Town has recently applied for a Stage 1 Adaptive Management Program for Existing Development in the Jordan Lake Basin. The Stage 1 programs are projected to begin in August -October 2010. The Stage 1 Adaptive Management Program is very similar to the NPDES Phase II Program and is part of a Jordan Lake Watershed Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy. 3.2 STATE PROGRAMS: All development activities within the Watershed Districts are subject to the standards, usage conditions and other regulations contained in the Rules and Requirements of the Surface Water Supply Protection Rules adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. Page 3 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 4 PERMITTING INFORMATION. Table 2. Responsible Contacts Position Name Phone No. Fax No. Email Town Clerk Tammy Speicher 336/578-0784 336/578-0010 tpeicher@townofhawriver.com Stormwater Engineer Alley, Williams, Carmen, & King, Inc. Josh Johnson 336/226-5534 336/226-3034 josh@awck.com Town Public Works Director Charles B. Allen 336/578-5600 336/578-0010 callen@lownofhawriver.com Town Attorney Charlie E. Davis 919/563-2550 9191563-9019 chadied@davishumbertlaw.com Town Manager Jeff Earp 336/578-0784 3361578-0010 jearp@townofhawriver.com Town of Haw River Organizational Chart Town Council Town Attornei Town Manager Fire Chief Public Works Director Town Clerk Stormwater Engineer Police Chief j I Water Billing & Collection Administrator Page 4 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER Table 3. Measurable Goals and Responsible Contact Public Education Measurable Goal Town Clerk Town Manager Stormwater Engineer Town Public Works Director Town Attorney Summarize Education Plan & report on implementation X X X Number of Children reached & subject covered X X X Number of houses & businesses reach by mailer, brochures, and posters X X X Report annually on number of businesses reached and number of employees educated through business and industry outreach X X X Public Involvement and Participation Measurable Goal Town Clerk Town Manager Stormwater Engineer Town Public Works Director Town Attorney The number of storm drains labeled will be reported annually X X X The number of adopting groups, the stream or creek they adopt and its length, and the amount of debris removed will be reported annually X X Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Measurable Goal Town Clerk Town Manager Stormwater Engineer Town Public Works Director Town Attorney Note date of adoption of amended ordinance and have copy in annual report file. X X X X Report annually on progress of storm sewer system map. X X X Maintain records of the areas screened as part of the detection/elimination program and summarize in annual report. X X X Note date of distribution of septic system management, and number of copies placed. X X X Provide materials to all public employees in illicit connections and how to recognize one. Complete by end of year one and note date distributed. X X X Page 5 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER Table 3. Measurable Goals and Responsible Contact Post Construction Site Management for New and Re -development activities Town Public Town Town Stormwater Works Town Measurable Goal Clerk Manager Engineer Director Attorney Maintain and Implement Post -Construction Program and Ordinance. x x x x Report annually on progress made, in developing standards and policies that ensure structural x x BMPs will be in conformance with the state's Stormwater Management Design Manual. Implement maintenance and inspection standards of BMP Devices constructed. X X Implement an on -site wastewater treatment system oversight program. Report annually on X X progress made. Pollution Prevention/Goad Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Town Public Town Town Stormwater Works Town Measurable Goal Clerk Manager Engineer Director Attorney Report annually on inspection results and any corrective actions taken. X X X X Maintain pollution prevention for public facilities training program annually, and report on number X X X of employees trained and subjects covered. Provide training to all employees who maintain the drainage system with a focus on Floatable, X X X grit, sediment, and disposal of pollutants removed from the drainage system. Report annually on number of employees trained and subjects covered. Provide training to all employees who manage and apply chemicals to address safe storage, X X X application and disposal of residual chemicals. Repeat training annually throughout the permit. Report on number of employees trained and subjects covered. Evaluate Truck Washing and implement truck washing procedures. X X X Signing Official: Town Manager — Jeff Earp Duly Authorized Representative: NA .Page 6 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PRbGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 5 CO -PERMITTING INFORMATION Not applicable Page 7 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 6 RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE PERMIT OBLIGATIONS The Town of Haw River will rely on the State Erosion and Sediment Control Program and the Department of Water Quality's general stormwater permit program for construction activities to meet the construction site stormwater runoff control requirement. There are no legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities. Contact Information: NC Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program Winston-Salem Regional Office Matthew Gantt, P.E. 585 Waughtown Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 336/771-4600 Page 8 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON STORM WATER IMPACTS 7.1.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals 1R 2R Y3 4R Y$ Responsible PositionlParty. Maintain an education plan Maintain education plan. Include in Plan the BMPs, schedule, X X X X X Town Clerk targeted audiences, and measurable goals. Summarize plan Stormwater Engineer and implementation progress in each annual report. Town Manager School Programs Maintain school children education program. Focus on basic X X X X X Town Clerk messages regarding clean water and the things they can do at Stormwater Engineer home to help. Track the number of children reached and the Town Manager subject covered and report annually. Mailers, brochures, posters Distribute bilingual mailer for insert in utility bills. Distribute X X X Town Clerk bilingual brochures and posters for distribution at Town Hall. Stormwater Engineer Target homeowners and businesses with messages about how Town Manager they can reduce pollution picked up by stormwater. Track number of homes and businesses reached by mailer and report annually. Town's web page Link to other stormwater websites. Give tips on reducing X X X X X Town Clerk pollution. Report annually. Stormwater Engineer Town Manager Festivals, parades, local Participate in local festivals annually by providing a stormwater X X X X X Town Manager fairs information booth starting. Provide bilingual messages on the Stormwater Engineer importance of clean water and on specific activities that can be Town Manager carried out to help keep stormwater clean. Business and Industry Maintain program for educating business and industry using X X Town Clerk education and outreach brochures or pamphlets and report annually on number of Stormwater Engineer businesses reached and number of employees educated. Focus Town Manager on workplace issues to reduce pollutant loading. Target hot spot businesses. Page 9 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.1.2 Target Audience Haw River residents, school children, local businesses (including gas station owners and landscaping companies) and industry, will be targeted because these groups have the most impact on stormwater pollution prevention. 7.1.3 Target Pollutant Sources The education program will target total suspended solids and nutrient loading because turbidity, sedimentation, and nutrients are the pollutants of concern in downstream waters. In addition, floatables, trash, and debris will also be targeted. The education program will also address the proper use and disposal of typical household chemicals, garden chemicals, and used motor oil. 7.1.4 Outreach Program School programs, printed materials to be distributed via mail and public events, and participation in state cleanup programs will be used to reach the target audience. By using these methods, the education program will be expected to reach all residents of Haw River, as well as those that do business here, over the course of the five year permit period. As a result of this outreach program, the target audience will be informed of the importance of reducing storm water pollution and ways they can incorporate pollution reduction in their daily lives. 7.1.5 Decision Process The formation of the storm water public education and outreach program was based on the mechanisms currently in place, and their means and effectiveness of communicating and educating the public about the issues of stormwater pollution prevention. Each of the BMP's selected were judged to be an effective and economical tool for educating the general public and/or specific groups within the community, with a specific measurable goal with which to gauge its effectiveness. 7.1.6 Evaluation The education and outreach program will be evaluated based on how each individual BMP is meeting its measurable goal at the end of each reporting period. Changes will be considered for any BMPs that are not meeting the measurable goals. Page 10 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION 7.2.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals YR YR 2 YR 3- YR 4 YR 5 Responsible Position./Party Public Meeting A public meeting will be held in Year 1 to discuss the X Town Cleric implementation of the new permit. Based on the Town Manager results of this meeting a Citizen's Group may be established. Volunteer Stormwater Program The Town will promote various volunteer stormwater X X X X X Town Manager programs annually. These will include Big Sweep, Stormwater Engineer Adopt -A -Stream programs, and Storm Drain Stenciling. The number of participants will be reported annually. Page 11 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.2.2 Target Audience The public meeting allowing the public an opportunity to review the stormwater management program will target all interested and affected members of the Haw River community. 7.2.3 Participation Program The public was originally involved in the development of the stormwater permit and management program through a public hearing in 2005. Public participation opportunities will be implemented throughout the life of the permit through the Volunteer Stormwater Programs. 7.2.4 Decision Process A public meeting is necessary for public participation and input. The other BMPS were selected to give the public a choice of both active and passive participation roles. 7.2.5 Evaluation The Public Involvement and Participation program will be evaluated based on how each individual BMP is meeting its measurable goal at the end of each reporting period. Changes will be considered for any BMPs that are not meeting the measurable goals. Page 12 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION .3.1 BMP Summary Table BMP � Measurable Goals YR YR YR' YR YR Responsible PoslEionlParty. 1 2 3 4 5 Review Illicit Discharge Ordinance Review Illicit Discharge Ordinance and make any X X X Town Attorney necessary revisions. Stormwater Engineer Town Manager Review Illicit Discharge Program Review Illicit Discharge Program and make any X X X Town Public Works Director necessary revisions. Stormwater Engineer Town Manager Maintain storm sewer system map Maintain system map in support of inspection program. X X X X X Stormwater Engineer showing outfalls and the receiving The map will note outfalls and receiving body of water Town Manager body of water. for each outfall. Report annually on progress. Town Public Works Director Maintain an inspection and Define areas of the community that will be inspected X X X X X Town Public Works Director elimination program within the for illicit connections and show on a map the progress Town Engineer/Consulting community. made year by year. Engineer Town Manager Coordinate with local health Provide a fact sheet on septic system management, X X Town Public Works Director department on failing septic systems, Note date of distribution and number of copies placed. Town EngineerlConsuiting locating problem areas in the system Complete by end of year two and update in year five. Engineer map. Provide public information on septic system management. Town Manager Train employees on how to inspect Provide materials through HR to all public employees X X X X X Town Public Works Director for illicit connections and establish a in illicit connections and how to recognize one. Town Engineer/Consulting tracking system for managing Summarize in annual report. Engineer reported problem areas. Town Manager Page 13 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.3.2 Storm Sewer System Map Storm sewer system has been mapped and will be inspected during the course of normal maintenance operations by the public service department. The route of the system, locations of pipes, drainage ditches, and outfalls will be maintained on a paper map and/or electronic map. The map will be updated as needed during subsequent maintenance operations. 7.3.3 Regulatory Mechanism The Town has an Illicit Discharge Ordinance which allows for inspection, maintenance, and prohibits illicit discharges. 7.3.4 Enforcement: There are provisions in the amended ordinance for enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, spills, and willful illicit connection. 7.3.5 Detection and Elimination After the field screening is complete, the Town will take measures to identify and remove illegal discharges. Identifying illegal discharges may require a combination of office and field work. After the field screening, staff will consult the jurisdiction -wide information they have compiled to obtain information about the land uses, infrastructure, industries, potential sources and types of pollution that may exist in the drainage area of the outfall. After priority areas have been identified in the office, a systematic field investigation will be planned that minimizes the amount of resources required to identify the source. The following field methods may be used to identify and trace the source of illegal discharges: • Site Investigation • Dry weather flow observations • Smoke Testing/Dye Testing • Television Inspection The right of entry established in the ordinance will provide access for inspection if the origin of the discharge is in doubt. Once an illegal discharge is located and confirmed through field screening, staff will notify the responsible party verbally if possible and follow-up with written notification. If the responsible party does not comply with the removal schedule provided by the Town, or receive approval for a revised schedule, the Town will take enforcement action and the connection will be removed at the responsible party's expense. Page 14 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.3.6 Non Stormwater Discharges Currently there are no known non-stormwater discharges that are a significant contributor to the MS4. If any are identified in the future, they will be addressed at that time. 7.3.7 Outreach Town employees will be informed of the hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste as part of their general training requirements. These will be addressed in the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping section of this plan, and will include training in hazardous material handling and disposal, as well as notices and signs posted in the appropriate areas. The general public will be educated through the BMP's listed in the Public Education section of this plan. These educational BMP's will include brochures, public service announcements, and business education and outreach programs. 7.3.8 Decision Process The formation of the storm water Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program was based primarily on regulatory mechanisms. The regulatory, educational, procedural BMP's selected were judged to be an effective means of detecting and eliminating illicit discharges. 7.3.9 Evaluation The effectiveness of the program will be gauged by the total number of illicit connections detected and removed each year and with public complaints. If the total number remains constant, or increases, changes will be made to the public education program and/or the Town ordinance to allow for greater enforcement and penalties. 7.4 CONSTRUCTION SITE STORmwATER RUNOFF CONTROL The Town of Haw River will rely on the North Carolina State Erosion and Sediment Control Program and the Department of Water Quality's general stormwater permit program for construction activities to meet the construction site stormwater runoff control requirement. Page 15 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.5 POST -CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT 7.5.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals ,R Y�R Y3R Y4R Y5 Responsible Position/Party Review the Post Construction Ordinance Review the Post Construction Ordinance for X Town Clerk compliance with NC DWQ guidance and local Town Attorney effectiveness. Phase 11 Post -Construction Ordinance will incorporate Jordan Lake Nutrient Stormwater Engineer Strategy Regulations in Year 3. Town Manager Review standards and policies that ensure Review local standards to remain in compliance X Stormwater Engineer structural BMPs will be in conformance with with the NC DWQ BMP Manual. Town Manager the state's Stormwater Management Design Manual Review maintenance standards and Review the maintenance standards and X X Stormwater Engineer inspection program to ensure that on -site inspection program for local on -site controls. Town Manager controls continue to function as designed. Maintain the education program created for Maintain the education program created for land X X Stormwater Engineer land developers and the public. developers and the public detailed in other Town Manager BMP's. Report annually on progress made. Coordinate with the county health Coordinate with county health department. Report X X X Stormwater Engineer department on developing and Annually on progress made. Town Manager implementing an oversight program to minimize the potential for fecal coliform contamination by ensuring proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems. Develop and implement policies, Policies will be developed and implemented to X Stormwater Engineer regulations and incentives to protect natural encourage natural resource protection. This will Town Manager resources. include developing and publicizing buffer regulations around wetlands, creeks, and other water bodies. Progress will be reported annually after year 3. Open Space Preservation Policies will be developed to encourage X Stormwater Engineer dedication of open space from developers and Town Manager Greenfield areas in the community. Progress will be reported annually after year 3. Page 16 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER Tree Preservation Policies and standards will be developed to X Stormwater Engineer encourage the preservation of mature trees Town Manager during development. This will include replacing trees that are damaged during development and encouraging street trees to be included with capital improvement projects. Progress will be reported annually after year 3. Development Types Policies will be developed that encourage X Stormwater Engineer redevelopment, development in areas with Town Manager existing infrastructure, and mixed use developments. Progress will be reported annually after year 3. Street Design, Parking Requirements, and Policies will be changed to allow for street design X Stormwater Engineer Transportation Options standards and engineering practices that Town Manager encourage minimal street widths when the development has a Low Impact Development Public Works Director component. Policies will be developed to encourage LID practices including pervious pavement, reduced parking requirements, and alternate transportation options. Progress will be reported annually after year 3. Green Infrastructure Practices and Green Infrastructure Practices and Strategies will X Stormwater Engineer Strategies will be encouraged. be encouraged through revising existing development policies, standards, and ordinances. Town Manager Progress will be reported annually beginning in Town Attorney year 3. Page 17 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.5.2 Stormwater Management Options The existing land usage ordinance has a post -construction stormwater runoff management program for new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than, or equal to, one acre. This ordinance will be revised prior to the end of year 3 of the permit to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) provisions, Green Infrastructure Elements, and Nutrient Reduction limits as defined in the Jordan Lake Nutrient Reduction Strategy. This will include policies to encourage the following: Natural Resource Protection, Open Space Protection, Tree Preservation, Redevelopment, Development in Areas with Existing Infrastructure, Mixed Use Development, Green Infrastructure Street Design, Integration of Green Infrastructure, Promotion of Pervious Pavement, Reduced Parking Requirements, and Alternate Transportation. 7.5.3 Non -Structural BMP's The receiving streams in the Town's watershed are classified as Nutrient Sensitive Waters; therefore the post construction ordinance ensures that best management practices for reducing nutrient loading are implemented. In addition, a nutrient application (both inorganic fertilizer and organic nutrients) management program has been developed and is included in the stormwater management program. 7.5.4 Structural BMPs The Town has certified its BMP manual as equal to the NC DWQ BMP Manual. The Town reviews structural BMP's based on the NC DWQ BMP Manual and will continue to do so in the future. 7.5.5 Regulatory Mechanism The Town's Post -Construction Ordinance establishes the Town's ability to regulate new development for water quality compliance. 7.5.6 Operation and Maintenance The Town's Post -Construction Ordinance establishes the Town's ability to regulate new development for water quality compliance. The ordinance includes guidelines for delegating routine and non -routine maintenance responsibilities to ensure access for inspections, and providing a mechanism for enforcement. 7.5.7 Education An education process for developers and citizens about new development with respect to stormwater and water quality has been established and is ongoing. Page 18 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.5.8 Decision Process The post -construction stormwater management program ensures that controls are in place that will prevent or minimize water quality impacts from new development and redevelopment projects. These controls include post - construction ordinance to address post -construction runoff control from new development and redevelopment projects and ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs. Future revisions to this ordinance will be intended to enhance water quality. 7.5.9 Evaluation The post construction site management for new and re -development activities program will be evaluated based on how each individual BMP is meeting its measurable goal at the end of each reporting period. Changes will be considered for any BMPs that are not meeting the measurable goals. Page 19 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER 7.6 POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals �R Y2R Y3 Y4R YSR Responsible Position/Party A preventive maintenance program Annual Inspection are done for all municipally owned X X X X X Town Clerk has been developed that includes properties. Results of these inspections are reported 5tormwater Engineer annual routine inspections of catch annually. basins and other stormwater systems Town Manager for the municipal building and vehicle storage yard. The objective of the Town Public Works Director inspections is to reduce pollutant loading from municipal sites. Inspections will include noting any problems or issues that may have an impact on stormwater quality, and any corrective actions taken. Schedules and procedures have been established for the inspections, and a record -keeping system schedules and documents inspections. Develop training materials on pollution Educate all employees on clean water issues and on X X X X X Town Public Works Director prevention for public facilities, using workplace responsibilities to reduce or eliminate Stormwater Engineer existing materials gathered from other pollutants from stormwater. Maintain program annually organizations or creating new tools as and report on number of employees trained and Town Manager needed. Educate all employees subjects covered. annually on the need for controls to protect stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants. Provide training for those employees Provide training to all employees who maintain the X X X X X Town Public Works Director that maintain the drainage system with drainage system with a focus on floatable, grit, Town Engineer/Consulting the focus on disposal of floatables, sediment, and disposal of pollutants removed from the Engineer grit, sediment, and other pollutants drainage system. Report annually on number of removed from the system. employees trained and subjects covered. Town Manager Page 20 COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TOWN OF HAW RIVER .6.1 BMP Summary Table (cont'd) BMP Measurable Goals : 7R 2R 3R 4R 5R Responsible Position/Party., Provide training to employees that Provide training to all employees who manage and X X X X X Town Public Works Director manage and apply chemicals for apply chemicals to address safe storage, application Stormwater Engineer control of dust, pests, vermin, and and disposal of residual chemicals. Repeat training weeds and/or are used to enhance the annually throughout the permit. Report on number of Town Manager growth or condition of public urban employees trained and subjects covered. landscape and recreation facilities. Training will target the safe and effective application, storage and disposal of chemicals used. Evaluate BMP methods of collecting Implement Truck Washing with minimal water quality X Town Public Works Director and treating the wash water from truck impacts beginning in Year 2. Stormwater Engineer washing operations. Town Manager Page 21 7.6.2 Affected Operations The Town of Haw River operates a municipal building that serves as a town hall and fire station, a police station, a Public Works vehicle and equipment storage yard, and a maintenance facility for the Parks & Recreation Department. All vehicles, equipment, and materials at the storage yard and Park maintenance facility are stored in covered buildings. 7.6.3 Training Training materials have been developed on pollution prevention for public facilities, using similar materials as will be used in the public outreach program. All employees will be educated annually on the need for controls to protect stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants. This training will also serve as the training requirement for public employees as specified in the outreach component of the Illicit Discharge section of this program. All public employees involved in vehicle, open space, or building maintenance operations will be provided training in BMPs, the processes and materials they are working with, safety hazards, practices for preventing discharges, and procedures for responding quickly and properly to toxic and hazardous material incidents. All public employees involved in stormwater drainage system maintenance will be specifically trained in the disposal of floatables, grit, sediment, and other pollutants removed from the system. Additional training, or certification, will be provided to employees that manage and apply chemicals for control of dust, pests, vermin, and weeds and/or to enhance the growth or condition of public urban landscape and recreation facilities. Training will target the safe and effective application, storage and disposal of chemicals used. 7.6.4 Maintenance and Inspections A preventive maintenance program has been developed that includes routine inspections of catch basins and other stormwater systems for the municipal building and vehicle storage yard. The objective of the inspections is to reduce pollutant loading from municipal sites. Inspections include noting any problems or issues that may have an impact on stormwater quality, and any corrective actions needed. Schedules, procedures, and a record -keeping system are used to schedule and document inspections. Page 22 7.6.5 Vehicular Operations All vehicles, equipment, and associated material at both the Public Works and Parks & Rec. facilities are stored inside buildings. The Public Works vehicles (pickup and dump trucks) are currently washed outside, with the untreated wash water discharging into a nearby drainage ditch. As part of the stormwater management plan, the truck washing operation will be modified to include collection and treatment of the wash wastewater before discharge. Minor vehicle and equipment maintenance take place at these facilities. 7.6.6 Waste Disposal Garbage, recyclables, and heavy trash collection are contracted out to private companies. 7.6.7 Flood Management Projects Future flood management projects will be reviewed from a water quality standpoint. 7.6.8 Decision Process The most effective and practical BMPs for minimizing stormwater pollution were selected for this program. 7.6.9 Evaluation The pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations program will be evaluated based on how each individual BMP is meeting its measurable goal at the end of each reporting period. Changes will be considered for any BMPs that are not meeting the measurable goals. Page 23