HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3141103_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240416 1"" © A MOILDROAO � LLP r REPORT � OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION SUMMIT CORPORATE CENTER — LOT 7 SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA L. ECS PROJECT NO. 08-4794 August 31, 2007 lm ECS CAROLINAS, LLP LP LP Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental CGUROILOINIAZ August 31, 2007 Mr. Derek Salfia The Keith Corporation 2719 Coltsgate Road Charlotte,NC 28211 Reference: Report of Subsurface Exploration Summit Corporate Center—Tract 7 Salisbury,North Carolina ECS Project No. 08-4794 Dear Mr. Salfia: ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS)has completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical evaluation for the above referenced project. This project was authorized and performed in general accordance with ECS Proposal No. 08-7540P. The purpose of this exploration was to determine the general subsurface conditions at the site and to evaluate those conditions with regard to foundation, floor slab and pavement support along with general site development. This report presents our findings along with our conclusions and recommendations for design and construction of the project. • ECS Carolinas, LLP appreciates the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you have questions concerning this report,please contact our office. Respectfully, ECS CAROLINAS,LLP giti 0 •-..___...\-_-3reU Jonathan R.Almond,E.I. Geotechnical Project Manager Derek L. Clybum, P . �� N' . .S . •O �i�. Principal Engineer 2O , NC Registered 032551 . �' SEAL 032551 et()p0' F 41 i„, ,or•i i• •:�� \\`` 8702 Red Oak Boulevard,Suite A, Charlotte,North Carolina 28217•704-525-5152•Fax: 704-525-7178•www.ecslimited.com REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 Salisbury,North Carolina Prepared For: Mr. Derek Salfia The Keith Corporation 2719 Coltsgate Road Charlotte,North Carolina Prepared By: ECS CAROLINAS, LLP 8702 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite A Charlotte,North Carolina 28217 ECS Project No: 08-4794 Report Date: ..., August 31,2007 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 1 SCOPE OF EXPLORATION Prior to drilling,ECS personnel visited the site to perform site reconnaissance and locate the borings in the field using a sub-meter Trimble Global Positioning System (GPS) Backpack unit. The surface features of the site were observed with respect to drilling access and existing utilities. Our subsurface exploration included the execution of eighteen (18) soil test borings (B-1 through B- 18) at the approximate locations shown on the Boring Location Diagram, included in the Appendix { (Figure 2). The boring locations were established and located in the field by personnel from ECS using the mobile GPS unit. The borings were advanced to depths ranging between 10 and 25 feet below the existing ground surface using a B-57 mounted rig using continuous-flight, hollow-stem auger. FIELD EXPLORATION Standard Penetration Test(SPT) Drilling: Standard Penetration Tests (SPT's) were performed in the current borings at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586-84. The Standard Penetration Test is used to provide an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split-barrel soil samples were recovered for soil classification and potential laboratory tests at each test interval. Brief descriptions of the field testing procedures and Test Boring Records are included in Appendix. Elevations shown on the Test Boring Records and referenced within this report were interpolated from a site plan provided by The Keith Corporation. The drill crew also maintained a field log of the soils encountered at all the boring locations. After recovery, each sample was removed from the sampler and visually classified. Representative portions of each sample were then sealed and brought to our laboratory in Charlotte, North Carolina 4..., for further visual examination and laboratory testing. Groundwater measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling at all boring locations and again during site demobilization. Groundwater was observed in Boring B-7 at approximately 18 feet below existing grade. Although some fluctuation in groundwater levels can occur with climatic and seasonal variations,construction problems related to groundwater are not anticipated in this project. LABORATORY SERVICES Recovered soil samples were transported to our laboratory where they were subjected to visual - manual classification by a geotechnical engineer. A Test Boring Log was prepared for each boring. The Test Boring Records were prepared using the observations made in the field during drilling, as well as the visual — manual classification in the laboratory. In addition to visual classification, Atterberg limits and in-situ moisture content testing were conducted to better evaluate the on-site characteristics and current conditions. Soil Classification: A geotechnical engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of color, texture, and plasticity characteristics in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The soil engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs and profiles are approximate; in situ, the transition between strata may be gradual in both the Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 3 vertical and horizontal directions. The results of the boring visual classifications are presented on the Test Boring Logs included in Appendix Additional Laboratory Testing: In addition to visual classification, ECS also performed Atterberg limit testing, Standard Proctor testing, and natural moisture testing. Atterberg limit testing was done to evaluate the potential for shrink/swell potential and plasticity of the tested soils. Data obtained from the laboratory tests are presented in the section labeled `Laboratory Test Results"of this report and/or Appendix. SITE AND SUBSURFACE FINDINGS Site Description: The area of study, Lot 7, exists in a previously developed industrial park along Summit Place Drive in Salisbury,North Carolina. During the time of exploration the lot was wooded but did exhibit some potential for the existence of previous grading or fill activities along the road frontage and center of the site. The site is moderately to heavily wooded, with topography sloping from the south to north. Elevations on-site range between 770 and 815 feet above mean sea level (MSL) elevation. Several drainage features traverse the site running from east to west. Soil Survey: The following information is presented based on a review of the Soil Survey of Rowan County,North Carolina, issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service in 1995. According to the Soil Survey of Rowan County, North Carolina, the predominant soil type at the subject site is the Sedgefzeld Sandy loam (SeB) for the northern most two-thirds of the property. The soils survey also indicates that Cecil Sandy Clay loam (CeB2) series extend onto the lower third ( of the property. Area Geology: The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The native soils in the Piedmont Province consist mainly of residuum with underlying saprolites weathered from the parent bedrock, which can be found in both weathered and unweathered states. Although the surficial materials normally retain the structure of the original parent bedrock, they typically have a much lower density and exhibit strengths and other engineering properties typical of soil. In a mature weathering profile of the Piedmont Province, the soils are generally found to be finer grained at the surface where more extensive weathering has occurred. The particle size of the soils generally becomes more granular with increasing depth and gradually changes first to weathered and finally to unweathered parent bedrock. The mineral composition of the parent rock and the environment in which weathering occurs largely control the resulting soil's engineering characteristics. Based on our site reconnaissance and review of the published information pertaining to the geology in the general vicinity of the site, the parent bedrock underlying the property is felsic metamorphic or igneous rock. The onsite residual soils are the product of the weathering of the parent bedrock. Report of Subswface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31, 2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 4 Subsurface Conditions: The subsurface conditions at the site, as indicated by the borings, generally consist of fill, alluvial soil and residual soil to at least the depths explored. The generalized subsurface conditions are described below. For soil descriptions and general stratification at a particular boring location, the respective Test Boring Record should be reviewed. The below descriptions provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered. The demarcation designating the interfaces between various material types represent approximate boundaries and the transition between identified layers may be gradual. Topsoil is present at the ground surface in all our borings. The topsoil ranged in thickness from 2 to 4 inches across the site. For stripping purposes, we recommend including a budget for clearing at least 8 inches of topsoil across the site. Previously placed fill materials were encountered at ground surface in borings B-9, B-17, and B-18. The fill materials encountered extend 3 to 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The soil component consisted mainly of silty sands and sandy silts. The SPT N-values measured in the fill ranged mostly from 11 to 29 blows per foot (bpf). Possible fills were noted to exist in borings B-1 and B-13 to a depth of 3 feet below ground elevation. These materials exhibited SPT N-values ranging between 11 and 16 bpf. Undocumented fill poses risks associated with undetected deleterious inclusions within the fill and/or deleterious materials at the virgin ground/fill interface that are covered by the fill. ECS Carolinas, LLP was not provided with any documentation to support that all previously encountered deleterious materials have been removed from the project site. The existing fill soils that will remain after excavating to the FFE generally are not suitable to support foundations, floor slabs or pavements Alluvial (water deposited) soils were encountered in boring location B-3, B-4, and B-9. The alluvial soils were encountered at ground surface and extended to a depth of 3 to 5.5 feet below ground elevation. The alluvial deposit consisted of Silty Clay. SPT N-values exhibited by the alluvial profile ranged between 6 and 19 bpf. Residual soils are present below the fill and alluvial soils, or at ground elevation at all of the borings. Residual soils are formed by the in-place chemical and mechanical weathering of the parent bedrock. The residual soil stratas were encountered at depths ranging between 0 and 5.5 feet and extending to a minimum depth of 10 and at least 25 feet below ground elevation. The residual soils encountered consisted of Clayey Silt, Sandy Silt, and Silty Sand, exhibiting SPT N-values ranging between 6 and 40 bpf, while averaging between 10 and 20 bpf. Residual profiles exhibiting extended soft soils (blowcounts less than 7 bpf)were indicated in borings B-12 and B-14. Materials hard enough to be classified as weathered rock (SPT N-values greater than 100 bpf) were not encountered in any borings. Groundwater & Cave-In Depth Observations: Groundwater measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling and again at the end of the day prior to demobilization. Groundwater was measured in boring B-7 at a depth of 18 feet below ground elevation. Based on our soil test borings, groundwater is not anticipated to significantly affect the planned development. Please note that fluctuations in the groundwater level can be expected depending on variations in precipitation, run-off and other factors not evident at the time of our subsurface i Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Szan,nit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 I ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 5 exploration. Normally, the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. Cave-in depths noted on the boring logs ranged in depths of 5.9 to 20.1 feet below the existing ground surface in our borings. The cave-in depths are sometimes an indication of the approximate groundwater Ievel at or below the caved depths or the result of the fall-in of soils as the augers were removed. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Laboratory testing was performed on selected samples collected from the borings. The laboratory testing program included visual classifications, moisture content tests (ASTM D 2216), Atterberg Limit testing (ASTM D 4318) and standard Proctor testing(ASTM D-698). Results of the laboratory testing are also provided in the Appendix. Refer to the table below for Atterberg Limits and natural moisture content test results. The Atterberg Limit Test and our visual classification confirms that the samples selected from borings B-3 and B-9 are high plasticity clays. These materials are not suitable for the use as project structural fill or foundation or slab bearing materials. Natural Moisture Content&Atterberg Limits Test Results Na ra -Lii i Past c ast'c� y i q �lL et, on eptl ft onsture ma i tt 'Index Locator E )o e _ ° : ,. „ 1 X/B-2 3.5-5.0 16.1 - - - - B-3 1.0-2.5 21.4 58 21 37 CH B-5 3.5-5.0 13.5 - - - - B-7 8.5-10.0 13.8 - - - - B-9 3.5-5.0 22.9 50 18 32 CH B-9 6.0-7.5 21.6 46 20 16 ML B-9 13.5-15.0 32.7 - - - - B-11 6.0-7.5 9.4 - - - - B-13 6.0-7.5 13.1 - - - - B-14 1.0-2.5 5.0 - - - - B-15 6.0-7.5 25.2 - - - - B-15 13.5-15.0 22.2 - - - - B-16 3.5-5.0 26.5 - - - - B-16 8.5-10.0 34.9 - - - - _ B-17 6.0-7.5 25.6 43 33 10 ML B-18 6.0-7.5 23.6 - - - - I PROJECT DESCRIPTION ECS anticipates that on-site construction will consists of a proposed 200,000 square foot structure with associated parking areas and drives located to both the east and west of the proposed structure. ECS anticipates that the structure will be steel framed, with tilt panel or similar wall construction. ECS also anticipates that column loads to be on the order of 200 kips, and wall loads no more than 5 kips per foot. Floor loadings are not expected to exceed 300 pounds per square foot. Report ofSubsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No.08-4794 Page 6 Drawings provided by The Keith Corporation have been used to estimate a proposed FFE of 800 feet MSL for the structure. Based on this FFE, ECS anticipates that cut and fill depths in the magnitude of 15 feet will be required.No below grade structures are anticipated for construction. Associated parking areas and drives will be located to the north of the proposed structure. No traffic loadings or pavement information was provided at the time of report submittal. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The borings performed at this site represent the subsurface conditions at the location of the borings only. Due to the prevailing geology, there can be changes in the subsurface conditions over relatively short distances that have not been disclosed by the results of the borings performed. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that require special treatment or additional preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Our evaluation of foundation support conditions has been based on our understanding of the site, project information and the data obtained in our exploration. The general subsurface conditions utilized in our foundation evaluation have been based on interpolation of subsurface data between the borings. In evaluating the boring data, we have examined previous correlations between penetration resistance values and foundation bearing pressures observed in soil conditions similar to those at your site. If the project information is incorrect or if the structure location (horizontal or vertical) and/or dimensions are changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction, which deviate from the data outlined in this exploration, should be reported to us for our evaluation. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock, and ground water of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock, and ground water of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. PROJECT DESIGN Foundation Support: Provided the recommendations outlined herein are implemented, the proposed structure can be adequately supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of spread footings bearing on undisturbed residual soils or on newly-placed structural fill. A net allowable bearing pressure of up to 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf) can be used for design of the foundations. The net allowable bearing pressure is that pressure which may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 24 and 16 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, "punching" type, shear failure. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be designed to bear at Ieast 18 inches below finished grades for frost protection. S_. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 7 Settlement: Based on the subsurface conditions encountered and assuming that the recommendations discussed herein are incorporated,total and differential settlement should be within tolerable limits. Total settlement is anticipated to be less than 1.0 inch while differential settlement between columns is anticipated to be less than 0.5 inch. We recommend that control joints be placed within the masonry to allow movement. Site Classification for Seismic Design: The 2006 Edition of the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC) requires that the stiffness of the top 100-ft of soil profile be evaluated in determining a site seismic classification. Alternately, designers can default by Code to a Site Class "D" site assumption,unless soils data further reduces the site to an"E"classification. To determine the stiffness of the top 100-ft of the soil profile at the site, a Refraction Microtremor (ReMiTM) survey was performed at the ReMiTMlocation (array) across the site as seen on the Boring Location Diagram. The data was processed using SeisOpt® ReMiTM software to reveal a one- dimensional average shear-wave (S-wave) velocity image for the array, which is provided in the appendix. In addition, the survey also provides the average shear wave velocity to a depth of 100 feet that was used to determine the seismic Site Class. The data available to date indicates that a Site Class "D" is appropriate for the project. Slab-On-Grade Support: The proposed slab-on-grade floor system can be adequately supported on undisturbed residual soils or on new, properly placed fill provided the site preparation and fill recommendations outlined herein are implemented. For a properly prepared site, a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) for the soil of 100 pounds per cubic inch for the soil can be used. This value is representative of a 1-ft square loaded area and may need to be adjusted depending the size and shape of the loaded area depending on the method of structural analysis. We recommend that a granular material be placed immediately beneath the floor slab to provide a capillary barrier and to increase the load distribution capabilities of the floor slab system. We recommend the slabs-on-grade be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of granular material having a maximum aggregate size of 1 V2 inches and no more than 2 percent fines. This granular layer will facilitate the fine grading of the subgrade and help prevent the rise of water through the floor slab. Prior to placing the granular material, the floor subgrade soil should be properly compacted, proofrolled, and free of standing water, mud, and frozen soil. Before the placement of concrete, a vapor barrier may be placed on top of the granular material to provide additional moisture protection. However, special attention should be given to the surface curing of the slab in order to minimize uneven drying of the slab and associated cracking. We recommend that the floor slab be isolated from building foundations unless the connection is designed to accommodate anticipated foundation settlement. Pavements: The undisturbed low plasticity silty sands and sandy silts observed in our borings or newly placed approved controlled structural fill can provide adequate support for a pavement structure designed for appropriate subgrade strength and traffic characteristics as long as the "Project Construction" of this report is followed. However, the existing highly plastic soils observed in boring B-3 and B-9 are not suitable for direct support of project pavements. Depending on the site conditions during construction and based on the final design grades, the areas containing the highly plastic soils (CH) materials may need to be stabilized with geotextiles and ABC stone or undercut and replaced with compacted structural fill. Report of Subsrn face Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 8 Design of the pavement sections is beyond our scope of work; however, typically, for light duty areas, a minimum pavement section should consist of 3 inches of asphaltic concrete surface course overlying 6 inches of compacted aggregate base course (ABC) stone. For heavy-duty areas, the minimum pavement section should consist of 4 inches of asphaltic concrete (surface course and binder) overlying 8 inches of compacted ABC stone. The pavement cross-sections provided do not [ account for construction traffic. The cross-section provided are minimum cross-sections required to support typical traffic loads for the type of development discussed in this report. Pavement cross sections should conform to local standards if they will be maintained by local government. These pavement sections may vary depending site conditions. Once pavement design criteria is determined, ECS should be further consulted to analyze the appropriateness of the designated pavement section. Concrete should be properly cured to protect it against loss of moisture, rapid temperature changes, and mechanical injury during the first several days. We suggest a suitable curing compound be applied after concrete has been finished. All pavements should be sloped to allow for positive drainage. A concrete dumpster pad should be constructed to accommodate dumpsters and the dumpster trucks. We recommend that a minimum 6-inch thick reinforced air entrained concrete pad be placed in front of the dumpster for use by the refuse truck during loading operations. The refuse collector should be consulted to confirm the size,thickness and layout of the concrete pad. We emphasize that good base course drainage is absolutely essential for successful pavement performance. Water buildup in the base course will result in premature pavement failures. The subgrade and pavement should be graded to provide rapid runoff to either the outer limits of the paved area or to catch basins so that standing water will not accumulate on the subgrade or g_ pavement. Any areas of landscaping with sprinkler systems, or areas of cut that would allow water to enter the pavement system,may need subdrains installed to prevent entry. It is quite likely that the subgrade in all pavement areas will be exposed to weather extremes and/or construction traffic prior to placement of pavements. In this event, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soil should be scarified and rolled to achieve a density of at least 100 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density. If the subgrade soils become dry prior to placement of the pavements, they should be moistened to approximately their optimum moisture content and recompacted to the above density. In flexible pavement areas, the aggregate base should then be applied and compacted to at least 100 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density prior to pavement construction. In rigid pavement areas, the subgrade should be moistened lightly immediately prior to placement of concrete. The pavement subgrade should be prepared in accordance with the site preparation and fill recommendations provided in this report. The subgrade and the pavement surface should be sloped and discharged to a suitable outlet area to provide positive subsurface and surface drainage away from the pavement. Water within the base course layer can lead to softening of the subgrade and other problems that will result in accelerated deterioration of the pavement. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 9 It should be noted that all pavements require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to keep in a serviceable condition. In addition, to minimize water infiltration to the pavement section and within the base course layer resulting in softening of the subgrade and deterioration of the pavement, we recommend the timely sealing of joints and cracks in existing paving. Lateral Earth Pressures/Retaining Walls: According to the 2006 North Carolina Building Code, retaining systems which provide a total vertical grade change of 5 feet over a horizontal distance of 50 feet or less must be designed and constructed under the responsible charge of'a licensed professional engineer. This includes retaining walls less than 5 feet tall that may have slopes above or below the walls. We recommend the following parameters for design of retaining walls: Unit Active At Rest Passive Friction Soil a We hA Coefficient:. Coefficient Coefficient An le TYp � � : pcf K. degrees Onsite Soils 120 .50 .36 2.8 28 The parameters given above are for walls without appreciable backslopes. Sloping backfill behind the wall will significantly increase the lateral pressure applied to the wall,which will require modification of the earth pressure coefficients recommended above. The Active Coefficient should be used where the wall is allowed to rotate. Rotation at the top of the wall on the order of 0.5 percent to 1 percent of the wall height is normally required to develop the full Active Earth Pressure condition. If rotation of the top of the wall is not an acceptable condition or if the rotation will be restrained by bracing or by supported floors,then the At Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient should be used to design the wall. Resistance to lateral sliding of the wall will be derived from friction between the wall foundation and the supporting soil and from passive earth pressure against the outside face of the embedded wall and foundation. We recommend the resistance derived from both sources be considered to act simultaneously. However, we recommend a minimum factor of safety of 2.0 be used to compute the allowable resistance from passive pressure since considerable lateral displacement is typically required to fully mobilize the passive resistance. Additionally,passive earth pressure should be neglected in the top 1.5 feet of embedment to account for seasonal drainage, shrinkage, softening, or erosion. Also, a minimum factor of safety of 2.0 should be applied to the coefficient of friction provided in the table above. Retaining wall design should account for any surcharge loads within a 45-degree slope from the base of the wall. Below grade walls that may retain water behind them should be designed to resist hydrostatic pressures in addition to earth pressures unless an adequate wall drainage zone is provided. The surface of the backfill should slope slightly to promote positive surface water flow away from the retaining wall to prevent ponding of water behind the wall. If segmental block retaining walls will be utilized in cut areas of the site,the wall face should be Iocated far enough away from adjacent property lines, structures, or other site constraints to permit construction of the segmental block wall. We recommend the face of the wall be located away from the site constraint by at least 2 times the total change in elevation that the retaining wall, including any slopes Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 10 above or below the wall, will provide. This separation should provide approximately one wall height behind the wall face to accommodate the geogrid reinforcing sheets while still allowing enough space to make a temporary excavation for construction of the segmental wall. The onsite non-plastic silty sands and sandy silts are suitable for use as backfill behind conventional below-grade walls provided they are compacted in accordance with those procedures outlined in a subsequent section of this report. Cut and Fill Slopes: We recommend that permanent cut slopes less than 10 feet tall through undisturbed residual soils be constructed at 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) or flatter. Permanent fill slopes Iess than 20 feet tall may be constructed using controlled fill at a slope of 2.5:1 or flatter. A slope of 3:1 or flatter may be desirable to permit establishment of vegetation, safe mowing, and maintenance. The surface of all cut and fill slopes should be adequately compacted. All permanent slopes should be protected using vegetation or other means to prevent erosion. The outside face of building foundations and the edges of pavements placed near slopes should be located an appropriate distance from the slope. The North Carolina Building Code lists the following requirements: • Buildings or pavements placed at the top of fill slopes should be placed at distance equal to at least 1/3 of the height of the slope behind the crest of the slope, but that distance need not be more than 40 feet. • Buildings or pavements near the bottom of a slope should be located at least % of the height of the slope from the toe of the slope, but the distance need not be more than 15 feet. Slopes with structures located closer than these limits or slopes taller than the height limits indicated, should be specifically evaluated by the geotechnical engineer and may require approval from the building code official. Any fill placed in sloping areas should be properly benched into the adjacent soils. Temporary slopes in confined or open excavations should perform satisfactorily at inclinations of 1(H):1(V). All excavations should conform to applicable OSHA regulations. Appropriately sized ditches should run above and parallel to the crest of all permanent slopes to divert surface runoff away from the slope face. To aid in obtaining proper compaction on the slope face, the fill slopes should be overbuilt with properly compacted structural fill and then excavated back to the proposed grades. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION Site Preparation & Earthwork Operations: The proposed construction area should be stripped of all topsoil, organic material, existing fill, alluvial soil and other soft or unsuitable material. Any resulting isolated excavations should be backfilled with suitable fill material. We expect a stripping depth of 8 inches based on the borings; however, deeper stripping depths are typically required in wooded areas. Stripping depths will vary depending on the time of the year. During the wet seasons, stripping may be deeper due to saturated soils on the surface. Upon completion of these stripping operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be proofrolled with a loaded dump Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Salfia Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbwy,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 11 truck or similar pneumatic-tired vehicle having a loaded weight of approximately 25 tons. After excavation,the exposed subgrades in cut areas should be similarly proofrolled. Proofrolling operations should be performed under the observation of a geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative. The proofrolling should consist of two (2) complete passes of the exposed areas, with each pass being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding one. Any areas which deflect, rut or pump during the proofrolling, and fail to be remedied with successive passes, should be undercut to suitable soils and backfilled with controlled fill. Based on our site reconnaissance and subsurface findings, we do not anticipate that major undercutting will be required for the project. However, depending on final design grades, undercutting should be anticipated in the vicinity of borings B-1, B-3, B-4 and B-9 to address the removal and replacement of existing fill, alluvial soils and high plasticity clays. Additionally, because of the clayey near-surface soils,proofrolling may reveal unstable areas due to high moisture content. If earthwork is performed during winter or after appreciable rainfall then subgrades may be unstable due to wet soil conditions,which could increase the amount of undercutting required. We anticipate that most site soils can be adequately compacted without need for special drying measures. Drying of wet soils, if encountered, may be accomplished by spreading and discing or by other mechanical or chemical means. The ability to dry wet soils, and therefore the ability to use them for fill, will be reduced if earthwork is performed during late winter or spring. We recommend a shrinkage factor of 15 to 20 percent for calculating earthwork balances using site soils as fill. When dry, the majority of the site soil should provide adequate subgrade support for fill placement and construction operations. When wet, the soil may degrade quickly with disturbance from construction traffic. Good site drainage should be maintained during earthwork operations to prevent ponding water on exposed subgrades. The residual soils at the site may be elastic in nature due to the presence of mica minerals. These micaceous soils may rebound elastically (fluff) within the upper 12 to 24 inches after the removal of several feet of confining overburden soils. In cuts where this condition may exist,the elastic rebound problem may be handled by compacting the exposed surface in cut with proper compaction equipment, analogous to man-made fill. Another method which may prevent the elastic rebound problem is to place a 2 to 4-inch thick"mud-mat" of"lean" concrete immediately after the excavation has been completed. Excavation: Based on the results of our subsurface exploration, it appears that the onsite soils, within the depths of the borings, can be excavated with conventional construction equipment. Although there can be changes in the subsurface conditions over relatively short distances, problems associated with excavating very dense soils are not anticipated for this project. We have generally found that material that our soil drilling augers can penetrate can also be excavated with a large backhoe or ripped with a dozer mounted ripper. Weathered rock or rock that cannot be penetrated by the mechanical auger will normally require blasting to loosen it for removal. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.DerekSalfla Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbury,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 12 Surface Water Control: The site should be graded as to confirm that adequate surface water drainage is accomplished. Free drainage of all surface water contributes to the quality and integrity of structures, parking areas, retaining structures, and slopes. In areas which "pond" water, swales, french drains,or drainage tiles should be used to help direct water away from structural areas. ( Fll Material and Placement: The project fill should be soil that has less than five percent fibrous organic content and a liquid limit and plasticity index less than 50 and 20, respectively. Soils with Unified Soil Classification System group symbols of SP, SW, SM, SC, and ML are suitable for use as project fill. Soils with USCS group symbol of CL that meet the restrictions for liquid limit and plasticity index are also suitable for use as project fill. During site grading, some moisture modification (drying and/or wetting) of the onsite soils will likely be required. The fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by a standard Proctor compaction test(ASTM D 698). We recommend that moisture control limits of-3 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content be used for placement of project fill with the added requirement that fill soils placed wet of optimum remain stable under heavy pneumatic-tired construction traffic. During site grading, some moisture modification (drying and/or wetting) of the onsite soils will likely be required. Based on the results of our visual classification, the onsite silty sands and sandy silts appear suitable for use as project fill. Project fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density except within 24 inches of finished soil subgrade elevation beneath slab-on-grade and pavements. Within the top 24 inches of finished soil subgrade elevation beneath slab-on-grade and pavements, the approved project fill should be compacted to at least 100 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Aggregate base course (ABC) stone should be compacted to 100 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density. However, for isolated excavations around footing locations or within utility excavations, a hand tamper will likely be required. We recommend that field density tests be performed on the fill as it is being placed, at a frequency determined by an experienced geotechnical engineer,to verify that proper compaction is achieved. E ° The maximum loose lift thickness depends upon the type of compaction equipment used. Below are maximum loose lifts that may be placed based on compaction equipment utilized. _ :> mum ose Lift Equspment ' Maxi Lo Thickness,In! Large, Self-Propelled Equipment(CAT 815,etc.) 8 Small,Self-Propelled or Remote Controlled(Rammax,etc.) 6 Hand Operated(Plate Tamps,Jumping Jacks,Wacker-Packers) 4 [ We recommend that all fill operations be observed and tested by an engineering technician to determine if compaction requirements are being met. The testing agency should perform a sufficient number of tests to confirm that compaction is being achieved. For mass grading operations we recommend a minimum of one density per 300 cubic yards of fill placed or per 1 foot of fill thickness, whichever results in more tests. We recommend at least one test per 1 foot thickness of fill for every 100 linear feet of utility trench backfill. [ Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Mr.Derek Sallie Summit Corporate Center—Lot 7 The Keith Corporation Salisbwy,North Carolina August 31,2007 ECS Project No. 08-4794 Page 13 Density tests in the field shall be performed using the Drive Tube Method(ASTM D2937), the Sand Cone Method (ASTM D1556), or the Nuclear Method (ASTM D2922). If the Nuclear Method is used, the moisture content determined by the nuclear density equipment shall be verified by performing one moisture content test per ASTM D2216 for every five nuclear density tests. When dry, the majority of the site soil should provide adequate subgrade support for fill placement and construction operations. When wet, the soil may degrade quickly with disturbance from construction traffic. Good site drainage should be maintained during earthwork operations to prevent ponding water on exposed subgrades. Based on the results of our visual classification, the onsite sandy silts and silty sands appear suitable for use as project fill. However, the near-surface clayey soils are only marginally suitable for use as project fall. Due to the plasticity characteristics associated with these clayey soils, difficulties will likely be encountered while attempting to dry these soils to acceptable moisture content prior to their placement as fill. In addition, these clayey soils are susceptible to inclement weather and with the introduction of repeated construction traffic can be remolded, resulting in a loss of strength. In addition to the plasticity characteristics, most of the on-site soils contain appreciable amounts of mica,which can cause problems with compaction and stability. While compacting adjacent to below-grade walls, heavy construction equipment should maintain a horizontal distance of 1(H):1(V). If this minimum distance cannot be maintained, the compaction equipment should run perpendicular,not parallel to,the long axis of the wall. Where fill will be placed on existing slopes, we recommend that benches be cut in the existing slope to accept the new fill. All fill slopes should be overbuilt and then cut back to expose compacted material on the slope face. Foundation Construction & Testing: Foundation excavations should be tested to confirm adequate bearing prior to installation of reinforcing steel or placement of concrete. We recommend testing all shallow foundations to confirm the presence of foundation materials similar to those assumed in the design. We recommend the testing consist of hand auger borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer testing performed by an engineer or engineering technician. If soft or unsuitable materials are encountered, they should be undercut and replaced with properly compacted fill or lean concrete. If soil or aggregate is used as backfill, the undercut excavation should be oversized 1-foot horizontally beyond each edge of the footing for every 2 feet of undercut performed below the design bottom of footing level. Oversizing is not required if lean concrete is used as backfill for the undercut excavation to design bottom of footing level. Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the footing bearing level if the foundation excavations remain open for too long a time; therefore, foundation concrete should be placed the same day that foundations are excavated. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure,the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation bottom immediately prior to placement of concrete. If the excavation must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, a 1-to 3-inch thick "mud mat" of"lean" concrete may be placed on the bearing surface to protect the bearing soils. The mud mat should not be placed until the bearing soils have been tested for adequate bearing capacity. APPENDIX Figure 1 - Site Location Map F.. Figure 2 - Boring Location and Seismic Array Diagram Figure 3 — Soil Boring Profile Figure 4—Shear Wave Velocity Profile Reference Notes for Cross Sections Unified Soil Classification System Reference Notes for Boring Logs Test Boring Records 4<e Laboratory Test Data ASFE Reference Document Eta i b • I r 5-47;1004. ASr k r I .1 SITE witet SCALE (IN FEET) cr. 400 800 800 0 LEGEND: y�N N • 6 1S Source: ' FIGURE 1 ENGINEER SCALE JRA s Shown SITE LOCATION MAP DRAFTSMAN PROJECT NO. DWG 08-4794 www.mapquest.com --- LIP Summit Corporate Center-Lot 7 REVISIONS FIGURE Corporate Center Drive SETTING THE Salisbury, North Carolina DATE 8TANrtARrg 08-16-07 FOR SERVICE =, B46 820 820 ---- B-17 B-15 1 - 11 ML 19 810 810 A_.__._._______.----- � 16 FILL B-18 1 B 9 B-13 7 ML ML 19 1 20 - _,_ 14 - -... 9 _.- I B 14 ML 12 - - 10 ML 17 _� '� 16 _._._.. I - - 8 29 FILL _ 800 - ^� 800 __ -- 11 FILL_. _ B-11 i9 - 16 -- 8 SM �= 13 l✓? I B-6 B 8 13 cH B-10 1 20 7 -8 ML C to I I--- _ .18 MH B-12 -SM 11 5M it C 11 I B-7 13 1 17 I 24 7 ML 16 5M r Z Z B 5 _, - ML _ ' B 2 _ _- I 20 �. I 14 tl 18- ML - 12 ^- 9 C._._.-8 EOB @20.0' 12 790 p a' Q 790 I 14 17 P �F--1 ML 19 19 - EOB Cam'25.0' EL 791.00 c I 19 19 ML 12 13 c 20 12 5M SM EL_789.00 GNE Q A �Q7 Q _ B 4 - 11 9 ML- C 16 ML 22 - 11 SM 6 5M 8 GNE 18 > A g w 15 ML I 12 ML - 10 ML ML 6 C 40 _ W r� c o w 1 B-1 _ B-3 io 16 - - 13 17 - - c EOB @ 25.0' EOB @ 20.0' = w (\ w a 18 _ _ _11 - __ _8. EDB_@ 10.0' _ .- --__ _ 22_ 5M - _ 7 EOB 200 O 6 @ ZOA EL 783.00 EL 783.00 - - 780 w 780 1- ML I 19 C 12 - ML EL 782.00 - ML 42 EL 782.00 EL 778.00 . _ GNE GNE - ( �� g io _ c 8 EOB @ 10.0' - �.. ML 9 6 '_ _ -. _11 �; FILL9 zi C cH_ _ _6 cH_ EOB @ 10.0'__- ML GNE c EL 779.00 GNE E - c 15 EOB @25.0 - - GNE _ I -I 12 " EOB @ 10.0' 13 ML 19 - EL 777.00 EL 776.5. GNE 0 12 EOB @ 20.0' SPT-N VALUES _ - I ML EL 775.00 17 _ c 23 ML GNE 10 - Y c GNE - EL 774.00- --- -- _ _ __- (TYP.) = 770 7 _c._ ... GNE - EOB @20.0'= 14 _ML - -_ EOB @20.0'- GNEHI . 770 _. 9 22 ML EOB @ 10.0' EL 771.00 EL 771.00 - - EL 770.00 GNE GNE EOB @ 10.0'__ _.- EOB @_10.0'_ GNE__ _ _._. _ p 15 = r --� T - J CO I EL 767.00 EL 767.00 _ 1 GNE GNE EOB @ 25.0' 760 ; 0 760 __ EL 763.00 - M Oo: m CC O re O « yt 1 1-- 750 0 ° al ? ' 0acoE.750 --I _ moo 0 JV ay N E U y (SECTION) `. ECS REVISIONS LEGEND ® TOPSOIL DEPTH I. ASPHALT DEPTH n A• BC STONE MSL = MEAN SEA LEVEL ;a? GP (POORLY GRADED GRAVEL) 5f<Y. GW (WELL GRADED GRAVEL) 0,;, GM (SILTY GRAVEL) FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION SP (POORLY GRADED SAND) SW (WELL GRADED SAND) ih_.L� G• C (CLAYEY GRAVEL) GNE = GROUNDWATER NOT ENCOUNTERED IIIIIII ML (LOW PLASTICITY SILT) ® MH (HIGH PLASTICITY SILT) IIIIIII SM (SILTY SAND) EOB = END OF BORING ENGINEER DRAFTN JRA DWG 01 CL (LOW PLASTICITY CLAY) ® CH (HIGH PLASTICITY CLAY) WO SC (CLAYEY SAND) AR = AUGER REFUSAL SCALE OL (LOW PLASTICITY ORGANICS) r...... OH (HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANICS) n A• LLV (ALLUVIAL SOIL) = CAVE-IN DEPTH 1"=16' 1:.E1 FILL/POSSIBLE FILL M PWR(PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK)RE ROCK PROJECT NO. 08.4794 2WD GROUNDWATER WHILE DRILLING N BR BEFORE AUGER REMOVAL Y AR AFTER AUGER REMOVAL SZ 24 GROUNDWATER AFTER 24 HOUR FIGURE 3 DATE 08-16-07 1 1 ' u pee\ Y /l' / ' / / \ ` \ 1` 1 \ I1 IV // 7/ 0 /'� / \\ , '\\ I \III I 1 1 I �� / I 14 1 \I / 1 rise-- ' is% zi i / � � 11 1 I v / / /i/ \���s�< / I \ 1 I I 11,1 t,/ / / /// -///-% r \ \ \ \._ 4, y 4.11.****44%. 1 //11 P// / ///// i 7 \ iv —/ / 1 ;/k/ 7°////"..- ZIIIIIIIIIIII I�IIIIINI111. 1 � ; —� / �-r / k ,) /ter ))/ = a ��I I I I I I I a-2�tt C = - - _ _ / / '. /// / � 1 I \ I v I I I I I Iyh� iv I I I I I I I I „ / \!\ 1 //r/ / r \ I B- \ B-' � I I, / I / . _ .-- _ I k \ , A. / / / — — I \ III I \1 \ �� B 8 // B 11 — // / % ' --- '\ \ `�I I \\\ \ / / \ \ \\ �� \ \ /\.— � .2 // / 1 B / _ \ \ \ II 111�/\��,1_ / / / / B N N 1 \ I /--- / / i ( 1 \ C\ IN- \ \ \ \—* — — — / ! B-17 'N N \ \ 1 '. — / / 1 1 \ I 1 \ I c\ 111 / / / I B-i6 \ \ \ \\ 2 B-i8 / - J \ \ \ 111 I I / I \ \ \\ \ / I / I \ \ 11 J \ I I I SCALE (IN FEET) I 80 160 \\\ 1 I 1\ .666 � �� /,, \ 160 0 LEGEND: N =',; =Approximate Location of Borings rAO- E ''=" ‘="' =Seismic ReMi Array s Source: ____. FIGURE 2 ENGINEER SCALE JRA As Shown DRAFTSMAN PROJECT NO. '�~ BORING LOCATION and Cole Jenest&Stone DWG 09-4794 ' L�ELP SEISMIC ARRAY DIAGRAM REVISIONS FIGURE i 1 Summit Corporate Center-Lot 7 `IA' � 2 SETTINGGI THE Corporate Center Drive DATE HE FOR SERVICE RU Salisbury, North Carolina - 08-16-07 FOR SERVICE Summit Corporate Center Lot 7, 8m spacing: Vs Profile 0 1000 2000 3000 0 -10 -20 - Vs100' = 1017 ft/s -30 -40 -50 -- _ -60 -- -70 -80 - - -90 - -100 Shear-Wave Velocity,ft/s FIGURE 4 SHEAR WAVE VELOCITY PROFILE ARRAY 1 Summit Corporate Center Lot 7 GEOPHONE SPACING=8 meter ` *` [LIP Salisbury,NORTH CAROLINA I 1 Cam G3 IDL UG:!1, ECS Project 08-4794 E i 1 SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND FILL-nu,(POSSIBLEIPROBABLE) •• SM-SILTY SAND \� CH-HIGH PLASTICITY CLAY 1.'. '� OF ALL TYPES. ::~ �j \\�� g�° GW V. GRADED GRAVEL ? ] SP-POORLY GRADED SAND """"' OH-HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANIC e: ,. ••• 11 SILTS AND CLAYS •wail x GM-SILTY GRAVEL Y`` ' SC-CLAYEY SAND OLLOW AND CLAYS T CITY ORGANIC 1 :ELM"0000a 'oai;ep GP-POORLY GRADED GRAVEL i ML-LOW PLASTICITY SILT PWRPARTIALLY WEATHERED GC-CLAYEY GRAVEL 11111 MH-HIGH PLASTICITY SILT r ^ r PT-PEAT ;4 SW-WELL GRADED SAND \ CL-LOW PLASTICITY CLAY CULTIVAT£DORDISTURBED am;L r . RESIDUAL SOIL BORING DESIGNATION Notes • Existing grade elevations are estimated from furnished topographic EXISTING GRADE—a (Projected) plans unless otherwise noted. • Thickness of topsoil,asphalt or other surface coverings are not typically STANDARD ` shown on cross sections. PENETRATION---* 20 ` CH • Depth of stratigraphic changes are approximate and may be gradational RESISTANCE or complex. (N—Value) = ML • Projected borings are located i. E distant to the cross section_ STABILIZED 13.17 = • Horizontal distances between f GROUNDWATER SP borings shown on cross sections are not to scale unless otherwise 50 BLOWS PER-0-50/4" noted. • Occasionally significant changes in 4 INCHES PWR soil density occur within a 6-inch WILN MN increment. These are identified on END OF BORING--►EOB the boring logs and are indicated on cross sections with an asterisk(*). AUGER REFUSAL--► AR • A(-All)following the Unified Soil CORING TERMINATED_0 CT Classification symbol indicates an alluvial origin(water-deposited sediment). TYPICAL BORING GRAPHIC 1 i 1 i 8702 RED OAK BOULEVARD SUITE A REFERENCE NOTES CHARLOTTE, NC 26217 FOR CROSS SECTIONS 704/525-5152 ECS171-1-13 FAX/525-717B CAROL'HAS Major Divisions g m°bo s Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria y Well graded gravels,gravel- C„=D60/D10 greater than 4 -. i > GW sand mixtures,little or no fines C�(Dao)2/(D10 x D60)between 1 and 3 N a V '„ `� i; C ... d'vi > Inv o = GP Poorly graded gravels,gavel- ?N .. Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW ,5.; y g 't3 U sand mixtures,little or no fines d o y � S � v Nz y 4] t] tt Q 0 g tr•— � F. d w d Silty Gravels,gravel-sand-silt oa o v) v'g Atterberglimits Z GM' mixtures o e -a, below"A" line o r P.I. Above"A"line with P.I. [ a -a 3to ^ u ,y c v, C between 4 and 7 are en �, ;, �d�..1� a;U borderline cases requiring o 4 " R > > M� C7 r7 C Atterberg limits 4 g cep . 8 i , GC CIayey Gravels,gravel-sand- ,•2 3 above"A"line with use of dual symbols . ,- clay mixtures c , 0 C' E P.I.greater than 7 E R i. U t•t - -C G /r� 8 Well-graded sands,gravelly y a •g o ,, .1-1.,� C„=D6o/D10 greater than 6 y, 2 = to = SW t.+. 0 t' 2 at o ; -a ,, sands,little or no fines o._.0 t„ Cc(D3o) /(Dt0 x D60)between I and 3 {� 0 C ' rn o - mo --• o • 4: 0 q �• w v N• y W w •� Poorly graded sands,gravelly a o o T U . SP t_ rJ °' ,a n •o Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW -8 8 �• v sands,little or no fines a, .. o [ � F2 .0 d �, v, Atterberg limits Limits plottingin hatched SIvi" Silty sands,sand-silt mixtures below"A"line or P.L zone with P.I.between 4 a rg less than 4 .gt En U 4.o and 7 are borderline cases `� • a � w 8Atterberg limits requiring use of dual E ;Arn SC Clayey sands,sand-clay A above"A"line with symbols mixtures P.I.greater than 7 r - Inorganic silts and very fine sands, p rock flour,silty or clayey fine 60 i t t t a t t t i t t t i i i 'l t t JIIJ t .t t t y t t t t t t t t t c k€ �,�, MI' sands,or clayey silts with slight - / ,you O CSiv plasticity �� / - # o -at . o Inorganic clays of low to medium 50- /� �^,�s ca "' CL plasticity,gravelly clays,sandy _ �+' 40 - z • - clays,silty clays,lean clays - b/ ,r \` - En ♦y O .mac- g a' Organic silts and organic silty 40- ti/ o° - OL clays of low plasticity = v`% G� `� - ,J/ J o = a rn to Inorganic silts,micaceous or „ 30 / - • P a MH diatomaceous fine sandy or silty i • �_ h = soils,elastic silts A - / O` M H or OH 5- .� m a 20 voc °' ' U Inorganic clays of high plasticity, - L w G a c'n CH fat clays - // d o y l0- / '+-` t ;-a 7 -- - - OH Organic clays of medium to high 4 - Velar ML it OL gcr plasticity,organic silts o t t t t%t t t t- t t t f t t t t t t t t._1 t t_t _1_t t t III t t t t tilt w :.-1 0 10. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 Liquid limit,w1, o ›, in a :-A �oho o Pt Peat and other highly organic soils Reference:Winterkorn&Fang, 1975(ASTM D-2487) x 'Division of GM and SM groups into subdivision of d and u are for road and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atierberg limits;suffix d used when L.L.is 28 or less and the P.I.is 6 or Iess;the suffix u is used when L.L.is greater that 28. 1'Borderline classifications,used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups,are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC,well-graded gravel-sand mixture with clay binder. l 1 8702 RED OAK BOULEVARD SUITE A }�7�� C CHARLOS152TTE,NC 28217 UNIFIED E Ii`IE� SOIL LTD FAX/525-717852 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM t _ t t 1 1 REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS I. Drilling and Sampling Symbols: SS: Split Spoon Sampler CME: Central Mining Equipment ST: Shelby Tube Sampler RB: Rock Bit Drilling RC: Rock Core;NX,BX,AX BS: Bulk Sample of Cuttings NQ: Rock Core,2-1/16"Diameter PA: Power Auger(no sample) PM: Pressuremeter HSA: Hollow Stem Auger DC: Dutch Cone Penetrometer WS: Wash Sample REC: Recovery of Core Run(%) RQD: Rock Quality of Core Run Standard Penetration (Blows/Ft)refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon sample, as specified in ASTM D-1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N value. Autohammer refers to an automatic hammer as opposed to the manual "Cathead" and rope type. Core drilling meets ASTM D-2113. II. Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties: Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils Consistency of Cohesive Soils SPT-N Relative Density SPT-N Consistency 0-4 Very Loose 0- 1 Very Soft 5- 10 Loose 2-4 Soft 11 -30 Medium Dense 5-8 Firm 31 -50 Dense 9- 15 Stiff 51 or more Very Dense 16-30 Very Stiff 31 -50 Hard 50 or more Very Hard III. Unified Soil Classification Symbols: _.. GP: Poorly Graded Gravel ML: Low Plasticity Silts GW: Well Graded Gravel MH: High Plasticity Silts GM: Silty Gravel CL: Low Plasticity Clays GC: Clayey Gravel CH: High Plasticity Clays SP: Poorly Graded Sands OL: Low Plasticity Organics SW: Well Graded Sands OH: High Plasticity Organics SM: Silty Sands CL-ML: Dual Classification(Typical) SC: Clayey Sands IV. Water Level Measurement Symbols: WL: Water Level BCR: Before Casing Removal WS: While Sampling ACR: After Casing Removal WD: While Drilling WCI: Wet Cave In DCI: Dry Cave In The water levels are those water levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when auguring,without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clays and plastic silts,the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases,additional methods of measurement are generally applied. The elevations indicated on the boring logs should be considered approximate and were not determined using accepted surveying techniques. CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-1 1 OF 1 massi PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 CAROLI[VAS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FTSalisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ I I I E I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT % CONTENT LIMIT 7. X-- --- L z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS w v ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY d >-: ::, z RUM— — -- REC.% F z F- - BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 100Y. a O E- 0 Y a 20%40%-60%-80%100% a.o °- - C" O SURFACE ELEVATION F. a ® STANDARD PENETRATION < -4 . z 777.0 BLOWS/FT_ 0 10 20 30 40 50+ - Topsoil Depth 3" /-•_ 1 SS 18 16 \POSSIBLE FILL — Stiff, Tannish / `.,,: 775 11 (5-4-7) Orange, Sandy SILT, Moist, _ (FILL) / _ 2 SS 18 16 RESIDUAL - Stiff to Firm, - 12 (3-5-7) 5 _ Reddish Orange, Sandy SILT, _ Moist, (ML) _— - 3 SS 18 16 —770 7 (3-4-3) _ 4 SS 18 18 - 9 (3-4-5) 10 _ _ _ END OF BORING @ 10.0' — =- 765 - 15 760 20— - - —- 755 l _ _ 25 _ — I - —750 30 - — — — " THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL OWL GNE WS OR ® BORING STARTED 08-21 ---07 1 WL(BCR) YWL{ACR) BORING COMPLETED 08-21 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH a 7.2' VWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER S a s CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-2 1 OF 1 ammillS: PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 0 AIR CDLII'4AS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ S I I I I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT S LIMIT 7. X-- -- A "2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY ra z z ROD%-- .... .... REC.% F z F a BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100%>- a o a a F 20%40%-60%80%100% w w w r; ¢ Q a ate, o' o SURFACE ELEVATION a a 0) STANDARD PENETRATION ' d d 785.0 w BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 - Topsoil Depth 3" / `_ t 1 SS 18 16 RESIDUAL — Stiff, Reddish — 15 {4-7-8) Orange, Clayey SILT, Moist, — 6..,., (ML) — 2 SS 18 18 / — ►�418 (5-B-I0) L — Stiff, Reddish Orange, Sandy — 5 _ SILT, Moist, (ML} / —780 16% — 3 SS 18 18 Stiff, Brownish Orange, Sandy — ►14 1O (3-5-5) f _ SILT, Moist, (ML) _ _ 4 SS 18 18 _ 0 9 (3-4-5) 10 _ 775 END OF BORING @ 10.0' — 15 —- 770 i i _ - I_ _ 20-- —- 765 _ _ 25— —760 00-- - - - ---- - - I I THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 7 WL G N E WS OR ® BORING STARTED 0 8-2 1 -07 ^ ®_WL(BCR) rWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 08-21 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 7.0' co 7WL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER a 1 { CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET 3 The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-3 1 of 1 Mil1111.1211 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center — Tract 7 CAROLIN]AS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 lSalisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5�+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7 CONTENT % LIMIT 7. X-- --- z z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY 'm z RQD%— — — REC.% S z i~ .8 >. BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 100X .a o d a 20%40%-60%-80%-100% n ra Ia m L4 C cy a a o- a o SURFACE ELEVATION 777.0 w 0 STANDARD PENETRATION m - BLOWS/FT. co 10 20 30 40 50+ a - Topsoil Depth 3" /- — — _ — 21% 58% I - 1 SS 18 18 ALLUVIAL - Very Stiff, Greenish `\-775 C4 21 (6-ID-ii) Gray, Silty CLAY, Moist, (CR) 0 21%. i I_ _ RESIDUAL - Stiff, Brown, Sandy — - 2 SS 18 18 SILT, Moist, (ML) - � 13 (3-6-6) 5 Stiff, Orangish Brown, Sandy I - 3 SS 18 18 SILT, Moist, (ML) —770 ►�� 17 (6-8-9) i - r 10 4 SS 18 18 _ - ►*�22 (9-10-I2) END OF BORING @ 10.0'- _— - 765 i 15 I - -760 I_. _ _ t — 20— — —755 _25 _' —750 -30 - - - - - — THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL -7-WI' GNE WS OR ® BORING STARTED 08-21 —07 ®WL(BCR) OWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8—21 —0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 6.1' N O WL RIG ATV55O FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER a CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-4 1 of 1 n ilimi PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER V LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 C.o.iFt.c,L.nvsas SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER z Salisbury, North Carolina I 2 TONs3FT. 4 5+ I I 1 1 I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT % LIMIT 7. _ X-- - 6 z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS �' -, ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY w z w z ROD%— — — REC.% = z i - >. BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 100% a o a E• 20%-40%-60%80%-100% C. w W m w a M. M' M c0i SURFACE ELEVATION a ® STANDARD PENETRATION < m 7 8 0,Q w BLOWS/FT. 10 20 3D 40 50+ 0 - \Topsoil Depth 3" I - 1 SS 18 18 ALLUVIAL - Very Stiff to Firm, \\' _ ►D 19 (7-9-1o) Greenish Gray, Silty CLAY, Moist, (CH) l _ 2 SS 18 18 ►�� 6 (3-3-3) 5 - 775 r RESIDUAL - Very Stiff, Orangish — I - 3 SS 18 18 Brown, Sandy SILT, Moist, (MO _ ►�� 19 (7-9-10) F 4 SS 18 18 = : ►�123 (6-12-12) 10 _ 77Q END OF BORING © 10.0' — i . — I — l ' 15— —- 765 i _ 20— —- 760 i _ -25 —755 — I t P - I , 30 - - - - - - - 1 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 7WL GNE WS OR ©D BORING STARTED 08--21 -07 ^ a ®WL(BCR) 1rWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 08-21 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 5_g' OWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E a E CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-5 1 OF 1 ill PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP mumenommaimmi Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 c...Fro1_1NI. .S SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT- 2 I Salisbury, North Carolina I 3 3 4 5+ I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID I LIMIT X. CONTENT % LIMIT 7. X-- A 2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS s L., z w ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY z i✓ - r BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION (100%}- a o ROD%� -- 6 REC.% r F a a E. 20%40%-60%-80%-100% 0. �'• a o SURFACE ELEVATION e w ® STANDARD PENETRATION < < m c 787.0 al BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ 1 - \Topsoil Depth 3" / _ 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL — Very Stiff to Firm, / —785 ►) 19 (7_9-10) Brownish Orange, Sandy SILT, — Maist, (ML) - _ _ 2 SS 18 18 _ 12 (3-3-7) 5 ° - - - 14% 3 SS 18 18 — 780 ►�� 11 (3-5-6) _ 4 SS 18 18 - ►�1 8 (3-4-4) 1_ 10 _— END OF BORING @ 10.0' — 775 i - - —770 20 s�s — 765 25— — I _ — —760 30- - - - -_ - — i THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL OWL GNE INS OR a BORING STARTED 0821 -07 - o V.WL(BCR) OWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 _O7 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 6.I' 0 OWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER 3 CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-6 1 OF 1 El:Sal= E PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP i Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 ,CAROLINAS 1 SITE LOCATION —0— CALIBRATEDTONS/FTPENETROMETER Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ I I I I 1 PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT % LIMIT 7. z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS v) F 2w ��, ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY z ROD%— — — REC.% E. z N i? ix BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION N 20%40%-60%-80%100% o a a ' x a a. 0 SURFACE ELEVATION F w ® STANDARD PENETRATION 8 791 .0 BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 �hv 1 — 1 Topsoil Depth 3" / - -790 — 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL — Very Stiff to Stiff, _ Ci 20 (7 8-12) Brownish Orange, Sandy SILT, — Moist, (ML) _ 2 SS 18 18 _ ►) 19 (5-s-I1) 5 — —785 • — i3 SS 18 18 ►) 11 (4-5-6) Stiff to Firm, Orangish Brown, — _ 4 SS 18 18 Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) ►4 10 (3-5-5) 10 --- —780 - 5 SS 18 18 _ ►� 8 (3-4-4) E 155 — _ —775 _ 6 Ss 18 18 _ 1:4 10 (3-4-6) 20 — END OF BORING @ 20.0' - 770 a 25_ 765 • # — i. : 30 - - - - - — THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL -7-WI' GNE WS OR ©D BORING STARTED 08-21 -07 ®WL(BCR) .WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 1 6.1' 2WL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER F 1 f [ CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET milmmummEmmommom The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-7 1 OF 1 Eillimillimm PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 cAROLInIAS 1 SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATEDOI PENETROMETER 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ I 1 1 I I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT S x-- Oa A .R. DESC RIP TION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS rn e= E ca �- y^ m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY r w z ROD%— — — REC.% ET. z e- a. BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100%>- ._1 2D%-40%-60%—BO%---I00% a m ca w a a n, a a O SURFACE ELEVATION a ® STANDARD PENETRATION a m a. a 788.0 < r� BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 — 1 Topsoil Depth 3" /r_ i — 1 SS 18 18 \RESIDUAL — Stiff, Brownish / — ►��12 (5-5-7) Gray, Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) - -785 € — — 2 SS 18 18 — ►*0 9 (3-4-5) 5 — Very Stiff to Stiff, Orangish — 3 SS 18 18 Brown, Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) r ►-) 16 (5-7-9) _ — —780 — 4 S S 18 18 = ►�1 12 (5-7-5) L -10 - 14 _ Stiff, Brown, Sandy SILT, _ • Moist, (ML) —775 — 5 SS 18 18 _ 15 (3-7-8) ` 15 — . r r - - i - *.-770 _ 6 SS 18 18 _ ►�� 14 (3-6-8) 20 _ _ J - - —765 _ 7 SS 18 18 ►-115 (5.7-8) 25 _ _ 1 END OF BORING @ 25.0' — —760 I 00 I THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL J 7 WL 2 4.0' WS OR ©D BORING STARTED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 0 - o 1 y WL(BCR) 117WL(ACR) 1 8.0' BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 1 7.8' OWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER 1 II l k CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET smaisimmemmomoss The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-8 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center — Tract 7 Ca,=e.QLP IAs SITE LOCATION -0-- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5�+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT 7. ' X-- - A z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS a ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY z a F z RQO%— — — REC.% z o z BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 11ODY.} a 2 20%40%-60%80%100% tit .-7] ..-1C-a W W c a a D. 0 SURFACE ELEVATION a ® STANDARD PENETRATION a a `2 w 792.0 r r� BLOWS/FT. m m v' x 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 /� — _Topsoil Depth 3" / — 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL — Stiff, Brownish _790 14 (7-8-6) Orange, Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) — I — s _ 2 SS 18 18 _ 5 14: (4-5-a) i — — r E — # 3 SE 18 18 785 13 (4-7-6) Stiff, Brown, Sandy SILT, — ( _ _ 4 SS 18 18 Moist, (ML) — 10 (3-5-5) I ., 10 _ END OF BORING © 10.0' — _ —780 15 __ —775 20—_ 770 25— — 765 — 30 - - - - - — THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL VWL GNE WS OR laBORING STARTED 08-21 —07 o ®WL(BCR) V WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8—2 1 —0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 6.8' 2WL RIG ATV55O FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E F, CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation _ 08-4794 8-9 1 OF 1 =LSPROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 mmommiamomm ..T.Rod_ir4...s_ SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 TONSiFT. 4 5+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT % CONTENT 9. LIMIT 7. z 2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS -- ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQD%- - - REC.% F z F d a BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100Y.>-- a 20%-40%-60%—80%100% . " w .a ..a m w w a a. 0 SURFACE ELEVATION a .wa ® STANDARD PENETRATION e Cl) < z 801 .o w BLOWS/FT. tn 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 - Topsoil Depth 3" —800 1 SS 18 18 FILL - Medium Dense, Gray, ,.;' _ ►:4 11 (4-5-6) Silty SAND, Moist, (FILL) i — ALLUVIAL - Stiff, Gray, Silty ®23% 5 -, 2 SS 18 18 CLAY, Moist, (CH) \ .� 13 (5-6-7) 18% 50% RESIDUAL - Stiff, Grayish —795 ®22% 3 SS 18 18 Brown, Clayey SILT, Moist, (MO _ ►418 (6- -IQ - jF - - - - _/ Very Stiff to Firm, Tannish - 20% 46% — 4 SS 18 18 Brown, Sandy SILT, Moist, (MO _ ►�413 (5-6-7) 10 _ - 79a 5 SS 18 18 ►e4 20 (7-9-11) 15 — III —785 33% 6 SS 18 18 w 13 (5-6-7) 20 -780 _ 7 SS 18 18 ►*4 9 (3-4-5) 25 _ _ - END OF BORING © 25.0' _-775 — 30 - THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 2 WL G N E WS OR ® BORING STARTED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 vg ®WL(BCR) !WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 _07 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 17.0' 12WL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E 4 I CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET memmemommmmmmm The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-10 1 OF 1 SIS PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 CAF20LiT1AS SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT, 2 Salisbury, North Carolina { a 3 4 5+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT S z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS rn I: X-- - A E m -- z ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY o ° F CO z ROD%— — — REC.% z F o iz BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100Y} a 20%-40%-60%-80%—I00% w w m to x a 0 o''. 0- a o SURFACE ELEVATION a Da ® STANDARD PENETRATION 4 ¢ -4 w 791 .0 = 0 BLOWS/FT. r r C m 10 20 30 40 50+ - - Topsoil Depth 3" / - -790 - 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL - Stiff to Very Stiff, _ 11 (6-5-6) Tannish Orange, Sandy SILT, - r Moist, (ML) _ _ 2 SS 18 18 _ 12 (4-5-7) 5 - 785 J 3 SS 18 18 = ►) 16 (4-6-10) _ 4 SS 18 18 _ ►�4 17 (s-7.1o) I., 1.0 _ —780 _ Firm to Stiff, Orangish Brown, _ Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) — 5 SS 18 18 _ ►� 6 (4-3-3) 15 _ _..., —775 - - - 6 SS 18 18 _ 12 (3-5-7) 20 - END OF BORING @ 20.0' —- 770 25— __ _ _ 765 30 - - - - - - THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL o WL G N E WS OR ® BORING STARTED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 ®WL(BCR) .7WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 1 6.8' e QWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E i CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET mummilmommemmomm 1 The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-11 1 OF 1 Miniii PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT--ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 c....Exol_INIAL SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 2 3 4 5+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID I LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT % X-- -- A z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY ° ' z RQD%-- -- -- REC.% z i m ›- BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100%>- a o F.. a x E- 20%-40%-60% 80%100% c °" °' a o SURFACE ELEVATION F. a ® STANDARD PENETRATION a ¢ c E4 7 9 4.0 w BLOWS/FT. Enta °' x 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 = 1 Topsoil Depth 3" 1 SS 18 18 \RESIDUAL — Very Stiff, Brown — 17 (4-7--1o) and White, Sandy SILT, Moist, - - (ML) _ 2 SS 18 18 — 790 ►�� 18 (5-8-10 5 — _ 3 SS 18 18 _ . 0 19 (8-9-10) Medium Dense to Dense, Pinkish — Ti 4 SS 18 18 Brown, Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) : — 785 ►�422 (11-9-13) _ 10- r _ 5 SS 18 18 _780 ►�0 22 (4-9-13) 15 — L S — u < _ 6 SS 18 18 _775 (18-19-23)1�042 20 _, - END OF BORING @ 20.0' — L -770 25 — r - _ _-765 30 — I E t THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL J 2 WL G N E WS OR ® BORING STARTED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 1 7 WL(BCR) OWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH . P. Tyr', RIG ATV55O FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER 1 1 } CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET iiimi The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-12 1 °F I mmERS; PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT—ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center — Tract 7 CgROL-11'4"S SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ f I I I I I PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT % LIMIT 7. x-- --- o l z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS v, F i - -- z -� ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY w w x RQD%— — — REC.% z c BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1Iaox} a o 20%401-60%-84%100% i E- a. w ca w w x < A n. n, a`'. o SURFACE ELEVATION F w ® STANDARD PENETRATION .4 .4 .4 w 7 8 9.0 m BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ Topsoil Depth 3" / 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL — Medium Dense, Gray, ►:119 (7-9-10) Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) — t Medium Dense to Loose, Orangish —785 2 SS 18 18 Brown, Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) — ►4 11 (3-5-6) 5 I — 3 SS 18 18 _ ►�� 6 (5-3-3) s _ 4 SS 18 18 —- 780 � .7 (2-3-4) _ 10 END OF BORING @ 10.0' — i __ —775 15— — — —- 770 20— — _ _- 765 25 — u — —760 30- - - - - - — THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL o WL G N E WS OR 0 BORING STARTED 0 8—2 1 —0 7 a ®WL(BCR) 7WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8—2 1 —0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 7.0' a V.WI. RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-13 1 OF 1 USIIIS: PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 c.atROLINAS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PE NET 2OMETER Salisbury, North Carolina I 2 3 4 5+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID I - LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT 7. X-- - A z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY z w d � ,� " 'w z RQD%— — -- REC.% E. e- a r BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100%} a o a. r, r, E. 20% %40%-60% 80 100% a °a- °a- i o SURFACE ELEVATION F pa ® STANDARD PENETRATION v6i CO66 a 8 0 2,0 } ra-.,7 BLOWS/FT- I0 20 30 40 50+ 0 - - Topsoil Depth 3" /' ` - 1 SS 18 0 Note: No Recovery During / -800 ►:� 16 (5-7-9) Sampling - I - - �-- RESIDUAL - Medium Dense, _ 2 SS 18 18 Tannish Brown, Silty SAND, - 19 (4-8-11) 5 _ Moist, {SM) _ - 3 SS 18 18 .-795 ® ►14 20 (7-9-11) E — 13% _ 4 SS 18 16 = 24 (9-11-13) I „ 10 — _ Very Stiff to Hard, Brown, =790 Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) — _ 5 SS 18 18 = ►��17 (10-8-9) 15 — —785 a_, 6 SS 18 18 - (17-19-21)0 40 20 END OF BORING @ 20.0' 780 i - - 25— — —775 i - 30 -- - - - - — I THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 7WL GNE WS OR Q BORING STARTED 08-21 -07 N ®WL(BCR) ®WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH C OWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER i= I CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET mmummummossimm The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-14 1 OF 1 =NOSj PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 ,CsaF20LINAS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED ENETROMETER !! Salisbury, North Carolina z 3 5+; PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7 CONTENT Ii LIMIT 7. X- A v --- 6 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY °' E-' z ROD%— — — REC.% E. F r BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 100Y a o a f i~ 20%-40%—60%80%100% c c5 r3 w a a g ° ° SURFACE ELEVATION a ® STANDARD PENETRATION I < rn aai a 7 S 8.0 3 ca BLOWS/FT. 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 — 1 Topsoil Depth 3" / L — 1 SS 1B 18 \RESIDUAL — Loose to Medium 7 (3-4-3) Dense, Gray, Silty SAND, Moist, — • (SM) —795 5% — 2 SS 18 18 ►�1 11 (3-5-6) 5 — . - 3 SS 18 18 - ►�1,7 (2-4-3) 790 Medium Dense to Loose, Orangish - - _ 4 5S 18 18 Brown, Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) = ►�� 12 (3-5-7) • 10 — —785 — 5 SS 18 18 ` 6 (3-3-3) 15 — I —780 1 _ _ 6 SS 18 18 ►�� 6 (4-3-3} E 20 - END OF BORING © 20.0' _ - —775 — 25— —770 i : 30 - - - - ..- - - f f THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL OWL GNE WS OR 0 BORING STARTED 08-21 -07 g 1WL(BCR) !_WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH is, 17.0' '2WL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E F. i I CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-15 1 OF 1 mmmg;S: PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT—ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center — Tract 7 ."- or_INAS } SITE LOCATION —0— CALIBRATIOPENETROMETER Salisbury, North Carolina 1 a 3 4 5+ I 1 I i 1 PLASTIC WATER LIQUID r- LIMIT % CONTENT % LIMIT 7. I X-- --- L z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS . - ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY w `J F " . z RQD%-- -- REC.%. za w BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 11 oar,} a a 20%-40%-60%-80%-100% w a a 0 SURFACE ELEVATION a a ® STANDARD PENETRATION Cr) TA 8 0 8.0 ca BLOWS/FT. cil En 10 20 30 40 50+ r , 0 _ Topsoil Depth 3" / — 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL — Firm, Brownish - 7 (2-3-4) \ Orange, Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) = — 805 _ 2 ES 18 18 Very Stiff, Brownish Red, Sandy _ Cs 20 (7_9_�i} SILT, Moist, (ML) — Stiff to Firm, Orangish Red, _ — 3 SS 18 18 Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) ►�� 12 (4-5-7) —- 800 25% 1 _ 4 SS 18 18 _ ►$ 16 (4-7-9) i 10 —795 ;.._. _ 5 SE 18 18 _ ►�1 11 (?®-s) 15 — — — 22% —790 _ 6 SS 18 18 _ (1)) 9 (2-4-5) 20 _.. l —785 �... _ 7 SS 18 18 _ ►14 8 (3-5-3) 25 4 _ END OF BORING @ 25.0' — - —- 780 1 - 1 i I THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL ( oWL G N E WS OR ® BORING STARTED 08-21 --07 . i IP WL(BCR) OWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED —21 —O7 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 1 9.g' vWL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E a 1 CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-16 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT—ENGINEER c LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 CgROLiP1AS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1 2 3 4 5+ i + + 3 I i PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT 7i LIMIT % E z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS Q ROCK UALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY Cal w . > z ROD%— — — REC.% z it - r BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION P. o x F- 20%-40%-60%80% I 00% m CA D. D. 0 SURFACE ELEVATION 814.0 ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT. LO CO 0 10 20 30 40 50+ 0 — -\Topsoil Depth 4" — - 1 SS 18 18 RESIDUAL - Stiff, Brownish - ►ll (4-5-6) Orange, Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) - ? Hard to Stiff, Brownish Red, 2 SS 18 18 - 810 (14-17-48)►��35 I - Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) — 27%0 [..._ - 3 SS 18 18 _ 16 (4-5-B) [ - 35% ..."' _ 4 SS 18 18 =- 805 14 (4-6-B} 10 — , Firm, Brownish Pink, Sandy = I SILT, Moist, (ML) — 1 � _ 5 SS 18 18 _- 800 ,�. 8 (3-4-4) 15 i - _ _ - 6 SS 18 18 795 ►�1 8 (2-4-4) 20 — - 7 SS 18 18 _- 790 ►�1 8 (2-4-4) 25 _ END OF BORING @ 25.0' — - _ —785 -30 - - - - - v.. THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL DWL GNE WS OR ©D BORING STARTED 08-21 -07 0 !WL(BCR) -WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-2 1 -0 7 CAVE IN DEPTH ® 20.1' OWL RIG ATV55O FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER F, CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-17 1 OF 1 EC3121=IIII=1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 CgROLIIVAS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT. 2 Salisbury, North Carolina 1.' 2 3 4 5I+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7. CONTENT IS LIMIT S 2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS 7 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY LI ## Z ° £ ' x ROM— — — REC.% M BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100i} -1 20%-40%—fi0%8O% 1 00% w a a #pp o. II. a ° SURFACE ELEVATION F r'i ® STANDARD PENETRATION ¢¢ ¢ e 811 .0 co BLOWS/FT. m10 20 30 40 50+ - Topsoil Depth 4" ----810 i 1 SS 18 16 FILL - Medium Dense, Orangish ';.• ►� 19 (7-9 10) Brown, Silty SAND With Rock - 6 . Fragments, Moist, (FILL) _ _ 2 SS 18 18 :_ .;� ►) 19 (7-9-1o) - RESIDUAL - Stiff, Brownish Tan, —805 - 3 SS 18 18 Sandy SILT, Moist, (ML) _ 9 (3-5-4) X— --A — 0 33% 43% _.. — 26% _ 4 SS 18 18 _ el 10 (3-3-7) 14 .- — -- —800 Loose, White, Silty SAND, — — Moist, (SM) -5 SS 18 18 8 (9-5-3) f 15 ' 1. —795 Medium Dense, Grayish Brown, r Silty SAND, Moist, (SM) — _ 6 SS 18 18 - ►�1 16 (6-7-9) 20 - END OF BORING @ 20.0' _790 - - ~25 _ 785 I — - L . 30 - - - - - — i I f THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 7-WI, GNE WS OR ©D BORING STARTED 08-21 --07 a 6 ®WL(BCR) YWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 0 8-21 -Q 7 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 15.9' a '2WL RIG ATV550 FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER i' 3 CLIENT JOB # BORING # SHEET The Keith Corporation 08-4794 B-18 1 OF 1 ESS PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER LLP amminammompium Summit Corporate Center - Tract 7 CAROLiniAS SITE LOCATION -0- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER Salisbury, North Carolina '1 2 TONSIFT, 4 51+ PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT 7 CONTENT 7. LIMIT 7. i. X-- 0 z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS 5 al w ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY o r m w z RQD%— - - REC.% = z E- ca >. BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 1100%>- a 20%-40%—eo%-80%-100% 44 V -.1 J W W j C' w o. a 0 SURFACE ELEVATION e a ® STANDARD PENETRATION z 8 0 3.0 w BLOWS/FT. 0 10 20 30 40 50+ - Topsoil Depth 3"- 1 SS 18 18 FILL - Medium Dense, Tannish - 17 (6-B-9) Orange, Silty SAND With Rock - Fragments, Moist,(FILL) '''`-800 _ 2 SS 18 18 - ►��29 (7-11-18) E . 5 • — - RESIDUAL - Stiff to Very Stiff, - 3 SS 18 18 Brownish Orange, Sandy SILT, = ►) 13 (4-5-0 Moist, (ML) -—795 2® - 4 SS 18 18 _ ►:4 11 (5-5-6) 10 —790 - 5 SS 18 18 _ ►:� 12 (12-6-6) 15 _ - —785 _ 6 SS 18 18 _,. 18 (6-8-10) 20 _ _ END OF BORING @ 20.0' -- - 780 -25 — —775 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL oWL GNE WS OR Q BORING STARTED 08-21 -07 ®WL(BCR) YWL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 08-21 -07 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 16.1' 2'WL RIG ATVSSO FOREMAN BRIAN DRILLING METHOD HOLLOW STEM AUGER E `{I .:.-"'.ram L ni,SS : S Laboratory Test Summary Poject Name: Summit Corporate Center-Lot 7 Project No.: 4794 Project Location: Boring Depth (ft) Natural Moisture Liquid Plastic Plasticity Location Content(%) Limit(%) Limit(%) Index(%) USCS B-2 3.5-5.0 16.1 . B-3 1.0-2.5 21.4 58 21 37 CH B-5 3.5-5.0 13.5 - - - - B-7 8.5-10.0 13.8 - - - - B-9 3.5-5.0 _ 22.9 50 18 32 CH B-9 6.0-7.5 21.6 46 20 16 ML B-9 13.5-15.0 32.7 - - - - B-11 6.0-7.5 9.4 - - - - B-13 6.0-7.5 13.1 - - - - B-14 1.0-2.5 5.0 - - - - B-15 6.0-7.5 25.2 - - - - B-15 13.5-15.0 22.2 - - - - B-16 3.5-5.0 26.5 - - - - B-16 8.5-10.0 34.9 - - - - 6-17 6.0-7.5 25.6 43 33 10 ML B-18 6.0-7.5 23.6 - - - - ff 105 I i I I _ Zero Air Voids Curve III I ii _ _ —G5=2.65 • 100 - i --___ w I 1 I I 95 1 _ I - ----- ,— 1 1 1 _ 1 90 - . ----._.--___-1-1 1II 1 85 • j i 1 1 i_ i � --- - 1 • l i 80 l 1 1 } 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Moisture Content(%) Sample No. 5594 Natural Moisture Content N/A Sample Location B-16 (0-10`) Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve N/A Station N/A Percent Retained on No. 4 Sieve 0.0 Liquid Limit (LL) N/A Percent Retained on 3/4" Sieve 0.0 Plastic Limit (PL) N/A Maximum Dry Density(pcf) 88.9 Plasticity Index (PI N/A Optimum Moisture Content(%) 29.0 Liquidity Index(LI) N/A Corr. Maximum Dry Density(pcf) 88.9 Description Orange Red Sandy Silt Corr. Optimum Moisture Content(5 29.0 Classification Percent(%) Gravel as Tested 0.0 Specific Gravity 2.65 (Assumed) Percent(%) Gravel Total Test Standard ASTM D 698 Test Method A Project: Summit Corporate Center ECS Carolinas, LLP Project No.: 4794 Charlotte, North Carolina Date: 08/30/07 Moisture Density Relationship Curve Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns,claims,and disputes The following information is provided to help you manage your risks. Geotechnical Services Are Performed for • elevation,configuration, location,orientation, or Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the spe- • project ownership. cific needs of their clients.A geotechnical engineering study con- ducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a construe- Asa general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer tion contractor or even another civil engineer.Because each geot- of project changes—even minor ones—and request an echnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engi- assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot neering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur x except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report because their reports do not consider developments of which without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who pre- they were not informed. pared it. And no one—not even you--should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A Geotechnical Engineering Report is Based on A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed.Do not rely on a A Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have Geotechnicat engineers consider a number of unique,project-spe- been affected by:the passage of time; by man-made events, cific factors when establishing the scope of a study.Typical factors such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural include: the client's goals,objectives, and risk management pref- events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctua- erences;the general nature of the structure involved,its size,and tions.Always contact the geotechnical engineer before apply- configuration;the location of the structure on the site; and other ing the report to determine if it is still reliable.A minor amount planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads. of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates other- Most Geotechnical Findings Are wise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, Professional Opinions • not prepared for your project, Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those • not prepared for the specific site explored,or points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are • completed before important project changes were made. taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data ,• and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual sub- geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: surface conditions may differ—sometimes significantly—from • the function of the proposed structure, as when those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engi- it's changed from a parking garage to an office neer who developed your report to provide construction obser- building, or from a light industrial plant to a vation is the most effective method of managing the risks asso- refrigerated warehouse, dated with unanticipated conditions. l A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final report's accuracy is liimited; encourage them to confer with the Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included geotechnical engineer who prepared the report(a modest fee in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recom- conference can also be valuable.Be sure contractors have suffi- mendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions dent time to perform additional study.Only then might you be in revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who a position to give contractors the best information available to developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for you,while requiring them to at least share some of the financial the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. construction observation. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than To Misinterpretation other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has Other design team members'misinterpretation of geotechnical , created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappoint- ` engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower ments,claims, and disputes.To help reduce such risks,geot- that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with echnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory appropriate members of the design team after submitting the provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations". 1 report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review perti- many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engi- nent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. neers responsibilities begin and end,to help others recognize Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions r , report Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by respond fully and frankly. providing construction observation. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs geoenvironmental study differ significantly from those used to based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmen- g geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for tal findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the inclusion in architectural or other design drawings.Only photo- likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regu- graphic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize lated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental information, ask your geotechnical Give Contractors a Complete consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an Report and Guidance environmental report prepared for someone else. Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they Rely on Your Geotechnical Engineer for can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface condi- tions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation.To help Additional Assistance prevent costly problems,give contractors the complete geotech- Membership in ASFE exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide nical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written let- array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine ben- ter of transmittal.In that letter,advise contractors that the report efit for everyone involved with a construction project.Confer with was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the your ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. PROFESSIONAL FIRMS PRACTICING IN THE GEOSCIENCES 8811 Colesville Road Suite G106 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301-565-2733 Facsimile: 301-589-2017 email:info@asfe.org www.asfe.org Copyright 199E by ASFE,Inc.Unless ASFE grants written permission to do so,duplication of this document by any means whatsoever is expressly prohibited. Re-use of the wording in this document.in whole or in part.also is expressly prohibited,and may be done only with the express permission of ASFE or for purposes of review or scholarly research. IIGE1206983.5M